Eternal Arcadia - Crew members and discoveries. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2000 By Kenshin Leo ^.^x Ver. 1.0 - Complete - Last Update 12.04.2000 This FAQ contains some Japanese text in S-JIS encoding. Permission granted by author to duplicate (unaltered) this document in its entirely for non-profit purposes only. All other rights reserved. If you would like to publish this FAQ publicly, on a web site or like, please inform me at : This faq contains information about the crew members of the Delphinas and the list of all the discoveries in the world of Eternal Arcadia. ****************************** ****** Introduction ****** ****************************** This faq works for the japonese and american version of Eternal Arcadia. The order of the crew members and the discoveries are the same. This is my first faq, be lenient please. I am a French student learning japanese. So I don't pretend to be fluent in japanese. My knowledge are based on courses at school but morstly by self-learning. If you see any mistakes in my translation, let me know it ASAP. I create this faq to help evryone who would like information about Eternal Arcadia and not for commercial reasons. I hope to answer some of your questions. Now the real thing ! |------------------------------ Update -----------------------------------| Ver 1.0 - Complete - 12.4.2000 - List of all discoveries (64 / 64). - Change in the condition to obtain Ryukan. - More precisions about the crew members and the discoveries. Ver 0.7 - 11.20.2000 - Correction and addition in the information of the crew members. Half of the discoveries with name and location. Ver 0.5 - 11.13.2000 - List of the crew members of the Delphinas with names, locations and ways to make them join. Other information will be added soon. |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ************************ TABLE OF CONTENTS ******************************** I. How to obtain the crewmembers ? II. How can I use my crewmembers ? III. Where is this island ? IV. List of the crewmembers. V. How to find new discoveries ? VI. List of discoveries. VII. Conclusions and credits ***************************************************************************** **************************************************** ****** I. How to recruit the crew members ? ****** **************************************************** Some of the crew members of the Delphinas have some specific ways to recruit them. First, you have to possess the super battleship Delphinas (デルフィナス) and Vayce (ヴァイス) must be the captain and chief of the group. Some members join the group automatically. Here are the information that I will give : - Name : Obvious, isn't it ? ;) - Job : What does he or she do on board ? - Location : The island where the member is. - Condition : This the way how to recuit him or her. - Description : A little description of the crew member. - Effect : Advantage given when you use him or her in battleship fights. - Crew Crew : Description of what the member do in the special attack クルー クルー. ************************************************** ****** II. How can I use my crewmembers ? ****** ************************************************** The crewmembers can be used in three different situations : -> Support in your battleship fights Some crewmembers are here to increase the characteristics of your ship like Lorentz. These are support who can't be chosen in the [Crew] option in the battleship fight (their names are in grey). -> Give advantages during battleship fight. Other crewmembers can be activated in the [Crew] option in the battleship fihgts. If you choose one of them, you use gauge points and permanent or temporary effects give you advantages to your ship or your party members. -> Special technic クルー クルー To use this special Crew Attack, your gauge (upper part of the screen) must be at its maximum and Vayce has to be the captain of the Delphinas. You have then two choices : an attack with an enormous amount of damage (well, you make the moon crash on the ennemy O.Ox) and a special attack called クルー クルー in which your crew members come with fun animations. This is what I describe in the [Crew Crew] section. ******************************************* ****** III. Where is this island ? ****** ******************************************* Funano Island 船乗島 : This is the second island that you visit, behind the mountains. The Poly's bar is there. There is a big lighthouse on it. The island is in the center of the map. Esperanza エスペランザ : This is an abandonned town by the Balua Empire. The sky is orange there. The drunken sailor Don lives here in a restaurant. This island is in the south of the Nacel Empire. It is at the lower right part of the map. Horteka ホルテカ : This is the aboriginal town, capital of the Montesma Empire. It lies on the left part of the map (wooden part). Headquarters 本拠地 : This is the island where Vayce lives during three months alone. It will become the headquarters of Vayce crew members. It lies on the upper right part of the map. Naslaad ナスラード : Capital of the Nacel Empire, built in the desert. It will be partially destroyed by the Balua armada. It lies in the right side of the desert area of the map. Dobra Restaurant ドブラレストラン : This restaurant is in the North Ocean. It lies in the center of the area, quite in high sky but can be reach without the upgrade. Malamba マランバ : This is a desert island in the Nacel kingdom. Two light- houses are next to it. It lies under the sunken rocks in the southern part of Nacel. Yaftomaa ヤフトマー : It is the chinese town protected by the Great Wall. It lies in the right part of the map. Ryukan's island リュウカンの島 : It is an isolated island where the Chinese blacksmith Ryukan lives. To reach it, start from Yaftomaa and go to the north where you have to go through white clouds. The islands lies in the area (small island with a house on it) Alkyumis' Palace アルキュミの館 : This palace lies in the high sky (you must upgrade your ship). It is in the north of the Balua continent, in the middle of the empty area on the map. Salgassor サルガッソー : This is the vortex region. You can find Robinson like this : in the first area, go to the left upper vortex then in the rightest vortex in the next region. His ship lies in the middle of the area you enter. The sky rebel's island 空賊島 : It is the starting island ... ******************************************** ****** IV. List of the crew members ****** ******************************************** |1| LORENTZ ロレンス Job : Navigator 航海士 Location : Funano Island 船乗島 Condition : You must have 10.000 rich to pay him. Description : 船乗り稼業をビジネスと割りきる航海士 It is a navigator who works for money. Effect : 手なれた操艦で、砲撃戦時のスピードを上昇させる With his dexterity, the battleship shooting speed inscreases. スピード +30 Speed +30 Crew Crew : He comes and jumps in front of you saying : "It's my job !" |2| DON ドン Job : Navigator 航海士 Location : Esperanza エスペランザ Condition : You must be on the second CD and talk to him. Description : 元はバルアの貴族とのウワサもある酔いどれ航海士。 It is said even nowadays that this sailor was a Balua nobleman. Now, it is a perpetually drunken sailor. Effect : そのフラフラした操艦は、航の回避率を上昇させる。 With this drunken member, the evasion rate increases. 回避率 +15 Evasion +15 Crew Crew : He drinks wine for the sake of everyone. |3| HANS ハンス Job : Mechanic 機関士 Location : Horteka ホルテカ Condition : You must be on CD 2 and talk to him twice (leave the area before talking again to him!) Description : サンチーム譲りの技術をもつ、まじめな少年機関士。 He inherits Santeem's knowledge and abilities. He is a very serious mechanic. Effect : 装甲に独自の工夫をこらし、煌防力を上昇させる。 Using a diagram of a special armour, the magic defense is increased. 煌防力 +20 Magic defense +20 Crew Crew : He holds a wrench and a big machine works behind him. |4| BRAPAM ブラパム Job : Mechanic 機関士 Location : Headquarters 本拠地 Condition : Automatic after the construction of the headquarters. Description : 老いてますます機械への情熱練の機関士。 A mechanic passionate by older mechanisms. Effect : 装甲をメンテしてくれ、船の防衛力が上昇する。 By strengthening the armour, the defense of the ship increases. 防衛力 +20 Defense +20 Crew Crew : He yawns lying on the floor. |5| BELLE ベル Job : Gunner 砲手 Location : Headquarters 本拠地 Condition : You must be on the second CD and talk to her. Description : 砲術を学びにきた、クローネー家の砲手の女の子。 She studied really hard the artellery. She is the gunner of the Kurone house. Effect : まだ大きな砲は撃てないか、副砲の威力は上昇する。 By attacking with a big cannon, the cannon power increases. Crew Crew : She fires with a BIIIIIIIIIIIIG cannon. |6| KATSUMU カツム Job : Gunner 砲手 Location : Naslaad ナスラード Condition : After the ennemy attacks Naslaad, talk to him. Description : ナスル1の腕を自認する、血気盛んな荒くれ砲手。 This rude gunner was known for his zeal and he is the prin- cipal guard of Nacel. Effect : 巨砲を扱うのか得意なので、主砲の威力が上昇する。 His strong point is manipulating big guns, so the power of the main cannon increases. Crew Crew : He holds two cannons and fires with them. |7| TIKA TIKA テイカテイカ Job : Watch keeping guard 見張り Location : Horteka ホルテカ Condition : You must discover[モンテスネスの村](see discoveries section) then talk to him. Description : 推定7。0の視力を誇る、モンテスマの狩人。 The Montesma guard is proud of his perfect eyesight. Effect : その干里眼を発揮して、魚雷命中率を上昇させる。 With his perfect eyesight, the aiming of the ship increases. Crew Crew : He fires 4 arrows in the same time. |8| DOMINGO ドミンゴ Job : Watch keeping guard 見張り Location : Dobra Restaurant ドブラレストラン Condition : You must find at least 30 discoveries, then talk to him. Description : 世界をまたにかける、軽めのトレジャーハンター。 He travels the world to find all the discoveries. Effect : 彼の鋭いヤマカンは、クリティカル率を上昇させる。 With his excellent sight, the critical attack's rate increases. Crew Crew : He finds a wonderful treasure chest with his telescope. |9| KALIFFA カリファ Job : Businesswoman 交易商人 Location : Malamba マランバ Condition : You must find the[モノノフの剣] (you have to buy it in the weapon shop of Yaftomaa), then talk to her. Description : 月煌石を使って未来を読む、年齢不詳の占い師。 She can read the future with a moon stone. She is a fortune teller which age is unknown. Effect : 船に乗せることで、特殊アイテムの入手率上昇。 When you put her on board, you have more chance to find special items. Crew Crew : She uses a moon stone. A ray of light shines through out the stone. |10| OSMAN オスマン Job : Businessman 交易商人 Location : Naslaad ナスラード Condition : After the ennemy attacks Naslaad, talk to him. Description : とにかくお金が大好きな、ナスルの交昜商人。 It is a seller of the Sun Asociation of Nacel who loves money. Effect : 船に乗せることで、金目のアイテムの入手率上昇。 When you bring him on board, the item's value that you have in- creases Crew Crew : He is so happy to see so many gold coins. |11| KIRARA キララ Job : Carpenter 大工 Location : Yaftomaa ヤフトマー Condition : After discovering her house, talk to her. Description : ちょっと勝ち気な、ヤフトマーの大工の女の子。 With her winning spirit, she is a carpenter of Yaftomaa. Effect : クルーコマンドで、船のHPを全回復してくれる。 With the [Crew] command, the HP of the group are restored. Crew Crew : She jumps and then throws some shuriken. |12| IZRELE イズレール Job : Carpenter 大工 Location : Headquarters 本拠地 Condition : Automatic after building the headquarters. Description : 小さい休からは想像もつかぬ怪力をもつ大工。 This carpenter has a huge power and a very big imagination since his retreat. Effect : その技衛力を活かし、月煌砲の威力を上昇させる。 With his special knowledge on defense, the magic power is in- creased. Crew Crew : He throws a big tree trunk. |13| URARA ウララ Job : Cook コック Location : Yaftomaa ヤフトマー Condition : Kirara [11] must be a crew member. Then talk to her. Description : ちょっと内気な、ヤフトマーの料理の上手な女の子。 A little shy but an excellent Yaftomaa cook. Effect : クルーコマンドで、ガッツを回復してくれる。 With the [Crew] command, your gauge is restored. Crew Crew : She arrives with a lot of chinese food, saying : "Sorry for make you waiting" |14| POLY ポリー Job : Cook コック Location : Funano Island 船乗島 Condition : Talk to her Description : オーシャンでは有名な、船乗り島の酒場の女主人。 A celebrity of the wholt Ocean, she owns the bar on Furano island. Effect : クルーコマンドで、誰かのKPを回復してくれる。 With the [Crew] command, the KP of one member is fully restored. Crew Crew : She gives a BIG kiss O.Ox |15| RYUKAN リュウカン Job : Blacksmith 職人 Location : Ryukan's island リュウカンの島 Condition : After going to Yaftomaa, you must have a good reputation He will then join you. Description : ガンコー徹、究極の剣を作らんとする鍛冶屋。 Always attacking, he is a blacksmith searching for the ultimate katana. Effect : クルーコマンドで、攻撃力 防御力がー定時間上昇。 With the [Crew] command, your defense and attack power increase simultaneously. Crew Crew : He makes a katana and then shows it to the sky. |16| ALKYUMIS アルキュミス Job : Blacksmith 職人 Location : Alkyumis' Palace アルキュミの館 Condition : After learning Raizon ライゾン, talk to him twice (leave the area where is Alkyumis before talking to him again) Description : 独自の研究でさまざまな薬を調合する薬剤師。 He is an alchemist who mixes drugs for his special research. Effect : クルーコマンドで、全能力値がー定時間上昇。 With the [Crew] command, the whole party are all cured. Crew Crew : He reads in his book and makes a fireball appeared. |17| ROBINSON ロビンソン Job : Sailor 水夫 Location : Salgassor サルガッソー Condition : When Poly [14] is a crew member, talk to him. Description : 漂流生活をしていたが、航海歴は長いベテラン水夫。 His whole life is dedicated to the sea. He is a veteran sailor who has travelled a lot. Effect : クルーコマンドで、1ターンだけ消費ガッツ軽減。 With the [Crew] command, you use less gauge for your spells and furies. Crew Crew : He drinks wine and he spits of fire. |18| MARCO マルコ Job : Sailor 水夫 Location : Inside the Delphinas デルフィナス内 Condition : Automatic. You have to find him to continue. Description : 船乗りにあこがれ密航してきた、元気な熱血少年。 A little dynamic boy who really wants to become a sailor. Effect : クルーコマンドで、1ターンだけガッツ回復量2倍。 With the [Crew] command, during one round, the gauge is filled two times faster. Crew Crew : He throws a BIG dropping of nose (yurk !) |19| PAU パウ Job : Mascot 人気者 Location : Sky rebels' island 空賊島 Condition : "Talk" to him. Description : すばしっこく船内を駆けまわる、ー家のマスコット。 This is the Delphinas mascot who runs around in. Effect : クルーコマンド、1ターンだけ先制攻撃率上昇。 With the [Crew] command, the anticipation rate is increased during one round. Crew Crew : He jumps everywhere, barking. |20| MELIDA メリダ Job : Mascot 人気者 Location : Horteka ホルテカ Condition : You must have Bin's letter [ビンの手紙]then talk to her. Bin's letter is in the lighthouse of Furano island 船乗島. Description: 父を殺したバルアへの復讐を?、若き踊り子。 She wants to get revenge from Balua, which are responsible of her father's death. She is a young dancer. Effect : 華麗で躍動感あふれる踊りで、船の豪華さが上昇。 With her animated dancing mouvements, the glory of your heroes increases (?) Crew Crew : She is doing an aborigenal dance. |21| MOEGI モエギ Job : Guest ゲスト Location : Yaftomaa ヤフトマー Condition : Automatic. Description : 争いのない平和な世界を願う、ヤフトマーの皇女。 Imperial princess who wishes for a world of peace. Effect : クルーコマンドで、1ターンだけ煌術を無効化。 With the [Crew] command, the magic spells has no effect on the group during one round. Crew Crew : She prays for the sake of everyone |22| PINTA ピンタ Job : Guest ゲスト Location : Funano Island 船乗島 Condition : Talk to him Description : 世界中のアイテムを集めることを夢見る冒険少年。 This young adventurer dreams of having all the items of the world. Effect : クルーコマンドで、1ターんだけ敵の砲撃無効化。 With the [Crew] command, the ennemy bomb attack has no effect during one round Crew Crew : He whirls his ************************************************ ****** V. How to find new discoveries ? ****** ************************************************ The discoveries can be found by using the compass on the bottom right of the screen. When you are near a discovery, the compass begins to panic. A lot of clues can be bought in the guilds. There is also a ship in the north of Horteka who belongs to the guild. Some discoveries are invisible and need a bit of luck to find them. But the guilds should give you enough clues to find them ... Except if you have bought the japanese version :) But 8 discoveries are not known from the guilds. You should then talk to ships that sail on the Ocean. For exmaple, There is a plant boat flying above Horteka and indicates you how to find the yellow butterflies. How can I use the discoveries ? -> When you have 30 discoveries, you can recruit Domingo in your crew. -> When you have 50 discoveries, you can go to your base and see Domingo in the meeting room, at the top of the base. He will give you interesting things. -> You have found all the discoveries ? Domingo will offer you other presents. Here is now the complete list : ******************************************* ****** VI. List of the discoveries ****** ******************************************* |1| 青の空賊の墓標 - The sky rebels' tomb The tomb is on a little island in the north west of the 1st island (hometown). It is between two big islands. |2| 水先案内の碑 - A stone trafficator From the first island, go to the north, you will encounter a little island. It lies on it. |3| 空中珊瑚礁 - Coral barrier From the first dungeon, go to the south east. Go through the sunken rocks then you will see a row of islands. Take a look at the last one. |4| 銀の月煌石の鉱脈 - Moon stones layer From the first dungeon, go east. You have to look at the side of a big island with no vegetation. |5| だんご岩 - Dango Rocks Go to the southern part of the Malambar island. It lies on the top of the mountains (east side). |6| さまよえる湖 - Samayoeru Lake It lies in the Nacel desert, on the east of Malambar. Click on mid-air. |7| オアシス - Oasis In the south east of Malambar, it lies in the thin desertic region, on the ground. |8| 流砂の滝 - Sand waterfalls There is a big island in the south east of Malambar. The source of this waterfall is in high altitude, above this island. |9| ピュラミス神殿 - Pyramis Temple Temple where you search for the red stone. It is an Egyptian-style pyramid. |10| クチバツ岩 - Kuchibatsu Rock Very difficult to find. It is a rock which lies in the south-western part of the South Ocean. It is on the ouest part of the last big island before entering in a region without island. |11| ソラギンチャク - Soraginchaku It is a rock which lies in the south eastern part of the South Ocean. There is a thin swirl near it. |12| モンテスマ大陸 - Montesma Continent It is in the north of the south Ocean ... Impossible to miss. |13| ぶどうイモ - Potato culture The Montesma people harvest below the island where they live. It lies under Horteka. |14| ダスカの地上絵 - Ground drawing of Daska. This is a drawing which is near the big lake on the Montesma continent. There is an area with no vegetation next this lake. |15| 黄金像 - Golden statue This is the statue which lies in the mountain, on the west side of the big tree where lives the Montesma's King. It is really next to it. |16| ドラドの門 - The Dorado doors Following the direction of the nozzle of the bird (14) and the finger of the golden statue (15), you should find Dorado on the bottom of a moun- tain. |17| モンテスマ王都跡 - Ruins of the Royal capitale of Montesma Start from the golden statue (15) and searching on the ground, go in the south-south west direction. Click in the area ecause it is not visible and in the middle of the forest. |18| モンテスネスの村 - Montesnes town From the island where you free the Montesma sorcerer, go north. You will see a big island. Click in the area with no vegetation. |19| 謎のサークル - The round labyrinth From the will-o'-the-wisps (20), there is a big invisible island. Click in the area south of the will-o'-the-wisps. |20| 謎の光球 - Will-o'-the-wisps From the gate between the Montesma kingdom and the North Ocean, go north. You will see a quite big island. Click on it. |21| ロック島の巣 - The Rock island's nest From the gate between the Montesma kingdom and the North Ocean, go north west, you will see an island. Click on the area with no vegetation. |22| 巨人のイス - The Giant's chair East from the Dobura restaurant lies a rock island. Click on it. |23| 大灯台の跡 - Ruins of a big lighthouse On the west extremity of the Balua continent lies a quite big island. Click on the west side of the island. |24| 伯爵の城 - Castle of a noble From tht Tartas ruins (where you find the yellow stone), go south west. After the big crater, you will find some mountains. On the bottom of one of them lies this castle |25| ドクロ岩 - Dokuro Rock Find the eastern extremity of the Balua continent on the map. Visit the south side of the extremity. You should it there. |26| 岩壁住居の跡 - Ruins of a rock house. In the north side of the Balua continent, there a stone crumbling. On the side of the mountain, west of the stone crumbling lies this discovery. |27| 船の墓場 - Sunken boats cimetery. The North canal of Danel (on the map, this is the whits clouds separating the Balua continent from the Nacel Empire) contains a column of clouds. Visit the inside of this column (mid-air). |28| 船乗りの詩碑 - A sailor's writings From the stone crumbling in the north of Balua continent, you should find a little island where lies this discovery. |29| 風船花 - The wind boat's flower From the Dokuro Rock (25), go north by clicking without interruption. You will finally find it. |30| 水の大陸 - The Ice Continent. This continent is on the lower left part of the map. No way to miss it :) |31| ペンギン - Pinguin On the west part of the Ice Continent (30), there a purple ice area. In the north of the mountains that splits this west zone, visit the area near the mountain. |32| 毛長像の水像 - Ice statue of a haired head. In the bottom right of the map, lies the ice continent. This discovery is on the side of the continent (on a iceberg very near to the continent). |33| オーロラ - Aurora In the middle of the Ice Continent (30), click in the air. Easy. |34| 気球の残骸 - Wreck of an airship At the entry of Salgassor lies a very big island. South of it, there is a small island. Click on it. |35| クラーケンの巣 - Kraaken's Nest From the treasure island (the dungeon where Vyse, Fina and Aika finally met each other), go north. You willf ind a big island behind the white clouds. Click over one of the craters. |36| 黒い月煌石 - Black moon stones In the vortex area exit, you will be in an area where lie a lot of shining stones but black ones. Click in the center of the area. |37| ヤフトマー - Yaftomaa. From the exit of the vortex area, go north. No way to miss. |38| シバクラメの巣 - Shibakurame's nest. From the vortex area exit, go in the north east direction. Near the white clouds, lies a little island. Click on it. |39| ギョクモン関 - Gyokumon Barrier From the vortex area exit, go to the north east direction. Behind the white clouds, you will find ruins of the Great Wall. This is it. |40| トキワドリ - Tokiwadori North west of the Fugaku mountain (near Yaftomaa), you will find some white birds flying around. Catch them all ! |41| ウマシカ - A dean East of Yaftomaa, a big island lies on the Great Wall. Click on the east side of the island. |42| 嘆きの皇子像 - Statue of a crying imperial prince This statue are like those on the islands. If you look on the left side of the map, you can see a green big island isolated by the rock barrier. Click on the west part of it. |43| 香料の島 - Spices' island Very difficult. See the map and you see a text under the Wall surrounding Yaftomaa. The discovery lies in the area under the first letters of this text. |44| ホウライの島 - Hourai's island It is an invisible island (mid-air). Search in the empty area in the lower right part of the map. It is in the middle of this area. |45| 逆さ島 - An upside down island. Go north from Ryukan's island, skirting the white clouds in the east. When you see the black clouds in the north, search in the area (mid-air). |46| 世界一周航路 - Do a world round Automatic when you try to go back to your headquarters after the Blue Moon Stone is acquired. |47| ロウラン王都跡 - Ruins of the Royal capital Rouran. In the south east of the Nasland continent, there is an area between the black clouds and the mountains. The ruins are in an area with no vegetation. |48| 南十画学島 - The South cross island In very low altitude, in the north of the Ice continent, click on the island you will find there. |49| 虹のふもとの島 - Rainbow island In the high skies, over the headquarters, there is a rainbow. Click where the rainbow seems to stop. |50| 月煌石の滝の水源 - Source of a moon stones waterfall. From the sky rebel's island, go west in the high skies. You will see the source of a cascade on an island. |51| 鋼鉄の星 - The steel star. A red plane or satellite flies, east of Naslaad in very high altitude. |52| モンテヒヒ - Montehihi. Over the Montesma continent, on a very high altitude, lies a big island with a lake in the center. On the north east side lies this discovery. |53| 天文台跡 - Ruins of an observatory. From Montehihi (52), in high slies, go north west. It lies on the top of a moutain. |54| 浮遊雷球 - Electric flying spheres Under the Balua continent, on the east part and in low altitude, there are two yellow spheres which turns around each other. |55| ダイダラスギ - Daidarasgi. It is tree which lies on an island, south of Tenkou island (where you meet the son of the chinese emperor). I can't remember if the island was visible or not. |56| 幽霊船 - A haunted ship. See the map and you will notice a circle of white clouds sorrouding Salgas- sor (the vortex entry and exit). In very high altitude, follow this circle clockwise. You will meet this boat. |57| ワタリチョウ - Yellow butterflies Watarichou. These yellow butterflies seems to fly in high altitude from west to east. Their track goes over the Furano island (the lighthouse island) |58| 月蝕ポイント - Eclipse point From the Elmo's Nest (59), go north in very high altitude. You will see the screen getting darker. Click now ! |59| エルモの巣 - Elmo's Nest West from the Dobura Restaurant, behind the white clouds barrier, lies a grey and green island. Visit the east side of the island. |60| 古代の沈船 - Sunken ship of ancient times. From the secret base Dangraal, in very low altitude, go south-south-west. You will find a little island. Click on it. |61| バルア沈船戦艦 - Sunken battleship of Balua. In very low altitude, from the column of white clouds dividing the Balua and the Naslaad continents, go west. You will see a little island. Click on it. |62| さかさウサギ - Reversed rabbit. From the Electric flying spheres (54), go north in very low altitude, by clicking without interruption. |63| 地獄の煙突 - Chemneys of the hell. From the first dungeon, in very low altitude, go west. After going through two barriers of white clouds, click without interruption. |64| 古代魚 - Fish of the ancient times. From the Kraaken nest (35), look around in very low altitude in west direc- tion. Look up and you will see a big fish moving around. ******************************************** ****** VII. Conclusion and credits ****** ******************************************** "Eternal Arcadia" is a trademark of SEGA/OVERWORKS You can find this FAQ on the following websites : Great thanks to : - The guy or girl who has listed all the crew members and discoveries in japanese : Without it, I would never be motivate to make this FAQ. - Shirokawai for giving the website above ... - GeoCool for giving the website where you can find the discoveries. - JIrwin for his FAQ about the last discoveries. I missed three and find them. - All the people on the message boards who help me to advance in this wonder- ful game. NB : The next update will have all the discoverie, I hope :) So stay tunned. Ja ne minna-san. O tanoshimi ni ! ****** End of this FAQ ******