Skies of Arcadia - Cham Locations For Sega Dreamcast By Paul Keating - ----------------------------------------------------------- *** Copyright information *** ----------------------------------------------------------- This guide can be freely distributed as long as: * You let me know that you are posting this guide elsewhere. * You do not modify this guide in any way, shape or form. * You do not attempt to profit from my work. This includes showing banner ads on the same page as this guide. If you can meet these conditions then feel free to post this guide on your own site. ----------------------------------------------------------- *** Revision History *** ----------------------------------------------------------- 30TH APRIL 2001 NOTE: This guide will no longer be updated. I no longer have the time I once had to dedicate to gaming. This means less time to play games and to write guides for them. Also I no longer enjoy playing next gen games, call me old fashioned but I still prefer playing 2D games over 3D. I still believe Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 6 have yet to be equalled and there is no better platformer than Super mario world. This means any future guides I do will be more likely for older systems and the GBA when I get one. I have a couple of guides to finish and a couple more in the pipeline once they are done. But no DC/PSX/PS2 guides. If this is an inconvenience to any one I am sorry. If any one wants to take over the guide then let me know and I will pass ownership of the guide over to you. Thanks to all the people who have helped with this guide. ----------------------------------------------------------- *** Index *** ----------------------------------------------------------- Section 1 - Beginners Guide to Chams Section 2 - Cham Locations Section 3 - Abirik Cham Locations Section 4 - Chom Locations Section 5 - Thanks To: Section 6 - Help Required/Contact Information Section 7 - Next Update Section 8 - Final Word ----------------------------------------------------------- *** Section 1 - Beginners Guide to Chams. *** ----------------------------------------------------------- What is a Cham? Cham's are special moon crystals that can be fed to Fina's pet, Cupeli. As he is fed cham's his attacks start to change. Why bother looking for Cham's? Well Fina's only weapon is a Cupeli and unlike the other characters this can not be upgraded in a shop. The only way to make Fina's weapon more powerful is by feeding it cham's. So, how do I find a Cham? As you wander around the locations of Arcadia you may hear your VMU beep and as you move it gets more and more urgent. Then it stops. This means you have just gone past a Cham. The beeping represents Cupeli who is getting excited. Look on the VMU display and you will see Cupeli bouncing about. As you get closer he gets more excited. Once you are virtually on top of it his tongue will transform into an arrow. If you search the immediate area (pressing the A button) you should find a cham. The VMU is beeping, Cupeli is overexcited and I still can't find the Cham? You will have to wander around in the immediate area to find it. It can take a couple of tries. I have just started the game and can't find the Cham you have mentioned in Pirate Island or Sailor Island. Why is that? Fina needs to have joined you as a playable character. So I have my Cham, what now? Open the menu and select Fina's face on the menu. Go to the items option and then select the Cham. An icon representing Cupeli should appear press again and you will feed it to Cupeli. So how many chams are there? I have been told that there are 30 chams and 3 aribik chams in the game [Thanks to Troy McBride for this information] What is a chom? A chom is a tainted cham. If you feed a chom to Cupeli he regurgatates all the cham's he has eaten. So what does that mean? Below is a word for word copy of what David Litchman sent me, thanks. "Regarding choms, and why you would want to feed them to Cupil, here's why. I don't know what his advancement table looks like, but let's just say that each level requires one more cham than the previous one. Say you found three chams, and one abirik cham. You feed him one for level 2, and 2 for level three, then the abirik cham for level four. Now say you find three more chams. You would need four to get him to level five, but if you give him a chom, he'll barf up 6 chams and one abirik cham. Then you can feed him 1 for level 2, 2 for level three, three for level four, and the abirik cham to get him to level five. Using the choms just allows you to optimize the way in which you feed chams to Cupil." ----------------------------------------------------------- *** Section 2 - Cham Locations *** ----------------------------------------------------------- Cham 1 Location: Pirate Isle How to find it: Once Fina has joined your party head to the entrance to the underground base. As you enter the underground section you should hear the beeping begin. As the base opens up in front of you you should see the fireman's pole in front of you. Turn to the right you should see a catwalk with cranes attached to it. About a third of the way along the beeping should be really fast now. Search around here and you should find the cham. Cham 2 Location: Shrine Island How to find it: Apparently this cham is located on the second to last floor of the island. I will add a proper description when I go back to get it. [Thanks to everyone who told me about this cham, see the thanks section] Cham 3 Location: Sailors Island How to find it: Head over to the lighthouse at the end of the Island. Climb to the top of the tower and you should hear the VMU start to beep. Just walk around the tower until it is beeping really fast and you should find the cham. Cham 4 Location: Maramba How to find it: In the first half of town there is an inn. Head up stairs and then out of the bed room to the balcony. Once here your VMU will start beeping. Walk to the end of the balcony and the VMU should be beeping really fast. This is where you will find the next cham. Cham 5 Location: Temple of Pyrnn How to find it: As you run down the second Indiana Jones boulder trap (copyright lucasfilms & paramount) you should hear the VMU beeping in the second alcove. If you are coming from the top (so the boulder is chasing you) then you will find it in the right hand alcove. If you are coming from the bottom (so the boulder is coming towards you) then you want the alcove on the left (same alcove I know). The next cham is in there. Cham 6 Location: Horteka, Ixa'Taka region How to find it: This cham is located in the northern part of the first section of town. Head past the save point and past the weapon/item shop. You should be standing on some grass now rather than all the catwalks that make up Horteka. You should be in front of an entrance leading to the abandoned ship. You will hear the beeping and this is where you will locate the next cham. Cham 7 Location: King's Hideout, Ixa'Taka region How to find it: After the cut scene with the king you should immediately hear the beeping. See the pot in the upper left corner of the screen? The cham is located around there. Cham 8 Location: Moon Stone Mountain, Ixa'Taka region How to find it: After first entering the mountain the door will shut behind you. There will then be a brief cut scene. Head through the next door and that will shut behind you. When you come out you should be in a room where mining carts keep rolling past. Turn left and around the large metal door you should find the next cham. Cham 9 Location: Moon Stone Mountain, Ixa'Taka region How to find it: When you reach the first room with all the metal catwalks there is a cham in this area. It is easier to show you via a small map. | | | | |-------| |-------| | | S = Starting Position | |---| |---| | W = Trap Door, doesn't open | | | | | | X = Trap Door, opens | | | C | | | C = Cham |---| |---| |---| | W | | X | | X | |---| |---| |---| ---| | | | | | | | | | | ---| |---| |---| | | | |-------| |-------| | | | S | As you can see from the map you need to walk up, turn left then head up on the left hand passage. Once at the top you want to come back down the middle passage and stop before the trap door and you should find the cham there. Cham 10 Location: Rixis, Ixa'Taka Region How to find: When you first enter Rixis you will be infront of a massive statue and two smaller statues either side of it. Head over to the smaller statue on the left hand side of the screen. There is a small hill here so go on top of it and you will locate the cham in the centre of this hill. Cham 11 Location: Rixis, Ixa'Taka Region How to find: You can't really miss this Cham. When you enter the third screen, the one with all the floating platforms on, you need to get on the first floating platform and then stand on the left hand side. When the platform stops and you get off you will be in part of the ruins and should be facing a flight of stairs. Climb up the flight of stairs to what is a balcony. At the end of the balcony is the cham. Cupeli starts beeping as soon as you enter this room, so as I said you can't really miss this one. [Thanks to Kristofferson Fenol for confirming this location] Cham 12 Location: Valuan Airspace How to find it: As you fly to retrieve the Yellow Moon Crystal in Valua you will come across the Black Pirate Gordo who challenges you to a fight. When you win the Cham is one of the prizes. Cham 13 Location: Nasr capital, Nasrad How to find it: After Vyse arrives at Nasrad with Gilder head over to the hotel and stay the night. This will switch control over to Aika & Fina. Once you are in control head over to the restaraunt to get your wages. Along with your wages you will receive a Cham. Cham 14 Location: Nasr airspace, Ducatts Island How to find it: When you reach Ducatts Island with Aika and Fina there is a cham at the entrance of the caves. On the left hand side, by the trees, is where you will locate the next Cham. Cham 15 Location: Nasr airspace, Ducatts Island How to find it: Inside Ducatts Island you will come across an area with rotating stairs. Vyse activates the switch which rotates the stairs. After completing this section Aika and Fina will be in an area made up of small islands of rock connected by walkways. The central one (the one that connects to the next door) has a Cham in the center of it. Cham 16 Location: The Delphinius How to find it: When you explore the Delphinius head to the deck. This is located on the floor below the bridge. On the deck you should see Fina here. Head to the far left of the deck you will find a Cham. ----------------------------------------------------------- *** Section 3 - Abirik Cham Locations *** ----------------------------------------------------------- Abirik Cham 1 Location: Fishermans Ship, Ixa'Taka Region How to find: Again this is taken from an email David Litchman sent me. "By the way, one of the abirik chams is gotten from a fisherman's ship in Ixa'taxa airspace. He'll ask you for 10 Sky Sardis, and if you give those to him he'll give you the abirik cham in return." Abirik Cham 2 Location: Nasr capital, Nasrad How to find it: While Fina and Aika are on there way to collect there wages they should stop of at the weapons shop. Here you will meet the merchant you escorted. As thanks for escorting him here you will receive an Abirik Cham as thanks for helping him earlier. ----------------------------------------------------------- *** Section 4 - Chom Locations *** ----------------------------------------------------------- Chom 1, 2 & 3 Location: Maw of Tartas, Valuan Empire How to find: when you land at the Maw of Tartas you will be in an area that looks a little like stone henge. There is a circle of stone pillars and in the centre is a large steel gate in the floor. The first chom is located by the single pillar on it's own on the left hand side of the screen. The second and third are on the steel gate itself. The steel gate has a large pentagram which is shaded in a grey/brown colour. The second one is on the bottom left hand point of the pentagram and the third one is at the tip of the pentagram. ----------------------------------------------------------- *** Section 5 - Thanks to: *** ----------------------------------------------------------- Mathew Greenwell, Scott Carey, Michael Convento, Zeningame325, Rilink for the information on the cham in the shrine island. Thanks again to those above who pointed out the location of the chams in the Ixa'Taka region. Troy McBride for the information on the amount of chams in the game. Kristofferson Fenol for confirming the location of the second cham in Rixan. David Litchman for the information on the Chom's and the location of the first Abirik Cham. Sherwin Tam for some general pointers on the guide. Also: CjayC for posting this guide on Gamefaqs. Probably the best and most reliable source of game guides there is. Sega/Overworks for creating such a wonderful game. Roll on Skies of Arcadia 2... ----------------------------------------------------------- *** Section 6 - Help required/Contact Information *** ----------------------------------------------------------- If you see that I have missed any cham's or know of the location of any cham's I haven't reached yet then email me on "". If it is a cham that I haven't reached yet then it won't be added until I get there. Anybody who sends me this information will be fully credited. ----------------------------------------------------------- *** Section 7 - Next Update *** ----------------------------------------------------------- Won't be for a few weeks at the very least. Sorry. ----------------------------------------------------------- *** Section 8 - Final Word *** ----------------------------------------------------------- Remember this guide was bought to you by the letters A & F and the number 15.