THE FINAL FANTASY TACTICS ADVANCE ================================= MECHANICS GUIDE v0.95 =============== ===== by Terence Fergusson Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is copyright 2003 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. Final Fantasy Tactics is a registered trademark of SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. This document is entirely my work, and was written and is owned by me, Terence Fergusson. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged where not specifically mentioned. If you wish to reproduce this document AS IS, you may do so without having to ask my permission, providing that the entire document including this copyright notice is left intact, preferably in ASCII text format, and is done so for non-profit purposes. I do, however, reserve the right to revoke permission and ask for it to be taken down should I feel it necessary. Please do not e-mail me asking questions about FFTA that this document is not meant to address. If you have found this file, you likely also have access to other FAQs on Final Fantasy Tactics Advance that could help you far more quickly than I check my mail. In addition, urgent concerns are better directed to the GameFAQs message boards where others may be able to help. Some matters may be better off discussed and tested there. Please keep this in mind before e-mailing me. ===================== == VERSION HISTORY == ===================== v0.90 : 15/10/03 : Original Release v0.91 : 10/12/03 : Throw List added, Your Clan section added Quests section updated, few mistakes corrected v0.95 : 03/08/04 : Fixed mistakes in Recruitment Added the Totema to the Level Growth tables Added basic Hit Rate and Damage formulas Added the Ability Data Appendix ============== == FOREWORD == ============== Before you take one step further, fair warning. This isn't finished yet. This document is out here now only because of the sheer amount of data already compiled that was really needed now and not later when everything is finished. As such, you will not find much about damage and actual ability mechanics yet, since those sections are not complete yet. They shall come in time. This is very much a work in progress, but I'm pleased to say that much has already been deciphered to the point where much of what's left is just typing things up and testing out obscure cases. However, these things take time, and there is still a lot to test. Please note: the main purpose of this update was to get some things I'd half worked on in the last few months out into the guide, so that people can make use of them. However, this was done mostly so that I could concentrate on other things for the next few months, so expect no further work on this for the recent future. I'll pick it back up again in a few months time, after I've finished some other outstanding projects. Til next time. ======================= == TABLE OF CONTENTS == ======================= Line 106 : Definitions 196 : The Random Number Generator 313 : Ability Effects 350 : Facing 393 : Basic Hit Rates 743 : Basic Damage Formula 1064 : Combos 1220 : Turn Order 1463 : Misc Combat Data 1554 : Quests 1748 : Your Clan 2088 : The Monster Bank 2307 : Unit Generation 2695 : Recruitment 3047 : Mission Items 3243 : Appendix I: Ability Data 9070 : Credits ================= == DEFINITIONS == ================= Before we get into the specifics of FFTA, some notation must be defined. FFTA Definitions ================ Our standard abbreviations and stat definitions to help make life easier: HP: Hit Points - How much damage a unit can take before they are KOed MP: Magic Points - How much mystical energy they have to use for certain attacks WAtk: Weapon Atk - The physical attack power of a unit WDef: Weapon Def - Defense against physical attacks MPow: Magic Pow - The magical attack power of a unit MRes: Magic Res - Defense against magical attacks Speed: A measure of how often a unit can take a turn Mov: Move - How far a unit can move on its turn Jmp: Jump - How far a unit can jump vertically in safety Evade: How well a unit can avoid offensive attacks SRes: Status Resist - How well a unit can resist status attacks JP: Judge Points - Reward for following recommded laws and KOing units, and can be spent on Combos and Totema Primary Weapon: Important with Double Sword. This is the weapon you will attack with first, and will be the one you use for all abilities that do not use the second weapon. Your Primary Weapon is the one with the most Weapon Atk. EqAtk: Equipment Attack - We'll be using this term a bit without too much warning, so it should be well defined. This is the total bonus to Weapon Atk you have from your current equipment, excluding your Secondary Weapon if you're using Double Sword. Elements ======== The eight elements, when used in tables, are all abbreviated to three letters each. These abbreviations are: Fre: Fire Ice: Ice Lit: Lightning Wtr: Water Eth: Earth Wnd: Wind Hly: Holy Drk: Dark Clan Skills =========== Rarely used, but useful to know: the eight Clan Skills in the game (used mainly in Dispatches) are summarised as the following three letter abbreviations: Com: Combat Mag: Magic Smt: Smithing Crf: Craft App: Appraise Gth: Gather Neg: Negotiate Trk: Track Mathematical Definitions ======================== These are necessary for some of the formulas which will be used. They are pretty standard so shouldn't be too unfamiliar, but it's good to make sure they're well-defined here: [x]: This means the truncated value of x; we ignore any fractional part and round towards 0. [3.7] = 3, [-5.8] = -5 x MOD y: The MOD function means to divide x by y and take the remainder. 3 MOD 5 = 3, 15 MOD 5 = 0, 17 MOD 5 = 2 Rand{x..y}: This returns a random number between x and y inclusive. More detail on the exact mechanics of this will be given in the next section. ================================= == THE RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR == ================================= Final Fantasy Tactics Advance uses the standard Ansi-C pseudo-random number generator, which is a particularly simple yet fast RNG. It does not inherently suffer from predictability flaws, but we shall cover what flaws it does have in time. And before you ask, RNG methods are not possible with FFTA. Sorry, Golden Sun fans. First, we shall cover the technical basics of the RNG. If you do not understand this, do not worry; it is not important to understanding FFTA. This section is merely here to provide background to how FFTA deals with random numbers. FFTA's RNG (henceforth known as simply the RNG) uses a 4-byte unsigned seed, and has a strict linear formula for working out the next seed. This is: Next Seed = (Seed * 1103515245 + 12345) MOD 4294967296 This seed is where the random number (henceforth known as RN) comes from. FFTA throws away the least significant two bytes, since they are not very useful for randomness. The full formula it uses to convert the seed to the RN is this: RN = [Seed / 65536] MOD 32768 This gives us a final random number between 0 and 32767. Whenever the term RN is used in this document, we are referring to this generated random number that lies between 0 and 32767 inclusive. One final thing that should be covered before we continue on to later sections is the function Rand{x}. We defined it in the previous section, but its technical definition is as follows: Rand{x..y} = RN MOD (1 + y - x) + x This means that Rand{x..y} will return a number between x and y inclusive. For example, Rand{0..99} would return a number between 0 and 99. HOWEVER, it is important to note that whenever FFTA uses this, random numbers will *NOT* be evenly distributed unless (1+y-x) is a power of 2. I will not go too far into the reasons for this, but it is very clear to see if we analyse the probabilities of getting a number if we use, say, Rand{0..9999}. Under Rand{0..9999}, the probability of getting each number is: Number Range Probability 0 - 2767 4/32768 each 2768 - 9999 3/32768 each In other words, you have less chance of getting numbers from the higher ranges than one from the lower ranges in this example. Much of the time, the game will calculate a number using Rand{0..y-1} and check if it's under a second number x, where x and y are variables. The intended chance of success would thus be x/y. However, we can work out the true value with the following formula: True Chance = (x * [32768 / y] + Min{32768 MOD y, x}) / 32768 ...where Min{a,b} returns the lesser of the two numbers a and b. As an example, let's say x is 3000 and y is 10000. The intended chance of success is thus 3000/10000 or 30.0%. However, using the formula, we can see the true chance of success is: True Chance = (3000 * [32768 / 10000] + Min{32768 MOD 10000, 3000}) / 32768 = (3000 * 3 + Min{ 2768 , 3000}) / 32768 = ( 9000 + 2768 ) / 32768 = 11768 / 32768 = 35.9% As you can now see, that's a rather large increase of 5.9% over our *intended* chance. This is how bad the flaw can be in one of the worst scenarios FFTA can use. This is the last time I will make note of this flaw in FFTA's RNG outside of possible analysis work done in the seperate sections. Summary ======= For those of you who nodded off during the last few paragraphs, here's a summary of the important stuff: 1. RN - the Random Number generated - is always between 0 and 32767, and is evenly distributed. Whenever the term RN is used, it refers to a random number between 0 and 32767. 2. Rand{x..y} uses RN to create a number between x and y. For example, Rand{5..30} would return a random number between 5 and 30 inclusive. We shall be using this shorthand for most random events described in the game. 3. Rand{x} is not evenly distributed in the large majority of cases: you will generally have more chance of getting low numbers rather than high numbers. With that technical stuff out of the way... let's continue. ===================== == ABILITY EFFECTS == ===================== Since this is such a significant part of Battle Mechanics, it gets its own section. An Effect is the result of using an A-Ability, where each A-Ability in the game can have up to four Effects attached to them. When you use an A-Ability, these Effects are automatically used to determine what happens. Each Effect has four components: Effect Type, Target Type, Hit Rate and Damage Formula. The Target Type determines what kinds of targets the effect will trigger against. Some examples are Non-Undead or Enemies Only. The Hit Rate determines the success rate of the effect hitting. Usually this is either AType, SType or 100%, but some rates are more specific or depend on other Effects in the A-Ability. The Damage Formula is only used for particular Effect Types, but generally controls the severity of the Effect Type. Usually this is just for Damage, but it's also used to differentiate between the different type of Steal effects. And finally, the all important Effect Type. An Effect Type is a self-contained lump of code that *does* something to a selected target. This can be anything from reviving them, to causing damage, to inflicting Frog status, to even removing the unit from the battlefield. FFTA has 92 Effect Types to choose from. They are all the more important in that they're the base unit for determining what happens. We shall hopefully cover them in more detail in future versions of this document. ============ == FACING == ============ FFTA has a fairly simple 'facing' scheme that dictates which side of an enemy you are currently targetting. This depends on the Attacker's position, the Target's position, and which direction the Target is currently facing. Observe this diagram where the Target is facing South: . . ..|.. .. .. .. ..|.. ..|.. .. .. .. ..|.. '--. REAR .--' .. ..|.. .. ..|.. .. .. ..|.. .. ..|.. .. '--. .--' .. .. ..|..|.. .. .. .. .. ..|..|.. .. .. ' ' ..SIDE.. XX ..SIDE.. .. .. .. \/ .. .. .. .--' '--. .. ..|.. .. ..|.. .. .. ..|.. .. ..|.. .. .--' '--. ..|.. .FRONT.. ..|.. ..|.. .. .. .. ..|.. .--' '--. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Any square the target is facing is considered attacking from the Front. If it's off to either side, then it's an attack from the Side. If the attack is from behind him, then it's an attack from the Rear. Note that the squares that are precisely diagonal from the Target always get the better choice of the two: you'd get Front instead of Side if you were two squares South and two squares West of the above mentioned Target. This makes it harder to get onto a square to attack an unprotected side of a unit, and should always be kept in mind. ===================== == BASIC HIT RATES == ===================== As noted previously, each Effect has a Hit Rate. There are two *main* Hit Rate types that are the most common: AType and SType. AType is short for Attack Type, and means a basic offensive attack that's meant to do damage. It is defended against via Evade. SType is short for Status Type, and generally means a status attack that will reduce a target's ability to fight in some way. Evade has no effect against SType attacks, but the stat known as SRes (Status Resistance) is used instead. Due to the importance of both these types, we will go over the calculation of them now. AType ===== 1. Automatic Hit Conditions If either of the following are true, the attack has an automatic 100% chance of hitting. 1) The Target has 0 HP. 2) The Target is under any of the following Statuses: Petrify, Hibernate, Stop, Sleep, Expert Guard Note that Targets with 0 HP are generally considered invalid targets anyways, so it only counts if the Target was valid in the first place. All subsequent steps are skipped except Step 9. 2. Reaction Check This long section must check to see if the Target's Reaction will interfere with the chance to hit. First, we must check if the Target is allowed to utilise their Reaction. The full list that the code uses is unknown, but this covers things like whether they have statuses preventing Reaction abilities on them, or sanity checks like whether they're in a position to even use such a reaction. If a Reaction is found that can be utilised and will fully prevent the effect taking place, then the Hit Rate is set to 0 and all further steps are skipped. 3. Retrieve Target's Evade stat For this, we first retrieve the base Evade stat for the job the Target is in. For example, a Soldier has a base Evade of 50. Next, if the target does *NOT* have Frog status, then we total up the Evade bonus from all of the equipment the Target is wearing. If the Target *IS* a Frog, then they get no bonus from equipment. Finally, we cap this Evade between 0 and 100 inclusive; Evade greater than 100 is not possible. 4. Work out Relative Facing The Attacker's position relative to the Target and their facing determines this modifier. If the Attacker is attacking from the Target's Front, then the Evade is unchanged. If attacking from the Side, then the Evade is divided by 2, rounded down. If attacking from the Rear, then the Evade is divided by *4*, rounded down. 5. Status Check If the Target is Blind, Evade is reduced by 20. If the Target is Confused, Evade is reduced by 10. If the Attacker is Blind, Evade is *increased* by 50. 6. Support Check If the Attacker has Concentrate set, Evade is reduced by 50. If the Attacker has Turbo MP set, Evade is reduced by 15. This occurs no matter what A-Ability is used, whether it costs MP or not. 7. Cap Evade Evade is now capped between 5 and 95 inclusive. 8. Work out Hit Rate Hit% is now set to: 100 - Evade 9. Final Checks This part is currently untranslated from the code. It is, again, mostly sanity checks which are unimportant in the majority of cases. Summary of AType Formula ------------------------ 1. Automatic Hit Conditions: If Target has 0 HP, or has Petrify/Hibernate/Stop/Sleep/Expert Guard Status: Hit% = 100 Skip all steps except 9 2. Reaction Checks: If a Reaction can be used that prevents the Ability: Hit% = 0 Skip all steps except 9 3. Get Evade for Target: Get Base Evade If Target is not a Frog: Get Equipment Evade Cap Evade between 0 to 100 4. Get Facing: If Front: Evade = Evade If Side: Evade = [Evade / 2] If Rear: Evade = [Evade / 4] 5. Status Check: If Target is Blind: Evade = Evade - 20 If Target is Confused: Evade = Evade - 10 If Attacker is Blind: Evade = Evade + 50 6. Support Check: If Attacker has Concentrate: Evade = Evade - 50 If Attacker hs Turbo MP: Evade = Evade - 15 7. Cap Evade: If Evade < 5, Evade = 5 If Evade > 95, Evade = 95 8. Calculate Hit Rate: Hit% = 100 - Evade 9. Final Checks: Currently untranslated SType ===== 1. Retrieve Target's Status Resistance Like Evade, SRes is a Job-inherited stat. Each job has its own SRes, but, all five playable races have a standard SRes of 50 no matter what their job. However, under certain conditions, you may get an instant immunity to the effect. These conditions are: 1a. Effect Type Remove Unit is used against Ritz and Shara while they're in your party. This hard-coded exception is necessary since they're the only secret story characters that do not use a unique job. 1b. Units with a Boss Medal are immune to Remove Unit, Petrify and KO Effect Types. 1c. Units who have High Immune (a job status related to SRes) are immune to the following Effect Types: Doom Archer, Matra Magic, Knife, Frog, Elementalshift, Stop, Disable, Immobilize, Berserk, Confusion, Doom, Remove Unit, Petrify, KO, Silence, Poison, Addle, Charm If any of the above conditions hold, then Hit% is set to 0 and we skip ahead to Step 10. 2. Status Check This is a huge lookup table that compares whatever Effect Type we're using against the statuses that can prevent it. If the Target has a status that prevents that particular Effect Type from working, then Hit% is set to 0 and all further steps except 10 are skipped. For this check, Undead units (Zombies and Vampires and units with the Zombie status) count as having the Zombie status but *NOT* having the Frog status. 3. Equipment Check Now, all equipment on the Target is checked for immunities. Again, this is a lookup table and the items themselves should be looked at for what Effect Types they blocked. Thus, this is mostly self-explanatory, except to note the following: Slow immunity works against Hastebreak Effect Type only if the Target is not Hasted, and Stop immunity only works against Hastebreak if the Target *is* Hasted. In addition, Ribbon protects against the following: Frog, Stop, Disable, Immobilize, Berserk, Hastebreak, Acid, Blind, Confusion, Doom, Bad Breath, Sleep, Petrify, KO, Slow, Silence, Poison, Zombie, Addle, Charm Once again, if such an immunity is found, Hit% is set to 0 and all subsequent steps except 10 are skipped. 4. Immunity Support Check The Immunity S-Ability is the final immunity check made. Immunity prevents the following Effect Types from working: Frog, Blind, Confusion, Sleep, Petrify, Silence, Poison If any of these are used, then Hit% is set to 0 and we jump to Step 10. 5. 100% Hit Conditions: If either of the following are true, the attack has an automatic 100% chance of hitting. 1) The Target has 0 HP. 2) The Target is under any of the following Statuses: Petrify, Hibernate, Stop, Sleep, Expert Guard Note that Targets with 0 HP are generally considered invalid targets anyways, so it only counts if the Target was valid in the first place. Also, the previous four steps take priority, so these statuses may have *prevented* the effect already. Hit% is set to 100, and all further steps are skipped except Step 10. 6. Attacker's Support Check: If the Attacker has Concentrate set, SRes is reduced by 20. If the Attacker has Turbo MP set, SRes is reduced by 10. This occurs no matter what A-Ability is used, whether it costs MP or not. 7. Work out Relative Facing The Attacker's position relative to the Target and their facing determines this modifier. If the Attacker is attacking from the Target's Front, then the SRes is unchanged. If attacking from the Side, then the SRes is reduced by 10. If attacking from the Rear, then the SRes is reduced by 20. 8. Cap SRes SRes is now capped between 0 and 100 inclusive. 9. Work out Hit Rate Hit% is now set to: 100 - SRes 10. Final Checks This part is currently untranslated from the code. It is, however, mostly sanity checks which are unimportant in the majority of cases, as well as looking at things like Astra. Summary of SType Formula ------------------------ 1. Get SRes for Target: Get Base SRes Check for instant immunity to Effect: If Target is Immune, Hit% = 0 and skip to Step 10 2. Status Check: Effect Type is checked against Statuses on Target If Target has a Status that prevents the Effect: Hit% = 0 Skip to Step 10 3. Equipment Check: Effect Type is checked against Equipment Immunities on Target If Target has Equipment that prevents the Effect: Hit% = 0 Skip to Step 10 4. Support Check: If Target has the Immunity Support ability equipped and Effect is one of Frog/Blind/Confusion/Sleep/Petrify/Silence/Poison: Hit% = 0 Skip to Step 10 5. Automatic Hit Conditions: If Target has 0 HP, or has Petrify/Hibernate/Stop/Sleep/Expert Guard Status: Hit% = 100 Skip to Step 10 6. Support Check: If Attacker has Concentrate: SRes = SRes - 20 If Attacker hs Turbo MP: SRes = SRes - 10 7. Get Facing: If Front: SRes = SRes If Side: SRes = SRes - 10 If Rear: SRes = SRes - 20 8. Cap SRes: If SRes < 1, SRes = 0 If SRes > 99, SRes = 100 9. Calculate Hit Rate: Hit% = 100 - SRes 10. Final Checks: Currently untranslated Final Calculations ================== There are a few more modifications that can occur, all of which relate to the ability being used: 1) Some abilities will now apply a multiplier to your Hit% as a bonus or penalty. Blitz is a good example; it is an Attack Type ability that doubles your Hit%. Beatdown is the opposite: an Attack Type ability that halves your Hit%. Steal: Ability is the final extreme, multiplying your Attack Hit% by 0.25. 2) Steal abilities are granted an extra bonus from the accessory Thief Armlets. The bonus is equal to an extra 20%, calculated *after* any multipliers (like Steal: Ability's one) have been factored in. Once modifications have been applied, the Hit% is capped one final time at 0% to 100%, no matter what the Type of ability it was. This means, for example, that it is possible to hit 100% with almost all of the Steal abilities, since Thief Armlets can take you past the 95% barrier. Other Hit Types =============== While some abilities use unique formulas for their Hit%, we will cover them with the abilities themselves. One common type, however, is the 100% Hit Rate abilities, which always give 100% chance to hit. These types of abilities commonly have exceptions however, where certain conditions must be met for the 100% to be used. If the conditions are not met, the attack will miss or not even attempt to strike the target. Again, we shall cover these exceptions and other factors with the ability listings. ========================== == BASIC DAMAGE FORMULA == ========================== Your base damage for the vast majority of attacks is as follows: 'Caster's Weapon Att - [Target's Weapon Def / 2]' for physical attacks or 'Caster's Magic Pow - [Target's Magic Res / 2]' for magical attacks This base will then be multiplied by 'Power / 100', usually, where Power is the strength of the ability. For weapon-based abilities, this will be the EqAtt bonus your equipment (minus Secondary Weapon) gives you, while for other abilities, this will be the Power stat of the ability itself. ============================================================================= NOTE: Double Sword allows non-ability attacks to hit twice, once using the Primary Weapon, and then again using the Secondary Weapon. The 2nd hit uses a EqAtt where it is the *Primary* Weapon that is ignored, not the Secondary Weapon. This is, of course, simply common sense, but it needs to be said since in all other cases, it is the Secondary Weapon that is ignored. ============================================================================= This is, however, a vast simplification of the process. To better understand it, let us go over the entire damage algorithm, step-by-step. 1. Get base Attack power Fairly simple: if the Ability being used is Physical, then we set Att to the Attacker's WAtk stat. If it's Magical, then we use the Attacker's MPow stat instead. 1a. Apply Mission Item Bonus If the unit is in your party and Mission Items are being used, then Att is modified by the total Mission Item bonus for the relevant stat. The formula used is: Att = Att + [Att * MItemBonus / 100] 2. Attacker's Support Check The various Support abilities are checked for bonuses to Att. 2a. If the Attacker has Weapon Att+ set and the Ability is Physical: Att = [Att * 307 / 256] (approximate 20% increase) 2b. If the Attacker has Magic Pow+ set and the Ability is Magical: Att = [Att * 307 / 256] (approximate 20% increase) 2c. If the Attacker has Turbo MP set and the Ability has a greater than 0 MP Cost: Att = [Att * 332 / 256] (approximate 30% increase) 2d. If the Attacker has Doublehand set, the Ability being used is Fight and the weapon being used is single-handed: Att = [Att * 307 / 256] (approximate 20% increase) 3. Attacker's Status Check Now the Attacker's Statuses are looked at for bonuses to Att. 3a. If the Attacker is Berserk and the Ability is Physical: Att = [Att * 307 / 256] (approximate 20% increase) 3b. If the Attacker is a Frog: Att = [Att * 25 / 256] (approximate 90% decrease) 3c. If the Attacker has Boost and the Ability is Physical: Att = [Att * 384 / 256] (approximate 50% increase) 3d. If the Attacker has WAtk UP and the Ability is Physical: Att = [Att * 281 / 256] (approximate 10% increase) 3e. If the Attacker has WAtk DOWN and the Ability is Physical: Att = [Att * 230 / 256] (approximate 10% decrease) 3f. If the Attacker has MPow UP and the Ability is Magical: Att = [Att * 281 / 256] (approximate 10% increase) 3g. If the Attacker has MPow DOWN and the Ability is Magical: Att = [Att * 230 / 256] (approximate 10% decrease) 4. Attacker's Equipment Check First off, if the Attacker is under Frog status, this step is skipped. Otherwise, if the Ability is Physical, the Attacker's EqAtk is added to the Att stat. Remember that EqAtk does not add the bonus from the Secondary Weapon, and if no weapon is equipped, the Unarmed WAtk value of the Attacker's Job is used instead of a weapon. If the Ability is Magical, the MPow bonus from all equipped items, including weapons, is added to Att. 5. Att Cap Att is now capped at 999 maximum. 6. Get base Defense power Again, simple: if the Ability being used is Physical, then Def is set to the Target's WDef stat. If Magical, then the MRes stat is used instead. 6a. Apply Mission Item Bonus If the unit is in your party and Mission Items are being used, then Def is modified by the total Mission Item bonus for the relevant stat. Again, the formula used is: Def = Def + [Def * MItemBonus / 100] 7. Target's Support Check Only one Support ability exists to check here: 7a. If the Target has Weapon Def+ set and the Ability is Physical: Def = [Def * 358 / 256] (approximate 40% increase) 8. Target's Status Check Def bonuses from Statuses are now dealt with: 8a. If the Target has Shell and the Ability is Magical: Def = [Def * 358 / 256] (approximate 40% increase) 8b. If the Target has Protect and the Ability is Physical: Def = [Def * 358 / 256] (approximate 40% increase) 8c. If the Target is under Petrify status: Def = [Def * 460 / 256] (approximate 80% increase) 8d. If the Target is a Frog: Def = [Def * 25 / 256] (approximate 90% decrease) 8e. If the Target is under Defense: Def = [Def * 358 / 256] (approximate 40% increase) 8f. If the Target has MRes UP and the Ability is Magical: Def = [Def * 358 / 256] (approximate 40% increase) 8g. If the Target has MRes DOWN and the Ability is Magical: Def = [Def * 179 / 256] (approximate 30% decrease) 8h. If the Target has WDef UP and the Ability is Physical: Def = [Def * 358 / 256] (approximate 40% increase) 8i. If the Target has WDef DOWN and the Ability is Physical: Def = [Def * 179 / 256] (approximate 30% decrease) 9. Target's Equipment Check Again, if the Target is a Frog, this step is skipped. Otherwise, if the Ability is Physical, we add the WDef bonus from all equipped items to the Def stat. If Magical, we add the MRes bonus from all equipped items instead. 10. Def Cap Def is now capped at 999 maximum. 11. Base Damage We can finally work out the base damage. Dam (the Damage variable) is set to: Dam = Att - [Def / 2] Dam is then capped to 1 minimum. 12. Get Ability's Power stat Now we need to get the Power of the ability being used. Under the basic damage routine, the following things are checked for: 12a. If using Dmg Variation 1 (used for Throw), then Power is set to the WAtk of the Primary Weapon, or the Unarmed WAtk of the Attacker's Job if the Attacker is unarmed. Then, the following is applied to it: Power = [Power * 384 / 256] (50% increase in Power) 12b. If using Dmg Variation 2 (used for Hurl), then Power is set to the WAtk of the Primary Weapon, or the Unarmed WAtk of the Attacker's Job if the Attacker is unarmed. Then, if this is not a Predicted Value: Power = [Power * Rand{256..512} / 256] 12c. Otherwise, this is a standard attack. If we're using Fight or the Ability we're using uses Weapon Power, then Power is set to EqAtk. Otherwise, Power is set to the Power of the Ability. 13. Apply Power bonus The Power stat is now applied to the damage: Dam = [Power * Dam / 100] Dam is capped again to 1 minimum. 14. Elemental Check This large part of damage calculations is fairly important. First, we need to find the element of the attack. Then we have to find the resistance to that element, and finally, apply whatever bonus or penalty that resistance will give. 14a. Get Attack Element Only one Element can be applied at a time. If the Ability being used has an Element, then that takes priority. If, however, the Ability does not have an Element *and* the Ability uses Weapon Power, then we take the element of the Primary Weapon instead. If no element can be found, then the attack is Non-Element and we can skip the rest of Step 14. 14b. Retrieve Target's Resistance First off, we get the Natural Resistance the unit has against the chosen element. This is the baseline that we'll be using. Then, we check all equipment the Target is wearing. If the Target is wearing any equipment that affects the Attack's Element, then this *overwrites* any Natural Resistance the Target has. We take the *best* resistance value that the Equipment has, where: Absorb > Null > Resist > Weak 14c. Element Enhancement from Equipment The Attacker's equipment is now checked for anything that enhances the Attack's Element. If an Enhancement is found on an item, the Target's Resistance to that Element is dropped by one step along the following lines: Absorb -> Null -> Resist -> Normal -> Weak The Resistance can't be lowered below Weak. In addition, this enhancement can only be applied once. (BUG: A bug in the code causes the game to forget when it has already applied the bonus to Ice, Lightning, Water, Holy and Dark elements. As such, these elements can get *multiple* Enhancement from equipment! Fire, Wind and Earth are immune to this bug) 14d. Geomancy Check If the Attacker has Geomancy set, then the Target's Resistance is lowered by one step, no matter which Element it was. 14e. Mission Item Check If the Attacker is on your party and at least one of the Mission Item's enhance the Attack's Element, then the Target's Resistance is dropped by another step. Multiple Mission Items enhancing the same Element do not stack. 14f. Apply Damage Bonus Finally, we see what the final Resistance value is. If Weak: Dam = [Dam * 3 / 2] If Resist: Dam = [Dam / 2] If Null: Dam = 0 If Absorb: Dam = -Dam If Normal: Dam = Dam 15. Critical Hit (Note: we are not sure if this is the critical hit check) If the Ability has managed to score a Critical Hit, then: Dam = [Dam * 3 / 2] 16. Expert Guard Check If the Target has Expert Guard set, then Dam is set to 0. 17. Random Variance If this is not a Predicted Damage, then Random Variance is now used: x = [Dam / 10] Dam = Dam + Rand{0..2x} - x This gives an approximate random variance of between 90 to 110% of the base value. 18. Unknown (we are not sure what this checks, or if it is the Critical Hit Check) If some unknown condition holds true: Dam = [Dam * 3 / 2] 19. Weapon Effects If the Ability uses Weapon Power, then the following Weapon Effects are also checked for: 19a. If the Weapon drains HP and the Target is Undead: Dam = -Dam 19b. If the Weapon heals on attack: Dam = -Dam 20. Cap Damage Finally, Damage is capped at 999 maximum and -999 minimum. (Note: There is an extra step in the code between Steps 3 and 4 that checks if the Ability being used is Mog Shield. If it is, it doubles the Att stat. However, Mog Shield does *not* call the Damage Function, so this extra step is never used. Consider it a bug or an undocumented feature) ============ == COMBOS == ============ The Combo option is an interesting alternative to the Fight command. It offers the following advantages: 1. It ignores Reaction abilities. 2. The unit initiating the Combo is guaranteed to do 100% of their normal Fight damage with their primary weapon. 3. Allied units with Combo abilities set, if in range, can add multipliers to the total Combo damage. To use a Combo, you must have 1 or more JP on the person starting it. Once this is achieved, you may select to Combo anything within your weapon's range. When the Combo target has been selected, it will become highlighted. On top of that, *all* allied units who are equipped with a Combo ability and are in range of that same enemy will intermittently pulse white. The range depends on the Combo ability they have, not their weapon; each Combo ability has its own unique range. In addition, their JP is not important; only the Combo initiator's JP is used at all. The Combo itself does non-random damage based on the initiator's normal weapon damage. In a single unit Combo, you will do 100% of your normal damage with your primary weapon with what we will call the Finishing Strike. The Finishing Strike's animation depends on the type of weapon you have equipped. One thing to note is that if you have Double Sword equipped, you will begin the attack with a standard hit chance strike from your primary weapon before the Combo begins - this can miss, but it does mean that even with Double Sword, Combo is still advantageous to use. It should also be noted that Combos take the weapons element, and the base damage will be affected by this. The base damage dealt comes from the predicted damage you would be given from choosing the Fight command. The Combo gets interesting when you have other units join in. This is when the Chain begins. In a Chain, each Combo has a percentage chance of striking, depending on the *exact* Combo ability used by your allies. The exact test for this is: If ([Rand{0..9999} / 100] < Hit%) Then: Combo Succeeds ...where Hit% is the coded chance out of 100% for the chained Combo to hit the target. Each Combo in the Chain has its own unique Hit% depending on what they're using, and the enemy cannot alter this chance with any kind of evasion. When all valid allies have added their strike to the Chain, the Finishing Strike is used. The actual damage dealt depends on the Chain itself. If there is no Chain or no hits in the Chain connected, then the damage Multiplier will simply be 100%: the Finishing Strike will do 'normal' damage, no matter how much JP the initiator had. However, if at least one of the Combos in the Chain hit, then the Multiplier can rise. To start with, the Power of each connecting Combo in the Chain is added to the Multiplier. This is usually 10% at default, but some Combos are as weak as 5%, while others as strong as 15%. For example, if two 10% Combos and a 5% Combo in the Chain all connected, the Multiplier would be boosted up to 125%. Finally, JP is factored in. Remember, JP *only* counts if at least one of the Combos in the Chain hit, and only the JP of the person who initiated the Combo matters. JP modifies the Multiplier by the following formula: Multiplier = [Multiplier * (10 + 4 * JP) / 10] This means that at 5 JP, the Multiplier would be itself multiplied by 3. At the grand total of 10 JP, the Multiplier would be at 5 times its base value. Once the final Multiplier has been worked out, it is applied to the Finishing Strike's normal damage, rounding down. Even the weakest 10 JP Chain is guaranteed to multiply the final damage by 5, while a 5 JP Chain is equal or better than any Ultima. The best damage possible is 860% of normal, which would require four allies each with 15% Power Combos, a single ally with either Monk or Gadget Combo (for the Range), and 10 JP on the unit initiating the Combo, who does so with a ranged weapon. Just to reiterate however, weapon element and other bonuses are handled *before* the Multiplier is applied to the damage; the base damage is exactly the same as the predicted damage the Fight command uses. Combo Ability Stats =================== Finally, here's a list of all the Combos and their unique stats. Power is the base bonus they add to the Multiplier when used in a Chain, Range is the maximum distance they can be from the target to join in a Chain, and Hit% is the chance they have of hitting the target when in a Chain. Combo Power Range Hit% ============================================== Combat Combo 10% 1 100% Knight Combo 10% 1 100% Fight Combo 15% 1 70% Thief Combo 5% 2 100% Ninja Combo 5% 2 100% White Combo 5% 4 60% Black Combo 5% 4 60% Spell Combo 10% 4 40% Blue Combo 10% 4 40% Bow Combo 5% 6 40% Hunt Combo 8% 4 50% ---------------------------------------------- Combat Combo 10% 1 100% Dragon Combo 10% 2 100% Defend Combo 15% 1 70% Sword Combo 10% 1 100% Monk Combo 12% 2 90% Pray Combo 8% 4 60% Sacred Combo 12% 1 100% ---------------------------------------------- White Combo 5% 4 60% Black Combo 5% 4 60% Time Combo 5% 4 60% Spell Combo 10% 4 40% Gold Combo 10% 2 60% Beast Combo 12% 1 100% Morph Combo 10% 2 100% Wise Combo 10% 2 60% ---------------------------------------------- Lunge Combo 10% 1 100% Spirit Combo 10% 3 60% Red Combo 10% 2 70% White Combo 5% 4 60% Summon Combo 10% 4 40% Bow Combo 5% 6 40% Killer Combo 10% 2 100% Sniper Combo 8% 4 50% ---------------------------------------------- Animal Combo 12% 1 100% Charge Combo 15% 1 70% Gun Combo 5% 5 40% Thief Combo 5% 2 100% Juggle Combo 10% 3 70% Gadget Combo 12% 6 30% Black Combo 5% 4 60% Time Combo 5% 4 60% ============================================== ================ == TURN ORDER == ================ Turn Order is decided by one stat - Speed - and two variables: Counter and Reserve. Speed is self-explanatory. The faster you are, the quicker your turn comes around. It's also linear; if you have twice as much speed than another unit, then your turn will come around twice as quickly. However, due to the interplay between Counter and Reserve, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll get twice the turns. Let's examine this. At the start of the battle, Counter and Reserve for *all* units are reset to 0. From there, the game works on a clocktick system; every tick, your Counter is incremented by your Speed. The magic number a unit has to reach is 1000. Once you reach 1000, you can take your turn on that clocktick. However, if your Counter goes *above* 1000, then the Reserve variable comes into play. First off, the current Reserve for this tick (we'll call this Base Reserve) is worked out by subtracting 1000 from the unit with the *highest* Counter value. The maximum the Reserve can be is 500, even if the active unit's Counter is greater than 1500. The minimum, obviously, is 0, which occurs when no unit has reached 1000 yet. Now, for *all* units in play, we subtract the Base Reserve from their Counter. If their Counter is less than the Base Reserve, then we set their Reserve equal to their current Counter value and reset their Counter to 0; otherwise, we simply set their Reserve to the Base Reserve value. As an example: let's say Marche (Speed 151) is fighting alone against a Lamia (Speed 148). For the first ticks, the variables look like this: Marche Lamia Tick Cnt Res Cnt Res 0 0 0 0 0 1 151 0 148 0 2 302 0 296 0 3 453 0 444 0 4 604 0 592 0 5 755 0 740 0 6 906 0 888 0 7 1000 57 979 57 What this ends up doing is creating an artificial method to slow units down. You see, the only units that can take a turn on a specified clocktick are those that have a *Counter* value of greater than 1000. The Lamia had 1036 before Reserve came into play, and now she must wait until the next tick before she can take a turn. Rarely, multiple units will share the highest Counter value, and will all be eligible to take a turn on the current clocktick. These ties are worked out according to what your *starting* position on the map was. Let's look at this first: If we label the topmost corner of the map as the northwestmost point and the rightmost corner of the map as the northeastmost point, then we can define an order like this: 1. Start from the NW-most point, and head towards SW-most point. 2. As we go down this column, we number each unit we come across in sequential order. 3. Once the SW-most point has been reached, start again at the NW-most point, but move one tile east. 4. Continue south along this line, numbering as we come across them. 5. Continue steps 3 and 4 until the furthest east line (NE-most to SE-most point) has been done. In other words, the further west you are, the 'higher' in the queue you are. And if you're on the same N-S line as another unit, then the further north you are, the 'higher' in the queue you'll be. Numbering the units like this (or adding them to an invisible queue) gives us a way of sorting out ties. Let us say we numbered them from 1 to 13, giving us enough space for 6 player units, 6 enemy units and the Judge. If a tie involving the Counter occurs, then the unit with the *LOWEST* number goes first, always. Quick turns are similar, as are how their ties are worked out. If two units are both under Quick status in the same turn, then the unit with the *HIGHEST* number goes first, always. Also note that Quick has priority over *anything* else that currently has a normal turn. We said before that a unit's Counter is incremented by their Speed every clocktick. However, they also have any points in their Reserve value added in too. Let's look at this quickly with the example we used above, assuming that Marche chooses to stay where he is and Wait: Marche Lamia Tick Cnt Res Cnt Res 6 906 0 888 0 7 1000 57 979 57 8 467 184 1000 184 So what happened here? Well, the Lamia couldn't take her turn on Tick 7, so at the start of Tick 8, her Counter is incremented by her Speed (148) *and* what was left in her Reserve (57). This added up to 1184, and since she now has the highest Counter (and its greater than 1000), the Base Reserve is now 184. So we subtract 184 from everyone's Counter and put it in their Reserve. And Marche? Waiting subtracts 500 from his Counter (reducing it to 500), but it also resets his Reserve to 0. The extra points he used to get above 1000 are wasted, used only to slow down the units who didn't make it to 1000 with as much overlap as he did. So, on the next clocktick, he has 500 to start with, gains 151 from his Speed, but then we factor in the 184 Base Reserve from the Lamia getting her turn. So his Counter drops to 467 (which is 651 - 184), and his Reserve is set to 184. Let's watch a different theoretical example to show how this comes into play: Marche (150 Speed) is now fighting a Toughskin (145 Speed). Every turn they get, they choose to both Move and use an Action. Here's how it goes. Marche Toughskin Tick Cnt Res Cnt Res 0 0 0 0 0 1 150 0 145 0 2 300 0 290 0 3 450 0 435 0 4 600 0 580 0 5 750 0 725 0 6 900 0 870 0 7 1000 50 965 50 8 0 150 1000 160 9 300 0 145 0 10 450 0 290 0 11 600 0 435 0 12 750 0 580 0 13 900 0 725 0 14 1000 50 820 50 15 135 15 1000 15 16 300 0 145 0 We'll stop there; you can see that Tick 16 is *exactly* the same as Tick 9. This means that although Marche is faster than the Toughskin, he'll never get to take two turns in one of the Toughskins single turns; not with the way things are now. So you can see the slowing down effect here already. It becomes even more pronounced the more units in battle there are: units that are slightly slower than their comrades end up building huge Reserve values that get wasted when they finally take their turn. You may sometimes have to build up to an effective Counter value of *1500* (1000 plus 500 in Reserve) to take your turn, simply because of units being slightly faster. Note, however, that you'll always get your turn when the Counter passes 1500 at max, due to the fact that Reserve can never be greater than 500. We've touched on this a bit already, but let's look at how actions during your current turn can affect your Counter. First off, what you do on your turn affects what your Counter is reduced by when your turn ends. There are three main things that can occur: Event Counter Cost ============================== Turn Taken 500 Move 300 Action 200 So, you're guaranteed to lose 500 from your Counter (which usually reduces you to 500 max). Moving reduces this by 300 more (for a total of 800), and an Action would reduce this by 200 more (for a total of 1000 if you both Moved and Acted). You can practically take your turn twice as fast if you decide to Wait without doing anything. Haste adds double your Speed to your Counter every clocktick, Slow havles the amount added, rounding down. So for example, if you had a Speed of 125, under Haste you'd get 250 per clocktick, and under Slow you'd get 62 per clocktick. Stop, despite its name, has no effect on the Counter; it acts like any other paralysing status. Quick sets a byte on the unit that will force it to go next in the current tick, regardless of the value of their Counter. It also sets their Reserve to 4096 when they take their turn; this affects nothing however, since after they've finished their turn, they'll still have their Reserve reset to 0. In addition, because your Counter value is unchanged and will still be reduced normally by whatever you do during this extra turn, you may end up having to wait even longer for your next turn if all you did was Wait after having Quick used on you. Finally, certain moves have the bonus ability of Delaying a target. This resets their Counter to 0 (but not their Reserve). Summary ======= A recap of the entire Turn Order system: After Placement: All units are given a 'number' denoting an order with which we use to break ties. Units are numbered from 1 up, starting from the westernmost column and working south each time. Units with lower numbers have priority when ties involving the Counter are concerned. Units with higher numbers have priority when ties involving Quick are concerned. 1. Start of a new turn. Very first thing we do is check for Quick status. If any unit is in Quick status, the unit with the highest ID that is under Quick takes their turn. Their Quick status is removed. Once their turn is done, go back to 1. 2. If any unit has a Counter value greater than or equal to 1000, then we select the unit with the lowest ID that has a Counter of 1000 or more to take their turn now. Once their turn is over, we go back to 1. 3. If no one is in Quick status, then we increment Counters. Counters are increased by each unit's Speed value and their Reserve. All units Reserve values are now reset. If Hasted, a unit adds double their Speed stat instead; if Slowed, a unit adds half their Speed rounded down. 4. If no unit has a Counter value equal to or greater than 1000, then return to 1. 5. Base Reserve is worked out. The unit with the highest Counter value is used for this. Base Reserve is equal to either 'Counter - 1000' or 500, whichever is smaller. All units have an amount taken from their Counter equal to the Base Reserve, and this amount placed in their Reserve stat. The Counter cannot go below 0; if there is not enough in the Counter to take the entire Base Reserve value, then only enough to reduce the Counter to 0 is taken. After this, we go back to 1. After Unit's Turn: Once a unit has finished their turn, their Reserve stat is reset to 0 and their Counter is decreased depending on what they did: they lose 500 points irregardless, and an additional 200 for an Action and 300 for a Move. Their Counter cannot be reduced below 0. ====================== == MISC COMBAT DATA == ====================== For now, very sparse. But it was highly requested, so I've put it here for now: the Enemy Throw/Hurl List. Enemies that use Throw/Hurl have an unlimited number of items to pick from. However, *what* they throw or hurl depends entirely on the level of the unit using it. Higher level units throw rarer items, in general. There are 10 lists for this, each list containing 20 items and covering a range of levels. The following chart shows all 10 lists as well as the level range they apply to: Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 (L 1-L 4) (L 5-L 9) (L 10-L 14) (L 15-L 19) ======================================================================== Jack Knife Jack Knife Jack Knife Jack Knife Short Sword Silver Sword Buster Sword Burglar Sword Sweep Blade Shadow Blade Sun Blade Atmos Blade Blue Sabre Shamshir Aqua Sabre Harpe Defender Apocalypse Lionheart Ragnarok Barong Ancient Sword Diamond Sword Hardedge Samson Sword Falchion Predator Striborg Jack Knife Kris Knife Kukri Kard Stinger Fleuret Scarlette Silver Rapier Ninja Knife Murasame Ashura Osafune White Staff Guard Staff Judge Staff Cure Staff Rod Firewheel Rod Thunder Rod Sleet Rod Battle Mace Energy Mace Druid Mace Sage Crosier Longbow Char Bow Thorn Bow Nail Bow Windslash Bow Ranger Bow Cranequin Twin Bow Javelin Lava Spear Gae Bolg Ice Lance Demon Bell Glass Bell War Trumpet Conch Shell Hard Knuckles Rising Sun Sick Knuckles Dream Claws Goblin Soul Flan Soul Bomb Soul Dragon Soul Aiot Gun Silver Cannon Riot Gun Chaos Rifle Type 5 Type 6 Type 7 Type 8 (L 20-L 24) (L 25-L 29) (L 30-L 34) (L 35-L 39) ======================================================================== Jack Knife Jack Knife Jack Knife Jack Knife Gale Sword Blood Sword Restorer Vitanova Flametongue Air Blade Kwigon Blade Pearl Blade Manganese Icebrand Ogun Blade Paraiba Blade Lohengrin SaveTheQueen Arch Sword Excalibur Vigilante Rondell Dagger Zorlin Shape Orichalcum El Cid Sword Claymore Vajra Garnet Staff Scramasax Jambiya Sword Breaker Cinquedea Djinn Flyssa Joyeuse Colichemarde Madu Petalchaser Kotetsu Kikuichimonji Heaven's Cloud Pure Staff Bless Staff Snake Staff Spring Staff Terre Rod Force Rod Flame Rod Thor Rod Morning Star Mandragora Life Crosier Lotus Mace Silver Bow Artemis Bow Yoichi Bow Target Bow Fey Bow Hades Bow Nike Bow Master Bow Partisan Kain's Lance Trident Dragon Whisker Earth Bell Black Quena Fairy Harp Aona Flute Kaiser Knuckles Cat Claws White Fangs Godhand Lamia Soul Bug Soul Panther Soul Malboro Soul Lost Gun Peacemaker Giot Gun Longbarrel Type 9 Type 10 (L 40-L 44) (L 45-L 50) ================================== Jack Knife Jack Knife Onion Sword Laglace Sword Materia Blade Adaman Blade Tulwar Soul Sabre Excalibur2 Nagrarok Master Sword Zankplus Beastsword Eclipse Tonberrian Tiptaptwo Epeprism Last Letter Masamune Charfire Cheer Staff Dream Watcher Stardust Rod Heretic Rod Scorpion Tail Cactus Stick Perseus Bow Crescent Bow Marduk Bow Gastra Bow Odin Lance Beastspear Blood Strings Fell Castanets Tiger Fangs Greaseburst Eye Soul Dread Soul Outsider Bindsnipe ============ == QUESTS == ============ Quests are a huge part of the game. Not only do they give you your next objective, but they also A Quest will be available for a set number of days before it disappears. When it disappears, it will not be available for a precise number of days known as its Timeout factor. Once the Timeout is over however, it will reappear at the next available opportunity. Quests can also disappear and be subject to the Timeout if you accept them and either fail or cancel the Quest. The Timeout starts as soon as your unit reports back or you cancel it. If you successfully complete a quest, most will never appear again. However, some Quests are Repeatable, and have a seperate Completion Timeout stat related to that. When you complete a Repeatable Quest, it will not reappear for the amount of time indicated by its Completion Timeout. Once it reappears however, it will return to using its normal Timeout stat until you complete it again. Quests appear as *soon* as they are able. This generally requires the completion of one or more requirements to start with. Some quests, however, will only appear in certain months or in certain towns. In addition, there is a limit to the number of quests that can be available at once. Only 16 can be shown to you at any one time. The 16 that are shown are, essentially, first come, first served: quests that become available first have priority, and will not get pushed off until their Available time runs out. Also, if two quests become available at the same time, the one with the lower ID takes priority. (Example: Tower Ruins (#032) has a lower ID than Twin Swords (#036)) Only available quests count towards this limit of 16. Quests that are currently in Timeout or have been otherwise disabled (for instance, only showing during a different month) will not prevent others from appearing. Quests that you have accepted but not completed *DO* count towards the limit. However, even if you can't see an available quest due to the limit, it will *still* be there, using up its available time. You can generally get such quests to appear if you accept different quests and then cancel them. So, in summary: 1. Only 16 quests can be made available to you at any one time. Quests that have been accepted but still require completion count towards this limit. 2. Quests that are in Timeout or are waiting for the correct month do not count towards this. 3. Quests that are only available in a certain town follow the rules as normal, but will only appear if you are in that particular town. When in other towns, they will not prevent another quest from taking its place. However, they retain their old priority and will reappear when you revisit their town until they Timeout. 4. Quests that are hidden due to the 16 limit still go through the process of availability, and if they are left too long without another quest being removed to make room for them, they will go into Timeout as normal. Dispatches ========== Unlike other quests, success on Dispatches have a large random element to them. Each Dispatch is a contest between the selected units Competence and the quest's Difficulty. Unit Competence =============== Competence is a measure of how strong the unit you're sending is. The major part of this score is derived from what we shall call your Stats Score. Your Stats Score includes bonuses from Equipment, and it is worked out like so: Stats Score = Lvl * 2 + [HP / 15] + [MP / 15] + [Total WAtk / 10] + [Total WDef / 10] + [Total MPow / 10] + [Total MRes / 10] Bonuses are now applied. The first bonus depends on whether the unit is in an Expert Job or not - these are the jobs which must be unlocked by gaining A-Abilities in the Basic Jobs. Expert Jobs get a 10 point boost to their Stats Score. So to put it in perspective, being in an Expert Job is like having 5 extra levels, or 150 extra HP/MP, or 100 extra WAtk/WDef/MPow/MRes. Also, you can get bonuses depending on the unit's compatibility with the Quest given. The order these are done in are as follows: Recommended Job A Quest may have a job that is better suited for it than any other. An example of this is Animist in the Quest Malboro Hunt. If you use this job, you get a 20% bonus, applied like so: Stats Score = [Stats Score * 120 / 100] Forbidden Job Not a bonus, and not factored in at this stage, but since it's the companion to Recommended Job, I'll describe it here. Rarely, a Quest may single out a job that is completely unsuited to the task in hand. If you use this job, then, no matter what your Competence level, no matter what the Difficulty of the quest... you will fail. The unit will never rise above a kneeling posture, and you will not even get the 10/256 chance that other kneeling units get. Avoid using a Forbidden Job entirely. An example of a Forbidden Job is Bishop in the Quest Hundred-Eye. Clan Skill Bonus Almost all quests also have a recommended Clan Skill requirement. This is different from the Requirements of a quest in that you don't *have* to have it to take the mission. But if you do, a small bonus of 5% is applied to the Stats Score of any unit you send on the quest: Stats Score = [Stats Score * 105 / 100] Finally, your Competence is worked out by adding the extra Weapon Atk obtained from your equipment (with the exception of Secondary Weapon, naturally): Competence = Stats Score + EqAtk Quest Difficulty ================ The Difficulty of a quest is a static value. The quest with the highest difficulty is a Rank 7 one called Thorny Dreams, with 356 Difficulty. The lowest difficulty in the game is 30, which includes all the Race specific hiring Dispatches. Depending on how the Competence value compares to the Difficulty, you will have different chances of success... but also different possible bonuses if you complete it. The full list is as such, with Difference being the value of Competence minus Difficulty: Difference Success Chance Gil AP ===================================================== - -50 10/256 ( 3.9%) 200% 250% -49 - -30 80/256 (31.3%) 150% 200% -29 - -10 130/256 (50.8%) 110% 150% - 9 - 0 230/256 (89.8%) 100% 100% 1 + 255/256 (99.6%) 100% 100% ===================================================== As you can see, the closer your Competence is to the Difficulty, the better the chance of successfully completing the quest. And once you completely beat the Difficulty, you have the absolute best chance of success. However, if you complete a quest with a far less chance of success than normal, you will gain bonuses to both the Gil and AP available from this. ============================================================================= NOTE: AP will round down to the nearest multiple of 10 due to the way in which it is rewarded and stored. ============================================================================= On the technical side, the chance out of 256 is worked by comparing the success rate (10, 80, 130, 230 and 255) with Rand{0..255}; you will succeed if the random number is *less* than the success rate, and fail if it is equal to or greater than the rate. Also note that success is worked out as *soon* as you accept the quest, and that the use of Mission Items have *NO* effect on your stats, Competence or the probability of your success. You can see the rough chance you have of completing a quest with a certain character by watching their animation when you're picking who to send. Units with a Difference of -9 or greater will jump in the air, while those who are between 10 to 49 points less than it will walk. Units who have a Competence that is 50 points or more under the Difficulty will kneel, demonstrating the absolute worse chance of completing the quest. However, as you can work out, those that are jumping will not get a bonus from completing the quest: keep this in mind. Finally, remember that when a Quest has a Forbidden Job, that job will have *0%* chance of success. They will kneel, as normal, no matter what their stats, but unlike other jobs for that Quest, they will never succeed. Avoid them, if you can. =============== == YOUR CLAN == =============== In time, we'll cover everything your Clan stats, skills and achievements can do for you. For now though, we'll just cover the various discounts and bonuses Clan Level and Turf can get you. Clan Points/Clan Level ====================== Completion of quests can earn you Clan Points. Every 100 Clan Points you earn gives you an increase in Clan Level. Clan Level governs a few things which we shall cover in a moment, but the most *immediate* effect gaining a Clan Level will have is a bonus to your Clan Skills. The bonus you get upon achieving a particular level is specifically set and listed below. For example, upon achieving Clan Level 3, you would automatically gain a single level in Smithing. Gaining Clan Level 93, on the other hand, would give you a bonus of 2 levels each in Combat, Appraise and Negotiate. Here's the full list: =====================================+==================================== Lv Com Mag Smt Crf App Gth Neg Trk | Lv Com Mag Smt Crf App Gth Neg Trk 1 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | 51 --- --- 2 --- --- --- --- --- 2 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | 52 --- --- --- 2 --- --- --- --- 3 --- --- 1 --- --- --- --- --- | 53 --- --- --- --- 2 --- --- --- 4 --- --- --- 1 --- --- --- --- | 54 --- --- --- --- --- 2 --- --- 5 --- --- --- --- 1 --- --- --- | 55 --- --- --- --- --- --- 2 --- 6 --- --- --- --- --- 1 --- --- | 56 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 2 7 --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 --- | 57 2 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 8 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 | 58 --- 2 --- --- --- --- --- --- 9 1 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- | 59 --- --- 2 --- --- --- 2 --- 10 --- 1 --- --- --- --- --- --- | 60 --- --- --- 2 --- --- --- 2 =====================================+==================================== 11 --- --- 1 --- --- --- 1 --- | 61 2 --- --- --- 2 --- --- --- 12 --- --- --- 1 --- --- --- 1 | 62 --- 2 --- --- --- 2 --- --- 13 1 --- --- --- 1 --- --- --- | 63 --- --- 2 --- --- --- 2 --- 14 --- 1 --- --- --- 1 --- --- | 64 --- --- --- 2 --- --- --- 2 15 --- --- 1 --- --- --- 1 --- | 65 2 --- --- --- 2 --- --- --- 16 --- --- --- 1 --- --- --- 1 | 66 --- 2 --- --- --- 2 --- --- 17 1 --- --- --- 1 --- --- --- | 67 --- --- 2 --- --- --- 2 --- 18 --- 1 --- --- --- 1 --- --- | 68 --- --- --- 2 --- --- --- 2 19 --- --- 1 --- --- --- 1 --- | 69 2 --- --- --- 2 --- --- --- 20 --- --- --- 1 --- --- --- 1 | 70 --- 2 --- --- --- 2 --- --- =====================================+==================================== 21 1 --- --- --- 1 --- --- --- | 71 --- --- 2 --- 2 --- 2 --- 22 --- 1 --- --- --- 1 --- --- | 72 --- --- --- 2 --- 2 --- 2 23 --- --- 1 --- 1 --- 1 --- | 73 2 --- --- --- 2 --- 2 --- 24 --- --- --- 1 --- 1 --- 1 | 74 --- 2 --- 2 --- 2 --- --- 25 1 --- --- --- 1 --- 1 --- | 75 2 2 2 --- --- --- --- 2 26 --- 1 --- 1 --- 1 --- --- | 76 --- --- 2 --- 2 --- 2 --- 27 1 1 1 --- --- --- --- 1 | 77 --- --- --- 2 --- 2 --- 2 28 --- --- 1 --- 1 --- 1 --- | 78 2 --- --- --- 2 --- 2 --- 29 --- --- --- 1 --- 1 --- 1 | 79 --- 2 --- 2 --- 2 --- --- 30 1 --- --- --- 1 --- 1 --- | 80 2 2 2 --- --- --- --- 2 =====================================+==================================== 31 --- 1 --- 1 --- 1 --- --- | 81 --- --- 2 --- 2 --- 2 --- 32 1 1 1 --- --- --- --- 1 | 82 --- --- --- 2 --- 2 --- 2 33 --- --- 1 --- 1 --- 1 --- | 83 2 --- --- --- 2 --- 2 --- 34 --- --- --- 1 --- 1 --- 1 | 84 --- 2 --- 2 --- 2 --- --- 35 1 --- --- --- 1 --- 1 --- | 85 2 2 2 --- --- --- --- 2 36 --- 1 --- 1 --- 1 --- --- | 86 --- --- 2 --- 2 --- 2 --- 37 1 --- 1 --- --- --- --- 1 | 87 --- --- --- 2 --- 2 --- 2 38 --- --- 1 --- 1 --- 1 --- | 88 2 --- --- --- 2 --- 2 --- 39 --- --- --- 1 --- 1 --- 1 | 89 --- 2 --- 2 --- 2 --- --- 40 1 --- --- --- 1 --- 1 --- | 90 2 2 2 --- --- --- --- 2 =====================================+==================================== 41 --- 1 --- 1 --- 1 --- --- | 91 --- --- 2 --- 2 --- 2 --- 42 1 1 1 --- --- --- --- 1 | 92 --- --- --- 2 --- 2 --- 2 43 --- --- 1 --- 1 --- 1 --- | 93 2 --- --- --- 2 --- 2 --- 44 --- --- --- 1 --- 1 --- 1 | 94 --- 2 --- 2 --- 2 --- --- 45 1 --- --- --- 1 --- 1 --- | 95 2 2 2 --- --- --- --- 2 46 --- 1 --- 1 --- 1 --- --- | 96 3 3 3 3 --- --- --- --- 47 1 1 1 --- --- --- --- 1 | 97 --- --- --- --- 3 3 3 3 48 1 1 1 1 --- --- --- --- | 98 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 49 --- --- --- --- 1 1 1 1 | 99 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | ----------------------------------- =====================================+==================================== Finally, the total bonuses to all Clan Skills after having achieved Clan Level 99 are: Com Mag Smt Crf App Gth Neg Trk Total Bonus 55 54 55 55 55 55 55 55 Quest Prices ============ Your local bartender is a wealth of information and your primary source of quests. Information and contacts come at a price, however, and to get started on a quest, you must pay the barman his fee. The fee depends on two things: the quest itself, and what territories you have liberated. Each quest has a 'base price', which is the standard amount you can expect to pay. This price is then adjusted according to the following: 1) If you have not liberated the town you're currently in, quests cost *150%* of their base price. No discount is available. 2) If you have liberated the city, then a discount may be available. This depends on the number of territories you're currently holding. The following table illustrates this: Areas Freed Quest Price =========== =========== 0- 9 100% 10-14 95% 15-18 90% 19-21 85% 22-23 80% 24-28 70% 29-30 50% As you can see, the more territories you hold, the cheaper it will be to take quests. You go from a 150% cost at the start, all the way down to 50% cost at the very end. Note that to liberate the individual cities, you will have to go through the particularly long Clan Borzoi/Redwings subplot, Information on how to get started on this can be found elsewhere. Also note that cities only have to be taken once; they will never come under attack once liberated. Shop Prices =========== The shops are a little less discriminating when it comes to discounts, but they are impressed more by the power of your clan rather than how much land you have. Discounts are available based on your Clan Level: +=========+===============+=========+===============+ | Clan Lv | Discount | Clan Lv | Discount | +=========+===============+=========+===============+ | 1 - 9 | 0% | 60 - 69 | 25% | | 10 - 19 | 2% | 70 - 79 | 30% | | 20 - 29 | 5% | 80 - 89 | 35% | | 30 - 39 | 10% | 90 - 95 | 40% | | 40 - 49 | 15% | 96 - 99 | 50% | | 50 - 59 | 20% | ----- | ----- | +=========+===============+=========+===============+ So, at Clan L96 and above, you're looking at the max discount of 50%. On top of this, each town will add an additional 10% discount on any weapon their race can wield. Muscadet, as an example, is a Viera town, and they therefore sell Rapiers, Katanas, Staves, Bows and Greatbows at reduced prices. The full list of weapon-specific discounts are as follows: Cyril Cadoan Muscadet =====Sprohm======Baguba======= Swords X X --- --- --- Blades X X --- X --- Sabers X --- --- --- --- Knightswords X X --- --- --- Greatswords X --- --- --- --- Broadswords --- X --- --- --- Knives X --- --- X --- Rapiers --- --- --- --- X Katanas X --- --- --- X Staves X X X --- X Rods X --- X X --- Maces --- --- X --- --- Bows X --- --- --- X Greatbows X --- --- --- X Spears --- X --- --- --- Instruments --- --- X X --- Knuckles --- X --- X --- Guns --- --- --- X --- However, neither of the above discounts apply to certain items; there are a few that will never have a discount on them. These are: Estreledge Tiptaptwo Masamune Princess Rod Temple Cloth Hunt Bow Seventh Heaven Bracers Fortune Ring Scarab Star Armlet Elixir Cureall Shop Stocks =========== Finally, shop inventory is also influenced by your actions. First off, there is a basic inventory which is supplemented by two main upgrades. You start the game with just the basic, but the upgraded inventories become available after you have been in 10 and 20 battles respectively. Since 'Snowball Fight' and 'Lizard Men?!' both count as battles for this, you only need to fight 7 more battles after completing Herb Picking (#001) to gain the first upgrade, and then another 10 to get the second. For the most part, that's it for real upgrades. However, additional special items become available as you liberate more territories. These items only appear in *certain* towns; they will not be sold outside that town. In addition, they are only available while you have the certain number of territories available: if you fall below the required number of Areas Freed, they will vanish from the shops again. The full list of items sold at the shops, as well as their base prices and requirements, are located in the tables below. Basic: ==HEADGEAR==================== ============================== Bronze Helm 500 Feather Cap 350 Green Beret 800 --- --- ==ARMOR======================= ============================== Cuirass 400 Bronze Armor 1000 Leather Garb 300 Chain Plate 900 Hempen Robe 400 --- --- ==WEAPONS===================== ============================== Shortsword 300 Silver Sword 900 Sweep Blade 1500 Barong 900 Falchion 1200 Jack Knife 200 Scramasax 900 Jambiya 1700 Stinger 400 Fleuret 800 Scarlette 1500 White Staff 500 Guard Staff 800 Judge Staff 1500 Rod 600 Longbow 300 Char Bow 700 Thorn Bow 1500 Demon Bell 400 Glass Bell 1000 War Trumpet 1700 Hard Knuckles 500 Rising Sun 1000 Aiot Gun 2000 ==SHIELDS===================== ============================== Bronze Shield 400 --- --- ==ACCESSORIES================= ============================== Battle Boots 1000 Gauntlets 2000 ==ITEMS======================= ============================== Potion 50 Hi-Potion 200 X-Potion 700 Antidote 50 Eye Drops 50 Echo Screen 50 Maiden Kiss 50 Soft 100 Holy Water 2000 Bandage 200 Phoenix Down 300 --- --- ============================== ============================== 1st Upgrade: ==HEADGEAR==================== ============================== Iron Helm 1200 --- --- ==ARMOR======================= ============================== Iron Armor 1500 Adaman Vest 1400 Survival Vest 2500 Silken Robe 1000 ==WEAPONS===================== ============================== Buster Sword 1600 Shadow Blade 2500 Sun Blade 3000 Atmos Blade 4000 Blue Saber 1000 Shamshir 2200 Apocalypse 3000 Lionheart 4000 Ragnarok 7000 Ancient Sword 2000 Samson Sword 2500 Estoc 3000 Flamberge 5000 Ninja Knife 2000 Murasame 5000 Ashura 7000 Osafune 8000 Kotetsu 10000 Pure Staff 3000 Bless Staff 4000 Firewheel Rod 1500 Thunder Rod 1500 Sleet Rod 1500 Terre Rod 2700 Battle Mace 2000 Energy Mace 3500 Druid Mace 6000 Sage Crosier 9000 Silver Bow 2500 Windslash Bow 3000 Ranger Bow 2000 Cranequin 5000 Javelin 3000 Lava Spear 5000 Ice Lance 8000 Partisan 10000 Conch Shell 3000 Earth Bell 5000 Black Quena 7000 Satyr Flute 10000 Sick Knuckles 2000 Dream Claws 3200 Kaiser Knuckles 5700 Silver Cannon 3000 ==SHIELDS===================== ============================== Round Shield 1000 --- --- ==ACCESSORIES================= ============================== --- --- --- --- ==ITEMS======================= ============================== --- --- --- --- ============================== ============================== 2nd Upgrade: ==HEADGEAR==================== ============================== Opal Helm 2500 Circlet 1800 Headband 3000 --- --- ==ARMOR======================= ============================== Platemail 3000 Gold Armor 6000 Brigandine 3700 Judo Uniform 6000 Power Sash 7000 Magus Robe 3000 Mistle Robe 5000 --- --- ==WEAPONS===================== ============================== Burglar Sword 3000 Flametongue 5000 Air Blade 7000 Icebrand 8000 Kwigon Blade 10000 Ogun Blade 15000 Paraiba Blade 22000 Aqua Saber 3700 Defender 5000 Lohengrin 12000 Predator 4000 Striborg 5000 Kris Knife 3000 Khukuri 5000 Kard 7000 Rondell Dagger 10000 Mage Masher 8000 Kikuichimonji 12000 Heaven's Cloud 15000 Cure Staff 7000 Garnet Staff 9000 Force Rod 5000 Nail Bow 4000 Twin Bow 8000 Gae Bolg 14000 Dragon Whisker 18000 Riot Gun 5000 Chaos Rifle 8000 ==SHIELDS===================== ============================== Opal Shield 2000 --- --- ==ACCESSORIES================= ============================== Spiked Boots 1500 Dash Boots 2000 Fortune Ring 10000 Scarab 10000 ==ITEMS======================= ============================== --- --- --- --- ============================== ============================== Special Items: Areas Freed Item Town Price ==================================================== 10 Cureall Baguba 350 15 Star Armlet Cadoan 15000 20 Bracers Sprohm 15000 21 Hunt Bow Muscadet 40000 22 Estreledge Cyril 25000 23 Temple Cloth Cyril 30000 24 Masamune Muscadet 25000 25 Princess Rod Baguba 20000 26 Tiptaptwo Cadoan 27000 28 Seventh Heaven Baguba 23000 30 Elixir Cyril 20000 ==================================================== ====================== == THE MONSTER BANK == ====================== The Monster Bank is not a huge factor in the game, but it is an interesting diversion that can help make Morphers, a Nu Mou class, one of the strongest in the game. Whenever you Capture a valid monster, it is transferred to the slot reserved for it in the Monster Bank, and you also receive a Soul weapon that teaches that races Morph ability to a Morpher. When a Morpher uses a Morph ability, they are able to use the primary skillset of any monster of that race, providing they have caught the monster that has that skillset. For example, the Flan race comprises of Jelly, Ice Flan and Cream, which grant you the Melt, Chill and Scorch skillsets respectively. If you've only caught a Jelly, you'll only have the Melt skillset available. When a Morpher *uses* a monster's skillset, the Morpher transforms briefly into the *exact* monster in the Bank. This means that for the purpose of that attack, they use the monsters Weapon Atk, Weapon Def, Magic Pow and Magic Res stats, as well as certain other attributes like elemental properties. So the abilities are only as good as the monsters in your Bank. Thankfully, this is where the Monster Bank's options come in handy. At the Monster Bank, you can see a list of all the monsters you've caught. When you select one of them, you will be able to determine their rough Affection rating towards you through what they say and the thought bubble over their head. What they say changes based on their Affection for you: 0 - 29: Grrurr... (What are you looking at?) 30 - 79: (Gimme food.) 80 - 99: (Thanks for dropping by.) 100 : (I love you, Marche. No, really, I love you!) In addition, below 79, the thought bubble will show an X-like symbol (your typical anime-style throbbing vein which denotes anger/frustration, in fact). At 79+, it will instead change to a heart, indicating better affection. It doesn't mean anything, but as we shall see, it is a sign that you're nearing the max. In addition to the quote from the monster, you're given two options: Play and Release. The latter allows you to Release a monster so that you're able to catch a stronger one of the same type in a later battle; you can't catch a monster if you already have one of the same kind in the Bank. However, it's the first option - Play - where everything comes together. When you Play with a monster, you have the option of giving any of your chemist items to them. What the item does depends on the current affection of the monster and the monster's race. There are two main cases, depending on whether the affection of the monster is below the maximum of 100 or not. We'll look at the first case first (below 100 Affection). Below 100 Affection =================== Each item has a default affection rating and maximum affection value. Feeding an item to a monster will increase their affection rating up to maximum allowed for that item. The default values are: +===============+=========+=================+ | Item Name | Bonus | Affection Max | +===============+=========+=================+ | Potion | 1 | 29 | | Hi-Potion | 2 | 29 | | X-Potion | 2 | 79 | | Ether | 4 | 100 | | Elixir | 10 | 100 | | Antidote | 2 | 79 | | Eye Drops | 2 | 79 | | Echo Screen | 2 | 79 | | Maiden Kiss | 3 | 79 | | Soft | 3 | 79 | | Holy Water | 4 | 79 | | Bandage | 1 | 79 | | Cureall | 5 | 100 | | Phoenix Down | 10 | 79 | +===============+=========+=================+ Once the max for that item is achieved, giving the monster any more of that item will cause them to spit it out, wasting the item. This has no affect on their stats or affection. Note that only three items break the normal max of 79. At 79, the monster's thought bubble will change from a throbbing vein to a heart. This is a sure indication that it's time to change to the 100 max items. In addition to the default values, each race has their own likes and dislikes. If you feed a monster an item it likes, it will gain an increased amount of affection per item from it. If you feed it an item it hates, it will spit it out and gain nothing from it. The list of likes and hates are as follows: Goblin: Likes - Maiden Kiss (5 Affection) Hates - Antidote Flan: Likes - Antidote (5 Affection) Hates - Eye Drops Bomb: Likes - None Hates - Holy Water Dragon: Likes - Cureall (10 Affection) Hates - None Lamia: Likes - Echo Screen (5 Affection) Cureall (10 Affection) Hates - Maiden Kiss Bug: Likes - Soft (5 Affection) Hates - Bandage Panther: Likes - Holy Water (10 Affection) Hates - Antidote Echo Screen Malboro: Likes - Holy Water (7 Affection) Bandage (4 Affection) Hates - Cureall Floateye: Likes - Eye Drops (5 Affection) Hates - Soft Note that while they do get increased affection from an item they like, the item will still be unable to take it past the normal maximum affection value for that item. Affection itself doesn't have any special effects. The key to Affection is what it unlocks when you finally max it out. At 100 Affection ================ Once a monster is at 100 Affection, the Play option takes a different role. Now, the monster will accept any food without spitting it out... but this is deceptive. There are now two reactions the monster will use: "It seems to be enjoying it!" - Nothing happened "It seems to like that quite a lot!" - The monster has gained stats! Obviously, that second reaction is far more desirable. The way it works is particularly simple. First, you need one of the items that has a Max Affection of 100. This means that only Ethers, Elixirs and Curealls will work for this. Now, the monster will gain stats depending on the Affection value of that item. The exact formula is: Stat Gain = [Item Number * Item Affection / 10] For example, on all monsters, an Elixir will give a Stat Gain of 1 per item. However, for a Cureall you'd need 2 before you see an increase in stats, unless you were feeding it to a Lamia or Dragon. The monsters likes and dislikes still affect all this; Malboros won't increase their stats no matter how many Curealls you give them. Only Weapon Atk, Weapon Def, Magic Pow and Magic Res will increase via this method, and they will max out at 999. From all of the above, we can also note that it's a waste to give Ethers out in anything but a multiple of 5. I'll end this section with some conclusions. First, a table of the items again, this time with prices (before and after discounts). Item Name Aff Bonus Base Price Max Discount ========= ========= ========== ============ Potion 1 50 25 Hi-Potion 2 200 100 X-Potion 2 700 350 ** Ether 4 - - * Elixir 10 20000 20000 Antidote 2 50 25 Eye Drops 2 50 25 Echo Screen 2 50 25 Maiden Kiss 3 50 25 Soft 3 100 50 Holy Water 4 2000 1000 Bandage 1 200 100 * Cureall 5 350 350 Phoenix Down 10 300 150 * These items never get discounts, and are sold at specific locations; Curealls at Baguba Port after you have freed 10 Turfs, and Elixirs at Cyril after you have freed all the turfs ** Ethers can never be bought From this, we can see that Maiden Kisses are the most efficient way of getting Affection up; 25 Maiden Kisses cost 800 gil (at max discount) and get your affection to 75. The final 25 are best done via a group of 5 Curealls, and then stat raising should be done 98 Curealls at a time until you near the max. Monster likes and hates change this slightly; Goblins should only be fed 15 Maiden Kisses + 5 Curealls, Flans should be fed 15 Antidoes + 5 Curealls, Floateyes should be fed 15 Eye Drops + 5 Curealls, and Lamias should be fed 14 Echo Screens + 3 Curealls. Malboros are the worst however; you can use 26 Maiden Kisses to get them to 78, but to reach the final 100, you must use Ethers and Elixirs. 1 Ether and 2 Elixirs (or 6 Ethers and 0 Elixirs, as well as a number of other combinations) are required to do this. Raising a Malboro's stats is equally tricky, since only Ethers and Elixirs work. Keep in mind that feeding a Malboro any number of Ethers other than a multiple of 5 is a waste. 5 Ethers will give you a bonus of +2 to the primary stats. If you're planning to max them out, be aware that it'll be a long haul. ===================== == UNIT GENERATION == ===================== When a unit is generated, whether it be a new recruit looking to join your clan, or the enemies you meet in battle, one of the first things that's generated are the unit's stats. Stats depend on two primary factors: the class you were created in, and the class you level up in. In addition, there are random factors linked to both of these. Starting Stats ============== Starting Stats are considered to be your L1 stats, and are linked primarily to the job the unit is in when they are created. A list of starting stats for all jobs can be found in the following sections. There are seven stats controlled by this: HP, MP, WAtk, WDef, MPow, MRes and Speed. Your actual L1 stats will vary from roughly 95% to 115% of the starting stats, averaging at 105%. The actual algorithm for doing this is as follows: x = [Starting Stat / 20] y = [(- Rand{0..2x} - Rand{0..2x} + Rand{0..2x} + Rand{0..2x}) / 2] L1 Stat = Starting Stat + x + y For analysis/best stat purposes, we can simply say that the average will always be 'Starting Stat + x', and the range will be from 'Starting Stat - x' to 'Starting Stat + 3x' inclusive. The chances of actually getting the best starting stat in a *single* stat, however, are minimal. One final note. If a Starting Stat is 0, then it can never grow, even after levelling up. The exception is HP and MP; if they have a Starting Stat of 0, the unit will be given 10 in that stat instead. Thus, a unit with a Starting Stat of 0 MP (for example) would start with more MP than one with a Starting Stat of 5 MP. Leveling Up =========== Once a unit is created and given L1 stats, it must be levelled up to its designated starting level. This system is also used whenever any unit levels up. Because of this, it is not necessarily the case that the class you level up in is the class you were generated in. The Growth of a stat is a two part number - the Base and the Bonus Chance - which is represented as a decimal. The Base is the integer portion of the number, the Bonus Chance is the fractional portion. For example, a growth of 4.2 would mean a Base of 4 and a Bonus Chance of .2. The Base is how much that stat will rise at a minimum when a level is gained. A Base of 4 would mean you're guaranteed to gain +4 in that stat upon gaining a level. The Bonus is the chance you have of gaining an additional +1 in that stat. This is a random chance expressed as a percentage: a Bonus Chance of .2 refers to a 20% chance of gaining a +1 on any given level. The random function used to determine whether you get a +1 is: If Rand{0..9} < (Bonus Chance * 10) Then: Gain +1 in Stat We express the entire growth as a decimal to demonstrate the *average* gain you can expect. So, on average, with a Base of 4 and a Bonus Chance of .2, you can expect to gain 4.2 points per level in that stat. Over the course of 49 Level Ups, you would gain 49 * 4.2 = 205.8 points on average. Level Growth ============ The tables in this section show both the Starting Stats (labelled Bse - short for base) and the Growth (labelled Grwt) of each of the 7 primary stats for every Job class in the game. Remember that the Starting Stats can vary from roughly 95% to 115% of the listed stat, and that the Growth is both the base gain and the chance to gain an additional +1 per level. Player HP MP WAtk WDef MPow MRes Speed Jobs Bse/Grwt Bse/Grwt Bse/Grwt Bse/Grwt Bse/Grwt Bse/Grwt Bse/Grwt ============================================================================= ---HUMAN--------------------------------------------------------------------- Soldier 40/ 8.4 14/ 1.1 88/ 8.8 88/ 8.8 60/ 6.0 72/ 7.2 100/ 1.1 Paladin 38/ 7.6 22/ 2.2 80/ 8.1 92/ 9.2 72/ 7.2 88/ 8.8 98/ 0.8 Fighter 36/ 7.2 12/ 1.1 92/ 9.2 80/ 8.1 56/ 5.6 68/ 6.8 104/ 1.1 Thief 33/ 6.6 15/ 1.1 76/ 7.6 76/ 7.6 76/ 7.6 64/ 6.4 110/ 1.8 Ninja 29/ 5.8 21/ 2.1 84/ 8.4 72/ 7.2 80/ 8.1 76/ 7.6 120/ 2.1 White Mage 30/ 6.1 40/ 4.8 60/ 6.2 73/ 7.3 84/ 8.4 80/ 8.2 108/ 1.2 Black Mage 28/ 5.6 36/ 4.4 64/ 6.4 68/ 6.8 88/ 8.8 96/ 9.6 96/ 1.1 Illusionist 26/ 5.2 38/ 7.1 60/ 6.1 64/ 6.4 92/ 9.2 84/ 8.4 89/ 0.9 Blue Mage 34/ 6.8 30/ 3.6 80/ 8.1 84/ 8.4 84/ 8.4 92/ 9.2 100/ 1.2 Archer 36/ 7.2 18/ 1.1 72/ 7.2 72/ 7.2 64/ 6.4 80/ 8.1 106/ 1.4 Hunter 34/ 6.8 26/ 3.2 88/ 8.8 68/ 6.8 68/ 6.8 84/ 8.4 112/ 1.7 ---BANGAA-------------------------------------------------------------------- Warrior 46/ 9.2 10/ 2.1 92/ 9.2 84/ 8.4 62/ 6.2 68/ 6.8 95/ 0.9 Dragoon 40/ 8.2 8/ 1.2 96/ 9.6 84/ 8.4 56/ 5.6 60/ 6.4 104/ 1.1 Defender 42/ 8.4 6/ 1.1 88/ 8.8 94/ 9.4 65/ 6.5 72/ 7.2 92/ 0.9 Gladiator 40/ 8.2 18/ 2.8 94/ 9.4 88/ 8.8 59/ 5.9 64/ 6.4 97/ 1.1 White Monk 32/ 6.4 12/ 1.1 80/ 8.1 76/ 7.6 83/ 8.3 68/ 6.8 108/ 1.4 Bishop 30/ 6.1 28/ 4.6 72/ 7.2 68/ 6.8 88/ 8.8 76/ 7.6 88/ 0.9 Templar 36/ 7.2 20/ 3.2 92/ 8.2 97/ 9.7 84/ 8.4 72/ 7.2 86/ 0.8 ---NU MOU-------------------------------------------------------------------- White Mage 29/ 5.8 52/ 5.6 57/ 5.7 73/ 7.3 88/ 8.8 84/ 8.4 108/ 1.1 Black Mage 27/ 5.4 42/ 5.2 62/ 6.2 68/ 6.8 92/ 9.2 100/10.2 96/ 0.9 Time Mage 26/ 5.2 36/ 3.6 56/ 5.6 68/ 6.8 100/10.2 96/ 9.6 98/ 1.2 Illusionist 25/ 5.1 46/ 7.6 57/ 5.7 64/ 6.4 96/ 9.6 88/ 8.8 89/ 0.8 Alchemist 30/ 6.1 48/ 8.4 59/ 5.9 65/ 6.5 92/ 9.2 96/ 9.6 92/ 0.9 Beastmaster 37/ 7.4 22/ 2.1 88/ 8.8 88/ 8.8 68/ 6.8 84/ 8.4 104/ 1.2 Morpher 34/ 6.8 32/ 2.8 70/ 7.1 80/ 8.2 76/ 7.6 80/ 8.1 110/ 1.6 Sage 38/ 7.6 38/ 8.8 84/ 8.4 76/ 7.6 92/ 9.2 76/ 7.6 85/ 0.8 ---VIERA--------------------------------------------------------------------- Fencer 38/ 7.6 8/ 1.1 84/ 8.4 80/ 8.1 76/ 7.6 72/ 7.2 110/ 1.5 Elementalist 34/ 6.8 18/ 4.2 80/ 8.1 76/ 7.6 88/ 8.8 76/ 7.6 104/ 1.1 Red Mage 34/ 6.8 22/ 2.6 81/ 8.1 76/ 7.6 84/ 8.4 76/ 7.6 96/ 1.3 White Mage 30/ 6.2 31/ 4.8 62/ 6.2 72/ 7.2 88/ 8.8 76/ 7.6 115/ 1.2 Summoner 28/ 5.6 34/ 6.2 65/ 6.5 64/ 6.4 100/10.1 80/ 8.4 90/ 0.9 Archer 36/ 7.2 14/ 1.6 80/ 8.1 68/ 6.8 72/ 7.2 76/ 7.6 112/ 1.6 Assassin 26/ 5.2 18/ 5.2 88/ 8.8 68/ 6.8 92/ 9.2 72/ 7.2 125/ 2.3 Sniper 31/ 6.2 10/ 2.4 94/ 9.4 68/ 6.8 76/ 7.6 76/ 7.6 105/ 1.8 ---MOOGLE-------------------------------------------------------------------- Animist 36/ 7.2 14/ 2.6 76/ 7.6 88/ 8.8 72/ 7.2 88/ 8.8 100/ 1.2 Mog Knight 35/ 7.1 12/ 3.2 88/ 8.8 96/ 9.6 60/ 6.2 80/ 8.3 98/ 1.0 Gunner 30/ 6.2 8/ 1.1 68/ 6.8 92/ 9.2 56/ 5.6 80/ 8.1 95/ 1.1 Thief 29/ 5.8 12/ 2.2 73/ 7.3 84/ 8.4 68/ 6.8 76/ 7.6 110/ 1.9 Juggler 34/ 6.8 16/ 1.6 80/ 8.2 100/ 9.9 64/ 6.4 64/ 6.4 108/ 1.7 Gadgeteer 35/ 7.2 20/ 2.4 80/ 8.2 96/ 9.6 80/ 8.3 100/10.2 90/ 0.9 Black Mage 27/ 5.4 28/ 4.8 57/ 5.7 76/ 7.6 84/ 8.4 97/ 9.7 96/ 1.1 Time Mage 26/ 5.2 22/ 3.6 56/ 5.6 76/ 7.6 92/ 9.2 94/ 9.4 98/ 1.2 ============================================================================= Monster HP MP WpA WpD MgP MgR Speed Jobs Bse/Grwt Bse/Grwt Bse/Grwt Bse/Grwt Bse/Grwt Bse/Grwt Bse/Grwt ============================================================================= Goblin 32/ 6.4 12/ 1.6 100/ 9.2 100/ 9.9 68/ 6.8 64/ 6.4 102/ 1.1 Red Cap 41/ 8.2 32/ 3.6 110/10.2 100/ 9.7 80/ 8.2 80/ 8.3 105/ 1.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jelly 15/ 3.2 60/ 4.2 85/ 8.5 320/25.5 89/ 8.9 46/ 4.6 86/ 0.9 Ice Flan 14/ 2.8 56/ 4.2 83/ 8.3 320/25.5 88/ 8.8 49/ 4.9 90/ 0.9 Cream 16/ 3.2 52/ 4.2 87/ 8.7 320/25.5 86/ 8.6 48/ 4.8 88/ 0.9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb 26/ 5.2 42/ 0.4 90/ 8.9 80/ 8.5 80/ 8.4 72/ 7.2 104/ 1.1 Grenade 36/ 7.2 34/ 0.8 105/ 9.5 90/ 9.5 80/ 8.2 88/ 8.8 104/ 1.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Icedrake 53/10.6 24/ 2.4 114/10.4 118/10.2 76/ 7.6 60/ 6.2 84/ 0.8 Firewyrm 50/10.2 28/ 3.0 110/10.1 120/10.2 72/ 7.2 64/ 6.4 82/ 0.8 Thundrake 56/11.2 26/ 3.6 112/10.2 122/10.2 73/ 7.3 56/ 5.6 83/ 0.8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lamia 33/ 6.6 48/ 3.6 100/ 8.6 90/ 8.5 96/ 9.6 80/ 8.2 108/ 1.1 Lilith 38/ 7.6 54/ 2.8 105/ 9.2 100/ 8.9 112/11.2 96/ 9.6 110/ 1.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antlion 36/ 7.2 42/ 4.2 105/ 9.5 105/ 9.5 60/ 6.4 56/ 5.6 98/ 0.9 Jawbreaker 41/ 8.2 64/ 5.6 110/10.1 95/ 9.5 64/ 6.4 72/ 7.2 105/ 1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toughskin 41/ 8.2 84/ 6.6 80/ 8.1 240/11.5 64/ 6.4 64/ 6.4 80/ 0.8 Blade Biter 53/10.6 70/ 4.8 110/ 8.6 220/12.2 64/ 6.4 80/ 8.4 82/ 0.8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tonberry 35/ 7.1 48/ 4.4 50/ 5.1 115/ 8.0 40/ 4.1 112/11.2 148/ 1.6 Masterberry 41/ 8.2 86/ 4.4 50/ 5.2 125/ 8.4 40/ 4.2 128/11.8 165/ 1.9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Panther 38/ 7.6 24/ 2.4 105/ 7.6 110/ 8.5 80/ 8.2 80/ 8.2 108/ 1.1 Coeurl 45/ 9.2 32/ 3.6 115/10.5 120/ 8.9 96/ 9.6 96/ 9.6 110/ 1.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Malboro 40/10.4 20/ 3.6 90/ 9.2 110/ 8.0 80/ 8.2 80/ 8.4 78/ 0.7 Big Malboro 46/11.2 28/ 5.2 100/10.1 110/ 8.5 80/ 8.4 80/ 8.6 82/ 0.8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floateye 28/ 5.6 24/ 3.2 100/ 8.0 80/ 8.2 104/10.4 88/ 8.8 108/ 1.1 Ahriman 31/ 6.2 48/ 4.4 105/ 9.5 90/ 9.2 112/11.2 96/ 9.6 112/ 1.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zombie 40/ 8.3 20/ 2.8 105/10.5 90/ 9.1 68/ 6.8 72/ 7.2 88/ 0.8 Vampire 51/10.2 42/ 4.6 120/ 9.5 108/ 9.7 120/ 9.5 104/10.4 112/ 0.8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprite 21/ 4.2 40/ 5.1 90/ 8.0 75/ 7.5 100/10.2 112/10.2 118/ 1.3 Titania 28/ 5.6 62/ 7.2 105/ 9.5 80/ 8.2 128/12.8 116/10.6 124/ 1.4 ============================================================================= Misc HP MP WpA WpD MgP MgR Speed Jobs Bse/Grwt Bse/Grwt Bse/Grwt Bse/Grwt Bse/Grwt Bse/Grwt Bse/Grwt ============================================================================= Runeseeker 35/ 7.2 60/ 8.8 83/ 8.4 50/ 5.1 88/ 8.8 61/ 6.2 105/ 1.0 Hermetic 28/ 5.6 60/ 1.1 50/ 5.3 50/ 5.3 114/11.1 114/10.2 92/ 0.9 Judgemaster 72/ 9.3 18/ 1.3 82/ 8.4 92/ 9.4 68/ 6.2 84/ 8.6 95/ 1.4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mateus 73/14.6 44/ 7.2 170/11.4 150/10.4 120/ 9.6 120/11.4 108/ 1.0 Adrammelech 67/13.4 44/ 2.4 160/11.1 130/10.6 112/10.5 104/10.6 112/ 1.1 Ultima Crystal 23/ 4.6 44/ 1.6 120/10.8 150/10.7 96/ 9.6 80/ 8.5 92/ 0.9 Exodus Fruit 7/ 1.4 5/ 1.6 10/ 1.1 100/ 9.9 8/ 0.8 80/ 8.4 0/ 0.0 Famfrit 60/12.3 44/ 5.2 150/10.6 140/11.2 96/ 9.4 104/10.6 98/ 1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Biskmatar 33/ 6.6 60/ 4.2 87/ 8.8 80/ 8.4 80/ 8.2 96/ 9.6 108/ 1.0 Battle Queen 75/15.2 80/ 0.8 96/12.4 112/11.8 124/10.4 112/11.6 96/ 1.1 Li-grim 75/14.4 80/ 2.8 96/10.8 112/10.5 124/10.8 112/11.4 96/ 1.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official 40/ 8.4 14/ 1.1 88/ 8.8 88/ 8.8 60/ 6.0 72/ 7.2 100/ 1.1 Judge 65/ 8.2 22/ 4.8 83/ 7.8 90/ 8.9 92/ 9.2 100/10.2 92/ 1.1 Judge 85/ 9.4 18/ 5.2 80/ 7.2 88/ 8.6 75/ 6.8 78/ 8.2 100/ 1.8 Judge 75/10.2 14/ 3.4 95/ 8.8 94/ 9.2 59/ 5.9 64/ 7.8 95/ 1.4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Box 3/ 0.6 0/ 0.0 5/ 0.2 60/ 0.6 0/ 0.0 0/ 0.0 0/ 0.0 Statue 25/ 5.3 0/ 0.0 5/ 0.2 100/ 9.1 20/ 2.2 30/ 3.2 0/ 0.0 Sphere 15/ 3.4 0/ 0.0 5/ 0.2 80/ 8.1 120/12.4 120/12.4 0/ 0.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Kid 13/ 2.6 0/ 0.0 22/ 2.2 28/ 2.8 0/ 0.0 9/ 0.0 100/ 1.0 Librarian 8/ 1.6 5/ 0.0 6/ 0.6 9/ 1.1 1/ 0.0 12/ 0.0 92/ 0.9 Class Head 13/ 2.6 0/ 0.0 17/ 1.7 22/ 2.2 0/ 0.0 8/ 0.0 115/ 1.1 PE Head 20/ 4.2 0/ 0.0 25/ 2.5 32/ 3.3 0/ 0.0 0/ 0.0 105/ 1.0 D.J. 13/ 2.6 0/ 0.0 22/ 2.2 28/ 2.2 0/ 0.0 0/ 0.0 98/ 0.9 Nurse 14/ 2.8 0/ 0.0 24/ 2.4 24/ 2.4 0/ 0.0 0/ 0.0 97/ 0.9 Custodian 10/ 2.1 0/ 0.0 20/ 2.1 25/ 2.2 0/ 0.0 0/ 0.0 96/ 0.9 ============================================================================= Names ===== Finally, every unit has to have a name. Marche is unique in that his name is customizable. Every other unit will either have a random name (if they are a generic unit) or a unique name (if they are a special unit). Random names are generated via a simple random call: there are 310 Male names, 190 Female names and 225 Animal names. So the calls would be Rand{1..310}, Rand{1..190} and Rand{1..225} respectively. Male names are given to Humans, Bangaa, Nu Mou and Moogles, Female names are given to Viera, and Animal names are given to the animals. The following lists are comprised of all the names in the game, including the ones given to unique characters. Keep in mind that they are in the same order as they are in the game data itself, and that in the case of the Unique names, some debug values have also been included for completeness. Males: Arthur Ardin Isaac Aksel Azimov Alcest Alexey Alek Angell Anton Anry Evor Iden Ichbod Ivolt Elija Ingg Vasil Wilfred Wells Werner Woolwort Udvil Istavan Edmund Emet Elias Elvos Elnan Elmon Yenke Oigen Augusto Ocon Oskar Odonel Olivar Olint Orsiny Olgan Carson Guin Jareth Karl Carrelo Gavvar Cuthbert Camus Carlos Giger Kief Kilov Kipper Cassidy Gallahan Gilbert Kingsley Cooper Gustav Grandi Gillis Cliffor Crout Graham Clay Crowe Galor Caines Georg Kestner Kenneth Kemal Kent Cochran Cox Gotwald Goodwin Godfrey Conner Conrad Simon Syrus Sale Satir Zenelly Sabatini Safra Sammy Sandath Gelarto Gerome Sigmund Sharu Shudmeyer Schneider Julian Shultz Loki Silac Gilbert Skimble Staring Stan Stanz Stuart Spengler Smyth Slamen Thane Zeeman Seth Thedoric Seneka Selm Seleucos Soala Zoik Salsber Thorton Sotel Darcy Turner Tavana David Douglas Darios Darren Cesare Chelney Chita Chibot Chaka Chad Chandler Chaucer Zwingley Deisel Deiter Deen Dickens Dino Timothy Devange Dave Theodore Thenardi Tennesey Devoe Duler Dylan Toynbee Domie Tony Tonio Toby Thomson Domenic Travis Trevor Dwight Nat Nabkov Nansen Nikolai Neuman Nils Nusratt Nume Nate Nevil Neksu Neddy Nelin Nelson Nero Nothclif Norbert Nobel Noman Nol Hardy Basil Pablo Parish Baldwin Barley Hans Heath Peet Higgins Victor Visconti Bismark Bjorn Bingley Finnagan Phil Foobar Ford Brown Frantz Brean Brish Hastings Pedro Velasquez Beltran Bernardo Belnini Brunhart Benkman Bensom Benjamin Benton Homer Hodges Hopper Hoffman Holbin Hores Miles Mauritz Mack Macgregor Matias Mackenroe Marty Marius Malchelo Martinez Mick Michaelov Michael Milton Milay Mujika Mulat Muglio Major Meiyou Messara Melanor Mendoza Monid Mosley Moby Moritz Morry Monte Mondo Javet Jalam Jang Yuwain Eugene Euver Yuri Yutolio Juris Joseph Jon Joshua Jona Johanes Yolando Ravel Raol Lezaford Ramsey Ramses Largo Randorf Ranbard Liam Lidenbok Leo Ricardo Lizzo Rickman Ridley Lief Leroy Luan Looie Rooster Bellini Lucas Lukino Lunais Rayton Raif Rain Leonard Lester Lex Lenny Lendle Roland Rockwell Rodrigo Rober Rolan Rolf Lorek Roker Wagner Willy Wilder Watz Watoo Females: Annie Agatha Adelaid Amelia Alison Angeline Anne Annette Iona Iliana Erma Elaine Ingrid Virginia Viola Edda Etoile Eponine Erika Elma Elayne Elena Aurelie Odette Undine Gertrude Katarina Cassandra Katie Katejina Catrine Camilla Caroline Kiana Kim Catherine Karin Candice Gwyneth Gelazela Grisanbela Cristine Clementina Katie Kelly Gelda Corelie Colleen Colette Concetta Saskia Sabina Xia Jeanne Shelly Sheryl Sharon Cici Cecille Sis Sybil Jacqulin Janeth Shanon Jocie Gillian Swena Suzanna Sesily Cecile Serina Thelma Sonja Sonia Soraya Diane Dana Tamara Dalia Daryle Darcie Chiko Chareen Cecelia Diana Tina Tifone Tinfany Tia Della Delia Delphine Telma Teresya Dusya Tonya Dora Tosca Trixie Trudy Natalia Nana Nanette Nan Nieve Nicole Nina Nelly Norma Noleen Bertha Pat Babette Hariette Bianka Vivian Hilary Hildegard Viana Pheobe Fio Blanch Francheska Frida Prisya Flora Beatrice Hazel Becile Betti Bela Bonita Polly Pauline Martha Marcy Marjorie Mila Madeline Madrine Mariette Marielle Marion Marisa Malta Mareen Mallory Mikella Miserie Miriam Milly Mua Maryane Melissa Meryl Mel Melora Maude Molly Eunice Euphem Eudit Eustine Julianne Laura Lana Labinya Larisa Lisa Liza Richane Lita Lilila Louize Luise Lucretia Lutia Lune Leona Regina Lesley Laetitia Roxanne Rosaline Rosetta Lotte Loraine Loren Loretta Wanda Animals: Asalului Ashvin Asnan Astalte Atagra Atalcais Atena Adoloa Bencia Amotten Alaune Arigan Alurata Idigina Imana Iratik Ilcarna Viktranki Virr Vodan Wonimy Ulash Edbold Ehekart Elgarel Hoanes Ocylth Omittek Oro Olorun Gauda Kaikirith Kadesh Ganesh Kafra Kamsotz Camose Karus Cantazen Kiun Givil Kimereth Quintos Qusjil Cutred Kudhos Gunaith Kubela Kumulul Grussa Grude Kunwolf Geogioth Kemosh Kelnoth Koyashalk Corrigan Colkholm Gordianus Conz Satalan Sadanu Zanaharti Jedafler Sinagelus Gibalou Shapur Janowar Chafrian Jamasb Janjako Junaide Subranch Shumakyr Julrat Singfels Snevil Smeldith Sewels Ceurin Celured Sekmet Skondot Sekbuf Smagur Semiram Senwulf Soaemis Zorya Zogidanus Tauslet Tafmasib Tamiel Dammuna Demkina Tamus Taranis Tangarol Dandreen Tanmus Chimarma Chemfei Chantiko Chrakera Thalias Titos Tiridates Tiero Deumus Teshona Demenche Dwarti Dwegol Tothark Tontiuh Dometra Toraman Trulloch Dorguk Trezond Nageeta Natariel Nafhsa Namtar Nalaf Nechozim Nineri Ningilth Nuria Nudimt Numashda Nestor Nehbkha Nelgal Noran Baul Haidar Bacileus Batazes Hashepsto Hanish Bafram Balgrula Balmin Prole Helpsal Herbatius Fafira Farbazos Femakk Flautus Frakan Brigird Pripega Frella Prova Propus Petruka Pragera Helishev Belmuut Horemev Horks Hormezd Brontik Manjat Malegant Magreni Masyness Belarbree Charini Drisnil Faeryl Isotriv Hjalavar Luan Mlezzire Pharne Rostak Telenna Vrinn Xarann Selkar Elkantin Guldos Rilran Talin Laele Tebryn Molag Yarafac Yasdelg Yarvon Yalosraf Durdyna Yugurta Ranagarr Xulark Yodokus Jorquat Ravenchy Rakim Rasksas Ramuman Rakoner Rangi Liborus Leomel Ryudoma Fures Llybophi Lukalan Ruvet Rugapand Rutinde Ludora Laymon Rechef Lenatos Leneneut Romuel Loa Rokvin Roschefra Romark Unique: CRN_NONE CRN_DEF Marche Mewt Ritz Remedi Cid Doned Montblanc Babus Ezel Nono Shara Llednar Lyle Guinness Colin Leslaie Mateus Adrammelech Ultima Crystal Exodus Fruit Famfrit Judge Mateus Adrammelech Famfrit Littlevili CRN_RES6 CRN_RES7 Dabarosa Dolce Warose Raven Hejaat Batalise Golitaire Bishon Steraiz Gukko Maliris Sandy Cindy Mindy Kraken Tiamat Lich Glasm Silverlock Gutskor Ogma Reaker Bladesman Carot Hanzou Dark Knight Buckles Gagat Meow Mystery Box Odd Statue Magic Device Big Gabbana Lil Gabbana Diaghilev Kanan Rayne Lodion Gerland Lord Ghost Auggie Belvay Delia Wyrms Grissom Mombomb Celia Redy Queen Lamia Adamantoise Ochu Neochu Dread Lord Apanda Archaedemon Mamaflan Fog Grang Vili Haweh Ganderu Weaver Mintz Eldena Cheney Pallanza Lini Quin Pam Le Fay Delusiah CRN_NAME071 CRN_NAME072 Don Brass Leanan Dredd Reinhold Mike ================= == RECRUITMENT == ================= When you complete a quest (or in one unique case, a cutscene), you may get the opportunity to recruit a new unit. All this entails is a randomly generated unit approaching your clan and asking to join. Your interaction at this point is limited to accepting them or sending them away. Recruited units are generated as specified in the previous section. There is a large element of randomness involved in what exact unit you get... however, there are ways to skew the results in your favour. The most important part of determining what unit you can recruit is the Set that can be drawn from. The default Set is the Basic Jobs set, which is comprised of all the Basic Jobs in the game. Certain quests and Mission Items, however, can change the set to a more advantageous one. The full list of sets are: Humans, Bangaas, Nu Mous, Vieras, Moogles, Fighters, Mages, Support, Basic Jobs and Expert Jobs. There are also additional sets for the unique characters: six for the special generics, and five for the secret uniques. A Set is, in general, a list of jobs with the basic chance of getting each one. However, FFTA handles these jobs in strict order, and uses two stats from the Set's record for each job to determine how likely you are to get it. We shall call these Chance and Range. The quick explanation is that for each Job in the Set, you have a Chance/Range of getting that unit. For example, the first job in the Basic Jobs Set is a Human Soldier, with 2 Chance and 100 Range. This gives you a 2/100 chance of getting it, immediately. If this chance fails, it drops to the next job, and tries again. This continues until it finds a job that matches. A majority of the time, this will be the 'Empty' Job, which you will always have a 100% chance of getting if you fail all the others. This will result in no unit attempting to join your Clan. The formula used to determine whether a unit of that particular job attempts to join you is as follows: If (Rand{0..Range - 1} < Chance) Then: Recruitment Succeeds A recruited member joins at the average level for the clan, which is the sum of every clan member's levels divided by the number of clan members, rounded down: Average Level = [Sum of Clan Member Levels / Number of Clan Members] This, however, can be adjusted by a Level Modifier. The large majority of jobs in the Sets have no Level Modifier, but a few of the selections do have a Level Modifier of 1, meaning they join 1 level higher than normal. All the unique characters have a Level Modifier of 4, meaning they join 4 levels above the average. The following lists are for all the basic Sets in the game. Chance and Range have already been explained, but True Chance needs a little more definition: it's the calculated chance of getting that particular unit given the current Chance and Range, including the probability that all the Jobs above have already failed. We shall see why this extra calculated stat is important for our analysis. Also note that True Chance takes the probability flaw in the RNG into account. One more thing before we continue: jobs marked with a star have a Level Modifier of 1 instead of 0. Humans ====== Chance Range True Chance Human Illusionist: 4 100 4.004% Human Ninja: 4 96 4.008% Human Fighter: 4 92 4.009% Human Paladin: 4 88 4.006% Human Hunter: 4 84 4.008% Human Blue Mage: 5 80 5.003% Human Thief: 5 75 4.999% Human White Mage: 5 70 5.007% Human Black Mage: 5 65 5.005% Human Archer: 5 60 5.004% Human Soldier: 5 55 4.997% ---: 50 50 49.951% Bangaas ======= Chance Range True Chance Bangaa Defender: 7 100 7.007% Bangaa Dragoon: 7 93 7.013% Bangaa Gladiator: 7 86 7.003% Bangaa Bishop: 7 79 7.002% Bangaa Templar: 7 72 7.011% Bangaa White Monk: 7 65 7.008% Bangaa Warrior: 8 58 7.994% ---: 50 50 49.962% Nu Mous ======= Chance Range True Chance Nu Mou Illusionist: 5 100 5.005% Nu Mou Alchemist: 5 95 5.001% Nu Mou Sage: 5 90 5.012% Nu Mou Time Mage: 7 85 7.007% Nu Mou Morpher: 7 78 7.013% Nu Mou White Mage: 7 71 7.004% Nu Mou Black Mage: 7 64 6.995% Nu Mou Beastmaster: 7 57 6.997% ---: 50 50 49.966% Vieras ====== Chance Range True Chance Viera Summoner: 5 100 5.005% Viera Assassin: 5 95 5.001% Viera Elementalist: 5 90 5.012% Viera Sniper: 7 85 7.007% Viera Red Mage: 7 78 7.013% Viera White Mage: 7 71 7.004% Viera Archer: 7 64 6.995% Viera Fencer: 7 57 6.997% ---: 50 50 49.966% Moogles ======= Chance Range True Chance Moogle Juggler: 5 100 5.005% Moogle Gadgeteer: 5 95 5.001% Moogle Time Mage: 5 90 5.012% Moogle Mog Knight: 7 85 7.007% Moogle Gunner: 7 78 7.013% Moogle Thief: 7 71 7.004% Moogle Black Mage: 7 64 6.995% Moogle Animist: 7 57 6.997% ---: 50 50 49.966% Fighters ======== Chance Range True Chance *Human Fighter: 2 100 2.002% *Bangaa Gladiator: 2 98 2.004% Bangaa Dragoon: 2 96 2.004% *Moogle Mog Knight: 2 94 2.002% Human Paladin: 2 92 2.004% Bangaa Defender: 2 90 2.005% *Viera Elementalist: 2 88 2.003% Viera Red Mage: 2 86 2.005% *Moogle Gunner: 3 84 3.006% Moogle Animist: 3 81 3.002% Viera Fencer: 3 78 3.005% Bangaa Warrior: 3 75 2.999% Human Soldier: 3 72 3.004% ---: 69 69 68.956% Mages ===== Chance Range True Chance Viera Summoner: 2 100 2.002% Nu Mou Alchemist: 2 98 2.004% Nu Mou Illusionist: 2 96 2.004% Bangaa Bishop: 2 94 2.002% Nu Mou Time Mage: 2 92 2.004% Moogle Time Mage: 2 90 2.005% Bangaa Templar: 2 88 2.003% Human Blue Mage: 2 86 2.005% Human White Mage: 3 84 3.006% Nu Mou White Mage: 3 81 3.002% Viera White Mage: 3 78 3.005% Bangaa White Monk: 3 75 2.999% Human Black Mage: 3 72 3.004% Nu Mou Black Mage: 3 69 2.999% Moogle Black Mage: 3 66 3.001% ---: 63 63 62.956% Support ======= Chance Range True Chance Viera Assassin: 2 100 2.002% Nu Mou Sage: 2 98 2.004% Human Ninja: 2 96 2.004% *Nu Mou Morpher: 2 94 2.002% Moogle Juggler: 2 92 2.004% Human Hunter: 2 90 2.005% Viera Sniper: 2 88 2.003% *Moogle Gadgeteer: 3 86 3.004% Human Thief: 3 83 3.001% Moogle Thief: 3 80 3.002% Nu Mou Beastmaster: 3 77 3.002% Human Archer: 3 74 3.000% Viera Archer: 3 71 3.002% ---: 68 68 67.966% Basic Jobs ========== Chance Range True Chance Human Soldier: 3 100 3.003% Bangaa Warrior: 3 97 3.002% Viera Fencer: 3 94 3.003% Human White Mage: 3 91 3.007% Nu Mou White Mage: 3 88 3.005% Viera White Mage: 3 85 3.003% Bangaa White Monk: 3 82 3.002% Human Black Mage: 3 79 3.001% Nu Mou Black Mage: 3 76 3.005% Moogle Black Mage: 3 73 3.000% Human Thief: 3 70 3.004% Moogle Thief: 3 67 3.004% Nu Mou Beastmaster: 3 64 2.998% Human Archer: 3 61 3.003% Viera Archer: 3 58 2.998% Moogle Animist: 3 55 2.999% ---: 52 52 51.963% Expert Jobs =========== Chance Range True Chance Viera Assassin: 1 100 1.001% Human Illusionist: 1 99 1.000% Nu Mou Illusionist: 1 98 1.002% Nu Mou Sage: 1 97 1.001% Human Paladin: 1 96 1.002% Nu Mou Alchemist: 1 95 1.000% Viera Summoner: 1 94 1.001% Bangaa Defender: 1 93 1.002% Human Fighter: 1 92 1.002% Bangaa Dragoon: 1 91 1.002% Moogle Gadgeteer: 1 90 1.002% Viera Elementalist: 1 89 1.002% Nu Mou Time Mage: 1 88 1.002% Moogle Time Mage: 1 87 1.001% Human Ninja: 1 86 1.002% Bangaa Gladiator: 1 85 1.001% Human Hunter: 1 84 1.002% Moogle Juggler: 1 83 1.000% Bangaa Bishop: 1 82 1.001% Bangaa Templar: 1 81 1.001% Viera Sniper: 1 80 1.001% Moogle Mog Knight: 1 79 1.000% Human Blue Mage: 1 78 1.002% Nu Mou Morpher: 1 77 1.001% Viera Red Mage: 1 76 1.002% Moogle Gunner: 1 75 1.000% ---: 74 74 73.969% In addition to that, the special generics (Eldena, Littlevili, Cheney, Pallanza, Quin and Lini) all have Chance 20 over Range 100 of joining, or 20.020%. The secret unique characters (Ezel, Babus, Ritz, Shara and Cid) all have 100% chance of joining. And recall that all unique characters have a Level Modifier of 4. There are a few more things that are important to note. Quests and Mission Items can all affect the Set you're allowed to get. The default Set is Basic Job, as stated. However, if any of your Mission Items or the Quest itself define a non-default Set, then you will get that instead. If both Mission Items grant a non-default Set, one of the Mission Items will be chosen at random using 'RN MOD 2' to determine which: a result of 0 will choose the 2nd Mission Item, and a result of 1 will choose the 1st Mission Item. There is therefore a 50% chance that either will be chosen in this case. Quests that have a Set of None will not allow recruitment unless you bring a Mission Item that grants a Set. However, if the Quest specifies a Set that is not None nor the default, then the Set of the Quest takes ultimate priority. This is the difference between a Quest specifying Default and a Quest specifying the Basic Job Set. Finally, Mission Items can grant one more gift related to recruitment: Chance Bonus. Certain Mission Items give a universal increase to the Chance stat of each job in the Set that is being picked from. An example is the Ally Finder2, which gives a Chance Bonus of 20. Since the Range is left untouched, this vastly increases your chances of getting certain units, particularly those nearer the top of the list. It also vastly decreases your chances of getting no unit at all. Here are two examples of how radical a change this can make, by bringing along an Ally Finder2 which gives both a Chance Bonus of 20 and the Expert Job Set: Ally Finder2 (Expert Jobs + 20 Bonus Chance) ============ Chance Range True Chance Viera Assassin: 21 100 21.021% Human Illusionist: 21 99 16.754% Nu Mou Illusionist: 21 98 13.359% Nu Mou Sage: 21 97 10.585% Human Paladin: 21 96 8.390% Nu Mou Alchemist: 21 95 6.609% Viera Summoner: 21 94 5.207% Bangaa Defender: 21 93 4.089% Human Fighter: 21 92 3.198% Bangaa Dragoon: 21 91 2.492% Moogle Gadgeteer: 21 90 1.937% Viera Elementalist: 21 89 1.503% Nu Mou Time Mage: 21 88 1.161% Moogle Time Mage: 21 87 0.893% Human Ninja: 21 86 0.684% Bangaa Gladiator: 21 85 0.524% Human Hunter: 21 84 0.399% Moogle Juggler: 21 83 0.303% Bangaa Bishop: 21 82 0.229% Bangaa Templar: 21 81 0.172% Viera Sniper: 21 80 0.129% Moogle Mog Knight: 21 79 0.096% Human Blue Mage: 21 78 0.072% Nu Mou Morpher: 21 77 0.053% Viera Red Mage: 21 76 0.039% Moogle Gunner: 21 75 0.029% ---: 94 74 0.093% Ally Finder2 + Ogma's Seal (Expert Jobs + 40 Bonus Chance) ========================== Chance Range True Chance Viera Assassin: 41 100 41.040% Human Illusionist: 41 99 24.419% Nu Mou Illusionist: 41 98 14.473% Nu Mou Sage: 41 97 8.487% Human Paladin: 41 96 4.953% Nu Mou Alchemist: 41 95 2.861% Viera Summoner: 41 94 1.645% Bangaa Defender: 41 93 0.937% Human Fighter: 41 92 0.529% Bangaa Dragoon: 41 91 0.296% Moogle Gadgeteer: 41 90 0.164% Viera Elementalist: 41 89 0.091% Nu Mou Time Mage: 41 88 0.049% Moogle Time Mage: 41 87 0.027% Human Ninja: 41 86 0.014% Bangaa Gladiator: 41 85 0.008% Human Hunter: 41 84 0.004% Moogle Juggler: 41 83 0.002% Bangaa Bishop: 41 82 0.001% Bangaa Templar: 41 81 0.001% Viera Sniper: 41 80 0.000% Moogle Mog Knight: 41 79 0.000% Human Blue Mage: 41 78 0.000% Nu Mou Morpher: 41 77 0.000% Viera Red Mage: 41 76 0.000% Moogle Gunner: 41 75 0.000% ---: 114 74 0.000% As you can see, the chance of getting nothing at all when we take both an Ally Finder2 and an Ogma's Seal disappears to near nothing, compared to the approximately 3/4 chance we had without either. Notice how much more important the True Chance is, simpy because the Range is unaltered. The full extent each Mission Item affects recruitment will be given in the Mission Item section. Other than that, time to move on. =================== == MISSION ITEMS == =================== The Mission Items you get throughout the game do have a use other than being required to complete certain quests. Many have special attributes that offer bonuses not easily found elsewhere. The large majority of these effects only apply to battles; they do not affect the success rate of Dispatch quests, for example. However, many of the other effects apply to when you complete a Quest, so it's often still advantageous to take along an Item or two on a Dispatch. The following list comprises of every Mission Item in the game and their standard effects. First, an explanation of the terms used: Nm/Us: The number of these you can earn in a full game, countered with the number you must have to complete all missions. A ## means that you can get an infinite number of this Mission Item. A -- means that this item is not required for any mission. Any item that is not used up is still counted as requiring at least 1 item. Gold Vessel, Eldagusto and Vermillion all have a "-----" next to them because it is not guaranteed that you will get any of them or even get My Mission in a single game (not to mention that it is not required to complete all 300 Quests) WAtk, WDef, MPow, MRes: These are bonuses given when you take the Mission Item with you into a quest involving battle. They are percentage increases to your base stat. Note that FFTA indicates a 3 or 6% boost with a Triangle, a 9 or 12% boost with a Circle and a 15% boost with a Double Circle. Elm1, Elm2: If you take this Mission Item with you on a quest involving battle, you will benefit from Enhancement in the specified element(s). This applies to all members of your party. BChnc: This is the Bonus Chance to recruit units you will have. The exact mechanics of this were described in the section marked Recruiting. Recruit: This is the replacement set you will get when taking this Mission Item on a quest. Note that this will *only* work if the quest already uses either the None or Default Sets. Also note that if both Mission Items have replacement Recruit sets, one of the sets will be chosen at random. Nm/Us WAtk WDef MPow MRes Elm1 Elm2 BChnc Recruit Magic Trophy ## -- -- -- -- -- - - - Mage Fight Trophy ## -- -- -- -- -- - - - Fighter Sport Trophy 1 -- -- -- -- -- - - - Support Elda's Cup 1 1 -- -- 3% -- - - - *Eldena* Ogma's Seal 1 -- 12% 12% 12% 12% - - 20 Expert Job Gold Vessel ----- -- -- -- -- - - - -- Magic Medal 2 2 -- -- 3% -- - - - -- Ancient Medal ## 2 -- -- -- 3% - - - -- Coast Medal 1 -- -- 6% -- -- - - - -- Guard Medal 1 -- 6% -- -- -- - - - Bangaa Friend Pin ----- -- 3% -- -- - - - -- Master Brave 1 -- 15% 15% 12% 12% - - 5 -- Badge ## -- -- 3% -- 3% - - - -- Rainbowite 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Delta Fang 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Cat's Tears 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Dame's Blush 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Thunderstone 1 1 -- -- -- -- Lit - - -- Stormstone 1 1 -- -- -- -- Wnd - - -- Esteroth 1 -- 12% 12% 15% 15% - - 5 Human Ahriman Eye 1 1 -- -- 9% -- Drk - - -- Wyrmstone 1 1 -- -- -- -- Fre - - *Pallanza* Topaz Armring 1 -- 9% -- -- -- Eth - 5 -- Zodiac Ore ## 5 -- 3% -- -- - - - -- Silvril ## 2 -- 3% -- -- - - - -- Materite ## 2 -- 3% -- -- - - - -- Leestone ## 1 -- 3% -- -- - - - -- Adamantite ## 6 -- 3% -- -- - - - -- Spiritstone ## 2 12% 12% 12% 12% - - - -- Amber 1 -- -- 9% -- 9% - - - -- Adaman Alloy 2 2 -- 6% -- -- - - - -- Mysidia Alloy 2 2 -- 6% -- -- - - - -- Crusite Alloy 2 2 -- 6% -- -- - - - -- Lodestone ----- -- -- -- -- - - - -- Black Thread 3 3 -- -- 6% -- - - - -- White Thread 3 2 -- -- -- 6% - - - -- Chocobo Skin ## 2 -- 3% -- -- - - - -- Magic Cloth ## 2 -- -- 3% -- - - - -- Magic Cotton ## 4 -- -- 3% -- - - - -- Blood Shawl 1 1 -- 6% -- 6% - - - -- Ahriman Wing 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Fairy Wing 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Bomb Shell 2 2 -- 3% -- -- - - - -- Panther Hide ## -- -- 6% -- -- - - - -- Tiger Hide 2 -- -- 9% -- 3% - - - -- Jerky ## 2 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Gysahl Greens ## 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Chocobo Egg ## 2 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Goldcap 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Life Water 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Eldagusto ----- -- -- -- -- - - - -- Cyril Ice ## -- -- -- -- -- Ice - - -- Choco Bread ## 2 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Choco Gratin 2 2 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Kiddy Bread 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Grownup Bread 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Malboro Wine 1 1 12% -- 12% -- - - - -- Gedegg Soup 2 -- -- 12% -- 12% - - - -- Ancient Text 1 -- -- 9% -- -- - - - -- Magic Vellum ## -- -- -- 9% -- - - - -- Justice Badge 1 -- -- -- -- -- Hly - - -- Friend Badge 1 -- -- -- -- 9% - - - -- Runba's Tale 2 2 -- -- -- -- - - - -- The Hero Gaol 1 -- -- -- -- -- - - 10 *Lini* Edaroya Tome 1 -- 6% -- 6% -- Hly Drk - -- Homework 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Encyclopedia ## -- -- 9% -- 9% - - - Nu Mou Dictionary 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Monster Guide 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Secret Books 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - Support Sketch Book 1 -- -- -- -- -- - - - Moogle Stuffed Bear 1 -- -- -- -- -- - - - -- Rat Tail 2 2 -- -- -- -- - - 5 -- Rabbit Tail ## 2 -- -- -- -- - - 5 -- Danbukwood ## 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Moonwood ## 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Stradivari 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Clock Post 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Fountain Pen 1 -- -- -- 3% -- - - - -- Earplugs 1 -- -- 3% -- -- - - - -- Crystal 1 -- 3% -- -- 3% - - - -- Old Statue 1 1 6% 6% 6% 6% - - - -- Neighbor Pin 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - 5 -- Trichord 1 -- -- -- -- 6% Wtr Wnd - -- Rusty Sword 2 2 3% -- -- -- - - - -- Broken Sword 2 2 3% -- -- -- - - - -- Bent Sword 2 2 3% -- -- -- - - - -- Rusty Spear 2 2 3% -- -- -- - - - -- Fire Sigil ## 1 -- -- 9% -- - - - -- Water Sigil ## 1 -- -- 9% -- - - - -- Wind Sigil ## 1 -- -- 9% -- - - - -- Earth Sigil ## 1 -- -- 9% -- - - - -- Mind Ceffyl ## 1 -- -- 15% 15% - - - -- Body Ceffyl ## 1 15% 15% -- -- - - - -- Feather Badge 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Insignia 2 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Ally Finder 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - 10 Basic Job Ally Finder2 2 1 -- -- -- -- - - 20 Expert Job Tranquil Box 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Loaded Dice 1 -- 9% -- -- -- - - - -- Snake Shield 1 -- -- 9% -- -- - - - *Cheney* Stasis Rope 1 1 -- 6% -- 6% - - - -- Mythril Pick 1 1 6% -- -- -- - - - -- Caravan Musk 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Love Potion 1 -- -- -- -- -- - - - Viera Tonberry Lamp 1 1 12% -- -- -- - - - -- Stilpool Scroll 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Flower Vase 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Dragon Bone 1 1 -- 9% -- -- - - - -- Animal Bone 1 1 -- 9% -- -- - - - -- Skull 1 1 -- 9% -- -- - - - -- Helje Key ## 1 -- -- -- -- Fre - - -- Clock Gear 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Gun Gear 1 1 6% -- -- -- - - - -- Sprinkler 1 -- -- -- -- -- Ice Wtr - -- Silk Bloom 1 1 -- -- 9% -- - - - -- Moon Bloom 1 1 -- -- 9% -- - - - -- Telaq Flower ## -- -- -- -- 3% Lit - - -- Blue Rose 1 -- -- -- -- -- Drk - - -- White Flowers 1 -- -- -- -- -- Hly - - -- Blood Apple 2 2 -- 12% -- 12% - - - -- Magic Fruit 1 -- -- -- 15% -- - - - -- Power Fruit 1 -- -- 15% -- -- - - - -- Vermillion ----- -- -- -- -- - - - -- Stolen Gil 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Ancient Bills 1 1 -- -- -- -- - - - -- Ancient Coins 1 -- 9% -- -- 9% - - - -- Some final notes on the list: * Feather Badge gives a 50% bonus to AP, while Insignia gives a 100% bonus to AP. Both bonuses are applied when the mission is completed. The bonuses do not stack. * Friend Pin and Lodestone are dummied-out items and cannot be collected from any quest available. * The special units (*Eldena*, *Pallanza*, *Lini*, *Cheney*) have a 20/100 base chance of being recruited. Note that any Bonus Chance your items have will help with this. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================== == APPENDIX I: ABILITY DATA == ============================== This part of the document has been set aside to give the basics on all the standard abilities in the game. Sadly, I do not have any excuse this time to move the abilities out into a new FAQ; this is pure Battle Mechanics, so it belongs here. However, due to its size, it will always be the very last Appendix. First, let's take a look at a sample ability, and show how the data is organised: +==========================================================================+ | Mug BATTLE TECH (Human) | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, Mug Effect | | Eff2: 100%H, Enemy, Eff1Dep: 100% Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: If successful, Mug will give the party the following | | extra gil: | | Gil Earned = [10% Damage] + Rand{0..10} | +==========================================================================+ Let's look at the categories section by section. The very first section has the name of the ability to the left (Mug, in this case), and the Command Sets that ability appears in to the right (the Human version of Battle Tech in the example). The abilities are organised in the order they are held in the game's memory. The next section describes the basic property of the ability. The Power stat indicates how strong the ability is, and also whether it's based on WAtk or MPow. In this case, Mug takes its power from the weapon you use, so it's a WAtk-based skill using the power of your weapon. MP is the cost in - naturally - MP you must pay to use the ability. Elem is the element that the ability is aligned to: do note that elements do not affect the amount of HP a 'Heal' effect gives you, and will not generally affect non-damage abilities or status infliction spells. Elem is *most* important with regards to law breaking however. Note that if the ability has 'As Weapon' as its element, then it cannot break any elemental laws. The Range and Area of the ability are connected. Range dictates what you can target with the ability, and is thus usually the farthest number of squares from the caster you can target with it. A value of 'Self' means that the ability is self-targetting. There are a few other values: 'Infinite' means that the whole map is affected, 'As Weapon' means that the ability has the same range as your currently equipped weapon. 'Cone' means that the ability will take effect in a cone originating from the caster and directed by the way the caster is facing: ## ## ## *> ## ## ## ## ## ## The previous diagram shows a Radius 3 Cone originating from the Caster '*>', facing East. Finally, 'Line' means that all targets in front of the caster in a straight line will be hit by the ability (up to the range listed, but it's usually Infinite), and 'Dbl-Line' means that all targets both in front *AND* behind the caster in a straight line will be targetted. Area then dictates what will be hit originating from the targetted square. This is usually a diamond measured by how many squares radius it is: ## ## ## ## ## ## XX ## ## ## ## ## ## Above is a Radius 2 diamond surrounding the targetted square 'XX'. In addition, most area effects have a vertical tolerance which dictates how many height transitions up or down the spell can hit. A spell with an area r2/v1 could hit any square *2* spaces away max from the target square, so long as its within *1* height transition of the target square. Other possibilities for Area are 'Self' (if the spell is Self-targetting and doesn't affect anyone else), '(Not Self)' (if the area is a normal diamond effect on a Self-targetting spell, and the effects do *NOT* hit the Caster - see Saint Cross as an example of this), 'Infinite' (if all tiles in the Range are hit) and 'One Unit' (another name for a r0 diamond; it only hits the target square). Eff1 to Eff4 are the four different effects an ability can have. There are a total of 207 possible effects, many of them shared between the abilities. We will go over the Effects properly after we cover the last two sections. The next box is the list of special flags the spell has. At the moment, only seven are listed: Offensive: The spell is considered an attack ability, and will break the Dmg2: Animal law if you use such an ability on an animal. Reflectable: The Reflect status will successfully defend against this ability, sending it back at the caster. Ignore-Reaction: This ability never triggers any Reaction, no matter what the ability does. Silencable: This ability cannot be used if the caster is under the Silence Status. Stealable: Steal: Ability can be used on this skill, *PROVIDING* the caster could learn it normally in one of his/her jobs. Some abilities are Stealable, but no unit can do so since Thieves can only be Humans and Moogles only. R-Ab:Return Magic: The Reaction Ability Return Magic will work against this ability. R-Ab:Absorb MP: The Reaction Ability Absorb MP will work against this ability. Finally, some abilities will have a Unique Effect box. This section will explain any unique effects the ability has. In the example, we explained how the formula for the amount of Gil Mug steals is calculated. Now that we've gone over the basics, let's return to the Effects, which are the real meat of an ability. Each effect has four attributes - Effect Type, Target Type, Hit Rate and Damage Formula. Target Type determins what kinds of targets the effect will trigger against. Here are the definitions of the standard Target Types: Default: Normal unit targetting, as if you were using the attack command. Will ignore KOed units, among other things. KOed Unit: Will only target a KOed unit. Self: Will only target the Caster. Enemy: Will only target an enemy unit. Undead: Will only target Zombies, Vampires or units with the Zombie Status NonUndead: Will only target units that are not Undead. Animal: Will only target monsters. NonAnimal: Will only target units that are not monsters. Dragon: Will only target dragons. NonDragon: Will only target units that are not dragons. Gadget: Has a 50/101 chance of targetting all enemies, and a corresponding 51/101 chance of targetting all enemies. EqpSword: Will only target units wielding a Sword, Blade, Saber, Knightsword, Greatsword, Broadsword, Knife, Rapier or Katana. LvlDivBy3: Will only target units whose level is divisible by 3. LvlDivBy5: Will only target units whose level is divisible by 5. SameLvDigit: Will only target units where the unit figure of their level is identical to the unit figure of the caster. For example, a L32 caster can effect units of L2, 12, 22, 32 and 42 with this effect. SmeLvlDay: Will only target units where the unit figure of their level is identical to the unit figure of the current day of the month. For example, on day 17 of Bardmoon, units of L7, 17, 27, 37 and 47 will be effected. Eye2Eye: The caster must be attacking the target from the Front. Any attack from the Side or Rear will cause this effect to fail. Eff1Dep: This effect will only be allowed to target the unit if Effect 1 succeeded against the target. In the example, Mug has an AType Hit Rate chance of stealing gil from the target. If that fails, then Effect 2 (which has an Eff1Dep validity check) will always fail against the target. Eff2Dep: Same as Eff1Dep, except that Effect 2 must succeed for this Effect to be able to hit the target. Hit Rate can be one of four types: AType, SType, 100%H or unique. A unique hit rate will be listed as '---'. AType/SType was explained earlier in this guide. 100%H stands for 100% Hit: the attack will always succeed providing the target is valid and no other circumstances prevent it. Damage Formula will be listed as needed; not all effects even have it. Finally, the Effect Type states exactly *what* the Effect will do. For the Mug example above, the Effect Type for Effect 1 told it to steal some money from the target, while the Effect Type for Effect 2 told it to damage the target's HP. Most of these effects are self-explanatory. Unique effects will be covered in the Unique Effect section, providing they have been fully translated. We will, however, for lack of a better place to put them, cover the effects of Esuna and Dispel here: Esuna: Removes 'Petrify', 'Berserk', 'Frog', 'Poison', 'Blind', 'Sleep', 'Silence', 'Confusion', 'Immobilize', 'Disable' Dispel: Removes 'Auto-Life', 'Regen', 'Astra', 'Reflect', 'Doom', 'Haste', 'Slow', 'Stop', 'Shell', 'Protect', 'Charm', 'Addle' Never works on Petrified Targets --------------------------------------------------------------------------- With that behind us, let's get on with the list: +==========================================================================+ | Cure WHITE MAGIC, RED MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (MPow) MP: 6 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Holy | Area: r1/v1 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, NonUndead, 100% Heal | | Eff2: AType, Undead, 100% Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Cura WHITE MAGIC, PRAYER | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 60 (MPow) MP: 10 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Holy | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, NonUndead, 100% Heal | | Eff2: AType, Undead, 100% Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Curaga WHITE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 80 (MPow) MP: 16 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Holy | Area: r1/v3 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, NonUndead, 100% Heal | | Eff2: AType, Undead, 100% Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Esuna WHITE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 18 | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Esuna | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Life WHITE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 90 (MPow) MP: 10 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Holy | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, KOed Unit, Revive to 25% HP | | Eff2: AType, Undead, 100% Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Full-Life WHITE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 100 (MPow) MP: 20 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Holy | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, KOed Unit, Revive to full HP | | Eff2: AType, Undead, 100% Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Auto-Life WHITE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 16 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Holy | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, NonUndead, Inflict Auto-Life | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Shell WHITE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 6 | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict Shell | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Protect WHITE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 6 | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict Protect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Dispel PRAYER | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Dispel | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Holy PRAYER | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 50 (MPow) MP: 32 | Range: 3 | | Elem: Holy | Area: r1/v1 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Barrier PRAYER, RED MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 10 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict Shell | | Eff2: 100%H, Default, Inflict Protect | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Judge PRAYER | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 6 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, Steal 2 JP | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Break PRAYER | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 20 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Petrify | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Water SAGACITY SKILL, PRAYER | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 34 (MPow) MP: 12 | Range: 3 | | Elem: Water | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Aero SAGACITY SKILL, PRAYER | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 34 (MPow) MP: 12 | Range: 3 | | Elem: Wind | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Drain SAGACITY SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 30 (MPow) MP: 12 | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage, capped to Target's Max HP | | Eff2: 100%H, Self, Eff1Dep: Heal Eff1 Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Blind SAGACITY SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Blind | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Raise SAGACITY SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 45 (MPow) MP: 22 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Holy | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, NonUndead, 100% Heal | | Eff2: AType, Undead, 100% Damage | | Eff3: 100%H, KOed Unit, Revive to 25% HP | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Giga Flare SAGACITY SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 65 (MPow) MP: 40 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v1 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Bio SAGACITY SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 45 (MPow) MP: 12 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v1 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Poison | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Ultima Blow SAGACITY SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: 60 | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 300% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Fire BLACK MAGIC, RED MAGIC, MELT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 30 (MPow) MP: 6 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Fire | Area: r1/v1 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Fira BLACK MAGIC, MELT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (MPow) MP: 12 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Fire | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Firaga BLACK MAGIC, MELT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 50 (MPow) MP: 24 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Fire | Area: r1/v3 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Thunder BLACK MAGIC, RED MAGIC, SCORCH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 30 (MPow) MP: 6 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Lightning | Area: r1/v1 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Thundara BLACK MAGIC, SCORCH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (MPow) MP: 12 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Lightning | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Thundaga BLACK MAGIC, MAGESTORM (Mateus), SCORCH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 50 (MPow) MP: 24 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Lightning | Area: r1/v3 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Blizzard BLACK MAGIC, RED MAGIC, CHILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 30 (MPow) MP: 6 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Ice | Area: r1/v1 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Blizzara BLACK MAGIC, CHILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (MPow) MP: 12 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Ice | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Blizzaga BLACK MAGIC, CHILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 50 (MPow) MP: 24 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Ice | Area: r1/v3 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Sleep RED MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 10 | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Sleep | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Doublecast RED MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: r2/v0 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: --- | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Doublecast allows two spells to be cast in the same turn | | In terms of laws, Doublecast uses the effects of the component spells | | to determine if you break effect-type laws, and the element/flags of | | Doublecast to determine if you break ability-type laws. | | The commandset used for determining the legality of command-type laws is | | Red Magic. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Quicken TIME MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 24 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict Quicken | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Slow TIME MAGIC, MAGESTORM (Famfrit) | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Slow | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Reflect TIME MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 8 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict Reflect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Stop TIME MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 24 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Stop | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Quarter TIME MAGIC, RUNE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 10 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, [Target's HP / 4] Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Demi TIME MAGIC, RUNE, MAGESTORM (Famfrit) | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 24 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, [(Target's HP + 1) / 2] Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Silence TIME MAGIC, SACRED TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 8 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Silence | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Haste TIME MAGIC, SACRED TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 24 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict Haste | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Reflectable Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Prominence PHANTASM SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 20 (MPow) MP: 32 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: Fire | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Tempest PHANTASM SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 17 (MPow) MP: 32 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: Lightning | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Freezeblink PHANTASM SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 20 (MPow) MP: 32 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: Ice | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Star Cross PHANTASM SKILL, MAGESTORM (Mateus) | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 17 (MPow) MP: 32 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: Holy | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Stardust PHANTASM SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 20 (MPow) MP: 32 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Deluge PHANTASM SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 17 (MPow) MP: 32 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: Water | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Soil Evidence PHANTASM SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 17 (MPow) MP: 32 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: Earth | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Wild Tornado PHANTASM SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 17 (MPow) MP: 32 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: Wind | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Fire Whip SPIRIT MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 30 (MPow) MP: 12 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Fire | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Disable | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Earth Heal SPIRIT MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (MPow) MP: 12 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Earth | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, 100% Heal | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | White Flame SPIRIT MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (MPow) MP: 24 | Range: 3 | | Elem: Fire | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, 100% Heal | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Shining Air SPIRIT MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 30 (MPow) MP: 12 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Wind | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Blind | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Evil Gaze SPIRIT MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 30 (MPow) MP: 12 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Dark | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Undead, 100% Heal | | Eff2: AType, NonUndead, 100% Damage | | Eff3: SType, NonUndead, Eff2Dep: Inflict Confuse | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Heavy Dust SPIRIT MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 30 (MPow) MP: 12 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Earth | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Immobilize | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Sliprain SPIRIT MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 30 (MPow) MP: 12 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Water | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Slow | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Elementalshift SPIRIT MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 6 | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Elementalshift Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Elementalshift rewrites the natural resistances of the | | target, randomly setting three of them to Weak, two to Resist, and one | | one each to Normal, Immune and Absorb. | | Keep in mind that natural resistances are *ALWAYS* overwritten by | | resistances/weaknesses for that element if they exist on your | | equipment. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Astra ALCHEMY SKILL, SACRED TECH, HERMETICS | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 8 | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict Astra | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Rasp ALCHEMY SKILL, SACRED TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 60 (MPow) MP: 24 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v1 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage to MP, capped to Target's MP | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Death ALCHEMY SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 36 | Range: 3 | | Elem: Dark | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Undead, Heal to full HP | | Eff2: SType, NonUndead, Inflict KO | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Meteor ALCHEMY SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 50 (MPow) MP: 40 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Flare ALCHEMY SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 65 (MPow) MP: 36 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Poison ALCHEMY SKILL, RED MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 10 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Dark | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Poison | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Toad ALCHEMY SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 36 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Frog | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Unicorn SUMMON MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (MPow) MP: 12 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Holy | Area: r2/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, NonUndead, 100% Heal | | Eff2: 100%H, NonUndead, Esuna | | Eff3: AType, Undead, 100% Damage | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Ifrit SUMMON MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (MPow) MP: 18 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Fire | Area: r2/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Ramuh SUMMON MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (MPow) MP: 18 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Lightning | Area: r2/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Shiva SUMMON MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (MPow) MP: 18 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Ice | Area: r2/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Kirin SUMMON MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 24 | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: r2/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, NonUndead, Inflict Regen | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Carbuncle SUMMON MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: r2/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict Reflect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Phoenix SUMMON MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 24 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Holy | Area: r2/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, KOed Unit, Revive to full HP | | Eff2: 100%H, Undead, (Target's Max HP) Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Madeen SUMMON MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 52 (MPow) MP: 36 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Holy | Area: r2/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | First Aid BATTLE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 25 (MPow) MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, 100% Heal | | Eff2: 100%H, Default, Esuna | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Powerbreak BATTLE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict WAtk DOWN | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Mindbreak BATTLE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict MPow DOWN | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Magicbreak BATTLE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage to MP, capped to Target's MP | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Speedbreak BATTLE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, Inflict Speed DOWN | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Mug BATTLE TECH (Human) | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, Mug Effect | | Eff2: 100%H, Enemy, Eff1Dep: 100% Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: If successful, Mug will give the party the following | | extra gil: | | Gil Earned = [10% Damage] + Rand{0..10} | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Provoke BATTLE TECH (Human) | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Enemy, Inflict Berserk | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Sensor BATTLE TECH (Human) | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Enemy, Detect Hidden Items | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Body Slam BATTLE TECH (Warrior) | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 45 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: 100%H, Self, Eff1Dep: [Eff1 Damage / 4] Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Greased Bolt BATTLE TECH (Warrior) | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Ignore-Reaction | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Downsize BATTLE TECH (Warrior) | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 24 | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, [(Target's HP + 1) / 2] Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Nurse CHIVALRY | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 30 (MPow) MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, 100% Heal | | Eff2: 100%H, Default, Esuna | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Cover CHIVALRY | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Cover Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Subdue CHIVALRY | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, Rand{2..12} Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: The predicted damage for Subdue will always be 2. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Parley CHIVALRY | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Parley Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Parley's chance of success depends on the number of KOs | | the caster has been responsible for, and the percentage of HP the | | target has left. | | Chance of success is equal to: | | MinHP% = 50 - Number of Units Caster has KOed | | HP% = [Target's Max HP * MinHP% / 100] | | Hit% = [(HP% - Target's HP) * 100 / HP%] | | If Parley succeeds, the Remove Unit effect will be used on the target. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Saint Cross CHIVALRY | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 35 (WAtk) MP: 24 | Range: Self | | Elem: Holy | Area: r1/v2 (Not Self) | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Holy Blade CHIVALRY | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: 32 | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: Holy | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 200% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Defense CHIVALRY, DEFEND | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict Defense | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Drop Weapon CHIVALRY, DEFEND | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Enemy, Drop Weapon | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Tremor DEFEND | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 30 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 (Not Self) | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: 100%H, Default, Eff1Dep: Knockback | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Hibernate DEFEND | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Hibernate Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Mow Down DEFEND | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 (Not Self) | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: 100%H, Self, Inflict Speed DOWN | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Aura DEFEND | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, NonUndead, Inflict Auto-Life | | Eff2: 100%H, NonUndead, Inflict Regen | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Expert Guard DEFEND | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict Expert Guard | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Meltdown DEFEND | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 (Not Self) | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, NotSelf, (Caster's HP) Damage | | Eff2: 100%H, Self, Caster's HP Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Whirlwind MONK TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 25 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 (Not Self) | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Earth Render MONK TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 34 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: Line | | Elem: Earth | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Chakra MONK TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 35 (MPow) MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, 100% Heal | | Eff2: 100%H, Default, Esuna | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Revive MONK TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, KOed Unit, Revive to 25% HP | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Exorcise MONK TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: Holy | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Undead, Remove Unit, 0.5x Hit Rate | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Holy Sign MONK TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Dispel | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Air Render FIGHTER TECH, MONK TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 45 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Far Fist FIGHTER TECH, MONK TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 35 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Air Blast FIGHTER TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 35 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: Cone | | Elem: Wind | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Backdraft FIGHTER TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 60 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: Fire | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: 100%H, Self, [Eff1 Damage / 4] Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Rush FIGHTER TECH, SPELLBLADE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: 100%H, Default, Eff1Dep: Knockback | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Wild Swing FIGHTER TECH, SPELLBLADE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: r1/v2 (Not Self) | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Beatdown FIGHTER TECH, SPELLBLADE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 200% Damage, 0.5x Hit Rate | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Blitz FIGHTER TECH, SPELLBLADE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 50% Damage, 2.0x Hit Rate | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Fire Sword SPELLBLADE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 54 (WAtk) MP: 10 | Range: 1 | | Elem: Fire | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Bolt Sword SPELLBLADE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 54 (WAtk) MP: 10 | Range: 1 | | Elem: Lightning | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Ice Sword SPELLBLADE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 54 (WAtk) MP: 10 | Range: 1 | | Elem: Ice | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Ultima Sword SPELLBLADE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: 60 | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 300% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Warcry SACRED TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 (Not Self) | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, Inflict Speed DOWN | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Cheer SACRED TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict Boost | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Soul Sphere SACRED TECH, MAGESTORM (Adrammelech) | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage to MP, capped to Target's MP | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Lifebreak SACRED TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: Dark | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, NonUndead, (Caster's Max HP - Caster's HP) Damage | | Eff2: 100%H, Undead, Heal (Caster's Max HP - Caster's HP) Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Jump DRAGON TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Jump cannot be used without a Spear equipped. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Lancet DRAGON TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 35 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage, capped to Target's Max HP | | Eff2: 100%H, Self, Eff1Dep: Heal Eff1 Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Wyrmtamer DRAGON TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Dragon, Parley Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Wyrmtamer's chance of success depends on the number of | | KOs the caster has been responsible for, and the percentage of HP the | | target has left. | | Chance of success is equal to: | | MinHP% = 50 - Number of Units Caster has KOed | | HP% = [Target's Max HP * MinHP% / 100] | | Hit% = [(HP% - Target's HP) * 100 / HP%] | | If Wyrmtamer succeeds, the Remove Unit effect will be used on the | | target. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Fire Breath DRAGON TECH, DRAGONBLAZE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: Cone | | Elem: Fire | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Bolt Breath DRAGON TECH, DRAGONBOLT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: Cone | | Elem: Lightning | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Ice Breath DRAGON TECH, ICEWYRM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: Cone | | Elem: Ice | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Wyrmkiller DRAGON TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, NonDragon, 100% Damage | | Eff2: AType, Dragon, 200% Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Bangaa Cry DRAGON TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 45 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: Cone | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Mog Attack CHARGE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: 100%H, Default, Eff1Dep: Knockback | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Mog Guard CHARGE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict Defense | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Mog Lance CHARGE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: 3 | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Mog Rush CHARGE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 200% Damage, 0.5x Hit Rate | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Mog Shield CHARGE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict Astra | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Mog Peek CHARGE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Enemy, Detect Hidden Items | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Mog Aid CHARGE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 35 (MPow) MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, 100% Heal | | Eff2: 100%H, Default, Esuna | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Ultima Charge CHARGE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: 60 | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 300% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Swarmstrike LUNGE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 50% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Poison | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Shadowstick LUNGE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, Inflict Speed DOWN | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Checkmate LUNGE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, NonUndead, Inflict Doom | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Featherblow LUNGE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 50% Damage, 2.0x Hit Rate | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Swallowtail LUNGE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: r1/v2 (Not Self) | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Manastrike LUNGE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage to MP, capped to Target's MP | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Piercethrough LUNGE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: Line | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: r2/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Nighthawk LUNGE TECH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Throw NINJA SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, Throw Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Throw does a normal 100% Damage MPow-based attack, using | | [1.5 * Weapon Power] as the Power of the attack. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Wood Veil NINJA SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 15 (MPow) MP: 4 | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Immobilize | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Fire Veil NINJA SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 15 (MPow) MP: 4 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Fire | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Confusion | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Earth Veil NINJA SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 15 (MPow) MP: 4 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Earth | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Slow | | Eff3: 100%H, Default, Eff1Dep: Delay Unit | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Metal Veil NINJA SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 15 (MPow) MP: 4 | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Blind | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Water Veil NINJA SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 15 (MPow) MP: 4 | Range: 4 | | Elem: Water | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Silence | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Unspell NINJA SKILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 4 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Dispel | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Oblivion NINJA SKILL, CORNER | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 24 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Addle | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Shadowbind CORNER | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Stop | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Last Breath CORNER | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 32 | Range: 1 | | Elem: Dark | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Undead, Heal to full HP | | Eff2: SType, NonUndead, Inflict KO | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Aphonia CORNER | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Silence | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Nightmare CORNER | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 18 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, NonUndead, Inflict Doom | | Eff2: SType, Default, Inflict Sleep | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Ague CORNER | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Slow | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Rockseal CORNER | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 32 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Petrify | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Ultima Masher CORNER | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: 60 | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 300% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Steal: Armor STEAL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, Steal Armor | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Steal: Shield STEAL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, Steal Shield | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Steal: Access. STEAL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, Steal Accessory | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Steal: Helm STEAL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, Steal Helm | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Steal: Weapon STEAL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, Steal Weapon | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Steal: Gil STEAL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, Steal Gil Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Steal Gil steals a predicted amount of Gil equal to the | | Caster's Max HP. The actual amount of Gil stolen varies as such: | | Gil Stolen = [Rand{128..384} * Caster's Max HP / 256] | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Steal: EXP STEAL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, Steal EXP | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Steal: JP STEAL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, Steal JP | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Steal: Ability STEAL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, Steal Ability, 0.25x Hit Rate | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Boost AIM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict Boost | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Aim: Legs AIM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Immobilize | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Aim: Arm AIM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Disable | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Cupid AIM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Enemy, Inflict Charm | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Burial AIM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Undead, Remove Unit, 0.5x Hit Rate | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Take Aim AIM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, 50% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Faster AIM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Ignore-Reaction | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Blackout AIM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Blind | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Sonic Boom HUNT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Oust HUNT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Animal, Parley Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Outs's chance of success depends on the number of KOs the | | caster has been responsible for, and the percentage of HP the target | | has left. | | Chance of success is equal to: | | MinHP% = 50 - Number of Units Caster has KOed | | HP% = [Target's Max HP * MinHP% / 100] | | Hit% = [(HP% - Target's HP) * 100 / HP%] | | If Oust succeeds, the Remove Unit effect will be used on the target. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Advice HUNT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict Advice | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Aim: Vitals HUNT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Default, Aim: Vitals Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Aim: Vitals has a random effect, with the following | | chances of each: | | 11/101: Inflict Berserk | | 25/101: Inflict Disable | | 35/101: Inflict Blind | | 25/101: Inflict Immobilize | | 5/101: Reduce Target to 1 HP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Hunting HUNT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 50% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Killing a unit with the damage from Hunting will earn you | | 10 JP instead of merely 1. | | Effect 4 is *actually* set to use the Gadgeteer version of Dispel, but | | the code for it is never run because Eff2 and Eff3 are empty. This is | | is possibly a bug, but it may also be used by a different part of the | | code to decide how much JP you were supposed to get from Hunting. The | | ID for the Gadgeteer Dispel effect is 0xA... or 10 in decimal. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Addle HUNT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Animal, Inflict Addle | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Ultima Shot HUNT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: 60 | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 300% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Sidewinder HUNT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, NonAnimal, 100% Damage | | Eff2: AType, Animal, 200% Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Capture HUNT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Animal, Capture Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Capture's chance of success is equal to the following: | | Hit% = [25 * (Target's Max HP - Target's HP) / Target's Max HP] | | Capture will automatically fail under certain conditions. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Goblin CONTROL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Control Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Flan CONTROL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Control Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Bomb CONTROL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Control Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Dragon CONTROL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Control Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Lamia CONTROL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Control Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Bug CONTROL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Control Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Tonberry CONTROL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Control Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Panther CONTROL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Control Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Malboro CONTROL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Control Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Floateye CONTROL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Control Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Undead CONTROL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Control Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Fairy CONTROL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Control Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Rockbeast CONTROL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Control Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Goblin MORPH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Morph Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Flan MORPH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Morph Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Bomb MORPH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Morph Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Dragon MORPH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Morph Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Lamia MORPH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Morph Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Bug MORPH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Morph Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Panther MORPH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Morph Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Malboro MORPH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Morph Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Floateye MORPH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Morph Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Hurl STUNT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, Hurl Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Hurl does a normal 100% Damage MPow-based attack, using | | [Rand{256..512} * Weapon Power / 256] as the Power of the attack. | | The predicted value assumes 100% Weapon Power, but the actual damage can | | use anywhere from 100% to 200% of the Weapon Power. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Ring STUNT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Stop | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Firebomb STUNT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 30 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: Fire | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Berserk | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Ball STUNT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Confusion | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Dagger STUNT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 35 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Disable | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Smile STUNT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict Quicken | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Gil Toss STUNT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Self, Lose 30 Gil | | Eff2: AType, Default, 30 Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Beso Toxico SHARPSHOOT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Poison | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Death Sickle SHARPSHOOT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, NonUndead, Inflict Doom | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Conceal SHARPSHOOT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict Conceal | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Doom Archer SHARPSHOOT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Doom Archer Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Doom Archer's predicted damage is equal to: | | Damage = (Caster's Max HP - Caster's HP) | | However, this damage is randomly split between HP and MP damage, using | | the following: | | HP Damage = Rand{0..Damage - 1} | | MP Damage = Damage - HP Damage | | Doom Archer cannot be used without a Bow or Greatbow equipped. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Doubleshot SHARPSHOOT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 50% Damage | | Eff2: AType, Default, 50% Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Aim: Armor SHARPSHOOT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, Break Armor Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Aim: Weapon SHARPSHOOT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Default, Break Weapon Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Aim: Wallet SHARPSHOOT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Enemy, Aim: Wallet Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Aim: Wallet steals a predicted amount of Gil equal to the | | Target's Max HP. The actual amount of Gil stolen varies as such: | | Base = [Rand{128..384} * Target's Max HP / 256] | | Gil Stolen = [Rand{128..384} * Base / 256] | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Sheep Count CALL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 8 | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Sleep | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | 100% Wool CALL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 8 | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict Shell | | Eff2: 100%H, Default, Inflict Protect | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Cuisine CALL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 32 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Heal to full HP | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Tail Wag CALL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 8 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Enemy, Inflict Charm | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Chocobo Rush CALL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 45 (WAtk) MP: 12 | Range: Dbl-Line | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, NotSelf, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Frogsong CALL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 18 | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Frog | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Friend CALL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: r2/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Friend Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | Stealable R-Ab:Return Magic R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Friend duplicates the effects of a random Summon out of: | | Unicorn, Ifrit, Ramuh, Shiva, Kirin, Carbuncle, Phoenix, Madeen | | There is an equal chance of each Summon. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Catnip CALL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Berserk | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Fireshot GUNMANSHIP | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: Fire | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Boltshot GUNMANSHIP | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: Lightning | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Iceshot GUNMANSHIP | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: Ice | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Confushot GUNMANSHIP | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Confusion | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Charmshot GUNMANSHIP | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Enemy, Eff1Dep: Inflict Charm | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Blindshot GUNMANSHIP | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Blind | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Silenshot GUNMANSHIP | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Silence | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Stopshot GUNMANSHIP | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Stop | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Red Spring PANDORA | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Gadget, Inflict Haste | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Blue Screw PANDORA | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Gadget, Dispel | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Green Gear PANDORA | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Gadget, Inflict Poison | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Silver Disc PANDORA | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Gadget, Inflict Blind | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Gold Battery PANDORA | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (MPow) MP: 12 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Gadget, 100% Heal | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Black Ingot PANDORA | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Gadget, Non-Undead: Inflict Doom | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Chroma Gem PANDORA | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Gadget, Inflict Sleep | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Yellow Spring PANDORA | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Gadget, Inflict Shell | | Eff2: 100%H, Gadget, Inflict Protect | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Potion ITEM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (MPow) MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: Holy | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, NonUndead, 100% Heal | | Eff2: AType, Undead, 100% Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Potion ignores Eff1's formula when healing NonUndead, and | | instead heals a flat 25 HP. Eff2 is still used against the Undead. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Hi-Potion ITEM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 60 (MPow) MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: Holy | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, NonUndead, 100% Heal | | Eff2: AType, Undead, 100% Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Hi-Potion ignores Eff1's formula when healing NonUndead, | | and instead heals a flat 50 HP. Eff2 is still used against the | | Undead. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | X-Potion ITEM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 80 (MPow) MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: Holy | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, NonUndead, 100% Heal | | Eff2: AType, Undead, 100% Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: X-Potion ignores Eff1's formula when healing NonUndead, | | and instead heals a flat 150 HP. Eff2 is still used against the | | Undead. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Ether ITEM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Heal 80 MP | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Elixir ITEM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 100 (MPow) MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: Holy | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, NonUndead, Heal to full HP | | Eff2: 100%H, NonUndead, Heal to full MP | | Eff3: AType, Undead, 100% Damage | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Phoenix Down ITEM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 90 (MPow) MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: Holy | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, KOed Unit, Revive to 25% HP | | Eff2: AType, Undead, 100% Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Echo Screen ITEM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Remove Silence | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Maiden Kiss ITEM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Remove Frog | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Soft ITEM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Remove Petrify | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Holy Water ITEM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Remove Zombie | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Antidote ITEM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Remove Poison | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Eye Drops ITEM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Remove Blind | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Bandage ITEM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Remove Immobilize | | Eff2: 100%H, Default, Remove Disable | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Cureall ITEM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Cureall Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Despite its claims, Cureall is not a duplicate of Esuna. | | Cureall only removes the following statuses: Petrify, Frog, Poison, | | Blind, Conceal, Sleep, Silence, Confusion. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Draw Weapon ITEM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: Self | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Self, Draw Weapon | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | Stealable | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Goblin Punch PUNCH, BLUE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 30 (WAtk) MP: 8 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, Goblin Punch Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Goblin Punch does a normal 100% Damage attack, but the | | final damage is subject to extra variance: | | Final Damage = [Rand{128..384} * Damage / 256] | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Magic Hammer HIT, BLUE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 38 (WAtk) MP: 8 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage to MP, capped to Target's MP | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Mutilate HIT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 18 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, Mutilate Effect | | Eff2: 100%H, Self, Eff1Dep: Heal Eff1 Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Mutilate has a unique formula, worked out like so: | | Base = [Target's HP / 4] | | Damage = Base + Rand{0..2*Base} | | The predicted amount of damage dealt by Mutilate is equal to 2 * Base. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Acid MELT, SCORCH, CHILL, BLUE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: ---, Default, Acid Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Sacrifice MELT, SCORCH, CHILL | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Heal to full HP | | Eff2: 100%H, Default, Esuna | | Eff3: 100%H, Self, Max HP Damage | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Blowup BLAZE, BOOM!, BLUE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 15 (MPow) MP: 2 | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 (Not Self) | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 400% Damage | | Eff2: 100%H, Self, Max HP Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Flame Attack BLAZE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (MPow) MP: --- | Range: 3 | | Elem: Fire | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Chill BOOM! | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (MPow) MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: Ice | Area: r1/v2 (Not Self) | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: 100%H, Self, 100% Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Mighty Guard ICEWYRM, BLUE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 8 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict MRes UP | | Eff2: 100%H, Default, Inflict WDef UP | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Guard-Off DRAGONBLAZE, BLUE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 10 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict WDef DOWN/MRes DOWN | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Dragon Force DRAGONBOLT, BLUE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Inflict WAtk UP/WDef UP/MPow UP/MRes UP | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Night SONG, BLUE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 24 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, NotSelf, Inflict Sleep | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Twister POISON FANG, BLUE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 20 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, [(Target's HP + 1) / 2] Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Hand Slap SONG | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 45 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: 100%H, Default, Eff1Dep: Delay Unit | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Poison Frog SONG, POISON FANG | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Poison | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Frog | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Kiss POISON FANG | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, NonUndead, Inflict Doom | | Eff2: SType, Enemy, Eff1Dep: Inflict Charm | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | LV3 Def-less SANDSTORM, ADHERE, BLUE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, LvlDivBy3, Inflict WDef DOWN | | Eff2: 100%H, LvlDivBy3, Inflict MRes DOWN | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Sandstorm SANDSTORM | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: Earth | Area: r1/v2 (Not Self) | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Blind | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | LV5 Death ADHERE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 24 | Range: 3 | | Elem: Dark | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, NonUndead, LvlDivBy5: Inflict KO | | Eff2: 100%H, Undead, LvlDivBy5: Heal to full HP | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Suffocate ADHERE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, Delay Unit | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Resonate DEBILITATE, CRUSH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 20 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, EqpSword, Inflict Disable | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Limit Glove CRUSH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 4 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Limit Glove Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Matra Magic DEBILITATE, BLUE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 24 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, Matra Magic Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Matra Magic swaps the target's current HP and MP values. | | It will cap HP and MP at their normal maxs. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Munch CRUSH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 47 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Animal, 100% Damage | | Eff2: ---, NonAnimal, Break Weapon Effect | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Knife GRUDGE, MALICE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 8 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, [(Target's HP + 1) * 0.9] Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Karma GRUDGE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, (Target's Kills * 10) Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Voodoo MALICE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, 999 Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Poison Claw RAKE, BLUE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 30 (WAtk) MP: 8 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Poison | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Hastebreak SCRATCH, BLUE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Hastebreak Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Hastebreak will inflict Stop on target's with Haste | | Status, and inflict Slow on everything else. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Rend RAKE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 35 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Blaster SCRATCH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Petrify | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Bad Breath STENCH, REEK, BLUE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 20 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Bad Breath Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Bad Breath inflicts the statuses Frog, Poison, Blind, | | Slow, Sleep, Silence and Confusion. However, the Slow infliction | | is bugged and wears off the *very* next turn the target gets. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Goo STENCH | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Immobilize | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Soundwave REEK | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Soundwave Effect | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Despite its claims, Soundwave is not a duplicate of | | Dispel. Soundwave only removes the following statuses: Auto-Life, | | Regen, Conceal, Shell, Protect. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Stare GAZE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: Cone | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Eye2Eye: Inflict Confusion | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Roulette GLARE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 20 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: Dark | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, NonUndead, Inflict KO | | Eff2: 100%H, Undead, Heal to full HP | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Devil Gaze GAZE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Cone | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Eye2Eye: Inflict Blind | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Silence | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Circle GLARE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict WAtk DOWN | | Eff2: 100%H, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict MPow DOWN | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Drain Touch ROT, BLUE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 20 (WAtk) MP: 10 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage, capped to Target's Max HP | | Eff2: 100%H, Self, Eff1Dep: Heal Eff1 Damage | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | LV? S-Flare ILLUDE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 55 (WAtk) MP: 30 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: Dark | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, NonUndead, SameLvDigit: 100% Damage | | Eff2: 100%H, Undead, SameLvDigit: 100% Heal | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Miasma ILLUDE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 20 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Poison | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Zombify ILLUDE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 45 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: Dark | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Zombie | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | White Wind TRICK, BLUE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Heal (Caster's HP) Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Angel Whisper FLUORESCE, BLUE MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 30 (MPow) MP: 24 | Range: 3 | | Elem: Holy | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, NonUndead, 100% Heal | | Eff2: 100%H, NonUndead, Inflict Auto-Life | | Eff3: AType, Undead, 100% Damage | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Meteorite TRICK | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 50 (MPow) MP: 22 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | LV?D Holy FLUORESCE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 65 (MPow) MP: 32 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: Holy | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, SmeLvlDay, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Adrammalech TOTEMA | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 85 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Enemy, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Mateus TOTEMA | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 85 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Enemy, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Ultima TOTEMA | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 85 (MPow) MP: --- | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Enemy, 100% Damage to MP | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Exodus TOTEMA | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 85 (MPow) MP: --- | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Enemy, 100% Damage to MP | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Famfrit TOTEMA | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 85 (MPow) MP: --- | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Enemy, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Explode RUNE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (MPow) MP: 24 | Range: 3 | | Elem: Fire | Area: r1/v1 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Stillness RUNE | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 24 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Stop | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Azoth HERMETICS | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 12 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Enemy, Inflict Sleep | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Omega DARK MAGIC, WICCA | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: 10 | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 200% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Abyss DARK MAGIC | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 48 (MPow) MP: 12 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v1 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Poison | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | R-Ab:Absorb MP | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Life Render FLAIR | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, NonUndead, Eff1Dep: Inflict Doom | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Heart Render FLAIR | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage to MP, capped to Target's MP | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Ripcircle FLAIR | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 45 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 (Not Self) | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Furycircle FLAIR | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 50 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 (Not Self) | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: 100%H, Default, Eff1Dep: Knockback | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Lawshift GENESIS | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Change Laws | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Ignore-Reaction | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Amber Gleam GENESIS | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Dispel | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Alpha WICCA | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 99 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Descent WICCA | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ | UNIQUE EFFECT: Descent ignores its Effect code, and instead duplicates | | the effects of a random Totema. | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Magi WICCA | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 50 (MPow) MP: --- | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Enemy, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Spellbind EXPULSE (Mateus) | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 50 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: SType, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict Slow | | Eff3: 100%H, Default, Eff1Dep: Delay Unit | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Breath of God EXPULSE (Famfrit/Adrammelech/Mateus) | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 40 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: 4 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Lightspeed EXPULSE (Famfrit/Adrammelech) | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 45 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Ignore-Reaction | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Firestream EXPULSE (Adrammelech) | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 35 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: Line | | Elem: Fire | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Howl of Rage EXPULSE (Adrammelech) | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v2 (Not Self) | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, Inflict Speed DOWN | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Presence EXPULSE (Famfrit) | +==========================================================================+ | Power: 50 (WAtk) MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: 100%H, Default, Eff1Dep: Knockback | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Logos EXPULSE (Ultima Crystal) | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: r1/v0 | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict WAtk DOWN | | Eff2: 100%H, Default, Eff1Dep: Inflict MPow DOWN | | Eff3: SType, Enemy, Inflict Charm | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive Silencable | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Abate ADVANCED LAW | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 32 | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Judge, Stop Judge | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Judge Sword ADVANCED LAW | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: 100%H, Default, Eff1Dep: Steal 2 JP | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Bind ADVANCED LAW | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 16 | Range: 3 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: SType, Default, Inflict Disable/Immobilize | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | JP Gift ADVANCED LAW | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Give JP | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Ignore-Reaction | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Yellow Clip ADVANCED LAW | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 8 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Remove Yellow Card | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Ignore-Reaction | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Judge Sword JUDGEMENT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: As Weapon | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: 100%H, Default, Eff1Dep: Steal 2 JP | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Yellow Card JUDGEMENT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: 20 | Range: 1 | | Elem: --- | Area: One Unit | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Add Yellow Card | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Palaistra JUDGEMENT | +==========================================================================+ | Power: As Weapon MP: --- | Range: Self | | Elem: As Weapon | Area: r1/v2 (Not Self) | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: AType, Default, 100% Damage | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Offensive | | | +==========================================================================+ +==========================================================================+ | Blank Card BLANK CARD | +==========================================================================+ | Power: --- MP: --- | Range: Infinite | | Elem: --- | Area: Infinite | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------+ | Eff1: 100%H, Default, Change Laws | | Eff2: --- | | Eff3: --- | | Eff4: --- | +==========================================================================+ | Ignore-Reaction | | | +==========================================================================+ ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============= == CREDITS == ============= Still rather bare. AstroBlue deserves a mention due to having the first complete FAQ up, which proved to be an invaluable resource before I actually started hacking out the data for myself. He also noted the race-weapon-specific discounts shops can give, which got me working on discounts as a whole. As the guide grows, I'm sure there'll be other talented people who'll have things to add that I haven't been able to research, so we shall see what happens. Hope this has been useful to you. ============================================================================= The Final Fantasy Tactics Mechanics Guide, Copyright 2003-2004 Terence Fergusson