Version 1.3 10/19/03 _ // |*|_________||------------------------------------------, |*|#########|| ----==== FINAL FANTASY ====---- /' |*|~~~~~~~~~||---------------------------------------' ~ \\ ` Shop Guide An In-depth Guide by The Lost Gamer ( Copyright 2003 For information on the latest version of this guide, check Table of Contents: 001. General information 002. What the kupo is this guide about? 003. The List! 004. Shop Upgrades 005. Shop Particulars 006. Shop Discounts 007. Credits 001-General Information ----------------------------------------------------------- This is an in-depth guide for Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, which is a Game Boy Advance game. If you want to use part of this guide for something, you should ask first. You can e-mail me at, but make the subject blank if you do. I encourage you to visit my website for more video game stuff; Thanks to Ancient Anguish, for the cool sword picture at the top of this guide. Thanks to Terence Fergusson for help about shop upgrades. 002- What the kupo is this guide about? ----------------------------------------------------------- Well, throughout this game, there are various shops. These different shops sell different things, at different times. This guide is made to help with understanding what items you can get at a shop, when, and how to get those items as cheaply as possible. Note that this guide does not cover Nono's shop, or any card shops. 003-The List! ----------------------------------------------------------- Okay, here are all the items you can get in a shop. They are arranged alphabetically. Each item also follows this format: Item name, item type, town where the item can be bought, when you can buy the item. For the town where the item can be bought, most items can be bought at any shop. These will simply be labeled all. However, there are a few items that can only be bought at a particular shop, and they will be labeled appropriately. For when you can buy the item, stores upgrade their inventories occasionally (see the Shop Upgrades section for more). Listed will be the number of the shop upgrade at which the shop gets that item. A plus after the number indicates that the item can be found in a shop after that upgrade. For example, if an item is label 3+, you can get it after the third shop upgrade. There are some items you can get at the beginning of the game, and they are labeled 0+. So, an item labeled 0+, like cuirass, is available the first time you enter a shop. If you're looking for a particular type of item (like a saber), press [Ctrl] + [F] to search for a particular item by entering the name/type of the item you want to find. Here's the list: Adaman Vest, cloth, all, 1+ Aiot Gun, gun, all, 0+ Air Blade, blade, all, 2+ Ancient Sword, greatsword, all, 1+ Antidote, item, all, 0+ Apocalypse, knightsword, all, 1+ Aqua Saber, saber, all, 2+ Ashura, katana, all, 1+ Atmos Blade, blade, all, 1+ Bandage, item, all, 0+ Barong, greatsword, all, 0+ Battle Boots, boot, all, 0+ Battle Mace, mace, all, 1+ Black Quena, instrument, all, 1+ Bless Staff, staff, all, 1+ Bless Staff, staff, all, 2+ Blue Saber, saber, all, 1+ Bracers, armlet, Sprohm, 5+ Brigandine, cloth, all, 2+ Bronze Armor, armor, all, 0+ Bronze Helm, helmet, all, 0+ Bronze Shield, shield, all, 0+ Burglar Sword, sword, all, 2+ Buster Sword, sword, all, 1+ Chain Plate, cloth, all, 0+ Chaos Rifle, gun, all, 2+ Char bow, bow, all, 0+ Circlet, hat, all, 2+ Conch Shell, instrument, all, 1+ Cranquin, greatbow, all, 1+ Cuirass, armor, all, 0+ Cure Staff, staff, all, 2+ Cureall, item, Baguba Port, 3+ Dash Boots, boot, all, 2+ Defender, knightsword, all, 2+ Demon Bell, instrument, all, 0+ Dragon Whisker, spear, all, 2+ Dream Claws, knuckle, all, 1+ Druid Mace, mace, all, 1+ Earth Bell, instrument, all, 1+ Echo Screen, item, all, 0+ Elixer, item, Cyril, 13+ Energy Mace, mace, all, 1+ Estoc, rapier, all, 1+ Eye Drops, item, all, 0+ Falchion, broadsword, all, 0+ Feather Cap, hat, all, 0+ Firewheel Rod, rod, all, 1+ Flamberge, rapier, all, 1+ Flametongue, blade, all, 2+ Fleuret, rapier, all, 0+ Force Rod, rod, all, 2+ Fortune Ring, accessory, all, 2+ Gae Bolg, spear, all, 2+ Garnet Staff, staff, all, 2+ Gauntlets, armlet, all, 0+ Glass Bell, instrument, all, 0+ Gold Armor, armor, all, 2+ Green Beret, hat, all, 0+ Guard Staff, staff, all, 0+ Hard Knuckles, knuckle, all, 0+ Headband, hat, all, 2+ Heaven's Cloud, katana, all, 2+ Hempen Robe, robe, all, 0+ Hi-Potion, item, all, 0+ Holy Water, item, all, 0+ Hunt Bow, greatbow, Muscadet, 6+ Ice Lance, spear, all, 1+ Icebrand, blade, all, 2+ Iron Armor, armor, all, 1+ Iron Helm, helmet, all, 1+ Jack Knife, knife, all, 0+ Jambiya, knife, all, 0+ Javelin, spear, all, 1+ Judge Staff, staff, all, 0+ Judo Uniform, cloth, all, 2+ Kaiser Knuckles, knuckle, all, 1+ Kard, knife, all, 2+ Khukuri, knife, all, 2+ Kikuichimonji, katana, all, 2+ Kotesu, katana, all, 1+ Kris Knife, knife, all, 2+ Kwigon Blade, blade, all, 2+ Lava Spear, spear, all, 1+ Leather Garb, cloth, all, 0+ Lionheart, knightsword, all, 1+ Lohengrin, knightsword, all, 2+ Longbow, bow, all, 0+ Mage Masher, rapier, all, 2+ Magus Robe, robe, all, 2+ Maiden Kiss, item, all, 0+ Masamune, katana, Muscadet, 9+ Mistle Robe, robe, all, 2+ Murasame, katana, all, 1+ Nail Bow, bow, all, 2+ Ninja Knife, katana, all, 1+ Ogun Blade, blade, all, 2+ Opal Helm, helmet, all, 2+ Opal Shield, shield, all, 2+ Osafune, katana, all, 1+ Paraiba Blade, blade, all, 2+ Partisan, spear, all, 1+ Phoenix Down, item, all, 0+ Platemail, armor, all, 2+ Potion, item, all, 0+ Power Sash, cloth, all, 2+ Predator, broadsword, all, 2+ Princess Rod, rod, Baguba Port, 10+ Pure Staff, staff, all, 1+ Ragnarok, knightsword, all, 1+ Ranger Bow, greatbow, all, 1+ Restorer, broadsword, Cyril, 7+ Temple Cloth, cloth, Cyril, 8+ Riot Gun, gun, all, 2+ Rising Sun, knuckle, all, 0+ Rod, rod, all, 0+ Rondell Dagger, knife, all, 2+ Round Shield, shield, all, 1+ Sage Crosier, mace, all, 1+ Samson Sword, broadsword, all, 1+ Satyr Flute, instrument, all, 1+ Scarab, accessory, all, 2+ Scarlette, rapier, all, 0+ Scramasax, knife, all, 0+ Seventh Heaven, greatbow, Baguba Port, 12+ Shadow Blade, blade, all, 1+ Shamsir, saber, all, 1+ Shortsword, sword, all, 0+ Sick Knuckles, knuckle, all, 1+ Silken Robe, robe, all, 1+ Silver Bow, bow, all, 1+ Silver Cannon, gun, all, 1+ Silver Sword, sword, all, 0+ Sleet Rod, rod, all, 1+ Soft, item, all, 0+ Spiked Boots, boot, all, 2+ Star Armlet, accessory, Cadoan, 4+ Stinger, rapier, all, 0+ Striborg, broadsword, all, 2+ Sun Blade, blade, all, 1+ Survival Vest, cloth, all, 1+ Sweep Blade, blade, all, 0+ Terre Rod, rod, all, 1+ Thorn Bow, bow, all, 0+ Thunder Rod, rod, all, 1+ Tiptaptwo, knife, Cadoan, 11+ Twin Bow, greatbow, all, 2+ War Trumpet, instrument, all, 0+ White Staff, staff, all, 0+ Windslash Bow, greatbow, all, 1+ X-Potion, item, all, 0+ 004-Shop Upgrades ----------------------------------------------------------- For reference, it'd be handy to know exactly which new items a shop gets whenever it receives a new shipment. There are shop upgrades in all. In order to get a shop upgrade, you have to do certain things (win battles, free areas, etc.). Here's how to get the various upgrades: To get shop upgrade 1, win 10 battles. To get shop upgrade 2, with 20 battles. To get shop upgrade 3, own 10 turfs. To get shop upgrade 4, own 15 turfs. To get shop upgrade 5, own 20 turfs. To get shop upgrade 6, own 21 turfs. To get shop upgrade 7, own 22 turfs. To get shop upgrade 8, own 23 turfs. To get shop upgrade 9, own 24 turfs. To get shop upgrade 10, own 25 turfs. To get shop upgrade 11, own 26 turfs. To get shop upgrade 12, own 28 turfs. To get shop upgrade 13, own 30 turfs. Before any shop ugrades: Bronze Helm Feather Cap Green Beret Cuirass Bronze Armor Leather Garb Chain Plate Hempen Robe Shortsword Silver Sword Sweep Blade Barong Falchion Jack Knife Scramasax Jambiya Stinger Fleuret Scarlette White Staff Guard Staff Judge Staff Rod Longbow Char bow Thorn Bow Demon Bell Glass Bell War Trumpet Hard Knuckles Rising Sun Aiot Gun Bronze Shield Battle Boots Gauntlets Potion Hi-Potion X-Potion Antidote Eye Drops Echo Screen Maiden Kiss Soft Holy Water Bandage Phoenix Down Shop Upgrade One: Iron Helm Iron Armor Adaman Vest Survival Vest Silken Robe Buster Sword Shadow Blade Sun Blade Atmos Blade Blue Saber Shamsir Apocalypse Lionheart Ragnarok Ancient Sword Samson Sword Estoc Flamberge Ninja Knife Murasame Ashura Osafune Kotesu Pure Staff Bless Staff Firewheel Rod Thunder Rod Sleet Rod Terre Rod Battle Mace Energy Mace Druid Mace Sage Crosier Silver Bow Windslash Bow Ranger Bow Cranquin Javelin Lava Spear Ice Lance Partisan Conch Shell Earth Bell Black Quena Satyr Flute Sick Knuckles Dream Claws Kaiser Knuckles Silver Cannon Round Shield Shop Upgrade Two: Opal Helm Circlet Headband Platemail Gold Armor Brigandine Judo Uniform Power Sash Magus Robe Mistle Robe Burglar Sword Flametongue Air Blade Icebrand Kwigon Blade Ogun Blade Paraiba Blade Aqua Saber Defender Lohengrin Predator Striborg Kris Knife Khukuri Kard Rondell Dagger Mage Masher Kikuichimonji Heaven's Cloud Cure Staff Bless Staff Garnet Staff Force Rod Nail Bow Twin Bow Gae Bolg Dragon Whisker Riot Gun Chaos Rifle Opal Shield Spiked Boots Dash Boots Fortune Ring Scarab Shop Upgrade Three: Cureall Shop Upgrade Four: Star Armlet Shop Upgrade Five: Bracers Shop Upgrade Six: Hunt Bow Shop Upgrade Seven: Restorer Shop Upgrade Eight: Temple Cloth Shop Upgrade Nine: Masamune Shop Upgrade Ten: Princess Rod Shop Upgrade Eleven: Tiptaptwo Shop Upgrade Twelve: Seventh Heaven Shop Upgrade Thirteen: Elixir 005-Shop Particulars ----------------------------------------------------------- Some items can only be bought at a particular shop. Actually, there are ten of these. Here they are. Restorer, available in Cyril Temple Cloth, available in Cyril Elixir, available in Cyril Bracers, available in Sprohm Hunt Bow, available in Muscader Masamune, available in Muscadet Star Armlet, available in Cadoan Tiptaptwo, available in Cadoan Cureall, available in Baguba Port Princess Rod, available in Baguba port Seventh Heaven, available in Baguba port Also, you don't start the game with access to all of the shops. You start off with access to only Cyril and Sprohm shops. To get access to Muscadet, beat mission 17. To get access to Cadoan, beat mission 7. To get access to Baguba Port, beat mission 13. 006-Shop Discounts ----------------------------------------------------------- Okay, the shops don't really give discounts. But there are two ways to ensure cheaper prices. The first way is shop at a shop in a town that is part of your clan's turf. The second way to get cheaper prices is a bit more complicated. It depends on two principles: Principle One: As supply decreases, price increases. Here's an example: Say I quit writing guides for video games and open a pizza shop. You and your friends go into my shop. I have lots of pizza, so I'm selling the pizza for a dollar a slice. Note that I can't all of a sudden start charging ten dollars a slice, because then you won't buy any because the price is too high. Say you and your buddies come in the next day. Due to an unfortunate sumo wrestler rampage, I only have one slice of pizza left. I say it costs ten dollars to buy the slice. I can charge this high price because there is only one slice left, and you won't be able to buy any pizza once the last slice is bought. This proves principle one: As supply decreases, price increases. Because there is less pizza to be bought, it costs more. This principle works in the real world; if there is less gasoline to be bought, gas prices go up. This explains why rare coins cost so much. This also explains the magic bean seller in Ocarina of Time; as you buy more of his magic beans, he has less beans to sell, and the price then increases. Principle Two: People won't buy what they won't use. This principle is easier to understand. If the Men's Wearhouse started selling pantyhose, they wouldn't sell many pairs, because only men buy from the men's wearhouse, and no man, thieves aside, wears pantyhose. Apply these principles to Final Fantasy Tatics Advance. Now, say the Bangaa shop (Sprohm) starts selling guns. Moogles use guns, not Bangaas. So the Bangaa shop is not going to sell a lot of guns, which is why the person who owns the Bangaa shop will not stock a lot of guns. The Bangaa shop will not have a lot of guns, which makes sense because not too many people will buy guns. This means there is a low supply of guns in the Bangaa shop, right? Applying principle one, this means that the guns will have high prices. So if I want to buy a gun, I won't go to the Bangaa shop due to the high prices. I want to go to Baguba Port, which is a Moogle shop. Because Moogles shop there, they have a lot of guns in stock, and therefore cheaper prices, right? So therefore, it stands that certain stores will sell things at cheaper prices. Here's a list of which stores sell which things at cheap prices: Cyril sells cheap equipment for Humans. Sprohm sells cheap equipment for Bangaa. Muscadet sells cheap equipment for Viera. Cadoan sells cheap equipment for Nu Mou. Baguba Port sells cheap equipment for Moogles. Equipment-type wise, the chart is like this: Swords are cheap at Cyril and Sprohm. Blades are cheap at Cyril and Sprohm. Sabers are cheap at Cyril. Knightswords are cheap at Cyril and Sprohm. Greatswords are cheap at Cyril. Broadswords are cheap at Sprohm. Knives are cheap at Cyril and Baguba Port. Rapiers are cheap at Muscadet. Katanas are cheap at Cyril and Muscadet. Staffs are cheap at Cyril, Sprohm, Muscadet, and Cadoan. Rods are cheap at Cyril, Cadoan, and Baguba Port. Maces are cheap at Cadoan. Bows are cheap at Cyril and Muscadet. Greatbows are cheap at Cyril Muscadet. Spears are cheap at Sprohm. Instruments are cheap at Cadoan and Baguba Port. Knuckles are cheap at Sprohm and Baguba Port. Guns are cheap at Baguba Port. 007-Credits ----------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is copyright of The Lost Gamer, 2003. If you want to use any part of this FAQ, ask me first (instructions under general information)