Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Sub-mission Rewards FAQ submitted 10/16/03 Copyright 2003 Cameron Johnson Version 0.2 T FFFF III N N A L FFFF A N N TTT A SSSS Y Y F I NN N A A L F A A NN N T A A S Y Y FF I NNNN AAA L FF AAA NNNN T AAA SSS Y F I N NN A A L F A A N NN T A A S Y F III N N A A LLLL F A A N N T A A SSSS Y F-------------------------F------------------------------------ TTT A CCC TTT III CCC SSSS T A A C T I C S T AAA C T I C SSS T A A C T I C S T A A CCC T III CCC SSSS 0 0 0 --------------------------------- ...Advance Table of Contents 1. Legal Mumbo Jumbo 2. Version History 3. Sub-mission rewards 4. Field Missions 5. Dispatch Missions 6. Special Thanks ==============================1. Legal Mumbo Jumbo============================= This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. In other words, don't take junk from my FAQ without my permission. ===============================2. Version History============================== version 0.1 (10/16/03) Only one. My first guide for FFTA. Enjoy. version 0.2 (10/20/03) Added the Field Missions section, Dispatch Missions section, so-so looking title, and a table of contents. Looks pretty good. version 0.21 (1/25/04) Minor changes: added a mission # to an item and put in Special Thanks section. =============================3. Sub-mission Rewards============================ This is a complete list of all the reward items obtained from submissions. On the left, you obviously have the item name and on the right is the number of themission in which it can be found. Updates will definitely be added. But why a FAQ on submission rewards? I'll tell you later. If you want to find out what item is in which mission, indulge. If not, I don't know what to do with you. Reward Item Mission # --------------- --------------- Acacia Hat 42 Adaman Alloy 131, 184 Adaman Blade 285 Adaman Armor 297 Adamantite 207 Aerial Hole 271 Ahriman Eye 113 Ahriman Wing 135 Allmighty Card 56, 88 Ally Finder 161 Ally Finder 2 67, 162 Amber 56 Ancient Bills 183 Ancient Coins 114 Ancient Medal 201, 202 Ancient Text 139 Animal Bone 173 Arbalest 276 Ayvuir Blue 36 Ayvuir Red 35 Bangaa Helm 94 Bangaa Spike 277 Beastspear 107 Beastsword 269 Bent Sword 157, 190 Bindsnipe 294 Black Hat 295 Black Thread 208, 209, 210 Blood Apple 179, 193 Blood Shawl 134 Blue Rose 51 Body Ceffyl 197 Bomb Shell 218, 219 Brint Set 299 Broken Sword 156, 189 Calling Gun 284 Caravan Musk 168 Cat's Tears 127 Charfire 272 Chirijiraden 91 Choco Bread 226 Choco Gratin 227, 228 Choco Shield 194 Chocobo Egg 200, 224 Chocobo Skin 105, 214 Clock Gear 175 Clock Post 149 Coast Medal 124 Crescent Bow 274 Crusite Alloy 133, 186 Crystal 152 Cyril Ice 225 Dame's Blush 128 Danbukwood 237 Dark Fiddle 293 Delta Fang 77 Dictionary 144 Dragon Bone 172 Dread Soul 86 Ear Plugs 151 Earth Sigil 80, 119 Ebon Blade 97 Edaroya Tome 142 Elda's Cup 123 Encyclopedia 235 Esteroth 89 Excalibur2 98 Fairy Wing 136 Feather Badge 159 Fell Castanets 278 Fight Trophy 121 Fire Mitts 283 Fire Sigil 76, 116 Flower Vase 25 Fountain Pen 150 Friend Badge 141 Galmia Set 300 Gedegg Soup 46, 47 Goldcap 137 Grownup Bread 229 Guard Medal 125 Gun Gear 176 Gysahl Greens 222 Hanya Helm 82 Helje Key 57 Heretic Rod 93 Hero Gaol, The 62 Homework 143 Insignia 160, 192 Jagd Ali icon 65 Jagd Helje icon 64 Jerky 221 Judge Coat 86 Justice Badge 140 Kiddy Bread 234 Laglace Sword 45 Last Letter 92 Leestone 206 Life Water 138 Loaded Dice 164 Love Potion 169 Lurebreaker 289 Magic Cloth 215, 216 Magic Cotton 217 Magic Fruit 180 Magic Hands 279 Magic Medal 199, 223 Magiv Robe 282 Magic Trophy 120 Magic Vellum 231 Malboro Wine 230 Malbow 95 Marduk Bow 275 Masamune 100 99 Master Brave 90 Master Sword 28 Materia Armor 298 Materite 205 Mind Ceffyl 196 Monster Guide 145 Moon Bloom 178 Moonwood 238 Mysidia Alloy 132, 185 Mythril Pick 167 Nagrarok 286 Neighbor Pin 154 Ninja Tabi 96 Oblige 267 Odin Lance 292 Ogma's Seal 88 Old Statue 153 Onion Sword 265 Onlyone 30 Ozmonfield icon 66 Panther Hide 220 Parade Helm 281 Peytral 43 Power Fruit 181 Power Staff 273 Rainbowite 126 Rabbit Tail 236 Rat Tail 147, 187 Reaper Cloak 81 Red Robe 75 Reverie Shield 280 Romphaia 268 Rukavi Soul 87 Runba's Tale 232, 233 Rusty Spear 158, 191 Rusty Sword 155, 188 Sapere Aude 41 Secret Books 146 Sequence 40 Shijin Shield 73 Silk Bloom 177 Silkmoon 291 Silvril 103, 204 Sketchbook 59 Skull 174 Snake Shield 165 Soulsaber 266 Spiritstone 198 Sport Trophy 122 Sprinkler 38 Stasis Rope 166 Stilpool Scroll 171 Stolen Gil 182 Stormstone 130 Stradivari 148 Tabarise 290 Telaq Flower 239 Thunderstone 129 Tiger Hide 53, 108 Tonberrian 39, 270 Tonberry Lamp 170 Topaz Armring 48 Tranquil Box 163 Trichord 54 Vesper 50 Victor Sword 264 Water Sigil 78, 117 White Flower 55 White Hat 296 White Thread 211, 212, 213 Wind Sigil 79, 118 Wyrmstone 31 Zankplus 287 Zanmato 29 Zodiac Ore 203 ================================4. Field Missions============================== Under Availability, Mission x (ie Mission 1) means that mission needs to be completed. xmoon (ie Kingmoon) stands for the month it is available. * Indicates a mission item ^ Indicates a required job Mission Name Availability Requirements Rank Mission No. ------------ ------------ ------------ ---- ----------- Wanted! Kingmoon, Mission 2 none 3 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wanted! Bardmoon, Mission 12 none 3 26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wanted! Madmoom, Mission 1 none 2 27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wanted! Sagemoon, Mission 15 none 3 28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wanted! Huntmoon, Missions 20 & none 4 29 64 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wanted! Kingmoon, Missions 13, 4 30 25, & 65 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruby Red Missions 17 & 12 none 4 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tower Ruins Mission 8, read "The none 3 32 Hero Gaol" item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle in Missions 8 & 32 none 3 33 Aisen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magewyrm Missions 17 & 23 none 3 34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Salika Keep Missions 17 & 34 none 4 35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twin Swords Missions 5 & 37, read Combat Lv.10 4 36 "The Hero Gaol" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Village Hunt Mission 3 none 3 37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire! Fire! Mission 1 (10 day time none 1 38 limit, Cyril Pub) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Wanderer Mission 15 (in Muscadet none 2 39 pub) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Tourney Kingmoon, Mission 20 none 3 40 (15 day time limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mage Tourney Sagemoon, Mission 20 none 3 41 (15 day time limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swimming Meet Huntmoon, Mission 20 none 3 42 (15 day time limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clan League Mission 22, Clan none 4 43 Leagues 1-4 (25 day time limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snow in Lutia Mission 1 none 1 44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frosty Mage Missions 1 & 44 none 3 45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prof in Missions 1 & 44 (25 none 4 46 Trouble day time limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hot Recipe Mission 7 (25 day time none 2 47 limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S.O.S. Mission 8 (15 day time Track Lv.7 4 48 limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Lost Ring Mission 4 (15 day time none 3 49 limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Staring Eyes Missions 3 & 113 (25 *Ahriman Eye 4 50 day time limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desert Rose Huntmoon, Mission 16 *Flower Vase 3 51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friend Trouble Mission 12 (25 day none 3 52 time limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flesh & Bones Missions 16 & 105 none 4 53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a Song Mission 18 (25 day time none 2 54 limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- White Flowers Mission 3 (25 day time none 3 55 limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Antilaw Mission 23, talked to none 3 56 Ezel (25 day time limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prison Break Kingmoon, Mission 19 none 3 57 (25 day time limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Royal Ruins Missions 10 & 144 (25 none 2 58 day time limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sketchy Thief Mission 22 (25 day time none 3 59 limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Showdown! Missions 18 & 66 (10 none 3 60 day time limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Again Mission 13 none 3 61 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oasis Frogs Mission 5 (Cadoan pub) none 3 62 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Missing Prof Missions 20 & 46 (25 none 3 63 day time limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Den of Evil Mission 20 *Helje Key, 3 64 Combat Lv.25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exploration Mission 16 none 3 65 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Dragon's Missions 17 & 102 (25 Wyrmstone 3 66 Aid day time limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Missing Meow Missions 24 & 191 *Rabbit Tail 5 67 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fowl Thief Mission 2 none 2 68 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Free Sprohm! Mission 2, read "Area none 3 69 Freed!" rumor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raven's Oath Mission 2, read "Our none 4 70 Heroes!" rumor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nubswood Base Mission 6, read none 3 71 "Borzoi's Plan" rumor (Sprohm pub) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lutia Mop-up Missions 6 & 71 (Sprohm none 3 72 pub) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Borzoi Falling Missions 6 & 72 (Cyril Combat Lv.12 4 73 pub) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadoan Watch Mission 6, read "Crime none 3 74 Ring" rumor (Cadoan pub) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Free Cadoan! Mission 6, read "The none 4 75 Redwings" rumor (Cadoan pub) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Sigil Mission 7, read none 3 76 "Falgabird" rumor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Free Baguba! Mission 12, read "The none 3 77 Spirit Stone" rumor (Baguba pub) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Water Sigil Mission 12, read "The none 4 78 Sages" rumor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wind Sigil Mission 12, read "The none 4 79 Sages" rumor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earth Sigil Mission 12, read "The none 4 80 Sages" rumor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Redwings Mission 12, read "The *Spiritstone 5 81 Sages" rumor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Free Muscadet! Mission 15, read "Weird none 3 82 Minstrel" rumor (Muscadet pub) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foregin Fiend Mission 15, read none 5 83 "Foreign Fiends" rumor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foreign Fiend Missions 15 & 83 none 5 84 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foreign Fiend Missions 15 & 84 none 5 85 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Stand Missions 15 & 85 none 6 86 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Free Bervenia! Mission 24, read none 6 87 "Gukko's Return" rumor (Cyril pub) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Worldwyrm Mission 24 none 7 88 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moogle Bride Missions 24 & 88 none 5 89 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clan Law Missions 24 & 89 none 6 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Challengers? Missions 17 & 152 none 5 91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cursed Bride Missions 10 & 124 none 4 92 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flan Breakout! Mission 15 none 3 93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry, Friend Mission 20 none 3 94 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carrot! Missions 24, 64, & 193 *Rusty Spear 6 95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow Clan Missions 24, 65, & 67 none 5 96 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Dark Blade Missions 24 & 284 *Spiritstone, 6 97 *Bent Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hero Blade Missions 24, 64, & 95 *Rusty Sword, 6 98 *Mysidia Alloy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Fey Blade Missions 24 & 192 *Zodiac Ore, 6 99 *Blood Apple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fiend Run Mission 9, captured 5 none 5 100 monsters (20 day time limit, Cyril pub) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clan Roundup Mission 4 (25 day time none 3 101 limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wyrms Awaken Mission 17 (35 day time none 3 102 limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mythril Rush Missions 20 & 63 none 2 103 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stolen Scoop Mission 16 (25 day none 2 104 time limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smuggle Bust Missions 16 & 108 (40 none 3 105 day time limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resistance Mission 6, selected none 2 106 "Gossip" at card shop (25 day time limit, Cadoan pub) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Old Friends Missions 18 & 48 (25 none 5 107 day time limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poachers Missions 12 & 52 (25 none 4 108 day time limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snow Fairy Mission 13 (20 day time none 4 109 limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revenge Missions 11 & 287 (25 none 4 110 day time limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retrieve Mail! Mission 11 (25 day time none 3 111 limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Challenge Mission 4 (25 day time Negotiate Lv.4 3 112 limit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==============================5. Dispatch Missions============================= Under Availability, Mission x (ie Mission 1) means that mission needs to be completed. xmoon (ie Kingmoon) stands for the month it is available. * Indicates a mission item ^ Indicates a required job Mission Name Availability Duration Requirements Rank Mission No. ------------ ------------ -------- ------------ ---- ----------- Watching You Mission 3 2 battles none 1 113 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golden Gil Mission 10 20 days none 4 114 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dueling Sub Mission 1 3 days ^Soldier 1 115 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gulug Ghost Huntmoon, 2 battles none 6 116 Mission 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Water City Madmoon, 2 battles none 6 117 Mission 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mirage Tower Bardmoon, 2 battles ^Mog Knight 6 118 Mission 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Barren Land Sagemoon, 2 battles none 6 119 Mission 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadoan Meet Sagemoon, 1 battle ^Black Mage 6 120 Mission 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprohm Meet Madmoon, 1 battle ^Fighter 5 121 Mission 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run for Fun Mission 7 1 battle ^Juggler 2 122 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hungry Ghost Mission 6 10 days *Dragon Bone 2 123 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pirates Ahoy Mission 10 2 battles none 4 124 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castle Sit-in Missions 8 & 1 battle none 2 125 151 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wine Dilevery Mission 15 10 days none 5 126 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Broken Tunes Missions 17 & 15 days none 6 127 276 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Falcon Flown Missions 18 & 10 days *Skull 7 128 277 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Danger Pass Missions 15 & 15 enemy KOs none 5 129 165 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mist Stars Mission 16 2 battles none 5 130 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adaman Alloy Mission 13 2 battles *Adamantite, 4 131 *Adamantite, Smithing Lv.15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mysidia Alloy Mission 12 15 days *Adamantite, 4 132 *Silvril, Smithing Lv.15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crusite Alloy Mission 11 10 days *Zodiac Ore, 4 133 *Zodiac Ore, Smithing Lv.15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faceless Dolls Mission 18 10 enemy KOs none 6 134 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faithful Fairy Mission 19 5 enemies *Fairy Wing 6 135 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the Lady Mission 19 2 battles *Stolen Gil 6 136 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seven Nights Mission 20 15 days *Ancient Bills 6 137 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shady Deals Missions 20 & 10 days *Secret Books 6 138 281 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earthy Colors Missions 3 & 5 days none 1 139 210 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lost Heirloom Mission 9 3 battles *Neighbor Pin 3 140 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Young Love Mission 22 10 days *Ahriman Wing 6 141 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ghosts of War Missions 22 & 30 days *Tranquil Box, 6 142 141 Track Lv.40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Last Day Mission 2 5 days *Ancient Medal 1 143 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bell Tolls Mission 17 10 days none 5 144 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goblin Town Mission 4 1 battle *Myhtril Pick 1 145 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret Books Mission 22 10 days *Stilpool 6 146 Scroll ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Words of Love Mission 18 10 days none 6 147 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You, Immortal Mission 5 30 days *Tonberry Lamp, 3 148 Craft Lv.10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clock Tower Mission 16 20 days *Cat Tears, 6 149 ^Gadgeteer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An Education Mission 6 5 days none 2 150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning Woes Mission 8 5 days none 2 151 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Down to Earth Mission 4 5 days none 1 152 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Meden Mission 15 20 days *Animal Bone 5 153 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neighbor! Mission 10 5 days none 4 154 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honor Lost Mission 7 1 battle *Bomb Shell 3 155 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inspiration Mission 12 1 battle *Runba's Tale 5 156 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coo's Break Mission 13 5 days *Runba's Tale 5 157 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Match Mission 15 2 battles none 5 158 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Deep Sea Mission 19 3 battles none 6 159 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Worthy Eye Mission 11 15 enemy KOs *Feather Badge, 4 160 *Delta Fang ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lost in Mist Mission 17 20 days none 4 161 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darn Kids Mission 9 1 battle *Dame's Blush, 5 162 *Ally Finder, Smithing Lv.20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage Fright Mission 18 15 days *Old Statue 6 163 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diary Dilemma Mission 5 2 battles none 2 164 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hundred-Eye Missions 15 & 5 enemy KOs none 5 165 126 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Runaway Boy Mission 9 10 days *Black Thread 3 166 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mad Alchemist Mission 3 10 days none 1 167 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Caravan Guard Mission 7 20 days *Elda's Cup 2 168 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lifework Mission 10 15 days ^Alchemist 4 169 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheap Laughs Mission 8 5 days *Bomb Shell 2 170 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T.L.C. Mission 17 2 battles ^White Mage, 6 171 Magic Lv.25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frozen Spring Mission 5 20 days none 2 172 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No Scents Mission 9 15 days *Caravan Musk 3 173 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the Waves Mission 22 5 enemy KOs *Life Water, 6 174 ^Time Mage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spirited Boy Mission 6 5 days *Dictionary 4 175 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Powder Worries Missions 10 & 10 enemy KOs ^Gunner 4 176 140 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Blue Bolt Mission 18 15 enemy KOs none 6 177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweet Talk Mission 13 10 enemy KOs none 4 178 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scarface Mission 15 3 battles none 5 179 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mirage Town Mission 18 10 days *Goldcap 7 180 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soldier's Wish Mission 16 1 battle *Clock Gear, 6 181 *Clock Post ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dry Spell Mission 18 20 days none 6 182 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swap Meet Mission 20 5 days *Ancient Medal 6 183 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adaman Order Missions 24 & 15 days *Adamantite, 7 184 87 *Adamantite, Smithing Lv.50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Mysidia Missions 24 & 2 battles *Adamantite, 7 185 87 *Silvril, Smithing Lv.50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conundrum Mission 24 10 enemy KOs *Zodiac Ore, 7 186 *Zodiac Ore, Smithing Lv.35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lucky Night Mission 24 15 days none 7 187 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tutor Search Missions 24 & 15 enemy KOs none 7 188 187 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why am I Wet? Missions 24 & 15 enemy KOs ^Red Mage 7 189 187 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run With Us Missions 24 & 40 days none 7 190 189 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lucky Charm Missions 24 & 40 days *Rat Tail 7 191 189 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alchemist Boy Missions 24 & 2 battles none 7 192 191 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thorny Dreams Mission 24 & 20 days none 7 193 187 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Free Cyril! Mission 20, 3 days none 1 194 read "Thief Exposed" rumor (Cyril pub) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ship Needed Mission 6, 1 battle none 2 195 read "Borzoi's End" rumor (Cyril pub) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mind Ceffyl Mission 12, 3 battles *Fire Sigil, 4 196 read "The *Wind Sigil Sages" rumor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Body Ceffyl Mission 12 3 battles *Earth Sigil, 4 197 read "The *Water Sigil Sages" rumor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Mission 12, 4 battles *Mind Ceffyl 4 198 Spiritstone read "The *Body Ceffyl Sages" rumor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Girl in Love Mission 2 2 battles *White Thread 3 199 ^White Mage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chocobo Help! Bardmoon, 5 days none 1 200 Mission 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Skypole Mission 2 10 days none 1 201 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruins Survey Sagemoon, 10 days none 6 202 Mission 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dig Dig Dig Madmoon, 1 battle none 6 203 Mission 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seeking Silver Kingmoon, 15 days none 4 204 Mission 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Materite Kingmoon, 10 days none 2 205 Mission 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Wormhole Huntmoon, 10 days none 4 206 Missions 10 & 148 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metal Hunt Missions 6 & 15 days none 2 207 123 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Math is Hard Mission 7 10 days none 2 208 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Witness Mission 7 5 enemy KOs ^Defender 2 209 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life or Death Mission 3 1 battle *Homework 1 210 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Karlos's Day Mission 9 5 days none 3 211 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Father Missions 9 & 10 days none 6 212 270 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh Milese Mission 4 15 days none 1 213 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skinning Time Bardmoon, 10 battles none 4 214 Mission 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wild River Mission 11 2 battles none 4 215 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Cloth Sagemoon, 10 days *Magic Cotton 2 216 Mission 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cotton Guard Huntmoon, 1 battle none 4 217 Mission 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help Dad Mission 13 10 days none 4 218 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rubber or Real Mission 10 5 days *Monster Guide 4 219 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Into the Wood Huntmoon, 5 days none 5 220 Mission 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jerky Days Kingmoon, 5 days none 5 221 Mission 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Fields Madmoon, 10 days none 4 222 Mission 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strange Fires Mission 16 5 days none 5 223 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Better Living Mission 16 10 days none 5 224 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Malboro Hunt Madmoon, 15 days *Chocobo Egg 4 225 Mission 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chocobo Work Bardmoon, 15 days none 6 226 Mission 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Night Mission 18 15 days none 6 227 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mama's Taste Mission 18 15 days *Chocobo Egg, 5 228 *Gysahl Greens ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Well Maze Mission 19 15 days *Choco Bread 6 229 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She's Gone Missions 18 & 5 days none 6 230 234 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Vellum Sagemoon, 1 battle *Magic Cotton 5 231 Missions 17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Novel Ascent Mission 20 10 enemy KOs *Stasis Rope 6 232 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shiver Mission 20 20 days none 6 233 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bread Woes Mission 18 20 days *Choco Bread 6 234 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book Mess Sagemoon, 10 days none 6 235 Mission 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One More Tail Madmoon, 10 days none 6 236 Mission 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Relax Time! Huntmoon, 15 days none 6 237 Mission 22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foma Jungle Huntmoon, 15 days none 6 238 Mission 22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a Flower Mission 22 2 battles none 6 239 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giza Plains Mission 2 3 enemy KOs none 1 240 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lutia Pass Mission 4 3 enemy KOs none 2 241 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Nubswood Missions 6 & 3 enemy KOs none 2 242 70 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eluut Sands Mission 7 3 enemy KOs none 2 243 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ulei River Mission 8 3 enemy KOs none 2 244 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aisenfield Mission 9 3 enemy KOs none 3 245 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roda Volcano Mission 10 3 enemy KOs none 4 246 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Travel Aid Mission 11 5 enemy KOs none 4 247 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Salikawood Mission 12 5 enemy KOs none 4 248 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nargai Cave Mission 13 5 enemy KOs none 4 249 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kudik Peaks Mission 15 5 enemy KOs none 5 250 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeraw Sands Mission 15 5 enemy KOs none 5 251 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uladon Bog Mission 15 7 enemy KOs none 5 252 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gotor Sands Mission 16 7 enemy KOs none 5 253 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delia Dunes Mission 17 7 enemy KOs none 5 254 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugbusters Mission 18 7 enemy KOs none 6 255 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tubola Cave Mission 20 7 enemy KOs none 6 256 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deti Plains Mission 22 10 enemy KOs none 6 257 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Siena Gorge Mission 22 10 enemy KOs none 6 258 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jagd Ahli Missions 24 & 15 enemy KOs none 7 259 65 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jagd Helje Missions 24 & 15 enemy KOs none 7 260 64 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jagd Dorsa Mission 24 & 15 enemy KOs none 7 261 read "Gukko Gone" rumor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ambervale Missions 24 & 7 enemy KOs none 7 262 263 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ozmonfield Missions 24 & 7 enemy KOs none 7 263 66 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swords in Madmoon, 1 battle ^Fencer 2 264 Cyril Mission 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newbie Hall Missions 3 & 10 days Combat Lv.15 1 265 139 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voodoo Doll Mission 5 5 days none 2 266 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Come on Out Mission 6 10 days *Jerky 3 267 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Food for Truth Missions 7 & 20 days *Choco Gratin, 4 268 209 Appraise Lv.18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alba Cave Mission 8 4 battles *Jerky, ^Blue 3 269 Mage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Performer Mission 9 15 days *Rabbit Tail 4 270 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One More Time Mission 11 15 days none 4 271 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spring Tree Mission 12 2 battles none 4 272 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who am I? Missions 13 & 15 days *Magic Medal, 4 273 131 *Magic Medal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reaper Rumors Mission 15 10 days none 5 274 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dog Days Mission 16 10 days none 5 275 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good Bread Mission 17 5 days *Grownup Bread, 6 276 *Kiddy Bread ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sword Needed Mission 18 2 battles none 6 277 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- El Ritmo Mission 18 10 enemy KOs *Moonwood, 6 278 *Danbukwood ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her Big Move Mission 19 7 days *Malboro Wine 6 279 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't Look! Mission 19 10 enemy KOs none 6 280 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Janitor Duty Mission 20 20 days none 6 281 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlucky Star Mission 20 3 enemy KOs *Bloody Shawl 6 282 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corral Care Mission 22 10 days *Choco Gratin 6 283 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beastly Gun Missions 24 & 10 days *Insignia, 7 284 185 *Ally Finder2, ^Gunner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blade & Turtle Missions 19 & 2 battles *Bent Sword, 6 285 230 *Broken Sword, ^Gladiator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valuable Fake Missions 7 & 10 days *Bent Sword, 4 286 122 *Rainbowite ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weaver's War Mission 11 5 enemy KOs *Crusite Alloy, 5 287 *Blood Apple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fabled Sword Mission 20 & 3 battles *Thunderstone, 6 288 232 *Stormstone, ^Soldier ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Refurbishing Missions 4 & 20 days *Broken Sword 3 289 213 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stone Secret Mission 22 3 battles *Rusty Sword, 6 290 *Leestone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sword Stuff Missions 20 & 4 battles *Silk Bloom, 6 291 94 *Moon Bloom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Stormy Night Missions 22 & 4 battles *Rusty Spear, 6 292 142 *Mysidia Alloy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minstrel Song Mission 19 3 battles *Stradivari, 6 293 *Black Thread ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Crazy Missions 20 & 3 battles *Crusite Alloy, 6 294 191 *Gun Gear ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Hat Mission 18 3 battles *Black Thread, 6 295 *Magic Cloth, ^Black Mage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hat for a Girl Mission 20 30 days *White Thread, 6 296 *Magic CLoth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Armor & Turtle Missions 15 & 2 battles *Adaman Alloy, 6 297 228 *Rat Tail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Armor Missions 16 & 10 enemy KOs *Materite, 5 298 275 *Materite ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fashion World Mission 6 & 10 days *Chocobo Skin, 3 299 150 *Magic Cotton ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fashion Hoopla Missions 9 & 5 days *Chocobo Skin, 6 300 270 *Magic Cotton ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==============================6. Special Thanks================================ Thanks to CobraGT for showing me that an Ancient Medal could be found in Mission 202. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ was established with the help of The Official Nintendo Power Final Fantasy Tactics Advance guide. Only factual, non-opinionated information was used from the guide into this FAQ. ---------------------- Questions or Comments? ---------------------- E-mail me at if you wish to speak your mind (based on the FAQ) or questions (based on the FAQ). Feasible suggestions will be placed and credited properly.