D R A G O N W A R R I O R M O N S T E R S MY GUIDE TO THE MYSTIC GATES By: Darth_Mew_PKMN (darth_mew_pkmn@yahoo.com) Latest Version: 6/01/2000 Version 1.3 1. Updates 2. Mystic Gates 3. Q&A 4. Thanks 1) Updates 1.0 - 3/28/2000 - First Version 1.3 - 6/01/2000 - Added Q&A - Fixed Typos - Added Levels 2) Mystic Gates 1. GATE 1 - BEGINNING MONSTERS - Slime, Dracky, and Anteater QUEST - Get the King's old monster back. LEVELS - 3 2. GATE 2 - VILLAGER MONSTERS - GoHopper, PillowRat, StubSuck, Anteater, Picky, and Gremlin QUEST - Rescue Princess from Dragon LEVELS - 4 3. GATE 3 - TALISMAN MONSTERS - MiniDrak, Spooky, ArmyAnt, Goopi, and Picky QUEST - Defeat Golem LEVELS - 5 4. GATE 4 - MEMORIES MONSTERS - DragonKid, Goopi, FairyRat, Catapilla, and Picky QUEST - Defeat Gig LEVELS - 4 5. GATE 5 - BEWILDER MONSTERS - MiniDrak, BigRoost, DragonKid, EvilSeed, SpotSlime, and Demonite QUEST - Defeat FaceTree LEVELS - 5 6. GATE 6 - PEACE MONSTERS - BigRoost, CoilBird, SpotSlime, Crestpent, Almiraj, DragonKid, BoneSlave, and BullBird QUEST - Defeat FangSlime LEVELS - 7 7. GATE 7 - BRAVERY MONSTERS - BeanMan, 1EyeClown, FloraMan, Demonite, GiantWorm, and SabreMan QUEST - Defeat BigEye LEVELS - 8 8. GATE 8 - ANGER MONSTERS - CatFly, GiantSlug, GiantWorm, PoisonGon, and Eyedar QUEST - Discover why so many monsters are coming out of the cave. LEVELS - 10 9. GATE 9 - STRENGTH MONSTERS - TreeSlime, MudDoll, SkulRider, and FairyDrak QUEST - Defeat StoneMan LEVELS - 10 10. GATE 10 - JOY MONSTERS - Mummy, Mimic, Saccer, Snaily, EyeBall, and Babble QUEST - Defeat FunkyBird LEVELS - 13 11. GATE 11 - WISDOM MONSTERS - Facer, FloraJay, Tongulella, PteraNod, and Armorpede QUEST - Defeat SkyDragon LEVELS - 14 12. GATE 12 - HAPPINESS MONSTERS - Onino, Gopecada, Gasgon, Dixy, and Mimic QUEST - Defeat Jamirus LEVELS - 17 13. GATE 13 - TEMPTATION MONSTERS - Spikyboy, KingCobra, SlimeNite, StagBug, and MistyWing QUEST - Defeat Servant LEVELS - 19 14. GATE 14 - LABYRINTH MONSTERS - TailEater, RockSlime, Gismo, Chamelgon, and CactiBall QUEST - Defeat DarkHorn LEVELS - 22 15. GATE 15 - JUDGEMENT MONSTERS - TreeBoy, WeedBug, HammerMan, SpotKing, MadGoose, Droll, and LizardFly QUEST - Defeat AkuBar LEVELS - 24 16. GATE 16 - REFLECTION MONSTERS - Shadow, SlimeBorg, EvilBeast, EvilWand, LizardMan, MadHornet, Lionex, and JewelBag QUEST - Learn your Destiny LEVELS - 28 3) Q&A 1q. How do I beat Gate 11? 1a. There are several trigger points on the bars to the dragon's perch. Head up to the far right bar to the first trigger. The boss moves to the second postition from the left. Now go up the seco nd from the left bar. Helpful note: Bring a Dragon-type monster for the fight, his Scorch spell wont hurt them! 2q. Can you catch the same type of Monster more than once? 2a. Yes. 3q. When breeding monsters, are the stats (attack, defense, etc.) of the offspring affected by those of the parents? 3a. Yes. 4) Thanks 1. Me - for making this 2. CJayC - for posting this 3. Tips & Tricks - for helping me with the guide 4. You - for reading this 5. Mr.Chips4 - for a cool tip __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger. http://im.yahoo.com/