Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages (GBC) Boss FAQ: v1.00 - June 16, 2001 by Dallas Scott (sdallas19@yahoo.com) http://www.dallasmac.com - http://www.gamefaqs.com This is a guide with boss strategies for the new GameBoy Color game, Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages. You will find nothing but boss strategies here, so if you're in search of other help, check out my FAQ (or one of the others) for the game at gamefaqs.com. Major thanks go out to Shdwrlm3, who provided me with the official names for all the bosses. This document is Copyright 2001 Dallas Scott (sdallas19@yahoo.com) and may not be reproduced nor retransmitted in any form without prior consent from the author. It may not be sold, edited, altered, given as an incentive to buy, published, etc. without advance permission from the author. If you want to post this FAQ on your web site, please contact me first. Zelda: Oracle of Ages is Copyright 2001 Nintendo/Capcom. This document is not official nor is it affiliated with any company. If the above terms are violated, legal action will take place. =============================================================================== ZELDA: ORACLE OF AGES - BOSS STRATEGIES MINI-BOSS: Giant Ghini (Level 1) Giant Ghini has two attacks, which consist of charging at you and sending three smaller Ghini after you. When the smaller Ghini are deployed, kill them quickly then go after Giant Ghini. After enough attacks, he'll die and the warp portal will appear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: Pumpkin Head (Level 1) Items: Heart Container The pumpkin head is actually a disguise the ghost is using to hide from you. It has two attacks: spitting energy orbs at you and jumping up and down. Hit it with your sword about five times and the body will disappear. Use your power bracelet to pick up the head, thus revealing the ghost. Toss the head across the room then slash the ghost with your sword. Repeat this method until it's defeated and you'll get a HEART CONTAINER. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINI-BOSS: Swoop (Level 2) The only real difficult thing about this battle are the holes Swoop makes in the ground when he lands. First, run around and wait for him to flap his wings really fast. When he does this, he's about to jump on you, so move out of the way quickly when he does so. When he lands, attack him with your sword. Everytime he lands, he'll make a hole in the floor, so be careful, because if you go through the hole, the battle starts all over. Continue attacking in this method and after about 6 hits, he'll start bouncing after he lands, so watch out. After you hit him ten times, he'll be defeated and the warp portal will open up leading from this room to the first room of the dungeon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: Head Thwomp (Level 2) Items: Heart Container If you don't know what you're doing, this boss can be very tough to defeat. You must throw bombs from the tops of the ladders into the Thwomp's head and he'll start spinning like a slot machine (only horizontal) if he lands on red, he'll take damage; if he lands on blue, he'll send a spinning orb of fireballs after you; if he lands on purple, he'll crash into the ground causing rocks to fall on you from above; if he lands on green, he'll spit fireballs at you from the top of his head. You can avoid the fireballs by standing on the top platform; avoid the rocks by hiding under one of the immobile platforms next to the ladders and avoid the spinning fireball orb by going to the bottom of the ladder. For the entire battle, you should stay at the top of the ladder except when he spits out bombs, hearts or lands on the blue face. After you get a red face four times, he'll be defeated and you'll get another HEART CONTAINER. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINI-BOSS: Subterror (Level 3) Make sure you have your sword and shovel equipped then go over to where you see the Subterror burrowing and dig him up with your shovel. Once he's out of the ground, slash him as many times as you can with your sword before he burrows back again. As you deal out damage, he'll start moving faster and faster, but you should have no trouble defeating him. If he catches you, he'll come up from the ground with a spike, causing damage. Once he's defeated, the warp portal will be activated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: Shadow Hag (Level 3) Items: Heart Container This battle will be much tougher than the mini-boss fight. Equip your Seed Shooter and Roc's Feather and get ready for one heck of a fight. The Shadow Hag splits up into four different shadows then runs around the room. If you get hit by any of these shadows, you lose energy, so jump over them with Roc's Feather. When the shadows combine, some butterflies will be released. Shortly after, the hag will appear. Face away from her and fire a seed into the wall. It'll reflect back on her, dealing damage. Repeat this until she's defeated then pick up the HEART CONTAINER. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINI-BOSS: Armos Warrior (Level 4) This battle isn't overly difficult, but you may have some trouble. The Armos Warrior will toss his magical sword up and it'll begin chasing after you. The goal is to make the sword accidentally hit the Armos Warrior instead of you. To do so, follow him around the room, but make sure you keep some distance to avoid taking damage. After three hits from his sword, the Armos Warrior's shield will break and he'll start charging after you in anger. To defeat him, simply wait for him to charge, then move out of the way and let him crash into the wall, stunning him for a second -- this is when you attack. After a few slashes from Link's sword, he'll be defeated and the warp portal will be activated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: Eyesoar (Level 4) Items: Heart Container Eyesoar isn't really a difficult boss to beat, so as long as you have a full (or close to full) energy meter. First, get rid of one or two of the four mini-eyesoars then use your Switch Hook to grab Eyesoar, causing the remaining mini-eyesoars to scatter. Run up to Eyesoar and slash it with your sword. Repeat this until it's defeated then pick up the HEART CONTAINER from the center of the room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: Moblin (Rolling Ridge) Items: Bomb Flower Moblin can be pretty tough if you're low on health. All damage dealt in this fight is done with bombs: Moblin tosses big bombs down at you while his two minions throw normal bombs at you at the same time. To dodge the normal bombs, just stand still and wait for them to throw it, then move out of the way. The goal is to pick up the large bombs and throw them back at Moblin just as they are about to detonate to ensure he doesn't throw it back in your face. After six hits from the large bombs, Moblin will be defeated and the Gorons will thank you by giving you a BOMB FLOWER of your very own. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINI-BOSS: Smasher (Level 5) Yet another easy mini-boss battle. You may remember Smasher from Link's Awakening (those who've played it) -- he's the one who looks like a stingray and carries around a large, metallic ball. His only attack is throwing this ball at you (but if you run into him, you'll take damage as well, as with all bosses in this game) and the only attack you can use on him is throwing the ball back at him. When it throws it, it will teleport and land -- grab it with your Power Bracelet and throw it at him. Continue this until he's defeated, thus activating the warp portal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: Smog (Level 5) Items: Heart Container This boss fight is pretty difficult, so pay attention. Smog will break up into parts and you must get them to recombine by placing a block from the Cane of Somaria in between them. Once they combine, slash Smog as many times as possible. There are four different phases of blocks, starting with... the first phase has two sets of three blocks, one on top and one on bottom (both the same pattern.) Use your Cane of Somaria to place a block on the top of the bottom set of blocks to combine the pieces of Smog, then slash him with your sword to start the second phase. ______ | | | | ______ ______ +------|______| | | | | | S1 | | | | | | | | | |______| |______|------+------|______| | | | | S4 | | | | | | |______|------+------|______|------+ S1 -- First Cane Block | | S2 | S3 | | S2 -- Second Cane Block | | | | | S3 -- Third Cane Block |______|------+------|______| S4 -- Fourth Cane Block Phase two consists of three sets of blocks. On the right side of the room, place a block in between the far-right set of blocks and the set of blocks in the center (S1). If the pieces of Smog won't combine, slash one of them to make it stop while the other comes along. Remember to watch out for the clouds the pieces spit at you (they can be destroyed with your sword.) Once the first two pieces are combined, place a block on the left side between the two three-set blocks (S2) then wait for the smog piece to land on it. Immediately place one next to the S2 block (S3) and it'll change its course. Finally, place a block in between the right and center sets (S4) and slash the small one until they combine -- slash Smog three more times to bring on phase three. For the third phase, you must first get the piece from the left over to the center. To do so, place a block to the left of the far left set then when the smog piece goes on top of it, place one directly next to it and it'll change it's course to the middle set of blocks. Now, to get them combined, simply place a block to the right of the two center blocks and slash to stall one of them utnil they combine. Slash the combined form of Smog three times to move on to the last phase! The final phase consists of several groups of blocks. First, get the two pieces on the right combined, then go over to the left and slowly get it to move over to the center by placing blocks in its path. Once they combine, slash it three times to win. Some random tips for this battle: watch out for the lightning the combined form of Smog spits at you as well as the clouds the mini-smogs spit at you. If you step on the switch in the corner of the room, you can start all over on phase one. Once he's defeated, collect the HEART CONTAINER. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINI-BOSS: Vire (Level 6) Vire is a bat who serves another evil being, Veran. To deal damage, use your sword to slash him when he charges at you. While it may be tempting to just run after him and slash away, it's best to just stay put in the center of the room and wait for him to come to you, as he'll run away really fast if you try to go after him. Beware of his fireballs, as they can do damage if you don't slash them out of your way. Once he's been hit enough times, he'll split into two smaller bats -- kill them both to end the fight and activate the warp portal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: Octogon (Level 6) Items: Heart Container This is one of the easier bosses in the game, as all you really need is your sword. Stand on the platforms in the center of the room and wait for Octogon to come near, then slash him with your sword as many times as possible. When he ducks his head under water, dive down (B) (make sure you sword is set on A, or you'll surface when pressing B) and slash him some more until he returns to the surface. Get back on the platforms and continue attacking until he's dead. Collect the HEART CONTAINER. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: Nayru [Veran] (Ambi's Palace) This battle will be just as easy as Octogon was in the sixth dungeon. First, you must equip your Seed Shooter with Mystery Seeds and wait for Nayru (Veran) to land. Once landed, run over and shoot a Mystery Seed at Nayru to make her fall asleep then use the Switch Hook to pull Veran out of her body. Quickly equip your sword then slash Veran as many times as possible before she takes over Nayru's body again. The only attack Veran has is throwing fireballs at you, but if you make Nayru fall asleep quickly enough, you can avoid these all together. Once Veran's had enough, the battle will be over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINI-BOSS: Angler Fish (Level 7) The Angler Fish really isn't that difficult, as he only has two attacks: jumping on top of you and spitting bubbles at you. He'll bounce all around the room, so look out. The easiest way to defeat his is by using your Seed Shooter to first bring him down to the ground then slash him multiple times with your sword before he gets back up. After enough slashes, he'll be dead and the path will be clear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: Plasmarine (Level 7) Items: Heart Container Yet another simple boss fight. This giant electric boss, Plasmarine, has about three attacks: charging at Link, shooting energy balls at Link and charge himself with electricity. Equip your Long Switch and when he charges at you, simply dodge by swimming out of the way. Once he shoots an energy ball at you, use your Long Switch on him to switch places, meaning the energy ball will hit him instead. When he charges himself with eletricity, don't attack or you'll take damage. After enough hits, he'll be defeated and you'll be rewarded with a HEART CONTAINER. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINI-BOSS: Blue Stalfos (Level 8) The Blue Stalfos may look tough, but he really isn't that difficult to defeat. He'll throw two types of energy balls at you: round ones and star-shaped ones. The round ones can be hit back at him with your sword while the star-shaped ones just explode and cause damage. Hit a round one back at him with your sword and he'll turn into a bat - slash the bat as many times as possible before he returns to his original form. If you get hit by a round energy ball, you'll turn into a baby, slowing you down and he'll start slashing at you with his scythe. After enough hits, he'll be defeated and the warp portal will be activated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSS: Ramrock (Level 8) Items: Heart Container Phase 1 - Ramrock will throw his hands at you while moving back and forth. Hit his hands back at him and hope one hits him. After three hits from his hands, Ramrock will change his method of attack. Time for the second phase! Phase 2 - In this phase, Ramrock will move around the room and try to smash you with his hands. It's not too hard to avoid being smashes because he stops before crushing you. The goal is to throw a bomb in between his hands right before he closes them. If you run out of bombs, get more from the re-growing bushes. After three bomb crushes, you'll move on to the third phase. Phase 3 - This phase is a bit more challenging, as you'll have to attack Ramrock from behind. He'll be moving back and forth guarding his face with his hands. Equip your Seed Shooter and fire a seed at the north wall just as he's about to pass and hope it hits his back. He has two attacks here: shooting a large energy orb at you and using his laser vision - run to avoid both. After 3-4 hits, you'll move on to the final phase. Phase 4 - Not a very difficult last phase, but challenging enough. Ramrock now has large spheres for hands. He'll (for the most part) stay near the top of the room and launch one of them at you. When he does so, run up and grab the other one with your Power Glove and pull it all the way back. When he throws his other hand at you again, release it and it'll come slamming back in his face. Repeat this two more times to defeat him and pick up the HEART CONTAINER. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL BOSS: VERAN Phase 1 - This will be just like the previous battle you had with Veran when she possessed Nayru's body. Equip your Mystery Seeds on one button and the Long Switch on the other then follow Ambi/Veran to every spot they warp to. Once they land, quickly use a Mystery Seed on Ambi to put her to sleep then use the Long Switch on Veran (shadow) to pull her out of the way. Quickly equip your sword and slash away until she returns to Ambi's body. Continue this until the first phase is over and watch out for the fire orbs / spiders from above. Phase 2 - Veran's second phase is much more difficult than the previous, as you really can't defend yourself against her attacks. This time she'll be in the form of a fairy and will fly around the room, attacking you with energy orbs and by running into you. To make matters more complicated, you'll also have four dark links (that act like Mimics) in your way. I suggest taking out the dark links first (as you can get one heart for each) then slash Veran when she comes near. Be prepared to take some damage, but avoid it as best as possible. After a ton of hits, you'll move on to the third phase. Phase 3 - Just when you thought it was over, Veran will send a wallmaster after you as Nayru, Ralph and Link are leaving. Since she didn't plan on revealing these next forms of herself, Veran will make you pay for her humiliation with your life (so she says.) She has three forms: a turtle, bee and a spider. Strategies are as follows: Turtle: This form is really easy to avoid and attack. She will jump up and down on top of you. Just stand and wait for her to jump, then use Roc's Feather to jump/move out of the way as she comes down. Continue dodging the jump attacks until she pokes her head out -- slash away! Bee: She will first fly around the room - this is when you attack. Slash her with your sword whenever she comes near but watch out when she goes off-screen, as she'll quickly return and shoot stingers at you. She will also randomly protect herself with smaller bees, which you can slash for items. Just keep slashing to deal damge. Spider: Equip your bombs and toss one at her to make her vulnerable to your sword. After the bomb, slash away to deal damage. Beware of the web she spits at you. After you've dealt enough damage to her (overall) the battle will end and that's that - for the time being anyway. =============================================================================== The latest version of this document can always be found at: GameFAQs - http://www.gamefaqs.com dallasMac - http://www.dallasmac.com =============================================================================== Zelda: Oracle of Ages is Copyright 2001 Nintendo/Capcom. This document is Copyright 2001 Dallas Scott. -EOF-