Date: Tue, 01 Sep 1998 20:40:25 -0500 From: Istanbul QUEST FOR GLORY I WALKTHROUGH by Istanbul ( CREATING A CHARACTER This fantastic roleplaying game gives you the choice of creating a fighter, a mage, or a thief with which to get through the game. A fighter will tend to rely on his brute strength to get through the various puzzles, and as such will get injured a lot; I don't recommend a fighter to any but the most experienced roleplayers. A thief has more potent weapon, his guile and stealth, but lacks much of the direct combat prowess that the fighter has. A mage isn't much good in a fistfight, but with his spells, he has the most options open to him, as his mind is his only limit. In general, I suggest that if you want the most flexibility, you create a Thief character class and give him the abilities of Magic and Parry. Why? Simple. Only a character with Parry can practice with the Weapon Master in the Castle. Only a mage can learn magical spells. And the Thief is the only character class with enough starting skills to be able to learn both other characters' skills. GENERAL ADVICE: Save frequently. In a number of places, one wrong move could find you skewered, melted, zapped, or otherwise dead. Talk to everybody. Everyone who has things to say says them for a reason. Think hard. Most puzzles have a logical solution. STARTING OUT: You find yourself in a small town in the land of Spielburg. Speak to the Sheriff. On the same screen as the sheriff is the Inn, in which you can stay safely and meet the Kattas and Abdulla Doo. To the west, enter the Adventurer's Guild. Speak to the Guildmaster, read the bulletin board and guildbook, and sign the latter. Take a look at the trophies; you're going to end up fighting some of those things before you're done. Next, explore the Magic Guild. Speak to Zara about everything she'll tell you about, and buy the Fetch spell. Head back to the main area, and leave to the south. Go north from the first outside screen, and cast Fetch on the nest to get the Healer's Ring. Knock on the Healer's door and give it back to her for some healing potions, and more money! Go back into the Magic Guild, and purchase the Open scroll. You'll need it. (In fact, you'll need every spell you can get your hands on.) Go back to the screen with the Healer's Hut, head West, and introduce yourself to the centaur. Go as far north from that screen as you can, running from any monsters, then east, then north again. You'll find yourself in a beautiful garden that sports a massive tree, flowers, and a stone. This is Erana's Peace. While in Erana's Peace, eat one of the fruits that grows on the tree to satisfy your hunger for an entire day. Pluck three batches of flowers, and cast Open on the stone to get the Calm scroll inside. That's right, another spell! Not only that, but you can sleep here at night safely, making it one of the three places you can do that. Go back into the healer's hut, and give her the flowers for some cash. Once you have that cash, go and buy the Flame Dart spell, one of the BEST things you can do for your combat ability. Even the Brigands, who'll defend against your stabs, will suffer from a Flame Dart hit. And the more you use it, the stronger it gets! Now that you're suitably protected, go south of the Healer's hut until you hit a screen with a large log. Climb the cliff, or pick up some rocks and throw them at the door. Once you knock, or three rocks connect, you can enter. Just stand clear of the door! Go in and speak to 'Enry, talking to him until he offers you a scroll. Say you have the Trigger spell, too! Don't take him up on his offer of sleep, though...the poor sleep you get isn't worth the food you have to give him. Now comes the interesting part. Do a bit of exploring, and fight some monsters. If you get low on stamina, click 'Rest for 60 minutes'. This refreshes some magic and health, too. Fighting monsters builds up Strength, Agility, Vitality, Weapon Use, Magic, and your wallet. :) During your explorations, head west from the room with the large log in it, and you should find a white stag. Follow it to meet the Dryad. If you've fired Flame Darts around for no good reason or attacked spitting plants, you won't live through the encounter, but if you make friends, she'll offer to help you if you help her. Go back to Erana's Peace, and go south, west, south, and west again. You'll find yourself in a room with several plants tossing a seed around. You need that seed for the dryad. Now is a wonderful time to practice that Fetch spell. (In fact, now is one of the ONLY times to practice that Fetch spell.) Bring the seed back to the Dryad, and she'll give you the ingredient list for a Dispel Potion (which you need to win the game), and one of the ingredients will fall from her branches. A little north of the Dryad and to the west, you'll find the Meeps, little creatures that live under rocks. Talk to one when it pops up, and ask for a scroll and some fur. You'll get the fur...and the Detect Magic spell! Now, go back to 'Enry's place, and use one of the empty flasks you should have remaining from a Healing Potion, and fill it with water from the Waterfall. That's Flying Water for you! Now you just need one final ingredient. If you have another empty flask, great...if not, buy one. Find a mushroom ring a little bit north and east of the Dryad, and visit it at night. The faeries just want to dance! You'll get some Faerie Dust for your troubles. Just don't step into the ring if you ever want to stop dancing. MIDGAME: Take all the ingredients to the Healer, and she'll start making the Dispel Potion for you. If it's night by the time you collect the ingredients, just go to Erana's Peace, sleep, and give her the ingredients in the morning. Go back to Erana's Peace, head south, then east. You'll find an Ogre. DO NOT FIGHT THIS GUY! He's mean, and he'll do very unpleasant things to you. Instead, cast Calm just as soon as you can, then fry him with as many Flame Darts as he'll hold still for. Here's a little trick...once you run out of magic points? Leave! When you come back, he's still hurt! Do this until he keels over. Inside the cave, you'll find a bear. Wanna fight him? Guess what! You don't get the chance. Get close enough, and you're bear food. You need to Calm him down before you can get past, and you DO need to get past. Deeper inside the cave, you'll find the sleeping Kobold Mage. Now, there are a couple of things you can do at this point. If you cast Trigger, there's a fair chunk of change in an invisible chest. That'll wake him up, though. So will taking his key. And you NEED the key. I recommend sneaking in, taking the key, sneaking out, and coming back later for the dough. Once you have the key, use it on the bear's shackles. Congrats! He's a bit rude, but the Baronet is now free, and you have a LARGE reward, an audience with the Baron, and a good night's sleep waiting for you back at the castle. Speaking of the castle... Go back to the screen with the Healer's Hut, and head north. You'll immediately be led to see the Baron, who'll have an audience with you. Chat with him as much as you like, then get some rest and you'll be back outside the baron's hall. Head south, and you may find a man swordfighting with...nothing! Speak to him, ignore the attitude, and pay him to practice. (Note: If you don't have the Parry skill, he won't practice with you.) This is a great way to get pumped up. Also, to the east, there's a place where you can earn a few silver and do some solid work. Leave the castle again, but speak to the castle guard. This guy is the best- informed person in the whole game! He can tell you something about everything. Once you're done chewing the fat, go back to the Healer's Hut and get that Dispel Potion. Now, go west young man, several screens west of the Centaur Farmer, until you find some bushes with some goblins hiding in them. If you wait around, you'll fight one. Leave, come back, fight two. Again, fight three. You can fight up to eight goblins; it's a great way to build up your combat skills, and you can get some serious cash out of it. Head back to town, but go north instead of west once you get inside. You should find a centauress selling food, a store, and a house. Go into the store and buy the armor and a few spare daggers, but make sure you have enough money to buy some apples from the centauress. As for the night, in the town, you can break into the old lady's house to the west of town square if you're a thief. But that's easy; the house next to the general store is the true challenge. Go outside and fight some monsters, but make sure you're back in town by nightfall. Head west of the screen with the general store in it, and you should see a flashing in the back alley. Head towards it, and you'll be accosted by two thieves! You'd be in trouble...if you weren't a thief yourself! Make the thief sign, and they'll give you the password to the Thieves' Guild. Write it down and go into the bar next door. Tell the Goon the password, and you'll be allowed downstairs. There's the guild! Inside the guild, the Chief Thief will tell you what he thinks of you...ignore that. You can clean his clock at darts for some serious cash (he throws like he has his eyes closed!) and get a Thieves' Guild license so that you can fence stolen items. Go back out of town, go east once, north three times, and east twice. You'll find yourself at the castle of the wizard Erasmus. Head up the path to the castle, and you'll be asked three questions. Just remember: Erasmus doesn't like thieves! Go on in, play by his rules, and chat. If you can beat him at a game of Mage's Maze, you can win the Dazzle spell! Go back to just outside town, but this time, head east twice, then north, then east. You'll find yourself face-to-face with Brauggi, a frost giant you do NOT want to knock heads with. All he wants is some apples, anyway, and he'll give you something you need in return. Now that you have the gem, go to the Healer's Hut and buy some Undead Unguent. You're about to need it. Then go to the far northwest corner of Spielburg, and you should find a creepy-looking hut, and a skull with an attitude. He wants some eyes...that gem you have should provide that healthy glow a skull's eyes should have. He'll let you in, and once you get the hut to sit (by telling it what he tells you to), you can go on in. Once inside, Baba Yaga will freeze you and turn you into a frog. Things look grim...but she offers you a chance at redemption. You're going to need to get her some Mandrake Root by tomorrow, or you're toast! In the cemetary, one screen west and one screen south of the Centaur farmer, you'll find it. You need to pick it at PRECISELY midnight, though. Use the time feature...when it says 'It's the middle of the night on day (whatever)', pick it FAST. You need to use the Undead Unguent on yourself before you go for it, though, as the graveyard is riddle with undead. Take it back to Baba Yaga stat, and you should survive to see the NEXT night. Depending on how fast you've done the above, you may have some time before this happens, but in time, the guy who's been hanging out just outside the town won't be there. (By the way, don't buy any info from him.) He'll be at the archery range just south and west of the outside of town, talking to a Brigand! Wait until he leaves, then kill the brigand with a well-placed Flame Dart. Leave the screen and come back to get the key off of the Brigand's body. You'll need it. ENDGAME: First of all, you need to have done some things before you begin the endgame. 1. You need to have rescued the Baronet. 2. You need to have listened in on the Brigade, and gotten his key. 3. You need to have the Dispel Potion. 4. You need to have practiced every skill you can, as much as you can stand. Try to have a score of 100 in as many skills as you can, or close to it. As you explore the southern side of Spielburg, you may find a spot where you can go further south than anywhere else, and find a bouncing blob. Don't worry, it won't attack you if you don't attack it. Use the key you found to unlock the door it's hiding (it blends in with the rocks) and use the words you learned to get the ogres to back away. Head through the cave, and you'll find a minotaur. DON'T KILL HIM! He's a good guy. Cast Calm, and climb over the door. The Gauntlet: This place is riddled with traps. Take the right hand path past the barricades, as the middle path is a trap. Now you're faced with two bridges. Remember that good thieves always mark the safe paths, and you should be fun. Now, this one is tricky: there are two last barricades, and a TINY tripwire between them. You have to look at it before you can step over it safely. Do so, and go into the dining hall. Dining Hall: First things first. Close and lock the door behind you. The brigands will come up to the door and look stupid for a second. Push the chair on the right to cover the door, ONLY after the brigands have left. SAVE! Some familiar-looking brigands will come from the door to the left. You need to push the candelabra into their path, but you have to wait till the right time. Keep trying till you get it. They're not as dumb as they look, though, and they'll start to go around the other side. You have to climb up onto the table and grab the rope, but again, it has to be timed just right. This could take some real practice; don't get discouraged. Once you get through, exit through the door to the north. Yorick's Room: This place is a madhouse! Talk to Yorick as much as you can, then work your way through here. I'm not going to tell you how, as this is a fun room, and I don't want to ruin it for you. I'll only tell you two things: one, if you start to tumble, click on yourself to slide to a halt. And you're aiming for the left door on the north wall. Brigand Leader's Room: Now, you're face to face with the Brigand Leader. Don't try to fight him, he'll slice you to ribbons. One of the items in your inventory will put a stop to his leadership once and for all. (Some of you may have read this far without playing I won't say what happens. Shame on you.) Once Yorick and the Brigand Leader escape, pick up the healing potion and magic mirror fast, and beat a hasty retreat. Now, your natural instinct is to head back to the castle. And to be honest, if you do that, you WILL win. But there's still one task you have to complete for things to truly pan out. Baba Yaga's Hut II: Head back to Baba Yaga's place, and go on in. If you've spoken to Erasmus and/or 'Enry, you should know that you hold an item to bounce Baba Yaga's spells back on her. Use it, and you'll get her to fact, she'll hop right to it! Thus does the game end. Send any suggestions, imprecations, obligations, persecutions, interpretations, fabrications, emulations, or $100 bills to