Ruins of Myth Drannor (PC) Walkthrough, Version 1.0, February 21, 2002 by Adrean Issil, copyright 2001 Adrean Issil This document was prepared by me exclusively for GameFAQs and may not be posted on any other website or reprinted in any way without my permission. ******************************************************************************* PREFACE: This document is a complete Walkthrough of Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. It uses in-game landmarks and directional instructions to navigate through every step of the game sequentially, without the use of outside maps. Considering how large it is, you may want to use your browser to find something specific in this Walkthrough. I list every location, quest, enemy, and item you will encounter so that if you wanted to find a specific item or read details on how I defeated an enemy, or find out how to solve a Quest or reach a certain location, you could use the Find command on your browser to search the document for what you are looking for. Using Explorer as an example, select "Edit", then "Find (on this page)...", then enter what you are looking for. AOL has a "Find in Top Window" command in its "Edit" section that works the same way. ******************************************************************************* TABLE OF CONTENTS: - Preface - Table of contents I) Introduction II) Walkthrough Notes III)Game Controls IV) Hints *Combat *Magic *Adventuring V) Party creation VI) Solution VII)Reference A) Quests B) Key Locations C) Word Locations D) Companions E) Curiosities 1) Idolon Locations 2) Idolon Exchange 3) The Foundry 4) Saving Grok 5) The Fountain Macabre ******************************************************************************* I) INTRODUCTION: In this game you are the guiding force behind a band of adventurers who quest to defeat Kya Mordrayn, an evil Sorceress with a really big hand, who has nurtured a sinister Pool of Radiance beneath a castle in the ruins of the ancient city Myth Drannor. It would be nice if, in real life, we had treasures with special abilities like the ones found in Ruins of Myth Drannor. To play this game I would need my ring of excitement (+10 protection against boredom); and my shield of variation (+15 protection from repetitive stress disorder); and my wand of no regret (so I could forget about the money I spent on this game). There are a few things to remember while you play this game: 1) Even slugs will have higher initiative rolls than you; prepare to stand around for hours being beaten to death by no-legged Zombies while snails crawl all over face and your adventurer's old age pension checks expire because they can't get out of battle and go to the bank to cash them. 2) You were sent on this quest by your dwarven patron Thorbeard Barrelsmasher, infamous hater of poorly made wooden handicrafts. His only contractual stipulation is that you spend 3/4 of your waking hours hunting down and destroying anything made of wood that does not meet his exacting standards. 3) Most battles in RoMD are two people standing close to each other swinging their weapons wildly for hours on end until one accidentally manages to hit the other. If I tried to write a play log recording the flow of a typical battle in Ruins of Myth Drannor it would look like this: Party Member 1 attacks Orc- Miss! Party Member 2 attacks Orc- Miss! Party Member 3 attacks Orc- Miss! Party Member 4 attacks Orc- Miss! Orc attacks Party Member 1- Hit! -10HP! Party Member 1 attacks Orc- Miss! Party Member 2 attacks Orc- Miss! Party Member 3 heals Party Member 1, +10HP! Party Member 4 attacks Orc- Miss! Orc attacks Party Member 1- Hit! -10HP Repeat this for about half an hour then try something new: Party Member 1 attacks Orc- Miss! Party Member 2 attacks Orc- Miss! Party Member 3 attacks Orc- Miss! Party Member 4 casts Magic Missile at Orc- Immune! User Exits to Windows... 4) In the days before the fall of Myth Drannor the home armies were diverted from battle and given masonry tools to seal up half the doors in city. The plan was to annoy the invaders by having them walk endlessly around the city looking for a usable door. It seems that the one indispensable quest item your adventurers forgot to bring with them was a battering ram. 5) Your adventurers can never do anything without a mob of supporters watching them, they can't even go to the bathroom without a crowd cheering them on. If ever a single party member gets more than five feet away from the party that member will become paralyzed with indecision, unable to open doors or chests, unable to examine objects or even walk any further without the return of the comforting presence of their codependent brethren. This means they will always be blocking a path, blocking a door, blocking a chest, getting stuck around corners, getting stuck behind pillars, getting stuck amidst one another, getting stuck during battle and finally they will end up blowing each other to bits with magic spells just to get a little breathing space. 6) Your adventurers are perhaps the greatest mass murderers in history, nothing will be left alive in Myth Drannor once they are finished with it. So terrified are the people of New Phlan that they won’t even allow your characters to come home at the end of the game; instead they leave them to wander Myth Drannor in perpetuity. I am just kidding, this is all in good fun. I really did like the game, although there were times I wanted to throw the computer out the window. The story is very engaging, and full of diverse and interesting characters. I imagine it is a lot like mining for gold, you must dig through the dirt for what seems like an eternity, but when you find what you are looking for, you really enjoy the payoff. Ruins of Myth Drannor was released by UbiSoft in September 2001. ******************************************************************************* II) WALKTHROUGH NOTES: I structured this FAQ based off of unanswered questions I read on websites where Ruins of Myth Drannor was being discussed. It seemed to me that most of these questions fell into a few basic categories: wanting to know how to receive or complete a Quest, wanting to know where to find a Key or Word, wanting to know how to defeat a specific enemy or boss, wanting to know where to find a specific item, and wanting to know where to go next or in what order to explore the dungeons. LAYOUT: Since it is a walkthrough, this document will tell you how to beat RoMD from start to finish, but it has been designed in response to the needs of those whose questions went unanswered. The walkthrough is divided into 137 "Events", a sequence of actions that complete a predetermined goal such as finding an item, defeating a boss or clearing a certain area in a dungeon. Together, all the Events comprise the Solution to RoMD. Each Event is divided into several topics: *Quest Notes: If an Event is essential to the completion of a specific Quest there will be Quest Notes listed in that Event. If all you are looking for is how to get through a Quest related to that Event, just read this section. *Curiosity Notes: Some Events contain items of interest which are not Quest-related or essential to completing the game, but can be of benefit to your party. I have singled these out to draw attention to them. *Enemies: A listing of all the hostile targets to be defeated during the Event. *Notes: The walkthrough that explains exactly how to achieve the goal of the Event. Here you will find directions for navigating the dungeons, combat instructions, where to search for treasure and so on. This is the most detailed section of the Event and will contain many spoilers. *Acquire: A listing of every item you can find during an event, and what properties that item has. I separated this from the Notes section to keep from interrupting the flow of navigation through the Event. *Go: This topic contains the navigational instructions that will guide your characters through the transition to the next Event. I have singled them out to emphasize what must be done before you start the next Event. REFERENCE: At the end of this Walkthrough is Reference section that can be used to quickly find information about certain topics without having to search the entire Walkthrough. The Reference section topics include: how to receive and complete Quests, where to find all the Keys used in the game, where to find Words used to activate glyphs, where to find NPCs to join your party, and where to find Curiosities that will improve your party but which are not essential to game play. NAVIGATING: There are two features of using this walkthrough to navigate the Dungeons of RoMD that you must understand before you start. First is knowing the direction you should go, and the second is knowing the direction of the object/wall/door you are interacting with. You cannot rotate or change perspective on the map you are navigating. This means that directions based on your character's perspective won't help. Instead you will be told which direction to go in relation to the map they are walking through as you view it "from above". Orient yourself based on the layout of your screen. North is the top of your screen, south is the bottom, east is the right side and west is the left side. If you read an instruction to go north until you see a wooden door, that means move your characters toward the top of the screen until a door comes into your field of vision. In actuality, because the map is slanted, the directions you will most often walk will be northeast (upper right corner of your screen), southeast (lower right corner of your screen), southwest (lower left corner of your screen) and northwest (upper left corner of your screen). The second feature relates to how objects on the screen are described, especially walls and doors. If you are in a diamond shaped room with 4 doors, then the door northeast is the northeast door on the northeast wall. If you go through that door it now becomes the southwest door on the southwest wall. The only reason I am belaboring this point is that it is possible to "walk east to a southeast wall" or "enter the room northeast, pick up an item and return to the room southwest", and I want you to understand that navigation is a mix of your perspective and the relationship of your characters to their environment. More Walkthrough Notes: - TO BEAR in a direction is to continue in that direction regardless of obstruction like pillars, corners, rocks, and ruined walls until you reach the described destination. - TO FOLLOW a path is to continue regardless of how many turns you must take until you reach the end of it. - I do not type out the NAMES of the four basic characters because it would further clutter this already complicated document. Instead I refer to them as Paladin, Sorcerer, Cleric, and Rogue. - When I say "I GAVE TO ______" it means I equipped that item on that character. (You will see this written over and over in the Acquire section of many Events). Items that I wanted to hold onto but did not equip I mention by saying "I KEPT FOR ______". - Since you are playing without the benefit of external MAPS you may want to number your in-game maps as you go along so that it corresponds with this Walkthrough. This will make finding places you must go back to much easier. - Amounts of GOLD given as plunder after battle or in chests/treasure icons are randomly generated within certain limits. During this Walkthrough I will tell you where to get gold but not how much you can get, since that amount will change from game to game. - Vital Events are listed in CAPS, (EVENT 137, for example). Pay special attention to these, they advance specific Quests. Certain events do not contain any Quest notes, these are not listed in CAPS, (Event 17, for example). To make sure that your characters are at full strength for the final battle, you should complete each Event. - Whenever you transition to a new in-game map between Events, you will see a map indicator such as (SURFACE MAP) or (FIRST CELLAR MAP) listed to the right of the name of the Event. Every subsequent Event that does not have a map indicator was performed on the same board. ******************************************************************************* III) GAME CONTROLS: Most game functions are controlled with the mouse; the keyboard is used as a shortcut for complicated sequences normally performed by the mouse. Main Menu Interface: - From the START-UP SCREEN you can start a new game through the Single Player Menu, create or join a multiplayer game through the multiplayer menu, play a tutorial game or bring up the options screen. - In the OPTIONS SCREEN you can view the game movies you have unlocked, edit the game settings (see below for details), view the hot keys and view the credits. Screen Interface: - To MOVE to a location, pass the mouse icon over it until it turns to a walking/running person icon, then Left-Click. Areas that are out of bounds will show up as a red circle with a line through it. When movement will cause you to travel between maps, the move icon will become a steps (transitional) icon. - To make your characters RUN, press the Right Shift Key. - To SELECT an icon, Left-Click on it. - To SELECT A CHARACTER to move or work with, Left-Click on that character, or Left-Click on their corresponding colored bar in the bottom right menu. (Hold your cursor over a character to learn the color associated with them). You can also select a character with keys 1-6, these correspond to the colored bars. - You can choose to move your WHOLE PARTY or just the selected person by Left-Clicking on the round icon in the bottom right corner of the screen, to the right of the colored bars. - To get your party to REST (recover health and recharge spells) select the tent icon between the colored bars and the whole party icon. You can only rest if the tent icon is yellow or green, a red icon means that it is too dangerous to rest in this area. Note that a yellow icon means that there is a chance your characters will be ambushed as they sleep, but a green icon is perfectly safe. - You can get your party to hold a FORMATION you arrange them into by clicking the icon with 6 colored dots, just above the tent icon. - To bring up the GAME MENU during play, click the circular icon with the dragon's face in the bottom left corner of the screen, or press Esc. The main menu allows you to load your game at any time, save (not during battle), quit to the Main Menu, and adjust the game settings. - You can view your QUEST STATUS by selecting the Book icon right of the game menu icon. - You can view the in-game MAPS by selecting the Map icon two spaces to the right of the Quest icon. - The space between the Quest icon and the map icon displays the TIME OF DAY; if no sun is visible it is nighttime and that means you will randomly encounter undead on the surface map. - You can INTERACT WITH AN OBJECT on the screen by Right-Clicking on it and then selecting one of the options displayed in the pop-up menu for that object. Alternatively, you can just Left-Click the object and the most common action for that item will be performed. - You can skip through cut scenes and text boxes/dialogue using the spacebar. Character Interface: - Right-Click on a character, or press Tab after selecting that character with a mouse to bring up the pop-up CHARACTER INTERFACE MENU. At the top you will see the name of the character, their Hit Points (how much damage they can take before they go unconscious or die) and Armor Class (how well protected they are from the attacks of enemies). From this menu you can view the Character Sheet, Inventory, Skills, and Spells for that character. During battle you can also select Combat Options. Later, you may want to use the Remove from Party option to make room for a new NPC to enter your party. - The CHARACTER SHEET tells you a great deal about your character. To the right of the character's name is their alignment (limits the classes they can choose to be), their Race (provides stat bonuses and penalties), and their class level(class determines the skills and spells they can use). Beneath the character's name is the amount of experience (XP) they have and the amount of XP they need to advance to a new level. XP is gained by completing Quests and defeating enemies. The higher a character advances in level, the more skills, spells and abilities it develops related to its class. Beneath XP is another listing of HP and AC, and a total for the gold you party is carrying. Beneath the gold icon are the 6 stats that tell you how powerful or inept your characters are. Str(ength) and Dex(terity) enhance a character's battle and defensive capabilities. Con(stitution) helps to determine HP and the ability of spell caster's to complete spells under pressure. Int(elligence) influences the skills you characters develop. Wis(dom) is necessary to cast Divine Spells used by Clerics. Cha(risma) is necessary to cast Arcane Spells used by Sorcerers. The spinning picture of your character is a "paper doll" that you can equip armor, weapons and special items to that will enhance you characters stats and AC. At the bottom left corner of the Character sheet is a section that explains what spells have been cast on your character. The grid on the right side of the Sheet is an inventory window that show what your character is carrying. Right-Click on a item to read a description of its properties. To equip an item Left-Click and hold, then drag it to the paper doll and release. You can give an item to a different character in your party by dragging the item to their picture at the bottom of the Character Sheet. Left-Click on one of these pictures to view the Sheet for that character. Above the inventory grid is an (Enc)umbrance amount and description (this is the weight of the items you are carrying and the amount you can carry; light encumbrance is preferable because your character will move more and more slowly as it advances to moderate, heavy and very heavy encumbrance). Also above the grid is a hand and arrow icon; drag an item from your inventory over this icon if you want to drop it. There are 4 colored icons above the inventory that give more detailed information about your characters, Spells, Skills and Feats, and Stats. Select the red icon to view the inventory again. - INVENTORY can also be viewed from the pop-up Character Interface Menu, or by pressing "i" on your keyboard. You inventory is divided into magic items, weapons and armor, and you can equip or use these items by selecting their name in the menu. Scroll through a long inventory by selecting "More...". - SKILLS for your character include actions like Heal (used to keep an unconscious person from dying), Search (look for hidden doors or traps), Open Lock & Disable Device (used by Rogues to remove traps and unlock chests or doors), and so on. Open this menu quickly with the "s" key. - ARCANE SPELLS are spells cast by Sorcerer's, DIVINE SPELLS are those cast by Clerics. You can open these menus with the "a" and "d" keys respectively. Battle Interface: - Left-Click on a enemy target to initiate COMBAT, attack during combat, or move towards. - To CAST A SPELL, select it from your spell menu and the Left-Click on an area or person you want it to effect. Watch for the targets to turn red, this indicates they will be affected by the spell. - During battle, press "c" to bring up COMBAT OPTIONS that can tell you character how to attack or defend during a round of battle. Through this menu you can Turn Undead and trigger Power Attacks. - When moving during combat look for a "+ SIGN" next to your move cursor, this means your character can act after they move. - To create a KEYMAP, which is a short cut to a character action triggered by a function key, perform the action, then press and hold the Ctrl Key and select a function key, then release Ctrl. From now on when you press that function key while the same character is selected, that action will be performed. I kept many spells and skills, such as Turn Undead, Heal, Confusion, Fireball, and almost all of the beneficial/defensive Cleric spells, set to keymaps. Game Settings Interface: - The GAME SETTINGS menu allows you to turn off the voices, which accompany text dialogue; adjust Character Occlusion, which makes characters and enemies easier or harder to see behind walls; Shadow Level, which adjusts the shadowing that follows your characters; combat round speed, which increases or decreases the length of time your characters have to act during battle; adjust SFX/Cinematic Volume and Music Volume; and adjust mouse speed to increase or decrease the sensitivity of your mouse. ******************************************************************************* IV) HINTS: *COMBAT: - Early on there is one PRIMARY STRATEGY you will repeat over and over again, melee (close range) fighters will be your frontline while your spell casters stand back hurling magic toward the fray. Later, as your party grows in power, you will want to delay the entrance of your melee fighters into battle to give your magic users a round to cast devastating area-effect spells like Cone of Cold, Confusion, Fireball, Flamestrike, Fire Storm and so on, without harming your own party. After the initial round you will still have to revert to the primary strategy as the enemy closes in on your ranks. - Never let a battle go against you; don't let you characters get killed and then run all the way back to a healer. Just LOAD and try again. The Load function is the one gift the creators of this game gave you, use it. - DOORWAYS are the main obstacle during battle, standing to the side of doors (remaining out of the line of sight of the enemies inside) when you open them will draw the enemy into the hall and prevent the enemy from using magic on you as your characters stand in the doorway during the all too frequent enemy ambush rounds. Another tactic is to block the door with your best melee fighters so that the enemy cannot exit the room. No more than 1-3 enemies at a time will be able to fight the characters blocking the door because of the limited space. During such battles you can keep your magic users behind the melee fighters blocking the door and shoot magic into the room (such as Fireball and Flamestrike); I call this the block and blast tactic, and it is great for clearing rooms filled with enemy melee fighters. - Your Cleric has the ability to Turn Undead during combat, which will either hold them in place or slay them if she is of a high enough level. Since much of the combat in RoMD is against undead this will be very helpful. There are problems though. Most of the time armies of undead are mixes of higher and lower level creatures, this means you will only incapacitate some of the creatures, and Turn Undead will not work on many creatures like Shadows, Wraiths, Spectres and so on, early in the game. Another problem is that it normally requires line of sight, so you will need to carefully position the Cleric and possibly cast it more than once per battle. I kept this as keymap F2 through the entire game and at least tried it in every Undead battle to keep track of the Cleric’s growing ability to hold or destroy Undead. Keep in mind that it is important to get the Cleric’s naturally low initiative up so that she can use Turn Undead earlier in battle, so whenever I found an initiative improving item early on, I gave it to her. - If you watch the battle TURN ORDER you may notice that a monster has yet to attack on a round; a good strategy, if you think you have the strength to kill that creature or block its magic attack, is to target it rather than a monster that has already used its turn during that round. This strategy may prevent some damage during battle. - When I played through RoMD the first time, I kept the TURN SPEED at its default because I didn’t know any better. When I wrote the walkthrough I found out I could turn it off and I did so I could record details on who I was attacking and how I defeated them. The game is much more enjoyable and fair if you set the turn speed to off. Why waste a characters turn because you are having difficulty using the right-click pop up menus to equip an item; or because you are trying to find a zone to cast a spell without killing all of your own characters? If you are finding the game to be a little tough, lower the turn speed or turn it off completely and give yourself a minute to think. - Your characters can use healing SALVES on other people (in or out of battle), but healing POTIONS can only be used by the person in possession of them. As you plunder, you should keep several healing salves for each character so that you can use them during major battles (like defeating Pelendralaar). During such battles, ineffective or weaker characters, or those who cannot get in close range of combat, can use salves on those who are doing the fighting so that the melee fighters don't have to waste a turn healing themselves. - Keep your ENCUMBRANCE light to maximize movement range in battle. In other words, don't take everything you see, only what you need. - Most of the time you will want to LET THE ENEMY COME TO YOU because after crossing the battlefield they will not be able to attack in the same round. After all you do not want to expose your characters prematurely. If you have to wait, have you characters do something useful with their turns like heal or cast defensive spells of change weapons. Watch for the + icon when you move, you might be able to get your characters into a better position from which to cast spells and still have enough time to cast a spell too. It is very important to use this feature wisely. - Your players ranged attacks with BOWS OR SLINGS are practically worthless throughout most of the game. Never try to shoot a bow with an enemy close by or they will get a free attack to interrupt your shot. - If you cannot cure wounds in battle (such as in the event your Cleric is out of spells or unconscious), at least try to use the HEAL SKILL to stabilize your wounded party members so they don’t die (at -10HP). It is a lot harder to Resurrect then sleep and recover. *MAGIC - The DISPEL MAGIC spell can clear many of the area-effect spells you will encounter such as Confusion and Darkness. The effectiveness of the Dispel depends on the skill of the caster versus the level of the spell to be removed. - I rarely use spells with CHARM effects because you end up having to fight the creatures you charm, as opposed to CONFUSION, which paralyzes everyone who is vulnerable and eliminates the need for any responsive battling. - WANDS are only used by Clerics or Sorcerers, based on the spells they would normally cast. ENCHANTED EQUIPMENT that can cast spells can be used by anyone proficient with or who can equip that type of armor/weapon/jewelry. - Spells that do slow, continuous damage during battle (like Melf’s Acid Arrow and Incendiary Cloud) can sometimes DISRUPT THE SPELLS of enemy magic users. - If a character goes UNCONSCIOUS they lose the beneficial spells cast on them. - You should load up on defensive/beneficial spells when you first encounter new creatures and have not developed a good system for defeating them. Don’t complain a battle is too hard if you haven’t even tried using your defensive/beneficial (mainly Cleric) spells. Since it takes so long to cast most of them again and again, set keymaps for them to speed the effort up. During this walkthrough, I refer to the casting of such spells before battle as "POWERING-UP", and I give explanations of the available defensive/beneficial spells that I used to "power-up" my characters. - CLOSE RANGE SPELLS such as Chill Touch are hard to use because the enemy can get a chance to interrupt the character as they cast. In general, try not to cast while an enemy is right next to you or you will be attacked. *ADVENTURING - ACTIVE BARRELS, those that contain items or stat bonuses, are brighter and more ornate than the normal dull brown empty barrels. Keep an eye out for them. The game refers to barrels that contain items as Barrel Precious, and those that contain Stat bonuses as Barrel Labeled # . I combined these two terms and called them “fancy barrels” throughout this walkthrough, for the sake of simplicity. - If you receive a message that you have failed to PICK A LOCK, keep trying a few more times; some (but not all) locks can be opened after repeated attempts. - Colors on the STONE MARKERS correspond to the color of the Rhonglyn device pillar used to access that floor. - I recommend you set Character OCCLUSION to maximum so that you can fully see your characters and enemies through walls. This makes spotting and targeting a lot easier. - When you find OPEN CHESTS in a room you have just entered, you may want to close and reopen them, when they reopen they may give you a reward like a normal chest does. The fact your characters are not able to immediately pick up an item from an open chest, but instead must close the chest and reopen it like a game of peek-a-boo, proves just how frustrating this game can be. - If ever you BACKTRACK in the Catacombs you may encounter Freth Drow Robbers, Undead armies, Freth Drow Scouts or groups of Orog Marauders which patrol certain areas once you have passed through them. For this Walkthrough I only included such encounters if it was necessary to back track as part of an event; however I did not include any unnecessary back tracking encounters in either the text of this Walkthrough or as part of play (which would have skewed the experience progression of my characters; in other words my characters never got into unnecessary back tracking encounters, thus they never received experience from such encounters). - Listen for QUEST MUSIC, it plays whenever your Quest Log is updated. - Leave behind most of the JUNK you find in dungeons; just take what would benefit your characters. Unlike games such as Might and Magic, where you can get good money for what you sell and you need that money to pay for food, spells and transport, there is simply no need for money in RoMD since there is almost nothing to buy and no need to pay for anything. If you do find something you want to buy, a few magic items from the dungeons will be enough to cover the expense. Note: You can save and sell wands that only have one charge left to get the full value of the wand; don't just waste that last charge unless you really need it (such as to defeat a tough boss). - CHESTS you are emptying out are a great place to dump excess items, this keeps the floors of the dungeons from being cluttered with items you just dropped which you might mistake for missed treasure on your way back through a room. - You cannot acquire MULTIPLE BONUSES to the same stat from two or more different items. In other words, if you find a ring that gives +2 strength and an amulet that gives +3 strength, you do not get +5 strength for equipping both, instead you will get the greater benefit, +3 Str and the +2 Str ring will be wasted on the character to which it is equipped. This means you should spread out your magical items very carefully so as not to double up on items you do not get a bonus from. - Armor with even a 10% chance of ARCANE SPELL FAILURE is too much of a hindrance to your spell caster's abilities; it will cause their spells to fail more than the suggested 10% of the time. I tested this by recording the number of times my Sorcerer failed to cast her spells while wearing armor with a 10% failure rate. Out of 20 spells cast my Sorcerer failed 6 times because of her armor! - Your characters must be conscious in order to gain EXPERIENCE from Quests and Battles. Battle experience is split up amongst them, Quest experience is rewarded to each individually. -REST Frequently. Most rooms with closed doors can be rested in, just look for a green rest icon. The game is not timed, so it doesn't matter how much time your characters waste sleeping. When you first enter a map, I try to show you to a nearby location that you can sleep at as soon as possible, so that you don't have to leave the map in order to rest. ******************************************************************************* V) PARTY CREATION: I chose a party based on the recommendations of the Game Manual (page 48). The manual says you should have a good fighter, a character who can casts aggressive spells, a character who can heal, and a Rogue. Therefore, I selected the Paladin, Sorcerer, Cleric and Rogue from among the Default characters. Why the Paladin from amongst the three good fighters? He was the only human, and I wanted my party to be as generic/default as possible. By being as middle of the road as it could be, the party will hopefully reflect the absolute average of what everyone else will put in their party. This way, the Walkthrough can help as many people as possible; or so the theory goes. If you are having trouble with the game, try the default party suggested here. ******************************************************************************* VI) SOLUTION: EVENT 01: Arrival in Myth Drannor (SURFACE MAP) Quest Notes: You start with The Pool, Awakened Quest. Enemies: 2 Orcs. Notes: When your party first steps out of the portal, they have a chance to get the jump on two Orcs scavenging nearby. It is very easy to mess up this early since the enemy can incapacitate your characters in one blow. You will have to use the element of surprise to get a better attack position in the first round of battle, then attack in the second. Remember to use your arcane and divine spells as necessary. Magic missile might be able to take one out quickly; bless can improve your characters chance to hit and shield of faith and resistance can decrease the enemies chance to hit you; cure minor wounds or laying on hands can revive your characters during battle so don’t let them reach -10HP. After the battle, take some time to review the information on your party, get familiar with their skills, spells and statistics. Press Right Shift key to make your party run. Take the items dropped after the battle and the pile of gold southwest. Acquire: From dropped items, Battleaxe, salve of Cure Light Wounds Level 5. Go: South until you see a blue marker by a bridge, read the marker twice. Greener’s Glade is across the bridge, Circle of Spears is to the east. Let’s cross the bridge southwest. Event 02: The Bridge to Greener’s Glade Enemies: 2 Orcs. Notes: As soon as you approach the bridge, you encounter and must defeat 2 Orcs; use the same strategy as before, take the armor dropped after the battle and cross the bridge southwest. On other side of bridge head southeast and go clockwise around the massive tree trunk and back to the bridge. Halfway around the stump you will see a glyph, remember this location. You can REST HERE at any time to regain health and magic spells on this board. Later you will enter this glyph and meet a helpful healer. Remember not to travel at night on the surface, you will encounter random groups of undead who have nothing to do with the Quest, simply sleep through the night if you want to avoid them. Three quarters of the way around the tree trunk you will see a blocked cavern doorway, this will be an important dungeon exit later in the game but for now it is impassible. Acquire: From Orcs, Leather Armor +1 AC (I gave to Rogue). Go: After crossing back over the bridge, head north to the Spinning Spire, then northeast following the north wall. Event 03: Undead Guarding the Fountain Enemies: 4 Skeletons and 4 Zombies Notes: First you will encounter a Zombie and a Skeleton, both are vulnerable to magic missile, at this level your Cleric’s Turn Undead can hold most Zombies and Skeletons making them easy to kill, send melee fighters to front, Sorcerer casts. After the battle go northeast and east following the north wall until you encounter a group of 3 Skeletons. As you see them approach, stop and let them come to you to get the surprise advantage. Use same tactics as before. Head southwest toward three barrels, here you will encounter 3 Zombies guarding a healing fountain. Stand your ground and let them come to you. Look in the third barrel to get the Hardwood Key. After the battle, use the fountain to heal, then use the Hardwood Key to unlock the chest to the right of the fountain. Acquire: From the Fancy Barrel, Hardwood Key. From the chest, 2 Cleric's Scrolls of Remove Paralysis Level 10, salve of Cure Light Wounds Level 5. Go: Back down the steps, head east to a ruined wall and then southeast until you arrive at a paved clearing with a peddler’s cart, approach the steps leading into it. EVENT 04: Nottle, Beriand and Faeril; getting the first Quests. Quest Notes: You are given the Knock, Knock Quest after saving Nottle, and you can immediately finish it by returning to the glyph, speaking to the hiding elves, and learning the Word of Mystra. Talking to Beriand you can get the following Quests: Death’s Bane, Bone Whispers, Undead Awakened, Sharpest Tooth, Nightmare Walking, Heart of Stone, Alone in the Darkness, Tooth in Glove, Persistence of Shadows, Fist of Zud, Bedlam Haunts, Earthborn Wind, Waters of Life, Tomes of Evil, Borea’s Blood, The Stars Below. Enemies: 2 Zombies. Notes: At the top of the steps you must defeat 2 Zombies to rescue a man trapped in his wagon; speak to Nottle about a reward and the secret place to get the Knocking Word and 500 experience; this conversation activates the glyph you found in Greener’s Glade, Event 02. You can also ask him about his business, Myth Drannor, treasure, enemies and Athan’s Band. Nottle has terrible prices and almost no inventory, simply unload your excess items on him every now and then. Head back to the tree stump glyph and approach it to automatically speak the Knocking Word. You will meet Beriand and Faeril hiding in their tree house. Talk to them about everything, reserving the “Take up Athan’s Quest” line for last. Afterward you can get a bit more information from them before they cut off the conversation. Approach the book and Left-Click on it to get the Word of Mystra, this completes the Knock, Knock Quest and bestows 500 experience, bringing all your characters to Level 2 in their respective classes. Speak to Beriand over and over again asking him tales of the dungeons and above ground areas until you can no longer speak to him. This grants you many Quests, see the Quest notes for this event to find out which ones you can get. Check the Quest Reference at the end of this document for more information on how to solve each Quest. Remember, you can return to Beriand whenever you need healing. Go: Exit the tree house, head back across the bridge, go southeast following the ravine. Event 05: Clearing the Center of Stillwater. Enemies: 3 Orcs, 2 Skeletons Notes: You will encounter two Orcs near a tall raised platform. Defeat them then go east. By an empty chest you will have to defeat another Orc. Continue east to a ruined tower, inside is a chest; I recommend sending your character with the highest HP in alone to open the chest. This will trigger an ambush where two Skeletons suddenly appear. Your strong character should be able to take the damage. Afterward finish off the Skeletons to get two pieces of magical jewelry. Head north to Nottle’s wagon and sleep there. Acquire: From the tower chest, Ring of Protection +1 AC and saving throws, (I gave it to the Sorcerer); Amulet of Constitution +1 CON, (I gave it to the Cleric). Go: After you rest, head northeast from Nottle’s wagon until you encounter several Orcs. Event 06: The Orc Encampment Enemies: 4 Orcs, Orc Leader Notes: You can just attack the 3 Orcs guarding the encampment outright, they have nothing to say, really. Try using the Daze Cantrip, it can keep an enemy out of battle for a period of time making it easy to kill and reducing the number of enemy attackers; still you must balance this against the possibility of killing it with magic missile, and the fact that most creatures are immune to Daze. Sleep has the same properties as Daze, except that it works on a larger area (can also put your own party to sleep so be careful) and it wears off once the victim is attacked. You may want to use these spells if you find yourself overwhelmed by the number of attackers. Pick up gold dropped after the battle. You may want to sleep again before proceeding. Make sure you have defensive spells already cast, then destroy the boulder blocking the doorway, go up the steps north and enter the camp. You must now defeat an Orc and an Orc Leader (who is hard to beat at your current level). Hang back and let them come to you. Get rid of the Orc first, so that you can concentrate on the leader. After both are defeated go north into camp and have your Rogue open the chest (it is trapped). Acquire: From the Orc chest, War Hammer +1 hit/damage; Ring of Protection +1 AC/saving throws (Gave both to Cleric). Go: Sleep at Nottle’s, then go south to the ravine, then east past a crumbling walkway. EVENT 07: The Door to the Main Halls Quest Notes: Here you will find the Blue Stone necessary to The Planet’s Above Quest given much later in the game. Enemies: 2 Orc Leaders, 2 Orcs. Notes: From the crumbling walkway head east for quite some time until you arrive at a patch of blueglow moss, you can Left-Click on it with a hurt character selected to restore some HP to that character; the supply of it is limited, but it does recover potency over time. Head north from the moss to find the door to the dungeon, defeat two Orc Leaders here (again these can be tough at your current level, remember to load up on defensive spells beforehand and use magic missile). Pick up the treasure then go west of the door to a staircase with 2 Orcs. The first is easy to kill, but the second will stay far back and shoot you with arrows. Use magic missile on the distant one. Afterward take their treasure. Acquire: From the door guards, Blue Stone (This is a Quest Item activated later in the game so you must hold on to it) and Great War Hammer; you may want to equip this weapon on your Paladin/Fighter, it does more damage, but without a shield his AC will go down. From the archer you get a Longbow (Rogue can’t use) and a quiver of arrows +1 to hit/damage, equip the arrows on the Rogue, who is the character most likely to hit with a bow. Go: Sleep, cast defensive spells, then approach the glyph in front of the Tumbledown Door to the dungeons and the Word of Mystra is spoken, enter the dungeons. Event 08: Keys of the Living and Dead (MAIN HALLS MAP) Enemies: 2 Orcs, 1 Orc Leader Notes: When you first arrive 2 Orcs are scavenging to the northeast and a Orc Leader waits to the southeast, you have the initiative so defeat the leader first. Afterward pick up the Key of the Dead on the table on the northwest side of the room, then open the chest to the left to get the Key of the Living. You can sleep in this room before moving on; remember to return here and sleep whenever necessary. As you progress you will find many more rooms with safe sleep zones; from now on I will only mention sleep areas when they are either the first found on a board, or should be used before an important battle. Acquire: From table, Key of the Dead. From the chest, Key of the Living, Shortsword +1 hit/damage, give it to the Rogue, and a Sling with a +2 hit/damage, give it to the Cleric or Sorcerer. Go: Through the door to the northeast, opened with the Key of the Dead, head east. Event 09: Key of Dead Chambers Enemies: 12 Skeletons, 7 Zombies, Orc Leader, Orc Notes: Soon you will encounter 4 Skeletons, defeat them (note that at level 2 your Cleric’s Turn Undead spell can destroy most Skeletons but only holds Zombies) then go northeast through a narrow passage and you will encounter 3 Zombies you must defeat. Go west around the corner, then head southwest to a partition wall, destroy the fourth panel from the left and go through. Head southwest to 2 wells, both hold a small amount of gold, after you take it you will be ambushed by 2 Zombies and 2 Skeletons, defeat them then go west to a fountain, Left-Click on it to get another small amount of gold. Go north of the fountain, through a door into a ruined library, this will trigger and encounter between an Orc Leader, an Orc and two Zombies. You can stand back and let them do damage to each other while hurling magic spells, just remember to get close enough to finish off the Orcs once the Zombies go down. Head west from the carnage until you reach a wall, then head south through a set of iron doors, there are 6 Skeletons lying on the floor in this room, they will pop up in pairs and engage you so be ready. You can also initiate the attack on them while they are laying down. Open the chest. Acquire: From the Orc/Zombie conflict LongSpear +1 hit/damage. From chest in 6 Skeleton room a Battleaxe +1 hit/damage and 2 potions of Restoration Level 10 (use them to recover from level and stat decreases caused by certain hostile spells and attacks {Wraith and Shadow attacks for example}, distribute them evenly and use them wisely). Go: Sleep, cast defensive spells, then exit the room and go back to the scene of the Orc/Zombie battle, then head southeast until you reach a chamber with an open door to the east, go through it. Event 10: The Wraith and the Orcs Enemies: 2 Orcs, an Orc Leader and a Wraith Notes: Defeat the three Orcs first, get close and initiate an attack, otherwise you will have to deal when them later. I used sleep on them, then defeated them one at a time. Pick up the potion of Haste they drop (this can allow partial extra actions in a critical battle). Go and sleep, cast defensive power-up spells and return. The Wraith is very hard to beat (currently immune to Turn Undead) at your current level but it is possible. Put your best fighter up front to draw the wraith’s attention, he will take the brunt of the Wraiths Constitution draining attack. The other melee fighters should then move in and do damage once the wraith has chosen his target. The spell caster is essential to this effort, keep her back and have her cast Disrupt Undead and Magic Missile. You will miss constantly and receive messages that your weapons do not harm incorporeal opponents but this is deceiving, if you just keep trying, you will land a blow eventually. One more thing is vital, use the potions of Restoration on your best fighter should his constitution get very low, because if it reaches 0 he will die. After the battle have the Rogue open the chest and then take your prizes. Acquire: Potion of Haste Level 15 from the Orcs. From the Wraith’s chest, Ancient Dwarven Chest Key, leather armor +3 AC (I gave to Rogue), Chainmail (I gave to Cleric), and a longsword +1 hit/damage. Go: Head back to the dungeon entrance, sleep, cast defensive spells and go through the Door of the Living. On the way out of the Wraith’s room you will get a message about a hint of Jasmine. Event 11: Using the Key of the Living, Finding the Turgild Square Enemies: 4 Orcs, 3 Zombies Notes: After using the Key of the Living to open the door, quickly head east to 3 pillars and wait for a party of 4 Orcs to approach. These Orcs shoot arrows so you will want to get close to stop them from using their bows. The sleep spell is effective here if you can get a good angle around the pillars (remember to cast this in an area where it will hit the most enemies and avoid your people). Continue southeast to an intersection then head northeast (you receive a message about a grand thoroughfare). Head east following the brick colored thoroughfare to a yellow marker, click on it to learn that the Turgild Square is south, and the Great Hall is north. Go through the opening southwest and you will encounter 3 Zombies, defeat them then continue southwest, go through the doorway south, then bear southeast at three pillars and you arrive in a courtyard with a message about how the pubic wells have gone dry. EVENT 12: Turgild Fountains Quest Info: After a battle with 4 Orcs you will obtain a Quest (Turgild Lifespring) from an elf ghost who wishes you to restore the fountains in Tirgild square. Enemies: 4 Orcs Notes: Approach the first well (Well of Beauty) southeast and a battle begins with 4 Orcs, two use bows and are quite some distance away so be fast. After the battle approach the fountain again, Elena speaks: If you would drink from the fountains you must put the Lifespring guardian to rest, friends will help you if you know where to look; you acquire the Echoing Word. Enter the door to the southwest and you will have to defeat two Orcs, there are two chests in this room, both are trapped so have the Rogue open them to get two long bows. Enter the room southeast through the iron door and defeat 3 Orcs. Then exit back to the Turgild Square and go southeast to the Fountain of Rest. Go northeast to the well of Endurance, then go through the door to the east. In this room are two chests that both contain a small amount of gold. Acquire: Two chests room southwest, 2 Long bows +1 hit/damage each (I gave 1 to the Paladin). Go: Southwest through the iron door into Jarial’s room. EVENT 13: Freeing Jarial Quest: Here you have a chance to solve the Heart of Stone Quest by freeing Jarial the Sorcerer from his prison of Rock. Notes: In this room is a Sorcerer trapped in a rock, he gives you a riddle about a Quest of love. Talk to him in depth, and be sure to ask him what words he has tried, this tells you that the solution to the riddle is not a word. Learn about his past and what he has seen of the dungeon. After you have talked to him about everything he offers to join you if you free him. Select a character with a ring on its hand and have that character go around to Jarial’s back and strike the rock to break it (the correct interface zone is at the base of the boulder near the floor tile). Once he is free ask him to join the party, he will be ahead of your characters in experience. Go: Exit Turgild Square, go northwest to the Well of Wisdom, then go northeast. In this hall you will here the clank of dwarven armor. Open the door in the middle of the hall on the northwest side. Event 14: Getting the Ancient Rusted Iron Key Enemies: 4 Zombies and 2 Skeletons Notes: In this room are 2 Zombies and 2 Skeletons. Jarial can cast magic missile twice (because of his level) and Disrupt Undead along with your other mage; combined with Turn Undead, these spells will make quick work of the enemies in this room. Afterward destroy the second partition from the left, go through to the spike on the north side of the room and Left-Click on it. Have your Rogue open the trapped chest behind the spike to get the Ancient Rusted Iron Key, a Dagger and a note saying let no harm come to the dead. Enter room across hall to southeast; click on the fountain to set off an ambush with two Zombies, kill them then click on the fountain again to get some gold. There are two fancy barrels in this room, search both, one contains gold, the other a scroll and pair of gauntlets. Acquire: From spike room, note about protecting the dead (I found no reason to drag the notes around so you can leave them behind once read), the Ancient Rusted Iron Key and Jeweled Dagger +3 hit/damage (I gave to Jarial). From fountain room Cleric's scroll of Harm level 20 (meant to be used against living things), and Fists of Ranman +4 damage for monks (if you have one). Go: Back to the first intersection after passing through the Door of the Living and this time go southeast, eventually you must make a turn southwest. Event 15: The Rhonglyn Room and the Axehandle Inn Enemies: 2 Skeletons, 5 Zombies, 10 Orcs. Notes: Where the southwest hall opens to a large chamber you will encounter 2 Skeletons and a Zombie. After dispatching them go to the northwest area of the chamber to find a healing fountain (return here as necessary, it works just like the one in Stillwater). Go southeast to some barrels, then go south through a passage to a room with a stone octagon, here you must defeat four Zombies, then continue south. You will see an ice door, smash it and enter the Rhonglyn Room, a transport device that is currently frozen. There is some chain armor, 2 longspears and a long sword here, take what you like, then exit the room through the southwest ice door. Go west, then through the door northwest to enter the Axehandle Inn. In the first room defeat an Orc, then enter the room southwest, in here is a barrel labeled “3”. Throughout the dungeons you will find potion barrels that bestow Stat improvements. 1= Strength, 2= Dexterity, 3= Constitution, 4= Intelligence, 5= Wisdom, 6= Charisma. I gave this barrel's contents to my Cleric. Go back through the first room to the northeast room and defeat two more Orcs. Sleep here, cast defensive spells (have Jarial cast Mage Armor on himself and your Sorcerer), then approach the north door and listen, now prepare to fight. Destroy the bed to the left of the door to give you some room, then individually position your party where the bed used to be to keep them out of range of some of the 7 Orc archers you are about to activate. Now open the door, use magic users to take out Orcs who have not shot at you yet, allow some Orcs to come to you and take them out first, then send your melee fighters to finish off the rest in the room while the magic users remain under cover. In the northeast side of this hall is a fountain of Restoration, which works like a restoration potion, use it wisely. Northwest of the fountain is a dark brick area on the wall, have your Rogue approach it to discover a secret room. Acquire: In Rhonglyn Room, Chain Armor (I gave to Paladin), 2 Longspears and a Longsword. Go: Before entering the secret room, sleep and cast defensive spells to power-up, then proceed. Event 16: The Tavern of Health and the Wrought Iron Key Enemies: Shadow, Zombie Notes: After entering the room pick up the treasure on the table, then head northwest, eventually you will be ambushed by a Shadow and a Zombie. Like the Wraith, the Shadow will drain stats from its victims. Also like the Wraith, weapons will be rather ineffective but can still hit. Unlike the Wraith the Shadow can be held in place by Turn Undead. Jarial’s double magic missile is a great help here. Remember to use Restoration potions if needed after the battle. Defeat both, then approach the giant keg in the northwest corner of the room and use it to get two Divine Power potions. Go to the keg on the right and get two level healing potions. Go east to find a collection of six stat barrels, distribute the bonuses as you see fit (I like making stat-specialized characters so I give all strength bonuses to my Paladin (so he can carry everything), wisdom bonuses to my Cleric, charisma bonuses to Jarial and my First Sorcerer, dexterity and intelligence to my Rogue; but I give Constitution to the weakest party member. Return to the 7 Orc archers hall; in the southwest corner are two partitions, smash the northwest one to gain access to four chests, take their contents (one chest is opened with the Wrought Iron Key). Acquire: Tavern of Health, Wrought Iron Key, 2 Small Shields. Northwest Keg, two Potions of Divine Power Level 15 (these potions give great combat bonuses). From 4 chests, 2 Longbows, Warhammer +1 hit/damage, 2 Shortswords, 2 Daggers, Halberd, Light Mace, Quarterstaff, Warhammer +2 hit/damage (I gave to Cleric). Go: Exit the Axehandle Inn and go southwest to a circle of spikes. Event 17: The Scarred Mage Enemies: Shadow, Scarred Mage, 2 Skeleton Knights, 2 Skeletons, 3 Zombies. Notes: Here is another Shadow to beat as before, afterward pick up treasure and head northeast to the Rhonglyn room. Go east from the Rhonglyn room through the double doors, at the end of this room with two pillars is a locked chest your Rogue can open to get some healing potions. Go to the left side of door on the northeast wall, and move close (without exposing yourself) to the room, this will trigger a battle with a Scarred Mage, 2 Skeletons and 2 Skeleton Knights (can be held in place with Turn Undead). You must concentrate on killing the Mage first because his Fireball spell can wipe your party out in one hit; try to get a strong character close to him to prevent him from casting. Use your melee fighters to hold the line while your Sorcerers and your Cleric cast through the door. After the battle take the magical treasure items; you can sleep in this room to recover before moving on. Enter the room to the southeast and defeat 3 Zombies; on the northeast side of the room is a secret door your Rogue can discover on a dark brick wall. If you go through this door you will find a way back to Jarial’s rock room. Acquire: The shadow drops a Wand of Restoration Level 15, 6 charges, (great assistance when dealing with stat draining undead). From the chest in the 2 pillars hall, 2 potions of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10. The Scarred Mage drops a Lightning Bolt Spell Level 15, (great for tough creatures on this level; only for Sorcerers); Wand of Resurrection, can cast 2 Level 20 Resurrection Spells (useful until you get Deathsbane back for Beriand); Dagger. Go: For now exit back to the hall from which you entered this area and continue southeast. Event 18: Black Skeleton Key Enemies: 19 Skeletons, 2 Skeleton Elders, 3 Skeleton Knights Notes: As you proceed down the east hall you receive a message about unseen watchers, then you must defeat 3 Skeletons. Enter the open door southwest of the Skeletons and you will have to defeat 5 more in a hallway with two stone partitions. After that continue southwest to a large chamber with 2 Skeletons, defeat them and take their treasure. Continue southwest and you will have to defeat two Skeletons and a Skeleton Elder. The Elder is resistant to magic missiles and Disrupt Undead but can be held by Turn Undead. After that, head northwest and defeat 3 more Skeletons. Enter the double doors on the wall north, (near the 3 Skeletons battle); Rogue must pick lock. There are 4 Skeletons and a Skeleton Elder here, use the same strategy as before, remember to leave this area and sleep elsewhere if you need to recharge between battles. There are 3 chests in this room each with gold. After you empty the chests, open the eastern door to the next room; there are 3 Skeleton Knights to defeat here. Have your party stand back and let your Rogue open the chest in this room, it seems the trap will be set off no matter what. Take the contents inside it, a wand, a key and a note that mentions guarding the spikes. Acquire: First pair of Skeletons in large chamber drop a Scimitar +1 hit/damage and dagger +2 hit/damage. The Elder drops a Shortsword and Longsword both +1 to hit/damage. 3 Skeletons after that drop the same treasure. The 3 Skeleton Knights drop two battleaxes and one battleaxe +2 hit/damage. I gave this to my Paladin and let him use a shield again. The lightning trap chest has a Wand of Magic Missiles, can cast 20 Level 5 Magic Missile Spells (great for getting extra magic into a battle if you run out), the Black Skeleton Key, and a note about the spikes. Go: Exit these rooms and go west to two rows of spikes, have your Rogue approach the brick wall between them to discover a secret door that can be opened with the key you just picked up. This room is dry and dusty; sleep, cast defensive spells then go down the northern staircase. Event 19: Blood Moon Crypt (DEEP HALLS MAP) Enemies: 2 Skeletons, Wraith Notes: In the room beneath the northern staircase is a fancy barrel with The Winter Blade, a shortsword with 3 Cone of Cold charges superb for upcoming boss/hard battles (I gave it to my Rogue); this barrel also contains the Blood Moon Key, take both then go back upstairs; now enter the southern staircase. Go through the door on the northwest wall, in this room you must defeat two Skeletons and another Wraith (much easier with Jarial’s magic missiles). Go through the northwest door using the Blood Moon Key, approach the coffin and a message “To Aeseder, brother and planeswalker...” appears. Open the coffin to get a special amulet. Acquire: From Barrel beneath northern staircase, Blood Moon Key, The Winter Blade, casts 3 Level 10 Cone of Cold Spells, +2 to hit/damage/AC. From the coffin, Kluusar’s Bloodstone Amulet, it casts Vampiric Touch level 10 (kind of difficult to use in battle), it also bestows +2 Str, +1 AC/initiative/Reflex Saving Throws/Will Saving Throws, +5 spell resistance but Con is -2. (I gave it to my Paladin). Go: Return to the Main Halls, exit the Black Skeleton Key Room, go through the halls where you defeated all those Skeletons, then continue east down the hall (at the intersection in front of the two stone partitions room). Event 20: The Reptilian Scale Mail (MAIN HALLS MAP) Enemies: 7 Zombies, 3 Skeletons, Skeleton Knight, Ghoul, Ghast. Notes: At the end of the hall go south and you will encounter 2 Zombies. After defeating them go southeast until you encounter 2 more Zombies, defeat them and continue down corridor south. Another encounter occurs near a short spike, defeat two Skeletons and a Skeleton Knight. Head east to a wooden door on the northeast wall and have your Rogue pick the lock to enter it. In this room you must defeat 3 Skeletons and a Skeleton Knight, go through northwester door and defeat two Zombies. In this room are two treasure bags to plunder to get two Remove Paralysis scrolls that can be used by your Cleric. You should go back to a safe place to sleep and power-up before proceeding. After that, open the northwest door, this room contains a Ghast (not vulnerable to Level 2 Turn Undead), a Ghoul and a Zombie (both can be held by Turn Undead). I recommend that you do not enter the room but let the Undead come to you while you block the door with your melee fighters and your magic users stand back and hurl spells; (if having difficulty, try having your first Sorcerer use the wand of Magic Missiles to get more shots (4 per round) in during the battle. Pick up two magic items from the chest on the left, (Rogue must open). Acquire: Room before Ghast, 2 Cleric's Scrolls of Level 15 Remove Paralysis. Ghast chest, Wand of Melf’s Acid Arrow (it does damage to afflicted creature every round, I gave it to my first Sorcerer) and Reptilian Scale Mail, +7 AC, I gave it to my Rogue. Go: Exit back to hall and continue east, then bear northeast to three pillars, then southeast to an intersection and go south to a wooden door. Event 21: The Freezing Wells Enemies: 4 Zombies, Shadow Notes: Enter room with 4 tables, go through southwest door. The large keg in the North can be used to cast a powerful, long-lasting shield of Faith on your characters, but remember that like with most magic dispensers its supply is limited. Why not use it on each of your characters, then head south to pick up a small pile of gold. Go west to pick up another pile of gold and get a message regarding an unnatural chill. Enter the northern door and defeat two Zombies, enter the eastern door and defeat two more Zombies. Enter northeastern door and you see a message about the frozen Orcs. The three remaining wells are the source of the unnatural cold, you will have to destroy them to proceed. This is tricky because when they are destroyed they cast Cone of Cold, which can wipe your party out. Starting with the well on the right have your party stand very close to the wall directly above the well (arrange them individually if necessary), then have your strongest player strike the well. Now that you understand how this works proceed to northwest well and have the party stand pressed against the wall to its right. When you destroy the final well no Cone of Cold is cast. Exit these rooms and proceed southwest when you receive the message about the floor thawing. You will find a wooden door here, behind it is another Shadow to be defeated (this one was not vulnerable to Turn Undead for some reason so you will probably take some stat damage before he goes down). There are two chests here, take their contents. My Rogue reached Level 3 here. Acquire: From Shadow’s chests, Wand of Chain Lightning Level 20, 1 charge, (I gave this to Jarial). Sorcerer's Scroll with Melf’s Acid Arrow Level 15, Cleric’s Scroll of Protection from Evil Level 10. Go: Back to the intersection before you turned south to enter the room with four tables. This time go northeast. At the open door near two pillars go east/southeast until you reach a message about drag marks. Go northeast to a message about unusually tidy room, go through door in southeast to a room with a keg. EVENT 22: The Lost Ormyrr Quest Notes: This event is part of the Alone in the Darkness Quest, here you will get more information about the Ormyrrs. Notes: Head through the eastern door and approach the lost Ormyrr, assure him you come in peace. Ask how he lost his clan, tell him you haven’t seen his clan, ask about the magic thing, ask what it looks like, say you will look out for the magic thing; the Ormyrr gives you a Wand of Cone of Cold Level 20 with 11 charges... Sweet. This updates the Alone in the Darkness Quest. Exit these rooms and head northeast to a “occupied” prison cell, open it and defeat 6 weakened Orcs who are easily slaughtered (get close to them to make sure they can’t escape when you start the attack). Exit the cell and go south. The wall you come to contains two dark brick areas. The northeastern one has to be searched by your Rogue directly (using the skill menu) in order for a secret door to be discovered. Go through and read the yellow marker, it says Bedlam prison is to the south and warns of a warden with an obsessive-compulsive disorder focused on keys. Go southeast to the empty wells, then southwest to the two chests and take their contents. Acquire: From Ormyrr, Wand of Cone of Cold Level 20 with 11 charges (given to first Sorcerer). From the two chests near the yellow marker, Wand of Restoration Level 15 (6) charges, a Ring +1 Constitution (I gave it to first Sorcerer), potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10, Great Warhammer +1 hit/damage (Gave to Paladin), ring of protection +1 AC (Gave to Jarial). Go: Now enter the door southwest of the yellow marker, sleep, cast defensive spells then go downstairs. EVENT 23: The Spectral Jailer (DEEP HALLS MAP) Quest Notes: Here you will find the creature that Haunts Bedlam Prison; destroying it completes the Bedlam Haunts Quest. Enemies: Spectre Notes: Go through northeast door, you receive messages about jingling keys in the distance and a guard who died at his post. In the guard’s room open the chest to get some items for your Rogue and equip them. Exit guards room, go through northwest door, bear west to hall with iron doors facing wooden doors. The upcoming battle with the Spectral Jailer is tough at your current level so you have to use you magical items to get through it (Turn Undead doesn’t work on this monster at this level). Here’s how I did it: Paladin and Rogue block door, Sorcerers stand behind them, when the door is thrown open Jarial uses 1 blast of the Chain Lightning wand, and the other Sorcerer uses Magic Missile Wand. Second round Jarial uses Magic Missile and the Jailer is defeated. Afterward pick up his treasure. Acquire: In the guard’s room, Sleek arrows -1 hit +3 damage; (kept for Rogue); Blade of Larceny (only used by Rogues) to +2 hit/damage/Dex. I had the Rogue use this normally but for important battles I kept the Winter Blade equipped for its Cone of Cold abilities. From Spectre gain Dymon’s Dutiful Gloves +4 Reflex saving throws, cast 5 level 10 Haste Spells (I gave this to my Paladin). Go: Exit Deep Halls, go back past yellow marker and continue down the hall east of the Orc jail cell; after awhile the hall bears southeast, the turns northeast. At the intersection where you see a small spike to the southeast continue northeast into a narrow corridor. Take the next right and you enter a dead-end alley with two wooden doors, take the door on the northeast wall to return to Stillwater, get Beriand to heal you then return to the dungeons via the passageway you just emerged from (Left-Click the cavern entrance and select “Return to the tombs of the Main Halls”). There are many passages throughout the dungeons that all lead back to this one outlet in Stillwater. Later on it will become a vital transportation tool for your party. Event 24: Shadow Coffin and 3 Magic Kegs Enemies: 3 Zombies, Shadow, 2 Skeletons, 3 Ghouls, 4 Orc Ghouls Notes: Upon returning to the dungeons enter the door on the southwest wall. You receive a message of doom; go through the next southwest door and the feeling of dread increases. Move your party to the east side of this room, then have your Paladin open the coffin on the right, this sets off a trap that he will most likely resist. Afterward you will be ambushed by a Shadow and Zombie, defeat them using your magic spells and being patient with your melee hits/misses as usual with the Shadow. After the battle, raid the treasure from the coffin, exit back to the alley, go down the narrow corridor southwest and bear southeast at the next intersection. In the hall with several small spikes is a chest with a lightning trap your Rogue will probably fail to disarm, open it to get two Restoration potions. Head southeast to the next intersection then go south. Here you will find an army of 2 Skeletons, 2 Zombies and a Ghoul. Go through the eastern door, and head to the back of the room to set off combat with 4 Orc Ghouls. Just like Orcs they are pretty easy to kill, if you move fast you can block the door and deal with them in melee combat one at a time while your Sorcerer's cast magic missiles on the ones trapped behind the door, weakening them. After the battle take a closer look at the kegs in these two rooms. One casts Heal, another Blink and another transparency (Invisibility), but there are only a few charges of the concealing spells. I found no real need for them but they are there if you want to try them. Exit back to the courtyard where you just fought the Ghoul and go through the eastern door. The fountain in this room is poisoned so stay clear. Head to the northeast side of the room and you will encounter two Ghouls, try attacking them from a distance with magic while your melee fighters block the door. Enter the alcove they were in and search the bookcase on the left to get a few magic items. Head back to the short spikes hall and go northeast. On the northwest side of the hall you will find a series of crates, one contains some magic items you can plunder. Acquire: From the Shadow’s coffin, Plate Mail +7 AC (I gave this to the Paladin because he needs the extra protection w/o his shield), 2 potions of Neutralize Poison Level 10, and a Wand of Resurrection, Level 20, 2 Charges. From the lightning chest get two Level 15 Restoration potions. From the bookcase in the two Ghouls alcove, another Wand of Restoration level 15, 6 charges, Cleric’s Scroll of Slow Poison level 15 and another potion of Neutralize Poison Level 10. From crate in short spikes northeast hall, 2 potions of Neutralize Poison Level 10, and a Cleric’s Scroll of Remove Paralysis Level 10 Go: Continue northeast to a dwarven megalithic monument. If you touch the stone in the center you will get memories of grieving dwarves then you will be transported to the Deep Halls. Let’s avoid that for now. Event 25: Clearing out the area around the Dwarven Megalith Enemies: 3 Ghasts, 3 Skeletons, Skeleton Knight, 9 Zombies, Ghoul, 2 Master Shadows Notes: This Event is a series of pointless confrontations with undead (thank goodness most are vulnerable to Turn Undead to some degree). Head south from the center of the Dwarven Megalith and go through an iron door into a room with 2 Ghasts. These are much harder to defeat then Ghouls, but currently they are in cages that are hard for them to maneuver around; initiate battle and block the door to the room(to deal with them one at a time) while casting spells on them (I used one charge of the magic missile wand to make things easier by taking one out quickly). From the chests in this room (Rogue may have tough time opening poison chest so use Neutralize potion) you acquire a variety of items including an Idolon, a small stone head. For now you will simply have to collect these heads and hold onto them. Later in the game you will discover a Giant Stone Head that exchanges these Idolons for rings with special properties. Exit the room and go north past the megalith and you will encounter a small army of Undead, 3 Skeletons and a Skeleton Knight. Afterward search the battle area to find a shield and halberd. Go to the extreme eastern corner of the battle area (near the halberd) and go through the wooden door there. In this room 3 Zombies are blocked by a row of tables, (and 3 more in the room next door) you can either use ranged/magic attacks or break a table and attack directly, eventually you will have to go through to get to the remaining Zombies. In the northwest room are two bookshelves with 2 magic scrolls on them. There is also a coffin in this room with two longswords in it. Go back to the room with three tables and head through northwest door. 2 Ghouls here can be blocked at the door and defeated. The well in this room has several items in it. Exit back to where you found the Halberd and go northwest following the northeast wall until you find a fancy barrel, take the Restoration potion inside. Northwest of the barrel is another poison well, avoid it. Go southwest and you will encounter a Ghoul and a Ghast out in the open, defeat them and head continue southwest. You will find two open chests, but if you close them and open them again you can get a couple of items. Head northeast, take next turn to southeast, take next turn southwest, you are in a brief wide hall with an iron door to the south, go through that door. You receive a message about an Alhoon holding court. On the table is a blunted dagger that can be useful for mages. The well in the western corner contains gold. Sleep and cast defensive spells. Exit the room and head west to another set of iron doors. Open them and an ambush occurs, 3 Zombies and a Master Shadow (another stat draining beast, this one is harder to hit and requires magic to defeat; I used one charge of the Winter Blade wielded by my Rogue to defeat this creature; the Zombies should be easy for you now). There are two chests, the right one contains gold, the left one has a fireball trap (be very careful disarming with Rogue; keep party back; may want to save/load to get through with a save roll). The Fireball chest contains a great pair of boots for your Cleric and a couple of scrolls. Exit back to the center pillar of the Dwarven Megalith and this time bear east to find a double door flanked by two dwarven statues; make sure you are well rested then go through. Head toward the 3 spikes and you will discover a secret door behind them. Press on the middle spike to lower it and trigger a Master Shadow ambush (I used 2 charges of the Cone of Cold wand to dispatch it). Go through the secret door, past the curving obelisks and use the Ancient Rusted Iron Key to open the next door by Left-Clicking on it. In this room is a single Ghast to be defeated, pick up the dwarven ceremonial staff and read the note. From the shelf behind the staff you can pick up gems. Acquire: From the 2 Ghouls room, 2 Idolons, 2 Cleric’s Scrolls of Heal level 20, 2 Cleric’s Scrolls of Harm Level 20. From the small army of undead area, Halberd, and Shield of Protection +2 AC, +1 saving throws. From the bookshelves, Sorcerer's Scroll of Web level 10, Sorcerer's Scroll of Stinking Cloud level 15 (I gave both to Jarial). From the coffin 2 Longswords. From the well, Ring of +1 Int (I gave to Rogue), Longspear +1 hit/damage, and Ringmail +4 AC (I gave to Cleric). From fancy barrel Restoration potion Level 15. From the two open chests, Greataxe -1 hit/damage and Large Shield. From the Alhoon room Dagger +5 AC, -2 hit/damage (I gave this to my first Sorcerer for the AC bonus). From the Master Shadow room Boots of Wisdom +3 (gave to Cleric), and 2 scrolls of Cure Critical Wounds Level 15 (kept for Cleric). From the Ancient Rusted Iron Key room, Dwarven Ceremonial Staff +2 AC, +1 hit/damage vs. Orcs/Orogs (I gave this to Jarial, for the AC bonus). Go: Sleep and cast defensive spells then go down the steps. Event 26: Dwarven Tomb and Serpent’s Ring (DEEP HALLS MAP) Enemies: 5 Ghouls, 4 Skeletons, 4 Zombies, Wraith Notes: At bottom of steps go through southern door, defeat 3 Ghouls in the next room and pick up the pile of gold they drop. Go northwest to an area filled with coffins, then approach the door southwest and a battle against 2 Skeletons and 2 Zombies begins. Afterward go west of the circle of spikes (incidentally this is the area you are transported to if you touch the statue in the center of the dwarven megalith). Eventually you will encounter 2 Zombies and 3 Ghouls amidst a pile of coffins. Defeat them, take the gold they drop, go back and sleep/cast defensive spells and then go through the eastern door on the northern wall (area above the most recent battle). Here are 2 Skeletons and a Wraith (I used conventional tactics to defeat so as to save the magic items). Pick up the scrolls dropped by the Wraith, open the northwest chest to get the Serpent’s Ring. Acquire: From Wraith ,Cleric’s Scroll of Spiritual Weapon Level 5; Sorcerer's Scroll of Chill Touch Level 5; Serpent’s Ring damage +3, Spell Resistance -4 (I don’t like using this). Go: Exit back to the Main Halls, Ancient Rusted Iron Key room. You have now explored the entire southern portion of the Main Halls. Return to the Orc Prison north of Bedlam Prison. From there head west (past the Ormyrr room), southwest down the first hall you come across, then make a quick turn northwest and keep going to you find a door on the northwest wall, go through. Event 27: Captain Mol (MAIN HALLS MAP) Enemies: 10 Zombies, 2 Skeletons, A Ghoul, 13 Orcs, 5 Orc Leaders, Captain Mol, Mol’s Shaman, Orc Shaman Notes: Pass through a hall filled with empty ruined bookshelves, at the end you enter a hall once “filled with light and song”. Go north and kill 4 Zombies. From the 3 smashed tables go west to pick up a pile with 1 gold. Head west of that to get another 1 gold. Head northeast until you arrive at a hall bearing north, proceed down this hall a very short distance and then take the hall west and go through the wooden door on the southwest side of the hall, there a 4 Zombies to defeat in this room. Afterward exit the room and head for the northeast hall, take the next hall northwest, at the end of the hall is an empty well, go through the door west of the well, you will be engaged in a wide ranging battle against 2 Zombies 2 Skeletons and a Ghoul, after the battle they drop a small pile of gold. Pick up the gold and head northeast until you see 4 barrels, enter the doors northeast of the barrels and you get a message about an unbearable stench, on the floor is a note saying “Mol has killed us all!” Go through the southeast door and destroy the first partition east of the door. Go through the door beyond the partition and fight 4 Orcs. Enter the room southwest of the 4 Orc battle and you will see a chest that needs the Hidden Key. Exit the room and head through the narrow passage south (there are two bookshelves here with 2 Shortbows and a Quiver of Arrows. Continue south to a fountain (casts Cat’s Grace, which provides dexterity bonus) and prepare for battle. From the hall south of the fountain a group of six Orcs (some with bows) will approach, you will need to get your melee fighters close to the shooters. After the battle head east from the fountain and go through the double doors on the southern wall of the alcove. There are two Orcs and an Orc Leader here, kill them and proceed through the open door southwest, then go stand to the right of the double doors beyond. In the next room is the Orc Captain Mol and his Shaman as well as two more Orc leaders. The strategy I used to defeat them was to stand away from the door to avoid their fire, then I used the Wand of Cone of Cold once (fired into the room), this killed them all in one shot. Mol drops his mace and you can pick it up. There is a good deal of treasure in this room, take what you like but be sure you have the Undead Cell Key before you leave. Go through next two southeast doors. In the hall of stone partitions you will have to defeat an Orc, 2 Orc leaders and an Orc Shaman, try to do this conventionally to save your magic items but if you have trouble try a blast of Cone of Cold to clear the room. After the battle they drop the Hidden Chest Key and a Massive Club. Head northwest to an iron door and open it with the Undead Cell Key, in here are a pair of Magician’s boots and a couple of swords. Now head back to the room with the hidden chest and open it. Take its contents. Acquire: From 2 bookshelves, 2 Shortbows and a Quiver of Arrows +1 hit/damage (I gave to Rogue). From Mol’s room, the Orcish Lead mace -2 hit, +6 damage, 2 Chain Shirts +4 AC apiece, Quiver of Arrows +2 hit/damage (gave to Rogue), Longbow +2 (kept for Paladin), Ring of Cone of Cold level 15, 2 charges, -2 AC (kept for Jarial), Undead Cell Key. From the hall of stone partitions, Hidden Chest Key and Massive Club +3 hit/damage, double damage. From the undead cell Magician’s Boots, +2 Cha/Dex (Gave to Jarial), 2 shortswords. From the hidden chest 2 Bucklers +1 AC, Wand of Charm Monster Level 10, 4 charges. Go: Head back to the yellow marker on the Grand Thoroughfare (via Tirgild Square). EVENT 28: Halls of Zud (MAIN HALLS MAP) Quest Notes: In this event you have chance to kill Zud and finish the Fist of Zud Quest. Enemies: 15 Orcs, 2 Ghouls, a Ghast, 2 Orc Witch Doctors, Zud, 2 Orc Leaders Notes: Approach and listen at the door across the hall to the northwest of the yellow marker. In the first room are 3 Orcs to be defeated, also note that there are 3 more in the room next door who may be triggered during your battle but who will have to be defeated anyway. Exit these to rooms to the north and you will come to a clearing where four walls come toward one another from the corners of the screen, here you will hear Orcs speaking in the distance. Go up the northwest hall and enter first room on southwest wall, there are 3 Orcs here to defeat, pick up the gold they drop and go through the southwest door; defeat 3 more Orcs, take the gold they drop, go back through previous room, continue northwest down hall and enter next room on southwest wall. There are 3 Orcs here to defeat. Go to the southwest of the room and you receive a message about a ghostly giggle. Approach the southwest brown brick wall and search it to find a secret door, go through. In this room disturb the two coffins to trigger two Ghouls, defeat them then search the brown brick area on the wall to the northwest to uncover another hidden door. Go through and you will trigger a Ghast, defeat it, then use the Ancient Dwarven Chest Key on the chest in this room and take the Pale Blue Key and the treasure in front of the chest. Take the daggers from the coffin in this room then head back to the last room where you defeated 3 Orcs (as you exit you receive a message about the ghost of Floribud). Sleep here, cast defensive spells; have Sorcerers equip wands: Cone of Cold, Melf’s Acid Arrow. Exit and go northwest until you reach a very large wall. Head northeast and eventually you will encounter Zud and two Orc Witch Doctors. The strategy I used was to have 1 mage use the Cone of Cold wand to hit the western Witch Doctor and Zud, while the other mage cast Melf’s acid arrow (does some damage each round) on the other. Then I used the fighters to clean up. The witch doctors hold spell can be countered with the Remove Paralysis scrolls. Make sure that your characters are conscious by the end of the battle so that they get the experience for killing Zud. At the end of the battle you get the Crude Pot Metal Key. One of the Orc Witch Doctors drops a bag of magical supplies you should plunder. Open 5 chests on the north wall to get gold. Follow the wall running southeast from the 5 chests and search the first patch of dark brown bricks you come across to find a secret door. Have your Rogue opened the trapped door, go through and then go through the door southeast. In this room are two chests, each containing a shield. Acquire: From the room with the Ghast, Pale Blue Key, 2 level 10 Potions of Restoration, Great Warhammer of Death +2 hit/damage, +5 hit/damage vs. undead (I Gave this to the Paladin); 2 Ceremonial Daggers +1 hit/damage, +2 hit/damage vs. Orcs/Orogs. From Zud, Crude Pot Metal Key. From Orc Witch Doctor, Wand of Chill Touch Level 15 with 3 charges; Wand of Healing Level 5 with 24 charges, two potions of Neutralize Poison level 10. From the secret room chests 2 Large Shields +2 AC. Go: Exit to the center of Zud’s Hall, go south back to the 4 pillars intersection, go east to a spike, then northeast through a narrow hall and enter the door first door on the southeast wall. EVENT 29: Death’s Bane Quest Notes: In this event you can retrieve Beriand’s Staff Death’s Bane and return it to him to complete the Death’s Bane Quest. Enemies: 3 Orc Leaders, 2 Orcs, Inglore and Onglore. Notes: The well east of the door contains some gold, take it and go through the southwest door, here are two bow wielding Orc Leaders. Dispatch them and go southeast. At this point my Sorcerer went to level 3 and I gave her the Burning Hands spell. Take the Scimitar dropped by the Orc Leaders and enter the room southeast. There are two chests here, use the Crude Pot Metal Key on one to get Death’s Bane, Beriand’s Staff. In the other chest are a couple of healing potions, a scroll and some gauntlets, take them. Head back to eastern hall with the spike, and this time go southeast, then northeast at the narrow area near a corner pillar. Continue northeast from the narrow space and you come to some ruined walls where 2 Orcs and an Orc Leader (with bow) are loitering, attack them. The Orc Leader drops a War Hammer, take it then go northwest to a hall with several thin pillars running down its middle, the door on the northeast wall requires the Iron Key. Continue northwest to find the Iron Key lying on the ground, take it then come back and open the locked door. This room contains two mean Ghast-like creatures Inglore and Onglore (kind of tall for undead dwarves), they are easy to kill with conventional tactics. The snake head fountain northwest of the door contains some gold. The coffins contain two valuable amulets, take them. Return to Stillwater via the Keys of Living/Dead Room, remember not to travel the surface at night. Go to Beriand and give him his staff Death’s Bane, you can speak to him a bit more before continuing. The 500 experience from this Quest brought my Cleric and Paladin to Level 3. Take a look at the Cleric’s new spells. She can now Remove Paralysis, and she has a stronger Cure spell. Aid grants an HP and morale boost and is good for your melee fighters, Bull’s Strength grants a Str bonus that improves attack capability. You may want to add these to your repertoire of defensive spells that you cast before battle. Also note that your Cleric can cast Spiritual Weapon for distance attacks in battle, try it some time. Before reentering the dungeons you may want to sell excess supplies to Nottle. Acquire: From the two Orc leaders, Scimitar +1 hit/damage. From Crude Metal Pot Key room chests, Death’s Bane (Quest Item), 2 potions of Cure Serious Wounds level 15, Sorcerer's Scroll of Bull’s Strength Level 15 (can increase strength, which helps in battle) and Gauntlets of +1 Dex (I gave to Rogue). From Orc Leader, Great War Hammer +1. From the coffins, Amulet of Onglore +2 Str/Con (I gave to Cleric, then gave her con +1 Amulet to Jarial); Amulet of +2 Str (Gave to Rogue). Go: Back to yellow marker in grand thoroughfare, head east. Event 30: Northern Main Hall, Healing Fountain, Miner’s Equipment Enemies: 2 Zombies, 10 Orcs, 4 Skeletons, 2 Skeleton Knights, 2 Ancient Zombies, Skeleton Lord, Ghoul. Notes: East from the yellow marker you will encounter 2 Zombies, kill them and continue east. When you receive a message about torn down and rebuilt walls go southeast. At the next intersection go northeast. At the end of the hall go through the narrow alley northwest, you will find two kegs, one casts Cat’s Grace (dexterity bonus), the other casts Bull’s Strength (strength bonus). These barrels have many charges so spread their benefits around. Exit the alley and go through the northeast hall, enter the first door on the eastern side of the hall, you will be ambushed by 5 Orcs, some with bows, defeat them. Open the chest to the left of the door to get a couple of weapons. Exit to the hall and continue northeast, at the intersection you receive a message about yet another library. Wait here and you will be set upon by 5 Orcs, defeat them and examine the bookcase by three square tables in this hall to get a couple magic items. Go through the northeast hall past three circular tables. You will have to walk around some pillars lined up across the hall, but these do not block your path even if they appear to do so. You will encounter and have to defeat 2 Skeletons and a Skeleton Knight on the other side. Follow the line of short pillars southeast, then enter the open door south, you receive a message that someone lives here but has been gone for a few days. Go through the northeast door, on a bookcase on the east side of the room are some arrows, bows and swords, take what you need then exit back to the hall with the short pillars and go northeast. Take the next hall south east, here you will have to defeat 2 Skeletons and a Skeleton Knight. Pick up the gold piece and continue southeast, take GP from the well, pick up another GP on the other side and another east of that. At the next intersection do not continue down the hall of gold, instead go northeast (if you have to, go back and rest/cast defensive spells before continuing). You are now in a long hall filled with more than a dozen pillars and a series of arches. Head for the southeast corner of this long hall and you will get a message about finding old armor that belonged to a derro. Have your Rogue approach the brown brick wall to discover a secret door. Inside this room are some tough undead, 2 Ancient Zombies, a Skeleton Lord and a Ghoul, none are vulnerable to Turn Undead. Try to block the door from the outside with your melee fighters so you can deal with these Undead one or two at a time while your Sorcerers weaken the inactive undead inside the room. Have your Sorcerers cast magic missiles (note that your default Sorcerer can now cast it twice per round). After the battle take the two small piles of gold in this room and try out the healing fountain, this area is now a great place to recuperate. Have your Rogue open the two steel reinforced chests. The right one has a cold trap, the left a lightning trap, so have your party stand well away, take the double damage Warhammer, as well as the great armor. Acquire: Ambush Orcs chest, Greataxe, Warhammer. Library bookcase Wand of Resurrection level 20 , 2 charges; potion of Neutralize Poison Level 10. Lived in room bookcase, 2 Quivers of arrows +1 hit/damage (I gave to Rogue). 2 Shortbows, 2 Shortswords. From the healing fountain room chests, Miner’s Ward of Invulnerability Shield, +2 AC, can cast 3 Level 15 globe of invulnerability spells (great for battles with magic users, (I gave it to my Cleric); Miner’s Greater Warhammer, does double damage (Gave to Paladin; I still keep Great Warhammer of Death for battles with hard to kill Undead), Miner’s Burnished Light Plate of Protection, +3 savings throws/initiative, +8 AC (Very Happy to give to my Cleric to speed her up!). Go: Back to the intersection of dropped gold hall. Event 31: Whiff of Jasmine, Floribud’s Ghost Enemies: 3 Orogs, 2 Skeletons, 3 Skeleton Knights, Ancient Zombie, 2 Shadows Notes: Go down the gold hall picking up 17 pieces of gold. To the southwest is a partition wall that looks sealed off but isn’t, simply click on the gold pile behind the partition and your party will run towards it. This sets off a battle with 3 Orogs who look strangely like Orc Ghouls, but they are not undead. Luckily these Orogs have no bows so conventional tactics (melee fighters forward, magic users back) will work just fine. Keep in mind they are tougher to kill than Orcs and can deal out a bit more damage. Pick up 6 more pieces of gold after the battle, then head to the southwest corner of the room and you will find a chest with some fairly standard weapons. Take what you like then exit the partitioned area and continue southeast. Go through the double doors on the southeast hall, continue southeast, then bear south after the second stone octagon on the ground. At the fallen square pillars go east to a wooden door, open it and go through. Rest here then cast defensive spells, approach the northeast door, arrange your Cleric and Paladin up front, then open it. In this room is a Skeleton, a Skeleton Knight, an Ancient Zombie and a Shadow, the first three are somewhat trapped behind three tables so try rushing the Skeleton Knight to keep them all pinned down, if you get the chance. I found all of them were vulnerable to Turn Undead, which made the battle very easy. Go east from the door and you will hear the “crunch of dainty footsteps”, then you will come under attack by a Shadow, a Skeleton and 2 Skeleton Knights, again all are vulnerable to Turn Undead so they should be easy to kill. Head to the northeast wall and enter the room with a yellow bed, search the bed to get the Silver Key and an Orc Killer knife. Have your Rogue pick the lock on the chest to the right of the bed (this action brought my Rogue to Level 4, I put her stat point toward Dex). Inside the chest is a potion, the Pale Green Key and a great set of armor. Take what you like then go through the northern door (to the right of the chest). You have found another path to the surface of Stillwater, you can return to Beriand and be healed. When you want to return to this location select “Return to the mines of the Main Halls” after you Left-Click on the cavern entrance you emerge from. Once back in the dungeons use the Silver Key to unlock the southeast door, two fancy barrels in this room each contain a special ring, take the rings then exit to the hall where you fought the two Shadows and go to its southeast corner. Enter the door on the northeast wall using the Pale Green Key, as you enter the room you receive a message about the rich smells of the earth, you will need the Pale Blue Key to open this door, but first search the two barrels on the left, each contains a stat enhancing ring, take both. Now go through the northeast door using the Pale Blue Key. The bookcase in the back of this room contains Wand of Fireball, take it. Now take a look at the Fountain of the Earth, it bestows +4 Constitution to the party member you choose to drink from it, but it also takes two points of charisma and 1 point of dexterity (don’t give to a Sorcerer because they need Charisma; I gave it to my Paladin). Acquire: From Orog’s Chest, Longbow, Longsword, Chainmail, Club +4 hit/damage. From the yellow bed, the Silver Key and Orc Killer Dagger +1 hit/damage vs. Orcs and Orogs. From the chest to the right of the bed, Pale Green Key, potion of Bull’s Strength, Ringmail of Protection +4 saving throws/AC (I gave this to my Paladin). Silver Key barrels, Ring of +1 Wisdom (I gave to Paladin), Ring of +1 Strength (I gave to Jarial because the melee fighters had better bonuses already). From the Pale Green Key Barrels, Ring of +1 Cha (replaced ring of protection for first Sorcerer), Ring of +1 Int (gave to Cleric). From bookcase near fountain of Earth, Level 10 Fireball Wand with 1 charge (gave to Jarial). Go: Back to the well flanked by 4 torches (room before the recent 2 shadows battle). Event 32: The Abandoned Quarry Enemies: 11 Zombies, 6 Skeletons, 3 Ghouls, Skeleton Knight, Zombie Lord, 2 Master Shadows. Notes: Enter the door northwest of the 4 torches well, defeat 4 Zombies on the other side. Head northeast and you will have to fight 2 Skeletons and 2 Ghouls. Continue northeast and go through the wooden double doors you receive a message about an abandoned quarry, then you must defeat 3 Skeletons and a Skeleton Knight. Head northeast and you will encounter a Zombie and a Zombie Lord (not vulnerable to Turn Undead currently but still pretty easy to kill). Enter the room northwest and defeat 3 Zombies, then pick up the four small piles of gold on the floor. Enter the northeast room and defeat a Zombie and a Ghoul, they drop a ring, there is a treasure sack here to plunder. Go through the door south of serpent fountain and you can quickly defeat 2 Zombies and a Skeleton; take the two small gold piles in this room, then break the bed in front of the northwest door, then enter the door; you receive a message about cleaning house. Approach the dead body in the northeast corner of this room to get a pair of enchanted boots; this corpse is Ozama, Jarial’s lover. Approach the darkened door with the serpent glyph and speak to the voice. If you ask about the prisoner you will learn a little about Preybelish and his interest in your amulets; he tells you to return later. Go to the southwest corner of the room; you can get a scroll and 2 potions in the barrels there. Go through the double doors north of the barrels to the bunk bed room, then go through the open door northeast and you receive an message about the unnatural cleanliness of the room with a fountain and well. The well has a special ability, should one of your team activate it, it will grant 1,000 exp to each member of your party. BUT it will drain all of that person’s hit points to 0 and take 1 wisdom away. This action will also trigger an attack by a Master Shadow who is invulnerable to Turn Undead. I think its worth it. Here is what I decided to do: I had my Rogue take the wisdom loss from 11 to 10 pts, basically because everyone else had either a very high wisdom(didn’t want to weaken) or a very low wisdom (didn’t want to penalize further). Afterward I had the Cleric cast Cure Moderate Wounds to revive the Rogue, then I fought the Master Shadow using conventional tactics. After the battle Jarial went up to Level 4, I put his stat bonus to Cha, and gave him Melf’s Acid Arrow, which can drain some HP every round from an afflicted target. After this battle you can Left-Click on the fountain to initiate another battle with a Master Shadow, it too can be beaten conventionally, but don’t hesitate to use your magic wands if you are really having trouble. Acquire: From Zombie-Ghoul team room, Ring of Protection From Paralysis +1, Wand of Neutralize Poison Level 10 with 4 charges, potion of Haste level 15. From Ozama’s corpse, Snakeskin Boots +2 AC; vs. reptiles +2 hit/damage/+2 AC/ double damage (I gave them to my Paladin). From 2 fancy barrels, Scroll of Remove Paralysis Level 15, 2 Restoration Potions Level 15. Go: Sleep here and restore your characters if necessary, then head for the darkened serpent glyph door; don’t get to close yet. EVENT 33: Preybelish and the Wizard’s Torc Quest Notes: Behind the Glyph of Gobtadan Door in the Quarry in the northern Main Halls is a Dark Naga, Preybelish. As long as you have Onglore’s Amulet of War or Kluusar’s Blood Stone Amulet you should be able to spark Preybelish’s interest during your first conversation with him. During your second conversation he will ask for one of the two amulets, which you should refuse in order to get him to quickly emerge to fight you. Killing him and taking the Torc completes the Sharpest Tooth Quest and advances The Stars Below Quest. Enemies: Preybelish Notes: (You may have to exit the quarry and then immediately come back in if Preybelish does not speak to you as you approach). Stand slightly southwest of the serpent glyph and have your Cleric use Miner’s Ward of Invulnerability (her shield) to cast a Minor Globe of Invulnerability. Have a Sorcerer equipped with the Wand of Cone of Cold approach the door (staying within the globe however) and speak to Preybelish, he asks for your amulet. Tell him he can’t have the amulet and he opens the door and attacks with lightning, which your party is invulnerable to. Have your Sorcerer cast Cone of Cold twice into the center of the darkness to slay Preybelish (you may have to use a couple magic missiles to finish him off). When he dies the darkness lifts and you get the incomplete Wizard’s Torc, enter his room and pick up a bag of amulets. Acquire: From Preybelish’s/his room, Wizard's Torc, Amulet of Protection +2 AC (Gave to first Sorcerer), Amulet of Protection from Paralysis +1, Medallion of Defense +1 AC/saving throws, and Necklace of Protection +3 AC/saving throws (gave to Rogue). Go: Return to the well flanked by 4 torches near the entrance to the hall before the Quarry. Exit southwest and go west to a pair of double doors, open them and go through. Event 34: Clearing the Undead from around The Crossroads Enemies: 14 Zombies, Zombie Lord, 10 Skeletons, 3 Skeleton Knights, 3 Ghouls. Notes: Go southwest past the well and through the wooden double doors. (Note the door east of the well; this is the entrance to an area where a scarred mage guards the steps to the Deep Halls and the Halls of Stone, we will return here later so mark it on your map). Head southwest to a yellow marker that a message describes as the crossroads. 2 Zombies patrol this area so watch for them and defeat them. Head down the southeast hall, take next hall southwest. In the room northwest is a block that repeatedly casts a fire spell. Walk counterclockwise around the block and get your party gathered north of it, then carefully initiate combat with the Zombie Lord on the other side of the block. During the battle let him come to you and be sure not to get anywhere near that block. Afterward have your Rogue go alone and open the chest the Zombie Lord was guarding, this will probably trigger a fireball. Take the weapons inside, exit the room being careful to avoid the block and return to the Crossroads. Go west and defeat 2 more Zombies in front of some ruins, head south and defeat 2 more Zombies. See that door directly south? Keep it in mind or mark it on your map because we will soon return to it. From this point it will be hard to navigate through the ruins west of the Crossroads; try to keep the few discernable landmarks in mind; most of these undead are vulnerable to Turn Undead. Head northwest, go through a square arch and continue northwest. A Ghoul will approach, defeat him then continue northwest and you will encounter 2 Zombies, defeat them and go northeast through two massive square pillars; defeat 3 Zombies near a burning bookcase east. Go north across the grand thoroughfare and defeat 3 Skeletons and 2 Skeleton Knights. Head northwest to a burning bed and defeat 4 Skeletons. Head west to a ruin with a pile of gold on the floor, destroy the Skeleton Knight and the Zombie and pick up the gold. This area is now clear, head back to the door south of the burning bookcase (we spotted it just before we searched the ruins). Go through the door and defeat 3 Skeletons and 2 Zombies. The giant Keg right of the door you just entered casts heal on those who touch it. Head southwest to a circle of pillars, head southeast past a narrow hall and take the next hall northeast past three empty chests. Eventually you will see a set of double doors on a wall to the northwest, they are locked so have your Rogue open them. Pick up the small amount of gold in this room and go through northeast wooden door. As you pass through these rooms you will receive morbid messages about the creatures who died in them. In this room there is a shortbow; go through the northeast door. Pick up gold piece above Lizardfolk and go through southeast door. Pick up gold piece and a Hold person scroll in this room. Go through the northeast door and pick up another gold piece, continue through next northeast door. In room of lazy Skeletons go through northwest door, you will see a slightly brighter bookcase on the northeast wall, take two potions there. Click to walk on the area west behind the partitions and columns and approach the Lizardfolk, listen to it. Destroy two Ghouls that wander in from the room northeast, then take the gold they drop and enter that room. In the far eastern corner of the room is a fancy barrel with some magic items, take them, then take the treasure lying on the floor. Acquire: From the burning block room, Staff of Level 15 Harm, 5 charges, +3 hit/damage; Great Sword of Fire +1 hit/damage, casts 4 level 5 Burning Hands. From dead bodies rooms, shortbow, Scroll of Hold Person Level 20 (for Sorcerer), Potion of Heal Level 20, salve of Remove Paralysis level 20. From fancy barrel in 2 Ghouls room, Wand of Resurrection Level 20 with 2 charges, potion of Neutralize Poison level 10. From 2 Ghouls room floor Ghoul Stopper amulet +4 AC vs. undead, Handaxe +3 hit/damage, Large Shield +2 AC. Go: Remember the narrow southwest hall west of the 3 empty chests in the hall with the giant healing keg? Head back there and go down that hall. Event 35: Lizardfolk Hideaway Enemies: 4 Lizardfolk, 2 Lizardfolk Leaders, Lizardfolk Shaman, Lizardfolk Chief. Notes: At the end of the narrow hall bear west to an area with two wooden doors, go through the one southwest; the chest in this room contains 3 Shortswords. Enter the room northwest and you will find another giant healing keg. Go through the door northeast, on a bookcase in this room is a scroll; have the Rogue open the poison-trapped chest in here to get some boots and armor. Exit through the door southeast, go to the wall south and head west. You will see a narrowing space and two stone partitions beyond it, click on the stone partition to have your characters maneuver through the narrow space and break down the partition to enter a concealed area. Continue west and you will encounter two Lizardfolk, they are very easy to kill with the help of Ozama’s Snakeskin Boots. You will find two potions on the bookcase west of the door the Lizardfolk were guarding. Go through this door and kill two more Lizardfolk. Go through the northwest door; there are two Lizardfolk Leaders inside, rush them and use conventional tactics to dispose of them quickly. Hide your characters left of the next northwest doors, then open them; this is to avoid the spells of the Lizardfolk Shaman and Lizardfolk Chief inside. Let them come to the door then get up close to them with your melee fighters and attack. These Lizardfolk are vulnerable to most offensive magic spells and should be no problem. Pick up the Brass “L” Key the chief drops. Open the southern chest on the western wall with the “L” Key, take the “R” key inside, use it to open the next chest; take what you like from both. Acquire: From first chest encountered in this event, 3 Shortswords. First bookcase Scroll of Bull’s Strength Level 10, (for Sorcerer). From second chest, Studded leather armor +3 AC, Boots of Health +2AC, +1 Con (I gave the boots to my Rogue). From bookcase northwest of the Lizardfolk guards, salve of Remove Paralysis Level 20, Potion of Neutralize Poison level 10. From Lizardfolk Chief’s room, “L” Key, “R” Key, Great Sword +2 hit/damage, Large Shield +2, Great Axe +2 hit/damage, potion of Neutralize Poison level 10. Go: Back through the stone partitions, through the narrow hall, past the giant Keg of Healing and to the Crossroads. EVENT 36: The Scarred Mage; Undead Awakened Quest Notes: In this area you will find the Scarred Mage who guards the stairs that lead to the Upper Halls. Defeating him completes the Undead Awakened Quest. Enemies: 2 Ghouls, 2 Orc Ghouls, 2 Lizardfolk Ghouls, 5 Skeleton Knights, 4 Skeleton Lords, Shadow, 2 Skeleton Elders, 3 Zombies, 3 Ancient Zombies, Skeleton, and Ozbort the Lovesick Scarred Mage. Notes: From the Crossroads, go back up the northeast hall to the closed wooden double doors next to the well we spotted {and hopefully marked on our maps} earlier (this is two rooms southwest of the room with the well flanked by 4 torches, which is the entrance to the Quarry). Now open this door, a ghostly form bows to you then disappears. Take the hall south of the burning bed, head southeast through the next hall and at the end of it you will come across a battle between 2 Ghouls, 2 Orc Ghouls and 2 Lizardfolk Ghouls; they are susceptible to Turn Undead and so are easy to kill. Exit this room and take the hall next to it that runs northeast. Nearby two chests there are 3 Skeleton Knights and a Skeleton Lord to be defeated. Smash the two chests (the locks cannot be picked and will drain stats so keep a Restore Potion handy) to release a Shadow that is vulnerable to Turn Undead. Defeat the Shadow and take the treasure from the chests. Head down the southeastern hall, enter the southwestern room and take large pile of gold (you can rest here), then go across the hall to the opposite room. There is a Skeleton Lord, Skeleton Elder, Zombie and Ancient Zombie in this room, you may want to block the door with your melee fighters and deal with the undead one or two at a time. Exit the room and continue southeast, then take the next turn southwest and you will encounter an army of undead; 2 Skeleton Lords, 2 Skeleton Knights, a Skeleton and a Skeleton Elder. All but the Skeleton Lords are vulnerable to Turn Undead so concentrate on destroying them first. This battle brought my first Sorcerer to Level 4, I improved her Cha and gave her Melf’s Acid Arrow. Afterward return to the room where you can rest and sleep, power-up then head for the door the undead army was guarding. Behind this door is the Scarred Mage and his undead guards: 2 Zombies and 2 Ancient Zombies. I defeated him by standing northeast of the door (out of the line of sight) when I opened it to prevent him from using his Fireball Spell and to lure him closer. The undead are easy to defeat as the wander out to confront you (they are all vulnerable to Turn Undead). Once he is close enough have a couple melee fighters run up next to him to prevent him from casting spells; together they should make short work of him and you wont have to waste any charges of your magic items. After the battle the Scarred Mage (Ozbort) clutches a letter from a loved one from which you will learn that the Scarred Ones are actually the Cult of the Dragon, allies of evil dragons who lot to conquer Faerun. Sift through the Mage’s worthless items then go to the southeast corner of the room, then enter the door on the northeast wall. You have crossed the expanse of the Main Halls, stairs lead up and Stairs lead down. By the way, if you have followed this Walkthrough up to this point then you have discovered everything the Main Halls have to offer. Acquire: From stat draining chests, Boots of Withering Beauty +4 Cha, -1 Con/Str (gave to first Sorcerer); Ring of Brute Strength +3 Str, -2 Wis, -1 Int. Ozbort’s possessions, 3 Level 20 potions of Cure Critical Wounds, a Sorcerers Scroll of Invisibility Level 15, Dagger, and a Note about Lady Mordrayn’s need for more space. Go: Rest, then go down the steps. EVENT 37: Finding Garras (DEEP HALLS MAP) Quest Notes: Finding and composing the remains of the Elf Garras will win you help in defeating the Lifespring Guardian. This is the second part of the Turgild Lifespring Quest. Enemies: (Almost all are susceptible to Turn Undead so use it ASAP in each battle and keep your Paladin armed with the Great Warhammer of Death): 17 Ancient Zombies, 13 Ghouls, 2 Wraiths, 2 Zombies, 6 Ghasts. Notes: At the bottom of the stairs is a room filled with short spikes, you will have to return here to find a safe place to sleep during the early part of this event. Exit the room, take the hall south of the door, it runs west. Soon you arrive at a Huge Well atop a stone X pattern on the floor, head south. Amidst a ruin filled with coffins you will enter a wide ranging battle with 4 Ancient Zombies, defeat them. This battle brought my Paladin to Level 4. I gave him a Strength point. Take the gold they drop and continue south to an open wooden door. In this room are 3 Ancient Zombies and 2 Ghouls, defeat them and take the gold they drop. Exit the room through the southeast door; here is a good place to rest. Exit the northeast door, head down the hall and take the next southeast hall. Open the door on the northeast wall of this hall. Here is a potentially tough battle with 2 Wraiths and 2 Zombies. I used one charge of the Wand of Cone of Cold, then one hit apiece for each Wraith with the Great Warhammer of Death wielded by my Paladin finished them off before they landed a successful blow. This brought my Cleric to Level 4, I gave her 1 point of Wisdom. In this room is an Idolon and some gems on the floor, as well as a magic Shield in the chest. Exit the room and continue down the southeast hall. At next hall bear southwest, at the end of the hall go through the wooden door southeast. There are 4 Ghouls and a Ghast in this room. They have a tendency to try and exit the room through the southeast door prolonging the battle, so try to stop them by quickly using Turn Undead (only the Ghast can resist at this level so concentrate on destroying it first). After the battle Left-Click on the coffin. The remains of the Elf Garras have been desecrated, compose them as best you can, Garras’ Ghost appears and offers to help you put to rest the Life Spring Guardian; this is the aid the ghost Elena spoke of in Turgild Square (he will provide wonderful assistance later!). Rest, then exit the room through the southeast door; head south to some ruins and defeat 3 Ancient Zombies, a Ghoul and a Ghast. Take the gold they drop and continue south, defeat 2 Ghasts and 3 Ghouls in the southern corner of this area, take the potion they drop. Go through the southeast door, in this room is the Sturdy Door, which will be opened later in the game. Rest here, exit the room go northeast until you encounter another wide ranging battle with undead in the ruins; 3 Ghouls, 3 Ancient Zombies. Defeat them and take the gold they drop. Go north until you encounter 4 more Ancient Zombies, defeat them and take their gold. Defeat them and go north to fight 2 Ghasts. See the large stone arch and thick square pillars flanking it (to the right of the Ghasts Battle)? Remember this spot, it marks the division between the northern/eastern and southern/western Deep Halls, mark it on your map so you can return soon. Acquire: From 2 Wraiths room Idolon, Gems, Runic Shield with Lesser Chance of Spell Failure +2 AC. From the group of undead before the Sturdy Door, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 15. Go: North through the boundary gate until you see an open doorway, go through it to the northeast and you should recognize where you are and be able to find your way back north to the Huge X Well, the first landmark you spotted in the Deep Halls. EVENT 38: Defeating the Lifespring Guardian Quest Notes: Using the help of the elf ghost Garras, defeat the Lifespring Guardian in the hall behind the Glyph of Enigma in the northern Deep Halls. Return to and touch the 4 Turgild Square Wells to complete the Lifespring Guardian Quest. Enemies: 4 Ghouls, 2 Ancient Zombies, 2 Lizardfolk Taskmasters, 2 Lizardfolk Healers Notes: From the Huge X Well go north until you encounter 2 Ancient Zombies and 4 Ghouls, defeat them, take their gold, then head up the northeast hall they guarded. The two southwest rooms of this hall are good for sleeping in but not much else. At the end of the hall go east to the poison-trap metal double doors and have your Rogue open them. BOLDLY go northwest, you will see Lizardfolk coming your way; don’t hesitate, just keep walking toward them to get the element of surprise or at least a fair battle; if you stand still and let them approach they will ambush you. The enemy party consists of 2 Lizardfolk Taskmasters (they cast double magic missiles and are good fighters), 1 Lizardfolk Healer and a Lizardfolk Faith Healer (the first can cast Hold {to paralyze its target} and both can heal their party members). These Lizardfolk are much harder to deal with then the ones in the Main Hall; however they are likely to run away if injured. Have your melee fighters get close fast to stop the Lizardfolk spells. Make sure your Paladin equips his double damage War Hammer and Snakeskin boots (with these two together he can take out almost any Lizardfolk in one hit!) Your Cleric’s silence spell may stop their spell casters so try it, but don’t get your own casters to close to those who have been silenced. After the battle go northeast and you will find the Glyph of Enigma, which can be opened with Elena’s Echoing Word; head through this door, then go through the two northeastern doors beyond. In a massive hall you will find Garras and the Lifespring Guardian. Keep your people back until Garras is attacked, then bring your melee fighters forward to give what help they can. Let Garras take the damage and do most of the work; keep in mind magic will not harm the guardian. You will get 500 extra experience for each party member after the Guardian is defeated. Return to Tirgild Square in the Main Halls. Approach and touch each of the 4 wells in the square, 3 grant a one time stat bonus each; the Well of Wisdom grants +1 Wisdom (I gave to Cleric), the Well of Beauty +1 Charisma (I gave to Jarial), the Well of Endurance +1 Constitution (I gave to Paladin), and the Well of Rest heals and restores everyone who drinks from it. Visiting the Turgild Square Wells completes the Lifespring Guardian Quest. Go: Back to the Glyph of Enigma and head west. Event 39: Finding the Lizardfolk Tunnel Enemies: 3 Lizardfolk Taskmasters, 3 Lizardfolk Scavengers, 8 Lizardfolk Healers, 3 Injured Lizardfolk, Lizardfolk Warrior, Lizardfolk Faith Healer. Notes: Heading west, you can open the first closed wooden door in the north side of the hall to defeat a trap and gain experience, but their is nothing in the room. Approach the open wooden door on the north wall from its right side, without exposing your characters. This sets off a confrontation with a Lizardfolk Taskmaster, 3 Lizardfolk Scavengers and a Lizardfolk Healer. Keep in mind the spell casting abilities of the Healer and Taskmaster; let the Lizardfolk come out to you and defeat them one at a time. I found a way to confound the enemy was to shut the door while some are inside to cause them to bunch up by the door and slowdown their exit to the hall, giving more magic free rounds for my Paladin to do the heavy work. Silence, Magic Missile and Melf’s Acid Arrow (can be used to possibly disrupt enemy spell casters through continuous damage) will work fine here. After the battle you can rest in the room, then exit and continue west down the hall. Soon you will enter some ruins where 3 Injured Lizardfolk and a Lizardfolk Healer stand around a well of fire; these will be easier to defeat then the first groups you met on this level. From here head south and you will encounter a tough group made up of a Lizardfolk Taskmaster and 4 Lizardfolk Healers. With Kluusar’s Amulet, your Paladin should be able to resist the Hold spell of the Healers and keep fighting no matter what (use Cleric’s Remove Paralysis spell on others if necessary). Pick up the magic items they drop and go southwest; eventually you will spot a few Lizardfolk behind a stone wall northeast amidst some ruins. If you approach them from this side of the wall you only have to reveal one party member to trigger a battle, then they will have to take the long way round to get to you, allowing you to defeat them a couple at a time with conventional tactics. Defeat 2 Lizardfolk Healers, a Lizardfolk Warrior (slightly tougher than Scavengers but have no magic), a Lizardfolk Faith Healer and a Lizardfolk Taskmaster. (This battle brought my Rogue to Level 5). Take the Soot-Coated Key and the healing potion they drop. Acquire: From the 4 Healer party, Sorcerer's Scroll of Shield level 5 and salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20. From the Lizardfolk Warrior Party, Soot-Covered Key and potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. Go: Head for the wooden door to the south and enter a room with a staircase leading down. Rest here then go down the steps to enter the Lizardfolk Tunnel. Event 40: Exploring the Lizardfolk Tunnel (LIZARDFOLK TUNNEL MAP) Enemies: 4 Lizardfolk Warriors, 4 Lizardfolk Scavengers, 3 Lizardfolk Healers, Notes: At the bottom of the steps go through the southeast door, then head south until you receive the message “Into the deeps...”. Head down the southwest tunnel and fight 2 Lizardfolk Warriors, 2 Lizardfolk Scavengers and a Lizardfolk Healer (take it out with magic from a distance). Go through the door on the northwest wall to briefly return to Stillwater. Have Beriand heal you, talk to him about the scarred mages and then go and sell supplies to Nottle. Return to the Lizardfolk tunnel by Left-Clicking on the cavern opening you recently exited from and selecting “Return to the Lizardfolk Tunnel”. Upon returning head southwest to the next clearing, then south across the room; take the next southeast tunnel to an encounter with an army of Lizardfolk. You must defeat 2 Lizardfolk Healers, 2 Lizardfolk Scavengers, and 2 Lizardfolk Warriors. You will want to get out of the line of sight of the healers in the southern room to draw them out and into the fray; or if you are lucky you may be able to run past the warriors and get close to the healers to prevent them from casting all together. Use the tactics you are familiar with for defeating these creatures, and if all else fails try a blast of Cone of Cold to clear the room. You can get a couple of anti-Orc/Orog weapons after the battle. Amidst the barrels on the east side of the room is a fancy barrel that gives a +1 to Dex, which I gave to the Rogue. Notice the sturdy door barred from the other side in this room. This leads to an area of the Surface called the Nightingale Court; you will be able to use this later in the game but for now it is sealed. Acquire: Silverleaf Hatchet +2 hit/damage, {+3 hit/damage and +1 AC vs. Orc/Orogs}; Silverleaf Rod, same properties as hatchet. Go: Rest, then return to the Deep Halls. Event 41: Cooked Meat; Clearing out the Lizardfolk from the Deep Halls (DEEP HALLS MAP) Enemies: 3 Lizardfolk Scavengers, 7 Lizardfolk Healers, Lizardfolk Taskmaster, 2 Lizardfolk Faith Healers, 6 Injured Lizardfolk. Notes: Once at the top of the stairs, exit the room and go northwest. Enter the first clearing to the west and you will see a Glyph of Water Seals this door. Mark the Glyph on your map, you will need to return here later. Head north from in front of the Glyph and open the wooden door concealing a well of fire. You receive a message about cooked meat. Exit the room and you will encounter a party of 3 Lizardfolk Scavengers, a Lizardfolk Healer and a Lizardfolk Taskmaster. Continue northeast, then take the next hall northwest and enter some more ruins. Here you will find a party of 4 Lizardfolk Healers and a Lizardfolk Faith Healer. Use established tactics to defeat them, then take the monk’s staff they drop. North of the battle you will see a set of double doors; to the left is a chest with a ring you can take; if you go through the doors you will return to Stillwater; to return from Stillwater to this location select the cavern exit and then select “Return to the Lizardfolk Camp in the Deep Halls”. From here head south past the ruins you just fought in, then go straight east until you arrive back at the well of fire in the center of a massive hall (you defeated some injured Lizardfolk here earlier). Head straight north from the well of fire and you will see a room with two wooden doors that allow entrance to the room from the southwest and southeast; choose either door and open it with the Soot-Coated Key. The staircase beyond will take you to the northern portion of the Halls of Light. In the first room here you will have to defeat 3 Injured Lizardfolk and a Lizardfolk Faith Healer. Open the chests to get another Soot-Coated Key and some healing related magic items. In the room east you will have to defeat 3 Injured Lizardfolk, a Lizardfolk Faith Healer and a Lizardfolk Healer. This battle brought Jarial to Level 5, I gave him Burning Hands and Web. Take the two healing potions in this room. You are not powerful enough to go further through this board at this time. Return to the Deep Halls and open the second Soot-Coated Key Door. Acquire: From party of healers, Luther’s Protector, +3 hit/damage/initiative, only for monks. From the two chests in the first room of the Halls of Light another Soot-Coated Key, 2 Scrolls of Neutralize Poison Level 10, 2 potions of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20. From the second room a potion of Heal level 20, potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10. Go: Rest then return to the Huge X Well, the central landmark in the Deep Halls. Event 42: Finding the Furnace for Burning Evil Books, Restoring Elena’s Remains, Orog Encounters Enemies: 12 Orogs, 5 Orog Guardsmen, 3 Orog Healers Notes: Head directly southwest from the Huge X fountain, the hall you enter bears northeast and you will see another Glyph of Water on the floor, mark this on your map and then go west. You will encounter a party of 4 Orogs and an Orog Guardsman. Make sure your Paladin is using the double damage Warhammer. Before this battle you must rest and use all the defensive/beneficial spells you have; Orogs have very high AC scores and are hard to hit; battles with them will drag on until you find better spells later in the game. These Orogs don’t use bows so prepare for straight melee fighting with magic support from behind. Notice that Jarial can now cast 3 Magic Missiles in a row during battle; Melf’s Acid Arrow works pretty well too. Get the numbers down by taking the lesser Orog’s out first with combined attacks. After the battle you get a healing potion. On the wall north of this battle is a set of double doors, have your Rogue open them to disarm a trap. This room contains a special Furnace for Burning Evil Books. Mark this place on your map so you can return here later. Exit the room and head west to some ruins where you will encounter 3 Orogs and an 2 Orog Guardsman; defeat them as before. Head north from the ruins and you will find a door with a wooden coffin in the room beyond. Have your Rogue pick this lock to enter the room, and click on the coffin; select the option to put the bones back together properly to bring peace to Elena and gain an experience bonus. Rest here, cast your defensive spells in preparation of more Orog battles. Exit the room and head southwest past the ruins; you will spot a wooden door directly on the northwest side of the hall beyond the ruins. Stand to the left of this door before you open it. There are 2 Orogs, an Orog Guardsmen and 2 Orog Healers (cast spells roughly equivalent to Lizardfolk Healers) in this room. Trapping them in the room so you can deal with them one at a time will make this battle a lot easier. Just try to keep to the sides of the doors to make the healers get closer. Use Melf’s Acid Arrow on the healers as they stand back; in subsequent rounds use Magic Missile until the Acid cloud diminishes on the target, then cast it Melf’s Acid Arrow again. After the battle take the gold the Orogs drop and rest/cast defensive spells. Exit the room and go west to an encounter with 3 Orogs, an Orog Healer and Orog Guardsman, defeat them using established tactics, take the gold they drop and go down southeast hall. Acquire: From first Orog group, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 15. Go: You can sleep and recover in any of the rooms in this hall. Afterward exit to the hall and continue southwest to a well. EVENT 43: Athan’s Well and The Mountain Fist Quest Notes: Nearby is the Mountain Fist lost to fell spirits in the deep dungeons. Recovering it completes the Persistence of Shadows Quest. Enemies: 3 Orogs, Orog Healer, 2 Orog Guardsmen, 2 Skeleton Lords, 5 Shadows. Notes: Approach the well from the southeast hall and you receive a message that the well is dry but someone has been here recently. Your Rogue will find a note under a rock; it is from Athan and describes how he defeated a Dark Naga nearby. Go through the open metal gates northwest of the well; at the end of the hall go southeast, then through the opening south. Open the door on the northwest wall to begin a battle with 3 Orogs and an Orog healer; you will want to stand to the left of the door and make them come out to you. After the battle go through the northwest door and defeat 2 Orog Guardsmen. Rest and recast, then head east down a wide open hall to a set of wooden double doors with a purple glow beyond them. There are 2 Skeleton Lords and 2 Shadows in this room that are susceptible to Turn Undead. Defeat them, then open the chest to set off an ambush of 3 more shadows, all can be turned and quickly defeated. After the battle you receive a message describing a heavy club with words spun of silver in its haft. This is the Mountain Fist; take it with you. Return to Athan’s Well. Acquire: From room filled with Shadows, the Mountain Fist +2 hit/damage/Str, +5 hit/damage vs. constructs. Go: It is time to clear out the southern Deep Halls, it is better to do this from the eastern approach so return to the Huge X Well near the entrance to the Deep Halls. From there head south to the arch where you defeated 2 Ghasts in Event 37; this is west of where you found Garras’ remains and northwest of where you found the blocked sturdy door. Rest along the way. EVENT 44: The Arraccats Quest Notes: Defeating the 4 Arraccats in this area and taking the Gauntlets of Ogre Power they guard completes the Tooth in Glove Quest. Enemies: 4 Arraccats (These creatures a fierce fighters who can deal out heavy damage and have a lot of hit points. However they are easy to hit and are susceptible to almost every form of physical/magical attack). Notes: From the arch head northwest and enter the first door you see to the northeast (it looks like a busted wooden door). DO NOT stop moving, go to the back of this room and wait. Four Arraccats will follow you into the room and battle will be initiated. I used magic items to destroy these beasts. 1 Charge Wand of Fireball, 1 Scroll of Lightning, 1 Cone of Cold Charge. My Paladin also hit 2 of them for about 15-20 points of damage apiece. On the table is an Ancient Note that talks about taking something from a man called Faldis. Open the two chests, one contains Gauntlets of Ogre Power, taking this item completes the Tooth in Glove Quest. The other chest contains gold; keep in mind there are two more piles of gold hidden in this room. Acquire: From Arraccats, the Gauntlets of Ogre Power, +2 Str, (I gave these two my Rogue because my other melee fighters already had Str bonuses). Go: Exit the room and head straight south across the ruins to a door behind which you can see an Ornate Coffin. EVENT 45: Ruby of Earthborn Wind and Faldis’ Defender Quest Notes: Here you will find the Ruby of Earthborn Wind, an essential item used later to complete the Earthborn Wind Quest. Enemies: 6 Skeleton Elders, Skeleton Lord, 3 Ghasts, Ghoul, 4 Ancient Zombies, 6 Orog, 2 Orog Healers, 2 Orog Hunter, 2 Zombies. Notes: Opening the door to this crypt sets off a wide-ranging battle against 6 Skeleton Elders (all vulnerable to Turn Undead) and a Skeleton Lord; defeat them and approach the coffin of Juliban Genshihir, Keeper of the Earthborn Wind. Open the coffin and take the Ruby of Earthborn Wind, a voice tells you to use it to restore the wind. Enter the southeast room and pick up a pile of gold. Exit the southeast door and you will encounter 3 Ghasts and a Ghoul. The Ghasts cannot be turned so block the door with your fighters and deal with the enemy two at a time using conventional tactics. These creatures drop some insignificant magic items. Head west from their eating area until you see a set of metal doors on a northeast wall. Enter this room to find the Coffin of Faldis, it is empty. Enter the room west to find his diary, in which he praises his shield. The chest in this room contains the shield in question; take it and exit back to the hall. Head west to some ruins and a wide ranging encounter with 4 Ancient Zombies. Take the gold they drop and go north through the ruins. You will encounter a group of 2 Orog, 2 Orog Healers and an Orog Hunter. The hunter will shoot arrows, but alone he should not present too great a threat. Use established tactics to defeat them. This battle brought my first Sorcerer to Level 5, I gave her Shocking Grasp and Cat’s Grace (she can now cast 3 magic missiles in a row). Take the gold the Orog drop and head northeast. For now continue past the unlit Glyph and open the wooden door at the end of the hall. In this room are 4 Orog, an Orog Hunter and 2 Zombies. Take advantage of their battle and wipe them out. Close and reopen the chest in this room to get a pair of magic boots. Exit this room and go northwest to a set of metal double doors, use them to exit to Stillwater. Speak with Beriand to find out that Nottle is Missing. Exit the tree house and come back in several times to hear Faeril describe a creature she saw near Nottle’s wagon, an Orog attack on the shelter and narrow escape from some Lizardfolk. Acquire: From Juliban Genshihir’s coffin, the Ruby of Earthborn Wind. From the 3 Ghasts, Sorcerer's Scroll of Bull’s Strength Level 10, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20, salve of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 20. From Faldis’ chest, Faldis’ Defender Shield +2 AC, +3 Initiative (I gave it to my Cleric, then gave her initiative enhancing armor to my Paladin and his Protection armor to her). From Orog/Undead Battle, Lenore’s Sanctuary Boots +4 AC vs. undead. Go: Reenter the Deep Halls by Left-Clicking on the cavern and selecting “Return to the Ceremonial Court in the Deep Halls”. EVENT 46: Hall of the Sharpstick Clan Quest Notes: Orcs have taken over the Hall of the Sharpstick Ormyrrs, defeat them to Complete the Alone in Darkness Quest. Enemies: 2 Orcs, 2 Orc Leaders, Orc Chief, 3 Orc Shamans, 4 Orc Leaders, 2 Orc Witch Doctors. Notes: Head southwest of the door to Stillwater and approach the Sigil of the God Clangeddin Silverbeard, it is flanked with crude sharpened sticks. Enter the this room and receive warnings of Orcs. Cast defensive spells and go through the northwest doors (use Rogue to defeat poison trap) and you will see 2 Orcs and 2 Orc Leaders congregating by a fountain. A battle begins as you approach; have both your Sorcerer's run up and use Burning Hands and you can take out all four where they stand in one round. Take the gold they drop. Approach and open the northeast door and an battle begins with enemies spread over two rooms: on the left an Orc Chief and an Orc Shaman, on the right an Orc Leader, Orc Shaman, and Orc Witch Doctor. All of these Orcs have artificially high AC scores and are harder to hit than normal. I sent Jarial to use his Ring of Cone of Cold on the right room, killing all three creatures inside, then I had my melee fighters engage the Orcs on the left. In the next round another hoard of enemies appears: an Orc Shaman, an Orc Witch Doctor and 3 Orc Leaders; I was able to use the Cone of Cold wand on this group to kill off all but 1, which I finished off with magic missiles. I used conventional tactics to kill the remaining two Orcs. This battle, which completes the Alone in Darkness Quest brought my Paladin to Level 5. Plunder the chest in the Orc Chief’s room to get a special bow; the 2 chests in the room to the right have a Rogue’s amulet and a shield. Go to the eastern room and have your Rogue open the poison-trapped door; the chest in this room contains some gold. Acquire: From Orc Chief’s Room, Shortbow +3 hit/damage (gave to Rogue). From the right room, Small Shield +2 AC and Theodore’s Token of Luck +1 AC/Saving Throws/Initiative, +6 Spell Resistance, only for Rogues (happily gave to Rogue, and gave her +3 AC amulet to Jarial). Go: Head back to the entrance of this hall and rest/power up. EVENT 47: The Well of the Earthborn Wind Quest Notes: Searching the western Deep Halls you will discover the Well of the Earthborn Wind. Place the Rillstone Ruby you found in the coffin of the Keeper of the Earthborn Wind into the well to advance the Earthborn Wind Quest. Enemies: 6 Orog, 5 Orog Guardsmen, 2 Orog Healers, 3 Orog Hunters, 3 Ancient Zombies. Notes: Exit this hall and head southeast and enter a room filled with red globed statues. Head northwest until you find a pair of metal doors on the southwest wall, go through them and head west briefly until you reach a hall running southwest, head down it. Stand to the right of the double wooden doors on the northwest side of this hall and then open the doors to begin a major confrontation with Orog. There are 3 Orog, 2 Orog Guardsmen and an Orog Healer in this room. They will spend their ambush round bunching up by the door. Have your magic users stand back and cast spells to kill off the healer first, then deal with the rest as they come to the door two at a time. After the battle take the paltry magic items and check the closed cabinet to find an Idolon. This battle brought my Cleric to Level 5; some of her new spells include Prayer ( a great defensive spell that improves attack and defense rolls for each party member and worsens the same for the enemy), Dispel Magic (which can get rid of enemy area affect spells like darkness), and Searing Light can do heavy damage to some dark dwelling and evil creatures. Rest and power up here; exit the room, go southwest to the next hall and then northwest to a set of doors (have your Rogue open these to avoid the poison gas trap). Head North and you will encounter a group of 2 Orog Hunters, an Orog and an Orog Guardsman; use established tactics to defeat them (you may notice you have an easier time now that you have Prayer cast). Head northwest until you see two breakable beams on the ground, go through the room northeast of here. Head northwest down the next hall and you come upon a battle between Orogs and Undead. There are 3 Ancient Zombies vs. 2 Orogs, 2 Orog Guardsmen, an Orog Hunter and an Orog Healer. Concentrate on wiping out the Orog first, let them waste their time fighting the undead. After the battle pick up the healing potion and go through the northwest door. Search the coffins, one contains a special amulet. Rest, then exit back to the 2 fallen beams you spotted earlier. Go west to a hall that leads northwest, follow it to a red marker; Left-Click on the marker and your Rogue reads it to find out that this is the Well of the Earthborn Wind. Enter this room, approach the well, Right-Click on it and select “Place Large Red Gemstone”. You receive a message that Blessing Winds flow up from underground through three Channel openings overhead; later we will find out where these channels lead and complete the Earthborn Wind Quest. Acquire: From first Orog army, salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20, Sorcerer's Scroll of Shield Level 5. From closed cabinet, Idolon. From Orog/Undead battle, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 15. From 2 coffins, Crimson Brooch +2 AC, +7 Spell Resistance (I gave this to my first Sorcerer). Go: Rest here, then exit to the hall with the red marker. EVENT 48: Finding Nottle Quest Notes: Find Nottle imprisoned by the cult in a room marked by the Sigil of Dumathoin; speaking to him gives you The Dragon Bound Quest. Enemies: 6 Orog Guardsmen, 4 Orog Healers, 5 Orogs, Cult Mage, Cult Soldier. Notes: Go northwest of the red marker, take the next hall southwest and you will encounter a group of 2 Orog Guardsmen and 3 Orog Healers. I silenced the healers and used burning hands to weaken the guardsmen, a combination of magic missiles and Melf’s Acid Arrow helped. Rest and power up, then continue northwest through the gates and you will encounter another Orog Army; 5 Orogs, an Orog Healer and Orog Guardsman. Use established tactics. Northeast is the Sigil of the dwarf god Dumathoin before a set of wooden doors, approach them and you hear someone speaking inside. Enter the room and you encounter 3 Orog Guardsmen, a Cult Mage and a Cult Soldier keeping Nottle prisoner. Lucky for you Nottle is a distraction for them and you get an ambush round. Concentrate on killing the cult members first (get close to them in the first round to prevent the mage using his spells; the soldier is a good fighter who gets two hits a round, but he is vulnerable to almost all spells and physical attacks), then the Orog. The door to Nottle’s cell can only be opened with the Key of Dumathoin, which is nowhere near here so mark this location on your map so you can return later. Also make a note about the Cruel Glyph blocking the door north of the cage, it cannot be opened yet but you will return here later. Ask him where the key is; he tells you Scarred Mages took it to the House of Gems. This conversation gives you The Dragon Bound Quest. Head to the room southeast of the cage and you will find a closed chest filled with gold in the southeast of a room filled with open empty chests. Exit back to the Sigil of Dumathoin, head northwest and have your Rogue open the lightning-trapped wooden door on the northeast wall. The closed chest in this room against the northwest wall contains a magic ring, the four chests in the center of the room each contain gold (two are open, close them and open them again to trigger the gold). Go through the wooden door on the northwest wall, head northwest to a metal door flanked by two shields with a crest of fire. Go through this door and you will find steps that lead to the Hall of Stone; but for now we should stay on this floor. Acquire: From 4 gold chests room, Milla’s Blessing ring, +3 AC, +1 Dex. Go: Back to the gate you found at the beginning of this event, the one that was guarded by 3 Orog Healers. EVENT 49: The Rhonglyn Device and the Hall of Wizards (HALL OF WIZARDS MAP) Quest Notes: By breaking the ice shrouding the Rhonglyn device you find in the western Deep Halls and using it to travel the Hall of Wizards, you complete the Borea’s Blood Quest. Speaking to the soothsayer Caalenfaire and his assistant Volun will update the Bone Whisper’s Quest by giving you the Word of Oblivion. From the conversation you also receive the Seal of Mythanthor Quest (use the Ring of Calling to ascend to the City Heights), the Guardian’s Tale Quest (seek out the golden serpent Odelinde in the City Heights) and the Heartbeat Quest (seek out the Dwarf Lord Harldain Ironbar in the City Heights). Notes: Go northwest from the gate and then bear west at the next intersection and soon you will find a room with a door of ice. Break the door and enter the room, then break the ice shrouding the Rhonglyn; you have freed the Rhonglyn device and can use it to travel to different locations in the dungeon. Notice that the device has 5 colored pillars; each floor of the dungeon is represented by one of the pillars and the color at the center of the device tells you which color to use to return to the floor you are currently on. (Red=Deep Halls, Blue=Hall of Wizards, Purple=Halls of Light, Green=Halls of Stone, Yellow=Main Halls.) You also get Borea’s Blood, an item that works like a dagger and can cast 3 level 15 Cone of Cold spells; Sweet. Left-Click on the blue pillar, you arrive in the Hall of Wizards and have completed the Borea’s Blood Quest. Go through the southwest hall, then bear northwest along the raised walkway and you will encounter the soothsayer Caalenfaire and his floating-skull assistant Volun. Approach them and you are told to seek out Odelinde the golden serpent and the Dwarf Lord Harldain Ironbar, both beyond the circle of Mythan. Volun expresses concern that you do not have the ring of calling, and that Jarial has joined your party; you are declared talibund, Veiled Ones. Tell them you seek the Ring of Calling and Caalenfaire teaches you the Word of Oblivion which will free the Ring of Calling from the skeletal arm Athan sought. You can ask them about being talibund and the song of Faerun; what the path is and how to return to it. Ask about the future and you are reminded to seek the Dwarf Lord and the Golden Serpent; to reach them you must use the Ring of Calling (found in the House of Gems) to open the Seal of Mythanthor, found in the Halls of Light. This encounter updates Bone Whispers Quest; it also bestows the Seal of Mythanthor, Guardian’s Tale and Heartbeat Quests. Head down the steps in front of Caalenfaire and use the Scrying Mirror to discover who is behind the return of the Pool: Kya Mordrayn (a former hand model) and Pelendralaar a dracolich (big rotting dragon). Acquire: From Rhonglyn room, Borea’s Blood dagger, +2hit/damage, +4 AC, Casts 3 Level 15 Cone of Cold spells (Happily gave to my first Sorcerer). Go: Select the green pillar of the Rhonglyn device in the Hall of Wizards to travel to the Halls of Stone. EVENT 50: Finding the Word of Constriction (HALLS OF STONE MAP) Quest Notes: Follow the details of this event to find the Word of Constriction used to close the Nightmare Gate later in the game, which will complete the Nightmare Walking Quest. Enemies: 2 Zombies, 6 Skeleton Lords, 8 Ancient Zombies, 2 Skeleton Knights, Skeleton. Notes: Exit the Rhonglyn room by breaking the ice door to the south. Head east, then go southeast down the next hall. Enter the first southern door you come across, the chest in this room contains some gold, but it is trapped so have your Rogue open it. Exit and continue southeast, the next room on the southwest side of the hall contains the stairs back to the Deep Halls you discovered earlier. Exit this room and go southeast to the next room on the southwest hall. On the table in this room is a note about Lizardfolk near the Nightmare Gate. Exit and continue southeast to an army of undead; 2 Zombies, 2 Skeleton Lords and 2 Ancient Zombies; all are to some degree susceptible to the Level 5 Cleric’s Turn Undead skill and can be easily defeated. Take the gold they drop and continue southeast until you see a door on the northeast wall. The chest to the right of the door contains a scroll and potion. Enter the door, then the one beyond it to the northeast. Go through two doors northwest and head upstairs for a brief visit to the Halls of Light. The closed cabinet in the first room contains an anti-lizard knife, the chest contains some gold. Head through the southwest door to a battle with 2 Skeleton Knights, a Skeleton Lord and 4 Ancient Zombies; defeat them then go through the southeast door. Pass through the next hall to its southeast wooden door, go through it and defeat 3 Skeleton Lords, 1 Skeleton and 2 Ancient Zombies. Take their Gold and open the chest on the table to the northeast to get a scroll with the Word of Constriction which will close the Nightmare Gate. Take the scroll and when you close the chest you will automatically gain the word. From: Hall chest, Sorcerer's Scroll of Shield Level 5, salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20. bookcase, Marshbane Dagger +2 hit/damage, +2 hit and triple damage vs. reptiles. (I had Jarial hold onto this for defensive battles with Lizardfolk). From chest in Halls of Light, Word of Constriction. Go: Back down the stairs and return to the door of the Rhonglyn device. EVENT 51: Rescuing Emmeric Quest Notes: You can get the fighter Emmeric to join your party if you rescue him in this event. Enemies: 4 Skeleton Elders, 2 Skeletons, Cult Mage, Skeleton Knight, Skeleton Lord. Notes: From the door to the Rhonglyn room head east to the intersection, then north to a northwestern hall. Enter the room on the southeastern side of this hall and you encounter 2 Skeleton Elders (can now be turned), 2 Skeletons and a Cult Mage interrogating a prisoner; this prisoner is not helpless however and he begins a battle against his captors, help him defeat these creatures. “Aid comes when least looked for”? Don’t you mean expected? Or does he mean he didn’t need our help? Ask him to declare himself, ask where Athan is now, ask what he learned from his captors, ask about Athan’s Quest, ask what is corrupting the Mythal, ask about the Gauntlets of Moander and how to further Athan’s Quest. Take Emmeric into your party; he is a good fighter who will double your melee strength. You will find some gold, and some armor for Emmeric as well as a couple of healing potions in the chest in this room. His dagger is useless, give him a better weapon as soon as you can. Exit to the hall and head straight north to a set of metal doors, this room contains two notes describing the day to day difficulties of running a cult. Have you Rogue pick the lock on the gate and retrieve some gold in the chest beyond it. Exit the room and go southeast to a set of metal double doors, they are lightning-trapped so have your Rogue open them. Defeat 2 Skeleton Elders, a Skeleton Knight and Skeleton Lord on the other side. Go east to the wooden doors; in this room are several dead elven Clerics killed by sinister magic and some worthless equipment that explains why they died so easily. Acquire: From Emmeric’s chest, Chainmail +5, two salves of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20. Dead elves’ equipment, 2 Large Shields +2 AC, 2 Light Maces. Go: Exit and go east through a metal gate, take the northern hall. Event 52: Shadow Ruins, First Vial of Naga Blood Curiosity Notes: Get the first Vial of Naga Blood from a chest guarded by Shadows in this area. Enemies: 3 Skeleton Lords, 10 Ancient Zombies, 3 Ghouls, 2 Ghasts, 6 Skeleton Knights, 12 Shadows. Notes: Bear northwest from the end of the northern hall and defeat 2 Skeleton Lords and 2 Ancient Zombies, take the healing potion they drop. Go northwest to the open wooden door in the western corner of this hall and defeat 2 Ancient Zombies. Head northeast to four fallen wooden beams, go straight east and you will find a Spinning Spire, mark its location on the map then return to the beams and bear northwest past them and enter the metal double doors. Head northwest to a wooden door and enter this room. Defeat 3 Ghouls and 2 Ghasts (these two still cannot be turned but block the door and you will only have to defeat one at a time). This battle brought my Rogue to Level 6. You should rest and power up here, then exit and go south. At the three way intersection go southeast to a wooden door on the northeastern wall and open it. Here you will have to defeat 3 Skeleton Knights, 2 Ancient Zombies and a Skeleton Lord. Take their gold and open the chest in this room, take the magical dagger and return to the three way intersection. Head southwest and enter the northwest room with metal doors where an undead army must be defeated, 4 Ancient Zombies and 3 Skeleton Knights. Exit this room and enter the wooden door south; take the scroll on the table, exit and head west; first pass beneath the ruins and when you reach the corner of the room go north into the ruins. You will encounter 4 Shadows easily turned and defeated. Continue north to the next area of ruins, and engage 4 more Shadows, after a couple of rounds 4 more approach from the southeast. Turn them all and hack them up; take the two healing potions they drop. Open the chest they guarded and take the First Vial of Naga Blood. In the chest east of this one you will find a pair of mobility enhancing boots and a set of armor. Acquire: From pair of Skeleton Lords, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 15, you can get another one from 4 Ancient Zombies later. From the room with 4 stone markers, Boghurst’s Putrefaction, a dagger that casts 7 Bestow Curse Spells. From table, Sorcerer's Scroll of Dispel Magic Level 10. From 8 shadows, salve and potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10. From 8 Shadow’s chest, First Vial of Naga Blood. From Chest east of Shadow’s Chest, Chainmail +5, Boots of Mobility +10 Movement (I gave both to Emmeric). Go: Back to the room where you recently defeated 3 Ghouls and 2 Ghasts in this event. Rest and power up. EVENT 53: Lizardfolk of Malgi Hi, First Channel of the Earthborn Wind Quest Notes: By speaking to the Lizardfolk in the northwest section of the Halls of Stone you will receive the God of Fire and Stone Quest to explore the city surface and learn the identity of Malgi Hi. In this area you will find the outpouring of one of the three channels of the Earthborn Wind, drink of it to advance the Quest of the same name. Enemies: 22 Lizardfolk Scavengers, 7 Lizardfolk Healer, 4 Lizardfolk Taskmaster, Lizardfolk Warrior, 5 Lizardfolk. Notes: Exit the room and go up the hall that north/northwest from here. You receive a message from a group of Lizardfolk that this area belongs to the Warriors of Malgi Hi; you are granted the God of Fire and Stone Quest. Return the favor of the fair warning by attacking and defeating the group of 5 Lizardfolk Scavengers and a Lizardfolk Healer. With all the experience you have killing Lizardfolk, these few won’t be a problem. Take the fine sword they drop and head north to a northwest hall with two opposing metal doors. There are 3 Lizardfolk Scavengers, a Lizardfolk Healer and Lizardfolk Taskmaster in this room, defeat them using established tactics and take their gold; there are a few scrolls in the chest and cabinet in this room. Exit and continue northwest up the hall, enter the northern clearing and head west to the ruins. You will encounter and have to defeat a patrol of 4 Lizardfolk Scavengers and a Lizardfolk Taskmaster. Head east back to the clearing and open the northeastern of two wooden doors on the northern wall and pick up an ax. Now enter the northwestern door on the northern wall and defeat 3 Lizardfolk Scavengers and 2 Lizardfolk Healers, they drop a couple of magic items. Go through the wooden door on the north side of this room and enter the next wooden door northeast of here; defeat 4 Lizardfolk Scavengers and a Lizardfolk Taskmaster, take their gold and a scroll on the floor. Exit to the hall and enter the next door on the northwest wall. In this hall go to the northeast room with a glowing well. As you enter you will be ambushed by 2 Lizardfolk Scavengers, a Lizardfolk Warrior, a Lizardfolk Healer and a Lizardfolk. The well in this room is the outpouring of one of the three channels of the Earthborn Wind which are scattered throughout the Halls of Stone. When you drink of the well you gain experience and advance the Earthborn Wind Quest. This brought Jarial to level 6, FIREBALL TIME! Fireball will be a great boon to your Quest; just cast it into a room and you can clear it in no time. Area effect spells like Fireball make this game somewhat fun to play. With all such spells be careful to observe the area of effect before you cast and look for good zones to target your enemies but leave your people unharmed (such as behind the enemy’s frontline of battle). Rest and power up, then continue northwest down the hall you were just in and go north through the clearing to find another Water Glyph door, remember to record it on your map. Go northeast to a large confrontation with 4 Lizardfolk, 2 Lizardfolk Healers, a Lizardfolk Taskmaster and 2 Lizardfolk Scavengers; put that Fireball Spell to work--all 4 frontline Lizardfolk blown away and the ones behind them seriously injured--NICE. Get rid of these guys and take the paltry items they drop. Acquire: From warning party, Twilight Guardian +2 hit/damage, vs. Orcs/Orogs +14 Magic Resistance (I gave this to Emmeric and even later in the game held onto it for battles with Orcs/Orog). From chest and cabinet combo, 2 Sorcerer's Scrolls of Chill Touch Level 5, 2 Cleric’s Scrolls of Spiritual Weapon Level 5. From room without enemies, Battleaxe (keep this for use later). From 3rd group of Lizardfolk, Sorcerer's Scroll of Shield Level 5 and salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20. Scroll on floor, Sorcerer's Scroll of Dispel Magic Level 10. Big army items, Sorcerer's Scroll of Shield Level 5, salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20. Go: All the way back to the Spinning Spire you spotted in the center of the Halls of Stone, soon after Emmeric joined you. EVENT 54: Closing the Nightmare Gate, Finding the Fountain Macabre Quest Notes: In the center of the Halls of Stone you will find a circular room with a red portal in it. As you enter the room the Word of Constriction is spoken and the gate seals, defeat the undead who guarded the gate to complete the Nightmare Gate Quest. Curiosity Notes: In this event you will be directed to the Fountain Macabre that you can fill with naga blood to claim a special prize. Enemies: 3 Ancient Zombies, 2 Skeleton Lord, 5 Skeleton Knight, 3 Skeleton Elders Notes: From the Spinning Spire in the center of the Halls of Stone head directly north through the gate and enter the door northwest on the curved wall. As you enter, the Word of Constriction automatically seals the gate; defeat 3 Ancient Zombies, a Skeleton Lord and a Skeleton Knight to clear the room (this battle brought Emmeric to Level 6 Fighter (he will more frequently be able to get in 2 hits during battle). The lightning-trapped chest in this room contains an amulet that can cast Halt Undead, take it and exit the room. Head back to the Spinning Spire, go south to an intersection, take the southwest hall, then the southeast hall after that. As you approach some ruins you sense undercurrents of magic near a red glow to the southeast. You will have to defeat 3 Skeleton Elders, a Skeleton Lord, and 4 Skeleton Knights to approach the red fountain. After the battle take the gold and examine the Fountain Macabre, it wants the blood of Nagakind. Right click on the fountain and select “Place Vial Filled with Ancient Stinking Fluid”; you get a message the bowl is 1/4 full. We must find 3 more vials to fill up the fountain and claim your prize. Acquire: From Nightmare gate room, Tyr’s Locket of Justice, +2 Wis, can cast 5 level 15 Halt Undead spells. Go: North to the intersection, head east, then go southeast through a narrow hall and stop by 2 metal doors on the south wall. Event 55: Wings of Diabolicus, Glyphs of Song Enemies: 5 Skeleton Knights, Skeleton Lord, 2 Ancient Zombies, 4 Shadows, Master Shadow. Notes: Have your Rogue open the trapped doors and head south through the next set of doors; soon you encounter a group of 5 Skeleton Knights, a Skeleton Lord and 2 Ancient Zombies. Defeat them and take their gold, have your Rogue open the trapped door in the southeast corner of this room, head southeast from here. At the end of this hall go northeast; soon you will find a group of slain undead with some common weapons strewn amidst them. Go northeast and you will find a Glyph of Song (this will be opened from the other side at a future date). Enter the wooden door east of the Glyph and take the gold from the chest surrounded by spikes; this triggers an ambush by 4 shadows and a Master Shadow. I had Jarial use a Dispel Magic scroll to clear the darkness they cast, and had my Cleric Turn Undead to incapacitate the Shadows. Then the whole group concentrated on defeating the Master Shadow (Searing Light works well) and afterward they leisurely finished off the rest. Take the warhammer and Idolon they drop. Rest and recover, power up and return to pile of undead. Head up hall to northwest, notice the other Glyph of Song; enter the room on the left; the 3 chests here contain nothing. Acquire: From pile of undead 2 Longswords and a Large Shield. From room of Shadows, Wings of Diabolicus Warhammer, +2 hit/damage, cast Slay Living Level 15, 3 charges, can be used by Clerics; Idolon. Go: Back to the metal doors you opened at the beginning of this event. EVENT 56: Finding the 2nd Channel of the Earthborn Wind; 2nd Vial of Naga Blood Event Notes: In this event you will find the 2nd Channel of the Earthborn Wind, further advancing the Earthborn Wind Quest. Curiosity Notes: In this event you will find the 2nd Vial of Naga’s Blood. Enemies: 6 Skeleton Knights, 10 Ancient Zombies, Notes: From the metal doors go north until you encounter a group of undead to defeat; 2 Skeleton Knights, Skeleton Lord, 2 Ancient Zombies. Take the healing potion they drop and enter the room they were feeding in. Go through next two rooms southwest (careful: first door is trapped), then enter the room southeast and take the gold from 3 fancy barrels. Exit to the hall and journey southeast across the ruins and battle 5 Ancient Zombies. After the battle they drop the 2nd Vial of Naga Blood, take it and continue east. Soon you will find the 2nd Channel of the Earthborn wind wafting up from a well guarded by 3 Ancient Zombies and 4 Skeleton Knights; defeat them, take their gold, then drink from the well. This action brought my Cleric, Paladin and first Sorcerer to Level 6 (I gave her Fireball). Notice that the Paladin can cast a few more Divine spells and will on more occasions be able to get in a double attack. Go east, have your Rogue open the trapped metal doors and you will receive messages that reveal more about the fate of Athan’s band. Continue east to an open wooden door on the north wall. In this room is a staircase back down to the Scarred Mage’s chamber in the Main Halls. Exit this room and go south into the ruins. There is a cabinet here with a dagger in it. From the cabinet go southwest and open the trapped door; in this room the more southwestern chest contains some gold. Exit and go northeast to the edge of the ruins then northwest to a wooden door leading southwest. In the room southwest is a poison-cloud spewing fountain that is instantly deadly if approached. To open the two chests in the poison room, have your Rogue drink of the middle basin of 5 basins on the northwest wall of the first room to become Protected from Poison. Next open the door and have your party move one at a time into the easternmost corner of the poison room, then have your Rogue go alone to open the chests and make sure not to let anyone else get to close. Then have everyone exit one at a time. The reason you have to do it this way is that the protection from poison basin does not have enough charges to protect your whole group. Acquire: From first group, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 15. Dagger of Defense, can cast 8 level 5 Mage Armor Spells. From poison well chests, Pureblade +1 hit/damage, +3 hit/damage vs. undead. Go: Back to the trapped metal doors where you learned more about the fate of Athan’s Band. Head west to the 2nd Channel, then go northwest, back across the ruins you fought through earlier. When you see a red glow from a room ahead of you, enter the hall north, head northeast to 3 fallen beams, then southeast to a wooden door on the southwest wall of this hall. Event 57: Orog Honor Enemies: 9 Ancient Zombies, Skeleton Knight, 2 Ghouls, Ghast, 2 Skeleton Elders, 11 Orogs, Orog Guardsman, 3 Orog Healers. Notes: When you enter the wooden door an Orog cries out for assistance in his battle with 3 Ancient Zombies and a Skeleton Knight. Be nice and attack/defeat only the undead. After the battle the Orog give you a present, Orog arrows. Exit the room through the southeast door and continue southeast to a southern wall; head northeast to a wooden door and enter a room filled with stools. Go through the northeast door to a treasure room and take the items from the 3 closed chests. Head back for the room where you helped the Orogs and you will be set upon by 2 Ghouls, a Ghast and 3 Ancient Zombies. The Orog you helped now return the favor as you fight these undead. Make sure you don’t harm the friendly Orog. After the battle go through the northwest room back to the hall northeast, head directly east to some wooden partitions, then navigate northward through them to a confrontation with 2 Skeleton Elders and 3 Ancient Zombies. After the battle go northwest through the partitions and you will eventually encounter an army of 5 Orogs and an Orog Guardsman. From this battle head north to a wooden door and enter it; the chests in this room contain some magical items and gold. Rest here then head east to a room with three flanking, closed wooden doors; open the nearest door and defeat 2 Orog Healers and 3 Orog. Take the healing potion they drop and plunder the two chests in these rooms to get some gold and a shield. Exit the first room from its southeast door and head directly south to another wooden door. Enter this room, then have your Rogue unlock the Web-trapped door to the south to gain some extra experience, even though there is nothing in this room. An Orog army will now approach from the southeast, 3 Orogs and 2 Orog healers; defeat them and continue southeast until you see an open door leading to a room with stairs. These stairs lead to the Halls of Light, but we don’t need to go there yet. Acquire: From friendly Orog, Quiver of Orog Arrows +3 Hit/Damage. Treasure room, Sling +2 (for Jarial), Warhammer +2, Sacred Vestments +1 Wisdom, +7 Spell Resistance, +2 AC ( I gave this to my Cleric and gave her armor to Emmeric). From the Orog northwest of the partitions, Libertas the pike, +2 hit/damage, +3 Will saving throws, can cast 5 level 10 Freedom of movement spells. From first 2 chests, Salve of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Bull’s Strength level 10. From 2nd Orog battle area, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 15, Small Shield +1 AC. Go: Rest here, then exit through the northeast door. EVENT 58: Finding the 3rd Channel of the Earthborn Wind; The Foundry; 3rd and 4th Vials of Naga Blood. Quest Notes: By drinking from the 3rd channel well, found in this event, you complete the Earthborn Wind Quest. Curiosity Notes: In the northeastern Halls of Stone you will find two furnaces. If you give 3 common shields to the eastern one it will give you an enhanced shield. If you give common Battleaxes to the western furnace it will give you an enhanced Battleaxe. North of the western furnace is a chest containing the 4th Vial of Naga Blood. Enemies: 6 Orogs, 3 Orog Healer, Orog Guardsman, 10 Skeleton Elders Notes: Head up the hall northwest to an intersection and go northeast. Keep close to the southeast wall of this hall and go northeast past 3 flaming barrels. In a small alcove is a chest with some armor in it. Head back down the hall and enter the wooden door on the northwest side of the hall. West of the metal doors in this room is a chest, partially concealed by a bookcase. Open the chest to get the 3rd Vial of Naga Blood. The metal doors lead to Stillwater; if you want to return from Stillwater to this location Left-Click the cavern entrance you emerged from and select “Return to the Halls of Stone”. Exit the room and head southwest, take the next hall leading northwest, then the following hall leading northeast. Enter the well room on the northwest side of this hall and drink of the 3rd channel of the Earthborn Wind, this completes the Earthborn Wind Quest. Exit the room and head northeast, at the end of the hall go north and you will encounter 3 Orog, an Orog Healer and an Orog Guardsman by a round well, defeat them and take their gold. There are a pair of Waterlogged leather boots in this well, and the chest in this room contains gold. Exit this room through the northeast door and head north to a door marked “To Moradin the Soul Forger...” There are 3 Orogs and 2 Orog Healers to be defeated here. Take their gold and open the chest in the north corner to get a special mace. Exit and go east to a door marker “To Sharindlar, The Shining Dancer...”; in this room you hear a voice talking about beard hairs; if you Left-Click on the flame flanked by 4 small spikes in this room, you will cast heal on your selected party member, this works 6 times. Go through the northwest door and then northeast through the hall; in the room at the northwest end of the hall is another staircase to the Halls of Light, you should avoid it. Return to Sharindlar’s room and exit southwest. Head northwest to an inactive fountain then go through the door to the metal doors to the northeast. There are 5 Skeleton Elders to defeat in here. Take the Foundry Key they drop, then remove the three Large Shields from the wall. Right-Click on the furnace and select “Place Common Iron Shield”; do this a total of three times and you will be given an enhanced Large Shield. Use the Foundry Key to open the door west of the furnace; defeat 5 Skeleton Elders here. Take the 2 Battleaxes off the western wall; open the chest to get the 4th Vial of Naga Blood (we will return these Vials to the Fountain Macabre before leaving the Halls of Stone in the next event). Now place the two Battleaxes from this room, and the Battleaxe you found in Event 53 and you get an enhanced Battleaxe. If you don’t have that one don’t run all the way back to get it; there is another one nearby; see Event below. Acquire: From 3 flaming barrels chest, Leather Armor +2. From chest in room with doors to Stillwater, 3rd Vial of Naga Blood. From round well, Waterlogged leather boots. From Moradin’s room, Wings of Dominion mace +2 hit/damage, cast Raise Dead Level 15, 3 charges. By placing 3 Large Shields in the eastern furnace, Large Shield +2 AC. From chest north of the western furnace, 4th Vial of Naga Blood. By placing 3 Battleaxes in the western furnace, you get a Battleaxe +3 hit/damage Go: Back to the entrance of Moradin’s room (where you found the Wings of Dominion). EVENT 59: Elena and Garras Really Get Around; Two Evil Books; Filling the Fountain Macabre. Quest Notes: In the northwest corner of the Halls of Stone you will find 2 Evil Books. One requests (yes, the book talks) to be burned (along with any other Evil Books you find) in the Pyre of Silence in the Deep Halls. Finding these books advances the Tomes of Evil Quest. Curiosity Notes: Before leaving the Halls of Stone we can fill the Fountain Macabre with the remaining Vials of Naga Blood and receive a reward. Enemies: 10 Orogs, 7 Orog Hunters, 2 Orog Healers, Ghast, 3 Ancient Zombies, 2 Orog Veterans, 5 Lizardfolk Taskmasters, Lizardfolk Warrior, 2 Lizardfolk, 3 Lizardfolk Scavengers, Lizardfolk Faith Healer, 2 Lizardfolk Healers. Notes: Head southwest to the next hall, then northwest to a battle with 3 Orogs and 3 Orog Hunters; defeat them and take their gold. Through the northwest metal doors is a room with a Battleaxe on the wall (for those of you who didn’t get the first one from this floor). Exit and head directly south to a wall, follow it southwest to a wooden door and go through. There is a scroll on a table in the southwest corner; go through the northeast door. On the beds in this room are the Delicate Pewter Key and a note from Elena to Garras that mentions a hidden stash of weapons. Exit this room from the southeast door, go south to the intersection and go straight southwest through a set of metal doors. Head southwest until you arrive at the corner of a wall of stone partitions. Head south through a set of metal doors and defeat an army of 2 Orogs, 2 Orog Hunters and an Orog Healer; take their gold, exit the room and head straight north, back to an intersection. Go down the hall to the northwest and enter the wooden door on the southwest wall. Head south through the door and defeat a Ghast and 3 Ancient Zombies. After the battle, two Orogs and an Orog Veteran (only slightly tougher than an Orog Guardsman), come out of the room with the metal doors across the hall from where you are. There is a nice Warhammer and a healing potion in the closed chest in the Veteran’s room; close and reopen the open chest in the same room to get some gold. Rest, power up; exit and head northwest to the next intersection, then go directly north. Eventually you come across and engage an Orog Veteran, an Orog Healer, 3 Orogs and 2 Orog Hunters. At the beginning of the third round more enemies arrive on the scene, 2 Lizardfolk Taskmasters and a Lizardfolk Warrior. With two Sorcerers hurling Fireball spells this battle really shouldn’t be a problem. From where the Lizardfolk appear head southwest and enter the wooden door, go through the next two northwest rooms and exit through the Iron Gate into familiar territory. As you exit to the hall you see a Lizardfolk walking away, Left-Click on him to begin a battle with 2 Lizardfolk, 3 Lizardfolk Scavengers, a Lizardfolk Faith Healer and a Lizardfolk Taskmaster, wipe them out...all of them. Take the ring they drop and then open the chests to get an Idolon and some gems. Exit through the door southeast then go east into the next hall and defeat 2 Lizardfolk Taskmasters and 2 Lizardfolk Healers. Take their gold and enter the northwest room of this hall. Take the Evil book on the table directly north of the door and it starts talking to you and asks you to burn it on the Pyre of Silence (the well of fire we found earlier in the Deep Halls). Take the other Evil book in this room. We don’t have all the books yet so let’s wait to return to the Deep Halls. Cross the hall and enter the next room, a table has the letters G and E inscribed on it. Use the Delicate Pewter Key to open the southwest door, plunder the chest in this room. Return to the Fountain Macabre, straight south from the Spinning Spire and fill it with the remaining three Vials of Naga Blood; retrieve the Ring of Naga’s Kiss. Acquire: From first room, Battleaxe. From table Sorcerer’s Scroll of Dispel Magic Level 10. From bedroom, Delicate Pewter Key and note from Elena to Garras. From Veteran’s room, Hammer of Martel +1 hit/damage, chance of Critical Hit on 17; Salve of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. From 2 reinforced chests room, Ring Veil of Vanity, +2 Cha, - 1 Int, -2 Wis; Idolon and gems. From talking book’s room, 2 Evil Books. From Elena’s chest, Shortbow +2 hit/damage, Quiver of Arrows +1 hit/damage, Elena’s Pewter Locket +1 Wis/Int. By filling the Fountain Macabre, Ring of Naga’s Kiss +2 Con, +5 Protection (I gave to Cleric). Go: Return to the Rhonglyn device in the southwest Halls of Stone, select the purple pillar to travel to the Halls of Light. Event 60: Around the Rhonglyn Room; Wraiths (HALLS OF LIGHT MAP) Enemies: 6 Skeleton Elders, 7 Skeleton Lords, 4 Ancient Zombies, Master Wraith, 2 Wraiths. Notes: Break the sheet of ice blocking the door south and then exit the room. Go west, then north, going clockwise around the Rhonglyn Room until you encounter undead. You must defeat 3 Skeleton Elders (easily destroyed with Turn Undead but sometimes immune to Fireball) and 2 Skeleton Lords, (dealing with one Skeleton Lord amidst weaker undead {as in the Halls of Stone} isn’t a problem, but groups of Skeleton Lords {which abound in this area} are a pain. They have a high AC score making them hard to hit, and Turn Undead almost never affects them at this level unless your Cleric is really close to them; you will have to use Fireball spells and rest often.) After the battle take their gold, soon a group of 4 Ancient Zombies approach from the west/southwest. Defeat them and go north from the top of the Rhonglyn room to a wooden door; go through into the keg room, you can rest and power up here. Exit and go south to the exterior of the Rhonglyn room and bear southwest until you encounter 4 Skeleton Lords, defeat them. After the battle head east and you will encounter 3 Skeleton Elders and a Skeleton Lord, defeat them too. Go and rest up again, power up and head back to the entrance of the Rhonglyn Room. Go directly east to a wooden door and open it. There are 2 Wraiths and a Master Wraith in this room, send a sacrificial lamb (loaded with every beneficial and protective spell you have) to activate the ambush by walking toward the equipment icon on the floor, but keep the rest of your party back towards the door out of range for when the battle begins in earnest. I used Emmeric (with the Warhammer of Death) because of his more frequent double attack ability and restored him once and healed him twice during battle while my mage’s exhausted their fireball spells firing at such an angle as to avoid hitting Emmeric but still doing damage to 2-3 enemies each round (mainly behind the attackers and into the far corners of the room). The Wraiths were defeated with a couple Fireballs to spare and my Paladin and Rogue contributed nothing to the battle, (though this battle did bring my Rogue to Level 7). After the battle take the potions the Wraith’s drop and the equipment on the floor. Acquire: From Wraith’s room, Potion and Salve of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 20, Pike +2 hit/damage, Small Shield +2 AC. Go: Rest and power up, exit this room and go northwest; go through the first wooden open doors to the northeast. EVENT 61: Big Drunk Dwarf; Brewmaster’s Quest Quest Notes: At the Brewer’s Shrine discovered in this event you receive a Quest to recover the Onyx of the Richest Wort. The Wort is hidden in an illuminated Giant Keg in a room located through the halls north of the Shrine. Follow the steps of this Event to find the Onyx and complete this Quest. Enemies: 16 Ancient Zombies, 2 Shambling Ghasts, 4 Ghasts, 4 Skeleton Lords. Notes: Head northeast to an open door leading southeast, go through and pass by undead lying on the ground; eventually you will find two reinforced chests. When you touch the chests the undead get up and come after you, you must defeat 7 Ancient Zombies, then you can take the contents of the chests (one is trapped). Exit to the hall and head northwest to a reinforced chest, open it and you hear a spoken message from a brewmaster who says the Brewer’s Onyx has been “hidden in the throat of one of our beloved children” . This gives you the Onyx of the Richest Wort Quest. Head directly west to a closed wooden door, open it and defeat 5 Ancient Zombies in this room. Exit through the northeast door, head northwest to an open wooden door northeast, go through it and the closed wooden door beyond it. Enter the metal doors to the northwest, continue northwest to the first set of wooden double doors on the northeast wall and enter them; there are 4 Ancient Zombies and a Shambling Ghast (not really any tougher than a normal Ghast) to be defeated here. Exit the room and go northwest to a broken wooden door, enter this room. Go through the wooden door northwest and you will find the body of a dwarf and the Brewmaster’s Cudgel. Take the cudgel and you will be ambushed by 4 Ghasts and a Shambling Ghast, defeat them and take their gold; close and reopen the open chest in this room to get some gold. Exit back to the metal doors and head northeast. As you approach another set of wooden double doors you receive a message about a dwarven rune of brewing. Enter this room and more undead ambush you from two directions; you must defeat 4 Skeleton Lords, then take their gold and Left-Click on the illuminated Giant Keg (middle one on the northwest wall of this room). From this Keg you retrieve the Onyx of the Richest Wort and complete the Quest of the same name. Acquire: From 7 Ancient Zombies chests, Salve of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Dispel magic Level 10, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Bull’s Strength Level 5, Salve of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Shield Level 5. From near body of dwarf, Brewmaster’s Cudgel, +1 hit/damage, triple damage vs. undead. From illuminated Giant Keg, Onyx of the Richest Wort +2 Con/Saving Throws, Spell Resistance +7, can cast 10 level 10 Neutralize Poison Spells (Happily gave this to Emmeric). Go: Rest and power-up here, exit through the northeast door, then go northwest and you receive a message that giant creatures have moved through this area. Event 62: Saving Private Grok Curiosity Notes: Did you it is possible to save the Orc beset by Ancient Zombies in the western Halls of Light? It’s true; and if you are successful you will gain a nice experience bonus! Enemies: 5 Ancient Zombies Notes: From where you receive a message about the giant creatures heading northwest until your reach a wooden door, enter and you will hear a poor Orc being slaughtered by 5 Ancient Zombies. I felt so sorry for him! The first time I fought this battle Grok survived the first assault but was killed in the first round of normal combat; I thought that maybe I could save him so I loaded and tried again. The next about 12 times Grok got killed in the first round (I thought I had gone crazy) but I kept loading and eventually he again survived the first round again; this time I got in and helped him, but when his turn came at the end of the round his morale failed and while fleeing from battle he was killed. I loaded at least 15 more times until he survived the first battle, and I cast Haste (Using Dymon’s Dutiful Gauntlets) on my Cleric and melee fighters before the battle, (hoping to get them into the room and close to the action faster). By sending your fighters close to the Zombies to draw their attention from Grok, and paralyzing the lot of them with Turn Undead it is possible for Grok to survive this battle! I almost fell over when I saw that all my characters got about 1500 exp for this battle! I don’t know what happens to him afterward because this battle brought one of my characters up a level, and by the time the pop-up screen was cleared, Grok was gone. I know that this is not what most people want to spend an hour and a half doing, so I loaded and let Grok die, then I killed the Ancient Zombies and took a paltry 70-80 experience so as to not skew the rest of the walkthrough by gaining experience from an action most people won’t want to waste time on. But you can try it if you want to! Take the gold the Zombies drop. Go: After the battle exit the room and go northeast to an intersection. EVENT 63: Meeting the Ormyrrs and Finding the Seal of Mythanthor Quest Notes: In this event you will discover the Seal of Mythanthor. Enemies: 2 Skeleton Knights, 3 Ancient Zombies, Skeleton Lord, 3 Orc Sergeants, 2 Orc Warlocks, 5 Orc Shamans, 3 Orcs, Orc Captain. Notes: From the intersection go northwest through a set of trapped wooden double doors, continue northwest and you encounter 3 Ormyrrs who will talk about your stick legs. Tell Retha that you found a lone Ormyrr (Geb) downstairs, then say you already cleared the room of Orcs. They tell you that you can come and trade with them in the Sharpstick Room in the Deep Halls. Perhaps we will return there later and see what they have to offer. For now, exit this room and give the Ormyrrs time to clear out. Head back to the intersection and go east to a wooden door, enter this room and you will join a battle with 2 Skeleton Knights, 3 Ancient Zombies, and a Skeleton Lord vs. 2 Orc Sergeants (tough fighters) and an Orc Warlock (can cast fireball so take him out quickly when you decide to engage). All creatures in this room are hostile so destroy them and take their gold. Rest and power up, then return to where the Ormyrrs were and enter the metal double doors behind where they stood. To the east is a door that requires the Small Platinum Key, remember it for later in this event when we find the key. Go directly north to another set of metal doors, stand to the right of it and have your Rogue open it; inside are 3 Orc Shamans (typical healer/Cleric spells) and an Orc Warlock that cannot use magic because you are hiding and will be drawn out to you for easy killing. Take their gold and go through the northeast door, then head northwest to a smashed wooden door, approach to it’s right and send one person in to trigger a battle with 2 Orcs, 3 Orc Sergeants, an Orc Captain (slightly tougher fighter) and an 2 Orc Shamans. Try to attract them to the western door and battle them there while sending Fireball Spells into the room. After the battle take the Small Platinum Key they drop along with a pair of gauntlets and a salve. This room contains the Seal of Mythanthor, mark it on your map so we can return here later. Acquire: From Seal of Mythanthor room, Small Platinum Key, Gloves of Steadiness +2 hit (gave to Emmeric), Salve of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. Go: Head back to the metal doors we discovered that need the Small Platinum Key, (rest and power up along them way). Event 64: Small Platinum Key Rooms Enemies: 4 Orcs, 11 Orc Sergeants, 2 Orc Witch Doctors, 4 Orc Shamans, Orc Warlock. Notes: Keep your party north of the doors as you open them with the Small Platinum Key. This room contains a huge Orc army of 4 Orcs, 4 Orc Sergeants, Orc Witch Doctor (can cast Charm Person, counter with Dispel Magic) and Orc Shaman. A couple can use magic and some will use bows. Try to block the door with melee fighters while your magic users hurl spells into the room. After the battle take the enemy’s gold and go through the doors in the eastern corner of the room. Head directly north to a wooden door, open it from the side and defeat 2 Orc Shamans 4 Orc Sergeants spread out over two rooms. Take the potions they drop; exit the first room from its northwest door, and hide beside and open the wooden door north, across the hall. Here you will have to defeat an Orc Witchdoctor, an Orc Shaman, an Orc Warlock, and 3 Orc Sergeants; use established tactics. Take the healing potion they drop and open the two chests on the southwest wall to get another Silver Platinum Key, a nice Hammer, some arrows and some gold. Acquire: From second group of Orcs, Potion and Salve of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10. From room of third group of Orcs, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds level 15; and from reinforced chest in same room, Small Platinum Key, Quiver of Arrows +2 hit/damage, Hammer of Splintering +1 hit/damage, +3 hit and double damage vs. humanoids (I gave to Cleric). Go: Return to the first room you enter with a Small Platinum Key, rest and power up here and then exit through the southeast door using the second Small Platinum Key you found. Event 65: Leraja’s Spear, Windswept Armor, Brewer’s Key Enemies: 2 Lizardfolk Taskmasters, Lizardfolk Faith Healer, 4 Lizardfolk Scavengers, 2 Lizardfolk Warriors, Lizardfolk Healer, Guard Arraccat, 3 Arraccats, 3 Lizardfolk Scavengers, 2 Lizardfolk Healers, Lizardfolk Warlord. Notes: Go northeast from the platinum doors, enter the first wooden door on the southeast side of the hall you enter. Hide to the side and open the northeast door; you will have to defeat 2 Lizardfolk Taskmasters, a Lizardfolk Faith Healer and 2 Lizardfolk Scavengers in this room. Take the potion they drop and exit back to the hall. Head north to another wooden door and enter it, you must defeat 2 Lizardfolk Scavengers, 2 Lizardfolk Warriors and a Lizardfolk Healer. Exit the room and go northwest until you see a slightly bright brown brick area on the northeast wall of this hall. Have your Rogue search the wall directly to discover a hidden door, go through. Destroy the table in this room and you receive a warning about a protective sigil on the wall. Have your Rogue directly search the brown brick area behind the table to find another hidden door, go through. Rest, then go through the northern metal doors; the air here is hot and smells of unspecific beast. Go through the metal doors across the hall to the northeast (note that you can pick up some common items on the floor of this room), then go through the western door to the adjoining room. There are two more weapons on the ground, one is a very nice spear you should save for later in the game when you encounter Gargoyles. Open the chest to get some gold then exit back to the hall. Surprise! You have to defeat 3 Arraccat and a Guard Arraccat in this hall. Let them come to you at the door and fight them one or two at a time while hurling Fireball spells through the door. You will notice that the ones who can’t reach you will just kind of wander away, but you can chase after them and they will come back when you get close enough. After you finish them off exit back through the two secret doors, head southeast, then go northeast at the next hall, and then southeast to a large intersection. Go northeast and enter the wooden doors on the northwest wall, you will have to defeat 3 Lizardfolk Scavengers, 2 Lizardfolk Healers and a Lizardfolk Warlord (High HP, double attack, but very susceptible to magic attacks) in this room. After the battle take the Windswept armor they drop (good against Gargoyles) and take the Brewer’s Key. Head down the stairs and you arrive in the Halls of Stone. Use the Brewer’s Key to open this room’s door, now go back upstairs. Acquire: From first band of Lizardfolk, Potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. Common items, 2 Long Swords, Large Shield. From adjoining room, Long Sword, Leraja’s Spear, +2 hit/damage, +5 hit/damage vs. Gargoyles (had Emmeric hold onto this for later). From Lizardfolk Warlord, Brewer’s Key, Windswept Armor +7 AC, +4 AC vs. Gargoyles (Gave to Emmeric). Go: Rest here. EVENT 66: The Waters of Life Quest Notes: Nearby you will find the well described by Beriand in the Waters of Life Quest. Defeat the Lizardfolk that guard this well, then have your party members drink from the well to complete the Waters of Life Quest. Enemies: 2 Lizardfolk Healers, Lizardfolk Faith Healer, Lizardfolk, Lizardfolk Taskmaster, 2 Stone Lizardfolk. Notes: The upcoming battle will be tough, power up with special focus on enhancing and protecting your melee fighters. Exit the room and head south to the exterior corner of a room, then go southwest and enter the wooden door on the southeast wall (all four doors to these rooms have poison traps so have your Rogue open them). There are 2 Lizardfolk Healers and a Lizardfolk Faith Healer in this room, work on defeating them fast. In the second round you will be ambushed by a Lizardfolk, a Lizardfolk Taskmaster, and 2 Stone Lizardfolk (these are a pain; they are Immune to all magic, can do a lot of damage with their double attacks and many weapons don’t work against them). Defeat the lesser Lizardfolk first, then get your melee fighters to gang up on the Stone Lizardfolk and use enhanced swords and knives to chisel away at them until they are dead (you will probably have to keep healing your best melee fighters so try to keep your Cleric close behind them and away from the Stone Lizardfolk). Take the two healing items in this room and then have your party members drink from the Waters of Life in the well in this room. This completes the Waters of Life Quest. Acquire: From Lizardfolk Healers, Potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20 and Salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20. Go: Rest and power up, then exit this room through its southwest door and go west. Event 67: Lizardfolk Courtyard; Clearing the Center of the Halls of Light Enemies: 14 Lizardfolk Warriors, 7 Lizardfolk Taskmasters 2 Lizardfolk Healers, 2 Lizardfolk Faith Healers, 3 Lizardfolk Scavengers, 4 Lizardfolk. Notes: Soon after entering the hall that runs west from the well you will encounter 2 Lizardfolk Warriors and 2 Lizardfolk Taskmasters; defeat them and take their gold. This battle brought Jarial to Level 7, I gave him Charm Person, Bull’s Strength (add to power-ups), and Halt Undead (can hold 3 undead); he can now cast 4 magic missiles per round. Go through the wooden door southwest of your encounter and take the Gloves of Courage from a fancy barrel in the center of this room. Exit the room and head east, at the intersection go south. At the next intersection go southeast until you encounter an army of 2 Lizardfolk Warriors, 2 Lizardfolk Healers and a Lizardfolk Taskmaster. Defeat them, then head back up the hall and enter the metal doors on its northeast side. In this room is a chest with an Idolon and some gems. Cross to the other side of the hall and enter the wooden door, defeat a Lizardfolk Taskmaster, 2 Lizardfolk Warriors and a Lizardfolk Faith Healer. Enter the room southeast, then exit it through its southeast door. Head directly east and open the wooden doors; you encounter and must defeat 3 Lizardfolk Warriors and a Lizardfolk Faith Healer having a board meeting. Take the healing items they drop, rest here and power up, then exit to the hall. Head south to the wall and then enter the southwest hall; take the next hall southeast and enter the room on the northeast wall. Here you will have to defeat 3 Lizardfolk Warriors, 3 Lizardfolk Scavengers and a Lizardfolk Taskmaster. Take the items they drop, then exit to the hall and go southwest to a wooden door. Enter this room and you will but attacked by 2 Spectres (like the Spectral Jailer of Bedlam Prison), have Jarial use his Halt Undead spell on them (remember you can cast it on up to three targets {within range of one another} in the same round), then you can take your time destroying them. Take the Halberd and armor they drop. Exit and head directly west to a northwest hall; bear northwest to a massive courtyard ringed with arches and containing a lovely set of 4 skewering columns. As you approach these an ambush is set off; you must defeat 2 Lizardfolk Taskmasters, 4 Lizardfolk, 2 Lizardfolk Warriors. Remember to send off a couple of melee fighters to get close to the magic users, but keep a defensive group in the center of the courtyard dealing with the close range fighters. Acquire: From fancy barrel, Gloves of Courage, +4 Fortitude Saving Throws, +1 Con, cast 8 level 10 Bull’s Strength Spells. From first chest, Idolon and some gems. From Lizardfolk boardroom potion and salve of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10. From Lizardfolk Scavengers, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Bull’s Strength Level 10, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20, salve of Cure Moderate Wounds level 10. From Spectres, Leather Armor +2, Halberd of Vigilance +2 hit/damage/AC/initiative, (Gave to Paladin). Go: After the battle head northwest from the center of the courtyard down a hall until you reach a northeast wall with a wooden door, enter this room. Event 68: Fireball Obelisk; Clearing the South-Central Halls of Light Enemies: 2 Skeleton Knights, 2 Ancient Zombies, 2 Skeleton Lords, 2 Spectres, 10 Ghasts. Notes: Enter the room northwest and you can take 2 scrolls from the tables here. Exit and head back down the hall to the southeast, and this time take the hall running southwest. Enter the wooden door on the northwest side of the hall and examine the chest in here, apparently someone has been here before you and left his or her mark. Cross the hall and enter the wooden door opposite, here you will have to defeat 2 Skeleton Knights, 2 Ancient Zombies and 2 Skeleton Lords; take the strength stealing sword they drop, rest and power up, then exit back to the hall. Go southwest and at the end of the hall go south to a wooden door. Put your melee fighters, loaded with power ups at the front of the door and open it; here you must defeat 2 more Spectres. Again use Jarial’s Halt Undead to stop them in their tracks, then take your time destroying them. Take the Sword of Marshbane from the reinforced chest in this room, then exit and head southeast. At the end of the hall go south, then bear southwest down the very next hall. At the next clearing go northwest and enter the broken wooden door on the northwest wall, there are two common swords here amidst several dead Orogs. Head directly west and you spot a Ghast who talks about red entrails and then heads south. Follow it and you will encounter and have to defeat 5 Ghasts; take the salve and scroll they drop. Head back up the northeast hall that runs parallel to the room with the Orog corpses, at the intersection go southeast. At four arches go northeast, take the next hall southeast and you will encounter 5 Ghasts, defeat them (this brought my Fighter to Level 7), and take their gold. Enter the northwest room on this hall, pass to the adjoining room beyond and climb down the well for a quick jaunt to the Halls of Stone. Head through the northwest iron gate, to the open door beyond. The obelisk in the next room has a Fireball trap on it that will go off as you approach; just work quickly to avoid taking to much damage. Open the chest on the northwest wall, take the sword inside then go back to the rope ladder and return to the Halls of Light. Acquire: From two tables, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Haste Level 10, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Protection from Evil Level 5. From first group of undead, Soul Biter Sword, +2 hit/damage, Strength Stealing Touch (Gave to Rouge). From two Spectres, Sword of Marshbane +1 hit/damage, +4 hit/damage vs. Reptiles (kept for Paladin). From Orog corpses 2 Longswords. From 5 Ghasts, Salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Shield Level 5. From Fireball obelisk chest, Sword of Firebrand +3 hit/damage, cast 8 level 5 Burning Hands spells. Go: Return to the Waters of Life well you found in event 66. EVENT 69: The Tomb of Hachaam Selorn Quest Notes: When you find the Tomb Hachaam Selorn in the northern Halls of Light, you are given the Baneblade Rivener Quest, but you are not told at that time what you are Questing for. Enemies: Lizardfolk Healer Notes: As you approach the Waters of Life you will see that a Lizardfolk Healer has returned to the well, defeat him and notice the potion of poison by the well. The well has been poisoned and will no longer assist your party. Exit the room through its northeast door and go north to an open wooden door, then go east; you will come across a set of wooden double doors, go through them; the staircase in the adjoining room to the west leads back to the Deep Halls. Exit to the hall and go east to a barricade, smash the three crates at the center of the barricade and continue east. Enter the second/eastern wooden door you encounter on the north wall; the chest in this room contains some gold, you can exit to Stillwater through the metal doors on the north wall; to return here Left-Click on the cavern you emerged from and select “Return to the Halls of Light”. Exit the room and continue east, at the wall go southeast to a fountain. As you approach it, Faeril’s voice warns you not to drink from the fountain and says that the Orogs to the south can be parleyed with. For now, head northeast; you will see steps in a northwest room that lead back to the Halls of Stone; bear northwest at the end of the hall and go through the metal doors. Head northeast, then take the next northwest hall, enter the door on the northeast wall; here you will find the tomb of the legendary champion of Myth Drannor, Arms-Captain Hachaam Selorn; this gives you the Baneblade Rivener Quest. Return to the fountain where you received Faeril’s warning. Acquire: From Waters of Life room, Potion of Poison Level 10. Go: Back to the fountain where you received Faeril’s warning. EVENT 70: Friendly Orog and the 3rd Evil Book Quest Notes: In an enclave of friendly Orog you will find the Third Evil Book. Enemies: 3 Lizardfolk Scavengers, Lizardfolk Healer, Lizardfolk Taskmaster, Lizardfolk Warrior, 3 Wraiths. Notes: From the fountain head northwest, then head southwest at the next corner and you will come across two friendly Orog. Enter the room they guard, cross to the southeast door and go through. Head south to a southwest hallway, follow it and at the end of the hall head southwest to a crate standing out from the barricade. Destroy the two crates in the area of the barricade directly west of the standing crate. Go north and you will encounter 3 Lizardfolk Scavengers, a Lizardfolk Healer, a Lizardfolk Taskmaster and a Lizardfolk Warrior. Defeat them and take their gold then return to the standing crate. Go northeast into the hall and enter the wooden door on the southeast wall. On the table is another Evil Book, the Orog in this room urges you to take it with you so do so. Head to the room southeast, then enter the room northeast (disarm trap on door). In the cabinet in this room are some low quality gems and there is some armor in the chest. Exit to the previous room, then go through the southeast door. Go southwest to three small crates, head directly south through the metal doors. Rest and power up here. Destroy the 2 barrels in front of the northwest door, put your melee fighters up front and then open the door. There are 3 Wraiths in this room to be defeated; use Halt Undead and Fireball them (Turn Undead still doesn’t work). The chest in this room contains a special knife. Acquire: From cabinet, gems. From chest near cabinet, Girdle of Serenity +4 Saving Throws, +2 AC. From 3 Wraith’s chest, Inferno Knife +3 hit/damage, can cast 10 Level 5 Burning Hands spells. Go: Rest here and power-up. Exit this room and head southeast through the next room (the stairs lead to the Halls of Stone by the way) and out the metal doors. Event 71: Key of Dumathoin Quest Notes: In the eastern Halls of Light you will find a Cult Mage and a group of Orogs, defeat them to receive the key of Dumathoin, which will unlock Nottle’s cell. Finding the key progresses the Dragon Bound Quest. Enemies: 6 Orog Guardsmen, 5 Orogs, 3 Orog Veterans, 5 Orog Healers, 2 Drunk Orog, 7 Orog Hunters, Cult Mage, 4 Skeleton Lords, 2 Skeleton Knights. Notes: From the metal doors go southwest to an encounter with some not-so-friendly Orog, 2 Orog Guardsmen, an Orog and an Orog Veteran. Defeat them and take the Cold Brass Key and potion they drop. Immediately after the battle more Orog approach, you will have to defeat 2 Orog Healers and 2 Orog. Briefly enter the southwest hall and then go down the southeast hall and open the metal doors on the northeast wall to get a little experience. Go southeast, at the clearing go southwest, at the wall go northwest to a set of wooden doors, enter this room and defeat 2 Drunk Orog. Exit the room and go southwest, 2 Orog Guardsmen sound the alarm; after they are dispatched you will have to defeat 3 Orog Healers and an Orog Veteran who approach from the room to the south. After the battle take the Cold Brass Key and potion dropped by the guards and the gold dropped by the Healers. From the Healer’s room exit to the southwest hall and then cross to the wooden door on the opposite side; go through and defeat 2 Orog Hunters, an Orog Veteran and an Orog Guardsman. This battle brought my first Sorcerer to Level 7; I gave her Charm, Blindness and Lightning Bolt, she can now cast 4 magic missiles per round. Take the items dropped by the Hunters and open the chest in this room to get an initiative enhancing amulet. Rest, power-up and then exit through the southeast door. Go east to an encounter with 3 Orog Hunters. After you defeat them the battle expands to include 2 Orogs, 2 Orog Guardsmen, and an Orog Veteran. This victory brought my Paladin to Level 7. Take the gold dropped by the hunters, then go through the metal doors that were guarded by the veteran’s party. Pass through this room and exit the door southeast. Go southwest to the wall and then bear west to a patch of brown brick. Search the brick to discover a secret door, there is another one directly north. From the southern secret door go east to an encounter with a Cult Mage, 2 Orog Hunters, 2 Orogs and an Orog Guardsman. Use established tactics to defeat them; after the battle you receive the Key of Dumathoin and you can pick up a wand of magic missiles. This battle brought my Cleric to Level 7; some of her new power-up spells include Freedom of Movement (increases range in battle) and Divine Power (improves fighting ability of the Cleric), she can now neutralize poison and cast restoration as well; her two new battle spells are Poison and Inflict Critical Wounds. Go east to the external corner of a room, then north to a set of metal doors, enter them. In this room you must defeat 4 Skeleton Lords and 2 Skeleton Knights; notice that the Cleric’s Turn Undead skill has grown more powerful. The chests in this room contain gold and an AC improving ring. Head down the stairs and you arrive in a sealed room in the Main Halls; here you can find a dagger and the Lockpick used to open the metal doors in this room. Open the doors then go back upstairs and exit to the hall. Acquire: From first group of unfriendly Orog, Cold Brass Key, Potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. From 2 Orog Guardsmen, Cold Brass Key and Potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. From Orog Hunters, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Shield Level 5, Salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20; from chest in same room Fruhvogels’ Pendant, Initiative +5 (Gave to Jarial). From Cult Mage, Key of Dumathoin, Wand of Magic Missiles Level 10, 6 charges. From chests guarded by undead, Topaz Band, +2 AC. From sealed room Dagger +1 hit/damage, Lockpick. Go: Head south and go counterclockwise around the room you approach and find the wooden double doors on the southeast wall. EVENT 72: House of Gems Tower, Finding the Ring of Calling (HOUSE OF GEMS TOWER MAPS) Quest Notes: In the eastern Halls of Light you will find 2 chatty Orog guarding the staircase to the House of Gems Tower. Go up the stairs and fight your way to the top of the Tower. Defeat the Cult Mages in the Room of Words and retrieve the Skeletal Arm with the Ring of Calling. The word of Oblivion will be automatically spoken and the Ring of Calling released to you; this completes the Bone Whispers Quest. Enemies: 4 Skeleton Lords, 3 Soulless Orog, 3 Cult Mages Notes: Go through the wooden double doors and speak the 2 Orog Veteran’s guarding the stairs. Ask about Lady Shar, tell them you killed the mage, ask about the Room of Words, ask what the mages are up to, show them the Key of Dumathoin, Ask who Shar is, and then take your leave of the Orogs. Go up the stairs behind them, they will not stop you. You have arrived on the Ground Floor of the House of Gems Tower, the Room of Words is on the third floor. On this floor you must defeat 4 Skeleton Lords. Climb the stairs on the western side of the room; on the Upper Floor you must defeat 3 Soulless Orog (they have a lot of HP but shouldn’t be too hard to kill at your current level). After the battle you should rest and power-up before proceeding to the third floor of the tower, the Room of Words, via the western staircase. There are 3 Cult Mages on the top floor; simply get your melee fighters up close to them and you will automatically kill them as they attempt to cast spells. There are three treasure bags to be plundered on this floor; there are two notes in the outer ones; the center one contains a special jewel and the Skeletal Arm With the Ring of Calling Attached, as you pick it up the Word of Oblivion is spoken and the Ring of Calling is set free. This event completes the Bone Whispers Quest and brought my Rogue to Level 8, I gave her another Dexterity point (she will now be able to get in two attacks on occasion). If you like you can go up to the roof of the tower via the western staircase. Acquire: From center treasure bag, Skeletal Arm with Ring of Calling, Eye of Ranman +2 Wis, +10 movement, may only be used by Monks Go: Head all the way back downstairs to the Halls of Light. EVENT 73: Complete 3 Quests: Freeing Nottle, Burning the Evil Books and Opening the Seal of Mythanthor. (DEEP HALLS AND HALLS OF LIGHT MAPS) Quest Notes: Using the key of Dumathoin, found after a battle with a Cult Mage and his Orogs in the eastern Halls of Light, free Nottle to complete The Dragon Bound Quest. After releasing him speak to Nottle and you will receive the Cold Knight Quest to find a cold stiff ally in a far off barrow. While in the Deep Halls return to the furnace for burning Evil books (Pyre of Silence) in the north-central Deep Halls and burn ALL THREE Evil Books you have found; this completes the Tomes of Evil Quest. Return to the Halls of Light and approach the Seal of Mythanthor to enter the Speculum Grounds and complete the Seal of Mythanthor Quest. Enemies: 3 Lizardfolk Warriors, 2 Lizardfolk Taskmasters, Lizardfolk Scavenger. Notes: Head back to Nottle’s Cell in the Deep Halls; refer to Event 48 for details on where he is (northeast of the Deep Halls Rhonglyn room). Use the Key of Dumathoin to open his cell and when he starts talking, tell him you’re interested three times to get the Cold Knight Quest. While still in the Deep Halls, head for the Sharpstick room you cleared out in Event 46. The Ormyrrs you met in the Halls of Light (Event 63) have made it back to their home. Retha offers to trade; tell them you want to trade, then examine their merchandise; they have a couple of nice items you can buy such as the Jaws of Malice and the Thundergrip Gauntlets. Now return to the furnace for burning Evil Books (Pyre of Silence) you found in Event 42, it is in the hall west of the Huge Well on a stone X in the eastern Deep Halls. Right click and select “Place Vile, Iron-Bound Tome three times; the third book asks you twice to take it from the flames, don’t listen to it, let it burn or your characters will suffer. Burning all three books completes the Tomes of Evil Quest. Go back to the Halls of Light via the staircase at the extreme northern tip of the Deep Halls map (you opened the room this staircase is in by using the Soot-Coated Key, see Event 41). Go to the eastern room, exit to the hall and head east to a barricade, here you encounter 3 Lizardfolk Warriors and a Lizardfolk Taskmaster fighting an Orog and an Orog Guardsman; help keep the Orog alive and defeat only the Lizardfolk. Head back through the barricade and you will have to defeat a Lizardfolk Taskmaster and a Lizardfolk Scavenger. Return to the room with Seal of Mythanthor (found in Event 63) in the far northwest Halls of Light (rest and power-up along the way). As you draw close to the Seal on Mythanthor the Calling Word is spoken and the ancient portal is unsealed; you pass to the open air of the City Heights; this completes the Seal of Mythanthor Quest. EVENT 74: Entering the Speculum Grounds (SURFACE MAP) Quest Notes: By speaking with Caalenfaire and Volun in the Hall of Wizards (entered via the Speculum Grounds) about Anorrweyn, a long dead priestess of Mystra, you will receive the Memory’s Whiplash Quest. Enemies: 2 Orc Sergeants, 4 Orcs, 2 Orc Witch Doctors, 3 Ghasts, Shambling Ghast, 2 Ancient Zombies. Notes: As you enter the grounds notice the Statue of Mythanthor behind you; if you want to return to the Halls of Light, Left-Click on the base of this statue. Behind the statue is an army made up of 2 Orc Sergeants, 4 Orcs, and 2 Orc Witch Doctors. Engage them from where you are and destroy them; two fireballs are all it should take. Sift through the items they drop and go through the door they were in front of to return to the Hall of Wizards; note that you can sleep here safely and use the Rhonglyn device you discovered earlier. Speak to Caalenfaire and Volun, interrupt them, ask about the Cult Mistress, ask about the backwards key and read the message boxes backwards, ask them to tell their story, ask who Lady Shar and finally ask about Anorrweyn to receive the Memory’s Whiplash Quest. After the battle, head directly northeast and defeat 3 Ghasts, a Shambling Ghast and 2 Ancient Zombies. Acquire: From Orc army, Chainmail +3, salve and potion of Cure Serious Wounds level 15. Go: From the scene of the undead battle head north to an upward slope to the left of a leaning pillar and the right of a stone tower. Left-Click on the base of this slope to go to the Windrider Glade. EVENT 75: Odelinde; Freeing the Temple of Shaundukal Quest Notes: Meeting Odelinde the golden serpent in Windrider Glade and then freeing her home, the Temple of Lord Shaundukal, from the Orcs who have befouled it, will complete the Guardian’s Tale Quest. Speaking to Odelinde about Anorrweyn Evensong will advance the Memory’s Whiplash Quest. Ask Odelinde for tales of the city surface and you will receive The Helm Cleaver Quest, the Hungry Idol Quest, the Thirsty Ground Quest, the Stone Mouth Quest, and the Whispering Wind Quest. Enemies: 2 Orc Sergeants, an Orc Captain, an Orc Shaman, an Orc Warlock, 2 Orog, Orog Guardsman. Notes: As you enter the Windrider Glade you meet Odelinde the golden serpent. Ask her who and what she is, ask who or what Shaundukal is, tell her you were sent by Caalenfaire to seek her aid, ask about Harldain Ironbar and then ask her what the problem is. She informs you that Orcs have taken over her home, the Temple of the Lord Shaundukal, and raised an idol to Gruumsh, bringing up an evil pool. Ask how you can help and she asks you to destroy the idol of Gruumsh so that the Spawn Pool will retreat. Head west to a set of stairs, then go north and you must defeat 2 Orc Sergeants, an Orc Captain, an Orc Shaman, an Orc Warlock, 2 Orog and an Orog Guardsman; concentrate on getting rid of that Warlock first or you will be blown to bits by his magic. After the battle destroy the idol and the Spawn Pool retreats to the Pool of Radiance, this completes the Guardian’s Tale Quest. Once the idol is destroyed Odelinde appears and casts a spell that rests and heals your party. Ask about the blueglow moss, ask her if the spawn pool was a Pool of Radiance, ask how the Orcs got to her shrine, ask where you can find Harldain Ironbar, ask what can be done to stop the spawn pools, ask where the Mythal came from, ask who could restore the Mythal, ask where Anorrweyn Evensong can be found, finally, ask where to find treasure. Odelinde ends the conversation at this point but you should examine the items dropped by the Orcs and then speak to her again to get some more Quests. Ask Odelinde for tales of the dungeons until she will speak no more about it. Ask Odelinde for tales of the city surface until she will speak no more about it and you will receive: The Helm Cleaver Quest, the Hungry Idol Quest, the Thirsty Ground Quest, the Stone Mouth Quest, and the Whispering Wind Quest. Ask Odelinde for tales of the catacombs until she will speak no more about it. Go northeast of the shrine to a set of steps and you will be ambushed by 2 Orc Warlocks and an Orc Captain (can cast blindness; try to approach the steps from a southerly direction to avoid being hit by enemy magic in the first round); this is a tough battle, get your melee fighters up close to the enemy to keep them from casting. Search the chest they guarded, then return to Odelinde for healing (from now on you can get healing here at any time). Acquire: From Orcs at Temple, Scimitar +2 hit/damage; Sorcerer’s Scroll of Bull’s Strength Level 10. From chest, Firemeet Ceremonial Key, Idolon. Go: From the bottom of the steps head east to a stone walkway, cross it and head southeast then take the first steps you find heading east. EVENT 76: Finding Eadred, the Cold Knight Quest Notes: In the northeastern Glim Gardens you will find the Tomb of Eternal Sleep where Eadred, a frozen stiff Level 8 Paladin, waits to join your party. Have him join you (whether briefly or permanently) to complete the Cold Knight Quest. Enemies: 4 Ghouls, 7 Shambling Ghasts, 8 Skeleton Lords, 3 Ancient Zombies, 5 Skeleton Knights, 4 Ghasts. Notes: You have arrived in the Glim Gardens. Head north and defeat a group of 4 Ghouls and 2 Shambling Ghasts. Take the gold they drop and head northwest and defeat 2 Skeleton Lords, 3 Ancient Zombies and a Shambling Ghast. This victory brought Jarial to Level 8, I gave him 1 point of Charisma and the Confusion Spell (acts like Turn Undead on living creatures; combined with the Power Attacks of the Paladin and Fighter, this can really speed up battles; USE THIS SPELL CONSTANTLY). If you need to heal in this area, there is a patch of Blueglow moss northeast of here. Take the gold they drop and head east from the site of the battle to a set of stone steps, then go southeast and engage and defeat a large army of 5 Skeleton Lords and 5 Skeleton Knights (Turn Undead will destroy the Knights and hold the Lords making this battle easy). Head north and defeat 4 Shambling Ghasts. Head east and defeat 2 Skeleton Lords and 4 Ghasts. Take the gold they drop and enter the wooden doors to the north. You will enter a crypt with a man standing behind a sword; when you Left-Click the sword you receive a message of warning from Eadred saying not to touch the sword unless you are willing to take his place. Have one your party members touch the sword to have Eadred join you, thus completing the Cold Knight Quest. Ask him what just happened, tell him you are fighting the Cult of the Dragon, ask who he is and how he came to be here. At this point you can take Eadred with you if you like, he is a Level 8 Paladin; or you can ask if he is willing to return to the crypt. I did not take him along because I already had a Paladin who had a base HP of 134 as opposed to Eadred’s 72. To return him to the crypt, have him take the sword. By the way, you could be mean and take his armor and gauntlets with you before you leave. Also note that you should have Emmeric grab the sword so that when Eadred joins you he will take the orange slot and the color order of your characters will not be changed (if Eadred leaves Emmeric returns to the orange slot). Go: Rest and power up here, then head back to the stone steps you spotted earlier. EVENT 77: Dwarven Ruins-Ancient Tomb (DWARVEN RUINS-ANCIENT TOMB MAP) Quest Notes: You will find the Stone Mouth in a dungeon beneath a coffin platform in the Glim Gardens, this progresses the Stone Mouth Quest. Enemies: 2 Master Shadows, 3 Spectres, 2 Ghasts, 4 Skeleton Lords, Master Spectre, Dark Naga, 3 Orc Rogues. Notes: Go southwest of the stone steps, around the raised platform with a coffin, and have your characters walk out onto the tiles surrounding the coffin; they will fall into a new dungeon. Head through the northeast open wooden door, then go up the northeast hall and at the next intersection approach the wooden door north. When you open the door you will be ambushed by 2 Master Shadows, a Spectre and 2 Ghasts. Have Jarial cast Halt Undead on the Master Shadows and Spectre as soon as possible, then use all the established methods (especially Searing Light, Fireball and Lightning Bolt) to get through this battle. Afterward open the chest and you receive the Stone Mouth that will translate the Gargoyle Language; this progresses the Stone Mouth Quest. You can rest here and power up before proceeding. Exit and go southeast to the hall, then northeast to the next intersection. Head up the northwest hall and at the end of the hall go directly north and you will enter a hall bearing northeast. Go through the metal doors in this hall and defeat 4 Skeleton Lords. Close and reopen the open chest in this room to get an Idolon. Exit and go southwest to the clearing, then southeast to a hall that runs east; head down this hall to an intersection and then bear northeast until you reach a northeast wall with light and dark areas behind a wooden door. Open this door and enter the light room; close the chest and you are attacked by a Master Spectre from the dark room. You can Halt it, but it may not work the first time; destroy it and the darkness clears. This battle brought Emmeric to Level 8, I gave him 1 point to Strength. On the table in the dark room you will find the Singing Word, which you automatically learn when you take the scroll it is written on. Rest and power-up, then exit to the hall go southeast to three barrels, then go southwest until you see a wooden door on the southeast wall. Stand directly in front of the door and have your Cleric use her Miner’s Shield of Invulnerability to cast Minor Globe of Invulnerability. Now open the door to reveal a Dark Naga (like Preybelish). The chance to hit more than one person is too tempting for the Dark Naga; he will keep firing Lightning Bolts that you are immune to while you return the compliment with Fireballs and Searing Light. You don’t even have to move from your current position to defeat him. After them battle enter the room and examine the strange contents of the two chests. Search the northeast wall of this room to find a secret door, go through and open the reinforced chest in the secret room to find two very nice items. Exit to the hall and go northeast; at the intersection go north to a fallen square pillar, then east to several fallen wooden beams then north to a Glyph of Song. Enter the room northwest, rest and power-up, then go through the metal doors at the end of the hall to transition to the Halls of Stone. As soon as you arrive you must defeat 2 Spectres. Afterward, take the healing items they drop and open the wooden chest on the northeast wall to find another nice set of armor. Exit through the southeast door (opening another Glyph of Song), go southwest to the remains of undead, then go up the northwest hall and open another Glyph of Song. Enter the southwest room and you encounter 3 Orc Rogues; defeat them using conventional tactics and take the weapons of Hextor they drop. Acquire: From chest guarded by undead ambush, Stone Mouth. From open chest guarded by 4 Skeleton Lords, Idolon. From Dark Naga chests, Gauntlets of Ogre Size +3 AC, -5 to hit; Boots of Tortoise +4 AC/+4 saving throws, -20 Movement; Alaric’s Charm -2 Con, + 2 Int. From reinforced chest, Arcane Mail +8 AC, can be used by Sorcerer’s without causing spell failure (Gave to Jarial because he was stronger and could carry more weight); Blade of Destruction, +2 hit/damage, critical hits cause triple damage. 2 Spectres, salve and potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10. From Orc Rogues, Hextor’s Might Warhammer, +2 hit/damage, +6 Fortitude saving throws; Hextor’s Cruelty Club, +2 hit/damage, +6 Will saving throws ; Hextor’s Vengeance +2 hit/damage, +6 Reflex saving throws. Go: Enter the Glyph of Song room across the hall, go through the metal doors on the north wall and you will return to the Glim Gardens. From here return to the base of the stone steps north of the gaping hole where the stone coffin used to be. Event 78: Clearing the area Outside the House of Gems Enemies: 3 Margoyles, Gargoyle, 9 Skeleton Lords, 8 Shambling Ghasts, 13 Ghasts, 9 Ancient Zombies, Notes: Go up the north stairs, then west, and at the top platform go northeast and you will encounter 3 Margoyles and a Gargoyle (try using Leraja’s Spear and the Windswept Armor against these Mar/Gargoyles). You can use damaging spells like Fireball as usual, but also use Confusion to paralyze some of them to make your job much easier. Go up the northeast slope and you will receive a message about approaching the House of Gems. Left-Click on the interface zone between the two pillars to transition to Outside the House of Gems. Go northeast to a tree and wait for a group of 4 Skeleton Lords and a Shambling Ghast to approach from the west, defeat them and go north. Eventually you will encounter 4 Ghasts and 3 Ancient Zombies, defeat them and head west to a broken tower. Go southwest and enter the darkened alcove beneath the tower, here you must defeat 3 Skeleton Lords. After the battle open the chest they guarded and you will find a Talisman Staff. Notice that you can sleep in this alcove and recover, but remember to travel the surface only during the day. Go directly south of the chest and you will encounter and have to defeat 5 Ghasts and 2 Ancient Zombies. This victory brought my first Sorcerer to Level 8, I give her +1 to Charisma and also gave her the Minor Globe of Invulnerability spell. Take the gold dropped by the undead and make a note of the Broken Statue, you will return here much later in the game. Exit this courtyard through the passage northwest, then head west once you pass the 2 broken pillars. Eventually you will come to a fenced area where 2 Shambling Ghasts and 2 Ancient Zombies feast on the carcass of an Ormyrr, defeat them. After the battle go west and defeat 3 more Shambling Ghasts near an anvil. This brought my Paladin to Level 8; I gave him +1 to Str. Take the shield dropped by the Ghasts; notice that you can sleep in the sheltered room adjacent to and north of the anvil area. Head southeast from the steps before the anvil and you will come across and have to defeat 2 Skeleton Lords, 2 Ancient Zombies and 2 Ghasts. This battle brought my Cleric to Level 8, I gave her +1 to Wis. Take the gold dropped by these undead and head southeast to a confrontation with 2 Ghasts and 2 Shambling Ghasts. After the battle go south to the tree and head northeast to the front door of the House of Gems. Acquire: From alcove chest: Talisman Staff, +2 Wis/Cha. From Ghasts near anvil, Stalwart Shield +3 Fortitude saving throws, +1 AC. Go: Use one of the sleeping places you discovered in this area, then return to the front door of the House of Gems and power-up. EVENT 79: The House of Gems (HOUSE OF GEMS MAP) Quest Notes: You will find Harldain Ironbar on the upper floor inside the House of Gems but he cannot speak to you. An evil totem drawing a Spawn Pool to pollute the city’s water supply has to be removed first. Defeat the Arraccat guarding the Spawn Pool and free the woman murdered to serve as the totem, this completes the Hearbeat Quest and bestows the Ashes Burning Quest to find the woman’s companions. Afterward, speak to Harldain Ironbar to receive the Starstone for the Wizard’s Torc (advances the Stars Below Quest). You will also be given a Quest to seek out and free the four remaining Orrery planets, this is The Planets Above Quest. Enemies: Dwarven Statue, 2 Margoyles, 5 Arraccat, Black Arraccat. Notes: Go through the front door to the House of Gems and you will immediately encounter a giant Dwarven Statue (like the Lifespring Guardian, except now you have to defeat it yourself). Offensive magic will be no use here, use sharp weapons, like swords, knives or spears because most blunt weapons have no effect. Keep your best melee fighters forward while your mages use healing salves and your Cleric casts its healing spells. Set/Line your people up close to the door in the first round and let the Dwarven Statue come to you. After the battle open the chest and take the Gnarled Copper Key and the Axe of the Phoenix. Have your people bunch up against the fortified door to the northeast, then open the door and send your Rogue alone across the room to the doorway on the other side. You will notice that the room you have passed through was trapped. Open the chest in the room through the doorway and take the House of Gems Passkey. Now Right-Click on the Oddly Shaped Keyhole on the northwestern pillar of the open doorway and select “Place Passkey”. Have the rest of your party cross in safety and go up the southeast staircase. In the room you have just entered is a dwarven ghost; try to speak to him and then go through the southwest door to go back outside. Head southwest on the walkway and eventually you will encounter and have to defeat two Margoyles. Go northeast up the next walkway and when you come to a curved wooden walkway follow it west, then go down two sets of steps and you will enter a battle with 3 Arraccats; in the second round an Arraccat and a Black Arraccat (very high AC but still vulnerable to magic) approach from the northwest. Defeat all the Arraccats then approach the woman skewered to the wall near the Spawn Pool and you learn that she is a totem of evil drawing the pool to this location. Remove the sword from the Sister of the Silver Fire and she is reclaimed by her Goddess, the Spawn Pool retreats and you receive a powerful sword, the Flame Blade. This action brought my Rogue to Level 9. Return and speak to Harldain Ironbar; to get the most out of the conversation, ask what he is talking about, ask what the City Spires are (he frees the Blue Stone you took from the Orc Leaders before entering the Main Halls), ask why he wants the spires restored, ask where a Planet might be found, ask about Ualair the Silent, ask about the circle of Ualair, ask where the circle is, ask about something else, ask about who built the traps, ask why they are there, ask about the dwarven hoard, ask where the hoard is, ask how he became a ghost, ask if he knows much about the city, and finally ask him about the Pool of Radiance. Harldain offers to trade with you and he restores the Starstone to the Wizards Torc, this will allow you to enter the Catacombs through the Circle pf Ualair in the amphitheatre west of the Hall of Wizards. Through speaking with Harldain you have advanced the Star’s Below Quest and have been given The Planets Above Quest to find 5 Orrery planets (you already found the blue one) so the Spinning Spires will function again. You can now trade with Harldain for several interesting items such as the Shield of House Starym, Lancer’s Guard, Ildacer’s Satin Gloves (great for Sorcerers), Ranman’s Meditations (Excellent Enhancement for Monks) and Olortynnal’s Heartmail, (+5 Damage vs. Dragonkind). Acquire: From Dwarven Statue’s chest, Axe of the Phoenix +4 hit, +2 damage, weighs almost nothing. From staircase room chest, House of Gems Passkey. From destroying evil totem, Flame Blade, +3 hit/damage, can cast 5 level 15 Flamestrike Spells (I gave to Cleric). Go: Trade as you like, then rest and power-up. Go downstairs. EVENT 80: The Helm Cleaver (HALLS OF LIGHT MAP) Quest Notes: On the bottom floor of the House of Gems Tower you will meet a group of Orogs who ask you to help them recover the Helm Cleaver from their Cult masters. Agree to do so then head into the Halls of Light and help them defeat the cult in the room behind the Glyph of Claw. Battle their champion to win the Helm Cleaver, this completes the Helm Cleaver Quest. Enemies: 2 Cult Mages, Cult Archmage, 4 Cult Soldiers, Orog Champion. Notes: Head through the fortified door northeast to reenter the House of Gems Tower; immediately you encounter an Orog Chieftain who wishes to parley. Agree to parley, ask to hear more about attacking the cult, ask about the great Helm Cleaver, ask to hear more about the mistress, ask who gets to keep the Helm Cleaver, agree to collaborate; the translator tells you to look for the Orogs guarding door with the mark of the Dragon Claw in the Halls of Light, together you will defeat the Cult members who have the Helm Cleaver. Head down the steps into the Halls of Light. Exit through the southwest door and go west to a set of metal doors; pass through the room, exit the metal doors on the opposite side, head north to 4 pillars, west to an intersection, southwest to the wall and northwest to the group of Orog. Ask how many enemies there are and ask how to unseal the door; they will teach you the Dragon Word. Head northwest to the Glyph of Claw and the Word of the Dragon is spoken. Go through the doors and enter the room southwest to begin the battle for the Helm Cleaver. You must help the Orogs defeat 2 Cult Mages, 4 Cult Soldiers (good fighters) and a Cult Archmage (has wider range of Sorcerer’s spells like chain lightning). I completed this battle by having Jarial cast Confusion to incapacitate the soldiers, then I got my melee fighters close to the mages so that when they cast their spells the fighters would cut them down. This was very effective and kept all the Orog alive and undamaged by the party’s spells. However, if the Cult members move before you do they will get mixed in with the crowd and will be hard to target as a group; in this case use Fireball to take out the mages and keep your warriors up front to fight the soldiers hand to hand. After the battle stand still and 3 Orog Veterans approach from the southeast, ask what the Helm Cleaver is, ask what the rules of the duel are, agree to the duel of Champions. Go southeast and stop in front of an open door, heal and power-up your best fighter and send it in. I sent my Paladin in. The Orog champion stays tucked in a corner in the south part of the room, move close but not in attack range during the first round, then approach and attack in the second (this gives you the first strike). It took my Paladin 3 hits with the Halberd of Vigilance, (1 in the first round, 2 in the second) to finish off the champion. After the battle the Orog approach, ask them where the cult leaders are, ask where you can find treasure, ask them to join you against the cult; at this point, if you tell them to keep the Helm Cleaver you receive Gloves of the Archmage (+4 AC, +1 Int) but you don’t get credit for the Helm Cleaver Quest; if you ask for the Helm Cleaver you receive it and complete the Helm Cleaver Quest. Head northwest back to the scene of the battle, then north and open Archmage’s two chests and take at least the Stronghold Key and the Idolon. Go back the scene of the battle, go through the wooden door west, exit the next room through the Glyph of Claw door southwest. In the northern clearing of this room you will find a door that needed the Cold Brass Key, west you will find the room with the staircase back to the Halls of Stone. From the top of the staircase exit through the southwest door, go through the southeast door of the next room, head straight south to a set of metal doors and open them with the Stronghold Key. Acquire: From duel, Helm Cleaver +4 hit/damage, +3 Str (I gave to Emmeric). From Archmage’s chests, 2 Potions of Heal Level 20, Stronghold Key, Idolon, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Bull’s Strength Level 10. Go: Though the northwest door, then head southwest to the Rhonglyn device, use it to travel to the Deep Halls (Red). Exit the Rhonglyn room and go counterclockwise around it to the top of the room. Head northeast and enter the room where Nottle’s prison was, then rest and power-up. EVENT 81: The Water Bells (DEEP HALLS MAP, HALLS OF LIGHT MAP, SURFACE MAP) Quest Notes: You will discover a magic portal behind the Glyph of Claw door in the Deep Halls. Go through the portal, defeat 4 Arraccat on the other side and take the Splashing Word they guard. This action bestows and completes the Enter, Friend Quest. Open the three Glyphs of Water spread throughout the Deep Halls and the Halls of Stone. In each you must fight undead to reclaim a Waterbell (after claiming the first one you get the Watersong Quest); after you have all 3, return to the Glim Gardens and give them to the naiad in the City Fountain to complete the Watersong Quest. Enemies: 2 Cult Soldier Elites, Cult Quartermaster, 2 Cult Mages, 4 Arraccat, 4 Spectres, 4 Master Shadows, 2 Shadows, 3 Shambling Ghasts, 3 Master Spectres, 2 Wraiths. Notes: From Nottle’s prison Cell approach the Glyph of Claw door (from the western side to avoid line of sight) and open the door. Here you must defeat 2 Cult Soldier Elites (somewhat better fighters then normal soldiers), a Cult Quartermaster (Very High AC means hard to hit, but still vulnerable to magic) and 2 Cult Mages. I blocked the door and used 2 Fireball Spells to take out everyone but the Quartermaster, who took an extra round to finish off. As you enter the room you are given the Enter, Friend Quest to go through the magic purple portal the cult was guarding. Step through and on the other side you must defeat 4 Arraccat. Take the gold they drop and then pick up the Splashing Word scroll in the eastern area of the room, this teaches you the word to open the Water Glyph doors and completes the Enter, Friend Quest. There are 2 rooms in the Deep Halls and one in the Halls of Stone that can be opened with the Splashing Word. First, go back through the portal, then head to the Water Glyph door in the eastern Deep Halls, near the Pyre of Silence (this door was found in Event 42, you can rest here before proceeding). As you approach the Splashing Word unseals the Glyph of Water and triggers a confrontation with 3 Spectres. They will spread apart during battle if the Glyph of Water door is blocked, making it hard to halt them, so just use your Fireball Spells. After the battle, take the gold they drop and rest. Go through the northwest room and open the metal doors, this triggers a battle with 2 Master Shadows and a Shadow, use Halt or Turn Undead (can kill the Shadow and halt the Master Shadows) then finish them off). After 2 rounds you will be ambushed by 2 more Master Shadows and a Shadow, defeat them all and you are given the Watersong Quest to find out the purpose of the Waterbells, take the Waterbell they drop. Now head for the next Water Glyph, it is in the northwest Deep Halls near the cooking meat room found in Event 41. Pass through the metal doors in the first room and you set off a battle with 3 Shambling Ghasts and a Spectre. Defeat them and go through the northwest door, head down the southwest hall and open the wooden door in this area. Here you must defeat 2 Master Spectres (Remember to Halt them); take the Waterbell in the reinforced Chest. Rest, now exit this area and return to the Halls of Stone, then head for the next Water Glyph door (you found it near the Lizardfolk of Malgi Hi in Event 53; get there quickly by taking the Soot-Coated Key stairs up, then the Brewer’s Key Stairs down). Enter the door and head west to a message about an unfriendly chill, then go northwest and you can rest in the room on the northeast side of the hall. Afterward cross the hall and open the opposing metal doors; you can get two weapons from the chests in this room. Exit to the hall and go northwest, at the intersection go west and enter the metal doors. Take the gold in the two chests by the well and you will be ambushed by a Master Spectre and 2 Wraiths, defeat them to get another Waterbell. Cross to the southern Halls of Stone and exit to the Glim Gardens through the staircase behind the more western Glyph of Song door (rest then exit). Back on the surface head south to a dirt path, then follow the path southwest to the City Fountain. As you approach you are greeted by the voice of Plinshree the naiad, ask who and what she is, close your ears against the song, tell her you found her waterbells, and finally, tell her you will give her the waterbells. Right-Click and select “Place Pale Blue Chime” three times; you will receive a special item each time you place a bell into the well. After they are restored you must speak to the Naiad again, tell her you can’t swim all that well, and you will complete the Quest and receive the final item. This brought Jarial to Level 9, I gave him See Invisibility, Displacement and Improved Invisibility. Acquire: From Arraccat room, Splashing Word. From Master Shadows, first Waterbell. From reinforced chest, second Waterbell. From Halls of Stone chests, Blade of Venom, poison blade, +3 damage; Battleaxe +3 hit/damage. From wraiths, third Waterbell. From Naiad, Dagger of Ritual +3 hit/damage, -2 Will saving throws, +6 hit/damage vs. undead; Necklace of Odoacar +3 AC/saving throws, Spell Resistance +10 (Gave to Emmeric, gave his Onyx of Richest Wort to first Sorcerer); Ring of Calming +5 all saving throws (Gave to Paladin). Go: Northeast to a Spinning Spire. EVENT 82: Finding the Thirsty Ground (SURFACE MAP) Quest Notes: In the southeastern Glim Gardens you will find the Thirsty Ground; approach it to complete the Thirsty Ground Quest Enemies: Orc Warlock, 4 Ancient Zombies, 7 Shambling Ghasts and 2 Orc Sergeants, 8 Ghasts, 3 Margoyles, 2 Gargoyles, Ghoul. Notes: From the Spinning Spire go east and you come across an Orc Warlock and 2 Orc Sergeants battling 4 Ancient Zombies and 2 Shambling Ghasts. All are aggressive and must be killed. After the battle take their gold and go south to a confrontation with 6 Ghasts, defeat them and take the healing items they drop. Continue southeast and you will find the Thirsty Ground Odelinde mentioned. Ask it about the Blood Lesson, the Blood Blessing and Fiona’s Kiss of Life and then ask what the ground is thirsty for, then leave the thirsty ground. Go east and defeat 4 Shambling Ghasts. Head west from the Thirsty Ground and you come across 3 Margoyles and 2 Gargoyles fighting 2 Ghasts, a Shambling Ghast and a Ghoul, all are hostile and must be destroyed. Acquire: From Ghasts, salve and potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10. From Gargoyles, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 15. Go: From the tree head southwest to a transitional staircase and use it. EVENT 83: Ormyrr King Pujik; Green Orrery Planet Quest Notes: You will find Ormyrr King Pujik in the southeastern Sully Marsh, this gives you the Marsh King Quest. You can complete this Quest immediately by killing Pujik because he is a usurper and a Cult collaborator. After the battle you can free the Green Orrery Planet and advance The Planets Above Quest. Enemies: 5 Ormyrrs, 6 Gargoyles, 2 Gargoyle Leaders, Pujik, 2 Ancient Zombies, 5 Shambling Ghasts, 2 Skeleton Lords, 2 Skeleton Knights. Notes: As soon as you arrive in Sullymarsh you are attacked by 3 Ormyrrs. They have high HP scores, but they are easy to hit and are vulnerable to Confusion and Fireball and so should be very easy to kill at your current level. This victory brought Emmeric to Level 9. If you need to heal up, there is a patch of Blueglow moss east of the battle. Take the axe they drop and go southwest and you will encounter and have to defeat 2 Gargoyles and a Gargoyle Leader (not much harder to beat than a Gargoyle). After the battle go south to a tree, then east and you will be welcomed by 2 Ormyrrs. Go east and you will meet their King Pujik and receive the Marsh King Quest, notice the Spawn Pool? Pujik is a usurper King working with the Cult, attack him immediately to gain an ambush round in your favor. Use the same tactics as before to destroy him, this completes the Marsh King Quest; this victory brought my Paladin, First Sorcerer and Cleric to Level 9, I gave the Sorcerer Darkness, Halt Undead and Confusion. The Cleric can now cast some better spells like Raise Dead, Spell Resistance (add to power-ups before important battles), and Flamestrike (roughly equivalent to Fireball but a slightly smaller area of effect). Take the items dropped by Pujik and climb the stairs north; free the Green Orrery Planet from its metal bonds to advance The Planets Above Quest. Head west and you encounter 2 thankful Ormyrrs; ask him to explain what happened, tell him you oppose the Cult, ask him what “dragon things” are, ask to trade now, tell Flem you’ve been in the dungeons, tell him you’ve been to City Heights (4 times), tell him you’ve been in the southern areas (5 times), tell him you are going to the Catacombs (6 times). Go west across a stone bridge, head southwest to a Spinning Spire and defeat 2 Ancient Zombies and 3 Shambling Ghasts. Go northwest to a bridge, cross it and you receive message about the history of the bridge. On the other side you must defeat 4 Gargoyles and a Gargoyle Leader, take the ring they drop. Go north from the bridge and defeat 2 Skeleton Lords, 2 Skeleton Knights and 2 Shambling Ghasts feeding on a dead Gargoyle. Take the gold they drop and notice the set of wooden doors to the Deep Halls, you can use these to return to the Deep Halls if you need to. For now, head back to where you defeated Pujik; after you cross the historic bridge you hear a lament for Hachaam Selorn by a shady tree. You can now trade with the Ormyrrs for some fairly standard items. Acquire: From aggressive Ormyrr Handaxe +3 hit/damage. From Pujik, Small Shield +2, Longspear +3. From second group of Gargoyles, Cerulean Ring +2 Wis. Go: Back and cross the historic bridge, follow the dirt path west to a transitional area between two stone walls; use it to reenter the Speculum Grounds. Go west to a set of steps, at the top of the steps go northeast and transition to Windrider Glade. Have Odelinde restore your party. EVENT 84: Clearing Windrider Glade, Defeating the Tusk Lord Quest Notes: Defeat the Tusk Lord and free the Red Orrery Planet he guards to advance The Planets Above Quest. Enemies: 12 Gargoyles 2 Gargoyle Leaders, 8 Margoyles, 2 Zombies, 2 Shambling Ghasts, 2 Skeleton Lords, Tusk Lord. Notes: Head west from the Spawn Pool fissure near Odelinde and you will come to a group of 2 Gargoyles and 2 Gargoyle Leaders. Wingless babies? Are we in the 3rd grade; is that supposed to be an insult? What the heck did we bother getting that Stone Mouth for? Kill these 4 and go downstairs; head southwest and defeat 2 Gargoyles and a Margoyle. Take the dagger they drop and head north, defeat 2 Gargoyles. Remember to go back to Odelinde if you need healing in this area. Go west and defeat 4 Gargoyles and 3 Zombies battling each other. Go northeast and you will find a door that leads down into the Halls of Light; once there, open the metal doors to allow free passage, then head back up to the surface. Go northeast from the Firemeet door and climb the wooden stairs you come across. Here you must defeat 3 Margoyles; at the top of the steps open the closed chest and you will be told that the Firemeet Banner has been pawed by greedy hands. Go back downstairs and you will have to defeat 2 more Margoyles, take the shield they drop. Go back to where you encountered the Gargoyle Leaders; at the top of the stairs head south and you will encounter and have to defeat 2 Shambling Ghasts and 2 Skeleton Lords. Follow the stone path west until you see 3 Gargoyles, approach them and finally the Stone Mouth comes in handy. When the Gargoyles speak, ask who the Great Ones are, ask who the Tusk-Lord is, ask if the Tusk-Lord obeys the Cult, and finally, say you are the Great Ones. Go and try to open the box they leave behind and the Tusk-Lord approaches; after rambling on for a while he begins the battle. Use standard tactics to defeat him, then take the Twisted Iron Key he possesses. Open the box to release the Red Orrery Planet and advance The Planet’s Above Quest. Go up the steps northwest then approach the raised drawbridge to the west, you are told that you have been found lacking, but don’t fret, we will approach it from the other side much later in the game. Go up the path northeast from this circular clearing, you will come across 2 Margoyles and 2 Gargoyles feasting on a stray Lizardfolk; defeat them and continue north. Soon you will find a blue marker, touch it to lower the drawbridge back to Stillwater, you can now travel between the two areas. Acquire: From second group, Jeweled Dagger +2 hit/damage. From 2 Margoyles at the bottom of the wooden steps, Ricimer’s Shield +1 AC, +3 hit. Go: Have Odelinde restore your party then go back to the Statue of Mythanthor in the Speculum Grounds area. EVENT 85: Clearing the Speculum Grounds, The Circle of Ualair Quest Notes: While searching the northern Speculum grounds you will find an amphitheatre with a spiral pattern on the ground before it. Approach the spiral pattern and the Wizard’s Torc opens the portal to the Catacombs; this completes the Stars Below Quest. Enemies: 3 Arraccat, 8 Orc Sergeants, 3 Orcs, Orc Warlock, 3 Margoyles, 4 Orc Sergeants, Orc Captain, Orc Shaman, 2 Orcs, 2 Orc Witch Doctors, 7 Gargoyles. Notes: Go west from the Statue of Mythanthor, then northwest from the leaning tree; here you must defeat 3 Arraccat. Search the chest they guarded and head southwest, soon you will encounter an army of 4 Orc Sergeants, 3 Orcs and an Orc Warlock; defeat them and go north up the steps. At the top, (head east and you can take a look at the Orrery), continue north and defeat the Margoyle feasting on a Lizardfolk, take the bow he drops and go back down the stairs. Head west. Eventually you will encounter an army of 4 Orc Sergeants, an Orc Captain, an Orc Shaman, 2 Orcs and an Orc Witch Doctor; defeat them and take the potion they drop. Go north and defeat 5 Gargoyles (this victory brought my Rogue to Level 10). Go west and enter an amphitheatre, there are 2 Margoyles and 2 Gargoyles here to be defeated; take the items they drop. Now approach the spiral pattern (the Circle of Ualair) just before the amphitheatre and the portal to the Catacombs opens, completing the Stars Below Quest. There is still more to do on the surface so head southeast of the portal until you encounter another Orc army made up of 4 Orc Sergeants and an Orc Witch Doctor. Defeat them and utilize the Blueglow moss nearby if necessary. Go west from the Blueglow moss until you reach a set of stairs. Go up the stairs and defeat 2 Margoyles, take their gold then follow the stone pathway west. Acquire: From Arraccat chest, Dagger +2 hit/damage, 2 Potions of Heal Level 20. Bow of Accuracy +5 Hit. From Orc army, Potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. From amphitheatre Gar/Margoyles, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Chill Touch Level 5, Potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. Go: You will make several turns and go up several flights of stairs but you will not be able to deviate from the stone path; at the end of it you can transition to the Nightingale Court. EVENT 86: Finding the Great Stone Head and the Knight’s Cache Enemies: 4 Lizardfolk Warriors, a Lizardfolk Healer and a Lizardfolk Taskmaster, 6 Gargoyles and 4 Margoyles, 3 Lizardfolk Taskmasters, 3 Lizardfolk Warlords, Lizardfolk Faith Healer, Lizardfolk Scavenger. Notes: Make the transition to the Nightingale Court and you will immediately be confronted by 3 Lizardfolk Warriors, a Lizardfolk Healer and a Lizardfolk Taskmaster. Brush them aside and continue west to the bottom of the pathway. Follow the faded brownstone path west until you encounter 3 Gargoyles and 2 Margoyles ganging up on a Lizardfolk Warrior; the warrior will not be grateful for this timely distraction so you will have to destroy them all. Go west and you will find a door that cannot be opened. Follow the stone path back east, then go north at the first intersection you come across. Head northwest at the wall and you will hear tapping sounds coming from the mouth of the Great Stone Head. Engage and destroy the group of 3 Lizardfolk Taskmasters, a Lizardfolk Warlord and 2 Gargoyles; take their gold. Approach the Great Stone Head and Right-Click on its mouth, select “Place Small Stone Head”; the Head gives you back a ring. This action completes the Hungry Idol Quest. Here you can exchange all the Idolons you have discovered and will discover; see the Idolon Location List (Where to find the Idolons) and the Idolon Exchange List (All the rings you can get for exchanging Idolons) for more information (both are in the Curiosities section of the Reference guide at the end of this document). If you need healing go north of the Head and you will find a patch of Blueglow moss. Go up the stairs heading west (just north of the Head) and at the top head south and destroy a group made up of a Gargoyle, 2 Margoyles, 2 Lizardfolk Warlords, a Lizardfolk Faith Healer and 2 Lizardfolk Scavengers. Now go back to the sturdy wooden doors at the top of the stairs and enter the Knight’s Cache. You will have to fight 5 Arraccat to take control of this area. After the battle, search through the reinforced chest. Acquire: From Knight’s Cache, Small Shield +1, Light Mace +3 hit/damage, Roderick’s Walking Stick, can fire 15 poisonous missiles. Go: The Knight’s Cache is a good place to sleep while clearing out the rest of the Nightingale Court. Rest and power up, then exit. EVENT 87: Malgi Hi Quest Notes: Find and defeat Malgi Hi in the eastern area of the Nightingale Court to complete the God of Fire and Stone Quest. Release the Orange Planet from the Lizardfolk Totem in the center of Malgi Hi’s camp to advance the Planets Above Quest Enemies: Lizardfolk Taskmaster, 7 Lizardfolk Warriors, 5 Lizardfolk Faith Healers, Lizardfolk Warlord, Lizardfolk Taskmaster, Malgi Hi, 4 Stone Lizardfolk. Notes: From the Knight’s Cache head up the walkway north and defeat a Lizardfolk Taskmaster, 2 Lizardfolk Warriors and 2 Lizardfolk Faith Healers. From this battle follow the pathway east until you encounter a group of 2 Lizardfolk Warriors, 2 Lizardfolk Faith Healers and a Lizardfolk Warlord; defeat them and take their gold, then continue east. Take the first flight of steps you find heading south, follow it and you will hear a threatening human voice. First you must defeat 3 Lizardfolk Warriors, a Lizardfolk Taskmaster and a Lizardfolk Faith Healer using established tactics; during the battle, try to move at least some of your people south to the entrance of the camp so that they will be ready for an upcoming ambush. Immediately following the battle Malgi Hi approaches from the camp to the south, 4 Stone Lizardfolk assist him. You top priority is getting rid of Malgi Hi as soon as possible, just get your melee fighters up close to him to prevent him casting spells (he has a high magic resistance so spells won’t be of much help). The Stone Lizardfolk are immune to magic so keep your magic users behind the lines using healing salves while your fighters take care of the battle. Victory in this battle completes the God of Fire and Stone Quest. Search the magic items dropped after the battle and go south into the camp; open the reinforced chests and you will find a ring and some gold. Right-Click on the Lizardfolk Totem and select “Release” to send the Orange Planet back to the Orrery and advance the Planets Above Quest. You can sleep in the camp before proceeding. Acquire: From Malgi Hi, Wand of Hold Person level 10, 2 charges; Potion of Healing Level 20, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Finger of Death level 20. From the reinforced chest, Ring of Relinquishment +4 hit/damage/AC, 80% Arcane Spell Failure, only Sorcerers can wear. Go: Head north from the camp and you will find a door that leads back to the Lizardfolk Tunnel, take a quick trip inside to confirm this and then exit to the surface again. EVENT 88: The Ear of the City Quest Notes: Find the Ear of the City in the center of the Nightingale court; approach and speak to it to complete the Whispering Wind Quest. Enemies: 3 Stone Lizardfolk, Lizardfolk Geomancer, Lizardfolk Taskmaster, 2 Lizardfolk Healers, 2 Lizardfolk Scavengers, 6 Lizardfolk Warriors. Notes: From the door to the tunnel follow the faded brownstone path southwest then head northwest into the stone ruins when you find them. Pass through several rooms and you will encounter 3 Stone Lizardfolk and a Lizardfolk Geomancer. Get close to the Geomancer and take him out first, then used established tactics to defeat the Stone Lizardfolk. Head southwest and you will encounter and have to defeat a Lizardfolk Taskmaster, 2 Lizardfolk Healers, a 2 Lizardfolk Scavengers and 2 Lizardfolk Warriors. After the battle you will be spoken to by the column in the middle of the circular clearing. This is the Ear of the City and finding it completes the Whispering Wind Quest. Ask what the column is, say you are not citizens of the city, ask what treasures it knows about, ask about a necklace or ring, ask about a wand or scroll, ask about a weapon or armor, ask to hear both stanzas at once. (When you want more information about treasure, return and speak to the Ear at any time). Take the potion dropped by the Lizardfolk and head southwest; defeat 4 Lizardfolk Warriors gathered around a Gargoyle carcass, take the special dagger they drop. Acquire: From Lizardfolk guarding the Ear, potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. From 4 warriors, Obsidian Edge +3 hit/damage, Spell Resistance +7 (Gave to Jarial, the spell resistance of all my party members is now from 5-10). Go: Back to the Knight’s Cache and sleep, then exit and go to the Blueglow moss, power-up. EVENT 89: The Shrine of Mystra Quest Notes: Defeating the 3 Dark Naga who have taken over the Shrine of Mystra in this area and destroying their totem completes the Memory’s Whiplash Quest and gives you The Faithful of Mystra Quest (find a token of a worshipper of Mystra and return it to the shrine). Return to Beriand and Faeril and tell them about the voice at the Shrine; Faeril can now come with you or you can just ask for the Medallion of Mystra. Repeatedly speak to them about the Catacombs to receive the Ammath Wizard Quest. Take the Medallion back to the Shrine and use it on the altar to complete the Faithful of Mystra Quest. Speak to Anorrweyn to receive the Dragonjaw Quest and The Bones of Time Quest. Enemies: Gorgat, Skerndli, Kog, (the three Dark Naga); 4 Lizardfolk Warriors, 2 Lizardfolk Taskmasters, Lizardfolk Healer, Lizardfolk Faith Healer, Lizardfolk Geomancer. Notes: Go northeast from the Blueglow moss until you see a Dark Naga in the distance, have a mage get closer to the Dark Naga and cast Minor Globe of Invulnerability, then have your party get into the globe. From a distance attack the Dark Naga and a conversation begins, ask who Kog is, ask about the woman Kog silenced, shout the name of Mystra and the battle begins. The Globe will protect your party from the Lightning attacks of the Naga, but you might still be slain by the poison attack; use Raise Dead to bring back party members killed in this manner. Use Fireballs and Flamestrikes to take out the Dark Naga; using this strategy the battle will be very easy. After the battle destroy the blockhead Naga’s Totem and the Spawn Pool retreats. This action brought Jarial to level 10, and I was very happy to give him Cone of Cold. Destroying the Totem completes the Memory’s Whiplash Quest and gives you the Faithful of Mystra Quest. Claim the items that were in the chest near the totem. As you try to leave you hear Anorrweyn’s voice calling out for a worshipper of Mystra; now where have we met some of those? Enter the Lizardfolk Tunnel through the door north of Malgi Hi’s camp and head for the door in the Tunnel that leads back to Stillwater (refer to Event 40 for details on navigating the Tunnel). Along the way you must defeat 3 Lizardfolk Warriors, a Lizardfolk Taskmaster and a Lizardfolk Healer. Back in Stillwater go to the tree house and speak with Beriand and Faeril. By telling them what you have done you can gain some interesting background information about the game; tell about meeting Harldain, tell about your talk with Preybelish, say you destroyed Malgi Hi, ask about the Mythal, tell them about finding the Thirsty Ground, tell how the Ormyrr King opposed you, tell about fighting gargoyles, say you found the gargoyle Stone Mouth, tell about meeting Plinshree, tell about the dark naga trio you killed, ask to hear their news, tell about the woman crying for Mystra, ask to hear more about Beriand’s vision. You may at this point decide to take Faeril (Level 9 Cleric, Level 5 Fighter) into your party or you can take only the Medallion of Mystra. Keep in mind that Faeril will never be as good a Cleric as the one you already have in your party in time for the final confrontation of the game, her wisdom is a little low and she has a very high experience level that will make it hard to max out her Cleric Levels. Keep in mind that the party member you leave behind will not be there later to rejoin you. Note that taking Faeril with you will disturb the plot a bit. Warnings aside, if you want a good fighter, bring her along. I DID NOT bring her with my party, I took only the medallion, and the rest of the walkthrough will reflect that fact. Now speak to them again and ask for tales about city buildings 5 times, ask for tales of the catacombs 5 times and you will receive the Ammath Wizard Quest. As you exit the tree house you are confronted by Orogs and Lizardfolk, tell them you don’t have “it”, say you will give it to the lizardmen, say you’re sure the lizard-men have it, this initiates combat with a Lizardfolk Faith Healer, a Lizardfolk Taskmaster, a Lizardfolk Warrior and a Lizardfolk Geomancer (can cast Searing Light). Help the Orogs defeat the Lizardfolk and take the Deathspike they drop (it is a wonderful weapon, equip it immediately). Trade with Nottle if you like, then go back through the Lizardfolk Tunnel to the Nightingale Court. Approach the Altar of Mystra in Shrine of Mystra, where the blockhead totem stood, right click on it and select “Place Glittering Stone”, this completes The Faithful of Mystra Quest. Anorrweyn arises and you can speak with her, Tell her about Beriand’s vision of Mystra, ask who Miroden is and where he can be found, (she teaches you the Word of Necessity), ask how you can ground her in this time, ask about Myth Drannor before the fall. This conversation gives you the Dragonjaw Quest to find the Baelnorn, Miroden Silverblade, and The Bones of Time Quest to retrieve the skull of Anorrweyn from the Catacombs. Acquire: From chest near Naga’s Totem, Idolon, Leather Armor +2 AC, Sling +3 hit/damage (kept for Cleric though the concept of using slings this late in the game is laughable). From Faeril, Medallion of Mystra. From Lizardfolk/Orog battle Deathspike, triple damage, +2 hit, quintuple damage on critical hits (Gave to Paladin; this is a fantastic weapon). Go: Back to the Circle of Ualair in the amphitheatre in the northwestern Speculum Grounds. Go through the portal opened by the Wizard’s Torc to enter the First Cellar of the Catacombs. Event 90: Anti-Cult Orogs (FIRST CELLAR MAP) Enemies: 2 Master Wraiths, Mohrg, 2 Margoyles, Lich Notes: From this point set your Rogue as leader of the party so she can automatically detect and defeat traps on the doors and chests you encounter (all of which she will be able to defeat unlike before where caution was advised). When you arrive in the Catacombs, exit the round room through the southwest gate and head clockwise around the outside of the room to a small log. Head northeast under a row of arches and you will come to a wall with a metal door. Enter this room and head for the stairs; as you approach them you will be attacked by 2 Master Wraiths. Halt them and destroy them (remember to use power attacks against Confused or Halted opponents to speed up battle), then go upstairs to open the exit to the Speculum Grounds. Now go back into the dungeon and exit to the front door of the round room. Go down the hall southeast to a hall heading south. Take that hall to a hall going southwest; follow it to an intersection and go northwest to an open wooden door on a southern wall. Go through the room southeast and open a set of metal doors, then go through the doors southwest. In this room you must defeat a Mohrg, a strong undead creature. Halt it and destroy it, then search its coffin. Rest and then exit to the hall, go northwest to a pyre of burning bodies. Go through the eastern door and defeat 2 Margoyles; take the gems and the potion they drop. The door northwest needs the Greenish Copper Key (you can only get this by killing the Orogs in this area even though they are not hostile to you; the round well beyond the door provides what looks like 2 Restoration charges; I did not do this). Exit to the hall, go north from the pyre and enter the wooden door. The Orogs here mutter but do not threaten you. Very carefully (do not attack the Orogs by mistake) smash the ornate wooden box on the table in this room until you receive a message that you have destroyed “the lich’s phylactery”. Now an explanation: Scattered throughout the catacombs are Lich creatures of devastating power. Destroying them once is never enough, they will just keep returning to the same location. The life force of each Lich you encounter is kept in an ornate box somewhere nearby the site of the encounter. As you travel through the catacombs check out any wooden box of this size to see if it is a phylactery; try to destroy its box before or soon after encountering the Lich or the beast will regenerate in the same location it once was. This action brought Emmeric to Level 10. Smash the barrels and enter the room southwest. Plunder the two chests here and take the Old Elven Key; go southwest and plunder the items on the table (read information about the First Cellar on the map) and in the next two chests. Exit back to the Pyre, head southeast to the intersection then go northeast to the end of the hall and search a brown brick area to discover a secret door. Stand to the west of the door and open it, then have one character with high spell resistance step through slightly to trigger a battle with a Lich. Keep everyone in back until the Lich has finished his ambush and first attack rounds, then have your melee fighters surge into the room and get close to the Lich to interrupt his spells and hack him to pieces. After the battle you can get a potion from the chest in this room and a couple of weapons off the floor. Because you have destroyed its phylactery, this Lich will never return. Acquire: From Mohrg coffin, Staff of Flame, +4 hit/damage, can cast 4 level 15 Flamestrike spells; high quality gems. 2 Margoyles, potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10; high quality gems. From Orog chests, Old Elven Key, Greatsword +2 hit/damage, Ring of +1 Strength (gave to Jarial to help him carry his armor), potion of Cure Moderate Wounds level 10, Salve of Cure Serious Wounds level 10, Battleaxe +1 hit/damage, Large Shield +2 AC. From Orog table, Orog map of First Cellar, Greataxe +2 hit/damage. From Lich’s room, Potion of Heal Level 20, Large Shield +4 AC, Greataxe +2 hit/damage. Go: Back to the doorway of the round room. EVENT 91: Bergos and the Freth Drow Quest Notes: Meeting Bergos and her Freth Drow army in the southern First Cellar gives you the Over the Underdark Quest, warning you that you are trespassing in Freth Drow territory. Enemies: Bergos, 8 Freth Drow Commandos, Freth Drow High Priest, 2 Guard Arraccats, 4 Wights, Master Wight, 3 Skeleton Knights, Wraith, Lich. Notes: From the round room entrance, go west and pass through a wooden door; search the contents of the square well. Exit through the northwest open door and head west to a log, stop here and cast Globe of Invulnerability, have everyone get in then move one character slightly west, but keeping within the globe, to trigger an encounter with Freth Drow. When the conversation begins, attack the Drow outright to get an ambush round. Bergos’ Drow army consists of 8 Freth Drow Commandos, a Freth Drow High Priest, and 2 Guard Arraccats. Cast Dispel Magic on the Darkness (I had Jarial use a Dispel Scroll), then Confusion, then Flamestrike and Fireball repeatedly into the enemy ranks and at Bergos. Keep your people in the globe for the first couple of rounds (you can use lay on hands to heal someone injured in the globe once). When you see that the most of Drow are weakened or paralyzed, send in your melee fighters to finish off the enemy. This battle brought my Paladin to Level 10. Take the Silver Spider Key from Bergos and any other items you like. Go west from the scene of the battle, then go down the next hall southwest. At the wall go west, then northwest to a set of metal doors, go through and rest in this room. Exit and head south until you spot metal doors on a southwest wall, go through and continue southwest to a pile of stones. Go northwest until you reach ruins where you will have to defeat 4 Wights and a Master Wight. The Wights can be held by Turn Undead; use Halt undead on the Master Wight and then use standard tactics to defeat this group. The two round wells in this area contain gold and a necklace. Head west from the necklace giving round well and enter the wooden door on the northern wall. Go west into the adjoining room and you will have to defeat 3 Skeleton Knights (destroy with Turn Undead). You will find a potion on the shelf in this room. Rest, then search the brown brick patch on the northern wall to uncover a secret door. Stand out of the line of sight and open the door to reveal a Wraith and a Lich. Use established tactics to defeat them (get a couple melee fighters close to keep it from casting spells; note: dispel magic will not clear the confusion spell this Lich casts, you will have to wait for it to clear on its own and fight on with those who could resist it). After the battle go through the door to the east of the Lich and destroy its phylactery in the northern corner. This action brought my Cleric and first Sorcerer to Level 10 (I gave latter Cone of Cold). You will find some useful magic items on the table, a old scroll in the east cabinet, a spider-climbing potion in the west cabinet and 2 mislabeled potions on the shelf. Throughout the Cellars you will find strange and unique magical items with unknown properties, experiment with them to discover their function, or read what the result of my experiments were in the “Acquire” section of the Event where the items are found. Acquire: From square well, Ring of Stamina +1 Fortitude saving throws; Wand of Stinking Cloud Level 10, 3 charges. From Bergos, Silver Spider Key, Drow Chainmail +5 AC, Drow Shortsword +1 hit/damage, Salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 10. From round well, Necklace of Confidence +3 Will saving throws. First shelf, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 15. From table, potion of Restoration Level 10; Aasirak’s Book of Dancing Dead, can cast 7 Level 20 Control Undead Spells, +1 damage and +4 AC vs. undead, only Clerics, Monks and Sorcerers can use (I had my Cleric keep this in her inventory for the bonuses it offers). From Lich’s shelf 2 Mislabeled bottles of Dark Naga Venom (casts Poison on user). From Lich’s cabinets, Potion of Spider Climbing Revision IV (casts Haste on user), Barely Legible Scroll of Enchant Item (Dispels Magic). Go: Rest and exit back to the main hall. Head south to a room with two open doors. Event 92: The Margoyle Queen; Entering the Silver Spider Doors Enemies: 10 Margoyles, Margoyle Queen, 4 Freth Drow Commandos, 2 Freth Drow Assassins, 2 Freth Drow Warriors and a Freth Drow Priest. Notes: As you enter the room with two open doors you will be surrounded and ambushed by 3 Margoyles. Defeat them and exit through the southwest door, head south to the wall and the east to an open wooden door in a narrow corner. Go through the door and you will have to defeat 5 Margoyle in a room filled with stone partitions. In this relatively open room, without ambushes, tight spaces or the need to hide from enemy spells I finally got around to using Cone of Cold; it is a great spell with a very wide area of effect, try it out. Defeat the Margoyles and go through the open wooden door in the northern area of the partition room. Here you must defeat 2 Margoyles and the Margoyle Queen (only slightly tougher than a normal Margoyle, more likely to resist some spells). Take the worthless items they guarded and exit back to the 2 open doors room. Go through the northeast door, head north to the intersection, then east to the ruins. From the center of the ruins go southeast to a set of metal doors (power up) and open them with the Silver Spider Key. Go to the northern corner of this room and have your party gather behind the nearby pillar (magic users further back behind melee fighters). Now send your Rogue southeast to the third pillar and an ambush will be triggered; 4 Freth Drow Commandos and 2 Freth Drow Assassins. Using this strategy most of your party will be concealed from bow attacks during the ambush and 2 of the Freth Drow will not be able to use their bows. As soon as you get a chance use Confusion to reduce the number of enemies you are fighting (the Assassins will most likely Save so don’t waste your Spells on them, just get your best melee fighters close to them to stop them firing; they are very tough to beat and can easily kill your characters so keep your Cleric back to heal the wounded and raise the dead when necessary; try using Searing Light on a Drow if your party doesn’t need healing during a round). After the battle go southeast and open the wooden door, this triggers a confrontation with 2 Freth Drow Warriors and a Freth Drow Priest (these Freth Drow are no where near as tough as what you have had to deal with so far). Try standing in front of the southeast door inside the room you just opened to keep the priest out of the battle until you are ready for him, then just get your melee fighters close to him to keep him from casting. After the battle take the staff dropped by the priest and read the Cult map of Second Cellar on the table. There is a scroll on the shelf nearby and you find 2 healing items on the bookcase in the room you just passed through. Enter the room northeast and take the dagger on the floor. Acquire: From Margoyle Queen’s treasure, potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10; high quality gems, Salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 10, Sling +4 hit/damage (kept for first Sorcerer). From priest, Staff of Darkness +1 hit/damage, can cast 6 Level 5 Darkness Spells. From table near priest Cult Map of Second Cellar. From shelf near priest, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Burning Hands Level 5. From bookcase potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20, Salve of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 20. From Floor, Drow Dagger +3 hit/damage. Go: Save and sleep here; this area is not entirely safe and so the sleep icon is yellow. If you encounter anyone just load the game. Event 93: Freth Drow Spider Temple Enemies: 14 Freth Drow Warriors, 3 Freth Drow Commander, 2 Arraccat, Freth Drow High Priest, Freth Drow Inquisitor. Notes: Go through the northwest door and you will encounter 4 Freth Drow Warriors and a Freth Drow Commander. Use established tactics (especially Confusion) to finish them off. After the battle, take the arrows they drop; open the cabinet to get 2 healing items; read the Drow map of the First Cellar on the table and take the scroll you find with it; search through the contents of two chests. Heal up and go through the northern door; you enter a Grand Hall, pungent with incense. Go east to set off a wide ranging battle with 4 Freth Drow Warriors, 2 Arraccat, a Freth Drow High Priest and a Freth Drow Inquisitor. Use Confusion on the warriors and Arraccat, get you melee fighters close to the enemy magic users to stop them from casting, and defeat them all. Take the powerful scrolls dropped by the High Priest, take the potions from the tables; touch the spider statue to open the altar and take the Drow holy items inside; the Drow Spinnan is a artifact of incredible properties, you should definitely take it with you. Have your characters heal up then go southeast from the spider statue until you find a set of metal doors. Stay out of the line of sight and open the door; here you will have to defeat 6 Freth Drow Warriors and 2 Freth Drow Commanders using established tactics. Take the healing items from the shelf in the first room; search the three chests spread out over two rooms; read the Cult map of the Second Cellar on the table, there is a Drow Map on the bookcase; search the shelf in this room to find another potion. Acquire: From 4 warriors, Drow Quiver of Arrows. From cabinet, salve of Cure Moderate Wounds level 20 and potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. From first table, Drow Map of the First Cellar, Cleric’s Scroll of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. Warrior’s two chests, Drow Chainmail +5 AC, Drow Shortsword +2 hit/damage. From the High Priest, Cleric Scroll of Destruction Level 20, Cleric Scroll of Fire Storm Level 20. From High Priests tables, potion of Heal Level 20, potion of Mage Armor level 5. From altar, Drow Ceremonial Dagger, can cast 3 Level 20 Hold Person Spells; Drow Spinnan Trisagion, Spell Resistance +14, Will saving throws +3, initiative +3, can cast Restoration Level 15 (Have your Cleric keep this in her inventory to gain its benefits). From first shelf, salve of Heal Level 20, potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. From the three chests, Wand of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20, 4 charges; Drow Assassin’s Dagger; Amulet of Perfect Health, -4 Con, can cast 4 Level 20 Heal spells. From second table, Cult map of Second Cellar. From bookcase Drow Map of First Cellar. From second shelf, Potion of Remove Fear Level 5. Go: Have your characters get some sleep and power-up in the second room, then exit through the southern metal doors. Go east until you see another set of metal doors on the northern side of the hall. EVENT 94: Greyanna Quest Notes: You will find the skull of Anorrweyn Evensong in the possession of the pet Arraccat of the Freth Drow leader Greyanna in the southeastern First Cellar. Defeat Greyanna and her followers to reclaim the skull. This advances the Bones of Time Quest and completes the Over the Underdark Quest. Enemies: 2 Freth Drow Warriors, 4 Arraccats, 4 Freth Drow Priests, 2 Freth Drow High Priests, Freth Drow Commander, 9 Freth Drow Guards, 5 Guard Arraccats, Freth Drow Guard Master, Greyanna, Foluben, Kalanar. Notes: Stand out of the line of sight and open the metal doors, you will encounter 2 Freth Drow Warriors battling 4 Arraccats and a Guard Arraccat. Wait until the warriors are surrounded, then begin your assault and destroy all of them. Continue down the eastern hall to a wooden door. Stay out of the line of sight and open it. Here you must defeat 4 Freth Drow Priests, a Freth Drow High Priest and a Freth Drow Commander. Blast them with magic in the first round, then have your melee fighters storm the room and get close to the enemy to keep them from casting. After the battle search the shelf and open the chests. Rest; exit and continue east to a wooden door and open it head on; defeat 4 Freth Guards (good fighters but susceptible to Confusion), 2 Guard Arraccat (can Confuse), a Freth Drow High Priest and a Freth Drow Guard Master (both have greater resistance to Confusion so get close to them quickly; the Guard Master is a really good fighter with a monstrously high AC so you will just have to put off killing him to the very end unless you get a lucky strike in; the High Priest will cast Flame Strike if you don’t get close enough to stop him). This victory brought my Rogue to Level 11. You will find a potion on the bookcase; sleep in this room before going on. Exit this room and head southeast; head south at the external corner of a room, then bear east to a set of metal doors. POWER-UP. Beyond this door, the Freth Drow leader Greyanna waits with a contingent of troops; attack her immediately before she gets a chance to surround you. The rest of Greyanna’s party is made up of Foluben, (a tough Drow Fighter), Kalanar (a powerful Arraccat), 2 Guard Arraccats, and 5 Freth Drow Guards. This battle is very difficult and it will probably take you several attempts to get through it with all you characters alive. Here is how I did it: Keep your party out of sight, tucked away in the northwest corner of the hall when you open the door. Wait through the ambush round and the first round of normal combat without moving; this gets all of the enemy to gather in Greyanna’s room. During the first round of normal combat cast Confusion diagonally into the room without moving. In the second round of normal combat move and cast Confusion directly into the room, you should be able to Confuse everyone but Greyanna and Foluben. Now have your fighters gang up on and murder Foluben, then turn on Greyanna; during this time have your magic users cast their offensive spells at the confused masses. You will probably have to heal and raise the dead several times during this battle so keep your Cleric safe. Alternatively, I have also had success storming the room in the ambush round and casting Confusion in the first round; but this depends on blocking the Arraccat from entering from the northwestern room and successfully confusing the northeast Freth Drow Guards before they get too many shots in. After the battle you are told that the Arraccat’s food bowl is the skull of Anorrweyn Evensong; take it with you. After battle, you can claim a sword and some armor dropped by Greyanna. Empty the contents of three chests and a bookcase in Greyanna’s room then enter the room southeast. The chest and bookcase in this room both contain items, take them and exit through the northeast door. In the hall you will find two chests contain magic items; head northwest and you will find three chests, a bookcase and a shelf plunder them and go through the door south. The bookcase in this room contains two healing potions and the chest contains a dagger. Acquire: From priest’s room chest, Drow Boots of Displacement +5 movement, can cast 5 Level 10 Displacement Spells. From Guard Master’s bookcase, Potion of Globe of Invulnerability Level 15. From Greyanna’s room, Drow Shortsword +5 hit/damage; Drow Chainmail +5 AC; Ring of Precision +1 Dex/Hit (Gave to Emmeric); Necklace of Magic Resistance +5 Spell Resistance, can cast 2 Level 10 Spell Resistance Spells; Drow Lamp of Darkness, can cast 1 Level 5 Darkness Spell; Sorcerer’s Scroll of Domination Level 5. From room southeast of Greyanna’s room, Drow Shortsword +4 hit/damage; 2 potions of Neutralize Poison Level 10. From the 2 hall chests, Wand of Command Level 10, 4 charges; 3 potions of Sleep Level 5. From the northwestern hall chests, Idolon; The Great Knife of Shyde, +4 hit/damage, -2 Dex, +2 Str, +1 Will saving throws, can cast 4 Level 5 Searing Light Spells; Drow Chainmail +5 AC, Drow Shortbow +3 hit/damage. From northwestern hall bookcase Salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 10, Potion of Heal Level 20. From northwestern hall shelf Cleric Scroll of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20. From room northwest of Greyanna’s room, Drow Dagger +2 hit/damage; potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10 and salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20. Go: Once you have plundered what you like, rest. EVENT 95: Returning Anorrweyn’s Skull; Exploring the Eastern First Cellar Quest Notes: Before proceeding through the First Cellar, return the skull of Anorrweyn Evensong to her coffin to complete the Bones of Time Quest. Enemies: 3 Drow Scouts, 4 Margoyles, 19 Zombies, Zombie Lord, 6 Wights, 3 Soulless Orog, 4 Orog Marauder Brutes, Orog Marauder Boss, Orog Marauder Big Boss. Notes: Head for the exit to the amphitheatre on the Speculum Grounds. Along the way you will confront 3 Drow Scouts; they are weaker and have lower morale than Drow Warriors; defeat them and continue; exit to the surface. Head back to the Shrine of Mystra, you will have to defeat 4 Margoyles along the way. At the Shrine Right-Click on the coffin and select “Place Fragile Bone Head”, this completes the Bones of Time Quest. You can ask her two Questions, then you must go. Completing this Quest brought Jarial to Level 11, I gave him Ghoul Touch, Haste, Charm Monster and Cloudkill. Return to the catacombs via the amphitheatre door. Exit through the southwest door, go northwest to the wall and then head northeast through a set of metal doors until you reach another wall. Go northwest until you see a set of metal doors, pass through them; head north into the ruins. Here you must defeat 11 Zombies (destroyed with Turn Undead) and a Zombie Lord (stop with Turn Undead and attack). Take the wand the Zombie Lord drops and go northeast; defeat 4 Zombies and take the gold on the table. Head west to the metal doors and use the Old Elven Key to open them. Go north into the ruins and you will encounter an army of 4 Zombies and 6 Wights, all can be destroyed with Turn Undead (that Aasirak’s Book of Dancing Dead really helps). Head north and you will find a quiet staircase to the Second Cellar; mark it on your map and go into the room southwest. In this room you find a cult member killed by crushing blows, plunder the two treasure icons to get a note and some common weapons. Open the chests to get some gold, a club and the Rusty Elven Key. Go through the northwest door and head northeast until you pass through an open metal gate. In this room are 2 fountains, one that casts Shield of Faith (1 charge) and one that casts Restore (1 charge); and there are 2 basins, one that casts Heal (3 charges) and one that casts Protection from Evil (3 charges). Exit this room and go west; you will enter a battle between a Cult Archmage and 2 Soulless Orogs vs. 4 Orog Marauder Brutes, an Orog Marauder Boss and an Orog Marauder Big Boss (Marauders have high AC scores and require a combination of offensive magic {Cone of Cold works really well against them} and heavy frontline battling to bring down). This is a very strange battle of mixed loyalties. I tried the outcome several ways and found that my characters got twice the experience for this battle if the Cult Archmage survives. To do this you must keep him out of any melee battle. (It make take a couple of tries to get this right, so if you don’t want to waste the time, just kill everybody). Here is how to save the Cult Archmage: Use Confusion on the Orogs in the first room and block the two doors with one of your characters apiece (I put the Paladin by the northwest door and the Rogue by the northeast door). Once the first room Orogs are paralyzed have your Sorcerer’s use offensive spells to obliterate everyone in the second room, while your remaining melee fighters destroy the paralyzed Orogs. Never let the Archmage leave the first room and after every other enemy is dead he will disappear and the battle will be over. This victory brought Emmeric to Level 11. Go northwest and take the ring off the well of fire in the second room, you will be slightly burned in the process. Go northwest into the third room and help the Orog Marauder defeat the Soulless Orog; the Marauder disappears after the battle. Clear out the chests in this room. Acquire: From Zombie Lord, Wand of Slay Living Level 10, 3 charges. From treasure bags in dead Cult member room, Unfinished Note, Small Shield, 2 Longsword, Dagger. From chests in same room Club, Rusty Elven Key. From well of fire, Ring of Teeth, can cast 5 Inflict Serious Wounds Level 10. From chests in room northwest of well of fire, Boots of Stalking, +10 movement, can cast 3 Level 10 Invisibility Spells; Battleaxe; 2 Daggers; Ring of Dodging +2 AC, +5 Movement, +1 Dex/Reflex saving throws; Shortbow; Shortsword; moderate quality gems; potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10; Salve of Serious Healing Level 10. Go: (Note: There are few places to rest in the First Cellar, you may have to go back quite a distance before you find a suitable spot. I just kept healing my characters with the potions I found along the way and then I would press on. Sometimes you may need to risk sleeping in yellow areas to restore you party). Head back to the quiet staircase you found earlier in this Event. EVENT 96: Finding Tudo; Defeating the Cult in the Northern First Cellar Quest Notes: In the northeastern First Cellar you will find Tudo, a Level 12 Rogue, arguing with Nottle. Speak to them and you can take Tudo into your party if you wish. Enemies: 5 Cult Mages, 10 Soulless Orog, 8 Cult Soldiers, 2 Cult Archmages, 6 Cult Soldier Elites, 5 Soulless Orogs, 3 Cult Lieutenants, 2 Ghasts, 5 Ghouls. Notes: Head south from the staircase to a wall and head west to a series of pillars. Go northwest past the pillars and you will see a set of heavy wooden doors. Open the doors and go north and you will find Nottle speaking with the next NPC you can recruit, Tudo, a Level 12 Rogue. Let them continue their argument; tell him you were just passing by; hint that maybe Tudo could join you. At this point you must decide; I DID NOT bring him along because my Rogue had 30 more HP and 3 more Dexterity than Tudo did; if you change your mind you can always find him later at Nottle’s wagon. Go northwest and defeat a Cult Mage and 4 Soulless Orog (can be stopped with Turn Undead). Go through the wooden door on the northeast wall; there are various worthless items spread out on the table, shelf, and 2 reinforced chests in this room, search them. Search the northwest wall’s dark brick area and you will find a secret door; search the contents of two shelves and three reinforced chests, then exit to the hall. Go west to a bench, then go southwest until you arrive at an intersection, Take the southeast hall and pick the lock on the iron gate in the middle of the hall (may take a few tries). When you open the cell door in this room an ambush is triggered; you must defeat 6 Cult Soldiers, a Cult Lieutenant and a Cult Archmage. I closed the door to the hall when I saw the ambush coming, then I kept closing the door whenever they tried to open it until my magic users were ready. Then I let the door stay open and I flooded the hall with offensive magic while my melee fighters blocked the door. After the battle go southeast down the hall to the second open wooden door; spread out over three rooms are 2 Ghasts and 5 Ghouls, defeat them and go back northwest. At the row of pillars go west and open the metal doors. In this room are 3 Kegs of Elven alcohol that cast 1 charge apiece of three beneficial spells, Nectar=Restoration, Mead=Bull’s Strength and Wine=Heal. Go back to the intersection before the iron gate hall, then go west and open the wooden door; in this room you must defeat a Cult Mage and 2 Soulless Orog. Now return to the scene of the battle near where you met Nottle and go north into a short hall. Enter the wooden door on the southwest wall of the hall you enter. Here you must defeat a Cult Mage and 2 Soulless Orog; after the battle head through the door and go northwest through the room filled with wrecked furniture, you will hear a message about Zombie duty. When you reach the wall follow the next stone partition hallway southeast to a confrontation with 2 Soulless Orog, a Cult Mage and 2 Cult Soldiers. Defeat them and go south from the well through a gap in the stone partition wall, then head northwest to the end of the hall, then north into the next hall. Open the wooden door on the southwest side of the alcove at the end of the hall and search the wooden chest in this room to get a ring, a Rusty Key and a Bronze Key. Risk resting in this room, load if you get an encounter, then exit through the southwest door. You will now encounter a massive Cult army made up of a Cult Archmage, 6 Cult Soldier Elites (a couple have bows), 3 Soulless Orogs and 2 Cult Lieutenants. I found Confusion and Cone of Cold very helpful for this battle. This battle brought my Paladin (can now get in 3 hits per round like the Fighter), Cleric and First Sorcerer to level 11, I gave her Web, Invisibility Sphere, Fear, and Dominate Person. The 11th Level Cleric now has Heal (completely restores health to one target) and Harm (I don’t like using proximity spells). After the battle enter the wooden door on the wall north of the battle and defeat a Cult Mage and 2 Soulless Orogs. In this room you will find a duplicate set of the items in the wooden chest. Use the Bronze Key to open the eastern door; take the gems off the table, search the cabinet and the reinforced chest. Acquire: From 2 reinforced chests room, Small Shield +1 AC, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Bull’s Strength Level 5, a Note, Dagger +1 hit/damage, Dagger +3 hit/damage. From secret room’s containers, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Light Level 5; Cleric’s Scroll of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20; potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20; salve of Cure Serious Wounds level 20; Crypt Cleanser Light Mace, +4 AC/hit/damage vs. Undead, can Cast Control Undead Level 20; high quality gems. From wooden chest, Rusty Key, Bronze Key, Ring of Defense +2 AC, find duplicates on Cult Mage). From Bronze Key room, moderate quality gems, potion of Neutralize Poison Level 10, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Halt Undead Level 15. Go: You can sleep safely in this room. Afterward exit and go back east to the open wooden door, then go south to a closed wooden door. Event 97: Tomb of Six Adventurers; Exploring the Northwestern First Cellar Enemies: 2 Cult Mages, 4 Soulless Orogs, 6 Wraiths, 5 Cult Soldiers, Cult Quartermaster, 5 Mohrg Notes: Go through the wooden doors and defeat a Cult Mage and 2 Soulless Orogs. Pass through this room and exit southeast, then go southwest to a wall and then northwest through a set of pillars. Pass through the open door flanked by two pillars and you receive a message “Here lie loyal comrades. Disturb their slumber at thy peril.” Ok. In this room are six coffins with special items in them; take the items if you wish but you will have to defeat 6 Wraiths when you exit, (can Turn and Halt). Exit to the hall you were in before you battled the Cult Mage. Go through the metal doors and you will have to defeat 5 Cult Soldiers and a Cult Quartermaster (take him out first because he is tougher). Open the three wooden chests in the northwestern room and take what you like, open the three wooden chests in the southeastern room and take what you like. Through the northeastern metal doors is a staircase to the Second Cellar, let’s avoid that for now. Exit to the hall and head southeast; go through the wooden door and you will find a chest that needs the Old Iron Key. Go through the western door and defeat a Cult Mage, take the Old Iron Key from the table, then take the items the Cult Mage drops and search the reinforced chest. Go back and open the chest needing the Old Iron Key to get some high quality gems. Exit through the southern door of the Cult Mage’s room and defeat 2 Soulless Orog; take the Brass Key they drop. Head southeast to an iron gate and use the Brass Key to open it. Head southwest to a patch of dark bricks on the northwest wall, search the patch to find a hidden door, go through and take the treasure in the secret room. Head southeast and open the iron gate to a room with a round well and 5 Mohrg; you must use Halt Undead to get at least some of them out of the battle (Turn Undead won’t work) because they can paralyze your party members and can do a lot of damage during melee combat. After you defeat them rest and then exit to the hall; go southeast to the intersection, then southwest into a wide, open hall. Go through the wooden door on the southwestern wall; head through the gate and grab the necklace by the corpse; afterward you must defeat a Master Wraith. Acquire: Adventurer’s coffins, Scimitar of Slaying, +2 Str, +3 hit/damage; Hammer of Justice +1 hit/damage, +3 hit/damage and double damage vs. Undead; Shield of Purity, +2 AC, +1 saving throws; Armor of Shadows, +3 AC, +2 Initiative, +12 Spell Resistance, +2 AC; Bloodbow +4 hit/damage, can cast 3 Level 10 Slay Living Spells; Ring of the Protected, +3 saving throws, +1 AC. First three wooden chests, low quality gems, note, Elven Royal Necklace. Second three wooden chests, Dagger +2 hit/damage, Cult Map of First Cellar. Cult Mage’s room, Old Iron Key; Shield of Purity +2 AC, All saving throws +1; Staff of Halt Undead, can cast 3 Level 20 Halt Undead Spells, salve of Remove Paralysis Level 20; Idolon, 2 potions of Remove Fear Level 5. Old Iron Key chest, high quality gems. From Soulless Orogs, Brass Key. From Secret Room, Leather Armor +2 AC, Shortbow, Arrow of Dire Flatulence, +3 hit, casts Stinking Cloud Level 10, From corpse, Necklace of Prayer Beads, can cast 5 Level 10 Prayer Spells. Go: Exit and head northeast to a wooden door; enter the room beyond and cross to the wooden door on the far side of the room. Exit and go southeast to an intersection, south through a narrow hall and southeast to a set of metal doors, you can rest in this room. Exit and go east to the corner of a wall and south to a hall running southwest; follow the southwest hall and at the end of it go southeast. You will see a wooden door on the northeast wall. EVENT 98: The White Orrery Planet Quest Notes: You will find the final Orrery Planet in the possession of Dark Naga in the north-central First Cellar; defeat the armies there and release the White Orrery Planet to complete the Planets Above Quest. Enemies: Mohrg, 22 Skeleton Lords, Skeleton, 6 Orog Marauders, Orog Marauder Boss, Orog Marauder Big Boss, 2 Orog Marauder Hoodoos, 6 Orog Marauder Brutes, 6 Soulless Orogs, 2 Dark Naga, Notes: Go through the northeast door and defeat a Mohrg (use Halt on it) and 2 Skeleton Lords (can hold these 2 with Turn Undead). Exit and go southwest into the ruins; eventually you will come across a Skeleton laying on the ground, attack and destroy it. Return to the room with the metal doors where you rested in the last event. Go northeast to a set of open metal doors and you get a message “Enter with ease and nourish thy health, but exit with care if thee nourish thy wealth.” Bolts of Lightning frame the words. Enter the hall beyond and pick up 4 healing items from the tables you find. An explanation: In both of the adjacent rooms are 10 Skeleton Lords guarding a reinforced chest; if you want the contents of the chests you will have to defeat the Skeleton Lords. Attack the Skeleton Lords before opening the chests to avoid an ambush round; because you can Halt and hold with Turn Undead these battles should not be a problem. Take the items in the chests, rest and then exit through the northeast door of the lightning bolt room’s hall. Go through the wooden doors north and have your best melee fighters block the secret door on the northwest wall. Open the reinforced chest in this room to trigger a battle with 4 Orog Marauders, an Orog Marauder Boss and an Orog Marauder Big Boss; keep the Orogs trapped in their room and use Confusion and offensive spells to wipe them out. Take the Halberd dropped after the battle; clear the two wooden chests from the middle room, and open the door to the room with a well of fire. Go back and rest/power-up in the lightning room hall then come back to the well of fire room. Stand in the corner south of the well of fire and open the metal doors to set off a battle with an 2 Orog Marauders, an Orog Marauder Hoodoo, 4 Orog Marauder Brutes, 2 Soulless Orogs and a Dark Naga. Here is how I got through this battle: I formed up my group with my melee fighters in front of my Sorcerer’s in the corner of the room (previously mentioned) and opened the doors. A few Orog came and blocked the door, I cast Confusion on these and hurled offensive spells through the doors destroying those who gathered beyond it; including the Dark Naga. As you kill off some of the enemies the rest will come and block the door and you can use the same strategy to kill them without ever entering the room they were in. As soon as the battle is over, take the items dropped by the enemy and go back and rest/power-up in the lightning room; (this victory brought my Rogue to Level 12). Now go back to the round well room and search the two bookshelves (contains two very nice books) and the two shelves, take what you like and approach the metal doors in the far eastern corner of the room without exposing yourself. In this room you will encounter 4 Soulless Orog, an Orog Marauder Hoodoo, 2 Orog Marauder Brutes and another Dark Naga. Keep you party to the sides of the door and let the enemy come to you while you cast offensive spells diagonally into the room without exposing yourself to the enemy’s line of sight. Take the ring dropped after the battle; search the cabinet, bookcase and fancy barrel in this room and take what you like. Afterward, go through the eastern door and release the White Orrery Planet in the cage in the center of the room; this completes the Planets Above Quest and reactivates the Spinning Spires, which can now be used to travel across Myth Drannor instantly (but only to the location of another Spinning Spire). Open the three chests in this room and take what you like. Exit through the northern door to return to Stillwater. Visit Beriand and Faeril if you wish, then return to the First Cellar by selecting “Return to the Naga’s Lair in the First Cellar” when you Left-Click on the cavern you emerged from. Acquire: From lightning room tables, 2 potions of Heal level 20; potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20; potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10. From lightning room chests, Wand of Electra, can cast 4 Level 20 Chain Lightning Spells; Ring of Electra, can cast 6 Level 20 Lightning Bolt Spells. From Orog Big Boss, Halberd +2 hit/damage. From 2 Orog chests, salve of Moderate Healing Level 10; potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 15; Large Shield +2 AC. From round well room battle, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Improved Invisibility Level 10; Ring of Equilibrium Dex +3, Reflex saving throws +1, -3 Str, can cast 6 Level 10 Cat’s Grace Spells. From bookshelves and shelves of the round well room, Cleric’s Tome of Truths, +1 Wis, +10 Spell Resistance, +1 Initiative, can cast 4 Level 15 Prayer Spells; Sorcerer’s Scroll of Protection From Evil Level 5; potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20; salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 10; Sorcerer’s Cyclopedia Illuminati, +1 Int, +12 Spell Resistance, can cast 4 Level 20 True Seeing Spells, only Sorcerers can use (I had my first Sorcerer hold onto this to gain its bonuses). From second Dark Naga, Ring of Mothers, can Cast 4 Level 10 Charm Monster Spells. From second Dark Naga’s room, potion of Dark Naga Poison, 2 potions of Bull’s Strength Level 5. From 3 chests surrounding White Orrery Planet’s cage, Idolon; Terrilan’s Crimson Wand, +6 Cha, -2 Fortitude saving throws, can cast 4 Level 15 Finger of Death Spells; Kluusar’s Chain of Warding, +1 AC/Fortitude saving throws, Spell Resistance +13, can Cast 6 Level 10 Minor Globes of Invulnerability (Gave to Paladin); Full Plate +8 (Gave to Emmeric) Go: Back to the lightning room, rest and power-up. Exit through the southeast door. Event 99: The Prison Key Ring; Clearing the Center of the First Cellar Enemies: 7 Mohrg, 23 Wights, 4 Master Wights, 4 Skeleton Lords, Master Wraith, Revenant. Notes: Head east from this door to a room with 4 open wooden doors. Go inside and approach the healing fountain to trigger a battle with 4 Mohrg and 9 Wights; use established tactics to defeat them. Exit through the southeast door and go southeast to another open wooden door; pass through the opposing open wooden door and go northwest to a closed wooden door on the southwest wall. In the room beyond you will have to defeat 4 Wights and 2 Master Wights (you can destroy the Wights and hold the Master Wights with Turn Undead). Exit back to the hall, go southeast to the wall and then northeast to some square pillars, then east to a wooden door, open it and defeat 3 Mohrg, 3 Wights and a Master Wight. Cross the room and exit the far door, then go southeast to a square well. From the opposite side of the well go southeast until you see more square pillars, then go north to find a secret door on the northeast wall above the pillars; in this room there are various magic items (some with unknown properties) scattered on the table, the two cabinets and one of the shelves; take what you like and exit to the hall. Go southeast to the obelisk, then northeast to the metal doors, use the Rusty Elven Key to open them. Go back to the square well and head south; cross the massive open courtyard until you reach the ruins, where you will have to defeat 2 Wights and a Master Wight. From where these undead were, go east to a with an open wooden door, approach it and defeat 5 Wights spread over 2 rooms. You can sleep in the room across the hall, then exit back to the scene of the battle in the ruins and head southwest to a wood coffin; from the coffin go south to a wooden door. In this room you must defeat 4 Skeleton Lords and a Master Wraith, using established tactics. You can take items from the coffin and reinforced chest; exit back to the hall. Go Northwest until you see an open wooden door on the southwest will; go through and west, then go northwest when you see a row of arches. At the far end of this room is a set of wooden double doors, go through them. Just to the southwest is a small crate with a healing potion. Go northwest from the double doors and you will find some common equipment; on the nearby table you will find the Prison Key Ring. Take the Key and go back to the doors, then head northeast into a partition hall with a wooden door. Open this door and use the Prison Key Ring to open the iron door beyond. On the floor you will find a note and a ring. Defeat the Revenant in the corner of the room. Approach the patch of dark bricks on the southwest wall to find a secret door. Acquire: From secret room, potion of Restoration level 10; Draude’s Illustrated Codex Maleficus, +1 Initiative, -2 Con, can cast 4 Level 15 Repulsion Spells; Undiluted Potion of Cure Light Wounds (Casts Heal); Contaminated Potion of Mage Armor (Casts Invisibility); Partial Scroll of Teleportation (Casts Blink). From Master Wraith’s room, salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 10; potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20; Handaxe +4 hit/damage. Small crate, Potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20. Common equipment, Longsword, Small Shield, Dagger. From prison cell, Tattered Note, Ring of Freedom, can cast 3 Level 10 Freedom of Movement Spells. Go: The First Cellar is now clear, so we are ready to proceed to the Second Cellar. Go back to the staircase to the Second Cellar we found in the northwest First Cellar (for specific directions see Event 97). Event 100: The Cult Enclave (SECOND CELLAR MAP) Enemies: 15 Cult Soldiers, 8 Cult Soldier Elites, Cult Soldier Lieutenants, 3 Cult Mages, Cult Quartermaster, 4 Soulless Orogs, Cult Archmage. Notes: Head downstairs and go through the southwest metal doors, defeat 3 Cult Soldiers. Rest here; put your melee fighters near the southeast metal doors and open them to reveal 8 Cult Soldier Elites, a Cult Soldier Lieutenant and 2 Cult Mages and a Cult Quartermaster Try and stop them by the door and then use typical blocking and blasting (using offensive magic and Confusion) tactics to destroy them. Rest again if necessary, then exit and go southeast until you see a row of pillars, then head east and enter the metal doors on the northwest wall. On the table in this room is a map of the First Cellar. Enter the northeastern room and defeat a Cult Mage, 2 Soulless Orog and 6 Cult Soldiers using established tactics. Take scroll and the New Iron Key dropped after the battle; you can get a potion from the reinforced chest in the Mage’s room, and several more items from the three wooden chests in the soldiers’ room. Exit back to the wall and head southwest to a wooden door. Go through this door and defeat 2 Cult Soldiers, take the Dull Metal Key they drop and go through the southeast door. In this room you will find a Giant Keg with one curing charge; you will also find a Dexterity enhancing fancy barrel (I gave to Paladin). Exit through the southwest door (unlocks with the Dull Metal Key). Go southwest until you see a wooden door on the southeast wall. Stay out of the line of sight when you open it; here you must defeat a Cult Archmage, 2 Soulless Orog, and 4 Cult Soldiers. Read the note dropped after the battle; rest here, then exit through the northeast door (unlocks with the New Iron Key). Acquire: From table, map of First Cellar. From Soulless Orog, New Iron Key and Sorcerer’s Scroll of Fire Shield Level 10. From the mage’s chest, potion of Displacement Level 10. From soldiers’ chests Full Plate +8 AC, Potion of Bull’s Strength Level 5 and Light Hammer +2 hit/damage. From 2 cult soldiers, Dull Metal Key. Go: Head southeast to a log, then southwest ( past two sets of metal doors) until you reach the dead end of a small hall with a broken wooden door to the southeast. Event 101: The Well of Dreams; Ebony Twin Ring of Power Enemies: 9 Wights, 4 Master Wights, 3 Shadows, 8 Orog Marauders, 3 Orog Hoodoos, 7 Orog Marauder Brutes, Orog Marauder Big Boss, 2 Wraiths, 9 Mohrg, 2 Spectres, Master Spectre. Notes: Go through the broken door and you will have to defeat 6 Wights and 2 Master Wights. In this room there is a potion in the wooden chest and a sword in the stone coffin. Exit to the hall, go northeast to a set of metal doors leading southeast; go through those doors and exit from the metal doors on the far southeast side of the hall. Go east to a room with a square well, here you must defeat 3 Shadows, then you can take the pike in the well. Exit and go southwest until you see a hall head southeast with a line of pillars running across it. Go southeast through these pillars, then go northeast at the next intersection. Take the next hall leading northwest and enter the room with a fountain in it (on the southeast wall through the open wooden door. This fountain will cast 1 Protection from Evil Spell. Return to the intersection and go southeast, at the end of the hall go northeast, enter the first wooden door you come across on the southern wall. In this room 4 Orog Marauders and an Orog Hoodoo are engaged in battle. In the second round of battle 6 Orog Marauder Brutes and a Orog Marauder Big Boss approach from the north; and 4 Orog Marauders and an Orog Hoodoo approach from the south. All of these enemies are hostile to you, regardless of what they think of each other. You will spot the northern group in the first round, so cast Confusion on them to stop them from moving in the next round and take care of the group in the room first. The southern group will take the long way round, when they get there, confuse them too. You should be able to wipe out most or all of the outside attackers with offensive magic, while they stand paralyzed. After the battle you can rest in the room. Take the Worn Elven Key, and other items dropped by the Hoodoo. In room next door is a fancy barrel that provides an Intelligence boost (I gave to Rogue). Exit back to the hall where the bulk of the last battle took place, head east and you will encounter a large Undead Army made up of 2 Wraiths, 3 Mohrg, 2 Master Wights, 3 Wights and 2 Spectres. All of these are susceptible (to some extent) to Turn Undead and Halt Undead. After the battle you should examine the Spinning Spire and the locations it can take you. Head southeast from the Spinning Spire and defeat 6 Mohrg (cannot be Turned and hard to Halt so you may want to skip right to offensive magic), an Orog Marauder Brute and an Orog Marauder Hoodoo. Go down the hall west from where the Hoodoo stood during the battle and eventually the hall will bear south, stop here. The western wooden door takes you back to the fancy barrel room, the eastern metal doors lead to a round well guarded by a Master Spectre. Defeat the Master Spectre and take the heavy ring from the Well of Dreams it guarded. Acquire: From broken door room Shortsword +2 hit/damage; potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20. From shadow well Pike +3 hit/damage. From Hoodoo, Worn Elven Key, low quality gems and a salve of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10. From the Well of Dreams, Aasirak’s Ebony Twin Ring of Power, +5 Str/AC/Initiative, -40 Movement, -5 Dexterity/all Saving Throws, Weight:250 (note: give this to your strongest player or leave it here and come back for it when your find its twin; this brought my Paladin to medium encumbrance). Go: Rest by the well then exit and go southwest to the wall and bear west until you see an open wooden door on a northeast wall, then go northwest, and turn northeast into the hall beside the open wooden door room. Event 102: The Final Stand Room; Clearing the Southwestern Second Cellar Enemies: 4 Wights, 3 Master Wights, 5 Mohrg, Master Wraith, 6 Freth Drow Scouts, Mohrg, 4 Cult Soldiers, 7 Shadows, 2 Skeleton Lords, Zombie Lord, 2 Skeletons, Skeleton Knight, 8 Freth Drow Warriors, 2 Freth Drow Commanders, 2 Freth Drow Priests, 3 Arraccat, 3 Black Arraccat, Wraith. Notes: In the end of this hall, on the northeast wall is a wooden door, go through and defeat 2 Wights and a Master Wight. This victory brought Jarial to Level 12, I gave him a point of Charisma and the Chain Lightning Spell. Exit back to the hall and head southwest, at the clearing go northwest and open the wooden door on the southwest wall of the alcove you enter; here you must defeat 2 Mohrg and a Master Wraith (can be Turned). After the battle return to the clearing and defeat 3 Freth Drow Scouts, then go through the metal double doors on the southwest wall. Go up the stairs on the southwest wall and you arrive back in the First Cellar, in an area inaccessible from the outside. Head into the southeastern room and you receive a message about the history of these rooms. Enter the northeastern room and many ghosts crowd around you; one tells you the story of their last days. Scattered throughout these rooms are a variety of fairly common weapons you can take if you want; afterward go back downstairs and return to the door of the Well of Dreams room. Along the way you must defeat 3 more Freth Drow Scouts. From the door head southeast to an iron gate, go through and then head south through another iron gate, opened with the Worn Elven Key. In the hall head northwest and you will spot a broken door on a southeast wall, approach it and defeat a Mohrg and 4 Cult Soldiers. Take the Blackened Elven Key, as well as the other items dropped by the Mohrg, then head west from the broken door. In the ruins, defeat 3 Shadows, then how south through the ruins and into an open door. Defeat a Skeleton Lord, a Master Wight and a Zombie Lord having a leadership summit in the room southeast, then exit back into the hall. Enter the ruins southeast, then go southwest by a fallen beam and a log; enter the wooden door you find in the southeast wall. Initiate combat with and defeat the 3 Mohrg, 4 Wights, 2 Skeletons, a Master Wight, a Skeleton Lord and a Skeleton Knight in this room. This Victory brought Emmeric to Level 12, I gave him a point to Strength; the fancy barrel in this room bestows a point of charisma it, I gave it to Jarial. Rest and exit to the hall, go north to the boulder and then head west until you spot a wooden door; stand out of the line of sight, and then open this door. There are 4 Freth Drow Warriors, a Freth Drow Commander and a Freth Drow Priest in this room. Use Confusion and offensive magic to wipe them out. Enter this room and rest, then exit and go southwest; when you see a line of pillars to the northwest, head northwest and the turn southwest down the next hall. Eventually you will spot a open wooden door on the southeast wall; this room has 3 Arraccat and 3 Black Arraccat in it, they should be easy to Confuse and destroy (once they are all confused do not waste your spells destroying them because you will need them soon). This victory brought my Paladin, and first Sorcerer to Level 12; I gave him a point to Strength and her a point to Charisma and the Disintegrate Spell. Take the items guarded/dropped by the Arraccats. On the way out of this room you will be ambushed by 4 Freth Drow Warriors, a Freth Drow Commander and a Freth Drow Priest, defeat them. This victory brought my Cleric to Level 12. Head north to an iron gate and go through, in this room you must defeat 4 Shadows and a Wraith, very easy to Turn/Halt and destroy. Acquire: From final stand room, Longspear +3 hit/damage, 3 Scimitars, Greataxe +3 hit/damage, 2 Large Shields, Longsword +3 hit/damage, Greataxe. From Mohrg, Blackened Elven Key, moderate quality gemstones, Shortbow +3 hit/damage, Small Shield +1 AC. From the Arraccat, 2 sets of high quality gems, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 15, salve of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20, potion of Heal Level 20, salve of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. Go: Back to the room where you defeated an army of Freth Drow and sleep. Go back to the log and the fallen beam you spotted in the last area of ruins. EVENT 103: The Margoyle Bridge; Ivory Twin Ring of Power Quest Notes: In the southeastern Second Cellar you will find a raised bridge guarded by Margoyle. You can use the Stone Mouth to speak to them; you must convince them to lower the bridge; this will complete the Stone Mouth Quest. Enemies: 2 Arraccat, Guard Arraccat, 4 Black Arraccats, 4 Freth Drow Warriors, Freth Drow Priest, Freth Drow Commander, 13 Margoyles, Margoyle Queen, 8 Mohrg, Archlich, 3 Wights, Master Wight, 3 Spectres. Notes: Head southeast from the ruins and go through an open wooden door; in the adjacent room are 2 Arraccat, a Guard Arraccat and a Black Arraccat, defeat them and take the items they guarded. Head north into the ruins and you will encounter and have to defeat 4 Freth Drow Warriors, a Freth Drow Commander and a Freth Drow Priest, confuse and murder them. Take the staff they drop and search the cabinet nearby; head southeast from the cabinet and go through the heavy wooden double doors you find on a southern wall. Exit through the metal doors on the southwest wall, cross the hall and enter an open wooden door. Search the items on the floor, then enter the southeastern room and defeat 3 Margoyles; search their items then head back to the heavy wooden double doors (you can sleep near the round well). Go northeast to a broken wooden door, pass through it and exit this room through the northeast double doors. Head east to a blue marker stone, touch it to begin a conversation with some Margoyles. Say you are injured and need help, then say you are badly hurt; when they open the gate, kill the 5 Margoyles. Go east and you will find a wooden door that leads to Stillwater; go back to Stillwater and learn what Beriand and Faeril have learned about the Cult of the Dragon. To return to the Second Cellar, Left-Click on the cavern opening you emerged from and select “Return to the Margoyle Chasm in the Second Cellar”. Go south from the door to a standing pillar, then go east and pass through an iron gate; defeat 5 Margoyles and a Margoyle Queen, then plunder the reinforced chest. Exit the room and head south to an intersection, go southeast and defeat the group of 3 Black Arraccats through the open door on the southwest wall. This victory brought my Rogue to Level 13. Search the Arraccat’s items, then cross the hall to the other open door; there is a phylactery here you should destroy before moving on (careful, it has a Fireball trap attached). Exit to the hall and head south, go through the wooden door; you can sleep in this room. Exit, go to the end of this hall and head south; pass through an open door. Go southwest through the iron gate, and then the wooden double doors beyond; here you must defeat 4 Mohrg, start off with offensive magic because these Mohrg are hard to Halt. Stand to the sides of the southeastern wooden door when you open it to avoid the spells of the Archlich inside. Get your melee fighters close to him as quick as you can to keep him from casting spells; try using Disintegrate or Chain Lightning on it (these are great to use when you have your people too close to enemy for area-effect spells to be useful). Immediately following the battle you will be ambushed by 3 Wights and a Master Wight, 3 Spectres, and 4 Mohrg; to defeat this horde I blocked the door to the adjacent room with my melee fighters, and fired offensive spells into the enemy occupied rooms. After the battle return to the Archlich’s room. The fancy barrel in this room gives a +1 Con bonus, which I gave to my Cleric. Plunder the two reinforced chests and the coffin. Acquire: From first group of Arraccat, moderate quality gems, potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10, salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20. From Drow near cabinet in ruins, Staff of Darkness +1 hit/damage, can cast 6 Level 5 Darkness Spells. From cabinet in ruins, potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20, salve of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10. From floor of room near Margoyles, low quality gems, potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10. From Margoyles’ room high quality gems, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 15, salve of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. From Margoyle Queen’s chest, Battleaxe +5 hit/damage; Quarterstaff +5 hit/damage, Light Hammer +5 hit/damage, Shortsword +5 hit/damage, Idolon, salve of Cure Light Wounds level 5. From second group of Arraccats, low quality gems, potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10. From the Archlich’s room, Elhrain’s Lanthorn, +4 Will saving throws, -3 Reflex saving throws, can cast 4 Level 10 restoration spells, salve of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20; potion of Heal Level 20; Aasirak’s Ivory Twin Ring of Power, -5 Str/AC/Initiative, +40 Movement, +5 Dex/saving throws, can cast 14 Level 20 Heal Spells, Weight:-249. (Note: This is the companion ring of the Aasirak’s Ebony Ring, they cancel each other out allowing one of your characters to wield their magic while wearing both.) Go: Sleep here, then go back to the Margoyle Bridge and cross it. Go west and enter the wooden door, go southwest through the next door, then head northwest, go through the ruins and on the other side head northeast to an intersection. EVENT 104: Shrine of the Silver Fire; Finding the Scarred Elven Key Quest Notes: You will find the companions of the woman murdered in the dwarven pumphouse, protecting a Shrine in the center of the Second Cellar of the Catacombs; this completes the Ashes Burning Quest. Speak to the two companions and offer them your services; this gives you The Silver Fire Quest to discover the whereabouts of the Shrine’s guardians. Enemies: 6 Wights, Master Wight, 4 Margoyles, Margoyle Queen, 5 Guard Arraccats, Black Arraccat, 4 Mohrg, Zombie Lord, 2 Skeletons, Zombie, Master Wraith, Revenant, Arraccat, 4 Orog Marauder Brutes, 4 Orog Marauders, Orog Marauder Big Boss and an Orog Elite. Notes: From the intersection go east to an open wooden door, in the room beyond, you must defeat 4 Wights and a Master Wight. Exit this room and go west until you see wooden double doors on the north wall; use the Blackened Elven Key to open this door. Spread over two rooms are 10 Margoyles and a Margoyle Queen, defeat them and take the treasure they guard. Exit through the northern door of the second room and defeat 6 Margoyles. Head north and go through the metal doors on the northwest wall; you have found the companions of the woman murdered in the dwarven Pumphouse; this completes the Ashes Burning Quest. Head north from the door and approach the women (Bronwyn and Kellan) to begin a conversation with them. Ask who Sammaster Madfool is, say that you also oppose the Cult, ask who the Shrine’s guardians are, ask if the Cult knows about this shrine, ask how they came to be here, ask them where the Baelnorn is, and finally, offer them your services; this gives you the Silver Fire Quest to discover what has become of the Shrine’s guardians. Exit back to the hall and go southwest to a set of metal doors on a northeast wall; you will find a fancy barrel that gives a +1 bonus to Wisdom in this room (Gave to Cleric). Exit and continue southeast to a wall, bear east until you see an open wooden door on a southern wall; defeat 3 Guard Arraccats and a Black Arraccat in this room. Exit to the hall and head northeast to a set of metal doors, open them and you will see undead scattered on the ground. Initiate combat with 2 Mohrg, 2 Wights, a Zombie Lord, 2 Skeletons and a Zombie; block the door, and finish them off with offensive magic. Rest here then go back out into the hall and head west into the ruins; from the center of the first ruined room go northwest to a smaller ruined room and then head west to a battle with a Master Wraith and 2 Mohrg; defeat them and go north from the northwest arch of their room to a set of metal doors. Defeat a Revenant in the room beyond, exit and go northeast to a northwest hall, follow this hall to a northeast room with 2 square wells; you will find gold in one of them. Return to the hall and continue northwest to an intersection, then go northeast to a battle with 2 Guard Arraccat and an Arraccat. Defeat them and head southeast until you reach a wall then go southwest and you will spot an open door on the northwest wall. Approach this door and defeat 4 Orog Marauder Brutes. Approach the metal doors on the far side of this room and put your melee fighters up front and your magic users in back; open the door to reveal 4 Orog Marauders 4 Orog Marauder Brutes an Orog Marauder Big Boss and an Orog Elite. Hold the door and confuse/blast with magic the Orog trapped in the room beyond. Among the items dropped by the Orog is a Scarred Elven Key, take it and anything else you like. Search the 3 chests spread out over the two inner rooms. Acquire: From Margoyle Queen, moderate quality gems, potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10, salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20. From Orog Elite, Scarred Elven Key, Great Warhammer, +4 hit/damage, Chainmail +5, salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 10. From 3 Orog chests, potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20, salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20, Battleaxe +4 hit/damage, Chainmail +5, Orog Map of Second Cellar. Go: Rest here. Event 105: Finding the Dawn Pike and the Oily Iron Key Enemies: 6 Freth Drow Warriors, Freth Drow Commander, Freth Drow Priest, 3 Arraccats, 2 Guard Arraccats, Black Arraccat, 4 Enthralled Drow, Cult Archmage, Lich, Spectre, Dark Naga, 5 Margoyles, Margoyle Queen, 4 Cult Soldiers. Notes: Exit out to the hall, go northeast and use the Scarred Elven Key to unlock the metal doors on the northeast wall. Go north and approach a round pillar, this will trigger a battle with 6 Freth Drow Warriors, a Freth Drow Commander and a Freth Drow Priest; by approaching from the south you will be given cover by the pillar. Use confusion/offensive spells to wipe out this group. After the battle, take their treasure and bear northwest from the round pillar into a narrow hall; take the next hall southwest and you will encounter 3 Arraccats, 2 Guard Arraccats and a Black Arraccat spread out through the two rooms on the southeast side of the hall. Defeat them and take what they drop, exit to the hall and head northeast; at the intersection go back southeast. Head northeast through the square arch near the ruins and at the end of the hall approach the northwest wooden door. Stay out of the line of sight and open the door; in this room you must defeat 4 Enthralled Drow and a Cult Archmage. Enthralled Drow are immune to Confusion and act kind of like Soulless Orog so flood the room with offensive magic while keeping out of the Archmage’s line of sight, and try to get the enthralled Drow to bunch up by the door as they come out to attack you. After the battle, take the ring dropped by the Archmage and the items off the table. You can rest here than exit through the northwest door; head southwest and go through a set of metal doors; you receive a message about chanting and portals. There is a hidden door on the northwest wall of this room; stand next to the pillar in the north corner of this room and then send one person (with high spell resistance) to open the door and step into the room. This triggers a battle with a Lich and a Spectre. Get your fighters close to the Lich to prevent it using magic and because of the invulnerability spell it cast. After the battle, destroy the Lich’s phylactery behind the iron gate. After that you can take a magic dagger off the table and get a couple of mysterious potions in the reinforced chest. Rest and then exit back to the hall, go northeast to a set of steps that lead up to the eastern portion of the First Cellar. Head northwest from the bottom of the staircase, then go southwest when you reach a wall. At the next intersection go northwest and pass through a broken wooden door on the northeast wall of this hall. As you enter you receive a message about the scent of blood, approach the dark brick patch on the northwest wall to find a secret door. Have your magic users stand in front of this door and open it to get an ambush round on a Dark Naga; it should take only 2 Cones of Cold and a Flamestrike to destroy it during the ambush round. Enter its room and take the Oily Iron Key it drops along with a nice quiver of arrows. Search the contents of 2 chests (you will find the Slender Silver Key in one of them) and a shelf in this room. Use the Slender Silver Key to open the wooden door on the northeast wall, go through and you will see a poison fountain. Exit back to the hall and bear northwest to a room with an open wooden door; there is a fancy barrel here that gives +1 to Str (Gave to Paladin). Exit and bear southeast to a row of pillars crossing the hall, then go south through an open door; take the items in this room then defeat the 5 Margoyles and the Margoyle Queen in the adjacent room northeast; take what they drop. Exit and go southeast; at the end of the hall go south through a narrow space and enter the wooden door southwest of the narrow space. In this room you must defeat 4 Cult Soldiers. Take the Dull Brass Key they drop and the dagger off the table. Acquire: From first Freth army group, Wand of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20, 4 charges; Shortsword +3 hit/damage. From Arraccats, potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10, low quality gems. From Archmage/his room, Ring of Restoration, can cast 3 Level 10 Restoration Spells; Cleric’s Scroll of Searing Light Level 5, note. From Lich’s room, Dagger of Warding, can cast 5 Level 5 Protection from Evil Spells; 2 Bottles of Congealing Extract of Daemon Liver (both cast a Haste spell on user). From Dark Naga, Oily Iron Key and Quiver of Arrows +5 hit/damage. From Dark Naga’s chest, Dawn Pike, -4 Fortitude saving throws, +3 Reflex Saving Throws, +2 Will Saving Throws, +4 hit/damage, +6 hit/damage vs. Light Sensitive and Undead, can cast 6 Level 5 Searing Light Spells; potion and salve of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10 (Gave to Emmeric); very high quality gems, Slender Silver Key, Potion of Neutralize Poison Level 10. From Margoyles/room adjacent to theirs, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20, 2 sets of high quality gems, potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. From Cult soldiers/their room, Dull Brass Key, Elven Royal Dagger. Go: Rest in this room. Event 106: The Cult Stronghold; Staircase to the Lower Keep Enemies: 15 Cult Soldiers, 3 Cult Lieutenants, Cult Quartermaster, 6 Enthralled Drow, 3 Cult Archmages, Zombie Lord, 5 Cult Soldier Elites, 2 Cult Brigadiers, 2 Cult Mages, Notes: Unlock the southwest wooden door with the Dull Brass Key. Go west from the door to an iron gate that can only be unlocked with the Fragile Iron Key, mark it on your map. Go southeast until you see a wooden door on the southwest wall, open it with the Oily Iron Key. Go southwest to a wall and northwest to an intersection (there is a log in the center and a row of arches crossing the hall southwest). Go up the northeast hall to a iron gate on the northwest wall of the hall, go through and pick up the ring lying on the ground near a corpse. Return to the hall and go northeast to an intersection, then northwest to a narrow hall running north; take this hall and go through the wooden door on the northeast wall to return to Stillwater. Speak to Beriand to learn that a powerful wizard, Azmark Duathel has arrived in Myth Drannor to protect the Pool of Radiance and serve the Cult. To return to the catacombs via the cavern you emerged from, select “Return to the Cult Stronghold in the Second Cellar”. Go west of the door to a hall with a bench and metal doors, block and then open the metal doors and defeat 4 Cult Soldiers, a Cult Quartermaster and a Cult Lieutenant. The iron gate on the north wall requires the Large Iron Key, which is actually on the other side of the gate. Later in the game you will find a portal to take you to the other side of the gate, and there you will find both the Large Iron Key and the Fragile Iron Key mentioned earlier. Cross the hall and open the wooden door east of the metal door to set off a two room battle with 4 Enthralled Drow and a Cult Archmage; utilize the tactics discussed earlier and consider blocking the second door before it opens, to give yourself a chance to finish one room at a time. After you defeat them, open the chest in the first room to get some gold; search the bookcase and the contents of the table, then go to the second room. Search the contents of the table, bookcase and chest of this room. Exit to the hall and go southwest, then at the intersection go northwest and block and open the metal doors next to a bench. Defeat 5 Cult Soldiers and take the armor from the chest in this room. Open the two sets of metal doors southwest and search the chests in the next two rooms. Block the southeast in the second room, then open it and defeat 6 Cult Soldiers. Search their chests, rest and exit through the southeast metal door. Head south to a set of heavy wooden doors on a southeast wall; enter the room beyond and open the metal doors on the southeast wall. Defeat a Zombie Lord and exit to the hall. Go east to a log, then take the southeast hall from the intersection. When you see a row of arches in a southwest hall, take that hall to a iron gate. Pass northwest through the iron gate and IMMEDIATELY open the wooden door just north of it. Spread out over 2 rooms are 2 Cult Soldier Elites, a Cult Brigadier and a Cult Lieutenant. You need to get into these rooms and block the door from the other side before the second round begins. In the second round 3 Cult Soldier Elites, 2 Cult Mages, a Cult Archmage and 2 Enthralled Drow will attack from the west and 2 Cult Soldier Elites, a Cult Brigadier, a Cult Lieutenant and a Cult Archmage will attack from the east. Note that you might be able to Confuse a certain portion of the two flanking armies before barricading yourself in the room you just opened. In the second round close the door from the inside and block it (have someone keep closing it) to draw the Cult Members closer to you; meanwhile, finish off the Cult members in the room you are in using proximity friendly magic like Chain Lightning and Disintegration (if you are too confined for area effect spells). When you are ready (interior is clear) and the enemy magic users have gathered outside, open the door and flood the hall with offensive magic to wipe them out. One the magic users are down use standard block and blast/Confusion tactics to finish off the rest of the enemies. After the battle you can rest in the room you defended from. Search the contents of the table and two reinforced chests (one contains gold) in the adjacent room. Acquire: From corpse, Ring of Souls, can cast 4 Level 15 Halt Undead Spells. From first of two rooms, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Fear Level 5, Cleric’s Scroll of Inflict Serious Wounds Level 10, potion of Poison. From second of two rooms, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Invisibility Sphere Level 10, potion of Protection from Poison level 5, potion of Heal level 20, salve of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10. From 5 Cult soldiers’ room Chainmail +5. From two chests in rooms southwest of 5 Cult Soldiers, Longsword +3 hit/damage, Small Shield. 6 Cult Soldiers chests, Sling +2 hit/damage, Longspear +1 hit/damage. Room adjacent to defending room, Cult map of Second Cellar, note, Longspear +4 hit/damage. Go: West to the arches, then southwest to a staircase leading down. Take the staircase and enter the Lower Keep. EVENT 107: Nathlilik of the Kilsek Drow; Freeing the Guardians of the Silver Fire; Revisiting the Shrine of the Silver Fire (LOWER KEEP MAP) Quest Notes: At a bridge north of the entrance to the Lower Keep you will meet a Kilsek Drow who asks you to kill a mage for her; this gives you the Dark Lover Quest. Defeat the Dark Naga Gulrithi and use the Serpent Key he held to open a nearby room where the Guardians of the Silver Fire are being held. Destroy the skull totem to free them and complete The Silver Fire Quest. Return to the Shrine of the Silver Fire and you will discover that Kellan and Bronwyn are ready to join your party if you wish. Enemies: 6 Mohrg, 7 Wights, 4 Shadows, 2 Master Shadows, Gulrithi, Master Wight. Notes: From the bottom of the stairs go north to a set of metal doors then west to a Bridge where you will meet 3 Kilsek Drow. Parley with Nathlilik, tell her to continue, tell her you’re listening, agree to kill the Cult Mage; this gives you the Dark Lover Quest to kill a Cult Mage and take the Staff of Sunlight. Pick up the Gem-studded Key before the bridge, then cross and go northwest to a hall running southwest. Take the southwest hall; note that you can rest in the room through the metal doors on the northwest side of this hall; at the end of the hall go south to a set of metal doors. In the room beyond you must defeat a Mohrg and 4 Wights. Enter the adjacent room east and then exit through the door south. Go straight south to a set of metal doors, go through and open the closed wooden door on the southwest wall. Defeat 3 Mohrg and 3 Wights. Go the room southeast and you can pick up a battle axe from a table and a wand from a chest. Exit back to the hall and go northeast to a wooden door in a small alcove, pass through and enter the room southeast; here you must defeat 4 Shadows (can be destroyed with Turn Undead) and a Master Shadow (can be held with Turn Undead). After the battle, exit through the southeast door and go east to a wooden door. In the room beyond, search the reinforced chest in front of the partition to find the Bent Elven Key and the Flat Brass Key with some gauntlets. Search the table, cabinet and shelf to find a few more items. Exit and go southwest to a confrontation with Gulrithi (a Dark Naga), 2 Mohrg and a Master Wight. Concentrate on killing the Dark Naga first; get your fighters up close to him to prevent him from using magic; use area effect spells to try and hit both him and his undead servants. I sent my Rogue as a sacrificial lamb to draw the Mohrg away to prevent them from paralyzing the melee fighters I sent to kill Gulrithi. After the battle take the items dropped by Gulrithi, including the Serpent Key. Head south from where you defeated Gulrithi and use the Serpent Key to open the wooden door you find. Destroy the skull totem to free the Guardians of the Silver Fire, Gloran and Ethe; this completes The Silver Fire Quest. Tell them about the sisters you met; ask about Gulrithi and the Skull; ask them how they got here. Return to the Shrine of the Silver Fire and speak with the sisters there. Ask who the Shrine serves, ask what their skills are; you can now ask Kellan (Level 7 Fighter/Level 6 Sorcerer) and Bronwyn (Level 12 Ranger) to join you if you wish; I didn’t. Acquire: From treasure bag before bridge, Gem-studded Key. From room adjacent southeast room, Wand of Entanglement, can cast 4 Entangle Level 5 Spells; Meat Cleaver, +2 hit/damage, +4 hit/damage vs. Orogs, +1 Str. From reinforced chest in front of a partition, Bent Elven Key, Flat Brass Key, Theodore’s Gloves of Kinship +2 initiative/Cha, can cast 4 Level 10 Charm Monster Spells (Gave to first Sorcerer). From furniture in same room, salve of Heal Level 20, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Slow Level 10, potion and salve of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. From Gulrithi, Delvendorf’s Chisel, +4 hit/damage, +5 hit/damage vs. constructs; Amulet of Perfect Health, -4 Con, can cast 4 Level 20 Heal Spells. Go: Back down the steps to the lower keep and cross the bridge. Event 108: Last Repose of the Stout Folk of Myth Drannor Enemies: 4 Mohrg, 2 Orog Marauder Brutes, 2 Orog Marauders, Orog Marauder Boss, Orog Marauder Hoodoo, Sleethuur, 9 Wights, 5 Mohrg, Master Wight, 3 Wraiths, 2 Spectres, Master Spectre. Notes: On the other side of the bridge go northwest, then head down the next hall southwest. Soon you will encounter and have to defeat 4 Mohrg, 2 Orog Marauder Brutes, 2 Orog Marauders an Orog Marauder Hoodoo and an Orog Marauder Boss. Go northwest up the hall they came from and go through the metal doors. Head southwest to another set of metal doors and you will confront the Dark Naga Sleethuur; attack him immediately or he will get an attack ground against you. Use the ambush round to get your melee fighters close to him and weaken the Dark Naga with offensive magic; you should have no problem killing him in the second round. Take Nezras’s Mysterious Chainmail and exit through the open wooden door on the southwest wall. Attack and defeat the 2 Wights lying on the ground. Go south from the Dwarven Statues and open the metal doors on the south wall; you receive a message: “Last Repose of the Stout Folk of Myth Drannor; Let Any Who Take Without Giving Beware!” Pass through the two rooms southeast and you will encounter 3 Mohrg, 4 Wights and a Master Wight spread over 2 rooms. Defeat them and you receive a message about be watched. Now an explanation: Spread out over the rooms of this “Last Repose” are 6 tribute basins, 6 accessible coffins, 6 common weapons, armies of undead and Dwarven Statue guardians. If you take an item from a coffin without paying tribute for that item in an equivalent basin, the Dwarven Statues will activate and attack you, and they are very tough to beat. To take the items without triggering the statues, clear the undead from all the rooms and take the common weapons you find along the way. Then pay tribute to all the basins, then take the equivalent items you find in the coffins. Start by taking the Shortsword from the room southeast of the room with the first basin, then exit through the northwest doors and follow the hall south to a room where you will find a Dagger. Take it and enter the southwest room; here you must defeat 3 Wights and 2 Mohrg spread over two rooms. Take note of the second basin and enter the room southwest with a well of fire in it. Go through the metal doors on the northwest wall and follow the hall beyond counterclockwise to a room with the third basin. Enter the room northwest and take the Light Mace. Enter the next northwest room and defeat 3 Wraiths spread over 2 rooms. Take note of the fourth basin and exit the first room through the northern door. Enter the room north and take the Warhammer and the Longsword. Enter the room northeast and defeat 2 Spectres. Take note of the fifth basin and exit through the northeast door. Follow the hall southwest and enter the final room; defeat a Master Spectre and take the Battleaxe; the sixth basin is in this room. Now feed the common items to the basins and take the related item from the coffin in each room as you go back through. Completing this brought my Paladin to Level 13; Jarial to Level 13, gave him Fire Shield, Dominate Person, Globe of Invulnerability; first Sorcerer to 13, gave her Fire Shield, Feeblemind, Chain Lightning; and Emmeric to Level 13. Take a look at the weapons you just acquired. Acquire: From Sleethur, Nezras’s Mysterious Chainmail, +5 AC, +3 Dex, -3 Wis, -2 Will saving throws, +2 Reflex saving throws, can cast 4 Level 15 Blink Spells (Gave to Cleric). From “Last Repose” exchange, Artoth’s Bane, +5 hit/damage, can cast 3 Level 20 hold Spells, does double damage as a blunt weapon; Sunderstone, +4 hit/damage, -2 Int, +7 hit/damage and +2 Str vs. Constructs, can cast 4 Level 5 Remove Paralysis Spells (kept for Paladin); Valamir’s Slayer +5 hit/damage, +2 Con, +5 Spell Resistance, can cast 2 Level 15 Slay Living Spells; Asterfellon--Mace of Power, +6 hit/damage, -2 Dex, +3 Wis, +1 Will Saving Throws, can cast 5 Level 10 Divine Power Spells(Gave to Cleric); Shadowhisper, +5 hit/damage, all saving throws +3 can cast 4 Level 10 Improved Invisibility spells (very nice sword, gave to Rogue); Moonsplinter, +5 hit/damage, +1 AC/all saving throws/initiative, +13 Spell Resistance, can cast 5 Level 15 Globe of Invulnerability Spells (gave to Jarial). Go: Exit back to the front room of the “Last Repose” and rest. Go to Sleethur’s room and exit through the northwest door. Go northeast to a wall and then northwest to a wooden door. Event 109: Victoria’s Secret Enemies: 2 Orog Marauders, 4 Orog Marauder Bosses, 5 Orog Marauder Brutes, Orog Marauder Big Boss, Orog Marauder Hoodoo, Wraith, Revenant. Notes: Open the wooden door and engage 2 Orog Marauders and an Orog Marauder Boss. In the second round the battle expands to include another Orog Marauder Boss, 5 Orog Marauder Brutes, an Orog Marauder Big Boss and an Orog Marauder Hoodoo. Confusion and area effect spells will work wonders in these cramped quarters. This victory brought my Rogue to Level 14 and my Cleric to Level 13 (she can now cast Resurrection, which raises the dead and gives them back all their HP; and Destruction an extremely deadly spell she can use to obliterate a target, {life just got a whole lot easier}). Search the treasure dropped by these Orogs to find the Bent Key and the Crude Metal key, along with some other items. Search the three chests in the two “expanded battle” rooms; use the Bent Key to open the storeroom northeast of the first battle room. Drink from the fancy Barrel of Spirits to trigger a Heal spell and a battle with a Wraith; defeat the Wraith and you get another copy of the Bent Key. Exit through the northwest door of the first battle room and head northeast to a wooden door on a northeast wall. Go through and defeat 2 Orog Marauder Bosses. Take the items they drop and the ones from the table, read the Ancient Singed Journal. Go through the northeast door and follow the trail of money; pick up 6 pieces of gold (pass through a set of heavy wooden doors as you go), and you come to a coffin with a corpse that is missing its head. Exit and go through the southeast heavy wooden doors; go east to an northeast hall, follow it to an iron gate on its northwest side; on the floor of this room you will find the Mummified Head. Go back to the desecrated coffin and place the Mummified Head inside. Cross the hall and you will find a stash of 5 reinforced chests. As you enter this room you must defeat a Revenant that comes walking in behind you. Plunder these chests. Acquire: From 3 bags of Orog treasure, Bent Key; Crude Metal Key; Ring of Blessing, can cast 5 Level 10 Bless spells; Chainmail +5; Handaxe +4 hit/damage. From 3 Orog Chests, salve of Heal Level 20, potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20, potion of Neutralize Poison Level 10, Mortissa’s Beads of Vigor, can cast 7 Level 15 Halt Undead Spells. From Orog Marauder Bosses/their room, Ancient Singed Journal, Light Mace +4 hit/damage, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20. From iron gate room, Mummified Head. From Victoria’s “Secret” chests, Victoria’s Gloves of Electric Touch, +2 Str, +1 Will Saving Throws (Gave to Jarial); Sorcerer’s Scroll of Repulsion Level 15; Dagger of Angels +5 hit/damage, +1 Con, can cast 3 Level 10 Raise Dead Spells; Victoria’s Leather Corset +2 AC, +6 Cha, -2 Fortitude saving throws, can cast 6 level 15 Dominate Person Spells; potion of Bull’s Strength Level 5; Victoria’s Boots of Beguiling Gait +2 Dex/Reflex Saving Throws, +10 Movement, can cast 4 Level 10 Displacement Spells; Arrowflight of Angels, +2 Con, +5 hit/damage, can cast 3 Level 15 Resurrection Spells (kept for Paladin); Cleric’s Scroll of Shield of Faith Level 15; potion of True Seeing Level 20. Go: Rest, now go back across the bridge to the main hall of the Lower Keep; directly north of the staircase you will find a set of metal doors flanked by two huge stone pillars. EVENT 110: Thygaast Ammath Quest Notes: You will find the Wizard’s chambers Beriand spoke of in the Lower Keep, north of the entrance staircase. Destroy the phylactery of the wizard who inhabits this laboratory, Thygaast Ammath, and then destroy her to complete the Ammath Wizard Quest. Enemies: Dark Naga, 2 Master Spectres, 3 Master Wights, a Zombie Lord, 2 Master Shadows, 14 Mohrg, Thygaast Ammath, 2 Skeleton Knights, Wraith. Notes: Use the Gem-studded Key to open this door; go through it and you receive a message that the room is alive with the presence of a wizard of old; this advances the Ammath Wizard Quest. Head northeast and defeat a Dark Naga, 2 Master Spectres, 2 Master Wights, a Zombie Lord, 2 Master Shadows, and 2 Mohrg. Use the ambush round to get close to the Dark Naga and weaken the core group of enemies with area-effect spells; I also found Chain Lightning to be very useful for this battle (remember to cast it on the center target of a group so that you can have it radiate out to the surrounding targets within range). Get rid of the Dark Naga first, and have your Cleric use Turn Undead to paralyze and destroy some of the creatures. After the battle take the wand dropped by the Dark Naga and head north to a long antechamber of the main room; search 3 bookshelves and a shelf in this area to find a few magic items. Search the dark patch of bricks on the southwest wall of the antechamber (look south from the graphic of a giant red book on a desk) and you will find a hidden door, go through. In the bedroom you will find an Idolon and some other items on a bookcase. You will also find a trapped phylactery at the foot of the bed, have your party stand back and send a strong character to destroy it. Exit to the antechamber and enter the room northeast; search the bookcase to find a Decaying Parchment and a Scroll. Enter the southeast room and search a cabinet, then go to the next room southeast. In this room you will find items on the floor next to the corpse, on the bookcase and on a table, take what you like and search the dark brick patch on the southwest wall to find a hidden door. Have a Sorcerer stand in the doorway and cast Globe of Invulnerability, then have a melee fighter step slightly into the room while remaining within the globe. This will trigger a battle with Thygaast Ammath, the wizard you were told about. After the ambush round send your melee fighters forward to gang up on Thygaast so she cannot cast spells; then just hack her to pieces; this completes the Ammath Wizard Quest. Plunder the contents of 3 chests, a bookcase and a table in Thygaast’s room. Go back to the spot where you defeated the Dark Naga and head southeast until you come to an accessible shelf, examine it. Go through the wooden door south, then through the southwest door of the next room. In a huge storeroom are 11 Mohrg and a Master Wight. As soon as I saw them coming I backed out into the previous room I was in and set a melee fighter to block the door, then I used block and blast tactics to finish this group off. Take the powerful weapons dropped by the Mohrg and return to Gem-studded Key door. Go north and pass through an opening in the wall, open the northwest wooden door. In this room you must defeat a Mohrg, 2 Skeleton Knights and a Wraith. Take the treasure they drop and then search the cabinet, reinforced chest (nice suit of armor), bookcase, shelf and table (here you will find the Delicate Gold Key); throughout this room you will find many magic items with unknown effects. Rest, then use the Delicate Gold Key to open the northwest door. Acquire: From Dark Naga, Wand of Heal Level 20, 4 charges. From Antechamber, potion of Haste Level 10, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Lightning Bolt Level 10, potion of Spell Resistance level 10, potion of Heal Level 20. From the bedroom bookcase, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Control Undead Level 20, Idolon, tired note. From decaying parchment bookcase, Decaying Parchment, Cleric Scroll of Find Traps Level 5. From cabinet, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Finger of Death Level 15. From table items room, another decaying live-again parchment; Partially Written Scroll of Mass Resurrection (casts Stinking Cloud where directed); Ring of Harvest, can cast 3 Level 15 Circle of Death Spells; Thyaast’s Staff +5 hit/damage, +2 Con, -2 Str, +1 all saving throws, can cast 3 Level 15 Resurrection Spells; Dagger +5 hit/damage. From Thygaast’s Room, potion of Heal Level 20, 2 potions of Spell Resistance Level 10, Cleric’s Scroll of Neutralize Poison Level 10, Wand of Flamestrike Level 15 (1 charge), salve of Serious Healing Level 10, potion of Critical Healing Level 20, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Dispel Magic Level 10; Dagger of Magus, +3 hit/damage, -1 Con, +3 Int, can cast 4 Level 10 Searing Light Spells; Amulet of Invulnerability, +3 AC, can cast 4 Level 10 Globe of Invulnerability Spells. From accessible shelf, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Cone of Cold Level 10, note about the stuff of life. From Mohrg army, Woundwulf, +5 hit/damage, +2 Str, +1 Fortitude saving throws, can cast 5 Level 10 Vampiric Touch spells; Wroth’s Executioner, +5 hit/damage, +7 hit/damage and +2 Str vs. Humanoid, +1 Reflex saving throws, +4 Fortitude Saving Throws, -6 Int (kept for Emmeric). From Skeleton Knights’ room, Prototype Potion of Sleep (casts Confusion around user), Untested Potion of Invisibility (casts Blink on user), Unfinished Potion of Neutralize Poison (casts Poison on user), Incomplete Wand of Slay Living (Casts Cure Critical Wounds on target, 4 charges), note about proper components, Unperfected Circle of Truesight (Casts Blindness on Target, 4 charges), Flawed Scroll of Burning Hands (casts Fireball where directed), Ill-Written Scroll of Free Action (casts Entangle where it is directed); Vulcan Mail +8 AC, can cast 3 Level 10 Fireball Spells. Go: Exit through the door you just opened and head northeast, stop when you see the iron gate behind which you found the Mummified Head. Event 111: Finding and Opening the Bent Elven Key Door Enemies: 18 Wights, 3 Master Wights, 7 Mohrg, Skeleton Lord, 6 Freth Drow Scouts, 2 Cult Soldier Elites, Cult Lieutenant, Cult Archmage, Dragon-kin, 4 Enthralled Drow, 2 Shadows, Master Shadow, Notes: Open the wooden door east of the iron gate and defeat 4 Wights, a Master Wight, 2 Mohrg and a Skeleton Lord. Exit and go northeast to a fallen beam, then east into the ruins. Head north when you see a stack of barrels blocking a ruined arch and you will encounter 3 Freth Drow Scouts. Defeat them and go through the open metal doors north. You can pick the lock on the northeast wall doors then open the metal doors on the southwest wall of this hall and you set off a battle with 2 Cult Soldier Elites, a Cult Lieutenant, a Cult Archmage, a Dragon-kin and 4 Enthralled Drow. Note that as you open the door you hear a message about taking something all the way back up to the castle. Get your melee fighters close to that Archmage to stop him casting; I used Destruction to wipe out the Dragon-kin right away; the rest can be wiped out pretty easily with standard tactics. Take the treasure dropped after the battle (includes Heavy Key) and the treasure already on the floor. Sleep here, use the Heavy Key to open the wooden door on the northwest wall and go through to return to Stillwater; to return, Left-Click on the cavern you emerged from and select “Return to the far northeast of the Lower Keep”. Exit to where you battle the 3 Freth Drow Scouts and defeat them again. Go east and enter a wooden door; defeat 2 Mohrg and exit; go south into the intersection of a hall. Go southeast and you will have to defeat 2 Shadows and a Master Shadow who wander out from the southwest room of this hall. Pass south through their room, go southeast to a confrontation with 5 Wights and 2 Master Wights wandering out of their room. Defeat them and go southeast down their hall until you reach an intersection. Head southwest and you will come to a set of heavy wooden doors on the southwest wall and a wooden door on the southeast wall opposite it. Go through the wooden door and rest by the fountain. Then and open the heavy wooden doors with the Bent Elven Key. Note that you should put you best melee fighters up front before opening the door. Beyond these doors is an army of undead; 3 Mohrg and 9 Wights (the Wights can be destroyed with Turn Undead so this should be an easy battle). Acquire: From Dragon-kin battle, Wand of Magic Missiles Level 10, 6 charges; Heavy Key; Cult Map of Lower Keep; Ring of Health, +1 Con, can cast 4 Level 20 Cure Serious Wound Spells (gave to Emmeric). Go: Rest if needed in the fountain room, then start the next event from these doors. Event 112: Defeating the Cult Army of the Southeastern Lower Keep Enemies: Revenant, 14 Margoyles, 2 Margoyle Queens, 6 Wights, 7 Mohrg, Zombie Lord, Master Wight, Orog Marauder Hoodoo, Dark Naga, 6 Cult Soldier Elites, Cult Quartermaster, Cult Archmage, Cult Lieutenant, Cult Mage, 2 Enthralled Drow, 10 Soulless Orogs. Notes: Go south to an intersection, then southwest to a wall; head northwest until you see an open door in a southwest alcove, pass through the two rooms beyond this door and defeat a Revenant. Exit back to the hall and go east to an intersection, go northeast until you spot a hall leading east, take this hall to a broken wooden door on a southern wall, enter the room beyond it. Open a wooden door on the southwest wall and enter the next room. Go through the next wooden door southwest and defeat 11 Margoyles and a Margoyle Queen spread over two rooms. Use block and blast tactics. Take the treasure from both rooms and then exit through the southwest door of the second room. Go southeast to an open door, in the room beyond you must defeat 3 Margoyle and a Margoyle Queen. Go through the heavy wooden doors southeast and defeat 4 Wights and 2 Mohrg. Take the items from the two tables and then search the southeast wall to find a hidden door. Ignore or Listen, it doesn’t seem to matter, then stand to the west of the hidden door and open it. In this room are 2 Mohrg, a Zombie Lord, a Master Wight, a Orog Marauder Hoodoo and a Dark Naga; get melee fighters close to the enemy magic users; you can paralyze the Zombie Lord and Master Wight with Turn Undead; I got in a lucky hit that wiped out the Dark Naga with a Disintegrate spell, maybe you should try it. After the battle take the dropped and table top items then exit back all the way back to the hall. Bear west until you see a row of pillars stretched across the hall, then head west to a wooden door on the northeast side of the hall you enter. Defeat 3 Mohrg and 2 Wights, sleep here, then exit and go south until you spot a broken door on the southeast wall; enter the room beyond. Approach the wooden door on the southeast wall and listen, you will hear a message about Trap Runes. Open the wooden door to trigger a wide ranging battle against 6 Cult Soldier Elites, a Cult Quartermaster, a Cult Archmage, a Cult Lieutenant, a Cult Mage, 2 Enthralled Drow and 10 Soulless Orogs. Cast Globe of Invulnerability in your room; confuse the soldiers outside; use Turn Undead to hold the Enthralled Drow and Soulless Orogs; block the doors and use you best offensive spells on the group that gathers on the other side. After the battle, take the items dropped by the enemy and sleep in the room you have just liberated. Acquire: From two Margoyle rooms, potion of Heal Level 20, high quality and low quality gems, potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20, Ring of Silence, can cast 4 Level 5 Silence Spells. From second Margoyle Queen’s room, potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10, salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 10, high quality gems. Two tables items, potion of Cure Moderate Wounds Level 10, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Fear Level 15, Gauntlets of Necromancy, +3 Wis, +1 Will saving throws, +4 AC vs. undead, can cast Halt Undead Level 15 (Gave to Cleric). Dark Naga’s room, Quiver of Arrows of Second Death, double damage and +5 hit/damage vs. undead; Wand of Control Undead Level 20, 4 Charges; Great War Hammer +5 hit/damage, Salve of Inflict Serious Wounds Level 10, salve of “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Black Pudding (casts Harm on target it is applied to). From treasure bag dropped after battle with Cult, Staff of Deadly Splinters, +5 hit/damage, can cast 5 Level 15 Harm Spells; Halberd +4 hit/damage; Longsword +5 hit/damage; Salve of Heal Level 20; potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. Go: Through the heavy wooden doors on the northwest wall of the western half of this room. Head northwest to a set of metal doors on a northern wall. Event 113: Finding the Old Elven Prison Enemies: 3 Arraccats, 9 Guard Arraccats, 6 Black Arraccats, 10 Freth Drow Commandos, Freth Drow Priest, Freth Drow Commander, Spectre, 5 Wraiths. Notes: The halls you will walk through in this event are riddled with Trap Runes that cast hostile area effect spells. KEEP CLOSE TO THE WALLS to avoid the traps, which are located in the middle open areas of the halls. Go through the northern metal doors, then pass through the metal doors on the eastern wall to an adjoining room, then exit this room through the northern doors. Head north to a wall and follow it northwest to a battle with an Arraccat, 3 Guard Arraccats and 2 Black Arraccats. Confusion is you best tool for defeating these beasts; after the battle bear southwest from the entrance to their alcove until you find a hall heading south. Enter the heavy wooden door on the northeast wall near the southern hall. Get your people into the eastern corner of the room you enter, have one person stand directly in front of the southeast door, then open the heavy wooden door on the northeast wall; this triggers a confrontation with 10 Freth Drow Commandos, a Freth Drow Priest and a Freth Drow Commander. As soon as you can block the northeast door and send Confusion spells and offensive magic into the room beyond. When you are ready, open the southeast door and do the same thing. After the battle take the two dropped piles of treasure, (one contains the Old Elven Prison Key). Rest and exit back to the hall; go southeast to an intersection, then head east to a confrontation with 2 Black Arraccats, a Guard Arraccat and an Arraccat. After the battle go southeast to a hall with an intersection; go down the southeast hall and defeat an Arraccat, a Black Arraccat, and 2 Guard Arraccats who come wandering from a northeast room. Defeat them, take the gems they guarded in their room, exit and go through the door west, across the hall. Open the southeast heavy wooden door in this room and defeat a Spectre (can hold with Turn Undead). Go all the way back to the door of the Freth Drow room and head west; defeat a Guard Arraccat, a Black Arraccat and an Arraccat then go south to a broken wooden door. Defeat 2 Guard Arraccats and take the items on the table. Exit to the hall and go east to a set of metal doors; unlock these doors with the Old Elven Prison Key. Spread over the three rooms on the other side of this door are 5 Wraiths you must defeat (can hold with Turn Undead). Rest here, then head southeast until you see a wooden door on a northeast wall, use it to return to Stillwater; to return to where you were, Left-Click on the entrance to the cavern you emerged from and select “Return to the Prison Cells of the Lower Keep”. Acquire: From Freth Drow army, Old Elven Prison Key, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Darkness Level 5, Drow Quiver of Arrows, Potion of Cure Blindness Level 10, Dagger +4 hit/damage. From 3rd group of Arraccat, high quality gems. Table items, potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20, low quality gems. Event 114: Clearing the Southern Lower Keep; Old Elven Prison Enemies: 10 Mohrg, 2 Spectres, 3 Freth Drow Assassins, Archlich, 6 Guard Arraccats, 3 Black Arraccats, 2 Arraccats, 17 Wights, 2 Wraiths, Master Wight, Lich. Notes: Start this event at the door to Stillwater you discovered in the last event. There are Trap Runes in these halls so STAY CLOSE TO THE WALLS as you navigate. Go south until you see a set of heavy wooden doors east, pass through them, then go through the metal doors on the northeast wall of the room beyond. Defeat 2 Mohrg and 2 Spectres; after the battle continue southeast and you will be ambushed by 3 Freth Drow Assassins coming from the western room; I successfully used Destruction twice to a couple out, the third was no problem. Look in the area northwest of the well of fire to find a trapped phylactery, send someone to destroy while the others stay back. Rest in the room with the well of fire, then approach and stand to the northwest of the wooden door northeast of the well of fire. Have a melee fighter with high HP open the door and enter the room. You must defeat an Archlich in this room; get melee fighters close to it to stop it casting and then destroy it. Rest, then exit all the way back to the hall. Go southeast and pick the lock on a wooden door then go northwest until you are attacked by 2 Guard Arraccat, a Black Arraccat and an Arraccat. Defeat them using established tactics and head southwest to an iron gate on a southern wall, then go northwest to an iron gate on a northwest wall in a small alcove. Go through this gate and destroy 4 Wights and 3 Mohrg. Exit, head southwest and enter an open wooden door. Open the door on the northwest wall and defeat 2 Wraiths and a Mohrg. Exit through the southeast door of the room with the bench; go south to an iron gate and open it. This room is littered with undead; initiate battle and destroy 8 Wights (use Turn Undead to destroy them quickly) and 2 Mohrg. Exit to the hall and go west to a wooden door on a northwest wall. Go south from this door to a broken wooden door; defeat the Guard Arraccat and Black Arraccat that wander out of this door. Exit and go north, enter the wooden door on the northwest wall; this triggers a battle with 5 Wights, a Master Wight and 2 Mohrg in the northeast room. Block the door they are coming from and send spells into the room to wipe them out. Exit through the northwest door of the first room and head southwest; defeat 3 Guard Arraccats, a Black Arraccat and an Arraccat. Continue southwest to a corner and you will find a hidden door on a patch of dark bricks on the southeast wall. Stand to the side of this door and open it to start a battle with a Lich; have your melee fighters rush the Lich and defeat it, then destroy its phylactery near the northeast wall of this room. Acquire: From Guard and Black Arraccat pair, low quality gems, potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. Go: Rest here. EVENT 115: The Sacred Staff of Sunlight Quest Notes: In the southwestern Lower Keep you will find an Arraccat Den; destroy the Arraccat and you will receive the Staff of Sunlight that Nathlilik sent you to find. This advances the Dark Lover Quest. Enemies: 27 Guard Arraccats, 7 Black Arraccats, 3 Mohrg, 6 Arraccats, Arraccat Mother. Notes: Exit and go north to a wall with a wooden door, go through and defeat 3 Guard Arraccats and 2 Black Arraccats spread out over 2 rooms. Exit through the northern door of the second room and head north into the ruins, defeat 3 Mohrg. This brought Jarial to Level 14, I gave him the Finger of Death Spell. Head northwest to a confrontation with 2 Arraccats and 3 Guard Arraccats, defeat them and go southwest. You will soon encounter 2 Guard Arraccats and an Arraccat, defeat them and go northwest. Along the way you will spot a gate that needs the Corroded Metal Key, keep it in mind for later. At the end of the hall go southwest and you receive a message about the stench of putrefying flesh and Arraccat eggs. Approach the open wooden door on the southeast wall and you will trigger a very wide ranging battle with 10 Guard Arraccats, 2 Black Arraccats, 2 Arraccats and an Arraccat Mother (very high HP, can Paralyze when she hits). Most of the Arraccats approach in two groups, a northern and a southern, the wandering of the southern group drags this battle out forever. Your best strategy is to Confuse the Arraccats at the northwestern and southeastern doors to the Arraccat den (to block them), then team up on the Arraccat Mother and slaughter her. Afterward you can use area-effect spells to clean up; try Finger of Death to take out a couple Arraccat quickly. After the battle you recover the Staff of Sunlight carried by the Cult Mage that Nathlilik told you about; this advances the Dark Lover Quest. This victory brought my Rogue to Level 15; Emmeric, my Paladin, my Cleric and my first Sorcerer to Level 14 (gave her the Finger of Death spell). You can destroy the Arraccat eggs if you want, but you don’t seem to get any experience for it. Search the items in the Arraccat Den to find the Corroded Metal Key. Return to the locked door you spotted earlier and open it with the key you just found. Go up the stairs to return for a quick visit to the First Cellar. At the top of the stairs enter the room northwest to find the Adamantite Key, use it to unlock the iron gate southeast of the stairs, then go back downstairs to the Lower Keep. Head back to the Arraccat Den and exit through the southeast door. Go south and head through an open wooden door, defeat 3 Guard Arraccat and take the gems they guarded. Exit to the hall and enter the eastern room adjacent to the one you were just in and pick up some gems there. Cross the hall and enter the broken wooden door take the gems here and exit to the hall. Go west and you will encounter 5 Guard Arraccats, 2 Black Arraccats and an Arraccat spread out in the hall and southern room. Defeat them and enter the southern room, take the gems there and exit; bear west and defeat a Black Arraccat and a Guard Arraccat who come walking out of a room with a broken door. Approach the Glyph of Safekeeping on the western wall of this room and it will automatically be opened by the Word of Necessity that Anorrweyn taught you. Rest here, then head down the steps to enter The Prisons. Acquire: From two rooms of Arraccats, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20, 2 sets of low quality gems, potion of Invisibility Level 5. From Arraccat Den victory Sacred Staff of Sunlight, +7 hit/damage/AC/Initiative/Spell Resistance/all saving throws and triple damage vs. Drow, can cast 12 Level 20 Searing Light Spells (I had my Cleric keep this for battle with Drow). From Arraccat Den treasure, Cleric Scroll of Firestorm Level 20; Prince Antonae’s Stormbow +5 hit/damage, -3 Str, double damage, +3 Dex, +1 Reflex saving throws, can cast 5 Level 10 Lightning Bolt Spells; Leather Armor +2 AC, potion of Heal Level 20, 2 potions of Restoration Level 10, Blood-spattered Journal, Corroded Metal Key. From Arraccat rooms south of the Arraccat Den, high quality gems, 4 sets of low quality gems, potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. Event 116: Finding the Iron Spider Key (THE PRISONS MAP) Enemies: 5 Black Arraccat, 3 Margoyles, 2 Revenants, Guard Arraccat, 5 Spectres, 2 Wraiths, Master Wraith, Freth Drow Robber. Notes: Go through the door northwest, exit to the hall through the northeast doors. Go northwest to an iron gate on a southern wall and open it. Defeat 3 Black Arraccat and take the gold they guarded. Go northeast to the edge of the ruins, then go northwest and you will see a door that requires the Iron Spider Key, remember it for later. Go southeast and enter the ruins, you will find gold in a wooden chest and gems in a treasure bag near some dead Drow. Go south to a set of heavy wooden doors, enter and take more gems by more dead Drow. Go north, pass through the ruins and then bear east and you will encounter and have to defeat 3 Margoyles. Head east until you see a wooden door in the corner on a southeast wall; open it and defeat the Revenant beyond. Exit and go south, back into the ruins, to a battle with 2 Black Arraccat and a Guard Arraccat, defeat them and take the gems they guarded. Go southwest until you see two sets of metal doors on a southern wall, open the eastern door. In the back of this room are two Spectres (can be held with Turn Undead) to be defeated. Exit and bear east to the next metal door on the southern wall; you will have to defeat 2 Wraiths (can be destroyed with Turn Undead) and a Master Wraith (can be held with Turn Undead). Exit and continue to bear east, past a broken wooden door, and enter the next set of metal doors you come across on the south wall. Defeat 3 Spectres, then exit and continue to bear east. When you come to another broken wooden door on the south wall head north from it to a set of closed metal doors. Open these and you will have to defeat a Freth Drow Robber (very weak) and his pal the Revenant. Search the items he drops to find the Iron Spider Key. Acquire: From near 2 sets of dead Drow, low quality gems, very high quality gems. From Arraccat in ruins, moderate quality gems. From Freth Drow Robber, Iron Spider Key, moderate quality gems and potion of Cure Critical Wound Level 20. Go: Back to the door that required the Iron Spider Key; you found the door earlier in this event. Event 117: The Wraithmael of Drenofiend Enemies: 8 Freth Drow Guards, 33 Freth Drow Warriors, 7 Freth Drow Commanders, 2 Freth Drow Priests, 6 Black Arraccats, 4 Guard Arraccats, Notes: Use the Iron Spider Key to unlock the door and you will trigger a battle with 4 Freth Drow Guards; use Confusion and massacre them (try out the Staff of Sunlight). After the battle open northwest door and send high AC-high HP character through the door alone to trigger a battle with 8 Freth Drow Warriors, a Freth Drow Commander and a Freth Drow Priest. This battle is spread out through a room filled with partitions, which works to their advantage not yours (makes it hard to use area-effect spells. Have your trigger-person come back inside and keep your people inside blocking the door and shooting spells out at the Freth Drow who come to the door. Go through the northwest door and head for the opposite side of the partition in front of you, then go north to a set of metal doors. Open them and defeat 3 Freth Drow Warriors, a Freth Drow Commander and a Freth Drow Priest; plunder what they drop, as well as the cabinet in their room (finally a place to dump some excess items). Exit back to the partitions and go northeast; take the next turn northwest to a northwest wall with two wooden doors, enter the more northeastern door and defeat 4 Freth Drow Guards. Go through the northern door in this room, go north across the hall to a wooden door flanked by two benches; enter the hall beyond. Stand to the southeast of the metal doors on the southwest wall and open them; this triggers a battle with 6 Freth Drow Warriors and 2 Freth Drow Commanders. Defeat them and open the two reinforced chests in this room. Exit and cross the hall, go through the metal doors and plunder 2 more reinforced chests. Exit from the adjoining hall back to the large hall and head east to 2 sets of metal doors on a northern wall. Stand to the east of the more eastern metal doors on this wall and open them; this triggers a battle with 2 Freth Drow Warriors, 3 Black Arraccats and 2 Guard Arraccats; use Confusion. By the second round the Arraccats in the adjacent room west seem to lose it and decide to open the door of their pen. There are 2 Freth Drow Warriors, 3 Black Arraccats and 2 Guard Arraccats in the western room, the Arraccats will attack the Freth Drow. You will now have to destroy all the Arraccats and Drow spread over these 2 rooms. Note that the door to the eastern gate is on the northern portion of the gate. After the battle exit through on the northern doors and go northeast until you see a patch of suspicious stones in the corner on a northeast wall. Search it to find a hidden door; open the door and in the room beyond you see a reinforced chest, you also receive a message about watchful walls. Send your Rogue in alone to open the chest and retrieve a powerful set of armor. Now head west from the hidden door to a set of heavy wooden doors on a northwest wall. Stand to the southeast of the doors on the southwest wall and then open them. This triggers a battle with 3 Freth Drow Commanders and 12 Freth Drow Warriors, spread over two rooms. You will need to confuse both groups as soon as you can. The northeast group won’t make a move to open the door until the end of the second round, so you may want to take the initiative and open their door if you can cast Confusion soon after opening the door. After the battle search 4 reinforced chests and 2 shelves spread over the rooms you just fought in. Acquire: From third group of Freth Drow and the cabinet in their room, Ring of Confusion, can cast 3 Level 10 Confusion Spells; Drow Shortsword, +4 hit/damage; Map of the Prisons, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 15, salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20. From 3 reinforced chests, Drow Shortbow +5 hit/damage, Drow Shortsword +4 hit/damage, Drow Longsword +3 hit/damage. From watchful walls reinforced chest, The Wraithmael of Drenofiend, +8AC, +3 Str, +2 Fortitude saving throws, -2 Int, +1 Will Saving Throws, -3 Reflex saving throws, can cast 6 Level 20 Fear Spells (Gave to Emmeric and his armor to Rogue). From 4 reinforced chests and 2 shelves, 2 Quivers of Drow Arrows, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20, potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20, Drow Shortsword +4 hit/damage, Drow Mace +4 hit/damage. Go: Back to the eastern of the two rooms with the Arraccat pens. Rest. Event 118: Dueling Drow Enemies: 11 Freth Drow Guards, 6 Guard Arraccats, 6 Black Arraccats, 15 Freth Drow Warriors, 18 Freth Drow Priests, 5 Freth Drow High Priests, 3 Freth Drow Assassins, Freth Drow Guard Master, Freth Drow Inquisitor, 7 Freth Drow Commanders, 2 Freth Drow Commandos. Notes: Exit south and head east to a wooden door; defeat 4 Freth Drow Guards on the other side; you will find a potion on the bookcase. Exit back to the hall and go south to a set of 2 metal doors on a southern wall. Open the set on the left and you trigger a two room battle very much like the Arraccat Pen battle in the last event. Destroy 4 Guard Arraccats, 6 Black Arraccats and 4 Freth Drow Warriors. Return to the bookcase room and exit through the wooden door on the northeast wall. Go east to a wooden door on a northeast wall, pass through and approach the broken wooden door east to trigger a battle with 2 Freth Drow Priests. Defeat them and search the 4 shelves and 2 bookcases spread out over these two rooms. Exit from the second room through the southwest door, head south east at the next corner and open the wooden door on the northeast wall. This triggers a battle with a 5 Freth Drow Priests, 2 Freth Drow High Priests, a Freth Drow Assassin (in the rooms beyond), and (in the Hall) 7 Freth Drow Guards, a Freth Drow Guard Master, 2 Freth Drow Assassins, a Freth Drow Priest and a Freth Drow High Priest. You are going to have to fight this battle on three fronts because a group comes from the northwest, another from the east and of course you have the main group in the rooms. I kept my Sorcerers near the door and had them cast in Confusion in 2 directions until most of the groups were pacified, then I had them cast serious offensive magic like Finger of Death on the few Freth that were not Confused. I kept 2 melee fighters (one was Cleric with Staff of Sunlight) clearing the rooms and had 1 go northwest and the other east to stop spell casting by getting up close to the casters. Once the Assassins and magic users are taken out the rest of the battle is simply cleaning up the confused masses. Search the shelf, cabinet and 2 chests in the rooms you just took. Rest and then exit to the hall; cross to the wooden door south and go through it. Plunder the shelf in the first room and head southeast, plunder two shelves and a cabinet in the next room. Stand out of the line of sight of the southeast door and open it; in the room beyond you must defeat 3 Freth Drow Priests, a Freth Drow High Priest, a Freth Drow Inquisitor and a Freth Drow Commander. Because Confusion rarely works on magic users, you will need to get your melee fighters into the room up close to the enemy magic users to prevent them casting. After the battle plunder two chests and a cabinet in the third room. Exit back to the hall and bear east until you find a wooden door on the southern wall of an alcove. Stand to the northwest of the door and open it; inside you must defeat 2 Guard Arraccats, a Freth Drow Priest, 4 Freth Drow Warriors and a Freth Drow Commander. Plunder the shelf and go through the doors southeast. Exit the next room through its southwest doors and go to the metal doors southeast on the same wall. Stand out of the line of sight and open these doors; in this room you must defeat 7 Freth Drow Warriors and 2 Freth Drow Commanders. Defeat them and plunder the two reinforced chests at the back of the room. Exit and go southeast until you see three large pillars crossing a northeast hall, follow this hall. At the intersection head east to a wooden door on a northeast wall, plunder two shelves and a cabinet in the room beyond. Exit to the hall and go northwest back to the intersection, then head up the northeast hall. Enter the storeroom on the northwest side of the hall; search: 2 tables, 2 chests, 2 shelves and 2 fancy barrels. Exit to the hall and go northeast, at the end of the hall enter the metal doors south on the southwest wall; Defeat 4 Freth Drow Priests, a Freth Drow High Priest and a Freth Drow Commander. This victory brought my Rogue to Level 16. Plunder the cabinet and 2 chests, then exit the room and head southeast. As you enter the hall you receive a message about an argument regarding Greyanna and Dreydre; continue southeast and you approach a group of Drow about to duel, continue southeast and the battle starts. 4 Freth Drow Commandos and 2 Freth Drow Priests are attacking 2 Freth Drow Commanders. Regardless of the outcome they will all be hostile to you so just kill them on sight. This victory brought Jarial to Level 15, I gave him Hold Monster, Circle of Death and Control Undead. Acquire: From first bookcase, Potion of Invisibility Level 5. From 2 Freth Drow priests’ rooms, potion of Shield of Faith Level 15, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Dispel Magic Level 10, Cleric’s Scroll of Bestow Curse Level 10, potion of Displacement Level 10, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Lightning Bolt Level 10, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Repulsion Level 15. From flanking battle rooms, Wand of Melf’s Acid Arrow Level 10, 3 charges; Necklace of Spiritual Weapon, can cast 2 Level 5 Spiritual Weapon Spells, Dagger of Magus, +3 hit/damage, -1 Con, +3 Int, can cast 4 Searing Light Level 10 Spells; potion of Heal level 20. From furniture of 3 connected rooms, potion of Delay Poison Level 5, Cleric’s Scroll of Remove Paralysis Level 5, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Cone of Cold Level 10, potion of Fire Shield Level 10, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 15, salve of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20, Gauntlets of Destruction can cast 4 Level 20 Destruction spells, Bernard’s Unforgivable Boots, -3 Cha, can cast 3 Level 10 Stinking Cloud Spells. From shelf near Guard Arraccats, potion of Heal level 20. Back of the room reinforced chests, Pigsticker, +3 hit/damage, +1 Str, +5 hit/damage vs. Orcs and Orogs (had Emmeric keep for battles vs. Orcs/Orogs); Headsplitter, +5 hit/damage, +2 Str. Room beyond three large pillars, Cleric’s Scroll of Raise Dead Level 15, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Circle of Death Level 15, potion of Globe of Invulnerability Level 15. From Storeroom, 2 Drow Quivers of Arrows, 2 Drow Shortbows +5 hit/damage, 3 Drow Shortswords +3 hit/damage, Drow Mace +5 hit/damage, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20, salve of Heal Level 20, 4 Drow Daggers +4 hit/damage, 2 potions of Sleep Level 5, potion of Dark Naga Poison, 5 Drow Longspears +4 hit/damage, Drow Longsword +5 hit/damage. From furniture of last room of this event, Cleric’s Scroll of Heal Level 20, Wand of Firestorm Level 20 (1 charge), Staff of Harm, +3 hit/damage, can cast 5 Level 15 Harm Spells. Go: Enter the room southeast and rest, then exit and go north to a set of heavy wooden doors. EVENT 119: Treasure Archive of the Freth Drow Quest Notes: In the center of the catacomb Prisons you will find a large chamber with five reinforced chests guard by a Freth Drow army. Defeat the army and plunder the chests to discover the Baneblade Faervian, the sword of Hachaam Selorn. Selorn’s ghost will appear to you, offer him the sword and he asks you to bring it to his tomb in the Halls of Light. This advances the Baneblade Rivener Quest. Enemies: 2 Black Arraccats, 2 Freth Drow Guard Masters, 8 Freth Drow Guards, 2 Freth Drow Priests, 2 Freth Drow High Priests, 5 Freth Drow Warriors, Notes: From the heavy wooden doors go east to another set of similar doors and open them, you must defeat 2 Black Arraccats, a Freth Drow Guard Master, 4 Freth Drow Guards and a Freth Drow Priest. This Victory brought my Paladin and Emmeric to Level 15. Search the northwest bookcase to find the Heavy Spider Key, use it to open the iron gate on the northeast wall. As you pass through you receive a message that this is the Treasure Archive of the Freth Drow. Search the shelf, bookcase and reinforced chest in this antechamber, then go southeast of the reinforced chest through a heavy wooden door. In this room you must defeat Freth Drow High Priest; this battle brought my Cleric (now has the Firestorm Spell (a wider Flamestrike spell, similar in area of effect to Fireball) and first Sorcerer to Level 15, (gave the Sorcerer Hold Monster, Mass Suggestion, Control Undead. Search 2 bookcases and two shelves in this room the exit. Enter the next room northeast (it has a heavy wooden door) and you receive a message that this is where the Drow keep their legendary weapons and armor. Search the table, chest and shelf; exit and continue northeast; open the next heavy wooden door and you receive a message about magical items relieving themselves. Search the table and reinforced chest, then rest here. Exit and approach the partition north; stay behind the partition and click on one of the Freth Drow you spot wandering on the other side. The large chamber north of this partition contains, 5 Freth Drow Warriors, 4 Freth Drow Guards, a Freth Drow Priest, a Freth Drow Guard Master and a Freth Drow High Priest. I simply stayed behind the partition and let the Freth Drow come to greet my party. As they approached from either side trying to flank I used Confusion or Finger of Death and I had my melee fighters finish them off. After the battle search the 5 reinforced chests of the large chamber you have just cleared. When you open the northernmost chest the spirit of Hachaam Selorn appears, ask the ghost who it is, ask the ghost about Faervian, give the sword to the ghost, he cannot take it but he tells you to return the sword you have found to his tomb; this advances the Baneblade Rivener Quest. Acquire: From first bookcase of this event, Heavy Spider Key. From antechamber furniture, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Incendiary Cloud Level 20, Cleric’s Scroll of Firestorm Level 20, potion of Improved Invisibility Level 10, potion of Spell Resistance Level 10, Cleric’s Scroll of Resurrection Level20, Drow Quiver of Assassin’s Arrows. From High Priest’s room, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Finger of Death Level 15, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Control Undead Level 20, Cleric’s Scroll of Slay Living Level 10, Cleric’s Scroll of Destruction Level 20. From legendary equipment room, Drakulwyng +4 hit/damage, +1 Str/Fortitude saving throws, +2 Cha, -2 Con, can cast 4 Level 10Vampiric Touch Spells; Seethre’s Tongue, +5 hit/damage, +1 Dex, -3 Cha, can cast 4 Level 10 Melf’s Acid Arrow Spells; Ilrazor of Sholg’Gliath +6 hit/damage, -2 Dex, +2 Str, +1 Fortitude saving throws, can cast 6 Level 15 Harm Spells. From relieved magical items room, Beacon of Grigori, +1 Dex, +1 Reflex Saving Throws, -1 Wis, -2 Will saving throws, can cast 6 level 5 Searing Light Spells; Lystan’s Excoriata +4 Cha, can cast 3 Level 15 Mass Suggestion Spells. From 5 reinforced chests of the large chamber, Eye of the Witch +1 Itn/Wis, can cast 2 Level 10 Divine Power Spells; potion of Insects Plague- Alpha Version (casts fear project at nearest enemy when imbibed); Ring of Azular +1 Int/ Will saving throws, -1 Reflex saving throws, can cast 4 Level 20 Disintegrate Spells; Ravenskin, +2 Dex, Reflex saving throws +1, +5 AC, -1 Str, can cast 4 Level 10 Improved Invisibility Spells (gave to Paladin); Morolith, +6 hit/damage +2 Str, can cast 3 Level 15 Cloudkill Spells; Daemonclaws of Gr’Zak, +5 hit/damage, +3 Str/AC, -3 Wisdom, double damage, can cast 4 Level 10 Inflict Critical Wounds Spells (with sinister glee gave to Emmeric and gave his gloves to Cleric); the Baneblade Faervian +3 hit/damage/AC, +6 hit/damage vs. Drow, can cast 5 Level 15 Flamestrike Spells. Go: Back to the room with the iron door that you opened with the Heavy Spider Key, rest. Event 120: Draedsword Daemoniac Enemies: 2 Spectres, 19 Mohrg, Revenant, 2 Liches, 2 Archliches, 3 Master Spectres, 3 Master Shadows, 5 Margoyles, 4 Wights, Master Wight, 2 Master Wraiths, Notes: Exit through the southwest door and go southeast to a patch of suspicious stones on the south wall; search here to find a hidden door. Pass through the hidden room, then through the iron gate southeast and exit to the hall beyond. Head southwest to another iron gate on the northeast wall, go through and defeat 2 Spectres and a Mohrg. Afterward exit and head southeast to the wall, then southwest to a set of iron gates above which is a “rune writ in ever-fresh blood”. Go through the gate and open the another gate beyond it; move forward and engage a Revenant. During the second round of combat the battle expands to include 2 Liches, an Archlich, and 9 Mohrg; who attack from the hall behind you. Move fighters close to those Liches as soon as you can to prevent them casting. I used Control Undead to take over a few Mohrg and even out the battle a bit (have to destroy them later). Cast Globe of Invulnerability and gather your casters in it by the hall gate. The real problem with this battle is that the Mohrg wander everywhere in the first couple of rounds when they can’t reach you, which prolongs the battle unnecessarily. Afterward open the coffin spewing poison and retrieve the powerful sword inside. Go and rest in the room with the hidden door, then return to the poison spewing room and head west to another set of metal doors on the south wall. Open this room and defeat 2 Master Spectres and 4 Mohrg. Exit, head west and you will be ambushed by an Archlich (get melee fighters close to stop its casting) and 3 Master Shadows (destroy with Turn Undead). After the battle (keep in mind we must find its phylactery), go northwest and enter a room with iron gates, defeat 5 Margoyles, exit and go south. When you reach a set of metal doors on the southern wall, go through and defeat 2 Wights, a Master Wight, 4 Mohrg and 2 Master Wraiths. Exit and go to the next set of metal doors west on the southern wall; in this room defeat 2 Mohrg, 2 Wights and a Master Spectre. Go northwest to an intersection, head north into an alcove and enter the iron gates on the southwest wall; in this room you will find a poison-trapped phylactery for the Archlich we defeated with his Master Shadow friends. Exit to the alcove, head south to a wall, go west past a broken door on the southern wall and enter a set of metal doors you find west of it on the same wall. Defeat a Revenant, 2 Wights and 2 Mohrg. Acquire: From poison spewing coffin, Draedsweord Daemoniac, +6 hit/damage, +4 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Reflex saving throws, -3 Will saving throws, can cast 4 Level 20 Destruction Spells (gave to Emmeric; truly formidable in combination with his Daemonclaw gauntlets). Go: All the way back to the hidden room where you rested earlier and rest again. Event 121: Dreydre’s Enclave Enemies: 11 Freth Drow Guards, Freth Drow Priest, 3 Freth Drow Assassins, 15 Freth Drow Commandos, 3 Freth Drow Commanders, Black Arraccat, Dreydre, 5 Freth Drow Warriors, 4 Guard Arraccats, 2 Freth Drow High Priests, Freth Drow Guard Master. Notes: Exit through the hidden door and go northeast to a wooden door on a northeast wall, open it out of line of sight and defeat 3 Freth Drow Guards and a Freth Drow Priest. Exit through the northeast door of their room and head east to an intersection; as you go you will be ambushed by 2 Freth Drow Assassins approaching from far to the southwest. Defeat them and return to the intersection. Go southeast until you see a set of metal doors on a southwest wall, enter and stand out of the line of sight of the southeast door, then open it; you must defeat 6 Freth Drow Commandos and 2 Freth Drow Commanders. After the battle open the reinforced chest in their room and in the room across the hall to get some gold. Exit and head north to a hall running northeast, follow it to a set of metal doors on the southeast wall, open them and go south to another set of metal doors. Stand out of the line of sight and open these doors; in the room beyond you must defeat a Black Arraccat, 4 Freth Drow Guards (two of these approach from the south in the 2nd round of battle) and Dreydre (one of the people mentioned in the duel; she can cast Flamestrike so get close to her as quick as you can to prevent her casting; {note that in my game, when she tried to cast a spell, Emmeric interrupted her, hitting her for 171 points of damage! Thank you Daemonclaws and Draedsweord! This is only the beginning of reaping the benefits of this combination. There will be many more such hits as the game progresses. Highest I’ve seen it go is 191.}). After the battle take the items dropped and search the cabinet, two chests and shelf in Dreydre’s room. Search the suspicious patch of bricks on the southeast wall to discover a hidden door; exit to the hall and go east; open the wooden door and enter the room beyond. Search the reinforced chest and shelf in this room. Rest and then return to the metal doors north of the front door to Dreydre’s room. Go southwest to an intersection, then northwest, then go northeast up the next hall you come across. Stay out of the line of sight and open the set of metal doors on the northwest wall. Defeat 5 Freth Drow Warriors and a Freth Drow Commander; search the shelf and reinforced chest in their room. Exit and go northeast; at the end of the hall go north until you encounter 6 Freth Commandos and 2 Guard Arraccats; defeat them and go northwest up the hall they were approaching from. Enter the metal doors on the northeast wall; in this room search the bookcase and 2 reinforced chests. Exit to the hall go west to a wooden door, stay out of the line of sight and open it; here you encounter and must fight 3 Freth Drow Commandos and a Freth Drow High Priest; in the second round the battle expands to include 4 Freth Drow Guards, a Freth Drow Guard Master, a Freth Drow High Priest and 2 Guard Arraccats. You should have ample experience using block and blast tactics (with Confusion); apply them to this battle. After the battle take the potion dropped in the first room and then return to the second; defeat a Drow Assassin and then rest. Acquire: From Dreydre/her room, Venom +5 hit/damage, double damage, can cast 3 Level 5 Web Spells; Drow Map of Prisons, potion of Invisibility Level 5, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Fear Level 15, potion of Freedom of Movement Level 10; Medallion of Lolth +1 Dex, can cast 15 Level 20 Control Undead Spells; Drow Spidersilk Armor, +2 Dex/Reflex saving throws, +11 AC, can cast 7 Level 5 Web Spells (Gave to Rogue). From room east of Dreydre’s room, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Dispel Magic Level 10; Ring of Cursing, can cast 4 Level 10 Bestow Curse Spells. Commander’s room shelf, potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. Room across hall from Commander’s room, Small Shield +1, potion of Hold Poison Level 10. From northeast room on Commando’s hall, potion of Heal Level 20; Samigel’s Dead Slayer +4 hit/damage, +1 Reflex saving throws, +7 hit/damage vs. Undead, can cast 6 Level 5 Protection from Evil Spells. Dropped by Freth Drow High Priest, potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. On bookcase in second room potion of Blink Level 15. EVENT 122: Returning the Baneblade Faervian to Hachaam Selorn Quest Notes: In the eastern Prisons you will find a door leading back to Stillwater. Travel to Stillwater, then to the Halls of Light. Go to Hachaam Selorn’s crypt and return the Baneblade Faervian to Selorn’s tomb. Selorn teaches you the Rivening Word, and tells you that you can find the Baneblade Morvian in the possession of the Demon Rivener behind a Glpyh of the Moon opened with the word he just taught you. This advances the Baneblade Rivener Quest. Enemies: 11 Margoyles, 11 Enthralled Drow, 3 Soulless Orogs, 2 Cult Archmages, 3 Wraiths, 2 Master Wraiths, 3 Mohrg, 4 Zombie Lords, 2 Shadows, Master Shadow. Notes: Exit through the northwest door and go north into the ruins; soon you will encounter and have to defeat 7 Margoyles (northwest of Orog/Cult corpses in the ruins). Go northeast until you enter a hall, then take the next turn southeast you come across. Approach the broken wooden door on the northeast wall and defeat 3 Enthralled Drow, 3 Soulless Orogs and a Cult Archmage (Turn Undead will destroy the Soulless Orogs and hold the Enthralled Drow; get rid of that Archmage as quick as you can). Afterward exit this room and go south to a closed wooden door, open it and defeat a Wraith, 2 Master Wraiths and 2 Mohrg (Wraith can be destroyed and Master Wraiths can be held with Turn Undead). Exit and go east to a northeast hall, follow it northeast to a wooden door in a corner area; defeat 4 Zombie Lords (can be held with Turn Undead). This victory gave a level to my Rogue to be applied beyond her Level 16 Rogue Class; I chose to put her extra level into the Fighter Class, to expand the range of weapons she could use (Gave her the Dawnpike). Exit and bear northwest until you see an open wooden door on the southwest wall; go through and approach the broken wooden door on the northwest wall. Initiate combat with 4 Margoyles in the northwest room and destroy them. Exit back to the hall and go northwest to an encounter with 8 Enthralled Drow and a Cult Archmage; use established tactics to defeat them. Continue northwest until you see an alcove north with an open wooden door leading southwest; (use Turn Undead to) defeat 2 Shadows and a Master Shadow in the room beyond. Head back down the hall southeast and Go through the metal double doors on the northeast wall; defeat a Mohrg and 2 Wraiths. Use the wooden door on the back wall of this room to return to Stillwater. Left-Click the cavern entrance and select “Return to the Halls of Light”. Exit through the south door and bear east until you reach an eastern wall. Go north and pass through the northwest door you find nearby. Bear north again and you will find the tomb of Hachaam Selorn. Right-Click on the tomb and select “Place Sword of the Eye”. Speak to Selorn’s ghost and say you returned the sword, he gives you the Rivening Word and tells you to look for the Glpyh of the Moon. This advances the Baneblade Rivener Quest; now you must find the Baneblade Morvian guarded by the Demon Rivener behind a Moon Glyph. Go back and take the door to Stillwater, then Left-Click on the cavern entrance and select “Return to the Catacomb Prisons”. Go: Once back in the Prisons go to the ruins where you defeated the Margoyles earlier in this event. Event 123: Kya Mordrayn’s Not Going to Be Happy Enemies: 3 Cult Lieutenants, 8 Soulless Orogs, 12 Margoyles, Margoyle Queen, 14 Enthralled Drow, 3 Cult Archmages, 2 Spectres, 2 Cult Soldier Elites, 2 Dragon-kin, Dragon-kin Captain. Notes: Go north from the ruins to a hall running northeast, follow this hall and you will encounter a Cult Lieutenant and 4 Soulless Orogs. Now go back southwest down this same hall and go northwest at the intersection. Soon you will spot a wooden door on a southwest wall; go through this door and the southwest door beyond, go northwest and you will encounter a battle between 5 Margoyles and a Margoyle Queen vs. 6 Enthralled Drow and a Cult Archmage. Destroy the Archmage first, then wipe out the rest using established tactics; note that the Margoyle Queen won’t come out of her room so you’ll have to go in and get her. Rest and then exit to the hall; go northwest until you see an open wooden door on a northeast wall; enter the room and destroy 7 Margoyles. Exit to the hall, head southeast to the intersection and go northeast to the next intersection. Go up the hall northwest; go through the iron gate on the northeast wall and defeat 2 Spectres; exit to the hall and continue northwest to the next intersection. Go northeast to a set of metal doors on a northern wall and open them. Stand to the north of the door on the western wall, then open it to begin combat with 4 Soulless Orogs, 4 Enthralled Drow, a Cult Lieutenant and a Cult Archmage. Use established tactics to defeat this group then exit through the northern door. Go through the wooden door north on the northeast wall; then go through the next wooden door northeast and defeat 3 Mohrg. Exit to the hall and go west until you see a hall running northwest; take this hall and you will encounter and have to defeat 4 Master Wraiths that come wandering from the northeast broken wooden door. Go back down the hall southeast and take the next turn southwest. When you reach the wall, go northwest, (keep close to the northeast side of the wall), pass through wooden door and you will find a staircase that leads up to the Nightingale Court; make a brief visit and return to the Prisons. Rest here and then exit through the southeast door Approach the metal doors on the southwest wall and you view a cut scene in which you see Kya Mordrayn anxious for the destruction of your party and a Cult leader who has unlocked the doors to prepare for your arrival. After the cut scene stand to the north of the metal doors (out of the line of sight) and open them. Inside you must defeat 6 Cult Solider Elites, a Cult Lieutenant, a Cult Archmage and 4 Soulless Orogs; I kept my characters concealed through the ambush and first rounds of combat and let the Cult Archmage and his followers come out to us. Then I sent my melee fighters into slaughter mode and blocked the door; I had the Cleric destroy the Soulless Orogs, and had my Sorcerer’s cast Confusion and Finger of Death left and right. After the first army is defeat a second army appears, this one is made up of 2 Cult Soldier Elites, a Cult Lieutenant and a Cult Archmage, 2 Dragon-kin, a Dragon-kin Captain and 4 Enthralled Drow. Keep close to the door and wait for them to come to you. As they start rounding the stone partition rush forward and engage them; note that you can use Confusion and Finger of Death effectively against the Dragon-kin. Go: After the battle go and sleep by the staircase, then return to the scene of the battle and bear northwest past the partitions; go southwest when you reach a large open hall. Approach the metal doors on the southeast wall. Event 124: The Cult Fortress Enemies: 10 Cult Soldier Elites, 4 Cult Lieutenants, 2 Dragon-kin, 10 Cult Recruits, 8 Cult Mage Recruits, 5 Cult Archmages, 2 Soulless Orogs, 10 Cult Brigadiers, 2 Cult Overseers, Cult Marshall, Cult Mage, 7 Enthralled Drow, Notes: Open the metal doors and defeat 2 Cult Soldier Elites; go southeast through the heavy wooden doors and bear south to enter the storehouse, then go southwest until you spot 3 Cult Soldier Elites and a Cult Lieutenant behind some wooden partitions, engage and destroy them. Exit back through the metal doors to the large hall and head southwest. At the next intersection go northwest and open a set of metal doors on a northern stone partition wall. As soon as you open these doors you begin a battle with 2 Dragon-kin; in the second round of battle 4 Cult Recruits and a Cult Lieutenant approach from the west and 6 more Cult Recruits (these keep sparring for some reason) and another Cult Lieutenant approach from the east. I found Circle of Death very effective against all the Recruits in this area. After the battle search the bookcase in this hall and the fancy barrel to the west. Open the western metal doors on the northern wall and defeat 4 Cult Mage Recruits and a Cult Archmage; search the table and cabinet and exit to the hall. Approach the eastern metal doors on the northern wall and you will witness a battle between 4 Cult Mage Recruits and a Cult Archmage vs. a Soulless Orog. After their attack room storm the room and kill them all. This brought Jarial to Level 16, I gave him a point to Constitution and the Incendiary Cloud Spell. Exit through the stone partition wall’s metal doors and go southeast to the intersection. Head south to a hall running southwest, go through the northwest metal doors and defeat a Cult Brigadier and 2 Cult Soldier Elites. This victory brought Emmeric to Level 16 (now gets up to 5 attacks per round). Take the Blackened Key dropped by the Brigadier and use it to open the metal doors northeast. Exit through the northwest doors of the Brigadier’s room and defeat 4 more Cult Brigadiers; they are tough fighters with high AC scores so Confuse them before you start to fight. This victory brought to Level 16 my Cleric (gave her a point of Constitution), Paladin (I gave him a point of Strength; now gets up to 4 attacks per round), and first Sorcerer (gave her a point of Charisma and the Incendiary Cloud Spell). Immediately following the battle an ambush occurs; 2 Cult Brigadiers, 2 Cult Archmages and a Cult Overseer approach from the southeast and 2 more Cult Brigadiers and a Cult Marshall approach from the southwest. The general strategy is to use Confusion on the Brigadiers and offensive area-effect spells on the magic users. After the battle, rest in the Brigadier’s room and then exit northwest. Enter the first set of metal doors on the northeast wall and search 2 wooden chests; then enter the next set of metal doors and defeat 3 Cult Soldier Elites and a Soulless Orog; search the 2 chests here. Exit and go west, open a wooden door on a southwest wall and kill a Cult Lieutenant inside; search the two reinforced chests and the shelf in his room. Exit through the southeast door and bear southeast and pass through a narrow hall. When you reach a clearing head south until you see a row of arches southwest, pass under these arches and eventually you will see a wooden door on the southeast wall in a corner, enter the room beyond. Here you must defeat a Cult Mage and 2 Enthralled Drow; plunder the dropped treasure and the reinforced chest in this room. Exit and go northeast until you spot a wooden door on a northwest wall; enter it and defeat a Cult Archmage and 3 Enthralled Drow; plunder the treasure bag and reinforced chest. Stay out of the line of sight and open the northwest wooden door; defeat a Cult Overseer and 2 Enthralled Drow; search the shelf, reinforced chest, table, bookcase and dropped treasure. Go through the southeast door and defeat a Cult Brigadier who is not afraid of you. Take the Simple Iron Key and note off the table, plunder the three reinforced chests, rest, and then exit through the northeast door (use the key you just picked up to open the door). Acquire: From training hallway, Quiver of Blunt Practice Arrows, salve of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 15. From 2 mage training rooms, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Lightning Level 10, 2 potions of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Control Undead Level 20. From treasure dropped by Brigadier, Blackened Key. From 2 wooden chests, potion of Heal Level 20, Quiver of Arrows +5 hit/damage. From Soulless Orog chest, Small Shield +1 AC. From Lieutenant’s room, Drow Dagger +5 hit/damage, Full Plate +8 AC, potion of Bull’s Strength Level 5, salve of Heal Level 20, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20. From Cult Mage’s room Sorcerer’s Scroll of Incendiary Cloud Level 20, Cleric’s Scroll of Firestorm Level 20, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Disintegrate Level 20, Cleric’s Scroll of Destruction Level 20, Wand of Stinking Cloud Level 10, 3 charges. From Archmage’s room, Thoggua’s Tooth +4 hit/damage, +2 Str, -1 Dex, can cast 4 Level 15 Cloudkill Spells, potion of Heal Level 20. From Overseer’s room, Cleric’s Scroll of Raise Dead Level 15; Cleric’s Scroll of Resurrection Level 20; Idolon; Ring of Searing Light can cast 3 Level 10 Searing Light Spells; Wand of Mass Suggestion, +1 Wis, +2 Con, +2 all saving throws, +7 Spell Resistance, can cast 4 Level 15 Mass Suggestion Spells; Morgaan’s Note, Cult map of Prisons; The Guulstav of M’Raelhorrid, +3 Int, +5 hit/damage, -3 Str, +3 Will saving throws, can cast 5 Level 15 Circle of Death Spells; salve of Heal Level 20, potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. From the less-than-fearful Brigadier’s room, Simple Iron Key; Norwarden’s note; Ravensong +5 hit/damage, +2 Dex/Reflex saving throws, -3 Will saving throws, can cast 3 Level 10 Feeblemind Spells; potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20; potion of Remove Fear Level 5. Go: Northwest to a square fountain, then southwest until you see a set of metal doors on a southwest wall, approach them. EVENT 125: The Baelnorn Quest Notes: Free Miroden Silverblade from his Cult captors in the northwest area of the Prisons in the catacombs to complete the Dragonjaw Quest and to receive the Myth Raveling Quest. Enemies: 18 Cult Soldier Elites, Soulless Orog, 5 Cult Brigadiers, Cult Marshall, Cult Lieutenant, 6 Master Shadows, 2 Shadows, 2 Cult Archmages, Cult Overseer. Notes: Open the metal doors and a battle begins with 2 Cult Soldier Elites. In the second round the battle expands to include 5 more Cult Soldier Elites and a Soulless Orog in the southeast room. Defeat them using standard tactics, then plunder the reinforced chest in the southeastern room, and two reinforced chests in the northwestern room. Go through the southwest door of the main room and you will trigger a battle with 4 Cult Brigadiers, 4 Cult Soldier Elites, a Cult Marshall, and a Cult Lieutenant; Confuse and slaughter them. Take the Black Steel Key and the note dropped after the battle. You can sleep where you are then enter the revealed door on the northwest wall of this hall to trigger a battle with 6 Master Shadows and 2 Shadows (just Turn Undead to destroy them); after the battle search the well to find the Wraithmael Shield. Rest and exit from the well room, head southeast to a set of metal doors; stand in front of them and cast Globe of Invulnerability; now open the doors to set off a battle with 7 Cult Soldier Elites, a Cult Brigadier, 2 Cult Archmages, Cult Overseer. After you withstand the first assault of magic use Confusion and area-effect spells to weaken the enemy, then storm the room with melee fighters and finish them off. When the last Cult member falls Miroden Silverblade, the Baelnorn, proclaims his freedom and transports your party to a secret room. Approach him and he continues to speak, once he gives you a moment to respond, Tell him Anorrweyn sent you, ask why the Cult let him live, ask him to tune the Mythal, ask why he is no longer the Protector, ask him where a new Gem can be found, ask him who can serve as Communicant; he asks you to create a new Gem of the Weave and to beg Anorrweyn Evensong to become the new Communicant. This completes the Dragonjaw Quest and bestows the Myth Raveling Quest. Plunder the 3 chests in the Baelnorn’s room (I don’t know who he thinks he is kidding about his fabulous treasures), then exit through the portal he has created for you. You arrive in the northeast area of the Nightingale Court, go find Anorrweyn at the Shrine of Mystra. Tell her that you rescued the baelnorn from the Cult, tell her Miroden destroyed the Sapphire, tell her she must become a Communicant of the Weave; she marks you with the fire tattoo so you can pass Antarn’s Gate (just east of the Hall of Wizards on the Speculum Grounds) and asks you to fetch a new gem from Harldain Ironbar. Acquire: From Shadows’ well, The Wraithmael Shield, +3 Con/ Fortitude saving throws, -2 Wis, +2 Will saving throws, +3 AC, can cast 5 Level 15 Vampiric Touch Spell (kept in reserve). Baelnorn’s treasure, Full Plate +8 AC, Greatsword +5 hit/damage, Greataxe +5 hit/damage, 2 potions of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20, 2 salves of Cure Serious Wounds Level 10, Chainmail +5 AC, Light Mace +5 hit/damage, Shortsword +5 hit/damage, Leather Armor +2 AC, Club +5 hit/damage, Pike +5 hit/damage, 3 potions of Restoration Level 15, salve of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. Go: To the Spinning Spire in the far northeast corner of the Nightingale Court and use it to travel to Stillwater. EVENT 126: False Haven (SECOND CELLAR MAP) Quest Notes: Arriving Beriand’s tree house, after you have freed the Baelnorn, you find that he and Faeril have been abducted by the Cult, this gives you the False Haven Quest. Go through the portal in the tree house, defeat the Cult members on the other side and free Beriand and Faeril to complete the False Haven Quest. Enemies: 3 Cult Archmages, Cult Brigadier, 12 Cult Soldiers, 2 Cult Lieutenants, Cult Mage, 7 Enthralled Drow, Cult Overseer. Notes: Once you arrive in Stillwater, go to the tree house to see Beriand and Faeril. When you arrive in the tree house you are ambushed by and must defeat 2 Cult Archmages, a Cult Brigadier, 2 Cult Soldiers and a Cult Lieutenant. This victory brought my Rogue to Level 2 Fighter/Level 16 Rogue. Take the items dropped by the enemy and rest, then go through the portal. On the other side you must defeat 2 Cult Soldiers, a Cult Mage and 3 Enthralled Drow. After the battle Faeril and Beriand escape from their cell and greet you; ask how they escaped, ask why the Cult is angry, then urge them to leave. This completes the False Haven Quest. Take the Flat Brass Key dropped after the battle; drink from the fancy barrel labeled “7” to get an HP boost (I gave to Cleric). Stand northwest of the metal doors, then use the Flat Brass Key to unlock them; defeat 2 Enthralled Drow, a Cult Archmage and 4 Cult Soldiers on the other side and take the wand they drop. Go through the southeast door and defeat 4 Cult Soldiers and a Cult Lieutenant. Search the items dropped by the Lieutenant (take the Large Metal Key). Go through the wooden door on the northeast wall and search three reinforced chests (Take the Fragile Iron Key from the northwest chest); then go through the next northeast door and search a table, bookcase and reinforced chest. Stand to the southwest of the northwest door and open it, defeat 2 Enthralled Drow and a Cult Overseer; search a table, reinforced chest, cabinet, shelf and treasure icon on the floor. Exit to the hall and go south to a metal gate, use the Large Metal Key to unlock it. Go through the southeast door, head northeast up the hall; at the next intersection bear southeast until you see a heavy wooden door on a northeast wall. Go through and bear northwest to a gate; use the Fragile Iron Key to unlock the gate. In the Cult’s Storeroom plunder 2 tables, 2 fancy barrels, an open reinforced chest and a closed reinforced chest, as well as two shelves. Go back and use the magic portal to return to Beriand’s tree house. Acquire: From tree house battle, Longsword +2 hit/damage, salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20. Dropped wand, Wand of Cloudkill Level 15, 4 charges. Lieutenant’s items, Large Metal Key, Greatsword +4 hit/damage, Chainmail +5 AC. From three reinforced chests, Fragile Iron Key, Light Mace +4 hit/damage, Small Shield +1 AC, Longbow +3 hit/damage. From table, bookcase and reinforced chest, Greataxe +2 hit/damage, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Dominate Person Level 5, potion of Protection from Poison Level 5, potion of Spell Resistance Level 10. From Cult Overseer’s room, salve of Cure Serious Wounds Level 10; potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20; Sorcerer’s Scroll of Fear Level 15; Idolon; Sling +4 hit/damage; Boots of Grace, +5 Movement, +1 Dex/Reflex saving throws, can cast 3 Level 5 Cat’s Grace Spells; Suo’s note; Scepter of Leogan’s +3 Cha, +1 Will saving throws, -2 Wis, -1 Fortitude saving throws; Druul’s Kiss, +5 hit/damage, -4 Cha, can cast 3 Level 10 Poison Spells; Vidorus’s note. From Cult’s storeroom, Handaxe, 2 Greatswords, 2 Halberds, Pike, Large Shield +2 AC, Warhammer +3 hit/damage, 5 Clubs, Small Shield. Go: Exit the tree house and go to the cavern entrance northwest. EVENT 127: The Gem of the Weave (SURFACE MAP) Quest Notes: Return to the House of Gems and speak to Harldain Ironbar about your need for a new Gem of the Weave. You will then receive the Tumblebar which will open the Dwarven Horde hidden beneath a broken statue in the courtyard of the House of Gems. Enter the Horde and claim the Gem of the Weave. Go through the gate of Antarn, just east of the Hall of Wizards on the Speculum Grounds, and place the Gem of the Weave on the Altar of the Mythal at the top of the trail beyond the gate. This completes the Myth Raveling Quest. Afterward, speak to Anorrweyn and Miroden in the Baelnorn’s secret lair to receive the Cost of Dreams Quest (use the Word of Redemption to destroy the Sapphire of the Weave, which is in the possession of Kya Mordrayn). Note: Before returning the Gem of the Weave to the Altar of the Mythal, speak to Odelinde about Castle Cormanthor to receive a warning about its defenses; this grants you the Ancient Defenses Quest. Enemies: 2 Gargoyles, 14 Doomkin Cult Fighters, Azmark Duathel. Notes: Use the cavern entrance to return to the Halls of Light, then go to the far eastern area of the Halls and go up the stairs to the House of Gems Tower. Climb to the roof of the tower (up three flights of stairs) and defeat 2 Gargoyles; take the Gauntlets they drop and return to the ground floor. Go through the western fortified door to reenter the House of Gems. Go up the stairs and speak to Harldain Ironbar, ask where you go to enter the Hoard, ask what the new gem looks like, ask what you do with the gem when you get it, ask about the size of the hoard, say you must go now-ask for the key, ask what’s happened to the Mythal, ask if anyone’s come to visit him, ask if he’s added anything to his collection; receive the Tumblebar. (I took this opportunity to buy Ranman’s meditations because I plan to have my Paladin branch out into the Monk class during his next level-up).Go downstairs and exit through the front door of the House of Gems. Go east to the edge of the building, north to the top of the tower, west to an alcove and southwest to a broken statue; use the Tumblebar to open the broken statue by Right-Clicking on the broken statue and selecting “Place Hinged Device”. Head down the steps, open the reinforced chest and take the Gem of the Weave. Go back upstairs and you are attacked by 4 Doomkin Cult Fighters. It is harder to Confuse these fighters so you may want to immediately start with heavy duty offensive spells like Finger of Death and Fire Storm. Doomkin Cult Fighters are kind of like Brigadiers with greater resistance to Confusion (this is not to say they cannot be Confused, it’s just that you will, most likely, only be able to Confuse them one at a time); you may want to power-up your melee fighters before battle. Note that after the battle you can rest in the alcove northeast if necessary. Head back to the front door of the House of Gems; along the way you must defeat 5 more Doomkin Cult Fighters. As you reach the front door you are attacked by Azmark Duathel (the wizard collaborator mentioned by Beriand and Faeril) and 5 Doomkin Cult Fighters; you must get close to Azmark to stop him casting spells; get rid of him as soon as you can, then work on defeating the Doomkin fighters; after the battle, take the items they drop. Go back through the House of Gems and take the Tower Staircase down into the Halls of Light. Cross to the western side of the Halls of Light and pass through the Seal of Mythanthor to enter the Speculum Grounds. Take the northern trail to enter the Windrider Glade and go and speak to Odelinde (approach the Temple from the eastern side of the Glade if you want to avoid combat). Ask her about the human she met, then ask her for Tales of Castle Cormanthor 5 times to receive the Ancient Defenses Quest. Now return to the Speculum grounds and head southwest from the bottom of the trail; as you approach the gates of Antarn they open automatically. Follow the path northwest (behind the gate) and you will have to defeat 4 Dragon-kin Captains; Confusion will help during this battle. At the top of the path go southwest to a set of steps with a clawed-platform at the top; this is the Altar of the Mythal. Climb the steps, Right-Click on the platform and select “Place Large Green Gem”. Watch the cut scene where Anorrweyn cannot take control of the Mythal, then you will be teleported to the Baelnorn’s secret lair. Approach Anorrweyn and Miroden to begin a dialogue; receive the Word of Redemption. Go through the portal opened by Miroden to enter the passage to castle Cormanthor. Acquire: From Gargoyles, Gauntlets of Light Burden, decreases encumbrance by 50 pounds (gave to Jarial to help him carry his Arcane Mail). From Harldain Ironbar, Tumblebar. From hoard, Gem of the Weave. From Azmark, Longbow +5 hit/damage, high quality gems, Doomkin Scarab, can cast 1 Level 15 Dominate Person Spell. From Dragon-kin Captains, Dagger +5 hit/damage, Amulet of Rolling Smoke, can cast 3 Level 15 Cloudkill Spells. EVENT 128: The Demon Rivener (CASTLE PASSAGE MAP) Quest Notes: In the eastern Castle Passage you encounter a ghost that tells you to cast a stone into the well of Fates, this advances the Ancient Defenses Quest. Defeat The Demon Rivener in his room behind the Moon Glyph in the eastern Castle Passage to receive the Baneblade Morvian and complete the Baneblade Rivener Quest. Enemies: 2 Spectres, Master Spectre, 5 Mohrg, The Demon Rivener, 2 Master Wraiths. Notes: Go southwest until you see a wooden door on a northwest wall, go through and defeat 2 Spectres, a Master Spectre and 2 Mohrg; Turn Undead will hold the Spectres and Master Spectre. After the battle, drink from the fancy barrel to get a +1 Str Bonus (I gave to Emmeric). Go up the stairs to open the passage to the Nightingale Court, then reenter the passage. Head southwest until you see a wooden door on the southeast wall. Go through this door and a Skeleton Knight starts wailing about his missing leg; he tells you to cast a stone into the Well of Fates, this advances the Ancient Defenses Quest. Bear south from the corpse until you see a hall heading west. Take the western hall and you will find an iron gate with the Glpyh of the Moon in front of it. Approach the Glyph while remaining out of the line of sight of the iron gate and the Rivening Word is spoken, a battle begins with The Demon Rivener. Keep your people out of sight and let the Demon come out to you; when it enters the hall cast Finger of Death as many times as necessary until it is destroyed (It normally only takes one Finger of Death spell to kill it instantly, if you can believe that!). This victory completes the Baneblade Rivener Quest and gives you the Baneblade Morvian. This victory also gave Jarial an extra Level, which I put into the Fighter class to make him a stronger overall character. Go west and defeat with 3 Mohrg and 2 Master Wraiths in the hall. This battle gave Emmeric an extra level, which I put to the Barbarian class. Go southwest to a wall and the northwest to a set of metal doors. Go through these doors and head north to a wooden door, enter and note the Giant Keg of Elven Tonic on the east wall that can cast 1 Cure Serious Wounds Spell. Enter the western adjoining room and defeat 1 lonely Cult Soldier Elite. Search a table, two chests (one is empty), shelf and fancy barrel in this room. Acquire: From The Demon Rivener, The Baneblade Morvian, +5 hit/damage, +20 Spell Resistance, +7 hit/damage and +4 Str vs. Dragonkind, can cast 5 Level 20 Firestorm Spells (Gave to Paladin; gave his Deathspike to Rogue). Lonely soldier’s room, Chainmail +5 AC, Longsword +4 hit/damage, Shortbow +4 hit/damage, Quiver of Arrows +3 hit/damage. Go: Rest here. EVENT 129: Athan Quest Notes: Defeat 4 Dragon-kin in a hall in the eastern Castle Passage. After the battle you will hear Athan calling from a room southeast. Take the Iron Cell Key dropped by the Dragon-kin and use it to open Athan’s cell in the southeast room. This sequence bestows and completes the Undying Heroism Quest. Speak to Athan about the castle’s defenses to receive the Shrieking Spires Quest; you may now take him into your party. Enemies: 11 Cult Soldier Elites, 4 Cult Soldier Lieutenants, 6 Dragon-Kin, Ormyrr, Orc Marauder Hoodoo, Freth Drow High Priest, Zombie Lord, 3 Cult Quartermasters, Dragon-kin Captain, 2 Cult Brigadiers, 4 Cult Archmages, 4 Enthralled Drow. Notes: Exit through the north door and defeat 4 Cult Soldier Elites and a Cult Soldier Lieutenant in the hall. Go through the heavy wooden doors on the northeast wall; defeat 4 Dragon-kin. After the battle you here Athan’s voice from the southeast room; pick up the key dropped by the Dragon-kin, go through the southeast door and use the Iron Cell Key to unlock Athan’s cell; approach him. See Quest Notes. Ask about the Cult’s forces, ask about the Castle defenses (to get the Shrieking Spires Quest), and ask one more Question of your choosing. Freeing Athan gave an Extra level to my Paladin, Cleric and first Sorcerer. I had my Paladin put a level into the Monk Class and I had the Cleric (gave her the Dawn Pike) and Sorcerer both put a level into the Fighter Class. You now have the option of taking Athan into your party, he is a Level 16 Fighter, if you do not take him now you can find him later at the Shrine of Mystra in the Nightingale Court. I did not take him. Exit to the hall and go west to a set of heavy wooden doors. Go through and defeat 2 Dragon-kin. You have entered the Cult Prisons, almost none of the prisoners will be grateful if you set them free. Enter the northeast room and defeat an Ormyrr; enter the southwest room and defeat an Orc Marauder Hoodoo. Then exit through the northwest door, go west to a wooden door and defeat a Freth Drow High Priest. Exit and go to the next wooden door on the northwest wall and defeat a Zombie Lord in the room beyond. Open the metal doors south of the wooden door you just opened and engage 2 Cult Quartermasters and a Cult Lieutenant. In the second round of combat, the battle expands to include another Cult Quartermaster and Cult Lieutenant, plus a Dragon-kin Captain, a Cult Brigadier and 2 Cult Archmages. Defeat them all using established tactics and plunder the table in the well of fire room and then open the strongbox on a table in the same room. When you open the strongbox you will be presented with a roster of 10 prisoners, read about them all to discover that Nathlilik has been captured. Exit to the hall and go southwest to a hall running southeast, take the southeast hall. Open the metal doors on the northeast side of the hall and defeat 4 Cult Soldier Elites and a Cult Brigadier. Search a reinforced chest and 2 wooden chests in the Brigadier’s room, then exit to the hall. Enter the wooden door east across the hall, defeat a Cult Archmage and 4 Enthralled Drow; search the table, reinforced chest and cabinet in this room. Enter the room southeast and search the bookcase and table. Stand southwest of the southeast door and open it, initiate combat with, and defeat a Cult Archmage, 3 Cult Soldier Elites and a Cult Lieutenant. Acquire: From 4 Dragon-kin, Iron Cell Key. From well of fire room, very high quality gems. From Brigadier’s room, potion of Heal level 20, dagger +3 hit/damage, Quiver of Arrows +4 hit/damage. Archmage’s room and the room southeast of it, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Repulsion Level 15; Ring of Hushing, can cast 5 Level 10 Silence Spells; potion of Cat’s Grace Level 5; Cleric’s Scroll of Prayer Level 10, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 20. Go: Bear west from the well of fire in the hall until you see a set of metal doors on a northwest wall. EVENT 130: Freeing Nathlilik; Finding the Stone of Fates Quest Notes: In the central Castle Passage you will find Nathlilik guarded by 2 Dragon-kin; defeat them and release her with the key they held; this completes the Dark Lover Quest. Nathlilik asks you to help destroy the Soul Vessel which has trapped the souls of her people, the Kilsek Drow; this is the Vessel of Souls Quest. Enemies: 12 Cult Soldier Elites, Lizardfolk Taskmaster, Kilsek Drow Warrior, 3 Dragon-kin, Orog Berserker, Cult Lieutenant, 3 Enthralled Drow, 5 Black Arraccats, 2 Guard Arraccats, 2 Wights, 13 Mohrg, Archlich. Notes: Pass through the northwest metal doors and engage 4 Cult Soldier Elites, in the second round of battle 2 more Cult Soldier Elites approach from the northeast room. Defeat all 6 and take the map on the table in the northeast room. Rest and then exit through the northeast door of the first room; enter the first heavy wooden door on the northeast wall and open the Lizardfolk Taskmaster’s cell. You may either kill him or let him go, I killed him. Exit and then enter the next wooden door on the northeast wall; defeat a Kilsek Drow Warrior. Exit and bear southwest to a set of heavy wooden doors. Enter and defeat 2 Dragon-kin, take the Heavy Prison Key they drop. Enter the southwest room and kill an Orog Berserker. Enter the northeast room and use the Heavy Prison Key to open Nathlilik’s cell; ask the location of the Soul Vessel and how to destroy it. Freeing Nathlilik completes the Dark Lover Quest and gives you the Vessel of Souls Quest; (find and destroy the Vessel which had trapped the souls of the Kilsek Drow). Exit from the main room and go south to a set of metal doors on a southern wall. Enter and attack 4 Cult Soldier Elites and a Cult Lieutenant. In the second round the battle expands to include a Dragon-kin, 2 Cult Soldier Elites and 3 Enthralled Drow. Defeat these enemies and take the gems they drop; search 3 chests in the eastern room. Exit through the metal doors on the southern wall of the western room. Head south and defeat a Black Arraccat; continue south and pass through a wooden door. In this room lies a Zombie pinned beneath a boulder, smash the boulder to free the Zombie and take the magical item found beneath the boulder, Aasirak’s Brain. Go through the southeast door and follow a winding tunnel to an encounter with 2 Guard Arraccats and 2 Black Arraccats. Go up the northwest hall and you will spot a revealed door on a northeast wall; you can take this back get back to Stillwater; when you want to return, Left-Click on the cavern entrance and select “Return to the Passage to Castle Cormanthor”. Go southwest to a wall and west to a battle between 2 Black Arraccats vs. 2 Wights and 3 Mohrg. Defeat them, then go up the northeast passage to a room with metal doors. Block the doors, then open them and defeat 10 Mohrg; afterward, destroy the phylactery in this room, then take the dropped treasure and search 2 chests and a bookcase. Exit through the northern door and defeat an Archlich you encounter in the hall. Acquire: From table in northeast room, Map of Second Cellar. From 2 Dragon-kin, Heavy Prison Key. From eastern room, low quality gems, potion of Bull’s Strength Level 5, Greatsword +4 hit/damage. Aasirak’s Brain, +3 Int, +2 Will saving throws, can cast 4 Level 15 Mass Suggestion Spells. From phylactery room, Hammer Veneficus, +5 hit/damage, +2 all saving throws, can cast 5 Level 10 Dispel Magic Spells; Idolon; Sylmorrir--Shield of Power, +6 AC, +3 Dex, +2 Reflex saving throws, -2 Con, 1 Fortitude saving throws, can cast 6 Level 15 Shield of Faith Spells; Sorcerer’s Scroll of Hold Monster Level 10; potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 15, salve of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20. Go: Back and rest in the phylactery room. EVENT 131: Activating the Ancient Defenses Quest Notes: In this event you will find the Stone of Fates by a chasm in the western Castle Passage. When you find the Well of Fates, place the Stone into the Well activate the Ancient Defenses and defeat the Cult forces defending the underground approach to Castle Cormanthor. This completes the Ancient Defenses Quest. Enemies: 5 Black Arraccats, Mother Arraccat, 3 Dragon-kin Captains, 2 Cult Archmages, 4 Cult Lieutenants, 2 Cult Quartermasters, Cult Overseer, 2 Enthralled Drow, Cult Marshall, 4 Dragon-kin. Notes: Exit north from the phylactery room and bear north until you receive a message about ghosts rushing for safe haven. Go northwest and defeat 3 Black Arraccats and an Arraccat Mother. Continue northwest and you receive another message; this one tells how the ancient defenses failed. In a treasure bag by the chasm you will find a scroll and the Stone of Fates the Skeleton Knight mentioned. Go back to the clearing where you participated in the battle between Arraccats and Undead in the last event. From there go northwest until you see a wooden bridge spanning a chasm to the west. As you approach the bridge an elf mage ghost appears and mentions the Stone of Fates, then she crosses the bridge. Follow the ghost across and approach the Well of Fates on the other side; Right-Click on the well and select “Place Large Ruby Gemstone”. Suddenly, the well is crushed, you are thrust into battle and given an ambush round. In the hall are 2 Dragon-kin Captains, 2 Cult Archmages, 4 Cult Lieutenants, 2 Cult Quartermasters, a Cult Overseer, 2 Enthralled Drow, and a Cult Marshall; you are being assisted by 4 Dwarven Statues. I used the ambush round to cast Confusion on two groups of enemies and to get my melee fighters closer to the battle. In the first round of real combat I continued to cast Confusion and had my melee fighters concentrate on getting rid of the enemy magic users; this is when the Dwarven Statues started getting into the battle. I spent the second round killing off the few enemies who had not been confused (using Finger of Death, Destruction and melee attacks). The remaining couple of rounds were spent cleaning up. Victory in this battle completes the Ancient Defenses Quest. After the battle my Rogue got another extra level making her Level 16 Rogue and Level 3 Fighter. Head north from the scene of this battle and enter a narrow hall that leads northwest. Follow this hall as it curves and you will eventually encounter 2 Black Arraccats, defeat them and go northeast. Eventually you will come to a hall that leads northwest, follow this hall to a barrel standing alone in a clearing and go north to a pile of rocks. Head northwest from the rocks and you will arrive at a staircase leading up to the surface; ascend. At the top of the stairs you arrive in a battle with 4 Dragon-kin and a Dragon-kin Captain, Confuse and defeat them. Acquire: Near the chasm, Stone of Fates, +1 Con/all saving throws, +12 Spell Resistance; Sorcerer’s Scroll of Fireball Level 10. Event 132: The Shrieking Spires (SURFACE MAP) Quest Notes: Climb to the top of Castle Cormanthor’s exterior ramp, defeating all opposition along the way. When you go through the transitional door on the top platform, you enter the Castle and complete the Shrieking Spires Quest. Enemies: 7 Black Arraccat, 2 Arraccat Mothers, 17 Cult Soldier Elites, 2 Cult Brigadiers, 3 Cult Overseers, 6 Cult Lieutenants, 12 Dragon-kin, 9 Cult Archmages, 4 Dragon-kin Captains, 4 Gargoyles, Gargoyle Leader, 4 Cult Quartermasters. Notes: Bear north from the scene of the Dragon-kin battle and defeat 3 Black Arraccat. Now head south to a stone cliff and bear east. You will pass a set of wide stone stairs to the north and then a set of ruined stone stairs to the north. After you pass the ruined steps the path will bear northeast, follow it to a set of curved stone steps at the end of the path. Go up these stairs and defeat 4 Black Arraccats and 2 Arraccat Mothers; after the battle take the healing items dropped by the Arraccats and rest at the top of the platform (Note: This is the only safe place to sleep in the outside area of Castle Cormanthor; return here whenever you need to rest during this event). Exit back down the steps and head for the ruined stone steps you past earlier. As you ascend these steps you are flanked by 8 Cult Soldier Elites, a Cult Brigadier, a Cult Overseer, a Cult Lieutenant and a Cult Archmage. Use Confuse and melee fighting to defeat them, then take the items they drop. Go to the wide stone steps nearest the scene of the Dragon-kin battle and climb them. You receive a message that the gate at the top of the stairs was once guarded by the Army of Art. From the top of the stairs go up the path northeast until you encounter 6 Cult Soldier Elites, a Cult Lieutenant, 2 Dragon-kin and 2 Cult Archmages. Use offensive magic to take out those to Archmages, then use Confusion on the enemy fighters and send your melee-fighters in to clean up. Continue northeast, when the path curves north you will enter a courtyard and encounter 3 Cult Archmages, a Cult Overseer, a Dragon-kin Captain and 6 Dragon-kin. You must get rid of those Archmages first, no matter what; then you can confuse and slaughter the Dragon-kin. After the battle take the items dropped by the Dragon-kin Captain and go up the steps northeast. To the east is a broken gate, and beyond it 4 Gargoyles and a Gargoyle Leader, defeat them and continue east to lower the bridge to Windrider Glade. Cross the bridge to activate the path, then cross again to return to Castle Cormanthor. Go to the courtyard where you fought the Dragon-kin Captain and head west. On a set of steps leading west you will encounter and have to defeat 3 Cult Soldier Elites, a Cult Lieutenant, 4 Dragon-kin and a Dragon-kin Captain. Take the note they drop and go up the stairs northeast from their platform. Gathered at the top of the stairs, at the highest platform of Castle Cormanthor are a Dragon-Kin, a Dragon-kin Captain, 2 Cult Archmages and Four Cult Quartermasters. When you kill off the Quartermasters, Cult reinforcements arrive from the east; the battle expands to include 3 Dragon-kin, a Dragon-kin Captain, a Cult Archmage, a Cult Overseer, a Cult Brigadier and 3 Cult Lieutenants. Defeat this army and take the magic items they drop. This Victory brought my Paladin, Emmeric and Jarial up an extra level; I had the Paladin advance to Level 2 Monk, Jarial advance to Level 2 Fighter and Emmeric advance to Level 2 Barbarian. Go back and sleep at the Arraccat platform, then return to the top of the Castle and enter the transitional doors beneath a broken stained glass arch on the west side of the platform. When you enter the Castle you receive a message about loose, chain-smoking Dragon-kin. This completes the Shrieking Spires Quest; this also gave an extra level to my Cleric and first Sorcerer; I brought them both to Level 2 Fighters. Acquire: From platform Arraccats, potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20, salve of Heal level 20. From Flanking army, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Finger of Death Level 15, high quality gems. From Dragon-kin Captain, Quiver of Arrows +5 hit/damage, Battleaxe +4 hit/damage, Chainmail +5 AC. Dropped note, Falon’s note. From highest platform, Sorcerer’s Scroll of Circle of Death Level 15, Wand of Flamestrike Level 15, 1 charge. Event 133: The DragonKin Aerie (MAP OF SAME NAME) Enemies: 17 Dragon-kin, 3 Dragon-kin Captains, 2 Cult Archmages, 2 Cult Brigadiers, 2 Cult Lieutenants. Notes: Go through the arch north and defeat 2 Dragon-kin who have come to greet you as you enter the Castle (space is at a premium on this walkway, so keep your best melee fighters forward). Follow the curving path west and then south and you will arrive in the barrack-rookeries of the Dragon-kin. Go to the bottom of the ramp and initiate combat with 7 Dragon-Kin (one is to the west) and a Dragon-kin Captain. By the third round the battle will expand to include 6 more Dragon-Kin, 2 more Dragon-kin Captains, a Cult Archmage, a Cult Brigadier, and a Cult Lieutenant (you may want to start confusing the eastern group of Dragon-kin as early as the second round, to take advantage of their delayed response to your attack in the west). Confusion is your top priority, then taking out the Archmage; the rest of the battle is clean-up. During this entire battle I only had to kill three enemies who were not confused (2 Dragon-kin killed before my mages could cast Confusion and the Archmage who was killed with a Fire Storm Spell; that’s the easy way to get through this fight). Search the 5 treasure icons on the rubbish mound at the bottom of the ramp, then search the treasure bag in the alcove where the 2 Dragon-kin Captains were nesting. Go east and defeat 2 more Dragon-kin. Go all the way to the western side of the room and ascend a transitional staircase just west of the ramp. You arrive on a ramp to an exterior tower; defeat 4 Cult Soldier Elites, a Cult Arch Mage, a Cult Lieutenant and a Cult Brigadier. Take the sword dropped after the battle and rest here, then reenter the DragonKin Aerie. Acquire: From rubbish treasure icons, Dagger +4 hit/damage; moderate quality gems; potion of Cure Light Wounds Level 5; Dagger +2 hit/damage; Cleric’s Scroll of Shield of Faith Level 15; potion of Delay Poison Level 10; Sorcerer’s Scroll of Dispel Magic Level 20 (kept for Jarial); Ethanniel’s Sling +5 hit/damage, +2 Dex/Reflex saving throws, can cast 6 Level 5 Magic Missile Spells; Farliand’s Fabulous Footwear, +3 Con, -2 Cha, +1 Will Saving Throws, can cast 3 Level 20 Heal Spells; potion of Heal Level 20; Idolon; Cleric’s Scroll of Command Level 10; potion of Mage Armor Level 5; Sorcerer’s Scroll of Shocking Grasp Level 10; Shortbow +1 hit/damage; low quality gems, salve of Heal Level 20; Handaxe +1 hit/damage; Cleric’s Scroll of Bestow Curse Level 10; potion of Haste Level 10; Sorcerer’s Scroll of Stinking Cloud Level 15; Arrow +2 hit/damage; Battleaxe +3 hit/damage; potion of Heal Level 20; Studded Leather Armor +3 AC; very high quality gems; potion of Invisibility Level 5; Sorcerer’s Scroll of Slow Level 10; Quiver of Arrows +3 hit/damage; Large Shield +2 AC; potion of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20; Staff of Harm, +3 hit/damage, can cast 5 Level 15 Harm Spells; Cleric’s Scroll of Find Traps Level 10; high quality gems; Sorcerer’s Scroll of Bull’s Strength Level 15. From alcove, potion of Heal Level 20, Dagger +5 hit/damage. Dropped after battle in exterior tower, Greatsword +4 hit/damage. Go: Cross to the far eastern side of the room and use the transitional doorway on the north wall. EVENT 134: The Silverspear Armory (MAP OF SAME NAME) Quest Notes: Help Nathlilik destroy the army guarding the Soul Vessel in the Silverspear Armory of Castle Cormanthor to complete the Vessel of Souls Quest. Enemies: 8 Enthralled Drow, Dragon-kin Captain, Cult Archmage Notes: As soon as you transition into the Silverspear Armory you receive a message about “the presence of untold thousands of anguished souls” and “the pain of their unending death”. These must be the people who have played Ruins of Myth Drannor up to this point. Head west and Nathlilik pops out from behind a corner and urges you to help her destroy the Soul Vessel. There are 8 Enthralled Drow, a Dragon-kin Captain and a Cult Archmage to be defeated in this room. This battle should be easy for you now; Turn Undead will halt the Drow; use offensive spells to wipe out the Archmage and send your best melee fighter to kill the Dragon-kin; the rest is clean up. After the battle Nathlilik destroys the Soul Vessel and then kills herself (more correctly she does a slight amount of damage to herself with a magic spell, stands there embarrassed for a moment, and then is automatically removed from play). This victory completes the Soul Vessel Quest. Plunder Nathlilik’s items; the treasure bag west of the Soul Vessel; two wooden chests in the northern alcove of the Armory. Acquire: From Nathlilik, Drow Shortsword +4 hit/damage; Large Shield +2; Drow Chainmail +5 AC; Drow Longbow +4 hit/damage; 2 potions of Heal Level 20; 2 Salves of Heal Level 20. From treasure bag, Dydimm’s Ring of False Hope, -1 Saving Throws, +4 Cha, -2 hit/damage/AC/initiative, -3 Con, -6 Spell Resistance, +2 Int, can cast 10 Cure Light Wounds Level 5. From 2 wooden chests, Wand of Magus +3 Wis, -1 Con, can cast 4 Level 5 Searing Light Spells; Death’s Head Ring, Con +2, can cast 6 Level 10 Raise Dead Spells (Gave to Paladin); potion of Heal Level 20; potion of Bull’s Strength Level 5; Glothaust’s note; salve of Heal Level 20; potion of Displacement Level 10; potion of Prayer Level 10; potion of Slow Level 10; Scroll of Disintegrate Level 20; Cleric’s Scroll of Raise Dead Level 5. Go: Rest here then go down the transitional stairs beneath the Soul Vessel. Event 135: Hall of Armathors (MAP OF SMAE NAME) Enemies: 4 Cult Soldiers, 3 Cult Lieutenants, 2 Dragon-kin Captains, Cult Grand Overseer, 2 Cult Marshals, 3 Dragon-Kin, 5 Cult Brigadiers, 3 Cult Overseers. Notes: As soon as you arrive in the Hall of Armathors you receive a message about history being written by the victors. Go west and defeat 2 Cult Soldier Elites and a Cult Lieutenant. After the battle bear north under the steps and defeat another 2 Cult Soldiers and a Cult Lieutenant. Go northeast to the wall and head southeast; soon you will encounter 2 Dragon-kin Captains, a Cult Grand Overseer, 2 Cult Marshals, 3 Dragon-Kin, 5 Cult Brigadiers, 3 Cult Overseers, and a Cult Lieutenant. I am going to recommend something you have never heard me say before: Cast Confusion as many times as you can until almost all of the enemies are confused, then kill them. Oh, and get a few melee fighters close to the Overseers to stop them from casting. After the battle you automatically pick up the Dragonbone Talisman and a portal is summoned. Plunder the 3 treasure icons spread out over the field of battle. You are so close to the end of the game it is sickening. Save your game over and over under several different titles if you have to because there is no going back until you defeat the bosses on the other side of the portal in this room. Should you want to change the make-up of your party (add different NPCs) or buy more supplies (have your Sorcerer’s load up on Heal salves) or whatever, you will have to do it BEFORE you enter the portal. You’ve been warned. Acquire: From battle, Dragonbone Talisman, +1 Str, +3 Fortitude saving throws, +1 Int, +12 Spell Resistance, can cast 3 Level 20 Fire Storm Spells; Ring of Hold Person, can cast 4 Level 15 Hold Person Spells; Ring of Slowing, can cast 4 Level 10 Hold Spells; Ring of Disbelief, can cast 5 Level 10 Dispel Magic Spells; Wand of Fireball Level 10, 10 charges; Dagger +5 hit/damage; moderate quality gems; potion of Globe of Invulnerability Level 15; potion of Bull’s Strength Level 20; salve of Cure Critical Wounds Level 20 Go: Through the portal. EVENT 136: Defeating Kya Mordrayn (POOL CAVERN MAP) Quest Notes: Approach the Sapphire of the Weave in the Pool Cavern and the Word of Redemption is spoken. Miroden Silverblade destroys the Sapphire and the Cost of Dreams Quest is completed. Enemies: Cult Overseer, 4 Enthralled Drow, 4 Dragon-kin, Dragon-Kin Captain, Cult Grand Overseer, Cult Archmage, 3 Mordrayns. Notes: You will not be able to sleep in the Pool Cavern you have just entered so be careful, don’t waste spells (especially Cleric Spells). Head northeast and you will soon encounter a Cult Overseer, 4 Enthralled Drow, 4 Dragon-kin, a Dragon-Kin Captain, a Cult Grand Overseer, and a Cult Archmage. Use Confusion and offensive spells; get rid of the enemy magic user’s first. After the battle search the dropped items and then head up the center path (the one the Cult Grand Overseer was standing on) and you will encounter the Pool of Radiance; select “Continue you Quest”. This brought my Rogue to Level 16 Rogue/Level 4 Fighter, I gave her a point to strength. Heal your characters using potions, healing items, and salves but save your Cleric’s spells (I used 2 potions of Full Heal, 2 salves of Cure Critical Wounds). Power-up in this order: Sorcerer’s cast Bull’s Strength and Cat’s Grace for all 6, Cleric casts Freedom of Movement for all 6; Cleric casts Aid, Shield of Faith and Spell Resistance for all 6; Cleric casts Bless and Prayer; Sorcerer casts Haste on all 6. (Use Key maps {Ctrl+Function Key} to make this as quick as possible. Make a separate save with your powered-up characters ready; you can come back to this if the battle doesn’t go well. Go west from the pool platform, then follow the northern ramp as it curves to a platform where Kya Mordrayn stands, communing with the Mythal. Approach the Sapphire of the Weave and the Word of Redemption is spoken, this completes the Cost of Dreams Quest. Afterward, Kya Mordrayn splits into 3 and gets an ambush round casting Fireballs at you (Spell Resistance will greatly reduce the damage your party will take). As soon as the ambush round is over, get your fighters up close to the Mordrayns to stop them casting; then slaughter them. It should only take 2 rounds following the ambush round to defeat the Mordrayns. Afterward you see a cut scene of Kya Mordrayn being dragged down into the ground; when the cut scene is over, Anorrweyn heals your party and the battle with Pelendralaar the Dracolich begins. Acquire: From dropped treasure, Ring of Protection +4 AC, +1 all saving throws (gave to Rogue); potion of Spell Resistance Level 10. Automatically after defeating Kya Mordrayn, Gauntlets of Moander. EVENT 137: Pelendralaar Quest Notes: Defeating Pelendralaar and destroying the Pool of Radiance completes The Pool, Awakened Quest. Enemies: Pelendralaar Notes: Pelendralaar the Dracolich is immensely powerful, hard to hit and can wipe your party out with a few blasts of flame. This is going to be easy. Only your melee fighters will do any good against it, it is immune or highly resistant to most forms of magic. Keep your Sorcerers and Cleric behind the lines using healing salves or casting Heal on the injured. You will still be powered-up from the encounter with Kya Mordrayn, and if you have followed my guide your characters will be strong enough to destroy the Dracolich without losing a single member of your party. Emmeric is the real heavy-hitter who will do most of the damage (he has The Draedsweord Daemoniac and the Daemonclaws of Gr’Zak). The Rogue will lend support with the Deathspike and your Paladin will do a good amount of damage with the Baneblade Morvian. Do not use Power Attacks, they will constantly miss; it is normal, steady, consistent damage that will carry the day. Get your three best melee fighters up front and begin the battle as instructed. It took me 15 hits and a total of 914 points of damage to destroy the Dracolich. I used 2 salves of Heal and a Heal spell. This victory gave an extra level to my Paladin, Cleric, and first Sorcerer, as well as Jarial and Emmeric. I put that level to Monk, Fighter, Fighter, Fighter, and Barbarian, respectively. There are 3 special weapons you can pick up after the battle, examine them. Now return to the central spot of the cavern, the Pool of Radiance platform where you were tempted before battling Kya Mordrayn. Search through the treasure in front of the portal, then step through the portal to return to the area outside of Castle Cormanthor on the path east to Windrider Glade. Acquire: From Pelendralaar, Fau’Bluhdg’Ne, +6 hit/damage, +4 Dex, -4 Cha, +1 Fortitude saving throws, -1 Will saving throws, can cast 3 Level 15 Cloudkill spells; Plaeg +6 hit/damage, +4 Dex, -3 Str, Reflex saving throws +2, can cast 3 Level 15 Flame Strike Spells; Praung, +7 hit/damage, +3 Str/Dex, +1 Fortitude saving throws, +1 Reflex saving throws, -3 Will saving throws, -5 Con, can cast 3 Level 5 Resurrection Spells. From treasure bag in front of portal, salve of Healing Level 20, potion of Cure Serious Wounds Level 15, high quality gems, very high quality gems, Ceremonial Dagger +1 hit/damage, +2 hit/damage vs. Orcs/Orogs, Cleric’s Scroll of Remove Paralysis Level 15. Go: If you followed my walkthrough then you have completed every Quest and the whole city is open to you. Your characters are stuck wandering Myth Drannor forever because their bosses are too mean to create a portal that would bring them home. Do what you will, you have won the game. ******************************************************************************* VII) REFERENCE: A) Quests: This section lists each Quest in the game and gives a brief description of how to solve that Quest. For a more detailed explanation of how to solve a Quest, refer to the Event numbers mentioned in that Quest’s description. Alone in the Darkness: Ormyrrs have been driven underground, find them and talk to them. Given by Beriand, Event 04. In the eastern main halls (Event 22) you will find a lost Ormyrr who, if you treat him kindly, gives you information about his clan and a Wand of Cone of Cold. In the central Deep Halls you will find a dwarven rune flanked by two stacks of sharp sticks. Enter this hall and defeat the Orc Army that has driven the Sharpstick Clan Ormyrrs from their home, this completes the Quest. See Event 46 for more details. Ammath Wizard: When you speak to Beriand after receiving the Medallion of Mystra (see Faithful of Mystra Quest) he mentions a story about a wizard who had a Laboratory deep in the Catacombs; given by Beriand Event 89. You will find this Laboratory north of the entrance staircase in the Lower Keep, enter it and destroy the phylactery of the wizard Thygaast Ammath, then destroy her to complete this Quest, Event 110. Ancient Defenses: After you receive the Myth Raveling Quest, but before you return the Gem of the Weave to the Altar of the Mythal, speak to Odelinde about Castle Cormanthor to receive a warning about its defenses; given by Odelinde Event 127. In the eastern Castle Passage you encounter a ghost that tells you to cast a stone into the well of Fates, see Event 128. You will find the Stone of Fates by a chasm in the western Castle Passage. When you find the Well of Fates further west in the Castle Passage, place the Stone into the Well to activate the Ancient Defenses and defeat the Cult forces defending the underground approach to Castle Cormanthor; this completes the Quest, Event 131. Ashes Burning: Search for the companions of the woman murdered at the dwarven Pumphouse; given by destroying the totem in the House of Gems, Event 79. In the center area of the Second Cellar of the Catacombs you will find the companions of the murdered woman guarding a Shrine. As soon as you enter the Shrine, you will complete this Quest; Event 104. Baneblade Rivener: Finding the tomb of the legendary hero Hachaam Selorn in the northern Halls of Light gives you this Quest; See Event 69 for more information. In the center of the Prisons you will find a large chamber with five reinforced chests guard by a Freth Drow army. Defeat the army and plunder the chests to discover the Baneblade Faervian, the sword of Hachaam Selorn. Selorn’s ghost will appear to you, offer him the sword and he asks you to bring it to his tomb in the Halls of Light; Event 119. In the eastern Prisons you will find a door leading back to Stillwater. Travel to Stillwater, then to the Halls of Light. Go to Hachaam Selorn’s crypt and return the Baneblade Faervian to Selorn’s tomb. Selorn teaches you the Word of Power, and tells you that you can find the Baneblade Morvian in the possession of the Demon Rivener behind a Glpyh of the Moon opened with the word he just taught you, see Event 122. Defeat The Demon Rivener in his room behind the Moon Glyph in the eastern Castle Passage to receive the Baneblade Morvian and complete this Quest, Event 128. Bedlam Haunts: A creature stalks the Bedlam prison, find it and destroy it. Given by Beriand, Event 04. When you arrive in the eastern Main Halls you will see an area that seems to be cut off from the rest of the map, there is a secret door south of the Ormyrrs Orc Jail, have your Rogue search the walls to find it. On the other side is a yellow marker telling you the way down to Bedlam prison. Head down the steps and defeat the Spectral Jailer in the Deep Halls to complete this Quest. See Event 23 for more details. Bone Whispers: You must find the Ring of Calling that will allow your party to reach the Speculum Grounds of Myth Drannor. The ring is bound to a skeletal arm and can only be released with the Word of Oblivion. Given by Beriand, Event 04. Speaking to the ghost of the soothsayer Caalenfaire in the Hall of Wizards (reached by freeing the Rhonglyn Device) grants you the Word of Oblivion, see Event 49. In the eastern Halls of Light you will find a staircase to the House of Gems Tower where the Room of Words is located. Head up the tower and defeat the Cult Mages in the Room of Words to retrieve the Skeletal Arm with the Ring of Calling. The Word of Oblivion is spoken as you take the Skeletal Arm, and the Ring of Calling is released to you, completing this Quest, see Event 72 for more details. The Bones of Time: To ground the ghost of Anorrweyn to this time, retrieve her skull from the catacombs; given by Anorrweyn Evensong, Event 89. Complete the Over the Underdark Quest and defeat Greyanna, the Freth Drow Leader, in the southeastern First Cellar. Take the skull, which is being used as feeding dish for Greyanna’s pet Arraccat, back to the Shrine of Mystra and restore it to Anorrweyn’s coffin to complete this Quest, Event 95. Borea’s Blood: Find out what happened to the great Ice Mage Borea who disappeared in the dungeons. Given by Beriand, Event 04. In the western Deep Halls you will find a Rhonglyn Device shrouded in ice; break the ice and use the blue pillar to travel to the Hall of Wizards and complete this Quest, Event 49. Cold Knight: After completing The Dragon Bound Quest to free Nottle, speak to him and say you are interested three times in a row to be told about a cold, stiff man, possibly an ally, located in a far off barrow. See Event 73 for details. In the northeast Glim Gardens you will find the Tomb of Eternal Sleep, where the Paladin Eadred stands guard eternally. Have him join your party (either briefly or permanently) to complete this Quest; see Event 76 for details. Cost of Dreams: After completing the Myth Raveling Quest, speak to Anorrweyn and Miroden in the Baelnorn’s secret lair to receive this Quest. Anorrweyn tells you to use the Word of Redemption to destroy the Sapphire of the Weave, which is in the possession of Kya Mordrayn. Given by Anorrweyn and Miroden, Event 127. After entering the Pool Cavern beneath Castle Cormanthor, approach the Sapphire of the Weave (northeast of Kya Mordrayn’s platform) and the Word of Redemption is spoken. Miroden Silverblade destroys the Sapphire and this Quest is completed; Event 136. Dark Lover: At the bridge north of the entrance to the Lower Keep you will meet a Kilsek Drow who asks you to kill a Cult Mage and claim the Staff of Sunlight he carries; given by Nathlilik, Event 107. You will find the staff in an Arraccat Den in the southwestern Lower Keep. Defeat the Arraccats to receive the staff, see Event 115. In the central Castle Passage you will discover Nathlilik held prisoner by 2 Dragon-kin; defeat them and release her with the key they held; this completes the Dark Lover Quest, see Event 130. Death’s Bane: Find Beriand’s staff Deathsbane (stolen by Orcs) and return it to him to restore his power to resurrect the dead. Given by Beriand, 04. First you must defeat the Orc Leader Zud in the Northwest Main Halls, take his crude pot metal key and use it to open one of 2 chests in a room guarded by two Orc leaders (this room is east of the entrance to Zud’s Grand Hall). Retrieve the staff and return it to Beriand to complete the Quest. See Event 29 for more information. The Dragon Bound: After you are told by Beriand that Nottle has disappeared, you will find him held prisoner by a Cult Mage in a cell in the western Deep Halls. Defeating his captors and speaking to Nottle about the Dumathoin Key needed to free him gives you this Quest; given by Nottle Event 48. You will find the Key of Dumathoin on the corpse of a Cult Mage after a battle with him in the eastern Halls of Light. Return with the Key and open Nottle’s cell to complete this Quest, see Events 71 and 73. Dragonjaw: Anorrweyn asks you to find Miroden Silverblade deep in the Catacombs; she gives you the Word of Necessity to get through the door sealed with the Glpyh of Safekeeping, beyond which you will find him. Given by Anorrweyn Evensong, Event 89. You will find Miroden held captive by the Cult in the Northwestern area of the Prisons of the Catacombs. Defeat the Cult and free him to complete this Quest, see Event 125 for details. Earthborn Wind: Beriand had a dream that a mysterious wind arose deep underground when he threw something into a well. Given by Beriand, Event 04. You will find the coffin of the Keeper of the Earthborn Wind in the eastern Deep Halls. Inside the coffin is the Ruby of Earthborn Wind, the object to be dropped into a well. See Event 45. Exploring the western Deep Halls you will find the Well of the Earthborn Wind; drop the Ruby of Earthborn Wind into the well to restore the wind and send it up three channels overhead; see Event 47 for more information. Next you must find the destinations of these three channels and drink from the wells they flow into located in the Halls of Stone; this will complete the Quest. See Events 53, 56, and 58 for precise information on the three locations. Enter, Friend: A brief Quest given to notify you of the need to go through a magic portal found in a Glyph of Claw room in the Deep Halls. On the other side defeat 4 Arraccat and take Splashing Word to complete this Quest. See Event 81. The Faithful of Mystra: After completing the Memory’s Whiplash Quest a voice calls out from the Shrine of Mystra looking for a sign or token from a worshipper of Mystra; given by the voice of Anorrweyn, Event 89. Speak to Beriand and Faeril to receive the Medallion of Mystra. Return and use the medallion on the altar in the Shrine of Mystra to complete this Quest in the same event. False Haven: Arriving Beriand’s tree house, after you have freed the Baelnorn, you find that he and Faeril have been abducted by the Cult, giving you this Quest, see Event 126. Go through the portal in the tree house, defeat the Cult members on the other side and free Beriand and Faeril to complete this Quest in the same Event. Fist of Zud: Find and Defeat the Orc leader Zud in the northwest Main Halls. Given by Beriand, Event 04. Zud is protected by two Orc witch doctors, defeat all three to obtain the Crude Pot Key that will open a chest containing Beriand’s Staff, this completes the Quest. See Event 28. God of Fire and Stone: Explore the city surface to find out who Malgi Hi is. You are given this Quest when you encounter Lizardfolk in the northwestern Halls of Stone, Event 53. Find and defeat Malgi Hi in the eastern Nightingale Court to complete this Quest, see Event 87 for more information. Guardian’s Tale: When you reach the City Heights, seek out the golden serpent Odelinde. Given by Volun in the Hall of Wizards, Event 49. In Windrider Glade, north of the Speculum Grounds, you will meet Odelinde, who asks you to free her home, The Temple of Shaundukal, from Orcs who have corrupted it. Defeat the Orcs and destroy their idol to complete this Quest; see Event 75 for details. Heart of Stone: Find the Laughing Man in the Main Halls. Given by Beriand, Event 04. The man you will find southeast of the Turgild Square in the Main Halls is the Sorcerer Jarial who was imprisoned in a rock centuries ago by his lover Ozama. In order to free him so he may join your party, have a character who is wearing a ring attack the boulder Jarial is imprisoned in, this completes the Quest. See Event 13 for more information. Heartbeat: When you reach the City Heights, seek out the Dwarf Lord Harldain Ironbar. Given by Volun in the Hall of Wizards, Event 49. You will find the Dwarf Lord’s ghost in the House of Gems, located in the northeast City Heights. In the courtyard inside the House of Gems is a Spawn Pool polluting the water supply of the city. The Spawn Pool has been drawn here by an evil totem; defeat the Arraccat guarding the Spawn Pool and free the soul of the woman who has been murdered to serve as the totem, this completes the Quest. See Event 79. The Helm Cleaver: When you ask Odelinde for tales of the city surface she tells you about Orog who wish to recover the Helm Cleaver from the Cult of the Dragon; she chased them back to the House of Gems; given by Odelinde, Event 75. On the ground floor of the House of Gems Tower you will meet the Orog Odelinde spoke of; they ask you to help them recover the Helm Cleaver, a weapon of special importance to them, from their Cult Masters. Agree to do so, then meet them in the eastern Halls of Light by a Glyph of Claw where they will teach you the Dragon Word. Enter the cult compound and help the Orog defeat the Cult members there, then defeat their champion and ask for the Helm Cleaver, completing this Quest; see Event 81 for details. Hungry Idol: When you ask Odelinde for tales of the city surface she tells you about a great stone idol that lies southwest of the City Heights; given by Odelinde, Event 75. Give an Idolon to the Great Stone Head in the western Nightingale Court to complete this Quest, Event 86. See the Idolon Location List and the Idolon Exchange List for more information. Knock, Knock: Use the Knocking Word given by Nottle to enter the Tree House in Greener’s Glade, then speak to the Elves to take up Athan’s Quest. Read the book beside Beriand to acquire the Word of Mystra and complete this Quest, see Event 04. Marsh King: You will find the usurper King of the Ormyrrs, Pujik, a Cult collaborator, in southeastern Sully Marsh. Kill him outright to dispel the Spawn Pool in the Ormyrr Meeting place, then release the Green Orrery Planet he guards. Given and completed by meeting and defeating the Ormyrr King, Event 83. Memory’s Whiplash: After arriving in the Speculum Grounds by passing through the Seal of Mythanthor, enter the Hall of Wizards and speak to Caalenfaire and Volun about the long-dead priestess Anorrweyn to receive this Quest (to find the ruins of the shrine of Mystra); given by Volun in Event 73. Speak to Odelinde the golden serpent (after freeing the Temple of Shaundukal in Event 74) about Anorrweyn to learn that Anorrweyn is the ghost that inhabits the Shrine of Mystra described by Volun. Find and defeat the 3 Dark Naga who have taken over the Shrine of Mystra in the north-central area of the Nightingale Court. Destroy the Totem they have erected there and a Spawn Pool nearby retreats; doing so completes this Quest; see Event 88 for details. Myth Raveling: Once you have freed the Baelnorn (complete the Dragonjaw Quest to do so) he asks you to find a new Gem of the Weave, and to beg Anorrweyn Evensong to become the new Communicant in his place. Given by Miroden Silverblade, Event 125. Return to the House of Gems and speak to Harldain Ironbar about your need for a new Gem of the Weave to receive the Tumblebar which will open the Dwarven Horde hidden beneath a broken statue in the courtyard of the House of Gems. Enter the Horde and claim the Gem of the Weave. Go through the gate of Antarn, just east of the Hall of Wizards on the Speculum Grounds, and place the Gem of the Weave on the Altar of the Mythal at the top of the trail beyond the gate to complete this Quest, Event 127. Nightmare Walking: Find and Destroy the magical Nightmare Gate bringing undead in the dungeons. Given by Beriand, Event 04. You will find the Word of Constriction used to close the Nightmare Gate by entering a room of the Halls of Light only accessible through a staircase in the Halls of Stone, see Event 50 for details. In the center of the Halls of Stone is a circular room containing a glowing red gate. When you enter the room the Word of Constriction is automatically spoken and seals the Nightmare Gate. Defeat the undead in this room to complete this Quest, see Event 54 for more information. Onyx of the Richest Wort: Opening the chest at the Brewers’ Shrine in the southwest Halls of Light will bestow upon you an ethereal message to find the Brewer’s Onyx “in the throat of one of our beloved children”. Given by ethereal brewmaster, Event 61. Go through the halls north of the Shrine to find a room with an illuminated Giant Keg in it; the Onyx is hidden inside it. See Event 61 for directions on how to find the Giant Keg and complete the Quest. Over the Underdark: In the southern First Cellar you will be attacked by Bergos, a Freth Drow who warns you about trespassing in their territory; by meeting her you are given this Quest in Event 91. In the southeastern First Cellar you will find, and have to defeat Greyanna, leader of the Freth Drow to complete this Quest. For specifics on how to do that see Event 94. Persistence of Shadows: Find the Mountain Fist, lost to spirits deep in the dungeons. Given by Beriand, Event 04. In the center of the Deep Halls you will find a Well where Athan leaves a note. Northwest of this well is a room filled with Shadows; defeat them and claim the Club called Mountain Fist to complete the Quest. See Event 43 for details. Planet’s Above: After completing the Heartbeat Quest speak to Harldain Ironbar, in the upstairs area of the House of Gems, and he asks you to restore 5 planets to the Orrery outside the Hall of Wizards. Given by Harldain Ironbar, Event 79. The Blue Planet is obtained by defeating and taking the treasure of the Orc Leaders guarding the door to the Main Halls in Event 07, it is released by speaking to Harldain Ironbar in Event 79. The Green Planet can be released after you defeat the usurper King of the Ormyrrs, Pujik, in the southeastern corner of Sully Marsh, see Event 83. The Red Planet can be released after you defeat the Tusk Lord in the southwestern area of Windrider Glade, see Event 84. The Orange Planet can be released after you defeat Malgi Hi in the eastern area of the Nightingale Court, see Event 87. You will find the final Orrery Planet, the White Orrery Planet, in the possession of 2 Dark Naga and their Orog armies in the north-central area of First Cellar. Defeat these armies and release the White Orrery Planet to complete this Quest, see Event 98. The Pool, Awakened: The Master Quest automatically bestowed at the start of the game; it is actually broken up into several separate sub-Quests and is not finished until the pool is destroyed at the end of the game. To find out what you must do next to progress the game read the description for this Quest in your in-game Quest Log. Events 01-137. Rescue Nottle: Not a given Quest, simply defeat two Zombies to save the peddler Nottle to complete this Quest. Event 04. Seal of Mythanthor: To ascend to the City Heights, bring the Ring of Calling before the Seal of Mythanthor in the Halls of Light. Speak to Caalenfaire and Volun in the Hall of Wizards after freeing the Rhonglyn Device from a shroud of ice to be given this Quest by Volun, Event 49. You will find the Seal guarded by Orcs in the western Halls of Light, see Event 63. You receive the Ring of Calling by completing the Bone Whispers Quest, see Event 72. Returning to the Seal and exiting to the Speculum Grounds completes this Quest, see Event 73. Sharpest Tooth: Find the “helpful” voice in the northeast Main Halls. Given by Beriand, Event 04. Jarial tells you that his lover Ozama went to find this voice, Event 13. You will find this voice (the Dark Naga Preybelish) in the northern Main Halls, in the Abandoned Quarry. Make sure you have Onglore’s or Kluusar’s amulets with you and speak to Preybelish twice. The second time he will ask for one of the amulets, refuse to give it to him then fight him (you will need magic items to do this effectively). Killing him completes this Quest and advances the Stars Below Quest. See Event 33 for more information. Shrieking Spires: After freeing Athan, speak to him about the castle’s defenses to receive this Quest; Athan says that to enter Castle Cormanthor you will have to scale its walls and enter the aerie of the Dragon-kin. Given by Athan, Event 129. Once you exit the Castle Passage, climb to the top of Castle Cormanthor’s exterior ramp, defeating all opposition along the way. When you go through the transitional door on the top platform, you enter the Castle and complete this Quest, see Event 132 for details. The Silver Fire: Complete the Ashes Burning Quest and then speak to the two women protecting the Shrine in the center of the Second Cellar of the Catacombs. Offer them your services and they give you this Quest to find out what has happened to the guardians of the Shrine, Event 104. You will find a Dark Naga, Gulrithi, to the south of the bridge in the Lower Keep. Defeat him and use the Serpent Key he held to open a nearby room where the Guardians are being held. Smash the skull totem to free the Guardians and complete this Quest, see Event 107 for details. The Stars Below: Find and restore the Wizards Torc. Given by Beriand, Event 04. Complete the Sharpest Tooth Quest (killing the Naga Preybelish) to get the first part of the Torc, see Event 33. After completing the Heartbeat Quest, speak to Harldain Ironbar in the House of Gems to receive the Starstone Missing from the Wizard’s Torc. see Event 79. You may now use the Wizard’s Torc in the Circle of Ualair in the amphitheatre west of the Hall of Wizards. When you approach the spiral pattern in the amphitheatre the portal to the Catacombs is opened and this Quest is completed, see Event 85. Stone Mouth: When you ask Odelinde for tales of the city surface she tells you about a Stone Mouth that translates the guttural speech of gargoyles and margoyles; given by Odelinde, Event 75. You will find the Stone Mouth guarded by undead in the Dwarven Ruins-Ancient Tomb beneath the stone coffin in the center of the Glim Gardens; se Event 77. In the southeastern Second Cellar of the Catacombs, you will find a raised bridge guarded by Margoyle. The Stone Mouth will allow you to speak to them; you must convince them to lower the bridge to complete this Quest, see Event 103 for details. Thirsty Ground: When you ask Odelinde for tales of the city surface she tells you about an old enchanted garden that gives dark boons to those who feed it their blood life; given by Odelinde, Event 75. You will find the Thirsty Ground in the southeastern Glim Gardens, simply approach it to complete this Quest. See Event 82 for details. Tirgild Lifespring: In the Turgild Square of the Main Halls the elf ghost Elena teaches you the Echoing Word and tells you friends will help you if you know where to look. Given by Elena, Event 12. Composing the remains of the Elf Garras in the Deep Halls will earn you the help Elena spoke of; see Event 37. Enter the doors behind the Glyph of Enigma in the northern Deep Halls and help Garras defeat the Guardian, then return to Turgild Square and visit each of the four wells to complete this Quest. See Event 38 for details. Tomes of Evil: Books of great power must be found and destroyed in the dungeons. Given by Beriand, Event 04. In the north-central Deep Halls you will find a furnace for burning evil books in Event 42. In the northwest Halls of Stone you will find two of the Evil Books. One of the books will ask you to burn it (and any other Evil Book you find) in the Pyre of Silence in the Deeps Halls. See Event 59 for more information. You will find the third book in an enclave of friendly Orog in the northeast Halls of Light, see Event 70 for details. Take all three books back to the Pyre of Silence and burn them, see Event 73; this completes the Quest. Tooth in Glove: Find and destroy the swarm of Arraccat in the Deep Halls. Given by Beriand, Event 04. The swarm is located northwest of the ruins filled with undead in the eastern Deep Halls. Use your magic items to destroy these creatures, then take the Gauntlets of Ogre Power they guard to complete this Quest. See Event 44. Undead Awakened: Defeat the Scarred Mage to get beyond the Main Halls. Given by Beriand, in Event 04. He is located in the northeast Main Halls and is guarded by a cohort of undead. See Event 36 for more information on how to defeat him and complete this Quest. Undying Heroism: Defeat 4 Dragon-kin in a hall in the eastern Castle Passage. After the battle you will hear Athan calling from a room southeast. Take the Iron Cell Key dropped by the Dragon-kin and use it to open Athan’s cell in the southeast room; approach him. This sequence bestows and completes the Undying Heroism Quest, given and completed Event 129. Vessel of Souls: After you free Nathlilik, completing the Dark Lover Quest, she asks you to help destroy the Soul Vessel which has trapped the souls of her people, the Kilsek Drow; given by Nathlilik, Event 130. Help Nathlilik destroy the army guarding the Soul Vessel in the Silverspear Armory of Castle Cormanthor to complete the Vessel of Souls Quest, Event 134. Waters of Life: Find and free the Healing well guarded by Lizardfolk in the Halls of Light. Given by Beriand, Event 04. You will find the well in the far north of the Halls of Light, it is well guarded. Have your party members drink of the well to complete the Quest, see Event 66. Watersong: After completing the Enter, Friend Quest to get the Splashing Word, open the three Glyphs of Water spread throughout the Deep Halls and the Halls of Stone, (see Events 42, 41 and 53 for the precise locations). In each you must fight undead to reclaim a Waterbell (after claiming the first one you get the Watersong Quest); after you have all 3, return to the Glim Gardens and give them to the naiad in the City Fountain to complete this Quest, (given and completed Event 81). Whispering Wind: When you ask Odelinde for tales of the city surface she tells you about a magical pillar, the Ear of the City; given by Odelinde, Event 75. You will find a large column in the middle of Nightingale Court, this is the Ear of the City; approach it to complete this Quest; Event 88. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B) KEY LOCATIONS: Most keys in this game are located very close to where they will be used. Still, it is easy to miss a key or find a door that you don’t have the key for yet and wonder if you missed something. Keeping track of keys in this game can be confusing, and nothing is more frustrating then fighting for hours to clear a board only to discover that somewhere along the way you missed a key and now you must search every room on that level over again. Keep in mind that there are duplicates of several keys, and there are a few unnecessary keys in the game. The following list describes where to find each key in the game, and where to use it: - Adamantite Key: Find in northern room after exiting staircase from the Lower Keep, Event 115, use it to unlock door in staircase room from the inside. - Ancient Dwarven Chest Key: Find in Wraith’s chest Event 10, Use on chest guarded by Ghast Event 28. - Ancient Rusted Iron Key: Find in the chest protected by a spike in a room northeast of Turgild Square Event 14, use on Dwarven Crypt door Event 25. - Bent Elven Key: Find in chest near Gulrithi, Event 107, use to open doors to southern Lower Keep, Event 111. - Bent Key: Take from Orog army, Event 109, use to open storeroom door in same room. Defeating a Wraith in the storeroom gets you another copy of this key. - Black Skeleton Key: Find in chest guarded by Skeleton Knights Event 18, use on hidden door flanked by rows of spikes nearby, same Event. - Black Steel Key: Take from Cult Army, Event 125, use to open door in same room, same event. - Blackened Elven Key: Take from Mohrg, Event 102, use to open Margoyle Queen’s room, Event 104. - Blackened Key: Take from Brigadier, Event 124, use to open northeast door in same room. - Blood Moon Key: Find in fancy barrel down northern Crypt steps Event 19, use to open Blood Moon Crypt beneath southern Crypt steps, same Event. - Brass Key: Take from Soulless Orogs, Event 97, use to unlock nearby gate, same Event. - Brewer’s Key: Take from Lizardfolk Warlord, Event 65, use to open Brewer’s Key door in Halls of Stone, same Event. - Bronze Key: Find two keys, one on a Cult Mage and one in a wooden chest, Event 96, only need to use one to open a nearby door, same Event. - Cold Brass Keys: Take 2 keys from unfriendly Orogs Event 71, the door they open will open automatically in Event 80. - Corroded Metal Key: Take from Arraccat Den, Event 115, use to open iron gate protecting staircase to First Cellar. - Crude Metal Key: Take from Orog army, Event 109, opens door in same Event. - Crude Pot Metal Key: Take from Zud Event 28, use on treasure chest guarded by 2 Orc Leaders Event 29 to retrieve Beriand’s Staff, Death’s Bane. - Delicate Gold Key: Take from Undead army, event 110, use to open back door of Ammath’s Laboratory, same Event. - Delicate Pewter Key: Find on beds Event 59, use to open weapons stash room door in G&E table room, same Event. - Dull Brass Key: Take from 4 Cult Soldiers, Event 105, use to open southwestern door in their room, Event 106. - Dull Metal Key: Take from 2 Cult Soldiers, Event 100, use to open nearby door in same Event. - Flat Brass Key: Find in chest near Gulrithi, Event 107, use to open portal room door in Second Cellar, Event 126. - Flat Brass Key (COPY): Take from Cult army in portal room, Event 126, can use to open door in same room. - Fragile Iron Key: Find in chest, Event 126, use to open Cult storeroom nearby, same event. - Foundry Key: Take from 5 Skeleton Elders in Foundry Event 58, use to open western foundry door in same Event. - Gem-studded Key: Find by Nathlilik’s bridge, Event 107, use to open door to Ammath’s Laboratory Event 110. - Gnarled Copper Key: Find in Dwarven Statue’s chest Event 79, use to open House of Gems Tower door, Event 80. - Green Copper Key: Can be taken from Anti-Cult Orogs, Event 90, can be used to open door to room with well of Restoration, same Event. - Hardwood Key: Find in fancy barrel Event 03, Use on chest near healing fountain, same Event. - Heavy Key: Take from Dragon-kin, Event 111, use to open door to Stillwater in same room. - Heavy Prison Key: Take from Dragon-kin, Event 130, use to open Nathlilik’s cells in northeast room, same Event. - Heavy Spider Key: Find on bookcase, Event 119, use to open nearby iron gate in same room, same Event. - Hidden Chest Key: Take from Orc Shaman Event 27, use on nearby hidden chest in same Event. - House of Gems Passkey: Find in chest near two sets of steps in House of Gems, Event 79, use to deactivate trapped room, same Event. - Iron Cell Key: Take from Dragon-kin, Event 129, use to open Athan’s cell in southeast room, same Event. - Iron Key: Find on floor of hall northwest of Inglore and Onglore’s tomb, Event 29, use on their tomb door nearby in same Event. - Iron Spider Key: Take from Freth Drow Robber, Event 116, use to open door in southwest Prisons section of the Catacombs, Event 117. - Key of Dumathoin: Take from Cult Mage event 71, use to open Nottle’s prison cell, Event 73. - Key of the Dead: Find on table near entrance to Main Halls, Event 08, Use on northeast door in same room. - Key of the Living: Find in chest near entrance to Main Halls, Event 08, Use on southeast door in same room. - “L” Key: Take from Lizardfolk Chief, Event 35, use to open southern of two chests in same room. - Large Metal Key: Take from Cult Lieutenant, Event 126, use to open iron gate in same room from the inside. - Lockpick: Find inside locked room in Main Halls, Event 71, use it to open the doors to the same room from the inside, same Event. - New Iron Key: Take from cult army, Event 100, use to open note room door, same Event. - Oily Iron Key: Take from Dark Naga, Event 105, use to open door leading to Cult Stronghold, Event 106. - Old Elven Key: Find in chest of Anti-Cult Orogs, Event 90, use to open door to eastern First Cellar, Event 95. - Old Elven Prison Key: Take from Freth Drow army, Event 113, use to open doors to the old Elven prisons of the Lower Keep, same Event. - Old Iron Key: Find on table, Event 97, use to open chest in adjacent room east, same Event. - Pale Blue Key: Find in Ancient Dwarven Key Chest, Event 28, use to open second door to the Fountain of the Earth, Event 31. - Pale Green Key: Find the chest next to the yellow bed, Event 31, use to open the first door to the Fountain of the Earth, same Event. - Prison Key Ring: Find on table in outer prisons of First Cellar, use to unlock nearby cell door, same Event. - “R” Key: Find in the “L” key chest, Event 35, use to open northern of two chests in same room. - Rusty Elven Key: Find in one of two wooden chests, Event 95, use to open doors to center of First Cellar, Event 99. - Scarred Elven Key: Take from Orog army Event 104, use to open the door to the eastern Second Cellar, Event 105. - Serpent Key: Take from Gulrithi, Event 107, use to open room where guardian’s are held, same Event. - Silver Key: Find in yellow bed, Event 31, use on southeast door in same room. - Simple Iron Key: Find on table, Event 124, use to open northeast door in same room. - Slender Silver Key: Find in one of Dark Naga’s two chests, Event 105, use to open northeast door in same room. - Small Platinum Key: Take from Orc army guarding Seal of Mythanthor, Event 63, use it to open Small Platinum key room nearby, Event 64. - Small Platinum Key (COPY): Find in one of two chests guarded by magic wielding Orcs, Event 64, use it to open southeastern door of Small Platinum Key room, same Event. - Soot Covered Key: Take from Lizardfolk warrior party Event 39, use to open one of two doors guarding staircase to Halls of Light, Event 41. - Soot Coated Key (COPY): Find in chest in Lizardfolk enclave in northern Halls of Light, Event 41, used to open second Soot-Coated Key Door in Deep Halls, same event. - Stronghold Key: Find in one Archmage’s two chests, Event 80, use it to open nearby door in same Event. - Tumblebar: Given by Harldain Ironbar, Event 127, use to open broken statue in courtyard of House of Gems, same Event. - Undead Cell Key: Find in Captain Mol’s treasure chests Event 27, use on nearby prison door, same Event. - Worn Elven Key: Take from Hoodoo, Event 101, use to open iron gate Event 102. - Wrought Iron Key: Find on table in the Tavern of Health Event 16, use to open 1 of 4 chests in a partitioned area in the Axehandle Inn, same Event. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C) WORD LOCATIONS: - Knocking Word, given by Nottle, Event 04. - Word of Mystra, given by reading the book in Beriand’s tree house, Event 04. - Echoing Word, given by Elena, Event 12. - Word of Oblivion, given by Caalenfaire, Event 49. - Word of Constriction, found in Halls of Light, Event 50. - Word of Song, found in Dwarven Ruins-Ancient Tombs, Event 77. - Dragon Word, given by Orogs before Cult battle, Event 80. - Splashing Word, found on other side of Cult portal, Event 81. - Word of Necessity, given by Anorrweyn, Event 88. - Rivening Word, given by Hachaam Selorn, Event 122. - Word of Redemption, given by Miroden Silverblade, Event 127. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D) COMPANIONS LIST: These are the NPCs who can join your party during the course of the game. Check the Event listed next to each for details on how to get them to join you, and what benefits they can offer your party. Jarial: Event 13 Emmeric: Event 51 Eadred: Event 76 Faeril: Event 88 Tudo: Event 96 Kellan and Bronwyn: Event 107 Athan: Event 129 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E) CURIOSITIES: 1) Idolon Location List: Events: 25 (2), 37, 47, 55, 59, 67, 75, 77, 80, 89, 94, 97, 98, 103, 110, 124, 126, 130, 133. 2) Idolon Exchange List: - Arknor’s Vile Voice: +2 Str, +3 Con, can cast 18 Level 15 Melf’s Acid Arrow Spells. - Beckon of Kelemvor:+3 damage vs. undead, can cast 9 Lev 15 Cure Serious Wounds Spells - Bone of Myrkul: -4 AC, Can cast 9 Level 15 Resurrection Spells. - Cegilune’s Perfume: -2 Cha, can cast 9 Level 20 Repulsion Spells. - Fist of St. Cuthbert: +7 hit/damage, +5 AC vs. Undead, can cast 9 Level 20 Searing Light Spells. - Garra’s Keen Sight: +7 hit, +3 Dex, can cast 15 Level 15 Cat’s Grace Spells. - Gears of Gumbar: -3 Initiative, -5 Spell Resistance, can cast 3 Level 15 Destruction Spells. - Gong of Tyr: -4 Spell Resistance, can cast 9 Level 15 Disintegrate Spells, only Sorcerers can wear. - Gorgol’s Asylum: +3 AC, can cast 9 Level 15 Globe of Invulnerability Spells. - Lens of Oghma: +4 hit, can cast 9 Level 15 True Seeing Spells, only Sorcerers can wear. You can find 2 of these. - Misery’s Embrace: +16 Spell Resistance, can cast 9 Draining Touch Spells. - Olidammara’s Whisper: +2 Dex, can cast 9 Level 10 Invisibility Spells, only Rogues can wear. - Ring of Battening: +5 hit, +4 Initiative, -5 Spell Resistance, can cast 9 Level 15 Vampiric Touch Spells, only Sorcerers can wear. - Ring of Whiskers: can cast 9 Level 5 Invisibility Spells - Stillness of Dawn: +7 hit/damage, can cast 3 Level 20 Fire Storm Spells. - Talona’s Lashing Tongue: +5 hit vs. Reptiles, can fire 9 poisonous missiles. - Touch of Cyric: -5 protection from Fear, can cast 3 Level 15 Finger of Death Spells. - The Tremble Ring: -1 Con, -2 Protection from Fear, can cast 9 level 20 Fear Spells. You can find two of these. 3) The Foundry: In the northern Halls of Stone are two Furnaces; you can feed certain low quality items to these Furnaces and get slightly higher quality items in return. See Event 58. 4) Saving Grok: Did you know that you can save Grok, the Orc beset by Undead in the western Halls of Light? If you do, you will get around 1,500 experience per member of your party. See Event 62 for details. 5) The Fountain Macabre: Located throughout the Halls of Stone are 4 Vials of Naga Blood. Directly south of the Spinning Spire in the center of the Halls of Stone is the Fountain Macabre, which requires Naga Blood. Find the 4 Vials (Events 52, 56 and 58) and place them into the Macabre Fountain, found in Event 54, to receive the Ring of Naga’s Kiss, +2 Con, +5 AC.