Wizardry 2 - The Knight Of Diamonds ----------------------------------- Version 3.50 Walkthrough by Mr. Flewin (Kelly Flewin) E-Mail: Tknomncr@Hotmail.Com Disclaimer!! This Guide is for private use only, and may not be reproduced or altered in anyway. This may not be sold or used in anyway to earn a profit, such as putting it on a CD and selling it that way, or ANY Such manner not listed here. I am not associated nor affiliated with the creators of this game and system, Sega of America. This Guide was written by me, K. Flewin. I am not associated nor affiliated with any copyrights not mentioned in this Guide. TknoMncr is Mr. K. Flewin [Tknomncr@Hotmail.Com] This guide is Copyright Mr. Kelly Flewin, 2000-01 Copyright Time Traveller's Inc. 1999-2001 Revision History ---------------- 3.5 - Updated for the New Millenium with a few new links.. nothing big, but it's the new Millenium :) That and fixed a little spelling error... -_-;; 3.00 - Added a disclaimer and new instructions on distribution! Please make note of both. Also added some websites where it is to be found. :) Thanks to those who emailed me with links and such. - Also added a small FAQ section due to the overwhelming amount of questions I have recieved. - Added a few more misc items I found in my wanderings. If this list ain't complete.. :) 1.05 - Added John Hubbard's Email Addy. [Sorry about that John, I meant to add it before I sent this out, and I forgot to check for your addy before I did.] I also cheerfully raised my characters back to Levels 40+ :) I'm now curious if one can attain the experience level of 100 or greater... and what happens if you play the game long enough that your gold or experience maxes out... if that's even possible.. Finally, I've added a special section for those who were kind enough to ask me if they could put my solve on their sites and such. I feel they deserve proper recognition... and to boot, you, the gamer, will also know where to find my further works and solves and updates as well... and to boot ;) You may find other solves you couldn't find elsewhere :) Please see Part 6 of this Solve for more info :) 1.00 - You're reading it :) It's kinda barebones compared to my other solve/walkthru for Wizardry 1, but then I literally lived and breathed Wizardry 1... Wizardry 2 though.. I'm still needing to look at my maps to navigate through some levels... but then after writing this, I'm almost as proficient alone without them. I lost my insanely high level characters of like Level 40+ and my backup was at the end of the scenario.. a nice 23 levels back. Always make double backups kids :) That and the item list is getting insane! Alot of similarities between part 1 and 2 and a whole SLEW of new items to make things interesting. I've transported my ancient maps to my graph paper book I used for my best Wizardry 1 map copies. I Kinda-sorta have a map made for Level 6... but it needs to be HEAVILY revised due to the fact that I've got a few doors wrong and DUMAPIC DOESN'T work on this level [Or Malor for that matter.] Part 1 - Moving Your Heroes! Part 2 - The Beginning Part 3 - The Maze Itself Part 4 - Item List Part 5 - Frequently Asked Questions Part 6 - End Credits and Stuffage This is very different to Wizardry 1. There's only 6 Major Quest items to be really concerned about. All 5 K.O.D. items and the major goal, the Satff of Gnilda. This applies to the PC classic AND The NES version as, other then the opening music, dungeon music and slightly better graphics, they're virtualy identical. The only major difference lies within the transference of characters... you have to start from scratch in the NES version and such. With the PC Floppy version... the instructions are detailed in your instruction manual and requires you to have the Two Master Disks [1 Each for each game]. If you own the "Ultimate Wizardry Archives" [And even tho I have the disk versions of 1-3, I own this], it's very simple. Updates can be found ON ANY of the sites mentioned in Part 6 :) Maps may be available at the above address, but probably not. I will email copies of it to those who want them. Unless someone wishes to host them on their website, which if so, I will then include the link to it in an immediate update. Part 1 - Moving Your Heroes! ============================ To move your characters, simply load up Wizardry 2, go to the Utilities menu, select the MOVE characters option and select the Wizardry 1 characters you wish to move and VOILA! They will now be PERMANENTLY moved to Wizardry 2. Please note that in case you want to wander Wizardry 1 for a while as the Experience and Experience levels are left as is... [I like to build my characters up to level 18 or so THEN move them to K.O.D. so it's a little easier. These enemies are tough... so be warned. Part 2 - The Beginning ====================== In the beginning, there was darkness, suddenly a burst of light, and poof! Whoops... wrong beginning! To start off, I can not stress this enough! READ THE MANUAL! I MEAN IT! Get off your butt NOW! And read the whole thing! This is the most valuable asset a Wizardry Player has at the beginning of a long journey. Now, if you've already played this game before and know what you're doing... then hurray! Remember to have the manual nearby though, especially for the spells! [In the PC Version you have to often type them out! Type the first letter and hit enter to make the game bring up a list... the manual helps you by detailing what each spell does. I am NOT going to print out the spells here for you... you can consult your manuals for that! For shame if you pirated this game! You deserve to suffer! If you've honestly lost your manual... then your S.O.L.... Interplay has no tech support for any Wizardry game and the old Sir-Tech lines don't work. Heck the newer ones don't work either :( Once you have your characters, go off to Boltac's Trading Post and stock up on goodies for your gang. Now that you're stocked up... EQUIP YOUR STUFF! You wouldn't imagine how many people fail to equip their stuff and wonder why they just got slaughtered for the umpteenth time. When you're ready, go down to the Maze and prepare yourself for some action. Quick note about the dungeons! Beware what you do! Evil characters will NOT stay with Good characters. And vice versa. Neutral characters don't give a damn. So... unless your characters are all neutral... If you're good, let friendly monsters leave on their own way. If you're evil, ROAST THEM! Otherwise, you may find that your good or evil characters just switched alignments. Now granted, they will stay with your party, but the second you reach the surface, they'll ditch you. There IS a way around it, but it's a bit risky. Take the characters still with you, heal them and go into the maze. Quit! Then go back into the game and use the character(s) who ditched you and go into the maze. (I)nspect and pick up the characters. The one downside to leaving any character in the maze (especially further down) is that the monsters may rob you. One other warning... beware where you Malor... make sure you know the EXACT CO-ORDINATES! Otherwise you may teleport into rock.. and trust me people.. that is the worst thing to happen... well next to your character becoming LOST for ever or turning into permanently dead... yes... the Temple of Cant is not always 100% perfect. In Wizardry 2... although there's only a few ROCK places, becareful none the less.... trust me.. you don't wanna lose a level 29 Ninja... because if they die, and you ain't fast enough, you're screwed. Final Thing before the walkthru! I SWEAR! This is something that the manual does NOT advise you do (The disk version) and that's suddenly resetting your computer or shutting it off due to the fact it usually would happen when the game is writing to the disk... hence your characters go byebye! [I must admit, I fell prey to the "RESET" spell once or twice and lost my characters once.] BUT! Lo and Behold! There is a way around this that ALLOWS you to reset the game! No.. not the computer! Go figure Windows 95/98 actually is useful for a game! If you see your characters decapitated, drained levels, activate a chest trap [Teleporter] or teleporting into rock.. etc. There IS a save! This only works with the CD version (Ultimate Wizardry Archives). It installs the game into a dir ?:\WIZARD15 , where ? is the drive it's on. If you run it from the MS-Dos Prompt and something happens, hit the Win95/98 logo key on your Win95/98 Keyboard (104 Key Keyboard if you didn't know) to bring up the menu, hit esc and then left click the game in the bar at the bottom and close it. From here, you just simply go back and load your game, and you should be at the exact square before the accident happened! The key doesn't affect the game in anyway so!!! :) There's your failsafe, and trust me... IT IS A LIFESAVER! Unless of course you happened to do this on a square where it's a forced fight.. then you end up getting some random enemies right off the bat, and whether you run or beat them, the forced fight will occur right after... and if you're weak as heck already... ouchie. My apologies for all of this rambling and info, but I hope you can benefit from it. Anyways, on with the walkthru! Part 3 - The Maze Itself ======================== Beginning --------- Arr! So ye be ready to take on the 6 floors of danger down below! Do ya gots all your equipment in order and equipped? Did ye rest at the Adventurer's Inn so yer fresh n' ready? These enemies start off rough and only get alot rougher. They travel more often in packs and on the bottom floor... ooh boy do they ever pack a wallop with Mabadi's and very strong offence. When you've stopped cowering, let's get ready to kick some ass. Please note, with my directions, at all times I wish you to know I give them as if I was always looking Northwards. Use a DUMAPIC if you run into problems... hopefully my guiding is pretty straight through. The Maze - Floor 1 ------------------ You start off at good ol' (0E, 0N, 1D) with stairs going back to the surface. The direction you are currently facing is North, so please keep that in mind. Go 2 East to come to the first door. If you want to get a taste of things to come in and you will encounter your first forced encounter of the game. If you want to get a feel for the level and/or raise a level or 2, this is a good way to start... just becareful when you follow the rooms because there's a pit trap at 1E, 6N and that is some seriously nasty damage. But I digress... after all, you want to know where to go to get some serious action and the first glorious artifact. From the start, travel 9 East till you come to your first junction. Go 6 North till you come to a door. Behind here is usually some enemies lurking, so kick their asses and go 1 North. This puts you in the main chambers of the level. There's alot of doors to choose from, so becareful as most of them teleport you to other places in the level. (7E, 13N), (8E, 13N), (10E, 13N) & (11E, 13N) all teleport to (9E, 7N). (12E, 11N), (12E, 9N) & (12E, 8N) all teleport to (6E, 10N) (7E, 7N), (8E, 7N) & (11E, 7N) all teleport to (9E, 13N) (6E, 8N) teleports you to (12E, 10N) If you proceed straight ahead into the first door you see, you will enter Gnilda's chamber where her vision will instruct. This is also where you obtain the final quest item, her staff... but that comes much later on. Anyways, back to where we were. If you're following along, you should have just entered the chambers. Go 1 East and then go 2 South through the door. Go 3 East to the door and get ready. Behind this door is... LONDON! No... it's not london.. but with the damned fog, you'd THINK it was. Here we go! This is where it gets a bit tricky. Go 2 South and 1 West. If you go further West, you should get the message about a wall. Go 1 South, West till you hit the next wall, 1 North, 1 West, 2 more South and 1 East and voila! You should now be in a small hallway with adequate lighting. You should see a door ahead and a message. Follow the message very carefully, as you'll NEVER reach the door otherwise. Chant Malor here and go.. well I usually do it 3 East to get into the room past the door. Heal up right here, as you're about to get some action. Go 1 more East and you will encounter your first Artifact... The K.O.D. Armor! And furthermore... it's got a life of its own. It has very strong attacks at its disposal, but a simple KATINO usually does the job. Once you defeat it, have one of your Fighters [Or whomever is in your front line.. unless they're a Ninja, Priest, Mage, or Bishop/Wizard. The best part is, later on, you can come back and kill ANOTHER one and get yet another K.O.D. Armor and make your frontline even MORE formidable. That and the experience you get for defeating it, ain't half bad. Anyways, once you're done oohing and ahhing over the nice way the armor reduces your armor class, go through the door to the East and you will be greeted with the stairs to Floor 2. One other point of interest is the room at (4E, 12N). The only way you can enter it is with a MALOR spell... and even then, it's not advisable. The room is nothing but a VERY NASTY pit trap. It tends to kill 1 or 2 of your characters. The good part is there's a door out of there.. but this venture is not worth it. The Maze - Floor 2 [Pain In The ASS!] -------------------------------------- Welcome to Floor 2... which was a NIGHTMARE to map out, let me tell you. Why? Because a good quarter of the level is nothing but FOG, which made it VERY difficult to map. As always, you're free to wander... just becareful. Anyways, you start of a the stairs going up at (11E, 10N). To the West and the North are 2 doors. The West door leads to a room with a forced encounter whereas the North does the same, but is the right way to go. Take the West and beat the enemies if you want some more experience. Anyways, proceed North through the door and waste the enemies. Becareful with chests... this is one of those levels where a triggered Teleporter and no DUMAPIC spells left could be very annoying and possibly even costly. After looting the chest, if you dared, head 1 East and 2 North to the next door [To your left.] Behind this door is another forced encounter and opportunity to loot. You'll probably be getting crap armor and weapons and Stones & Rings. [Which are useful for the most part, see Part 4 for more information.] Go 2 East and 1 South to the next door [Again to your left.] Yet another forced encounter awaits, but by now you've started getting that feeling it was going to happen. Show them who's boss and then go 1 East and 1 South to the next door. [To your right.] Follow the beaten path until you go down a long hall ending in a door. Heal yourself and enter through the door. The room is a teleporter that takes you to a room at (3E, 16N). If you're running low on HP, avoid this as the only way out of here are the 3 other teleporter rooms. Go 1 North and you'll see the message explaining my point. There are 3 doors, each with a teleporter behind them. Monty: That's right! Behind Door #1 is a teleporter to (16E, 3N)! A small room with 3 1-Way exits leading to a very annoying labryinth of rooms and enemies. * Audience: Ooooh! Monty: And behind Door #2 is... your MOTHER-IN-LAW! No, just kidding folks. Behind Door #2 is a teleporter straight to London, courtesy of (19E, 19N). ** Audience: Ahhh!!! Monty: And behind Door #3 we have the correct path to go onwards! You and your companions will be whisked away to luxurious (0E, 0N) where you will be able to continue your quest for the staff. Hehehe... I just had to do that folks. Most of the solves and walkthru's out there are so.. robotic and boring.. I wanted mine to stick out a bit more and to give you all a laugh or Two :) Anyhoo, unless you felt like living on the edge, you most likely have gone through Door #3 :) From here, please go 2 East & 1 more through the door to another fixed encounter. Waste 'em and head off 3 more East and 2 North to the next door. Yet another batch of baddies is awaiting you beyond the door, so show em "Who's The Boss". Head 3 West and go through the door to the North. Go up another North and go through the door to the East. Yet another lovely encounter awaits. Once you've whipped them into shape faster then Richard Simmon's, go 1 South, 2 East and 1 North and through the door to the East and take the enemies down. [The West door leads to another forced fight.] Once you've beaten them, go 1 South and 2 East. Take the door to the South for one of the last forced fights of the level. [The Northern Door goes to a room with a very nasty Pit Trap in it.] Heal up as required and get ready for a bit of footwork, hopefully unhindered. Go 1 East and 2 South to the Two doors. Take the Eastern door [The other leads to an empty 1 Square room.] and proceed 1 North and 2 East. Go on through the Northern door and head 1 East and 2 North. You'll see a door in front of you and one to your Right. If you're running low on health and spells, go on through, go West down the hall and through the wall [1 Way Passage] and pop through the door to the North to be back in the hallway that leads to the first portal room. Backtrack [3 North, 1 East, 1 North, 1 West, 1 North, 3 East, 1 North, 3 more East, 2 South, 1 West, and 3 South takes you to the exit.] If you're confident you're strong, go 1 more West and enter the Northern door. [The Southern door leads to an empty 1 Square room.] Ignore the door in front of you unless you're low on health [Follow above directions to get back to the stairs.] and head all the way West. Just before you come to a door, you will be stopped with a riddle. I admit, it took me a while to puzzle it out. If you want to do it on your own, then good luck. The answer is at the end of the Floor guide. When you've solved the riddle, go through the door and get ready for a tough battle. You're going to have to fight the second Artifict, the K.O.D Shield. It's VERY tough and does some seriously nasty damage [60+ alot of the time.] Use a nice KATINO on it to get a break. TILTOWAIT and the like do not work. Your reward is a VERY NICE chunk of experience and the K.O.D. Shield. [Just like the armor and the other 3 artifacts, this can be gotten again and again.] Go West through the door and stop. Do you have enough HP and spells to go on? If not, go North and travel East and through the wall [1 Way passage] and follow the previous instructions to get back to the stairs. [I also recommend a MALOR to get back to the stairs leading to the town... just in case, but do this only when you're back on Floor 1.] If you're ready, head 1 More West to the stairs to reach the stairs to Floor 3. *If you actually CHOSE this portal and wish to know how to get back out and to safety, then this is the route to follow. I apologize if this brevity is confusing. If it is, let me know and I will see to updating it in a future update. Anyways, the quickest way back to safety is; From (16E, 3N) [Where the teleporter takes you.] go 1 East through the 1 way door, and all the way till you can't go East no more. About face and Go all the way North till you hit the wall. Continue West all the way until you reach a dead-end. Go North through the 1 Way passage and you will be in the long hall, right near the first teleporter. [Just go North and follow it to the door with the teleporter to the 3 teleporter room and pick again.] **Oooh boy! This is the Nightmare of which I referred you to. Now, when I mapped this out, I found about a little place I was unaware of before. It's a small 2 room section with a Wizard in it. He asks for a fee of either 10K or 100K... a hefty amount... for vital information. Don't worry about it.. I'll give it to you for free. Basically, in this Scenario, the Stars are aligned so some spells work alot better then others do. The wizard mentions that spells such as KATINO will induce longer, more powerful rests, MANIFO will work alot better [Silence reigns supreme] and spells such as the draining MAHAMAN will offer better boons. [I got to make a Ninja .. sure it drained me a level or so.. but my Mage was level 28 :)] LATUMAPIC works really well now too. Anyways, if you got stuck in here, here's the quickest route out of here. [Seriously] From (19E, 19N) Face North [Use DUMAPIC for aid] and get ready. From here, Go 7 West [Ignore the panel that slams behind you.] You'll hit a wall. Go 2 South to enter a room of 1 way exits/entrances. Go South until you hit the wall. Go West all the way till you hit the wall there and go 1 South, 1 East, 1 South, 2 West, 2 South, 1 West and go South 4 or so spaces. You should now be at (3E, 8N) Go 2 East and 3 North. You'll be in a lit room now. Go 1 East through the door for a forced encounter. When you win, go 1 North to escape back to the 4th room of the level and safety. Note: There is 1 alternative way out, it requires a bit more work, but it leads to a 1 way passage that takes you in front of Teleporter Door #1 [The Labryinth Door] If you wish to go there instead, follow these directions. From (19E, 19N) Face North [Use DUMAPIC for aid] and get ready. From here, Go 7 West [Ignore the panel that slams behind you.] You'll hit a wall. Go 2 South to enter a room of 1 way exits/entrances. Instead of going South, go West 5 spaces till you hit the wall. Go 1 North and then proceed 4 East [Till you hit the wall], Go North 1 and then head West till you hit the wall. You should be at (1E, 19N) From here go 1 South and 1 West. Go South about 10 steps [You'll hit a wall] and then head 1 East. Go 4 North, 1 East, 1 North, 1 East, 2 North, 1 West, 1 South, 1 West and Go 3 North through a door. You should be in the lit room at (1E, 17N) Simply go 1 East through a 1 way passage and voila! You're back at the teleporter room... but as I said.. this is a damned pain, especially if you misstep. BTW: The answer to the riddle is, "SHIELD" [No Quotes] The Maze - Floor 3 ------------------ This floor is where things become even more painful. It's upon this floor that the standard 19/19 being solid walls rule disappears, which makes mapping and roaming a bit more difficult. This is also the first floor with SOLID ROCK... I found this out the hard way. But I digress. We start off at the scenic (0E, 0N). From here, go 1 North, 3 West, 1 North & 1 West to the door. Go on through and head 2 South, 1 East, 1 South, 1 West, 2 more South and then follow the long Western winding corridor till you come to a door. Go on through and 1 more West before going through the door to the South. You're now in the HUGE room of the level. When you map it, it kind of resembles 4 square doughnuts connected together. You are currently in the upper right quadrant/doughnut. The Solid Rock part is in the lower Left quadrant and is composed of (5E, 5N), (5E, 6N), (6E, 5N) & (6E, 6N) [Please note this when MALOR'ing around.] From the door, go 1 South to the wall and then proceed to go 2 East, 1 more South and 4 more East to the next wall. Go 1 North and 2 East. This is where you MUST have a MALOR spell ready. Use it to go 1 South through the wall. If you go North in this room, you'll go back through a 1 way passage. Instead go South to fight the next artifact/quest item, Hrathnir. The sword is a bit tough to defeat, being pure offense, but it's defense is rather good... until you use a nice KATINO on it :) Once it's dead, claim it as yours [Best weapon in the game? Yep] heal up and head 1 room West and 1 North to reach the stairs to Floor 4. If you need to get back to town to heal, follow these instructions from the door to the huge chamber. [Backtrack from here as needed, or if you have a MALOR handy, teleport to the co-ordinates of (9E, 10N).] From the chamber doors, go 1 South, 1 East and then proceed 4 South to the door. Go on through and go 1 South, 2 East, 1 North and then go through the door to the West. This is a teleporter straight to town. The other rooms in here lead to a nasty pit trap and/or teleport you around the maze. The Maze - Floor 4 ------------------ Guano anyone? Yep, there's alot of BATS here.. but they ain't the worst of your concerns. There's also a fountain that Paralyzes your characters... but it's clearly marked by all the messages before you reach it. [How nice] Anyhoo, you start off at (7E, 12N) AVOID! (8E, 14N) as it's SOLID ROCK. Sorry to scare you. From the stairs, go 2 North, 1 West, 3 North, 5 West, 2 South, 2 West, 1 South, 4 West, 2 South, 4 West, 2 South, 4 West, 4 South, 2 East, [Aha! A Change! Caught ye off guard, right?] 1 South, 2 East, 1 South and now you should be at (11E, 4N) :) Go West through the door to face off against the K.O.D. Helmet. The usual KATINO/Slay the sleeping dog tactic works well. Your reward is the K.O.D. Helmet.. which as usual, can be gotten again so all your fighters can have one. When you're done, heal up and go 1 more West for the stairs to Floor 5. Now, before people comment on the West/South pattern... this is the easiest way to get to the Helmet unscathed as there are PIT Traps and OUCH squares which drain your hp fast at the following squares which you avoided with this route; (16E, 13N), (9E, 11N), (3E, 6N), (18E, 5N), (14E, 2N) & (9E, 1N) respectively. Please also note, I MAY have missed one or two... if I have please mail me with the locations. The Maze - Floor 5 ------------------ This is one of the most pain in the ass floors in the game... not because of the repetitive patterns in mapping, but the chutes to the bottom floor. These can take you there unprepared and do a nasty little number on you if your characters aren't tough enough. But enough of this, you want to know the route to victory :) We start our journey at (2E, 18N). There's some fog nearby, but don't worry, I shalt steer thee safely through. [Begins to sing like a gondolier].. er.. then again.. maybe no sound is better... Anyways, head off 2 East and 1 South. There is a door to the East, so head on through to the other side. Go 2 more North and you're back in the clear. From here, please go 5 West and then head 9 South, 5 West, 1 South and finally 1 East through a 1 Way Passage. Go 2 North and then 1 East through yet another 1 Way Passage. [I feel bad, because I realized I marked this wrong on old maps... they're being redone anyways.] Here is the inner sanctum of the Floor. If you need to go back to town to heal, go 1 more East and 2 South through the door. For a fee of 5000 Gold you will be whisked to town :) But I'm sure you'd rather fight the gauntlets ;) From the inner sanctum entrance, go 3 South, 3 West and 2 North through a secret door. Heal up and go 1 East to face the Magic K.O.D. Gauntlets. They are VERY TOUGH! KATINO is your best bet, along with tons of healing spells and luck. Once they're toast, don em up and be proud of yourself for you've now aquired the 5 main artifacts/quest items of the game! :) The Maze - Floor 6 [Final Floor] --------------------------------- This is a complete and utter bitch to map, let me tell you. I ASSUME that the stairs are exactly at (0E, 0N)... but because DUMAPIC no longer works here, it's VERY difficult to be sure and makes mapping even more difficult. [Especially if you fell down a chute from level 5 into the Fog... that's how where I started to TRY and map and came to the idea of stairs possibly at (0E, 0N). There's secret passages GALORE! So be aware or LOMILWA for a while. This is it... the big time.. this is where the HARDEST of any enemies this scenario hang out... trust me.. Orc Lords are NOT push overs... especially with MABADI and stuff being used on you all the time. If you simply want to get it over with, have a SINGLE character [Yes, I said single... this can be a Mage since you can Malor to (9E, 9N, 5D), KATINO the Gauntlets and wittle them down and then follow these steps. Anyways, Alone and from the stairs, go 1 North, 1 East and 1 North again. Simple, ne? :) Herein lies the Sphinx with a nice riddle. If you honestly want to roam this level for the 3 Clues, then I'm leaving that up to you. Since I posed the question, of what the answer is, in my Scenario 1 Walkthrough/Solve, I FINALLY got the answer I needed, from John Hubbard. Thank you very much John. I and many adventurers are thankful you have been able to aid us in the answer... which after 6 years of off and on pondering, got me mad when I saw how blatantly obvious it was! The answer is of course.... Announcer: We interupt this Walkthrough/Solve for this important announcement..... and now, back to your regularly scheduled Walkthrough/Solve. Pretty obvious, isn't? I kicked myself when I found this out.. oh wait :) You didn't hear :) It's "THE KNIGHT OF DIAMONDS" [No quotes] Once you've answered, the Sphinx is satisfied and will allow you to pass. Go 1 North and you'll be teleported back to Floor 1, in front of Gnilda's room. Enter and her apparation will ask for the answer once more. Speak it again, and for the price of all 5 artifacts, she will give you the Staff of Gnilda, the very item you need to beat the game. Now all you have to do is simply run all the way back to the stair well, go up the stairs to the town and... CONGRATULATIONS! YOU'VE JUST BEATEN SCENARIO 2!! The character you chose to do this solo work will be awarded with the symbol of Gnilda [G] and all your fellow party members will recieve Knighthood [K] for their aid to you and the throne. From here, you may now simply go about and level build/gather artifacts again, or you can get ready to import them to Scenario 3, The Legacy of Llylgamyn. Just remember this: Your gold WILL NOT! Go with you this time, so if you want a little advantage in the future, make a dummy character in scenario 1, import it to scenario 2 and leave all the gold with it :) Part 4 - Item List ================== Much like Scenario 1, there is quite the variety of weapons, armor and items. Primarily in my vast journeys through this scenario, I've come across the odd rare item and so I will chronicle them here. This is virtually complete, but! considering the fact that there's so many things, and most just don't pop up terribly often, I think it's as good as they come. The quest items will be added as I find them and their use. All "-" weapons and armor should obviously be avoided. If you find anything not on this list, please email me a snapshot of the item, inform me of its use and how much it sells for at Boltac's. BTW: I've removed the "How rare is it?" chart for formatting reasons. The more expensive an item tends to be, the more rare it is. Stuff that SOUNDS Rare, probably is [Rod of Raising for instance]... well that and also, what may come up rather often for me.. may not come up to often for you. Spells Price? ------ ------ * Of Latumofis Cure Poison 300 * Of Dios Restore 1-8 HP 500 % Of Katino Put Enemies to Sleep 500 % Of Badios 1-8 Dmg Against an Enemy 500 % Of Halito 1-8 Fire Dmg Against an Enemy 500 * Of Sopic Caster -4 AC Temp 1,500 % Of Lomilwa Chants Lomilwa 2,500 % Of Dilto Makes Enemies easier to hit 2,500 * Of Dial Restore 2-16 HP 5,000 % Of Badial 2-16 Dmg Against an Enemy 8,000 Weapons Effect Price? ------- ------ ------ Dagger 5 Staff 10 Short Sword 15 Long Sword 25 Anointed Mace 30 Anointed Flail 150 Long Sword -1 1,000 Short Sword -1 1,000 Staff +2 2,500 Staff of Mogref Chants Mogref 3,000 Dagger +2 8,000 Mace -2 8,000 Mace of Poison 10,000 Mage Masher 10,000 Slayer of Dragons 10,000 Were Slayer 10,000 Blade Cusinart 15,000 Staff of Montino Casts Montino 15,000 Short Sword +1 15,000 Long Sword +2 20,000 Mace +2 25,000 Rod of Flame 25,000 Dagger of Speed 30,000 Short Sword +2 30,000 Dagger of Thieves Makes your thief a bad-ass Ninja 50,000 S-Sword +3 (E) Evil Characters Only 50,000 Shurikens +1 HP Perm for Ninjas per use 50,000 Sword +3 (E) Evil Characters Only 50,000 Staff of Light Chants Lomilwa 60,000 Long Sword +5 70,000 Priest's Mace MASSIVE DAMAGE VS. PRIESTS!!! 75,000 Priest Puncher MASSIVE DAMAGE VS. PRIESTS!!! 75,000 S-Sword Of Swings Adds alot of Attacks for more Dmg :) 75,000 Staff of Curing Uknown Effect 100,000 Hrathnir Price Based On Identification Cost 300,000 Muramasa Blade +1 Strength to Samurai's per Use 1,000,000 Rod of Raising Raises the Dead! [1 Use] Armor Price? ----- ------ Small Shield 20 Large Shield 40 Robes 15 Leather Armor 50 Chain Mail 90 Breast Plate 200 Plate Mail 750 Helm 100 Breast Plate +1 1,500 Breast Plate -1 1,500 Chain Mail +1 1,500 Chain Mail -1 1,500 Leather +1 1,500 Leather Armor -1 1,500 Plate Mail +1 1,500 Shield +1 1,500 Shield -1 1,500 Helm +1 3,000 Helm +2 4,000 Gloves of Copper 6,000 Chain Mail +2 6,000 Plate Mail +2 6,000 Shield +2 7,000 Breast Plate -2 8,000 Chain +2 (E) Evil Characters Only 8,000 Helm +2 (E) Evil Characters Only 8,000 Leather -2 8,000 Plate +2 (N) Neutral Characters Only 8,000 Robe of Curses Gee, I wonder 8,000 Helm of Malor Chants Malor 1 time, then reverts to Helm 25,000 Mage Equippable :) Shield +3 (E) Evil Characters Only 25,000 Helm of Curses Gee I wonder 50,000 Gloves of Silver 60,000 Breast Plate +3 100,000 Winter Mittens Prevents Cold Damage 140,000 Cold Chain Mail 150,000 Plate +3 (E) Evil Characters Only 150,000 Robes +3 Who'd have thought this existed? 180,000 Shield +3 250,000 Plate +5 Who'd have thought this existed? 275,000 Cursed Plate +1 Curses, but drops a Mage's AC BigTime! 300,000 K.O.D. Armor Price based on identification cost 300,000 K.O.D. Gauntlets Price based on identification cost 300,000 K.O.D. Helm Price based on identification cost 300,000 K.O.D. Shield Price based on identification cost 300,000 Garb of Lords Lords only! Casts Madi! VERY RARE! 1,000,000 Stones Effect Price? ------ ------ ------ Stone of Piety Adds 1 to your piety [Random Use Amount] 0 Damien Stone Character Eradicator [Literally] 0 Stone of Youth Drops 1 Characters Age by 1 year 0 Granite Stone Useless 0 Dreamer's Stone Unsure of it's real use 0 Mind Stone Adds 1 to your IQ [Random Use Amount] 0 Blarney Stone Adds 1 to your Luck [Random Use Amount] 0 Rings & Amulets Effect Price? --------------- ------ ------ Amulet of Skill Gives user 50,000 Experience [Random Uses] 0 Metamorph Ring Makes ANYONE a Lord [1 Use] 0 Amulet of Jewels Sell For Cash 5,000 Ring of Porfic Chants Porfic Porficly.. er sorry :) 10,000 Amulet of Manifo Casts Manifo 15,000 Amulet of Makanito Chants Makanito 20,000 Amulet of Cover Gives a -3 A.C. Bonus 120,000 Ring of Fire ???? 250,000 Ring of Life Heals you 2 Hp per round 400,000 Ring of Death You wear it, you're cursed! 500,000 Priests Ring ???? 500,000 Misc Effect Price? ---- ------ ------ Coin of Power Random Class Changer 0 Wand of Mages Gives all 9's for spells [VERY USEFUL] 0 Staff of Gnilda Your Ultimate Goal Nil Magic Charms ???? Who uses them ???? 200,000 Quest Items Effect ----------- ------ K.O.D. Armor Lowers A.C. by 14 / Slowly Raises HP/ Use for Matu K.O.D. Shield Lowers A.C. by 6 / Slowly Raises HP/ Use for Dial K.O.D. Helm Lowers A.C. by 4 / Slowly Raises HP/ Use for Madalto K.O.D. Gauntlets Lowers A.C. by 4 / Slowly Raises HP/ Use for Tiltowait Hrathnir [Sword] BEST WEAPON! [Lev. 27 Fighter hit a Greater Demon 6 Hits, 642 Damage!!! 642!!! Now THAT'S POWER!] Also lowers A.C. by 1 [Go figure] / Use for Lorto Part 5 - Frequently Asked Questions =================================== Q: If one of my characters dies in the game right off the bat, is there any way to bring them back to life? If so how? A: Yes there is a way, but you won't like the answer. You get a party together, or the remaining party members who didn't die, and heal them up. Go to the square where your character died and do a search. If you're on the correct square, and the alignment of the party members matches the dead character [Or you're all Neutral] you can pick them up and take them back to the surface. Go to the Temple of Cant and then gawk at the expensive price to revive your fallen comrade. In all honesty, you're better off pillaging the dead one and then making a new character. The Temple can screw up your fallen comrade by accident and cost you way more then you need to worry about so early in the game. Q: Where can I find any of these games? A: For the PC Versions, you can go to any good Computer store and pick yourself up a copy of the Wizardry Archives cd-rom at a decent price. I believe a Macintosh copy does exist, so Mac Fans, rejoice. If you want the old school NES Versions, I would recommend online gaming stores dealing in ancient games or pawn/used shops in your area. You could alternately go online and... no.. you would NEVER do that.. considering it's illegal, immoral, carries a hefty fine.. etc. Q: Where can I find an emulator? A: Http://www.vintagegaming.com [Note: Since Emulators aren't illegal persay, that is why this link is even posted.] Q: Where can I find the Roms? A: You want to go the illegal route? Find them yourself as I can't help you. Q: Where can I find maps for the game? A: I am fairly sure there is at least a site or 2 on the net that has maps for this game. I personally have made maps for the First Trilogy, but only have Wizardry 1 scanned. I will be more then happy to email people them if requested, unless someone wishes to keep them up on their site for me. My connect is crap, so apologies for any delay in getting them to you. Q: Can I switch my characters from Part 1 NES to Part 2 NES? A: Sadly you can't, as there is no way to transfer the data from one Cartridge to another that I am aware of. Q: Can you send me a copy of the Manual? I lost mine. A: I'd honestly like to help you here... but then there's way too many people emailing me about this.. and with the roms floating around the net, it's virtually impossible for me to tell if the person asking me legitimately owns the game or they pirated the rom. Part 6 - End Credits and Stuffage ================================= I hope this has been a great deal of help to anyone who has struggled through this challenging game. Perhaps in a future revision I may add a more or less completed items list, but since there isn't as huge a variety as opposed to part 1, it's kind of doubtful. Anyways, good gaming and see you in Scenario 3; The Legacy of Llylgamyn. If you have any questions or comments, please direct them to me at; Tknomncr@Hotmail.Com Attn: Wizardry Very special thanks to John Hubbard (tk421@tk421.net) for his assistance in solving the Sphinx's riddle. I kicked myself so hard when I realized how bloody obvious it was! 6 Years and I finally beat the game... it's so reassuring. The solve you're currently reading and its subsequent updates [And other solves/walthru's/guides/whatever I whip up] can be found at the following sites :) I will constantly update for the sake of this part, and because I believe the informed gamer should be aware of all who wish to help the gaming experience :) Game Faqs [http://www.gamefaqs.com] http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/wizardry_ii.txt Game Winners [http://www.gamewinners.com] http://www.gamewinners.com/DUO/Wizardry1And2.htm DLH.net [http://DLH.net] The Cheat Empire [http://home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts] http://home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts/xdown/wz2.zip Al Amaloo's Video Game Strategies [http://vgstrategies.about.com] http://www.gameadvice.com/cgibin/faq.cgi?game=w/Wizardry2-KFlewin.txt Greg's RPG Realm [http://www.rpgrealm.com] http://www.rpgrealm.com/nesfaqs/wizardry_2.txt Foraker's Page of Wizardry [http://www.geocities.com/foraker.geo/wizard/index.html] http://www.geocities.com/foraker.geo/wizard/wizardry_ii.txt RPG Classics [http://rpgclassics.com] http://www.rpgclassics.com/database/wizardry2pc/1.txt Games Domain [http://www.gamesdomain.com] [And all mirrors] http://www.gamesdomain.co.uk/solution/wizardry_ii_gd.txt Cheatsearch.Com http://www.cheatsearch.com/PC/unp90_20000501_00274.HTML Games Over [http://www.gamesover.com] http://www.gamesover.com/walkthroughs/wizardry2.txt If you want to distro it, be my guest. As long as you don't edit this in any way, unless permission is granted. You MUST ALSO Inform me of which website you wish to add it to so I may add the link to future updates and give my official OK. It MAY be editted to be displayed on a web page only if my name is intact and I am notified so I may come and marvel. :) It may be printed out... not like I could stop you :) Just please keep it intact. Also, the walkthrough/solve for Wizardry 3 may be a while in the making, as near the bloody start and I'm already perplexed! If someone cares to explain how to get to Floor 2 [Since the one stair set goes to Floor 3], what the hell to do on Floor 3 to avoid the warp traps and make it to what seems to be the stairs, and advice on how to get through the lake on Floor 1... I would not only greatly appreciate it, I will also acredit you for the assistance. Wizardry Copyright 1981-2001 Andrew Greenberg, Inc. and Robert Woodhead, Inc. All Rights Reserved Wizardry is a registered trademark of Sir-Tech Software, Inc.; Reg'd TM Canada This Walkthrough/Solve is Copyright Mr. Kelly Flewin, 2000-01 Copyright Time Traveller's Inc. 1999-2001