FFFFFFFFFFF IIIIIIIII NN N A L F I N N N A A L F I N N N A A L F I N N N A A L FFFFFF I N N N A A L F I N N N A A L F I N N N AAAAAAA L F I N N N A A L F I N NN A A L F IIIIIIIII N N A A LLLLLLLLLL FFFFF A NN N TTTTT A S Y Y F A A N N N T A A S Y Y F A A N N N T A A S Y Y FFF A A N N N T A A S Y F A A N N N T A A S Y F A A N N N T A A S Y F AAAAAAA N N N T AAAAAAA S Y F A A N N N T A A S Y F A A N N N T A A S Y F A A N NN T A A S Y X X 222 X X 2 2 X X 2 2 X X 2 2 X X 2 X ------- 2 X X 2 X X 2 X X 2 X X 2 X X 222222222 A WALKTHROUGH FOR THE OFFICIAL PS MAGAZINE DEMO BY MOBIUS SOUL _____________________ I Table of Contents I 1 Preliminaries 1.1 Version History 1.2 Introduction 1.3 Legal Stuff 2 Walkthroughs 2.1 Gullwings Swoop Into Action! 2.2 Operation: Infiltrate Bevelle! 3 Closing 3.1 Thanx 1 Preliminaries 1.1 Version History Version 1.0--11/17/03 Both walkthroughs, intro, legal junk, and thanx done...probably the only version there will be. 1.2 Introduction This guide was made, well, because I wanted to publish _something_. I really want to write a guide for FFX2 itself, but there are like seven ones just made from the Japanese version and there are sure to be a pile of other ones once the game actually comes out in the US. I figure having written this beforehand will improve my standings with CJayC for letting me get my guide into the suddenly ballooning list. Also, I thought people might actually like a guide to this thing. 1.3 Legal Stuff I very much doubt anyone will want to steal this, but just in case...this guide is the sole property of Declan P. Geoffrion Scannell, AKA Mobius Soul (also my Fictionpress.com name), AKA Boyle Deggs, AKA Euell P. Yorpanz. This guide can be reprinted anywhere, I don't care, just so long as it is presented in its entirety including this disclaimer and you give sole credit to Declan P. Geoffrion Scannell, AKA Mobius Soul, AKA Boyle Deggs, AKA Euell P. Yorpanz. This guide cannot be sold or in any way used to make a profit, except maybe making a bet you can get to the top with more time left in the race between you and Leblanc. Okay. 2 Walkthroughs 2.1 Gullwings Swoop Into Action! In the opening, the Celsius appears through the clouds, and Yuna remarks that "the rocks are floating." Rikku expresses her dismay at having to climb them, but Brother explains he will simply take them to the top. When the real gameplay starts, Yuna is standing on an elevator (which doesn't work, so don't bother). The game will show you a short couple paragraphs explaining FFX2's new platform-hopping (oh, the horror!) elements. Don't worry, this is still the same FF you know and love. Anyway, first go directly south from the elevator, holding O to jump down/climb ledges. Down the ledges, across the waterfall, and up the ledge is an Elixir--but you probably won't need it, because you are at great levels compared to all the enemies here. Not very great levels in all the history of levels--you're at 9s and 10s--but high compared with the opposition you will face here. Both the boss battles are a snap, and any normal enemies you encounter can be taken out with one or two hits. Anyway, after you get the Elixir (or not), go back across the waterfall and climb the cliff wall by moving around and right-ish while holding O. Atop the ruins on the broken roadway (reminds me a bit of the opening of FFX) you will be ambushed by Leblanc and her comical henchmen, who have apparently been following you this whole time. A short, easy boss battle ensues--just keep pelting with physical attacks and Trigger Happy, and it'll be over in no time. However, you will probably want to Spherechange at least once just to see the kick-@$$ graphics on them (it's almost as cool as summoning an Aeon in FFX). After you beat them, they run off to beat you to the top. (This section is timed, but it hardly matters, because it shouldn't take you _three_ minutes to get to the point at which you automatically win if the timer hasn't run out, let alone the six the game gives you). As I said, treasure will be almost completely unnecessary in this demo, but for you completists out there, here's a step-by step walkthru with all the treasure: After the battle, run to the right. Go a past the column to the foreground of it, not the back, or you won't be able to get to the chest and you will lose some time (not that it really matters.) This chest contains a Mega Phoenix. Now go back and go up the column. Don't go up the second column, instead go to the left and continue to the door you may have glimpsed Leblanc and her goons going through a second ago right after the battle. If you skipped the Mega Phoenix, you should simply go right after the battle with Leblanc then, when you jump the chasm, go up and you can take a shortcut directly to here. Once you get in, go forwards a little bit then go to the right of the path and push the switch (O button to climb up). Now climb down, go across the hall to the other little alcove on your mini-map, and push the switch _there_. You will see a small cutscene of a rock getting lower. Now continue down the hall and jump some rocks. Go to the path on right, do a bunch of stuff with the O button including jumping across the rock you lowered, and you will come out next to a chest with a Red Ring accessory. This is utterly useless since you can't access your equip menu in the demo, but I said I would be completist. I don't know what it does in the real game, but it probably has to do with the Fire element. Now go all the way back to the hall with the switches and exit stage north. Once you come out the door there is nothing to the right, so go left, noticing along the way the chest you opened a second ago. Now go up a bit, climb up some, and you will see a bumpy gray path curving along the tower. Go along this if you want another useless accessory, this time a Star Pendant (in FFVII a Star Pendant was an accessory that protected you from poisoning...probably what it does in here too). Now head back along the path to where you climbed up. Jump right and climb some more. Here you will trigger the end of the race, for it is at this point that you will see a rather silly cutscene of Leblanc and her guards hanging from a ledge ("would you stop staring!"). Continue past the save point--which here functions only as a heal point--and climb some more. The chest next to Leblanc and Co. contains yet another useless accessory, the Muscle Belt. And no, I don't know what it does in the real game either. Continue up the stairs to reach the top of the ruins. A cut-scene will trigger, showing you the boss you are about to fight. Paine, interestingly, says Auron's trademark line from FFX, which he says when a fiend boss is showing up, "It comes". It is fractionally tougher than Leblanc and her goons, but will be easy all the same. Spherechange, again, is not required but is recommended just to see the graphics. Just pound away at the guy for an easy victory. You will now see the "buy FFX2 when it comes out!" ad screen, and will have to reset to get rid of it. 2.2 Operation: Infiltrate Bevelle! This one opens with a cutscene showing the trio dropping from an impossible height onto pointy rubble without protective equipment, not only without injury, but without even breaking stride. Go figure. Leblanc, strangely enough, is with them and appears to be at least in a truce with them, for neither attacks the other. They then walk forwards into a cavernous room that is apparently inside Bevelle. The girls mention some gibberish about "Yevon liking to hide things..." Don't ask me, I don't know the plot. When you move to the right, you are shown a panoramic view of some sort of giant machine. Then an alarm goes off and you are forced to fight some monsters. Don't worry, they aren't tough, especially since you are, in this part of the demo, about level 57. After the battle some platforms will appear. These can be jumped down with O. You can circle the top, but there is no reason to as there is no treasure. At the bottom of the platforms there is a door--enter it. Jump a few boxes and come to a fork. you are not allowed to take the path to the right--I'm not sure if you are in the real game-- so go left. Here you will meet an enraged wild Aeon, for reasons never explained. The fight with Bahamut is easy. Like the ones in the first mission, attacks and Trigger Happies will destroy him easily. But Sperechange is recommended, just because it look so darn cool. At the end he will dissolve in a storm of pyreflies, and that's that for the mission--you see the same ad screen as the end of the last one. Man, that was short, wasn't it? 3 Closing 3.1 Thanx Squenix--for making this great game! CJayC--for posting this walkthrough (he hasn't yet, but if you're reading this, then...) All the fans who mailed Squenix (back when it was Square without Enix) about "please make a real sequel to FFX"--for making Squenix make this great game!