============================================================================ FAQ/Walkthrough Part One for Final Fantasy X ============================================================================ For Playstation 2 Computer Entertainment System Version : Final By : StoneKotr (Francis Bilodeau) Created : January 10, 2002 Last Update : March 7, 2002 My E-Mail : stonekotr@hotmail.com MSN Messenger : stonekotr@hotmail.com My Home Page : www.geocities.com/stonekotr My nickname on the GameFAQS Board : StoneKotr =========== Legal Stuff =========== This FAQ/Walkthrough is created for personal use only. It is prohibited to use this FAQ on your commercial web page, magazine or game guide without advising me. You are also not allowed to rip off any segment of my FAQ without advising me by e-mail. I worked hard for this and I don't want to see someone says that he has done the whole FAQ. But, you can put this FAQ on your home page, the only condition for this is to e-mail me and TELL me that you are putting this FAQ on your home page and you need to GIVE me the URL. Thank you for you cooperation. **************************************************************************** !!! PLEASE READ !!! This will be the Final Update of the FAQ, which means I won't add anything myself since I think it's complete enough. I will still update for contributions though, so you can send them to me and I will update the FAQ just for them. Also, you can still ask me questions about the game, since I won't be working on the FAQ, it won't take a lot of time before I answer your questions. It has been fun folks, thanks for your support and see you in another FAQ! **************************************************************************** ============= E-Mail Policy ============= Well, I guess I have no choice to make this section because my FAQ is a little more popular than I thought. Anyway, I get a lot of questions that are already answered in the FAQ and lots of questions that are not even related to the game. So, before sending me an e-mail and be ignored, read here. DON'T SEND ME : ------------- - Questions that are already answered in the FAQ. - Questions that are not even related to the game. - Questions related to previous Final Fantasies. - Don't send me false information. - Bad comments about my FAQ or how good you are at this game. - Viruses, in a day I get at least one e-mail containing a virus. SEND ME : ------- - Questions that are not answered in this FAQ, I'll be happy to help you. - Suggestions to make this FAQ a better FAQ. - Mistakes that are in my FAQ (You will be credited). - Things that I missed, it is really appreciated and you will be credited. - Strategies to beat hard bosses, you will also be credited. You can send me questions in English or French, not any other languages. ============== Introduction ============== Hello everyone, this is my second attempt and my second project for a FAQ/ Walkthrough. You may know me for making a Story Mode FAQ/Walkthrough for WWF Smackdown! : Just Bring It. Anyway, I'm happy to be with you in a FAQ for this great game called Final Fantasy X. It's not a small task and I don't have a lot of experience, so I hope you will be patient. Here is what you can find in this FAQ. First, you'll see my review for the game, then a complete description of the characters and the basics of this game. Of course, you can find a complete Walkthrough of this great game and a mini-FAQ on the Blitzball mini game and finally there are all the weapons, armors and items lists, a complete bestiary and a list of every sidequests and secrets of the game. I hope you understand that this cannot be done in one month, so I'm asking for your patience and cooperation. Well, that's about it. Final Fantasy X will be the only thing in my life for the next couple of months ! ========= History ========= Version 1.0 : ----------- First Version of this FAQ, here is what I have done for the first version : - Completed the Review of the game - The Basics of the Game are completed - Completed the Walkthrough to Luca - Started the Shops List - Started the In the next update... section - Started the About this FAQ section - Started the Credits section - Started the Final Words section Version 1.1 : ----------- Well, it's the second version and my main goal is to complete the walkthrough, but I've started other sections of the FAQ. - Completed the Walkthrough of the game to Mushroom Rock - Started the Sidequest Section - Started the Overdrives Section - Started the Aeons Section Version 1.2 : ----------- Third version of the FAQ, it's getting bigger and bigger now ! I've decided to start new sections and complete them little by little at each updates. - Changed the characters section (contributions) - Added informations in the Overdrives section. - Completed the Shops List to the Thunder Plains - Started the Bestiary (Letter A Complete) - Started the Abilities List (Part A Completed) - Started the Weapons List - Started the Sidequests / Secrets Section Version 1.3 : ----------- Just a little small update there, I'm trying to finish the FAQ before school starts back. So the FAQ should be near completion by January 21st. - Added contributions for the Magus Sisters Aeon. - Added new Sidequests / Mini Games - Worked on the Walkthrough (Guadosalam) ! - Added a new Overdrive Mode - Added new informations on the Jecht Sphere - Completed the Weapons List ! - Continued the Bestiary (Letter B Complete) Version 1.4 : ----------- Another daily update... whew ! What a rush. We are January 16th now and school starts back in five day, yeah! Just joking, I don't like school, but I'm happy to go there for one reason :). Oh well, I understand myself. Anyway, I'm adding a lot of stuff coming from everywhere and even though I think I have a perfect game, I could have missed Items or something, so anyway, if you see any mistakes, please be gentle and tell me :). - Started and completed the Items Section ! - Worked on the Walkthrough (Thunder Plains) - Added a new strategy for the Ultima/Omega Weapons - Added new informations on the Magus Sisters - Added the Chocobo Mini Game in the Sidequests section - Added the Anima quest in the Sidequests section Version 1.5 : ----------- What an historic moment... It's been one week since I've created this FAQ! My god, it's time to celebrate, anyway, I worked a lot on the Sidequests section and it's almost complete, I didn't have the time to work on the Walkthrough now, sorry! Now every sections are started except for the Mix List Section. I'll try to finish writing the FAQ by Sunday or Monday. Stay tuned! - Added informations on Tidus's Overdrives and Auron's Overdrives - Worked on the Bestiary (Letter C Complete) - Started the Blitzball FAQ - Almost finished the Sidequests section, I only have to do the Monster Arena Sidequest. - Clarified the Cloudy Mirror Sidequest - If you have any strategies on how to complete the Walkthrough for the Omega Ruins Sidequest, send them to me please ! Version 1.6 : ----------- Whew, this is getting BIG and I'm near the Final Version too, well the Final Version for me since I'll take a little break when all the Sections will be completed. I asked CB! to use her Mix List FAQ in my own FAQ, because I think no one can do a better job than what she did. I hope she says I can use it, so the FAQ will be a better one. Also, it's cool to see ATadeo writing a FAQ for FFX, I hope I can exchange information with him. Anyway, here is what's new for this version. - Worked on the Walkthrough and it's COMPLETED! - Added a Strategy for Nemesis a.k.a. Omega Gold - Worked on the Bestiary (Letter A to I Completed) - Armors List Completed! - Completed the Overdrive Section, added Rikku Mix List Results. - Shops List Completed! - BlitzBall FAQ Completed! courtesy of Michael Gallant, if you have any questions about Blitzball, tell him at : mike_692@hotmail.com - Added a Walkthrough for the Omega Ruins thanks to Dan Grubbs, danielgrubbs@hotmail.com. Version 1.7 : ----------- Just a small update here, corrected a few mistakes in the FAQ. It also seems that T.J. Martin has ripped off something from CB! And sent it to me. My apologies CB!... I don't want any problems... Also, I've decided to continue on my own. So I will do the Mix List myself! It will take a while because I will now take a well deserved break. It's been too long since I have been working on this FAQ. I'll do another update in a week or two, maybe one month... You can still send in your questions and contributions though :). - Changed the Contributors List, removed T.J. Martin, added CB! - Started the Weapon's Abilities List - Added the Ability Pray in the Special Abilities List. Version 1.8 : ----------- Hello everyone, just a little update here, added some contributions that were in my E-Mail Inbox. I try to follow my E-Mail Policy and answer every e-mails as they come. I haven't followed it lately, so if you have sent a question after Jan. 21, be patient, I will answer your question soon. I'm still working on the Bestiary, maybe it will be completed in the next update. - Added loads of contributions, thanks to you! - Added the Tips Section in the Basics of the Game. - Worked on the Bestiary (Letter A to L Completed). - Worked on the Weapon Ability List. - Worked on the Armor Ability List. Version 1.9 : ----------- It's been a long time since I haven't updated two days in a row! Anyway, I worked on completing the Weapons/Armors List. Sorry, I haven't answered any e-mails today, since I've decided to work on the FAQ. It's getting a lot closer to completion now, there is only the Bestiary & The Monster Arena Sidequest to do. So that's about it. - Completed the Weapon Ability List. - Completed the Armor Ability List. - Added the Movies/Music Spheres Sidequest. - Worked on the Bestiary Version 1.95 : ------------ Why Version 1.95 and not 2.0 ? Because I want V.2.0 to be the Final Version and I am not at the Final Version yet! All there is to do is to correct my spelling / grammatical errors and complete the Walkthrough by adding items that I've forgot. Now, again, I ask your patience if you have written e-mails to me. I try to answer them when I have the time and it's not always easy, because of the College. Don't worry I'll answer your questions pretty soon. Here is what's new for this update : - Completed the Bestiary. - Started/Completed the Monster Arena Sidequest. - Started/Completed the Remiem Temple Sidequest. - Added a strategy for Yunalesca. - Added some information about the Random Items in the Omega Ruins. - The Bestiary is corrected, added a few sections in it. - Worked on the Walkthrough, corrected a few mistakes about the location of some items in Al Bhed Territory and Kilika Forest. - Blitzball FAQ Completed, added How to get Jecht Shot 1 & 2 corrected spelling/grammar errors and added the Scouting Level. Version 2.0 : ----------- This is it folks, it's the last version of the FAQ. I've decided to split it up in two parts, since it will be easier for you to look at what you want. Some web pages like http://www.rpg-dreams.com still has the FAQ in one part though. Now, Part 1 will be covering the Walkthrough / Sidequests and Blitzball and Part 2 will cover the lists. Again, I'll try to answer all of your e-mails a s they come, since I won't be working on the FAQ, it won't take a lot of time to answer your many questions. One last thing : Please read the section right before the E-Mail Policy to see what will be going on in the future of this FAQ. - Corrected a lot of grammar/spelling errors. - Added "Inside Sin" section in the Walkthrough. - Added a lot of contributions, thanks to you! Version Final : ------------- This is the Final Version of the FAQ, as you can see, the look of the FAQ as changed a little. Completed most of the informations that I've missed and added the final load of contributions. I answered all of the e-mails that were in my Inbox, so if you didn't get answered, it's because your question has been deleted. Well, this is the Official Final Version of the Part I FAQ, so I hope you like it. There is still something I want to add, but it will be in the Second Part of the FAQ. Again, I would like to thank all of you for your support and your comments! Check out what is new for this Final Version : - Corrected the remaining grammar/spelling errors. - Corrected a few mistakes concerning the location of some items in the Walkthrough. - Added a lot of reader contributions. - Added a Revisiting the Chambers of the Fayth section. - Added a Omega Ruins Random Chests FAQ written by Darryl Kinght. - Polished the FAQ =================== Table of Contents =================== PART ONE -------- I. Review of Final Fantasy X II. Basics of the Game A) Controls B) Field Screen C) Battle Screen D) Menu Screen E) Tips III. Characters IV. Walkthrough V. Side Quests / Secrets A) Yojimbo Aeon B) Anima Aeon C) Magus Sisters Aeon D) Airship Sidequest E) Cloudy Mirror F) Remiem Temple G) Legendary Weapons H) Al Bhed Primer Locations I) Revisiting the Chambers of the Fayth J) Mini-Games K) Movies/Music Theater L) Omega Dungeon M) Monster Arena Sidequest N) Ultimate Weapons Strategies VI. Blitzball FAQ A) Introduction B) Basics C) Game Modes D) Movement E) Actions F) Encounters G) Status Ailments H) Starting a Game I) Techniques & Abilities J) Recruiting Players K) Team players and free agent list PART TWO -------- VII. Aeons A) The Basics B) Ability List C) Aeons List VIII. Overdrives IX. Weapons List X. Armors List XI. Items List A) Curative Items B) Rare & Key Items C) Al Bhed Primers D) Spheres E) Other Items XII. Ability List A) Characters Abilities 1) Special Abilities 2) Skill Abilities 3) White Magic 4) Black Magic B) Weapon's Abilities C) Armor's Abilities XIII. Mix List XIV. Shops List XV. Bestiary XVI. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) XVII. In the next update... XVIII. About this FAQ XIX. Credits XX. Final Words ============================== I. Review of Final Fantasy X ============================== GRAPHICS : 9 / 10 -------- As you know this is the first Final Fantasy game on the Playstation 2 and the graphics are quite astonishing. It's really tough to explain the beauty of this game, it's that beautiful. At the beginning of the game, you will notice the detailed characters and how good the CG movies are. As you progress through the game, you will notice that, at some point the characters faces are not as quite as detailed as in the beginning of the game. You can notice this in battle, or in towns. These are the only let downs that I have with graphics. The CG movies are always detailed and they are the best movies since the beginning of the Playstation 2 era. If you are buying this game for graphics, you won't be disappointed. GAMEPLAY : 10 / 10 -------- As you know, every Final Fantasies have their dose of new things. Final Fantasy X is no different. Here what is new in the game. First, your characters don't get levels this time. You upgrade your characters with S.Lvl also called Sphere Level. As you win more and more battles, you will gain Ability Points and when you have enough, you can use them on the Sphere Grid to upgrade your statistics and learn new Abilities. One other new thing is that, there is no more ATB in battles. Battles now works with rounds. You can see when your turn is coming with the CTB Window at the right of the screen in a battle. Another new thing, is that the game doesn't have a world map, so the game as gone a lot linear. The world map has been replaced by a radar showed at the top-left of the screen. A red arrow shows you where to go, so you don't get stuck in Final Fantasy X. You always know where you need to go next. Those are great new innovations and I really think the game is a lot better that way. SOUND : 10 / 10 ----- As you may know, characters in Final Fantasy X have voices. The only question about voices is : " Are they good ? " and the answer is yes, of course. The actors are great, they play very well in funny and sad moments. Then, there is the music, composed by the great Nobuo Uematsu. The music is great as always, but nothing beats the good old Chrono Trigger music :). Well that's it for the sound, there isn't much to say about that ! STORY : 9 / 10 ----- The most important point in Final Fantasy is of course the Story. Without spoiling it to much to you, the Story start with Sin attacking our hero's city, Zanarkand and Tidus, our hero is transported in another world by Sin. Tidus, will then meet Yuna and her guardians and he will join them in the ultimate quest to defeat Sin. The story is great until the end of the game. This is where it doesn't make any sense at all. You will understand what I mean when you get there. I think that Final Fantasy X as the second best story in the Final Fantasy series. Only Final Fantasy VII is better, so don't worry, you won't be disappointed with that point. OVERALL : 9.5 / 10 ------- In overall, this is what I call, the Ultimate RPG :). If you were waiting for a good RPG on the Playstation 2, your wait is over because Final Fantasy X is your game. It is my favorite RPG of all time and on a side note, it's the last Final Fantasy game of Hironobu Sakaguchi, as you know, Final Fantasy XI will be an online game... So, in conclusion, you won't be disappointed with this game and it was worth the wait... ======================== II. Basics of the Game ======================== 1 Player Memory Card (8MB for PS2) - 64 KB Digital & Analog Control Vibration Function ------------- A. Controls ------------- Field Screen Controls : --------------------- Directional Buttons : Move character Left Analog Stick : Move character Circle Button : Cancel / Hold down to walk Square Button : No Use X Button : Talk, Examine, Confirm Triangle Button : Go to the Menu Screen L1, L2, R1, R2 Button : No Use Start Button : Pause the Game Select Button : No Use Battle Screen Controls : ---------------------- Directional Buttons : Move the cursor / Left & Right to change pages Left Analog Stick : Move the cursor / Left & Right to change pages Circle Button : Cancel a selected option Square Button : No Use X Button : Confirm / Select an option Triangle Button : Defend, but you will lose your turn L1 Button : Select Character / Display the switch window L2 Button : Scroll Switch Window R1 Button : Scroll CTB Window Up R2 Button : Scroll CTB Window Down Start Button : No Use Select Button : No Use Menu Screen Controls : -------------------- Directional Buttons : Move the cursor Left Analog Stick : Move the cursor Circle Button : Cancel / Exit the menu Square Button : No Use X Button : Confirm / Select an option Triangle Button : No Use L1 & R1 Button : Change Characters L2 Button : Scroll menus back R2 Button : Scroll menus forward Start Button : No Use Select Button : No Use Press L1 + R1 + L2 + R2 + Start + Select to Reset the Game ----------------- B. Field Screen ----------------- The field screen is different from other Final Fantasies. One new thing is that there is no more world map. The world map as been replaced by a mini- map at the top-left of the screen. A yellow arrow indicates your character and a red arrow indicates where you need to go next, Save Sphere are indicated by a white square, and doors are indicated by a green square. You can get rid of this map by turning it off in the config menu. Like in previous Final Fantasies, there are still save points. Since there is no world map and you can't save on it, you will come across a lots of save points. Those save points are called Save Sphere. Those spheres are located near key story points or near a boss, so it is important to always save when you get a chance to. Also, there are no more Tents, the Save Sphere will automatically restore all of your HP / MP, so even if you don't want to save, it's really important to touch them. Also, as you progress through the game, you will unlock new options with the Save Sphere. You will be able to play Blitzball from there. You will also be able to return to the airship by touching the Save Sphere. You will also come across a lot of chests in the Field Screen, it's really important to pick them up since you will probably need those items you find in them. Just look in the Walkthrough section to find the location of those chests. It's also very important to speak to everybody you see on the Field Screen and to check every place you find suspicious. You never know what you can find there... ------------------ C. Battle Screen ------------------ You will enter in battle when you are not in towns or when you are in dungeons. You will see your party at one side and enemies at the other side. CTB Window : ---------- Battles are based with turns and you can see when your turn is coming with the help of the CTB Window. This window is located on the right side of the screen and it allows you to see which character will play next and when the fiend will play is turn. It is an invaluable resource and you can't afford it, because without it, you can't plan any long term strategies in battle. In the CTB Window, you will see the picture of your characters. Letters designates the enemies. The top of the CTB Window means which character is playing, scroll down to see who is playing next. Commands : -------- Once you have control of your character, you will see a set of commands. Commands are different for each character, but every characters have the Attack and item Commands. This is where skills are introduced. Each characters have abilities within them. Yuna is good to cast Summon and White Magic. Lulu can use Black Magic and Auron uses powerful skills with his sword. Learn how every characters works. Learn what are your characters weaknesses, strengths. Know when you need to attack or heal. Once you know what to do, perform your move with the commands available to you. Overdrives, Defending, Elements & Status : ---------------------------------------- Overdrives are like Limit Break or Trance in previous Final Fantasies. When your Overdrive gauge is filled up, you can perform a unique special attack. You select how to boost your overdrive in the Overdrive menu in the Menu Screen. At the beginning of the game, every characters knows the Stoic Overdrive Mode. In this mode, the gauge fills up when you take damage from a fiend. Here are the modes I founded to this point : Stoic : Overdrive gauge charges when you take damage from a fiend. Healer : Overdrive gauge charges when you heal an ally. Comrade : Overdrive gauge charges when an ally takes damage. Victor : Overdrive gauge charges when you win a battle. Warrior : Overdrive gauge fills when character deals damage. Slayer : Overdrive gauge fills when character kills an enemy. Tactician : Overdrive gauge fills when status effect is used on enemy successfully. Ally : Overdrive gauge fills on the character's turn. Solo : Overdrive gauge fills when fighting alone. Daredevil : Overdrive gauge charges while you are near death. Victim : Overdrive gauge charges while attacked with status effects. Hero : Overdrive gauge charges when you defeat a strong enemy. Sufferer : Overdrive gauge charges when a character suffers Status Ailments If you have found any other Overdrive Modes, please send them to me at : stonekotr@hotmail.com and put Overdrives for the topic. To change your overdrive mode, go to the overdrive menu and press the Circle Button to put the cursor at the commands located at the top of the screen. Select Set Mode, then select the overdrive mode you want to have. To unleash an overdrive, wait until your overdrive gauge is full, then when it's your turn, press Left and you will see an overdrive menu. Press X Button, select the overdrive you want and press the X Button again ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another great command in battle is to Defend. By defending, you can take half damage from any physical attacks. To Defend, press the Triangle Button in a fight. Notes : * You will lose your turn when you defend. * Spells will inflict the same damage even if you're defending. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Final Fantasy X, there are only four elements : Fire, Lightning, Ice and Water. You can see the fiends weaknesses by equipping the ability Sensor to a weapon or by scanning the enemy. You can use elements by casting black magics and some weapons also have elements properties. -------------------------------- | Element | Color | Weakness | -------------------------------- |Lightning| Yellow | Water | | Fire | Red | Ice | | Ice | White | Fire | | Water | Blue | Lightning | -------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Tidus HP(2) ??? MP(3) ??? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (4) This is a character status. You can see this status at the bottom-right of the screen. Here are what the numbers means. 1 - The name of the character 2 - Tidus's HP, HP means Hit Points. If you have 0 hit points, you're character is KO 3 - Tidus's MP, MP means Magic Points. It is used to cast magic or use Skills. When MP reach 0, you can't cast/use magic/skills. 4 - Tidus's Overdrive gauge. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status Ailments : --------------- Every Final Fantasies have its dose of status effects, here is a list of all of them, their effects and how to cure them. Every status effects disappears after a fight. ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Ailment | Effect | Cure With | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Slow |Takes a lot more time before you |Remedy, Esuna | | |have your turn. |Haste | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Darkness |Harder to hit the enemy with |Eye Drops, Remedy | | |physical attacks |Esuna | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Sleep |Cannot participate in battle |Remedy, Esuna | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Poison |Lose HP after every turn |Antidote, Remedy | | | |Esuna | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Confusion |Lose control of character, attack |Remedy, Esuna | | |allies | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Petrified |Turned into stone, cannot enter |Soft, Remedy, | | |commands |Esuna | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Silence |Cannot cast any spells |Echo Screen, Esuna| | | |Remedy | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Berserk |Lose control of character, your |Remedy, Esuna | | |strength is increased but you can | | | |only attack. | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Zombie |Character lose HP by curative |Holy Water, Remedy| | |magic and items. | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Curse |Overdrive gauge freeze, cannot |Dispel, Holy Water| | |use overdrives | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Doom |Character is KO when countdown |End the battle | | |reaches zero. | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | KO |Character falls unconscious, |Life, Auto-Life, | | |cannot participate in battle, game|Full Life, Phoenix| | |is over if every characters are KO|Down, Mega Phoenix| ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Switch Menu, Overkill, Sensor Window, and SubCommand Window : ----------------------------------------------------------- A new innovation in Final Fantasy X is the switch menu. In a fight, you can change any character to another character. To bring this menu up, press the L1 button. A window will appear, displaying all the characters who aren't in the fight. Select the one you want to join the fight and press the X Button. Note : No turns are lost when you change characters. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overkill will appear when you kill a fiend with more HP than needed. Your reward is that you will receive more AP and items after the fight. Note : Sometimes, you will receive fewer items. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sensor Window : When you have the sensor ability equipped to a weapon, you will see a window pop-up when you are trying to attack the fiend. Here's what you can see : ------------------------------------- (1) (2) ------------------------------------- HP ??? / ??? (3) x1.5 O - O - O - O (4) 1/2 O - O - O - O (5) / O - O - O - O (6) + O - O - O - O (7) 1.0 O - O - O - O (8) 1 - This is the name of the monster. 2 - A special Help Menu, it tells you strategies to defeat the fiend. 3 - The fiend's HP. 4 - This represent the fiend's weaknesses to elements. In order, Fire, Lightning, Water and Ice. If the circle have the color of the element, it means it is weak against it. 5 - This tells you that the element you will use will deal half of the normal damage. 6 - This tells you that the element you have used is Nullified and it will do 0 HP of damage. 7 - Same as #4, except it will heal the enemy instead of damaging it. 8 - It means the elements will do normal damage. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To see the command window, press right when you have control of your character. This will bring more options. You can Escape from battle, but your chances of escaping are limited. If you want to Escape, I suggest you select Tidus's Flee Ability. Please take note that you cannot escape boss fights. You can also change Weapons and Armors in the SubCommand Window. This way, you can take a weapon with an element strong against a fiend, or you can protect yourself from a fiend attacks ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the Battle : ---------------- After a battle, you will usually gain Ability Points (AP), when you have enough AP, you will gain a Sphere Level (S.Lvl) used to upgrade your characters statistics. You can also gain items and money (Gil) to buy items/ weapons/armors. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- D. Menu Screen ---------------- Here's what the menu screen looks like ... ----------------------------------------------------------------- | HELP : Set battle formation | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Yuna HP 9999 / 9999 | Sphere Grid | | MP 999 / 999 S.Lvl 0 | Item | | | Ability | | Tidus HP 9999 / 9999 | Overdrive | | MP 999 / 999 S.Lvl 0 | Equip | | | Status | | Auron HP 9999 / 9999 | Aeons | | MP 999 / 999 S.Lvl 0 | Formation <- | | | Customize | | Lulu HP 9999 / 9999 | Config | | MP 999 / 999 S.Lvl 0 | Help | | | | | Wakka HP 9999 / 9999 | | | MP 999 / 999 S.Lvl 0 | | | | | |45 : 09 98089089 Gil | | |Location : Luca | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- So at the top, you have the help command, then your characters statistics, your game time, your Gil and your location. Now on to the tough things, the menus. a) Sphere Grid ----------- This is the upgrading system of Final Fantasy X. When your characters gain a Sphere Level by gaining enough AP, you can move your character on the Sphere Grid to upgrade their statistics or to teach them new abilities. To upgrade your statistics or abilities, you need to use spheres gained by winning battles, stealing, chests or at key points through the game. You use these spheres to activate nodes and upgrade your characters ! The sphere grid is only accessible when Rikku teaches you how to use it. Each character starts at a key point on the grid. Each characters also have their sections on the sphere. But don't worry, by using Key sphere, you can actually go through every section of the sphere, thus having a character with all abilities and maximized statistics. On the sphere grid, you can press the select button to zoom out from the grid to see what you have activated, or where you are going, press the L1 & R1 buttons to switch characters and press the R2 & L2 buttons to change the angle of the grid. Press the Triangle Button to see your characters statistics. Each S.Lvl, allows one character to move one node forward on the sphere grid. You can also move backwards : with one S.Lvl, you can move back four nodes. Now, if you have, lets say, one sphere level and you want to move. First, press the X button, then a menu will appear and you will have two options, move and use. Select move, you will see where you can move on the sphere grid. Select the node you want to move to then press the X button again. Select confirm and you will have spent your S.Lvl to move to the node. Now if you want to activate the node. Press the X button and this time, select use. You will see the sphere you have in your inventory. You can activate nodes you are on or the ones adjacent to you. Select the sphere in a white text, then press the X button again to activate the node. If you want to see what the sphere grid looks like, check DokiWaku's or Zeric's Sphere Grid System Translation at gamefaqs.com. Here are the types of nodes you can activate, I'll try to explain the symbol for each nodes. Nodes Attributes ----- ---------- H : Raises Max HP by 200 or 300 M : Raises Max MP by 10, 20 or 40 Shield : Raises Defense by 1, 2, 3 or 4 Sword : Raises Strength by 1, 2, 3 or 4 Triangle : Raises Magic by 1, 2, 3 or 4 Triangle in a shield : Raises Magic Defense by 1, 2, 3 or 4 Star : Raises Luck by 1, 2, 3 or 4 Two Swords : Learn a Skill Ability Cross : Learn a Special Ability /\ , in black : Learn a Black Magic \/ /\ , in white : Learn a White Magic \/ Aim Logo : Raises Accuracy by 1, 2, 3 or 4 Two circles : Raises Evasion by 1, 2, 3 or 4 An arrow with 3 paths: Raises Agility by 1, 2, 3 or 4 L1, L2, L3, L4 : Level 1, 2, 3, 4 Key Sphere There is also types of spheres you can use to activate nodes. The types are designated by colors, here's the meaning of each one of those colors. Red Spheres : You often win those spheres after a battle, they are Power Spheres used to increase Strength, HP and Defense. There is also Speed Sphere, used to increase Evasion, Accuracy and Agility. There are Mana Spheres used to increase MP, Magic and Magic Defense. There are Fortune Spheres (Rare!) used to increase Luck and finally there are Ability Spheres used to learn a skill or a magic. Black Spheres : Those spheres are used to remove locks scattered around the Sphere Grid. You will understand that the higher the number on the Luck, the harder it is to find that kind of sphere. Yellow Spheres : Those spheres enable one of your character to learn abilities that other characters learned. Keep those spheres in reserve and when one of your characters learns a good skills, use those spheres to make him learn the ability. Purple Spheres : These spheres are useful because they let you turn an empty node into an attribute node. So you can actually turn an empty node into a Strength + 4 node. Know the benefits of each characters and use these spheres wisely. Blue Spheres : These enable you to transport yourself from one point on the grid to another. There are three types of blue spheres : First, the Return Sphere. That sphere enables you to return to any node you have previously activated. Then there is the Friend Sphere, it lets you transport to any other character location on the grid and finally the Teleport Sphere that lets you move to any node activated by other characters. Phew, that's about it for the Sphere Grid ! b) Item Menu --------- Here's what the Item Menu looks like in Final Fantasy X : -------------------------------------------- | Help : Restores 200 HP of one character | -------------------------------------------- | Use Sort Equipment Key Items | -------------------------------------------- | -> Potion 20 | | Hi-Potion 10 | | Ether 10 | | Phoenix Down 2 | | Elixir 1 | | | -------------------------------------------- At the top of the screen, you have the help menu, it tells you what the item does when used. Select Use if you want to use an Item, select the item you want by moving the cursor, then press the X button, a window with your characters HP/MP will appear. Select the character you want to use the item on and press the X Button again to use it. You can also sort Equipment and Items, select Sort or Equipment and select automatic or manual. Automatic will arrange the item by default and manual, well, you can put the items in the order you like. Same thing for the equipment. You can also see the Key Items you have by selecting Key Items. c) Ability ------- Not a too tough menu to learn. Select ability then the character you want to see the Abilities and it's done. Note that you can use ability like Cure, Cura or Curaga. Select Yuna, then select the Ability Cure. Press the X button, select the character you want to use the ability on and it's over. d) Overdrive --------- Here is the Overdrive menu : -------------------------------------------- |Help : Summon the Aeon Valefor | -------------------------------------------- | View Set Mode | -------------------------------------------- |Yuna HP : 200/ 255 S.Lvl 0 Next : | | MP : 45 / 68 232 | -------------------------------------------- | Grand Summon Overdrive Mode | | +++++++++ Heal | -------------------------------------------- | -> Valefor Ifrit | | Ixion | -------------------------------------------- It's easier than it looks, the screen differs from characters to characters so it will looks slightly different if you select another character. There isn't much to explain since you can understand a lot just by seeing this screen, but there is one thing I need to explain to you. Overdrives in this game can charges from different possibilities. In this case, since the overdrive mode is Heal, the Overdrive gauge will charge when Yuna Heals an ally. To set an Overdrive Mode, press the Circle Button and select Set Mode. In there, you will see different modes you can equip. Select the mode you want and press the X button again. You will have equipped the Overdrive Mode. e) Equip : ----- This is in this Menu you will equip equipment to your characters. I won't tell you much explanation since it's pretty simple. Just select Weapon or Armor and press the X Button. Select the Weapon/Armor you want to equip and it's over. Just check carefully the Weapon/Armor abilities before equipping it though. f) Status : ------ Again, there isn't much to say about Status, it's just used to check your characters statistics and abilities he / she has learned. Just press the X Button to scroll the windows and it's all there is to know about that. g) Aeons : ----- This time, it gets a little tougher. Aeons or call them Summons if you want, are summoned by Yuna. To acquire summons, you need to get through various Cloister of Trials in the game. For more information on Aeons, check the Aeons section in this FAQ. When you defeat Belgemine later in the game, you will have the possibility to increase the Aeon's attributes by using spheres. This way, you can increase the Aeon's HP, MP, Strength, Defense, Magic, Magic Defense, Agility, Luck, Evasion and Accuracy. When you receive the Key Item Summoner's Soul, you will be able to use items to teach the Aeons new abilities. So you can actually have a summon that can heal himself or cast Ultima. When you are in the Aeons menu, select an Aeon by moving the cursor up or down. Press the X button once you have selected the Aeon. Similar to the Status Menu, you will see the Aeon's statistics and Abilities. Once you have learned the Key Items mentioned before, you will be able to increase the Aeons statistics or make them learn new abilities. In the Aeons menu, press the Circle button and then, select Abilities. Press the X Button again and this screen will show up : ---------------------------------------------------- |Help : Inflicts Darkness on an enemy for 3 Turns | ---------------------------------------------------- | Status Abilities Attributes | ---------------------------------------------------- | Valefor HP : 1234 / 1234 Overdrive | | MP : 234 / 334 +++++++++ | ---------------------------------------------------- | Ability to Learn | Item Cost | ---------------------------------------------------- | -> Dark Attack | Smoke Bomb | | Silence Attack | 22 -> 18 | | Sleep Attack | | ---------------------------------------------------- So in this menu, select the ability you want to learn, then press the X Button. Look the Help Menu to see what the ability does. Once you have made your choice and if you have enough items, press the X button again to confirm your choice and you will have learned the Ability. The attribute menu works the same way. Just select the attribute you want to raise, then press the X Button to confirm, simple as that ! h) Formation : --------- Again, it's a pretty easy Menu to understand. Formation lets you put which characters will be in a fight when the battle begins. The first three characters are the one that will be in a fight. To order your character, select them by pressing the X button. Then move the cursor up or down to select the place you want the character to go. Once you have made your choice, press the X Button again. Your character will have switched places ! i) Customize : --------- You will be able to customize weapons and armors once you have Rikku in your Party. Weapons & Armors have slots in them, so you can use these slots to put Abilities in them. In the Customize menu, select the weapons/armors you want to customize (you can only customize weapons in white). Once you have made your choice, press the X Button to bring up this menu : -------------------------------------------- | Help : View enemy data during battle | -------------------------------------------- | Tidus HP : 4620 / 4620 S.Lvl 0 Next | | MP : 252 / 252 11059 | -------------------------------------------- | Abilities Item Cost | -------------------------------------------- |-> Sensor Ability Sphere | | Piercing 69 -> 67 | | First Strike | | Darktouch Hunter's Sword | | Silencetouch Piercing | | ------ | -------------------------------------------- In this case, I have selected the ability sensor. I will lose two Ability Spheres to equip that in my weapon called Hunter's Sword. And that as they say is that. j) Config : ------ Here's what the config menu looks like : -------------------------------------------- | Help : For Stereo Sound | -------------------------------------------- | -> Sound Stereo / Mono | | Subtitle On / Off | | Names On / Off | | Cursor Default / Memory | | Help On / Off | | Aeons Default / Short | | Map On / Off | | Vibration On / Off | -------------------------------------------- First, you can select the sound you like, mono or stereo. Then you can turn on / off the subtitle when the characters speaks. You can turn the name on / off. You can put the cursor in battle at the default position or at the last move you did the previous battle. You can turn the help on / off. You can put the Aeons intro to default or shorter. You can turn the map on / off and finally you can put the vibration function on and off. k) Help Menu : --------- The help menu splits up in three divisions. There is the Basic Controls, the Basic Terms and the Reference section. The Basic Control section tells you the controls on the Field Screen, Battle Screen and Menu Screen. The Basic Terms section teaches you common terms in the game and finally, the Reference Section tells you information on Overdrives, Overdrive Modes, Command Abilities and Auto-Abilities. --------- E. Tips --------- Here are some Gameplay Tips, useful things you should know/do during your game. Feel free to tell me your own Tips at stonekotr@hotmail.com. 1. Try to get everyone to be in the fight before you finish killing the enemies. As long as a character d oes something useful (Defend counts), they'll get experience at the end of the fight. This way, all your characters would level up nicely. This is especially necessary for Yuna and Rikku, since those two characters usually aren't neccessary for non-boss fights. Having a powerful Yuna is the difference between easy boss fights and hard ones. 2. One of the best places to level up in the middle of the game is right before you fight Seymour the 2nd time in Bevelle. After Kimahri leaves your party, you'll be at a save point. The enemies here give around 5000+ AP. But what's great is that if you equip Tidus, Wakka, and Auron fire/water weapons, you should get overkills easily (at least Auron can, but maybe not Tidus and Wakka if they're not powerful enough). This means 8000+ AP per fight. And they're really easy. For comparisons, Enemies in Calm lands and Mt. Gagazet(your next two destinations), gives about 2000-5000 APs. 3. Overkills in boss battles are VERY useful. Not only do they get you lots of extra APs, but you'll get more items. And as we all know, bosses drop really good items. Besides, getting Overkills in boss battles is quite easy. Just finish it off with an Aeon Overdrive. 4. Always charge up all your Aeons' overdrives during random encounters. Save them for boss battles. If you do it correctly, your Aeons _alone_ can kill many bosses, especially later in the game (plus you get overkills ^_^). Just summon them and have them use an overdrive. Then when the boss kills your Aeon, summon the next one before the bosses next turn. I beat all the Seymour bosses (among others) easily this way, not really getting scratched at all by any of his powerful attacks. ================= III. Characters ================= -------------------- A. Main Characters -------------------- Tidus : ----- Overdrive : Swordplay Tidus is the star player of the Zanarkand Abes, a Blitzball Team in Zanarkand. Tidus follow is father's footsteps, but that doesn't mean he likes him. His father disappeared ten years ago and Tidus haven't seen him since then. Tidus story begins when Sin's destroy his hometown and when he his transported into a mysterious world... While his attacks aren't as strong as those of the heavy hitters, Tidus can swing his sword quickly, enabling him to kill enemies that your slower companions, like Auron and Kimahri, cannot. Since most of his weapons don't come with the Piercing ability, he's mostly useless against armored foes unless your weapon has an ability to inflict a status ailment (like stone, or poison). Tidus is the first person to learn speed-modifying white magic (haste/ga & slow/ga), and his role to the party is invaluable in this respect, since haste basically allows you to double your party's damage output by effectively doubling the number of attacks you get per the enemy's one. Yuna : ---- Overdrive : Grand Summon Yuna is a summoner and daughter of the High Summoner Braska. Braska has defeated Sin and it is her duty to destroy him yet again. She embarks on a pilgrimage to obtain the Final Aeon and defeat Sin. She will be protected by her guardians who are more than just mere guardians for her. As the first person to use curative magic and the only person to use summoning spells, Yuna is reminiscent of Garnet from FFIX. Her role in battle is primarily that of summoning Aeons, since your battles shouldn't usually be lasting long enough to require healing. Her Nul line of spells are especially useful during certain boss fights (Spherimorph and Seymour), since they effectively make you elementproof for one hit. Auron : ----- Overdrive : Bushido Auron is a legendary guardian who, with High Summoner Braska defeated Sin ten years ago. Now, he protects Yuna in her quest to obtain the Final Aeon and defeat Sin once more. Auron doesn't speak too much, but he has a deadly sword that can almost cut anything in two. Auron plays the tank in your party, slow (in both turn speed and attack speed - don't make him try to hit those speedy wolves) but powerful. Auron's attacks will always be doing huge amounts of damage compared to everyone else in your party. His "break" abilities are useful, since they work against several bosses and can save your life when used properly. Wakka : ----- Overdrive : Slots Wakka is one of Yuna's guardians. He is like a brother to Yuna. Speaking of brothers, he has lost his brother, Chappu, killed by Sin. Wakka is also the coach and captain of the Besaid Aurochs. By the way, this team hasn't won a game for a long, long time... Wakka plans to retire after this year's tournament to become a full-time guardian. Wakka is the only person who can hit ranged enemies with a physical attack with any sort of consistency (and the only person who can reach far-away enemies with physical attacks), and is invaluable for that reason alone. While his attacks start off weak, Wakka inherits his true power far down the line, when he starts getting a bunch of attack power and HP sphere bonuses. His dark / silence / sleep attacks are useful against large-scale fiends, although they don't work against most bosses. Leveled up right, Wakka can be a physical powerhouse. Lulu : ---- Overdrive : Fury Lulu is like a sister to Yuna. She is also her guardian. Lulu seems insensitive, but she has feelings, believe me. She is a pro in the art of black magic, so use her well and often. She also carries little dolls as weapons to help cast her powerful spells. The game's black magician, Lulu has the important role of eliminating elemental fiends. Since she starts the game with a counter-spell to every element, you'll find that she is your highest source of damage against elemental foes for most of the game. Rikku : ----- Overdrive : Mix Rikku is a young Al Bhed girl. Rikku is always positive, so she will cheer up your party numerous times when they are feeling sad. Rikku handles mechanical enemies with ease, just let her steal one of those fiends to see what happens ! As the naturally fastest character in the game, Rikku is obviously a thief. Her attacks are weak, her magic (should you teach her any) isn't great, and she doesn't get any neat abilities save two : steal and bribe. Steal and bribe are the only way to get a huge majority of the items needed to customize your equipment and aeons. Use them in every battle, at every opportunity, once you get them. I went out of my way to give every character in my party steals so that they could all use it gratuitously. Kimahri Ronso : ------------- Overdrive : Ronso Rage Kimahri is a hornless Ronso. He is often mocked by his race because of that. Kimahri has protected Yuna since she was a little girl. He doesn't speak a lot, but he his devoted to protecting Yuna at the cost of his own life. Kimahri is basically a lump of clay for you to mold as you please. His own section of the sphere grid is tiny in comparison to that of, say, Yuna, and you will have to leave it fairly quickly and break into the sphere section of another character. For this reason, Kimahri is the most customizable character in the game. If you play it right, he also has access to most of the high level abilities far sooner than your other characters ( My Kimahri had Holy, Ultima, Copycat and Curaga before the respective characters had them). He will, however, always be second rate at his chosen profession. I think the most useful thing you can do is send him down Rikku's path, so he becomes fast and can steal early in the game (before you get Rikku, even). ================= IV. Walkthrough ================= First of all, put the Final Fantasy X disc in the Playstation 2 Console, and get ready for the best video gaming experience of your life! Select New Game and watch the beautiful introduction of the game. ============================================================================ ZANARKAND Party : Tidus, Auron Enemies : Sinscale, Sinspawn Ammes Items : None Equipments : Longsword Key Items : None ============================================================================ When you gain the control of Tidus, go down the screen and talk to the ladies standing there. They will ask you an autograph and you will have the option to rename you main character. For the sake of the guide, I will keep the default name (Tidus). Once you talked to the girls, go talk to the three young boys and they will ask you an autograph too. Once you are ready to go, continue down to the next screen. The three young boys will ask you if you can teach them how to blitz and a mysterious young boy will tell you that you can't tonight. After the scene, you will be on a bridge. Take the time to listen to the commentator , because you will learn more about Tidus's father, Jecht. Continue moving on the bridge until you are at the next screen. You will be just outside the arena and a huge crowd will come to see you. It's really hard to see your character in this huge crowd, but keep pressing up on the left analog stick and you will be able to go through them. You will enter the huge stadium and get ready for the first CG Movie ! In this movie, you will see the skills of Tidus as a blitzball player, but there is one little problem : Zanarkand gets attacked by Sin ! When that event occurs, Tidus will fall down from a high point and he will land outside the arena. When you regain control of Tidus, move down to meet Auron. He tells you that he was waiting for you. You will need to follow him down the screen. You will be on the same bridge you were not to long ago. Keep moving up until you see a scene with a little boy. Time will stop, the people will stop running and the little boy will tell you that your story begins. When you regain control of your character, keep moving up until you meet Auron. You will be attacked by Sinscales, Auron will give you the longsword and you will enter in your first fight. You shouldn't have too much problem winning this one, so keep moving up until you fight the first boss of the game. !!!!! BOSS : SINSPAWN AMMES : BOSS !!!!! HP : 2400 AP : 0 Weakness : None Steal : Nothing The boss attacks first and he will use Demi on your party. This magic deals 1/4 of your HP. You shouldn't worry too much about this boss, because it is the only attack it does. By casting Demi to your party, Auron and Tidus will have their Overdrive Gauges full, so it means party time ! Use Auron's Dragon Fang attack and use Tidus Spiral Cut Attack. After destroying the boss's tentacles, this fight will be over. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! After the fight, quickly go to the save point to regenerate your HP/MP's. You can also save if you want. Continue moving north until you are attacked by more Sinscales. During this fight, quickly kill the Sinscales whose wings starts to flicker. They will deal a lot of damage to your party and they can kill you in no time. After a while, Auron will tell you to destroy the tanker hanging from the bridge, so unleash all your attacks on the tanker to finally destroy it. You will see a huge explosion and you will find yourself hanging at a ledge. Auron will help you and he tells you that this is the beginning of your story. You will be in a dream like place, press the Circle button to dive. Head for the person standing on a platform. ============================================================================ AL BHED CASTLE / SHIP Party : Tidus, Rikku Enemies : Geosgaeno, Klikk, Piranha, Sahagin, Tros Items : Potion (X5), Hi-Potion (X2), Ether, 200 Gil Equipments : None Key Items : Flint, Withered Bouquet, Al Bhed Primer Vol.1 ============================================================================ You will start in the water, all alone. Go to the north by pressing the left analog stick and the Circle Button to dive under the surface. Once you are near the stairs to the north, head left to a secret area. When Tidus will get out of the water, you can explore the area to find an Al Bhed Compilation Sphere and a chest with two Potions. You can also find another platform with an Al Bhed sign. Behind that sign you will find a chest with 200 Gil. Return to the stairs and continue north to the next area. Save at the Save Sphere if you want. Move up until you reach a T-Intersection. Head left first to grab a chest containing a Hi-Potion. Then return to the intersection and move up to reach the next area. You will then be attacked, the bridge will crumble and you will fall in the sea. Three Sahagins will come to fight you. Once you have disposed of two of them, you will be attacked by a huge boss ! !!!!! BOSS : GEOSGAENO : BOSS !!!!! HP : 32,767 (100 to escape) AP : 0 Weakness : None Steal : Nothing Just keep hurting the boss until you have done the one hundred damage required to escape. Beware, because the boss will cut your HP in half after each turn ! !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! You will escape the boss just by a little ! Tidus will tell that he needs to make a fire because it's pretty cold in here ! When you regain control of your character, head north to the next area. Look for the X on your map, this is where you will need to make the fire. But, first, you need to find accessories to make that fire. First, use the Save Sphere to save your game. Then go through the doors near the Save Sphere. In a drawer, you will find the Flint. Once you have it, return to the main chamber. Head north and enter the doors. Before going up the stairs, pick the chest for an Ether. Head up the stairs and examine the dried flowers to obtain the Withered Bouquet. Before starting the fire, head right to the next area and pick the Hi-Potion there. Now return to the main chamber and start that fire ! Tidus will complain about food and he will fall asleep. When he wakes up, he will be attacked by a boss ! !!!!! BOSS : KLIKK : BOSS !!!!! HP : 1500 AP : 5 Weakness : None Steal : Grenade Keep an eye on the CTB Window for this fight and you should be fine. When you have two turns in a row, heal yourself one turn, then attack the boss. Keep hurting the boss until a group of Al Bhed blows the door. A girl will then join you in your fight. You will have a short tutorial on how to use Grenades in a fight. When it's the girl turn, use what you have learned and throw a grenade to that boss. When you have no more grenades, just steal one from the boss. Keep Tidus healing and attacking the party until he his defeated. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! After the fight, the group of Al Bhed will attack you. You will wake up in a strange ship and you will hear the Al Bheds talking, but you don't understand a thing ! Don't worry though because, you will learn that the girl can speak your language. Once you get control of your character, talk to every Al Bhed except the girl, because somebody will give you three potions. Once you talked to everybody, go save at the Save Sphere, then go to the right to pick up the first Al Bhed Primer Vol. I. Those books are used to learn the Al Bhed language. After that, go talk to the girl and she will tell you how the Sphere Grid works. Once you know how it works, go to the bottom-left corner to jump off the boat. You will be in the water, yet again. Remember to use the Circle Button to descend in the water. You will encounter Piranhas on your way down, don't forget to steal grenades from them. Head to the red arrow on the map. Once you have entered the ruins, examine the control panel. You will see the talent of Tidus with control panels :). Don't forget to use the save sphere to save your game. Once you regain control of your character, follow the girl and after a while, you will be attacked by Piranhas. Don't forget to steal Grenades from them, then dispose of them. After the fight, continue north and examine the device. Once you have activated it, go back and you will be attacked by another boss. !!!!! BOSS : TROS : BOSS !!!!! HP : 2200 AP : 8 Weakness : None Steal : Grenades After the first turn, Tros will swim to the other side of the room and you will see another tutorial, this time on Trigger Commands. Once it's over, apply what you have learned and choose "Stand By". You party will gain 50 HP. When it's the boss's turn, he will use Nautilus Charge to attack both of your characters. Recover your characters until the boss goes yet again to the other side of the room. This time, use the Trigger Command Pincer Attack to prevent it's Nautilus Charger. Just keep throwing a lot of grenades at him and he should be defeated in no time. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! After the battle, follow the girl as she go through a hole in the wall and follow the red arrow leading you to the ship. You will have a short conversation with the little girl. She will tell you that her name is Rikku and that Zanarkand was destroyed 1000 years ago ! You will have an opportunity to save after the dialogue, so use it and save. After you have saved, go speak to the girl again and the ship will be attacked by Sin. Tidus falls off the boat and you should ask yourself where you will be next. ============================================================================ BESAID ISLAND Party : Tidus, Wakka Enemies : Condor, Dingo, Garuda, Piranha, Water Flan Items : Antidote (X4), Phoenix Down (X5), Hi-Potion (X2), 400 Gil, Potion (X2), Ether, 400 Gil, Remedy Equipments : Rod of Wisdom, Brotherhood, Seeker's Ring Key Items : Moon Crest, Al Bhed Primer Vol. II ============================================================================ You will wake up in the water, next to a beautiful beach where Blitzball Players trains. You aren't in paradise you know. After the CG Movie where Tidus shows is talents, head to the right, then up to pick the Moon Crest in a chest. Then return to the water and head left to pick up a chest containing two Antidotes. Once you have done that, go speak with the Blitzball players. Speak to them numerous times, they'll give you a lot of good items. When you are ready, go speak to Wakka. Follow Wakka until he throws you in the water. There are three items to pick up there. First, swim south from your landing point and dive underwater to pick a Phoenix Down. Then, continue north and around a corner to pick up a chest with a Hi-Potion. Continue until you have no more choice, but the one to turn left. Search the right wall to find a chest containing two Antidotes. Continue north and you will see a scene between Tidus and Wakka. Wakka ask you to be in his team for the next Blitzball tournament held in Luca. Of course, Tidus will accept. When you are on the ground again, head down the mountain and head toward the village. Just before entering the village, you will see another scene when you learn that the Besaid Aurochs have never won a Blitz- ball game. You will also encounter two Crusaders. After you have talked to them, head in the village. Just before you can explore, you will see a scene with Wakka. He will ask you if you know the prayer. Select any of the two options, it doesn't make any difference. After this scene, Wakka tells you to go to the Summoner's Temple, but just before that, you should explore a little. There is a secret area, between the item shop and the Crusaders Lodge. Go there and pick up three chests containing a Hi-Potion, 400 Gil, and two Potions. You should also go to the Crusaders Lodge to learn more about the Crusaders and their fight to defeat Sin. You can also stay at the inn if you want, but there isn't much use to that. Now, I will talk about Sphere Monitors. You can find them almost at every inns or shops. They seem to be only useful for repeating tutorials, but they are not. You can use the sphere monitors to learn how to defeat the strongest fiends in Final Fantasy X. So it's important to check them in every area. Once you are done exploring, head in the temple to the north. Inside, speak to everybody to learn more about Sin and the Summoners goal. When you are done, head to the central stairs to have a lecture about the principles of Yevon. When the lecture is over, return to Wakka's house and take a nap. When you wake up, return to the Temple and go near Wakka. You will learn that the summoner hasn't returned from the Cloister of Trials and Tidus will go up the stairs to save the summoner. You will learn that Wakka is also a guardian and he will help you in your first puzzle experience. The Cloister of Trials are scattered in each temples of Spira. You need to use magical spheres to unlock the doors to the Chamber of the Fayth, where summoners can get new Aeons. Each temples has one treasure, you can get it by using Destruction spheres. I will try to be simple in my explanation of unlocking the secrets of the Cloister of Trials, if you got a better way, you can always e-mail them to me :). First, when you regain control of Tidus, examine the glyph on the north wall. It will open a new glyph. Examine it to open the door. Go through the door and descend the stairs. You will see something that is coming out of the wall. Examine it for a little tutorial on spheres. After the tutorial, pick up the Glyph Sphere and move to the door at the bottom of the stairs. Put the Sphere in the door to open it. Take the Glyph Sphere back and search for an overhang on the wall. Insert the Glyph Sphere and go in the room. You will see a Destruction Sphere there, but just leave it alone for now and proceed to the next area. Examine the white writings to reveal a Glyph. Examine this Glyph to open a new area. Enter the area and take the Besaid Sphere. Insert the Besaid Sphere in the pedestal near the white writings. You will open a new area. Now go back and pick the Destruction Sphere, place it where you founded the Besaid Sphere to unlock a secret area. Go there and pick the chest for a Rod of Wisdom. Return to the pedestal and push it until it sinks into the floor. Congratulations, you have completed the first Cloister of Trials ! After completing the Cloister of Trials, you will be in the Chamber of the Fayth where you will first meet Yuna, she will tell the party that she finally became a summoner. When you regain control of Tidus, head outside and head to the village circle where Yuna will summon her first Aeon : Valefor. Later, you will be around a campfire, where Wakka introduce you to the Besaid Aurochs. The coach will then tell his team that they got a new goal and it is... Victory ! Once you get control of Tidus, speak to the team, then go meet Yuna. She will tell you that tomorrow, you will be on the same boat as her, so you will get the opportunity to talk more with her. When you are done, speak to Wakka and tell him you want to sleep. You will have a strange dream. Just go see Yuna in your dream and follow the story. You will wake up in the night and you will see Lulu and Wakka talk. Lulu tells Wakka that you are not Chappu, that Chappu is dead and that he will never come back. Wakka will enter the tent where you sleep and he will tell you that Chappu was his brother. At morning, examine the desk to find the Al Bhed Primer vol. II. Exit the inn and join the others. Wakka will give you Chappu's sword, the Brotherhood. Lulu and Yuna will join your party from there. You will need to head to a boat called SS Liki to depart for Kilika where you can learn a new Aeon for Yuna. Yuna's goal is to defeat Sin like her father did ten years ago. To do that, Yuna must go through a pilgrimage and prey at every temple then earn the Final Aeon used to defeat Sin. When you have defeated Sin, this brings the Calm, where there is no more Sin for a limited time, then Sin is reborn and the fatal cycle continues. The teachings says that Sin appeared because of the machina used by the humans. The teachings also says that when humanity will atone for their crime, Sin will disappear forever... Once Yuna joins your group, go back into Besaid and talk to person behind counter at item shop (it doesn't matter if you buy anything or not). She will tell you something about her dog digging up something. Go talk to the dog in the hut closest to the temple on the right. The dog will give you something mangled and torn, which teaches Valefor the Energy Blast Overdrive. This overdrive is almost twice as powerful as Energy Ray so it's a far more effective attack. When you get control of Tidus, head up the mountain. You will have a fight there. In that fight, you will learn that Wakka is strong against flying creatures and you will also learn about elemental properties. At the top of the mountain, the party will stop to pray. Have Tidus pray with the others, because it will make Wakka happy. He says that the day his brother didn't pray, was the day he died. When you are done praying, continue north. You will see a beautiful ancient structure. There is also an Al Bhed message on the first column. Continue north and you will be attacked by a strange beast. !!!!! BOSS : KIMAHRI : BOSS !!!!! HP : 750 AP : 0 Weakness : None Steal : Nothing At the beginning of the battle, cast Cheer on Tidus. Note that Tidus is alone for this fight. Try to beat him without using too much Potions because you will need them later on. Your Overdrive gauge will be almost full near the beginning of the battle, so unleash it on Kimahri. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! After you have won the fight, Kimahri will join your party. Use him well because he starts at the center of the Sphere Grid. That means you can do whatever you want with him once he has learned his skills. Tidus HP / MP will be restored and you need to continue on the mountain path. Get ready for more tutorial fights when Yuna needs to use Valefor against a powerful enemy and when you will learn how to use Kimahri effectively. Once you are at the beach, talk to everybody to receive gifts. Here is what you will get : Seeker's Ring, 400 Gil, Remedy, Ether and three Phoenix Downs. Once you are done talking with the townsfolk, board the ship ! ============================================================================ SS LIKI Party : Tidus, Wakka, Yuna, Lulu, Kimahri Enemies : Sin, Sinspawn Echuilles, Sinscale Items : Potions, Remedy Equipments : None Key Items : Al Bhed Primer Vol. III ============================================================================ Finally a little ride on the water. First, go check what the people have to say about Yuna, then go speak to Wakka to learn more about the mysterious summoner. After that, go below the deck to find a merchant called O'Aka XXIII. He will ask you for money. You will see O'Aka at various places in the game. If you give him a lot of money, he will give you cheaper prices and he will also sell you rare items, so consider it an investment. After you gave him the money you want, go down to the Power Room. You will see some Chocobos there. Look at the bottom corner to find the Al Bhed Primer Vol. III. Next, head into the cabin. In there, you can kick the luggage to get a Potion. Each time you are going to kick it, a Potion will come down until you have twenty of them. You can also pick up a Remedy across the suitcase. When you are done exploring, return to the deck and go talk to Yuna. After some talking, a not welcomed appearance occurs, it's Sin ! It's really not the time, but, you got to defeat him. !!!!! BOSS : SIN : BOSS !!!!! HP : 2000 AP : 10 Weakness : None Steal : Nothing Sinscales HP : 200 AP : 2 Weakness : None Steal : Nothing This is the hardest boss you got to fight until that point. First, take care of two Sinscales, don't kill the third one, because Sin will send three more Sinscales. Then, bring Tidus, Wakka and Lulu in your party, have Tidus heal your party and Wakka and Lulu deal damage on Sin. When Sin is at 1500 HP, bring Yuna and cast Valefor. Use Valefor's Magic to Sin and wait until is overdrive gauge is full. Unleash Energy Ray to defeat the first of the two bosses. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! After the battle, Tidus will fall down the boat and Wakka rescue Tidus underwater. Another Underwater Boss will attack you. !!!!! BOSS : SINSPAWN ECHUILLES : BOSS !!!!! HP : 2000 AP : 12 Weakness : Darkness Steal : Nothing You only have Tidus and Wakka for this fight. First, use Wakka's Dark Attack to blind this tough boss. Now, the boss will not be able to drain HP from you. Destroy the Sinscales as they appears and try to hurt the boss when you can. Beware of Echuilles's Blender Attack. Continue to use Wakka's Dark Attack when you need it. Heal your characters if your HP gets below 100. Keep doing this until the Boss is defeated. =========================================== Strategy from NagisaKaworu, seifz@yahoo.com =========================================== First, cast Darkness on the boss with Wakka. Then, just keep attacking the boss. Ignore the Sinscales, no matter how much damage they take. In the long run, its worth keeping them there. If you need to use potions, but try not to. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! You will see a beautiful and horrifying CG Movie of Sin Destroying Kilika. You will then be in Kilika. ============================================================================ KILIKA Party : Tidus, Wakka, Yuna, Lulu, Kimahri Enemies : Dinonix, Killer Bee, Lord Ochu, Ragora, Yellow Element, Sinspawn Geneaux Items : Potion (X3), Ether, Hi-Potion, Elixir, Mana Sphere (X2), Remedy, Luck Sphere. Equipments : NulBlaze Shield, Scout Key Items : Al Bhed Primer Vol. IV ============================================================================ After some scenes, you will get the control of Tidus again. Follow your party in Kilika. The bar and the shop are closed for now, but don't worry they will be opened tomorrow. Head to the west to see Yuna perform a sending. A sending is a guidance to the spirits. Yuna dances and the spirits are guided to the FarPlane where they will get eternal peace. It is important to send everyone, because some of the spirits stays in Spira and they become jealous of humans, so they become fiends. After the beautiful CG movie, you will go to sleep. When you wake up, one of the Aurochs will tell you that Wakka wants to see you, but before you go meet Wakka, explore the town a little. From the inn, head west and save the little girl. When you have saved her, go to the bar and talk to the barmaid. She will thank you for saving her little sister and she will tell you that you can pick up the treasure chest. Do so to get the Ether. You can also find the Al Bhed Primer vol. IV on the counter. You can also go to the equipment shop to buy some weapons. Now head north of the inn to pick up three Potions in a chest. You are ready to go meet Wakka. He will tell you that Yuna needs to go pray at the temple, so get ready and get into the forest. Go north and you will fight in another Tutorial battle. This time you will learn how to use Kimahri's Lancet Ability. Use it to learn the Seed Cannon attack from the Ragora. To the north, you can find another Al Bhed sign. Continue north to meet Luzzu and Gatta. They will introduce you to Ochu, an "unbeatable" boss. If you want to fight that boss, continue reading here. !!!!! BOSS : LORD OCHU : BOSS !!!!! HP : 4649 AP : 40 Weakness : Fire Steal : Nothing This can be an easy battle if you know how to proceed. Ochu weakness is fire, so bring Lulu in your party and cast fire on him. If you have Haste with Tidus, cast it on Lulu. Use Wakka's Silence Attack if you have it. It's really important to have the Sensor ability for this fight. When Ochu HP are below 2000, it will start to sleep and it will regain HP. Quickly attack him, then summon Valefor. Use two Fire spells and Sonic Wings to delay his turn. When you have your Overdrive, unleash Energy Ray to put an end to this boss. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! If you defeat Ochu, speak to Luzzu and he will give you an Elixir. Return to the Save Sphere to Heal / Save and you are ready to go through the forest. From the Save Sphere, turn right to find a chest with two Mana Spheres. Return to the Save Sphere and head left this time. When you can turn right, turn right and continue to find a chest containing a Scout. Go back to the Save Sphere again. This time head all the way up, until you can't go up anymore. Turn left to find a chest with a Luck Sphere. Then turn around and at the first intersection you see, turn left. Continue until you see another intersection and turn left again. After a while, you should see a set of stairs, head there and your trip through the forest is over. At the stairs, everyone race up to see who is the fastest. Take this opportunity to save, equip new equipment and spend S.Lvl if you have any. Once you are ready, talk to Lulu and head up the stairs to fight another boss... !!!!! BOSS : SINSPAWN GENEAUX : BOSS !!!!! HP : 3000 (body) AP : 53 450 (tentacles) Weakness : Fire Steal : Nothing Oh no ! Not another one of those ! Actually, this fight is pretty easy. Take care of the tentacles first. Then have Tidus cast Haste on Lulu so she can keep hurting the boss with Fire Magic. Once you have killed his tentacles, you will see the true form of Geneaux. Now you can attack him with physical attacks ! Just keep healing and attacking and you should be fine. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! After the fight, go to the Save Sphere to save your game and head inside the Kilika Temple Courtyard. There, you will meet your real blitzball rivals, the Luca Goers. After speaking to everybody, head inside the temple. There you will meet Yuna's rival, Dona and her guardian. Your party except Tidus, because he is not a guardian yet, will enter the Cloister of Trials, go back and Dona's guardian will force you to go inside the Cloister of Trials. This time, it's a little more complicated than in Besaid. First, take the Kilika Sphere from the pedestal to the left. Put that sphere in the slot near the door. The door will burn, but you can't go in yet. Take the sphere back and the fire will stop. Head to the next area. Insert the Kilikia Sphere in the slot on the north wall and notice the glyph that appears. Remove the Sphere again and insert it in the slot on the left wall. Touch the glyph to open the wall. Remove the Glyph Sphere and put it in the opening on the right wall. Enter the next area, a piece filled with fire, and step on the glowing floor to move the pedestal in this area. Next, take the Kilika Sphere from the right wall to extinguish the fire. Put the Sphere into the pedestal. Now, go take the Glyph Sphere and place it in the wall you founded the sphere to extinguish the fire. You will open a secret area. Now, you need to push the pedestal on the glowing floor switch to make the platform drop. Head downstairs and pick another Kilika Sphere on the wall. Place it into the slot near the exit. Now, it's time to pick up the Destruction Sphere. This sphere is located in the secret area you have opened. Take it and put it where you took the previous Kilika Sphere. You will open another secret area, open the chest to find the Red Armlet. Now, pick up the Kilika Sphere near the exit to extinguish the fire and head through the door. Speak to everybody except Wakka. Once you have talked to everybody, go talk to Wakka two times and attempt to exit the area to see Yuna coming out. You will now have a new Aeon, this one is called Ifrit ! Now, leave the temple and return to the village. Prepare yourself and when you are ready, join your party at the pier and choose the option to embark. ============================================================================ SS WINNO Party : Tidus, Wakka, Yuna, Lulu, Kimahri Enemies : None Items : None Equipments : None Key Items : Al Bhed Primer Vol. V ============================================================================ Exit your cabin and go talk to O'Aka, he will ask you Gil again, give him if you want. Just remember what I told you before. Once you are done, head to the deck. You can go up the stairs again to see Wakka and Lulu speak. They will tell four or five different things, so keep going up the stairs a lot of times. When you are done, enter the bridge and pick up the Al Bhed Primer Vol. V. Now, get to the rear of the boat to see a conversation between Yuna and the Luca Goers. Once you are done, go save your game and return to the lower deck and check the blitzball to start the Jecht Shot Challenge. Tidus wants to know if he is capable of mastering his dad's almighty Jetch Shot. First, you will have some practice, then it's time for the real thing. When there is words popping up, press the left analog stick in that direction and press the X Button. If you succeed eleven times, Tidus will perform the move correctly and you will have learned the Almighty Jecht Shot Mark III. It's a very useful ability when you play Blitzball, so if you don't have it on your first try, load your previous save and try it until you have it. After that, there will be a short story scene between Yuna and Tidus, after a while, Wakka tells you to go to sleep, so good night ! ============================================================================ LUCA Party : Tidus, Wakka, Lulu, Yuna, Auron, Kimahri Enemies : Oblitzerator, Sahagin Chief, Vouivre, Worker Items : Hi-Potion (X2), Phoenix Down (X2), Magic Sphere, HP Sphere, 600 Gil, 1000 Gil Equipments : Tidal Spear Key Items : Al Bhed Primer Vol. VI, VII ============================================================================ Once you dock in Luca, you will see a scene with a commentator presenting the Blitzball teams that will participate in the tournament. Of course, the Luca Goers are the favorite of the fans, but there are some hardcore fans cheering for the Besaid Aurochs. Once you see Tidus talk to the Goers, Yuna will want to go see Maester Mika at Dock No. 3. So head north to meet the Grand Maester. Don't worry about the items yet, I'll explain how to get them later. You will also meet Maester Seymour, a guy with some cute blue hairs :). Anyway, you will soon be in the Auroch's locker room and you will have a long tutorial to teach you how to Blitz. Go through it if you want or check the Blitzball FAQ section if you want to know more. After the tutorial, Yuna will come in and she will tell you that Auron is in Luca. It couldn't be THE Auron. Well, Yuna wants Tidus to help her finding him so you have no choice. Exit the Auroch's Locker Room. If you want to go through the Tutorial again, just examine the board next to Wakka. Once you are ready, save and it's time to go look for some items ! Upon leaving your locker room, you will meet some players of the Al Bhed Psyches. Tidus will tell them to say hello to Rikku if they meet her. Now continue down, into a large area with various places to go. You can't go through the door to the center, so head up the left stairs. There you can pick up a chest containing two Hi-Potions and an Al Bhed Primer Vol. VI. Return to the previous area and go down the stairs. This time head down the stairs to find another Save Sphere, take the right path and in this area continue up and right to pick up and right to pick up a HP Sphere and a Magic Sphere. Once you are done, continue up to be in an area with a Save Sphere. There is nothing to pick up there. Continue up again to be in another area and continue to be in the same area where you first arrived to Luca. There, you can pick up a chest containing two Phoenix Downs. Continue down, and you will be at Dock #1. There, you can speak to O'Aka and you can buy some items from him if you want. There is also two chests there, one chest contains 600 Gil and the other a Tidal Spear. Continue down again and you will return to the main area, this time, go down, to have a funny scene with Yuna. You will teach her how to whistle in case she gets lost. Once it is done, head north. Outside the theater, you can see a sphere monitor with a new option. Check the Fiend Info to learn more about how to defeat strong enemies. It's really important to talk to everybody there. Once you are done, follow the red arrow to the market place. First, go up the stairs to the right and you will find a chest with 1000 Gil inside. You can also speak to Luzzu and Gatta there. They will tell Tidus that they are preparing for a huge attack against Sin. Return to the market and head in the Café. In there, you will meet Biran and Yenke, some "friends" of Kimahri. By the time you are distracted, Yuna will have some problems, since she will be kidnapped by the Al Bheds ! Lulu will come to see Tidus, and she will tell you that the Al Bhed Psyches must to win the game against the Auroch's, if they lose they will kill Yuna, so follow the red arrow and head to Dock #4. You will fight Mechanical enemies along the way. Use Lulu's Thunder spell to get rid of them quickly. Once you arrive at Dock 4, you will fight a bunch of Workers. Dispose of them and watch Wakka giving all he gots at the Blitzball Tournament. Your party will quickly leap on the Al Bhed's boat as it leaves the dock. Get ready for boss fight there ! !!!!! BOSS : OBLITZERATOR : BOSS !!!!! HP : 6000 AP : 36 Weakness : Lightning Steal : Nothing It seems that this fight is a long and tough fight, but fear not because there is an easy way to beat that boss up ! First of all, make Tidus cast Haste on Lulu and make Kimahri attack Oblitzerator. Once you have done that, you will have a trigger command with Tidus. Examine the Crane and have Lulu caste Thunder on the Crane. Cast it three or four time until the crane is activated. Use Tidus's Trigger Command and the Crane will literally destroy Oblitzerator. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! After the fight, Lulu does a sign for Wakka and he scores the goal to make is team victorious against the Al Bhed Psyches ! Of course, Yuna will be safe by that time and you will soon be in the Auroch's Locker Room. It's important to save your game there, if you are planning to win the tournament against the Luca Goers. Once you are ready, return in the Locker Room, check the Blue Monitor if you aren't confident enough and speak to Wakka once you are ready to play. You will fight the Luca Goers in the tournament's final. The Goers are much better than you're team, so if you are planning to win the game, use what you have learned in the tutorial and make a good strategy. The Goers's have almost twice HP's that your team. They are also much stronger and faster than the Auroch's. Use Tidus and shoot like crazy with him. Use your Jecht Shot if you got it. At halftime, your players should level up, so it will be a little easier for the second half. Here's a strategy on how to win this hard game. =========================================== Strategy from NagisaKaworu, seifz@yahoo.com =========================================== "FIRST BLITZBALL GAME: First off, do not change the positions of any of the players. When the game starts, make sure control is on Manual A and your defense is on Normal Mode. LEAVE IT THIS WAY!!! Use your players to pass the ball around, and try as hard as possible to avoid contact with the Goers. If you are stopped by them, break through as many as you think you can and feel free to take some risks. Then, pass the ball. Give Tidus the ball whenever you can and have him head straight for the goal. If you have problems controling him, use the left analog stick and the map at the bottom of the screen. Then, use your Sphere Shot. In the second half, use the Jecht Shot if you have it instead. Remember, the Goers may be fast and have high HPs, but they are not very good at shooting and your defense should be great against them. This match isn't as hard as everyone says it is." Either if you win or lose the game, the sphere pool will be invaded by fiends ! Tidus and Wakka must fight them. They are pretty easy to beat, but keep an eye on your HP. When you have killed enough enemies, you will see a scene with Auron. You need to kill a Vouivre with Auron and it's pretty easy. One blow and he is out cold :) . Anyway, after Auron's fight, Tidus and Wakka joins him and you will fight a Garuda, it's kind of a giant bird. Just do Dark Attack on him and use Auron's Power Break if you want and he should be down in no time. Once you kill the Garuda, your party will be attacked with even more enemies ! But don't worry, Seymour summons the almighty Anima to take care of them. After the short CG, Auron will speak to Tidus. He will tell Tidus that he wants to offer his guardian services to Yuna. He will also tell you that Sin is Tidus's old man Jecht ! Now, follow Auron from the docks and you will soon be in the square where you talked to Luzzu and Gatta. Auron will join your party for good and Tidus will officially become a guardian. Talk to everybody and when you speak to Yuna, you will see a short scene where she tells you to smile when you are feeling sad. Tidus will also laugh a lot because it will cheer him up. Just turn down your TV's Volume there ^_^. When everything is settled, go back to the theater lobby to find the Al Bhed Primer Vol. VII on the floor. Explore again if you like then leave Luca to Mi'Ihen Road. ============================================================================ MI'IHEN ROAD & MUSHROOM ROCK Party : Tidus, Wakka, Lulu, Yuna, Auron, Kimahri Enemies : Bomb, Chocobo Eater, Dual Horn, Floating Eye, Funguar, Gandarewa, Garuda, Ipiria, Lamashtu, Mi'Ihen Fang, Sinspawn Gui, Raldo, Raptor, Red Element, Thunder Flan, Vouivre, White Element Items : Potion (X10), Hi Potion (X9), X-Potion, Phoenix Down (X2), Mega-Potion (X4), Antidote (X6), Soft (X3), Eye Drops (X3), Ether (X2), Remedy (X3), 400 Gil, 600 Gil, 1000 Gil, 2000 Gil, Lv.1 Key Sphere (X2), Fortune Sphere Equipments : Ice Brand, Thunder Blade, Scout, Hunter's Spear, Red Ring, Tough Bangle, Serene Armlet, Serene Bracer Key Items : Al Bhed Primer Vol. VIII, IX, X, Mars Crest ============================================================================ Whew, that's a lot of Items to cover huh !? I could have missed some of them in this section, just tell me if I did. Note that it covers the Mushroom Rock too. Anyway, I'll do my best, just print the items list and check the items when you get them. Mi'Ihen Road ------------- First of all, there are a lot of items you can have by talking to the people, that you can acquire 600 Gil, a Red Ring, two Antidotes, a Lv.1 Key Sphere and a Hunter's Spear, as well as some Hi-Potions. Start by saving your game and you can continue up. When you can go to the left, go there to pick up a chest containing an Ice Brand. You can also speak to an historian named Maechen who will talk to you about the road you are on and Lord Mi'hihem. Continue up to the next screen now. You will now have a scene with the Chocobo Knights, so speak to them if you like. Now, continue up and turn right to meet Belgemine, she is a summoner too and she challenges Yuna to a fight. She is a pretty tough boss for the first time, since she uses Ifrit as her summon. That means you will have too beat her with Valefor! I hope your Overdrive gauge is fully charged. If you have it, unleash Energy Ray at the beginning of the fight. Ifrit perform a regular attack and it performs Meteor Strike after that. Use Valefor's Shield command before he uses his Meteor Strike and use your magic Blizzard when you can. If you win the fight, you will receive an Echo Ring and if you lose you will receive a Seeker's Ring. After the fight, you will encounter hard random fights. First, you will fight some Dual Horns, they are pretty hard to beat since they deal such a great amount of damage on a character. Use Dark Attack to blind him. There is also flying monsters, use Wakka to kill them too. Now, don't forget to use fire on the White Elements and use the fact that Auron as the Piercing Ability equipped to his weapon. If you have the time, spend some time there to boost your characters statistics. Once you are ready, continue up to the next area. Go left when you can to pick up a Remedy. Continue up to meet a little boy, speak to him to win three Softs. Then examine the Blitz ball next to him. Continue up again and turn right when you can to pick up a chest containing 2000 Gil. Go up again and when you see a scene with the Crusaders, talk to the man nearby for an Ether. Continue on your way to speak with Shelinda, then go up again to pick up a chest containing three Eye Drops. Now continue up and you will be at a Inn. Inside the inn, you can pick up a Lv.1 Key Sphere. You can also speak to Rin there and he will give you the Al Bhed Primer vol. VIII. When you are ready, head outside the inn and you will speak to Yuna. Now, you will go to sleep and once the night is over, speak again to Rin and he will give you two Mega-Potions. Save your game and spend your S.Lvl if you got any equip any new weapons and head outside the Inn for a big fight ! !!!!! BOSS : CHOCOBO EATER : BOSS !!!!! HP : 10000 AP : 95 Weakness : Fire Steal : Nothing First of all, have Lulu, Tidus and Wakka for this fight. Beware, the boss can push you toward a cliff and if you fall in that cliff it's over for you and you get no AP at all. Anyway, use Haste on Lulu, she will be able to cast Fire Spells. Use Wakka's Dark Attack again to blind him. Switch Tidus for Auron and use Auron's Power Break on him. When the boss gets knocked down, Lulu will tell you that it's time to push him back. You can push him back by dealing at least 400 HP of damage. If you succeed in pushing the boss off the cliff, you will win two Lv.1 Key Sphere. I won't do the FAQ in the case you have lost, so I hope you will be able to win this tough fight. =================================================== Strategy from Josh Carriveau, dragoon2176@yahoo.com =================================================== Use Tidus, Kimahri, and Auron for this battle. Make sure to have Tidus equipped with Stunning Edge (I think) it's got the ability Slowtouch on it. You buy the sword from O'Aka while the tournament is going on there. Sword costs 5050 Gil so it's not too expensive. Reason why Auron and Kimahri are used is because they have piercing weapons. The Chocobo Eater has hard shell so only Piercing is able to give out max damage. After Tidus has successfully slowed the enemy just have him Cheer to up your DEF and ATK. Just keep hitting the Chocobo Eater with normal attacks and he should go down pretty fast. =========================================== Strategy from NagisaKaworu, seifz@yahoo.com =========================================== Equip your characters with weapons that have Firstrike, if you have them. Also, make sure Kimahri and Auron have Piercing Weapons. Start with Tidus, Lulu, and Auron. If you have Haste, cast it on Lulu and have her use Fire Spells ( or Fira if you have been fighting a lot! ). Have Auron attack the monster with physical attacks, since he can do normal damage to the creature. Cycle characters in for Tidus to give everyone a turn. If you knock the monster over, use an Overdrive attack or Summon Ifrit and use fire attacks ( Hellfire works great! ). You should have no problem killing him in this way. Also, note that knocking him off a cliff is actually harder than just killing him, and isn't always worth the effort. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! After the fight, speak to Rin and he will offer you a free ride on a Chocobo. The Chocobo will give you the opportunity to find items that are only accessible with a Chocobo. On a Chocobo, you can still speak to people and open a chest by pressing the X Button, but you won't encounter any random fights. On your Chocobo, continue along the way until you meet a Chocobo Feather on the ground. Check it by pressing the X Button and pick up the Heat Lance after that. Continue along the way and keep your eye open to pick up an Al Bhed Primer vol. IX on the ground. Now keep going along the road until you are on the next screen. There, you can pick up two Hi-Potions in a chest. Now, you have a choice, you can either go on with the story or you can pick new items ! If you want to pick up new items, continue reading here. When you have picked up the chest with two Hi-Potions inside, go to the right, then go down. Continue on this path and keep your eyes open for a Chocobo Feather on the ground. Then, press the X Button in front of it and you will be able to pick up two chests, one with a Thunder Blade and another with a Scout. Continue down and speak to Lucil of the Chocobo Knights when you meet her. Keep your eyes open again for another Chocobo Feather and press the X Button in front of it to pick up a Fortune Sphere in a chest. Continue south to meet O'Aka and a Save Sphere. Speak to him if you want and continue down to pick up a Mars Crest. Now, go all the way back to continue the story. Speak to everybody there and talk to the soldier on the right and he will tell you more about the Crusaders plan. He will tell Tidus that they plan on using Machina to defeat Sin. Isn't it prohibited by Yevon to use machina ?! Anyway, you can speak to a guard on the left if you want. He will ask you donations for the Operation Mi'ihen. Give him some if you like. 100 Gil will give you a Scout, 1000 Gil an Ice Lance and 10000 Gil a Moon Ring. Now go south and Maester Seymour will come. He will ask the guard to let you pass and he will. Prepare yourself and save your game. Once you are ready, follow Seymour in the Mushroom Rock ! Mushroom Rock ------------- After the scene with Seymour, you are ready to explore the Mushroom Rock. First, I must tell you that you will need to speak to every Crusaders that are walking around. They will give you some useful items like the Tough Bangle, 400 Gil, X-Potion, Remedy, Phoenix Downs, and a Hi-Potion. First of all, save your game at the save point. Follow the path and keep your eyes open for a platform with a strange symbol on it. Step on it and press the X Button to make the platform lift up. You will see a chest and a guard standing next to it. Open the chest for 1000 Gil and talk to the guard for ten Potions. Now, go back down, continue on the path and look for a chest on the left of the map for a Remedy. Talk to Shelinda if you like, she will heal you. Now, continue up the path and you will find a Hi-Potion hidden behind a rock. Now, continue up to the next screen. Continue on the path and when you can turn left, go left and you will find another platform. Go down to find a chest with a Serene Armlet. Return to the path and look for a narrow path leading out to a small ledge, this is where you can pick up the Al Bhed Primer vol. X. Continue on to find the last platform. Go up and talk to the guard for a Mega-Potion. Go past the save point to see a scene with Luzzu and Gatta. Luzzu will tell Gatta that he cannot join the fight against Sin, that he needs to stay here. Go see Luzzu again and you will learn that it's Luzzu who convinced Chappu to join the Crusaders, so it's because of him that Chappu died ! After the scene, save and go up to find the Command Center. Command Center -------------- Up there, go right to find a huge field of cannons and Sinspawn cages. Go right to the next area and speak to the Chocobo Knight there. He will tell you more about this operation. You can also speak to O'Aka, he is on the left side of the blue tent entrance. Once you are ready, go in the tent to meet Luzzu's partner, Gatta. This is a key point in the game, since it will determine the fate of both men. If you want Gatta to live, pick the first option. If you want Gatta to die and Luzzu to die, pick the second option and talk to him again. Pick the second option there too. There isn't much use to which man lives, but if you find one, feel free to let me know. Now head inside the tent to meet one old good friend of Auron, Maester Kinoc. It seems that Maester Kinoc knows that the attack will be in vain against Sin... so why does he order it ? Anyway, once you are done, go talk to Lulu and pick the chest near her for a Mega-Potion. Go meet Yuna and take the chest near her for a Serene Bracer. Prepare yourself to fight, equip any good equipments and don't equip any elements to your weapons ! Once you are ready, save your game at the save point and go talk to the guard at the red arrow on your map. Tell him you are ready and here's what is coming up for you... It seems that their plan is not going like they hoped and one Sinspawn is on the lose ! Of course, it's your job to defeat it, so get ready ! !!!!! BOSS : SINSPAWN GUI : BOSS !!!!! HP : Head : 4000, Arms 800, Body : 12000 AP : 0 (next battle) Weakness : None Steal : Nothing This can be a tough battle if you rushed through the game and did not take the time to boost your characters a little. Anyway, start by using Auron, Yuna and Tidus. Cast Haste on everybody, except Tidus so you can have a good amount of turns before the boss plays. Once everyone except Tidus are hasted, switch Tidus to Wakka and concentrate on the head. Use Auron to break his arms. Now, about the boss... Once this boss starts moving his head, it means that there is a strong attack coming up. This attack is called Venom Attack and as you can tell by the name, it will poison your characters. Use Yuna's Esuna to cure that. Once both arms are destroyed, use Auron to attack the body. Now, when the head is destroyed, switch Wakka or your most powerful hitter. In my case, Wakka was the best hitter so I kept him on the field. Attack the body in full force, when the boss is low on HP and your characters have a good amount of HP's, switch Yuna to Lulu so she can benefit of the AP's. Unleash all you got to finish him off. Once you have beated the first Sinspawn, Sin will attack and kill a lot of people ! You will then learn that Sinspawn Gui is not dead and you will need to fight him again, this time with Seymour in your party. =========================================== Strategy from NagisaKaworu, seifz@yahoo.com =========================================== Make sure that Lulu knows Fira by this point. Start off with Auron, Tidus, and Lulu. Have Tidus caste Haste on Lulu and have Lulu cast Fira on each arm to destroy them quickly. Then have Auron attack the body and bring in Wakka to attack the head. If the arms regenerate, repeat this process again. Make sure you bring Yuna in to heal. Note that it is possible to stop the Venom attack if you do enough damage to the head before the fiend executes the move. For second tound, have Seymour use Fira instead of Lulu and continue to have Auron attack the Sinspawn. Also, try to see Seymour's Overdrive, even though it is pretty damn lame. !!!!! BOSS : SINSPAWN GUI : BOSS !!!!! HP : Head : 1000, Arms 800, Body : 6000 AP : 1500 Weakness : None Steal : Nothing This time, your party is locked so you can't change any members in the fight, you got Seymour, Auron and Yuna for this fight. First of all, cast Fira with Seymour to destroy his head. Use Auron to attack one arm and Seymour, the other. You may also want to witness Seymour's Overdrive. It is the only occasion you got to see it :). Anyway, once both arms are gone, attack the body in full force and the fight will be over in no time. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! Once the Sinspawn is dead, you will be on the beach. Try to find Luzzu or Gatta on the beach to continue on with the story. Tidus will start to swim after Sin and you will learn that it was a Maester plan to cause this attack, because those who believed in Yevon lived and those who didn't believe died... pretty sad huh. Of course, Yuna dances again to perform the Sending. Once you have the control of Tidus, collect a Hi-Potion, go all the way left from the save sphere and speak to everybody to go to Djose Path. ============================================================================ DJOSE ROAD & TEMPLE Party : Tidus, Wakka, Lulu, Yuna, Auron, Kimahri Enemies : Basilisk, Bite Bug, Bunyip, Funguar, Garm, Ganderewa Items : Potion (X10), Hi-Potion (X3), Phoenix Down (X2), Ether (X2), Mega-Potion, Mega Phoenix, Magic Sphere, Ability Sphere, 4000 Gil. Equipments : Variable Steel, Switch Hitter, Halberd, Soft Ring, Bright Bangle. Key Items : Al Bhed Primer Vol. XI ============================================================================ A little less Items to cover there huh !? Anyway, speak to the people there and they should give you some items. A guard will give you a Variable Steel and a priest some Hi-Potions. Also, beware, in this area, there are Basilisks and I hope you have some Softs, because those monster can turn you into Stone! Also, Kimahri can learn Stone Breath from those monsters. Also, use Wakka to defeat the Bite Bugs and Ganderewa and one last thing, beware of the Funguar's Sleep Powder. He uses it when you attack him. Now continue up on the bridge area and keep your eyes to the left of the screen for a chest containing two Phoenix Downs. Continue up and go around a spiky rock to find the Al Bhed Primer Vol. XI. Now, continue on your way up and keep your eyes to the left for a chest containing a Bright Bangle. The chest isn't too far up from the Al Bhed Primer Vol. XI. Now, there isn't any more chests there so keep going up until you reach a fork. You cannot go to the Moonflow just yet, so head up to Djose Temple. You will be on a bridge area, cross it and head to the left to meet with Chocobo Knights. There is a chest not too far form them with 4000 Gil inside. Now, head up and you will see a scene in front of the temple. You will learn that since the entrance is open, there are already Summoners in there. Anyway, go behind the inn to meet Luzzu/Gatta. In my case, Gatta lived and he told me that Luzzu died and that he is returning to Besaid. Once the scene is over, continue on the same path to find a chest with two Ability Spheres. You can go in the inn if you want, but there's isn't anything to do there since you can't pick up the chest behind the innkeeper yet. Anyway, save your game and head into Djose Temple. Inside, you will meet Isaaru and his fellow guardians. ( I wonder how the small one can be a guardian... ). Anyway, Yuna and summoner Isaaru will wish them both of luck in order to defeat Sin. Once you are done, head to the room on the left. Don't go inside just yet! There is a chest just outside the room with an Ether. Now, head inside the room to find a chest with a Remedy. Once you are ready, go up the stairs and head into the third Cloister of Trials. DJOSE TEMPLE, CLOISTER OF TRIALS -------------------------------- The first area isn't too hard, just take both spheres from the left and right side of the room and put them into the double doors. The doors will now open and head into the next chamber. See that Yevon symbol on the ground?! Your goal is to activate it, anyway, take the sphere on the left side of the door there and head to the area on the right. There is a glyph there on the wall, just put the Djose Sphere inside of one of the slots. Now, return to the double doors at the beginning of the Cloister of Trials. Take either one of the sphere and put it into the other slot. Now, return to the pedestal and push it to the right until you can't anymore. You will have created a super Djose Sphere used to open the door there. So take the super Djose Sphere and return to the Yevon symbol and insert the sphere into the slot to the north to open the door. Now return to where you have inserted the two Spheres in the slots on the wall. Take the two spheres and put it inside the pedestal. Now, go all the way west and step on the flashy switch on the ground to move the pedestal to the center. Okay, once it is done, push the pedestal to the north in the room with lightning. Push it until the pedestal falls down, but don't worry, the pedestal will float, allowing Tidus to cross the bridge of lightning. After you have crossed the bridge there, push the pedestal at the far end to active the eye of the Yevon's symbol. Now, cross the bridge again and return to the flashy switch to make the pedestal come back at the center of the Yevon symbol. Now, take one sphere and return to the first chamber you have been. Insert the sphere to the left side of the room. Take the other sphere that is inserted in the door and insert it in the right side of the room. Now, return to the super Djose Sphere, take it from the door and insert it in the slot left to the door. The symbol will be complete, so step on it to go up into the last area. There, go up to find five pedestal with Djose spheres. Press the X Button in front of each pedestal to push it into the wall. Once it's completed, you will reveal a stairway, but don't go up yet. Instead, search for a glowing spot on the left wall of the basement floor and examine it to reveal a glyph. Touch it to open the wall and you will find a Destruction Sphere there. Pick it, return to the first floor and insert it into the central pedestal to destroy a part of the right wall. Pick up the treasure chest with a Magic Sphere inside and go up the stairs to complete the third Cloister of Trials. In the chamber, speak to everybody and Dona will come. Speak to everybody again and attempt to exit the room to make Yuna come out of the Chamber of the Fayth. Now, you will have a new Aeon called Ixion! Ixion is pretty strong, he his an Unicorn with Lightning powers. Once you wake up in the morning, pick up the chest at the top right corner for a Switch Hitter. Head out the inn and speak to everybody. Yuna seems to be sleeping again... Well head inside the temple and go in the room to the left where you picked up a Remedy. Yuna is there, on the bed. Speak to Yuna, then speak to the person near her to wake Yuna up. Now, exit the temple and Yuna will tell you that she is sorry to have kept kept you waiting. Anyway, once you are ready, head back to the bridge and speak to the former Crusader on the left side of the bridge, he will give you a Halberd. Next, speak to the priest to win two Hi-Potions. Finally, speak to the lonely man on the next part of the bridge numerous times until he finally gives you ten Potions. Now, you will have a scene with the Chocobo Knights, once you have talked to them, head south to Djose Road. This time, you will go northwest at the fork to the Moonflow. ============================================================================ MOONFLOW Party : Tidus, Wakka, Lulu, Yuna, Auron, Rikku, Kimahri Enemies : Bite Bug, Bunyip, Extractor, Funguar, Garm, Gandarewa, Ochu, Snow Flan. Items : Phoenix Down (X2), X-Potion, Antidote (X4), Ether, Mega-Potion, Magic Sphere, Lv. 1 Key Sphere (X6), 5000 Gil. Equipments : None Key Items : Al Bhed Primer Vol. XII, Summoner's Soul ============================================================================ First, head up and you will meet Shelinda. She will tell you that only the faithful have a chance to defeat Sin... Anyway, once she is finished, go behind her the find a chest with three Lv.1 Key Spheres. Now, continue up and you will meet Kimahri's friends again. This time, they will tell you that summoners are disappearing mysteriously... Anyway, after they are done, pick up the X-Potion from the chest near them and continue up. Keep your eyes open for a small area on the right-side of the Moonflow, once you have founded it, pick up the chest for three Lv.1 Key Spheres. Continue up and you will meet Belgemine and her Ixion. She will challenge you again, first I hope you have your Overdrives, if you don't you are in trouble... Anyway, start out with Ifrit. First, attack Ixion. Since Ixion is pretty fast, you won't have two attacks in a row. When your HP is too low, have Ifrit cast fire on himself so it will heal its HP. When you have your overdrive, unleash HellFire on Ixion and he should go down and you can also use Valefor just in case :). If you win, you will receive two Dragon Scales. Win or lose, she will give you the Summoner's Soul used to teach abilities to your Aeons. Just take a look it the Aeons section of this FAQ to learn every abilities possible to be teached. Now continue up and just before the red arrow, head left to find a secret chest with a Magic Defense Sphere inside, return to the path and continue north after that. Once you are at the shore, move west to the shoopuf wharf. Your party will split up from there. Don't buy anything from the people there. As you can see in the shops list, their price are very high ! The only one you can trust here is O'Aka. Try to find Yuna and Lulu, jest next to Yuna, you can open a chest for two Phoenix Downs and behind Lulu is a treasure chest with 5000 Gil. Anyway, speak to everybody... If you speak to Auron, he will tell you about Jecht and when he attacked a shoopuf when he was drunk... very funny :). Anyway, talk to the shoopuf driver once you are ready to leave. You will aboard the elephant like thing and head to the Moonflow north wharf. Anyway, on the way, Yuna will be kidnapped yet again by the Al Bhed. So it's because of the Al Bhed that summoners are disappearing... As always, Wakka and Tidus will go underwater to save Yuna, but they are expected by a strong foe... !!!!! BOSS : EXTRACTOR : BOSS !!!!! HP : 4000 AP : 660 Weakness : Lightning Steal : Nothing Well, this is one easy fight... first, have Tidus cast Haste on the party, this way, you can have a LOT of turns before the boss makes a move. Just beware of his Depth Charges. When he do that, heal yourself with a Hi-Potion. Keep using that strategy and he will be out in no time. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! Once he his out, Yuna will be saved and you will safely continue your trip until you reach the North Wharf. There, use the save sphere to save your game and talk to O'Aka if you want. You can also find the Al Bhed Primer Vol. XII on the platform above O'Aka. Next, talk to everybody and head west. You will be alone, but don't worry, this is part of the story. Speak to the Guado there and he will give you an Ether. Continue left and you will finally meet Rikku again. You will learn that she was in the machina you just fought! Also, she will join permanently your party as one of Yuna's guardian. Once the little story scene is over, head up to fight in another of those battle tutorials. You will learn that Rikku can steal treasure chests from battle and you will also learn how to use her Overdrive, Mix. Anyway, after the tutorial, continue up the path. Keep your eyes open for a treasure chest on the right for four Antidotes. Next, continue up and just before the red arrow, open a chest on the left for a Mega-Potion. Next, continue up and head into Guadosalam. ============================================================================ GUADOSALAM Party : Tidus, Wakka, Lulu, Yuna, Auron, Rikku, Kimahri Enemies : None Items : Hi-Potion (X2), Mega-Potion, Elixir, Lightning Marble (X8), 3000 Gil. Equipments : None Key Items : Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIII ============================================================================ When you arrive in Guadosalam, you will have a scene with Tromell. He tells you that Maester Seymour wants to see Yuna. After that, Rikku will teach you how to Customize Weapons. It's a pretty great ability, so listen carefully. You can have more information about that in my FAQ, look in the Basics of the Game. First of all, head into the Inn and check out the Sphere Monitor to learn more about fiends roaming around in this area. Now, you can explore the city as you wish. Also, check all the houses, in the same house where you can find 3000 Gil in an hidden treasure chest at the back of the room is the Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIII lying in on the floor on the northwest side of the house. Next, head to where the Farplane his, you know where it is right? Just when you see two Guados, move beyond them to find an Elixir in a chest, just to tell you, it's near the item shop. Speaking of the item shop, O'Aka will be there, you can talk to him if you want. Next, head to Seymour's House located in the north part of the city. The house have a huge red door. To the right of that door is a treasure chest with a Mega-Potion inside. You are now ready to go in the house. Once you are inside, don't speak to anybody yet, go up the stairs and check for a chest on the balcony for two Hi-Potions. Next, talk to everybody except Yuna, then speak to Yuna. Once you have talked to her, head into the door near Yuna. You will finally meet Seymour there, he will offer you food and you will have control of Tidus again. Speak to everyone again to continue the story. Seymour will then tell you about Zanarkand and Lady Yunalesca who defeated Sin. Then Seymour will ask Yuna in marriage! Unbelievable! Anyway, she must think about it, because well, she will marry Seymour for Spira and it's people, not because she loves him. Anyway, she would like to go to the Farplane, so head up the highest ramp and in the entrance to find a new screen. There, move to the left and look for a very good hidden chest with eight Lightning Marbles inside. Go up the corridor after that and your party will tell you more about the Farplane. Once you have control of Tidus, speak to Auron and Rikku, both of them don't want to go in the Farplane. Anyway, once you are ready, go up the stairs and head in the Farplane. This place is HUGE. Hopefully, you won't have to explore all of that. First, go speak to Lulu, then to Wakka. You will meet his brother Chappu and Wakka will tell his brother that he gave Chappu's sword to you, now your weapon will have new abilities. Check them out if you want. You will have Strength +10, WaterStrike and Sensor. Remember that this sword is called the Brotherhood. Now, go meet Yuna to learn her answer. She will be with her mom and her dad, High Summoner Braska. She will tell you to think about Jecht and as Tidus think about him, he don't show up... A moment later, he will think about his mom and she will show up. After the scene, return to Seymour's House. Yuna doesn't want to marry Seymour because she wants to continue her Pilgrimage. Now, speak to Lulu and she will tell you what she thinks about Yuna marrying Seymour and she will ask you if you love Yuna :). Ask whatever you want there. Now, speak to everyone else, two times each person. You will notice that Rikku is not there, so go near the entrance of Guadosalam to meet Rikku. Speak to her, then return down and speak to Lulu again. Next, head towards the exit to the Thunder Plains and you will meet Shelinda there. It seems that Seymour has left the place. Return to your party to tell them, then save and prepare yourself for the Thunder Plains. ============================================================================ THUNDER PLAINS Party : Tidus, Wakka, Lulu, Yuna, Auron, Rikku, Kimahri Enemies : Aerouge, Buer, Gold Element, Iron Giant, Larva, Kusariqqu, Melusine, Qactuar. Items : Hi-Potion (X2), X-Potion, Phoenix Down (X2), Ether, Remedy, 2000 Gil, 5000 Gil Equipments : Water Ball, Yellow Shield Key Items : Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIV ============================================================================ Once you start out, go to the left and pick up a chest with two Phoenix Downs inside of it. Next, I need to tell you something. You will find some glowing Qactuar stones scattered around the Thunder Plains, you can examine them with the X Button, but you can activate them with the Square Button. There isn't much things to do with that now, but remember those stones when you are near the end of the game. You can also fight Qactuars in this area, they aren't pretty strong, but they are very hard to hit and they will escape from the fight, but if you manage to kill them, your reward will be 525 AP. Also, there are lightning falling from the sky, press the X Button when the screen flashes to dodge them. Anyway, continue up to the Save Sphere and save if you like. Once you are ready, go to the left to find a chest with two Hi-Potions. Continue left to find another chest with 5000 Gil inside. Next, turn right until you reach the wall, continue up the path until you find an alcove. Go there to find a chest with a Water Ball inside. Continue up to the next area and your party will take a well deserved break at the Travel Agency. Inside the Inn, speak to Rikku first, then go talk to Rin. When you can choose an option, take the first one and he will give you the Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIV. Next, talk to everybody and go up where Yuna went. You will "accidentally" go inside her room. She will be a little shy so she will run away. As you attempt to look at the Sphere, Wakka will bust in and tell you to leave Yuna's Room at once. Next, talk to everybody again, save and get ready to continue the Thunder Plains. At the exit of Rin's Agency, look on the ground to find a Yellow Shield, now continue up until you are at a new screen and area. Go up a little, then turn right and go south to find a hidden chest with a X-Potion inside. Now, continue north until you reach the Save Sphere, there, you will hear Yuna out and she will tell you that she will marry Seymour! Next, go to the left and up to find a chest with an Ether. Go to the right of the screen and up a little to find another chest with 2000 Gil. Finally, go left and up to find one last chest with a Remedy inside. Now continue up and head into Macalania Woods. ============================================================================ MACALANIA WOODS, ICE FIELD Party : Tidus, Wakka, Lulu, Yuna, Auron, Rikku, Kimahri Enemies : Anima, Blue Element, Chimera, Crawler, Evil Eye, Guado Guardian, Ice Flan, Iguion, Mafdet, Murussu, Negator, Seymour, Snow Wolf, Spherimorph, Wasp, Wendigo, Xiphos. Items : Hi-Potion (X2), X-Potion (X2), Phoenix Down (X3), Remedy (X3), Mega-Potion, Ether, Elixir, MP Sphere, Luck Sphere, Lv.1 Key Sphere, Lv.2 Key Sphere, 400 Gil, 2000 Gil, 5000 Gil. Equipments : Shell Targe, Sleepy Cait Sith Key Items : Al Bhed Primer Vol. XV, XVI, Jecht Sphere ============================================================================ First, go up to find a save sphere and a young lady will tell you to take that road to go to Macalania Temple. Since you have no much choice, head up the path. Turn left, and when you have no choice but to go up again, look behind the tree to find a chest with a Sleepy Cait Sith inside. Now continue up on this path to find another chest with 2000 Gil inside. Continue up to the next screen. There, follow the linear path to find a chest with a Remedy inside. Continue up the spiral path and you will soon meet a bird/man being. He will tell you more about the Butterfly Mini-Game. Check in the Sidequest section to learn more about this Mini-Game, also, if you complete it this time through, you will win a treasure chest. Next follow the path to the next screen, keep your eyes opened for treasure chests there. Anyway, once you are in an area with O'Aka, look across him on the ground to find the Al Bhed Primer Vol. XV. Next, save your game and be prepared for the boss ahead. !!!!! BOSS : SPHERIMORPH : BOSS !!!!! HP : 12 000 AP : 3240 Weakness : Varies Steal : Ether This boss seems hard at first, but he is pretty easy when you know how to defeat him. First, start out with Tidus, Lulu and Auron. Have Tidus cast Haste on Lulu and switch him to Yuna. Have Auron deal a physical attack on the boss and he will counterattack with an element. If he use Water for example, cast Thundara on him and you will deal MAJOR damage on him. Each time you attack him with his weakness, his element will change. Have Auron perform another physical attack and he will reveal his new element again. Have Lulu attack with is weakness again and repeat the process to put an end to this boss. Here are some tips from NagisaKaworu, seifz@yahoo.com : "If you are having problems with this fight, using Yuna's Nul spells will help you out a lot. Also, using Rikku's Mix to caste a nul-all Overdrive or a powerful opposite element attack will be great." !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! After the fight, you will find an Old Sphere lying on the ground. Look inside to find out it's a memento from Tidus's old man, Jecht. Anyway, after the scene, Auron will tell you that Jecht loved Tidus and he just wasn't able to tell him. Once you are ready, head to the red arrow to find the inn. Outside, you will meet Clasko with is Chocobo. He will ask you if he is better as a Chocobo Breeder or as a Chocobo Knight. Tell him what you like, but if you tell him to be a Chocobo Breeder, return to SS Liki at the end of the game and he will give you a very useful Friend Sphere, anyway, notice the treasure chest behind him, you can't take it now, but it contains 4000 Gil. Just remember to pick it up later. Outside the inn, you will also find an Al Bhed Primer Vol. XVI. Next, head inside the inn. You can also find out more about fiends roaming in this area at the tutorial at the top right corner of the map. After that, talk to everyone, save and exit the inn. You will see Trummel again there, he will take Yuna to Macalania Temple. Just when they she seems to be safe, the Al Bheds will attack her again! !!!!! BOSS : CRAWLER & NEGATOR : BOSS !!!!! HP : 16 000, 1000 AP : 4400, 220 Weakness : Lightning Steal : Lunar Curtain, Hi-Potion First of all, the boss will start out by summoning a Negator that nullifies every magics. So use Wakka to take care of the Negator and use Auron and Tidus to fight the Crawler. Just beware of the Crawler's attacks. Once the Negator is destroyed, you will be able to use Magic and Summons. Bring Lulu and cast Haste on her then, let her unleash Thundara Spells. When you see the countdown to Mana Beam get down to one, switch to Yuna and summon Ixion. Use is shield ability and it will most likely do nothing to him. Now, use your thunder spells until the Negator comes back again. Even though Negator is there, your Aeon will stay on the field so attack the boss in full force until you have your Overdrive. Use it and say bye bye to Crawler. ================================ Strategy from MinniMe140@aol.com ================================ "I have an easier way to kill Crawler. DO NOT even look at the Negator because you're going to only fight Crawler. Attack Crawler until his HP is like 4000, then kill the Negator. I suggest you use Auron and Kimahri. Bring out Ixion and use Thor's Hammer (his Overdrive). If he is still alive then bring out Valefor and use his overdrive. Be sure to bring your Aeons and people at Overdrive before you fight Crawler." !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! Once he is defeated, you will use a great way to transport yourself to the Macalania Temple. On the way, Tidus will speak to Lulu about Wakka's head been as hard as rock... Well, once you arrive at the temple, open the treasure chest to the right for a Mega-Potion. Once you are ready, enter the temple. Speak to the Al Bhed near the entrance and he will give you 400 Gil if you accept to leave him alone. Next, cross the very long bridge and head inside the Temple. Once you are in, speak to Tromell and he will reward you with a Shell Targe. Next, go up the stairs to find out that somebody has founded Yuna's Sphere. Go in the small chamber to the right and witness the events there. The next paragraph will contain a lot of story spoilers, so you are advised. You will find out that Seymour killed his own father, that the fire of darkness burns in his heart. Anyway, the father of Seymour will ask you to stop his son, so that's what you are going to do ! But, first, pick the items in the temple, check the back of the room you are in for two Remedies. Speak to everybody in this room for two Hi-Potions. Return to the hall and pick two treasure chests there, one with two X-Potions and another one with 5000 Gil. Next, go to the left room and talk to everybody for an Elixir and an Ether. You can also pick a chest there for three Phoenix Downs. Lastly, you can speak to the old man near the statue to learn more about the young days of Seymour. Once you are ready, save your game and equip the best equipments to your party since the upcoming fight is really hard. Once you feel confident enough, go up the stairs to fight Seymour and his crew. !!!!! BOSS : SEYMOUR, ANIMA, GUADO GUARDIANS !!!!! HP : 6000, 18 000, 2000 AP : 6280 Weakness : None Steal : Turbo Ether, Silence Grenade, Hi-Potion To begin the fight, I'll explain you what is the role of each characters. Each time you hit the Guado Guardians, they will heal themselves with a Hi-Potion. A good way to get rid of that is by having Rikku to steal their Hi-Potions so they won't be able to heal themselves. Once you have done that, get rid of them quickly and as they dies, they will cast Protect AND Shell on Seymour making the first fight a little harder. Once both Guado Guards are out, have Tidus, Yuna and Wakka use their Trigger Commands so you will boost Tidus's Strength and raise Yuna's and Wakka's Defense. Next, don't kill Seymour yet. Use Yuna and cast NulFrost, NulShock, NulTide and NulBlaze on the party. Finally, all you need to do is to hurt Seymour until he has less than 3000 HP. He will summon Anima at that point. Since Anima is pretty hard and is Pain can kill your characters with one blow, I suggest you use your newest Aeon, Shiva. When your HP is low, cast Blizzara to Shiva and you will heal her. When Anima has his Overdrive, use the Shield Command and you will be fine. Once you have your Overdrive, unleash it and you should do 8000 HP of damage, thus taking out Anima. ================================================ Strategy by AcidTwister, acidtwister@hotmail.com ================================================ This is a Strategy for Anima : "In the first fight with Seymour after you get rid of his guards and he calls Anima, do NOT summon an Aeon. Instead, get your strongest characters out and knock the hell out of it, when Anima does pain and one of your character dies, use a Phoenix Down and continue attacking. For some reason, my attack damage went from around 600 attacking Seymour up to 1000+ when I attacked Anima. The only time I suggest you summon an Aeon is if Anima's overdrive gauge somehow hits max before you kill him. That way the Aeon takes the fall(there's a save point right after the fight) and you can continue to kick Anima's butt. After anima is defeated, bring out Yuna, use all your nul spells to get around Seymour's magics, while using your top two strongest characters to take him out. He'll be down in no time." ================================================ The last fight will be against Seymour again, quickly dismiss Shiva if you have used my strategy, since you SHOULD have casted all the Nul-Spells before the fight, you will be more than fine. Remember that you cannot use any Aeons in this last fight because Seymour will kill them with one blow. Use all of your attacks to get rid of Seymour and when he use a magic, be sure to re-cast your magic barrier. Anyway, I hope you defeat him with those strategies :). ============================================ Strategy by Sigma X, sepheroth32@hotmail.com ============================================ Start off with Rikku, Tidus and Yuna in your party. The first thing you should do is to have Rikku steal from the 2 Guado gaurdians to disable their self-healing ability. Then have Tidus Haste himself and have Yuna cure whatever Seymour does to you. Then after Tidus is Hasted and the Hi-Potions are stolen switch Rikku with Auron and keep Yuna. Then have Auron attack, then Haste Auron. Leave Yuna unhatsed for now. Then have Tidus and Auron continuously chip away at him for about 2000-3000 each (if you talked to Seymour, Tidus' strenght should have increased by A LOT and same with Yuna's Magic Defense). Then when you chip away 6000 HP from him he will Summon the fierce Anima. Don't be scraed by his count of 18,000 HP he is not too hard. The key to this battle is curing the dead members and keeping an eye on his Overdrive gauge. The first thing to do is to have Yuna summon the ???? that is now at the bottom of her summon list (Shiva). The reason for this being that Anima is weak against Blizzard magic plus its Pain attack that normally KOs a party member only does about 500 to your Aeons. Have Shiva fight to the death ( you can use Blizzara on yourself to heal HP. ) Each turn Anima will boost his overdrive gauge as well as cast Pain which will KO a party member. At this point switch Auron with Yuna and use life. HP does not matter against Anima. Continue this method until his Overdrive gauge is 1 turn from full. Bring yuna out and have her summon your weakest Aeon (most likely Valefor) and have it take the damage. Then just chop away at it with Auron and Tidus and have Lulu cast blizzara/ga (if you have them). Then when Anima is gone Seymour will come out again and he's a lot harder this time. Immediately summon the Aeon of the element of the spell he will cast next. Then fight your Overdrive, use the Overdrive and it will kill Seymour. =========================================== Strategy from NagisaKaworu, seifz@yahoo.com =========================================== First, have Rikku steal the High Potions from both guardians, then kill them. Have Yuna cast Nul spells on the party and have Tidus caste Haste on Auron. Have Auron and Wakka kick the hell out of Seymour, and make sure Kimahri does something. Also, bring in Lulu to cast magics against Seymour and haste her if you like. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT SUMMON ANY AEONS !!! ESPECIALLY THE ??? ONE!!! Once Seymour is almost dead, he will summon Anima, an Aeon. Once Yuna gets her turn, summon the ??? Aeon. Let Anima attack you with Pain and cure Shiva with Blizzara spells. Once she reaches Overdrive, unleash Diamond Dust on Anima. Then, repeat this process. Two Overdrives will definitely kill Anima, since each one will do 9999 damage. Once Anima is gone, just beat the hell out of Seymour in any way you want and use Yuna's Nul spells to block against his magic. If any of your Aeons are in Overdrive mode (or Yuna), summon them and use it. Seymour will then kill them, if he is still alive. If he does live, he will be pretty easy to kill now. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! You killed Seymour, that's right you killed a Maester! Anyway, as you attempt to leave, the Cloister of Trials will be reseted so you need to do it. First off all, head down the little ramp and take the Glyph Sphere from the central pillar, next, insert the Glyph Sphere in the pedestal and push it to the right so it will make the little iceberg blow away. Next, push the pedestal to the north and the pedestal will go down another ramp. Follow the pedestal down and remove the Glyph Sphere from the pedestal and insert it in the slot on the left wall. A section of the wall will rises and you will find a Macalania Sphere. Go up the ramp and take the new Macalania Sphere, go back down and insert it into the pedestal, push the pedestal to the right and you will see a section of the bridge reconstructed. Next, go back up and remove the Macalania Sphere from the slot in the bottom right corner of the screen. Go back down the ramp and place it in the slot on the left pillar. Next, take the sphere at the top of the ramp and place the sphere in the central pillar and you will see the bridge fully completed. Next, go up the ramp, where the bridge is and step on the switch on the floor to bring up the pedestal. Notice that the last section of the bridge will disappear. Pick up sphere and push the pedestal to the left. After a little scene, you will see the same pedestal with a Destruction Sphere on it. Go back down the ramp now and step on the switch on the floor to make the pedestal appears to its first position. Now go insert the sphere you have in your and on the bottom right slot to make the little iceberg appears again. Push the pedestal to the right to make the iceberg go away. Now, take the Macalania Sphere from the central pillar and place it in the slot at the upper right corner to make the ramp appear. Take the Destruction Sphere from the pedestal, go down the ramp and insert the sphere in the slot to the left. This will destroy the ice behind Tidus and you will be able to pick up the chest there for a Luck Sphere. Now, go up the ramp and push the pedestal down the ramp. Get the Macalania Sphere from the bottom right corner of the screen and go put it into the pedestal. Now, push the pedestal to the right so it will activate the third part of the bridge again. Now, go up the ramp, take the Macalania Sphere and insert it into the central pillar to complete the Ice Tunnel. Exit the area and the Cloister of Trials is now completed! As you attempt to leave the temple, Tromell will stop you. You will be called traitors for giving death to a Maester. As you attempt to show him the Sphere, Tromell will destroy it and you will now be on your own, running like crazy to not get yourself captured. You will exit the temple, take time to talk to O'Aka at the exit and save your game. As you attempt to cross the bridge, a group of Guado will run toward you. If they catches you, your party will enter in a fight against the Guado Guardians. As you leave the ice bridge, they will stop running at you. On the next area, stick on the right side of the screen and you will soon encounter a chest with a Lv.1 Key Sphere inside. Continue south and you will fight the boss of this area. !!!!! BOSS : WENDIGO & GUADO GUARDIANS : BOSS !!!!! HP : 18000, 1200 AP : 2580 Weakness : Fire Steal : Hi-Potion First of all, use Rikku to steal the Hi-Potion from the Guardians, then dispose of them. Don't attack Wendigo until both of the Guardians are out. They will cast Berserk on Wendigo, so use a Remedy on him to cure that. Now, use Wakka's Sleep Attack and unleash your Fire Spells on him. Cast Haste on Lulu and when Wendigo wakes up, put him to sleep again and repeat the process until he is dead. "First thing you want to do is just get in battles around the save point and have Yuna work up her overdrive and once she has her overdrive you can head in the battle. Start off with however you want and then once it comes around to Yuna's turn use your Grand Summon and summon Ifrit, after you bring him out use Hellfire this should do 9999 damage to the guards and Wendigo, then before the guards die they will cast protect and shell on Wendigo. Then have Wendigo hit Ifrit and just keep him alive by using shield or having him with enough HPs that he survives 2 hits and you should get another Overdrive use Hellfire once again and the battle will be over and you killed him with Overkill as well. (note your characters can not be super weak during this part, and I was fairly worked up a bit.)" !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! After the fight, the boss unleash its final attack and your party will find themselves underground. When Tidus wakes up, talk to everybody. Look behind Kimahri for a chest containing a Lv.2 Key Sphere. Once Yuna leaves, talk to everybody again, your party will be attacked by Sin and when you wake up, Tidus will be all alone in ... ============================================================================ SANUBIA DESERT Party : Tidus, Lulu, Wakka, Kimahri, Auron, Rikku Enemies : Alcyone, Cactuar, Mech Guard, Mech Gunner, Mushussu, Sandragora, Sand Worm, Zu Items : Hi-Potion (X16), X-Potion (X4), Mega-Potion (X5), Ether (X2), Remedy (X4), Elixir, Megalixir (X3), Al Bhed Potion (X24), Lv.2 Key Sphere, Teleport Sphere (X2), 10 000 Gil. Equipments : None Key Items : Al Bhed Primer Vol. XVII, XVIII, Mercury Crest ============================================================================ Tidus will wake up near a save sphere and a little oasis. You can save if you want. Also, go in the oasis and swim to the bottom left corner of the map and you will pick up a chest with four Remedies. Now, head up and you will soon be forced to fight against a huge bird named Zu. After one or two turns, Auron will join Tidus in the fight, then after a while, Lulu will join the party. At that time, you shouldn't have any problem to defeat Zu, just blind him and you will be fine. Now, continue up to find Wakka near a tent. Wakka will tell you that Yuna is nowhere to be found and your job will now be to find her. Man, it's always Yuna that gets herself in trouble around here. Anyway, pick up the treasure chest near the tent to find eight Al Bhed Potions. You can also look at the Sphere Monitor to learn how to defeat the powerful Zu and the Cactuars. Continue down to the next area, then north to find a sign saying : "Oasis Ahead". Turn right from that sign and continue up to meet Kimahri in the desert. Now, once he joins you, return to the sign and head up to meet Rikku. She will tell you that she knows where Yuna is, she is at the Al Bhed HOME. So that's where are going to go. You can pick up two chests in the same area you met Rikku for two Ethers and eight Al Bhed Potions. Now, follow Rikku until you are in an area with an Al Bhed sign that says "Home ahead", now head left and you will come across a chest with four Hi-Potions inside. Next, head up the next area to be in Sanubia Desert Central. This is a very huge area and I hope your Al Bhed Language is really developed since will need to check a lot of signs. Anyway, you can also find Cactuars in that area. Those are small, green cactuars that uses 10 000 Needles Attack, thus killing your character with one blow. You can steal Chocobo Feathers from them and also, if you kill them you will win 12000 AP. Anyway, in that area, go northwest and you should come across two chests. One with two X-Potions inside and another one with two Mega-Potions. Next, head east until you come across a landmark on the mini-map. Check that out for a chest with four Hi-Potions inside. Now, head north to find the Save Sphere. You can pick up a chest with eight Al Bhed Potions inside. You will also find a sign near the save sphere. Now go west and head in some kind of ruins. Beware of the Sand Worm in that area since it has 45 000 HP. I suggest you cast Darkness and Silence on him, then use physical attacks until he is out. Anyway, in the ruins, you can pick up three treasure chests, one with an Elixir located south of the ruins, a Lv.2 Key Sphere and 10 000 Gil in a destroyed tower just north of the entrance to the ruins. From the tower, head to the north and keep your eyes open for an Al Bhed Primer vol. XVII. Now, return all the way to the Save Sphere. From the sphere, head north and keep your eyes open for an Al Bhed Primer vol. XVIII lying on the ground. Now, head northeast to the next and final area, Sanubia Desert West. First, head northeast again until you reach a stone with a cactuar on it. Notice it and remember its emplacement since you will need to come back here for a Sidequest later on. From the stone, head left and you should come across a side area on the map. Pick the first chest you see for eight Hi-Potions, then continue left in the sandpit for a chest with a Mercury Chest inside. Now, go out of the side area and head north. Examine each sandpits, even if there is a monster inside the pits, called the Sandragora. They are not very hard to beat, but they can confuse your characters so that can give you a hard time beating them. You should fight those monsters, because their are some pretty good chest to pick up. There is one with three Megalixir, then go left to find another chest with three Mega-Potions. Now, from where you have picked up the three Megalixir, head northeast to find another sandpit with a chest. Pickup the two Teleport Spheres in the sandpit and move north a little and go west. You will come across one last chest with two X-Potions inside. Now head north into Home. ============================================================================ HOME Party : Tidus, Lulu, Wakka, Kimahri, Auron, Rikku Enemies : Bomb, Chimera, Dual Horn, Guado Guardian Items : Hi-Potion (X2), Al Bhed Potion (X10), Special Sphere, Skill Sphere, Friend Sphere Equipments : None Key Items : Al Bhed Primer vol. XIX, XX, XXI ============================================================================ The Al Bhed Home is in flames. Once you have met Cid, you will need to find Yuna. There, search the bodies for two Hi-Potions and go west of the Save Sphere to find an Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIX. Now, enter the door to the north and your group congregates in the center area. They will soon be attacked by a Guado Guardian and some other monsters. In those type of fights, it is usually good to kill the Guado first, since he will cast Silence on Lulu and support magic on the fiends. Once the fight is over, follow your party to the next area. After you have heard Cid, you will fight another Guado Guardian and two Dual Horns. Use the same strategy as in the first fight and you will be more than fine. Now, once you have been down the stairs, turn around, head back to the south corridor and enter the living quarters on your left. Pick up the Al Bhed Primer vol. XX lying on the bed. There is also a chest on the right, but you will need to translate three words in Al Bhed to get it. Here is what you need to say. -------------------- | 1 | 4 | 7 | | 2 | 5 | 8 | | 3 | 6 | 9 | -------------------- You will have three screens like than. Each number represents a word so on the first screen, pick the word placed at position number 6. On the second screen, pick the word placed at position number 8 and finally at the last screen, pick the word placed at position number 5. Your reward will be a Friend Sphere. Now, exit the living quarters and head down the stairs, you can pick up a chest with four Al Bhed Potions in a chest to the left. Now, go north from the corridor to encounter an intersection. Go north first and pick up a chest with six Hi-Potions inside. Next, return to the intersection, go right and search for an Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXI lying in the top right corner of the screen. Next, enter the blue door. You can find a Compilation Sphere there and near of it is a treasure chest locked by Al Bhed Math. Here's the chart on how to deciphere the code, thanks to PlayOnline : --------------------------------------------------------- |Digit number| What you must do | --------------------------------------------------------- | 1st | Add both numbers | | 2nd | Subtract the 2nd number from the 1st number| | 3rd | Multiply the 1st number by the 2nd number | | 4th | Add both numbers | --------------------------------------------------------- You will pick up a Special Sphere from the chest. Now, the second chest, you will need to decipher four questions. Here's what you must do to correctly unlock this chest : On the first question, pickup the third answer. On the second one, pick up the fourth answer, on the third one, pick up the second answer and on the last one, pick up the fourth answer. This will open a chest with a Skill Sphere inside. Next, return to the intersection and head left. There is a save sphere there, I suggest you save. Then follow the linear path to meet your party. You will be attacked yet again by monsters. Defeat them and head down the stairs. Look under the stairs for a Lv.4 Key Sphere and look on the right to find a chest with a Lv.2 Key Sphere inside. Now, follow your party inside the door. Tidus will learn the truth about the summoners and their pilgrimage. It seems that a summoner will die after they have summoned the Final Aeon required to defeat Sin. Tidus will be mad and sad at the same time, man that's not a good day for him :). Anyway, once you regain control of him, head to the left corner of the map to pick up a chest with 10000 Gil inside. Then make your way to the green door on your map, and board the airship. Inside, you will see some more scenes and Cid will decide to check out for Yuna. They will also destroy their Home, so if you have missed anything, you should reset your game... ============================================================================ AIRSHIP Party : Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, Auron, Rikku Enemies : Bomb, Dual Horn, Evil Eye, Evrae Items : Al Bhed Potion (X4) Equipments : None Key Items : None ============================================================================ Once you gain control of Tidus on the Bridge, speak to everyone there and you can also save your game if you like. Next, go outside the bridge and speak to Auron. Leave the area and go up first, you can meet someone running there. Continue up and talk to everybody, even if you don't understand what the people means. Now, return to the exit of the bridge. You can meet Isaaru and is guardians there. Talk to him if you like and continue south to meet Rin. He will ask you to buy something to help the reconstruction of Home. It doesn't matter if you buy anything from him or not, so continue up to the next area. There, turn left and enter the door to see Dona lying on the ground. She will ask you if she should quit her pilgrimage or not. Tell her what you like since it doesn't seem to affect the game later on. Continue up now to the next area. There are some Al Bheds there, speak to all of them then, return to where you met Dona. Exit the room and go south, you can speak to the Al Bhed on the left of the screen and he will give you four Al Bhed Potions, then return to the bridge and speak to everyone again except the pilot. Then, talk to the pilot, he will tell you that he has founded Yuna and you will see her with Seymour in what it seems to be ... a wedding! You will learn that you need to defeat the guardian of Bevelle and also you will learn that the ship is infested with fiends! Now, save your game and spend your S.Lvl if you have any. Also, equip the best weapons and armors you have since you will have a really tough boss to fight. Anyway, once you are ready, exit the bridge and head south, south and south again to be in an area with a Save Sphere, save then go up the ramp to meet Rin. Talk to him to buy some equipments and items and go up the elevator to the outside deck to fight with the Bevelle Guardian... !!!!! BOSS : EVRAE : BOSS !!!!! HP : 32 000 AP : 5400 Weakness : None Steal : Water Gem This is the toughest boss you have ever fought since the beginning of the game. You need to use a good strategy against this boss, since your party can be destroyed in no time. Start by using Tidus, Wakka or Auron and Rikku. Cast Slow on the boss with Tidus, then cast Haste on Rikku. Notice that only Rikku and Tidus have Trigger Commands. The command will make the ship go away from the boss, thus, you will be able to dodge most of its attacks. You can see when it will be the ship turn in the CTB Window. Anyway, make Wakka and Auron attack this boss and use some Al Bhed Potions when you need to heal. When you see the Boss inhale, it means that he will use its most powerful attack, the Poison Breath. If the ship has a turn before the boss, use that opportunity to move away and you will dodge its attack. If the ship doesn't have a turn, make your party defend and hope the damage won't be too great. Anyway, if you are poisoned, use an Al Bhed Potion to cure your party and then attack him in full force. When Evrae's HP is getting low, he will cast haste on himself. Now, unleash all you have to defeat him since he will act a lot more often than usual. =========================================== Strategy from NagisaKaworu, seifz@yahoo.com =========================================== Have the ship stay close to the boss, and have Auron and Wakka attack like crazy. Also, have Kimahri attack, and allow Tidus to cast Slow on the monster. Use Rikku if you need to Cure your characters and make sure her to steals some Water Gems. When the boss inhales, move the ship away and dodge the Poison Breath. If you can't, no big deal. Just use an Al Bhed Potion. If at any time Tidus and Rikku has a turn right before Cid's, move the Airship away from Evrae. If you keep it away until Cid's next turn, he will fire a bunch of missiles at Evrae, causing a lot of damage!!! This can be done a few times. This boss isn't too hard if you fight him this way. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! ============================================================================ BEVELLE Party : Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, Auron, Rikku Enemies : Aqua Flan, Bat Eye, Cave Iguion, Evrae Altana, Grothia, Maze Larva, Mortibody, Octopus, Phlegyas, Pterya, Sahagin, Seymour Natus, Spathi, Swamp Mafdet, Warrior Monk, YKT-63, YAT-99. Items : Mega-Potion, Elixir, HP Sphere, Black Magic Sphere, Skill Sphere, White Magic Sphere. Equipments : Knight Lance, Avenger, Rematch, Lucid Ring Key Items : Al Bhed Primer vol. XXII ============================================================================ Tidus will come to crash Seymour's party as they arrive on the roof of Bevelle Temple. I suggest you heal yourself before heading to the north, since you will not be at full HP after fighting Evrae. Once you are ready, head north into a series of fights. Here's a few tips on how to defeat the enemies there. When you fight a Warrior Monk with FlameThrowers, quickly dispose of them since they can attack your party with one attack. Also, when you fight a YKT-63, kill him first, because if he is left alone on the field, he will kill one of your characters with a single kick. Here are some strategies from D West, capital_dw@yahoo.com to win those tough fights with ease : "If the battle between the Flamethrower Monks gets really tough, all you have to do is use Rikku. On the battle before Evrae, I walked all up and down the ship with Rikku in my party. When you find the 'Bombs' ( those fire monsters ) be sure to use 'steal' on all of them, because those Bomb Cores will be important. After you've stolen about 20 or so, use them to customize your party's armor. When you use the Bomb Cores, they make your armor Fireproof, thus making it very simple when fighting those Flamethrower Monks, since they will be dealing a whopping 0 damage..." Once you went through all the fights, you will meet Seymour and Yuna at the top of the stairs. She will try to send Seymour, but your party will be captured and she will have to choose between the life of your party or send Seymour. Of course, she will choose to let you live and she will marry Seymour! Now, Seymour will tell his guards to kill you and Yuna will do a "distraction" to let you escape. You will find yourself at the top of some circular stairs, examine the panel at the top and you will soon find yourself down the stairs. Don't miss the Al Bhed Primer vol. XXII down the stairs, just before the Cloister of Trials. It will be the FIRST and LAST time you will be able to go there. BEVELLE'S CLOISTER OF TRIALS ---------------------------- Note : This will be the first and LAST TIME YOU CAN COME TO THIS CLOISTER OF TRIAL. You CANNOT go back after so I SUGGEST you do it well. Also, it's NOT important to pick ANY treasure chests for this area if you want to do the ANIMA Side Quest. This is the most difficult Cloister of Trial yet, this is why I will draw a map for this Trial. I will try to put key points, so I can explain to you what to do and where to go. S A | | | | | | | --------------|3 | | | --------------|3 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --------------|4 | | | --------------|4 | | | | | | | | |E| | | | | | | ---| |--- | ------5------- | | | | | | ------5--------- | 2 | | 1 | | | | | | | | | --- --- | | |----------------| | | | | |-------------- | | | | | | | | ------------- ----------------- | | -------------| |-------------------| | | | | | | A | | S First of all, at each intersection point, there is a glyph on the ground with arrow that points each direction that are possible to go. Press the X Button when the arrow points in the direction you want to go and you will be transported there. Now with that in mind, start at the S point. At the first intersection, head right and follow the path to the bottom. Take the Bevelle Sphere from that point and insert it in the pedestal. Push the pedestal on the path and ride the moving platform to the S Point. Continue up this time and go to point 1. Take a sphere from the pedestal and insert it in the slot there to make a new section of the Cloister appear. Push the pedestal back on the path again and ride it again. At the end of the top path, use the glyph to turn 180 degree and head down. At the middle glyph, turn right to go to point number 2. There, remove the Bevelle Sphere and put it in the pedestal, then, push the pedestal on the path and ride the platform to the north point S to start at the bottom point S. At the first glyph you see, turn right and go down to the lower area. Turn left at the first intersection you see and head to the end of the path. Ignore the first two intersections and turn right at the last glyph to go to point 3. Take one of the sphere from the pedestal and put it inside the slot there. You will open a new path with a purple glyph. Push the pedestal back on the track and ride it to point A north. You will start back at point A South. Ride the platform to point 4 and the Glyph Sphere there. Insert it in the pedestal and get back on the track. Return to point 3 and insert the Glyph Sphere to obtain the Destruction Sphere. Take it and go back on the platform and return to point A south. From there, go to point 4 and insert the Destruction Sphere in the slot from where you have previously picked the Glyph Sphere. You will open a brand new path. Ride the platform to point 3 and take the Bevelle Sphere that you have inserted there. Now, return to point A south and at the second glyph, turn right to point 5. There, push the pedestal towards the new area and hop on the platform. You will now be at the bottom of a stairway. Ascend it and pick up the HP Sphere in a chest there. The treasure chest will disappear revealing a switch on the floor. Step on it to make the pedestal appear near you. Take a Bevelle Sphere from the pedestal and insert it in the slot to open a new path on the left. Push the pedestal to the left and ride it to find a chest with a Knight Lance. Step on the platform again and go to the bridge on the right. Congratulations, you have completed the hardest Cloister of Trials in the game! You will meet Yuna in the Chamber of the Fayth and you will soon be captured and then sentenced to the Via Purifico. Your party will be separated from there, but first, you will have control of Yuna. She will be by herself all alone in a maze. First, head east then north and you will encounter Kimahri. He will join Yuna, so the fight will be a little easier from now on. Move left from where you have met Kimahri and pick up the Mega-Potion in a chest there. Next, follow the path north and you will soon meet Auron in front of a Save Sphere. From there, continue west to come across a T-Intersection. Go straight and you will reach a locked room with a few treasure chests inside. Now, return to the T-Intersection and go south, follow the path until you reach a Teleport pad on the ground. Turn right to meet Lulu at the end of the path. You can also pick up a chest with a Magic Sphere. Next, continue south from where you have met Lulu and you will reach a dead end. Pick up the Elixir there and go back until you reach an intersection. Go right and you will soon be at your starting point. Once you reach the Save Sphere, head north and head right at the intersection to pick up a Black Magic Sphere. Now, the floor glyph will be active, step on it and the teleport pad will be moved to a new location. Return to where you have met Auron and head west from that point, use the teleport pad and you will be inside the room. Pick up a Skill Sphere and a Lucid Sphere there. Now return to where you have met Auron and head north to toward the exit. You will soon be stopped by Isaaru and his Aeons. !!!!! BOSS : ISAARU'S AEONS : BOSS !!!!! HP : ? AP : 6000 Weakness : Ice Steal : Nothing This is a pretty easy fight. Isaaru will start out by summoning Grothia, a.k.a Ifrit. Use Shiva for this first fight. Since you have more speed than Ifrit, you will be able to attack him and heal yourself. Cast Blizzara on him and don't forget that you can cast Blizzara on yourself to heal you. If Ifrit got his Overdrive, just use Shiva's Shield and you will be fine. His next Aeon is Pterya a.k.a Valefor. Use the same strategy that you used to defeat Ifrit and you will be more than fine. His last Aeon is Spathi a.k.a Bahamut. Use Shiva yet again for this fight or use Ixion if you like. Bahamut will attack with a special attack and he will begin a countdown. When it reaches zero, it will use its Mega Flare, so use your Aeon's Shield Command. Use a Black Magic to heal yourself and continue attacking him and he should go down after a lot of hits. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! When you have defeated Isaaru, you will be in control of Tidus, Wakka and Rikku. You are underwater, so get prepare to fight underwater monsters. The path is linear, so continue it until you reach another Save Sphere, don't bother saving since you will fight the easiest boss in the game. !!!!! BOSS : EVRAE ALTANA : BOSS !!!!! HP : 16 384 AP : 5800 Weakness : Life Steal : Water Gem First, steal his Water Gem with Rikku, then use a Phoenix Down with either Tidus or Wakka and the boss will die :). =========================================== Strategy from NagisaKaworu, seifz@yahoo.com =========================================== Make sure Rikku steals Water Gems as much as you can (he has a lot). Then, have Wakka use a Pheonix Down and Tidus use a Pheonix Down. Or, just use a X-Potion/Elixer/Megalixer. Be sure NOT to use the Trigger Commands. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! When the battle ends, continue on the underwater path and pick up the two chests there for a Rematch located not too far from the Save Sphere and an Avenger located right after the right turn. Follow the path to the Highbridge. Your party will reunite, but Seymour crash the happiness when he transforms in Seymour Natus. Kimahri will sacrifice himself to hold Seymour, but Yuna cannot accept that and your party will be forced to come back to help Kimahri. There are two save spheres there, one at the beginning of the bridge and another one at the end. I suggest you level up a little there and also, you should get in Overdrive mode with two or three Aeons. This will make the fight a piece of cake. Once you are ready, save at the sphere located at the end of the bridge then go north to meet Seymour Natus. !!!!! BOSS : SEYMOUR NATUS : BOSS !!!!! HP : 36 000 AP : 6300 Weakness : None Steal : Tetra Elemental First use your Trigger Commands with Tidus, Yuna and Auron since it will boost your attributes. Start by using your characters Overdrive if they are available. Just don't touch Mortibody yet! After you have used all of your Overdrives, hurt Seymour until he is at 20 000 of HP. But, beware of its attacks since it can caste some multi-spells or Flare magic. Also, he can petrify one of your character. If that happens, use a Soft to cure them. When Seymour is at 20 000, use your aeons Overdrives. It should deal about 8000 HP of damage on Mortibody and Seymour. Since Mortibody will die, it will absorb 4000 HP of Seymour, so Seymour will now be at 8000 HP. He will then kill your Aeon with one blow. Now, use your next Aeon and use your Overdrive on him to finish him off. ================================================ Strategy from Raiyan Khan, cigarz@presidency.com ================================================ "This only works if you can compile all 26 Al Bhed Primers on the airship before the Evrae battle. If you have all 26 then talk to Rin and he will give you 99 Underdogs Secrets. When the battle comes around against Seymour, all you need is Rikku's Overdrive, another character Overdrive (usually Tidus), and of course either a Grand Summon or have any one of the Aeons at Overdrive. Just start off by combining two Underdogs Secrets to do Supernova, Tidus's Overdrive next, and then lastly an Aeon Overdrive. The battle took me less than 2 minutes..." ========================================= Daniel Conley, Pyromaniac4554@Hotmail.com ========================================= "This is just the way I beated him and it takes either not running from a single battle plus about an hour of training or three hours of training if you rushed to get here so if it doesn't work for some people sorry. I suggest Tidus, Yuna and Auron for this battle. First start off by hasting everyone then use Reflect on all characters, this is good because with Reflect the only move that does any damage is Shattering Claw and that only does around 3 to 5 hundred damage a hit. With Reflect on every thin is bounced back at Seymour which means you get to use spells on him and it doesn't cost any MP Plus that annoying Break spell that he uses is useless although it does hit him he is immune to it so. After Casting Reflect use your talk commands then just beat the crap out of Seymour his magic will hurt him and so will mortibodies and if you wanna go out with a bang us an aeons overdrive myself I used Bahamut. It is nice to kill Seymour and see an Aeon standing there. To anyone who finds this useful you're welcome." =========================================== Strategy from NagisaKaworu, seifz@yahoo.com =========================================== Do NOT attack Seymour! Ever! Simply attack the Mortibody until its HP is drained. Then, it will absorb Seymour's HP. Repeat until Seymour dies. If you like, use Bahamut to practically kill Seymour, and your other Aeons as well. Make sure they are all in Overdrive mode, though, since they will die after their first turn. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! After the fight, you will find yourself at Macalania Woods. Save your game and head south through the crossroads. You will meet Kimahri there. Talk to him, then go past Kimahri to meet Yuna at the pond. We will see a CG Movie showing their first kiss, really romantic... Anyway, once it's done, return to your party with Yuna and after some scenes, you will go to sleep. ============================================================================ THE CALM LANDS Party : Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, Auron, Rikku Enemies : Anacondaur, Chimera Brain, Coeurl, Dark Element, Defender, Defender X, Epaaj, Flame Flan, Ghost, Imp, Magic Urn, Malboro, Mech Hunter, Mech Scouter, Nebiros, Nidhogg, Ogre, Shred, Skoll, Thorn, Valaha, Yowie. Items : X-Potion (X2), Mega-Potion (X2), Megalixir, Farplane Winds (X60), Power Sphere (X30), Fortune Sphere, MP Sphere, Lv.2 Key Sphere, 5000 Gil, 10000 Gil. Equipments : Lucid Ring, Flexible Arm. Key Items : Al Bhed Primer vol. XXIII, XXIV, XXV, Aeon's Soul, Rusty Sword. ============================================================================ When you wake up in the morning, return to the Campsite and you will be able to pick up a Lucid Ring located at the top-right corner of the map. Next, return to the crossroads and head right until you find yourself in a HUGE area called the Calm Lands. There is a couple of Sidequests there, I will list them here and go to the Sidequests section for more information on them. --- The Monster Arena --- You can find it in the middle-east of the Calm Lands Map. This is a Crusaders ancient training area. Your job there is to capture escaped fiends. Agree to help him and he will sell you weapons with the Capture ability equipped to them. Buy the weapons to your top three fighters and customize them like you want. Now, you will need to capture nine fiends that roam in the Calm Lands area. Once you have captured those fiends, return to him and he will make a treasure chest that you won't be able to open until later in the game. Speak to him again and he will give you sixty Farplane Winds. For more information on that, look in the Sidequest section. --- Chocobo Training --- You can also train Chocobos in that area, speak to the women on the chocobo and she will let you train one. For more information, look in the Sidequest section. --- Remiem Temple --- You can reach this Temple with a chocobo, the exact location is in the Sidequest section. You can pick up an Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXIV there. Now, on with the story... From the entrance to the Calm Lands, head left until you meet Maechen. He will tell you more about the history of the Calm Lands. Once you are down the ramp, stick on the wall to the south and head right. You will find two chests at the end with 5000 Gil and 10000 Gil inside them. Next, go in the upper-left corner of the map to meet Belgemine. She will challenge you one more time. She will use Shiva, so use your Ixion or Bahamut if one of them has their Overdrives. Use Ixion's Black Magic to heal himself when it's needed and keep attacking Shiva. If you defeat her, she will reward you with thirty Power Spheres. Win or lose, she will give you the Aeon's Soul. You will now be able to upgrade your Aeon's Attributes with that Key Item. Next, continue to the northwest corner to find the Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXIII near the cliff's edge. Once you have completed all of those side areas, head to where the Save Sphere is. Enter there and you will meet Zuke. Lulu was the guardian of Father Zuke in the past. Zuke will tell your party that he has the order to kill you, but hopefully he won't and he will just go away. Once you have control of Tidus, talk to everybody, then save your game. Now, exit the trading post and run around it to find a chest with a Lv.2 Key Sphere inside. Now, exit the Calm Lands by the northeast canyon and use the Save Sphere there. As you attempt to cross the bridge, some Guado Guardians will make you fight one hell of a monster. !!!!! BOSS : DEFENDER X : BOSS !!!!! HP : 64 000 AP : 6600 Weakness : None Steal : Lunar Curtain This is a really a tough boss, start out by using Tidus, Yuna and Auron. Use Auron's Armor Break and Mental Break on the boss, then keep hitting him with physical attacks. Have Tidus cast Haste on the party and have Yuna heal and cast Protect on the party. Once Tidus has done his job, bring Lulu in the party and use spells like Wateraga if available. Keep your characters healthy and beware of it's Haymaker Attack. =========================================== Strategy from George, webmaster@ummyeah.com =========================================== Bring out Tidus or whoever you have trained PROVOKE too. Cast Provoke on the boss at the begining of the fight. He does 1/2 HP damage to that character the whole fight. Once that character gets down to 1 HP Defender X does 0 damage. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! Once this Boss dies, cross the bridge and then, head to the right side of it. There is a ramp that descends in the gorge. Head there to find the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. You can do this Sidequest right now if you want, just go in the Sidequest Section to have an explanation on how to complete it. You can also pick up the Rusty Sword there. Now, once you are done, return to the bridge and cross it to arrive at Mt. Gagazet. ============================================================================ MT. GAGAZET Party : Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, Auron, Rikku Enemies : Achelous, Ahriman, Bandersnatch, Bashura, Behemoth, Biran, Dark Flan, Grat, Grenade, Grendel, Imp, Maelspike, Mandragora, Mech Defender, Mech Leader, Mortiorchis, Nidhogg, Sanctuary Keeper, Seymour Flux, Splasher, Yenke Items : Mega-Potion (X2), Lv.1 Key Sphere, Lv.4 Key Sphere, HP Sphere, Fortune Sphere, Return Sphere, 20000 Gil. Equipments : Defending Bracer, Recovery Ring, Star Armguard. Key Items : Braska's Sphere ============================================================================ As you enter Mt. Gagazet, the Ronsos will stop you. Father Zuke was right, you really are traitors. Yuna will soon gain the permission to pass the Mt. Gagazet Mountain and you will regain control of your party. Talk to everybody first and buy a lot of Holy Waters from the Ronso that sells items. Once you are ready, head up to be stopped by Biran and Yenke. It seems that Kimahri cannot pass since he is not strong enough. You will then enter in a fight against both Ronsos. !!!!! BOSS : BIRAN & YENKE : BOSS !!!!! HP : Varies AP : 9000 Weakness : None Steal : Lv.3 Key Sphere You will be all alone with Kimahri in this fight. For the first turn, don't bother hitting them since it they will protect themselves. Once trapped in the middle of them, start by concentrating your attacks on one Ronso. Also, don't forget to use your Lancet Ability numerous times on them since they will give you a lot of abilities. Once one Ronso is down, the other one will use Berserk on himself. So attack him with all you got and heal yourself when you need it. They should be down in no time. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! As you defeat Biran and Yenke, you will have some other scenes, the Ronsos will want to honor lady Yuna by making a statue for her. They will also honor Kimahri by telling the mount how strong his Kimahri. When you regain control of your party, head north and you will see another scene with the Ronsos chanting the Hymn of the Fayth. When you start, go directly to your right and jump on the top ledge to pick up a chest with 20000 Gil inside. Now, continue up and keep your eyes open for a chest with two Mega-Potion on the left side. Now, proceed up the path and you will soon encounter a grave of a fallen summoner. Next, continue up the path until you see a narrow path leading north, go there and you will find the Braska's Sphere lying on the ground. Watch it to hear Braska's last words to Yuna. Next, continue on the path until you reach a T-Intersection, continue straight ahead on that path and you will soon encounter a chest with a Defending Bracer inside. Go back to the T-Intersection and head north. Continue on the path until you meet Wantz, O'Aka's Brother. You can buy items from him if you like. Next, descend the ramp and go south. Look there for a small area under the path and you will find two treasure chests, one with a HP Sphere and another one with a Lv.4 Key Sphere. Now, continue on the path until you reach a Save Sphere. I suggest you boost three Aeons Overdrives for the upcoming fight, since it will be a tough one. Don't forget to spend any S.Lvl that you have. Once you feel confident enough, save your game then head north. You will see a little conversation between Tidus and Rikku. As Tidus attempts to leave the area, Seymour will be right behind him and he has a little surprise for Kimahri. Also, it seems that Seymour wants to become Sin to "help" Spira. Anyway, the bottom line is you got to fight him again... !!!!! BOSS : SEYMOUR FLUX : BOSS !!!!! HP : 70000 AP : 10000 Weakness : None Steal : Elixir This is another hard boss. Seymour is always hard to defeat and this time he is a lot harder than his previous forms. I hope you have your Overdrives with your Aeons! Just at the beginning of the battle, he will use his Lance of Atrophy on one character, that will make him in the Zombie Status, then if you haven't the time to cure it, he will use Full-Life on your character, so that's one out. Cast Hastega on your party if available, then hurt him until he cast Protect on himself. Also, when Seymour cast Dispel on your party, it means that his strong attack is coming up, so defend with all your characters. Anyway, once he has the Protect Status effect, cast Dispel on him and keep using the same strategy. After a while, the camera angle will change and it's time to bring Yuna to your party. Start by using Shiva's Overdrive on him, it will do 9999 HP of damage plus 4000 since Mortibody will die with him. So that's 13000 HP down, good. Now, he will kill your summon. With Yuna, don't summon another Aeon yet. Cast Shell on the character that has the more HP in your party and witness it's attack. Everyone will dies except the one with the Shell status effect. Use a Mega Phoenix on your party and when you have control of Yuna, use your Aeons Overdrives to finish the job. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! After the boss dies, head north and you will have a couple of more scenes. Tidus will fall unconscious and he will wake up in Zanarkand ?! Head inside the door there to meet a strange little guy. Some very sad revelations will be made there and believe me you will be shocked! Once, the Fayth leaves the house, follow him outside then listen to him again and you will wake up. Once you regain control of your party, head north in the Cavern. Go north and you will come across a Save Sphere, save because there are some really tough monsters out there, like the Dark Flan. To dispose of him, simply use your Zombie Attack with Auron, then use a Phoenix Down on him. Anyway, you can't go north of the Save Sphere, because there is a hole there. So head up the path on the left until you reach a water area. Now, Tidus, Wakka and Rikku will be on their own. Continue to the end of the path and you will witness the First Trial. You will need to press the X Button and throw the ball through the little opening of the rotating shield. Once you complete the trial, a little chest with a Lv.1 Key Sphere will appear in front of you. Now, go back to the Save Sphere and you will notice that the hole has been replaced by a stairway. Ascend the stairs and continue north to reach another Underwater area. Follow the underwater path to the Second Trial, you will need to select one character to push one sphere. Use Rikku to push the Green Sphere, Tidus to push the Blue Sphere, and Wakka to push the Red Sphere. Once you have completed the Trial, pick up the chest for a Fortune Sphere. Now, return to the Save Sphere again. Head right from the Save Sphere and go to the end of the path to pick up two chests with a Return Sphere and a Recovery Ring. Next, return to the Save Sphere. Head northwest this time. You will notice that yet another passage have been created to the right. Go there and pick up the Star Armguard in a chest. Now, return to the Save Sphere and go northeast. You will notice that there is a new path on the left. Head up of it and you will see a scene between Yuna and Auron. They will talk about Yunalesca and the guardian of this Cavern. Now, near the exit, there will be a Save Point. I suggest you charge up Yuna's Overdrive since there is another Boss coming up. !!!!! BOSS : SANCTUARY KEEPER : BOSS !!!!! HP : 40000 AP : 11000 Weakness : None Steal : Turbo Ether This fight can be a real tough one if you don't know how to proceed. First, he will use his Photon Wings on your party. It can put all your characters, in confusion, curse, darkness, etc. So bring Yuna and start healing your characters. Then, cast Reflect on the Boss, because if you don't he will cast Curaga on himself. He will still cast it, but now it will be reflected towards your characters. Next, cast Hastega on your party if you have it. Attack him in full force. I don't know if Armor Break works, you should try it. When he is low on HP, use Yuna to summon an Aeon and try to finish him off with an Overdrive. Take note that only Holy Water will remove the Curse Status Effect on your characters... !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! After the fight, move north and Yuna will drop a Sphere of her own. Look inside to hear her final words to the party. Once you have viewed it, continue north into Zanarkand. ============================================================================ ZANARKAND Party : Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, Auron, Rikku Enemies : Ahriman, Bashura, Behemoth, Dark Flan, Defender Z, Fallen Monk, Grendel, Mandragora, Spectral Keeper, YAT-95, YKT-11, Yunalesca. Items : Lv.3 Key Sphere, Fortune Sphere, Friend Sphere, Luck Sphere, 10000 Gil. Equipments : Spiritual Targe Key Items : Sun Crest ============================================================================ This isn't really a hard place, since it's linear... Once you enter Zanarkand, you will see FFX opening scene, so if you haven't figured it out, it seems that all you have done was part of the past. Now, on to the present and future! Once you gain control of your characters, continue up the path and look for a chest with 10000 Gil, in a secret area to the right. Continue up the path until you see a scene with Seymour when he was a child. After the scene, head right and pick the Friend Sphere at the end of the path. Next, continue up until you reach an area full of debris and look for a ramp that goes down to pick up a Lv.3 Key Sphere. Next, continue up the path and enter the dome at the far end. On your way through, you will encounter a lot of scenes of past summoners and their guardians including Braska, Auron and Jecht. Anyway, keep your eyes open for a Luck Sphere lying on the ground located in the same area than the Save Sphere is located. Now head north into another Cloister of Trials. This Cloister of Trials is like Tetris, really :). You have blocks located on the map in front of the entrance and you need to step on the floor panels to activate the blocks. You can only activate the one on the map though, because if you activate a block that is not on the map, you will need to start again. If you want to know how the blocks are disposed on the floor, just examine the Map and you will see every blocks. Anyway, complete the first puzzle to open up a new area. Now, notice that there are six pedestals in the first room, three on the left and three on the right. You cannot push the pedestals in the middle. Now, push one pedestal and go in the new area to see another map displayed. Examine it to see how the blocks are disposed in the room. Next, complete the puzzle and return to the first room and push another pedestal. Repeat the process until there are only the middle pedestals left. Now, go back in the second room and take the Kilika Sphere from the left side of the screen and insert the Kilika Sphere inside the left pedestal. Now, return the second chamber and pick up the Besaid Sphere and insert it inside the right pedestal. The puzzle will now be completed and a Save Sphere will appear. Save your game then return to the second room, examine the platform to fight a tough boss. !!!!! BOSS : SPECTRAL KEEPER : BOSS !!!!! HP : 52000 AP : 12000 Weakness : None Steal : Turbo Ether This is a pretty easy boss, you just need to know how to defeat it. You will notice that every character has Trigger Commands in this battle. Before attacking the Boss, you should know that he will counterattack the three circles in front of him. To dodge that attack, move to the three circles behind him. Also, he will use its Berserk Tail after each turn. That will put a character in Berserk and you will lose control of that character, so that's not a good thing. You must cure that character before doing anything else. Now, cast Hastega with Tidus and quickly move behind the Boss with all your characters. You should be able to hit him a little. Cast Protect on each characters with Yuna. Now, hit him when you can and after you have done enough damage, Glyph Mines will start to appear on the field. If you stand on the Glyph Mine when it is exploding, it will instantly kill one of your character. So keep moving, hurting the boss and healing to defeat him after a while. ============================ Strategy from trunks2@rn.com ============================ "This boss is totally easy, if you have used Yuna through the whole game. Make sure that Bahamut has his Mega Flare ready to use and knows Haste. Cast Haste in the beginning and you do not have to worry about the glyph mine going off before you use Mega Flare. Then use Mega Flare and if you have used her through the entire game, you will do 55,000+ Damage to him and instantly kill him. Too Easy." ========================================== Strategy from Tim, beatingsoul@hotmail.com ========================================== "After fighting him the 20th time I started right away using Armor and Mental Break, then casting Reflect. I then summoned Bahamut and used his limit break, then dismissed (once I got a turn, geeez). I kept my party healed with Al Bhed Potions until Yuna's turn, then summoned Shiva, used her Overdrive. I got lucky with his return attack (he charged twice) then I used Heavenly strike. Every time I used it he was pushed back, and he was not able to make another move. This took me less than 5 minutes and only 4 times around the party." ============================================= Strategy from Justin Faulkner, maxx@dragg.net ============================================= "Have Auron (or whoever has high HP and physical defense) be a decoy while you put Yuna and Lulu/Tidus behind the boss with a space between them. The formation should be so that there is exactly one platform between each character, and Auron is the only one in front of it, and he is directly in it's path. It will cast Berserk on him, but have Yuna cast Protect and Regen on this decoy. While your decoy slams the hell out of the boss, he shouldn't turn around much, if at all, to face your other characters. Use Lulu to cast Flare on him if you have it -- if not just have Tidus there to cast Hastega. He will die in no time. Oh and make sure to use everyone since this boss gives up about 12,000 AP!" =========================================== Strategy from NagisaKaworu, seifz@yahoo.com =========================================== Actually, make sure that the character with the highest HP stays in front of the Boss at all times, and that the other two stay behind him. This way, he will almost never move. Have Tidus caste Hastega and make sure he casts Haste every time you bring in a new character to fight. Have Yuna cast Protect on the character that stays infront of the boss (probably Auron). Have the solo character attack the boss, and then have Yuna heal that character when needed. Also, feel free to use Overdrives and make sure you move your characters if the boss changes directions. And, never have all three characters next to each other, or they will or be hit. It helps to have all of your Aeons in Overdrive mode before this fight, because the massive damage from them will probably almost kill the boss. Note that Armor Break and Mental Break are not needed if Auron is your solo character (and he has a Piercing Weapon, of course) and Bahamut is in Overdrive mode, because his attack is not magic anyways. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! After the fight, you will go down the platform. After a scene with the priest, head north to meet Lady Yunalesca. You will then learn the truth about the Final Aeon. It seems that one of your party members must be the sacrifice to become the Final Aeon and it seems that the Final Aeon will then become Sin. So that's why Jecht is Sin. When she is done talking and you regain control of Tidus, go back to the previous room and save your game. Then follow Lady Yunalesca at the top of the stairs. After some scenes, Auron and your party will defy Yunalesca... !!!!! BOSS : YUNALESCA BOSS : !!!!! HP : AP : 14000 1st Form : 24000 2nd Form : 48000 3rd Form : 60000 Weakness : None Steal : Stamina Tablet This boss has three forms, but don't worry, only the last form his hard. First, start out by using Tidus, Yuna and your most powerful physical hitter. Cast Haste and Reflect on him and make him attack Yunalesca. She doesn't have many HP on her first form so you should be fine. Also, she has two attacks, one turn she will attack you with her hands dealing a small amount of damage thus removing any good status effect on a character and then she will absorb one of your characters HP. If she happens to remove your big hitter good status, recast Reflect and Haste on him. Keep hitting her until her first form is dead. Now, she will reveal her second form. It is pretty easy to kill yet again, but there is one little problem. She will use HellBitter and your characters will find themselves in the Zombie Status. Don't cure this status unless you really need it, you will see why later. Now, keep hitting her with all of your most powerful attacks and spells until she goes down and reveals her true form. This is the hardest form and it has a lot of HP too. At her first turn, she will cast Mega Death and if any of your characters aren't in the Zombie Status, they will die. So that's why I told you to stay in that status. Next, attack her in full force and use your Aeons if you feel that you need them. She will also use a Mind Break on your character and your party will be confused. Anyway, cast Protect and Haste on all your party and hit her with all you got. She should go down after a while. ============================== Strategy from Raynier Martinez ============================== "Yunalesca is VERY VERY easy to defeat. Just make sure Yuna has learned HOLY and have a few ETHERS or TURBO-ETHERS available. Each casting of HOLY deals 9999 damage to each of the 3 forms Yunalesca takes on. The other two party members can just remove status ailments and attack as needed. Equip Yuna with a Deathproof and Zombie Proof ring and this fight takes less than 10 minutes. If Yuna hasn't learned Holy, use a Teleport Sphere to get her within 2 or 3 nodes from it (from Rikku's path, I believe). You will need a Lv. 3 Key Sphere to get to it this way, but this makes the fight with Yunalesca extremely easy." ==================================================== Strategy from John McPherson, syranthrax@hotmail.com ==================================================== By the time you reach Lady Yunalesca, Tidus should have his Hastega or be relatively close, if not make sure while accomplishing this strategy you work towards it ( it's on the left hand side of the sphere grid, the second large circle from the top left.) Yuna should also be heading towards her holy, these are the only two abilities required for to make this strategy work. Basically make sure Lulu and Yuna both have Holy and Tidus has his Hastega. This can be quickly accomplished with a Friend Sphere, on Lulu once Yuna is at Holy. As for the Equipment needed you need each of them to have a weapon with a free customization slot, Tidus and Yuna need a piece of armor with a free slot, and Lulu needs a piece of armor with two free slots. Now for the items : Farplane wind X60 (the arena trainer gives you 60 of these for catching one of every creature in the calm lands) Candle of Life X30 (I found the easiest way to get these is to steal them from the fallen monks in the Zanrakand ruins) Three Stars X60 (The arena trainer gives you 60 of these for catching one of every creatures in any two areas, and the Calm Lands counts as one so you only need to catch one other area for this) Now customize Tidus, Yuna, and Lulu's weapon with the ability One MP. Next customize Tidus, and Yuna's armor with the ability Zombieproof and last but most important Equip Lulu's armor with Zombieproof AND Deathproof. Holy is the only spell Lady Yunalesca is vulnerable to, but it costs 85mp to cast, but with One MP you can use it throughout the entire battle. Her two biggest pains are when she zombies the entire party and her third form kills the entire party. With everyone having Zombieproof, you can breeze through the first two forms with little effort. Just Hastega the party and let Lulu and Yuna, Holy the hell out of her. The third form is the tricky one, she'll use Mega death which would normally kill everyone, but Lulu will live thanks to the Deathproof you put on her armor. Now she can use a Mega Phoenix and bring everyone back, now you should be able to finish her off before she can pull her Megadeath attack again. If you want to guarantee success, have Yuna cycle through her Aeons before using the Holy method on her third form. The Majority of this strategy was designed for beating Lady Yunalesca, but I learned later on, the Hastega and Holy, with one MP equiped, let me breeze through the remainder of the bosses without breaking a sweat. In all actually, my Aeons saw very little action after that. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! Once Lady Yunalesca is defeated, look to the left of the stairs at the top of the screen for the Sun Crest, then exit the room. Auron will talk to you, he will explain you who he is and why he is protecting Tidus. After the scene, head outside and the Airship will come to pick you up. ============================================================================ AIRSHIP & THE HIGHBRIDGE Party : Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, Auron, Rikku Enemies : Left Fin, Right Fin, Sinspawn Genais, Sin, Sin (Overdrive) Items : None Equipments : None Key Items : None ============================================================================ Here, witness the events with your party. Talk to everybody, including Cid, then save your game. A new option will be available when you save. Now, you will be able to board your ship from a Save Sphere. Now, leave the bridge and head to the outside deck to meet Kimahri and Yuna. Kimahri will tell Tidus to head to the Highbridge in Bevelle, so return to Cid. Wakka and Rikku will find an idea too and it's to play the Hymn of the Fayth to calm Sin. Next, talk to Cid and you will be able to travel on the World Map. Select List for now and head to the Highbridge in Bevelle! The guards there will soon stop you, but Shelinda, the new captain of the guards will come to rescue you. Maester Mika will then receive you and after a long talk about Yunalesca and the future of Spira, Mika will disappear. You will then be in the Chamber of the Fayth. He will tell Yuna and Tidus about Yu Yevon and he will ask you if you have a plan. Choose the first option to tell him you will use the Hymn as a plan. After that, he will remind you that the Fayths will stop dreaming. As you leave Bevelle, you will talk to Shelinda about the Hymn, she will have everybody in Spira to sing the Hymn when your airship will play it. Next, you will be able to fight Sin. This is the BEST time to do the Sidequest since it will level up your characters. Go to the Sidequest section for more details. Once you are ready, talk to Cid and head to Sin... Head to the outside deck and after Tidus throws Yuna's Sphere away, Sin will attack and you will fight him. !!!!! BOSS : LEFT FIN , RIGHT FIN : BOSS !!!!! HP : 65000 AP : 17000 each Weakness : None Steal : Mega-Potion/Shining Gem You will have to kill two similar bosses in two separate fights. I will only do this strategy once, since it's the same fight the two times through. First, you are on your Airship, so you have the same Trigger Commands as in Evrae fight. Use Tidus to bring the airship near Sin on your first turn, then cast Hastega on your party. Use Auron to deal damage on him and bring Rikku in to heal the party. Once Tidus as done his Hastega job, just make him use its Quick Hit ability on the Boss. When you get a message telling you that the Core is gathering energy, quickly Pull back the ship, since its attack will drop your HP to the 1/4. Once he has done its attack, get closer to Sin and keep hurting him with physical attacks. Repeat the process until he dies. After a scene, you will have to fight the Right Fin, so repeat the same strategy on this boss. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! After both fights, you will need to fight Sin's weak point : !!!!! BOSS : SIN, SINSPAWN GENAIS : BOSS !!!!! HP : 36000, 20000 AP : 20500 Weakness : Fire (Genais) Steal : Stamina Spring, Star Curtain This can be a hard fight if you don't know how to proceed. First, take care of Sinspawn Genais, since he will absorb any magic casted to Sin. His attacks are pretty simple, so you shouldn't have any problem taking care of him. Once he is out, you'll face Sin. Use Auron's Armor Break on him and use Lulu DoubleCast to use your strongest Magic. Cast Holy if possible and use Rikku's Al Bhed Potion if needed. Use your Aeons if it's really needed, but I don't think you are going to need them. Keep attacking him until he is out. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! After those fights, Sin will go down and he will crash near Bevelle. Take that opportunity to save your game and spend your S.Lvl. Next, head to the outside deck and talk to Yuna, return inside the ship and speak to everybody. Just be sure to talk to Rikku lastly. When you talk to Rikku, you will notice that Sin is awaiting for Tidus. Save your game and head to the Outside deck. !!!!! BOSS : SIN : BOSS !!!!! HP : 140000 AP : 20000 Weakness : None Steal : Supreme Gem This Boss can be really hard if your characters are not too strong. First use Lulu, Tidus and Auron. Use Tidus on his first turn to cast Hastega on your party. Then, your airship will be drawn at Sin. Use Lulu's Magic Spells on the Boss and then, once you are able to hit him with physical attacks, switch Lulu to Wakka. Use Auron's Armor Break and keep hurting him with all you got. Just pray Lady Luck that his Counter Attack doesn't Petrify or Confuse any of your characters and if you are lucky, he will be down on your first time through. If Sin has its Overdrive, it's Game Over for you. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! ============================================================================ INSIDE SIN Party : Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, Auron, Rikku Enemies : Adamantoise, Ahriman, Barbatos, Behemoth King, Demonolith, Exoray, Gemini, Great Malboro, Land Worm, Seymour Omnis, Wraith. Items : Elixir, Lv.3 Key Sphere, 20 000 Gil, HP Sphere, Defense Sphere, Lv.4 Key Sphere, Attribute Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere, Special Sphere. Equipments : Wizard Lance, Four-on-One, Laevatein, Prism Ball, Knight Lance, Stillblade, Mage's Staff, Infinity, Wicked Cait Sith, Hrunting, Defending Bracer, Phantom Ring. Key Items : None ============================================================================ Once you have destroyed Sin, your ship will head inside Sin. You will disembark your ship and find yourself inside a mist area. You can still board your airship, so don't worry about that! Now, head north and follow the path until you reach an intersection. Note that the map draws as you walk, so you don't actually see it. From the intersection, head left until you reach a T-Intersection. Continue left to find a chest with a Special Sphere inside. Continue left again until you reach a small alcove on the left side of the screen and you can pick up a Phantom Ring there. Now, continue north past the first intersection and after a while you should see another one. Head to the northwest to find a chest with an Elixir inside. Now, return to the intersection and go up the other path until you reach yet again another intersection. Head south first to the end of the path and you will find a chest with a Wizard Lance. Return to the intersection and head right, follow the path until you reach a chest with a Lv.3 Key Sphere inside. Next, follow the path to the north and you should reach a Save Sphere. Save your game because there is a tough boss coming up! !!!!! BOSS : SEYMOUR OMNIS : BOSS !!!!! HP : 80000 AP : 24000 Weakness : Varies Steal : Shining Gem First, start this battle with Auron, Yuna and Tidus. Have Tidus cast Hastega as usually. Also, have Auron use its Armor Break and Mental Break on Seymour. Have Yuna heal and use Nul Spells on your party. Now, notice the wheels behind Seymour. They determine its elemental property. Now, attack him with the opposite element. Keep using physical and magic attacks on him and after a while, he will attack the Mortiphams behind him, thus shifting its elemental property. When that occurs, use Wakka to strike the highest Mortiphasm and use Auron / Tidus to hit the Mortiphasms on the ground. When the four orbs of the same color are lined again, use Lulu's DoubleCasting and use an Aeon if you like. Beware that when Seymour cast Dispel, he will use a powerful Ultima on your party. Keep using that strategy and he will be out in no time... ============================ Strategy from Jjukil@aol.com ============================ Since Seymour only uses one element at a time if you leave the wheels alone, you can absorb most of his attacks very easily with an Aeon. They can't use their Overdrives, but their physical attacks do decent damage if you Break Omnis's Armor. When he uses Ultima, you can just Shield it, then dismiss the Aeon and put in the next one. (If you don't mind killing your Aeons, you can use the first one's Overdrive after Omnis changes elements to add an extra punch instead.) The order he uses elements in is Fire--Ice--Water--Lightning so you'll want to send out Ifrit and Shiva first and Ixion last, then repeat the process (if you need to). You'll have to deal with Water without any Aeons, unfortunately, since Squaresoft didn't see fit to give you Leviathan in this one. One easy way to do this is using Mighty Guard, then putting Reflect on all of your party members while Omnis takes all the Nuls away. His bounced spells will heal him a little, but you should be able to do enough damage to cancel that out. When he uses Dispel, send out Ixion to Shield the following Ultima and you're set. This makes for a very long battle, but a very easy one. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! After the fight, Yuna will send Seymour and you will defeat him for good. Continue up to the next area. Now, head right at the intersection to find a glyph on the wall. Examine it and you will see a message telling you to kill ten fiends to open the door. After killing the number of required fiends, return to the glyph and pick up the Lv.4 Key Sphere. Now, continue up the path until you reach a platform with a Yevon symbol on it. Step on it and you will be transported to an area where you can pick a chest with a Four-On-One inside. Across the chest is a bridge that looks like a wall. Push it and cross it to find a chest with a Defending Bracer. Now, head up the path and look for a ramp that goes down. In that area, you can pick a chest with 20 000 Gil. Next, step on the platform near the chest and you will access yet another secret area with a HP Sphere and a Defense Sphere. Next, return to the main path and head left and you should find a chest with a Megalixir. Head northeast from the main path and look for an alcove near the south wall for another ramp that goes down. There, you can find a chest with a Laevatein inside. Now, head back up from the north wall, just press the X Button when it appears to go up. Head left from the top to find a Save Sphere. It will be the last Save Point in the game, so I suggest you to save. Continue north and a large tower will crash on the ground. Head north and examine it to find yourself in a circular area. You need to pick up ten chests there. Beware, the chests aren't on the screen too long. Also, if you hit the crystals coming up from the ground, you will be in a fight. Now, once you have all ten treasure chests, you will be transported right in front of Jecht. Spend your S.Lvl and equip your best equipments. Go north to meet Jecht and a long talk between him and his son will happen. After a while the final fight will begin... !!!!! BOSS : BRASKA'S FINAL AEON : BOSS !!!!! The final boss and not the hardest one, believe me. If you took the time to level up a little, you shouldn't have a lot of trouble beating him. First, cast Hastega on your party, then with Auron, use Zombie Attack on Braska. If it works, the Padoga won't heal him for one turn. If you have your Legendary Weapons with all your characters and have leveled up a little in the Omega Ruins, you should deal more than 9999 HP of damage, so only four or five turns should be more than enough to kill it's first form. Now, he will transform in it's second form. He now has a huge sword in it's possession. He can attack all your characters at the same time with it, dealing 3000 HP of damage on each. Use some Mega-Potions after that attack and keep hurting him. Once is Overdrive gauge is almost full, use Tidus's Trigger Command to Talk and his Overdrive gauge will go down. Once he is low on HP, about 30000 HP, use Yuna Overdrive and summon Bahamut, Anima or The Magus Sisters to finish him off. ========================================= Strategy from Bobbi, Bobbi@loonygames.com ========================================= "Party of Yuna, Tidus and Auron, all fairly leveled up, HP over 6,000 on each, but nothing too outrageous. First off, Tidus cast Hastega on all. Auron's turn, Armor Break, and his sword has Zombie Strike. Yuna's turn, Doublecast Ultima. That stopped the Pagoda's. Tidus' next turn, Quick Hit. Auron, same. Yuna summons Bahamut in Overdrive. That killed the first form of Jecht, and sent him into Overdrive. He ran through overdrive twice on Bahamut (Bahamut got one turn in between, I think I just used Impulse), at which point Jecht killed him. Next, Auron's Overdrive...I didn't have his final Overdrive, so this was Banishing Blade. Tidus, same deal, Overdrive, but not his final one. Yuna Doublecast Ultima. Auron Quick Hit, Tidus Quick Hit, then Yuna summoned the Magus Sisters in Overdrive. That did it, Jecht was dead with an Overkill bonus." !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! After the fight, some events will happen and you will fight Yu Yevon. This is an event battle, so you cannot lose. First, you will have to summon all of your Aeons and kill them one by one. Then Yu Yevon will show it's true form. He has 99,999 HP, but don't worry you can't lose since all of your characters have the Infinite Auto-Life status equipped. Just use Zombie Attack on him and he will cure himself with Curaga. Once he is out, witness the beautiful ending of the game! ========================== V. Side Quests / Secrets ========================== It's a good thing to start the Sidequests once you have defeated Overdrive Sin. You can choose what you want to do, but I suggest you start out by fighting for the Aeon Yojimbo, so here it goes ! ============================================================================ AEON : YOJIMBO Party : Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, Auron, Rikku Enemies : Dark Element, Epaaj, Ghost, Imp, Nidhogg, Thorn, Tonberry, Valaha, Yojimbo, Yowie Items : Megalixir, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Fortune Sphere, Mega-Potion (X2), MP Sphere, X-Potion (X2), Flexible Arm, Strength Sphere Equipments : None Key Items : Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXV ============================================================================ To get to Yojimbo, go to the Calm Lands and head up where you have fought Defender X. There descend in the gorge just before Mt. Gagazet. You will be in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. Now make your way up and turn right when you can, follow the path and you will see that you can turn right into a small alley, go there and pick the chest at the end for a Megalixir. Continue your way up until you see an intersection, go right first and pick the chest at the end for a Lv. 2 Key Sphere, now follow the path up and you will see an intersection. Go up first and pick the rare Fortune Sphere in a chest there. Now go back to the intersection and go left this time. Continue on that way to find another intersection. Go left and pick up the Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXV. Continue on the path after that to meet a Save Point and Save your game, because there is a tough boss coming up ! Continue on your way up to find the first summoner that Lulu guarded. The summoner is dead of course and you will need to fight her Yojimbo ! !!!!! BOSS : YOJIMBO : BOSS !!!!! HP : 33,000 AP : 0 Weakness : None Steal : Nothing This is a pretty easy fight, use the fact that this boss has a very low magic defense. So bring Lulu in the fight to cast your most powerful spells. Use Auron to deal physical attack on him and Yuna to heal your party. This is a pretty easy fight and it's possible to beat him before he get his Overdrive ! !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! Once you have defeated it, continue up to find a teleport pad on the ground. Before going up, head right and left for hidden areas with three chests. You can pick up a Flexible Arm in the left room and a MP Sphere plus two X-Potions in the right room. Once you are ready, continue your way up and I hope you have a lot of money. You will meet Yojimbo and he will ask you money for his services. First, select the option "To defeat the most powerful enemies" so he will ask you a lower amount of Gil. Now, you can hire Yojimbo. In my case, he asked me 300,000 Gil. Ask him 150,001 Gil, so he will lower his price by 40 000 Gil, you can take that offer if you want or try to bid a lower price. If at any point of the bid you offer him triple of the price he ask, he will give you two Teleport Spheres and he will join your party. Once you have Yojimbo in your team, return to the place where you hired him and you can pick up a Strenght Sphere! Great Job, you have completed the first Sidequest ! ============================================================================ AEON : ANIMA Party : Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, Auron, Rikku Enemies : Geosgaeno Items : Mega Phoenix (X4), Megalixir Equipments : Magical Rod Key Items : None ============================================================================ First of all, if you have missed any Destruction Sphere/chests, you can return to previous temples after you have talked to Maester Mika at Bevelle. To go there, talk to Cid in your airship after you went to Zanarkand and after you have defeated Yunalesca. You will be in your Airship, find Yuna and talk to her, then return to Cid and talk to him, you will have a new area on your World Map called the Highbridge. Go there and you will have the scene with Mika. He will die after sending himself to the Farplane. He think that Spira doesn't have any hope left for them since Yunalesca died. Anyway, after the scene, you will be in the Chamber of the Fayth where you will meet a Fayth, how ironic :). He will tell you more about Yu Yevon and why Sin always come back. Once that scene is over, you will be able to return to previous temples and don't bother going to Bevelle Temple since there is no way back. Don't worry about the chest though, because you already have it. You must use it to exit the Cloister of Trials so it will automatically be included in the quest. Once you have used every Destruction Spheres and picked up every chests in previous temples, go talk to Cid in the Airship and head to Baaj Temple. You will be in the area you were at the beginning of the game. Go north there and dive in the water. Swim toward the entrance of the temple and a familiar boss will attack you... !!!!! BOSS : GEOSGAENO : BOSS !!!!! HP : 32 767 AP : 4200 Weakness : All Elements Steal : Water Gem This is a pretty easy boss, just beware of its Stone Punch and KO Punch since it can petrify or kill your character with one single blow. You have no choice but to use Rikku, Wakka and Tidus for this fight. Since he can petrify all your characters and knock them out for the fight, you should equip armors with Stone Ward or Stoneproof. Unleash all of your attacks as fast as you can to put this boss in the books. !!!!! END OF BOSS !!!!! Once he is defeated, enter the temple by the entrance to the north. Head up into the Chamber of the Fayth. Look on the floor to find a Megalixir and four Mega-Potion, then you will see three statues on the left wall and three others statues on the right wall. Now examine each of the statues, since you have used the Destruction Spheres in previous temples, five statues will activate. Now, return to Zanarkand Temple to find the last Destruction Sphere. In the area with the floor puzzle, you will need to do a new puzzle. In that puzzle, you need to activate every white blocks, there are three in the first room and four in the second room. You will now open a secret panel with a Destruction Sphere in it. Take it and return to the monitor in the last chamber. Insert the Destruction Sphere in one of the two slots there and the screen will blow up revealing a chest with a Magical Rod. Once you have done that, return to Baaj Temple. Now, the six statues will be activated and you will be able to go in the Chamber of the Fayth. In the Chamber of the Fayth you will learn that the Fayth is Seymour's mother. She will explain you how Seymour's became such an evil being. After the scene, you will acquire the almighty Anima. ============================================================================ AEON : THE MAGUS SISTERS Party : Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, Auron, Rikku Enemies : Anima, Bahamut, Ifrit, Ixion, Magus Sisters, Valefor, Yojimbo Items : X-Potion (X30), Chocobo Feather (X10), Mega-Potion (X60), Shadow Gem (X8), Shining Gem (X40). Equipments : None Key Items : Blossom Crown, Flower Scepter, Aeon's Soul ============================================================================ First of all, you need every Aeons in the game including Anima and Yojimbo. Once you have that, you are ready to go on with the Sidequest. First, head to Mt. Gagazet and capture every fiends there, there is a total of eleven fiends, look in the Monster Arena Section for a list of the fiends you can capture. Next, return to the Monster Arena owner in Calm Lands and he will reward you with the Blossom Crown. Then, go to Remiem Temple in Calm Lands and fight Belgemine. Since you probably have defeated her Valefor already, defeat her Ifrit for now. Here's the list of the prizes you win by defeating her. -------------------------------------------- | Aeon Defeated | Prize | -------------------------------------------- | Valefor | Aeon's Soul | | | Power Sphere (x30) | | Ifrit | X-Potion (X30) | | Ixion | Chocobo Feather (X10) | | Shiva | Mega-Potion (X60) | | Bahamut | Flower Scepter | | Yojimbo | Shadow Gem (X8) | | Anima | Stamina Spring (X60) | | Magus Sisters | Shining Gem (X40) | | | Moon Sigil | -------------------------------------------- Once you have defeated her Bahamut, you will have the Flower Scepter. Use both items on the north door and acquire the Magus Sisters. Now, return to speak to Belgemine and fight her own Magus Sisters to complete this Sidequest. After you have defeated her, you will get the Moon Sigil and you will also learn that Belgemine is an unsent. You can send her if you want, then this Sidequest is in the books! ============================================================================ THE AIRSHIP PASSWORDS Party : Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, Auron, Rikku Enemies : None Items : None Equipments : Ascalon, Dragoon Lance, Sonar, Phantom Bangle, Godhand, Murasame, Victorious Key Items : None ============================================================================ If you have your Airship, you can find many passwords and secret area with the input and search commands. By talking to Cid, you will be able to bring up the World Map Menu and thus, be able to look for new areas. Here's what you can find with the search option : SEARCH OPTION : ------------- Input those coordinates to find secret areas ! -------------------------------------------- | Location | X | Y | -------------------------------------------- | Baaj Temple | 12 | 58 | | Sanubia Sands | 13 | 43 | | Besaid Falls | 30 | 74 | | Mi'ihen Ruins | 34 | 56 | | Battle Site | 40 | 58 | | Omega Ruins | 70 | 35 | -------------------------------------------- Baaj Temple is used to acquire the Aeon Anima, which is pretty powerful. Go to the Sanubia Sands to acquire the Ascalon. Next, go to the Besaid Falls to earn the Dragoon Lance. Once you have picked up the chest there, head to Mi'Hihen Ruins to get the Sonar for Rikku. Head to the Battle Site to acquire Lulu's Phantom Bangle which absorbs three elements attacks. Finally, head to the Omega Ruins if you want to fight the Omega & Ultima Weapons. INPUT MENU : ---------- Here are the locations of each Passwords you can enter in the Input Menu of your Airship. To make that option appear, talk to Cid and at the World Map Menu, select Input and type the following passwords : -------------------------------------------- | Password | Location | ---------------------------------------------- | GODHAND | Mushroom Rock | | MURASAME | Besaid Ruins 2 | | VICTORIOUS | Besaid Ruins 1 | -------------------------------------------- VICTORIOUS ---------- Here is where to find the Password VICTORIOUS, thanks to Voxi. "For the second decipher first you go to Besaid and find the sign there, and it says "Bikanel and Kilika combine as one". Go to Bikanel Island and the sign there says "hasodi ITROS". Then you go to Kilika Woods and the sign there says "tepswrs VCOIU". Put them together... hasodi ITROS tepswrs VCOIU Read it in a zig zag fashion and it says the password is VICTORIOUS." GODHAND ------- Here is where to find the Password GODHAND, thanks to Thomas Harris-Warick, Tony and scnguyen2@juno.com. Go in the Calm Lands (north side) by the whole in the earth and the lady next to it. If you press X on the big pointy rock, you should see this : "Right sixteen and right four", next go to the giant thorn: "with the vale at your back, go forty-nine, then seven to the right in the truest line" Follow it to the northern edge of the area and you will find the password 'GODHAND'. MURASAME -------- Here is where to find the Password MURASAME, thanks to Jeff Lee, jk.l@hongkong.com "The hints (blue tablet) is in one of the pillar in the flooded ruin in Baaj Temple (The place where Tidus was firstly dropped in Spira by Sin) It mentions, in Al Bhed, about a place with bolts lighten the black night, with Macalania the forth pillar you sight, look not to the left but on the right. The place is surely the Thunder Plains... The forth pillar is the one in North part with the Save Sphere. The password is written in the left side of the pillar, when you are looking to the right." Go to the Mushroom Rock to find Rikku's Legendary Weapon, the Godhand. Note that you will need the Celestial Mirror to open the chest. Go to Besaid Ruins 2 to pick up a chest with Rikku's Victorious Armor that nullifies three type of elemental attacks. Finally, go to Besaid Ruins 1 if you want to pick up a weapon for Auron that got the One MP Cost Ability. ============================================================================ THE CLOUDY MIRROR Party : Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, Auron, Rikku Enemies : None Items : None Equipments : None Key Items : Cloudy Mirror, Celestial Mirror ============================================================================ You will need a Chocobo in the Calm Lands to do this Sidequest. Once you have it, head to the beginning of the Calm Lands and you'll need to go to the bottom right corner of the map to find a Chocobo Feather on the ground. Press the X Button in front of it to be transported in a secret area, press Circle to get down of your Chocobo and head up to find a secret temple. You will be in Remiem Temple, go examine the sphere to the left of the Temple to learn more about the races in Remiem Temple, then go to the right of the Temple and examine the chocobo to race on a track under the temple. Win the race to win the Cloudy Mirror. You will then have a message telling you to activate it. Head to Macalania Woods, South. Find the little boy and his mother near a save point there. Save your game if you want and pick the Jecht Sphere near the little boy if you want. Now, from the save point, go right and don't turn left on the next screen, continue up and on the next screen, go up. Speak to the man there and tell him his wife/boy are waiting for him. Return to the first Save Sphere and talk to the mother and father of the little boy TWO TIMES EACH. If you don't speak to them two times, a woman will be blocking the path. Next, go up at the intersection, near the Save Sphere. Continue up until you meet a boy standing in front of a large crystal. Speak to the boy and use your Cloudy Mirror in front of the crystal. You will obtain the Celestial Mirror, the key to obtain all of your Legendary Weapons. ============================================================================ THE REMIEM TEMPLE Party : Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, Auron, Rikku Enemies : None Items : Potion, Elixir, Megalixir, Wings to Discovery (x30), Three Stars (x60). Equipments : None Key Items : None ============================================================================ Once you have acquired the Cloudy Mirror, you can try to complete this very hard Sidequest. You need to race against another Chocobo there, each time you pick up chests in the race, you win a prize. There are five chests to pick up and here's what you can get from those chests. -------------------------------------- |# of chests| Items | -------------------------------------- | 0 | Potion | | 1 | Elixir | | 2 | Megalixir | | 3 | Wings to Discovery (x30) | | 4 | Pendulum (x30) | | 5 | Three Stars (x60) | -------------------------------------- Please note that you only have to touch the chests in the race, you won't actually get the items as you open the chests. You will only get the prize by the end of the race. Also remember to use the D-Pad and not the Analog Stick for the race. That's about it, good luck! ============================================================================ LEGENDARY WEAPONS Party : Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, Auron, Rikku Enemies : None Items : None Equipments : Caladbolg, Nirvana, Masamune, World Champion, Spirit Lance Onion Knight, Godhand Key Items : Sun Crest, Sun Sigil, Moon Crest, Moon Sigil, Jupiter Crest, Jupiter Sigil, Saturn Crest, Saturn Sigil, Venus Crest, Venus Sigil, Mercury Crest, Mercury Sigil, Mars Crest, Mars Sigil ============================================================================ Once you have acquired the Celestial Mirror, you can fight for the Legendary Weapons. This is a hard task and you will need all your skills to win every of them. Take note that each weapons comes with the no AP ability. That means that you cannot equip any abilities on them. To remove that, you will need to find two items for each characters. Those items can be a real pain in the head to get, but some of them are pretty easy to get. First, let's start with Tidus's Legendary Weapon. TIDUS LEGENDARY WEAPON : CALADBOLG ---------------------------------- First, to acquire that weapon, you must head to the Calm Lands. Once you are there, find the Lady Chocobo and she will challenge you to do some tests. Complete them and you will need to race her. Beat her in that race and head to the northwest section of the Calm Lands to find a ramp that goes down. Notice that the guard that was standing there isn't there anymore. Examine the Glyph on the wall and unleash the power of your Celestial Mirror to acquire the Caladbolg. Now you will need to get his special items. One of them is pretty easy to get and the other one is very HARD to get. Anyway, let's start with the easiest one. SUN CREST : --------- The Sun Crest is founded in the Zanarkand Ruins where you fought Yunalesca. It's located in a chest at the upper part of the ruins, just next to the stairs. Once you have it, it's time to find the hard one. SUN SIGIL : --------- To get the second item, you need to face the Chocobo Trainer in the Calm Lands and score a time of 0:0.0, which is very hard to get. If you need help, you can check some strategies in the section talking about the Chocobos. Once you have those two items, return where you obtained the Celestial Mirror and complete Tidus's ritual two times to obtain the maximum power of your Legendary Weapon. WAKKA LEGENDARY WEAPON : WORLD CHAMPION --------------------------------------- Return to the Café in Luca. Speak to the bartender and show her the Celestial Mirror. She will give you the World Champion ! Note that if she doesn't give it to you, it's because you have not played Blitzball enough. Now, it's time to pick up Wakka's Items ! JUPITER CREST : ------------- The Jupiter Crest is not really hard to win, just head in the Auroch's Locker Room and check in every locker. You should find it in no time. JUPITER SIGIL : ------------- The Jupiter Sigil is offered as a prize in blitzball League, but the only thing is that you need to have all of his previous Overdrives. That means, you need to have the Attack Reels, Status Reels and Aurochs Reels Overdrives. Once you have both of his items, head where you completed the ritual for Tidus to obtain his Legendary Weapon at full power. YUNA LEGENDARY WEAPON : NIRVANA ------------------------------- To win Yuna's Ultimate Weapon, you need to capture every fiend in the Calm Lands Area. There is a total of nine that roams around there. Here's the list of all of them : Skoll, Flame Flan, Nebrios, Shred, Anacondour, Ogre, Chimera Brain, Malboro and Coeurl. Once you got all of them, return to the Monster Arena and speak to the owner, he will make a treasure chest containing the Nirvana. Now, it's time to pick up her items ! MOON CREST : ---------- You can find the first item at Besaid Temple on the beach, I told you in the Walkthrough how to get that item, so if you followed it, you should already have it. MOON SIGIL : ---------- To win the Moon Sigil, you must defeat all of Belgimine's Aeon at the Remiem Temple, once you have done that, she will give you the Moon Sigil used to remove the no AP ability. Now that you have all of her items, head to Macalania Woods where you got the Celestial Mirror and use it to activate her final Weapon. AURON LEGENDARY WEAPON : THE MASAMUNE ------------------------------------- Auron's Legendary Weapon is kind of complicated to get. First, I hope you have the Rusty Sword. This is a Key Item, so check in your inventory if you have it. If you don't return to the Calm Lands, where you defeated Defender X. Now, move to the right of the bridge and go down the ramp. You can acquire the Rusty Sword there. Once you have it, return to the Mushroom Rock Road and try to find a statue of Lord Mi'ihen. Examine it and you will get a message telling you if you want to insert the Rusty Sword. Select yes, and you will find a glyph. Examine it to acquire the Masamune. Now it's time to find his items. MARS CREST : ---------- The Mars Crest is on Mi'ihen Road, just look in the Walkthrough to see where to get it. MARS SIGIL : ---------- This one will take you a little more time. First of all, you need to unlock a combination of ten monsters at the Monster Arena. That means you must have a total of ten monsters in the Area Creations and Species Creations. Use the Monster Arena Guide in this FAQ to learn more about how unlocking those monsters. Now that you have all of his items, head to Macalania Woods where you got the Celestial Mirror and use it to activate his final Weapon. LULU LEGENDARY WEAPON : ONION KNIGHT ------------------------------------ This one is pretty easy to get, first, go to Baaj Temple, it's a secret area. Then, go north and go underwater. Continue north and you will fight Geosgaeno again. Look in the Baaj Temple section to find how to defeat it. Anyway, once you have beaten it, search underwater and south of the circular area to find a treasure chest with the Onion Knight inside. Now it's time to get her two items ! VENUS CREST : ----------- This one is pretty easy to get. With your airship, return to Guadosalam, now you need to go to the Farplane. Once you are there, you can pick up a chest for the Key Item. VENUS SIGIL : ----------- This one is hard AND frustrating :). Remember the Thunder Plains where you needed to press the X Button to dodge the lightning ? Good, return there and this time, you need to dodge the lightning 200 times WITHOUT being hit. It's pretty tough. The bad thing about that is that you cannot save, so if you're at 150 and you want to save, you can't! Anyway, once you have done it, you'll need to return to Rin's Travel Agency and open the chest there for the last Item. If you want some strategies, feel free to check the Thunder Plains section in this Sidequest FAQ. Now that you have all of her items, head to Macalania Woods where you got the Celestial Mirror and use it to activate her final Weapon. KIMAHRI LEGENDARY WEAPON : SPIRIT LANCE --------------------------------------- Okay, this one is pretty easy to get, first, head to the Thunder Plains, then you will need to activate three glowing Qactuar stones that are there. To activate the stones, simply press the Square button in front of it and you will see the spirit of the Qactuar released. Now, once you have activated three stones, go to Thunder Plains South (just check the location in your menu), and follow the Qactuar ghost into a lightning tower on your right. You will reveal a chest containing Kimahri's Legendary Weapon. Now it's time to get the two items ! SATURN CREST : ------------ Remember when you fought Seymour on Mt.Gagazet ? Just go north from where you have fought him to see some columns, check between the columns on the left side and you will find a chest with the Saturn Crest. SATURN SIGIL : ------------ You will need to do the butterfly mini-game at Macalania Woods to get the Saturn Sigil. Just look in the Butterfly Section below. Anyway, you will need to capture every blue butterflies there. Please take note that you cannot touch any red ones. Once you have completed the mini-game, open the treasure chest for the Saturn Sigil. Now that you have all of his items, head to Macalania Woods where you got the Celestial Mirror and use it to activate his final Weapon. RIKKU LEGENDARY WEAPON : THE GODHAND ------------------------------------ First, go in your Airship and talk to Cid. You should see the World Map. Go to the input section on the menu and input the password GODHAND to open a new location on the world map called the Mushroom Rock. Go there, and at the end of the path, you will see a chest containing the Godhand. Now, time to find her items ! MERCURY CREST : ------------- You can pick up the Mercury Crest in a chest located in the Sanubia Desert West. Look in a Whirlpool for the chest, you shouldn't have any problem picking it up. MERCURY SIGIL : ------------- To win the Mercury Sigil, you will need to complete the Cactuar Village Sidequest, just look in this section for some explanations on how to complete this quest. ============================================================================ AL BHED PRIMER LOCATIONS : ============================================================================ Since you can find a in-depth location of every Al Bhed Primer in my Walkthrough, I will only make a quick list for you to be able to check if you picked them up at those place. As you probably know, those Volumes are used to decipher a secret language, the Al Bhed Language. When you will find all of the books, you will know every letters of their language and thus you will be able to decipher and talk in Al Bhed ! Al Bhed Primer Vol. I : Al Bhed Ship, on the Deck Al Bhed Primer Vol. II : Crusaders Lounge in Besaid Al Bhed Primer Vol. III* : SS Liki, Power Room with Chocobos Al Bhed Primer Vol. IV : Kilika, in the Inn Al Bhed Primer Vol. V : SS Winno, on the bridge Al Bhed Primer Vol. VI : Luca Stadium, in Basement B Al Bhed Primer Vol. VII : Luca Theater, at the reception Al Bhed Primer Vol. VIII : Mi'Hihen Highroad, talk to Rin at the Inn Al Bhed Primer Vol. IX : Mi'Hihen Highroad, North Al Bhed Primer Vol. X : Mushroom Road Al Bhed Primer Vol. XI : Djose Road Al Bhed Primer Vol. XII : Moonflow, North Wharf Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIII : Guadosalam, in the house with 3000 Gil Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIV** : Thunder Plains, by talking to Rin Al Bhed Primer Vol. XV : Macalania Roads, Lake Road Al Bhed Primer Vol. XVI : Lake Macalania, Travel Agency Al Bhed Primer Vol. XVII : Sanubia Desert Al Bhed Primer Vol. XVIII : Sanubia Desert Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIX : Al Bhed Home Al Bhed Primer Vol. XX : Al Bhed Home, Living Quarters Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXI : Al Bhed Home, Corridor Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXII : Bevelle Temple, you can only acquire it just after the Wedding Scene. Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXIII : Calm Lands, northwest Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXIV : Remiem Temple, left path Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXV : Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXVI : Omega Ruins * It seems that if you miss the Al Bhed Primer Vol. III, you can find it somewhere else, thanks to MaSKitO14@aol.com for this information : If you have missed the Al Bhed Primer Vol. III on SS Liki, you can find it in the Sanubia Desert, near the tent with the Save Point at Sanubia Desert Oasis. The Al Bhed Primer Vol. III will only appear if you have missed it on SS Liki, so don't bother looking for it if you have not missed it. ** It seems that if you miss the Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIV, you can find it somewhere else, thanks to NagisaKaworu, for this information : "If you did not tell Rin your study of the language is going okay in the Thunder Plains, you can later obtain the Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIV in the Sanubia Desert - East." ============================================================================ REVISITING THE CHAMBERS OF THE FAYTH Party : Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, Auron, Rikku Enemies : None Items : None Equipments : None Key Items : None ============================================================================ As you probably know, once you get your Airship and you have gone through the Highbridge at Bevelle, you can return to the Cloisters of Trials and complete them once again to obtain some pretty good items and get key story points. Here are the lists of the Temples and the items you can get at their Chamber of the Fayth : BEVELLE TEMPLE : -------------- At Besaid Temple, you will see a story scene about Sin. Once the scene is over, you will get an Evasion Sphere and 4 Chests will appear with those items : Hi-Potion White Magic Sphere Elixir Potion (x2) KILIKA TEMPLE : ------------- At Kilika Temple, you will see another story scene about Sin. Once the scene is over, you will get a Luck Sphere and 3 Chests will appear with those items : Accuracy Sphere Defense Sphere Agility Sphere DJOSE TEMPLE : ------------ At Djose Temple, after the scene talking about the dreams of the Fayth, you will obtain a Luck Sphere and 3 chests with those items : Agility Sphere Magic Defense Sphere MACALANIA TEMPLE : ---------------- At Macalania Temple, you will get a scene talking about what will be going on once the Fayths stops dreaming. They will dream of a sea in which all the people including Tidus are going to live in. The Fayth will also talk about Jecht. Once the scene is over, you will get a Magic Sphere and 2 Chests will apper with those items : Accuracy Sphere Magic Defense Sphere SUNKEN CAVE TEMPLE : ------------------ Return there to meet the Fayth of Yojimbo and you will get this item : Strenght Sphere ============================================================================ MINI-GAMES (1) : DODGING LIGHTNING AT THUNDER PLAINS ============================================================================ In this mini-game, you need to dodge Lightning Bolts by pressing the X Button. Like you have probably heard in the tutorial, you need to press the X Button when the screen flashes. If you dodge the lightning bolts enough times, you will get items at the Travel Agency. Just go there to find a chest outside the Inn. Don't worry, if you aren't too good at dodging lightnings there are prize for being hit by it too :). Anyway, here's the list of prizes possible to win : ------------------------------------------------- | # of times dodged | Prize | ------------------------------------------------- | 5 times | X-Potion (X2) | | 10 times | Mega-Potion (X2) | | 20 times | MP Spheres (X2) | | 50 times | Strength Sphere (X3) | | 100 times | HP Sphere (X3) | | 150 times | Megalixirs (X4) | | 200 times | Venus Sigil | ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | # of times hitted | Prize | ------------------------------------------------- | 30 times | Ether | | 80 times | Elixir | ------------------------------------------------- One little "cheat" to dodge without too much problem is by equipping the No Encounters ability. You can equip that ability to an armor and you need 30 Purifying Salt. Here is a strategy from Joe Angelone, jmchain@hotmail.com : "Run Tidus into one of the holes in the ground, there's one far the north of the shop, and on the right. It's just south of the first tower on the right if you are coming in from the forest. There's also one just south of the lake on the left if you are just coming into the plains from the south. Run in this hole and stand there, lightning will strike about 2 seconds after you stop in the hole, as Tidus dodges that one he will come out of the hole and turn around. About a quarter of a second after he turns around, another lightning will strike. Then run back in the hole and wait 2 seconds for the next bolt to hit. Doing this continuously I got 287 dodges in about 20 minutes, I would have stopped at 200, but I wasn't counting. Basically it just makes it much easier because you know about when the lightning is coming." ============================================================================ MINI-GAMES (2) : THE BUTTERFLIES ============================================================================ You encounter this mini-game in Macalania Woods when you encounter a huge human/bird with a harp. Talk to him and he will tell you about the mini-game. What you need to do is find butterflies and press the X button in front of it to catch it. Your goal is to catch seven blue butterflies before the time at the bottom of the screen runs out. Don't touch the red butterflies, because you will enter in a fight and your time will go down. If you catch seven blue butterflies, a treasure chest will appear and don't leave the area you are in because you will lose any butterflies you have catched and the treasure chest will vanish. There are different points in the game while you must play the game. First, play it when you first talked to the human/bird creature at Macalania Woods Central. You can also play it in Macalania Woods North. Return to play the mini-game once you have defeated Spherimorph. The time will drop down by ten seconds, so you will have less time to do the mini-game this time. The last time you must play this mini-game is when you have your airship. This time, you have thirty seconds again, but the number of red butterflies will increase. Complete the game the third time to win the Saturn Sigil. Here are a few tips from Alex Wreschnig, theogal@rpgrealm.com "I've noticed a few things about the butterfly minigame that make things a lot easier. 1. You don't have to hit X, you just have to run into the butterfly. 2. Whether you catch the butterfly or not has _NOTHING_ to do with where the actual butterfly is! There are preset "tiles" that you have to step on in order to catch the butterfly. If you m emorize where the tiles are that you want to either hit or avoid, y ou don't even really need to look at the butterflies." ============================================================================ MINI-GAMES (3) : THE CHOCOBO TRAINER ============================================================================ As you may already know, in Calm Lands, there is a lady on a chocobo roaming around the area. A good way to find her is to go at the Save Sphere, it's at the center of the map. Then, she should be right at the of the item shop, south of the Save Sphere. Anyway, once you have talked to her one time, she will always be at the same point. First of all, she will teach you how to ride a Chocobo. Here are the controls : -------------------------------------------- | Controls | Effects | -------------------------------------------- | Up on the D-Pad | Move Far | | Down on the D-Pad | Move Near | | Left on the D-Pad | Move Left | | Right on the D-Pad | Move Right | | X Button | Get on the Chocobo | | Circle Button | Get off the Chocobo | -------------------------------------------- Please note that your Chocobo will wait for you if you get off him. But, he won't wait if you exit the Calm Lands or if you get another Chocobo. Now, there are four tests you need to pass, each test will give you valuable prizes. To get the prizes, you need to beat the time limit set by the Chocobo Trainer. Here's the list of the tests and the prizes you will win from them. Note that you will be able to ride on a chocobo just by talking to the trainer for FREE. WOBBLY CHOCOBO : -------------- In this race, you are on a chocobo that won't go straight. Your job is to keep the Chocobo in the middle of the track in order to beat the time limit set by the trainer (12.8 seconds). PRIZES : ------------------------------------ |What you must do | Prize | ------------------------------------ |Beat 12.8 Seconds| Elixir | |Beat your record | X-Potion | ------------------------------------ DODGER CHOCOBO : -------------- In this test, you must dodge blitzballs coming at you. If you get hit, you lose about three seconds since your chocobo is groggy. You shouldn't have any problems doing that. You have 16.8 Seconds to beat the test : ------------------------------------ |What you must do | Prize | ------------------------------------ |Beat 16.8 Seconds| Lv.1 Key Sphere | |Beat your record | Mega-Potion | ------------------------------------ HYPER DODGER CHOCOBO : -------------------- It gets a little harder here since you have to dodge Blitzballs and flying birds. A good thing to do is to dodge a group of those Blitzball and birds by moving to the left, then dodge the next group by moving to the right. This way, you will stay in the center of the track and even if you are hit twice, you will beat her time of 18.5 Seconds. ------------------------------------ |What you must do | Prize | ------------------------------------ |Beat 18.5 Seconds| Lv.2 Key Sphere | |Beat your record | Ether | ------------------------------------ CATCHER CHOCOBO : --------------- The last of the test, you race against the Chocobo Trainer. It's the toughest test of all since you have to do 0:0.0 to win the Sun Sigil. Anyway, in this test, try to pick up as much as balloons as you can, they will reduce your final time by three seconds. If a bird hits you though, your time will go up by three seconds. You must win this race if you want Tidus's Legendary Weapon, go in the Legendary Weapons Section to find out how. Anyway, you got to beat 45.0 Seconds on your first time through this race. Here's the list of the prizes. ------------------------------------ |What you must do | Prize | ------------------------------------ |Beat 45.0 Seconds| Lv.3 Key Sphere | |Beat your record | Turbo Ether | | 0:0.0 Seconds | Sun Sigil | ------------------------------------ Thanks to No1kornkid4eva@cs.com for reminding this about the Sun Sigil : "In the chocobo race to get the Sun Sigil you actaully have to BEAT 0:0.0, but the time will still say 0:0.0 if you do. But if you were to get exactly at 0:0.0 you will not get the Sun Sigil you will get a Turbo Ether." Here's some strategies from Christian Morelock, rnwmorelock@hotmail.com : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREPARING FOR BATTLE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a general section of things you should know before racing. 1] Realize that this is not based solely on luck. People who are saying it's pure luck are either lying to themselves because they can't get it, or where one of the few who really got it on luck their first time through. Trust me, luck is not getting it 5 times in an hour and a half. Luck is getting it on the first time and then never being able to get it again. 2] Realize that this does require SOME luck. If the balloons aren't in a good place, you're kinda screwed. It's not as bad as it sounds, though, so don't fret. 3] Never, EVER, throw a fit over this sidequest. You'll not be able to think, and at worst, you'll break a controller or PS2 and end up costing you from 30 to 300 bucks. Not worth it, really. You'll want to be calm the whole time through. The first time I got 0:0.0 I was pretty surprised , that came after 45 minutes of studying patterns and developing my way of doing it. 4] Use the D-Pad, and not the Analog stick. This, and the Jecht Shot Challenge, is really the only parts of the game where it helps out. Also, never hold the direction, but slightly tap. 5] There are invisible boundaries on the track. These are your enemy, as bumping into one will cause you to slightly head in the other direction, and probably hit those one or three birds you were trying to avoid and cause you to get a time of 10.0 instead of 00.0. If this happens, it's best to refer to Rule number 3. It's a good idea to do a few runs through to see your boundaries. 6] Getting hit by a bird not only adds 3 seconds to your overall time, but costs you approximately 1.8 seconds of recovery time. Never sacrifice a bird hit for a balloon, the balloon isn't worth it as you'll lose 1.8 seconds. Two balloons ARE though, as you'll gain .2 seconds. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREEBIE BALLOONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are anywhere from 0-9 freebie balloons in every race. These are balloons you can pick up without worrying about birds. *NOTE* I tend to break up the actual race into a few parts. The straight- away, the first turn, the first stretch, the second turn, the second stretch, and the ending. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- First set of Freebie Balloons Amount: Five (5) Location: Straightaway Importance: Very When you first start, you'll be on what I call the straightaway. You should see 3-5 balloons. If you can't reasonably get 3 of the first five on the straightaway, go grab a beer or take a piss, you won't be getting a Sun Sigil this run. Yeah, this is where the "SOME luck" comes into play. TIPS: Try not to move as much as possible. Don't go after the first balloon if you have to swerve to the left to get it, you'll only screw yourself over. If you go after the second balloon, the trainer will swerve for it and screw herself over. Now just grab the other three and you're good to go. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Second Set of Freebie Balloons Amount: One to Two (1-2) Location: First turn Importance: Minimal After the straightaway, there's the first turn, if you dig in a hard turn, and then immediately tap left a time or two, you have a shot at getting these balloons. No tips for this section, but don't worry if you don't get them, these are largely based on luck, of minimal importance, and usually do not affect the outcome. If you really want this set of one or two, you'll have to get used to the turn. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third Set of Freebie Balloons Amount: One to Four (1-4) Location: Second turn, beginning of Second Stretch Importance: Pretty Important After the second set of heat seeking birds that come your way, look for a shadow cast by the mountain on the right side. Head towards there, as there is a major turn (camera swing) coming up soon. You should be able to snag one balloon in the turn if you know the boundaries and how to adjust to the turn. You also may be able to grab a few in your path right at the beginning of the second stretch. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE RACE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's how you actually race! If you've read the first two sections, it's important to keep them in mind while racing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 1: Straightaway/first turn. Follow the tips I outlined in Section 2 and you should be set to go. This is probably the most important Area of the whole race, as these first 5 balloons are very important. As for the turn, you'll want to get inside, but hit left early so you don't go too far to the right and have no chance of the second set of freebie balloons. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 2: First Stretch Your goal here is DO NOT GET HIT! You'll want to bring your total of balloons to around 7, since it's a nice number, but DO NOT GET HIT! After the first big turn, try and get a bit behind to trainer for the first few birds. After she gets smacked once or twice, swing around to the right of her and jump out in front. Stay near the right side of the stretch, as you won't get many birds coming your way.. Dodge to the right when you need to, making sure to pick up anywhere from two to four balloons. At around 25 seconds, you should see a balloon in the shadow of a mountain (or just a huge shadow), head for a good bit behind it and prepare for the next turn. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 3: Second Turn/Second Stretch Your goal here is DO NOT GET HIT! Well, it's less of that than in the first stretch, but DO NOT GET HIT! If you can manage not to get hit, you can scrounge by with 12 balloons, which, if you're lucky, will be nothing to get. Getting hit once is okay, but be sure to collect around 14 balloons. After the major camera swing/turn, try and quickly align yourself for a balloon or two. If you're lucky, there will be a few more close up before you have to worry about birds. Stay in the middle of the path until you see birds. Once you see birds coming after you, wait until you're comfortable, and then start heading to the left. A few quick taps will let you dodge these homing pigeons most of the time. Try and grab a few more and the camera will start to zoom in. You are now at the ending. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 4: Ending Keep going straight until you see a bird fly out from the left. IMMEDIATELY head to the left, and try to dodge 3 of these birds. Near the finish line, you'll see a little dip to the left before you cross. Go down there, as it's safe from those evil birds. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 5: Trying again. If you don't manage to get 0.00, sigh, refer to Rule number 3, and then try over. Remember that people have been doing this for 3+ hours, 30-90 minutes is lucky. Enjoy :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Morelock" Here's a strategy sent in by Benji Schrager, lokus121@yahoo.com : "For the Sun Sigil, this was very hard for me too >:| After trying for 2 hours I got down to 1.1 seconds. That made me very mad and I tried for another 2 hours straight and got it, finally. 16 balloons and one bird! Anyway, I found the Directional Pad easier to use than the Control Stick. It also helps for another part of the race. Sometimes the camera changes angles and you need to anticipate this and be turning in the direction you want to be going. On the first turn, there will usually be a balloon on the right so turn right and be careful not to get caught on the edge. Another thing to look out for are the limits on either side. You can only go so far to the left or right. Know exactly how far you can go so you don't end up dodging into a wall. Plus, avoid birds even at the cost of balloons. Birds take 3 seconds off your final time AND stun you for about a second. So you lose a total of 4 seconds making dodging birds more valuable than getting balloons. You should be getting times of around 30 seconds if you don't get hit by a bird or if you only get hit by one. And for my last little tip, keep trying. Most times you will lose through no fault of your own. Either balloons appeared on the left side and the trainer got most of them, or a bird spawned right in front of you or a bird hit you right as you recovered from getting hit by another bird. You need to get lucky as well as dodge like a crazy man and get balloons. I don't recommend stocking up Fortune Spheres though :)" Here's another strategy from RCPB700@aol.com : "You should try to use the trainer as a shield and block her off from the balloons at the start. When the birds start coming weave through and try to get every balloon you can. DO NOT GET HIT BY MANY BIRDS. The way I found out is I got hit by about 4 - 5 birds and lost even though I got 16 balloons. To get good you only need about 2 hrs which is short for this racing. IT takes a lot of practice but soon you will win the Sun Sigil." Here's another strategy from metalgear ray09 : "The goal here is to get at least 14 balloons and be only hit once! When you first start the race, start out at the right. The balloons appears at random, but the locations of them may appear similar after a couple of tries. When the race starts, head to the right and pick up as many balloons as you can in the beginning. Most of the time, T rainer will take them, but if you time it right, you'll be in front of her and take all of the balloons. Then, make sure to avoid that one spot where you make a sharp turn to the right and make sure you don't get stuck there. When you go out into the open, head to the left and grab the balloons there, and do your best to avoid the birds. Hopefully, most of the birds will go after Trainer. Zig zag to avoid most of the birds, and collect balloons on the way. Collect the last few balloons at the end, but make sure you don't follow a set path for long, or you'll get hit by those birds. Hopefully, your result will be: at least 14 balloons, and 1 bird. Yes, I know it's hard, you can only afford to be hit once." Here's a last strategy from Matthew McLuhan, altorin@shaw.ca : "Catch as many of the balloons in the first little run that you can (catching all 5 is best). These balloons are just extra, with no chance of bird interference, use that to your advantage. Hold the left in the main run, dodging * ALL * birds while picking up balloons that you can, holding left over right will also lower your total time, which is good. As I stated earlier: DODGE ALL BIRDS. Getting 0 birds is the easiest way to victory, if dodging a bird means you'll miss a balloon, dodge the bird. Birds do the following: Lower your total time by 3, freeze your chocobo for about 2 seconds and also make you lose control. So that balloon you were trying to get, you may not even get it. People suggest using the trainer as a shield, but I don't, because if you are going to win, your going to have to be AHEAD of the trainer, so just try and dodge. Know your limits on the sides of the screen, the right one is relatively easy, you can't pass through the cliff, but the left one isn't so laid down because if you turn left to avoid a bird and hit the edge, you will get hit." ============================================================================ MINI GAME : CACTUAR VILLAGE ============================================================================ This is a tough Mini-Game, I really suggest that you have the No Encounter Ability equipped because this will be a hard time for you since you will fight in battles instead of looking for the Cactuar Gatekeepers. You can find this mini-game by returning to the Sanubia Desert with your Airship. You will appear near the Oasis, so head to the final area where Home was. Look in that area for a large rock with a cactuar on it. Press the X Button and you will find the basics of this Mini-Game. Your job is to find 10 cactuar gatekeepers and win a Sphere from them. Once you have the sphere, return back to the rock with a cactuar on it and place the sphere you have obtained into the rock. Next, the rock will give you another clue to find the next gatekeeper. But, catching cactuars is not that simple, because when you find one, you will play another mini-game. You will need to get close to the cactuar and he must not see you. So when the cactuar is not looking at you, run to the cactuar and when he turns back, stop running. You have a limited amount of time to get to the Cactuar, so hurry up. Also, you have a limited amount of tries to get to the Cactuar. If you take more than three tries, you will only receive a Sphere del Perdedor instead of a Sphere with the name of the cactuar on it. Here's where you can find each of the cactuar and the prizes for having a sphere with the name of the cactuar on it. CACTUARS : -------- CACTUAR #1 : ---------- Tomay : - Duties : Fetching water. Takes his time and, as a result, is often left behind. - A little rim. Clue : Tomay's Gone. Gone to fetch the water. Location : The first cactuar is near the save point at the oasis, you can't miss it, he is at the right of the screen. Time Limit : 10.0 seconds CACTUAR #2 : ---------- Ravivea : - Has no patience for certain dim-witted friends. - Not a progressive thinker. Clue : Ravivea's gone walkabout, be back soon. Location : The second cactuar is in an alcove in Sanubia Desert East. Just continue north when you find a tent with a save sphere near it. Time Limit : 13.0 seconds CACTUAR #3 : ---------- Chava : - Recently learned to count to 50. - A little needy - Attention deficit Clue : Little Chava likes big numbers, be back soon. Location : The third cactuar is in Sanubia Desert West, search for a stone that has the expression "20 % OFF" on it. Time Limit : 13.0 seconds CACTUAR #4 & #5 : --------------- Alek & Ajola : - Two brothers, rarely separated. - They move as one, their closeness a paragon of brotherhood. Clue : Alek and Ajola play tag in the ruins of men, be back soon. Location : The fourth and fifth cactuars are in Sanubia Desert Central, near the ruins to the left. Time Limit : 13.0 seconds Note : You will get two stones, so there are only nine cactuar to find from now on. CACTUAR #6 : ---------- Vachella : - Loves new things - Hard on others, easy on self - Stingy Clue : Vachella seeks the shining blue. Be back soon. Location : The sixth cactuar is in Sanubia Desert East, where you can find a tent with a save sphere near it, you must examine the Save Sphere. Time Limit : 14.0 seconds CACTUAR #7 : ---------- Robeya : - A real needle brain - Likes cramped spaces - Check out his great collection. Clue : O, Robeya's stuck inside, be back soon. Location : The seventh cactuar is trapped inside a treasure chest in Sanubia Desert Central. The chest is located to the left of the map. Time Limit : 14.0 seconds Note : There are three chests on this screen, pick them to find those items: - Shadow Gem x2, - Shining Gem, - Blessed Gem. CACTUAR #8 : ---------- Isrra : - The philosopher about town. Today he digs holes. Again. - A cautious short Clue : A fiery description -- The lord of the hole is gone, Isrra thinks. Be back soon. Location : The eight cactuar is inside one of the whirlpools in Sanubia Desert West. Time Limit : 15.0 seconds CACTUAR #9 : ---------- Elio : - To see what lies beyond the sands, he travels far to distant lands. - Hyper-reactive and a bad poet Clue : Much-curious Elio has left on a journey. Be back soon. Location : The ninth cactuar is on the Airship ! Return to the Oasis and check the save point to go inside the Ship, then head to the outside deck to find the Cactuar. Time Limit : 11.0 seconds CACTUAR #10 : ----------- Flaile : - The guy you never invite, but he always shows up anyway. - Cheeky Clue : Flaile is always behind, be back soon. Location : The last cactuar is just behind the cactuar statue, when you insert the 8th sphere in the stone, Flaile will appear right behind you so you shouldn't have any problem to find it. Time Limit : 13.0 seconds Here is the list of prizes for finding a sphere with the name of the cactuar on it : --------------------------------- | # of Spheres | Prize | --------------------------------- | 2 | Potion | | 3 | Elixir | | 6 | Megalixir | | 8-9 | Friend Sphere | --------------------------------- Once you have inserted all the spheres into the stone, the sandstorm in front of you will stop revealing the Cactuar Village. Search in the village to find a lot of cactuar, so it will be easy for you to level up there. You can also find two chests, one with a Mercury Sigil and the other varies with the chart I've putted before. Once you have picked up both chests, the mini-game is completed. ============================================================================ MUSIC/MOVIE THEATER IN LUCA Party : Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, Auron, Rikku Enemies : None Items : None Equipments : None Key Items : None ============================================================================ To complete this Sidequest, you need a lot of money. Return to the Luca Theater by the time you get your Airship. Talk to Cid inside your Airship and head to Luca. From the Save Sphere, head south to the next area, then head north at the T-Intersection. Continue north to the next area, then north again to the next area. You will see three important persons there. Talk to the guy on the right to buy Movie Spheres. You can buy a total of 50 Movies from him. He can also explain you what is a Movie Sphere. This item allows you to play previous movies you have seen in your game. So you can actually see Tidus's Blitzball Movie or all of Sin's appearances. Talk to the guy on the left if you want to buy Music Spheres from him. There is a total of 71 songs that you can buy from him. He will also tell you that Music Spheres allows you to listen to all the songs you have heard in the game. Finally, talk to the lady behind the counter to listen/see the spheres you have bought. There is a total of 50 Movies you can buy, it will cost you about 250 000 Gil to see all of them. It cost 5000 Gil for one movie. There is also a total of 68 Songs you can buy, it will cost you about 136 000 Gil to see all of them. It cost 2000 Gil for one track. Once you have bought all the Music Spheres, talk to the guy again and he will sell you a special set of three music spheres. Those songs are : Hum of the Fayth, Lulu's Theme and Wakka's Theme. Check the following for all the lists of Music/Movie spheres in the game. ============================================================================ | MUSIC SPHERES PLAYLIST | ============================================================================ | 1 | Zanarkand | 37 | Moment of Truth | | 2 | Prelude | 38 | Djose Temple | | 3 | Tidus Theme | 39 | Ridess the Shoopuf? | | 4 | Run!! | 40 | Rikku’s Theme | | 5 | Creed | 41 | Oui are Al Bhed? | | 6 | Battle Theme | 42 | Guadosalam | | 7 | Enemy Attack | 43 | Thunder Plains | | 8 | Game Over | 44 | Jecht’s Theme | | 9 | Out of the Frying Pan | 45 | The Burning Sand | | 10 | Victory Fanfare | 46 | The Wedding | | 11 | Leap in the Dark | 47 | Assault | | 12 | Underwater Ruins | 48 | Tragedy | | 13 | The Blitzers | 49 | Believe | | 14 | Wandering | 50 | Servants of the Mountain | | 15 | Besaid | 51 | Macalania Woods | | 16 | Spira Unplugged | 52 | Via Purifico | | 17 | Phantoms | 53 | Bravely Forward | | 18 | The Trials | 54 | The Unsent Laugh | | 19 | The Summoning | 55 | Seymour’s Ambition | | 20 | Braska’s Daughter | 56 | Illusion | | 21 | Yuna’s Theme | 57 | Yuna’s Decision | | 22 | Good Night | 58 | Nostalgia | | 23 | Delusion on the Dock | 59 | Peril | | 24 | Movement in Green | 60 | Launch | | 25 | A Fleeting Dream | 61 | Challenge | | 26 | Calm Before the Storm | 62 | Beyond the Darkness | | 27 | Face Off | 63 | The Void | | 28 | Grand Maester Mika | 64 | The Truth Revealed | | 29 | Luca | 65 | Pursuit | | 30 | The Splendid Performance | 66 | Gloom | | 31 | Auron’s Theme | 67 | Patricide | | 32 | Blitz Off! | 68 | The Temple of Prayers? | | 33 | Mi’ihen Highroad | 69 | Hum of the Fayth | | 34 | Chocobo Jam | 70 | Lulu’s Theme | | 35 | The Travel Agency | 71 | Wakka’s Theme | | 36 | Seymour’s Theme | 72 | | ============================================================================ | | ============================================================================ | MOVIE SPHERES PLAYLIST | ============================================================================ | 1 | Zanarkand | 26 | Other World | | 2 | We Called It “Sin” | 27 | Sin Sleeps | | 3 | Sinspawn | 28 | Homecoming | | 4 | This is it! | 29 | Dry Dock | | 5 | Blitzball | 30 | Nayto Du Ku! | | 6 | A Summoner is Born | 31 | Leaving Home | | 7 | Lulu’s Contempt | 32 | The Glory of Yevon | | 8 | Kimahri’s Challenge | 33 | The Red Carpet | | 9 | Fear on the Sea | 34 | False Vows | | 10 | Sin Arises | 35 | Believe | | 11 | Sin’s Theme | 36 | Some Spring | | 12 | Futile Resistance | 37 | The Summit | | 13 | Failure | 38 | The Last Chapter | | 14 | Kilika Dusk | 39 | Sin Rise | | 15 | The Dance | 40 | Departure | | 16 | Luca Harbor | 41 | The Approach | | 17 | Let the Games Begin! | 42 | Terra Graviton | | 18 | The Legend Lives | 43 | Gravity Sucks | | 19 | The Dark Aeon | 44 | Heaven’s Fall | | 20 | No Better Plan | 45 | Vena! | | 21 | Judgement | 46 | Machina Redux | | 22 | Ex Machina | 47 | Sinfall | | 23 | Sin’s Wave | 48 | Evenfall | | 24 | Reunion | 49 | Faceoff | | 25 | Metropolis | 50 | Breaking Through | ============================================================================ ============================================================================ OMEGA RUINS Party : Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Auron, Kimahri, Rikku Enemies : Black Element, Floating Death, Halma, Machea, Master Coeurl Master Tonberry, Omega Weapon, Puroboros, Spirit, Ultima Weapon, Varuna, Zaurus Items : None Equipments : None Key Items : Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXVI ============================================================================ Thanks to Dan Grubbs, danielgrubbs@hotmail.com for this section : "This is a brief and underdetailed guide to the Omega Ruins in FFX. Rule #1 about the Omega Ruins: USE IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. The keeper of the Monster Arena in the Calm Lands says something about fighting in the Omega Ruins saying it " builds character ". Sage advice. The stuff here, while dangerous, will make super-characters out of everyone. Some of the monsters you'll encounter: Master Tonberry : --------------- Don't pass the chance to fight these guys. Open with Demi or a Shadow Gem or two, and follow up with your best magic attacks. It's also a good idea to Hastega the crew, as it'll delay Master Tonberry's advance. Each turns he waddles toward your party, until he's close enough to attack. ( This never happened to my party, as they always iced him before he got the chance.) But even if it's not his turn, Master Tonberry will always counter your attacks, and always with Karma. It deals damage based on how many kills that a character has made. It got a good chance of insta-death if it hits a real slayer with not much HP. Be sure to steal the Tetra Gems from him, too. They pay off big with the AP, so they're definitely worth the fight. Here's a tip from Richard Stanley, keiichi_kun@hotmail.com : "The Master Tonberry in the Omega Ruins can be cut down to you just hit him over and over again with Sleep Buster he can never move and you kill him pretty easy. This also stops the Karma attack." Wraith : ------ These are the ghost looking' fellows that haunt Omega, and they're really tame, actually. Just scan it first off to see what it's vulnerable to. Every Wraith in the dungeon is weak to different elemental attacks, so make sure you know what it's weak to before you give an icy one a 9999-health-giving- Blizzaga. They only have 22,222 HP, however, and they only really attack with Doom, which isn't a problem because it's not hard to dispose of them before the countdown ends if you know which attacks to use, or just use non- elemental like Flare or Ultima. Demonolith : --------- Now these guys can be a problem. They immediately counter each attack with Pharoah's Curse, which inflicts poison, silence, and curse. Sometimes berserk and darkness, too. It's pretty nasty. Plus on their turns, they use their breath weapon which can petrify your entire party, ending the game and wasting your time. Be sure you pack something with Stoneproof. There's no shame in running from these if you don't have the magic to take them on, and there's always Bahamut, I guess... Here's a note from Seth E. Randall, natasha@acm.org : "Demonolith's seem to be easily affected by Silence Buster which will keep them from using their Pharoah's Curse when you hit them." Adamantoise : ----------- Huge freaking tortoise. Easy. First off, put a Bio or a Poison Fang on it, then Mental Break, then get out the mages to use their best NOT FIERY attacks. (Flare's Ok, of course.) It's immune to Demi and Death, and it actually rolls with a lot of Hp, but if your mages hit for 9999, and the Bio in effect, you should be able to chip away at him. Armor Break works as well, but start off with Mental Break and Hastega. Its attacks, Breath and Earthquake, are nothing to really be afraid of, though it can quake several times in a row. If your characters are still low in statistics, Protect is a pretty good idea. Here's a strategy from Vlaadamir@aol.com : "First cast Hastega on party, then have Tidus use Armor Break ( he should have it by now, if not, have Auron do it ), it weakens up this creature nicely. Then have the party steal from him until you can't steal anymore. (The Healing Waters will come in very handy later, especially against the unique arena creatures). Next, make sure everyone has acted once that way everyone gets the AP, he is worth a decent amount so you can level and gain a lot of Healing Waters. Then finish him off. His damage is not great so getting hit shouldn't be a big deal. You should be able to steal 2 to 4 Healing Water from him each time you fight. This is a great way to rack up Healing Waters, I had 99 in no time. If you don't want the Healing Waters, then just take him out right after the Armor Break." Puraboras : --------- Ok, more bombs. Just run from them unless you can doublecast Ultima. Demi is a good idea early on, but it only goes so far, and these are the first bombs whose self-destruct can really cause some damage. High level physical attacks or Flares or Blizzagas will pick up well where the Ultimas and Demis left off. Be sure to steal the ever-so-useful Fire Gems, because they have lots. Here's a strategy from Mark Stanga, TheStanga@hotmail.com : "I have a foolproof way to beat Puraboras. You just equip Auron with Sentinel and Counter, and Yuna with Osmose. You bring out Yuna, Rikku, and Auron. Auron uses Sentinel every single turn, and because he is repeatedly countering the bombs weak attacks, they never grow larger. All the while Yuna heals him. When Yuna starts running low on MP, use Osmose on a bomb for an instant recharge. While this goes on, Rikku can steal those Fire Gems. Varuna : ------ Not as hard as you'd think. Just Dispel straight off, and use your best attacks. It'll Doublecast elemental magic on you, and Haste itself, but if you have Doublecast and quick hit, you can take these things out before they even get in a turn. Zaurus: ------ Cast Death on them. Easy. ( watch out for petrification ) ( mug them for petrification grenades) Floating Death : -------------- Another floating eyeball... Just have Wakka bash them as usual, because they have high magic defense. (Though a good Ultima or Flare will waste them anyway.) Spirit : ------ With just over 9999 hp, these guys can be a pain. They always come with company, too. Watch out for it's Poison Mist counter, which you'll most likely be hit with. Poison, Confusion and other status effects are no fun. Thunder attacks are a no with these guys. They cast Thundaga on themselves when they're feeling low. Black Element : ------------- Use Holy, Flare or Ultima. One good 9999 hit and they're out. Make sure to take them out quickly, though, because they can berserk your whole party and then cast all kinds of foul stuff on you. ---------------------- Omega Dungeon strategy : ---------------------- Before you go trudging through the darkness, just spend some time by the sphere running around, leveling up, hitting the sphere for health and saving often. Once you feel you're ready to start mapping the place ( I'd recommend having Quick Hit, Doublecast and Ultima before going anywhere), stick to the walls and keep your eyes open for treasures. The first fork in the road gives you a choice: left or right. The one to the right is a dead end, and has two treasure areas. The one to the left is much longer, leads to Ultima and Omega weapon, and has three treasure areas. Take down the right area first. One treasure chest in a short dead end off the southeast wall. The other is at the far end of this right path. It's a clump of chests. These are tricky, though, and two other sites in the ruins work like this. Three or four chests set up in a seemingly random selection. Open one, maybe it's treasure. Another and you might get in a fight. This sucks. For two reasons. One: you have fight yet another Zaurus and Mimic. Second, the other chests you haven't opened in the cluster disappears. So, if there's a way to know which is a fight and which ones are treasure, I don't know about it and, having played them a few different times, it seems random. But- if lady luck smiles on you, you'll end up with those essential Level 4 Key Spheres and special weapons and armors. So, cross your fingers and go with your greedy gut instinct. The left path is longer and will keep you from the sphere longer. Only go down here if you're confident in your characters. Immediately off the left is a little room with a treasure cluster. Further down is a crossroads, marked near a glyph. Keep that glyph in mind. The left path is another treasure cluster and another way to the elevator, and the right goes straight to the elevator. This takes you to Ultima Weapon, and later to Omega weapon. If you pass this up and keep heading down the path, you'll loop around and come back to the original path. Hug the wall in this loop and find a narrow path that will take you to a small room with a glyph on the wall. Touch the glyph and you can now activate the other one at the crossroads, which will make a little bridge to a treasure chest. Other tips : ---------- Be sure to equip everyone with Poison, Petrification and Confusion preventative stuff. This is easily the best place in the game to level up at. It has the hardest monsters in the game and they really pay off with the APs. Especially the Adamantoises, Master Tonberrys, Varunas and Defender Z's. They're the easiest for sheer leveling up. Also, I highly recommend equipping Double AP weapons here. They'll make the character earn about 2 S. Levels a fight, it seems. Plus there's plenty of good weapons, armors and spheres to be found and stolen. Definitely spend lots of time leveling up here. --- > LOKI" Here's what thgink999@netscape.net ( Darryl Knight ) got to say about the random chests in the Omega Dungeon. "Omega Ruins Sidequest Random Chests FAQ Written by thgink999(Darryl Knight, DKnight2@san.rr.com) The usual LEGAL wording that I guess I should put here like everyone else does. This guide was written by me. The theory behind this FAQ was my idea. You don't have to steal it from me, ask me before posting or including it in any other form. I like fame as much as anyone else so I'll probably allow you to use it. I'm new at this, but I will take it seriously if my very first FAQ gets ripped off. If you use it without my permission, I will take all appropriate steps to resolve. Copyright Darryl Knight, 03/05/2002 ============================================================================ Table of Contents ============================================================================ * Preface * Theory * Statistics * Chest Contents * Frequently Asked Questions ============================================================================ Preface ============================================================================ This whole Sidequest idea came about after playing FFX my second time through and discovering the contents of the last chest contained Warp Sphere x99. I was thrilled to say the least and immediately went to the FAQ pages to find out how I had missed such a key item find. I couldn't find any reference to Warp Sphere except that Nemesis drops them. Knowing this was important and several FAQ/Walkthroughs were being written at the same time. I emailed my findings to some of the authors, and StoneKotr (Francis Bilodeau) included my email contribution to his FAQ. The quest had begun! I went to the Message Boards only to find references to the Ultimania Guide and that the Warp Sphere x99 in the last of the 12 chests in Omega Ruins was a "random" event. I wasn't satisfied with this notion, but I continued with my second game to completion. Wanting more to do after I completed my game, I went back to Omega Ruins to "see" for myself if this event was actually "random" event or not. Armed with a 'clean' SAVE before the Ruins of my last game, I went in to do research on this. Here's how it went: I repeated my SAVE over and over and over again....100 times in fact and wrote down how many chests I opened each time and using the SAME order to open them. Initially, I assumed the "random" event outlined by my colleagues on the message boards. I wanted to find out how long a "random" generator would take to 'hit' my chosen chest order or as Ultimania puts it "hit" the odds on each individual chest (using my order). As you can presumably understand it was boring, so at around the 50th attempt I began experiment- ing with TIME, and that's when everything started to change. I started opening MORE and MORE chests! After going over the data, a pattern showed up, and testing began using a "Time Based" theory rather than the "random" theory previously touted by the Ultimania Guide and universally accepted as fact. ============================================================================ Theory ============================================================================ THE WHOLE THING IS TIMED !!! This was my original quote on the GameFAQs message board on 2-25-02 after initially testing the "Time Based" theory. Now with over 700 attempts at the quest and all the data I've logged, the results confirm the original hypothesis. Two compatible time base methods have been confirmed as of this version. The "original" and a technique I've simply called "doubling". The basic concept uses the actual number of chests in the room at any given moment as the premise of the counting method. Counting is achieved by the player mentally (or verbally) counting off the seconds before opening a particular chest in a room. Data suggests that the actual count used by the game uses 'rounding' to whole seconds (ie. slightly more than a count, goes to the next whole second). Counting begins when you arrive at the chest, NOT when you stop moving. Accuracy is critical, but not impossible. If you hated Chocobo Racing to get 0:0.0 using a timer, then you'll hate this too. The exception here is, the prize is much more valuable! First, the "Original Method" of counting: 1. Upon entering a room, note how many chests (important). 2. Approach a chest and begin counting off the number of chests in the room, then OPEN 3. Go to the next chest and count off (but now there is one less chest), then OPEN 4. Repeat for each of the chests in the room Second, is the "Doubling Method" of counting: 1. Upon entering a room, note how many chests (important) and double it (double count) 2. Approach a chest and begin counting off the double count in the room, then OPEN 3. Go to the next chest and count off the double count (but now there is one less chest), then OPEN 4. Repeat for each of the chests in the room This " Doubling Method " does NOT work (statistically significant) in the "room with four chests"! You must use the "Original Method" in the fourth room for best results. Each room is also timed with a maximum time to achieve opening the chests, except the "room with four chests". If the maximum time expires, you lose ALL of the chests in that room as if you had opened a "trapped" chest. The "room with four chests" is an exception to the rule (just to mess with you a little). It's the ONLY room that you can leave and the chests do not disappear after opening a chest. Even though you can do this, it is not recommended because of the timing issues involved. ============================================================================ Statistics ============================================================================ According to the "random" theory as expressed in the Ultimania Guide the game decides if the chest you choose in a particular room is trapped or not using the following calculations: Room with 2 chests, the odds are: 1/3 that the first chest is trapped, 1/3 that the second chest is trapped, and 1/3 chance that none of chests are trapped at all. Room with 3 chests, the odds are: 1/4 that the first chest is trapped, 1/4 that the second chest is trapped, 1/4 that the third chest is trapped, and 1/4 chance that none of chests are trapped at all. Room with 4 chests, the odds are: 1/5 that the first chest is trapped, 1/5 that the second chest is trapped, 1/5 that the third chest is trapped, 1/5 that the fourth chest is trapped, and 1/5 chance that none of chests are trapped at all. So, we are left to accept that the odds are 1/240 (3x4x4x5) of getting all 12 chests without encountering a single trap. If you ask me, that's hell. According to the "timing" theory as expressed by myself, the player decides if the chest chosen in a particular room is trapped or not. Now, let's look at how the statistics stack up if you now know you have an element of control in the outcome of your choice. Meaning that, if you know when an event is going to occur, then matching that event is now determined by the error invoked in the choice. Data suggests a "rounding up" in the final choice. The range of error allowed is unknown, but its small, and less than one second. If we follow standard rounding rules, it's greater than 1/2 second, it may be less than that (and probably is). For example, if the players' time is 0.7 seconds, it is rounded up to 1 second, if its 0.4 its instantaneous (or zero) using standard rounding. Using this criterion, and a "worst" case scenario of a 50% error, then the calculations are: Room with 2 chests, the odds are: 1/2 x (1/3) that the 1st chest is trapped, 1/2 x (1/3) that the 2nd chest is trapped, and 1/2 x (1/3) chance that none of chests are trapped at all. Room with 3 chests, the odds are: 1/2 x (1/3) that the first chest is trapped, 1/2 x (1/3) that the second chest is trapped, 1/2 x (1/3) that the third chest is trapped, and 1/2 x (1/3) chance that none of chests are trapped at all. Room with 4 chests, the odds are: 1/2 x (1/5) that the first chest is trapped, 1/2 x (1/5) that the second chest is trapped, 1/2 x (1/5) that the third chest is trapped, 1/2 x (1/5) that the fourth chest is trapped, and 1/2 x (1/5) chance that none of the chests are trapped at all. Now, we see the results of our efforts, (1/2) x (3x4x4x5) or 1/120 of getting all 12 chests without encountering a single trap. That's HALF the original odds! The best part is, as you reduce your timing error, your odds GO DOWN! The key is to reduce your error. The lower the error in your counting, the odds at getting all the chests decreases. ============================================================================ Chest Contents ============================================================================ When opening the 12 chests, choose any order you like. The contents of the chests will always be the same. The contents of successfully opening the chests will be: 1) Lv.4 Sphere x1 2) Defending Bracer 3) Turnover 4) Lv.3 Sphere x2 5) Defending Armlet 6) Friend Sphere x1 7) Lv.4 Sphere x1 8) Phantom Ring 9) Cactuar Wizard 10) War Monger 11) Teleport Sphere x2 12) WARP SPHERE x99 !! ============================================================================ Frequently Asked Questions ============================================================================ Q. Can I SAVE my progress after opening chests? A. No, you cannot SAVE or leave the Ruins during the quest. If you do, the item list will change and you will start getting duplicates of some items. Any deviation from the item list in the previous section says you did something wrong. Q. I enter the room. There are X chests. I approach chest 1, count X times, open, success. I move to the next chest. I count X-1 times, open, success, etc. until I get to the last one. I count once, open, trap. Every time. A. I got that at first also, I kept trying. It all comes down to timing. Remember, start counting when you get to the chest, not when you stop moving. It's probably rounding error. I actually practiced with a second hand on a clock to get the timing down. Q. What is the "Brute Force" method? A. Start from a SAVED game, then pick an order you'd like to open the chests in, and do it. If it fails, reload and use that same pattern and try it again. Do it over and over until you get it. Q. Shouldn't a better Luck score on your characters increase your odds of getting all 12 chests? A. I don't know, I haven't tried that one. Q. Does it matter which chest I open first? Should I open the closest one to me as I enter? A. I found no statistical correlation. I don't have the data to say YES and likewise, I can't say NO. Q. Do I have to open all the chests in a room? A. Yes, if you leave, the remaining chests will disappear...forever. Q. Why is the room with four chests an exception? A. I don't know. This room has some peculiar traits. You can leave and the chests do not disappear. The timing method favors the "Original" method. The LAST chest doesn't always fall into the pattern. Other than that, I would just be guessing. If you find out, let ME know ! Q. Does the order depend on other events in the game before I get to Omega Ruins? A. I don't think so, because the timing method has been tested by others with a variety of "events" leading up to their appearance in the Ruins and their results seem consistent. Q. How many times have you achieved Warp Sphere x99? A. 14, over the course of this study. Not all have been through counting though. I tried variations during the sampling, so the actual results are "tainted" (statistically speaking, of course). Q. Based on your results alone, what is the chance that your results could happen all by chance? A. Good question, I would've had to have been VERY lucky indeed. I recorded a 70% increase in non-trapped chests using this method. I still screw up on the timing myself, but now I usually know before I press X that I'm just going for chance. Q. How do you count? A. 1,2,3...no seriously, I tried one one thousand, two one thousand, etc. but I couldn't get consistent enough with it so I personally used one thousand,one...one thousand, two...one thousand, three, etc. I guess its whatever works for you. Q. If I miss the timing on a chest, what should I do? A. Go for it. You now have a 50/50 chance of getting back on the timing set up from the first chest. Consider yourself lucky if you hit it. Next time, keep track of your counting. Q. I'm skeptical, does your method really work? A. I was too at first. All I ask is that you try it. Others have and say it does. I'm OK with that." ============================================================================ Once you have defeated Ultima Weapon, you will be in a linear arena, go to the left first and pick up the chest at the end for a Friend Sphere. Next, follow the path at the north. Each time you reach a circle like area, you will fight some tough monsters. Here's the list of every monster you will fight in order. Varuna, Adamantoise, Master Tonberry, Defender Z (X2), Demonolith (X2), Demonolith (X2) and Wraith (X2). Once you have completed those fights, head to the north and get ready for Omega Weapon. Note : Once the weapon is defeated, return to the area you defeated him to pick up a treasure chest with a Magic Sphere. Here are some strategies sent in by the readers. ============================================================================ OMEGA RUINS --- OMEGA & ULTIMA WEAPONS STRATEGIES ============================================================================ ====================================== Strategy From T.J., Tknoles2000@cs.com ====================================== In the Omega Ruins, to easily defeat the Ultima and Omega weapons, first go to Remiem Temple and get the Aeon's Soul item by defeating the summoner there, then fight her some more to get some Mega-Potions. Use these and other items to teach Curaga, Haste, and Protect to Bahamut. Now go to the Omega Ruins, ( I would suggest running in circles for a while near the Save Sphere so you can increase your stats ) and work your way through until you get to a platform that looks like one of those Warp Points from Mt. Gagazet. Step on it, and it will rise out of the floor, allowing you to jump over to the ledge. Now, make sure that Yuna and Tidus are in your party, and go through into a large room, and now you will fight the Ultima Weapon. Start out the battle by having Tidus cast Hastega on your party (if you don't have Hastega by now, then I'm surprised that you've made it this far) then, have Yuna summon Bahamut. Now have Bahamut cast Haste, then Protect on itself. Now attack the Ultima Weapon with normal attacks, casting Curaga on yourself when Bahamut's HP gets around 2000-2500, and use Mega Flare whenever possible. It shouldn't take too long to defeat the Ultima Weapon ( I killed it with an Overkill bonus after two Mega Flares and about 10 turns worth of attacks). After the battle, Auron says that you've only fought the shadow of the Omega Weapon, so heal up as much as you can and step on the warp tile. Now go to the right, there are no random battles here, but every time you walk out into an open space, you encounter a fiend, unless you've already passed through that space. when you get close to the fortress, heal up from the battles you've fought and prepare for another fight. This time, start off the battle without casting Hastega (doing so will allow Omega to attack you, and that's a bad thing), instead, start out with Valefor, and just go on an all-out offensive, but don't use the Aeon's special abilities, they will cost you a turn. Use their Overdrives whenever available, and for the elemental Aeons (Ifrit, Shiva, and Ixion), if their damaged at all, cast one of their on elemental spells on them, it will heal them. If the battle lasts long enough to force you to use Bahamut, then just repeat the same strategy as the last battle. If you run out of Aeons, just use the normal party members the same way, healing and hitting. ================================================ Strategy from Dave O'Hearn, daveoh77@hotmail.com ================================================ Ultima Weapon might be the most important battle in the game. If you do it right, you'll get Master Thief for 3 of your characters, and Overdrive -> AP for all of them, letting you get tons of AP and customization materials. First, to make getting there easier, do the Baaj Temple before the Omega Ruins. The big fishy (Geosgaeno) always drops a weapon with No Encounters; you can use this to walk all the way to Ultima Weapon without a fight. Now, Ultima Weapon is actually pretty easy to kill, but killing it is not what you want. If you have Sensor on in the fight, you'll notice it says "Give it all you got!" Square means this literally : bribing Ultima Weapon with 1,400,000 gil will get you 99 Pendulums. If you don't have that much gil, keep killing Mimics until you do. This is your only chance to get that many Pendulums that cheap, so don't pass it up. And before you bribe the Weapon, you want to steal from it too; you'll get either 10 or 20 Doors to Tomorrow each time. Steal from it until it doesn't have anymore, then just fight out two or three rounds of combat, using Luck and Jinx a few times if it's holding out on you. Then try stealing more, and repeat this until you have 70 of them. This is the easiest way to get the 70 Doors to Tomorrow you will them to get Overdrive -> AP for all your characters. Once you've stolen 70 doors, go ahead and bribe it to get your Pendulums. ============================================================================ THE MONSTER ARENA Party : Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Auron, Kimahri, Rikku Enemies : Check Below. Items : Check Below. Equipments : Check Below. Key Items : Check Below. ============================================================================ I said there are no Items, but there are a lot of them, they are just pretty hard to get and it will take you a lot of time and practice to get them. First of all, I'll tell you about how the Monster Arena works. On the east side of the Calm Lands, you will be able to meet the Monster Arena Owner. He will ask you to capture the monsters on the loose and you will be able to buy weapons with the Capture Ability from him. With those Weapons Equipped, you will Capture every monsters that you fight. There are exceptions though, since you can't Capture Bosses and Mechanical Monsters. You can capture a maximum of ten monsters and once you have captured specific monsters in different areas, you will unlock Special Bosses to fight at the Arena. Make no mistakes about it, those bosses are hard to defeat and it will take great characters to defeat them. You should hit more than 50,000HP with your characters, it will make those fights a lot easier. Now, here's the list of every enemies you can capture in the game and the area where you can capture them and how many Gil it will take you to fight them. For more information on those monsters, look in the Bestiary at the end of the FAQ. --------------- BESAID ISLAND --------------- Monster Gil ------- --- Dingo 24 Condor 18 Water Flan 27 -------- KILIKA -------- Monster Gil ------- --- Dinoxix 40 Killer Bee 34 Yellow Element 49 Ragora 72 -------------- MI'IHEN ROAD -------------- Monster Gil ------- --- Mi'Ihen Fang 49 Ipiria 69 Floating Eye 66 White Element 72 Raldo 63 Vouivre 90 Bomb 105 Dual Horn 157 -------------------- MUSHROOM ROCK ROAD -------------------- Monster Gil ------- --- Raptor 72 Gandarva 93 Thunder Flan 75 Red Element 82 Lamashtu 108 Funguar 63 Garuda 210 ------------ DJOSE ROAD ------------ Monster Gil ------- --- Garm 132 Simurgh 109 Bite Bug 93 Snow Flan 139 Bunyip 145 Basilisk 187 Ochu 780 ---------------- THUNDER PLAINS ---------------- Monster Gil ------- --- Melusine 162 Aerouge 216 Buer 198 Gold Element 160 Kusariqqu 168 Larva 495 Iron Giant 900 Qactuar 4000 ----------------- MACALANIA WOODS ----------------- Monster Gil ------- --- Snow Wolf 288 Iguion 207 Wasp 213 Evil Eye 307 Ice Flan 282 Blue Element 270 Mushussu 247 Mafdet 258 Xiphos 330 Chimera 1455 ---------------- SANUBIA DESERT ---------------- Monster Gil ------- --- Sand Wolf 337 Alcyone 360 Mushussu 405 Zu 1800 Sand Worm 1500 Cactuar 4000 ------------ CALM LANDS ------------ Monster Gil ------- --- Skool 630 Nebrios 480 Flame Flan 672 Anacondour 1125 Shred 552 Coeurl 1650 Ogre 1170 Malboro 1650 Chimera Brain 1500 ------------- MT. GAGAZET ------------- Monster Gil ------- --- Bandersnatch 1320 Ahriman 975 Dark Flan 1620 Grenade 810 Grat 780 Grendel 1095 Bashura 1095 Mandragora 1800 Behemoth 2025 Splasher 300 Achelous 630 Maelspike 495 ----- SIN ----- Monster Gil ------- --- Exoray 1260 Wraith 1605 Gemini 1666 Demonolith 2205 Great Malboro 2250 Barbatos 2325 Adamantoise 3300 Behemoth King 2775 ---------------------------- CAVERN OF THE STOLEN FAYTH ---------------------------- Monster Gil ------- --- Yowie 720 Imp 915 Dark Element 780 Nidhogg 903 Thorn 795 Valaha 1080 Epaaj 1425 Ghost 1215 Tonberry 3000 ------------- OMEGA RUINS ------------- Monster Gil ------- --- Zaurus 1425 Floating Death 1897 Black Element 1560 Halma 1545 Puroboros 1455 Spirit 1950 Machea 2175 Master Coeurl 3045 Master Tonberry 3600 Varuna 2670 ====================== Area Creations ====================== This is where it gets a little harder. Those monsters are created by the Monster Arena Owner. To unlock those bosses, you need to capture at least one of each monster from each areas. That means that if you want to fight the Besaid Boss, you need to capture every enemies in the Besaid area. Use the chart at the beginning of this section to see which monsters you need to capture. Now, here's the list of every bosses that appears with their statistics. 1 : Besaid Island : 1 --------------------- Boss : Stratavis HP : 320 000 AP : 8000 Gil Cost : 6000 Steal : Smoke Bomb (x3), Stamina Tablet Win : Amulet (x4) Prize : Stamina Tonic (x99) This boss is pretty easy, it doesn't happen often, but this one is easy ! Just use your most powerful attacks and Overdrives. To make the fight a lot easier, just bring your Aeons and let them use their Overdrives to do the dirty job. If you're character hits a lot, use Hastega on your group and take care of him fast. Stratavis attacks are not really powerful, so just use a Mega-Potion when you're HP is low. ========================================= Strategy from chosen_one62889@hotmail.com ========================================= If you fought the Besaid Area creation at a low level, you would have had a tough time! I found out a way to kill him. All you do is : first summon all your Aeons (except Yojimbo, because first, he has no Overdrive and second he is used later) and Overdrive him to reduce the time. Also, if you want everyone to get the AP, make sure every person has had a turn in the battle. Then, just summon Yojimbo, and pay him 1 gil every time. If you cranked up his evade at all, he will practically never be hit. But be prepared for a long battle against him if you use this technique. 2 : Kilika : 2 -------------- Boss : Malboro Menace HP : 640 000 AP : 8000 Gil Cost : 6000 Steal : Magic Spring, Magic Spring (x2) Win : Magic Tonic (x4) Prize : Poison Fang (x99) This is a Malboro and this is hard. At the beginning of the battle, you are ambushed and if you aren't lucky, Malboro will use his Putrid Breath on you. That hurts and it do a lot of Bad Status effects on all of your characters, so be sure to be protected against Poison, Confusion and Silence. If you are protected against those statuses, the fight will be a lot easier. Just bring an healer in your party and use the two other characters to attack the boss. This may be long, but Malboro Menace should go down after a while... 3 : Mi'Ihen Road : 3 -------------------- Boss : Kottos HP : 440 000 AP : 8000 Gil Cost : 6000 Steal : Stamina Tablet (x4), Soul Spring (x2) Win : Dark Matter (x4) Prize : Soul Spring (x99) This boss can be hard because he will counter every of your attacks. I hope you can deal a lot of damage, because if you deal only 10 000 HP, the fight may be really long for you. Use a healer, yet again, to heal your party and the two other characters to attack this boss. Just be sure to deal enough damage on him and he will go down within a small amount of time. 4 : Mushroom Rock Road : 4 -------------------------- Boss : Coeurlregina HP : 380 000 AP : 8000 Gil Cost : 6000 Steal : Farplane Wind (x2), Blessed Gem (x3) Win : Dark Matter (x2) Prize : Candle of Life (x99) This one is easy, just hit him and beware of is combine attack that deals confusion, doom and curse on your party. Be sure to have Confuseproof to evade that attack. Keep hitting him and use your Overdrives to take care of him. 5 : Djose Road : 5 ------------------- Boss : Jormungand HP : 520 000 AP : 8000 Gil Cost : 6000 Steal : Three Stars, Three Stars Win : Supreme Gem (x4) Prize : Petrify Grenade (x99) Don't let his high HP discourage you, with Hastega, this boss is easy. Be sure to have Stoneproof for this fight, because he can petrify your characters. Keep hitting him until he is out. 6 : Thunder Plains : 6 ---------------------- Boss : Cactuar King HP : 100 000 AP : 8000 Gil Cost : 6000 Steal : Chocobo Wing (x2), Designer Wallet Win : Blessed Gem (x6) Prize : Chocobo Wing (x99) This boss is really hard. One of his attack is called 100,000 Needles and that attack deals 99,999 HP of damage on one character, thus kill one of your character with one blow. Since he has only 100 000 HP, use any powerful Overdrive (Wakka's Attack Reels) to take care of him with one single attack. 7 : Macalania Woods : 7 ----------------------- Boss : Espada HP : 280 000 AP : 8000 Gil Cost : 6000 Steal : Farplane Shadow (x4), Farplane Wind Win : Rename Card (x2) Prize : Shining Gem (x60) Espada can be hard if you don't know how to defeat him. He can counter every attacks with a Death Attack thus, there is one character going down. Use your Aeons to do the job for this fight. This may be long, but after a while he will go down. 8 : Sanubia Desert : 8 ---------------------- Boss : Abyss Worm HP : 480 000 AP : 8000 Gil Cost : 6000 Steal : Lightning Gem (x4), Stamina Tablet Win : Stamina Tonic (x2) Prize : Shadow Gem (x99) I hope you deal a lot of damage, because this fight can be really long. Be sure to cast Hastega on everybody and keep attacking him. His attacks aren't too powerful, so you should be able to take care of him without too much problems. 9 : Calm Lands : 9 ------------------ Boss : Chimerageist HP : 120 000 AP : 8000 Gil Cost : 6000 Steal : Magic Spring (x2), Stamina Spring (x2) Win : Return Sphere (x2) Prize : Farplane Wind (x60) You have no choice, but to fight this boss in the first place since you need to capture every fiend in the Calm Lands area before going anywhere else. He is pretty easy though, he only has 120 000 HP so use Hastega on your party. Beware of his Aqua Breath and his Medigo Flame since it can deal a lot of damage on you. Use your Aeons if you need them and keep using your physical and Overdrives on him. Don't forget to heal too :). 10 : Mt. Gagazet 10 : --------------------- Boss : Catoblepas HP : 550 000 AP : 8000 Gil Cost : 6000 Steal : Healing Spring (x3), Stamina Tonic (x2) Win : Three Stars (x2) Prize : Blossom Crown First of all, cast Shell on your party at the beginning of the battle, use Hastega too. Keep attacking him and heal your character when you need them. Again, use Wakka's Attack Reels to do major damage on him, that is if you get three X2 with Wakka's Overdrive. Once you see that the boss is low on HP, heal yourself to full health and kill him with one finishing blow. He will cast Ultima on your party and this is when Shell becomes useful. 11 : Sin : 11 ------------- Boss : Abadon HP : 380 000 AP : 10 000 Gil Cost : 6000 Steal : Purifying Salt (x3), Shining Gem Win : Magic Spring (X2) Prize : Lunar Curtain (x99) Beware of his Pharoah's Curse, it deals Poison, Curse and Darkness on your party. Also, beware of it's Flare attack, use Hastega on your party. Your goal here is to survive, so don't rush things. Keep healing your characters and don't take any risks. He should be down after a while. 12 : Cavern of the Stolen Fayth : 12 ------------------------------------ Boss : Don Tonberry HP : 480 000 AP : 8000 Gil Cost : 6000 Steal : Candle of Life (x2), Designer Wallet Win : Farplane Wind (x6) Prize : Silver Hourglass (x40) This one is hard! Each time you attack him, he will counter with a powerful attack called Karma. This will kill one of your character with one blow, so be prepared. Since he has a lot of HP, this will probably be a tough fight. Use Wakka's Attack Reels and use Hastega on your party. Keep using Entrust on Wakka to make him use is Attack Reels often. It will probably take you more than one shot to defeat this tough boss, so good luck. 13 : Omega Ruins : 13 --------------------- Boss : Vorban HP : 630 000 AP : 8000 Gil Cost : 6000 Steal : Healing Spring (x2), Stamina Tablet Win : Friend Sphere (x2) Prize : Designer Wallet (x60) Again, don't let is high HP discourage you. Cast Hastega on your party and use Auron's Banishing Blade on him, since it works great. I hope your characters can do more than 40 000 HP of damage in this fight. If that's not the case, keep using Wakka's Overdrive Attack Reels on him. This boss can Counter sometimes so keep that in mind and don't forget to keep your HP high. Keep using that strategy and he will go down after a long fight! ===================== Species Creations ===================== This is getting a little harder. To fight those tough bosses, you need to capture each monsters with the same species. I'll list which fiends you need to capture in order to do that, so just use the chart at the beginning of the Sidequest to know where to capture them. Good luck! 1 : Wolves : 1 -------------- Boss : Fenrir HP : 850 000 AP : 10000 Gil Cost : 8000 Steal : Chocobo Feather (x2), Chocobo Wing (x2) Win : Agility Sphere (x2) Capture : Dingo (x3), Mi'Ihen Fang (x3), Garm (x3), Snow Wolf (x3), Sand Wolf (x3), Skoll (x3), Bandersnatch (x3) Prize : Chocobo Feather (x99) This is a tough boss since he has a lot of HPs. Use Hastega, because this boss is really fast and you won't be able to hold for a long time if you don't have Haste. Beware of its attacks since he is really powerful and use all of your skills to defeat him. 2 : Lizards : 2 --------------- Boss : Ornitholestes HP : 800 000 AP : 10000 Gil Cost : 8000 Steal : Rename Card, Chocobo Wing Win : Gambler's Spirit (x2) Capture : Dinonix (x3), Ipiria (x3), Raptor (x3), Melusine (x3), Iguion (x3), Yowie (x3), Zaurus (x3) Prize : Stamina Spring (x99) This boss can Poison you, so keep that in mind. Yet again, you should cast Hastega to have a lot of turn before the boss can attack. Don't worry about this fight, it's pretty easy if you are at a high level. Don't forget to use Wakka's Attack Reel Attack on him! 3 : Birds : 3 ------------- Boss : Pteryx HP : 100 000 AP : 10000 Gil Cost : 8000 Steal : Smoke Bomb (x4), Candle of Life Win : Dark Matter Capture : Condor (x5), Simurgh (x5), Alcyone (x5) Prize : Mega Phoenix (x99) Don't let is low HP fool you if you are at a low level. If you are at a high level, simply use Wakka's Attack Reels to take care of him. This boss can curse you so bring some Holy Water in the battle. Cast Hastega on your party and you should be fine. 4 : Bees : 4 ------------ Boss : Hornet HP : 620 000 AP : 10000 Gil Cost : 8000 Steal : Poison Fang (x4), Purifying Salt (x2) Win : Accuracy Sphere Capture : Killer Bee (x5), Bite Bug (x5), Wasp (x5), Nebrios (x5) Prize : Mana Tonic (x60) This one is hard, because he has a high speed, a high evade rate and he can kill your characters with one blow. He can also Poison you, so keep that in mind. It's almost impossible to defeat him at low levels and you can't win without Hastega in this fight. Use Wakka to attack the Boss and bring your Aeons if you need them, good luck though, you're gonna need it! 5 : Floating Wizards : 5 ------------------------ Boss : Vidatu HP : 95 000 AP : 10000 Gil Cost : 8000 Steal : Lightning Gem (x4), Magic Tonic Win : MP Sphere (x2) Capture : Gandarewa (x5), Aerouge (x5), Imp (x5) Prize : Mana Spring (x99) This boss his easy, since he has low HPs, bring Wakka and do your Attack Reels (Overdrive) on him. He should go down with one attack. 6 : Floating EyeBalls : 6 ------------------------- Boss : One-Eye HP : 150 000 AP : 10000 Gil Cost : 8000 Steal : Lunar Curtain (x3), Blessed Gem Win : Magic Defense Sphere (x2) Capture : Floating Eye (x5), Buer (x5), Evil Eye (x5), Ahriman (x5) Floating Death (x5) Prize : Stamina Tablet (x60) You need the First Strike Ability for this battle, because you need to have the first turn. Equip this ability to Wakka and be sure that he got his Overdrive. Once you get your turn, unleash your Attack Reels to kill him with one blow. If you don't have the First Strike ability, One-Eye will use a powerful attack that will kill all your characters with one blow. So be sure to have the First Strike ability. 7 : Flans : 7 ------------- Boss : Jumbo Flan HP : 1 300 000 AP : 10000 Gil Cost : 8000 Steal : Lunar Curtain (x3), Magic Tablet Win : Magic Sphere Capture : Water Flan (x3), Ice Flan (x3), Snow Flan (x3), Thunder Flan (x3), Dark Flan (x3) Prize : Twin Star (x60) This boss is really hard, to be frank with you, I've never been able to defeat that boss. Don't bother using physical attacks during this battle since you won't do a lot of damage on him. Don't bother using Magic Spells too, since it won't hurt him. The best way to deal a lot of damage is to bring your Aeons in the battle, but they won't last long, so have them use Curaga on themselves. Use Anima's Pain Attack on him, that hurts him a lot too! If you are lucky enough, after a while, your Aeons will defeat him. This can be a long and painful fight. ============================================== Strategy by Blitzer, jimmythejim32@hotmail.com ============================================== This is a VERY detailed strategy on Jumbo Flan. So far, it is the only one that worked for me. You may also try some alternate ones but this is the basic. Items you should get to learn a few abilities. 1. Lv.4 Key Spheres (bribe Chimera Brain 196,000 gil to get x2) 2. Teleport Spheres (Sleep Sprout in Species Conquest drops x2) 3. LOTS of Mana Spheres 4. Yuna's Celestial Weapon Nirvana (really really optional) I listed some abilities your party MUST have before starting this long and painful battle. Tidus: Hastega Entrust Doublecast Ultima Osmose (optional, only if you need MP during battle) Wakka: Attack Reels Overdrive Yuna: Entrust Doublecast Ultima Dispel (_MUST_ have) Osmose (same as Tidus) Reflect (if you need MP, read on, you'll understand Before you start the battle, you will have to do a few things. 1. Set everyone's Overdrive Mode on ALLY. 2. Activate as many Magic nodes as you can with Tidus and Yuna using the Teleport Spheres (you should get around 130 Magic) 3. Make sure Wakka's Strenght is above 180. 4. Agility is very important here, set it according to your judgement. 5. Overdrive gauge of party must be full before starting. This boss is really hard, to be frank with you, I've never been able to As soon as you start the battle, have Tidus cast Hastega on the party. Depending on your Agility, you will get X turns before Jumbo Flan can actually do something. If you think you need more turns, increase your Agility. Anyways, once you have cast Hastega, have Wakka use his Attack Reels on him. If you have decent Strenght, you should do around 100 000 damage. On Yuna's turn, use Entrust on Wakka and do Attack Reels again. Same thing with Tidus. Now is the part where Ultima comes in handy. After using Wakka's Overdrive 3 times, have Tidus and Yuna cast Doublecast, Ultima, Ultima. If you did what I wrote in the section above, you should do around 25 000 damage for each Ultima. If you're running out of MPs, cast Reflect on Wakka and have the character with low MP cast Osmose on Wakka. It will reflect and you will get 999 MP from Jumbo Flan :) Keep using this strategy and the boss should go down in a few minutes. You may notice he is low on HP when he casts Regen. As soon as he does that, cast Dispel on him. If Yuna's Agility is too low, he will regenerate his HP very quick and it will take much longer to finish the fight. He can Regen up to 20 000 HP per one of your character's turn. 8 : Elementals : 8 ------------------ Boss : Nega Elemental HP : 1 300 000 AP : 10000 Gil Cost : 8000 Steal : Star Curtain (x4), Twin Stars Win : Twin Stars (x2) Capture : Yellow Element (x3), White Element (x3), Red Element (x3), Gold Element (x3), Blue Element (x3), Dark Element (x3), Black Element (x3) Prize : Star Curtain (x99) Again, this is a hard fight, so be sure to cast Shell and have some characters with a high Magic Defense attribute. You can't deal physical damage on him because he will cast Ultima on your party, so if you have casted Shell, you may be able to survive its attacks. Use Wakka's Attack Reels on him and that should deal a lot of damage on him, then he will counter attack with Ultima. Heal yourself again then use your Entrust Ability on Wakka and make him use is Attack Reels again, repeat the process and he will go down after a while. 9 : Moles : 9 -------------- Boss : Tanket HP : 900 000 AP : 10000 Gil Cost : 8000 Steal : Light Curtain (x4), Lunar Curtain (x4) Win : Defense Sphere (x2) Capture : Raldo (x3), Bunyip (x3), Murussu (x3), Mafdet (x3), Shred (x3), Halma (x3) Prize : Gold Hourglass (x99) This is a pretty easy boss, you shouldn't have a lot of problem to defeat him. Be sure to use weapons with the Piercing ability and you will be more than fine. Keep in mind that he can Berserk you characters too. 10 : Dragons : 10 ----------------- Boss : Fafnir HP : 1 100 000 AP : 10000 Gil Cost : 8000 Steal : Light Curtain (x4), Lunar Curtain (x4) Win : Light Curtain (x40) Capture : Vouivre (x5), Lamashtu (x5), Kusariqqu (x5), Mushussu (x5), Nidhogg (x5) Prize : Purifying Salt (x99) Again, this is a boss with high HPs, so be prepared for a long battle. Be sure to have Wakka use his Attack Reels and you can summon the Magus Sisters and use Mindy's Passado Attack on him, because it works well. Also, you should cast NulAll Spells on your party members to nullify its Breath Attack. Use this strategy and the battle should end after a while. 11 : Plants : 11 ---------------- Boss : Sleep Sprout HP : 98 000 AP : 10000 Gil Cost : 8000 Steal : Poison Fang (x4), Farplane Wind Win : Teleport Sphere (x2) Capture : Funguar (x5), Exoray (x5), Thorn (x5) Prize : Healing Spring (x99) This boss is easy if you hit hard, because if you deal more than 98,000 HP of damage with one blow, he goes down. If you don't hit that hard, be sure to have Wakka use his Attack Reels on him. Also, if you attack him and he doesn't die, he will counter attack will a powerful powder that deals a lot of damage + status ailments to all of your characters. Be sure that you can finish him off with one blow. 12 : Bombs : 12 --------------- Boss : Bomb King HP : 480 000 AP : 10000 Gil Cost : 8000 Steal : Shining Gem, Farplane Wind Win : Door to Tomorrow (x2) Capture : Bomb (x5), Grenade (x5), Puroburos (x5) Prize : Turbo Ether (x60) This is the same as the bombs you have fought previously. If you aren't able to defeat him in three blows, he will counter attack you. This time, he won't do Self-Destruct, he will cast Ultima. Be sure that you cast Shell to all of your party members and that you have a high Magic Defense. Attack him with your most powerful characters and if he does cast Ultima, heal your characters and hit him again. Keep using that process until he goes down for good. 13 : Horned : 13 ---------------- Boss : Juggernault HP : 1 200 000 AP : 10000 Gil Cost : 8000 Steal : Lunar Curtain (x4), Shining Gem Win : Strength Sphere (x2) Capture : Dual Horn (x5), Valaha (x5), Grendel (x5) Prize : Light Curtain (x99) This boss is easy, be sure to have characters with the Fireproof ability. Juggernault always lose one turn to charge its Fire Breath attack and when he does it, it will do no damage at all to your characters. Now cast Hastega on your party and keep attacking him until he goes down. 14 : Giants : 14 ---------------- Boss : Ironclad HP : 2 000 000 AP : 10000 Gil Cost : 8000 Steal : Light Curtain (x4), Stamina Tablet Win : HP Sphere (x2) Capture : Iron Giant (x10), Gemini(1)(x10), Gemini(2)(x10) Prize : Mana Tablet (x60) This one is hard, he has a lot of HPs and you can't do Armor Break on him, well there is always a little cheat ^_^. I hope you have learned Banishing Blade with Auron. If you haven't learned it, look in the Overdrives Section to learn how. Anyway, do that Overdrive on him and the Armor Break will work. From now on, he is a piece of cake. Be sure to have a healer in your party (Yuna) and cast Protect on everyone, also you can cast Hastega on your party. Keep using that strategy and he will go down in no time. ====================== Original Creations ====================== This is where the real fun begins, those are the toughest boss in the game. You can get them by capturing all the monsters in an area or all the monsters of one species. I'll tell you below how to get all of them. So good luck! I am also accepting strategies for those bosses. Please send them at stonekotr@hotmail.com and put Monster Arena as the topic. 1 : Earth Eater : 1 ------------------- Boss : Earth Eater HP : 1 300 000 AP : 50000 Gil Cost : 15 000 Steal : Gambler's Spirit, Lv.1 Key Sphere Win : Fortune Sphere (x2) Capture : Capture all ten of each monsters in two areas. Prize : Three Stars (x60) There isn't much to say about that boss. Just beware of its Megaton Punch Attack. It is wise to cast Protect on your party. Hit him hard enough and he will fall on his back, you should cure yourself when he is in that position and cast Hastega too. Again, use Wakka's Attack Reels on him. 2 : Greater Sphere : 2 ---------------------- Boss : Greater Sphere HP : 1 500 000 AP : 50000 Gil Cost : 15 000 Steal : Gambler's Spirit, Return Sphere Win : Luck Sphere (x2) Capture : Capture all ten of each monsters in two different species. Prize : Supreme Gem (x60) Be sure to cast Shell on all your characters, because this boss counters with some powerful Magic Attacks like Ultima. Hastega isn't a bad thing too. Use Wakka's Attack Reels and be sure to keep your characters near full health. You never know what is going to happen. 3 : Catastrophe : 3 ------------------- Boss : Catastrophe HP : 2 200 000 AP : 50000 Gil Cost : 15 000 Steal : Gambler's Spirit, Lv.2 Key Sphere Win : Designer Wallet (x2) Capture : Capture all ten of each monsters in six different areas. Prize : Door to Tomorrow (x99) Use Hastega at the beginning of the battle. Again, cast Protect and Shell on everybody and be sure to have Poisonproof and Confusionproof Armor. Next, this boss will be in his shell for a long time so use that opportunity to prepare yourself for the next part of the battle. Well, keep hitting him with all you got and he will go out of its shell after a while. Continue hitting on him and beware of its Demi Attack. This can be a long fight, but you shouldn't have any problem to defeat him. Here's a strategy from Cindy J Mariner, mar411@juno.com : "Grand Summon the Magus Sisters at the beggining and use Delta Force. This will do 100k damage, taking off the shell. Next, cast Hastega. There is a pattern to this monster's attack. First he does that toxic spit thing, then Demi, then Thorn, his best attack. Every time he is about to use Thorn, summon an Aeon. Keep hacking and slashing and he should die within ten minutes." 4 : Th'uban : 4 --------------- Boss : Th'uban HP : 3 000 000 AP : 50000 Gil Cost : 15 000 Steal : Gambler's Spirit, Teleport Sphere Win : Underdog Secret (x2) Capture : Capture all ten of each monsters in six different species. Prize : Gambler's Spirit (x99) This boss is really easy, hehehe... Well, be sure that you have learned the Doom Overdrive with Kimahri. Next, bring him in the battle and do his Overdrive on him. Now, all you got to do is hold on until the countdown reaches zero and the battle will be over. 5 : Neslug : 5 -------------- Boss : Neslug HP : 4 000 000 AP : 50000 Gil Cost : 15 000 Steal : Gambler's Spirit, Friend Sphere Win : Pendulum (x2) Capture : Capture one of each monsters around Spira. Prize : Wining Formula (x99) This boss can be really hard if you don't hit 99 999 HP of damage with each characters. Now, make sure everyone has learned Entrust and make sure that everyone got their Overdrives. This can be long, but this is the best strategy since you got to defeat him before he goes inside his Shell. Now, cast Hastega on the party and have Wakka use his Attack Reels. Next, use the other character to Entrust his Overdrive to Wakka and make Wakka use his Attack Reels again. Next, use Tidus's Blitz Ace attack on the boss and he should be near death after that. Now, bring yet another character and use Entrust on Wakka. Make Wakka use his Attack Reels yet again... repeat the process until he goes down! You need a lot of luck for this fight though. =================================================== Strategy from Joshua Burrus, jarlaxle83@hotmail.com =================================================== First start the battle with Tidus, Wakka and Auron. Cast Hastega on the characters and then, if you have all the characters doing 999,999 of damage you can attack normally once or twice before you use Wakka's Attack Reels ( but keep in mind that you have to knock the Shell off of Neslug's back before he goes into it and heals himself.) Well, here is what you have to do to knock his shell off after you have done what I said before. Hit him with whatever does 999,999 damage 5 more times and then once again use Wakka's Attack Reels again and that should knock the shell off him. Once that has been taken care of just hit him with everything you got! Tidus's Overdrive and Wakka's Attack Reels should take care of it pretty quickly. If your get a chance cast auto life on your party because he casts Slime alot after his shell is off. 6 : Ultima Buster : 6 --------------------- Boss : Ultima Buster HP : 5 000 000 AP : 50000 Gil Cost : 15 000 Steal : Gambler's Spirit, Lv.3 Key Sphere Win : Dark Matter (x2) Capture : Capture five of each monsters around Spira. Prize : Dark Matter (x99) First of all, start the battle with Tidus, Yuna and Wakka. Make Tidus use his Hastega on the party and have Yuna cast Shell and Protect on everybody. Next, attack him, but beware of its attacks, it can easily take out any party members, but Shell and Protect should help you a lot. Keep hitting him with your most powerful attacks and you should win after a long battle. 7 : Shinryu : 7 --------------- Boss : Shinryu HP : 2 000 000 AP : 50000 Gil Cost : 15 000 Steal : Gambler's Spirit, Three Stars Win : Wings to Discovery (x2) Capture : Capture three of each monsters in the Mt. Gagazet area. Prize : Megalixir (x30) You have no choice but to use Wakka, Rikku and Tidus for this battle. Be sure that you have all of your Overdrives for this battle. Have Tidus cast Hastega then use its Blitz Ace and Wakka use its Attack Reels to take care of that boss. If he isn't dead, beware of its petrification attack and his Claw attack since it can do major damage on your party. 8 : Nemesis : 8 --------------- Boss : Nemesis HP : 10 000 000 AP : 50000 Gil Cost : 25 000 Steal : Lv.4 Key Sphere, Warp Sphere Win : Warp Sphere (x2) Capture : Capture ten of each monsters Prize : Master Sphere (x10) ============================================================================ STRATEGIES FOR NEMESIS (OMEGA GOLD WEAPON) ============================================================================ =================================== Strategy from CB!, circe@san.rr.com =================================== First of all, you don't need high HP or even Reraise to defeat Nemesis, all you'll need is to be able to hit for 99,999 damage, and a n agility stat of at least 170 to pull this off in a reasonable amount of time 220+ is ideal. If you don't, stop reading this strategy right now and go slaughter Fenrir until you do. ...Done? Good. Nemesis counters Overdrives, but nothing else. Using whomever you like, cast Hastega at the beginning of the battle. Use Quick Hit until Nemesis' turn comes up, and swap someone out for Yuna, who will immediately summon an Aeon to act as a sacrificial lamb. (If you're already using Yuna as one of your three characters, even better.) One hit from Nemesis will probably kill your Aeon, but this is okay, because doing so will bring the turn to move back to you, even if Nemesis had two or more turns in a row after your Aeon! At 220+ agility, you should be getting 18-20 Quick Hits between each of Nemesis' turns. Seven dead Aeons later, Nemesis will turn into pyreflies and that sweet "Overkill" will appear on your television. Congratulations, you've just beaten the "hardest" boss in Final Fantasy X. The moral of the story is, HP size doesn't matter, it's the motion of the Quick Hit ocean. I'm not claiming this is the end-all be-all strategy for defeating Nemesis, but it IS the only way that's worked consistently for me. Best of luck to you! =================== VI. Blitzball FAQ =================== A) Introduction ------------ Blitzball is the national sport in Spira and Tidus plays Blitzball for a team called the Zanarkand Abes. Even a thousand years after the destruction of Zanarkand by Sin, Blitzball is still as popular than ever before. Blitzball is kind of a distraction for the people in Spira, it makes them take off their mind about Sin and they feel safe and happy watching that sport. B) Basics of the Mini-Game ----------------------- Blitzball is a complex mini-game in FFX and it's not a lie to say that it is the hardest mini-game to understand compared to previous Final Fantasies. Each players have their own levels and stats, they grow differently with different abilities, but there are things in common with each player, those things are called Attributes. Here's the list of every attributes and an explanation of them. NORMAL ATTRIBUTES : ----------------- HP (Hit Points) : This attribute represents the stamina of a player. Each action you take with a character consume HP, even moving. So if you want to shoot, pass, use abilities, you will need to spend HP. Don't worry through, the player HP regenerates when you are not in possession of the ball. SP (Speed) : This attribute represents how the player can move from a point to another with a given time. A player with a high speed can move a lot faster and thus, you can have breakaways and less encounters. A player with not a high speed will have a lot of encounters and he will be a weakness to your team. ATTACK ATTRIBUTES : ----------------- EN (Endurance) This attribute represents how the player can resist a tackle from other enemies. A player with a high endurance attribute will be able to pass through several encounters with a lot of defenders. A player's endurance is measured with the Attack attribute of the player from the other team. A player with a small Endurance Attribute won't be able to block those attacks and you will most likely lose the ball to the other team. PA (Pass) This attribute represents how the player can do a pass from a distance point to another. If a player has a high pass rating, the ball with be thrown farther and the other player will be able to catch the ball. If you attempt to do a pass in an Encounter, the pass attribute will be measured with the Block attribute of the player from the other team. If a player has a low pass rating, it is not a very good player since the other team will be able to get their hands on the ball easily. SH (Shoot) This attribute represents how the player can shoot with speed and power. The Shoot Attribute is measured with the Catch Attribute of a goalie and the Block attribute of the defenders. Let's make an example : Let's say you're character as a Shoot of 12 and you're in encounter against a defender with a Block Attribute of 3. The goalie has a catch ability of 10. So you shoot : 12 - 3 (Block Attribute) = 9 9 - 10 (Catch Attribute) = -1 Your shot will be blocked because you're at -1. If you're shot as a higher number than zero, you will score automatically. DEFENSE ATTRIBUTES : ------------------ AT (Attack) This attribute represents how the player can do damage to an opponent. A high Attack attribute will most likely make your opponent lose the ball in an encounter and your team will take control of the ball. The Attack attribute is measured with the Endurance attribute of an attacker. BL (Block) This attribute represents how the player can intercept pass and shoot. A high block attribute is a key factor to have a good defenseman. CA (Catch) This attribute represents how the goalie can block incoming shoots. It's a little like the Block attribute, except it is for goalie. Anyway, if you want to have a good goalie, he must have a high Catching attribute. SALARY : ------ Each Blitzball players ask for a little amount of money to play in your team. When you hire players or when their contract expires, you will need to pay them in other to make them play in your team again. Thanks to Michael Gallant, mike_692 for the following : C) BLITZBALL GAME MODES : -------------------- EXHIBITION You're playing a game versus the team of your choice. You can learn new techniques but you can't boost your players stats. This mode is good if you want to learn your players new techniques without having a lose in your season. You can forfeit the game by pressing the triangle button, but only when you're losing. LEAGUE You're playing 10 games versus the five other teams playing in the league. Once you've played your 10 games, if you finished in the first 3 places, you'll get a prize. Plus, if one of your player is the top scorer of the league, you'll get another prize. The prizes can be items or techniques you can equip when playing Blitzball. Your team players can get experience points which will boost your players stats. If you win, you'll get 3 points on the ranking. A tie game gives you 1 point. A lose don't give you any points. TOURNAMENT In this mode, you're playing as long as you're not losing. The top 3 teams are getting a prize and the top scorer too just like in the league mode. Your team players can get experience points which will boost your players stats. If the game is tied after 2 halves, you go in overtime until one team is winning after the overtime. D) MOVEMENT : -------- AUTO The player carrying the ball moves automatically. The only thing you have to do is passing and shooting. This type of movement is not very useful because your player will sometimes go right into the opponents players. MANUAL A You have the control of the player carrying the ball. Your player movement correspond to the mini map in the lower right corner. Moving left will make your player go towards the opponent goal while moving right will lead your player to your own goal. MANUAL B You have the control of the player carrying the ball. Your player movement depend of the camera angle. Moving left won't always lead you to the opponent goal so watch closely. It can be a frustrating mode if you're not used to the camera angles. Note : You can change your movement mode by pressing the triangle button while playing Blitzball. E) ACTIONS : ------- To get in the action menu, you must be carrying the ball. Once you have it, you just have to press the square button and a small menu will appear. PASS (PA) Your player will pass the ball to one of his team player. Before doing a pass, you should look closely where your team member is. If he is far, your pass will take more passing. So, if someone has only 5 or 6 of passing, he will only be able to do short passes. If your passing (PA) reach 0, then the player receiving the ball will fumble and any player in the sphere can claim the ball after this. SHOOT (SH) Your player will make a shot on the opponent team goal. Before doing a shot, your player should be near enough to the opponent goalie to perform a good shot. Once again, look carefully at your shooting (SH) before doing it. If your player have a low shooting, then you better pass to one having a high shooting. When you shoot at the goal, check the goalie catching (CA). If the catching of the goalie is higher than your shooting, the goalie will usually block or catch the ball. The catching is randomized between 50 and 150 percent. So a goalie having a catching of 8 can actually have from 4 to 12 of catching. So be careful about this. DRIBBLE Your player will just move in the sphere depending on what type of movement you chose. Dribble gradually decreases your HP, but don't worry because it's not taking a lot of your HP. F) ENCOUNTERS : ---------- When you encounter an opponent, a menu screen will appear and will leave you with 2 choices. NO BREAK If you choose this action, the standard action menu will appear but this one won't include dribble. From now on, you have to pass or shoot. Whether you shoot or pass, check your opponent BLOCK (BL). The block work like the goalie catching (CA) which means that the block points are randomized between 50 and 150 percent of the player BLOCK points. If your action pass through the guard, the action will keep going. If your action points get to 0, the opponent get the control of the ball. Be careful, even if your opponent do not intercept the ball, your action will probably have lost some points. Note : More than one person can rush towards you. Example : 10 PA vs 6 BL * Your PA might be about 4 after the BLOCK. BREAKTHROUGH Before doing this action, check your opponent ATTACK (AT) and also your ENDURANCE (EN). The ATTACK works like the goalie CATCHING and the BLOCK. The ATTACK points are randomized between 50 and 150 percent of the player ATTACK points. Once you've selected breakthrough the standard action menu will appear. You will have to choose between PASS, SHOOT or DRIBBLE. If your ENDURANCE stay above 0, you will be able to do your action. But if it gets to 0, the opponent will get the control of the ball. Note : You can break through more than one opponent, you just have to sum up their ATTACK points. G) STATUS AILMENTS : --------------- POISON Poison can be inflicted to an opponent when he tries to block your pass or your shot and it also work on the goalie. When you are affected by poison, your HP is decreasing faster than usually while his HP recovery is slower. If you are afflicted by Pile Venom, you will lose your shooting techniques at first, then your tackling techniques and your passing techniques. SLEEP Sleep can be inflicted by using a nap technique. It works the same way as the poison. When you are affected by sleep, your arrow on the mini map will turn black. Your player will wake up automatically after some time. It will also wake up after a goal is scored or if you throw a pass at him. If you throw a pass at him he won't catch the ball and the opponent will probably take control of the ball but at least it won't be a 5 on 4 game. TIPS : Try to put the goalie of the other team. That way, it will be a lot easier to score and if you have Volley Shot equipped on one of your player, he might perform a shot right after the goalie fell asleep. WITHER Wither can be afflicted by any Wither technique. The Wither ailment reduced one of your stat by half. Only your HP cannot be affected by the Wither ailment. If you are affected by Wither, the stat that is reduced will appear in blue instead of appearing in yellow. H) STARTING A GAME : --------------- POSITION IN THE SPHERE Left Forward (LF) : You should put someone with a high shooting stat here. Right Forward (RF) : You should put someone with a high shooting stat here. Midfielder (MF) : You should put someone with decent endurance, passing and attacking. Left Defense (LD) : Definitely someone with high passing, attacking and blocking. Right Defense (RD) : Definitely someone with high passing, attacking and blocking. Goalie (GL) : You just have to put a guy with a lot of catching. SET TECHNIQUES Once your players are at level 3, they can set techniques that will make them do special attacks, passing and shooting. As their levels get higher, you will have the possibility to equip up to 5 techniques. To equip these techniques, choose one of your player. If he can equip any techniques, you should see a dotted line, press X button to access another menu that will show the techniques this player has learned so far. There are 2 pages with different techniques that can be learned. You just have to go on next page to see the other techniques that you have learned so far. SET MARKS The mark mode is used if you want to learn new techniques for your players. Select one of your players, the opponent team will now be on the right side of the screen. If one player of this team has some techniques that can be learned, the technique will be in blue. The techniques in white cannot be learned. You shouldn't have more than one guy trying to learn the technique of the same opponent because only one of your player will be able to learn it. TECHCOPY Techcopy is used during a Blitzball game. Once you have set your marks, the game starts. Then, when an opponent use a technique that one of your player wants to learn, look carefully in the top left corner of the screen. When you see the word Techcopy, press the X button on your controller. You should learn the technique if you've been quick enough. Also, your player might not be able to learn the technique if his level is not high enough. KEY TECHNIQUES If you want to be able to learn more techniques for your players, make them learn their key techniques. After that, new techniques will become available for your players to learn. USING TECHNIQUES If you want to use one of your technique during a Blitzball game, you just have to do an action and if you can use a technique, a new menu will open automatically showing you the techniques you can use. When the opponent has the ball and that he is trying to break through, if you have a technique you can use a menu will appear and you will have to select between the normal attack or the technique you have learned. Note : All the techniques in the Blitzball game take some HP from your player. If your player doesn't have enough HP to perform the technique, he won't be able to do it. I) BLITZBALL TECHNIQUES : -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Anti-Drain HP Used : 10 Description : You have 50% of chance that your HP won't be drained. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Anti-Drain 2 HP Used : 50 Description : You have 100% of chance that your HP won't be drained. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Anti-Nap HP Used : 40 Description : You have 50% of chance that your player don't fall asleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Anti-Nap 2 HP Used : 210 Description : You have 100% of chance that your player don't fall asleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Anti-Venom HP Used : 5 Description : You have 50% of chance of not being poisoned. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Anti-Venom 2 HP Used : 50 Description : You have 100% of chance of not being poisoned. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Anti-Wither HP Used : 30 Description : You have 50% of chance that your player won't get his stat reduced. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Anti-Wither 2 HP Used : 200 Description : You have 100% of chance that your player won't get his stat reduced. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Auroch's Spirit HP Used : 600 Description : Your shooting is up by 10. The original Aurochs' SH is added to Wakka. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Brawler HP Used : 10 Description : You have 60% of chance to participate in encounters even if you are farther away. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Drain Tackle HP Used : 30 Description : Absorb HP but don't increase your attack though. HP must be over 30, 40% of chance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Drain Tackle 2 HP Used : 150 Description : Absorb HP but don't increase your attack though. HP must be over 150, 70% of chance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Drain Tackle 3 HP Used : 500 Description : Absorb HP but don't increase your attack though. HP must be over 500, 100% of chance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Elite Defense HP Used : 5 Description : You can find and intercept the ball carrier from farther away. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Gamble HP Used : 300 Description : Your player stat randomized by pressing the X button, 50% chance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Golden Arm HP Used : 30 Description : SH and PA decrease slower than usually when passing and shooting. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Good Morning! HP Used : 80 Description : 50% of chance that your player powers up after waking up. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Grip Gloves HP Used : 30 Description : Raises your goalie catching. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Hi-Risk HP Used : 300 Description : 50% of chance of getting all your stats reduced by half, but double your experience points. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Invisible Shot HP Used : 220 Description : SH +3, 60% of chance that the ball disappear on his way to the goal, you can control it with the left stick. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Jecht Shot HP Used : 120 Description : SH +5, knock 2 opponent out of your way and then perform a shot. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Jecht Shot 2 HP Used : 999 Description : SH +10, an invisible shot and it knock away 3 opponent out of your way. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Nap Pass HP Used : 40 Description : PA +3, 30% of chance of putting your opponent to sleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Nap Pass 2 HP Used : 200 Description : PA +5, 60% of chance of putting your opponent to sleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Nap Pass 3 HP Used : 510 Description : PA +7, 100% of chance of putting your opponent to sleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Nap Shot HP Used : 45 Description : SH +3, 40% of chance to put the goalie to sleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Nap Shot 2 HP Used : 80 Description : SH +5, 70% of chance to put the goalie to sleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Nap Shot 3 HP Used : 350 Description : SH +7, 100% of chance to put the goalie to sleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Nap Tackle HP Used : 40 Description : AT +3, 40% of chance to put the opponent to sleep if his EN is reduced to zero. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Nap Tackle 2 HP Used : 90 Description : AT +5, 70% of chance to put the opponent to sleep if his EN is reduced to zero. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Nap Tackle 3 HP Used : 180 Description : AT +7, 100% of chance to put the opponent to sleep if his EN is reduced to zero. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Pile Venom HP Used : 30 Description : Cumulate poison effects. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Pile Wither HP Used : 70 Description : Cumulate the effects of Wither. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Regen HP Used : 50 Description : You recover your HP faster. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Sphere Shot HP Used : 90 Description : SH +3, Randomize your shooting point, press X button to stop. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Spin Ball HP Used : 30 Description : Puts some spin on the ball which is making it harder for the goalie to catch. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Super Goalie HP Used : 30 and more Description : 60% of chance to add a random amount of CA to your goalie, press X button to stop. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Tackle Slip HP Used : 40 Description : 40% of chance to evade a tackle, your player might be disoriented after this. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Tackle Slip 2 HP Used : 170 Description : 80% of chance to evade a tackle, your player might be disoriented after this. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Tech Find HP Used : None Description : Prize : Unlocks any of the slots in a character's technique list. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Venom Pass HP Used : 40 Description : PA +3, 30% of chance to put your opponent to sleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Venom Pass 2 HP Used : 120 Description : PA +5, 60% of chance to put your opponent to sleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Venom Pass 3 HP Used : 250 Description : PA +7, 100% of chance to put your opponent to sleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Venom Shot HP Used : 20 Description : SH +3, 40% of chance to put the goalie to sleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Venom Shot 2 HP Used : 35 Description : SH +5, 70% of chance to put the goalie to sleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Venom Shot 3 HP Used : 100 Description : SH +7, 100% of chance to put the goalie to sleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Venom Tackle HP Used : 30 Description : AT +3, 40% of chance to poison your opponent. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Venom Tackle 2 HP Used : 70 Description : AT +5, 70% of chance to poison your opponent. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Venom Tackle 3 HP Used : 160 Description : AT +7, 100% of chance to poison your opponent. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Volley Shot HP Used : 10 Description : 50% of chance to shoot the ball without being blocked. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Volley Shot 2 HP Used : 40 Description : 75% of chance to shoot the ball without being blocked. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Volley Shot 3 HP Used : 250 Description : 100% of chance to shoot the ball without being blocked. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Wither Pass HP Used : 40 Description : PA +3, 30% of chance to reduce the opponents EN, AT or BL. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Wither Pass 2 HP Used : 180 Description : PA +5, 60% of chance to reduce the opponents EN, AT or BL. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Wither Pass 3 HP Used : 440 Description : PA +7, 100% of chance to reduce the opponents EN, AT or BL. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Wither Shot HP Used : 30 Description : SH +3, 40% of chance to reduce the goalie BL and CA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Wither Shot 2 HP Used : 180 Description : SH +5, 70% of chance to reduce the goalie BL and CA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Wither Shot 3 HP Used : 390 Description : SH +7, 100% of chance to reduce the goalie BL and CA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Wither Tackle HP Used : 8 Description : AT +3, 40% of chance to reduce the opponents EN, AT and BL. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Wither Tackle 2 HP Used : 80 Description : AT +5, 70% of chance to reduce the opponents EN, AT and BL. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technique : Wither Tackle 3 HP Used : 250 Description : AT +7, 100% of chance to reduce the opponents EN, AT and BL. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO GET JECHT SHOT This is one of the best technique in the Blitzball. If you want to get it, you must go the S.S. Winno which is located in Luca Harbor. You go on the bridge of the boat. There, you will see a blitz ball. From now on, you just have to press the directional button + the X button in the direction of Tidus's memories. If you are fast enough, Tidus will perform the legendary Jecht Shot. If you are too slow, he will just miss the ball and you will have to start over. HOW TO GET JECHT SHOT 2 If you want to get this technique, you will have to get the Jecht Shot before. Once it is done, you will be able to get this technique in a tournament. But that would be too easy. You must also have learned all the key techniques of Tidus. Here there are : Venom Tackle, Drain Tackle and Anti-Venom 2. If you don't have all his key techniques, when you will win the tournament, a message will say that none of your players can learn this technique. J) RECRUITIING AND SCOUTING : ------------------------ When you are able to play Blitzball on save points, you will be able to recruit new players for your team. These player can be found all over Spira. If you want to know if someone is playing Blitzball, press the SQUARE button when you're facing him. If he is a Blitzball player, some of his stat will appear, like for which team he is playing and the lenght of his contract. If he is not playing for any team at the moment, the lenght of his contract will be 0 games. You'll be able to take him in your team if you want to. Of course, if you want to recruit someone, you'll have to pay him. Their salary can varie depending on how good the player is. Some Blitzball players might also be free agents, which mean that they are not playing for any Blitzball team at that moment. These players salaries are usually lower than the one already playing for a team. After a couple of wins, your team level will go up and new players might become available. You also have a scouting level. If this level is going up, every time you will want to recruit someone for your team, other stats will appear. NOTE : You can only have 8 player for your team, so choose your player wisely. SCOUTING LEVEL -------------- Level 1 : Name of the player. Level 2 : You can see his attributes Level of the player. AT, EN, BL, CA, SH, PA. Team he is playing for. Lenght of his contract. The salary you must pay him. Level 3 : You can see the techniques Level 4 : You can see all the techs that are equipped on this he has learned so far. player. K) TEAM PLAYERS AND FREE AGENTS LIST --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Tidus Playing Team : Besaid Aurochs Key techniques : Venom Tackle, Drain Tackle, Anti-Venom 2 Location : None Comments : Good player in the early game, lot of EN and SH. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Jassu Playing Team : Besaid Aurochs Key techniques : Wither Tackle, Wither Tackle 2, Nap Tackle 2 Location : Luca Stadium in Aurochs locker room Comments : Good defense with decent AT and PA. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Datto Playing Team : Besaid Aurochs Key techniques : Wither Shot, Anti-Venom, Wither Shot 2 Location : Luca Stadium in Aurochs locker room Comments : Not a good player in the early game but can be a good forward with a lot of speed when boosted. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Botta Playing Team : Besaid Aurochs Key techniques : Venom Shot, Venom Pass 2, Nap Tackle Location : Luca Stadium in Aurochs locker room Comments : Not a very good player in the early game but he has a lot of BL when boosted. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Letty Playing Team : Besaid Aurochs Key techniques : Wither Tackle, Nap Pass, Venom Pass 3 Location : Luca Stadium in Aurochs locker room Comments : Nice player in the early game with a huge PA. Good overall man. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Keepa Playing Team : Besaid Aurochs Key techniques : Super Goalie, Volley Shot, Anti-Wither Location : Luca Stadium in Aurochs locker room Comments : Your goalie in the early game. Not the best goalie but has 99 SH when at level 99. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Bickson Playing Team : Luca Goers Key techniques : Wither Shot, Nap Pass, Anti-Nap Location : Luca Harbor in the number 3 dock Comments : One of the best at the very beginning but will become one of the worst at the end. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Doram Playing Team : Luca Goers Key techniques : Wither Tackle, Nap Tackle, Volley Shot Location : Luca Harbor in the number 3 dock Comments : Good AT at the very beginning of the game but will become one of the worst. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Abus Playing Team : Luca Goers Key techniques : Grip Gloves, Venom Tackle 2, Venom Shot 3 Location : Luca Harbor in the number 3 dock Comments : Big SH and EN in the early game but not that good once he is boosted. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Balgerda Playing Team : Luca Goers Key techniques : Nap Tackle, Anti-Wither, Drain Tackle Location : Luca Harbor in the number 3 dock Comments : Big AT and PA in the early game but will become useless at the end of the game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Graav Playing Team : Luca Goers Key techniques : Venom Pass, Tackle Slip, Drain Tackle 2 Location : Luca Harbor in the number 3 dock Comments : Good PA and EN in the early game but not very good at the end of the game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Raudy Playing Team : Luca Goers Key techniques : Grip Gloves, Gamble, Tackle Slip Location : Luca Harbor in the number 3 dock Comments : Good goalie in the early game but not one of the best at the end. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Larbeight Playing Team : Kilika Beasts Key techniques : Wither Shot, Anti-Nap, Tackle Slip 2 Location : Kilika Port docks Comments : Not the best offense in the early game but he is surely one of the best at the end with huge EN and SH. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Kulukan Playing Team : Kilika Beasts Key techniques : Drain Tackle, Nap Pass, Venom Tackle 3 Location : Kilika Port tavern Comments : Good defense in all the game with decent AT and huge passing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Isken Playing Team : Kilika Beasts Key techniques : Wither Pass, Wither Tackle, Wither Tackle 2 Location : Kilika Port house Comments : Good EN but not a big SH in the early game. One of the best once boosted though. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Deim Playing Team : Kilika Beasts Key techniques : Venom Tackle, Wither Pass, Pile Wither Location : Kilika Temple great hall Comments : Not good at the beginning but has a huge BL at the end of the game. Not a big AT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Vuroja Playing Team : Kilika Beasts Key techniques : Wither Tackle, Nap Pass, Anti-Nap Location : Kilika Port docks Comments : One of the best overall player in the game with 99 of PA, good BL and great EN at the end. Not that good at the beginning though. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Nizarut Playing Team : Kilika Beasts Key techniques : Venom Shot, Anti-Wither, Anti-Nap Location : Kilika Temple great hall Comments : Not the best goalie in the early game but great goalie at the end though. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Eigaar Playing Team : Al Bhed Psyches Key techniques : Venom Tackle, Spin Ball, Volley Shot Location : Airship corridor Comments : He has great EN, BL and SH in the early game. But he is not good at the end of the game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Judda Playing Team : Al Bhed Psyches Key techniques : Anti-Nap, Wither Tackle, Anti-Wither Location : Airship corridor Comments : Good defense in the early game with good AT and BL. Not a big AT at the end though. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Blappa Playing Team : Al Bhed Psyches Key techniques : Elite Defense, Drain Tackle, Nap Shot Location : Airship corridor Comments : One good guy at the beginning but not good at the end. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Lakkam Playing Team : Al Bhed Psyches Key techniques : Venom Tackle, Nap Pass, Tackle Slip Location : Airship corridor Comments : Good defense in the early game but not enough AT once boosted. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Berrik Playing Team : Al Bhed Psyches Key techniques : Venom Tackle, Wither Tackle 2, Elite Defense Location : Airship corridor Comments : Decent player in the early game but not a good player at the end. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Nimrook Playing Team : Al Bhed Psyches Key techniques : Venom Tackle, Venom Tackle 2, Anti-Drain Location : Airship corridor Comments : The best goalie of the entire game. You must have this goalie in your team. With Super Goalie and Anti-Nap, he is untouchable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Basik Ronso Playing Team : Ronso Fangs Key techniques : Nap Shot, Venom Tackle, Invisible Shot Location : Luca Harbor in number 4 dock Comments : Good offense man with huge SH and EN at the end of the game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Nuvy Ronso Playing Team : Ronso Fangs Key techniques : Venom Tackle, Volley Shot, Tackle Slip Location : Luca Harbor in number 4 dock Comments : Great defense with big AT but not enough BL and with a decent PA during all the game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Argai Ronso Playing Team : Ronso Fangs Key techniques : Wither Tackle, Venom Pass 2, Anti-Drain Location : Luca Harbor in number 4 dock Comments : Good offense man with huge SH and EN at the end of the game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Irga Ronso Playing Team : Ronso Fangs Key techniques : Pile Wither, Wither Tackle 3, Super Goalie Location : Luca Harbor in number 4 dock Comments : Good defense the whole game with huge AT and PA and a good BL. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Gazna Ronso Playing Team : Ronso Fangs Key techniques : Venom Pass, Drain Tackle, Volley Shot 2 Location : Luca Harbor in number 4 dock Comments : The only thing this guy can do is breaking through everything in the early game. One of the worst of this game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Zamzi Ronso Playing Team : Ronso Fangs Key techniques : Spin Ball, Super Goalie, Invisible Shot Location : Luca Harbor in number 4 dock Comments : Not the best goalie of the game but he is still a decent goalie. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Giera Guado Playing Team : Guado Glories Key techniques : Venom Shot, Nap Shot, Pile Venom Location : Guadosalam Comments : Two words to describe the Guado : HUGE SPEED. That's the only advantage of this guy though. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Auda Guado Playing Team : Guado Glories Key techniques : Anti-Venom, Anti-Nap, Anti-Wither Location : Guadosalam Comments : Huge speed again and one big BL too. Good defense the whole game but don't have enough AT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Zazi Guado Playing Team : Guado Glories Key techniques : Anti-Venom, Wither Shot 2, Anti-Venom 2 Location : Guadosalam house Comments : High speed with decent PA and SH the whole game. Not one of the best though. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Pah Guado Playing Team : Guado Glories Key techniques : Drain Tackle, Venom Tackle 2, Gamble Location : Guadosalam house Comments : Good defense with decent AT and PA in the early game. Huge BL at the end. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Navara Guado Playing Team : Guado Glories Key techniques : Drain Tackle, Super Goalie, Nap Tackle 2 Location : Guadosalam Comments : Good PA the entire game with a HUGE BL at the end of the game. Not enough EN though. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Noy Guado Playing Team : Guado Glories Key techniques : Anti-Nap, Wither Pass 2, Elite Defense Location : Guadosalam Comments : Decent goalie to have in the early game but is surely one of the worst at the end of the game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Brother Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Wither Tackle 2, Nap Tackle, Sphere Shot Location : Airship bridge Comments : Very good in the early game but won't be of any use after that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Kyou Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Venom Pass, Volley Shot, Nap Tackle 2 Location : Djose Temple Comments : Good goalie in the early game but will soon become useless. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Wedge Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Nap Tackle, Wither Tackle, Anti-Venom 2 Location : Luca Stadium main gate Comments : Good SH and EN in the early game and he will become one of the best goalie once he is level 99. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Zalitz Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Anti-Venom, Venom Pass, Tackle Slip Location : Luca Theater Comments : Good AT and BL in the early game but will soon become useless. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Kiyuri Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Wither Shot, Sphere Shot, Volley Shot 2 Location : S.S. Winno deck Comments : Not good in the early game but will become a very good defense with lot of PA and AT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Shaami Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Wither Shot, Wither Pass, Venom Pass 3 Location : Luca Harbor bridge Comments : Bad player in the early game but will have a huge SH and a good EN once she is level 99. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Shuu Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Venom Tackle 2, Anti-Venom, Pile Venom Location : Luca Seaport café Comments : DON'T take this player. He is surely the worst Blitzball player of the entire game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Zev Ronso Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Volley Shot, Anti-Wither, Pile Venom Location : Luca Harbor in the number 5 dock Comments : Good SH and EN in the early game but I don't recommend you this one. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Jumal Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Spin Ball,Tackle Slip, Tackle Slip 2 Location : Luca Seaport in the square Comments : Huge CA in the early game but he is not very good once he is boosted. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Tatts Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Nap Tackle, Venom Tackle, Nap Tackle 2 Location : Kilika Port docks Comments : Good EN and PA the whole game. Not a bad player. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Svanda Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Nap Shot, Venom Tackle 2, Regen Location : Calm Lands Comments : Big SH, EN, AT and BL in the very beginning but she will soon become useless. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Durren Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Nap Pass 2, Nap Pass, Anti-Nap Location : Calm Lands in the Gorge Bottom Comments : You have no use of taking this guy even if he has a decent CA in the early game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Nedus Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Volley Shot, Volley Shot 2, Anti-Wither Location : Luca Harbor in the number 1 dock Comments : Good EN and SH the whole time he is boosting. It's a decent player. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Vilucha Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Tackle Slip, Volley Shot, Anti-Venom 2 Location : Besaid Village in a house Comments : Huge SH and EN at the end of the game with a lot of HP too. Good player. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Naida Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Wither Shot, Nap Tackle 2, Spin Ball Location : Calm Lands shop Comments : Huge speed with a good BL and PA the whole game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Mifurey Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Nap Pass, Super Goalie, Wither Tackle Location : Thunder Plains in the Travel Agency Comments : Good EN and PA. Not a very good player. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Biggs Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Wither Shot, Nap Tackle 2, Spin Ball Location : Luca Stadium at the main gate Comments : Good SH and EN the entire game. Not a very good player though. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Miyu Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Super Goalie, Gamble, Hi-Risk Location : Moonflow in the North Shoopuf Wharf Comments : The worst goalie of this game. Even Keepa is better than that so DON'T recruit this one. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Mep Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Anti-Drain, Drain Tackle, Pile Venom Location : Kilika Temple Comments : He has the highest BL at the beginning but it last only until level 5 or so. Don't take him in your team. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Rin Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Venom Pass, Anti-Venom, Venom Tackle Location : Airship Corridor Comments : At first he is not very good but once he gets to level 99 he has a good BL. Not that good though. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Yuma Guado Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Venom Tackle, Nap Tackle 2, Anti-Wither Location : Guadosalam in a house Comments : Not a very good goalie. I don't recommend this one to you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Ropp Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Nap Tackle, Venom Pass 3, Anti-Venom 2 Location : Mi'ihen Highroad at the Travel Agency Comments : Not a bad defense. If you boost him to level 99 he will have a huge PA and a decent AT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Linna Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Nap Shot, Nap Tackle, Drain Tackle Location : Macalania Temple on the Frozen Road Comments : Huge PA and SH the entire time you're boosting her. The only problem : about no EN. Good player though. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Wakka Playing Team : Free Agent Key techniques : Wither Shot, Drain Tackle, Tackle Slip Location : Airship Brige Comments : Yes, you can get Wakka back in your team. He has high SH and EN. With him and Tidus in your team, you're gonna score a lot. You can recruit Wakka once you have your airship by the end of the game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is my personal Dream Team (everyone is level 99) : LF : Tidus RF : Wakka MD : Vuroja LD : Kulukan RD : Irga Ronso GL : Nimrook Dream Team from Danny, DannySB@aol.com : LF : Tidus RF : Blappa MD : Ropp LD : Irga Ronso RD : Botta GL : Nimrook Dream Team from Toby Tucker, chosen_one62889@hotmail.com : LF : Nedus (very, very fast) RF : Larbeight (80 some endurance, 96 shot!!) MF : Linna (great PA, OK AT) LD : Ropp (Best AT in the gme) RD : Irga or Nuvy Ronso (slow, but high AT, except one has lot of techs) GL : Nimrook (best from the beginning) Dream Team from Lorenzo, lorenzo_minime4@hotmail.com : LF : Jasu RF : Balgerda MF : Tidus LD : Linna RD : Basik Ronso GL : Yuma Guado Dream Team from Vlaadamir@aol.com : LF : Tidus RF : Brother MF : Wedge LD : Ropp RD : Zalitz GL : Jumal Wakka (as a sub, but hardly use him) Dream Team from SSJTrunks90513@aol.com : LF : Tidus RF : Shuu MD : Letty LD : Botta RD : Jassu GL : Keepa Dream Team from zell_dincht17@hotmail.com : LF : Wakka RF : Tidus MD : Giera Guado LD : Argai Ronso RD : Igra Ronso GL : Wedge Dream Team from MagnumXL200@aol.com : LF : Tidus RF : Vilucha MF : Mifurey LD : Kiyuri RD : Vuroja GL : Nimrook * If you want, you can send me your Dream Team at stonekotr@hotmail.com * You have a question about Blitzball? Send them to mike_692@hotmail.com Final Fantasy X FAQ/Walkthrough By StoneKotr Copyright 2002 All rights reserved Part One of Two |End Of Part One|