Final Fantasy X Secrets FAQ ver 2.5 The latest version of this FAQ will always appear at: .txt version --> .html version --> Hi all. This FAQ was originally written for the Japanese release of the game. I have added some details about the American release of the game. For the most part both versions of the game are the same. Just a few name changes here and there to worry about. I have left most of the names as they appear in the Japanese version. Most are similar enough that you should know where I am talking about. This FAQ contains spoilers to a degree, but only when absolutely necessary to explain where to go. Consider that fair warning…besides why bicker about spoilers when you are already cheating by reading this drivel? Now then….on with the FAQ. I CAN NOT STRESS ENOUGH; YOU CAN NOT ACCOMPLISH MOST OF THESE QUESTS UNTIL LATE IN THE GAME. YOU MUST HAVE ACCESS TO YOUR AIRSHIP AND HAVE ALREADY REVISITED BEVILLE AND TALKED TO THE ALCOLYTE AND MIKA!!!!!! ALSO, AS IT IS MY MOST COMMONLY ASKED QUESTION, YOU CAN NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, EVER REENTER THE BEVILLE TEMPLE OR THE AL BHED HOME!!!! IF YOU MISS ANYTHING THERE YOU ARE OUT OF LUCK! Airship Passwords and Coordinates In your airship menu you have 3 options List Password Coordinates We are concerned with the latter 2. First we have some passwords. These can be found by reading the Al Bhed symbols scattered throughout Spira once you have enough of the dictionaries to actually read them correctly. Here are a few passwords to enter. Japanese version codes: They must be entered in hiragana. If you don’t know hiragana, go find a cheap book at B&N or the like. Even the $10 travel size books usually have the 2 Japanese alphabets listed. GO tsu DO HA N DO = Kinokoiwa Valley Bottom (the lowercase tsu means use the smaller tsu from the middle of the character list) BI KU TO RI A SU = Bisaido Ruins 1 MU RA SA ME = Bisado Ruins 2 American version codes: For the American release the codes must be entered in all capital letters GODHAND VICTORIOUS MURASAME Once you enter these, you can select the new area from the list (it will even show up with a little box that says ‘NEW’. Then there are the coordinates. You can freely move the cursor around the map. On the left X,Y,Z coordinates are shown. Z is just elevation and is unimportant. So here are some X,Y locations to use. Just press the O button to search these spots and the new location will appear in your List menu. X-74 Y-36 = Omega Ruins X-15 Y41 = Sanubia Sand Dune X-16 Y-57 = Ebon Temple (Anima) X-31 Y-73 = Bisaido Rainbow Waterfall X-34 Y-58 = Mihen Abovewater Ruins X-42 Y-57 = Kinokoiwa Battle Ruins The Celestial Mirror & Powering up your Ultimate Weapons Now that you have all these new locations you may notice there are a few boxes that you cannot open. These are magically sealed and required the celestial mirror. So let’s go through what we need to do to get one…. Start off in the Nagi Plains/Calm Lands (the huge open grassy field area with a small shop area in the center) Depending on what entrance you came from there should be a chocobo rider who will give you a chocobo to ride nearby. Once you are riding the chocobo, head to the southeast corner of the map. You will see a small yellow feather near what looks like a broken bridge. Press the O button (while still riding the chocobo… some people are DENSE) and you will jump down to a small ledge. Continue down the path to the very purdy Remaria Shrine. Inside the shrine you can face challenges against the summon spells you have earned thus far. You will need to beat all 8 aeons here eventually. After toying with this for a bit, head outside to the right side of the temple. Talk to the chocobo and you can race in a mini game against another chocobo. If you make it to the center before the other chocobo you are rewarded with a cloudy mirror… but it isn’t magically charged yet. Note that you can continue to race and gain other items, but it requires avoiding the flags and opening as many chests as possible. The max number of chests you can open and still win is 5. You get REALLY good stuff for this game. Win once with 1 chest, then with 2 chests, etc. Now take your cloudy mirror to the forest of Makalania south of Nagi Plains/Calm Lands. There is a mother and son standing together near the beginning of this town. Talk to each of them a few times. Then go right and then north. There will be a small area with a few people standing around. Talk to each of them. One of them (the boy’s father) will run off. Go back to the first area and talk to the mother and father a few times each. Now run up the glowing, sparkly path to the left. Talk to the son and head up the north path. You can now charge your mirror (only need to do this once). Your mirror will now open the chests and walls that contain each character’s ultimate weapon. Also note that once you have a power up scroll for an ultimate weapon, you need to return here to have it imbued with the special powers. Ultimate Weapons Keep in mind that the weapons stink at first (they keep you from gaining AP!!!) but after you power them up, they rock. You must have the powered magic mirror to open the chests and walls that contain the ultimate weapons!!!! It is also very important to note that you cannot win some of these items until late in the game!!! For instance; playing the butterfly mini game when you first get to that part in the game will only award you a sphere or other simple item. You must come back to these areas and games after you have your airship. Note that the American version refers to the 2 power ups by their planetary name and either crest or sigil. Tidus Ultima Weapon Location:Northwest Nagi Hill Power up Items: Sunday Scroll => Ebon/Yevon Dome chest after fight with Yunaleska, the 3 part battle with giant medusa head demon. (go down stairs in rear of room twice to make chest appear.) Sunday Holy Scroll => win last Nagi Hill chocobo race with a time of 0:0:0 Yuna Nivarna Location:Nagi Hill -Collect all monsters from Nagi Hill/Calm Lands, use mirror to open box. (More on this below) Power up Items: Monday Scroll) => Beside Island Beach Monday Holy Scroll => Defeat all summons at Remaria Shrine and release summoner’s spirit. Lulu Knight of Tamanegi (Onion) Location:Barji=Ebon Shrine (outside Anima’s temple), under lake where monster breaks through the wall (after 2nd fight with him) Power up Items: Tuesday Scroll => Guadoslam, Go to the farplane. It’s over there on the left. Tuesday Holy Scroll => evade thunder 200 times continuously at Thunder Hill. Must be 200 times in a row, without being struck by lightning at all. To evade, wait for a bright white flash and press the O button at the same moment. You will jump back instead of getting hit and falling back. This will take you quite some time. Note that some areas have more lighting that others. Wakka World Champion Location:Get from Bartender at Luka Cafe after you win a few Blitzball Tournaments. Powerup Items: Wednesday Scroll =>Locker inside Blitzball Locker room in Luca. Wednesday Holy Scroll => Blitzball prize…must win all of Wakka’s overdrives first. I won 60 games of Blitzball before winning this scroll. It was a prize for a Ranking tournament of 10 games. Kimahri Longinus Location: Thunder Hill -Activate 3 stones at Thunder Hill by pressing square. Find the Sabotender ghost and follow him to a small ruin. Press square. It’s on the first map and near the right edge of the screen. Looks a little like a collapsed lighting tower. Powerup Items: Thursday Scroll => Box at Gagazetto Mountain Thursday Holy Scroll => Second Butterfly Mini-game in Makarania Forest (see below) Rikku God Hand Location:Bottom of Kinoko Canyon (use airship coordinates from above) Powerup Items: Friday Scroll => West of Sanubia Desert in a whirlpool of sand, just before Home. Friday Holy Scroll => Clear the Sabotender Event at Bikanel Island (more on this below) Auron Masamune Location: Kinoko Canyon Street -Get rusted sword from Nagi Hill (on the map just before you enter the stolen fayth cave… Go to the northeast exit, then go under the second bridge instead of over it then go to the right. There are a few people here, near them is a sword stuck in the ground. Press O to grab it. -Go to Kinoko Canyon Street (this is the area just south of the remains of the magic cannon destroyed during operation Mihen), Find an elevator stone on your left and go up and use the sword on the statue of a man standing over a dead behemoth. Then use your powered mirror on the symbol on the wall. Powerup Items: Saturday Scroll =>South of old Mihen Street Saturday Holy Scroll =>Collect enough monsters for the Monster Trainer to unlock 10 special battles. (More on this below) Nagi Hill Chocobo Races and Tidas Ultimate Weapon To gain Tidas best weapon and holy scroll, you need to complete the Chocobo races at Nagi Hill. To begin, find the STATIONARY person riding a chocobo near the entrance (any entrance you come from, the rider will be nearby) One of the options is to race. You must complete each race to unlock the next. The last race is against another rider. Wining this once will allow you to pass the guard in Northwest Nagi Hills to get Tidas ultimate weapon. To get to the location of the weapon you must be on foot! The path is too small for a chocobo to reach. Wining the last chocobo race with a time of 0:0:0 will earn the Holy Scroll power up for Tidas weapon. To attain this time you need to gather as many balloons as you can and avoid all the birds. The more balloons you collect, the lower your time. If you have trouble, purposely time out by getting stuck on the first turn in the path and letting the timer run out at 2 minutes. During the following race, the birds will be easier to dodge. ***note*** this cheat will NOT work on the American version. Catching the Butterflies In the Makalania Forest you will find a parrot-man playing a harp. After talking to him, to your immediate left is a butterfly. Upon touching it, you begin another mini game challenge. You must collect all the blue butterflies without touching ANY of the purple ones before the timer runs out. Touching a purple butterfly starts a battle and costs you a few seconds. After completing the first challenge, a similar challenge awaits on the next screen past the parrot-man. Kimari’s Holy scroll is won from this second challenge….. but it is very important that you do this after you have the airship. Otherwise you will just win a sphere or an ether. Try not to pop a blood vessel on this one. I got a little irate at this part (>_<)*~@#$! In the American version you only need win the first challenge. The second challenge contains only a teleport sphere. Capturing Monsters Capturing monsters is a pretty fun/tedious side-quest in the game. It is required for quite a few of the optional quests. Start off by heading to Nagi Plains/Calm Lands. To the east of Nagi plains is a shop with a dragon wrapped around it. This is the monster trainer. The weapons he sells here have a special ability that let you capture monsters for him. Any monster (except mechanical ones) that you kill with these weapons is considered captured. When you capture one of every creature from a given area, you receive a prize and you also unlock a special battle. You get to fight this battle once for free. Afterwards you may select the boss from the list and fight it again for a small fee. If you gather 10 of each creature from an area you unlock another special battle. One bonus to these fights is that dying will simply return you to the trainer, and not “Game Over” you. At first, the only area available for creature capturing is Nagi Plains. Once you have captured one of every creature from Nagi Plains, return to the Monster Trainer. A chest will fall from the sky when you talk to him. This chest contains Yuna’s Ultimate weapon, and requires the Celestial mirror to open. Now, if you talk to the Monster Trainer you can bring up a list of all the areas in the game where you can capture creatures. The next area you should work on is Gagazeto Mountain. Collecting 10 of every creature at the mountain earns you a special seal that will remove one of the barriers that block your path to the final Aeon in the game. The regular area selection screen looks like this: Bisaido Kirika Mihen Kinoko Jyoze Thunder Plains Makaranya Forest Bikanel Desert Nagi Plains Cave Under the Valley Gagazeto Mountain Inside the body of Sin Omega Ruins Area Conquest Species Conquest Original Here is a rundown of each area’s monsters, in the order they appear on the monster trainer list: Bisaido Dingo – small dog Condor – small bird Water Pudding – a small blue slime Kirika Daisonikusu – a lizard-like enemy Killer Bee – yep, it’s a bee. Aero Element – a floating yellow magic symbol Barusemu- a small seed-shooting plant Mihen Mihen Fang – the first of many reused enemies… a small dog Ipiria – another lizard type creature Float Eye – a grey eyegore, a winged creature with one large eye White Element – a floating blue magic symbol Rarudo – small shell armored critter with fat claws Valve – a small brown dragon Bomb – a floating ball with pointy “hair” Dual Horn – Beast with 2 large horns on his back Kinoko Raptor – another lizard Gandaruva – Floating purple goblin with a peacock-like tail Thunder Pudding – Not an offical Jello flavor…. A green & yellow slime Red Element – Floating red magic symbol Ramashyutou – blue & yellow dragon Garuda – a large winged creature. Jyoze Garumu – a dog Shimarugu – small brown bird Bite Bagu – another bee Snow Pudding – light blue slime Banipu – small shell armored critter with fat claws and weird yellow jelly on his back Bajirisuku – large orange serpent dragon Ochyu – Huge plant with several tall arms Thunder Plains Meryujinu – a lizard Aero Jyu – a red floating goblin remake Buiru – a green eyegore Gold Element – floating yellow magic symbol Kusariku – blue dragon with spikes going down spine Raruva – a floating demon skull Iron Giant – a huge armored warrior with a large sword in hand Sabotenda? – the tiny cactus guy himself Makaraya Forest Suno Urufu – Hey! It’s another dog! Shumeruke – and another lizard too! Wasp – oh look another bee! Evil Eye – a Blue eyegore clone…. Ice Pudding – is it ice or is it pudding? Blue Element – floating blue magic symbol Murufushu – small shell armored critter, with ice crystals on his back Mafuto – small shell armored critter, with smoke coming out of him Kushibosu – spike legged reptile Chimera – a beast with several different animal heads and a snake for a tail Bikaneru Desert Sand Wolf – dog Arukyuone – small black bird Mushyuiushyu – green dragon with horns Zuu – a huge black bird Sandworm – a huge worm… the spice must flow! Sabotenda – the real tiny cactus guy <-- really good AP Nagi Plains Sugoru – dog Nebirosu – a red bee Flame Pudding – a red slime Juriddo - another little armor critter Hedge Viper – black serpent dragon Ogre – a fat Chewbaca Claw – a white tiger with really big whiskers Chimera Brain – a black & red version of the Chimera Moruboru – a large plant with many eyes and teeth, tentacles for legs Cave Under the Valley This is the area where you find the Aeon Youjimo Youi – lizard again Garukimasaera – Red floating goblin Dark Element – a floating black magic symbol Nizuheggu – red dragon with large horns Soun – a brown mushroom Varaha – white beats with 4 horns on this back Ehijyu – a spike legged reptile Ghost – a floating demon skeleton with a glowing tail Tonbery – a small green guy with a knife and a lantern Gagazeto Mountain This area includes the snowy mountain, the caves and the underwater parts of the caves. Bandersnatch – a…. wolf, not a dog, yeah that’s it Aliman – yellow eyegore clone Dark Pudding – Bill Cosby’s favorite slime Grenade – a blue bomb type enemy Guratto – a blue seed-shooting plant Grendel – blue beast with 4 horns on his back Ashura – a 4 armed yeti Mandrake – huge plant with tall arms Behemoth – a giant purple beast with a brown Mohawk Supurashya - piranha fish, sometimes in groups of 2 or 3 Akeorosu – angel-like fish Rising Spike – a large fish with 2 huge horns Inside the Body of Sin Anti Sansan – blue mushroom Rise – another ghost enemy Urufuramaita – iron giant on the right Urufuramaita- iron giant on the left Devil Mosorisu – dragon skeleton in stone Great Moruboru – a stronger version of the moruboru Barubatoisu – a fat demon wearing huge armor Adamantium – giant turtle King Behemoth – a stronger version of the behemoth that casts Meteo as it dies Omega Ruins Zarasu – the final lizard enemy Death Float – the last eyegore Black Element – a floating black magic symbol Haaruma – a familiar looking armor critter Piuroborusu – a golden bomb creature Spirit – a demon ghost Mechii – a spike legged reptile Master Claw – an orange tiger with long whiskers Master Tonberi – a stronger version of the tonberi from the cave under the valley Varuna – a demon that looks a lot like Diabos. I didn’t bother listing the names of the special battles. All you really need to know about these is that you earn them by collecting monsters. No, I didn’t keep track of what area unlocked which battle… I just earned them all as fast as I could. To unlock all the special battles, collect 10 of every creature from every area. Then you need to defeat all the special battles to unlock the final special battle – a super powered version of the Omega weapon. He is painful. If you defeat this battle you earn 10 Master Spheres. These spheres will instantly earn ANY one sphere on the sphere board from any location. Almost useful, but would have been more helpful about 50 hours earlier in the game (^_^;; So you want tips for defeating all the special battles? Go get all the ultimate weapons and power ups first! You need to be able to hit for 99,999 to be able to defeat many of these battles. Having at least one character over 9,999 HP helps a lot too. I used Tidas, Rikku and Wakka for all the battles and just healed and used Overdrives. There are a few tricky battles where you need to cast reflect on yourself and cast magic on yourself to hit the enemy, but this is nothing new to the world of Final Fantasy. If you take the time to do all the other stuff first, the super battles are a lot easier. They are still pretty hard though! Also note, special battle 1,2 & 3 are not the direct translation of the names of these menus. I just didn’t feel like digging through my dictionaries to look them up. I am sure the creature names are a bit off too, but mostly this list is just to help you figure out what creature you are missing. Getting Second Overdrive for Valfor Go back to Besido and talk to the woman and dog by front left side of Valfor’s temple. If they aren’t there wait a bit and they will show up. Or walk around and talk to everyone. You’ll know you have it when some yellow text pops up. Apparently you can do this fairly early in the game, but I got it rather late (^_^;; Also note, this is the ONLY summon that gets a second overdrive. Valfor needed it anyhow. His other one sucked. Getting Aeon Youjimbo. Go to the northeast exit of Nagi Plains (popular area isn’t it?) Now go under the second bridge instead of over it. Take a left on the next area into a cave area. Follow the path onward and you will fight against Youjimbo and then continue on. At the end of the cave you will reach the summon chamber. Youjimbo tells you he doesn’t work for free. Offer him some cash for him to join. He asks for 300,000 but apparently some people have offered him less and gained him anyway. Personally I gave him 310,000. I figure there has to be a difference. Some have said you gain some extra items this way. I am not sure. Now when you cast him, he has 2 commands. Pay him to attack, and return. Paying him 1 coin will get his 3 regular attacks. Paying him 0 coin will make him leave. If the enemy can be killed with an instant death spell and you pay him over 100,000 coin, he hill do a special attack and chop them in half. I guess they count this as his overdrive since when his meter fills nothing happens. This is best viewed by saving first and then giving him all your money. Then reset after you see it. You won’t need to use it most of the time since it is so darn costly and doesn’t work on bosses. Magic Pots A common enemy from several Final Fantasy games, the Magic pot makes a return in Youjimbo’s dungeon. If you have the ability to see enemy data you will notice that these have a HUGE amount of hit points. There are 5 places to attack. 4 of them are good, 1 is bad. You can gain elixirs, phoenix downs, and other items by attacking the good ones, but be careful! Choose the bad ones and the pot will explode for massive damage. So far, tossing an item to the Magic pot has had the same result as attacking it, so save your elixirs. Getting Aeon Anima. You’ll need the coordinates at the top of the FAQ to get to this area. Before I begin on the requirements for gaining entrance to Anima’s fayth chamber, a word of warning; you will have a semi hard fight with the water beast from the beginning of Tidas’ journey in Spira. He is MUCH stronger and you’ll be forced to use Tidas, Wakka, and Rikku. Be sure to have stone ward on your party members so the battle doesn’t end right away. Once that is taken care of, you need to light the 6 seals to unlock the barrier guarding Anima. To do this you need to solve the optional destruction sphere puzzles found in each Aeon’s shrine. All of these optional puzzles involve locating the destruction sphere that you use somewhere to open a way to a hidden chest. Each hidden chest will contain a special item.***NOTE THAT THESE ITEMS ARE NOT IMPORTANT*** It is just a bonus for completing the extra puzzle. The seal you see is the important part. There is no menu that will tell you have them. AFTER KILLING SEYMOR IN SHIVA’S TEMPLE YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ENTER THE SHRINES UNTIL NEAR THE END OF THE GAME. I suggest you stay at each shrine until you get the destruction sphere and open the treasure chest. I will NOT list the way to solve the shrine puzzles other than to say, after you open the way in or out of the shrine, keep messing with things and you will be rewarded. Some of them are pretty tricky and require resetting the pushable pillars a few times, or pushing a pillar off a cliff with different stones in them (that’s enough of a hint. Don’t email me asking how to solve these.) Since many have written me about the item in Ebon/Yevon Dome, I will try and point you in the right direction. Ebon/Yevon Dome is the last area listed on your airship’s location list (Zanarkaland). You need to get to the room with all the floor panels that you light up by touching them. You should notice the monitor is now displaying 7 white squares. You must light up only the 7 white squares on the floor of the 2 rooms to get the destruction sphere. From there you should be able to figure it out. Once you have all 6 special items use the airship to go to X-16 Y-57 = Ebon/Yevon Temple. This is the first area of the game. You need to jump in the water. Dive down and explore with the X button (to leave this area again use the Square button) Be warned! You must fight the boss from the beginning of the game and he isn’t playing this time. After the fight enter the door and swim up. Enter this door and you will be in a room with a magical seal and 6 statues. As you walk in from of each statue it will light up if you have the stone. Here is the order they are arranged by (you can touch them in any order, but this may help if you are missing one) Upper Left=Besido - Valfor’s Shine Middle left=Macalainia - Shiva’s Shrine Bottom left=Ebon/Yevon Dome – Puzzle area just before the fight with Yunareska (giant medusa head boss) ***NOTE*** this is the one everyone misses. You have to leave the shrine and go one your airship, talk to the people at Beville temple, and then return to solve the puzzle!!!! Upper right= Beberu/Beville - Bahamut’s Shrine (YOU CAN NEVER RENETER,GET IT ON THE 1st GO!!!) ***NOTE*** you REALLY can’t miss this one. It has no puzzle. It is blocking your path out of the temple. If you miss it you are a total tool and beyond my help. middle right=Djoze - Ixion’s Shrine bottom right=Kilika – Ifirit’s Shrine Once all 6 are little the way is cleared and you get Anima. Boy he’s strong, isn’t he? On your way out, search the stone rubble that the giant fish broke through (at the beginning of the game) for the chest that has Lulu’s Ultimate weapon, and then press square to exit the water. Revisit the Aeon Shrines After you slay Seymore you will not be allowed to renter the summon shines. After you gain access to your airship, visit Beville temple and talk to the alcolyte and Mika. Now you will be able to visit the shrines again. By resolving the puzzles in the shines you can also talk to the Fayths themselves now and get some nifty items. Visit Guadoslam and return to the farplane for a few more scenes as well. Getting the Last Aeon, The Magu 3 Sisters Note that getting this one takes some effort, and also note that you will almost never lose once you have them. You need to have all the other aeons first. Go get them all. You need to capture the creatures from Nagi Valley/Calm Lands and then 10 of each creature from Gagazeto Mountain for the monster trainer to give you one key item (see monster capture section elsewhere in this FAQ). Then go to the Remaria Shrine and battle against each of your summons. Once you beat them all, the woman will give you an item. You then use the 2 items to break the 2 seals blocking the door. Once the seals are gone, Yuna walks in, and then walks out and you have the overpowered & goofy looking Magu 3 Sisters aeon. The Magu 3 sisters were the babel tower boss battle in FF4 (FF2 in the states). This is an odd choice for a last aeon in the game, but they are pretty strong. Make sure to challenge the summoner on your way out to battle the Magu sisters and gain Yuna’s Holy scroll. Pretty simple battle with Anima really. If you have his Overdrive ready, it’s a one-move win. Custom Super Weapons and Armor You can make custom super weapons and armor if you have a lot of time and Gil. I advise using these only with a blank 4 slot weapon or armor. You can buy these from a boy at the beginning of the Makaranya Forest once you have your airship. Here are a few of the better things you can do with your equipment: Exceed Max Damage With this ability equipped on your weapon you can hit for a max of 99,999 instead of only 9,999. You need 60 Dark Matter. You can win these from many of the special battle fights at the Monster Trainer. When you equip this ability on a weapon, the name of the weapon changes as well. Exceed Max HP A lot harder to earn, this ability is equipped in your armor and allows you to have more than 9,999 HP. It is very hard to raise your HP very far past 9,999 though, even if you use the additional abilities of HP +30% and the like. To gain the Exceed Max HP ability you need 30 Wings of Heaven. The only method I know of to gain these items is by using the Wairu (Bribe) command. If you bribe the Maruboru in Nagi Plains/Calm Lands and pay the amount 540,000 he will leave behind 2 to 4 Wings of Heaven. Very expensive, but well worth it when you want to beat the special battles. You also get 30 of them for capturing 10 of every enemy for one area of the game. Auto Haste Automatically casts haste on you at the beginning of battle.You need to steal 80 Chocobo Wings (not feathers) from the Sabotenda/ Cactuars found in Bikanel Desert. You can only steal 2 at a time. The best place to get these fast is the cactuar “village” area opened by removing the sandstorm (see Sabotender mini games below) Once you have this in your armor though, you will have a much easier time. Auto Phoenix This ability is equipped on your armor. When a fellow party member dies in battle, you will automatically use a phoenix down on them. Save you a lot of turns if you die a lot. You need 30 Mega Phoenix items for this ability. Not sure of a good place for them, but the Monster trainer gives you 99 of them at one point for capturing creatures. No Random Encounters There is an ability you can add to armor equipment to avoid random battles completely. The ability is called "enkaunto nashi" (no encounter). You need 30 "kiyome no shio" (purifying salts). You can steal these from zombie Ebon soldiers in the Ebon Dome. I have also found a few weapons and armor that have this ability already while fighting in Omega Ruins and inside the body of Sin. Sabotender mini games First, in the Thunder Valley there are several stones with the Sabotender symbol carved into them. You can activate some of them by pressing square on them. When you have 3 of them activated, go to the southern area of the Thunder Valley. You can see a faint ghost of a Sabotender running around. Follow him and press square. You will pray at a shrine ruin and gain Kimari’s best weapon. In the desert before Rikku’s home, there is another stone with a Sabotender symbol on it. Press square to activate it and remove the sandstorm. Now you have to catch 10 Sabotender in a mini game. Here’s how it works. After activating the stone once, go back to the beginning of the desert area. You will see a Sabotender on the right, next to the first save point. Talk to him and you will play a game of “Red light, Green light” You can only run at him when he isn’t looking at you. If you keep running you lose. There is also a timer. If you catch him you get to fight him and gain a good bit of AP. Even if you fail you gain a special sphere. Take this sphere back to the Sabotender stone. You need to repeat this process, looking for 10 different Sabotender total, returning with each stone before searching for another. Here is a list of where to find them. Note that the order may be different for you. Sorry there aren’t a lot of good landmarks to go by to give better directions. 1.Near Save Point at Oasis 2.Save point inside tent (just touch the save point then cancel) 3.Search the 20% off sign near the Sabotender stone 4.2 Sabotenders running back and forth near ruins to the west 5.Save point at somewhere in the desert 6.lower left corner of save point near ruins 7.west side of the cactus statue area 8.Go back to the first save point in the desert, watch a small scene, then go to the roof of your airship 9. Inside a treasure chest to the southwest 10. Inside a whirl of sand in Sabotender stone area. Once you get all 10, the sandstorm in the desert will subside and you can get the 2 chests below. Locked Chest in Al Bhed Home When Al Bhed is under attack you can find a room to the right that has a unique treasure chest. This one has a combination lock one it. The trick to this puzzle is first to have enough of the Al Bhed books to know what it is saying and then using the clues to do math for the answer. Or you can just input 5633 and be done with it. Not to worry if you missed this one though, it’s just a sphere, not a super important item. Jeckt Shoot The Jeckt Shoot is Tidas Father’s signature move in Blitzball. You learn it on the boat journey to Luca. The move is learned in a basic “whack a mole” fashion. I learned it pretty fast by using the smash the buttons a whole lot technique and got it on my third try. During the normal storyline, you only get one shot at learning the move. If you failed to get the move, return to the boat with your airship by visiting the second village (the one with Huts and docks) Get on the boat to the south and choose the second option (Luca) Now go to the deck of the ship. Press the O button on the Blitzball and keep at it till you get it. The move makes winning Blitzball games a lot easier. There is also a Jeckt Shoot 2 that you can win as a prize in the Blitzball tournaments, but you must have earned all 3 of Tidas Key Abilities listed on his data page. The Jeckt Shoot 2 hit’s 3 people and then turns the ball invisible before shooting to the goal. There could possibly be a Jeckt Shoot Mark 1, but personally I needed a break from Blitzball, so I’ll get back to this sometime. Gaining Tidas’ Overdrives To gain Tidas’ overdrives, just keep using them over and over. After a while you will learn the next one up. Gaining Wakka’s Overdrives You can win new overdrive roulette types in the Blitzball Ranking and Tournament modes. So far I have found 3 additional Overdrives in this way, Attack Roulette, Status Roulette, and Ooruka Roulette. In my opinion, Attack Roulette is the best. You can attack all targets 6 times or hit a lone enemy 18 times!!! If you have Wakka’s ultimate weapon powered up and use this Overdrive, things just die. Lulu’s Overdrive Because many people seem to have trouble with this, here is the skinny on Lulu’s Overdrive. Simply rotate the right analogue stick clockwise as fast as you can. The number will go up the more you rotate the stick. I’ve gotten her to cast 8 times this way. From what I have heard recently, the more you level Lulu, the easier it is to cast multiple times and the number raises. Gaining Auron’s Overdrives For Auron, you need to find different Jeckt Spheres laying about the world. Every time you view one of these spheres you learn more about Basaraka, Jeckt and Auron’s journey 10 years ago. Some of these will give Auron a new Overdrive. You need to find all 10 to gain Auron’s final overdrive. Jeckt Sphere locations are available in Muni Shinobu’s FAQ on Kimari’s Overdrives Kimari has an ability called Dragon Sword. Whenever you use this ability you drain HP and MP from the enemy. If the enemy has a blue magic skill that Kimari can learn, he will gain it automatically. His overdrive meter will also fill all the way up, allowing you to test it out. Just try out his Dragon Sword on all the enemies you can. The only one that seems remotely tricky to earn is “Sunshine “ which you get from the Omega Weapon. Rikku’s Overdrives Rikku’s overdrive combines items to create special attacks and powerups during battle. You have to choose any 2 items to combine; even 2 of the same kind will work. There are a lot of combinations to try. Have fun. I don’t feel like going through the headaches involved in trying all the combinations. Someone else will take care of it soon I’m sure (^_^) Tidas and the Women of FFX There are a few parts of the game that vary depending on which female character you have battled with the most and healed often. First is the scene where you ride the snowmobile. I got a scene with Lulu where we talked about Chap. Others have gotten to ride with Rikku and she kisses Tidas on the cheek. I’m sure there is a scene with Yuna too, but have not heard about what happens yet. Another thing that changes depending on which girl you use the most is Tidas final overdrive. The girl that throws the ball to Tidas is the girl you’ve used the most. Right now Lulu throws the ball for me. The giggle is nice. }:-) Memory Spheres You will notice Memory spheres in many of the game’s inns. There is even one at the first location of the game at the underwater Ebon Shrine to the left on the first map. Using these combines all of your Al Bhed Books into a Al Bhed dictionary that can be shared between other FFX saves. This way you can find all 26 books and then start a new game and understand what the Al Bhed people are saying (well if you know Japanese anyhow) Elsewhere on is a detailed FAQ on the locations of the books, written by Muni Shinobu. Check it out, and make sure not to miss books 19-22 as they are one shot only with no way to get later. Music and Movie Players In Luca there is a theater where you can playback music and video from the game. Any music you have heard already, and any videos you have seen can be replayed as often as you like. Dolby 5.1 can even be turned on if you support it and have an optical cable attached to your system. To view the movies, you must first purchase video spheres for the movies from the short guy on the right, inside the theater. For music it’s the guy on the left next to him. After you buy the items just go to the counter to go to the auditorium area and playback to your hearts’ content. Note that you can view all of the video in the game with the exception of the ending. To unlock all 50 of the videos, wait till after you finish all of the fights against Sin. Then return to the Luca Theater. I am still missing a few of the songs myself so I’m not sure how to gain the last few of those. HELP! I am hopeless stuck on this boss battle with Seymour/Dragon/Yunaleska/Jeckt! Regardless of which of these boss battles you are referring to here is a simple strategy to follow for the under leveled gamer. Stop at the save point just before the boss battle. Get in several fights where you do your best to raise every character’s Overdrive meter to full. Next, do the same with all of Yuna’s Aeons. Once you have done this, save your game. Sometimes even with everything just right, the game can decide you aren’t going to win. If you still can’t win even after having each aeon use it’s overdrive and using all of your character’s overdrives, you need to level, Period. Run in circles and fight for 2 to 3 hours to catch up to the level the game wants you to be at for the fight. Apparently a lot of people can’t see the most obvious of solutions… To defeat the flying dragon that you fight on the airship, simply have Tidas or Rikku use the Talk trigger command ONCE. This will tell Cid to move the airship further away from the enemy. Now he will have a much weaker attack. The airship will also fire rockets at him sometimes. Just remember that only Wakka and Lulu have distance attacks (unless you’ve been leveling enough to give someone else worthwhile spells.) *Note* The second time you fight this enemy, in the underwater battle, simply throw a couple Phoenix downs on him to kill him easily. Help! Sin just vaporized me! Game Over man! Yes, you need to kill him before he does that attack. Stick with regular attacks and Overdrives. The aeons take too long. Remember to have Tidas or Rikku tell Cid to move the Airship closer with the special command as well. Don’t be caught off guard by the whole “I will vaporize you now” attack of his. Al Bhed Book Locations Muni Shinobu wrote a great FAQ for locating all 26 of the books (also on Besides being able to understand what the Al Bhed are saying, collecting all 26 and visiting Lin on your airship will reward you 99 Reverse Keys. You can use these to add the Double Overdrive ability to any 3 weapons. This makes your Overdrive meter fill up twice as fast. Also note you cannot get back into Al Bhed’s Home once the missiles blow it to smithereens. Make sure you get books 19-21 on your first go through the town!!! You also only have 1 shot at book 22 in beville temple. How long is the game? The game is all on one DVD ROM. If you mean how long does it take to beat and view the ending, about 45-50 hours. The total number of gameplay hours is closer to 75-80. Maxing out the characters requires a lot of time leveling, gaining gil, and fighting tough enemies at the monster trainer…and all for nothing other than bragging rights and one useless key item. The average RPG gamer will play about 55 hours. Die hard peeps will stick it out. My Japanese save has 220 hours with all the characters maxed in all stats with 75,000 HP (and no Gameshark BS either) Can I play the Japanese FFX on my American PS2? No. There is NO WAY. Seriously. Yes, I am aware of all the different modchips on the Market. There is the OrigaChip, which is only for early model Japanese PS2s that allows US game playing, …but they have 28 wires and are buggy ass hell. There is also the NeoKey 1-3 and USB version NeoKey Chips… These allow you to play bootleg copies of Import games, and WILL NOT PLAY IMPORT ORIGINALS…. there is no bootleg version of FFX currently and if one becomes available I want nothing to do with it. Most Boots of DVD games have corners cut, such as degraded video and sound, allowing it to take up less space. Also, there is no version of the Gameshark CDX that bypasses the PS2 country code either. There is no functional “Swap Method” either. In short the ONLY way to play the Japanese version of FFX is on a Japanese UNMODED PS2. If you have a Japanese PS2 that has a chip installed, you will have to remove it in order to play. Are the Japanese Voices much better than the American ones? Yes….and no. Personally, I thought Square should have hired better actresses for the female parts. Tidas sounds like a goofball in both versions. A lot of people complained the Suare cheated and didn’t resynch the lips to the voices with the American release…well, I’m here to tell you the voices didn’t match the lips that well in the Japanese version either. Will this game swallow my soul? Yes. It will. Take a shower beforehand and bring a change of clothes. Props and Shouts That is all for now. I don’t see many more updates in this FAQ’s future, unless something big is found. A good portion of this FAQ was made possible with the help of some of the people on the FFX message board at . Props to Iori Kusanagi, Mucals, MATEK, Bravni, DarkLoser, JL Lee, Muni Shinobu, Peas on Earth and everyone else on the FFX message board for info and generally making the message board fun to hang out in. You can mail me at if you have trouble understanding anything about my FAQ and I may help you out. If you ask a question that is easily answered by actually READING this FAQ, I will make fun of you and call you insulting names. Try to keep the questions specific…at the very least try to write the question in comprehensible English. Letters written in ALL CAPS go directly to the recycle bin. No questions about Gameshark codes as I do not own one for the PS2. |>0|