Grandia Xtreme (PlayStation 2) FAQ/Translation Guide 1.1 By Noboru Wataya ( February 18, 2002 Grandia (C)1997,1999,2000 GAME ARTS Grandia Xtreme (C)GAME ARTS/ENIX 2002 Intro: Welcome! This is a basic FAQ and translation guide for Grandia Xtreme, the latest Grandia game (more of a spin-off, really) from Game Arts and Enix. There's no walk-through or "strategy" per se; I just decided to compile all the known info I could on Mana Eggs, Spells, Skills, etc., to make playing the game a little bit easier for importers. I hope you enjoy it. If you notice any mistakes or typos, feel free to drop me a line and let me know. Legal, etc: This guide is (C)2002 Noboru Wataya. All Rights Reserved. It may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It is intended for use on ONLY. Please do not mail me to ask me about posting it elsewhere, because any such requests will be ignored. This guide contains Shift-JIS (Japanese) characters. If you're using Internet Explorer, go to the Windows Update web site and download Japanese Language Support. It'll make this thing a lot more useful to you. Contents: - Revision History - Mana Eggs - Magic Spells - Special Moves - Combination Moves (coming soon) - Skill Books - Skills (coming soon) - Equipment (coming soon... maybe) - Items (coming soon... maybe) - Copyright Info ==================== -REVISION HISTORY- ==================== 2.17.02 - Added Skills list, made a few minor fixes. 2.11.02 - First version. Mana Eggs, Magic Spells and Special Moves are in. ========================== -MANA EGGS- マナエッグ ========================== The following is a list of all known Mana Eggs in Grandia Xtreme. For the spell names, I used the names from the U.S. version of Grandia II when applicable. Any other spells are new to GX, and are translated literally or renamed accordingly. Note: There are too many possible Mana Egg combination formulas for me to even attempt to list them all (some eggs have over 25!), so instead I decided to just list one basic combo for each. For more info on Mana Egg combinations, you should check out JL Lee's FAQ. It's very comprehensive. 01. フレアエッグ (Flare Egg) Spells: Burn!, Direst Formula: Flare Egg + Flare Egg 02. ウインドエッグ (Wind Egg) Spells: Howl, Runner Formula: Wind Egg + Wind Egg 03. アクアエッグ (Aqua Egg) Spells: Heal, Snooze Formula: Aqua Egg + Aqua Egg 04. ストーンエッグ (Stone Egg) Spells: Grad, Diggin' Formula: Stone Egg + Stone Egg 05. ラーヴァエッグ (Lava Egg) Spells: Burn!, Burnflame, Def Loss Formulas: Flare Egg + Stone Egg 06. ヒートエッグ (Heat Egg) Spells: Burn!, Howl, Howlslash Formula: Wind Egg + Flare Egg 07. ミストエッグ (Mist Egg) Spells: Alheal, Dest, Fedooa Formula: Aqua Egg + Wind Egg 08. サンドエッグ (Sand Egg) Spells: Grad, Tremor, Desh Formula: Stone Egg + Aqua Egg 09. ボムエッグ (Bomb Egg) Spells: Burnstrike, Boom, Wow!, Reji Loss Formula: Lava Egg + Flare Egg 10. サンダーエッグ (Thunder Egg) Spells: Zap, Demein, Runner, Stram Formula: Heat Egg + Wind Egg 11. フロストエッグ (Frost Egg) Spells: Crackle, Heal, Healer, Freeze Formula: Mist Egg + Aqua Egg 12. リーフエッグ (Leaf Egg) Spells: Poizn, Cure, Diggin', Gene Formula: Sand Egg + Stone Egg 13. スターエッグ (Star Egg) Spells: Boom, Meteor Pritz, Refresh, Reji Loss, Gravity Formula: Bomb Egg + Flare Egg 14. ライトニングエッグ (Lightning Egg) Spells: Burnflame, Zap, JinZap, Direst, Bind Formula: Thunder Egg + Wind Egg 15. アイシクルエッグ (Icicle Egg) Spells: Crackle, Crackliga, Wake, Shhh!, Fiora Formula: Frost Egg + Aqua Egg 16. フォレストエッグ (Forest Egg) Spells: Poizn, Alheal, Alhealer, Resurrect, Craze Formula: Leaf Egg + Stone Egg 17. ボルカノンエッグ (Volcannon Egg) Spells: Burn!, Burnstrike, Hellburner, Wow!, Direst, Reji Loss Formula: Star Egg + Lava Egg 18. サイクロンエッグ (Cyclone Egg) Spells: Howl, Howlslash, Howlnado, Runner, Stram, Demein Formula: Lightning Egg + Heat Egg 19. レインボーエッグ (Rainbow Egg) Spells: Heal, Healer, Healer+, Desh, Des Rain, Cold Formula: Icicle Egg + Mist Egg 20. グラビティエッグ (Gravity Egg) Spells: Grad, Tremor, Quake, Calm, Halvah, Gravity Formula: Forest Egg + Sand Egg 21. クラスターエッグ (Cluster Egg) Spells: Burnflame, Boom, Meteor Pritz, Meteor Strike, Calm, Def Loss Formula: Volcannon Egg + Lava Egg 22. フォトンエッグ (Photon Egg) Spells: Burnstrike, Zap, Zap All, GadZap, Wake, Bind Formula: Cyclone Egg + Heat Egg 23. ブリザードエッグ (Blizzard Egg) Spells: Crackle, Crackler, Crackling, Healer, Shhh!, Fiora Formula: Rainbow Egg + Mist Egg 24. ソウルエッグ (Soul Egg) Spells: Alhealer, Revaia, Cure, Metenasu, Speedy, Craze Formula: Gravity Egg + Sand Egg 25. ダストエッグ (Dust Egg) Spells: Refresh, Freeze, Desh Formula: Flare Egg + Aqua Egg 26. バーストエッグ (Burst Egg) Spells: Burnstrike, Howlslash, Tremor, Dest Formula: Lava Egg + Mist Egg 27. リバースエッグ (Rebirth Egg) Spells: Kyuroa, Alheal, Alhealer, Cure, Gene Formula: Burst Egg + Booster Egg 28. フェアリーエッグ (Fairy Egg) Spells: Healer, Vanish, Fedooa, Snooze, Craze Formula: Star Egg + Icicle Egg 29. ライフエッグ (Life Egg) Spells: Alhealer+, Revaia, Desh, Dest, Des Rain, Gene Formula: Cluster Egg + Blizzard Egg 30. クラウンエッグ (Crown Egg) Spells: Zundeo, Zap All, Crackliga, Healer+, Halvah, Curse Formula: Life Egg + Soul Egg 31. ブースターエッグ (Booster Egg) Spells: Wow!, Diggin', Direst, Speedy, Runner Formula: Dust Egg + Lava Egg 32. ディクリースエッグ (Decrease Egg) Spells: Stram, Def Loss, Reji Loss, Cold, Freeze Formula: Dust Egg + Mist Egg 33. ダークネスエッグ (Darkness Egg) Spells: Snooze, Shhh!, Fiora, Bind, Craze Formula: Dust Egg + Forest Egg 34. プロテクトエッグ (Protect Egg) Spells: Healer, Metenasu, Diggin', Direst, Prison Formula: Rebirth Egg + Icicle Egg 35. アストラルエッグ (Astral Egg) Spells: Boom, Zap, Crackle, Poizn, Magical Shield Formula: Rebirth Egg + Star Egg 36. ヴォイドエッグ (Void Egg) Spells: Zundeo, Dest, Demein, Vanish, Giga Vanish Formula: Crown Egg + Darkness Egg 37. カラミティエッグ (Calamity Egg) Spells: Levatron, Boom, Zundeo, Ba-Boom, Curse, Gravity Formula: Life Egg + Cluster Egg 38. ドラゴンエッグ (Dragon Egg) Spells: Hellburner, Zap, JinZap, DragonZap, Resurrect, Wow! Formula: Life Egg + Photon Egg 39. フェンリルエッグ (Fenrir Egg) Spells: Crackle, Crackler, Cracklora, Des Rain, Cold, Bind Formula: Life Egg + Blizzard Egg 40. カオスエッグ (Chaos Egg) Spells: Levatron, Howlnado, Quake, Zap All, Astraia, Kyuroa Formula: Dragon Egg + Crown Egg 41. ホーリーエッグ (Holy Egg) Spells: Crackliga, Dubris, Healer+, Revaia, Halvah, Gene Formula: Fenrir Egg + Crown Egg 42. エーテルエッグ (Ether Egg) Spells: Voraid, Alhealer, Resurrect, Snooze, Fedooa, Speedy Formula: Calamity Egg + Crown Egg ======================= -MAGIC SPELLS- 魔法 ======================= The following is a list of all known Magic Spells in Grandia Xtreme. For the spell names, I used the names from the U.S. version of Grandia II when applicable. Any other spells are new to GX, and are translated literally or renamed accordingly. ----------- Fire Magic ----------- English Name MP Type Range Japanese Name Burn! 4 Attack One Enemy ヴァーン Burnflame 12 Attack Enemy + Circular Area ヴァンフレイム Burnstrike 16 Attack One Enemy ヴァンストライク Hellburner 40 Attack One Enemy ヘルヴァーナ Levatron 35 Attack Enemy + Fan-Shaped Area レヴァトロン Wow! 10 Support Ally + Circular Area ワオ Direst 8 Support Ally + Circular Area ディレスト ----------- Wind Magic ----------- English Name MP Type Range Japanese Name Howl 7 Attack Enemy + Circular Area ヒューイ Howlslash 18 Attack Enemies in Straight Line ヒュースラッシュ Howlnado 32 Attack Surrounding Enemies ヒューネルン Wake 2 Recovery Ally + Circular Area ウェイク Runner 4 Support Ally + Circular Area ランナ Fedooa 16 Support Self フェドーア Shhh! 12 Support Enemy + Circular Area シン Demein 4 Support One Enemy ディメイン ------------ Water Magic ------------ English Name MP Type Range Japanese Name Heal 6 Recovery One Ally ケロマ Healer 10 Recovery One Ally ケロマム Healer+ 16 Recovery One Ally ケロマキシム Alheal 12 Recovery All Allies ミケロマ Alhealer 20 Recovery All Allies ミケロマム Alhealer+ 36 Recovery All Allies ミケロマキシム Desh 14 Attack One Enemy デッシュ Dest 12 Attack One Enemy デスト Des Rain 24 Attack Enemy + Circular Area デスレイン Snooze 5 Support Enemy + Circular Area ムーニャ ------------ Earth Magic ------------ English Name MP Type Range Japanese Name Grad 5 Attack One Enemy グラド Tremor 10 Attack Surrounding Enemies グラギン Quake 36 Attack Enemy + Circular Area グランジオ Cure 5 Recovery One Ally キュール Calm 6 Recovery One Ally カーム Refresh 3 Recovery One Ally リフレス Diggin' 5 Support Ally + Circular Area ディガン Def Loss 7 Support Enemy + Circular Area デフロス Gravity 4 Special Enemy + Circular Area マグネイド ---------------- Explosion Magic ---------------- English Name MP Type Range Japanese Name Boom 18 Attack Enemies in Straight Line ズンガ Zundeo 26 Attack Surrounding Enemies ズンデオ Ba-Boom 48 Attack Enemy + Circular Area デズン Meteor Pritz 32 Attack One Enemy メテオプリッツ Meteor Strike 56 Attack One Enemy メテオストライク Voraid 72 Attack One Enemy ヴォライド Reji Loss 9 Support Enemy + Circular Area レジロス Vanish 35 Special Surrounding Allies/Enemies ヴァニッシュ Giga Vanish 50 Special One Enemy ギガヴァニッシュ ---------------- Lightning Magic ---------------- English Name MP Type Range Japanese Name Zap 22 Attack Enemy + Circular Area ライガ JinZap 32 Attack One Enemy ジンライ Zap All 32 Attack Enemy + Fan-Shaped Area ライデン GadZap 62 Attack One Enemy テンライ DragonZap 50 Attack Enemies in Straight Line リュウライ Astraia 70 Attack Surrounding Enemies アストライア Stram 12 Support Enemy + Circular Area ストラム Magical Shield 35 Support Self マジカルシールド Curse 12 Support One Enemy カース Bind 8 Support One Enemy バインド ----------- Snow Magic ----------- English Name MP Type Range Japanese Name Crackle 20 Attack One Enemy シャキア Crackler 30 Attack One Enemy シャキラ Cracklora 60 Attack One Enemy シャキロラ Crackliga 30 Attack Enemy + Fan-Shaped Area シャキーガ Crackling 48 Attack Enemy + Circular Area シャキード Dubris 68 Attack Enemies in Straight Line デュブリス Cold 18 Support Enemy + Circular Area コルデ Freeze 8 Support Enemy + Circular Area ピキン Prison 8 Support Self プリズン Fiora 8 Support Enemy + Circular Area フィオラ ------------- Forest Magic ------------- English Name MP Type Range Japanese Name Poizn 10 Attack One Enemy ポズ Kyuroa 32 Absorb Enemy + Circular Area キュロア Speedy 15 Support Ally + Circular Area ビューネ Metenasu 12 Recovery One Ally メテナス Halvah 32 Recovery One Ally ハルベール Resurrect 26 Revival One Ally ヨミ Revaia 42 Revival One Ally リヴァイア Gene 10 Support One Ally ジェネ Craze 16 Support Enemy + Circular Area クルル ========================= -SPECIAL MOVES- 必殺技 ========================= Each of the eight characters in Grandia Xtreme has a set of five Special Moves that can be learned. In order to learn new Moves, you must level up the Moves you already have by using them over and over. Below you'll find a complete list of each character's moves, as well as the SP required, the maximum level they can be increased to and the requirements for obtaining them. FYI, most of the English names are my own, and will likely differ from the "official" translations if/when a U.S. version is released. ---------------- エヴァン (Evann) ---------------- Xスラッシュ (X Slash) Effect Range: One Enemy (Cancel Effect) SP: 25 - MAX LV: 7 - Requirements: None スパークボルト (Sparkbolt) Effect Range: Surrounding Enemies SP: 32 - MAX LV: 7 - Requirements: X Slash LV 3 サンダースプリット (Thunder Split) Effect Range: Enemies in Straight Line SP: 45 - MAX LV: 5 - Requirements: Sparkbolt LV 3 無敵のオーラ (Invincible Aura) Effect Range: Self SP: 36 - MAX LV: 5 - Requirements: Thunder Split LV 3 天魔竜陣剣 (Sky Dragon Slash) Effect Range: All Enemies SP: 72 - MAX LV: 3 - Requirements: X Slash LV 5 + Invincible Aura LV 3 -------------------- ブランドル (Brandol) -------------------- 真っ向唐竹割り (Downward Cleave) Effect Range: One Enemy (Cancel Effect) SP: 24 - MAX LV: 7 - Requirements: None 回転斬り (Revolving Cut) Effect Range: One Enemy + Circular Vicinity SP: 36 - MAX LV: 7 - Requirements: Downward Cleave LV 3 勝利の雄叫び (Victory Roar) Effect Range: All Allies SP: 30 - MAX LV: 5 - Requirements: Revolving Cut LV 3 旋風斬 (Whirlwind Cut) Effect Range: Surrounding Enemies SP: 48 - MAX LV: 5 - Requirements: Revolving Cut LV 4 大噴火斬り (Great Eruption Cut) Effect Range: One Enemy SP: 44 - MAX LV: 3 - Requirements: Downward Cleave LV 5 + Whirlwind Cut LV 3 -------------------- カーマイン (Carmyne) -------------------- ソニックセイバー (Sonic Saber) Effect Range: Enemies in Straight Line (Cancel Effect) SP: 30 - MAX LV: 7 - Requirements: None スマッシュ (Smash) Effect Range: One Enemy SP: 22 - MAX LV: 7 - Requirements: Sonic Saber LV 3 ショックウェーブ (Shockwave) Effect Range: One Enemy + Circular Vicinity SP: 46 - MAX LV: 5 - Requirements: Smash LV 3 ホーリーブレス (Holy Breath) Effect Range: All Allies SP: 32 - MAX LV: 5 - Requirements: Shockwave LV 3 ローゼンスラッシュ (Rosen Slash) Effect Range: One Enemy SP: 42 - MAX LV: 3 - Requirements: Sonic Saber LV 5 + Smash LV 5 --------------- ジェイド (Jaid) --------------- ブラスターボム (Blaster Bomb) Effect Range: One Enemy (Cancel Effect) SP: 25 - MAX LV: 7 - Requirements: None ナイトメアボール (Nightmare Ball) Effect Range: One Enemy + Fan-Shaped Vicinity SP: 18 - MAX LV: 7 - Requirements: Blaster Bomb LV 2 フィストバースト (Fist Burst) Effect Range: One Enemy SP: 32 - MAX LV: 5 - Requirements: Nightmare Ball LV 3 タイタンナックル (Titan Knuckle) Effect Range: One Enemy + Circular Vicinity SP: 50 - MAX LV: 5 - Requirements: Fist Burst LV 3 エクスプロージョン (Explosion) Effect Range: Surrounding Enemies SP: 64 - MAX LV: 3 - Requirements: Blaster Bomb LV 4 + Fist Burst LV 4 -------------- ティト (Titto) -------------- 天空剣 (Heaven Sword) Effect Range: One Enemy (Cancel Effect) SP: 20 - MAX LV: 7 - Requirements: None アイテムゲット (Item Get) Effect Range: One Enemy SP: 20 - MAX LV: 7 - Requirements: None ディスカッター (Discutter) Effect Range: Enemies in Straight Line SP: 44 - MAX LV: 5 - Requirements: Heaven Sword LV 4 影縛り (Shadow Bind) Effect Range: One Enemy + Circular Vicinity SP: 25 - MAX LV: 5 - Requirements: Discutter LV 3 幻影剣 (Phantom Sword) Effect Range: One Enemy SP: 38 - MAX LV: 3 - Requirements: Heaven Sword LV 5 + Shadow Bind LV 3 ------------ ウルク (Ulk) ------------ 兜割り (Helmet Chop) Effect Range: One Enemy (Cancel Effect) SP: 26 - MAX LV: 7 - Requirements: None 螺旋撃 (Screw Attack) Effect Range: Enemies in Straight Line SP: 38 - MAX LV: 7 - Requirements: Helmet Chop LV 2 神木の祈り (Holy Tree Prayer) Effect Range: All Allies SP: 20 - MAX LV: 5 - Requirements: Screw Attack LV 3 金剛撃 (Indestructible Blow) Effect Range: Surrounding Enemies SP: 56 - MAX LV: 5 - Requirements: Helmet Chop LV 4 大回転投げ (Super Spin Throw) Effect Range: One Enemy SP: 46 - MAX LV: 3 - Requirements: Screw Attack LV 4 + Indestructible Blow LV 3 -------------- ミャム (Myamm) -------------- 回転あたっく (Spin Attack) Effect Range: Enemies in Straight Line (Cancel Effect) SP: 28 - MAX LV: 7 - Requirements: None み〜んな回復 (Everyone Recover) Effect Range: All Allies SP: 35 - MAX LV: 7 - Requirements: None 凍える乱射 (Freeze Shower) Effect Range: One Enemy + Circular Vicinity SP: 50 - MAX LV: 5 - Requirements: Spin Attack LV 3 応援カンバ (Kanba Cheer) Effect Range: One Ally SP: 24 - MAX LV: 5 - Requirements: Everyone Recover LV 5 すーぱー氷結砕き (Super Freezing Smash) Effect Range: One Enemy SP: 38 - MAX LV: 3 - Requirements: Spin Attack LV 4 + Freeze Shower LV 3 ----------------- ルティナ (Lutina) ----------------- 昇竜斬 (Rising Dragon Slash) Effect Range: One Enemy (Cancel Effect) SP: 24 - MAX LV: 7 - Requirements: None 閃空剣 (Flashing Sky Sword) Effect Range: Surrounding Enemies SP: 30 - MAX LV: 7 - Requirements: None 鬼蜘蛛 (Demon Spider) Effect Range: One Enemy + Fan-Shaped Vicinity SP: 28 - MAX LV: 5 - Requirements: None 流星剣 (Meteor Sword) Effect Range: One Enemy + Fan-Shaped Vicinity SP: 45 - MAX LV: 5 - Requirements: Flashing Sky Sword LV 5 幻武昇竜斬 (Genbu Rising Dragon Slash) Effect Range: One Enemy SP: 36 - MAX LV: 3 - Requirements: Rising Dragon Slash LV 5 + Meteor Sword LV 3 ============================== -COMBINATION MOVES- 合体技 ============================== And here are the Combination Moves (Gattai Waza). Again, most of the English names are my own, and will likely differ from the "official" translations if/when a U.S. version is released. ---------- 2P COMBOS ---------- (coming soon) ---------- 3P COMBOS ---------- (coming soon) ---------- 4P COMBOS ---------- 四連殺 (Foursome Kill) SP: 35 - MAX LV: 3 Evann: Sky Dragon Slash Brandol: Great Eruption Cut Carmyne: Rosen Slash Ulk: Super Spin Throw ガドリングスパイク (Gadling Spike) SP: 32 - MAX LV: 5 Evann: Thunder Split Titto: Discutter Myamm: Freeze Shower Lutina: Meteor Sword ============================= -SKILL BOOKS- スキルブック ============================= Skill Books are used for equipping the Skills that you've obtained. ビギナーブック (Beginner Book) - Holds 1 "C" Rank Skill ノービスブック (Novice Book) - Holds 2 "C" Rank Skills エキストラブック (Extra Book) - Holds 3 "C" Rank Skills アドバンスブック (Advance Book) - Holds 1 "B" Rank Skill エキスパートブック (Expert Book) - Holds 2 "B" Rank Skills マスターブック (Master Book) - Holds 1 "A" Rank Skill =================== -SKILLS- スキル =================== Skills can be "equipped" to Skill Books to provide various types of status enhancements. Right now this is merely a translated list of the different skills that are available. If time permits, I'll add in what the skills actually do, which would make this 100 times more useful. (Sorry, I'm a busy cat!) Once again, I used the names from the U.S. version of Grandia II when applicable. Any skills are new to GX, and are translated literally or renamed accordingly. ------------------ Heart/Mind Skills ------------------ English Name Rank Max LV Japanese Name Mage's Chant A 3 魔導の呪法 Magica Esoterica A 3 魔法の奥義 Status Guard A 3 ステータスガード Immune Strength B 5 免疫力 Jyuso Protect B 5 呪詛払い Mind Shield B 5 心の盾 Life Blessing B 5 命の祝福 Unified Soul B 5 精神統一 Zapfire Chant C 7 電火の呪法 Northwind Chant C 7 冷風の呪法 Earthquake Chant C 7 烈震の呪法 Mystic Chant C 7 神秘の呪法 Morale Booster Chant C 7 士気昂揚法 Counter Trap C 7 カウンター封じ Premonition C 7 予感 Discernment Power C 7 洞察力 ----------------- Technique Skills ----------------- English Name Rank Max LV Japanese Name Triple Attack A 3 トリプルアタック Fighting Spirit A 3 修羅の魂 All-Rounder A 3 オールラウンダー Full Body Blow B 5 渾身の一撃 Chance Remover B 5 隙消し Pirate's Ring B 5 盗賊の指 Skilled Item Use B 5 道具使いの腕前 Powerful Item Use B 5 道具使いの力 Hunter C 7 ハンター Ranger C 7 レンジャー Exorcist C 7 エクソシスト Diver C 7 ダイバー Grappler C 7 グラップラー Abandonment C 7 見切り Counter Attack C 7 反撃 Passive C 7 受け身 ------------ Body Skills ------------ English Name Rank Max LV Japanese Name Full Potential A 3 フルポテンシャル Tactical Stare A 3 戦術眼 Lure A 3 おとり Immobility Mold B 5 不動の型 Prayer B 5 祈願 Harmony B 5 合気 Life Up B 5 ライフアップ Special Up B 5 スシャルアップ Strength C 7 ストレングス Toughness C 7 タフネス Intelligence C 7 インテリジェンス Mentality C 7 メンタリティ Dash C 7 ダッシュ Heavy Breath C 7 硬気功 Escape C 7 逃げ足 Mighty Guard C 7 マイティガード -------------- Secret Skills -------------- English Name Rank Max LV Japanese Name Indestructible Power A 3 金剛力 Fighting Spirit A 3 闘魂 Hero's Potential A 3 勇者の底力 Berserk B 5 バーサーク Thief's Wiles B 5 怪盗の手練 Super Reflex Nerves B 5 超反射神経 Speed C 7 スピード Miracle Scales C 7 奇蹟の天秤 Coerce C 7 威圧 ====================== -EQUIPMENT- 装備品 ====================== (maybe coming soon... maybe not) ==================== -ITEMS- アイテム ==================== (maybe coming soon... maybe not) ========================= -COPYRIGHT INFORMATION- ========================= Once again, in case you missed it the first time... This guide is (C)2002 Noboru Wataya. All Rights Reserved. It may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It is intended for use on ONLY. Please do not mail me to ask me about posting it elsewhere, because any such requests will be ignored.