Jade Cocoon 2 Walkthrough This guide is a comprehensive walkthrough of the game Jade Cocoon 2. It is intended to help players who are trying to get all the game's secrets, and is 100% spoiler free. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction A. Disclaimer B. Version History C. About This Guide II. The Basics A. Controls B. The Temple C. Combat III. Merging A. Basics B. Evolution C. Abilities D. Attributes E. Strategy IV. Walkthrough A. Wind Forest B. Water Forest C. Earth Forest D. Fire Forest E. Dark Wind Forest F. Dark Water Forest G. Dark Earth Forest H. Dark Fire Forest I. Lilith's Lair V. Side-quests A. Action Figures B. Genus Arenas C. Normal Arena D. Jobs VI. Lists A. Items B. Divine Beast Chart C. Item Merging Lists D. Attacks E. Abilities VII. Appendices A. Seed Beasts B. Beast Notebook VIII.Credits I.)Introduction A. Disclaimer This guide was created and is mainted by Goryus. It may not be used for any purposes beyond simple reference without his express permission. Prohibited uses of this document include, but are not limited to, the following: editing it; altering it; translating it; offering it (or access to it) as part of an agreement, be it private or public; hosting it; claiming credit for it, where no such credit is due; including it, or part of it, within another page, as a frame or otherwise; and any uses deemed illegal by the Federal Government of the United States of America. B. Version History \Version 1.0 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ v1.0 - Completed Introduction section - Completed The Basics section - Completed the Merging section - Completed the Walkthrough section - Completed the Item Merging List, Item List, Beast Chart, Attacks, and abilities Lists. - Completed the Arena, Jobs, and Genus Arena Side Quests. - Completed the Beast Notebook and Seedbeast Appendices. - Completed the Credits section. C. About this Guide This guide is intended to provide help on every aspect of the game Jade Cocoon 2. See the Table of Contents to see the full list of topics it deals with. If you have any questions, concerns, or criticism or have anything to add, please contact one of us. Goryus can be reached at: Goryus@hotmail.com. Jace (this guide's other author) can be reached at: jace_alcon@hotmail.com. Looking forward to hearing from you! II) The Basics X Accept Button O Cancel Button  Skip Text /\ Menu Button ŻŻ Left Moves Kahu and navigates menu Right Moves Kahu and navigates menu Up Moves Kahu and navigates menu Down Moves Kahu and navigates menu Start Accept Button Select N/A Analog Toggles analog mode L1 Spins Beast amulet, rotates screen, navigates menu L2 N/A L3 N/A R1 Spins Beast amulet, rotates screen, navigates menu R2 N/A R3 N/A B. The Temple \Throne Room ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ The throne room is where you can find Levant. It also contains two gates: one called the Kumari gate and one called the Kaya gate. This room provides access to all the game'-s dungeons, in the form of the forests. \Room of Life ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ The room of life is governed by Ra, who you might recognize from the last Jade Cocoon game. She is assisted by two bird man helpers, one who allows you to change your minion's names, and one who allows you to view your beast notebook and Seed Beasts (See the Appendices). Ra will allow you to hatch eggs, merge beasts (see the section on Merging) and use the beast kennel. The beast kennel is a place that you can store minions you are not currently using. Ra will raise them for you, albiet no so well as you can. They level up in the kennel as you gain experience, but at a reduced rate (30% normal experience gain). \The Arena ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ In the arena you can find Mu, a character who appeared in the last Jade Cocoon. At the beginning of the game, she will allow you to take advancment tests (which require a certain amount of reputation, but if you pass them will allow you to carry extra minions into battle), battle with other beast hunters, and save your beast amulet data (which allows you to fight against other players). Later in the game, she allows you to participate in tournements. There is also a console where you can check up on other beast hunters. Advancement Test 1; Reputation needed: 0 Advancement Test 2; Reputation needed: 80 Advancement Test 3; Reputation needed: 135 Advancement Test 4; Reputation needed: 375 Advancement Test 5; Reputation needed: 855 NOTE: There is no 6th advancement test. To get your eighth and final minion, you must clear Lilith's Lair (see the walkthrough for more details). \Kikinak & Company ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Here you can find Kikinak, also from the last game. He is assisted by two birdman helpers, one who sells things, and one who provides storage for your excess items. The inventory at the store can be expanded by doing jobs (see the Jobs section of the Appendices). ITEM COST AVAILABLE Mugwort 10Y From beginning Meta-Mugwort 30Y After first shop job Bitter Mugwort 90Y After second shop job Mel's Elixer 1 20Y From beginning Mel's Elixer 3 60Y After first shop job Mel's Elixer 5 180Y After second shop job Citron Powder 250Y After second shop job HP Back Book 30Y After first shop job HP Back+ Book 90Y After second shop job MP Back Book 540Y After third shop job Resurrect Book 500Y After third shop job Flame Book 20Y After first shop job Blaze Book 180Y After second shop job Inferno Book 540Y After third shop job Ganicarach 100Y From beginning Slimich 100Y From beginning Luch 100Y From beginning Mechaloch 100Y From beginning Birdman, Mini 10Y After fourth shop job Birdman, Tall 10Y After fourth shop job Birdman 10Y After fourth shop job Kikinak 10000Y After fourth shop job Ra 01 99999Y After fourth shop job Ra 02 99999Y After fourth shop job Mu 01 99999Y After fourth shop job Mu 02 99999Y After fourth shop job \Lounge ŻŻŻŻŻŻ The lounge serves a number of important purposes. First off, it's where you go to get jobs, which are an excellent source of items, reputation, and funds. It also lets you talk to the other beast hunters who stand around there, who will often offer advice or give you helpful items if you complete jobs for them. All of Kahu's rivals that you meet here offer special, rare items in the form of beast eggs that can only be obtained this way (or, for some of them, through item merging). See the chart below for the specs. If you've already gotten the egg or haven't yet earned it, they just give you other rare and useful items - random books, necklaces, crowns, and earrings. See the section on Jobs, below, for more. Drakich Egg Cure Desonach Egg Cinnamon Dejoloch Egg Cocona Difslimich Egg Vanilla Devibugich Egg Gil Deadrech Egg Mint Devaluch Egg Nam Deulefich Egg Choco \Save ŻŻŻŻ This option allows you to save your progress in the game so far. It's mostly standard; the only difference is that you'll be prompted to quit or keep playing. C. Combat \Beast Amulet ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ The beast amulet is the most unique and interesting part of Jade Cocoon 2. It consists of nine spaces arranged in a square, the center of which is Kahu. You can have up to eight beasts on the amulet at any given time. There are four sides to the beast amulet, each one covering three beasts. They are the Fire, Earth, Wind and Water sides. During combat, you spin the beast amulet either by pressing left and right, L1 and R1, or by using the analog stick. Whichever side you choose to face forward will act, using an attack of that element if they have one. Each beast can only have one attack of each element, and which minion they attack is determined by their respective personality (see the list section "Divine Beast Chart," below). Each of the four sides have their own strengths and weaknesses. The fire side contains your main attackers. There are very few fire elemental skills that do anything but direct damage. The wind side has some attacking capabilities, but focuses on its ability to weaken your enemy or hit them with status ailments. The earth side excels at boosting your stats and at damaging enemies in ways that are difficult to prevent. The water side allows you to heal your minions HP and MP, revive them from the dead, and sports some offensive capabilities. The number of minions you can have on the beast amulet increases as you pass the advancement tests in the arena (see Arena section). Just beware that you cannot place minions of oppossing elements in the center side of the element they oppose. For example a water minion cannot be placed in the center of your fire side, however, an earth minion could. \Battling ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ There are a number of places you can run into situations that you need to battle, mostly in the forest. The most common type of fight consists of you running into up to three enemies as a random encounter in the forest. This occurs when you run into one of the beasts walking around the corridors. Inside of ogre vines, the hut like plants found in the forests, you may find four different types of battles. The first is another BeastHunter like you, the second type of battle occurs when you run into something that looks like a BeastHunter, but is in a much smaller room. These are Kalma and will turn into a beast when you try to talk to them. The third type of battle are the rare boss battles. Usually marked on the preview map with the word "BOSS." The fourth and final type of battle occurs when you find an egg; a grown version of the species of that egg will be guarding it. The BeastHunters that you can run into in the forests come in two varieties: Kahu's "rivals" and the generic ones. Kahu's rivals tend to be much more difficult, but generally much nicer. Defeating them, however, doesn't get you anything, while defeating the generic BeastHunters earns you a medal (see the appendix on Genus Arenas). \Strategy ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Success in the battles is dependent on many layers of strategy, all of them integrated into the game so seamlessly you hardly need to think about them. Choosing which minions you want to use, how you want them to grow (something you have a LOT of control over), and how to place them will determine your overall strength. The minions you choose must all work together to form a strong team. The Merging and Appendices sections of this guide contain many tips and tricks for success, but the ulitmate choice is always yours. The more used to the combat system you grow, the more you can develop your own working combos, and build a team that is truly yours. III) Merging A. Basics \About Merging ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ When a minion of yours reaches level 15, you gain the ability to merge them when you next speak with Ra (see the section on the Room of Life, above) Doing so will drop them down to level 1 and return them to their larval state but they get to keep most of their stats and may gain useful new attacks and abilities. \Seed Beasts ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ To merge a minion, you first need a Seed Beast to merge it with (check the section on "Seed Beasts," in the appendices below, for a full list as well as locations for them). The Seed Beasts are Kalma you have captured and purified in the Forest. Each Kalma has an attack and an ability, both of which will transfer to whichever minion it is merged with (note that merging does not use up the Seed Beast; each one can be used as often as you like). This attack will replace the attack of that element that your minion already has, and will erase any attacks your minion happens to have of a conflicting element (e.g., the ability Burn Hit, which is fire, will remove any water attacks you might have if you give it to your minion). The special ability of that Kalma will be added to your minion's list of special abilities. They can have up to four at any given time (read on for further details). B. Evolution \About Evolution ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ You may have noticed that the minions you get seem to be rather small and cutesy. Before making the judgement that this game isn't full of cool looking, ferocious monsters, try evolving them. Each minion has 4 stages. The game uses "Larval," "Basic," "Evolved," and "Most Evolved," which are sometimes referred to as Evolution Level 1-4. Each stage is both more powerful and cooler looking than the one before it. Watching your minions evolve is easily one of the most enjoyable parts of this game. \The Evolution Meter ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ If you check out the status screen for one of your beasts in the menu, you'll notive an "Evolution Meter" in the upper right hand corner. This meter determines how far your minion is capable of evolving at any given time. It looks something like this: ________________ |00000|000000000R| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ When you go to merge your minion, you'll notice an "evolution power" rating by the name of the seed beast you choose. This determines how much gets added to this meter with that merge. As a bonus, you get +1 to your meter for merging a minion with a seed beast of the same genus (a Ku with a Ku), and another +1 for merging with a seed beast of the same species (a Geraluch with a Geraluch). Until your meter passes that bar on the left hand side, you can only evolve up to the second, or "Basic," level of evolution. After it reaches that bar, you gain access to the third, or "Evolved," level of evolution, and if you fill the meter all the way up, you gain access to the fourth "Most Evolved" evolution level. \Evolving in Combat ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Evolution is generally accomplished by brining your minion to fight in battles. Once you've reached certain 'key' levels, based on your evolution meter, you have a small chance of evolving everytime you have them attempt to act. To determine how many levels you must gain to get access to your next evolution, divide the number 12 by the highest number evolution stage you can currently gain access to. This means that with access only up to your second, or "Basic" evolution level, you have a small chance of evolving once you pass level 6. For the "evolved" stage, your first evolution can occur anytime after level 4, and your second after level 8. For the fourth and final level of evolution, you can evolve the first time anywhere after level 3, the second time after level 6, and the third time after level 9. \The Ability "Imago" ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Imago is one of the game's greatest abilities. It causes your minion to be born at the highest evolution level it can currently reach, starting with the stats and inherent coolness factor of that minion. It has no other effect. \The Ability "Larvalize" ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Larvalize causes your minion to never evolve - to remain in its larval state for as long as it retains the ability (see below for how to get rid of it). It also overpowers the skill Imago - combining the two results in a permanently larval minion. \Chrome Minions ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ "Chrome" is a phenomenon not fully understood as of yet. Occassionally, when you merge a minion, it will loose all texture and become totally shiny and silvery - hence Chrome. These minions have a speed bonus of about 150, and have their HP cruelly cut in half. However, they are completely and irrevocably immune to all magic - everything from Mitrea and Medinite on your side to Ad Roqua and Soldote on the enemy's. They tend to be very difficult to heal, but with their ridiculous speed and complete immunity to magic, killing one tends to be a chore. While we don't know what _does_ cause Chrome, we have some very good ideas about what does _not_: combinations of skills, merging compatability, evolution bar level, and type of minion don't seem to matter. I've guestimated the odds of getting a chrome at around 1% on any merge, just to make it fit in accordance with my own experience and all the reports posted on the GameFAQs JC2 board, and the odds of keeping your chrome-ness through future merges as about 4 in 5, or 80%. NOTE: Chrome protects your minion, even when its dead. This means skills like Anandia cannot be used to revive them if they should die. C. Attacks \About Skill Attacks ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ "Skill Attacks," as the game calls them, are physical in nature. They use your Strength stat and their attack strength to determine damage. The ability Vitality (also reffered to at times as "Defense" in game) lessens their strength. \About Magic Attacks ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Magic Attacks are the counter to Skill attacks. They consume magic to use, but unlike physical attacks they cannot miss. They use your Wisdom stat and their attack strength to determine damage. The Spirit stat reduces damage from magic. \Attacks in Merging ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ When you merge a minion with a seed beast, you gain that seed beast's attack (it simply over writes your old attack of that element). In addition, it will wipe out any attacks you have of a conflicting element (merging a fire attack onto your minion will remove any water attacks it may have had). D. Abilities \About "Up" Attributes ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ There are three kinds of "Up" abilities: Up 1, Up 2, and Up 3. The Up 1 variety ups that chosen stat by 10 (except in the cases of HP and MP, which get 30 and 15, respectively). The Up 2 kind give you a bonus of 10% to that stat (which is generally better than a flat +10), and the Up 3 abilities give you a whopping 20% increase in that stat! \About "Recovery" Attributes ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP and MP Recovery are two of the best abilities of the game, giving you an automatic regeneration each round of 10% of either your HP or your MP. \About "Power" Attributes ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Each element has its on "Power" attribute (Water Power, Fire Power, etc.). Each one improves the minion that possesses it in a way in accordance with that element (for instance, Water Power provides basic immunity against all status ailments). See the "Abilities" appendix for more. \About "X" Attributes ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ These are some of the very few attributes that are actually bad. They make you more vulnerable to whatever status ailment they are attuned to. \About Other Attributes ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ There are a very large variety of attributes. While the most useful and obviously categorized are detailed above, they comprise only about half of the total abilities. Check the "Abilities" appendix for more! \Attributes in Merging ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ The up to four abilities you can have on any one minion are handled fairly straightforwardly at first: each one just gets tacked on to the end of the list. But what happens when you have a full list? How do you know which ability gets dropped? Simple. The newest abilities stay, while the oldest ability on your list gets replaced. D. Strategy \Filling out your Beast Notebook ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Remember, minions in the Beast Kennel still gain experience. Using Imago, you can use them to fill out your Beast Notebook quite nicely without ever once bring them into battle. Just use your first merge to give them Imago, and continue merging them when you get the chance. \Raising your Minions ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ When should you merge your minions - at level 15 or at level 20 (the max level)? Does it make a difference? The short answer to the latter is yes; unfortunately, the former is much more complicated. Thanks go out to StGabriel of the Jade Cocoon 2 board at www.gamefaqs.com for proving much of what follows: Merging at level 15 gives you an immediate pay off, and allows you to gain levels much faster (as you're back at level 1). However, merging at level 20 gives you no immediate payoff...but is much better in the long run. When EXP starts for leveling up start going through the roof, you're going to wish you'd gained those extra five levels earlier in the game, when they were still as relatively cheap as they were. Which you actually choose to do is, as always, up to you. To get the highest possible stats as cheaply as possible, merge at level 20 up to your seventh merge, and then switch to merging at level 15; since the EXP needed to level stops growing at that point, merging at level 20 stops providing its benefits. \Clever Combinations ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ For a detailed disection on all the attacks and what they work well with, see the appropriate appendix. IV) Walkthrough \KEY ŻŻŻ I A random Item, Egg, or Kalma (see each map for possibles) P Princessvine S "Spore." May be: nothing; a Rival; a BeastHunter. Has Key Spore. A Arena, run by the DracHunters (Fire forest only). C Club Acid F A healing flower f A merging flower N Nothing (probably lack of data) W Warehouse Sh Shop B Boss * Gate (Dark Forests only) K Ku Genus Arena s Slimy Genus Arena D Drac Genus Arena M Mau Genus Arena a Alco Genus Arena n Na Genus Arena O Og Genus Arena G Gara Genus Arena L Leif Genus Arena b Bug Genus Arena A. Wind Forest \Wind Bound ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Items: Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 1; Flawed Stone; Dull Stone Eggs: Alcoch Egg; Skalcoch Egg; Mechaloch Egg; Bugich Egg; Lybugich Egg Yagobugich Egg Enemies: Evolution 2 Kalma: Cheepr; Spikebee; Agit; Kilgilth; Spikestar \Wind Bound 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ _ | \__ | | __/ |\ \____| | | \ ŻŻ\ __ | | || I | | | | | | | \_/ | | / / | | | I || | | |__/Ż\ |___| \ \ | __ S | /Ż\__| | | | \ / | I | | | | |___\ /ŻŻŻŻ |P| |_______| Ż \Wind Bound 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ |ŻŻŻ| | | ___ | I | | | | |__ | | | | | S |___| | _| | |___||_ |_/ / | |Ż\__ /Ż \ \ | | _____ | | | | | |/ \ | I | | |Ż|___ W ||___| |P| \_/ Ż \Wind Bound 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ _ /Ż\_ | | | | | I \__ | f | | | \_/\ | | | | | Ż| | __| |__/ / ___ | |/ | | |_/ /ŻŻŻŻŻ| | | S /| | ___ | | |___|ŻŻ | || |_| | _| || I | | _||___|Ż| | ____/ |________/ / |P /\__________/ ŻŻŻŻŻ \Wind Bound 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _____ _ _____/ \____/ \ | /| |\_____ I | ŻŻŻŻŻŻ | | \ / \ \ | | \ \ \ \ __| | | | ____/ / | | | /| | | | | |ŻŻŻ \ \ | | | | / \ | | | B | | F | | | |___| \_/ |P| Ż \Wind Shelter ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Items: Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 1; Pretty Stone; Dull Stone Eggs: Alcoch Egg; Skalcoch Egg; Mechaloch Egg; Bugich Egg; Lybugich Egg Yagobugich Egg Enemies: Evolution 2 Kalma: Peepr; Baulboa; Nilgilth; Nilibuzz; Bardndreg \Wind Shelter 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ ___ _ |P| | |_ | | | | | I \ | | | | |___|\ | | | \ \ __/ /__/ \ / |__/ I | | I /| |ŻŻŻŻŻ\_/ \_/ŻŻŻŻ | | / |____ | I \ \_/ŻŻŻ| | |ŻŻŻ| __| | | N ŻŻ\___| __| |___|Ż\______| \Wind Shelter 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _________ _ |__ __ |____/ \ | | | F | | |__| |ŻŻŻŻ\ / | | | | | |ŻŻ| | | | | | | |____| | _| | | | | ŻŻ |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ | |ŻŻŻ| | _ | | | |____/ \ / | |__ K | | E ŻŻŻŻŻŻ |Ż\ / \_/ŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | | ________| | | | | Ż | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | | | | | N | ______/ \ |___| | I | ___ | |ŻŻŻŻ\_/ | |_| | | I | |___|Ż| |_______ | P| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Wind Shelter 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ ______ | | | | | I | | |ŻŻŻŻ | | | | ___| |______| |____ | | | |ŻŻŻŻ| |Ż| |ŻŻŻŻ| | | ŻŻŻ|| | | ||ŻŻŻ | | E || | | || I | | ___|| | | ||___ | | | __| | | |__ | | | | | | | | | | | | | |ŻŻ ŻŻ| | | | | | / \_______/ \ | | | || I I || | | | \_/ŻŻ| |ŻŻ\_/ | | | | | | | | | | | |_____| | | | |ŻŻŻ| |_____ _| | | | f | | | | |_| |__ | | |________ | | | ____| | | N | |P | |___| ŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Wind Shelter 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ____ ___ _ | \ / \___ | | | |Ż| Ż |Ż\ \/ / | | | I | | |Ż\ / | | |___|| | / \__ | | ___ | | | I _ | | |/ P| \ \ \_// / | /ŻŻ | | / / \ | / / | | | | | | | | | I | | B | | F | |___| |___| |___| \Way of Wind ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Items: Meta-Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 3; Pretty Stone; Cute Gem Eggs: Alcoch Egg; Skalcoch Egg; Mechaloch Egg; Bugich Egg; Lybugich Egg Yagobugich Egg Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Mothmanti; Skalco; Pataronga; Papillone; Helskelter; Rutide \Way of Wind 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ |ŻŻŻ| | | | I | | | _| |_ | | | \___| | | |ŻŻŻŻŻ\ | |ŻŻŻ | |ŻŻŻ |Ż| | | I | | E | | | |___ | |___ |_| | | |_ _| | \ \__/ /Ż| | Ż\ /Ż | | ___ | | | | | | | I | | | | N | |___| __| | | | | | | |____ | |ŻŻ | |____| | | |ŻŻ| I | | | | |ŻŻŻŻ\_/ | I | | | |___| | | ___ | |_| | _____| I | | |Ż|___| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Way of Wind 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ /Ż\____|Ż| |ŻŻŻ| | I | | E | \ /ŻŻŻŻŻ | | | |_|ŻŻŻ| | |______| I | | |Ż|___| | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | | | |_|ŻŻŻ| | I | | I | |___| | |Ż|___| _| |___ / \_ /Ż\_/ /ŻŻŻ/ | | f / | I | __\ |ŻŻ \_/| | | / | | | |Ż | | | | |ŻŻŻ| | | | Ż I | _____| | | |Ż|___| | | | |_______| |Ż| N | |P | |___| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Way of Wind 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ _ | | |ŻŻŻ| | | | I | | I | | | | | | | | | | | ___| | | | \ \/ ____| _| | \ / / __| | | ___/ / | | | / / / | K | / / |___ \ | | \ \ \ \_|ŻŻŻ| \ \ ___ \ N | __| | ___ | |____| ||___|| | _| || E _/ | |ŻŻ _/ I ||___|ŻŻ\ \ | | | /|___| |Ż | | | | | |ŻŻ |Ż | | | | _ | I | | | \ \___/ \ |____ \ _| | | I | \ \_/Ż\ | \ Ż| |Ż\ / ____ \__ F || I | __| | | |/ |____\ /_| |\_/ |P | |___|Ż|____________| ŻŻŻŻ \Way of Wind 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Kataimel HP: 500 ATTACKS: Attack, Dark Attack, Ad Muhlia, Poison Mist _ ___ | | ___| | | | ____| E | | | | |Ż|___| | | | |ŻŻ| | | | | | | | | |__| |__| |____ | _______ | | | | |ŻŻ| | | | ___| | | | | I | | | | | |___| | |Ż| |__/ \ | | | __ I | ___ | | | | \_/ | |__| |_| | | f / |___|ŻŻ| |ŻŻŻ ___ __| |_____| | | B | | |ŻŻŻ| |ŻŻ|___| _| | | | | _| / \______ | | | I | | | \_/ŻŻŻŻ| | | I | | | |___| |P| Ż \Wind Patina ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Items: Bitter Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 5; Lovely Gem; Cute Gem; Hide Spore; Botulism Book; Healing Book; Pitchdark Book; Confusion Book; Dimwit Book Eggs: Alcoch Egg; Skalcoch Egg; Mechaloch Egg; Bugich Egg; Lybugich Egg Yagobugich Egg Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Clalco; Bauwerl; Ronga-Ronga; Gojet; Bladreg; Kataimel; Kakabone; Niwerl; Mamern; Wellern; Drabern; Lugadreg; Earina \Wind Patina 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _____________ | | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻ | ŻŻŻ| | ŻŻŻ| | I | | I | ___| ___| | ___| | | | | | I | | ŻŻŻ| |___ | | f | | ŻŻŻ| | | | I | | |ŻŻŻ _ | | | ŻŻŻ| / \| |ŻŻŻ | I | | I |_ | | \ \___ | |ŻŻŻ | |ŻŻ\ || | | | ŻŻ| | | | ŻŻ| |_ | | |ŻŻŻŻ | | | | |ŻŻŻŻ| | | | | | | | | | | N | | I | |P| |___| |___| Ż \Wind Patina 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ / \__________/ŻŻŻ\ | I /Ż\ \ \_/ŻŻŻ/ /ŻŻŻŻŻ | | ___| | ___ | | / \_| | | | | |ŻŻŻ\__ I | | | | | |___| | | | F | / / |___| __| | ___ _| | | |____/ || | /ŻŻŻŻŻŻ|______ | I /ŻŻ \ \ / /ŻŻŻ|___ \ |___|ŻŻŻŻŻ _| | |ŻŻŻ | ___ | |Ż\ \___ __/Ż\ | _| | |ŻŻ\ \| || | \___ \__| I || | | | \ I || I | \ |Ż\_/ | | \ \ Ż|___||___| ŻŻŻ\ \ __/ / | | /Ż\ _ \ \/ ___ \_ | | | I | |ŻŻŻ| ___/ \ \ / \ | | | \ / | N || I | __| | | | | | | |___ | || |Ż\ / | __| /Ż\| | | | | \_| | | | | |_| | | E | |P| ŻŻŻŻ\_______/ |_____| \_/ŻŻ Ż \Wind Patina 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ ______ _ / \_| | | | | I |ŻŻ| |_| | \ /ŻŻŻ / | | | | /ŻŻ| | | | | | | | / | | I | | | |Ż _|___ |___| | | | |_| | | | | I | ___ | | | |Ż|___| | |\ \ \ \ | I Ż | | | |___|Ż| | | |__/Ż\ /Ż\ / / / ___ I || I Ż | _ ___________| / \ /__\ /Ż| | / \__/ | |______| \ \ | I ___/ŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻŻ| \_ / / \ / | |_|ŻŻŻ|\ \________/ / _| ||ŻŻŻ|_| I | Ż\ _ ____ | | || I _ |Ż|___| | / | | \ \ | |Ż |___| \ \__/Ż\ | || | /Ż\| | \ \ |ŻŻŻ|_| N | | || I || I | | | | N |Ż\ /___| ||___| \ / |P| |___|ŻŻŻ | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ | Ż ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Wind Patina 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Gil Gil is armed with an armada of Bugs. They're very fast, and use irritating attacks like Maldiard and Ad Slahnit. Thankfully, his Bugs have very little HP; if you can hit them reliably, you can kill them all quite fast. To this end, I reccomend skills like Lapiate, Sapiate, Barrian, and Libaridia. Selahmnite or one of its precursors is a must, and Medinite or Yagiluna never hurt. Also consider bringing the attack Explode, which at this point will probably do a great deal more than you otherwise could. Beating Gil isn't all _that_ difficult, but don't mistake him for the pushovers the other bosses in this forest have been. \Wind Harvest ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ NOTE: You cannot access this forest until you clear Lilith's Lair (below). Items: Items: Lovely Gem; Brilliant Gem; Desert Moon; Bitter Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 5; Hide Spore; Botulism Book; Healing Book; Pitchdark Book; Confusion Book; Dimwit Book Eggs: Alcoch Egg; Skalcoch Egg; Mechaloch Egg; Bugich Egg; Lybugich Egg Yagobugich Egg Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Clalco; Bauwerl; Ronga-Ronga; Gojet; Bladreg; Kataimel; Kakabone; Niwerl; Mamern; Wellern; Drabern; Lugadreg; Earina \Wind Harvest 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ _ | | /Ż\____| | | N | | I _| | | \ /ŻŻ| |_ | | | | |_ | \ \____/ / | | / _____ | / / | |____ \ \ / / | P| \ \___/ \ \ \ŻŻŻŻ / I | \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ /|_|Ż\_/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Wind Harvest 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ ___ _ / \__ | | | | | I \ | I | | | \ /Ż\ \| |___| | | | \ ŻŻ _| | | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | | ___| |_ | I | / | |___| |Ż \ŻŻŻ| | | I | | | | _/ | | | | |ŻŻŻ | ___ | | | I | | |___| | |___ | | I | | | |___|ŻŻ| |____ | | _ | | | | / \_| |ŻŻ| | | | | I | | || | \ /Ż| | | I || | | | | | |___|| | / / | | _/ / | | | | / / | | | I | | N | |P| |___| \_/ Ż \Wind Harvest 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ ________ | \_____/ | \_______/ŻŻŻŻŻ/ \__ |ŻŻŻ| | f | | N | _ \_/| | | | \P\ | | \ \______ \ \__| | | | \___ | | |ŻŻŻ| | | | | | | | _| | | I | | |_____| | |___| \_________|Ż \Wind Harvest 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻ|________ ___ | I __ | | | |___| | |ŻŻŻ | I | |ŻŻŻ | ŻŻŻ| |__ \____| \ŻŻ ŻŻ| | \_____ I | | | \_/ ___| | ___|ŻŻŻ| | | | _ N | | I | | | |___| |___ | | |/Ż\ | | |__ I | _____/ / \ /____| / | ______|Ż| | __/ \ _| \ | I | / I | | |\_/ | /Ż\_/ | | | | | | | |___ | | |ŻŻŻ|| | | | | | I I | |P| |___|ŻŻ|___| Ż \Wind Harvest 5 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻŻ| | I | | |ŻŻŻ | | | | | | | | \ \___/ \ |ŻŻŻ|__| I | | I |ŻŻ\_/ |___|ŻŻ\ \ __| | _ | | ___ / \| || \__| | | I | \___ I | __| /\ \ |___| /Ż\____________/ | \ \ |ŻŻŻ| | I |Ż | |__ | I | \ /ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ|_ Ż| |__ || | _| | ___ /Ż\_/ / | | | | | _| | | | I / \ \/ | | |_ | I | \ /ŻŻ / /_ | \ | | | | / /\_ | Ż| | | | / / ___ | | | | | |___/ / | | | |_| | | | __| ___/ | N | | E ___| | I | |_____| |___| |___| |___| \Wind Harvest 6 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻ|___ |Ż| | I | | | |___|Ż| | | | _____| |__| | _/ ____| | \ŻŻ| | | I | | ŻŻ| / /Ż\_/ ŻŻ| |_ | | ___|_ | | | ___ | |_| | | |_| || I | | I ||___|Ż| | | |Ż|___| | | | | |ŻŻŻ| | | | |/Ż\ | N | | | | I | | | | | |_ /____| |__| | / | / /ŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻ| | | |___ | I | | | | \ |___| | | | |ŻŻ\ \ _/ / | | | | / / | | | I | | f | |P| |___| \_/ Ż \Wind Harvest 7 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻ| |Ż| | I | | | | |__ | | |Ż \____| | | |ŻŻŻŻŻ\ | |ŻŻŻ | |ŻŻŻ |ŻŻ| | | E | | I | | | |___ | |___ | | | | |_ / ŻŻ | |__ \ / /ŻŻŻ| | \ \_/ / | | | | | | | I | | | ___ |___| | | | | __| | | N | | __| | | | | | |______ | | | |___/ \ | |ŻŻŻŻ| I | | | | |ŻŻŻ\_/ | I | | | |___| | | ___ | |_| | _______| I | |P |Ż|___| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Wind Sport ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ NOTE: You cannot access this forest until you clear Lilith's Lair (below). Items: Lovely Gem; Brilliant Gem; Desert Moon; Bitter Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 5; Hide Spore; Botulism Book; Healing Book; Pitchdark Book; Confusion Book; Dimwit Book Eggs: Alcoch Egg; Skalcoch Egg; Mechaloch Egg; Bugich Egg; Lybugich Egg Yagobugich Egg Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Clalco; Bauwerl; Ronga-Ronga; Gojet; Bladreg; Kataimel; Kakabone; Niwerl; Mamern; Wellern; Drabern; Lugadreg; Earina \Wind Sport 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _______ ___ / |_ / | | /ŻŻŻŻ/ \/ /ŻŻ | | | I / | | \_/Ż| | | | | | | |___ / / ___ \ \___| |_| | | |Ż\ I | | | ŻŻŻŻ| |Ż|___| | S | / /_____ | | | P| ŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Wind Sport 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ / \ |ŻŻŻ| |Ż| | I |_ | I |___| | \ \|_ | | |Ż\ ŻŻ |Ż| |Ż | | ŻŻŻŻŻ | | | | /ŻŻ Ż| | S | _/ \ŻŻ| | |___| | I | | | | |\_/ | | ___ | | |ŻŻ | | |_| | | I | | I | | | |___|Ż| | ŻŻ| | | |____ | | | __ | | | /Ż\_| | | || | | I | | I || | \ /Ż| | |___|| | / / | | | | | | | | | | | | | | / | | | | I | | I | |P| |___| \_/ Ż \Wind Sport 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ ______ | | | | | I | | |ŻŻŻŻ | | | | ___| |______| |____ | | | |ŻŻŻŻ| |Ż| |ŻŻŻŻ| | | ŻŻŻ|| | | ||ŻŻŻ | | f || | | || I | | ___|| | | ||___ | | | __| | | |__ | | | | | | | | | | | | | |ŻŻ ŻŻ| | | | | | / \_______/ \ | | | || I I || | | | \_/ŻŻ| |ŻŻ\_/ | | | | | | | | | | | |_____| | | | |ŻŻŻ| |_____ _| | | | I | | | | |_| |__ | | |________ | | | ____| | | a | |P | |___| ŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Wind Sport 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ ___ _ | | | | | | | I | | I | | | | |___| |___| | \___ __________| | | ____| |____ | | ___ | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| |_| | | ŻŻŻ| | I | | I | | |Ż|___| | ___| | |__ | | |__ | | | /Ż\___| | | | | I | | | \ /ŻŻŻŻ| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I | | |___ | | |___| | || |_ | M || | | ___| Ż| | | |______| |_|ŻŻŻ| |___ I | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ|___| ___| | |P | ŻŻŻŻŻ \Wind Sport 5 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻ|________ ___ | I __ | | | |___| | |ŻŻŻ | I | |ŻŻŻ | ŻŻŻ| |__ \____| \ŻŻ ŻŻ| | \_____ I | | | \_/ ___| | ___|ŻŻŻ| | | | _ I | | I | | | |___| |___ | | |/Ż\ | | |__ I | _____/ / \ /____| / | ______|Ż| | __/ \ _| \ | I | / I | | |\_/ | /Ż\_/ | | | | | | | |___ | | |ŻŻŻ|| | | | | | I b | |P| |___|ŻŻ|___| Ż \Wind Sport 6 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _______ _ | | | | / /ŻŻŻ| | | | __/ \ | | | | | I | | f | | | | |\_/ |___| _| | | |/Ż\ | | | I | |ŻŻŻŻŻ |Ż ŻŻ\ /_/ /ŻŻŻŻ| | __| / /Ż \ | || | / I | ___ ___ ___ | |ŻŻ / \_| /Ż\_/ | |__ | || || | | I |__ | I || I || I || |__ \_/Ż| | |___|| || || | \__ \___/ /Ż| |__ ___ \ \_| | | |__ \_____| / | | |_\ ŻŻ | ___ | I || | | I /ŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻ\ \_| | \_/ | | |___|Ż| |_ / \___\ B | /Ż\__| | / \ | I |ŻŻ|___| | I ____| ____/ I | \ /Ż| |_________\ / |P /Ż\_/ Ż |_____________| ŻŻŻŻŻ B. Water Forest \Water Visit ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Items: Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 1; HP Back Book; MP Back Book; Flawed Stone; Dull Stone Eggs: Nach Egg; Gabnach Egg; Muchinach egg; Slimich Egg; Slurplimich Egg; Ribbetmich Egg Enemies: Evolution 2 Kalma: Geloper; Angler; Tomakana; Q; Chameleon; Ginui \Water Visit 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ______ | | |Ż| | |ŻŻ/ \____ | | | | | I |_| | |P| \_/ŻŻ|___ | Ż | | _| | /\ | _| \ \ | | /Ż\/ \ ___/ \ | S /| |_| I | \_/Ż |_____|Ż\_/ \Water Visit 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __/Ż\ |Ż| /Ż\/ I | | | | I _/Ż\ /____| | \ / |__ ___| | |____ | | / | \ \ | |ŻŻŻ| | | | | | / \___/ \ | | | S W | |P| \_/ŻŻŻ\_/ Ż \Water Visit 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ /Ż\__ |P| |Ż| | N \_| |____| | \ /Ż\__ ____ / | | | | \ \ | | / / | | | |____/ / | | | _____/ ___ | | | | | |_| | | |_|ŻŻŻ|| F | | I ||___|ŻŻŻ ŻŻŻ|___| \Water Visit 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻ| |Ż| | I | | | | |____| | / _______ | /Ż\| | | | | N | |ŻŻŻ|_| | \ /Ż | F | | | |___|Ż| | | | ___ __| | | || |_/ ___| | || I / |P||___|ŻŻ Ż \Water Place ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Items: Mel'S Elixir 3; Dull Stone; Meta-Mugwort; HP Back+ Book; Pretty Stone Eggs: Nach Egg; Gabnach Egg; Muchinach egg; Slimich Egg; Slurplimich Egg; Ribbetmich Egg Enemies: Evolution 2 Kalma: Walbeckon; Nu-Q; Ninui; Garalanth \Water Place 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ | |___/Ż\ |Ż| | S I | | | |___|ŻŻŻ\ / |Ż _| | | | | /Ż\ | | | | | I | | |___/ \ \ \__| I | | |\___ |ŻŻŻ\_/ | | / \ / / | I | /P/ \_/ Ż \Water Place 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ _______/Ż\ | | | _____ I | | |__| |___ \ / | __ _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_| |_| | | I | |___ | |___| | |ŻŻ| | |ŻŻŻ| | | | | | N | / \__| | | | | I | | | \_/ŻŻ| | | |___________| | | ___ ___ | | | | | | | | | | | | F | | |___| | |___| |_____ |_______ | | |ŻŻŻ|_| |ŻŻŻŻŻ| | | N ŻŻŻŻŻ P| | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻ \Water Place 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ | | |Ż| | I | | | _| |________| | | | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | | |ŻŻŻ| | | | | | F | ___| | | | | || | | |___ | | | N | | || | |___ | | I || |_____| | | ___||_______ | | | ______| | | | / ___ | | | | \ | | | | | N | | | | | | |\_/ | | | |____| |_____| | | ____ ____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I | | I | |P| |___| |___| Ż \Water Place 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ ___ |ŻŻŻ| | | | | | I | | | | N | | | | | | | __| | | | | |__| \ | | \____ || N |/Ż\ | | | | \_/| F || | _____| |_____\ _| |P | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Water Shade ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Items: Mel's Elixir 5; Bitter Mugwort; Pretty Gem; Cute Gem Eggs: Nach Egg; Gabnach Egg; Muchinach egg; Slimich Egg; Slurplimich Egg; Ribbetmich Egg Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Anglorg; Pokeyfish; Skalcone; Geso-Q; Yo-Yo; Bogimbo; Fangnagin \Water Shade 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ |Ż| |ŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻ| | | | N | | N | | | | | | | | |___| |___| |__ |________ _ | | | | | |ŻŻŻ| | | | N | | N | | | |___| | | | | | | | |/Ż\ | | \ I | | | _ \ /_ | |/ \ |_ | | I | | | \ /________| | | ___ __ | / \ | | | | | F | | |_| | | |\_/ | N | | | |___|Ż| | | | | | | I | | | | | |P| ŻŻŻ Ż \Water Shade 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________ | | | |ŻŻ| |ŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻ | | ŻŻŻ| | I | | N | |___ | | ___| ______| |__| |___ | | | |ŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | ||ŻŻŻ | | | | || I | ___ | | | ||___ || |_| | | |___ | || I | | || ||___|Ż| | | N || | | | | ___|| | | | | |____| | ___ | | |______ || |_| | ___| || F | | ||___|Ż| | | I | | | |___ | | | ______| | | | |P ŻŻŻŻŻŻ | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Water Shade 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ /Ż\_____ |Ż| | N |______| | \ /ŻŻŻ|________ | | | | | | | |ŻŻŻ|___| | | | | I | | | |___|Ż| |Ż | | ___ | | | |_| | | | | I | \ \ | |Ż|___| | | ___ | | | | | |_____________/ \ ___ | | | N I | | |_/ / ___ |___|ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ \ŻŻ\_/ | I \ | |_______/Ż\ \ \ |___|Ż\ | | N N | | |__/Ż\ | | |___|ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ / |____ N | /Ż\| | __| |_______ \ / | F | _____/ __________ \__| |______\ / |P / \_______________| ŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Water Shade 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _______ | | ____/Ż\ ŻŻŻŻŻ| | | I | ___ | | | |ŻŻ\ / | |_| |_| |__| | | I _____ | |___| ___| |ŻŻ| | _____/ ___ ŻŻ__| | _____/ | | | | | | | |_|ŻŻŻ| | N | | I | |___| | |Ż|___| | |_|ŻŻŻ| ___/Ż\ | N || N | | |Ż|___|| |Ż\ / | |______| |_| | | | | |ŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻŻ | |/Ż\ | ŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | I | ŻŻ| |Ż| | | /____| | | | \__________| |P| Ż \Water Return ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Items: Mel's Elixir 7; Tendai Herb; Cute Gem; Resurrect Book; Twill Mugwort; HP Back++ Book; Lovely Gem Eggs: Nach Egg; Gabnach Egg; Muchinach egg; Slimich Egg; Slurplimich Egg; Ribbetmich Egg Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Froggess; Slugalanth; Dakkon-Q; Ginugon; Garalhorn; Magender; Ngonga; Sembone; Fangbone; Dela Yo-Yo; Rage; Nigender; Zabone \Water Return 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ | | |Ż| | I | | | | | | | | |___ |ŻŻŻ| | | | | | I | | | | I | | | | | | ___| | | | | | | _| |__| | | |____| ______| |____ _| ___ | | /Ż\ | |_| | | I | | I | \ | |___|Ż| ||ŻŻŻ|_| | ___| || I | | ||___|Ż| | | I | | | |___ ||ŻŻŻ|_| | ____| || N | | ||___|Ż| | | |ŻŻ| |______| | |P| |__________| Ż \Water Return 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ | | |Ż| | I | ___ | | | | | |___| | | | | I | | | |___|ŻŻŻ| | | |_ | | |_ | | | | | _ | | | |_/ \ _| | |___ I | | _| \ / | | |ŻŻŻ| | | | | | I | | | | | _ _____________ | | / / \ \ / \_| ___ \_| |_/ / \ \ | I ___|| | | |Ż\__ __/ ___ | | \ / | | | | | |_ | |_| | | |ŻŻŻ|| | | I | |_ | | F | | I || | |___| | | |___|Ż| | / /|___| \ \ | | | | | | |ŻŻŻ|_| |_|ŻŻŻ| / \________/ / | | | I N | | I / |P| |___|ŻŻŻŻŻ|___| \_/ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Ż \Water Return 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ _ | | /Ż\ | | | I | | I | | | | | \ / | | | |___ \ \ _| | |___ |____| || _| | ___ ___| ___| | | | | | | | | |Ż| |___| |___ | |\ \ | I | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ | |___| | | |ŻŻŻ|_| | | | | I | ___ ___ ___ | | |___|Ż| | | | | |__ | | | |_______| | | F | | I | | I | __/ __________/ | | |___|| | | | | _/ | | ______| |__| |__| |_/Ż\ ___ \ \/ I || | \ /ŻŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\_/ | N | | ||ŻŻŻ|| ŻŻ| |ŻŻŻ| | | | || I | | I | | I | | | | || | |___| | | ___/ \ ___| |_| |____________| |_/ I | |P /ŻŻ\_/ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Water Return 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Cure HP: 1500 ATTACKS: Agnite, Ramakite, Dark Crash, Yagiluna The emotional level of this fight is through the roof. Keeping to my promise not to spoil the plot, I won't tell you why, but... Anyways, of the four Orb bosses, this one is arguably the easiest. Although the Spiralon (Water Drac) is much more powerful than an ordinary minion, and its defense is through the roof, it still suffers from the fact that it's only one fighting against your entire group. To get through this fight with the least trouble, be sure to have a few HP Back+ Books around. She tends to focus on attacks that hit one target, so watch out; have at least a healer or two in your water section, and rotate sides frequently to keep any one from getting too beaten up. She has a lot of life, so you have to work on wearing her down. Watch out, though; once she gets low on life, she completely reverses tactics and starts smacking you with Yagiluna. This is where those healers will really begin to earn their stuff. Lastly, she IS a boss. She's as immune to status ailments as can be, but remember that that's not a 100% protection. You still have a small chance of stunning, poisoning, stoning, or even confusing her - but I wouldn't waste too much time trying. Beating her nets you the Water Orb. Good luck! \Water Tour ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ NOTE: You cannot access this forest until you clear Lilith's Lair (below). Items: Mel's Elixir 7; Tendai Herb; Lovely Gem; Resurrect Book; Twill Mugwort; HP Back++ Book; Healing Book; Full Heal Book; MP Back++ Book; Calabas Herb; Deep Marine Eggs: Nach Egg; Gabnach Egg; Muchinach egg; Slimich Egg; Slurplimich Egg; Ribbetmich Egg Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Froggess; Slugalanth; Dakkon-Q; Ginugon; Garalhorn; Magender; Ngonga; Sembone; Fangbone; Dela Yo-Yo; Rage; Nigender; Zabone \Water Tour 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ _ | | | | | I | | | /Ż\__| | | | | N \ | | \ |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ \_| | | | / | / / | |ŻŻ| | | | _ | | | | | |_/ \ |P| | | |___ I | Ż | | \ /______/ / |_________/ \Water Tour 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ ___________| | | I | ŻŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻ| _| | | | | | I | | | |___| | | ___________/ \ | I | | I |ŻŻŻŻŻ\_/ | | ŻŻŻ| | ___ |ŻŻŻ | | | | I | | I | | |_| |____ ŻŻŻ| | |ŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | I | /Ż\| | |___ | | S | ___| |_____\ / | _ ________/ | | | | ___ | | | | | | | | | | | I | | |_| |_| |____ | P| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Water Tour 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ / \____ |Ż| | I | | | \ /ŻŻ| | | | | | | |_| | |ŻŻŻ|_| | |_ _| | N | | | |___|Ż/ / ___/ \ | | | F | ____| |_| |Ż\_/ |P | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Water Tour 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ | |_ |Ż| |ŻŻŻ| | I | | | | I | |___ |__| | | | | |__| | ___| |ŻŻ|______| | | ___ | I |______| | |________ I | | |Ż|___| |ŻŻŻ| | | |ŻŻŻ| | I | | | | I | | | | | | | | |_____| |__| | | __| | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | |_|ŻŻŻ| | | | I | | I | | |Ż|___| |___| | |____________ | ___ ____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I | | S | |P| |___| |___| Ż \Water Tour 5 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ _ | |__ | | | I \ ____| | |___|Ż\ \/ _____| | / ___ | |__| | __| I | __/ /ŻŻ|___| | /ŻŻ | |\ \ | || |_______ | I ||___ | |___| | |Ż| | _ | || | / \____ _______/Ż\ | | | N | | I \ | I | | | |___| \ /ŻŻŻ\ \_| |ŻŻŻŻŻ\ / _| |_|ŻŻŻ| | | \ | | | | I | | ||ŻŻŻ|| |Ż | | | |ŻŻŻ|___| | || I || | ___ / / / \_______ / /| || |_| || | | I | | | | | | I || | \_/ŻŻŻŻŻ| | | | / \_| |Ż|___|| | ____/ \ | | | I |______| \_____| I | |P| \_/Ż|__________________|ŻŻ\_/ Ż \Water Tour 6 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________ | | | |ŻŻ| |ŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻ | | ŻŻŻ| | I | | I | |___ | | ___| ______| |__| |___ | | | |ŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | ||ŻŻŻ | | | | || I | ___ | | | ||___ || |_| | | |___ | || I | | || ||___|Ż| | | N || | | | | ___|| | | | | |____| | ___ | | |______ || |_| | ___| || I | | ||___|Ż| | | I | | | |___ | | | ______| | | | |P ŻŻŻŻŻŻ | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Water Tour 7 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ | |____ |Ż| | S | | | |___|ŻŻ| |_____| | | _ _| | | | | _____| | | I | / ____| |___| | \ | F | |ŻŻŻ| | |\_/ | I | | |_______ | | |_ | | | | |ŻŻŻ| | | | | | | |___ | | | I | | | | | |___| | I | | | | ___| | | |ŻŻŻ|__| |_____| | | I _____ | |___|ŻŻ| | | | | | | | ______| | | I | |P | |___| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Water Tier ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ NOTE: You cannot access this forest until you clear Lilith's Lair (below). Items: Mel's Elixir 7; Tendai Herb; Lovely Gem; Resurrect Book; Twill Mugwort; HP Back++ Book; Healing Book; Full Heal Book; MP Back++ Book; Calabas Herb; Deep Marine Eggs: Nach Egg; Gabnach Egg; Muchinach egg; Slimich Egg; Slurplimich Egg; Ribbetmich Egg Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Froggess; Slugalanth; Dakkon-Q; Ginugon; Garalhorn; Magender; Ngonga; Sembone; Fangbone; Dela Yo-Yo; Rage; Nigender; Zabone \Water Tier 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ _______ | |____/ _____| | I / |___|ŻŻŻ| | _ | |__/ \ ___ \ I | | |___ ŻŻŻ\ / | S | | | |___|Ż| | | | ____| |______/ \ |P I | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\_/ \Water Tier 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ ____________| | | I | ŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ|___| ___/ \ | I | |ŻŻŻ| | |Ż\_/ | I | | | | | \ \__________/ / _\ | | \ŻŻŻŻŻ/ | | I | | I || | | __/ \_/ | | | |____________| | |____ _______ | ___| | ___ | | | | | |_| | | I | | I | |___ | |___|Ż| | ___| | | | | | | | | S | | | |_____| |P| Ż \Water Tier 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ | | |Ż| | I | | | _| |________| | | | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | | |ŻŻŻ| | | | | | F | ___| | | | | || | | |___ | | | I | | || | |___ | | I || |_____| | | ___||_______ | | | ______| | | | / ___ | | | | \ | | | | | N | | | | | | |\_/ | | | |____| |_____| | | ____ ____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I | | I | |P| |___| |___| Ż \Water Tier 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ ___________| | | I | ŻŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻ| _| | | | | | I | | | |___| | | ___________/ \ | I | | I |ŻŻŻŻŻ\_/ | | ŻŻŻ| | ___ |ŻŻŻ | | | | I | | I | | |_| |____ ŻŻŻ| | |ŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | I | /Ż\| | |___ | | s | ___| |_____\ / | _ ________/ | | | | ___ | | | | | | | | | | | I | | |_| |_| |____ | P| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Water Tier 5 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ | |_ |Ż| |ŻŻŻ| | I | | | | I | |___ |__| | | | | |__| | ___| |ŻŻ|______| | | ___ | I |______| | |________ I | | |Ż|___| |ŻŻŻ| | | |ŻŻŻ| | I | | | | I | | | | | | | | |_____| |__| | | __| | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | |_|ŻŻŻ| | | | G | | I | | |Ż|___| |___| | |____________ | ___ ____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I | | S | |P| |___| |___| Ż \Water Tier 6 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________ | | |Ż| ___| \ŻŻŻŻ| |__| | | I | |____ | | |Ż\_/ ________| | | | / _____ | | | | | | | | |____ | | | | | __ || | | I | | | | | | | |___| | | | | | | | | | I | | |__/Ż\ | | |___| |____ I | | | \ / | | | | ___ _______ / / ___ \ \ | |_| \____/ / | |__\ \ | I |Ż| |\_____ \ | I | |___|Ż| || ||ŻŻŻ|| | |___|ŻŻ| | ___ | || I || I || | _ | | | |_| ||___|| || | / \__ _____| | | I \______| |_| || I |_| _| |___|Ż\ _________ | \ /|_____|Ż| | | | |ŻŻŻ|_| | | |__|ŻŻŻ|| | ______/ \ | I ___| |____ I || B | |P I | |___| |___||___| ŻŻŻŻŻŻ\_/ C. Earth Forest \Earth Erosion ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Items: Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 1; Flawed Stone; Dull Stone Eggs: Carach Egg; Ganicarach Egg; Slithirach Egg; Lefich Egg; Seedlefich Egg; Holefich Egg Enemies: Evolution 2 Kalma: Garala; Mash; Tama-Q; Helicone; Twingo; Peanum \Earth Erosion 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _______ |_____ | _|ŻŻŻ| ___| |___| I | | | | I |ŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻ |___ | | |___ | |__/ | ___| S | | /ŻŻ\ ___| | I | | | |___| | |___ | P| ŻŻŻŻŻ \Earth Erosion 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ __ | |______ __| | | I ____ |_| __| |___| _| __/ ____/ __/ _/ __/ ___ | /| |_____/ | |P| | N | Ż ŻŻŻŻŻ| ___| _________| |______ | ________ | | S | | F | | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Earth Erosion 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ ___ | | | | | | | I | | |__| |________ |_____ __ __ \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | S | | | ___| | |___| | | | | | | | I |_______| | | P| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Earth Erosion 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Amorg HP: 150 Attacks: Attack, Spirit Blast, Looking Around _____________ | P| | |ŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻŻ | | | | ___| | | I | | | |___| | Sh |___________ |___________ | | I | |ŻŻŻ| | ___| | B | | | | | | | _____| |___| | |P | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Earth Lurker ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Items: Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 1; Pretty Stone; Dull Stone Eggs: Carach Egg; Ganicarach Egg; Slithirach Egg; Lefich Egg; Seedlefich Egg; Holefich Egg Enemies: Evolution 2 Kalma: Nirala; Nima-Q; Monoculus; Nilicone; Geena; Rorr \Earth Lurker 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻ| |Ż| | I | | | | | | | ____| |___| | | | | |ŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻŻ | | | ŻŻŻŻ| ______| | ŻŻŻŻ| | | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ | | |ŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | | | N | | I | |P| |___| |___| Ż \Earth Lurker 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _________ ___ | | | | | |ŻŻŻŻ| | | F | | |_____| | | | |_______ |__| | ___ | __ | | |_| | | |____ | I ŻŻ | |___|ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | |ŻŻŻ|_____| | | I | ___ |___|ŻŻ| |ŻŻ | |__________| | | I | |___|ŻŻ| |Ż| |ŻŻŻ ______| | | | ___ | Ż |_| | | |ŻŻŻŻ| |Ż| S | | ŻŻŻŻ Ż |Ż|___| | |ŻŻŻŻ| |Ż| | | ŻŻŻ|| | | | | I || | | | | || |_| |_____ | P| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Earth Lurker 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ ___ | | | | | |__________ | I | | | |_ | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| |____| | | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻ| | | | _| | | | | | / \___| | | |_____| | |_______ I |ŻŻŻ| | | ___| | | |ŻŻŻ| | | | | | I | | | | | | | | | |ŻŻŻ|_| | | |____| | | I | | ______| |___|Ż| | | |______________| | | | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻ| | | | | | | | | I | | S | | | |___| |___| |P| Ż \Earth Lurker 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Ela Ela HP: 500 ATTACKS: Attack, Ramakia, Spirit Blast, Medinia ____ ______________/ | |_______________ I | | | ____ ___ \ / | \____| | | | | I I | | | |___ |ŻŻ| _| | | | | | |____| | ___| | |_____ \ | | | | | B |______ | Sh| | P| |___| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Groundwork ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Items: Meta-Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 3; Pretty Stone; Shield Book; Cute Gem; Eggs: Carach Egg; Ganicarach Egg; Slithirach Egg; Lefich Egg; Seedlefich Egg; Holefich Egg Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Mush; Binoculus; Froggy; Mayen; Sulligan; Navi; Whorlie \Groundwork 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _________ ___ | | | | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | I | | |___| | _____| | | |ŻŻŻŻ| | | |ŻŻŻ| |__ | | _| |___| | | | | I | | | | S |ŻŻŻ\____| | | |___| __| | _______/ | | I | | |ŻŻ| |Ż\____| ___| | | | | |__| |______ | I | |___|ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | _____________| | | | | |ŻŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻ| | _| Ż\ /Ż \ | | | |_| | | | | I I | | | |___|ŻŻŻŻŻ|___| |P| Ż \Groundwork 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _________________ | ____| | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | | | I | | | |___| | |_______________ | | | || |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | || I | | | | ||___| | | | | | | | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ | | |ŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | | | | |ŻŻŻ | _________________ | | | F | | I | | | | | |___| |___ | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| |Ż| | | |_____________| | | | ___ | | | | |_______ _______| | |_| | |___| | |_________| |_______ | S | | _________________ | | |Ż|___| |ŻŻŻ| | | ___| | | | | | | | ___ | | | \______| |_| | | | | I | |_________________| | I | |___ | _____________________| |_________| | |P | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Groundwork 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻ|_______ |Ż| | I _____ | | | |___| | | | | ____________| |__| | | ____| | |ŻŻ| |ŻŻŻ| |____ | | | I | | | | | |___| ŻŻŻŻ| | | | ___ ___ | | | |__| | | |__| | | N | | I | | |ŻŻ|___| |___|ŻŻ| | | |___ | | | | |ŻŻŻ| | | | I | | I | | | | ___| | | | | | |_________| |___| | | | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻ| | | |_____ | I | | | | | |___| | | | |ŻŻŻ| | _| | | | | | | | | | | Sh| | I | |P| |___| |___| Ż \Groundwork 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Shroomie HP: 1000 ATTACKS: Attack, Psycho Attack, Save up/Dash, Fossa Magna ____________ ___| | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | I | ___| | |___ | | | | | | I | | | |___ | | |________| | | __________| | | ___ ___ | |__| | | | | B | | I | | |ŻŻ|___| | |__| |_________ | | | |ŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | | ___| | |ŻŻŻ|_| | | || | | I | | || I | |___|Ż| | | ||___ | | | | | | | |ŻŻŻ| | | | | | | | I | | | | |____| |_| |_| | |P | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Barren Earth ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Items: Bitter Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 5; Lovely Gem; Shield Bible; Cute Gem; Eggs: Carach Egg; Ganicarach Egg; Slithirach Egg; Lefich Egg; Seedlefich Egg; Holefich Egg Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Scorpy; Rugglchu; Machoang; Majj; Ela Ela; Gigatiran; Shroomie; Amorg; Trinoculus; Dumbler; Sulligalan; Ninunga; Bigby; Hoohaw \Barren Earth 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ____ ___ | |__| | |Ż| | I I | | | | |ŻŻ|___| | | | _| ________| | | | | ______ | | | | | ___ | | | |___| |_| || | | I || | | |ŻŻŻ| |Ż|___|| | | |___| | ___|Ż _| |_____ || | |ŻŻŻ| | || I | ___ | I | | ||___ | | |___ |ŻŻŻ|______| |_| | | | | I | | I | ___| |_ |___|Ż| | |___|Ż| |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| || | ___ | |_______| |________| || |Ż| I | | |___| __________|| | |___| | I |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | |____ |_ |Ż| | |ŻŻŻ| | | |ŻŻŻ|____| __ | | | | | | I | | | | N | | | | |Ż | | | | | | |___|ŻŻ| | | | | | | |__| |__| | | I | | I | |P| |___________| |___| |___| Ż \Barren Earth 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________________ | | | F |ŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻ\ | |___| | | | | ___ | I | | | | | |___| | | | N | | | _| |_________| | | | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | |_|ŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻ|_| | | I | | I | | |Ż|___| |___|Ż| | | | ___ ___ | | | |_| | | |_| | | I | | Sh | | |Ż|___| |___|Ż| | | |_____________| | | _______ _ | | | ___ | | | | | |_| | | I | | | | I | |___| | | | |Ż|___| ___ | | | | | |_| | | | | I | |P| |___|ŻŻŻ Ż \Barren Earth 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _____________ _ | | | | | |ŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻ| |__| | | | | | |____ | | | | I | ___ | | | | |___| | |_| | | | | I | | |_____ |___|Ż| | |_____ | _/ | ___ | | _/ _/ | |_| |____/ / | I /Ż |___|ŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻ __| |_ |ŻŻŻ| | | | I | ___ __| |ŻŻ| |_| | | |_____________ __| __| |___ | | N ____ ____ |_| __| ___ | |_ |___| __| | |___ | ___| | |_ | ___ | __| | | | I | __| | | |_| |_ |ŻŻŻ |_| |Ż|___| | __| | I |___ | I |_______| | |___|ŻŻŻ| | |___ |Ż|______ __| | I | | |___ | | ___ ____ | ___| ___| | | |_| | | |__| |_____| I | |___ I | |P||______________|Ż|_____| |___| Ż \Barren Earth 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Cocona Cocona is depressingly easy, especially for someone you somehow think should be quite difficult to beat. Its not that her minions are weak - to the contrary, they're easily stronger than either Gil's or Nam's -but she only has four of them, and only one on each side: a Paradrager, a Shroomie, a Clalco, and a . Each is very powerful, but when faced with three of your minions at once, they tend to die very quickly. Barrian has the potential to make you utterly immune to all her attacks. Enjoy the victory - the rest won't be such pushovers. \Earth Crystal ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ NOTE: You cannot access this forest until you clear Lilith's Lair (below). Items: Bitter Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 5; Lovely Gem; Shield Bible; Brilliant Gem; Amazon Eye Eggs: Carach Egg; Ganicarach Egg; Slithirach Egg; Lefich Egg; Seedlefich Egg; Holefich Egg Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Scorpy; Rugglchu; Machoang; Majj; Ela Ela; Gigatiran; Shroomie; Amorg; Trinoculus; Dumbler; Sulligalan; Ninunga; Bigby; Hoohaw \Earth Crystal 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________________ | ______________| | I |______________ |________________ | | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | | S |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | | |___ |__ | |_| | |__ | | | | | Ż| I | ______| | |___| |P | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Earth Crystal 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ |ŻŻŻ|_______ |Ż| | I _____ | | | |___| | | | | ____________| |__| | | ____| | |ŻŻ| |ŻŻŻ| |____ | | | I | | | | | |___| ŻŻŻŻ| | | | ___ ___ | | | |__| | | |__| | | I | | I | | |ŻŻ|___| |___|ŻŻ| | | |___ | | | | |ŻŻŻ| | | | Sh| | I | | | | ___| | | | | | |_________| |___| | | | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻ| | | |_____ | I | | | | | |___| | | | |ŻŻŻ| | _| | | | | | | | | | | I | | S | |P| |___| |___| Ż \Earth Crystal 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ ___ _ | |___ | | | | | I | | I | | | |___|Ż| | | | | | | | | | | | ___ | |__| |____| | | |__| | | I |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | |___|ŻŻ| |__|ŻŻŻ| | | |____ N | | | |___| | | __________________| | |P | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Earth Crystal 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________________ | | | I |ŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻ\ | |___| | | | | ___ | I | | | | | |___| | | | I | | | _| |_________| | | | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | |_|ŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻ|_| | | I | | I | | |Ż|___| |___|Ż| | | | ___ ___ | | | |_| | | |_| | | I | | I | | |Ż|___| |___|Ż| | | |_____________| | | _______ _ | | | ___ | | | | | |_| | | I | | | | I | |___| | | | |Ż|___| ___ | | | | | |_| | | | | N | |P| |___|ŻŻŻ Ż \Earth Crystal 5 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _________ _ | | | | | |ŻŻŻŻŻ| | | | | |___ | | | | | | | | ___| | | I | | | | | | ___| | | | I | | | | | |___ | | | | | | | | | | I | | | | | |___| | | | |___ ___ | | | _ | | | | | ___ | | | | | Sh| | | | | | | | |__| |___| | | N | | | |____________ | __| |__ | |______________| | | _____ | ___ | _ ________ | | | | | | |__| | | | | | | | ___| | | S __ | | I | ___ | | | | |P | |___| | | |___| | |_| | | | ŻŻŻŻŻ ___ | | ___ | I | | | | | | | | | |___|Ż| | | | | I | | | | I | | | | |_______| |_____| |_| |________| | |______________________________________| \Earth Crystal 6 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _________ ___ | | | | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | I | | |___| | _____| | | |ŻŻŻŻ| | | |ŻŻŻ| |__ | | _| |___| | | | | I | | | | I |ŻŻŻ\____| | | |___| __| | _______/ | | Sh| | |ŻŻ| |Ż\____| ___| | | | | |__| |______ | I | |___|ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | _____________| | | | | |ŻŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻ| | _| Ż\ /Ż \ | | | |_| | | | | N I | | | |___|ŻŻŻŻŻ|___| |P| Ż \Earth Crystal 7 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ _ | | | | | I | | | | | | | | |_____| | | _______| _______| |_______ | _________ | | | | | | | ___ | I | | |_| | |___ | | _ I | | | | | |___| ___ | | | | ___ | |_| | | |_| | | I _ | |___ I | |___| | | |___| ___ | | | | | | | N | | | | |_| | | _____| | | ___ | |_| | | _ I | _________| | |___| |P | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Dustup ŻŻŻŻŻŻ NOTE: You cannot access this forest until you clear Lilith's Lair (below). Items: Bitter Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 5; Lovely Gem; Shield Bible; Brilliant Gem; Amazon Eye Eggs: Carach Egg; Ganicarach Egg; Slithirach Egg; Lefich Egg; Seedlefich Egg; Holefich Egg Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Scorpy; Rugglchu; Machoang; Majj; Ela Ela; Gigatiran; Shroomie; Amorg; Trinoculus; Dumbler; Sulligalan; Ninunga; Bigby; Hoohaw \Dustup 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ ___ | | | | |Ż| | | | S | | | | |_____| | | | Ż\ /Ż | | ŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻ | | ______| | | | |P | ___ | | ŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | |_| | ___ | | | I | | |__| | |___|Ż| | | I |_______| | |___|ŻŻ|___________| \Dustup 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________________ |_________ ____ | _________| |____| | | ___ ____ | | | | | | | | I | | | __| | | ___| __| |_| | | | | _ _ I | | | | | | | |____| | |____| |_| |______ |_ __ _ ____ | | | | | | |___ | | | | | |_| || | | I | |___ Sh|| | |___| |_____|| | ________________| | | __ _______| | | | | | I | | | ___ | ___| | | _/ | | |___ | |_/ S | | | |P | | I | ŻŻŻŻ\_ / | |_________| | |_________________| \Dustup 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ ___ | | | | | |__________ | I | | | |_ | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| |____| | | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻ| | | | _| | | | | | / \___| | | |_____| | |_______ I |ŻŻŻ| | | ___| | | |ŻŻŻ| | | | | | I | | | | | | | | | |ŻŻŻ|_| | | |____| | | I | | ______| |___|Ż| | | |______________| | | | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻ| | | | | | | | | C | | I | | | |___| |___| |P| Ż \Dustup 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ ___ __ | | | | | | | I |__| I | | | |_ __ _| | | | | | | | |____| |__| | | ____ ____| | | | | ____ | | | |__/ | | |___| _ I | | I | |___ | |___|ŻŻŻ| | | | | | | | _______| |_____| | | _____ _______| | | __| | | | / | |ŻŻŻ| | |_| G | | Sh| | __ | | | | | ŻŻŻŻŻŻ | | | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | |P| Ż \Dustup 5 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ _ | | | | | I | | | ____| |______| | | _____________ | | | ___ ___ | | | |_| | | |_| | | _ I | | I _ | | | |___| |___| | | | |_____________| | |________ ______| ___ | | | |__| | | Sh __ | |___| | | ________| |______ | _____________ | | | ___ ___| | | |__| | | | | __ L | | I | | | |___| |___ | | |_____________| | | ___ _______| | | | | | | | I | |P| |___| Ż \Dustup 6 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________ | | | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | ___ | | ___| | | | | | | | | I | | | | I | | | | | |___ | | |____| |______| | | ____ ________| | | | |___ | | | | | | | I | | | | ___| ___ _________| |____| |________ | | | _ _ _ _________ | | | | | | | | | | | ___ | | | | | | | I | | | | | | |__| | | | | | |___| | | | | | __ | | |_________| |_______| | | | |___| | | | _________ __ __ | | |___ ___| | | | ___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_| | | | | | | | | | | | | _ | | B | | | | ___| |___ | | | |___| | | |___| | |_| |_________| | |P ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ | |_________________| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ D. Fire Forest \Fire Spy ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Items: Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 1; Flawed Stone; Dull Stone; Flame Book; Protect Book Eggs: Drech Egg; Vordrech Egg; Tikidrech Egg; Luch Egg; Geraluch Egg; Heluch Egg Enemies: Evolution 2 Kalma: Redoble; Nagglchu; Tiki; Patadreck; Skaluch \Fire Spy 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ _ | | | | _ | I | | | |P| | | _| | | |___| |_/ |_ | _____ ___ | | |_____| | | | | __ | _| | ŻŻ| | | |_| _/ | | | \ | S | ŻŻ| I | | | \_/ ŻŻŻ \Fire Spy 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ ______ ___ | | |P |_| | | | ŻŻŻŻ| S | | | / /Ż|___| | | / / | | _| | / / / \ / / | I __ \_____/ \ \_/ \______ I | \_/ \Fire Spy 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ __________ | |____/ | | I __/ŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ | | |Ż| | ___ | | ŻŻŻ \ \_| | | | ___ / W | | | | | | /ŻŻ| | | | | S | | | ŻŻŻ | | | | | | _ | | \ \__\ | / \ | | \____ | | I \| | ______/ \____\ __| |P /\ | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Fire Spy 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Blumen HP: 150 Attacks: Attack, Stroke Chance, Looking Around _ ___ _ |P| | | | | | | | I | | | \ \ | | | | \ \ | | | | \ \_| |_ | | ___\_ |_____/ \ | |_| |Ż\ I | | I _ | ŻŻŻŻŻŻ\_/ |___| \ \ ___ | |___ ___ | |___\ \___| | | B /Ż\ I | | |ŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻ|___| ŻŻŻ \Fire Throne ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Items: Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 1; Pretty Stone; Dull Stone, Attacking Book; Eggs: Drech Egg; Vordrech Egg; Tikidrech Egg; Luch Egg; Geraluch Egg; Heluch Egg Enemies: Evolution 2 Kalma: Nigglchu; Nitchu; Sandsparrow; Niki; Gelapper; Eyeshroom \Fire Throne 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ______ _______ |____ \___/ | \_______/ŻŻŻ| | |ŻŻŻ| | | | N | / \__ | | | I | | | ______ \_/Ż| | \ \__/ __ \ | | | | \ | / / / /ŻŻŻŻ / \ | | | | / /\ |__/ \ | | | / |____ I | | I | | | \_/ |___| |P| Ż \Fire Throne 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ _______ | |__/ ______| | I _ / |___| | | / / _____ ___ | | / | | \| |/ /Ż| | | /\ / | | ___/ \ Ż| |ŻŻ | I | | I | | \ |___| | |ŻŻ\_/ \ | \ \ | | ___ _| | / \__| | | / | /Ż\___ I | | / | | |___| | | / |____ | |____/ /\____ | | ____/ / \___ \ | | N __ | | | ___ \_/ | | | |__| | | | | K | / / ŻŻŻŻ|___| __| | _____________| __| |P | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Fire Throne 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ______ ______ | |_| \ ŻŻŻŻ| \Ż\ | /ŻŻ |Ż| I || | | |ŻŻŻ \_/ | | | | | | | I | _| | |___| / \\ \ ___ __ | A | | | |_| \_\ _| | I \_____/ |___|Ż| | ___ \ \_____ _| | \____ | | I | / |_ | |___| | I _ | | | _ \_// | | |/ \ _____/ / | S | | ____/ Ż\ /__/ \_____ |______/\ P| ŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Fire Throne 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Dela Getchu HP: 500 ATTACKS: Attack, Dark Attack, Sonic Boom, Burn Shot ____ ________ |__ \__| | \ _ I |ŻŻ\ | | | \_/ | | |ŻŻŻ|| |_ | | | I ||_ | | B | | | | | |___| | | _| |____ \ \_/ __ \___ / ___/ \ |Ż\ \ | / | | ŻŻŻ| | | | | | | | | I | | I | | P | |___| |___| |___| \Firewalking ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Items: Meta-Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 3; Pretty Stone; Cute Gem; Blaze Book; Hard Hit Book; Defense Book; Quick Book Eggs: Drech Egg; Vordrech Egg; Tikidrech Egg; Luch Egg; Geraluch Egg; Heluch Egg Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Mardreck; Skuimel; Dongle; Tiral; Radreck \FireWalking 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________ ___ | | __| | ŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | / I | __| | | |Ż| | | | | | ŻŻŻ | |ŻŻ | | |ŻŻŻ| / \__/ / | I | | I ___ / | | \_/ _/ | | | | _/ | | | | _ \ \ | |/ \ | | ___ | I | / / | | \_ / | | | N | \ | | \ | | | \_/ /Ż\ \ | | \___/ \ | | | ___ | | | \_| | _ | | |_ _ I | / \| | _| ||___| | I | | _| ____ \ / | | _/ __ \___| | |_ \/ / \______/ \ \____ _______ Ż/ \_/ P| | I /Ż\___/ŻŻŻŻŻŻ \__/ \Firewalking 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ _ | |___ | | | I |_____ | | | |Ż|______ | | | ŻŻŻ / \/ / |ŻŻŻ| | I \ | I | \_/Ż| | | | | | | | ________/ / | \__/ \ \ /Ż| |ŻŻŻ\ | / /ŻŻ | | | | | | | F | | | _| | |___| | | _/ | _____/ / __________ ____/ /Ż\ \ | \ / |__/ ___/Ż | |_| |ŻŻŻ\ | / /Ż| |ŻŻŻ| _/ ___ | | | | | | | | ŻŻ| |__| | ŻŻŻ| | | | | || I | ___ | I | ___ | | __| | | I ||___|| |_\ \Ż|___|| |_/ / | __| |___| | A | | I / | | _____ |___|ŻŻŻ____ | |ŻŻ | | |P |__________/ \___| | | N | ŻŻŻ|______________|Ż\______| |___| \Firewalking 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___|ŻŻ| |ŻŻŻ|________/ | | I ______ _/Ż|__| |___| | |__ / | / /ŻŻ\ \ ______/ | \ | / | | | | /ŻŻŻŻŻŻ | | | | |ŻŻŻ|_| | / \ | I | | I | |___|Ż| | | _/ | | | | / / | | |ŻŻŻ|_| | | | | S | | \ |___|Ż\ | | |___ | | \ \_ _ | | | |ŻŻ\ |_| \_/ | | | | / \ \ ŻŻŻŻŻ\ \ | | | | |ŻŻ _/___ __ | | | / | | / \| | | Ż I || I | | /Ż|___| \ _ | | | ____| | | | | | / / / / \ \_| _/ŻŻŻ | | | / ___ / / | |ŻŻ | |_| | | | | I __| |P| |___|Ż Ż \Firewalking 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Giralooza HP: 600 ATTACKS: Attack, Solia, Samakia, _____ | | _ ŻŻŻ| |__/ \ \____ I | \ / ___ | | | | | |__ | I | |__ | | | | |_ | | |_ | / / /Ż\_ | | | | | I | | |_| | \ \ \| \ | |\ /ŻŻ| | __| | Ż| | | | _| _/ | | | I | | | \ \ |___| | |Ż |ŻŻŻ|_| | | | | I ___| | | |_ | | \____| | \ ___ \ ___ | | | |__| | | | | I | | B | _| |ŻŻ|___| |___|| / _ _| | / \ ___/ |/ I | | /\__ / | |ŻŻ \ | | | | \____ | I | \ P| |___| ŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Fire Tower ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Items: Bitter Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 5; Lovely Gem; Cute Gem; Inferno Book; Steelwall Book Eggs: Drech Egg; Vordrech Egg; Tikidrech Egg; Luch Egg; Geraluch Egg; Heluch Egg Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Knucklchu; Sandhawk; Chamiluna; Giralooza; Paradrager; Mammagamma; Blumen; Dela Getchu; Volkaiser; Nildrager; Devilchu \Fire Tower 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ ___________ / \____/ _________| | I /____ \ /ŻŻŻŻ|____ | | | / \____ | | | I | | | ___ \_/ŻŻŻ| | | |_| | | | | _ N | | | | | |___| / / ___ \ \ ___ | | | | | | | |__\ \ | N | ________/ / | I __ | | | ___| _____ / _ |___| | | | | / _ \ | |____/ \ | | | | | |Ż | I | \_ I | _____/ / / | | |__ \_/ | |ŻŻ| /__/ __/ | / | _ \ | | |_____/| | | | | | \ \ _ \ \ _ / \___ | |__/ \ | |/ \ | |_/ \ | I | | I || I | | N | \_/Ż| | | |ŻŻŻ\_/ ŻŻ| /_____/ /Ż\ /________/ / |P| |________/ |___________/ Ż \Fire Tower 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ ___ ___ | | | | | | | | | I | | A | \ \_ | | | | \ |____| |_ | | / \__/ / | |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ / \ \ ŻŻ| | | | / \_ | | | F _ | | E | \_/_| | |___| _____ | _| ___ | _ | | | | | | |Ż/ \| | | N | | || I ___ \ | | | | \_/ _ | | | | | | / \| | \ \_/ / | I | | / ____ \ |Ż | |Ż / |_| | / \_/ /|_ \ | I / | |Ż\ \ \ /ŻŻ | | | | Ż | I | | | |___| |P| Ż \Fire Tower 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________ ____ / \_| | | /ŻŻŻŻŻ/ |ŻŻ | | | I _ | | | _ \_/ | |___ | |/ \ | | | I | | I | Ż| / / ____| | |_____| / \_ | ___/ \ŻŻŻŻ ___ | I | | | | |Ż\_/ | I | \ \ | | ___ ____ | |__ | | | |__/ __ | | \_______| | | I / / \_ ___/ |Ż\_______ _/ |___|ŻŻŻ | E |_| \ / \_ \_/| |\ I | | I | __| |Ż| | \_/ \_/| | _ / \ \ \_/Ż\ /Ż\| | / \| |Ż| | | I | | I | ____| I __| | I | \ /_______\ |Ż |P | |___| Ż|____________| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Fire Tower 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Nam Nam is easily the most difficult of the four Orb bosses. His wind side will fling Maldiards at you, which do a decent amount of damage, and his fire side will thwack you with Comet Strike and Shockwave. The real danger, however, comes from his earth minions. The know Explode, an attack that does a flat-out 150 damage to whatever it hits. That's a lot, and the Dela-Gethus that have it are rather difficult to kill. To make this fight easier, keep some Inferno Books (and resurrect books, if you can find them) on hand. Try and get rid of those Dela-Gethus ASAP (put them to sleep, stone them, etc.), or you're in for quite a fight. Good luck! \Fire Heat ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ NOTE: You cannot access this forest until you clear Lilith's Lair (below). Items: Bitter Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 5; Lovely Gem; Brilliant Gem; Flame Rose; Inciting Book; Steelwall Book Eggs: Drech Egg; Vordrech Egg; Tikidrech Egg; Luch Egg; Geraluch Egg; Heluch Egg Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Knucklchu; Sandhawk; Chamiluna; Giralooza; Paradrager; Mammagamma; Blumen; Dela Getchu; Volkaiser; Nildrager; Devilchu \Fire Heat 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ /Ż\______ | | | I |______| | \ /ŻŻŻŻ| _____ | | |____/ \ | | / I | \ \ | /Ż| |ŻŻ\_/ | | | | | Ż| / / | | Ż| | | | |P| | | | | Ż | N | | I | |___| |___| \Fire Heat 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________ |________ | | | _ / \____/ \ | I I | ___ \_/ŻŻŻŻ\ / | |___ | | | I \_______/ \ |___|ŻŻ\____ I | /ŻŻ\___| |Ż\_/ | /\ | ___ _/ \ ŻŻŻŻŻ| || | / I | ___| I | | |Ż\_/ | ||___| | | | |ŻŻŻ | | | | |ŻŻŻ| | |_ | O | | I | | | |___| | | Ż| |____________| | | / | |ŻŻŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻ| |_ | | | | | | | I | | I | Ż| | |___| |___| |P| Ż \Fire Heat 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ _ | | |ŻŻŻ| | | | I | | I | | | | | | | / / | |_____ | | | | | \_| |___| | | |ŻŻ| |\_____ _/ | | | | _| |Ż \ \ | | | | | | \ \ | |Ż ___ | | | |__/ /_| | | | |________ N | |P| |___| Ż \Fire Heat 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ ___ _ | |_____| | | | | I I | | | |___|Ż| |Ż|___| | | | \_______/ / ___ \_ / | |___/ /ŻŻ/ | | I / | I Ż| |___|Ż\ / \_/| | ___ | | | | | | | | |ŻŻŻ|_| | | I | | | | I _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | ŻŻŻ | | | \__| |_______| | \__ _ _____| ___ | |ŻŻŻ/ \____ | || | | I __ | | N || | \_/ | | | || | _/ / | \_/ | ___/ / | \_/ _/ | |ŻŻŻ\ /Ż| | | | | | | | | I | | | | I | |___| |P| |___| Ż \Fire Heat 5 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ _______ | | ___| | __| | | |ŻŻŻ| | | ___| | I | | |_/ \ |___ | | I | ___/ / ŻŻŻ\_/ | __/ ___ | | _____| | | |____/ I | |_ /ŻŻŻ|___| Ż| |Ż| |___|ŻŻŻ| ___ ___ | | |_ _ I | | |___ | |_______/ \ | | |___| | I |_ | I I | / / ___ | |Ż|__ | |___|Ż| |ŻŻŻŻ\_/ | |__| | ŻŻŻ __\ \ | | | I | |ŻŻŻ|_/ ŻŻŻŻŻ\ \ \ | |ŻŻ|___| | I /| |ŻŻŻŻ\ \| | ___ | | ___ |___|ŻŻ | ||ŻŻŻ|\ | | | |__| |__| | _______| || I | | S I | |P ||___|ŻŻŻŻ |___|ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ|___| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Fire Heat 6 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ _____ | |_____ | ___| | I | | | |___|ŻŻŻ| | | Ż| | | Ż| | ___| |___/ \ | I | __/ \Ż\ \ŻŻŻŻŻ\_/ | I | \ \ | |Ż\_/ | | | | \ \ | | | | | | \ \ | E | / |___ |___| | I | \_/ŻŻ| | _|ŻŻŻ| /Ż\_| | | N | | I | | |___| \ /ŻŻŻ \ \________| |_ _| __ \ | | Ż| |ŻŻŻŻ\ \ | |Ż | | | | | | | I | | I | |P| |___| |___| Ż \Fire Heat 7 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ______ ___ |____ | _| | _| | _/ N | | _| _/ /|___| / |__/ /Ż | I __ / ___ \_/ _| | | | | | | N | | |Ż_ | | | |/ \ | | |_ I | | | Ż\ / | | |ŻŻŻ| | |____| | | I | \______ \ | | \ | | |_|ŻŻŻ| _ | | | _ I | / \| | | | |___|| I | | | ___ \ /ŻŻ | |__/ \_| | | ____/Ż\____| / \ | I ŻŻŻ\______ \_/Ż\ P| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Firestorm ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ NOTE: You cannot access this forest until you clear Lilith's Lair (below). Items: Bitter Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 5; Lovely Gem; Brilliant Gem; Flame Rose; Inciting Book; Steelwall Book; Sharp Book Eggs: Drech Egg; Vordrech Egg; Tikidrech Egg; Luch Egg; Geraluch Egg; Heluch Egg Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Knucklchu; Sandhawk; Chamiluna; Giralooza; Paradrager; Mammagamma; Blumen; Dela Getchu; Volkaiser; Nildrager; Devilchu \Firestorm 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ _ | |_____ | | | N | | | |___|ŻŻŻ| | \ \ ___ | | | | / \_/ /___ | | | /Ż\ P| \ \ | | ŻŻ| |ŻŻŻ /Ż\ | | | | | | | I || | | I | \ \____\ / |___| |_________|ŻŻ \Firestorm 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________ _ | |______/ \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ/ I | | I |ŻŻŻŻŻ\ / ___ \_/ | | | |___ | | | I \_____/ \ |___|Ż\_ ___ I | ___ | | \_/ / \_| | ___ | |Ż\____ Ż| | | / \ _| Ż I | | I | / |Ż| | | |\ / | |ŻŻ ŻŻŻ | | Ż | | | | | | | |_ | S | |ŻŻŻ| | | |___| | I | Ż| | | | | \____ / | _| \_/ŻŻŻ_/ | |ŻŻŻŻ\ _ |__ | I | | / |_ | | | | | | | ŻŻŻ | I | | | | | |P| ŻŻŻ Ż \Firestorm 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________ _ | | |ŻŻŻŻŻ \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| |_| _ | |Ż __ \\ | /ŻŻŻ | \ I || | / /ŻŻŻŻŻ \_/ | | | | | | | | | | | N | _ | | | | / \ \ \ ŻŻŻ | I | | | ___ __\_ Ż | | |_| \_/ / | I _ /\ | | | \ \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻ \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻ\ ŻŻŻŻ| |_ |ŻŻŻ| / \ / K | / |_ | | \ N | |Ż /ŻŻŻŻ \_/ŻŻ| | | |/Ż\ _____/ | | | N | | ____/ | /____/ \ |ŻŻŻ| | __/Ż\ ŻŻŻŻ P | ŻŻ\ /Ż ŻŻŻŻŻ|___| ŻŻŻŻ \Firestorm 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ ___ __ | | | | | | | I | | I | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \ \ / / / / | || | | | / \/ /___| \ | I ______ I | \_/| |_ \_/ |__ |__/Ż\ __/ __ I | / _/ \ / _/ \ | |_ / /\ \ |_ | | || | / \ | I || | _ | I | |___| \ \/ \ \_ | ___ \__ N | | | | P \_____\ /__/ / |________________| \Firestorm 5 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ ___ _ | |_____| | | | | I I | | | |___|Ż| |Ż|___| | | | \_______/ / ___ \_ / | |___/ /ŻŻ/ | | I / | I Ż| |___|Ż\ / \_/| | ___ | | | | | | | | |ŻŻŻ|_| | | I | | | | I _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | ŻŻŻ | | | \__| |_______| | \__ _ _____| ___ | |ŻŻŻ/ \____ | || | | I __ | | I || | \_/ | | | || | _/ / | \_/ | ___/ / | \_/ _/ | |ŻŻŻ\ /Ż| | | | | | | | | I | | | | O | |___| |P| |___| Ż \Firestorm 6 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ __ | | ___ | | | I | | | | | | | | I |_ | | _| |___| \_/ / | /Ż\ / Ż| |ŻŻ| | | | | | | | / |__ | I | \ \| I | | | | |\_/Ż| | ŻŻŻ | | | | ___ ___ ___ |ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ / | | | | | | | | | I /Ż ___ | | | I | | I | | I | | |\ \_| | | | | | | | | | ŻŻŻ | I | | | | | ___| |____| |_ _ | |Ż| | | | | |/ | / \| | ŻŻŻ | | | /ŻŻ| |ŻŻŻŻŻ| | | I | ___/ / | |Ż _/ \ |_ \_ \ /Ż | / | P| | I | ___ \_ \| |_ | I \ |__| | /\_/ | |__\__ \ |___|\ \ | | | B \ \__ I | /Ż\_| | | | |___|Ż\ | \_/ | I / \ \_________/ \__________\ / \_____________________________| \Dark Forests ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ To gain access to the Dark Forests, you first must complete the first four levels of each of the above forests. Once you've beaten the bosses that guard the Orbs, you get to fight the Kalma that posseses you. BOSS: Kalma HP: 1000 ATTACKS: Attack, Poison Storm, Power Drain, Dark Crash This particular boss is surprisingly easy, esepecially when you consider the four Orb bosses you had to fight just to earn the privilege of fighting him. Your biggest problem is his sky-high defense that makes it rather difficult to hurt him. Counter this with on of the Samakilna-type attacks (wind, lowers defense), and make sure your water side has a healer or two with Medinia or Medinite Beware his Power Drain attack, that is not only rather powerful but has the potential to undo a lot of your damage to him. Like all bosses, he's immune to hp-based attacks like Fossa Magna and Magma, and extremely hard to hit with most status attacks. Beating him gives you access to the four Dark forests. And beating _those_ will bring you straight to Lilith's Lair, and the last boss fight. After you gain access to the dark forests, you lose your ability to go through the Kumari Gate (i.e., visit any of the non-dark forests). However, beating the boss of one of the dark forests will restore your ability to go to the corrisponding light forest. These dark forests have some very complicate princess vines (many levels actually have more than one). They're marked on the map as P1, P2, etc., and they lead to the spots on later maps marked S1, S2, etc. For each map, you need to first locate the Kalma boss and defeat it. Doing so will earn you a key to a gate (marked on the maps as "*"). This gate, in turn, will lead to the real boss. Good luck! \Entrance of Darkness ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ E Dark Earth Forest Entrance Wa Dark Water Forest Entrance Wi Dark Wind Forest Entrance F Dark Fire Forest Entrance L Lilith's Lair Entrance ___ ___ _| E | / F | \ | / | __ \ | / / _/ \ \ \ | / _/ | __ \ \/ | _/ Wi| / \_____/ |__/ _/\___/ |Wa ____ _/ \__/ \ L / \ / \ / \ / | | | | | | | | |____| E. Dark Water Forest Items: Mel's Elixir 7; Tendai Herb; Lovely Gem; Resurrect Book; Twill Mugwort; HP Back++ Book; Healing Book; Full Heal Book; MP Back++ Book; Calabas Herb; Deep Marine Eggs: N/A Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Scorpy; Rugglchu; Machoang; Majj; Ela Ela; Gigatiran; Shroomie; Amorg; Trinoculus; Dumbler; Sulligalan; Ninunga; Bigby; Hoohaw \Dry River Level 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ ________________ / \/ | | S ________ | \_ / |_ | |__| | | ___ |_ | | | | | | P1| _| | | | | | | | | | ___ | |____| | | | | ___ | | I | | | |_ | | | | | / | | \__| | | I | | __| |___| | _| | | _ | |__| |_ ___ | |__| | \ __ P2| / |_ |___| | I |\________| \_/ \Stagnant Pond Level 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _____________ | | | S1 __ \ |_ / \ \ | \ | |Ż \ I | |*| | / | | | | | | _| \ | | / | | | | I \_ | | \_/\ | | P7| | |Ż |___| __| | _| | _ | // \ |_ Ż I | _| /____ | P5| _| _/Ż |_ _/ | ||_ \ | I | | S | |___| \_/ \Dry River Level 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ ________/ \ / I | ___/ / | | |I | |__ _| | | / | | S2_| | | | | \P3 _| Ż| | / |_ | | / | |I |_ | |_ | |_ | | | | | P4| ŻŻŻ| S |Ż ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Dry River Bed ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ______ _ __| \/ \ | I | | S3 _/ |___ |____ \ | ___| | | / | S | |___ _| \_ __/ |P0| ŻŻ \Stagnant Pond Level 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ____________ _| |_ |S4 P6| |_ _| |_ ________| _| |_ _/ |_ ___ / |__| | / __ I | | S /\______| |___| \_/ \End of Stagnant Pond ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ ___ | |__ / \\ \_ | S | \ _/|S5| ___/ __ Ż||__| | / | ŻŻŻŻŻ| | \ | _| |_ | | | | I | | I | \___| | ___| | _| |P0 | ŻŻŻ \Stagnant Pond Terminus ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Water Kalma [1] HP: 1000 Attacks: Dark Crash, Life Crash, Attack, Ramakia _________________ |S6 | | ____ |Ż| I | | |__ |__| |_ | | | ______| | | \Ż | ___ | | I | |__| | | \_/ __ _| | ______| | | | |P0 |_| | |______________ S | \_/ \Abyss Level 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___________ _____ |S7 ___ | | | |_ _| | | | ___| | |_/Ż\ | |_| | _ | I || |_| | | / / _ | |__ | | I ___| | | | | \_/ | | | |___ ___| | __ | | | | |P8|_| S | | I | |__________| |_____| \Abyss Level 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Water Kalma [2] HP: 1750 Attacks: Attack, Life Crash, Ad Slahnit, Ramakite F. Dark Earth Forest Items: Bitter Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 5; Lovely Gem; Shield Bible; Brilliant Gem; Amazon Eye; Recovery Bible Eggs: N/A Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Scorpy; Rugglchu; Machoang; Majj; Ela Ela; Gigatiran; Shroomie; Amorg; Trinoculus; Dumbler; Sulligalan; Ninunga; Bigby; Hoohaw \Desolate Field Level 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __ ___ |P1| | | | | ______________| I | | |/ | | | | | |_ ________________ | | | | | | | | | | | _| | | | ___/ | | | | | | | | I | _| |_ | |_____ __________ | | | | | | | | | | | S | | | | I | | ___| | | |______ ___| | | | | | | | | | __| | | | | | | _________| |__ | | |P2| | |_____| / ŻŻ | I _____ /______ |______________| | P3| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \End of Desolate Field ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________________ | ____ | | S1 | | I | | ____| | | | | |____ | | | | | | | | | | | __ ___| | | |__ |P0| | | | | | | | | | S | | |_| I | |____| |__________| \Wilderness Level 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________ _| |_ _| S |_ | | | | | | | S2 | | | |_ I _____| |_ ŻP4| | Ż|Ż ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Desolate Field Perch ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________________ | ________ _| | S3 | | | | ___| _____| | | | |P0 | | | ŻŻŻ| | | | ____ | | | | | | | | | |___| | | | | ___ S | | I | |_| |____| |___| \Wilderness Level 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _______________________________________ | ________________ _________ | | S4 | | | __ | | | |_____________ | I | |P5| | | | __ ___ ___ | ŻŻŻ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |*| | I | | | _| |___| | | | | | ŻŻŻ | | | | | | | |______ | |___ | | | | |_______ \ | | | I | | |___ \ \_ | I | |__________| | | \P7\ ŻŻŻŻŻ | I | ŻŻ | | ___ | |___ | | |________ | | I | | | | | ___ | |_| __| | | | _ |__ | I | | | | P6| | |____| | ŻŻŻŻŻ |_ | | |ŻŻ| |_ | S | | ŻŻŻ| |___| | I | |__/ŻŻŻ \End of Killing Fields ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Earth Kalma [1] HP: 1000 Attacks: Attack, Mitrea, Burn Crash, Power Drain ___ ______ _/ S5| | |_ | _| | I |_||| |_ |___________| | | ___________ | | | _ | | _| | B _| ||| |_ |______| |_ P0| \___| \End of Wilderness ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________ ___ | S6 _ | | P0| | _| | |_ | |Ż | | |_ |_| ŻŻŻ| | |_ |_ |ŻŻŻ | __| _| |____ | |______| ____ | | | | | | I __|Ż| |__ |_| |____| |____| \Killing Fields Level 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _______________ _| __ S7 __ |_ | _| |_____| |_ | | |_ _| | |_ | | _| | | _ | | | |_ /P\ _| | | |_| 8 |_| |_ _| | | | | I ___ I | |_______| |_______| \Killing Fields Level 5 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Cocona Cocona has five Kalma minions (the unevolved form of the boss you beat to pass the gate), which are armed with Maltiana and Mitrea (an attack that boosts all stats). Although her Kalma beasts are tough, they aren't that bad. Its the second boss you need to worry about. BOSS: Earth Kalma [2] HP: 1750 Attacks: Attack, Mitrea, Shockwave, Yagiluna, Maldiard After beating Cocona, you get to fight the Earth Kalma boss (most evolved form of the Kalma divine beast). It is armed with Mitrea and Shockwave, making it quite formidable. It also has a nice, high life, which means it will probably take a while to kill it. Worse, Yagiluna heals it with every use. Sapiate, Samakilna, Barrian, and similar skills are absolutely invaluable. As a boss, it tends to be hard to hit with any status attacks, although you might manage to stun or confuse it or somesuch. Attacks that bust through defense - like Explode - also work very well against this thing, as Mitrea insures its defense is relatively high. G. Dark Fire Forest Items: Bitter Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 5; Lovely Gem; Brilliant Gem; Flame Rose; Inciting Book; Steelwall Book; Sharp Book Eggs: N/A Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Giralooza; Paradrager; Dela Getchu; Nildrager \St. Elmo's Fire Level 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________________ |____ _______ | ____| |_ _ |___| | _ \ | | ___ | | Ż\ S || | | | | | Ż\_/ | |_| | | | /ŻŻŻŻ|| _ | | | | K || | | | | | | ___|| | | | | |_| |____| | |P1 | |____________| |___| \St. Elmo's Fire Level 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ______________ ___________ ___ ___/ ___ S1 | / ______ \/ | | | \___| | | | I | | S | \P3| | / |___ | ŻŻ | | / |____________________| | / ___________________ _________ | | | __ _ | \ | | | |_____ | |/ \ | I | | | | |____| I | | |\___| | | \ _______|\_/ | | ____ | | |P2 | | |___| I | | | ŻŻŻŻŻ |__________| | | | | ___ _______| | | \_____| | | K I | \ | | | | | | P4 I I | |__________________| \Blaze Level 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ _ _ |S2 | / \ | | | _| | S |____| | | |_____\ ___ | | ______ | | | ŻŻ \ | | | _ ___| |___| | | | | I ___ | | |__|_ | |_| | ____ | _ | | \ ŻŻŻŻ | | | _ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ| | | ŻŻŻ | |ŻP5| | | ŻŻŻŻ| | | |Ż | | |Ż|__| | | | | | | ____| | | | | | | ___| | | | | | |_ _| | | | | | |_____| / | | | | | | |__ _/ | |___ | | | | | I | | P6| |___| ŻŻŻŻŻ \End of St. Elmo's Fire ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ________________ | __ | | S3 \ | __| | I | | P0| \ |\_/ |___|ŻŻ | | _ _ | |/ \ / \_ | I | | S | | _/ \_ | | ŻŻ\_____/ | |_______________| \Hellfire Level 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _______ _______ | | | P7| | S4 | | | | |_| _| | _____ ŻŻ| |_ ___| | S | | | ŻŻŻ | | ______ | | |P8 _| |*| ŻŻ| | | | _| | / \ / _/ | |_ / / _ / \ | |/ \ | K | \ I | |_ / | / / | | / | K | | \ \ / | \ | / \___ | | |__________| | |______________| \Blaze Terminus ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ ___ __ | | | | |S5| | I | | S | | | | |_| |_| | | __________| | | ___ _ | |_| |_/ \ | _ _ | | | | | | | | K | | I | |P0| |___| |___| ŻŻ \End of Blaze ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Fire Kalma [1] HP: 1000 Attacks: Attack, Killer Chance, Vahliluna ___ ___ ___ | I | / \_| I | | |_/ _/ | ___ __ / | |___| /__\ /_ | ||I P0| | ||__ | \ | | | | | / /__ / | | I | | B |\_| \_____| ŻŻŻ \Hellfire End ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ____ _ __ | | / \ | \ | S7 | | I |_|I | | |_\ | | | | __ _ | | \ / | \_/ | /__\ I |_____ | | | | | | / | | S _ | \_/Ż | I |\_/|P0| ŻŻŻ ŻŻ \Hellfire Level 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Wu Wu is armed with five Kalma minions (the unevolved form of the boss you had to beat to pass the gate). They come with Burn Crash and Mitrea (an attack that raises all stats). They're reasonably difficult, but the lack of variety in their attacks and their relative few number makes this fight rather easy. It's the next fight you should be concerned with. BOSS: Fire Kalma [2] HP: 1750 Attacks: Atttack, Medinite, Killer Chance This Fire Kalma is capable of doing a great deal of damage in one hit, and its access to Medinite makes it potentially very hard to kill. It has a lot of HP, which means it will probably take a while to take down. The attacks Barrian and Libaridia are both excellent for warding against its powerful Killer Chance attack, and Ragulina and Samakilna can greatly raise the damage you do and significantly shorten the length of this fight. He appears to have 999 MP, so don't count on running him out...he'll probably run you down first. Make sure you have a strong healing side, combining Tishous with either Adia or Medinite. Also, Explode never hurts, and will almost certainly be doing twice what a 'normal' attack might. H. Dark Wind Forest Items: Bitter Mugwort; Mel's Elixir 5; Hide Spore; Botulism Book; Healing Book; Lovely Gem; Cute Gem; Pitchdark Book; Confusion Book; Dimwit Book Eggs: N/A Enemies: Evolution 3 Kalma: Bladreg, Niwerl, Mamern, Wellern, Kataimel, Kakbone \Whirlwind Level 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ____________ __ | | / | | S1 |/ S | | / | /_ | ___ ___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I | _| |_ | | |___| | | | P1| | | ŻŻŻ | | ___ __ | | |P4 | | | | ___| | | |I | |*| | | | | | | | | | \_| |_____| | | | | / | \ | /\ I | |___________/ \__| \Dustorm Level 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ _ __ / \ / |__| ŻŻŻ| |_K |_/ __ I | \ | | ___| | | ŻŻ / _| _____ / _| _| / / /_ | / | P2| | |__ | _\ | I | / | _| __| \ | | | \ | | S1 \ | _| | \ \ | | | \\_____||ŻŻ|__ | __/ / __| | | I |Ż |P3 | |__ | _ŻŻ| | | | | ŻŻ | | | | | |Ż | | \ / | / /Ż\ I | |S /Ż|_|ŻŻ |_/ \__| ŻŻ \End of Duststorm ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _______ ___ _ | _\ | \/ \ | S2 _| | S | | | | __ / | / _/ / ŻŻ\\ | |_ /P0| _|| | | |_ | / | | |____|| | | | / _/ / / | / \ | I | _| __ K | \_/ŻŻŻŻŻŻ |___/ \_/ \Duststorm Terminus ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Wind Kalma [1] HP: 1000 Attacks: Attack, Saskand, Ulviluna, Soldona _ __ / \__________ | | | I P0 |_|I | \ / / __ | | | | S3 | \ | |_____ \ | | __ \ | / | |I | | | \ | | / | | / | | \__/ | | B | | / \_/ |_______/ \Whirlwind Level 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ___ __ / \_____ | \____/ \ | S S4 | \ / / \ | _ | | |_| | | | | | \ |\ / | |\ | | K | |P5|\_____| |___| ŻŻ \Whirlwind Level 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _ ____________ / \_| \ | S = | \ ||K | / ___ || | | _| _ |__ _| | / _| |___| |_ | || | | \| P6 _ S5 | | == |_| | |_______________/ \Typhoon Level 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __________ ___/ | |P8 | |______||__S | ____________/ / | I / |________ \ / \ | I | __ | | / \_ \ | | I \__/ | \_ __ S6 | _/ | |_______| | | | \ ___ | I\ | | | ||__| | I | | |_______| | | ___ | | |\ / | | | K || | | | ŻŻŻ/ \ | | / _ I | | | |__/ \_/ |P7 | ŻŻŻ \End of Typhoon ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ __ __ __ |P0| |S7| | | | | | | |S | | | | | | | | |___| |___| | | ___ ___ | | | | | | | | | / \ | | / \ | K | | I| | I | |___| |__| |___| \Typhoon Bottom ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Gil The Good Dr. Gil is, like the previous three bosses, armed with five of the Kalma minions (the larval state of the boss you beat to pass the gate). They bring Ulviluna and Saskand to the battle, but the lack of Mitrea (which the other fighters all have) and the fact that there are only five of them ensures that this battle won't last that long. Just beware of Saskand, which if you get really unlucky can seriously swing the flow of the fight. One water minion armed with Selahmnite, however, is more than enough to counter this somewhat iffy danger. BOSS: Wind Kalma [2] HP: 1750 Attacks: Attack, Soldote, Saskand, Ulvilude Surprisingly, the real danger here is not Soldote, but Saskand. Make sure one of your water minions knows Selahmnite, or it could get ugly. His attacks aren't _that_ dangerous, but they hurt enough that another should be outfitted with Medinite. He has a lot of HP, which tends to cause the fight to drag out; to counter this, try abilities like Samakilna and Ragulina, or ones that ignore defense (like explode). The skill Barrian will render him almost entirely impotent, as like most bosses he only gets one action per round, which the Barrian will negate. Libaridia is exactly as good. All in all, you shouldn't have many difficulties with this fight as long as you're reasonably well prepared. I. Lilith's Lair Lilith's Lair is an interesting place. Its extremely small, but has a tendency to seem very long - mainly because the random enemies are the nasty Kalma minions showing up in those boss fights, armed with fun attacks like Mitrea and Saskand and Killer Chance, and also because every ogre vine contains a boss. No, you heard me right: every ogre vine contains a boss, each worth 5000 exp. If you leave, they all regenerate. Normally you could just skip fighting them, except that (without the help of a guide like this) you have no way of telling _which_ boss guards the key spore. They provide the best opportunity to level up in the game, but sadly passing Lilith's Lair will forever cut off your access to this section. For this part of the game only, Kahu has access to a new feature: his wings. If you press triangle during battle, you'll notice a new command: Restore. Restore costs Kahu a shield, but heals all your minions ~35 hp (whee!). Not terribly useful, but every little bit helps, and as you recover all your shields after every fight...why the heck not =) Lastly, I _strongly_ reccomend leaving before progressing to fight the boss of this place (see below for more). You'll need the preparation. Items: N/A Eggs: N/A Enemies: Evolution 1 Kalma: N/A \Lilith-Nest 1 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Amorg [Earth] HP: 1500 Attacks: Attack, High Spirits, Looking Around BOSS: Mamern [Wind] HP: 850 Attacks: Attack, Poison Storm, Samakilna, Maldiard BOSS: Blumen [Fire] HP: 1000 Attacks: Attack, Killer Chance, Looking Around BOSS: Sembone [Water] HP: 850 Attacks: Attack, Skill Bind, Vahludide, Medinite ____________ _ | \/ \ | __ _ B | __/ | | | |_ _/ | B | | |_ | P | |____| | | ŻŻŻ | _| __ _ | | ___ | \ |__| |__| | |S ________ B | |__/_| |__| \Lilith-Nest 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Ela Ela [Earth] HP: 1250 Attacks: Attack, Ramakite, High Spirits, Medinia BOSS: Kataimel [Wind] HP: 850 Attacks: Attack, Dark Crash, Poison Storm BOSS: Dela Getchu [Fire] HP: 1150 Attacks: Attack, Shockwave, Burn Crash BOSS: Froggess [Water] HP: 1000 Attacks: Attack, Medinite, High Spirits, Power Drain ___ _____ | | _| B | | |______| __| | _______ / |__P__| __| | Ż | | |B | |__ | __ _ | \__ | \ |________| B | | S _____ __| |__/_| |_____/ \Lilith-Nest 3 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Shroomie [Earth] HP: 1250 Attacks: Attack, Barrian, Save Up/Tackle, Psycho Attack BOSS: Gojet [Wind] HP: 1000 Attacks: Attack, Samakilna, Ad Slahnit, Burn Crash BOSS: Giralooza [Fire] HP: 1000 Attacks: Attack, Soldote, Samakilna BOSS: Dela Yo-Yo [Water] HP: 800 Attacks: Attack, Ramakite, Psycho Crash, Yagiluna ___ __ _ | B | _ | \_/ \___| __| |P| | S / |_ | |__/|__ _/ | | _____| | _ _ | | | __ |/ \ / \| | | | | B | | B | | | | _|\_/ \_/| | | |__||__________/ | |________________ | |__| \Lilith-Nest 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BOSS: Chosen One of Darkness HP: 2000 Attacks: Attack, Seal, Rage Chance BOSS: Water Drac HP: 2000 Attacks: Attack, Water Barrier, Stun Attack The problem with this battle isn't that it's hard - it's that it's _long_. The entire purpose is to wear you down for the fight that follows. For this battle, the Chosen One of Darkness and his giant water Drac will continually swap back and forth. As each time they do so, it heals the Drac 500 HP. The Chosen One of Darkness, however, does not regain his HP. He does, however, come armed with a deadly non- elemental attack known as Seal. Seal removes one of your minions from the fight, cannot be prevented, and is irrevocable. Fortunately, it has a very small chance of working, and doesn't last after you beat this fight. His Rage Chance attack isn't all that powerful, but when it criticals it immediately drops one of your minion's HP to 1. The Drac is similarly non-dangerous, except for its one big attack: Water Barrier. This does ~150 damage to your current attackside, but it doesn't use it that often. BOSS: Lilith HP: 2500 Attacks: Attack, Larvalize, Summon, Dark Impact Kalma: Life Crash, Saskand, Ulvilude, Killer Chance, Mitrea _This_ is the boss you've been waiting for. Lilith will start off summoning up two kalma minions, armed with one of the attacks listed above. She constantly swaps elements (and is immune to whatever element she currently is), and the attack her Kalma has depends entirely on her element when she summons them. Each turn after they've been Summoned, the kalma will be healed to full and will evolve (joy!). They stop at their third evolution. Killing both of them gives Lilith an immediate free turn, _and_ she summons a new pair (note that summoning the new pair does not use up her turn, and the newly Summoned minions get to act). Fortunately, the new pair are back in their larval states. Lilith is armed with Larvalize, which will reduce one of your minions to its larval state for three turns, and the almight attack Dark Impact. This does about 150-200 damage, to ALL your minions. Yep, all of them, not just your current attack side! Ouch. Consider heavily bringing both Medinite and Selahmnite to this fight, and as always Barrian. Attacks that hit all enemies are great for keeping those kalma reduced to their larval state. It also helps to bring some books along, just in case (and don't be shy about using Restore: each little bit helps). V) Side Quests This game is absolutely loaded with side quests for you to complete, that are sure to keep you busy for hours on end. The clock really shouldn't stop at 99:59:59, as you can easily hit that limit and then some trying to get it all done. Enjoy! A. Action Figures
B. Genus Arenas \Genus Arena? Whazzat? ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ In the forests, you will ocassionally run into enemy BeastHunters. When this happens, beating them will earn you a Medal for whatever Genus they prefer (e.g., a Ku medal, Og medal, etc.). You'll receive an item for every two you get of the same genus. 2 and 4 earn you eggs of that Genus but a non-standard element (see the Egg list, in Items, below). The prize for getting six is a piece of jewelry (see the Jewelry List, in Items, below). For getting 8, you earn the right to face off against the Boss of that Genus. Defeating that boss earns you a "Master" item (e.g., Ku Master). This item opens up a Genus Arena in the sixth level of the appropriate Forest (Fire for Ogs, Kus, and Dracs; Water for Slimies and Nas; Earth for Garas and Leifs; Wind for Bugs, Maus, and Alcos). Entering this Arena (for locations, check the Maps of the sixth level of the Forest, above) requires at least one minion of that Genus, as you are only allowed to fight with minions of that genus. You must beat three consecutive fights against BeastHunters of that Genus. Successfully doing so earns you three eggs of that Genus of a non-standard element, and closes the Genus arena. C. The Arena \About the Arena ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Novice 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ This tournament consists of first evolution minions and enemy beast trainers with all of one shield. It might have been hard, seeing as you're limited to two beasts...if they weren't also so limited. Have fun with this one. \Amateur 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ This tournament is a little tougher than the last. Your enemies are third evolution, and there's two of them, but they're not terribly powerful I suggest two frontline attackers for this one, if only to speed it along. \Advanced 2 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Finally, it gets interesting. Fully evolved Divine Beasts with S level attacks...they appear to have gone through around 4 merges, making them reasonably strong - but hardly dangerous. Skills like Hp Recovery, Mp Recovery, Libaridia, and Barrian are absolutely invaluable here. Skewer on anything Pragmatic can also be a _really_ quick end to these fights. \Novice 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I would love to help with this, but seeing as you only gain access to it after you beat the game...well, suffice it to say, if you can't beat this mode at this point, the problem is more deeply rooted than I'm prepared to deal with. \Amateur 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Surprisingly, the Amateur 4 competition pits you against minions just as strong as those in the advanced 2. Barrian, Medinite, and Selahmnite are excellent skills to consider for this fight; I reccomend bringing three attackers and one protector/healer. \Advanced 4 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Beware such skills as Ad Roquide and Ad Mumarnite. Selahmnite is a must, as your enemies have suddenly decided to get into the status attack mode. They're not much stronger than the minions in the last mode, but attacks they use are considerably more annoying. \Novice 6 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ These enemies are, once again, relatively pitiful. You shouldn't get hit making your way through this mode...'Novice' indeed. \Amateur 6 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Once again, you're pit against fully evolved minions with high level attacks. Fortunately for you, there is no strategy or coordination between them what-so-ever. Make sure you bring three strong attackers, and some healers and/or protectors for this just-in-case situations. \Advanced 6 ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ As in the previous Advanced ranks, this is where the enemy BeastHunters begin using those dangerous skills you hate so much: Ad Mumarnite, Ad Roquide, Ad Slahnit, and Skewer. (Thankfully, skewer is no longer much of a threat, as you have a respectible number of shields - all five - for this competition). Skills such as Selahmnite and Water Power will more than make up for any hardships this might cause you. I reccomend bringing your Fire, Earth, and most of your Water side for these battles, as status wars with enemies just tend to get messy. \Two Sides ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ This is an odd tournament. When it begins, you'll be prompted to choose two sides; the two sides you choose will be the only two you have access to during the battle (if you try and use another, it just warns you, 'You cannot use this side.'). One bizarre result of this is that you will always have max shields, while most of your two-side toting adversaries only have three. \Auto-Right ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ When you first get this game, many people complain that victory seems based more on luck than strategy. Prepare to capture that feeling all over again, as you lose all control over your Divine Beasts. No longer are you allowed to spin your own Beast Amulet; oh, no. Instead, it rotates to the right once every round. I suggest trying to set up your team so that it can work smoothly in this sort of environment. Make sure you don't wind up casting mitrea, only to have the bonus wasted as your healing side pops up and is followed by your all-status wind side. Try to think ahead, and remember that victory here is going to be based entirely around staying power - who can wear the other down first. To this end, the skills Anandia, Tishalite, Barian, Libaridia, Limenate, and Selahmnite are among the best you can choose. \Auto-Left ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ You guessed it. This is exactly the same thing as Auto-Right, except in reverse: the wheel automatically spins one turn to the left with each passing round, making it impossible for you to control it at all. Winning here is based mostly on luck, but there are a number of things you can do to increase your chances: level up, using more defensive skills, and being prepared to reset (just in case =P). \Merge Limited ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ This tournament may be the most difficult of all; then again,it may not. You and your opponents are for once restricted to equal ground: no one may use any minion with a merge level higher than 2. Your enemies here are actually rather well organized. They are quite fond of barrier attacks and various status inflicting thingies, and unfortunately are surprisingly strong for things merged only twice. Thankfully, you have access to Explode at this point - and 150 damage from two barrian guarded minions should drop any of their minions in one round. If you choose to run this rather high MP strategy, however, beware: tishalite is a must. \Grand Slam ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ In the Grand Slam, you fight trainers exactly as strong as those you might meet in the forests. That is, until you get to the third battle. Then, it gets interesting. Your opponent is Wu, and he's armed with eight larval maus of ridiculous proportions. His earth side sports Barrian and Mitrea (and they're already quite fast), along with Fossa Magna. This wouldn't be so bad if they didn't all have somewhere around 700 MP... His water side, fortunately, has no revival capabilities. Unfortunately, it has just about everything else - Tishalite, Selahmnite, and Medinite. He'll use it just often enough to keep you from killing his precious toches. His Wind side, armed with Ad Roquide and Ad Slahnit, is irritating in the extreme (unless you happen to have a chrome or two around for them to bounce off of =P). His fire side comes with Skewer and Shockwave, but this is surprisingly the least of your worries. They tend to kill off anything that's been hit with that Fossa Magna. Those toches seem to be immune to Ad Mumarnite, which otherwise might be a very good way to kill him. As it stands, your best bet lies in bringing something very difficult to kill armed with Anandia, and make sure of your attacking minions' personality to ensure they focus on killing one Mau at a time. Every time you succeed, you pull a little bit farther ahead, as he can't do anything about it. He'll undoubtedly slay some of your minions, but as long as you can revive them, so what? Selahmnite, Mitrea, and Lapiate are all excellent skills to consider bringing to this fight. Beating Wu, JC2's greatest challenge, wins you the game and a chance to see the credits. Its also somewhat...fulfilling...to know that the old guy really WAS that strong, after all. D. Jobs \About Jobs ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ In the Lounge, you'll be given the opportunity to take jobs by checking the 'bulletin board,' that terminal looking thing in the middle of the north wall. Doing so requires you to complete some task (you'll be given a 'contract' that details exactly what), upon completion of which you'll be appropriately rewarded and gain a small amount of reputation. The more reputation you have, the more dangerous the jobs you can take. To cancel a job, go back to the bulletin board and try to select another. You'll lose a little reputation, but not much; and there are no other negative effects. \Common Jobs ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Most jobs will either ask you to defeat someone (another BeastHunter), deliver some item (generally TO another BeastHunter), or track down some item. If the item is relatively common or extremely rare, the tend to not supply anything in the way of a location; however, if the item is somewhere in-between, a location is usually supplied. Check the walkthrough and the item merging list for some ideas as to where to get the other items. \Shop Jobs ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ The shop will ask you for special items, which require beating a minion of one sort or another in excange for an item (Alco Scat, Drac Wing, etc.). They appear successively, and each is in the second map of the next forest in a successively higher level. Rather than leave you trying to puzzle that out, the locations are: map 2 Wind Bound, map 2 Water Visit, map 2 Groundwork, and map 2 Fire Tower. Succeeding in these jobs will improve the shop's inventory (check the section on Kikinak and Co., above). \Special Prizes ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ After you beat the game, you'll be able to take jobs from all the BeastHunters (not just the generic ones). This means people like Cocona, Choco, and Cure will be offering you jobs. Like with the Genus Arenas, completing jobs for them earn you items; and completing enough jobs earns you a really spectacular item: a very rare egg. Cure has the water Drac that's so difficult to get. For a full list some more information, check the section on the Lounge, above. VI) Lists A. Items Name TYPE Cost Effect =============== ======== ====== ====================================== Mugwort Mugwort 10Y Heals 50 HP on one minion. Meta Mugwort Mugwort 30Y Heals 100 HP on one minion. Bitter Mugwort Mugwort 90Y Heals 200 HP on one minion. Twill Mugwort Mugwort 540Y Heals one minion's HP to full. Mel's Elixir 1 Elixir 20Y Heals 50 MP on one minion. Mel's Elixir 3 Elixir 60Y Heals 100 MP on one minion. Mel's Elixir 5 Elixir 180Y Heals 200 MP on one minion. Mel's Elixir 7 Elixir Y Heals one minion's MP to full. Citron Powder Powder 250Y Revives one minion at 1 HP. Tendai Herb Herb 1000Y Heals one minion's HP and MP to full. Calabas Herb Herb 1500Y Revives one minion at full HP. Name TYPE Cost Effect =============== ======== ====== ====================================== Perplex Book Book Y Confuses an enemy. Poison Book Book 20Y Poisons an enemy. Timid Book Book Y Lowers enemy defense for one round. Sleepy Book Book 20Y Sleeps an enemy. Escape Book Book 20Y Escapes from battle (100%). Seeing Book Book Y Cures dark on one minion. Protect Book Book Y Raises defense for one round. Cloud Book Book 20Y Blind enemy rank. Weaken Book Book 540Y Drops enemy attack for one round. HP Back Book Book 30Y Restores 50 hp to entire team. HP Back+ Book Book 90Y Restores 100 hp to entire team. HP Back++ Book Book Y Heals all minion's HP to full. MP Back Book Book 540Y Restores 50 mp to entire team. MP Back+ Book Book Y Restores 100 mp to entire tem. MP Back++ Book Book Y Heals all minions MP to full. Coward Book Book 180Y Drops enemy defense for one round. Shield Book Book Y Restores 1 shield. Sicken Book Book Y Poisons enemy row. Man 2 Man Book Book Y Forces minions to use a normal 'Attack.' Delusion Book Book 180Y Confuses enemy row. Flame Book Book 20Y Inflicts 40 damage on enemy row. Blaze Book Book 180Y Inflicts 60 damage on enemy row. Inferno Book Book 540Y Inflicts 80 damage on enemy row. Hellfire Book Book Y Inflicts 100 damage on enemy row. Venom Book Book 180Y Poisons enemy row. Quick Book Book 90Y Raises speed for one round. Sharp Book Book Y Raises speed for one round. Shield Bible Book 450Y Restores all shields. Regenera Book Book 270Y Revives one minion; costs 1 shield Ressurect Book Book 500Y Revives one minion at 1 HP. Full-Heal Book Book Y Revives one minion at full HP. Botulism Book Book Y Poisons enemy row. Stealwall Book Book 540Y Raises defense for one round. Goading Book Book 540Y Raises attack for one round. Inciting Book Book 1620Y Raises attack for one round. Heal Book Book Y Heals row of status ailments. Healing Book Book 540Y Heals all minions of all status ailments Meek Book Book 90Y Drops enemy speed. Recovery Bible Book Y Damage caused heals HP. Darkness Book Book 60Y Causes Darkness on enemy rank. Defense Book Book 180Y Raises defense for one round. Calming Book Book 30Y Cures confusion. Hypnosis Book Book 60Y Sleeps enemies. Awaken Book Book 30Y Cures sleep. Serum Book Book 30Y Cures poison. Softening Book Book 30Y Cures stone. Pitchdark Book Book 540Y Causes blind. Beast Book Book 540Y Causes sleep. Spineless Book Book 1600Y Drops enemy defense for one round. Sicken Book Book 20Y Drops enemy attack for one round. Hard Hit Book Book 120Y Raises attack for one round. Name TYPE Cost Effect =============== ======== ====== ====================================== Flawed Stone Gem 300Y N/A Dull Stone Gem 500Y N/A Pretty Stone Gem 1000Y N/A Cute Gem Gem 2000Y N/A Lovely Gem Gem 8000Y N/A Brilliant Gem Gem 16000Y N/A Deep Marine Gem 40000Y N/A Flame Rose Gem 40000Y N/A Desert Moon Gem 40000Y N/A Amazon Eye Gem 40000Y N/A Name TYPE Cost Effect =============== ======== ====== ====================================== Sleep Spore Spore Y Stinky Spore Spore Y Drives enemies away on 1 level. Pounce Spore Spore Y Attracts enemies on 1 level. Mercury Spore Spore Y Gives you initiative in the next fight. Hide Spore Spore 540Y Allows you to pass through enemies. Name TYPE Cost Effect =============== ======== ====== ====================================== Poison Air Jewelry Y Poisons enemy rank. Breakdown Jewelry 200Y Causes confusion. Tough Earring Jewelry 200Y Raises party defense for one round. Count Sheep Jewelry 200Y Puts enemies to sleep. Red Hot Jewelry Y Raises attack for one round. Heal Cross Jewelry 300Y Heals party 50 hp. Cover Shift Jewelry 600Y Moves minion from the side to middle. Keep Cool Jewelry 300Y Cures confusion. Weak Heart Jewelry 200Y Lowers enemy attack for one round. Guard Crown Jewelry Y Raises defense for one round. Bright Light Jewelry 60Y Cures sleep. Good Night Jewelry 600Y Puts enemies to sleep. Clear Blood Jewelry Y Cures poison. Force Earring Jewelry 600Y Raises attack for one round. Little Wing Jewelry Y Raises speed for one round. Battle Tiara Jewelry 300Y Stops beasts from using skills. Grace Pearls Jewelry Y Cures all status ailments. Strong Blue Jewelry 1800Y Ups defense for one round. Revive Ruby Jewelry 5000Y Revives one minion at 1 HP. Chaos Maze Jewelry Y Causes confusion. Mad Venom Jewelry 1800Y Causes poison. Hellfire Jewelry Y Damages enemy rank for 80 hp. Hard Blow Jewelry Y Raises attack for one round. Ruby Flame Jewelry Y Damages enemy rank for 60 hp. Red Hot Jewelry 200Y Damages enemy rank for 30 hp. Shadowdance Jewelry 200Y Blinds enemy rank. Heavy Step Jewelry 900Y Drops enemy speed for one round. Storm Song Jewelry 2700Y Raises attack for one round. Wide Awake Jewelry 300Y Cures sleep. Hawk Eye Jewelry 300Y Cures blind. Dark Cloud Jewelry 600Y Causes blind. Soul Recover Jewelry 5400Y Restores 50 MP to party. Name TYPE Cost Effect =============== ======== ====== ====================================== Mint Fan Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Choco Fan Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Cocona Fan Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Vanilla Fan Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Cinnamon Fan Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Mint Hat Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Choco Hat Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Cocona Hat Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Vanilla Hat Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Cinnamon Hat Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Mint Shirt Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Choco Shirt Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Cocona Shirt Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Vanilla Shirt Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Cinnamon Shirt Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Mint Badge Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Choco Badge Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Cocona Badge Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Vanilla Badge Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Cinnamon Badge Swt Knt 10000Y N/A Name TYPE Cost Effect =============== ======== ====== ====================================== Alcoch Egg 100Y Wind Alco Alldrackich Egg 200Y Earth Drac Bugich Egg 100Y Wind Bug Carach Egg 100Y Earth Gara Deadrech Egg 200Y Wind Ku Degadrackich Egg 200Y Wind Drac Dejoloch Egg 200Y Fire Alco Delocarach Egg 200Y Water Gara Demabugich Egg 200Y Fire Bug Demitoch Egg 200Y Wind Mau Denodrech Egg 200Y Wind Ku Depslimich Egg 200Y Earth Gara Derlefich Egg 200Y Water Leif Desonach Egg 200Y Earth Na Dethalcoch Egg 200Y Fire Alco Dethluch Egg 200Y Wind Og Detinach Egg 200Y Earth Na Detotoch Egg 200Y Water Mau Deulefich Egg 200Y Fire Leif Devaluch Egg 200Y Earth Og Devibugich Egg 200Y Fire Bug Dicarach Egg 200Y Water Gara Dicedrackich Egg 200Y Wind Drac Dicenach Egg 200Y Earth Na Didrech Egg 200Y Wind Ku Difslimich Egg 200Y Earth Slimy Disaleifich Egg 200Y Fire Leif Divoslimich Egg 200Y Earth Slimy Dondrackich Egg 200Y Fire Drac Drackich Egg 200Y Water Drac Drech Egg 100Y Fire Ku Dykbugich Egg 200Y Fire Bug Gabnach Egg 100Y Water Na Ganicarach Egg 100Y Earth Gara Geraluch Egg 100Y Fire Og Heluch Egg 100Y Fire Og Holefich Egg 100Y Earth Leif Kamatoch Egg 200Y Earth Mau Leifich Egg 100Y Earth Leif Lybugich Egg 100Y Wind Bug Mechaloch Egg 100Y Wind Alco Muchinach Egg 100Y Water Na Nach Egg 100Y Water Na Ogrecarach Egg 200Y Fire Gara Raindrech Egg 200Y Water Ku Ribbetmich Egg 100Y Water Slimy Seedlefich Egg 100Y Earth Leif Skalcoch Egg 100Y Wind Alco Slimich Egg 100Y Water Slimy Slithirach Egg 100Y Earth Gara Slurplimich Egg 100Y Water Slimy Tamatoch Egg 200Y Fire Mau Tikidrech Egg 100Y Fire Ku Toch Egg 200Y Wind Mau Vordrech Egg 100Y Fire Ku Whiskerach Egg 100Y Fire Gara Yagobugich Egg 100Y Wind Bug Name TYPE Cost Effect =============== ======== ====== ====================================== Power Extract Extract 5Y Increases HP 4-6 points. Health Extract Extract 5Y Increases vitality 2-4 points. Wise Extract Extract 5Y Increases wisdom 2-4 points. Name TYPE Cost Effect =============== ======== ====== ====================================== Cognet Seed 5Y Ups Og Strength. Hard Cognet Seed 5Y Further Ups Og Strength. Jujuba Seed 5Y Ups Na strengths. Lady Jujuba Seed 5Y Toughens Na weaknesses. Rhizome Seed 5Y Ups Leif strengths. Light Rhizome Seed 5Y Toughens Leif weaknesses. Betel Seed 5Y Ups Ku strengths. Lesser Betel Seed 5Y Toughens Ku weaknesses. Gara Root Seed 5Y Ups Gara Strengths. Gara Seed Seed 5Y Further ups Gara strengths. Hill Coptis Seed 5Y Toughens Slimy Weaknesses. Solanum Seed 5Y Ups Drac strengths. Kukumira Seed 5Y Ups Mau strengths. Kukumira Root Seed 5Y Further ups Mau strengths. Kukumira Leaf Seed 5Y Toughens Mau weaknesses. Caltrop Seed 5Y Ups Bug strengths. Water Caltrop Seed 5Y Further ups Bug strengths. Orange Caltrop Seed 5Y Toughens Bug weaknesses. Saxifrage Seed 5Y Ups Alco strengths. Rock Saxifrage Seed 5Y Further ups Alco strengths. True Saxifrage Seed 5Y Toughens Alco weaknesses. B. Divine Beasts \Personalities ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ BUL Bully Attacks enemies with low HP. SLY Sly Attacks beasts placed on the side. CLE Clever Attacks Enemies with low defense. PRA Pragmatic Attacks center enemy/master. NON Noncomittal Attacks random enemy. BRA Brave Attacks the enemy with the highest (max) HP. \Growth ŻŻŻŻŻŻ NOR Normal Levels up at an average rate. SLO Slow Levels up at a much slower rate. FAS Fast Levels up at a much faster rate. \Chart ŻŻŻŻŻ NAME GENUS HP MP STR VIT SPD WIS SPT PER GRO ============== ===== ==== ==== === === === === === === === Skalcoch 1 Alco C D 4 4 5 2 4 BUL NOR Agit 2 Alco B D 5 4 6 4 4 BUL NOR Skalco 3 Alco A C 5 6 8 5 4 BUL NOR Kakabone 4 Alco A C 6 7 10 6 6 BUL NOR Alcoch 1 Alco C D 4 2 6 3 3 BUL NOR Cheepr 2 Alco C D 5 2 7 4 4 BUL NOR Hoho 3 Alco B C 6 3 9 5 5 BUL NOR Clalco 4 Alco A C 6 3 10 7 6 BUL NOR Mechaloch 1 Alco D D 3 2 6 4 3 BUL NOR Helibuzz 2 Alco C C 4 2 6 5 3 BUL NOR Brollopelan 3 Alco C C 4 3 9 6 4 BUL NOR Gojet 4 Alco B B 5 3 10 8 6 BUL NOR NAME GENUS HP MP STR VIT SPD WIS SPT PER GRO ============== ===== ==== ==== === === === === === === === Bugich 1 Bug D C 4 2 5 2 3 SLY NOR Spikebee 2 Bug D C 5 2 6 3 4 SLY NOR Mothmanti 3 Bug C B 6 3 7 4 6 SLY NOR Kataimel 4 Bug C A 7 3 9 5 7 SLY NOR Lybugich 1 Bug D C 3 2 4 4 4 PRA SLO Kilgilth 2 Bug D C 3 2 5 5 5 PRA SLO Pataronga 3 Bug C B 4 3 7 7 6 PRA SLO Ronga-Ronga 4 Bug C A 5 3 9 8 7 PRA SLO Yagobugich 1 Bug D C 3 2 5 3 4 CLE FAS Spikestar 2 Bug D C 4 2 6 4 4 CLE FAS Papillone 3 Bug C B 5 3 7 5 5 CLE FAS Mamern 4 Bug C A 5 3 9 6 6 CLE FAS NAME GENUS HP MP STR VIT SPD WIS SPT PER GRO ============== ===== ==== ==== === === === === === === === Gabnach 1 Na D D 4 3 3 3 3 NON NOR Angler 2 Na C C 6 4 3 4 4 NON NOR Anglorg 3 Na C C 7 4 4 6 5 NON NOR Ngonga 4 Na B B 8 5 5 7 6 NON NOR Nach 1 Na D D 3 2 4 3 3 NON SLO Tomakana 2 Na D C 4 3 5 4 4 NON SLO Pokeyfish 3 Na C C 5 3 6 5 5 NON SLO Sembone 4 Na C B 5 4 7 6 6 NON SLO Muchinach 1 Na D D 2 2 2 5 4 CLE NOR Q 2 Na D C 3 3 3 7 5 CLE NOR Geso-Q 3 Na C C 4 3 4 8 6 CLE NOR Dakkon-Q 4 Na C B 5 4 5 10 6 CLE NOR NAME GENUS HP MP STR VIT SPD WIS SPT PER GRO ============== ===== ==== ==== === === === === === === === Slimich 1 Slimy D C 2 3 2 3 4 NON NOR Ginui 2 Slimy C B 3 3 3 4 5 NON NOR Ginuba 3 Slimy C B 4 4 4 5 6 NON NOR Ginugon 4 Slimy B A 4 5 4 7 6 NON NOR Ribbetmich 1 Slimy D C 4 3 3 2 4 NON NOR Geloper 2 Slimy D B 5 4 3 3 5 NON NOR Reibbat 3 Slimy C A 5 4 4 3 6 NON NOR Frogess 4 Slimy C S 6 5 5 4 7 NON NOR Slurplimich 1 Slimy D C 2 3 2 3 4 NON NOR Chameleon 2 Slimy D B 3 3 3 4 4 NON NOR Yo-Yo 3 Slimy D A 4 4 4 5 5 NON NOR Dela Yo-Yo 4 Slimy C A 4 5 5 6 6 NON NOR NAME GENUS HP MP STR VIT SPD WIS SPT PER GRO ============== ===== ==== ==== === === === === === === === Ganicarach 1 Gara C D 3 6 2 3 4 BRA NOR Twingo 2 Gara B C 4 7 3 4 5 BRA NOR Sulligan 3 Gara A C 4 9 4 5 6 BRA NOR Sulligalan 4 Gara S B 5 10 5 7 7 BRA NOR Slithirach 1 Gara C D 4 5 2 2 4 PRA NOR Garala 2 Gara B C 5 6 2 3 5 PRA NOR Fangbler 3 Gara B B 6 8 3 4 6 PRA NOR Scorpy 4 Gara A B 7 9 3 5 6 PRA NOR Carach 1 Gara C D 3 5 2 1 4 NON FAS Tama-Q 2 Gara B C 4 6 2 2 5 NON FAS Wriggler 3 Gara A C 5 8 3 3 6 NON FAS Amorg 4 Gara S B 5 9 3 4 7 NON FAS NAME GENUS HP MP STR VIT SPD WIS SPT PER GRO ============== ===== ==== ==== === === === === === === === Holefich 1 Leif C C 4 4 2 2 6 BRA SLO Mash 2 Leif C B 5 5 2 3 7 BRA SLO Mush 3 Leif B B 6 6 3 4 8 BRA SLO Shroomie 4 Leif A A 7 7 4 5 10 BRA SLO Leifich 1 Leif C C 2 4 2 4 5 CLE NOR Helicone 2 Leif C C 3 5 2 5 7 CLE NOR Mayen 3 Leif B B 3 6 3 6 8 CLE NOR Majj 4 Leif A A 4 7 3 8 10 CLE NOR Seedlefich 1 Leif C C 3 4 1 3 5 NON FAS Peanum 2 Leif C C 3 5 1 4 6 NON FAS Navi 3 Leif B B 4 6 2 5 8 NON FAS Ela Ela 4 Leif A A 5 7 2 6 9 NON FAS NAME GENUS HP MP STR VIT SPD WIS SPT PER GRO ============== ===== ==== ==== === === === === === === === Vordrech 1 Ku D D 5 3 4 3 3 BRA NOR Redoble 2 Ku C C 6 4 6 5 4 BRA NOR Mardreck 3 Ku B B 7 4 7 6 4 BRA NOR Blumen 4 Ku B B 8 5 8 8 5 BRA NOR Drech 1 Ku D D 3 2 5 4 3 CLE NOR Patadrech 2 Ku C C 4 3 6 6 3 CLE NOR Radrech 3 Ku C C 5 4 7 7 3 CLE NOR Paradrager 4 Ku B B 6 4 9 9 5 CLE NOR Tikidrech 1 Ku D D 3 3 4 4 3 PRA NOR Tiki 2 Ku C C 4 3 4 6 3 PRA NOR Tiral 3 Ku C C 5 4 6 7 4 PRA NOR Giralooza 4 Ku B B 6 5 7 9 5 PRA NOR NAME GENUS HP MP STR VIT SPD WIS SPT PER GRO ============== ===== ==== ==== === === === === === === === Luch 1 Og C D 6 5 1 3 3 NON SLO Nagglchu 2 Og B D 7 6 2 4 4 NON SLO Bokklchu 3 Og B D 9 7 2 5 5 NON SLO Knucklchu 4 Og A C 10 9 3 7 6 NON SLO Heluch 1 Og C D 4 4 2 5 4 NON SLO Skaluch 2 Og B D 5 6 3 6 5 NON SLO Skalchu 3 Og B D 5 7 3 8 6 NON SLO Devilchu 4 Og A C 6 8 4 9 7 NON SLO Geraluch 1 Og C D 5 4 2 2 3 BUL NOR Getchu 2 Og C D 7 5 3 4 3 BUL NOR Wantchu 3 Og B D 8 6 4 5 4 BUL NOR Dela-Getchu 4 Og A C 10 7 4 7 5 BUL NOR NAME GENUS HP MP STR VIT SPD WIS SPT PER GRO ============== ===== ==== ==== === === === === === === === Tamatoch 1 Mau D D 4 4 4 3 4 NON SLO Walpon 2 Mau C C 5 5 6 4 5 NON SLO Drapon 3 Mau B B 6 5 7 6 5 NON SLO Delapon 4 Mau B B 7 6 8 7 6 NON SLO Kamatoch 1 Mau C D 3 4 4 3 4 NON NOR Heehaw 2 Mau C C 4 5 5 4 5 NON NOR Heehawhaw 3 Mau B C 5 6 6 5 6 NON NOR Hoohaw 4 Mau A B 6 7 8 7 7 NON NOR Toch 1 Mau D D 3 3 4 3 3 PRA NOR Earra 2 Mau C C 4 4 6 4 4 PRA NOR Earna 3 Mau C C 5 5 7 5 5 PRA NOR Earina 4 Mau B B 6 6 9 7 6 PRA NOR NAME GENUS HP MP STR VIT SPD WIS SPT PER GRO ============== ===== ==== ==== === === === === === === === Dondrackich 1 Drac C D 5 4 3 4 4 PRA NOR Dongly 2 Drac B C 6 5 3 6 5 PRA NOR Dongle 3 Drac B B 7 5 4 7 5 PRA NOR Dogluga 4 Drac A B 9 6 5 9 6 PRA NOR Drackich 1 Drac D D 4 3 3 4 3 NON NOR Spirally 2 Drac C C 6 4 3 6 4 NON NOR Spiraler 3 Drac B B 7 5 4 7 5 NON NOR Spiralon 4 Drac A B 8 5 5 9 5 NON NOR Alldrackich 1 Drac C D 4 3 3 4 3 NON NOR Rorr 2 Drac B C 6 5 3 6 5 NON NOR Ryunos 3 Drac A B 7 6 4 7 6 NON NOR Gigatiran 4 Drac S B 8 7 5 9 7 NON NOR C. Item Merging \Item Merging ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ In the Wind Forest, you will occasionally encounter a strange sort of flower. Touching it will prompt you to input two items; this is the basis of item merging (or item synthesis, or synth, as some people call it). In general, you get an item out of the flower of the type of the first item, but as relatively rare as the second item. Note that you can always have a 'flop,' which will result in you just getting a mugwort. To find the locations of these flowers, check the maps in the walkthrough section (they're labeled as a little 'f'). The chart below lists item results from a merge. Find the 'type' you're merging under the type column, and then check under the 'level' column for the specific level of rarity of the item you're merging it with. Anything in that column can appear, and they do so randomly. For example, merging a "Bitter Mugwort" (mugwort type) with a "Flame Rose" (level 4 rarity gem) will get you a random item from the level 4 list of the very first chart. Note that you are not equally likely to get all items listed in any one column. Most noticeably, level 3 egg merges almost always produce Bugich eggs, and level 2 herb merges generally produce meta-mugworts. In general, more expensive items are always more common when they appear in higher level merges. Lastly, if you're looking for some good items for some level 4 merges, try the Inferno Book from the shop. \Chart ŻŻŻŻŻ Type Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 ======== =============== =============== =============== =============== Herb Mugwort Citron Powder Mel's Elixir 5 Mugwort Elixir Meta-Mugwort Bitter Mugwort Citron Powder Mugwort Mel's Elixir 5 Mel's Elixir 3 Twill Mugwort Powder Mel's Elixir 3 Citron Powder Tendai Herb Seed Mel's Elixir 1 Tendai Herb Mels Elixir 7 Twill Mugwort Calabas Herb Type Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 ======== =============== =============== =============== =============== Book Perplex Book Poison Air Cover Shift Resurrect Book Jewelry Poison Book Breakdown Resurrect Book Hp Back++ Book Timid Book Tough Earring Keep Cool Clear Blood Sleepy Book Coward Book Weak Heart Recovery Bible Escape Book MP Back Book Coward Book Battle Tiara Seeing Book Count Sheep Guard Crown Grace Pearls HP Back Book Sicken Book Good Night Inferno Book Flame Book Red Hot Bright Light Mugwort Cloud Book Shield Book Venom Book Full-Heal Book Protect Book Timid Book Clear Blood MP Back++ Book Red Hot Heal Cross Quick Book Hellfire Book Tough Earring Seeing Book Force Earring Strong Blue Awaken Book Man 2 Man Book Blaze Book Steelwall Book Flame Book Flame Book Shield Bible Dimwit Book Hypnosis Book Delusion Book Delusion Book Revive Ruby Breakdown Shadow Dance Little Wing Chaos Maze Darkness Book Regenera Book Healing Book Poison Book Defense Book Mad Venom Calming Book Steelwall Book Confusion Book Serum Book Softening Book Hellfire Hypnosis Book Beast Book Ruby Flame Wide Awake Hard Hit Book Botulism Book Sleepy Book Battle Tiara Weaken Book Venom Book Wide Awake Hard Blow Defense Book Hawk Eye Little Wing Awaken Book Blaze Book Cover Shift Heavy Step Sicken Book Storm Song Battle Tiara Spineless Book Pitchdark Book Soul Recover Dark Cloud Type Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 ======== =============== =============== =============== =============== Gem Flawed Stone Dull Stone Cinnamon Shirt Pounce Spore Spore Sleep Spore Stinky Spore Pounce Spore Mugwort Swt Knt Cute Gem Mercury Spore Lovely Gem Deep Marine Mint Fan Mint Fan Choco Fan Choco Fan Cocona Fan Cocona Fan Vanilla Fan Vanilla Fan Cinnamon Fan Cinnamon Fan Mint Shirt Mint Shirt Choco Shirt Choco Shirt Cocona Shirt Cocona Shirt Vanilla Shirt Vanilla Shirt Cinnamon Shirt Cinnamon Shirt Mint Badge Mint Badge Choco Badge Choco Badge Cocona Badge Cocona Badge Vanilla Badge Vanilla Badge Cinnamon Badge Cinnamon Badge Flame Rose Desert Moon Amazon Eye Brilliant Gem Type Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 ======== =============== =============== =============== =============== Egg Yagobugich Yagobugich Mugwort Mugwort Slithirach Slithirach Bugich Bugich Leifich Leifich Dondrackich Devibugich Vordrech Vordrech Alldrackich Divoslimich Ribbetmich Ribbetmich Toch Deulefich Slurplimich Slurplimich Tamatoch Tamatoch Muchinach Muchinach Kamatoch Toch Nach Nach Kamatoch Skalcoch Skalcoch Dondrackich Alcoch Alcoch Alldrackich Geraluch Geraluch Degadrackich Ganicarach Ganicarach Dicedrackich Holefich Holefich Demabugich Tikidrech Tikidrech Demitoch Heluch Heluch Delocarach Lybugich Lybugich Detinach Carach Carach Denodrech Drech Drech Didrech Mechaloch Mechaloch Dethluch Gabnach Gabnach Deadrech Slimich Slimich Derlefich Seedlefich Seedlefich Dethalcoch Deadrech Dicarach Detotoch Disaleifich Dykbugich Desonach Dicenach Difslimich Devaluch Depslimich Dejoloch D. Attacks Name Element Type Effect ============= ======= ===== ========================================== Burn Hit Fire Skill Does small damage Burn Attack Fire Skill Does medium damage Burn Shot Fire Skill Does large damage Burn Crash Fire Skill Does extra large damage Blast Chance Fire Skill Criticals do extra damage Stroke Chance Fire Skill Criticals do extra damage Killer Chance Fire Skill Criticals do extra damage Agnis Fire Magic Does small damage Agnia Fire Magic Does medium damage Agnite Fire Magic Does large damage Agniagna Fire Magic Does extra large damage Solis Fire Magic Does small damage to all enemies Solia Fire Magic Does medium damage to all enemies Soldona Fire Magic Does large damage to all enemies Soldote Fire Magic Does extra large damage to all enemies Ad Muhls Fire Magic Instant death (small %), one foe Ad Muhlia Fire Magic Instant death (medium %), one foe Ad Mumarnite Fire Magic Instant death (medium %), all foes Vritra Fire Magic Berserks party Fobarid Fire Magic Does medium damage to attackers Fobarina Fire Magic Does large damage to attackers Lighting Hit Fire Skill Does large damage; misses often Comet Strike Fire Skill Does extra large damage; misses often Sonic Boom Fire Skill Small damage to enemies next to target Shockwave Fire Skill Small damage to enemies next to target Desperado Hit Fire Skill Large damage; damages you 1/4 Kamikaze Hit Fire Skill Extra large damage; damages you 1/4 Limit Break Fire Skill Confuses you after 3 uses Skewer Fire Skill If middle beast is hit, may harm master Name Element Type Effect ============= ======= ===== ========================================== Dark Shot Wind Skill Small damage +blind Dark Attack Wind Skill Medium damage +blind Dark Crash Wind Skill Large damage +blind Poison Cloud Wind Skill Medium damage +poison Poison Mist Wind Skill Large damage +poison Poison Storm Wind Skill Extra large damage +poison Confuse Wind Skill Medium damage +confuse Derange Wind Skill Large damage +confuse Total Loss Wind Skill Extra large damage +confuse Stun Hit Wind Skill Medium damage +stun Stun Shot Wind Skill Large damage +stun Stun Attack Wind Skill Extra large damage +stun Maltis Wind Magic Does small damage Maltia Wind Magic Does medium damage Maltiana Wind Magic Does large damage Maldiard Wind Magic Does extra large damage Ad Slahm Wind Magic Puts enemies to sleep Ad Slahn Wind Magic Puts enemies to sleep Ad Slahnit Wind Magic Puts enemies to sleep Ad Roqua Wind Magic Slowly stones enemy Ad Roquide Wind Magic Immediately stones enemy Samakis Wind Magic Lowers enemy defense a little Samakia Wind Magic Lowers enemy defense more Samakilna Wind Magic Lowers enemy defense a lot Sagulth Wind Magic Lowers enemy attack a little Saguriana Wind Magic Lowers enemy attack a lot Sapiath Wind Magic Lowers enemy speed a little Sapiate Wind Magic Lowers enemy speed a lot Saskand Wind Magic Inflicts random status effects Sadoon Wind Magic Removes resistance to status effects Name Element Type Effect ============= ======= ===== ========================================== Power Snatch Water Skill Does medium damage; heals for 1/4 Power Drain Water Skill Does extra large damage; heals for 1/4 Life Snatch Water Skill Does medium damage (hp/mp); heals for 1/4 Life Steal Water Skill Does does extra large damage(hp/mp); heals Life Attack Water Skill Does large damage (hp/mp) Life Crash Water Skill Does extra large damage (hp/mp) Psycho Shot Water Skill Damages MP Psycho Attack Water Skill Damages MP Psycho Crash Water Skill Damages MP Skill Break Water Skill Disables random skill types Skill Hold Water Skill Disables random skill types Skill Bind Water Skill Disables random skill types Vahlis Water Magic Does small damage Vahlia Water Magic Does medium damage Vahliluna Water Magic Does large damage Vahludide Water Magic Does extra large damage Yargis Water Magic Damages all enemies; heals side for 1/4 Yarga Water Magic Damages all enemies; heals side for 1/4 Yagiluna Water Magic Damages all enemies; heals side for 1/4 Medinis Water Magic Heals a medium amount of HP Medinia Water Magic Heals a large amount of HP Medinite Water Magic Heals an extra large amount of HP Selahm Water Magic Heals a small amount of HP/status Selahmnis Water Magic Heals a medium amount of HP/status Limena Water Magic Heals 45 HP/turn, all Limenate Water Magic Heals 90 HP/turn, all Tishous Water Magic Restores a small amount of MP Tishalite Water Magic Restores a large amount of MP Adia Water Magic Heals one minion to full, or revives at 1 Anandia Water Magic Heals one minion to full, or full revive Name Element Type Effect ============= ======= ===== ========================================== Kiai Blast Earth Skill Raises attack with each use Spirit Blast Earth Skill Raises attack with each use High Spirits Earth Skill Raises attack with each use Charge Earth Skill Skip one turn, then super powerful attack Dash Earth Skill Skip one turn, then super powerful attack Tackle Earth Skill Skip one turn, then super powerful attack Crush Earth Skill Ignores defense/attack/etc. Does 50 damage Blast Earth Skill Ignores defense/attack/etc. Does 100 damage Explode Earth Skill Ignores defense/attack/etc. Does 150 damage Ulvis Earth Magic Does small damage Ulvia Earth Magic Does medium damage Ulviluna Earth Magic Does large damage Ulvilude Earth Magic Does extra large damage Barridis Earth Magic Stops weak attacks Barridia Earth Magic Stops medium attacks Barrian Earth Magic Stops powerful attacks Ramakis Earth Magic Raises defense a little Ramakia Earth Magic Raises defense more Ramakite Earth Magic Raises defense a lot Libarid Earth Magic Protects each beast once Libaridia Earth Magic Protects each beast once Ragulth Earth Magic Raises attack a little Ragulina Earth Magic Raises attack a lot Magma Earth Skill Reduces enemy HP to 3/4 normal Mantle Earth Skill Reduces enemy HP to 1/2 normal Fossa Magna Earth Skill Reduces enemy HP to 1 Cover Earth Magic Raises defense; takes attacks for others Protect Earth Magic Raises defense; takes attacks for others Earth Protect Earth Magic Raises defense; reflects magic Lapias Earth Magic Raises defense a little Lapiate Earth Magic Raises defense a lot Life Blast Earth Magic Does damage based on HP Mitrea Earth Magic Raises all stats a little E. Abilities Name Effect ================= ==================================================== HP Up 1 Increases max HP by 30 HP Up 2 Increases max HP by 10% Hp Up 3 Increases max HP by 20% MP Up 1 Increases max MP by 15 MP Up 2 Increases max MP by 10% Mp Up 3 Increases max MP by 20% Str Up 1 Increases Strength by 10 Str Up 2 Increases Strength by 10% Str Up 3 Increases Strength by 20% Vit Up 1 Increases Vitality by 10 Vit Up 2 Increases Vitality by 10% Vit Up 3 Increases Vitality by 20% Wis Up 1 Increases Wisdom by 10 Wis Up 2 Increases Wisdom by 10% Wis Up 3 Increases Wisdom by 20% Spt Up 1 Increases Spirit by 10 Spt Up 2 Increases Spirit by 10% Spt Up 3 Increases Spirit by 20% Spd Up 1 Increases Speed by 10 Spd Up 2 Increases Speed by 10% Spd Up 3 Increases Speed by 20% Resist Wind Cuts damage from wind Resist Fire Cuts damage from fire Resist Earth Cuts damage from earth Resist Water Cuts damage from water Resist Death Grants immunity to Instant Death Resist Sleep Resist Sleep, Confuse, Blind Resist Blind Resist Blind, Confuse, Sleep Resist Stun Resist Stun, Poison, Petrify Resist Poison Resist Poison, Stun, Petrify Petrify Guard Resist Petrify, Poison, Stun Water Power Resist all status ailments Earth Power Raises Vitality/Spirit Fire Power Raises Strength/Wisdom Wind Power Raises Wisdom/Speed Bug Killer Extra Damage to Bugs Mau Killer Extra Damage to Maus Ku Killer Extra Damage to Kus Og Killer Extra Damage to Ogs Drac Killer Extra Damage to Dracs Slimy Killer Extra Damage to Slimies Na Killer Extra Damage to Nas Leif Killer Extra Damage to Leifs Gara Killer Extra Damage to Garas Alco Killer Extra Damage to Alcos Precocious Bonus 10% extra exp Late Bloomer Penality of 10% earned exp Anti-Critical Stops critical attacks Anti-MP Drain Prevents MP damage HP Recovery Recovers 10% of HP/round MP Recovery Recovers 10% of MP/round Guts Small % chance of revival after death at 1 HP Ressurect 50% chance of revival after death at 1 HP Super Recover Healing effects are more effective Imago Hatches from egg at the highest evolution possible Larvalize Minions highest possible state becomes larval state Skill Talent Attacks will critical often Magic Talent Magic spells cost less MP Change Talent Status change attack work more often Poison X Takes extra damage from poison Stun X Remains stunned an extra turn Sleep X More difficult to wake from sleep Blind X Blind lowers hit % more Berserk Defense down/Attack up with low HP VII) Appendices A. Seed Beasts \Wind (30/30) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Cheepr ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Alco Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Wind [1] DARK SHOT SPPED UP 1 \Spikebee ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Wind [1] POISON CLOUD STRENGTH UP 1 \Agit ŻŻŻŻ Alco Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Wind [1] CONFUSE LEIF KILLER \Kilgilth ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Wind [1] MALTIS SPIRIT UP 1 \Helibuzz ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Alco Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Wind [1] AD SLAHM WIND POWER \Spikestar ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Wind [1] SAMAKIS PRECOCIOUS \Peepr ŻŻŻŻŻ Alco Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Wind [2] DARK ATTACK SPEED UP 2 \Balboa ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Ku Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Wind [2] STUN HIT WIND POWER \Nilgilth ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Wind [2] MALTIA GARA KILLER \Nilibuzz ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Wind [2] AD SLAHN MAGIC TALENT \Barndreg ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Ku Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Wind [2] SAGULTH RESIST EARTH \Mothmanti ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Wind [3] POISON MIST STRENGTH UP 2 \Skalco ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Alco Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Wind [3] DERANGE CHANGE TALENT \Pataronga ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Wind [3] MALTIANA SPIRIT UP 2 \Papillone ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Wind [3] SAMAKIA RESIST EARTH \Helskelter ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Og Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Wind [3] AD ROQUIDE RESURRECT \Rutide ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Ku Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Wind [3] SAPIATH MAGIC TALENT \Clalco ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Alco Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Wind [4], Wind [5], Wind [6], Dark Wind Forest DARK CRASH SPEED UP 3 \Bauwerl ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Ku Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Wind [4], Wind [5], Wind [6], Dark Wind Forest STUN SHOT VITALITY UP 1 \Ronga-Ronga ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Wind [4], Wind [5], Wind [6], Dark Wind Forest MALDIARD SPIRIT UP 3 \Gojet ŻŻŻŻŻ Alco Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Wind [4], Wind [5], Wind [6], Dark Wind Forest AD SLAHNIT ANTI-MP DRAIN \Bladreg ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Ku Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Wind [4], Wind [5], Wind [6], Dark Wind Forest SAGURIANA MP RECOVERY \Kataimel ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Wind [4], Wind [5], Wind [6], Dark Wind Forest POISON STORM STRENGTH UP 3 \Kakabone ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Wind [4], Wind [5], Wind [6], Dark Wind Forest TOTAL LOSS CHANGE TALENT \NIWERL ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Ku Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Wind [4], Wind [5], Wind [6], Dark Wind Forest STUN ATTACK LATE BLOOMER \Mamern ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Wind [4], Wind [5], Wind [6], Dark Wind Forest SAMAKILNA HP RECOVERY \Wallern ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Og Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Wind [4], Wind [5], Wind [6], Dark Wind Forest AD ROQUIDE LARVALIZE \Drabern ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Mau Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Wind [4], Wind [5], Wind [6], Dark Wind Forest SASKAND RESIST DEATH \Lugadreg ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Ku Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Wind [4], Wind [5], Wind [6], Dark Wind Forest SAPIATE GUTS \Earina ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Mau Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Wind [4], Wind [5], Wind [6], Dark Wind Forest SADOON SLEEP X \Earina ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Mau Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Wind [4], Wind [5], Wind [6], Dark Wind Forest SADOON SLEEP X \Water (30/33) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Geloper ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Slimy Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Water [1] POWER SNATCH ANTI-CRITICAL \Angler ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Na Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Water [1] PSYCHO SHOT BUG KILLER \Tomakana ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Na Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Water [1] SKILL BREAK PRECOCIOUS \Q Ż Na Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Water [1] VAHLIS WISDOM UP 1 \Chameleon ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Slimy Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Water [1] YARGIS MP UP 1 \Ginui ŻŻŻŻŻ Slimy Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Water [1] MEDINIS GUTS \Walbeckon ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Gara Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Water [2] LIFE SNATCH RESIST STUN \Nu-Q ŻŻŻŻ Na Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Water [2] VAHLIA WATER POWER \Ninui ŻŻŻŻŻ Slimy Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Water [2] MEDINIA WATER POWER \Gara ŻŻŻŻ Gara Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Water [3] SELAHM VITALITY UP 1 \Anglorg ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Na Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Water [3] PSYCHO ATTACK ALCO KILLER \Pokeyfish ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Na Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Water [3] SKILL HOLD HP RECOVERY \Skalcone ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Alco Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Water [3] LIFE ATTACK RESIST BLIND \Geso-Q ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Na Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Water [3] VAHLILUNA WISDOM UP 2 \Yo-Yo ŻŻŻŻŻ Na Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Water [3] YARGA MP UP 2 \Bojimbo ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Leif Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Water [3] LIMENA RESIST SLEEP \Fangnagin ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Leif Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Water [3] TISHOUS ANTI-MP DRAIN \Frogess ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Slimy Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Water [4], Water [5], Water [6], Dark Water Forest POWER DRAIN WATER POWER \Slugalanth ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Gara Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Water [4], Water [5], Water [6], Dark Water Forest LIFE STEAL PETRIFY GUARD \Dakkon-Q ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Na Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Water [4], Water [5], Water [6], Dark Water Forest VAHLUDIDE WISDOM UP 3 \Ginugon ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Slimy Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Water [4], Water [5], Water [6], Dark Water Forest MEDINITE RESIST WIND \Garalhorn ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Gara Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Water [4], Water [5], Water [6], Dark Water Forest SELAHMNIS VITALITY UP 2 \Magender ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Gara Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Water [4], Water [5], Water [6], Dark Water Forest ADIA RESIST DEATH \Ngonga ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Na Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Water [4], Water [5], Water [6], Dark Water Forest PSYCHO CRASH STRENGTH UP 1 \Sembone ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Na Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Water [4], Water [5], Water [6], Dark Water Forest SKILL BIND SUPER RECOVER \Fangbone ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Alco Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Water [4], Water [5], Water [6], Dark Water Forest LIFE CRASH RESURRECT \Dela Yo-Yo ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Slimy Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Water [4], Water [5], Water [6], Dark Water Forest YAGILUNA MP UP 3 \Rage ŻŻŻŻ Leif Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Water [4], Water [5], Water [6], Dark Water Forest LIMENATE CONFUSE GUARD \Nigender ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Water [4], Water [5], Water [6], Dark Water Forest ANADIA LATE BLOOMER \Zabone ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Leif Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Water [4], Water [5], Water [6], Dark Water Forest TISHALITE HP UP 1 \Earth (33/34) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Garala ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Gara Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Earth [1] KIAI BLAST KU KILLER \Mash ŻŻŻŻ Leif Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Earth [1] CHARGE MP RECOVERY \Tama-Q ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Gara Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Earth [1] CRUSH HP UP 1 \Helicone ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Leif Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Earth [1] ULVIS MP UP 1 \Twingo ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Gara Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Earth [1] BARRIDIS VITALITY UP 1 \Peanum ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Leif Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Earth [1] RAMAKIS SPIRIT UP 1 \Nirala ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Gara Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Earth [2] SPIRIT BLAST OG KILLER \Nima-Q ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Gara Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Earth [2] BLAST HP UP 2 \Monoculous ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Gara Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Earth [2] MAGMA IMAGO \Nilicone ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Leif Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Earth [2] ULVIA EARTH POWER \Geena ŻŻŻŻŻ Slimy Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Earth [2] RAGULTH WISDOM UP 1 \Rorr ŻŻŻŻ Drac Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Earth [2] LIBARID EARTH POWER \Mush ŻŻŻŻ Leif Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Earth [3] DASH DRAC KILLER \Binoculous ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Og Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Earth [3] MANTLE RESIST FIRE \Froggy ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Slimy Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Earth [3] COVER RESIST STUN \Mayen ŻŻŻŻŻ Leif Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Earth [3] ULVILUNA MP UP 2 \Sulligan ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Gara Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Earth [3] BARRIDIA VITALITY UP 2 \Navi ŻŻŻŻ Leif Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Earth [3] RAMAKIA SPIRIT UP 2 \Whorlie ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Slimy Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Earth [3] LAPIAS RESIST BLIND \Scorpy ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Slimy Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Earth [4], Earth [5], Earth [6], Dark Earth Forest HIGH SPRIITS ANTI-CRITICAL \Rugglchu ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Og Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Earth [4], Earth [5], Earth [6], Dark Earth Forest LIFE BLAST GUTS \Machoang ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Na Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Earth [4], Earth [5], Earth [6], Dark Earth Forest EARTH PROTECT RESIST POISON \Majj ŻŻŻŻ Leif Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Earth [4], Earth [5], Earth [6], Dark Earth Forest ULVILUDE MP UP 3 \Ela Ela ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Leif Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Earth [4], Earth [5], Earth [6], Dark Earth Forest RAMAKITE SPIRIT UP 3 \Gigatiran ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Drac Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Earth [4], Earth [5], Earth [6], Dark Earth Forest LIBARIDIA SUPER RECOVER \Shroomie ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Leif Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Earth [4], Earth [5], Earth [6], Dark Earth Forest TACKLE SKILL TALENT \Shroomie ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Leif Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Earth [4], Earth [5], Earth [6], Dark Earth Forest TACKLE SKILL TALENT \Amorg ŻŻŻŻŻ Gara Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Earth [4], Earth [5], Earth [6], Dark Earth Forest EXPLODE HP UP 3 \Trinoculous ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Og Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Earth [4], Earth [5], Earth [6], Dark Earth Forest FOSSA MAGNA BLIND X \Dumbler ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Slimy Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Earth [4], Earth [5], Earth [6], Dark Earth Forest PROTECT PETRIFY GUARD \Sulligalan ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Gara Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Earth [4], Earth [5], Earth [6], Dark Earth Forest BARRIAN VITALITY UP 3 \Ninunga ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Slimy Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Earth [4], Earth [5], Earth [6], Dark Earth Forest RAGULINA RESIST SLEEP \Bigby ŻŻŻŻŻ Slimy Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Earth [4], Earth [5], Earth [6], Dark Earth Forest LAPIATE CONFUSE GUARD \Hoohaw ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Mau Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Earth [4], Earth [5], Earth [6], Dark Earth Forest MITREA POISON X \Fire (28/29) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Redoble ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Ku Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Fire [1] BLAST CHANCE SKILL TALENT \Nagglchu ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Og Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Fire [1] BURN SHOT STRENGTH UP 1 \Tiki ŻŻŻŻ Ku Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Fire [1] AGNIS WISDOM UP 1 \Patadreck ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Ku Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Fire [1] SOLIS SPEED UP 1 \Skaluch ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Og Evolution Power: 2 Merge Fee: 100Y Gotten: Fire [1] AD MUHLS FIRE POWER \Nogglchu ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Og Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Fire [2] BURN ATTACK STRENGTH UP 2 \Nitchu ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Og Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Fire [2] SONIC BOOM HP UP 2 \Sandsparrow ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Alco Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Fire [2] LLIGHTNING HIT NA KILLER \Niki ŻŻŻŻ Ku Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Fire [2] AGNIA FIRE POWER \Gelapper ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Fire [2] FOBARID PRECOCIOUS \Eyeshroom ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Leif Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 300Y Gotten: Fire [2] VRITRA GUTS \Mardreck ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Ku Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Fire [3] STROKE CHANCE BERSERK \Skuimel ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Fire [3] DESPERADO HIT SKILL TALENT \Dongle ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Drac Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Fire [3] LIMIT BREAK IMAGO \Tiral ŻŻŻŻŻ Ku Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Fire [3] AGNITE WISDOM UP 2 \Radreck ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Ku Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Fire [3] SOLIA SPEED UP 2 \Skalchu ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Og Evolution Power: 3 Merge Fee: 800Y Gotten: Fire [3] AD MUHLIA RESIST WATER \Knuklchu ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Og Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Fire [4], Fire [5], Fire [6], Dark Fire Forest BURN CRASH STRENGTH UP 3 \Sandhawk ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Alco Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Fire [4], Fire [5], Fire [6], Dark Fire Forest COMET STRIKE MAU KILLER \Chamiluna ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Mau Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Fire [4], Fire [5], Fire [6], Dark Fire Forest SKEWER SLIMY KILLER \Giralooza ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Ku Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Fire [4], Fire [5], Fire [6], Dark Fire Forest AGNIAGNA WISDOM UP 3 \Paradrager ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Ku Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Fire [4], Fire [5], Fire [6], Dark Fire Forest SOLDONA SPEED UP 3 \Mammgamma ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 2000Y Gotten: Fire [4], Fire [5], Fire [6], Dark Fire Forest FOBARINA SPIRIT UP 1 \Blumen ŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Fire [4], Fire [5], Fire [6], Dark Fire Forest KILLER CHANCE BERSERK \Dela Getchu ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Og Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Fire [4], Fire [5], Fire [6], Dark Fire Forest SHOCKWAVE HP UP 3 \Volkaiser ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Bug Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Fire [4], Fire [5], Fire [6], Dark Fire Forest KAMIKAZE HIT MP UP 1 \Nildrager ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Ku Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Fire [4], Fire [5], Fire [6], Dark Fire Forest SOLDOTE STUN X \Devilchu ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Og Evolution Power: 4 Merge Fee: 4800Y Gotten: Fire [4], Fire [5], Fire [6], Dark Fire Forest AD MUMARNITE LARVALIZE B. Beast Notebook \Alco (12/12) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Skalcoch ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: D Larval Alco Quick at moving but weak against attack. He is a real pain, being good at bullying the weak. STR: 4 WIS: 2 VIT: 4 SPT: 4 SPD: 5 \Agit ŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: D Basic Alco Found in Wind Bound, this incarnation of hunger is said to be the spirit of a BeastHunter who died in the Forest. STR: 5 WIS: 4 VIT: 4 SPT: 4 SPD: 6 \Skalco ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: A MP: C Evolved Alco Found in the Wind Patina, it attacks the weak to increase its ilk. There are similar water types. STR: 5 WIS: 5 VIT: 6 SPT: 4 SPD: 8 \Kakbone ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: A MP: C Most Evolved Alco Once fixed by the gaze of its 6 eyes, a BeastHunter is said to die from one bite. There are similar fire types. STR: 6 WIS: 6 VIT: 7 SPT: 6 SPD: 10 \Alcoch ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: D Larval Alco He's a chicken who sticks with his mother and beats up on the weak. He's quick to run away. STR: 4 WIS: 3 VIT: 2 SPT: 3 SPD: 6 \Cheepr ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: D Basic Alco Found in Wind Bound, their quick body slam attacks are to be feared. There are similar fire types. STR: 5 WIS: 4 VIT: 2 SPT: 4 SPD: 7 \Hoho ŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: C Evolved Alco Found in the Wind Patina, its name comes from its unusual call. Its chubby legs are unusual. STR: 6 WIS: 5 VIT: 3 SPT: 5 SPD: 9 \Clalco ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: A MP: C Most Evolved Alco This type has huge claws that are terrifying when attacking prey. A natural enemy of Maus. STR: 6 WIS: 7 VIT: 3 SPT: 6 SPD: 10 \Mechaloch ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: D Larval Alco Quick and sly, it attacks the weak from the safety of its parent. STR: 3 WIS: 4 VIT: 2 SPT: 3 SPD: 6 \Helibuzz ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Basic Alco Found in Wind Shelter, it may look comical, but its magic is quite powerful. Be prepared for a long fight. STR: 4 WIS: 5 VIT: 2 SPT: 3 SPD: 6 \Brollopelan ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Evolved Alco Found in the Wind Patina, its sharp turns make it quite a unique character. STR: 4 WIS: 6 VIT: 3 SPT: 4 SPD: 9 \Gojet ŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: B Most Evolved Alco As its looks suggest this one boasts Mach speed with its jets. For its prey, only death awaits. STR: 5 WIS: 8 VIT: 3 SPT: 6 SPD: 10 \Bug (12/12) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Bugich ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: C Larval Bug Taking advantage of speed, it attacks prey from the side. Its health is low but masters magic. STR: 4 WIS: 2 VIT: 2 SPT: 3 SPD: 5 \Spikebee ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: C Basic Bug Found in Wind Bound, it injects poison with its sharp mouthpart to kill prey. STR: 5 WIS: 3 VIT: 2 SPT: 4 SPD: 6 \Mothmanti ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: B Evolved Bug Found in the Way of Wind, it is terribly aggressive and eats almost anything. There are similar fire types. STR: 6 WIS: 4 VIT: 3 SPT: 6 SPD: 7 \Kataimel ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: A Most Evolved Bug With hard spiked armor and poisoned quills, it is a whole body fighter. There are similar fire types. STR: 7 WIS: 5 VIT: 3 SPT: 7 SPD: 9 \Lybugich ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: C Larval Bug Smart and good at magic, it has good qualities but is slow to grow. Takes a long time to be on its own. STR: 3 WIS: 4 VIT: 2 SPT: 4 SPD: 4 \Kilgilth ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: C Basic Bug Found in Wind Bound, it has sharp fangs seen in its open mouth. Watch out for its jump! STR: 3 WIS: 5 VIT: 2 SPT: 5 SPD: 5 \Pataronga ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: B Evolved Bug Found in Way of Wind, it is quite able, releasing its magic against the BeastHunters. Be careful! STR: 4 WIS: 7 VIT: 3 SPT: 6 SPD: 7 \Ronga-Ronga ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: A Most Evolved Bug It uses the mouth on its abdomen to grasp its prey and latch on directly. There are similar fire types. STR: 5 WIS: 8 VIT: 3 SPT: 7 SPD: 9 \Yagobugich ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: C Larval Bug Good at magic and fast growing. But it lacks much health, so it stay near its parent. STR: 3 WIS: 3 VIT: 2 SPT: 4 SPD: 5 \Spikestar ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: C Basic Bug It uses the barbed tentacles on its back to protect itself while waddling around. STR: 4 WIS: 4 VIT: 2 SPT: 4 SPD: 6 \Papillone ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: B Evolved Bug Found in Way of Wind, it confuses prey with its brilliant wings. Considered to be a treasure. STR: 5 WIS: 5 VIT: 3 SPT: 5 SPD: 7 \Mamern ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: A Most Evolved Bug Fear its belly that holds nourishment as it waits for a chance to lay its eggs. STR: 5 WIS: 6 VIT: 3 SPT: 6 SPD: 9 \Na (12/12) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Gabnach ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: D Larval Na Low basic parameters but belligerent and likes swallowing live prey. Resistant to special attacks. STR: 4 WIS: 3 VIT: 3 SPT: 3 SPD: 3 \Angler ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Basic Na Found in the Water Visit, it can use magic but the bite of its jaws is very powerful. STR: 6 WIS: 4 VIT: 4 SPT: 4 SPD: 3 \Anglorg ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Evolved Na Attracts prey with the magic emitted by the lamp on its forhead. There are similar Earth types. STR: 7 WIS: 6 VIT: 4 SPT: 5 SPD: 4 \Ngonga ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: B Most Evolved Na Its buffed body of steel gives it the persona of a champion. There are similar Earth types. STR: 8 WIS: 7 VIT: 5 SPT: 6 SPD: 5 \Nach ŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: D Larval Na Low basic parameters but a flexible body gives resistance to special attacks but grows slowly. STR: 3 WIS: 3 VIT: 2 SPT: 3 SPD: 4 \Tomakana ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: C Basic Na It uses its saw-like sharp-tipped upper jaw to spear prey. It is also good at magic. STR: 4 WIS: 4 VIT: 3 SPT: 4 SPD: 5 \Pokeyfish ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Evolved Na Found in the Water Shade, it can puff its body up to appear menacing. STR: 5 WIS: 5 VIT: 3 SPT: 5 SPD: 6 \Sembone ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: B Most Evolved Na A Na having sharp claws that evolved for attack. There are similar Wind Types. STR: 5 WIS: 6 VIT: 4 SPT: 6 SPD: 7 \Muchinach ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: D Larval Na With superior magic and high resistance, it attacks guys with low defense. STR: 2 WIS: 5 VIT: 2 SPT: 4 SPD: 2 \Q Ż HP: D MP: C Basic Na It saves up magic in its flexible arms and big head. This Divine Beast is good at magic. STR: 3 WIS: 7 VIT: 3 SPT: 5 SPD: 3 \Geso-Q ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Evolved Na Sucking up Forest magic with its huge suction cups, this magic specialist gets even more powerful. STR: 4 WIS: 8 VIT: 3 SPT: 6 SPD: 4 \Dakkon-Q ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: B Most Evolved Na This most evolved type has more powerful magic and tentacles. It aims at guys with poor defense. STR: 5 WIS: 10 VIT: 4 SPT: 6 SPD: 5 \Slimy (12/12) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Slimich ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: C Larval Slimy Although its health is low, its inborn magic is strong and its resistance is strong. STR: 2 WIS: 3 VIT: 3 SPT: 4 SPD: 2 \Ginui ŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: B Basic Slimy It likes to take walks and heal its friends with its odd dance. There are similar Earth types. STR: 3 WIS: 4 VIT: 3 SPT: 5 SPD: 3 \Ginuba ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: B Evolved Slimy This easygoing Divine Beast would rather dance than fight. It is good at magic. STR: 4 WIS: 5 VIT: 4 SPT: 6 SPD: 4 \Ginugon ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: A Most Evolved Slimy Gentle but powerful, he'll do anything for his friends. There are similar Earth types. STR: 4 WIS: 7 VIT: 5 SPT: 6 SPD: 4 \Ribbetmich ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: C Larval Slimy Born with a weak constitution, it constantly makes up for it by absorbing from enemies. STR: 4 WIS: 2 VIT: 3 SPT: 4 SPD: 3 \Geloper ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: B Basic Slimy Using its powerful jump, it attacks prey from above with its long tongue. There are similar Earth types. STR: 5 WIS: 3 VIT: 4 SPT: 5 SPD: 3 \Reibbat ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: A Evolved Slimy A Slimy with wings evolved instead of legs, it is good at surprise attacks on prey from above. STR: 5 WIS: 3 VIT: 4 SPT: 6 SPD: 4 \Froggess ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: S Most Evolved Slimy A Slimy with wings evolved further, becoming ferocious. There are similar Earth types. STR: 6 WIS: 4 VIT: 5 SPT: 7 SPD: 5 \Slurplimich ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: C Larval Slimy In spite of having low body parameters and being a coward, it is quite greedy. STR: 2 WIS: 3 VIT: 3 SPT: 4 SPD: 2 \Chameleon ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: B Basic Slimy Reacting to movement it gobbles up anything at hand using its quick long tongue. STR: 3 WIS: 4 VIT: 3 SPT: 4 SPD: 3 \Yo-Yo ŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: A Evolved Slimy Maybe it lacks self-confidence, but it's always nervously looking around. There are similar Earth types. STR: 4 WIS: 5 VIT: 4 SPT: 5 SPD: 4 \Dela Yo-Yo ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: A Most Evolved Slimy Its nervousness does not match its body, protecting itself if surprised. There are similar Earth types. STR: 4 WIS: 6 VIT: 5 SPT: 6 SPD: 5 \Gara (12/12) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Ganicarach ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: D Larval Gara With a hard shell, it has good defense and swallows live prey. Its base parameters are good. STR: 3 WIS: 3 VIT: 6 SPT: 4 SPD: 2 \Twingo ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: C Basic Gara A coward, it tries to menace enemies with an odd dance. There are similar water types. STR: 4 WIS: 4 VIT: 7 SPT: 5 SPD: 3 \Sulligan ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: A MP: C Evolved Gara A natural clown, it casts spells with a strange dance. Its pincers are its biggest weapon. STR: 4 WIS: 5 VIT: 9 SPT: 6 SPD: 4 \Sulligalan ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: S MP: B Most Evolved Gara Covered in armor, it brandishes a spear and picks strong enemies to attack. There are similar Water types. STR: 5 WIS: 7 VIT: 10 SPT: 7 SPD: 5 \Slithirach ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: D Larval Gara Good at attack and defense, it aims at the master in its attacks. STR: 4 WIS: 2 VIT: 5 SPT: 4 SPD: 2 \Garala ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: C Basic Gara Albeit slow-moving, its sharp fang attacks have awesome destructive force. The natural enemy of Kus. STR: 5 WIS: 3 VIT: 6 SPT: 5 SPD: 2 \Fangbler ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: B Evolved Gara Its beautiful hard scales and sharp fangs give a good attack/defense balance. The natural enemy of Ogs. STR: 6 WIS: 4 VIT: 8 SPT: 6 SPD: 3 \Scorpy ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: A MP: B Most Evolved Gara Its whip-like sharp tail cuts through the center of the formation. There are similar water types. STR: 7 WIS: 5 VIT: 9 SPT: 6 SPD: 3 \Carach ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: D Larval Gara With a bad temper, it swallows prey with strong attacks in particular. Its growth is quick. STR: 3 WIS: 1 VIT: 5 SPT: 4 SPD: 2 \Tama-Q ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: C Basic Gara Bustling about, it's always in a hurry. Its rotary attack using centrifugal force is formidable. STR: 4 WIS: 2 VIT: 6 SPT: 5 SPD: 2 \Wriggler ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: A MP: C Evolved Gara This shy Divine Beast is protected by a hard shell. Its full-body tackle attack is powerful. STR: 5 WIS: 3 VIT: 8 SPT: 6 SPD: 3 \Amorg ŻŻŻŻŻ HP: S MP: B Most Evolved Gara With a steel-like shell and sharp horn its movement is slow but causes major damage. STR: 5 WIS: 4 VIT: 9 SPT: 7 SPD: 3 \Leif (12/12) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Holefich ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Larval Leif Its spinning body protects it so it is hard to hit, but its growth is slow. STR: 4 WIS: 2 VIT: 4 SPT: 6 SPD: 2 \Mash ŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: B Basic Leif Normally gentle, it becomes confident in battle and attacks strong ones. There are similar fire types. STR: 5 WIS: 3 VIT: 5 SPT: 7 SPD: 2 \Mush ŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: B Evolved Leif This single-minded, stoic guy follows old-fashioned rules on his own. Very weak against poison. STR: 6 WIS: 4 VIT: 6 SPT: 8 SPD: 3 \Shroomie ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: A MP: A Most Evolved Leif This Divine Beast always wrestles with some proposition and has an expression of anguish. There are similar fire types. STR: 7 WIS: 5 VIT: 7 SPT: 10 SPD: 4 \Leifich ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Larval Leif Better at magic than attacks, this intelligent Divine Beast sizes up on prey and attacks the most vulnerable. STR: 2 WIS: 4 VIT: 4 SPT: 5 SPD: 2 \Helicone ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Basic Leif This fickle one flies with the propeller on its bulb- shaped head. Always moving to find a good place. STR: 3 WIS: 5 VIT: 5 SPT: 7 SPD: 2 \Mayen ŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: B Evolved Leif Leaping splendor. Prey is confused by its strange movement. There are similar Water types. STR: 3 WIS: 6 VIT: 6 SPT: 8 SPD: 3 \Majj ŻŻŻŻ HP: A MP: A Most Evolved Leif Tree with the grin of death. Its sturdy bark stops damage. There are similar Water types. STR: 4 WIS: 8 VIT: 7 SPT: 10 SPD: 3 \Seedlefich ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Larval Leif Proud of the stamina of its spinning body its movement is slow but its growth is rapid. STR: 3 WIS: 3 VIT: 4 SPT: 5 SPD: 1 \Peanum ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Basic Leif A wandering gunman, he is good at backing up his friends with magic. STR: 3 WIS: 4 VIT: 5 SPT: 6 SPD: 1 \Navi ŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: B Evolved Leif A bug-eating plant Divine Beast with a flexible body, but with thick lips. There are similar Water types. STR: 4 WIS: 5 VIT: 6 SPT: 8 SPD: 2 \Ela Ela ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: A MP: A Most Evolved Leif With quills all over its body, defense is good and it can use words. There are similar Water types. STR: 5 WIS: 6 VIT: 7 SPT: 9 SPD: 2 \Ku (12/12) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Vordrech ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: D Larval Ku With agility and powerful Attacks, it likes swallowing strong prey. Its base parameters are high. STR: 5 WIS: 3 VIT: 3 SPT: 3 SPD: 4 \Redoble ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Basic Ku It's arrogant and is pretty powerful, but has poor counter-attacks for some reason. There are similar Wind types. STR: 6 WIS: 5 VIT: 4 SPT: 4 SPD: 6 \Mardreck ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: B Evolved Ku No one can stop its trademark charge with its huge horns. There are similar Wind types. STR: 7 WIS: 6 VIT: 4 SPT: 4 SPD: 7 \Bluemn ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: B Most Evolved Ku A Dreg in a fit of rage has power that is completely out of control. There similar Wind types. STR: 8 WIS: 8 VIT: 5 SPT: 5 SPD: 8 \Drech ŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: D Larval Ku Quick, good at magic and sly, it finds and attacks prey with poor defense. STR: 3 WIS: 4 VIT: 2 SPT: 3 SPD: 5 \Patadrech ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Basic Ku Its hysteric war cry burns everything to a crisp. There are similar Wind types. STR: 4 WIS: 6 VIT: 3 SPT: 3 SPD: 6 \Radrech ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Evolved Ku A graceful Divine Beast whose hard frill is brimming with strong magic. Beautiful markings. STR: 5 WIS: 7 VIT: 4 SPT: 3 SPD: 7 \Paradrager ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: B Most Evolved Ku With sharp blades, it never lets its intended prey get away. There are similar Wind types. STR: 6 WIS: 9 VIT: 4 SPT: 5 SPD: 9 \Tikidrech ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: D Larval Ku Agile and good at magic, it aims at the master. Growth is quick. STR: 3 WIS: 4 VIT: 3 SPT: 3 SPD: 4 \Tiki ŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Basic Ku Upon catching sight of prey with its huge eyes, the hair all over its body stands up and calls fire. STR: 4 WIS: 6 VIT: 3 SPT: 3 SPD: 4 \Tiral ŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Evolved Ku A Dreg with evolved magic and the spirit of a Fairy. There are similar Wind types. STR: 5 WIS: 7 VIT: 4 SPT: 4 SPD: 6 \Giralooza ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: B Most Evolved Ku A fierce throwback to its ancestors as an incarnation of the ancient Jirahl. There are similar Wind types. STR: 6 WIS: 9 VIT: 5 SPT: 5 SPD: 7 \Og (12/12) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Luch ŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: D Larval Og This spoiled and slow-moving Divine Beast is good at hit attacks but grows slowly. STR: 6 WIS: 3 VIT: 5 SPT: 3 SPD: 1 \Nagglchu ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: D Basic Og Its hard fists and turned-up chin are its trademarks. It's also pretty arrogant. STR: 7 WIS: 4 VIT: 6 SPT: 4 SPD: 2 \Bokklchu ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: D Evolved Og Its long, sharp fangs and mane born in combat are pretty cool. It can also use magic. STR: 9 WIS: 5 VIT: 7 SPT: 5 SPD: 2 \Knucklchu ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: A MP: C Most Evolved Og The blows struck with its beefy arms shake the earth. There are similar Earth types. STR: 10 WIS: 7 VIT: 9 SPT: 6 SPD: 3 \Heluch ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: D Larval Og This hybrid Og is good not only with hit attacks but magic too. Growth is slow, though. STR: 4 WIS: 5 VIT: 4 SPT: 4 SPD: 2 \Skaluch ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: D Basic Og A bringer of death and reaper of souls. The bite with its huge jaws is powerful. STR: 5 WIS: 6 VIT: 6 SPT: 5 SPD: 3 \Skalchu ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: D Evolved Og A guide of death luring you into Hell. Its sharp claws are powerful. There are similar Wind types. STR: 5 WIS: 8 VIT: 7 SPT: 6 SPD: 3 \Devilchu ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: A MP: C Most Evolved Og A guardian of death with huge wings and a twisted soul. There are similar Wind types. STR: 6 WIS: 9 VIT: 8 SPT: 7 SPD: 4 \Geraluch ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: D Larval Og A spoiled brat with powerful attacks. A vile one who likes attacking weak Divine Beasts. STR: 5 WIS: 2 VIT: 4 SPT: 3 SPD: 2 \Getchu ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: D Basic Og A sneering violent type with one huge eye and good hit attacks. There are similar Earth types. STR: 7 WIS: 4 VIT: 5 SPT: 3 SPD: 3 \Wantchu ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: D Evolved Og A Divine Beast that never stopped doing the Elrihm fight dance. There are similar Earth types. STR: 8 WIS: 5 VIT: 6 SPT: 4 SPD: 4 \Dela Getchu ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: A MP: C Most Evolved Og A striker Divine Beast good at kicks with its huge feet. There are similar Earth types. STR: 10 WIS: 7 VIT: 7 SPT: 5 SPD: 4 \Mau (12/12) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Tamatoch ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: D Larval Mau Very quick-witted, it is very rarely encountered, but has parameters higher than you'd guess. Grows slowly. STR: 4 WIS: 3 VIT: 4 SPT: 4 SPD: 4 \Walpon ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Basic Mau Its flat tail looks just like a shovel! It can not only attack but dig holes too! STR: 5 WIS: 4 VIT: 5 SPT: 5 SPD: 6 \Drapon ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: B Evolved Mau Don't be fooled by its muscular looks. This guy's sharp claws can rend even your hearth. STR: 6 WIS: 6 VIT: 5 SPT: 5 SPD: 7 \Delapon ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: B Most Evolved Mau Weighing amazingly little, it's like a hard baloon that floats in the air. There are similar Wind types. STR: 7 WIS: 7 VIT: 6 SPT: 6 SPD: 8 \Kamatoch ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: D Larval Mau Tougher than it looks, it can use magic also, but is really weak against special attacks. STR: 3 WIS: 3 VIT: 4 SPT: 4 SPD: 4 \Heehaw ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Basic Mau Its flat, weak face is a big feint. Its scythe-like tail is aimed at you. STR: 4 WIS: 4 VIT: 5 SPT: 5 SPD: 5 \Heehawhaw ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: C Evolved Mau I don't know what's so funny, but he laughs too much. He just laughs his head off. And he still keeps laughing. STR: 5 WIS: 5 VIT: 6 SPT: 6 SPD: 6 \Hoohaw ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: A MP: B Most Evolved Mau With a disembodied head as a weapon, he lives aggressively. He just keeps laughing on. STR: 6 WIS: 7 VIT: 7 SPT: 7 SPD: 8 \Toch ŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: D Larval Mau Swift in its own way smart in its own way tough in its own way it aims for the master. STR: 3 WIS: 3 VIT: 3 SPT: 3 SPD: 4 \Earra ŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Basic Mau Proud of her tail, she keeps it high above her head so it doesn't drag on the ground when walking. STR: 4 WIS: 4 VIT: 4 SPT: 4 SPD: 6 \Earna ŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Evolved Mau Walking crisply and proudly, she is very fashionable with her handmade earrings. STR: 5 WIS: 5 VIT: 5 SPT: 5 SPD: 7 \Earina ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: B Most Evolved Mau She is flexible and light-footed, so do not let your guard down! There are similar Wind types. STR: 6 WIS: 7 VIT: 6 SPT: 6 SPD: 9 \Drac (12/12) ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \Dondrackich ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: D Larval Drac It was worshipped as a messenger of God. Even with its small body, it has a dignified manner. STR: 5 WIS: 4 VIT: 4 SPT: 4 SPD: 3 \Dongly ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: C Basic Drac Is its dumpy body to menace enemies? The hammer shaped tail aims at the master. STR: 6 WIS: 6 VIT: 5 SPT: 5 SPD: 3 \Dongle ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: B Evolved Drac This Divine Beast was complete long ago. They are rare now and not often seen. STR: 7 WIS: 7 VIT: 5 SPT: 5 SPD: 4 \Dogluga ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: A MP: B Most Evolved Drac A Dongly evolved to become even strongr. The attack from its long tail is hella strong. STR: 9 WIS: 9 VIT: 6 SPT: 6 SPD: 5 \Drackich ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: D MP: D Larval Drac It stays a larva for a long time, but it has high parameters. Also resistant to special attacks. STR: 4 WIS: 4 VIT: 3 SPT: 3 SPD: 3 \Spirally ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: C Basic Drac A detestable guy who deludes the enemy. Its sharp movements are its forte. STR: 6 WIS: 6 VIT: 4 SPT: 4 SPD: 3 \Spiraler ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: B Evolved Drac It's pretty smart and good against special attacks, but seems to be weak against hit attacks. STR: 7 WIS: 7 VIT: 5 SPT: 5 SPD: 4 \Spiralon ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: A MP: B Most Evolved Drac Graceful, beautiful and high-minded, this Divine Beast is coveted by all. STR: 8 WIS: 9 VIT: 5 SPT: 5 SPD: 5 \Alldrackich ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: C MP: D Larval Drac Its body protected by a strange power is quite resistant to both attacks and magic. STR: 4 WIS: 4 VIT: 3 SPT: 3 SPD: 3 \Rorr ŻŻŻŻ HP: B MP: C Basic Drac Said to be the strongest Drac, this is hard to imagine from its appearance. STR: 6 WIS: 6 VIT: 5 SPT: 5 SPD: 3 \Ryunos ŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: A MP: B Evolved Drac Its jutting jaws have an incredible power. It can even rip iron to shreds. STR: 7 WIS: 7 VIT: 6 SPT: 6 SPD: 4 \Gigatiran ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ HP: S MP: B Most Evolved Drac This guy doesn't seem to have any weaknesses. It is feared as the "Bearded Drac." STR: 8 WIS: 9 VIT: 7 SPT: 7 SPD: 5 VIII) Credits Ubi Soft (www.ubisoft.com) Thanks go out to the good people at Ubi Soft, the creators of Jade Coccoon 2, without whom this guide could not exist. GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) Thanks for providing a place where guides like can be shared, and for providing an excellent system of message boards where they can be discusses and bettered. StGabriel (GameFAQs JC2 board) Thanks go out to StGabriel for his work on minion leveling, used in the "Raising your Minion" part of this guide. ...and You (wherever you are!) For taking the time to read this guide. Without readers like you, this guide would have no purpose; what good is it if its never read? Thanks for providing meaning for my work.