BRAVE FENCER MUSASHI Game Script Written by Oliver Kong E-mail address: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents 1. Updates 2. Disclaimer 3. Game Script 4. Credits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Updates 10/23/02: Had to remove the Legal Notice from this game script and change the disclaimer a little due to some complaints I get from people. 7/23/03: Added an important notice to the disclaimer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Disclaimer This is one of my easiest projects for script writing. You may read this script for personal use. Please do not sent me e-mail with any complaints because I will not tolerate any complaints. Oh, one more thing. If you are thinking of posting my game script for your website, please ask me first before you do so. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Game Script CHAPTER 1 THE JOURNEY BEGINS We begin this game in Allucaneet Palace. There is a loud shaking coming from the castle. Steward Ribson: There doth be no effect!! They shall findeth our whereabouts soon! Butler Livers: They were waiting for the king's absence to attack. Princess Fillet: Like, why is the Binchotite so large? Does this mean...!? Alchemist Leanman: It is eminently necessary that you perform 'Hero Summon'. Scribe Shanky: O-h! We can finally meet him! The lovely and handsome Brave Fencer Musashi. Leanman: Princess, please resume your assignment. Fillet: Here goes nothin'!! Princess Fillet cast a spell and Musashi appeared in Allucaneet Palace. Livers: Oh, he's here! Our gracious hero... ...Brave Fencer Musashi!! Shanky: Hmm... He's rather small. This will not do! Livers: It must've been too large of a task for the princess. Fillet: Hey wait! Like, do you think I'd actually make a mistake? Have you guys seen the real Sir Musashi? All: No, we haven't... Fillet: Then, maybe the real Sir Musashi is this puny little thing!! Musashi: * yawn *...What the...!? Musashi hops off the Binchotite. Musashi: Who did you say was puny!? And why are you guys wearing such stupid costumes? Fillet: Stupid costumes? Take that back!! You...... You little turd! Ribson: Please... Princess, Sir Little Turd, calmeth down! Musashi: The name's Musashi!! You geezer!! Ribson: Oh, pardoneth me! We doth hath a request for thou, Sir Musashi. Livers: You're not serious, are you? It's too much of a chore for this little lad. Ribson: If the Princess summoneth him, he must doth be a credible hero. Musashi: What do you guys want!! Lemme go home!! I'm busy, you know!! Can someone get me a palanquin? Shanky: You've been summoned to save our world. So, you can't go back to your world until you save ours. Oh, isn't it just a shame? Oh, oh! And you will remain in this world until the absorbed Bincho Energy from the summoning disappears. * Sigh * Musashi: What do you mean I have to save this world!? And I'll die if that 'whatsit' energy disappears!? Ha! Suddenly a shaking. Ribson: There doth not beeth enough time! You must immediately head for twith to Spiral Tower! Livers: They would definitely be prowling about the area looking for Lumina. Thus...please take this with you. It's called 'Fusion'. Musashi: Hey! Pretty cool lookin' sword! Leanman: Fusion has surpassingly miraculous powers. When it pierces an enemy, it absorbs, and assimilates its abilities. Next, it and the ability comes back to you to utilize. Shanky: It's called 'Assimilate'. Musashi: Assimilate? Sounds cool! Thanks, pal! It'll come in handy. By the way, what's this huge sheath...and this note? Fillet: That's Lumina's sheath. We want you to go to Spiral Tower, which is like right behind the castle. The Sword of Luminescence, Lumina is on the roof. That note will show you how to get there. Musashi: 'Kay! So, I need to get Lumina, right? (left) Fillet: That's right. Our world can have peace when we have Lumina and the Five Scrolls. And if you're the real Musashi, you can get Lumina. We're counting on you y'know! ...Huh? Ribson, where's Musashi? Ribson: He doth be went, Princess. Impatient doth he be! Meanwhile Musashi with a Fusion is on his way to Spiral Tower. Musashi is a young fencer. He has a long blue hair ponytail, arm guards, white samurai shirt and pants, socks, and shoes with straps that goes between the first two toes. Musashi: Shoot! Why do I have to do this!? What the heck... I'll get Lumina, and then I'm outta here!! Musashi approaches a waterway. Musashi: Shoot! It's too far to jump. Musashi then saw a Bincho Soldier. Musashi: Huh? Hey I know!! I'll use Fusion to get his abilities! Musashi assimilated the Gunshot technique from the Bincho Soldier. Musashi: What a cinch! I'll use Gunshot to hit those logs and... Musashi used the technique and the logs became bridges. Musashi moves on and eventually arrived at Spiral Tower. Musashi: This is Spiral Tower...? ...But where's the tower? Hmmm... Where's that note I got at the castle? Let's see... "THE PATH WILL NOT OPEN UNLESS YOU SACRIFICE A WARRIOR." Maybe those statues have something to do with it. Musashi avoided the statues attack and after he destroyed the first statue... Musashi: Hey! Something's under this statue. Give it a stomp! After stepping on the switch, Musashi continues to destroy the other statues and stomp on the switch. After that, the tower rises up. Musashi goes in. Inside... Musashi: Someone turn on the lights! Where is this place? (reads the note) "WHEN THE GUARDIAN FLAME IS BLANKETED WITH DARKNESS, A LIGHT WILL LEAD YOU ABOVE." Whatever. As Musashi walks up, he saw a bell with fire under it. Musashi: "...BLANKETED WITH DARKNESS..." Does it mean to put it out that flame? Hmm... Hey, I know! If that bell drops onto the flame, it'll go out! Musashi uses the Gunshot technique and fired at the ropes. After that, the bell drops onto the flames. Musashi goes into the teleport. On the roof. Musashi: Whoa!! It's so high up here! Whoops! Don't have time to be scared! Finally!! Lumina, you're mine! Musashi steps on the switch that is protecting Lumina, but as soon as he steps off the switch, Lumina is still protected. Musashi assimilates another enemy and he gets the Stun technique. When one of the enemy is chasing after Musashi, he uses the Stun technique and the enemy is standing on the switch stunned. Musashi then takes the Lumina. But suddenly after that, the statue rolled after Musashi and Musashi makes a run for his life. Musashi ran back to Allucaneet Palace and then... Musashi: ...Princess!? Hey! Who are YOU? Who am I?: Ahahahaha-!! I'm Rootrick!! ...And yer...? Fillet: Musashi!! Rootrick: Musashi? Ahahaha-! Yer the summoned hero? Yer pullin' my leg!! Now ya'll give me Lumina won't ya! If ya do, ya'll get this little lady in exchange. Musashi: Yeah right! You wish pal! Let go of the Princess!! Rootrick teleported back away and Musashi is surrounded by flames. Rootrick: Ahahaha-! Y'all been fooled! Them there flames can't be putted out easily! Musashi: Shoot! I'm sweatin' buckets, here. What should I do? Fillet: Like, what are you saying? Use Lumina! Musashi: Uh... Oh yeah! Musashi spin strikes the flames out with his Lumina. Musashi: Ha ha ha ha ha! I got you now Rootrick! Fillet: Alright, Lumina!! Musashi, just hurry up and bash this hunk of lard!! Rootrick hits Fillet. Rootrick: Aw shucks! Shuddap ya dum gal, or else ya'll gonna get a lickin'!! See y'all later, Musashi! Oh! Have yourself a nice day! Ahahahaha-! Ha ha ha ha-! Musashi: What the...!! Hey! Wait! Rootrick disappeared with Fillet. Musashi: Whoaa! What's that!? Holy smokes!! The ceiling got busted and The Steam Knight came in. Musashi: Come on! You're history, pal!! Musashi kept attacking the Steam Knight using Lumina. After doing enough damage to the Steam Knight, Musashi threw it off the cliff. Then while Musashi holds a big rock... Musashi: Hey, you forgot something!! Musashi threw the large rock at the damaged Steam Knight and it's destroyed. Musashi: That's what you get when you try to mess with me!! Oh, almost forgot! I wonder where that idiot Rootrick took the Princess...? Musashi fell asleep. CHAPTER 2 A NEW JOURNEY Musashi later woke up in a bedroom. Musashi: (Yawn) Huh? What is this place? Steward Ribson and Butler Livers came in to the room of Musashi's. Ribson: Sir Musashi! Thou hath awakenth. Musashi: Hey, Geezer! ...Wait...have we met? Livers: Ahem! I'm Livers, the butler. Musashi: Who care 'bout that! Why am I here? Ribson: We foundeth thou sleeping after thou defeated Thirstquencher's abominable roboteh! So, we broughteth thou to hither roometh... Musashi: Huh? Oh yeah! And that big imbecile with the cape!! He kidnapped the Princess!! That loser!! I let him get away... Hey Geezer! Do I have to save the Princess to go back to my world? Ribson: Thou art beeth correcteth! However, they willeth not siteth around quietly. They willeth come hither for Lumina!! Musashi: Somethin' special about Lumina? Ribson: Indeedeth! Legendary Brave Fencer Musashi used Lumina, the Sword of Luminescence, to sealeth away The Wizard of Darkness. And when it absorbs all of the Five Scrolls, (Earth, Water, Fire, Wind...and Sky), thou doth will inheriteth extraordinary powers! Musashi: The Sword of Luminescence, Lumina, and the Five Scrolls. No wonder they want them! So, where can I get my hands on the Five Scrolls? Livers: Ahem! If only our fortuneteller, Seer Bevealy, were here. She would know... Musashi: She ran off with some handsome dude, huh? Livers: No, she was kidnapped! Musashi: What!? So, the Princess is not the only one!? Livers: Well, actually there were 40 people at Allucaneet Palace... ...Now there are only 5 left. They've all been sealed within Bincho Fields and scattered in all directions. Musashi: Bincho Fields!? What are they? Are they the Thirstquencher Empire's doing? Livers: Yes, I saw it myself! Everyone was sealed into large green diamonds and then just, * poof *, vanished! Musashi: I can't believe it!! So, I guess one of them was the fortuneteller, right? ...So that means that I have to save not only the Princess, but everyone else too? Ribson: Sir Musashi! I knew that thou would helpeth us! Thou mayest break Bincho Fields easily with Lumina! Oh, and these will help thou. Ribson and Livers gave Musashi a Rescue List and a Sensor Watch. Ribson: Wheneth that watch flashes red, a Bincho Field doth nearby! Livers: The people whom you save will help you on your journey. Good luck, Sir Musashi. Grillin' Village is located at the foot of this castle. Please use it as your base. Ribson: Before thou goeth, thou should do some research in the castle's library. Musashi: Nah... Studyin' sucks!! Ribson: If thou will be a sloth, the Princess wilst not be saved, and thou'll never return home! Musashi: Okay, I'll go hit the books! Ribson: Good lucketh, Sir Musashi. Livers: I forgot to mention it, but this room is yours, so use it as you wish. Please take care on your journey, sir. Musashi proceeds to the Library. Shanky: O-h! Sir Musashi! Been waiting for you! Musashi: Who are YOU? Shanky: I'm Scribe Shanky. Well, you see, my job, for now, is to read these books for you. Come closer! Musashi gets some information from Shanky while he's reading something to him. After doing that... Shanky: Oh, was that enough? Musashi: Yep, very. Shanky: Well then, you should go down to village, hmm. Well, let's see... It's a shame that the Gondola is broken. Oh, oh! I know! Use both of your big swords!! Musashi: Lumina and Fusion? Shanky: Oh yes! You can go along the Gondola's ropeway and glide down to the village. Musashi: This Palace must be pretty high up on the mountain! I'll take your advice, thanks! Musashi glides to Grillin' Village. In there... Musashi: This is Grillin' Village!? Let's see what I can find out! ...But first... ...I'm kinda hungry... Better eat before I starve! Come to think of it, I haven't had anythin' since... I better get some grub first. Musashi goes to visit the Inn. Hotelo: Welcome! Oh, stayin' here by yourself? Musashi: Yeah, I'm Musashi! I'm on a new journey! Hotelo: How admirable for such a small child! You must be about the same age as my daughter Mint. Anyways, make yourself at home! Musashi takes some rest. After that, he goes to visit the Grocery Shop. Hilda: Welcome! Haven't seen you before. Musashi: I'm Musashi! I'll be hanging around this town for a while. Hilda: Is that so? Have you met my son, Tim? ...And what do you need? Musashi bought some stuff he needs on his journey. After that, he goes to visit the Bakery. Jam: Welcome! Are to this area? Musashi: Yeah, I'm Musashi! I'm staying at the Palace. Jam: Oh! How lucky!... So... May I help you? Musashi purchased some baked goods for his journey. After that, he goes to visit the Pawn Shop. Conners: Who are you...? Musashi: I'm Musashi. What a disgusting shop... Conners: Ahhh, be quiet! What do ya want anyways!? Musashi was just visiting to see the shop, but he only knows that this shop is for appraising items. After that, he goes to visit the Toy Store. Kurt: Hello... Musashi saw action figures at the store but decides to buy it later. After that, he goes to visit the Restaurant. Wanda: Oh! You're cute! Is this your first time at a place like this, baby? Musashi: Er... That's right!! I'm Musashi, nice to meet you. Wanda: No, nice to meet YOU. Have a nice time. After Musashi gets something to eat, he met Tim. Tim: Yo! I'm Tim. My mom owns the grocery! Who the heck are you? Musashi: I'm Musashi... Nice to meet ya. (Whoa... What a brat!) Tim: Little boys shouldn't be playing with swords! I'm gonna tell on you!! After that, Musashi met Mint. Mint: Hi! I'm Mint! What's your name? Musashi: I'm Musashi! Why do you have a basket on your head? Mint: Hehehe, it's not a basket, silly! It's a Knight's Helmet! Tim has a Legendary Helmet!! Musashi knocks on the door of Mayor Govern's house. Musashi: Hey, old man! I have some questions! Mayor Govern: O...old man!? Do you know who you're talking to? ...And why are you pointing that sword at me!? Are you going to mug me!? Musashi: Don't be stupid! My name's Musashi. I'm looking for the Five Scrolls. Govern: The Five Scrolls!? Do you mean that the sword on your back is...!? Musashi: Oh this? It's a sword called Lumina! Govern: Lumina!? The Legendary Sword!? And your name...Musashi!? You're not just an ordinary kid, are you!? You must be the Hero!! Musashi: Calm down, pal! Who cares about that! Do you know about the Five Scrolls? Govern: The Five Scrolls...? Let me make you a proposal. The beloved town dog disappeared. If you bring him back, I'll consider you a citizen of the town and tell you what I know about the Five Scrolls. Musashi: It's a deal!! Govern: I knew you do it! I heard that some people saw him going toward Twinpeak Mountain... However, to enter is forbidden and even I can't give permission... Musashi: What the... Well, anyways... I'll get your dog back, pal. See ya! Musashi travels to the Somnolent Forest and freed Guard Lumpwood and Hawker Steakwood. Then Musashi travels to Twinpeak Mountain. There he freed Soldier Lardwick. Then he finds the dog that the Mayor was talking about. Musashi: This must be the mutt the Mayor was talking about... Well, here goes nothing! Musashi managed to carry the dog back to safety. After that the dog ran by itself. Musashi: Hey wait!! Oh well... Now that the mutt is back, I can ask the Mayor about the Five Scrolls!! Musashi knocks on the Mayor's door. Govern: Everything alright? I heard that the dog's been returned to the village. Thank you very much, Musashi! Musashi: He's kinda scraped up though! 'Kay, so now you can tell me about the Five Scrolls. Govern: Actually, I don't know very much about them, but... the outskirts of the village you'll find a man locked up in the stocks. You should ask him. Musashi: Oh yeah? (The guy tricked me!) Ah, who cares... I'll go to the outskirts then. Musashi finds the man in stocks. Man in Stocks: (to the dog) Awe... Come here, boy! That's a good boy! You alright? (to Musashi) Ah, thanks man. I really appreciate it! Man, do you have some water... and some bread...? Haven't had anythin' to eat in 3 days. Musashi: Sorry, pal. Don't have any food on me. Hold on, I'll get some! Musashi got a Well H20 and bought a RyeBread from the Bakery. After that, he goes back to the man in stocks. Man in Stocks: W...water... B...bread... * groan * Musashi: Here you go, pal! Man in Stocks: Well, don't just show me the food, man!!! ARRGHH!! Musashi: Oops, sorry! Don't worry, pal. I'll feed to you. (Geez, chill out!) Musashi fed the bread and the water to the man. Jon: Ah, much better! I'm Jon, the Treasure Hunter. And you? Musashi: I'm Musashi! Umm... What's a Trezur Huntir? Jon: Heheheh haha! Well, to put it simply... I search the world, looking for...treasure. I experience life, you know!! I guess that's it, huh? Musashi: So, you're just a thief then! Hmph! What a let down!! Jon: W...wait a sec, Musashi! I want to show you my gratitude... I'll tell you a secret! But... only if you set me free! Musashi: Okay! I'll do it! Jon: My man! Well, I left the key to the stocks in a grave in Meandering Forest, cuz I knew I'd get out someday... Musashi: Okay! So, I should get the key then? Jon: Yeah, but a nasty spell has been cast in Meandering Forest... ...and it won't be easy to find the graveyard. So, take m'boy Leno. Musashi: What! That stray mutt? Jon: Well, a few days ago I sent him to go get the key, but he went to Twinpeak Mountain... But no worries! Once he's in Meandering Forest, it's smooth sailing!! So, go in the direction Leno barks to find the graveyard. But, he'll run if he gets hurt, so keep an eye on him, alright? Musashi: I'm a dog's bodyguard? Whatever, so I go in the direction that he barks? Jon: That's it! So you guys should meet at the entrance of Meandering Forest. Good luck! Musashi proceeds to the Meandering Forest. On his way, he freed Seer Bevealy. Then he met up with Leno. Leno led the way for Musashi to the grave. In the grave, he found Jon's Key. Musashi returns to Grillin' Village. Jon told Musashi that he must free him after midnight. Musashi comes back to Jon after midnight. Jon: Phew. Just who I was waiting for! Open the lock to the stocks!! Musashi: Hold your horses! I'll get you out... Musashi used Jon's Key and freed Jon from the stocks. Jon: Alright!!! Thanks, man! Musashi: Sure. Now how about the secret? Jon: Meet me at the top of Twinpeak Mountain...and cut down four trees on your way up. We'll use the four logs for... Uh oh! Someone's coming! See you later! (he left with Leno) Musashi: Hey! Wait! What about the Five Scrolls? You know where they are, don't you!? What he left!? What a weirdo! Well, I better head off to Twinpeak Mountain! Musashi proceeds to Twinpeak Mountain. On his way, he freed Mercenary Meitlofe, Shepherd Beefalo, Knight Lardwick, Carpenter Carvey, and Doctor Tung. Musashi used his Lumina ability to cut the four trees. After collecting the four logs, he gave them to Jon. Jon: Did you bring the four logs? Musashi: Yeah! No prob!! And the SECRET? Jon: Well, it's about the Legendary Armor. Musashi: Legendary Armor!? So, it's not about the Five Scrolls? You mean I came here for nothing? What a waste of time! See ya! Jon: Hold on! Your name's Musashi, right? Do you know about the Legend of Brave Fencer Musashi? Musashi: What the heck's that!? Jon: You should take a look at the books in the Castle Library... Well, man. It's said that there are five pieces of Legendary Armor that Brave Fencer Musashi left behind...and each one has unique powers. Musashi: Then, I can get one of them in exchange for these logs? What a nice guy! Jon: No no no no, one of them is hidden somewhere at the bottom of this river. That's what these logs are for. We're gonna build a raft! Musashi: Great idea, pal! (Uh oh. Better not tell him I can't swim.) Musashi gave Jon four logs and Jon quickly completed the raft. Jon: Okay, it's done! Off you go Musashi! Good luck on your new journey! Musashi rides on the raft. Eventually after this dangerous raft ride, he reached the area with the treasure chest. Inside is a Bracelet. Musashi takes it and knows that it must be appraised. Musashi proceeds to Conner's Pawn Shop and got the Bracelet appraised and it became a Legendary Brace. Musashi equips it and he can now climb walls with his swords. But after that, the place is filled with steam. Govern: There you are, Musashi! Musashi: Hey, Mayor! I think some thing's wrong with the village. Mrs. Govern: Steamwood has broken down! That Administrator... Musashi: Steamwood? Administrator? Has nothing to do with me, pal! Govern: Don't be ridiculous!! This of Allucaneet Kingdom depends on Steamwood!! If this continues, Steamwood and the entire village will blow up!! Musashi: Pretty severe! Govern: Therefore, would you please go and see what's wrong? Please have a talk with the Administrator. His office is on top of the cliff near the Gondola. Mrs. Govern: Fores, the administrator, is so indolent! He won't listen to anyone... So... I'd like you to use that sword to scare him a bit. Please save Steamwood!! Musashi: Okay, I'll do it! Govern: Take care and good luck, Musashi! Mrs. Govern: We're counting on you. Musashi with the climbing ability (equipped with L-Brace) climbed up to where Fores is. Fores: H-E-L-P!!!!!! Steamwood's gone berserk!!!! AHHHHH!! It's going to explode in 24 hours!!! Musashi: Why are you running around then? Aren't you the administrator? Fores: Yeah, but... I didn't ask for this job!! I thought that all I had to do was sit around all day drinking coffee... Hey! Are you good at climbing trees? don't look like the athletic type... Musashi: Ha! Of course I'm good at climbing trees!! Fores: Then it's settled! You go to Steamwood Forest and fix the problem!! Musashi: Hey, pal! Isn't that your job? Fores: Ouch... Oh my back...... I think I put it out... Musashi: Okay okay!! So, what do I have to do? Fores: Here you go... This is Steamwood's Manual. Musashi received the Manual. Fores: Everything you need to know is in that manual! Hurry! You only have 24 hours left!!! You must go to the top of the cliff that's located in Steamwood Forest! Musashi only has 24 hours until Steamwood explodes. Upon arriving in Steamwood, he freed Musician Pianissimeat and Acrobat Sausages. Then he reached Steamwood and quickly reads the manual and after that he must depressurize all 8 valves. After doing that... Musashi: Finished!! Phew... Time to relax!! Steamwood has been saved. Musashi comes out. Then... Fores: Thanks a lot! I'm very impressed! The steam leaks that were occurring everywhere should be fixed. Now you can use this shortcut to Steamwood from my house. Feel free to use it anytime you want to. Musashi: NO MORE steam leaks, okay!? Fores: Oh, about that... I heard a rumor that a masked man wearing a cape did this to Steamwood. I also overheard that he's heading toward Twinpeak Mountain. I hope he's not up to any more mischief. Musashi: A man wearing a cape!? Must be Rootrick! He's gonna get it!! Fores: An acquaintance of yours, eh? You might be able to meet him at Twinpeak Mountain! If you do, give him a scolding and tell him not to trouble me anymore, okay? Musashi: Did I see YOU do anything to stop the leak!? Fores: Er... Oops!! I almost forgot! The mayor wants to thank you. You should drop by his house. Er... Well, I have to go now! See ya later! Fores left. Musashi Goes back to Grillin' Village and talks to the Mayor. Govern: Musashi, I was worried about you. Everything alright? Musashi!! You saved the village! How can I repay you? Let's see... You might not like how this tastes, but it's good for you. Here you go. Govern gave Musashi a Longevity Berry. After that, Musashi proceeds to Twinpeak Mountain, and in there, Musashi notice a sudden fall came from the hill of Twinpeak Mountain. It's Rootrick. Musashi: Hey, stupid!! Rootrick tried to climb up again but he fell down again. Rootrick: Huh? Musashi!? I'll get ya'll fer wrecking my darlin' Steam Knight!! Musashi: Yeah, yeah! Where's the Princess? Rootrick: Ahahahahaha-!!! Y'all don't wanna know, that's fer sure!! Oh yeah! I don't have time ta mess with ya! One of them Five Scrolls is just over them there. Can't have ya in m'way! Musashi: What!? There's a scroll nearby!? Rootrick: Awe shoot!! Ya founded out! Last one up iza rotten egg! I'll see ya later!! Musashi: Think you can beat me!? Musashi and Rootrick starts a climb-up race to the top. After they made it up there, Rootrick looks somewhere else. Musashi: Hey, Rootrick! You left your cape at the bottom! Rootrick: Shucks! I fergetted! Musashi: You're gonna go get it, right? Rootrick still looks under and Musashi behind him strikes him with the Lumina and he fell off the cliff. Musashi: Well, with Rootrick outta the picture I can finally get the scroll!! Musashi moves on and saw the first scroll. Musashi: This is one of the scrolls? Musashi struck it with Lumina and Musashi received the Earth Scroll. Now he can shake the ground with the Lumina. Musashi: What was that!? An earthquake? Lumina: ...EARTHSCROLL...HAS......BEEN...ABSORBED... Musashi: What the...! Th...the sword! Lumina talks!? Lumina: I...AM...NOT...TALKING...TELEPATHIC...COMMUNICATION. Musashi: This is creepy! Lumina: ...DESTROY......THE......CREST...GUARDIAN... Musashi: Huh? What's that? What's a CREST GUARDIAN!? Lumina: ...HE......IS......PROTECTING...A...CREST... Musashi: A crest!? Not too clear on this. But, anyways, I need to kill it right!? Hmmmm... Hey Lumina, maybe you know where it is? Lumina: ............ Musashi: Ohhh! It clammed up! Ah, who cares! Guess I'll have to ask someone at the castle! They'll help. Musashi is on his way to Allucaneet Palace. But on his way... Musashi: Hey, where were you, pal? Jon: Er... Well... I had things to do, you know. By the way Musashi, how's your journey coming along? Musashi: Thanks to you I got the Earth Scroll!! Oh, yeah! I forgot to return the treasure to you. It's called L-Brace. Supposed t'have some kind of special power! Jon: No, that's okay Musashi. You should be equipped with the Legendary Armor. You must collect the Five Scrolls and bring peace to this world. Musashi: Alright, thanks! Oh yeah... Do you know what CREST GUARDIANS are? Jon: CREST GUARDIANS... They guard the Crests, which can only be set free by the corresponding Scroll. Perhaps, because you took the Earth Scroll, a Guardian will awaken in Hell's Valley. Musashi: If I crush the Guardian, then I can free the crest... Jon: ...And then each crest is liberated, Lumina's power will increase... Musashi: Whatever, pal!! So, all I need to do is pulverize the CREST GUARDIAN and free the scroll, right? Jon: That's right. Musashi: Well, off to Hell's Valley! See ya later! Jon: Wait, hold on! That place was once used as a high security prison and it's still controlled by the Palace. It's not that easy to get access, man. Musashi: Oh yeah? Then I'll go back to the castle and ask the geezer. Jon, what are you gonna do? Jon: Man... I dunno... I guess I'll start searching for the next treasure... Good luck, Musashi! (Leno) Let's go, Leno! Leno: Woof! Musashi: Oh well... Whoops, almost forgot! Gotta go to the Palace and get permission to go into Hell's Valley!! Musashi proceeds into the castle. Inside, he talks to Steward Ribson. Musashi: Hey Geezer! How do I get into Hell's Valley!? Ribson: What!? Did thou sayeth Hell's Valley? I understandeth. I'll prepare everything. However, there's a problem... Musashi: What kinda problem? Ribson: We don't haveth enough people. Musashi: I don't need help! I can do it myself!! Ribson: You needeth 4 people to open the gate to Hell's Valley because 4 switches must be pressed simultaneously to do it. Thus, I need thou to findeth the people that will help you. They should beeth in the areas that you are able to exploreth. The ones that could helpeth you from the people that you already savedeth are... Soldier Lardwick... Mercenary Meitlofe... Carpenter Carvey... Knight Lardwick... We haveth 4 people!! Sir Musashi!! The preparations to go into Hell's Valley are complete! I told the team to waiteth for thou at the entrance to Hell's Valley. Musashi: Cool! This is so exciting!! Ribson: By the way, Sir Musashi... Why dost thou need to entereth Hell's Valley? Musashi: Huh? You mean, you don't know!? Ribson: Well, of course not! I doth not be a very nosy person. Musashi: I'm gonna go pulverize the CREST GUARDIAN and free the Earth Crest!! See ya later, Geezer! Ribson: Good lucketh... Musashi proceeds to Hell's Valley. On his way, he freed Knitter Lunchetta. He then arrived. Knight Lardwick: Welcome, Sir Musashi! Soldier Lardwick: We will immediately open the gate to Hell's Valley for you. Carpenter Carvey: ...and help in the battle! Mercenary Meitlofe: Yes we will! Yes we will! Musashi: Alright! Let's go to Hell's Valley!! The four simultaneously stepped on the switch and the gate opened. Musashi moves on. He arrived and the gate closed. Musashi: This is Hell's Valley? Uh... Is somethin' supposed to happen here? Knight Lardwick: This is definitely the place. Right, Lardwick? Soldier Lardwick: Yes, it is. I will state our battle plan. After the enemy comes, you must drop the objects that we place in the bucket above you. Carvey: Yeah, and if you drop them from THIS height, the monster will be mincemeat! And when it's unconscious, smash it's core! That'll destroy him!! Meitlofe: Destroy! Destroy! Knight Lardwick: However, if one of us is injured, we temporarily won't be able to assist you. Musashi: Don't worry! I won't let that happen to you guys!! Soldier Lardwick: It's here! It's here! Man your posts! The CREST GUARDIAN Skullpion arrived. Musashi uses his Earth Scroll ability to drop the bombs on the boss. After doing that, Musashi strikes the core with the Lumina. After repeating this enough times, it is destroyed. Musashi received Skullpion's core. The Earth Crest has been liberated. Knight Lardwick: Congratulations, Sir Musashi! Soldier Lardwick: The plan was a success!! Success!! Carvey: You'd be a great carpenter! Meitlofe: Carpenter! Carpenter! Musashi: Couldn't have done it with out you guys! Why not head back to the Palace and get some rest? Meanwhile in the Thirstquencher Empire... Fuhrer Flatski: Bahh! Zat idiot!! Rootrick vas zo close ta having za scroll... Bahhhhh!! Bubbles: I'm so sorry, Fuhrer Flatski. But, Mission Vambee will not fail. Flatski: Vat is zat? ...Vat is Mission Vambee? Bubbles: The long running research on upgrading Bincholoid Soldiers has finally been completed. ...And using the results, we'll like, have some fun with Musashi. Gingerelle: * giggle * Well I hope so, darling. This better not waste my valuable time... I have nails to file... Well, anyways do what you can, darling. Bubbles: Oh, be quiet, Sis!! I'll show you!! I can do it like, if I really put my mind to it! Flatski: Hahahahahahahaha! Vell, we vill zee vat happens. Ve vant our beloved Ex-Emperor to be proud av us. Az long as ve have Lumina und the Five Scrolls, ve can rebuild our empire!! Bubbles! I am counting on you!!! Cappriciola, can I count on you, too? Colonel Cappriciola: Hmph. Yes you MAY, Fuhrer. CHAPTER 3 MISSION VAMBEE After Musashi returned to Grillin' Village... Musashi: I have a bad feeling something is wrong with the village. Musashi finds Govern and Hotelo and he talks to them. Musashi: What's up? The grocery selling somethin' good? Govern: Musashi, there's a bit of a problem... Hotelo: The Grocery's Tim was attacked by one of those ghouls... Musashi: What!? Poor brat... Uh... I mean...poor Tim. And, what exactly is a ghoul? Govern: They're called Vambees... They're half-vampire and half-zombie. They come out at night and suck the blood of humans... Musashi: Vambee!? You must be kidding! Hotelo: Well, it used to be just an old folk tale, but they have actually appeared... Musashi: Is Tim gonna be alright? Govern: Well... He doesn't have much time... However, if we were able to make Grillin's traditional medicine, Remedy, then there might be a possibility of saving him, but... Hotelo: We can't let Tim turn into a Vambee, Mayor! I must go now!! Govern: Hold on, Hotelo!! Why don't we ask Musashi to help us? Hotelo: Sounds good! Will you do it, Musashi? Musashi: Kinda hard to turn you guys down! I'll do it! So, what do I need to do? Govern: To make the Remedy, we need Misteria and Aqualin. Hotelo should go obtain Aqualin... ...which is on the peak of Twinpeak Mountain. And Musashi, you must obtain Misteria, which is a flower that blooms in the Mine. Hotelo: Yes, sir. However, don't you think the energy from the Binchotite will be harmful to Musashi? Govern: That theory has not been proven yet!! Anyways, I think Musashi will be fine. What's most important now, is saving Tim! Hotelo: I see... (Doesn't this guy care at all about Musashi?) Govern: Wid, who lives in the Windmill, had the key to the Mine. While you're there, you should ask the flower. Good luck, Musashi! Musashi: So, first I need to go to the Windmill and talk to Wid, right? Hotelo: What a pain that's gonna be! That old man sleeps all day. So you might end up going into the Mine in the early hours of the morning! Well, I should go now. Goodbye! Musashi: Good luck, Hotelo! Hotelo left. Musashi Knocks on Wid's door and Wid came out. Wid: What do ya want! I'm sleepy!! Musashi: The Mayor asked me to get the key to the Mine. Wid: What kind of business would a little tike like you have in the Mine? Musashi: Tim was attacked by a ghoul, and to help him, I gotta get whatsits name, Misteria, so we can save him. Wid: You're going to get that flower that blooms in the Mine's underground lake? Musashi: Oh yeah! The Mayor told me to ask you about Misteria. Wid: Well, it's said that Misteria only blooms between the hours of 3am to 7am... Musashi: 3am to 7am... Wid: Well, anyways, good luck. Here's the key. Musashi received the Key to the Mine. Musashi: Thanks, pal!! You know what!? You should go outside sometimes! See ya! Wid: Ah! Be quiet...! And don't mess around in the Mine!! Musashi unlocked the door to the Mine and goes inside. On his way, he freed Knight Brisket, Carpenter Dicey, Chief Gravie, and Cook Mary- Nade. In the underground lake, Musashi waits until 3am and took the Misteria. Musashi: Got it! Better take it to the Mayor! Musashi leaves the Mine. Musashi talks to the Mayor. Musashi: Hey Mayor! I found Misteria! Musashi gave it to Govern. Govern: Thank you, Musashi! However, Hotelo hasn't returned... Would you do me a favor and go to Twinpeak Mountain to see if he's okay? Musashi: No problem! Govern: Thanks, Musashi. Musashi proceeds to Twinpeak Mountain. In there he finds Hotelo sitting... Musashi: What's wrong, old man? You okay? Hotelo: Oh, it's you, Musashi... I feel ashamed, but I can go any further. This mountain's too dangerous. I was a fool to think that I could save someone's life... Musashi: What are you saying!? Don't you care what happens to Tim, old man? Hotelo: I can't...go any further... We can't change fate... Forgive me, Tim... Hilda... Musashi: What a let down!! Hotelo: Uh... Musashi: Ah! Who cares about fate! I'll go to Twinpeak and get the water. You wait here and think about how pathetic you're being! Hotelo: ...M, Musashi... Tim only has 24 hours before he turns into a... I know you want Musashi: That's why we can't give up now...! Shoot! Not much time left! I'm gonna go! Musashi only has 12 hours until Tim turns into a Vambee. Musashi managed to find the Aqualin. He takes it. Musashi: We can make the Remedy now! Better take it to Hotelo!! Musashi returns to Hotelo. Musashi: Hey, old man! I got the water! You better move it and go bring it to Tim!! Musashi gave the Aqualin to Hotelo. Hotelo: Thanks, Musashi. We have just enough time... I'm really ashamed at what I said before... Musashi: Ah, don't worry about it! You're only human! Better not waste time feeling bad about yourself! Get a move on it, pal! Hotelo: Musashi, thank you. You know, it's hard to believe that you're just a kid... Goodbye. (he left) Musashi: Hard to believe...? Musashi goes back. On his way... Tim: Yo, Musashi! How's it going? I feel really good! Musashi: You're well already? That Remedy is good stuff!! Tim: Yah! The Mayor and Hotelo saved me! Aren't they great!? Why don't you try to be useful for a change!? Musashi: I'll think about it. Tim: You're a good boy! Come with me and I'll introduce you to Mom and Hotelo! Later in the Grocery Shop... Hotelo: It's our hero, Musashi!! Hilda: I heard everything... Musashi, thank you! I know that Tim is a rude boy, but he is my only son. I'm very grateful... Here I'll give you a reward! Govern: An orange! It's been ages since I last saw one... Musashi received an Orange. Musashi: Big piece of fruit! Don't have them where I come from!! Hilda: Really!? I'll be selling them from now on, so come by anytime to buy them. Musashi: You're going to take money from someone who saved your son's life? Hilda: That has nothing to do with this! I have to make a living!! Hotelo: Okay, okay! (to Musashi) You had better not make Hilda angry! She's quite a witch! Musashi: Yeah, I know! Everyone: Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Musashi left and went to the Bakery. Inside he talks to Jam... Jam: Ever since my mother passed away, my father goes to the restaurant every night. He's really upset about it being closed. Now, maybe he'll start to appreciate my cooking... Will you help me convince him to eat at home? You might be able to meet him at around 6pm, in front of Mannick's Restaurant. Please try. Musashi waited until 6pm and saw Jam's dad. He talks to him. Musashi: What's wrong? You get locked out? Towst: I'm Baker Towst! Oh! My head... I must've had too many porkchops. What!? You have a problem with that? I'll bake you until you're lightly golden brown!!! Musashi: Get away from me, pal! (Baker...!? ...This lunatic is Jam's father!?) Towst: What!? Go away you little brat!! I'm going to try to knock this door down! The owner disappeared and the Restaurant was closed!!! I must eat those yummy porkchops!! Aarrgh!! Musashi: The owner? Towst: Yeah... Haven't you met him? Don't tell anyone, but he's crazy!! Musashi: What happened to the waitress and the customers? Where'd they go? Towst: They're probably hanging out at the Inn. Aargh! My darling porkchops!! Musashi: The Inn? Maybe I should go there and have a talk with them. They might know about what's wrong at the restaurant. You know, pal... You should eat at home with Jam once in a while. Towst: Jam...don't ever leave me like your mother did... Porkchops... Uh oh! These ghouls will start coming out soon! Towst left. Musashi: Ghouls!? What's going on... First Tim, now... Musashi head into the Inn and chats with Wanda. Wanda: Hi Baby! Did you know that the owner of the restaurant disappeared... Once, I tried to go in, but hideous monsters started coming out! Ugh! You know what baby? The owner's always doin' something behind the counter. I bet he's hidin' somethin' there... Musashi chats with Macho. Macho: I saw it! Monster came out from counter! Scary! Scary! I bet, monster ate owner. Musashi waits until night time and the door opened with a Vambee coming out. Musashi quickly goes in the restaurant. Musashi: Where do these ugly ghouls come from!? Hey! There's an opening behind the counter... Check it out! Musashi goes inside the Basement. In there... Musashi: What the...!? This sure doesn't look like the basement of a restaurant!! An empty sodapop bottle... What's this doing here? Musashi saw the owner. Musashi: Hey! You're the restaurant owner! Whachya doin'? Mannick: Just havin' a late night snackie-poo! Hey! You tryin' to steal my treasure!? Musashi: A treasure!? Hey, maybe you're the one who let those ghouls go free!? Mannick: Ghouls...? Oh yeah!!! That's why I came here!!! Yep! I wanted to get rid of them!! Yeah, that's it! Kaboom! Musashi: Kaboom...? Had a bit too much caffeine, didn't you? Mannick: Huh? Well, anyways!! We must get rid of them!! Come here!! Look!! Musashi and Mannick walks to the sealed door with four eyes. Mannick: Their boss is behind this door! Musashi: Uh yeah... It has four eyes too... Mannick: Those eyes are the clue to opening this door!!!! There must be a way to open it!!! Musashi: Hmmm... Well, guess there's no other choice but to look around... Mannick: Yeah!!! That's it!!! We must save the village!!! * burp *...I think I drank too much pop... ...I don't feel well... Musashi: Hey, pal. Think you better stay here and take it easy! Don't worry! I'll open the door for you. Mannick: Oh yeah!? WOW!! That's good! That's really good! I'll wait here then!! Musashi enters the Bowler Maze, solved the puzzle there and freed Mercenary Potrowst and Mercenary Stue, He then proceeds to the Teleporter Maze, solved the puzzle there and freed Bailiff Jerky. Then he proceeds to the Ghost Maze, solved the puzzle there and freed Carpenter Cubey and Knight Chucks. Then he proceeds to the Fire Maze, solved the puzzle there and freed Librarian Brisketta and Soldier Hanky-Flanky. After that, Musashi goes back to the basement. When he goes to the area with the sealed door with four eyes... Musashi: Hmm... That's funny... Where'd he go? What if he...!? Musashi saw the sealed door opened and then, he saw Mannick there. Musashi: What's this!? Where're the ghouls? What's going on, Mannick? Mannick: AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This treasure is mine, mine, mine!!!! This is why I bought this pathetic old restaurant!!! I'm rich now, yippeeee!!! (opens the chest) Uh... Uh... I... What...? Musashi: What's wrong!? (looks inside the chest) Ugh... Yuck! Mannick: I opened the gate and let those ghouls go free for this disgusting belt!?!? What have I done...!? Musashi: So, it was YOU, Mannick! Because of your greed, Tim was attacked by those ghouls! Getting angry at you won't do anything for them, but you put them through hell! Do you have any idea how Tim and his mom felt!? Talk about being selfish! Mannick: ...I'm sorry... Here, you can have this ugly belt!! And I'll start my life again! I'll make this restaurant the best one in the village, even if it's the only one! Musashi received the UglyBelt. Musashi: Mannick, I'll make good use of this disgusting belt to help the village!! In a way, you'll be repaying the village, too. And, I'll get those ghouls no matter what I have to do!! So until then, stay at the Inn and think about what you did, okay? Mannick: Yeah... Okay... I must ask Hilda, Tim and everyone in the village for forgiveness... Musashi, please get rid of those ghouls... Musashi gets out of the Restaurant Basement and went to Conner's Pawn Shop. He appraised the UglyBelt for Musashi and it became the Legendary Belt. Musashi can double jump after equipping it. But then... Mannick: Aarrgghh!! Help! Musashi: Hey, I thought you were resting at the Inn... Mannick: Well! I went to get some water to prepare things for the restaurant! BUT!! SHOOT!! The water's gone!! Musashi: What!? No water in the well...? Don't you mean that it went dry? Mannick: That's it!! You know, you're looking very tall today! I'd say that you'd grown at least 100 inches!! Musashi: Flattery will get you nowhere, pal! You want me to go check out the well, right? Mannick: Ehe ehe. You're smart!!! So, you'll do it, right? You need a Rope to climb down the well. It's stored away in the church. Alright alright!! Give me the Rope and I'll go check for you!! Musashi: Umm, I don't have it! Mannick: I'm too scared to go into the church!!! AARGHHHH!!!! Musashi: Calm down, pal!! Ah... Alright, I'll do everything... Mannick: Yippeee!!! Thanks!!!! Then I'll go get things ready at the restaurant! Musashi has one more business left to do in Twinpeak Mountain. He freed Weaver Dineretta. Then he goes to Meandering Forest and freed Maid Loinette. Then he goes to Grillin' Village's church and spoke to Father White who is moping. Musashi: Hi! I came to borrow the Rope but is something wrong? Why'd you lock the gate? Father White: Zzzzz... Zzzzz... Huh...zzz... What? Oh...hello there, my son. Oh dear! I almost forgot! Someone stole the church's precious bell! I tried to catch the thieves and ran outside, but they tricked me and locked me outside!! Musashi: Oh no! Then what about the Rope? Father White: Well, it's inside the church. I can't get it for you... Heh heh... Musashi: This is no laughing matter!! You'll be eaten by those ghouls if you stay outside like this!! Father White: That's why I locked the gate. Oh! Thanks for reminding me! Musashi: You remember who the thieves were? Father White: No, no. They were far gone when I got outside... However, lately, I hear strange noises in the middle of the night... ...and because of it, I haven't had enough sleep. Musashi: Oh yeah? Maybe it's just some mice? Father White: Do you think so...? Then come by at 2am precisely and I'll show you. There's definitely something wrong... Musashi waited until 2am and then he spoke to Father White... Musashi: I came at 2am, just like you said. Father White: Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Oh, it's you, my son. Listen carefully now! Suddenly they hear noises. Musashi: These noises...!! (Must be those ghouls!) Father White: See! Didn't I tell you, my son? Musashi: Hey Monk! Is there a way to get inside? Father White: Hmmm, let's see... ......... ......... ......... I have an idea! You can climb onto the roof then climb into the hole where the bell used to be. Musashi: How am I going to get onto the roof, pal? Father White: I'll help! I'll crouch down and then you stand on my back! You should then be able to jump onto the roof! Musashi: Okay! Inside... Mysterious Voice (Bubbles): Ahahahahaha! You're Musashi? What a joke! Like, how audacious of you to have the same name as Brave Fencer Musashi. Musashi: Hey... Be quiet!! Who are you anyway!? Bubbles: I'm Bubbles!! Because of my beauty, I won second in the Miss Thirstquencher contest! No autographs please! Musashi: Miss Thirstquencher? Don't you mean the contest for OLD HAGS!? Bubbles: How dare you!! You little runt! Like just because Sis won first place and I was stuck with second... Musashi: (Just like the Princess... Why are all the women I meet like this...?) Bubbles: Like, the cat's got your tongue? Well, whatever, give me Lumina!! Musashi: Ha! I'll show you what it feels like to be shredded by Lumina! Bubbles: What a brat!!! No use trying to negotiate! So, like, get him boys!! The Bincho Soldier opened fire but none of them hit Musashi. Musashi: You guys blind? Come on, you're history! Bubbles: Ha! It's only a matter of time before you like start whimpering! Time for din din! Come out Vambee Soldiers!! Five Vambee Soldiers appeared. Musashi: Whoaa! You play FAIR, don't ya!? You got a whole army!! Bubbles: Aha ha ha ha ha ha! Like, it's because you're such a little brat! Tata! * sigh * Gotta go home and like take a shower, you know!! Bubbles disappeared. Musashi: Shoot!! Better start pulverizing them before... Musashi will die if he is even attacked once by the Vambee Soldiers. So, in order to protect himself, he uses his Lumina to strike the Vambee Soldiers. During the fight... Musashi: Hey! These aren't the same ghouls as in the underground Dungeon! Nothing's working!!! What's going on here? While Musashi continues to protect himself... Musashi: Stubborn maggots! How can I butcher these zombies!? Musashi still continues to protect himself. Musashi: Hey! It's almost morning... Wait... These ghouls don't come out during the day, so maybe... I'll try to kill a little more time! When the time reaches 7am, the Vambee Soldiers blew up to chunks. Musashi: Just as I thought! Sunlight's their weakness!! Alright! The door opened! I'm outta here!! Outside... Father White: Are you alright, my son? I was so worried about you! Musashi: All of the ghouls inside died. The church is yours again! Father White: Oh, I nearly forgot about the Rope. (going inside the Church) Dear me! What's this awful stench!? Here you go, my son. Musashi received the Rope. Musashi: Phew... I didn't think that it'd be this much trouble... Father White: Sorry to trouble you, my son, but would you mind looking for the stolen bell? Musashi: If I find it, I'll bring it! Father White: Thank you, my son. I'll give you a reward for bringing it back. Musashi uses the Rope and attached it to the well. Musashi: Cool! Now I can get into the well! Better get down there! Down there, Musashi saw the Water Scroll and he struck it with Lumina. Then he received the Water Scroll. Now he can walk on water when he is encased in a water bubble plus he can shoot water. He finds a bell and take his time to carry it through the Mine. Then outside... Father White: You brought the bell back! Thank you! Here's a token of my appreciation. It's a statue of an angel, my son. Musashi received the Statue. Musashi: Hey! I think I've seen this shape somewhere before... Father White: According to legend, that Statue is a sacred key to the door that lead to the Fire God. Please take care of it. Well... I should go and put back the bell, my son. Musashi goes back to the Restaurant Basement and finds a door with a shape. Musashi: Hmmm... Looks like I have to insert something. Maybe I ought to shove that statue in there! Musashi rammed the Statue in the door. Musashi: Just as I thought! Musashi goes in. On his way, he freed Taster Salmonelli. Then he's at the area with the boss. Musashi: This must be the second CREST GUARDIAN! Uh oh! It's starting to move!! The Relic Keeper moved and the ceiling is on him. Then... Musashi: Heh heh! What a loser! The ceiling's collapsed and he can't move! Geek!! Musashi fights the Relic Keeper. After defeating the Relic Keeper, Musashi takes the Relic Keeper's core. The Water Crest has been liberated. Musashi leaves. Meanwhile in the Thirstquencher Empire. Fillet: (hand behind her back) * sigh * How long do I have to wait? This is so boring! It doesn't seem like Musashi will ever come and save me. Hey!, I didn't realize it before, but like isn't this a Binchotite? Come to think of it, they were talking about summoning another hero. I know! I'll do another 'Hero Summon' and like, get another hero to save me! I'm such a genius!! Okay! Come out, come out! Mmmm!! Princess Fillet cast another spell and someone with a red ponytail came out. Fillet: Alright! I did it! Like, like, I MUST be a genius to be able to summon 2 heroes! Then a girl with mouse ears and a tail who works for Flatski arrived after the summon. Topo: Wow! Who are you, young man? Kojiro: I am Kojiro. Where is Musashi? Fillet: Sir Kojiro!! What a hunk! Take me away from here!! Kojiro: I'm sorry, but I do not have the time. I must challenge Musashi to a duel. Fillet: Like, what are you saying!? I summoned you here! If you don't listen to me you won't be able to return to your world. Do you understand? Kojiro: I must get revenge! That is all I care about! Topo: Too bad, Princess. * giggle * (to Kojiro) Well, good timing!! If you want to fight Musashi, come with me! Kojiro: I understand... Topo and Kojiro left. Fillet: Is this a joke? You're not thinking of taking someone else's man, are you? How cruel!! CHAPTER 4 THE DUEL AT DRAGON ISLAND Musashi decides to go to Meandering Forest to get some items by activating the Water Crest. After doing that, he found Glasses, which he needs to get it appraised. After getting it appraised, it became the Legendary Goggles. He can appraise items without Conners. After that, Musashi goes down to the well. He activates the Water Crest. Musashi: Done!! Now we can use the well. Huh? Someone's coming! Then some two guys appeared. Ed: B, Ben! O, o, over here! I h, hid it underground in a cave. It w, was real heavy! Ben: Uh, don't worry, Ed. I'll do the rest!! Ed: If C, Capricciola b, boots us out we'll have a b, backup. This golden b, bell should be worth s, s, something! Musashi: Who the heck's Capricciola? Ed: Wh, who's th, there? Ben: Duh, don't hide from us!! Come out! Musashi: Been here the whole time! Ed: Th, th, that means...!! Musashi: Heard everything, pals. But, it's too bad... Cuz the bell you were talking about is gone! I returned it to the church! Ben: Duh! What!? You tooked our backup for just in case!? Ed: H, he's lying!! Th, that midget c, can't c, carry that h, h, huge thing!! Musashi: Hmph!! If you think I'm lying go and check out the church!! Ed: Y, you...!! You d, destroyed our f, future! Musashi: Imbeciles, you think I care? Ben: Duh!! Who are you calling an imbesile!! I'm not an imbesile!! Ed: W, we won't f, forget this! W, we have some business to do now, but later, you'll b, b, be so s, s, sorry!! Ben and Ed left. They also work for Flatski. Musashi: Tch! They sure are good at running away! Musashi finds an Old Cloth and appraised it. It is now the Legendary Vest. He can now attack faster. Musashi now goes into the Mine and went out. Musashi pays a visit to the Mayor's house. Mrs. Govern: Why hello there, Musashi. You came just at the right time! Mayor Govern caught a cold and is resting in bed. Would you like to be the Mayor for a while? Musashi: My dream job! Mrs. Govern: Really!? That's wonderful! Well, actually you'd be his assistant. Let's see... Your first job is extremely important! Everyone's lives depend on this... Musashi: Lives!? Do you mean the dried up well? I fixed it before coming here! Mrs. Govern: Dear me!! What a good boy! That must be why that rope disappeared... Musashi: Yeah, cuz it'd be dangerous if someone tried to go down into the well... While I was down there I saw the thieves that stole the bell...but they ran away... Mrs. Govern: Oh! How dreadful!! Lately, there are so many unfortunate incidents... Well, are you ready for your next assignment? Musashi: Okay... Mrs. Govern: Well, let's see... Mr. Lands has been complaining about getting the Gondola fixed for quite some time now. So, let's fix it! Musashi: What am I supposed to do? Mrs. Govern: Mayor Govern said that we need 3 Carpenters and a Gondola Gizmo. Once we have them, the Gondola can be fixed! Musashi: Three Carpenters... I'll ask the geezer at the Palace...but how do I get a Gondola Gizmo? Mrs. Govern: I heard that there are some Gondola Gizmos in the Scrap Depository in the Mine... Musashi: Scrap Depository!? Like a garbage dump!? Mrs. Govern: Wid, the man living in the Windmill, knows about Gondola Gizmos. You should ask him. But, first, you should talk to the Carpenters! Good luck! I'm counting on you!! Musashi saw Wid on his way back to the Windmill and he talks to him. Wid: You again!? Musashi: You're awake! (Amazing...) Wid: It's because you woke me up so many times!! My timeclock's screwed up!! ...What do you want!? Musashi: I need to know about the Scrap Deposi...the Garbage Dump! Wid: Oh, you mean the Scrap Depository? It's a storage place for items that aren't used anymore. The King doesn't like to throw anything away. Why do you ask? Musashi: I'm looking for something called a Gondola Gizmo... Wid: Oh, so you're helping out the village! Take care not to overexhaust yourself. Musashi goes into Allucaneet Palace and talks to Steward Ribson. Musashi: Hey Geezer! I have to find the three carpenters in order to fix the Gondola... Ribson: Thou art will help fix the Gondola!? How goodeth of thou! Our food provisions have been on the decrease since the Gondola broketh down. Let's see... You already saved... Carpenter Carvey... Carpenter Cubey... Carpenter Dicey... They all doth be here!! Ask the three carpenters and then go looketh for the Gondola Gizmo. When they receive the Gizmo they'll begin preparations to fix the Gondola. Musashi talks to the carpenters and got some information on what the Gondola Gizmo looks like. It is gold, three hole around the outside and one hole in the center. Musashi proceeds to the Mine and travels to the Scrap Depository and in a room with the Gondola Gizmos... Musashi: Found it! This could be the Gondola Gizmo... This is it for sure!! Pretty heavy... Can't wait to show the geezer! Musashi goes back to Allucaneet Palace and talks to Ribson. Musashi: Hey Geezer!! I found the Gondola Gizmo!! Ribson: This is it! I'll go tell the carpenters to begin fixingeth the Gondola. Thou should go get some rest. Musashi: Okay! I'll go take a nap in my room. Later, Geezer! Musashi goes to his room and take a nap. Then later, he woke up. Musashi: Uh oh! Over slept! Mrs. Govern's gonna be mad! Musashi arrived in Grillin' Village. But the village is in flames. Musashi: Holy Smokes!! The village is on fire!! Mrs. Govern: Musashi, help! My goodness! There's a fire!! Oh no! Musashi: Yeah, it's pretty obvious! Calm down... You know how this happened? Mrs. Govern: I don't know! You must put out the flames! Everyone's locked inside their houses and they can't get out! Oh my gracious!! Please, you must hurry! Musashi: Leave it to me, lady! I'll use the Water Scroll and this fire will be a thing of the past!! Don't worry! Musashi uses the Water Scroll ability to put out all the flames. After that... Musashi: Phew, took long enough! Later... Mrs. Govern: You put out all the flames! What a relief! Musashi: Why'd this happen? Do you know what caused the fire? Mrs. Govern: Let's see... Well, I saw two men staring at the roof of the church talking about something. They didn't look like tourists... Oh! Dear me! I have to go home to see if Mayor Govern is alright! (she left) Musashi: The church's roof...? Hey! Then it must be those two thieves that I saw beneath the well! They're gonna pay for what they did!! Musashi pays a visit to the Mayor. Govern: Hello, Musashi... Er... I mean, hello Mayor! Musashi: Stop kiddin' around! You over your cold? Govern: I forgot about my cold when we had that fire. Boy, what a commotion! Musashi: I see... Well, it's said that when you have a cold you should keep warm and get plenty of sleep! By the way, where's Mrs. Govern? Govern: Just a moment. (to Mrs. Govern) Hi! It's our little Mayor! Mrs. Govern: Okay! Wait a moment... Govern: She'll be here soon... I must thank you for saving the village again, Musashi. I don't have much, but please accept this... Musashi: Huh? What the heck's this!? Musashi got a Calendar. It is the Thirstquencher Empire's calendar. Govern: It's an ancient calendar and might not be of any use now, but it's an antique. Oh, here comes the wife. Goodbye, Musashi. Mrs. Govern came. Mrs. Govern: Sorry to have kept you waiting, Musashi. That goodness he should've given you something that you can use... Musashi: I heard that you wanted to talk to me? Mrs. Govern: Gracious me! I completely forgot! I must reward you for doing such a good job. Here you are. Musashi: What the...! Musashi received the Rocksalt! Mrs. Govern: If you ever need to season your food, this salt does wonders!! Musashi: Uh... Thanks... I'm gonna go now! Say goodbye to the Mayor for me. Mrs. Govern: Thank you for everything, Musashi!! Come by anytime! Musashi went to the Isle of Dragon. In there... Musashi: Weird lookin' rock! Looks kinda slimy... Ugh, gross! It looks like a disgusting slug! ...Slug...? Hey maybe...? Use the Rocksalt!! Musashi used it and the rock shrunk and the slug went away. Musashi: Just as I thought! It wasn't just a boulder, but a humongous slug!! An effect of Binchotites? Then maybe I'll also be... In there, he freed Artisan Teebone. Then he activates the Water Crest and now he saw the Fire Scroll. He hit it with Lumina and got the Fire Scroll. He can now melt ice with it. Then... Mystery Voice (Kojiro): You are late, Musashi! You kept me waiting forever! Musashi: That voice! It sound like that loser... ...Kojiro!! Thought so. Kojiro: I will never forgive you for giving me this scar! Musashi: Ha! You gave yourself that scar when you tripped and fell. Kojiro: Shut your mouth! If you had listened to me, that would not have happened! Musashi: Flippin' coins to see who wins was and still is not my style, pal. Kojiro: So, this time I came to duel with you today!! Musashi: Hold on... Does this mean that you were waiting here all this time? Kojiro: Yes... ...Why do you ask? Musashi: Then you saw me doing that flashy stuff, right? Kojiro: Yes, I needed to put on my sunglasses. Musashi: Well, thanks to that, I'm much stronger! Kojiro: Oh...? Oh really? Musashi: So, I think it'd be a waste of my time to duel with you now. Kojiro: Okay, then, I shall come back later... ...Huh!? Hey! You tried to trick me! Musashi: Heh heh. Guess it didn't work. Anyways, I'm kinda busy now. So, catch ya later, 'kay? Kojiro: Hmph! You would be nicer to me if you knew about the nice 'present' I have for you. Musashi: Present? Fillet: MUSASHI!! Musashi: PRINCESS!! Kojiro, you...! So, I guess, if I agree to pulverize you, you'll free the Princess, right? Kojiro: I did not want to play unfairly, but I had no other choice... Musashi: Alright, then! I accept your challenge! Kojiro: Hahaha! Do not worry! My victory will only take a second of your time. Fillet: Musashi! Like hurry up and clobber this snob! Musashi: Okay, okay! Still as loud-mouthed as before... Glad you're alright! Kojiro: Snob? What do you mean a 'snob'? Musashi, get ready to perish! Musashi: Ha, you're gonna regret this, pal. Kojiro: Oh really? Musashi: Don't say I didn't warn you! Kojiro: Oh... Be quiet! Let us begin! Musashi fights Kojiro. After Musashi wounds him... Kojiro: Ahhhhhhh!!! I cannot believe that you won! How could this be! Musashi: Sorry, pal... Musashi walks to the Princess. Musashi: Princess! You alright? Fillet: Musashi, I... Musashi: Yeah, I know. You don't have to thank me... Let's go back to the Palace! They're gonna be surprised!! Back in Allucaneet Palace... Musashi: Hey, Geezer!! I did it! Fillet: Hello! Ribson, I'm back! Ribson: Alas!! Doth it be!? 'Tis the Princess!! Sir Musashi, thou hath saved our Princess!! Musashi: It was more of a pathetic journey than I thought, but I can go home now!! Fillet: That's true! Congratulations, Musashi! Oh, but leave Lumina, okay? I'll use Lumina to clobber anyone who tries to kidnap me again!! Musashi: Heh heh heh! Yeah, a tomboy like you can handle Lumina! Fillet: What do you mean TOMBOY!? Take that back!! But, now that you're leaving, I feel kinda sad... I thought that you'd get the Five Scrolls and...uh... I mean, I thought we were going to be good friends... Musashi: I feel the same, Princess. Ribson: Pardon I for Musashi: You're going to be lonely too, huh, Geezer? I understand...I'm also... Ribson: No, I meanth that thou art's journey hath not ended! Fillet: Why not? We can go look for the remaining scrolls ourselves, can't we? Ribson: No, I meanth that peace hath not been restored to Allucaneet Palace. Musashi: Come to think of it, I haven't dealt with the Thirstquencher losers or those thieves yet. They might try to kidnap her again. Can't slack off... Fillet:'re still going to help us Musashi, right? Musashi: Yeah, of course!! Ribson: Then Sir Musashi, may I request that thou art seizeth the thieves! Fillet: Thieves!? Can't we just forget about those thugs? Musashi: Seize? Sounds like fun! Fillet: Wait, Musashi! Isn't there something more important, like finding the Five Scrolls? Musashi: Yeah...but where are they? Anyways... Gotta ask those thugs a few things, y'know what I mean!? Ribson: Then 'tis settled! Our three Mercenary soldiers are investigatingeth the situation. Please asketh them. Musashi: 'Kay! Ribson: Princess, thou art mayest go backeth to thou art's room and relaxeth! Fillet: Um... Okay... (to Musashi) Don't work too hard... Uh... I mean...good luck. Musashi: Don't worry 'bout me! Princess Fillet goes back to her room. Musashi talks to Mercenary Meitlofe, Potrowst, and Stue and got information on how to get to the Thieves' Hideout. Musashi is on his way there. After getting there... Musashi: Is this the thieves' hideout? In I go! Inside... Musashi: Hey you! You one of those dumb thieves? Mystery Woman (Gingerelle): Dumb thieves? Hmm... Ah... You mean Leader's Force... Do I look like I belong with such scum? My name is Gingerelle. Isn't it an exquisite name, darling? Musashi: Sorry! Don't know much about the names in this world. By the way, is this the thieves' hideout? Gingerelle: Perhaps... ...But they're not here at Frozen Palace anymore, darling. I wonder where they went... Musashi: Shoot, came here for nothing... I've let the geezer down too... Hey!! Where're you going? Gingerelle: Sorry, but I have no time to babysit. See you later... Don't catch a cold, darling! (she left) Musashi: I wonder who she is... ...Brrrr!! Anyways, maybe I can find something about the Five Scrolls... ...Before I catcha cold! In Frozen Palace, he found the Red Shoes, appraised it and it's the Legendary Shoes. Now Musashi won't slip in there. Musashi also freed Chef Julienne, Alchemist Leanman, Butcher Chops, Janitor Sloppy-Joe and Musician Al Forte. He also found the Red, Blue and Green Eyes. Then in the main room, he went to the door with three eye slots in it. Musashi: Hmmmm? Three cavities... Maybe if I insert the Red Eye, Blue Eye, and Green Eye... Ah! Whatever... Musashi inserts the Eyes into the door and the door opened. Inside, Musashi activated the switch and Musashi fell into the deep cave. In there he fights the next CREST GUARDIAN Frost Dragon. After defeating it with Lumina, he gets the Frost Dragon's core and the Fire Crest has been liberated. Musashi got teleported back to Frozen Palace. And he gets out of there. Musashi: Well back to the village... Meanwhile in the Thirstquencher Empire... Capricciola: I am disappointed in you two... You didn't think that I'd forget that incident did you? Ed: Please forgive us, s, sir! W, we will not d, disappoint you in the f, future, Colonel. Ben: Duh, yah! You saved us from poverty! We won't ever forget that... ...even if we wanted to! Capricciola: Even if you wanted to...? Ed: W, what he means is that even if w, w, we were low enough to want to f, forget, we couldn't. Isn't that r, right, Ben? Ben: Duh... Yah! That's it... I didn't mean that I wanted to forget... Duh... Ed: A, a, a, a, a, a!! Capricciola: Silence! Presently, Gingerelle and Bubbles are out searching for Musashi. There's no need to worry about those frivolous sisters... Depending on Topo's situation, we will change our tactics accordingly. Be prepared. Ed: It's your ch, chance to be p, p, promoted, sir. I will do my b, best! Ben: Duh... Yah, me too! We'll show them your power!! Capricciola: ...... CHAPTER 5 THE ONE THAT NESTS UNDERGROUND After Musashi returned to Grillin' Village... Musashi: Something wrong, Mayor? Govern: Well...something 'troublesome' just occurred and... Musashi: Again!? What happened!? Govern: It's a long story... You can find out more at the village shops... Goodbye... (sadly left) Musashi: Find out MORE!? You didn't even tell me anything yet! Whatever... I'll go and find out 'more' at the shops!! Musashi talks to Jam. Jam: Princess Fillet came and demanded maintenance fees for the Palace... She claimed fees from all of the other shops, too! I can't believe that she'd do such a thing. This country used to be such a nice place. Musashi talks to Conners. Conners: Been running this shop for many years, but this is the first time that the Palace demanded money. It makes me feel like closing this shop and moving away. The other shopowners must also be devastated that the Princess took their profits! Musashi talks to Hilda. Hilda: What's going on!? The Princess took all of my money! She's been collecting money from all of the shops. Can you believe it!? Musashi talks to Kurt. Kurt: The Princess took all of my profits! I can't believe it! She did it to all of the other shops, too... To get revenge, I'll sell Fillet action figures! Musashi talks to Hotelo. Hotelo: I can't believe it! The Princess took all of the Inn's money!! We work so hard to earn it, and she just takes it away!! I feel betrayed! We're just her slaves... Musashi talks to Wanda. Wanda: I can't believe that the Princess took all of the profits!! Do you think that she'll come to collect money everyday, baby? Musashi enters Allucaneet Palace to talk to Steward Ribson. Musashi: Hey Geezer! Those thieves weren't at their hideout! Ribson: Sir Musashi!! Other, more important matters doth exist!! Musashi: Do you mean the Princess!? Ribson: Can you read my mind! The Princess disappeared! I looked everywhere in the Palace, but couldn't find her... She doth be fine when we had dinner last night... She seemed to be doing fine when she was in the village, too. Musashi: The village!? Ribson: You saweth her in the village? Musashi: The people in the village shops were saying that she took all of their profits... She said that it was to help repair the Castle. I didn't see her personally, but I think they'd all lie about something like that. Ribson: Hmmm... We must hurryeth and find the Princess!! We must prove her innocence!! Musashi: You're right... She wouldn't do such a thing! Then you go and check out the castle again and I'll go look for her in the village and the surrounding areas. Ribson: I understandeth! Oh! By the wayeth, the Gondola hath been repaired! We may now transport goods and passengers to and frometh the Palace. Musashi: Perfect! Then I'll give a ride! Ribson: Taketh care, Musashi! Musashi rides the Gondola. After getting off the Gondola... Musashi: Huh? Steam? What if...!? Musashi knocks on Fores' house door and... Musashi: That's funny... Nobody's home... Musashi takes the shortcut to Steamwood and saw Fores laying on the ground. Musashi: What's wrong, pal!? Fores: ...Oh, it's you... T...take this... Musashi received a Handle for the door. Musashi: What the heck is this? Fores: Heh heh. I locked her in... ...Inside Steamwood... Musashi: Locked WHO in? Fores: The Princess... Allucaneet's Princess... Musashi: The Princess!? What's she doing here? Fores: She ordered me to bring her here... ...and when I opened the door, she clobbered me over the head. So, I locked her in and removed the handle!! Then the brat... She made Steamwood go berserk! Musashi: Oh yeah? I'll go take a look. We can't leave Steamwood like this... Fores: Oh good! I'd really like to help, but I'll stand back and let you save the day!! Musashi: You gotta lotta mouth for someone's who's practically unconscious. Leave it to me! Later!! Musashi attached the Handle to the entrance door to Steamwood and after opening it, he goes inside. And in there... Fillet: Phew... Now the Binchotites can be refueled at Soda Fountain. Looks like something's wrong with Steamwood. Ah, who cares! Now I can go and report what I did to Colonel Capricciola. Sorry gals, but I alone will be promoted for this! Ah! Musashi...!? Um, what are you doing here? Musashi: What are you talking about? What are you doing here? Hey, I don't remember you having a tail... Musashi pulls on the tail. Fillet: Ah!! Don't do that! DON'T!!!! It's Topo. Musashi: Who the heck are you!? And how long were you disguised as the Princess? You must be one of the stupid thieves, since you were mumbling about Capricciola. Topo: Stupid thieves!? Well, I guess there's no need to keep it a secret. You're correct. I'm a member of Leader's Force! My name's Topo. I guess you already met Ed and Ben. I don't have time to PLAY with you, but next time I'll make you whimper like a dog! (she disappeared leaving a bag of money behind accidentally) Musashi: Hey! Wait...! Just like the other two... What do you mean 'whimper'! You wish, pal! Huh? Looks like she forgot something! Money!! Must be the profits from the village shops! Musashi received the Profits. Musashi: Now everyone will be okay... Whoops! Almost forgot about fixing the steam leak!! Musashi finds some valves and connected them to the corresponding valves. After fixing it all... Musashi: Finished!! Time to relax!! Steamwood is finally saved again. Musashi came out and... Fores: Thank you very muuuch! How impressive! This is the second time that you saved Steamwood, eh? No need to worry about it going berserk anymore... As long as you're here to help! Ha ha ha ha! Musashi: You've gotta be kidding!! Hey Mayor, why are you here? Somethin' wrong? Govern: Fores told me that she wasn't the real Princess. He saw someone else come out after you went inside Steamwood. Fores: Indeed! That couldn't have been the Princess... Unless I'm mistaken? Musashi: You're right. It wasn't the Princess. Govern: I thought so! Well, I already told everyone in the village and any doubts about the Princess have been cleared. I just wanted to make sure... Musashi: Oh yeah! Mayor, here... Musashi gave the Profits to Govern. Govern: What's this? Musashi: I took it back from the fake Princess. I think it's the village shops' profits. Govern: I'll return this to the proper owners. Thanks for always helping us, Musashi. Musashi: No problem! We're pals, right? Fores: He's right, Mayor Govern. There's no need to thank me. Musashi: ......... Govern: Well, Musashi, you can continue looking for the Five Scrolls again. I have complete faith in you! You can do it! Govern and Fores left. Musashi went into the Mine and went into the area where he activated the Water Crest. There he activated the Fire Crest and the fire blew a hole on the ceiling. Musashi: Holy smokes!! What a big hole!! Maybe I can climb outta here! Musashi goes up and finds the Wind Scroll. He hits it with Lumina and received the Wind Scroll. Now he can create cyclones and dig through holes. After Musashi dig the hole, he landed in the Meandering Forest unconscious. Bubbles: Uh... S...Sis!? Gingerelle: Hmmm, I think I met this boy before at Frozen Palace... Bubbles: What are you saying!? This kid is Musashi! You know, the one with Lumina! What we've been looking for!? Gingerelle: Oh really, darling? You mean THIS little runt? What a let down... Bubbles: The 'little runt' was able to defeat our Vambee Soldiers! Gingerelle: Hmmm... That is impressive. But, isn't it because he has Lumina? Well, anyways darling, now's our chance! Let's get Lumina while he's still unconscious. Bubbles: Good idea... Musashi: (woke up) Ow... Huh? Where am I? Hey! You guys are...!! Bubbles: Ahhhhhhhh! Bubbles shoot Musashi with a Bincho Field Gun and Musashi is trapped in a Bincho Field. Gingerelle: Uh... Bubbles, what are you doing!? Bubbles: Whoops. Like, sorry about that. Gingerelle: Sorry? It was our chance to get Lumina, you stupid twit! Bubbles: But, I was scared!! I couldn't help it. Like, so were you, Gingerelle. Gingerelle: What? So, you're blaming me now? Ignorance... You know how difficult it is to break Bincho Fields. Well, anyways darling, Fuhrer Flatski will hear about this! Lately, he's in such a bad mood because of Rootrick's stupidity and Capricciola. ...Don't say that I didn't warn you, darling... Gingerelle disappeared. Bubbles: Don't!! Sis, please don't tell him! Wait!! Bubbles disappeared. Musashi used his Lumina and freed himself from the Bincho Field. Musashi: Arghh!! Thought I'd be trapped in there forever! Those... So, they really want Lumina do they? I wonder what happens when Lumina absorbs all five scrolls... ......... ......... ......... Ah, who cares? Waste of time to worry about it! Musashi returns to Grillin' Village but looks like Tim and Mint are in panic. Musashi immediately talks to Tim. Tim: Help! Help! A gimoungous ant is gonna eat the Gondola office!! Musashi talks to Mint. Mint: Help! Help! A big, big and is gonna eat the Gondola office!! Please kill it, Musashi!! Musashi talks to Mr. Lands. Mr. Lands: Oh no!! Just when I thought the Gondola was fixed, THIS had to happen! Musashi: Why's it attacking the Gondola office!? Mr. Land: It's probably after the pea soup and syrup! Musashi: Syrup? Is that sweet? Mr. Land: Well of course it is!! Oh no! If that mutant ant stays here... ...the Gondola won't be able to come down from the castle. Musashi: Castle... Gondola...? Hey I know!! Hold on! I know what to do!! Musashi rides the Gondola and the Giant Ant is fatally wounded with green blood splattered over the screen. The Ant makes one last move which is destroy the path to the Upper Mine and it went down dead. After that... Mr. Lands: Good job! You're a smart kid! So you turned the tables on the mutant, huh!? Musashi: Thanks to you!! Mr. Lands: Huh? I don't remember helping you at all... By the way, I wonder where it went... Musashi enters the Upper Mine and on his way, he freed Cook Chiffonade, Conductor Scores, and Knight Rumparoni. Musashi has completed the rescues from the rescue list. Musashi found the Mine Cart. Musashi: Must be something over there... Seems fun! Let's give it a ride! Musashi rides the Cart. While cautiously riding, he eventually reached the next CREST GUARDIAN Queen Ant. Musashi: Whoaa... The ground's kinda squishy... What the heck's this!? Kinda disgusting... I'll do it a favor and slice it to shreds!!! After Musashi defeats Queen Ant with his Lumina, he took the Queen Ant's core and the Wind Crest has been liberated. Musashi activates the Wind Crest to exit the Mine. CHAPTER 6 SWORD OF LUMINESCENCE Musashi ended up in Somnolent Forest. Musashi: Zzzzzz... Huh? L...Leno? Jon: Hey, Musashi. You alright? Musashi: Jon! Where were ya? Jon: Well, actually... I've been lookin' for scrolls, man. Musashi: Already have the Earth, Water, Fire and Wind Scrolls, pal! Jon: Man, then the only one that's left is the Sky Scroll... Musashi: So, you know where it is? Jon: Sure, man. I looked up in some ancient scriptures! "A pillar of of the sky...tears of God fall on the forest...prodigious tree." It looks like this is the clue to finding the Sky Scroll. I wrote it down for you, just in case. Musashi got the Note from Jon. Musashi: Hmmm... The Sky Scroll... Looks kinda complicated to find it! But, I'll try! Jon: That's a good boy!! Keep up the good work. As long as you can get the Sky Scroll, you can liberate the Sky Crest with Lumina since you already have the other four scrolls. Man, even I don't know what'll happen after that... Musashi: You mean, you don't know? Jon: Well, I did my job. It's time to say goodbye, Musashi. Make sure you're well prepared before going 'cause once you get there, there's no turning back. Don't give up! We're counting on you! Okay, let's go Leno... Musashi: Jon! Leno! Wait..! Somethin' different about Jon today...... Musashi gets prepared. He talks to Farmer McRice and got information about Sky day raining from 7am to 12pm. After that, Musashi proceeds to Steamwood Forest and during Sky day, he activates the Wind Crest. He was taken to a platform high up the sky. Musashi: This must be where Jon was talking about. Musashi makes his way to the top of the platform and saw the Sky Scroll. He hit it with Lumina and got the Sky Scroll. He can now hover over areas. After that, the platform stopped at Soda Fountain (Thirstquencher Empire). While the platform is giving something to Soda Fountain, Colonel Capricciola came out and he's standing on a platform. Capricciola: Greetings, Musashi. I am Colonel Capricciola of the Thirstquencher Empire. First, let me say... ...congratulations, or should I say...thank you. Now, give me Lumina... Or else... Musashi: Yeah right!! Return the Princess!! Capricciola: The Princess...? Ah, don't worry about that tomboy. Fuhrer Flatski's taking good care of her, if you know what I mean. That's fine if you don't give me Lumina... But, would you rather lose Lumina or the Princess? Think about it!! Musashi: Gonna run away!? Musashi jumped to try and catch the platform Capricciola is on but he fell and thankfully, he caught the wire. Musashi: That was close. I was about to become a pan-fried steak. Musashi climbs to the entrance. And the platform that Musashi originally stand on went down and blew up. Musashi: Flatski, you guys are gonna get it! I'll get her back!! Musashi moves on. He then reaches the area with Ben. Ben: Duh...Hello, Bell Thief! Musashi: You're calling me a thief? Ben: Duh... Who cares about what happened before!! I can't let you go through! Duh... Come on, let's fight about it! You can't beat the boss of Leader's Force! Musashi: What an be able to PULVERIZE the leader!! Ben: Duh, I'm doing this so that I can give Lumina to Colonel Capricciola! Get ready! Musashi fights Ben. After that... Ben: Duhhhhhh!! Duh... Ben is defeated. Musashi moves on to the next area. After solving the puzzle there, he arrived at the area with Ed. Ed: How k, kind of you to c, come! Y, your next opponent is Leader's Force's b, brilliant boss, Ed!! Musashi: Huh? So you their leader? Ed: Y, you're looking at him! I may be s, small, but you c, can't defeat me l, like you did Ben! I must thank you b, before you go to your g, g, grave!! Musashi: What do you mean!? Ed: You'll be put away by m, m, me! Then I c, c, can give Lumina to Capricciola and b, b, be p, promoted and l, l, live h, happily ever a, a, a, a, after!! Musashi: Yeah, you wish! You're gonna burn for what you tried to do to the village!! Ed: W, w, we'll see about th, that!! Enough ch, chit chatting! Better say your p, p, prayers! Musashi fights Ed. After that... Ed: No way!! C, Colonel C, C, C, Capricciola, a, a, a, amen...... Ed is defeated. Musashi moves on. On his way to the elevator after reaching the inside area, he goes to the area with Topo. Topo: I'm Leader's Force's fashionable leader, Topo!! Welcome to my rave party! Musashi: Who's the real leader, anyways? Topo: Who cares about that!! Musashi: You're right! Who cares! C'mon, let's duel!! Topo: What!? I'm shock that you'd even think of hitting a girl! Musashi: Ow! That's a good one! Topo: Hmph! How about this? You try to keep up with my dancing! DANCE OR DIE!! Musashi watches Topo dance. She stepped on Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, X, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, and Square for the first one. Musashi does what she did in the first one. Topo: Not bad... Now can you keep up with this? Topo stepped on X, Circle, Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Triangle, Circle, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, X, X, Circle, Circle, Square. Musashi did the same thing. Topo: Not bad... Now can you keep up with this? Topo stepped on X, Triangle, Circle, Square, X, Triangle, Circle, X, X, Triangle, Circle, Square, X, X, Triangle, Triangle, Square. Musashi did the same thing. After that... Topo: Ahhhhhhh!!! You're too good!! I'm not surprised you're so good. You've been dancing to our tune all this time... It was so easy to lead you here. Musashi: I was led here? Topo: Leader's Force was ordered to help you get the Five Scrolls. And thanks to you, we didn't have to battle with the CREST GUARDIANS... It was up to us to give Colonel Capricciola the complete Lumina... You were just a pawn... Musashi: Is that what all this was... Well, too bad for you, Lumina isn't complete yet! Not until I defeat the last CREST GUARDIAN and liberate the Sky Scroll! Topo: What if I told you that it was here in Soda Fountain? Musashi: Who cares where it is! At least not until I liberate the crest!!! Musashi takes the elevator up. Then we watch the last scene of Topo where a bright light is on her... Topo: (gasp) Oh! Oh no! My legs!! That was my final rave... Farewell... Dearest Capricciola... Topo is defeated. Musashi proceeds to the teleporter. And in the spiral area where he saw Capricciola and Fillet... Musashi: Hey! That's...!! P-r-i-n-c-e-s-s!!! Fillet: M-u-s-a-s-h-i!!! Musashi: Capricciola!! You loser!! Where're you taking her!? Musashi gets to the next teleporter and in that area, he started to float all of a sudden. Musashi: Huh!? Why am I floating!? What the...? The Sky Scroll activated itself! Musashi turns around and it's the last CREST GUARDIAN Tower of Death. Musashi fights it. After destroying it, Musashi received the Tower of Death's core. The Sky Crest has been liberated. Musashi: The Sky Crest!! This is it! Wonder what power I'll get!? Before Musashi can activate the Sky Crest... Mystery Man (Flatski): Zat is as far az you go! Flatski, Fillet and Capricciola appeared. Flatski: Unless you do not care vat happenz to diz girl!? Fillet: Musashi! Like, hurry up and save me!! This guy...stinks!! Musashi: Hey!!!!! So you're Flatski!? Flatski: Dat's correct! Capricciola! Take za Lumina from za midget!! Vat are you vaiting for!! Get my Lumina! Schnell! Hurry! Capricciola: Hmph! It must be easy... give orders and complain about everything! What a life you have... Do you know how many lives you've destroyed!? Ha! As though you'd regret anything... Why'd I even ask? You can't order me around anymore! I've been waiting for this moment ever since... ...Ever since you killed my parents! Flatski: Vat are you zaying, Capri? I do not rememver killing YOUR parentz! Capricciola: Remember this? Capricciola revealed himself. It's Jon. Musashi: J, JON!? Flatski: Zat hat! You can't be? Jon: Good for you! You remembered... That's natural... Even YOU couldn't forget Thirstquencher's Prince. I've come for revenge! (pointing his gun at him) Flatski: Vah! Thirstquencher's Prince... I thought you died mit your parentz... But, Capricciola... ...Dat waz an accident... I did not mean to... Jon: Hmph! An accident!? Don't make me laugh!! I saw everything! Suddenly Rootrick appeared behind him. Musashi: Jon!! Watch out!! Rootrick shot Jon. Jon: Aargh! Rootrick: Yeehaw!! Bull's eye!! Hey pops, you alright? Flatski: Zat's a good boy!! Vell done!! Now, I should get za Lumina from that Musashi... Fillet: Musashi! Please help me! Jon: Musashi... Don't... Don't give it to him... Musashi: Jon, I'm sorry...but... I dunno what's going on anymore. Don't worry though! I won't let Flatski have his way!! Musashi gave the Lumina to Flatski. Flatski: Hahahahaha! Now zat za Lumina is mine, I can rule za vorld!! (to Fillet) Hah! Go away you tomvoy! No need for you anymore! Flatski threw Fillet off the platform and on to the ground where Musashi is standing. Musashi: PRINCESS!!! (to Flatski) You're gonna get it, pal!! (to Fillet) Princess, you alright? Fillet: Thanks, Musashi. I'm okay... ...But like, if we don't do something, Flatski's gonna take over this world!! Musashi: Maybe... Flatski: Now, I vill be in za history books! How exziting!! Give me eternal power, Legendary Sword Lumina!!!! Flatski activated the Sky Crest. Then the Wizard of Darkness Dark Lumina came out. Flatski: Yah... Dis is za Wizard of Darkness! Looks powerful!! Let us zee... First, go over zere and get rid ov zat garvage. Better zay your prayerz! Hahahahahahahaha!! Ahahahaha hahaha...!! Dark Lumina steps on Flatski and he died. Dark Lumina: HA HA HA HA HA I...AM...FREE! NOW...NO...ONE...CAN...STOP...MY ...PLANS...FOR...DESTRUCTION! Fillet: (screaming) Hahhhhhhh!!!!!!! Musashi: Why'd that monster come outta Lumina? Jon: As I expected... Fillet: Like, what's going on? Jon: The Wizard of Darkness wasn't sealed BY Lumina, but was sealed WITHIN Lumina! Musashi: You mean that I've been doing all this to release The Wizard of Darkness? Jon: No wonder Brave Fencer Musashi had CREST GUARDIANS protect the scrolls. Fillet: Watch out!! It knows were here!! Dark Lumina looks and is about to kill. Jon: Musashi!! Get out of here!! Musashi: What about you, Jon? Jon: Don't worry about me... Oh yeah... Take care of Leno for me... Fillet: Musashi!! Hurry up!! Dark Lumina crushed Jon and he died. Musashi: JON!!! Shoot! It's all my fault!! Fillet: Like, what are you saying? For cryin' out loud! Cream the creep!! You can do it, Musashi! Uh oh! Anyways, I think like we should get outta here!! Come on, let's go!! (she left) Musashi: Hey! Wait for me!! Huh? Lumina came back!? What's going on? Outside of Thirstquencher Empire... Fillet: Hurry up, Musashi!! This way!! Musashi ran away from Dark Lumina. Later after getting away, he saw Kojiro with Fillet. Kojiro: You are late, Musashi! ...As always... Fillet: Like, sorry! Got kidnapped again... Musashi: Kojiro! You're still alive? Let go of the Princess!! Kojiro: You actually think that you were able to get rid of me? Ha! Now, how about this? If you agree to a duel, she can go free! Musashi: Alright, alright!! Y'never give up, do you? Kojiro: No time to chitchat! Musashi, get ready to perish! Musashi: Princess, watch out!! Kojiro: What? Dark Lumina absorbs Kojiro and blew Fillet away. Musashi: P-R-I-N-C-E-S-S!! Dark Lumina transform. Dark Lumina: ...DUEL......MUSASHI.........GET...READY...TO...PERISH...DUEL......DUEL. ........ Musashi: Shoot! It 'absorbed' Kojiro! Oh well! Gotta find the Princess!! Musashi goes to the top of the area and finds the Princess. Musashi: Princess! Phew, I thought you were... Fillet: Oh... Musashi... Musashi: Looks like their personalities bonded and now, I guess... ...all they want is me! No worries! I'll smash it to bits and return! Until then, stay here! And don't let anyone kidnap you again, okay? Fillet: I'll be alright! Just don't lose, okay!? Musashi took the platform up to the roof and Dark Lumina is waiting for Musashi. Musashi: What a dumb looking wizard!! I did all that to free this beast!? You're gonna get it now, pal! Musashi fights the second form of Dark Lumina with the Lumina. After that, it transformed to it's powerful and last form. Musashi: Still alive? Still wanna play, huh? You're gonna regret it, pal! This is Musashi's final fight. After defeating Dark Lumina, we get a message. "The battle is over... The Wizard of Darkness was once again sealed into Lumina by Brave Fencer Musashi. The truth about Lumina must be Known so that the Wizard can never be set free again... telling the new story of the Legendary Brave Fencer Musashi." Musashi and Fillet are back in Allucaneet Palace. Fillet: Mom, Dad!! It's all your fault! It's all because you went on vacation and like, left me all alone! King Allucaneet: There there, my child. You're correct, it is all my fault. I'm awfully sorry. But, you didn't have to destroy the castle, Dear. Queen Allucaneet: From now on, we will tell you before we take a vacation. Fillet: As long as you're sorry! Huh...? No! That's not what I mean!! King Allucaneet: Oho ho ho ho! Don't get so upset, my child. Queen Allucaneet: By the way, who is that little person over there? Fillet: Oh him? He saved my life! King Allucaneet: Saved your life!? Queen Allucaneet: You don't mean that something happened while we were away? Fillet: Uh... No... Nothing happened. Right, Ribson? Ribson: Er... Yes... Uh... Other than the Princess' party it doth be very peaceful everydayeth! Fillet: See!? Musashi: (showing Lumina) Princess, I'm gonna go return this. Back in a flash. Fillet: Alright, Musashi! Be careful! King Allucaneet: Th...That's Lumina! The Sword of Luminescence!! Queen Allucaneet: Oh! Gracious me! And the name, 'Musashi'! You cannot be...!? Musashi: I'm the Legendary Brave Fencer Musashi!! How's it going, old man!? The credits roll. After that, we watch Musashi on the top of Spiral Tower and as he placed back Lumina, he disappeared knowing that he has returned to his world. This ends our story and the game. THE END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Credits Thanks, goes to SquareSoft for releasing the first action RPG with voice-overs on PlayStation.