------------------- DIGIMON WORLD 2 FAQ BY Roger Komesu Version 1.0 roger.k@bol.com.br ------------------- First, I would like to say I'm a Brazilian trying to speak English so don't expect a good handwriting . I want thanks right now my family that read the game to me , the support (and some tips to)of my friend Leonardo Mattos ,maybe he will write a FAQ later and for Vicky Moran without her I would never finish digimon world 1 . These Digimon FAQ Copyright (c)2000 Roger Komesu and may not be reproduce without my permission .These FAQ can be printed out for private use . I allowed GameFAQs and some Digimon sites to post this FAQ but if you want put my faq on your site you must ask me sending a e-mail to roger.k@bol.com.br ,thanks and good luck with your digigame ! ------------------ UPDATES V1.0 08/27/00 Intro,,controls,diferences,maps,techniques,evolve,fusion,walkthough V1.1 08/28/00 More walkthough ,add fusion and explanation to digimon keep growing V1.2 4/09/00 ------------------ ----------------- WEBSITES These sites have permission to post this FAQ in its original www.gameadvice.com www.gamefaqs.com www.cheatcc.com ----------------- ----------------- DIGIWALKTHROUGH 1.INTRODUCTION 2.CONTROLS 3.DIFERENCES FROM DIMON WORLD AND DIGIMON WORLD 2 4.MAPS 4a. Digital city and digital city explanation 4b. Items menu map and digital city explanation 5.HOW MAKE DIGIMON EVOLVE 6.FUSION 7.WHY MY DIGIMON STOPPED GROWING? 8.HOW CATCH DIGIMONS? 9.WALKTHROUGH 10.CREDITS ----------------- จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ INTRODUCTION จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ Welcome to my walkthrough .Well let's start , I hope you can accompany me and if you are in front me on the game please tell me how to pass the part that I'm , thanks! จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ CONTROLS จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ TRIANGLE = ITENS MENU CIRCLE = TALK , CONFIRM , USE MISSILE , FIND TRAPS SQUARE = NOTHING X = UNPACK THE LAST ACTION , RUN จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ DIFERENCES FROM DIGIMON WORLD AND DIGIMON WORLD 2 จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ *The digimon don't eat or poop more. *you can catch digimons! *you have a car to walk (the digibeatle)! *to learn techniques you have to increase your level. *fight with 3 and or against 3 digimon simultaneously จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ MAPS จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ Well here I will put some maps that gona make more simple to you to understand the game and my walkthrough . DIGITAL CITY /////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ / \ These is basically the digital / [BLUE \ city here is the only place that / EAGLE [ RED \ you can save so save here every / TEAM] FALCON \ time you can. / TEAM ] \ Here you have the teams that I / \ will explain later and here is / \ were you can go to missions . / [TEAM \ /[DIGICENTER] [COLISEUM] CENTER]\ / \ / \ / \ / [SILVER \ / CROSS \ / [MISSION TEAM] \ / CENTER] \ /////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Digital city explanation Blue eagle team– here is the Blue eagle team if you want be a member from These team you will get a picodevilmon(I don't now if is That his correct name but for you that watch digimon Picodevilmon is the auxiliary of Miotismon) and here Your digimon will increase his strength .It was just A guy tell to me that(the digimon is Demidevimon) Red falcon team-Here is the Red falcon team if you want be a member From these team you will get a Patamon (T.K digimon) And here your digimon will increase his speed . Silver cross team-Here is the silver cross if you want be a member from These team you will get a agumon (Tai digimon). And here your digimon will increase his intelligence . Digicenter------Here you can trade your digimon Coliseum--------Here you raise level will go up with fights , to fight You have to had tree digimons on your team . Mission center—Here you can buy parts for your car and go to missions Items menu map ///////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ To go to items menu just press triangle /[status] [equip \ but to save and equip items you have to / digimon] \ be on digital city. / \ / [use or throw [equip \ / items] items] \ / \ / \ /[digimon [save] \ / status] \ ///////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Items menu explanation Status------------- show status of digimon and digibeatle Use or throw items—- When you enter on this section the first choice is to Use and the second choice is to throw Digimon status ---- Show digimon fighting status Equip digimons----- Equip a digimon on your team for you fight with him. Equip items-------- Equip a item .When you buy a item you have to equip It ,for do this you have to enter on this section and Go to second choice there will have another 2 choices The first one is to remove your available item to Stock ,and the second one is to place yours stocked Items to available items .Received items go automatic To available items,and bought items go to stock. Save--------------- save the game จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ HOW MAKE YOUR DIGIMON EVOLVE จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ Digimons evolve just on levels 11 , 21 ,31 at this 11 equal champion , 21 equal ultimate and 31 equal mega .To evolve digimons you have to go on your choice club and go on first door from left to right than talk to the man in front you and chose yes on his question ,you will be now on a green screen choice the first section and choice the digimon that you want evolve. จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ FUSION จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ Digimons can fusion to !To you make this you must have two digimons and go to were you evolve your digimon and choice the second section and choice the digimons that you will fuse .The fusion is one of the most important thing in digimon world 2 game read down here to now why. จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ WY MY DIGIMON STOPPED TO GROWING ? จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ Sadly digimons stopped to growing on level 13 .To keep growing you must to fuse your digimon ,but just fuse it when you have a higher raise level at coliseum. The digimons stopped to growing on next levels to so raise your trainer level well to your digimon grow more จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ HOW CATCH DIGIMON? จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ Yeah !On Digimon World 2 you can catch digimons! To catch digimons is simple! You have to be at less on cavern 4(them you will have with sure that you have the item to catch digimons). Before you fight a digimon press square (them you will see the enemy digimon level) Than press circle (a list with your items to catch digimons will appear but just yours digimon catch items )than chose the item pressing circle again and your digibeatle will "toss" the item to the digimon .After that you MUST see a heart (The heart has its characteristic when more big is better)Well after you see the heart fight with him and kill the digimons after the fight he will join in your team. (On my next update Ill tell how to chose the digimon that you want ). จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ WALKTHOUGH จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ ############### CAVERN 1 ############### You begin on mission room write your name and keep going, you will be on mission screen go to orange square and press circle .Now you will be inside of your digibeatle now walk about and you will se your first enemy (I don't know his name)don't worry you will have tree digimons with you (Lilimon , A type of dinosaur and mega seadramon) after wining go to the red square you will be transported to another place keep going and you will fight whit a Leomon! /Leomon\ leomon -------------lv 25 toy agumon----------lv 7 a type of dinosaur-lv 15 Suggestion :Attack with seadramon his technique that hit tree digimons At once, use the last normal technique of your type of Dinosaur on the other type of dinosaur and use lilimon Technique on leomon. Give hp or mp to your digimon on Middle of fight in a emergency case. After that you will back to mission room and you will name your new digibeatle .Now you will know that all of it this mission was a test and now you have to choice a team to be a member(the digimons on these game arenดt normal I've choice the blue falcon team to get a patamon to evolve to a angemon and it turns to a ninjamon!!)to enter on a team you have to talk to the doorman enter on the left hall talk to the guy talk with the doorman again talk with the digimon and enter on the middle hall talk to the guy there get out of the team place ,go to digital city screen go back to the team choice and talk to doorman again enter on the middle hall talk with the guy there and choice yes and here we go !You are a part of a team! Ps: After enter on a team you won't gone enter on other team so Chose your team well. After enter on a team enter on the mission room and prepare to your second mission ! ############### Cavern 2 ############### These are a simple cavern with kanimon , toy agumon, biomon ,patamon ,gabumon and modokibetamon all of them lv1 except toy agumon he is on lv7 take advantage of it and win levels here ,go on red square and go on the boss room it's a wheelmon(I think)and he comes alone so if you have a lv5 digimon you shoud`t have problem and in any ca se remember to give mp and hp . /wheelmon\ wheelmon---lv5 Suggestion: attack the most you can in ,any case give to your digimon hp Well now you have to go to your team and talk to the doorman and to your leader(the middle door) now you go to the mission room and go to.. ############### CAVERN 3 ############### Another simple cavern you still don't have to worry with traps so you can walk with no fear, on this cave you the have the same type of digimons and now goburimon come with a partner to fight! Don't worry the maximum that he can do is make your blow count less .Just continue to go to the red square and go to the chef... /Kokatrimon\ Kokatrimon---lv10 Suggestion: Well he is more complicate and need a little extra care just fight with him when your digimon is on lv12 and go to the fight with 3 hp And you won't gonna have problem . Now come back to your team and talk to the doorman again and with your master and go to the team center to know that's in some place have a digimon center with digimons that can't evolve to ultimate form. Go to the mission room and prepare to.... ############### CAVERN 4 ############### Well here you can have some traps so be careful you can lose your EP very fast and I recommend to raise your EP to you can walk 300 footstep. The boss of this stage is very powerful so make sure that you have six HP ore more to the fight and prepare to..... /Numenon\ numenon—lv5 sukamon-lv10 demidevimon-lv10 suggestion: Now the thing start to worry you have to beat 3 digimons! Just MAKE SURE that you have at less 5 or 6 HP you will need , and just go to the boss when your digimon reach the level 13.And give HP every time you have. ############## HOLY PLACE ############## Ending the cavern 4 go to your leader and go to the mission room .and now you will see a new place. The Holy place! You will see Angemon And he will tell you that this place is dedicate to the digimons who can't go to the Mega level(War greymon etc...)Than they go there and try to go to Mega level. After the explanation go to your city and talk to your leader and now..... Now is the time to catch digimons ! go to your team and talk to the leader , now go to the team center and you will automatic talk with a men after talk with him enter on team center again and talk to him again you will now have a digimon catcher level A !With this digimon catcher you can catch just one digimon so catch the one who you like (or metal greymon if you prefer because metal greymon can be recruitable! )And now you have to go to next mission. ############### CAVERN 5 ############### Now you have the digimon catcher and you can catch any digimon . On the second or third floor on the stage you will see a metal greymon! But he will run (Don't worry he is on boss floor )Well he is very strong so just fight with him on level 13 with(well my ninjamon use only 2 HP) 2 or more HP .The rest of the stage is very common .Well on the boss level if you go to left you will see a Kentarumon(the boss)and going to left you will see two tesaure box and a passage to the metal greymon to catch him .Well if you have the metal greymon on Your team the Kentarumon going to be really easy but if you don't have him...(I suggest if you don't have Metal greymon just fight with at least six HP and Two MP) /Kentarumon\ Kentarumon LV 12 Ninjastarmon lv12 Gabumon (I think) lv 5 Suggestion : concentrate your attach in one digimon. Give to your digimon a lot of hp .If you have metal greymon this is gone be easy. ############## CAVERN 6 ############## Talk to Your leader and than go to your 6 cavern Now you done ...well see you in my next update!!! จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ CREDITS จจจจจจจจจจจจจจจจ I want thanks for every one who like and could read my FAQ and don't worry I'm 8 caverns in front so updates sure will come ^__^! I want thanks to GameFaqs from publish my FAQ I want thanks to Kurt Linsenbardt from tell to me some digimons names. I want thanks a lot to (V)ew4*HSSJ* to tell me a lot of digimons