******************************************************************************** Front Mission 3 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - My Take on them by Anthony Nguyen, aka Luxion last updated: May 11th, 2000 Where I am in the game (Emma's Storyline): Mission 67 (now I'm counting my medals to determine that). This is one of five Front Mission 3 informative collections by me. I have a habit of collecting technical information from strategy/tactical console games. I do it for myself, but all that work deserves some attention, so whether you appreciate it or not, here it is. This FAQ is never near complete as long as questions are always asked. This FAQ is meant for those who have played the game, yet I hope new players will be able to understand it. Credit goes to Square for releasing yet another great game, and finally bringing over to the US a piece of the Front Mission universe. Most all numbers, stats, technical descriptions, and names belong to Front Mission 3. Disclaimer : This FAQ Copyright 2000 Anthony Nguyen. I went through a lot of trouble to collect this information myself. If any information is used from this guide for reproduction or mass distribution, please mention my name as well as e-mail me at: luxion_mk2@hotmail.com ICQ# 4462286 If there any comments, corrections, and/or suggestions, please send them to me! Thank you for your support. *********************************************************************** Frequently Asked Questions: (and maybe some not-so-frequently asked) ******************************************************************************** Q: What should I do with the Norman Bates case Sybil keeps asking Dennis about? A: I don't know. I've shown interest in it as well and now Sybil keeps asking for advice. You'll be given 3 choices for advice to Sybil when replying. The correct reply is in regards to "DNA". Now I've been presented with 3 new choices to advance the investigation. Selecting the one regarding Ravnui's involvement brings up results - primarily a site address. ******************************************************************************** Q: What's the point of the network? A: Primarily background information. If you like to learn more about the game's story or its history, the network is where you go. There's also fun stuff to do like mess around with downloaded graphics or try to hack into other sites yourself. If you're only interested in playing the game efficiently to win, the 'I want to just to fight! Who cares about everything else!?' attitude, then the Network provides you with, of course, Simulations, Shopping, and Upgrading. $$$ If you dive deeper into the network, you can make a few extra hundred credits through e-mail, primarily hacking jobs Yun gets or reporting criminals seen on JPO's wanted list on their site. This is more for fun because the pay is very minimal. You make more money through simulators, described below. Simulators/Maps You get the better Simulators on the net. Actually, I've only run across "Real Battle" on the net, but it is worth it. If you like to battle, simulators are like random battles. Just load a map and fight like you would any normal mission. Test, Training, and Real Battle are the varying levels of difficulty. You cannot obtain Wanzers, but you do keep whatever skills you unlock. Also, items you run across are also kept. Additional simulation maps are obtained through the story and on the net. A "cheat" is to grab a map, like Fukushima, on the net with the PW, even though you do not get the PW till late in the game. You will most likely die fast, but it helps unlock skills that saves from death like Prvnt Loss and Escape. Not only that, you get loads of EXP if you attack, even if you miss. Just do not abuse the simulator to the point of point deductions in-game. The Secret Wanzer: Hoshun Mk112 For you who only like to fight, this is basically the only reason to go on the net. Not only do you get perhaps the best Wanzer parts in the game, but you also get the only Beam weapon available to your characters, the Heavy P-Gun. It is also the strongest weapon in the game available to you. Read the next Q&A on how to obtain it. ******************************************************************************** Q: Uh...why not talk about Simulations and Items found on the field? A: Okay. At first I thought you could not keep items found in simulation maps, but after doing a test, I found that if you have space in your backpack, the item gets placed in it, and it will be available after the simulation. During this test, a few more questions arised. This test was 5 runs of the Taal Base map. The first 4 times, my wanzers were not equipped with Item- holding backpacks. They never ran across any items. The 5th time, 3 pilots had Item-holding packs, and 2 of them found items. Are those equipped with Item-holding packs the only ones capable of finding items? I had never kept track in the storyline. Finally, it's not really worth the time and effort to find these items. They tend to be cheap items. The moentary rewards from playing the map should be able to pay for items. Credit goes to [check my ICQ list for name] for bringing this to my attention. ******************************************************************************** Q: How do I get this secret Wanzer I hear about? A: Through the net. You can also capture one you run across, which also comes complete with a Heavy P-Gun, but the one on network will not be available until you lose the captured one and its beam weapon. I will only list the steps on how to get it. Note, this is only for Emma's storyline. I believe it will also be available to Alisa late in the story. This is available after the Observatory Mission, when you just arrived in Japan (late mission 50s). - Check the Armored Kin's BBS Message #3 (ARMOREDKIN/OTHER/JAPAN) - Go to Auspend Hacker Site's Garbage Pit (AUSPEND/OTHER/AUSTRALIA) A Inferno Phone Dialer should be available - Use it and enter: 555XKR224 - You will then talk to someone who will then transfer the goods to your stock Note: He will warn you if you do not have enough space in your stock. If he does, clear some space and call him back. ******************************************************************************** Q: How good is this Heavy P-Gun? A: It's a good weapon with its pros and cons. Its drawbacks are its weight and AP consumption, but those only offset its already insane damage capability and range. The Heavy P-Gun is as heavy as a decent shoulder weapon, but the AP cost of 15 is a slight nuisance, seeing that pilots only regenerate 12 AP/turn. What's great about the Beam is that you can link skills to it and the damage is the highest in the game - 250 as compared to the next highest of a Melee's 156. Flamers can potentially knock off over 600HP worth of damage, but the Heavy P-Gun's range of 9 with no Acc loss over distance can only be matched by Missiles. At Beam level C, my pilots can do 500+ damage. Recommended skills to link: AP-30% or AP-60% so that you can fire the weapon again the next round. Why waste slots with Smash skills when you can potentially sever arms in 1 or 2 shots, without the fear of retaliation if fired from distance. If you do decide to use this in battle, I would recommend firing it every other round to take out small targets like tanks and stuff. That way, you do not destroy whole wanzers "accidentally" and you do not suffer "Average Damage" deductions if you're going for the Platinum medal. ******************************************************************************** Q: How can I capture wanzers? A: Capturing Wanzers is quite easy in my opinion. What's difficult, maybe even impossible from what I've found, is capturing the wanzers of special enemy characters. Three Ways to capture wanzers: 1) Kill the pilot while they are still inside the wanzer. Sometimes, rarely though, a shot will damage the pilot. Other than that, you want to use the PilotDMG skills. I have not found PilotDMGII to be useful. Too many slots and the amount of damage is not that much greater than I. I have not gotten III yet, but I know it is going to take 3 slots, and I bet 3 I's will do more than 1 III. This is how I do it. My Dennis happens to know 5 PilotDMGIs. Emma knows 4. I stick all of that into a computer with Combo[UP]. It never fails that Dennis will link 3 or more PilotDMGIs, doing 7 damage to the pilot with his M.Gun. Rifles do 7 damage. 3 hits of PilotDMGI will kill a pilot. Just hope you do not destroy the wanzer's body while doing it. That is also why I choose burst over 1-hit weapons. Heck, while the Mingda 2 M.Gun is available to me, Dennis uses the old KodoSN990. His purpose is primarily "hunting" pilots. Also, I choose M.Gun over Rifle because I can hit at least once which is enough to inflict maximum damage to the pilot. Shotguns, even with a good chance of scoring a hit, only inflict 5 damage to the pilot, which means comboing 4 skills instead of 3. 2) Kill the pilot after he/she ejects. This one is harder. Two ways to eject a pilot from their wanzer: luck and skill. If you are lucky, you will eject them with a random hit. This is rare. The other way is to use the skill EjectPunch. Again, equip as many EjectPunch as you can on a melee fighter (only my main character has 2, everyone else has 1 or none). Equip it onto a computer with Activation[UP] and just hope it activates. Do this first! That way, your other characters who are equipped with burst weapons can kill the pilot. Burst because you have a better chance of hitting the pilot. If you EjectPunch after all your other characters took their turn, the pilot will simply get back into their wanzer during their turn. 3) Make the wanzer surrender. This is very easy and very frustrating. To make a wanzer surrender, you have to cripple it to the point of near-death or no weapons. I like to blow off arms so they lose all their weapons. That way, they sit around until they fail their morale check. Other than that, they tend to surrender when they have a few HP left. The frustrating part is trying NOT to hit the body and destroying them. Destroying bodies are for getting through stages quickly or when you don't need the wanzers or money. When they are "surrendering", (waving the white flag, but still active), you want to hit them one more time to insure that they surrender (their HP turns white/gray). If they are near death, you want to step outside of your wanzer and shoot them with your pistol. Using anything else risks destroying the wanzer's body. It's a waste of valuable time and personnel to step out, but it's worth the wanzer. Another way is to surround a wanzer. The more heavily damaged they are, the more units you have adjacent to them, the sooner they decide to give in. When they check morale, sometimes they become active again and start attacking. Sometimes they surrender completely. Normally, they comtemplate surrendering. As for special enemy characters, I do not know if it is possible to capture their wanzers. I'm still trying to figure out if I am able to get my own EC wanzers elsewhere or from the Wulong. They never surrender and my PilotDMG skills never seem to activate when attacking them. The possibility of special enemy characters giving up their wanzers lingers because I got one of my Qibing 0s from Griffith, who surrendered. I have spent 10+ turns having 2 or 3 of my pilots pecking away at armless wanzers, hoping that they would surrender. I restarted battles when I brought the cool white Shangdi 1 (Emma mission with Wulong's first appearance) or Kodomari down to less than 10 HP with pistols! (their bodies of course). I restarted because I did not want Bronze medals for wasting 20+ turns trying to force the enemy to surrender. ******************************************************************************** Q: ROFUPIx3 v. ROFUPIII A: I recently got into a short discussion with someone in regards to this topic. ROFUPIII takes up 3 slots, which could also be filled by 3 ROFUPIs. If all 3 ROFUPIs combo, which is most likely to happen with a Combo%[Up]high computer, the total number of shots fired is 360% normal, compared to ROFUPIII's 200%. So, 2 ROFUPI's not only saves a slot, but still puts out more bullets (240%). Of course, this is totally dependent on what kind of computer you are using. If you would like to work some enemy over thoroughly, stick with a Combo%[Up]med-high computer and link 6 ROFUPIs for 720% total bullets (if lucky). 3 or 4 PilotDMGIs is just as effective for taking enemies out of action, but link ROFUPIs when you know you're going up against special enemy characters or like to see wanzers get chewed up in one go. ROFUPIII is more reliable with an Activate%[Up]med-high computer, so hopefully you will be wearing the enemy down with 200% bullets instead of waiting for that one great combo. ******************************************************************************** Q: Dbl PunchI and Dbl ShotI A: The skill can be unlocked and used when your pilot is using the same TYPE of weapons in each arm. They do not have to be the same model. For example, a Laohu 3 and a Laoxing 6 in each arm will work because they are both Rifles. ******************************************************************************** Q: What skills do you recommend when setting up? A: Skills can be set up to anyone's liking. You can set up skills to reflect the story and show the character's class. When characters first join the party, their wanzer and armament should tell you what they are suited for. For Emma's storyline, the main character and Ryogo both start with burst weapons. Emma has a Gunner-type wanzer (missiles and all). Dennis appears to be a sniper with his wanzer's ZoomII ability and rifle. Of course, most of us play for maximum efficiency. I try to equalize everyone and make them decent with every weapon type (at least C class). When I go into battles without the "worry about money" mentality, I gear my wanzers up for serious fighting, equipping skills to fit their weapons. Rndm Smash, AP-30% for those with Rifles. Sometimes I equip them with 2 Rifles and Dbl ShotI, assuming that they will be hanging in the back and avoiding direct battle. Melee units run in with 1 EjectPunch (simply for the purpose of stalling the enemy), ShieldAtks, maybe even InitiativeII or III. Of course, there will be units stacked for super damage (see Q&A: ROFUPI v III). Generally everyone will reserve one slot for Chaff. That skill is a life-safer sometimes, sparing shields' durability and arms' HP for for the 400+ melee attacks. ******************************************************************************** Q: How should I equip my wanzers? A: Fit them to your your taste and your character's strengths. If they have a lot of skills relating to burst weapons, give them burst weapons. If their excellent with Missiles, equip them with missiles. With missiles, I recommend an arm weapon of some type for closer encounters. It is also easier to link skills with arm weapons then it is for shoulder weapons. If you do equip weapons your pilots are skilled with, but do not have complenting skills for, then use defensive skills. A major recommendation are shields. At the start, damage is so minimal that shields only direct damage to an arm. Later in the game, when damage proportions exceed HP upgrades, shields not only direct damage to the arms, but reduces it by a bunch. I'm currently sorting out a "Best Wanzer Part" section. Look at the bottom of this FAQ to see what I have found. For now, just keep Lenghe 1 Legs, Qibing 0 Bodies, Mingtian 1 Bodies, and Shunwang 1 Arms. Maybe the Shunyo Mk111 Legs as well. ******************************************************************************** Q: I didn't ask about Rifles. Why are you talking about them? A: I just want to give my thoughts on Rifles. Rifles are great in early game, when a shot depletes wanzers of plenty of HP. Late in the game, even when used by a skilled pilot, Rifles do little damage compared to every other weapon. They also hit less often unless you upgrade arms' Accuracy to match your enemies' Evade upgrades. I find that they are only useful if linked with skills, of course, that will make rifles extremely deadly. Linked with Smash skills, for only 4 AP to fire, 6 range, and unlimited ammo, Rifles fare much better than the other 1-hit weapons (Melee and Missiles). The one-shot kill Body Smash uses 5 computer slots though. What do I mean? You have to get up close and personal with Melee weapons, which also has lower priority when attacking. Rifles offer 6 range, and only other Rifles can counterattack. Missiles have 9 range and cannot be counterattacked, but they have limited ammo and require 10 AP instead of a Rifle's 4. Lastly, Rifles can counterattack at close range and long range. During all that time a Smash skill should activate. ******************************************************************************** Q: What are the best parts? (I asked myself that) A: I evaluated all the parts and have concluded the best individual parts for specific tasks. These are my OPINIONs based on numbers. At the end of the game, when you're no longer worried about unlocking skills, you want a durable wanzer. Hopefully this list will help you build that wanzer. I will also explain my choices. At the end of this FAQ are my notes. Hopefully this list will help you decide what wanzers to try and capture as well as what parts to sell off. E.P = Effective Power for Bodies (Power minus the weight) Bodies: HP: Power: E.P: Def-C: Notes: Hoshun Mk112 1661 350 313 60% *Cannot buy. Mingtian 1 1036 344 284 40% *Cannot buy. Whisk 1036 344 284 40% Lanze 1647 206 167 60% Qibing 0 1423 231 189 60% *Cannot buy. Substitute Vinedrai 1207 254 212 40% Hoshun Mk112 - Freak of nature, also one of a kind Mingtian 1 - Best body for heavy equipping. Obtained by capture Whisk - Best body for heavy equipping that can be purchased Lanze - Highest HP besides the Hoshun Mk112, primarily for melee Qibing 0 - Substitute for Lanze if you need the extra 22 power Note the Lanze can be bought while Qibing 0 has to be captured Vinedrai - Most well-rounded Body, with decent HP, Def-C, and Power Arms: HP: Wt: +Acc: Notes: Hoshun Mk112 1065 25 126% *Cannot buy. Shangdi 1 610 51 147% Shunwang 1 752 36 105% *Cannot buy. Tiandong 3 1036 15 37% Prov PAW2 718 33 94% Substitute Hoshun Mk112 - Best overall arm, highest HP, one of a kind Shangdi 1 - Best Accuracy bonus, offset by its heavy weight. Drake M2C is a substitute for high Acc (126%), but too low HP (480) That's why I recommend as a substitute... Shunwang 1 - Best "average" arm. Above average Acc, decent HP, low weight Obtained by capture. Prov PAW2 - Substitute for the Shunwang 1. A bit weaker, but weighs 3 less Tiandong 3 - Best Shield Arm money can buy. Boost/ Legs: HP: Wt: Move: Dash: Evade: Notes: Hoshun Mk112 1420 35 5 7/5 59% *Cannot buy. Genie 852 18 2 7/4 47% Shunyo Mk111 718 38 3 7/4 47% *Cannot buy. Kyojun Mk107 730 43 3 7/4 47% Substitute Pare PAW1 718 38 3 7/3 35% Substitute Lenghe 1 1363 59 6 7/4 47% *Cannot buy. Zenislev 1171 55 5 7/4 47% Substitute Kasel M2 1002 59 6 7/4 47% Substitute Lanze 1363 59 6 6/5 24% Substitute Hoshun Mk112 - Best move for its weight, highest HP and evade, one of a kind Genie - Best for its weight class Shunyo Mk111 - Best average move (all the 4 moves suck), low weight and high evade. Can only be captured. Kyojun Mk107 - Better substitute for Shunyo Mk111. Weighs 5 more, but practically identical. Pare PAW1 - If 5 more power is a problem, go with this substitute. Lenghe 1 - Best HP and Move, though its weight reflects this. Obtained by capture. Zenislev - In my opinion, better substitute for the Lenghe 1. Kasel M2 - Substitute for Lenghe 1. Same Evade but a lot less HP. Lanze - Substitute for Lenghe 1. Same HP but much lower Evade. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** My personal stories: ******************************************************************************** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ejected a pilot from their wanzer. I then moved another character equipped with a shotgun next to this pilot to hurt, if not kill, them. The pilot has priority and attacks first. Avoid80 activated, my wanzer took 0 damage, but that lucky, non-damaging shot ejected my pilot. During the enemies' turn, that stupid little pilot crawls back into their own damaged wanzer, leaving the my wanzer for my pilot. Moral: Expect the least expected. 0 damage can also stun, confuse, and eject. Enemy pilots never board your wanzers unless they can eject directly into it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My pilot, outside of his wanzer, pecks a near-dead enemy wanzer waving a white flag, forcing them to surrender. During their turn, a stupid Taita 4 lobs a grenade over my other 3 wanzers' heads into our direction, damaging my pilot, his wanzer, and destroying the recently acquired wanzer. Moral: Just plan better. I'm not sure how the AI targets, but they tend to pick on naked pilots, avoiding even the best targets for grenade damage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First time I met the Wulong (only Rudolf and Rebecca), I had disabled them by the second turn. Two of my characters had grenade launchers equipped. By turn two, the third grenade took out their arms. This is the same mission where the white, super upgraded Shangdi 1 makes an appearance. I was ill-prepared for "hunting" these cool wanzers so I went old school - disable and force surrender. Unfortunately, these are special characters and I was only successful in capturing 2 Tiandong 3s. Oh a couple grenades and a M.Gun rush disabled the Shangdi 1 from doing anything as well. Moral: Grenades, when in the hands of the skilled, rock. That is probably why they weigh so much and why you cannot link any skills/combos with them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another Grenade story. I equipped 3 of my characters with grenades because I knew I would run into groups of enemy wanzers who started in close proximity (actually, I played before and restarted because I wanted to capture many). This was Mission 59(60?), the harbor mission. I got a group of 3 wanzers to surrender before they even started their turn. After the mission, I made a lot of money, but suffered the maximum deductions for "Average Damage", -15%. Moral: Grenades, when in the hands of the skilled, rock. That's why they have medals, so that you do not abuse certain things in the game. Grenades hit every part of a wanzer, so damage is essentially multiplied by 4 in one shot, which can send your "Average Damage" through the ceiling. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My rare Silver medals are from wasting turns running around the whole stage deforesting or destroying objects looking for secrets. All I have found are Repair-related items. I have stopped searching after the Shin-Ohgishima bridge mission (early missions). Moral: Waste your time capturing wanzers. Pay-off is better. Note: If you have found weapons, wanzer parts, or secrets from destroyable objects in the game (besides the destroyable dam), tell me so. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************** Battle Tactics: ******************************************************************************** Learn the terminology: FR Flame Launcher (not Flamer) GR Grenade Launcher MG or M.Gun Machine Gun Mel Melee Msl Missile Wpn(s) Weapon(s) Rng Range Dmg Damage [P] Pierce [I] Impact [F] Fire/Flame [N] Neutron (Neutral?) AP Action Points Major Factions: OCU Oceana Co? USN ? - can't be as simple as the United States Navy in this time period where the US we know is merged with Canada and Mexico (and all of S. America as well?) EC Europe? DHZ Da Han Zhong JDF Japanese Defense Force HLR Hua Ling Rebels Wanzer classifications: Fighter Close combat. Tends to have high move to close the distance fast. Also tends to have high HP to withstand attacks before attacking. Attacker Mid-ranged all-around combat unit. Decent power supply for eqiupping various weapons. Decent movement and HP as well. Gunner Long ranged unit. Tends to stay in the back and shoot ranged weapons, which explains its low HP and large power supply to hold those heavy shoulder weapons. Minimal movement legs and high accuracy arms better situate it for long range combat. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pilot Status: Surrendered Inactive. Pilots can board. Surrender Waving a white flag. Active, but non-participating. Morale check every turn. Stunned Inability to do anything for a short period. Confused AP cost increased by 3 (except for No Action) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapons in general: # of Acc. Loss Weapon Type: Acc: Range: Attks: AP: Ammo: Rng/Height: ---------- ---- ---- ----- ----- -- ---- ---------- M.Gun P 80% 1-4 10 5 -- -10%/-5% Shotugn I 75% 1-3 12 3 -- - 2%/-5% Rifle P 75% 1-6 1 4 -- - 2%/-5% Flame Launcher F 60% 1-2 4/7/11 4/7/11 -- - 2%/-5% Melee (Fist) I 100% 1 1 1 -- - 0%/-0% Melee (Baton) I 120% 1 1 1 -- - 0%/-0% Melee (Spike) P 110% 1 1 1 -- - 0%/-0% Missile F 80% 3-9 1 10 -- - 0%/-0% Grenade F 60% 3-6 --- 12 -- - 0%/-0% Beam N 90% 1-9 1 15 -- - 0%/-5% Machine Guns, Shotguns, and Flame Launchers are "burst" weapons. Each attack hits a random location. Shotguns distribute their attacks to every part. Flame Launcher's AP consumption is equivalent to the number of attacks, which is variable and decided by the shooter. Default is 4 when fired with skills such as the "other" weapon in DblShot, or FiringSquad. Fists tend to be heavier, less accurate, but more damaging compared to the other Melee weapons. Batons/Rods are more accurate, lighter, but least damaging. Spikes offer a balance of the two, in addition to being [P]ierce instead of [I]mpact. Missiles/Grenades cannot be counterattacked, nor can they be used to counterattack. Missiles offer the option of defending with Shields while Grenades do not. Grenades affect a 2 range radius from the target point, damaging all parts if targets are hit. Counterattacking requires an additional 3 AP. All pilots "regenerate" 12 AP at the start of their turns. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Learn priorities if you haven't already. The following is ranked from highest priority (first to attack) to lowest (last to attack) in a round of combat. Attacking Pilot/Soldier Defending Pilor/Soldier Attacking Range (Non-Beam) Defending Range (Non-Beam) Attacking Beam Defending Beam Attacking Melee Defending Melee Note: Skills can alter the order (primarily Brace and Initiative). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use Shotguns or Machine Guns, maybe even Flamers, to destroy low HP parts. It's even more vital when that damaged part can counterattack. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemies with shields can be annoying because they will take a while to destroy/ disable. You can either waste time and deplete their shield's durability (or drain them of AP), or rush a fighter (melee-equipped wanzer) to attack. They should have the HP to withstand any assault because the computer will choose to counterattack (if AP is available) instead of defend, even if they only have Hardblow. Hopefully a lucky hit to the shield arm weakens it enough for someone else to destroy it. It appears that the AI will always opt for a counterattack of sorts instead of defending itself with a Shield, if possible. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Notes ******************************************************************************** Kyokei Mk108 (Iguchi) 12mm MG (Iguchi, emplacement) Mk09 AFV (Iguchi, vehicle) MK8 Support (Iguchi, quad-wheeled) Shunyo Mk111 (Kirishima) Mk12 AFV (Kirishima, 3-wheeled vehicle) MMG3 Ship (Kirishima, ship) Meldyne M1 (Leonora) Shangdi 1 (Tiewudi) Mk54 MBT (Tiewudi, tank) Mk59 APC (Tiewudi, APC) Dual Cannon (Tiewudi, emplacement) Mk42 Quad (Tiewudi, emplacement) Bihu 1 (Tiewudi, 4-legged) Taita 4 (Tiewudi, 4-legged tank) Heidong 3 (Tiewudi, big wanzer) Streich/Mk5 AFV (Schnecker, 4-legged tank) Tora/Haolong 4 (Sender, Tall 4-legged) Mk20 AFV (Shanghai Steel, vehicle) Chixuan 6 (Shanghai Steel, helicopter) Shangfeng 5 (Shanghai Steel, big helicopter) Mk39 PT Boat (Shanghai Steel, boat) Qinghuayu 1 (Shanghai Steel, 4-legged amphibious-boat?) Xiangyu 2 (Shanghai Steel, 6-legged bug-tank?) Wulong Members -------------- Rudolf Kaiser (Grezex) Rebecca Sydney (Whisk) Hatari Khartoum (Vinedrai) Greg Herigle (Lanze) Emilio Gusly (Whisk) Lukav Minaev Jared Bogdanof Rosavia ******************************************************************************** Best Parts (still analyzing): The Hoshun Mk112 is by far the best for any give purpose, unless you really do need the extra 20% Acc, 1 extra move, 10 fewer weight, etc. It is also, so far, a one-of-a-kind Wanzer, as well as a secret one too. How this is organized: I first organize by weight/power. Then I take the highest HP part, then the best part function (ie, Body = Def-C, Arms = +Acc%, Legs = Evade, Move). Boost and Dash are not really a major concern of mine. There sometimes exists a balanced part which I will also list. Some of these parts can only be captured (denoted by *), so I listed substitute parts that can be purchased. Body: HP: Wt: Power: DCM: Hoshun Mk112 1661 37 350 60% * Best Overall Drake M2C 762 60 344 60% Best high power DCM Whisk 1036 60 344 40% Sub for Mingtian Mingtian 1 1036 60 344 40% * Preferred, decent DCM Rekson M4F 720 38 269 60% too low on HP Grezex 979 38 269 40% Um...maybe Vinedrai 1207 42 254 40% Better than Yongsai 3 Prov PAW2 950 44 253 60% If you really want the DCM... Yongsai 3 1292 44 253 40% Decent Zenislev 1604 42 231 20% Good HP, but low DCM Qibing 0 1423 42 231 60% * Good HP and DCM Kyokei Mk108 887 40 220 40% Um...no Lanze 1647 39 206 60% Best HP, but low power Body Arm: HP: Wt: Acc: Shangdi 1 610 51 147% Best Accuracy, heavy weight Drake M2C 480 45 126% Too low on HP, but high Acc Kyojun Mk107 667 36 105% Sub for Shunwang 1 Shunwang 1 752 36 105% * Best overall "medium" arm Prov PAW2 718 33 94% A little bit more HP than Kyojun Mk107 Yongsai 3 809 33 66% Really need HP over Acc? Go with Tiandong 3 Kyokei Mk108 667 25 73% Don't bother Hoshun Mk112 1065 25 126% * Best overall arm Zenislev 894 20 25% Don't bother Qibing 0 894 20 37% * Don't bother Kasel M2 762 15 52% Don't bother Tiandong 3 1036 15 37% Best Shield Arm money can buy Legs: HP: Wt: Move: B/D: Evade: Genie 852 18 2 7/4 47% Best low-weight Pare PAW1 718 38 3 7/3 35% go with the other subs Shunyo Mk111 718 38 3 7/4 47% * Best 3 Move: weight, evade Vinedrai 994 43 3 6/5 24% better HP sub for Shunyo Kyojun Mk107 730 43 3 7/4 47% better sub for Shunyo Mk111 Prov PAW2 783 48 3 -/- 47% Hover...bleh... Kyokei Mk108 730 45 4 7/3 35% why bother with these? Yongsai 3 1065 48 4 6/5 24% why bother with these? Hoshun Mk112 1420 35 5 7/5 59% * Best Evade Zenislev 1171 55 5 7/4 47% IMO, better sub for Lenghe 1 Kasel M2 1002 59 6 7/4 47% sub for Lenghe 1, evade*** Lanze 1363 59 6 6/5 24% sub for Lenghe 1, HP* Lenghe 1 1363 59 6 7/4 47% * Best HP and move