Legend of Mana Complete Technique List 6/18/00 v2.75 By Ronnie Crowder (Deathscythe52@hotmail.com) I got Legend of Mana the day it came out then went on GameFaqs a few day later to find the ST list. All I found were Japanese lists of the abilities so I decided to take matters into my own hands and after many hours this is what I came up with. This is also my first FAQ so I hope it's good enough. Updates 6/18/00-added updates, fixed some typos, expect ranges soon 6/17/00-added my strategy 6/17/00-made the list clearer,added damage 6/16/00-first release all abilities and techniques done My Learning Strategy: A lot of you are asking how to learn the STs that need 3 or 4 abilities. Well those abilities are required meaning you must have them to learn the technique, you don't have to have them all on there. What I did to learn the techniques was 1.Go to the weakest enemies in YOUR game (Mekiv Caverns or Luon Highway) 2.Put the final 4 STs I have of that weapon 3.Learn the ones farther up the list first (ex:Aerial Reaver before Phoenix) note:this doesn't mean learn all knife before sword 4.Put 2 abililities of the one you are trying to learn (preferably ones you can attack with) and use them 5.If you don't get the technique after a while switch to other abililities needed This is what I did to learn them, but keep in mind it takes a VERY long time to learn some. |-------------------| |Key | |___________________| 1=Minor Damage 2=Medium Damage 3=Major Damage 4=Extreme Damage |-------------------------------------------------| |Abilities List Abilities | |_________________________________________________| Jump None Defend None Lunge None Retreat None Crouch None Push None Cheer None Spin None Grapple Defend,Push Whirl Grapple,Spin Bash Whirl,Push Somersault Lunge,Jump Back-Roll Retreat,Jump Back-Flip High-Jump,Back-Roll Moonsault High-Jump,Somersault High-Jump Crouch,Jump Double-Jump High-Jump,Jump Tackle Lunge,Push Counterattack Defend Counterstrike Counterattack Taunt Retreat,Cheer Evade Lunge,Retreat Toss Crouch,Bash Defensive Lunge Defend,Lunge Slide Crouch,Lunge Flip-Kick Back-Roll,Back-Flip |__________________________________________________| |----------------------------------------------------------------| |Knife ST Abilities | |________________________________________________________________| 2 Admonition Lunge 1 Rising Eagle Jump 1 Vortex of Death Spin 1 Vapor Blade Somersault 1 Sonic Wave Back-Roll 1 Rising Dragon High-Jump 1 Crescent Moon Moonsault 1 Eclipse Back-Flip 2 Backstab Slide,Double-Jump 2 Puppet Retreat,Cheer 2 Cobra Fang Push,Retreat 2 Ninja Drop Grapple,Push 3 Pouncing Cat Back-Roll,Somersault 2 Back Slasher Whirl,Lunge 3 Reaping the Mist Back-Roll,Back-Flip,Lunge 1 Dark Assassins Evade,Spin,Crouch 3 Dance of Roses Defensive Lunge,Evade,High-Jump 3 Looking Glass Whirl,Bash,Taunt 4 Aerial Reaver Flip-Kick,Spin,Crouch,High-Jump 3 Phoenix Cheer,Evade,Double-Jump,Defensive Lunge |___________________________________________________________________| |----------------------------------------------------------------| |Sword ST Abilities | |________________________________________________________________| 2 Iai Strike Lunge 2 Cutting Bamboo Jump 1 Maelstrom Spin 2 Rising Sun Crouch 2 Triple Tiger Somersault 2 Blade Launcher Back-Roll 3 Cutting Pine High Jump 1 Bird of Prey Moonsault 2 Corkscrew Back-Flip 2 Cross Strike High-Jump,Lunge 2 Tiger Claw Somersault,Back-Roll 2 Clean Sweep Slide,Retreat 2 Dragon's Tail Tackle,Back-Flip 1 Orbiting Blades Spin,Defensive Lunge 3 Motion of Truth Tackle,Bash,Moonsault 3 Smashing Blade Push,Whirl,Somersault 3 Invisible Death Grapple,Lunge,Retreat 3 Dynamite X Jump,Crouch,Cheer 4 Terminal Velocity Whirl,Back-Flip,Spin,Lunge 3 Golden Dragon Toss,Evade,Crouch,High-Jump |_________________________________________________________________| |----------------------------------------------------------------| |Axe ST Abilities | |________________________________________________________________| 2 Deep Slice Lunge 2 Axe Bomb Jump 1 Tornado Spin 2 Electronic Yo-Yo Somersault 1 Retribution Back-Roll 1 Bird of Prey Moonsault 2 Salmon Upstream Back-Flip 2 Rising Sun Crouch 3 Cutting Pine High-Jump 3 Axe Bomber Evade,Bash 2 Black Wings Toss,Bash 4 Boulder Dash Back-Flip,Tackle 1 Orbiting Blades Spin,Defensive,Lunge 2 Cross Strike High-Jump,Lunge 3 True Strike Whirl,Somersault,Moonsault 3 Dynamite X Jump,Crouch,Cheer 3 Time Burst Push,Spin,Evade 4 Karma Cheer,High-Jump,Evade,Counterstrike |_________________________________________________________________| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |2 Handed Sword ST Abilities | |___________________________________________________________________| 2 Lunging Arc Lunge 2 Rising Crush Crouch 1 Spiral Wave Somersault 2 Shish Kebob Back-Roll 2 Impulse High-Jump 1 Shield Breaker Jump 1 Windslasher Spin 2 Windwalker Moonsault 2 Splashblade Back-Roll,Back-Flip 2 Rain of Blood Toss,Double-Jump 3 Bring It On Retreat,Taunt 2 Marble Stream Evade,Lunge 3 Skullsplitter Whirl,Jump 3 Beautiful Three Tackle,Back-Flip,Lunge 3 Quakebringer Cheer,Moonsault,Crouch 3 Triple Offense Evade,Somersault,High-Jump 4 Deep Swing Crouch,Defend,Counterattack,Counterstrike 4 Raging Pain Evade,Flip-Kick,Jump,Taunt |____________________________________________________________________| |----------------------------------------------------------------| |2 Handed Axe ST Abilities | |________________________________________________________________| 2 Sideswipe Lunge 2 Rising Claw Jump 1 Flying Sawblades Spin 2 Rolling Throw Somersault 1 Blurred Axe Back-Flip 2 Rising Crush Crouch 1 Spiral Wave Somersault 1 Impulse High-Jump 3 Divine Right Push,Back-Roll 3 Snowfall Toss,Spin 2 Spinning Hawk Back-Flip,Flip-Kick 1 Tidal Wave Evade,Defensive Lunge 2 Splashblade Back-Roll,Back-Flip 3 Angelic Lumberjack Somersault,Moonsault,Back-Flip 3 Buzzsaw of Doom Double-Jump,Somersault,Lunge 3 Spikestrike Whirl,Slide,Moonsault 4 Sparkling Rampage Retreat,High-Jump,Spin,Tackle |_________________________________________________________________| |----------------------------------------------------------------| |Hammer ST Abilities | |________________________________________________________________| 2 Super Slugger Lunge 2 Big Bang Jump 1 Blammo Spin 1 Mole-Hunting Somersault 1 Ground Zero High-Jump 2 Rising Crush Crouch 2 Windwalker Moonsault 1 Retribution Back-Roll 3 Blazing Hammer Retreat,Tackle 2 Double Impact Somersault,Moonsault 2 Thor's Hammer Toss,High-Jump 2 Skullsplitter Whirl,Jump 1 Tidal Wave Evade,Defensive Lunge 3 Ultra Slugger Toss,Retreat,Lunge 3 Intervention Double-Jump,Spin,Somersault 3 Volcano Crouch,Cheer,Jump 4 Pearly Gates Toss,Retreat,Lunge,Spin |_________________________________________________________________| |----------------------------------------------------------------| |Spear ST Abilities | |________________________________________________________________| 2 Lancer Lunge 1 Mighty Javelin Jump 1 Twister Spin 2 Dragon's Bite Somersault 1 Furious Copter High-Jump 2 Nebulous Saucer Moonsault 2 Lancenator Tackle,Crouch 2 Cyclone Racer Spin,Lunge 2 Rewind Back-Roll,Moonsault 3 Fool's Play Toss,Evade 2 Holy Light High-Jump,Somersault 3 Triple Supremacy Lunge,Crouch,Spin 3 Deadly Branding Bash,Taunt,Slide 3 Chrome Ray Back-Roll,Defensive Lunge,Grapple 3 Raging Fury Tackle,Evade,Lunge 4 Lo and Behold Crouch,Moonsault,Double-Jump,Spin 3 Blue Dragon Evade,Retreat,Spin,Defensive Lunge |_________________________________________________________________| |----------------------------------------------------------------| |Staff ST Abilities | |________________________________________________________________| 2 Gust Lunge 2 Paint it Black Jump 1 Aftershock Spin 1 Golden Pyres Crouch 2 Bubbles High-Jump 2 Blaze Moonsault 1 Halo Evade 2 Purgatory Tackle,Cheer 2 Flower of Gold Evade,Retreat 2 Fire and Ice Somersault,Back-Flip 2 Gates of the Fall Spin,Moonsault 3 Song of the Spirits Spin,Evade,Taunt |_________________________________________________________________| |----------------------------------------------------------------| |Gloves ST Abilities | |________________________________________________________________| 2 Bloody Knuckles Lunge 2 Lightning Kick Jump 1 Whirlwind Kick Spin 2 Jawbreaker Crouch 2 Rolling Slam Somersault 2 Flip-Thrust Back-Roll 2 Moonsault Stomp Moonsault 2 Giant Swing Grapple,Spin 3 Tiger Driver 91 Grapple,Crouch 3 Northern Lights Grapple,Jump 2 Mental Barrier Counterattack,Counterstrike 3 Sparkly Feet Toss,Evade,Double-Jump 3 Cough Drop Grapple,High-Jump,Bash 3 Fist of the Norse Star Lunge,Grapple,Evade 3 Flips of Thunder Back-Roll,Back-Flip,Back-Kick 3 Power Combo Grapple,Bash,Retreat,Lunge 3 Gravity Drop Toss,Crouch,High-Jump,Grapple 4 Earthquake Back-Roll,Back-Flip,Moonsault,Crouch |_________________________________________________________________| |----------------------------------------------------------------| |Flail ST Abilities | |________________________________________________________________| 2 Dragon Teeth Lunge 2 Setting Sun Jump 1 Pheonix Wings Spin 2 Chinsplitter Crouch 2 Drunken Monkey Somersault 2 Twilight High-Jump 1 Psyclone Moonsault 3 Double Dragon Moonsault,Evade 2 Back Slasher Whirl,Lunge 2 Enter the Tiger Slide,Retreat 2 Avalanche Crouch,Back-Flip 2 Puppet Retreat,Cheer 3 Challenger Tackle,Taunt,Counterattack 3 Demon's Howl Flip-Kick,High-Jump,Lunge 3 Extreme Conditions Evade,Tackle,Double-Jump 3 Looking Glass Whirl,Bash,Taunt 3 Malevolence Crouch,Evade,Jump,High-Jump 4 White Tiger Defensive Lunge,Grapple,Evade,Spin |_________________________________________________________________| |----------------------------------------------------------------| |Bow ST Abilities | |________________________________________________________________| 1 Trueshot Lunge 1 Forward Artillery Jump 1 Spinshot Spin 1 Needle Shower Back-Roll 2 Tri-Shot High-Jump 3 Trickshot Moonsault 2 Hypershot Toss 2 Change-Up Retreat 2 Backshot Bash 2 Flying Swallows Tackle,Double-Jump 2 Rain of Death High-Jump,Spin 3 Sureshot Flip-Kick,Back-Flip 2 Carpet Bomber Evade,High-Jump 3 Mastershot Whirl,Back-Flip,Spin 3 Wildshot Grapple,Back-Roll,Double-Jump 4 Main Gun Evade,Retreat,Lunge,Counterattack |________________________________________________________________| Contacting Me If you have questions/comments/corrections about the FAQ you can contact me at Deathscythe52@hotmail.com put "Legend of Mana" as the topic and DO NOT ask me about the puzzles in the game this is a technique FAQ not a walkthrough. If you would like to use this on your website you can but only if you give me credit, it took a long time to get this finished.