_ _____ ___ _____ _ _ _____ ##### #### | | | ___| / _ \ | ___| | \ | | | __ \ [] ### ###### #_# # # | | | |__ / / \_\ | |__ | \| | | | \ \ [] ### ###### # # #### | | | __| | ||_ \ | __| | | | | | | [] ## #### # | | | |___ \ \_/ / | |___ | |\ | | |__/ / [] # ######## | | |_____| \___/ |_____| |_| \_| |_____/ [] # ######## ######## | |_________________________________________ [] # ## ## |_____________________________/ __\_________| [] # ## ###### / \ _| |_ [] # ## ## ## [] | | ||_ _| [] # ## #### ########## [] \___/ | | [] # #### ## [] ### ### #### ### |_|# #### [] ### # [] ##### ##### ###### #### ### ###### [] # # # [] +++++++++++ +++ +++ +++++ +++ +++ +++ [] #### # # # ### # # [] +++++++++++ +++ +++ +++++++++ +++ +++ [] ###### # # # [] === === === ======== ========= ======== [] #### ##### ##### # # [] === = === ======== === ===== ======== [] #### # # # # # # # [] --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- [] ##### ##### # # [] --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- [] #### # # # # # [] [] # # # # # # # ### [] SEIKEN DENSETSU 4 --- THE LEGEND OF MANA [] #### # ## /////// SEIKEN DENSETSU IV: LEGEND OF MANA /////// FAQ VERSION: 0.18 /////// LAST UPDATED: 7/26/99 /////// AUTHOR: Faust /////// E-MAIL: kmfdm@technonet.com /////// HOMEPAGE: http://www.gamingwest.com @ @ ,-'-,-'-,-'-,-'-,,-'-,-'-,-'-,-'-, @ - @ - - @ - @ ', @ @ ', @ @ * TABLE OF CONENTS * ,-'-,-'-,-'-,-'------'-,-'-,-'-,-'-, SECTION 1 ............. Introduction SECTION 2 ............... Characters SECTION 3 .................... Story SECTION 4 ........... Basics of Play SECTION 5 .......... Getting Started SECTION 6 ........ Menu Translations SECTION 7 .......... "My Home" Guide SECTION 8 ................ Artifacts SECTION 9 ................. Landmake SECTION 10 .. Adventure Walkthroughs SECTION 11 ............... Abilities SECTION 12 .......... Special Skills SECTION 13 ................ Monsters SECTION 14 Item+Weapon Translations SECTION 15 ................. Secrets SECTION 16 ................ Glossary SECTION 17 ................. Credits '-,-'-,-'-,-'-,------,-'-,-'-,-'-,-' GAME DATA ----------- Released(J): 7/15/99 Genre: Action RPG Players: 1-2 Memory Card Blocks: 2 Features: Pocket Station Combatible Analog Compatible Vibration Function Compatible |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||| To view this document ||| correctly you need to ||| have a computer that ||| can view Japanese ||| characters. If you do ||| not, then you can ||| download a convertor ||| at: http://www.njstar.com ---,,,-----------------------,,,--- SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION ---'''-----------------------'''--- Welcome to my Legend of Mana FAQ! I have always been a huge Mana series fan, so just had to make a FAQ for this great game. :) So far I have covered most of the basics, and am in the process of getting the full Ability and Skill lists up. I am not really working on the walkthrough part much at all right now, as I have been really busy getting everything else together. I figure if I get everything else up, the walkthrough will be much less of a challenge since I will only have to do it and not worry about the other details of this FAQ. Also, please inform me if anything in this FAQ is inaccurate, a lot of it is my own guesses and assumptions based on what I have done and seen. FAQ COMPLETION TABLE ----------------------------- Characters + Story 2% Basics 85% Getting Started 100% Menu Translations 15% "My Home" Guide 15% Artifacts 50% Landmake 5% Adventure Walkthroughs 5% Abilities 100% Special Skills 35% Monsters 0% Item+Weapon Translations 5% Coming soon to this FAQ: Magic/Instrument List More screen translations Character Descriptions Monster List !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! IMPORTANT !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! In order to play the import of this game on modified PSXs ! or if you are using a Convertor, you need to input one of ! the following two gameshark codes: ! ! D0050ECA 1040 ! 80050ECA 1000 ! ! -or- ! ! D004FDE0 0EE8 ! 8004FDE0 17B0 ---,,,---------------------,,,--- SECTION 2: CHARACTERS ---'''---------------------'''--- THE HERO(Male - Female) : 主人公(男・女) ======================================== This is you. At the beginning of the game you can choose whether or not your character is male or female. -NPC Characters- These are characters that will join your party at times throughout your adventure. NIKITA : ニキータ ================= A strange fat cat/bunny like creature. Found in Domina at first. More info when my translation of his description is done. RYULI : 瑠璃 ============ A fighter found in Domina. More info coming soon. PRINCESS PEARL : 真珠姫 ======================= Info coming soon. DANAY : ダナエ ============== Info coming soon. ETHKADY : エスカデ ================== Info coming soon. CORONA : コロナ =============== Info coming soon. BADO : バド =========== Info coming soon. SHERA : シェラ ============== Info coming soon. LARK : ラルク ============= Info coming soon. ELE : エレ ========== Info coming soon. -Sub-characters- These characters you will meet in your journey. SABOTEN-kun : サボテン君 ======================== A wierd plant hanging out in the Hero's house... YUKA-chan : ユカちゃん ====================== I don't have any clue what is up with this wierd looking bird in saggy pants. TEIPO : ティーポ ================ Info coming soon. NUVEL : ヌヴェル ================ Info coming soon. MARK : マーク ============= Info coming soon. RACHEL : レイチェル =================== Info coming soon. DETECTIVE BOID : ボイド警部 =========================== A police inspector who you meet in several cities. Wherever a crime is being commited, Boid will be there! WATTS : ワッツ ============== The dwarven blacksmith, that is a trademark for the Mana series, is back! He will help you make your own weapons and armor after you rescue him and find his hammer. MAILMAN PELICAN : 郵便ペリカン ============================== He will do things such as deliver monster Eggs to your house. BONVOYAGE : ボンボヤジ ====================== Later in the game he will show you how to make Golems. DOYLE : ドゥエル ================ This odd little onion-capped man gives you information on how to play the game, and about various things. Of course its all in Japanese... ---,,,----------------,,,--- SECTION 3: STORY ---'''----------------'''--- Due to the fact I can not read fluent japanese, it will take me a while to get this section up. If you can help, please e-mail me at kmfdm@technonet.com! :) ---,,,-------------------------,,,--- SECTION 4: BASICS OF PLAY ---'''-------------------------'''--- Here I will quickly run down the basics of play, like the battle system, etc. LANDMAKE SYSTEM =============== The landmake system is really cool. It actually allows you to place dungeons and towns where you want to! To do so, you first collect special items called "Artifacts" that then create a certain structure such as a town, a cave, etc. You know when you get a new artifact whenever a little box pops up that says "AF: [artifact name]" in it. THE BATTLE SYSTEM ================= The battle system in this game is very similar to Seiken Densetsu 3, so those of you who have played it should have little trouble getting used to the new system. First off the battle controls are as follows: Circle - Quick Attack Triangle - Power Attack X - Ability 1 Square - Ability 2 R1 - Skill or Magic 1 R2 - Skill or Magic 2 L1 - Skill or Magic 3 L2 - Skill or Magic 4 Before battle you assign up to two abilities such as jump, dash, counter, and more to the "X" and "Square" buttons. You also assign special attacks to the top buttons(not the exact same, but similar in idea to the Tales of Destiny skill system). During battle you can use the two standard attacks(Circle and Triangle) as much as you want. Circle is faster but does less damage, and Triangle does more damage but has a long recovery time. The two abilities can also be used as much as you want. Skills, however, can not be used whenever. In order to be able to use a skill you must first build up the bar beneath your life, which is done by attacking an enemy. When the bar is up, just press the button and you use that skill! Also, this game has a great feature. If you die you don't need any item to bring you back, your character will simply gain back life over time till he/she wakes back up. Unfourtunatly your other character(s) can not die before you are revived, or else you lose. Whenever you kill an enemy, you will notice one of four types of items dropped by them. The little crystals give you experience, the bags give you an item, coins give you Luc(money), and candy or chocolate gives you back life. MAGIC ===== The way you use magic in this game is a little wierd, but a huge improvement of the long delay spell casting of the previous Mana games. First off, in order to use magic, you need to get an instrument. Each instrument will cast a different spell. You can get instruments from two ways; Stores in the cities, or making an instrument in "My Home". To equip a spell, go to the Skills page and choose one of the top buttons. Then, choose the second option, the one below what you would choose if you wanted to equip a Special Skill. Then, simply choose the Instrument from the list! During battle, press and hold the top button for the spell to let it charge. Each spell works slightly differently. For example, some that I've seen allow you to target the attack area by moving around the little wire frame and then releasing the top button. Others will work in a radius around you, and some will work in a fixed portion of the screen(such as the center). As far as I can tell you have infinite uses of every spell. ELEMENTALS ========== Throughout the game you may have encounters with the elementals in the various dungeons. What you have to do with them, is play them a song to get them to come towards you, then they will give you items like coins for instrument making. It seems to be random which elemental appears when you enter the screen. I originally thought that you could only encounter elementals once in a specific place, but have since proved that wrong. It will be tottally random if an elemental will be there or not it seems. Also, there can be more than one elemental there, but as far as I can tell you can only "catch" one at a time. When you first encounter an elemental you will be given two options, Yes or No. Simply choose Yes to get started, which is the top of the two choices. Step 1) The first thing you choose is the basic tune from the list of four. Step 2) From there it will send you into a list of instruments you have. simply choose one. Step 3) Then the question it asks you is whether you want that instrument to play high or low notes(the top option is high, the second option low). Step 4) After that it will bring up two more options, the top one is add another instrument and the second is Start the Song. If you choose add another instrument(and you will want several) go back through Step 2 and Step 3. When you are ready to start the song, choose the second option. Step 5) After the song starts playing a single option will pop up at the bottom of the screen, selecting it will allow you to choose another tune and different instruments if the current setup is not working, or attempt to grab the elemental. What you will want to do is give it a second and see if the element starts coming toward you or just kind of going in a circle. If he is not coming toward you, click the button then go to step 6. If it does start coming toward you, let it get close and then click the button. Step 6) If you clicked Step 5's button to change your setting, choose the top option here and you will start over from Step 1. If the elemental is close enough to grab choose the second option. Step 7) Now, if you choose the second option in Step 6, run right at the elemental and click on him with circle. If succesful he will give you items for various things. If he disappears before you catch him, leave the screen and try again. Well, that should cover elemental catching. :) ---,,,--------------------------,,,--- SECTION 5: GETTING STARTED ---'''--------------------------'''--- This is just to help people get started in this great game, those of you who already have started may want to skip down to the sections below. When you first start a game you have a number of choices to make, the first of which is the sex of your main character. The left picture is male, the right picture female. I am currently unaware if this makes a difference in the course of the game. The second choice you make is your weapon. In order the list is: 短剣・Short Sword(Daggers) 片手剣・One-Handed Sword(Long Sword) 片手斧・One-Handed Axe(Hatchet) 大剣・Large Sword(Two-Handed Sword) バトルアックス・Battle Axe バトルハンマー・Battle Hammer 槍・Spear ロッド・Rod グラブ・Glove ヌンチャク・Nunchucks 弓・Bow Following your weapon, you get to choose your name(obviously). Most people will want to use the english character set which is represented on the left by the "A"(again, obviously). Next you choose the "Play Area". I am not really sure what effect this has on the game, so just choose any area you want for now. I will try to get more info on this in the upcoming versions of this FAQ. Now it is time to place the "Post" artifact which turns into your house(called "My Home"). Simply choose a location to place it in the "Play Area" you choose. After it is created simply enter it with the Circle button to see the opening movie role! :) ---,,,----------------------------,,,--- SECTION 6: MENU TRANSLATIONS ---'''----------------------------'''--- STORE TRANSLATIONS ================== Buy Sell Cancel HOTEL/STATUE TRANSLATIONS ========================= セーブ(Save) 2Pコントロール(2P Control) - オートモード(Auto-Mode) - コントロールモード(Control Mode) なんでもない(Nevermind/Cancel) Yeah, I know this isn't very much, but I am going to get every single thing I can up as soon as possible. ---,,,--------------------------,,,--- SECTION 7: "MY HOME" GUIDE ---'''--------------------------'''--- THE LIBRARY =========== The libary is for getting a comprehensive list of more or less everything you have seen in the game so far. Note that a lot of books will not appear until after you complete certain quests. Option Translations Coming Soon. RAISING A PET ============= Raising a pet can be hard work, and requires a lot of your time and care. Wait a second... what am I saying? This has got to be the easiest monster raising I have ever seen. Simply feed the lil' thing, wait till it hatches, then take it out fighting. Just be sure you don't sell it like I accidently did my first monster. ^_^ (lil anime eyes!) You can find monsters at the following locations. Locations or monster names in ' ' are names that I do not have the actual name for. There are more, I just have yet to find some and others I can't remember which level I got them in. Domina City Ryuon Highway(2 in Ryuon!) 'The Beach' 'Misty Valley/Mountain' Ferg Snow Prairie Pirate Ship Bald First off, note that there seem to be some factors that determine what Pet you get at different locations. (For example, some people have gotten Rabites, some Chocobos at Domina.) More on this as soon as it comes up. To catch a pet, first find the egg in the locations above(see the stage description if it is up for information where the egg is). Then lay down various foods with the square button. Try to lay what you think the monster would like, for example the dragon egg in Ferg lay down meats. Leave the egg alone and it will eventually start eating the food. If it likes the food a heart will appear above its head. If it doesn't like the food an exclamation mark will appear. Keep laying down food he likes until he falls asleep after eating(little "z"s above his head) and then walk up and grab him. Keep in mind you can only hold up to five pets at one time. Now, how to raise your pet. The options are as follows: Add To Party Feed Monsters Let A Monster Roam in the Corral Sell Pocket Station Book "Add to Party" will add a grown monster to your party to take out fighting with you. "Feed Monsters" will allow you to give your pets food so they can grow stronger. "Let Roam" will allow your pet to walk around outside, which will allow it to gain levels while not in active use in your party. "Sell" will sell your monster for Luc. "Pocket Station" will upload and download from the Pocket Station if you have one. I personally do not have a Pocket Station, so if you do, please e-mail me telling me what it can do. "Book" will simply take you to the set of books you can look at in your library. After you first catch a monster, go back to "My Home" and the stable and give it some food. You will notice it is probably still an egg. After feeding it, go off and spend some time doing whatever, it doesn't matter if an event happens as long as time passes with you playing the game. Come back and check on it after a while, and see if its hatched. If it has, you will get a chance to name it and more options will be opened up for it. If it hasn't hatched, give it more food if it needs it then go and waste more time until it does. Once your pet has hatched, keep it fed on a regular basis and let it walk around outside via the "Roam" command to let it gain levels if you don't take it with you. At any time you want to use a monster in your party, simply choose "Add to Party" from the ring menu inside the stable, or talk to a monster roaming around in the corral and choose the first option. The second option is send them back inside. WEAPON CREATION =============== After rescuing Watts and giving him back his hammer, he will show you how to make your own Weapons. The weapon creation room is in the back building on the path to the upper left of your house. Option Translations soon. INSTRUMENT CREATION =================== Like Weapon making, you can also create your own Instruments to cast magic spells. Option Translations soon. THE TRENT ========= The trent lets you grow various fruits and vegetables for purposes such as Monster catching and raising. Option Translations soon. GOLEM CREATION ============== Golems are great, and often more powerful than pets. Here is a quick tutorial on how to make them... First off, you can have up to three golems at a time, and each pedestal in the room is for a different golem. The pot near the bottom is for logic chip creation. ---,,,--------------------,,,--- SECTION 8: ARTIFACTS ---'''--------------------'''--- This is a list of artifacts I have found, in order that they are listed in the "My Home" library. Locations where they can be found will be completed soon, and whenever you see something like 'blah', that is the name of the quest it is found in. Also, note that some of the exact translations I could not find, so I gave them what would probably be the actual translation in English. NOTE: I have everything through #21, but I am still translating them. I will have everything by the next update hopefully. If you can help me with a kanji I don't have, please do! Artifact Name | Japanese | Creates... | Found... ---------------------|----------------|-------------------------|---------------- 1. Post | ポスト | My Home | Start with it. 2. Building Block City | 積み木の町 | City of Domina | Outside "My Home". 3. Wheel | 車輪 | Ryuon Highway | 'Nikita's Trade Route' 4. Jade Egg | ヒスイの卵 | Mekipu Cave | - 5. Stone Eyeball | 石の目玉 | Kiruma Lake | - 6. Flame | 炎 | Gato City | - 7. ??? King Medal | ?王のメダル | Jungle | - 8. Firefly Sack Lamp | 蛍袋のランプ | Moon Night City of Roar | - 9. Sand Bara | 砂バラ | Dyuma Desert | - 10. ??? | ?える?さじ | ??? | - 11. ??? | ??? | ??? | - 12. Coral ??? Stage | サンゴの?台 | ??? | - 13. ?? Doll | ?れた人形 | Trash Mountain | - 14. ??? | ??? | ??? | - 15. Rusty Anchor | さびたイカリ | Polpota Port City | - 16. ??? | ??? | ??? | - 17. ??? | ??? | ??? | - 18. ??? | ??? | ??? | - 19. ??? | ??? | ??? | - 20. ?? Kagi Claw | 海賊船のカギ爪 | Pirate Ship Bald | - 21. Frozen Spirit | とけない心 | Ferg Snow Prairie | - 22. ? | ? | ? | ? 23. ? | ? | ? | ? 24. ? | ? | ? | ? 25. ? | ? | ? | ? 26. ? | ? | ? | ? ---,,,-------------------,,,--- SECTION 9: LANDMAKE ---'''-------------------'''--- This is a quick list of all the dungeons and towns in the game that I have gotten to, and will soon include which missions they are used for. This list is of course far from complete, and will be updated as much as possible. ______________________ | My Home - マイホーム | |------------------------------------------------------- | (Post) | - This is your base of operations in the game, and you | can do a number of cool things such as raising pets, | growing fruit, and more. | _____________________________ | City of Domina - ドミナの町 | |------------------------------------------------------- | (Building Block City) | - This is the first town in the game. You meet several | people here first, including the NPCs Nikita and | Ryuli. | | In Domina there are a number of noteworthy quests and | people, and I will cover them in detail here later. | | WEAPON STORE | Price | Comments | -------------------|---------|---------- | Bronze Knife | 90 | | Bronze Sword | 100 | | Bronze Hatchet | 100 | | Bronze Blade | 150 | | Bronze Axe | 150 | | Bronze Hammer | 150 | | Bronze Lance | 120 | | Bronze Staff | 60 | | Bronze Knuckle | 80 | | ??? Nunchucks | 80 | | Bronze Bow | 70 | | Bronze Shield | 20 | | Bronze Helm | 50 | | Bronze Armor | 120 | | Bronze Glove | 50 | | Bronze Boots | 50 | | ??? Harp | 550 | Spell: Splash Storm | ??? Marinba | 550 | Spell: Air Shoot | ??? Flute | 550 | Spell: Nova Savant | ??? Drum | 550 | Spell: Stone Scathe | | MAGIC STORE | Price | Comments | ----------------------|---------|---------- | Menoth Copper | 300 | | Forsena Iron | 600 | | Oak Wood | 300 | | Holly Wood(uh.) | 720 | | Large Logic Stone(?) | 600 | | Toppal Cotton | 60 | | Fire Manastone | 250 | | Earth Manastone | 250 | | Air Manastone | 250 | | Water Manastone | 250 | | ______________________________ | Ryuon Highway - リュオン街道 | |------------------------------------------------------- | (Wheel) | | Adventures: Nikita's Trade Route, "The Trent Quest" | | - Welcome to the Ryuon Highway, a trade route Nikita | is looking to setup to bring in more profit. There | are two things of note here. One is the Poron | Hideout, the other is Gaia(the big stone guy). To | get to the Poron Hideout go until you hit the | crossroads, and go down. Keep going till you see a | path branch downwards and run into a big hippo. Talk | to the large pink hippo, and he will teleport you to | the entrance. Now, leave and re-enter the stage, and | the Hippo should be at the entrance. Talk to him to | get teleported back to the place he originally was, | only this time he won't be there. Go down the now | vacated path and you will soon reach the treasure | filled Poron Hideout! The pet egg is in the bottom | of the Poron Hideout. | | Also, after you beat the Nikita's Trade Route | mission, go back to where the Mantis Ant was to | have a run-in with an elemental. See "Basics of | Play" section for what to do with them. | ______________________________ | Mekipu Cave - メキプ |------------------------------------------------------- | (Jade Egg) | ______________________________ | Kiruma Lake - |------------------------------------------------------- | (Stone Eyeball) | ______________________________ | Gato City - |------------------------------------------------------- | (Flame) | ______________________________ | Jungle - |------------------------------------------------------- | (??? King Medal) | ______________________________ | Moon Night City of Roar - |------------------------------------------------------- | (Fire Fly Sack) | ______________________________ | Dyuma Desert - |------------------------------------------------------- | (Sand Bara) | ---,,,----------------------------------,,,--- SECTION 10: ADVENTURE WALKTHROUGHS ---'''----------------------------------'''--- These are the different missions you can go through in the game, some are required to continue forward, some are not. Also, being this is still an early version of the FAQ, I am getting the basic missions and some of the easier later ones(ie. Watt's Hammer) up first. As I am getting closer to finished with some of the other sections of this FAQ, this part should grow faster. Nikita's Trade Route(ニキータ商道い中) ====================================== Talk to everyone in Teipo's house in Domina. Then go talk to Nikita in the section of Domina above the starting one, and answer "No"(second choice) then "Yes"(first choice) and the adventure begins for real. Now go back to Teipo's house and talk to him to get the "Wheel" artifact. Now return to the Overland map and place the wheel to create "Ryuon Highway". Enter. At the beginning Doyle will explain the game system to you, but as it is in Japanese it is useless to most of you reading this. Keep going forward until you reach the crossroads. Talk to Danay, and then go through the top path and continue till you get to the end and the MANTIS ANT boss. After you beat him you get the "??? King's Medal" and "Flame" artifacts. The Pet Pasture(ペット牧場) =========================== Go to the very upper left of Domina, and you will meet Doyle, he will talk to you and you should Answer "3" until he gives you items(food stuff). Now its time for you to capture your first pet! I'm not really sure how this works exactly, but the gist of it is to lure the monster in the egg to the food and then capture him. There are monster eggs all over the place in different dungeons. The ones I have found are at, Ryuon Highway, the beach stage and the mist covered mountain area(in addition to this one in Domina of course). "THE TRENT QUEST"(Real name not translated yet) =============================================== Go to "Ryuon Highway" and go to the crossroads and head down. Keep going till you reach the big dragon-like head in the side of the mountain, named Gaia, and talk to him. Answer the first question "Yes"(option 1), then ask him both the top two questions(you will have to step into his hand again to ask him the second question). Then leave Ryuon Highway and go to "My Home" and go to the left of the two paths leading down. Here a bunch of plant monsters should challenge you, and after you beat them, you free the Trent! Invitation of the Cursed Doll(?)(災いを呼ぶ人形) ================================================ First off, let me say this stupid little quest has been the single most annoying thing in the game for me. The layout of the damn level changes as you go through it... :( Anyways, I will have to go back through it now that I have finally beaten it to get the exact sequence of events, and that should be in the next update. In the mean time, if you are having and trouble with this level, please e-mail me and I will help however possible. "RESCUING WATTS"(Real name not translated yet) ============================================== As I have received a lot of e-mail about where to rescue Watts since I posted the quest below before I should have, I will go ahead and post this to hopefully clear up any questions. When you get to the mine level with some Anagumas in it, you are at the quest where you rescue Watts. Simply work your way to the bottom of the mine and fight the boss. Watt's Hammer(ワッツのハンマー) =============================== After you rescue Watts, talk to him and he will tell you he can't find his hammer. Now, its your responsibility to go and find it for him. Well, fortunatly this is extremely easy. Simply go to the front of the cave two screens back and look at the sign, and one of the little bears will run out and carry you to their hideout. And guess what? Watt's Hammer is sitting at the top of their little hideout! Simply pick it up, then work your way back up to Watts and hand it over. Now head back to "My Home" and go in the building in the back, and Watts will barge out, and thus begins your lessons on making your own weapons! ---,,,---------------------,,,--- SECTION 11: ABILITIES ---'''---------------------'''--- Well, this should cover all the game's abilities. If you notice an error, or have something to add to this list, please contact me. The abilities listed to the right of some names in "[" "]" are other abilities required to learn that ability. 1. Jump(ジャンプ)- = A simple jump in battle. 2. Gaurd(ガード)- = Block and take less damage. 3. Dash(ダッシュ)- = A quick dash forward. If you have both Dash and Backdash equipped, press both buttons at the same time to do the 3-way Illusion dash ability! 4. Back Dash(バックダッシュ)- = A quick dash backwards. If you have both Dash and Backdash equipped, press both buttons at the same time to do the 3-way Illusion dash ability! 5. Shagamu(しゃがむ)- = Hold down the button to heal yourself. 6. Push(プッシュ)- = An odd little technique where you just shove the enemy forward, as the name implies. 7. Apeal(?)(アピール)- = A short combo attack. This move is great for building up your attack bar thing for doing skills! 8. Rotation(回転)- = Rapidly press the button to spin around, and press the Strong Attack button as well to spin and attack. 9. Grapple(グラップル)- [Gaurd, Push] = Get next to the enemy and press the button. If you succesfully grab them, a circle will appear around your character, and then press the Strong Attack button to do a throw manuever. 10. Haimenshuri(Taking Height Surface)(?)(背面取り)- [Grapple, Rotation] = This move pushes the enemy back and turns them around so they are facing the other way. 11. Hammer Throw(ハンマースルー)- [Haimenshuri, Push] = Use it next to an enemy to throw them across the screen. 12. Front Roll(前転)- [Dash, Jump] = A quick roll forward. 13. Back Roll(バク転)- [Back Dash, Jump] = A quick roll backwards.Press Power Attack and you will do the ability "Sommersault" even if you don't have it. 14. Back Jump(バク宙)- [High Jump, Back Roll] = A quick jump backwards. Press Power Attack and you will do the ability "Sommersault" even if you don't have it. 15. Moonsault(ムーンサルト)- [High Jump, Front Roll] = This is a cool move. Essentially you just jump, but you also turn around in mid air so when you land you will be facing the opponent! Also, you can press Power Attack in mid-air to do a diving down attack. 16. High Jump(ハイジャンプ)- [Shagamu, Jump] = A much higher jump than the original. You can press Power Attack in mid-air to do a diving down attack. 17. Double Jump(二段ジャンプ)- [High Jump, Jump] = Press the button once to jump, then twice while jumping to jump yet again. If you press Power Attack while doing the move you will do a downward diving attack. 18. Tackle(タックル)- [Dash, Push] = You dash forward a little shoving the enemy. If you press Power Attack during or immediatly after it will almost always combo. 19. Counter(カウンター)- [Gaurd] = If the enemy attacks you while doing the counter you attack them back and take no damage yourself. 20. Jolt(ジョルト)- [Counter] = Same as counter, but stronger. 21. Challenge(挑穿)- [Back Dash, Appeal] = You whistle and taunt the opponent. As far as I can tell, all this move does is lure the enemy toward you. 22. Illusion(イリュージョン)- [Dash, Back Dash] = The character dashes three ways at once. Two of the "dashers" are illusions, and only one is real(obviously). This move can also be done by equipping both Dash and Back Dash and pressing Square and X at the same time. 23. Ukashi(うかし)- [Shagamu, Hammer Throw] = This move tosses the enemy up into the air. I am unsure if it does anything else or if there is a follow-up. 24. Gaurd Dash(ガードダッシュ)- [Gaurd, Dash] = You dash forward blocking, as the name implies a combonation of Dash and Gaurd. 25. Sliding(スライディング)- [Shagamu, Dash] = You slide forward and trip up the enemy. 26. Somersault(サマーソルト)- [Back Roll, Back Jump] = An upwards slicing like attack. Even if you do not have this ability, you can still do it by pressing Power Attack while doing the Back Roll or Back Jump. ---,,,--------------------------,,,--- SECTION 12: SPECIAL SKILLS ---'''--------------------------'''--- Anything that is "???" in all fields is a skill I do not yet have(or at least not by the time this update was sent out, I am constantly learning more). Anywhere you see a "-" is stuff coming next update, that for one reason or another I didn't get for this update. [[ One-Handed Sword(Long Sword) Skills ]] # | Skill | Japanese | Damage | Requirements ===|========================|====================|========|============== 47| Existance | 居合い | - | Dash 48| Chinese Bamboo Cutter | 唐竹割り | - | Jump 49| Vortex | ヴォルテクス | - | Rotation 50| Double Hound | ダブルハウンド | - | Shagamu 51| 3 Hit Murder Combo | 三連斬 | - | Front Roll 52| Wedge Launcher | ウェッジランチャー | - | Back Roll 53| Heaven's Memory | | | ^| Chinese Bamboo Cutter | 脳天唐竹割り | - | High Jump 54| Arial Blade | アリアルブレード | - | Moonsault 55| Slicer | スライサー | - | High Jump 56| Ten Word Murder | 十文字斬 | - | High Jump, Dash 57| Tiger Fang | タイガーファング | - | Front Roll, Back Roll 58| (Name Unknown) | ?薙ぎ | - | Sliding, Back Dash 59| Dragon Tail | ドラゴンティル | - | Tackle, Back Jump 60| Orbitor Edge | オービターエッジ | - | Jump, Shagamu, Appeal [[ Battle Hammer Skills ]] # | Skill | Japanese | Damage | Requirements ===|========================|======================|===========|============== 120| Super Slugger | スーパースラッガー | | Dash 121| Hammer Fall | ハンマーフォール | | Jump 122| "Bakusatsu" | ?殺 | | Rotation 123| Pursueing Earth Dragon | 追い土竜 | | Front Roll 124| Destruction | デストラクション | | High Jump 125| Rising Crash | ライジングクラッシュ | | Shagamu 126| Round Flicker | ラウンドフリッカー | | Moonsault 127| Fatal Weapon Fall | 必殺武具落とし | | Back Roll 128| Blazing Hammer | ブレイジングハンマー | | Back Dash, Tackle 129| Double Impact | ダブルインパクト | | Front Roll, Moonsault 130| Toll Hammer | トールハンマー | | Ukashi, High Jump 131| Pile Driver | パイルドライバー | | Haimenshuri, Jump 132| Tidal Wave | ダイダルウェイブ | | Illusion, Gaurd Dash 133| Hyper Slugger | ハイパースラッガー | | Ukashi, Back Dash, Dash 134| ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? 135| Volcano | ボルケイノ | | Shagamu, Appeal, Jump 136| Heaven's Gate | ヘブンズゲート | Very High | Ukashi, Back Dash, Dash, Rotation [[ Spear Skills ]] # | Skill | Japanese | Damage | Requirements ===|=========================|======================|========|============== 137| Lancer | ランサー | Medium | Dash 138| Star Dust Throw | スターダストスロー | Low | Jump 139| Rotating Wind Spear | 旋風槍 | Low | Rotation 140| Rapid Air Dragon Thrust | 疾風龍突 | Medium | Front Roll 141| Sky Rotating Earth Run | 空旋地走り | Low | High Jump 142| Nebulus Saucer | ネビュラスソーサー | Medium | Moonsault 143| Pile Banker | パイルバンカー | Medium | Tackle, Shagamu 144| Cyclone Tracer | サイクロントレーサー | Medium | Rotation, Dash 145| Blood Sucker | ブラッドサッカー | Medium | Back Roll, Moonsault 146| ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? 147| Light Bullet Spear | 光弾槍 | Medium | High Jump, Front Roll 148| ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? 149| Death Branding | デスブランディング | High | Hammer Throw, Challenge, Sliding [[ Glove Skills ]] # | Skill | Japanese | Damage | Requirements ===|===================|====================|========|============== 166| Knuckle Dasher | ナックルダッシャー | Medium | Dash 167| Inaduma Kick | いなづまキック | Medium | Jump 168| Spinning Air Kick | 旋風脚 | - | Rotation 169| Heaven Conquerer | 天襲連撃 | - | Shagumu 170| Puttagiri Sobatto | ぷったぎりソバット | - | Front Roll 171| Spinning Wheel | 輪廻 | - | Back Roll 172| Moonsault Stomp | - | - | - 173| Giant Swing | - | - | - 174| ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? 175| ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? 176| ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? 177| - | - | - | - ---,,,--------------------,,,--- SECTION 13: MONSTERS ---'''--------------------'''--- Coming Soon. ---,,,----------------------------------------,,,--- SECTION 14: ITEM AND WEAPON TRANSLATIONS ---'''----------------------------------------'''--- The following are arranged by english alphabetical order. ITEM LIST ========= Air Manastone - 風のマナストーン Earth Manastone - 土のマナストーン Fire Manastone - 火のマナストーン Forsena Iron - フォルセナ鉄 Holly Wood - ひいらぎの木 Large Logic Stone (?) - 大理石 Menos Copper - メノス銅 Oak Wood - かしの木 Toppal Cotton - トッパル木綿 Water Manastone - 水のマナストーン ---,,,-------------------,,,--- SECTION 15: SECRETS ---'''-------------------'''--- THE TRENT'S BOOK ================ (!!Unconfirmed!!) - If the following does not work for you, do not ask me how to do it. I have yet to try it and do not know the details. This is direct from the e-mail I received about it(with grammatical editing). After you grow a lot of fruits at the Trent, he will give you a "Plant Book" and the artifact "Golden Seed". After you finish the game, save and then when you start up a new file you will get a book in the library which lets you set the game mode to "Normal" mode, "Hell" mode, or "No Future" mode. USE ANOTHER FILE AS YOUR NPC ============================ If you have two save files, you can actually use your second file's character as your NPC! There are two known places to do this. The first is knock on the door in the top left corner of the first screen of Domina. It will then bring up a list of save files, simply choose the one you want to import the character from. The second place is at the city of Geo's Arena. A huge benefit to this, is you actually will start learning skills your other character has!! NOTE: People seem to be having a problem getting it to work in Domina, but as I myself have done it I know it is true. I will try to figure out the circumstances behind it. ---,,,--------------------,,,--- SECTION 16: GLOSSARY ---'''--------------------'''--- A brief list of terms found in the Mana world... and as with all other parts of this FAQ, more coming soon. Artifact - Used to create a structure/area in the Landmake map. Aura - The Elemental of Gold. Dryad - The Elemental of the Forest(wood). Gnome - The Elemental of Earth. Luc - The currency of this world. Jin - The Elemental of Wind. Mana - Magic, Nature, etc. Salamander - The Elemental of Fire. Shade - The Elemental of Shadow. Undine - The Elemental of Water. Will-o-wisp - The Elemental of Light. ---,,,-------------------,,,--- SECTION 17: CREDITS ---'''-------------------'''--- FAQ Author: Faust(kmfdm@technonet.com) Demonicus - Various. Mainly stuff such as playing while I'm writing stuff for the walkthrough. Blaze Darkfire(surlent@earthlink.net) - Information on using another saved character as your NPC ally. Also, tons of info on other aspects of the game, and helping me at parts I got stuck at. :) Terra - Information on using another saved character as your NPC ally. Cipriano Rodriguez(lr2374@swbell.net) - Various bits of info, mostly about monster locations and such. Also how to get past Nikita's later quests. bandras(bandras@pd.jaring.my) - The Trent's secret book, and other stuff yet to be posted. Rewind the Omnipotent Half-Hamster(rewind@netdirect.net) - Various info, and is currently helping to research the pet circumstances more. I am aware many of you who e-mailed me is not on this list yet, I am still in the process of adding things I received in e-mail so will hopefully have all that up and your credits in the next update. :) Please feel free to contribute something to this FAQ! This is a very complicated game and any help is appreciated! ;p You can find the most updated versions of this FAQ at: http://www.gamingwest.com/ http://www.gamefaqs.com/