GOLDEN AXE WARRIOR WORLD MAP: Key: A = Save % = Thunder Magic ! = Transporter & = Earth Magic @ = Transporter * = Fire Magic # = Transporter ? = Water Magic D = Desert Area E = Starting Area 1-10 = Mazes 1-10 G = Money Game H = Heart a = Long Sword I = Information Person b = Plate Armor M = Magic Pot Refiller c = Dragon Shield P = Magic Pot d = Flame Sword S = Shop e = Dragon Mail T = Town + = Money Person (gives you money) - = Money Person (takes money away) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ------------------------------------------------------------- A | 4 | I | | G | R | | - | | H | | ! | 7 | | H | | ------------------------------------------------------------- B | | A | T | M | | I | | b | | 8 | | | * | | T | ------------------------------------------------------------- C | I | | P | I | S | | # | | | | | I | ! | | I | ------------------------------------------------------------- D | - | I | | + | | | | | | 5 | I | | c | | S | ------------------------------------------------------------- E | a | | A | S | - | T | | T | | | | + | G | + | S | ------------------------------------------------------------- F | + | | 3 | | I | - | | | | | d | | | @ | | ------------------------------------------------------------- G | | S | S | | | I | I | D | | | | M | | + | | ------------------------------------------------------------- H | + | - | I | | | | I | # | |10 | | 6 | I | S | + | ------------------------------------------------------------- I | - | I | S | | T | E | @ | | | | | | | | + | ------------------------------------------------------------- J | | + | - | & | | S | + | G | | | ? | I | + | R | | ------------------------------------------------------------- K | | e | | I | - | + | I | | S | 1 | | I | | + | | ------------------------------------------------------------- L | P | | | M | | I | | T | | H | | | | I | T | ------------------------------------------------------------- M | | | | | + | A | 2 | S | | | I | + | M | - | G | ------------------------------------------------------------- N | | | + | | - | M | % | + | | | | 9 | P | | + | ------------------------------------------------------------- O | T | - | S | | + | R | - | | | S | A | I | S | | T | ------------------------------------------------------------- BASIC HINTS: Use the rope on the mountains with a flat surface. They're tough to locate, but usually lead to something important. Nearly every screen has a hidden entrance; a "hole." If you've searched everywhere, and find nothing, most likely you need a certain item before the hole will appear. In the volcanic world, use the Ice Bell to turn the lava to ice. To get through the desert area, go Southeast, North, Northeast, South, and North. Magic is only half as powerful as your weapons, so use it wisely. MAZE HINTS: Push the flames in each room. They will sometimes open a door. If you have the money, buy keys from shops, so you won't have to search the mazes in order to locate them. The smooth blocks in the mazes can be destroyed by a Level 2 Earth Scroll. Theses blocks often make up puzzles that need to be solved. Defeat all the enemies in a room. Sometimes a key will appear, or a door will open. Shutter doors (doors that close behind you after you've walked into a room) can be reopened by defeating all the enemies in the room. In later mazes, you'll encounter Magician enemies. It's usually wise to fight these guys if you're low on magic, as they're very liberal in giving up Magic Pots upon defeat. Once you have the item of the maze, exit the maze and save your game. This way, you'll still have the item if you die fighting the boss of the maze. WALKTHRU: Here's a basic walkthru of the game, with maze maps. Key: B = Boss room E = Entrance/Exit K = room containing a key t# = transporter to another t# # = room with an item in it * = nothing. Begin the game by searching around, adjusting to the play mechanics and collecting money (horns). While doing so, be sure to stop by two towns, one located at 1O, the other at 8L. Also search 10L to find a Heart. Save your game and proceed to 10K, the first maze. MAZE 1: B | * - * | K - 2 | * - * | * - * - * - 1 | | * K | * | E - K Go to room 1 and find the chest containing the Battle Axe. Proceed to room 2, push the left flame, and the door will open. Now work your way to the boss, defeating it by hitting the baddie 6-10 times with your sword. Once you've completed the maze, save your game and head for 1O. Use your axe to chop the trees, revealing a shop that sells Golden Apples. Buy one, go to 7N, and give the guy in the hole the apple in exchange for the Thunder Magic Scroll. Defeat enemies until you have 250 horns. Go to 10A, and enter the hole to find a shop. Buy the Knight's Shield, save your game, and then make your way to 7C, the second maze. MAZE 2: 1 | K - * | | K K - * - * | | * * - K * - B | | | * - * - K | K - * | E Go to room 1 to find the torch. Proceed to the boss, and defeat it by hitting it 10-12 times with your sword. There is a relatively "safe spot" where you can stand at the bottom of the screen, just to the left of the boss' head, where you can fire your magic without having to worry about being hit. When you run out of magic, run up and hit the boss with your sword when you have a chance, retreating to the safe spot after doing so. After finishing the maze, save your game and work your way to 3F, the third maze. MAZE 3: B | K * | | T1 - 2 | | * - * - 3 K | T1 * | | * - * - E - * Work your way from the entrance to the teleporter (T1). Head right and open the door by either pressing a flame or killing all the monsters. This will allow you to go to the room 3, which contains the Rope. Backtrack to the boss. Defeat it by using the same method as the Maze 1 boss. Once you have the rope, you can access new areas of the world map. Save your game and find your way to 1F. Find the "flat" in the mountainside where you can use the rope, and move up to 1E. Enter the hole to get the Long Sword. Work your way to 3K and use the rope to move to the next screen. Head right to 4J and chop down the green tree with the Axe. Enter the hole to obtain the Earth Magic Scroll. Proceed to 1A -- the fourth maze. MAZE 4: B * - K - * | | | * - * - T1 K K 2 - T1 | | | * - * - * | | | * K - * | * - * | * - * | | E - K Fight the long fight to room 2 to obtain the Canoe. Once you have it, go right to find a teleporter (T1). Enter it and continue on to the boss. Using your most powerful weapon, this boss with take 15-20 hits to destroy. Once the maze is completed, save your game and work your way to 3I for a heart. For another; 9A. For the Plate Armor: 8B. Make sure you have 100 horns and go to 4J, where you'll receive a magic power-up. Now proceed to 7B for another. Next stop: 10D (the 5th maze). MAZE 5: T1 - 3 - * * - 2 | | | T1 B * - * - * | | | | 4 - 5 - * * | E Upon entrance, shoot the blocks with the second earth magic -- they'll disappear, and a door will open. Proceed to room 2 for the Speed Shoes. Head for room 3 and press the flame in the upper lefthand corner. A bridge will appear, allowing access to the lower part of the screen. Loop around, back into room 3, and head left towards the teleporter (T1). Once you've teleported, push the flames to enter room 4. In room 5, kill all the monsters and press the flame on the right -- a door will open, making it easier to return to the entrance (instead of backtracking). Proceed up to enter the boss room. Hit the boss' outer rings 'till they disappear, and then whack the face 15-20 times in order to defeat it. Once you've finished the 5th maze, a bridge will appear just outside the maze entrance. Save your game, and then cross the bridge to the next area. Explore the area, finding holes and earning horns. When you're ready, work your way to 12H, the 6th maze. MAZE 6: 1 K - T2 B K - * - * | | | | | | * - * - * - * * * * | | | | * - * - * * - T2 - * | | * K - * - * T1 - K - T2 | | * * | E - T1 Work your way to T2, which will take you to the second part of the maze. Head right, and press the right flame to open the doors in the previous room you were in. Fight your way to the room 1, to find the Crystal Bell. Now battle your way to the boss, defeating it by using magic about 15-20 times. You can easily exit the maze afterwards, by using the Teleporter (T2) closest to the boss' chamber. Save your game and proceed to 13D to find a town. In the lower left broken house, you'll find the Dragon Shield. Find your way to 14A (from the left) and break the blocks with the second magic to find a hole; inside, you'll receive a heart. Next, go to 13B and hit all the trees to reveal a hole. Here you'll get the Fire magic. Next stop -- maze 7, located at 12A. MAZE 7: B | * - T2 - * T2 T2 - 1 - * - * - * | | * - * T1/K | | 2 - * E | T1 >From the entrance, work your way to the bottom-left corner of the maze. Push the left flame to open a door. Go thru the door to find the Ship. Exit the maze, save your game, and explore the land, using the Ship at all the docks you find (including the dock at the lower-left portion of maze 7). You'll find some powerful items, including the Flame Sword (at 11F) and Dragon Mail (2K). When you've found the items, head back into the maze. Find the room with the T2 teleporter, and work your way to the boss. To defeat it, hit the green fireballs until they rearrange themselves, then attack. (The boss is somewhat difficult, as there's no indicator as to whether you've made a hit or not.) When you've won, head back thru T2, head down and left to T1. This is a shortcut back to the beginning of the maze. Save your game. If you haven't already done so, go to 11J for the Water magic. Now work your way to 13C, and talk with the woman you'll find in a hole. Walk the stairs, go three screens left, one screen up, and you're at maze 8 (10B). MAZE 8: B * | | T3 - T4 1 - T2 T4 - * - * | | T3 - * * | | T2 E - * - * Travel upwards from the entrance two rooms, go left and fight the green giant mini-boss. Continue left and enter T4. Push the button in the room you teleported to, plus a button in the room to your right (T3), and then go back thru T4, and fight your way to T2. Enter T2, go up and push a button, back into T2's room, and right to find the Thieves Key. Back into T2, go up and left into T3. Go up and defeat the boss. Work back into T4 -- a shortcut to the entrance. Save your game, go to 12L, use the bell, and head towards 12N, the 9th maze. MAZE 9: 1 - * - * - T2 | | | * B * - * | | * - * - * | T2 * - * | | T1 - * * | | * * | | T1 - * - E - * - * Find your way to the topmost T2, and head left. After defeating the Red Giant mini-boss, continue left until you find a room with 5 chests. Open the chest at the far left for the Balloon. Head back into T2, go up, and press the left flame in the room to open a door to the right. Thru the door, press the right flame, then return to the previous room to find the top door open. Thru the door, you'll find the boss of the maze. To win, constantly move -- circling around him -- using the first magic to get your hits in. His boomerang is dangerous, so try your best in avoiding it. Once you've finished the 9th maze, save your game and find your way to 13B, where you'll recieve a Fire Magic power-up. Next, 12H, the 10th and final maze. MAZE 10: T3 - * * - T4 1 - * | | | | | * - T4 * - * - * - * To get to the boss: T1-T2-T5-T6 * - * - T5 * - T2 | | | | To get to 1: * - * - T6 B T1 - T3 T1-T3-T4 | | * - * - T6 -* * * - * | | | | T2 * - T1-* - * | | | * - T5- * * - * | | | | * - * *- E - * 1. Head up two rooms from the entrance, and push the left button. 2. Go back down to the entrance, head right, then up, and work your way until you reach the room with the button again. This time, go left to T1. 3. Take T1, and head right to T3. 4. Take T3, go down and to the right to T4, go left. Push the button, and T4 will appear. 5. Take T4, go down and push the right button to open the right door. Go back up and to the left, and then down and to the right. 6. Continue right until you reach the Red Magician mini-boss. Defeat him, then go right into a room containing five chests. Open the chest in the upper-left corner to find the Golden Axe. 7. Once you have the Golden Axe, exit the maze and save your game. 8. Back in the maze, proceed to T2, the down as far as possible, go right, and up to T5. 9. Go right, push the right flame in the room, and then back to T5 (via the long route). 10. Take T5, head to T6 (from the top entrance), and push the right flame. 11. Go back up, left, down, and then right to T6. 12. Take T6, go right, down, and then right for the final boss, Death Adder. 13. To defeat Death Adder, constantly run around him, hitting him when you can. You should have a full life meter (if not, use the Water magic) and an apple. It'll take some time... -- Written by Jeff Bogumil, based on Sega of America cheat sheets Cheat sheets written by Clint Dyer, for Sega of America Cheat sheets provided by Brett Carver ASCII maps by Jeff Bogumil Original maps by Clint Dyer