SFCドラゴンクエストIII_そして伝説へ… スーパーファミコン版 SFC Dragon Quest 3 -To the Legend- Super Famicom Edition (S-NES) FAQ/Walkthrough Version Final+ April 18, 2002 Japanese EUC Encoding Written By: Aryuze RV +-=-=qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm`1234567890-=[]\;',./~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?=-=-+ <-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 78characters -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-> - What's New: Places marked !New! are the added stuff for this release. Added the contents section, a quick spell list, a quick item list, and a monster analysis section. - Past version: Version Final, December 12, 2001 = First release. - Recommended Viewing. JWPce = a Japanese Word Processing Program Character Set = Japanese EUC (it should auto-select) Display and ASCII Font = MS Mincho (a beautiful single width Japanese font) Font Size = 16 pixels Line Width = Fixed, Size 37 Search the internet to find the above mentioned stuff. - This covers the Super Famicom version (SFC) of the game. This game is a remake of the old 1988 Famicom game "Dragon Quest 3, and to the Legend..." The game was a part of a larger story, the three part Roto Story as told in Dragon Quest 1, 2 and 3. In DQ 1 and 2, the descendants of Roto were the heroes. In DQ 3, you will be able to see how the legend of Roto was born. - Just about everything has been remade, from the backgrounds, to the arranged music that plays at different times of the day. Lots of new items have been included, with the useful sack to carry them all. I think it plays better than the original. - First part covers the faq portion, while the latter part is the walkthrough. +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ 目次[もくじ] Contents !New! +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ 1. Fundamental Knowledge 2. Characters 3. Spell Compilation 3a. Spells 3b. Spell Quick List !New! 4. Small Medal List 5. Item Compilation 5a. Item Names 5b. Quick Item List !New! 6. Monster Compilation 6a. Monster Names 6b. Monster Analysis !New! 7. Personality Compilation 8. Dice Game Compilation 9. Event Guide 9a. Walkthrough Part 1 9b. Walkthrough Part 2 9c. Walkthrough Part 3 9d. Walkthrough Part 4 +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ 基礎知識[きそうちしき] 1. Fundamental Knowledge +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ --- Controls Direction Key = Move in four directions, also moves the cursor. B Button = Cancel button, closes the current window that is open. A Button = Decision button, moves text messages along. Y Button = Remember button, it will remember the message of the last person talked to, up to 32. This button also will close all open windows in one push, which is really useful. X Button = Convenient button. The function will change depending on the situation. Most of the time this will search the ground, but if you are in front of a person, this will talk to them. If in front of a treasure box or drawer, this button will open it. L Button = Convenient button. Functions same as the X button. R Button = Map button. If you found the map item, then this button allows you to view the map. It will fill in the areas you have visited already. Select Button = Cancel button, functions the same as the B button. Start Button = Nothing. --- Main Menu 冒険を為る[ぼうけんをする] 設定を変える[せっていをかえる] 冒険書を作る[ぼうけんしょをつくる] ├冒険書1[ぼうけんしょ1] ├冒険書2[ぼうけんしょ2] └冒険書3[ぼうけんしょ3] 冒険書を写す[ぼうけんしょをうつす] 冒険書を消す[ぼうけんしょをけす] Go out on the Adventure Change the Establisment Create Adventure Log -Adventure Log 1 -Adventure Log 2 -Adventure Log 3 Copy Adventure Log Erase Adventure Log --- Hiragana Chart あ い う え お  は ひ ふ へ ほ  ゛ か き く け こ  ま み む め も  ゜ さ し す せ そ  ら り る れ ろ  ― た ち つ て と  や ゆ よ わ ん  カナ な に ぬ ね の  ゃ ゅ ょ っ を  もどる ぁ ぃ ぅ ぇ ぉ    . … ? !  おわる a i u e o ha hi hu he ho ' ka ki ku ke ko ma mi mu me mo * sa si su se so ra ri ru re ro - ta ti tu te to ya yu yo wa n' kana na ni nu ne no +ya +yu +yo +tu wo return +a +i +u +e +o . ... ? ! end --- Katakana Chart ア イ ウ イ オ  ハ ヒ フ ヘ ホ  ゛ カ キ ク ケ コ  マ ミ ム メ モ  ゜ サ シ ス セ ソ  ラ リ ル レ ロ  ― タ チ ツ テ ト  ヤ ユ ヨ ワ ン  かな ナ ニ ヌ ネ ノ  ャ ュ ョ ッ ヲ  もどる ァ ィ ゥ ェ ォ    . … ? !  おわる a i u e o ha hi hu he ho ' ka ki ku ke ko ma mi mu me mo * sa si su se so ra ri ru re ro - ta ti tu te to ya yu yo wa n' kana na ni nu ne no +ya +yu +yo +tu wo return +a +i +u +e +o . ... ? ! end はい いいえ Yes No 男[おとこ] 女[おんな] Male Female 表示速度[ひょうじそくど] はやい         おそい 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Message Display Speed Fast = 1, Slow = 8 ステレオ モノラル Stereo Monaural --- Status Menu 話す[はなす] Talk 道具[どうぐ] ├使う[つかう] ├渡す[わたす] ├装備[そうび] ├見る[みる] ├見せる[みせる] ├捨てる[すてる] ├止める[やめる] └袋[ふくろ] Item -Use = Use the item -Hand Over = Pass to another friend or the sack -Equip = Equip that item -Look = For merchants only, examines the items carefully -Show = Shows the item to a merchant, if they are in the party -Throw Away = Not really needed, since there is a sack -End = Closes the window -Sack = Holds all the excess items, up to 99 for each item 強さ[つよさ] ├性別[せいべつ] ├性格名[せいかくめい] ├レベル ├力[ちから] ├素早さ[すばやさ] ├体力[たいりょく] ├賢さ[かしこさ] ├運の良さ[うんのよさ] ├最大HP[さいだいえっちぴー] ├最大MP[さいだいえむぴー] ├攻撃力[こうげきりょく] ├守備力[しゅびりょく] ├Ex[けいけんち] └全員[ぜんいん] Strength -Gender -Name of Personality -Level -Power -Agility -Physical -Intelligence -Luck -Maximum Hit Point -Maximum Magic Power -Attack Power -Defense Power -Experience -All Members = This shows all members HP, MP, attack and defensive ratings 呪文[じゅもん] Spell 調べる[しらべる] Search 作戦[さくせん] ├満タン[まんたん] ├装備[そうび] ├並び変え[ならびかえ] ├表示速度[ひょうじそくど] ├道具整理[どうぐせいり] │└全員[ぜんいん] └袋整理[ふくろせいり]  ├種別順[しゅべつじゅん]  └あいうえお順[じゅん] Strategy -Fill Up = Recovers lost HP to full by using spells or items -Equip = Change equipment -Change Line Up = Change the order of party members -Display Speed = Change the message speed, 1-8 -Sort Items = Takes any non-equipped items and throws it in the sack -All = This is for all members, useful if the items list gets cluttered -Sort Sack -Order by Classification = order is consumed, event, weapon, armor, shield, books, ornament items -Order by aiueo = The Japanese alphabetical order --- Church Menu 生き返らせる[いきかえらせる] 毒の治療[どくのちりょう] 呪いを解く[のろいをとく] 止める[やめる] Revive Cure Poison Remove Curse End --- Gold Bank Menu 預ける[あずける] 引き出す[ひきだす] 止める[やめる] Deposit Withdraw End --- Luida's Bar Menu 仲間を呼び出す[なかまをよびだす] 仲間を預ける[なかまをあずける] 名簿を見る[めいぼをみる] 止める[やめる] Call on Friends Leave Friends See the Register of Names End --- Registration Place Menu 自分でやる[じぶんでやる] お任せにする[おまかせにする] Do it yourself Entrust to others --- Battle Menu 攻撃[こうげき] 呪文[じゅもん] 防御[ぼうぎょ] 道具[どうぐ] 装備[そうび] 逃げる[にげる] Attack Spell Defend Item Equip Run Away -In battle, you can attack your own party members. Just push right when selecting which monster you want to fight. This can be useful when trying to wake up sleeping members or recover allies from confusion. -While in battle, being in the paralysis status is the same as death. If there is no one to heal the paralysis and there are dead members around, then it is game over for you. Make it a priority to heal paralysis as soon as possible. +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ 登場人物[とうじょうじんぶつ] 2. Characters +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ --- 勇者[ゆうしゃ] Hero -The one and only character that cannot change class. However, the hero can learn some spells exclusive to this class. A good fighter and good spell caster, so overall, a well balanced class. LV 呪文名前  1 おもいだす  2 メラ  4 ホイミ  6 ニフラム  7 ルーラ  8 もっとおもいだす 10 ギラ 12 アストロン 14 リレミト 15 わすれる 18 マホトーン 19 トヘロス 20 ふかくおもいだす 23 ベギラマ 26 ライデイン 29 ベホイミ 31 イオラ 33 ベホマ 35 ザオラル 38 ベホマズン 41 ギガデイン LV Spell Learned 1 Remember 2 Mera 4 Hoimi 6 Nifuramu 7 Rura 8 Remember More 10 Gira 12 Asutoron 14 Riremito 15 Forget 18 Mahoton 19 Toherosu 20 Remember Deep 23 Begirama 26 Raidein 29 Behoimi 31 Iora 33 Behoma 35 Zaoraru 38 Behomazun 41 Gigadein --- 戦士[せんし] Soldier -Can handle a variety of heavy equipment. This class is best used up front to attack and defend other members. 習得呪文は無し No spells learned --- 僧侶[そうりょ] Priest -This class can learn a whole lot of defensive spells. LV 呪文名前  1 ホイミ  2 ニフラム  5 ピオリム  7 マヌーサ  8 ルカニ  9 ラリホー 11 キアリー 12 バギ 13 マホトーン 14 ベホイミ 15 キアリク 16 ザメハ 18 ルカナン 20 バシルーラ 22 ザキ 24 ザオラル 26 バギマ 28 ザラキ 30 ベホマ 32 フバーハ 34 ベホマラー 36 バギクロス 38 ザオリク 41 メガンテ LV Spell learned 1 Hoimi 2 Nifuramu 5 Piorimu 7 Manusa 8 Rukani 9 Rariho 11 Kiari 12 Bagi 13 Mahoton 14 Behoimi 15 Kiariku 16 Zameha 18 Rukanan 20 Bashirura 22 Zaki 24 Zaoraru 26 Bagima 28 Zaraki 30 Behoma 32 Fubaha 34 Behomara 36 Bagikurosu 38 Zaoriku 41 Megante --- 魔法使い[まほうつかい] Magician -An offensive powerhouse in terms of spells learned. LV 呪文名前  1 メラ  4 スカラ  5 ヒャド  7 ギラ  9 スクルト、リレミト 11 イオ 12 ボミオス、ルーラ 14 ベギラマ 15 マホトラ 17 メラミ 18 インパス 19 トラマナ 20 ヒャダルコ 21 バイキルト 23 イオラ 24 マホカンタ 25 ラナルータ 26 ヒャダイン 27 メダパニ 29 ベギラゴン 30 シャナク 32 マヒャド 33 レムオル 34 ドラゴラム 35 アバカム 36 メラゾーマ 37 モシャス 38 イオナズン 39 パルプンテ LV Spell Learned 1 Mera 4 Sukara 5 Hyado 7 Gira 9 Sukuruto, Riremito 11 Io 12 Bomiosu, Rura 14 Begirama 15 Mahotora 17 Merami 18 Inpasu 19 Toramana 20 Hyadaruko 21 Baikiruto 23 Iora 24 Mahokanta 25 Ranaruta 26 Hyadain 27 Medapani 29 Begiragon 30 Shanaku 32 Mahyado 33 Remuoru 34 Doragoremu 35 Abakamu 36 Merazoma 37 Moshasu 38 Ionazun 39 Parupunte --- 武闘家[ぶとうか] Martial Artist -This class has a lighter equipment than the Soldier, but the Martial Artist has a high chance to deliver a Congeniality Blow for double damage. 習得呪文は無し No spells learned --- 盗賊[とうぞく] Thief -An expert in finding items. They can steal items from a monster after the battle has ended. LV 呪文名前  8 タカのめ 10 フローミ 13 しのびあし 17 とうぞくのはな 20 レミラーマ LV Spell Learned 8 Hawk Eye 10 Furomi 13 Stealth Step 17 Thief's Nose 20 Remirama --- 商人[しょうにん] Merchant -The money making class. They can find extra gold after the battle has ended. LV 呪文名前 12 あなほり 17 おおごえ LV Spell Learned 12 Dig Hole 17 Loud Voice --- 遊び人[あそびにん] Player -This class likes to fool around rather than fight seriously. Although this class seems useless at first, it is actually a good class. The reason being is that this class can change into a Sage without the need of the Writings of Enlightenment once the Player reaches level 20. LV 呪文名前 13 くちぶえ LV Spell Learned 13 Whistle --- 賢者[けんじゃ] Sage -The ultimate magic user. This class can learn both Priest and Magician spells. The growth rate is slow, meaning it takes more experience points than any other class to raise levels. There are two ways to becoming a Sage. One is to use the Writings of Enlightenment (the item will be gone after changing), or the other, prefered method is to raise a Player class to level 20. LV 呪文名前  1 メラ、ホイミ  2 ニフラム  4 スカラ  5 ヒャド、ピオリム  7 ギラ、マヌーサ  8 ルカニ  9 スクルト、リレミト、ラリホー 11 イオ、キアリー 12 ボミオス、バギ 13 マホトーン 14 ベギラマ、ベホイミ 15 マホトラ、キアリク 16 ザメハ 17 メラミ 18 インパス、ルカナン 19 トラマナ 20 ヒャダルコ、バシルーラ 21 バイキルト 22 ザキ 23 イオラ 24 マホカンタ、ザオラル 25 ラナルータ 26 ヒャダイン、バギマ 27 メタパニ 28 ザラキ 29 ベギラゴン 30 シャナク、ベホマ 32 マヒャド、フバーハ 33 レムオル 34 ドラゴラム、ベホマラー 35 アバカム 36 メラゾーマ、バギクロス 37 モシャス 38 イオナズン、ザオリク 39 パルプンテ 41 メガンテ LV Spell Learned 1 Mera, Hoimi 2 Nifuramu 4 Sukara 5 Hyado, Piorimu 7 Gira, Manusa 8 Rukani 9 Sukuruto, Riremito, Rariho 11 Io, Kiari 12 Bomiosu, Bagi 13 Mahoton 14 Begirama, Behoimi 15 Mahotora, Kiariku 16 Zameha 17 Merami 18 Inpasu, Rukanan 19 Toramana 20 Hyadaruko, Bashirura 21 Baikiruto 22 Zaki 23 Iora 24 Mahokanta, Zaoraru 25 Ranaruta 26 Hyadain, Bagima 27 Medapani 28 Zaraki 29 Begiragon 30 Shanaku, Behoma 32 Mahyado, Fubaha 33 Remuoru 34 Doragoremu, Behomara 35 Abakamu 36 Merazoma, Bagikurosu 37 Moshasu 38 Ionazun, Zaoriku 39 Parupunte 41 Megante -Sometimes, spells will be learned at a little higher or a little lower than the listed level. It seems like it has something to do with the Intelligent statistic, though I'm not too sure on that one. -To change class, you must visit Dama Temple. You must be Level 20 or above to be able to change. When you change, you will return to Level 1, with all status points halved. However, you will keep all spells that the previous class has learned. -The Player can change class to a Sage once they become Level 20 or above. In the SFC version, any character can change into a Player other than the Hero. Knowing this, you can create a Super Character by starting as a Thief or Merchant. Once you learn all the spells both classes can learn, change class into a Player, then change into a Sage. Once the Sage learns all it's spells, you will have a Super Character that has all the spells other than the Hero's. After that, the Sage can become someone else, like a Martial Artist, for a dream character. This takes a lot of time though. +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ 呪文編[じゅもんへん] 3. Spell Compilation +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ 3a. Spells 名称=呪文の名前 消費=使用MP 効果=呪文の説明 Name = Name of the spell MP = Used Magic Power Effect = An explanation of the spell --- 攻撃系[こうげきけい] Offensive Group 名称    消費 効果 メラ     2 火の玉を投げ、敵1匹に約10ダメージを与える メラミ    6 火の玉を投げ、敵1匹に約80ダメージを与える メラゾーマ 12 火の玉を投げ、敵1匹に約180ダメージを与える ギラ     4 敵1グループに炎を放ち、約20ダメージ ベギラマ   6 敵1グループに炎を放ち、約35ダメージ ベギラゴン 12 敵1グループに炎を放ち、約100ダメージ イオ     5 敵全体を爆発に巻き込み、約20ダメージ イオラ    9 敵全体を爆発に巻き込み、約60ダメージ イオナズン 18 敵全体を爆発に巻き込み、約140ダメージ ヒャド    3 氷で敵1匹に約30ダメージ ヒャダルコ  6 氷で敵1グループに約50ダメージ ヒャダイン  9 氷で敵全体に約70ダメージ マヒャド  12 氷で敵1グループに約100ダメージ バギ     4 真空で敵1グループに約15ダメージ バギマ    6 真空で敵1グループに約40ダメージ バギクロス  9 真空で敵1グループに約100ダメージ ライデイン  8 敵1匹に雷を落とし、約80ポイントのダメージ ギガデイン 30 敵全体に雷を落とし、約200ポイントのダメージ ザキ     7 敵1匹に死の言葉を聞かせ、一瞬で息の根を止める ザラキ    7 敵1グループに死の言葉を聞かせ、一瞬で息の根を止める メガンテ   1 敵全体を自分の命と引き替えに倒す ドラゴラム 24 ドラゴンに変身して敵全体防御無視で約170ダメージ Name MP Effect Mera 2 Throws a fireball, does about 10 damage to one enemy Merami 6 Throws a fireball, does about 80 damage to one enemy Merazoma 12 Throws a fireball, does about 180 damage to one enemy Gira 4 Release flames on one group for about 20 damage Begirama 6 Release flames on one group for about 35 damage Begiragon 12 Release flames on one group for about 100 damage Io 5 Engulf all enemies in an explosion for about 20 damage Iora 9 Engulf all enemies in an explosion for about 60 damage Ionazun 18 Engulf all enemies in an explosion for about 140 damage Hyado 3 Using ice, does about 30 damage to one enemy Hyadaruko 6 Using ice, does about 50 damage to one group Hyadain 9 Using ice, does about 70 damage to all enemies Mahyado 12 Using ice, does about 100 damage to one group Bagi 4 Vacuum surge that does about 15 damage to one group Bagima 6 Vacuum surge that does about 40 damage to one group Bagikurosu 9 Vacuum surge that does about 100 damage to one group Raidein 8 Drop lightening bolts on one enemy for about 80 damage Gigadein 30 Drop lightening bolts on all enemies for about 200 damage Zaki 7 Words of death on one enemy to hear, stops life instantly Zaraki 7 Words of death on one group to hear, stops life instantly Megante 1 Defeat all monsters in exchange of the caster's life Dragoramu 24 Change into a dragon, does 170 damage to all, ignoring defense --- 攻撃補助系[こうげきほじょけい] Attack Support Group 名称    消費 効果 ニフラム   2 敵1グループを光の彼方に消し去る。ExとGは得られない ラリホー   3 敵1グループを眠らせてしまう ピオリム   3 仲間全員の素早さをその戦闘中だけ上げる ルカニ    3 敵1匹の守備力を大幅に下げる ルカナン   4 敵1グループの守備力を下げる バシルーラ  7 敵1匹を異次元の彼方に吹き飛ばす* ボミオス   3 敵1グループの素早さが下がる マホトラ   0 敵1匹からMPを吸い取る バイキルト  6 仲間一人の攻撃力を、その戦闘中だけ二倍にする メダパニ   5 敵1匹を混乱させ、同士討ちさせる モシャス  12 その戦闘中だけ、仲間のうちの誰かに変身できる Name MP Effect Nifuramu 2 One group will disappear into the light, no Ex or G is earned Rariho 3 Makes one group fall asleep Piorimu 3 Raises the agility of all allies in that battle only Rukani 3 Reduce the defense power of one enemy greatly Rukanan 4 Reduce the defense power of one group of enemies Bashirura 7 Blows away one enemy to another dimension* Bomiosu 3 Reduce the agility of one group of enemies Mahotora 0 Absorbs the MP of one enemy Baikiruto 6 Doubles the attack power of one ally for that battle only Medapani 5 Confuses one enemy, causing them to attack each other Moshasu 12 For that battle only, can transform into another ally * バシルーラで飛ばされた仲間達はルイーダの酒場に戻ります * Allies that have been knocked away by Bashirura will return to Luida's Bar --- 防御系[ぼうぎょけい] Defensive Group 名称    消費 効果 スカラ    3 仲間一人の守備力を、その戦闘中だけ高める スクルト   4 仲間全員の守備力を、その戦闘中だけ高める マホトーン  3 敵1グループの魔法を封じ込める マホカンタ  8 味方一人に、敵の魔法を跳ね返すことをできるバリアを張る マヌーサ   4 敵1グループの周囲に霧を発生させ、命中率を低くする フバーハ   6 仲間全員の、炎や吹雪によるダメージを半減にする アストロン  6 仲間全員が石になり、あらゆる攻撃を受け付けなくなる Name MP Effect Sukara 3 Raises the defensive power of one ally for that battle only Sukuruto 4 Raises the defensive power of all allies Mahoton 3 Seals the magic of one group of enemies Mahokanta 8 Put up a barrier that can reflect magic on one ally Manusa 4 Create mist around one group of enemies, reducing hit rate Fubaha 6 Half damage from flame and snow storm breath, all allies Asutoron 6 All allies become stone, invincible to all attacks --- 治療系[ちりょうけい] Medical Treatment Group 名称    消費 効果 ホイミ    3 仲間一人のHPを約35ポイント回復する ベホイミ   5 仲間一人のHPを約85ポイント回復する ベホマ    7 仲間一人のHPを最大値まで回復する ベホマラー 18 仲間全員のHPを一人あたり約85ポイント回復する ベホマズン 62 仲間全員のHPを最大値まで回復する キアリー   3 仲間一人の毒を消す キアリク   6 仲間一人の麻痺を直す ザメハ    3 仲間全員を睡眠状態から回復する ザオラル  10 仲間一人を蘇生させられる。確率は約50パーセント ザオリク  20 仲間一人を確実にHPを最大まで蘇生させられる。 シャナク  18 仲間一人の呪いを解く Name MP Effect Hoimi 3 Recovers one ally about 35 HP Behoimi 5 Recovers one ally about 85 HP Behoma 7 Recovers one ally to maximum HP Behomara 18 Recovers all allies 85 HP Behomazun 62 Recovers all allies to maximum HP Kiari 3 Erases poison status from one ally Kiariku 6 Cures paralysis on one ally Zameha 3 Recovers all allies from sleep status Zaoraru 10 Revives one dead ally, works about 50% of the time Zaoriku 20 Revives one dead ally to max HP for certain Shanaku 18 Removes a curse on one ally --- その他[そのた] Others 名称       消費 効果 ルーラ       8 仲間全員を、行った事のある町や城に移動させる リレミト      8 仲間全員を、ダンジョンの中から地上に脱出させる インパス      3 宝箱が青くか黄色光れば安全、赤く光ればモンスター トラマナ      2 仲間全員をバリアーのダメージから守る トヘロス      4 一定の時間弱い敵の遭遇しない。ダンジョンでは無効 ラナルータ    12 昼と夜を逆転させる レムオル     15 仲間全員をしばらくのあいだ透明人間にする アバカム      0 全ての扉を鍵なしで開けることができる パルプンテ    20 戦闘中で、ランダムで様々な効果が起こる* おもいだす     0 覚えた言葉を直前ものから3つまで思い出せる もっとおもいだす  0 覚えた言葉を直前ものから10こまで思い出せる ふかくおもいだす  0 覚えた言葉を直前ものから32こまで思い出せる わすれる      0 覚えた言葉の中から不必要なものを忘れる あなほり      0 足元からランダムで金やアイテムを堀り出す** おおごえ     15 移動中に宿屋や神父、武器屋など呼び出せる くちぶえ      0 近くにいるモンスターを呼び出せる タカのめ      0 近くにいる町や建物の位置を知ることができる フローミ      2 ダンジョン内で自分たちのいる場所がわかる しのびあし     0 モンスターに遭遇し難いになる とうぞくのはな   0 今いる階に宝がいくつあるかわかる レミラーマ     2 画面内に怪しい場所があれば光り輝く Name MP Effect Rura 8 Moves the party to towns and castle that already been visited Riremito 8 Escape from a dungeon instantly Inpasu 3 If box is blue or gold, then safe. If red, then monster Toramana 2 Protects all allies from barrier damage Toherosu 4 Temporary avoids encounter with weak monsters Ranaruta 12 Reverses day and night Remuoru 15 Makes all allies into transparent humans for a while Abakamu 0 Opens all doors with no need of a key Parupunte 20 In battle, causes various, random effects * Remember 0 Recalls the last 3 messages from memory Remeber More 0 Recalls the last 10 messages from memory Remeber Deep 0 Recalls the last 32 messages from memory Forget 0 Erases unwanted messages from the memory Dig Hole 0 Dig up money and items from underfoot ** Loud Voice 15 In travel, call inns, church priests, or weapon shops Whistle 0 Calls forth nearby monsters Hawk Eye 0 Know the location of the nearest town or building Furomi 2 Know the name and floor of the dungeon currently inside Stealth Step 0 Makes it harder to have an encounter with monsters Thief's Nose 0 Know how many treasures there are in the current floor Remirama 2 Suspicious places will shine brightly within the screen *  ぱるぷんての十六の効果は以下の通り。  1 敵味方全員が眠ってしまう  2 唱えた本人以外しばらくの間動けなくなる  3 味方一人のHPをベホイミと同じ程度回復する  4 敵味方とも呪文が無効になってしまう  5 恐ろしいものを呼び出し、敵全員が逃げてしまう  6 敵が驚いて1ターン動けなくなる  7 敵味方全員が混乱してしまう  8 敵全員が砕け散るが、経験値とゴールドは貰えない  9 味方全員のHPをベホマラーと同じ程度回復する 10 力つきた仲間がいる時、完全復活させる 11 敵全員が去っていくが、ゴールドとアイテムは貰える 12 味方全員の攻撃が会心の一撃になる 13 敵全員のMPをすべて奪ってしまう 14 パーティの並び方が変わってしまう 15 麻痺した仲間がいる時、麻痺を治療する 16 呪文が山彦になるが、何も起こらない * The sixteen effects of Parupunte, as shown below 1 All enemies and allies fall asleep 2 Everyone other than the caster cannot move for a while 3 Recover one ally's HP about the same as Behoimi 4 All enemies and allies' magic will be made invalid 5 Calls forth a terrible thing, all enemies will run away 6 Enemies will be surprised, they cannot move for one turn 7 All enemies and allies will become confused 8 All enemies will be smashed up, but no experience and gold is gained 9 Recover all allies HP about the same as Behomara 10 If there is a dead ally, then completely revive that ally 11 All enemies will leave, but gold and items will be gained 12 All allies' attacks will become Congeniality Blow 13 All enemies' MP will be drained to nothing 14 Change the line up order of the party 15 If there is a paralyzed ally, then that ally will be healed 16 The spell will echo about, but nothing will happen ** 同じフロアで連続1から5回までアイテムやゴールドを拾える。アイテム はそのフロアに出現するモンスターの落とし宝。ゴールドはほとんど1か2 ゴールドばかりだが、大当たりすれば、持ち金半分を入手できる。 ** For the same floor, you can continuously pick up item or gold 1 through 5 times. For items, it is the dropped treasure of the monster that appears on that floor. For gold, most of the time it is 1 or 2 gold, but if you strike it rich, then you will receive 1/2 your current gold. --- 遊び人の四十の遊び[あそびにんのよんじゅうのあそび] The Players 40 plays 番号 遊びの内容        戦闘への効果  1 勝手に自分の身だけを守る 防御と同じ状態  2 様子を見てるだけ     特になし  3 仲間を呼ぶが誰もこない  特になし  4 逃げ出すが回り込まれる  特になし  5 つまずいて転ぶ      会心の一撃が出るばいがある  6 にっこり微笑む      特になし  7 いきなり眠る       ラリホーと同じ状態  8 お手玉遊び        敵か自分にダメージ  9 陽気に歌って踊る     特になし 10 短歌[たんか]をきる   特になし 11 乱れた髪をかきあげる   特になし 12 タップダンス       身をかわしやすくなる 13 指をクルクル回す     敵か自分にマヌーサ 14 女の仲間のお尻を触る   特になし 15 のんびり化粧直しをする  特になし 16 いきなり金縛りになる   麻痺と同じ状態 17 でたらめな呪文を唱える  特になし 18 平和になるよう天に祈る  特になし 19 ふと考えごとにふける   特になし 20 面白いダジャレを思いつく 敵が休む 21 おもむろにサイコロを振る 特になし 22 大声で歌い出す      敵が休むか逃げ出す 23 エッチな事を考える    特になし 24 大きなくしゃみをする   敵味方全員を休ませる 25 尻取りをする       特になし 26 ちらりと流し目をおくる  敵1体を休ませる 27 恐い話をする       味方一人を休ませる 28 取り出した王冠をかぶる  敵1体にダメージ 29 ムチとハイヒールを出す  敵1体にダメージ 30 味方一人に目隠しする   特になし 31 狂ったように笑い出す   敵全員が逃げ出す 32 味方をはげます      ピオリムかボミオス 33 お酒を飲み干す      自分と味方一人が休む 34 敵の悪口をいう      バイキルトかルカニ 35 大きな石を投げる     敵か味方に直撃 36 敵にぱふぱふする     ダメージか休ませる 37 いけない遊び       特になし 38 火遊びをする       敵1体にメラミ 39 何をして遊ぶかを考える  味方全員にベホマラー 40 必殺技          敵1体にダメージ ## Play Contents In Battle Effect 1 Defend oneself at own will Same as Defend status 2 Just looking at the situation Nothing in particular 3 Call for help, but no answer Nothing in particular 4 Run away, but become surrounded Nothing in particular 5 Trip and fall down Sometimes Congeniality Blow 6 Give a sweet smile Nothing 7 Suddenly go to sleep Same as Rariho 8 Play with juggling bags Enemy or Ally takes damage 9 Cheerfully sing and dance Nothing 10 Cut a short poem Nothing 11 Comb upward the unravelled hair Nothing 12 Tap Dance Increase avoidance 13 Spin the finger round and round Enemy or Ally Manusa 14 Touch the ass of female comrades Nothing 15 Adjust the makeup at leisure Nothing 16 Abruptly become paralyzed Same as paralysis 17 Cast a nonsense spell Nothing 18 Pray to heaven for peace Nothing 19 Engrossed in deep thought suddenly Nothing 20 Come up with amusing puns Enemy rests 21 Slowly roll the dice Nothing 22 Sing in a loud voice Enemy rests or runs away 23 Have lewd thoughts Nothing 24 Have a large sneeze All enemies and allies rest 25 Begin a word chain game Nothing 26 Give a sidelong glance Enemy rests 27 Tell a scary story Ally rests 28 Take out a crown and wear it Damage one enemy 29 Bring out the whips and high heels Damage one enemy 30 Cover the eyes of one ally Nothing 31 Laugh like a maniac All enemies run away 32 Encourage allies Piorimu or Bomiosu 33 Drink alcohol Oneself and one ally rests 34 Insult the enemy Baikiruto or Rukani 35 Throw a huge rock Direct hit on an enemy or ally 36 Puff puff on the enemy Damage or rest 37 Dangerous play Nothing 38 Playing with fire Merami on one enemy 39 Think about what to play next All allies Behomara 40 Certain kill technique Damage one enemy 3b. Spell Quick List - !New! A list in which you can see who learns what spell at a glance. Key: 名称[めいしょう] Name of Spell 範囲[はんい] Range ├敵一 One enemy ├敵群 Enemy group ├敵全 All enemies ├仲一 One ally ├仲全 All allies ├自己 Self ├謎謎 Various ├宝箱 Treasure box ├開扉 Door ├床上 Floor ├画面 Screen └無し None MP = Used Magic Power T = Time, when the spell can be used. B = Battle only, F = Field only, A = Anytime, in or out of battle. YU = What level the Hero learns the spell SO = What level the Priest, and Sage learns the spell MA = What level the Magician, and Sage learns the spell TO = What level the Thief learns the spell SH = What level the Merchant learns the spell AS = What level the Player learns the spell - = Doesn't learn the spell Damage/Effect = The first number is the minimum damage, while the second number is the maximum damage the spell can do. Effect is a short description of what the spell does. 名称      範囲 MP T YU SO MA TO SH AS Damage/Effect メラ      敵一  2 B 2 - 1 - - - 8-13, Mera group メラミ     敵一  6 B - - 17 - - - 70-90, Mera group メラゾーマ   敵一 12 B - - 36 - - - 160-200, Mera group ギラ      敵群  4 B 10 - 7 - - - 16-24, Gira group ベギラマ    敵群  6 B 23 - 14 - - - 30-42, Gira group ベギラゴン   敵群 12 B - - 29 - - - 88-112, Gira group イオ      敵全  5 B - - 11 - - - 16-24, Io group イオラ     敵全  9 B 31 - 23 - - - 52-68, Io group イオナズン   敵全 18 B - - 38 - - - 120-160, Io group ヒャド     敵一  3 B - - 5 - - - 25-35, Hyado group 名称      範囲 MP T YU SO MA TO SH AS Damage/Effect ヒャダルコ   敵群  6 B - - 20 - - - 42-58, Hyado group ヒャダイン   敵全  9 B - - 26 - - - 60-80, Hyado group マヒャド    敵群 12 B - - 32 - - - 88-112, Hyado group バギ      敵群  4 B - 12 - - - - 8-24, Bagi group バギマ     敵群  6 B - 26 - - - - 25-55, Bagi group バギクロス   敵群  9 B - 36 - - - - 60-120, Bagi group ライデイン   敵一  8 B 26 - - - - - 70-90, Dein group ギガデイン   敵全 30 B 41 - - - - - 175-225, Dein group ザキ      敵一  7 B - 22 - - - - Instant Death ザラキ     敵群  7 B - 28 - - - - Instand Death 名称      範囲 MP T YU SO MA TO SH AS Damage/Effect メダンテ    敵全  1 B - 41 - - - - Death or near death ニフラム    敵群  2 B 6 2 - - - - Erase enemies, Expel group バシルーラ   敵一  7 B - 20 - - - - Blow away foe, Expel group ラリホー    敵群  3 B 16 9 - - - - Sleep up to 3 turns, sleep gr マヌーサ    敵群  4 B - 7 - - - - Reduce hit rate, illusion gr メダパニ    敵一  5 B - - 27 - - - Confusion group マホトーン   敵群  3 B 18 13 - - - - Seals spells, sealed group マホトラ    敵一  0 B - - 15 - - - 5-10 MP steal, suction group ルカニ     敵一  3 B - 8 - - - - Defense down 100%, Rukani gr ルカナン    敵群  4 B - 18 - - - - Defense down 50%, Rukani gr 名称      範囲 MP T YU SO MA TO SH AS Damage/Effect ボミオス    敵群  3 B - - 12 - - - Speed down 100%, speed group ピオリム    仲全  3 B - 5 - - - - Speed up 100% バイキルト   仲一  6 B - - 21 - - - Double attack power スカラ     仲一  3 B - - 4 - - - Defense up 100% スクルト    仲全  4 B - - 9 - - - Defense up 50% マホカンタ   自己  8 B - - 24 - - - Reflect spells フバーハ    仲全  6 B - 32 - - - - Reduce flame and ice damage アストロン   仲全  6 B 12 - - - - - Invincible for 3 turns モシャス    自己 12 B - - 37 - - - Change into someone else ドラゴラム   自己 24 B - - 34 - - - Change into a dragon 名称      範囲 MP T YU SO MA TO SH AS Damage/Effect パルプンテ   謎謎 20 B - - 40 - - - 16 different effects ホイミ     仲一  3 A 4 1 - - - - Heal 30-39 HP ベホイミ    仲一  5 A 29 14 - - - - Heal 75-94 HP ベホマ     仲一  7 A 33 30 - - - - Heal 1023 HP ベホマラー   仲全 18 A - 34 - - - - Heal 75-94 HP ベホマズン   仲全 62 A 38 - - - - - Heal 1023 HP キアリー    仲一  3 A - 11 - - - - Removes Poison キアリク    仲一  6 A - 15 - - - - Heal Paralysis ザメハ     仲全  3 B - 16 - - - - Awaken sleepy people シャナク    仲一 18 F - - 30 - - - Remove curse 名称      範囲 MP T YU SO MA TO SH AS Damage/Effect ザオラル    仲一 10 A 35 24 - - - - 50% chance of revival ザオリク    仲一 20 A - 38 - - - - 100% chance of revival ルーラ     仲全  8 A 7 - 12 - - - Return to town, escape battle リレミト    仲全  8 F 14 - 9 - - - Escape labyrinths トヘロス    仲全  4 F 19 - - - - - Keep away weak monsters トラマナ    仲全  2 F - - 19 - - - Protect from damage floors インパス    宝箱  3 F - - 18 - - - Blue = Safe, Red = Trap ラナルータ   無し 12 F - - 25 - - - Reverse day and night レムオル    仲全 15 F - - 33 - - - Turns invisible アバカム    開扉  0 F - - 35 - - - Opens all kinds of doors 名称      範囲 MP T YU SO MA TO SH AS Damage/Effect フローミ    床上  2 F - - - 10 - - Names the floor and place レミラーマ   画面  2 F - - - 20 - - Shows the place of items 口笛      無し  0 F - - - - - 13 Call forth monsters 忍び足     仲全  0 F - - - 17 - - Reduce monster encounter rate 鷹の目     無し  0 F - - - 8 - - Show the direction of buildings 盗賊の鼻    床上  0 F - - - 13 - - Tells how many items on a floor 大声      無し 15 F - - - - 17 - Calls the last shop visited 穴堀り     床上  0 F - - - - 12 - Dig up gold or items 思い出す    無し  0 F 1 - - - - - Remember past 3 messages もっと思い出す 無し  0 F 8 - - - - - Remember past 10 messages 名称      範囲 MP T YU SO MA TO SH AS Damage/Effect 深く思い出す  無し  0 F 20 - - - - - Remember past 32 messages 忘れる     無し  0 F 15 - - - - - Forgets a message from memory +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ 小さなメダル一覧表[ちいさなめだるいちらんひょう] 4. Small Medal List +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ --- 小さなメダルの賞品一覧表 Small Medal Prize List 刺の鞭       5枚 ガーターベルト  10枚 刃のブーメラン  20枚 力の指輪     30枚 インテリ眼鏡   35枚 忍びの服     50枚 正義の算盤    60枚 疾風のバンダナ  70枚 ドラゴンクロウ  80枚 復活の杖     90枚 神秘のビキニ   95枚 ゴールドパス  100枚 Thorn Whip 5 Garter Belt 10 Bladed Boomerang 20 Force Ring 30 Intelligence Eyeglasses 35 Clothes of the Spy 50 Abacus of Justice 60 Gale Bandana 70 Dragon Claw 80 Staff of Revival 90 Mysterious Bikini 95 Gold Pass 100 -The location of the Small Medal collector is inside the well that is in Ariahan Town. That is right near the beginning of the game. --- 小さなメダルの居場所、全110枚 Whereabouts of the Small Medals, 110 in all  番号 場所 001 アリアハン城一階、部屋の右側の左側のタルの中 002 アリアハン城下町、井戸の北の家二階のタンス、夜限定 003 レーベの村、動く石の下に調べる 004 ナジミの塔、三階宝箱の中 005 アリアハン城一階、左上の域、タンスの中、盗賊の鍵が必要 006 アリアハン城の東の祠、一番右の壷 007 ロマリア城下町、左上の家、上の壷 008 ロマリア城下町、城門の右側、たいまつの側 009 ロマリア城一階、右下の花壇の中心 010 カザーブの村、教会の右側、一番右の墓前 011 エルフの隠れ里、女王の部屋外壁づたいに左上の窪み 012 地底の湖地下三階、宝箱の中 013 第二のすごろく場一階、左側の床の中央 014 第二のすごろく場内、左下の壷のコマ 015 第二のすごろく場内、ゴールの左側の宝箱 016 イシス南東の祠、左側の壷 017 イシス城下町、三つ並んだ墓の真ん中の墓前 018 イシス城下町、武器屋の壷 019 ピラミッド一階、左上の部屋の宝箱 020 ピラミッド四階、左下から二番めの宝箱 021 ピラミッド頂上、左上の隅 022 イシス城一階、右上の部屋、左下の宝箱、魔法の鍵が必要 023 アッサラーム二階、右上の青い床の上 024 ロマリア城一階、上の部屋の右上の茂み 025 ポルトガ城下町、牧場の右上の隅 026 ポルトガ城下町、町の外れの地下室、壷の中 027 バハラタ町、宿屋の右の部屋の引き出し 028 ダーマの神殿中央、右上の石像の前 029 ガルナの塔三階、宝箱の中 030 ジパングの北西の祠、宿屋右側の部屋引き出しの中 031 ムオルの村市場二階、上の方の壷 032 人攫いのアジト地下一階、上の部屋右から三つめの宝箱 033 テドンの村、右上の毒の沼地中央 034 ランシールの大神殿、右側の窪み一番奥 035 エジンベア城、左側の庭の花壇中央 036 エジンベア城、右側の庭の左下隅 037 ジパング、地下室、右側の壷、下から二番め 038 ジパング、ヒミコの屋敷、右側の部屋真中の壷 039 浅瀬の祠内、模様の床の一番上 040 ランシールの大神殿、一人で入ってから右側の通路の宝箱、最後の鍵 041 ロマリア城左上の塔、四階牢屋の中、流しの前 042 ロマリアとポルトガの地下道、旅の扉の左上隅 043 旅人の祠、模様の床の上部中央 044 オリビアの岬の祠、右側の二つの旅の扉の中間より左側の壁 045 ルザミ島、右上の隅、花壇の中心 046 ムオル村、市場の牢屋、草叢の右上隅 047 スーの村、一番上の家の壷 048 スーの村、井戸の上側、昼間限定 049 レイアムランドの祠、梯子の下側、右隅 050 ホビットの祠、ホビットの椅子の裏側 051 第三のすごろく場、左側の茂みの中 052 第三のすごろく場二階、中央の十字の左下隅 053 第三のすごろく場内、最後の壷のコマ 054 グリンラッド、右上の家、左の引き出し 055 アープの塔五階、真中の宝箱 056 アープの塔三階、左下の宝箱 057 海賊のアジト、右上の部屋、下列の樽の中央 058 海賊のアジト、地下の牢屋右上隅 059 地球のへそ地下一階、右側の宝箱 060 地球のへそ地下三階、一番奥の左側の宝箱 061 サマンオサ城下町、墓の上段列、右から二つめ 062 サマンオサ城の回り、左側右上隅 063 サマンオサ城、台所の左側の樽 064 サマンオサ城、地下牢獄左上の部屋壷の中 065 ラーの洞窟地下二階、右から八番めの宝箱 066 ラーの洞窟地下二階、下の通路、右側の宝箱 067 商人の町、屋敷の中右側の宝箱、期間限定 068 幽霊船中央下の部屋、右側の樽 069 幽霊船地下一階、上の列左から二番めの樽の中 070 祠の牢獄、左上の部屋の壷 071 ネクロゴンドの洞窟一階、一番左の宝箱 072 ネクロゴンドの洞窟二階、大部屋の中央、必要に応じてレミラーマ 073 ネクロゴンドの祠、上の方にある、真中の墓前 074 商人の町二階、引き出しの中、町は最終形態にした後 075 竜の女王の城、上部太陽光線の当たる床の中央 076 バラモス城地下一階、牢獄にある屍の左 077 バラモス城一階、屍の玉座目の前 078 闇の世界最初の祠、右上の堤防 079 ラダトーム城下町、上側木の前 080 ラダトーム城、台所にある左側の樽 081 ガライの家、一番右の箪笥 082 ドムドーラ町、左下隅、壷の中 083 ドムドーラ町、右下の牧場、右上隅の窪み 084 ドムドーラ町、井戸の中、左下隅池に近く 085 マイラ村、露天風呂の階段 086 マイラ村二階、右側の袋の中 087 マイラ村、井戸の中階段と近くにある水の中 088 第四のすごろく場二階、ゴールの左側の茂み 089 第四のすごろく場内部、最初の箪笥 090 第四のすごろく場内部、二階の右側の壷 091 沼地の洞窟、一番下、二人の奴隷の間 092 メルキド町、左上の部屋の中 093 精霊の祠二階、模様の床の中心 094 リムルダール町、左側の家一番上の壷 095 リムルダール町二階、牢獄の中机の前 096 リムルダール町、堀割の外左上の家、右側の引き出し 097 岩山の洞窟地下二階、右下の宝箱 098 ラダトーム北の洞窟地下三階、右側の宝箱 099 聖なる祠、左の十字架の前 100 ルビスの塔二階、中央の部屋、上四つの宝箱の右上 101 ルビスの塔三階、左上の宝箱の中 102 ゾーマの城入口、右側上のバリアの中心 103 ゾーマの城入口、玉座の中央 104 ゾーマの城地下四階、六つの宝箱の内、一番左の箱 105 隠しダンジョン、天空の洞窟、ピラミッド擬き、左下の箱 106 天空の洞窟、地底の湖モドキ、右上の宝箱 107 天空の洞窟、サマンオサ牢獄モドキ、壷の中 108 ゼニス城、レーベ村モドキ、右側の壷 109 天空の塔二階、左側の宝箱 110 天空の塔四階、孤独な宝箱の中 ### Place 001 Ariahan Castle 1F, right side of the room, inside the left barrel 002 Ariahan Town, the house north of the well, 2F right hand drawer (night) 003 Rebe Village, under the moveable rock 004 Tower of Najimi, inside a treasure box on the 3F 005 Ariahan Castle 1F, upper left area, inside a drawer (need Thief's Key) 006 Shrine East of Ariahan Castle, the rightmost pot 007 Romaria Castle Town, upper left house, the top pot 008 Romaria Castle Town, to the right of the castle gate, beside the torch 009 Romaria Castle, 1F in the center of the bottom right flower bed 010 Kazab Village, to the right of the church, in front of the right grave 011 Elf's Isolated Village, outside the Queen's room, in the left cavity 012 Underground Lake, B3F inside a treasure box 013 Second Dice Game, 1F in the middle of the floor on the left side 014 Second Dice Game, inside the board, the bottom left pot 015 Second Dice Game, inside the board, the left box at the Goal 016 Small Shrine SE of Isis, left hand pot 017 Isis Castle Town, in front of the middle gravestone of three 018 Isis Castle Town, inside the pot of the Weapon Shop 019 Pyramid, 1F inside a treasure box in the top left corner 020 Pyramid, 4F treasure box, left side, 2nd from the bottom 021 Pyramid Summit, upper left corner 022 Isis Castle, 1F upper right room, lower left box (need Magic Key) 023 Asaram Town, 2F top right blue square 024 Romalia Castle, 1F top room, 2nd bush from the right 025 Portoga Castle Town, upper right corner of the pasture land 026 Portoga Castle Town, underground room on the outskirts of town, in a pot 027 Baharata Town, the inn, right hand room, inside the drawer 028 Dama's Temple, in front of the upper right stone statue 029 Garuna's Tower, 3F inside a treasure box 030 Shrine NW of Jipang, right hand room, inside the drawer 031 Village of Muoru, marketplace 2F inside the top pot 032 Kidnapper's Hideout, B1F top room, 3rd treasure box from the right 033 Tedon Village, middle of the upper right poison marsh 034 Lancil's Great Temple, all the way inside the right side cavity 035 Eginbear Castle, left side garden, middle of the flower bed 036 Eginbear Castle, right side garden, bottom left corner 037 Jipang, basement, 2nd from bottom pot on the right hand side 038 Jipang, Himiko's Mansion, right side room, in the middle pot 039 Shrine of Shallows, top part of the patterned floor 040 Lacil's Great Temple, go alone, in the treasure box on the right side 041 Romalia Castle, upper left tower, prison cell, in front of the sink 042 Romalia Portoga Passage, upper left corner of the travel door 043 Traveller's Shrine, middle of the top row of blue squares 044 Olivia's Cape Shrine, left wall between the two travel doors 045 Ruzami Island, top right corner, middle of the flower bed 046 Muoru Village, market jail, upper right corner of the bushes 047 Sioux Village, house at the top, inside a pot 048 Sioux Village, upper side of the well, limited to daytime 049 Leamland Shrine, bottom side of the ladder, in the right corner 050 Hobbit's Shrine, behind the Hobbit's chair 051 Third Dice Game, left side, in the middle of the patch of grass 052 Third Dice Game, 2F bottom left corner of the center cross 053 Third Dice Game, inside the board, the last pot 054 Greenlad, upper right house, left side drawer 055 Arp Tower, 5F in the middle treasure box 056 Arp Tower, 3F the bottom left treasure box 057 Pirate's Hideout, upper right room, middle barrel on the bottom row 058 Pirate's Hideout, basement prison cell, upper right corner 059 Navel of the Earth, B1F second right, inside a treasure box 060 Navel of the Earth, B3F interior part, left hand treasure box 061 Samanosa Castle Town, top row 2nd grave from the right 062 Samanosa Castle, surrounding area left side, upper right corner 063 Samanosa Castle, inside the kitchen, left hand barrel 064 Samanosa Castle, basement prison, in the pot in the top left cell 065 Ra's Cave, B2F eighth treasure box from the right 066 Ra's Cave, B2F bottom passage, box on the right side 067 Merchant's Town, in the mansion, right hand treasure box, limited time 068 Phantom Ship, middle area, inside the right barrel 069 Phantom Ship, basement area, top row, 2nd barrel from the left 070 Prison Shrine, upper left cell, inside the pot 071 Necrogondo Cave, 1F treasure box on the far left 072 Necrogondo Cave, 2F center of the large room, use Remirama if needed 073 Necrogondo Shrine, in front of the middle gravestone 074 Merchant's Town, 2F inside a drawer, after the town reaches final form 075 Dragon Queen's Castle, top part, the floor where the sunlight hits 076 Baramos Castle, B1F to the left of the corpse in the prison 077 Baramos Castle, 1F in front of the corpse sitting on the throne 078 First Shrine in the Dark World, upper right embankment 079 Radatom Castle Town, in front of a tree on the top side 080 Radatom Castle, inside the left barrel in the kitchen 081 Garai's House, right hand drawer 082 Domdora Town, bottom left corner, inside a pot 083 Domdora Town, horse stable, upper right corner, in the cavity 084 Domdora Town, inside the well, bottom left corner near the pond 085 Maira Village, stairs on the open air bath 086 Maira Village, 2F item shop, inside the right hand bag 087 Maira Village, inside the well, in the water near the stairs 088 Fourth Dice Game, 2F in the bushes left of the goal 089 Fourth Dice Game, inside the board, the first drawer 090 Fourth Dice Game, inside the board, in the pot on the right side 2F 091 Marsh Land Cave, at the bottom, between the two slaves 092 Melkido Town, top left room in the left corner 093 Spirit Shrine, 2F in the middle of the design on the floor 094 Rimuldar Town, left side house, in the top most pot 095 Rimuldar Town, 2F inside the prison, in front of the table 096 Rimuldar Town, outside the canal, upper left house, right hand drawer 097 Rocky Mountain Cave, B2F bottom right treasure box 098 Cave North of Radatom, B3F treasure box on the far right side 099 Holy Shrine, in front of the left cross 100 Rubis Tower, 2F top group of treasure boxes, upper right box 101 Rubis Tower, 3F upper left treasure box 102 Zoma's Castle, entrance, top square barrier on the right side 103 Zoma's Castle, entrance, middle of the double throne 104 Zoma's Castle, B4F of the six treasure boxes, the left most box 105 Secret Dungeon, Heavenly Sky Cave, Pyramid Imitation, bottom left box 106 Heavenly Sky Cave, Underground Lake Imitation floor, upper right box 107 Heavenly Sky Cave, Samanosa Prison Imitation floor, inside a pot 108 Zenith Castle, Rebe Village Imitation floor, right hand pot 109 Heavenly Sky Tower, 2F left hand treasure box 110 Heavenly Sky Tower, 4F inside an isolated treasure box -After collecting all 110 Small Medals, talk to the Poet residing in Zenith Castle. He will be surprised at your amazing feat. He doesn't have a prize or such for you, but he will think you are awesome, and declare you the King of all Heroes! - !New! Small Medal number 67 is available only for a limited time, so if you miss it during the construction of the Merchant Town, then you can never get that Medal, so beware. +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ アイテム編[あいてむへん] 5. Item Compilation +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ 5a. Item Names --- 武器[ぶき] Weapons 名称[めいしょう]          Name 桧の棒[ひのきのぼう]        Cypress Stick 棍棒[こんぼう]           Club 銅の剣[どうのつるぎ]        Copper Sword 聖なるナイフ[せいなるないふ]    Holy Knife 鉄の槍[てつのやり]         Iron Lance 鉄の斧[てつのおの]         Iron Ax 鋼の剣[はがねつるぎ]        Steel Sword 魔道士の杖[まどうしのつえ]     Staff of Heresy 毒針[どくばり]           Poison Needle 鉄の爪[てつのつめ]         Iron Nail 刺の鞭[とげのむち]         Thorn Whip 大鋏[おおばさみ]          Big Scissors 鎖鎌[くさりがま]          Chain Sickle 雷神の剣[らいじんのけん]      Thunder God's Sword 吹雪の剣[ふぶきのつるぎ]      Sword of Snowstorm 魔神の斧[まじんのおの]       Devil's Hatchet 雨雲の杖[あまぐものつえ]      Rain Cloud Staff ガイアの剣[がいあのつるぎ]     Gaia's Sword 漣の杖[さざなみのつえ]       Ripple Staff 破壊の剣[はかいのつるぎ]      Sword of Destruction 両刃の剣[もろはのつるぎ]      Double-Edged Sword 理力の杖[りりょくのつえ]      Logic Force Staff 誘惑の剣[ゆうわくのけん]      Sword of Temptation ゾンビキラー             Zombie Killer 隼の剣[はやぶさのけん]       Falcon Sword 大金槌[おおかなづち]        Large Hammer 黄金の爪[おうごんのつめ]      Golden Claw 稲妻の剣[いなずまのけん]      Lightning Sword 雷の杖[いかずちのつえ]       Thunder Staff 王者の剣[おうじゃのけん]      King's Sword 草薙の剣[くさなぎのけん]      Grass Mow Down Sword ドラゴンキラー            Dragon Killer 裁きの杖[さばきのつえ]       Judgment Staff 鋼の鞭[はがねのむち]        Steel Whip チェーンクロス            Chain Cross グリンガムの鞭[ぐりんがむのむち]  Whip of Gringam モーニングスター           Morning Star ブーメラン              Boomerang 刃のブーメラン[やいばのぶーめらん] Bladed Boomerang 炎のブーメラン[ほのおのぶーめらん] Boomerang of Flame 破壊の鉄球[はかいのてっきゅう]   Iron Ball of Destruction 鉄の算盤[てつのそろばん]      Iron Abacus 魔法の算盤[まほうのそろばん]    Magical Abacus 正義の算盤[せいぎのそろばん]    Abacus of Justice バスタードソード           Bastard Sword ルーンスタッフ            Rune Staff 賢者の杖[けんじゃのつえ]      Sage's Staff 眠りの杖[ねむりのつえ]       Staff of Sleep アサシンダガー            Assassin Dagger ホーリーランス            Holy Lance パワーナックル            Power Knuckle ドラゴンクロウ            Dragon Claw 魔獣の爪[まじゅうのつめ]      Demon Beast Claw ブロンズナイフ            Bronze Knife 鋼の針千[はがねのはりせん]     Steel Porcupine 魔封じの杖[まふうじのつえ]     Demon Sealing Staff 復活の杖[ふっかつのつえ]      Staff of Revival バトルアックス            Battle Ax ウォーハンマー            War Hammer ドラゴンテイル            Dragon Tail 特殊効果がある武器 Weapons with Special Effects 武器名称     効果 魔道士の杖    戦闘中、道具で使うと、メラ 毒針       急所に当たると、一撃で敵の息の根を止める 刺の鞭      1グループの敵に攻撃できる 雷神の剣     戦闘中、道具で使うと、ベギラゴン 吹雪の剣     戦闘中、道具で使うと、ヒャダルコ 魔神の斧     ミスが大いが、会心の一撃チャンス有り 雨雲の杖     戦闘中、道具で使うと、マホトーン 漣の杖      戦闘中、道具で使うと、マホカンタ 破壊の剣     呪われている、装備者がたまに動けない 両刃の剣     呪われている、装備者にダメージが返って来る 理力の杖     攻撃するたびMP3消費して、打撃の威力が上がる 誘惑の剣     戦闘中、道具で使うと、メダパニ ゾンビキラー   不死者系にダメージが増加 隼の剣      1ターンに2回攻撃する 黄金の爪     ピラミッド内部で非常な敵遭遇率 稲妻の剣     戦闘中、道具で使うと、イオラ 雷の杖      戦闘中、道具で使うと、ベギラマ 王者の剣     戦闘中、道具で使うと、バギクロス 草薙の剣     戦闘中、道具で使うと、ルカナン ドラゴンキラー  竜族にダメージが増加 裁きの杖     戦闘中、道具で使うと、バギ 鋼の鞭      1グループに攻撃できる チェーンクロス  1グループに攻撃できる グリンガムの鞭  1グループに攻撃できる モーニングスター 1グループに攻撃できる ブーメラン    全体攻撃 刃のブーメラン  全体攻撃 炎のブーメラン  全体攻撃 破壊の鉄球    全体攻撃 賢者の杖     戦闘中、道具で使うと、ベホイミ 眠りの杖     戦闘中、道具で使うと、ラリホー アサシンダガー  急所に当たると、一撃で敵の息の根を止める 魔封じの杖    戦闘中、道具で使うと、マホトーン 復活の杖     戦闘中、道具で使うと、ザオラル ドラゴンテイル  1グループに攻撃できる --- 鎧[よろい] Armor 名称[めいしょう]          Name 布の服[ぬののふく]         Linen Clothing 稽古着[けいこぎ]          Training Gear 皮の鎧[かわのよろい]        Leather Armor 派手な服[はでなふく]        Flashy Clothes 鉄の鎧[てつのよろい]        Iron Armor 鋼の鎧[はがねのよろい]       Steel Armor 魔法の鎧[まほうのよろい]      Magic Armor 身交わしの服[みかわしのふく]    Avoidance Clothes 光の鎧[ひかりのよろい]       Armor of Light 鉄の前掛け[てつのまえかけ]     Iron Apron 縫い包み[ぬいぐるみ]        Stuffed Toy 武道着[ぶどうぎ]          Martial Arts Gear 魔法の法衣[まほうのほうい]     Magical Priest's Robe 地獄の鎧[じごくのよろい]      Hell's Armor 水の羽衣[みずのはごろも]      Water Feather Garment 鎖帷子[くさりかたびら]       Chain Mail 旅人の服[たびびとのふく]      Traveller's Clothes 危ない水着[あぶないみずぎ]     Dangerous Bathing Suit 魔法のビキニ[まほうのびきに]    Magical Bikini 甲羅の鎧[こうらのよろい]      Shell Armor 大地の鎧[だいちのよろい]      Armor of the Solid Earth ドラゴンメイル            Dragon Mail 刃の鎧[やいばのよろい]       Bladed Armor 天使のローブ[てんしのろーぶ]    Angel Robe 亀の甲羅[かめのこうら]       Turtle's Carapace 皮の腰巻き[かわのこしまき]     Leather Underskirt 皮のドレス[かわのどれす]      Leather Dress ステテコパンツ            Men's Underwear マジカルスカート           Magical Skirt 光のドレス[ひかりのどれす]     Dress of Light ドラゴンローブ            Dragon Robe 黒装束[くろしょうぞく]       Black Costume 絹のローブ[きぬのろーぶ]      Silk Robe 魔法の前掛け[まほうのまえかけ]   Magic Apron 御洒落なスーツ[おしゃれなすーつ]  Fashionable Suit パーティードレス           Party Dress 闇の衣[やみのころも]        Garment of Darkness 不思議なボレロ[ふしぎなぼれろ]   Strange Bolero 神秘のビキニ[しんぴのびきに]    Mysterious Bikini 忍びの服[しのびのふく]       Clothes of the Spy 特殊効果がある鎧 Armor with Special Effects 鎧名称      効果 魔法の鎧     呪文のダメージ半減 身交わしの服   打撃をかわし易い 光の鎧      炎と吹雪と呪文のダメージ軽減、歩くたびHP回復 縫い包み     装備者が猫の姿になる 魔法の法衣    炎のダメージ軽減 地獄の鎧     呪われている、呪文のダメージ軽減 水の羽衣     呪文と炎と吹雪のダメージ軽減 危ない水着    水着の姿になる 魔法のビキニ   水着の姿になる ドラゴンメイル  炎のダメージ軽減 刃の鎧      打撃のダメージを少し跳ね返す 天使のローブ   昇天系の呪文の耐性がある マジカルスカート 呪文のダメージ軽減 光のドレス    炎と吹雪と呪文のダメージ軽減 ドラゴンローブ  炎と吹雪のダメージ軽減 闇の衣      打撃をかわし易い 不思議なボレロ  呪文の消費MPを半減にする 神秘のビキニ   水着の姿になり、歩くたびHP回復 忍びの服     敵と遭遇し難い --- 盾[たて] Shields 名称[めいしょう]          Name 皮の盾[かわのたて]         Leather Shield 鉄の盾[てつのたて]         Iron Shield 力の盾[ちからのたて]        Shield of Power 勇者の盾[ゆうしゃのたて]      Hero's Shield 嘆きの盾[なげきのたて]       Shield of Lamentation 青銅の盾[せいどうのたて]      Bronze Shield 水鏡の盾[みかがみのたて]      Reflecting Water Shield 鱗の盾[うろこのたて]        Shield of Scales 魔法の盾[まほうのたて]       Magic Shield ドラゴンシールド           Dragon Shield 風神の盾[ふうじんのたて]      Shield of the Wind God お鍋の蓋[おなべのふた]       Lid of a Pot オーガシールド            Ogre Shield 特殊効果がある盾 Shields with Special Effects 盾名称      効果 力の盾      戦闘中、道具で使うと、ベホイミ 勇者の盾     炎と吹雪のダメージ軽減 嘆きの盾     呪われている、ダメージは他の仲間も受ける 魔法の盾     呪文のダメージ軽減 ドラゴンシールド 炎と吹雪のダメージ軽減 --- 兜[かぶと] Helmets 名称[めいしょう]          Name 金の冠[きんのかんむり]       Golden Crown 鉄兜[てつかぶと]          Iron Helmet 不思議な帽子[ふしぎなぼうし]    Strange Hat 不幸の兜[ふこうのかぶと]      Helmet of Misfortune オルテガの兜[おるてがのかぶと]   Ortega's Helmet ターバン               Turban 般若の面[はんにゃのめん]      Mask of Wisdom 皮の帽子[かわのぼうし]       Leather Hat 鉄仮面[てっかめん]         Iron Mask 木の帽子[きのぼうし]        Wooden Hat 毛皮のフード[けがわのふーど]    Fur Hood 銀の髪飾り[ぎんのかみかざり]    Silver Hair Band グレートヘルム            Great Helm 黒頭巾[くろずきん]         Black Hood 兎耳バンド[うさみみばんど]     Rabbit Ear Band シルクハット             Silk Hat ミスリルヘルム            Mythril Helm 尖んがり帽子[とんがりぼうし]    Pointed Hat 特殊効果がある兜 Helmets with Special Effects 兜名称      効果 不思議な帽子   呪文の消費MPが4分の3になる 不幸の兜     呪われている、運の良さが零になる オルテガの兜   ステータス異常耐性がある 般若の面     呪われている、混乱状態に陥る --- 装飾品[そうしょくひん] Ornaments 名称[めいしょう]          Name 聖なる守り[せいなるまもり]     Holy Talisman 祈りの指輪[いのりのゆびわ]     Prayer Ring 幸せの靴[しあわせのくつ]      Shoes of Happiness 星降る腕輪[ほしふるうでわ]     Falling Star Bracelet 命の指輪[いのちのゆびわ]      Ring of Life 力の指輪[ちからのゆびわ]      Force Ring 兎の尻尾[うさぎのしっぽ]      Rabbit's Tail 疾風のバンダナ[しっぷうのばんだな] Gale Bandana 石の鬘[いしのかつら]        Stone Wig ガーターベルト            Garter Belt モヒカンの毛[もひかんのけ]     Mohican Hairstyle ルビーの腕輪[るびーのうでわ]    Ruby Bangle 怒りのタトゥー[いかりのたとぅー]  Anger Tattoo 豪傑の腕輪[ごうけつのうでわ]    Great Man's Bracelet インテリ眼鏡[いんてりめがね]    Intelligence Eyeglasses 銀のロザリオ[ぎんのろざりお]    Silver Rosary おしゃぶり              Pacifier ヘビメタリング            Heavy Metal Ring 金のネックレス[きんのねっくれす]  Gold Necklace 疾風のリング[はやてのりんぐ]    Fast Ring パワーベルト             Power Belt 金の嘴[きんのくちばし]       Gold Beak 黄金のティアラ[おうごんのてぃあら] Golden Tiara スライムピアス            Slime Pierced Earrings 博愛リング[はくあいりんぐ]     Ring of Benevolence 逃げ逃げリング[にげにげりんぐ]   Run Away Ring 挫けぬ心[くじけぬこころ]      Uncrushed Heart ルーズソックス            Loose Socks 女神の指輪[めがみのゆびわ]     Goddess Ring 特殊効果がある装飾品 Ornaments with Special Effects 装飾品名称    効果 聖なる守り    死の呪文の耐性がある 祈りの指輪    使うとMP30程度回復可能、壊れる事がある 幸せの靴     歩くたびに経験値が入る 星降る腕輪    素早さが二倍 命の指輪     歩くたびHPが回復する 石の鬘      呪われている、性格が頑固者になる 逃げ逃げリング  呪われている、性格が意気地なしになる 女神の指輪    歩くたびMPが回復する --- イベントアイテム Event Items 名称[めいしょう]          Name 黒胡椒[くろこしょう]        Black Pepper 賢者の石[けんじゃのいし]      Sage's Stone ラーの鏡[らーのかがみ]       Ra's Mirror 乾きの壷[かわきのつぼ]       Pot of Dryness 闇のランプ[やみのらんぷ]      Lamp of Darkness 変化の杖[へんげのつえ]       Transformation Staff 魔法の玉[まほうのたま]       Magic Sphere 盗賊の鍵[とうぞくのかぎ]      Thief's Key 魔法の鍵[まほうのかぎ]       Magic Key 最後の鍵[さいごのかぎ]       Last Key 夢見るルビー[ゆめみるるびー]    Dream Seeing Ruby 目覚めの粉[めざめのこな]      Wake Up Powder 王の手紙[おうのてがみ]       King's Letter オリハルコン             Orihalcon 愛の思い出[あいのおもいで]     Memories of Love 船乗りの骨[ふなのりのほね]     Sailor's Bone 山彦の笛[やまびこのふえ]      Mountain Echo Flute 妖精の笛[ようせいのふえ]      Fairy Flute 銀の竪琴[ぎんのたてごと]      Silver Harp 光の玉[ひかりのたま]        Ball of Light 太陽の石[たいようのいし]      Sun Stone 虹の雫[にじのしずく]        Drops of Rainbow シルバーオーブ            Silver Orb レッドオーブ             Red Orb イエローオーブ            Yellow Orb パープルオーブ            Purple Orb ブルーオーブ             Blue Orb グリーンオーブ            Green Orb 小さなメダル[ちいさなめだる]    Small Medal 不思議な地図[ふしぎなちず]     Strange Map 妖精の地図[ようせいのちず]     Fairy's Map ゴールドパス             Gold Pass 道具名前   効果 黒胡椒    戦闘中、道具で使うと全員がくしゃみをする 賢者の石   戦闘中、道具で使うと、ベホマラー 闇のランプ  移動中で昼を夜に変えてしまう 変化の杖   移動中で全員の姿を変えてしまう 夢見るルビー 戦闘中、道具で使うと、麻痺状態をする 山彦の笛   オーブに反応する 銀の竪琴   敵を呼び出す 光の玉    戦闘中、ゾーマの衣を剥ぎ取る ゴールドパス すごろく場遊び放題 --- 消費アイテム[しょうひあいてむ] Comsume Items 名称[めいしょう]          Name 力の種[ちからのたね]        Power Seed 素早さの種[すばやさのたね]     Agile Seed スタミナの種[すたみなのたね]    Stamina Seed ラックの種[らっくのたね]      Luck Seed 賢さの種[かしこさのたね]      Intelligence Seed 命の木の実[いのちのきのみ]     Life Nut 薬草[やくそう]           Medicinal Herb 毒消し草[どくけしそう]       Antidote Herb 聖水[せいすい]           Holy Water キメラの翼[きめらのつばさ]     Chimera's Wing 世界樹の葉[せかいじゅのは]     World Tree Leaf 満月草[まんげつそう]        Full Moon Herb 毒蛾の粉[どくがのこな]       Poison Moth Powder 斑蜘蛛糸[まだらくもいと]      Spotted Spider Thread 不思議な木の実[ふしぎなきのみ]   Strange Nut 悟りの書[さとりのしょ]       Writings of Enlightenment 命の石[いのちのいし]        Stone of Life 消え去り草[きえさりそう]      Vanish Herb 双六券[すごろくけん]        Dice Game Ticket 道具名前    効果 力の種     ちからがランダム上昇する 素早さの種   すばやさがランダム上昇する スタミタの種  たいりょくがランダム上昇する ラックの種   うんのよさがランダム上昇する 賢さの種    かしこさがランダム上昇する 命の木の実   最大HPがランダム上昇する 薬草      仲間一人のHPを30回復する 毒消し草    仲間一人の毒状態を治す 聖水      移動中でトヘロス、戦闘中では敵にダメージする キメラの翼   移動中でルーラ 世界樹の葉   死んだ仲間を完全に生き返す 満月草     仲間一人の麻痺状態を治す 毒蛾の粉    敵一体に混乱させる 斑蜘蛛糸    敵一グループの素早さを下げる 不思議の木の実 最大MPがランダムに上昇する 悟りの書    どの職業が賢者になれる 命の石     昇天系の呪文から守る、身代り道具 消え去り草   一定時間に透明人間になる 双六券     一枚につき一回すごろくができる --- 本[ほん] Books 名称[めいしょう]          Name 優しく慣れる本[やさしくなれるほん] Book of Becoming Gentle 甘えん坊辞典[あまえんぼうじてん]  Dictionary of the Spoiled Child 淑女への道[しゅくじょへのみち]   The Path to the Graceful Lady 頭が冴える本[あたまがさえるほん]  Book of Clearheadedness 力の秘密[ちからのひみつ]      The Secrets of Power 豪傑の秘訣[ごうけつのひけつ]    Keys to the Great Man 開運の本[かいうんのほん]      Book of Better Fortune お転婆辞典[おてんばじてん]     Tomboy's Dictionary 悲しい物語[かなしいものがたり]   Sorrowful Tales 勇気百倍[ゆうき100ばい]     Bravery Hundredfold 負けたらあかん[まけたらあかん]   Cannot Afford to Lose ユーモアの本[ゆーもあのほん]    Book of Humor エッチな本[えっちなほん]      Pornography 狡っこの本[ずるっこのほん]     The Cunning Guy's Book --- 新規アイテム[しんきあいてむ] Novelty Items 名称[めいしょう]          Name 水晶玉[すいしょうだま]       Crystal Ball 死のオルゴール[しのおるごーる]   Organ of Death 水鉄砲[みずでっぽう]        Water Pistol 名前      消費 効果 水晶玉     _  不明 死のオルゴール 有り 戦闘中、敵味方全員にザキ呪文をかかる 水鉄砲     _  不明 --- 装備可能者一覧 ここは各武器、防具、と装飾品の威力と装備者を公開する表です。 勇=勇者 戦=戦士 武=武闘家、爪以外の武器では攻撃力を下げる場合がある 魔=魔法使い 僧=僧侶 盗=盗賊 賢=賢者 商=商人 遊=遊び人 武器名      攻撃力       特殊効果 装備可能者 桧の棒        2          _ 全員 隼の剣        5       二回攻撃 勇盗賢商 棍棒         7          _ 勇戦武僧賢商遊 毒針         7 急所当たると一撃必殺 魔盗 ブロンズナイフ    8          _ 魔盗遊 銅の剣       12          _ 勇戦武僧賢商遊 聖なるナイフ    14          _ 全員 魔道士の杖     15      使うとメラ 魔賢 鎖鎌        16          _ 全員 雨雲の杖      16   使うとマホトーン 魔僧賢 刺の鞭       18     グループ攻撃 勇魔盗賢遊 ブーメラン     19       全体攻撃 勇魔僧盗商遊 鉄の算盤      20          _ 商 魔封じの杖     20   使うとマホトーン 魔僧賢 刃のブーメラン   24       全体攻撃 勇魔僧盗商遊 アサシンダガー   25 急所当たると一撃必殺 魔盗 鉄の爪       25          _ 武 チェーンクロス   27     グループ攻撃 盗賢商遊 モーニングスター  30     グループ攻撃 僧賢 眠りの杖      30    使うとラリホー 魔僧賢 鋼の針千      31          _ 商遊 鋼の剣       31          _ 勇戦武賢 漣の杖       33   使うとマホカンタ 魔僧賢 復活の杖      33    使うとザオラル 僧賢 ホーリーランス   35          _ 僧賢 裁きの杖      37      使うとバギ 僧賢 鉄の斧       38          _ 勇戦賢商遊 鋼の鞭       40     グループ攻撃 勇盗賢遊 ルーンスタッフ   40          _ 魔僧賢 パワーナックル   40          _ 武盗 炎のブーメラン   42       全体攻撃 勇魔盗商遊 魔法の算盤     45          _ 商 大鋏        47          _ 戦 誘惑の剣      50    使うとメダパニ 勇戦盗商遊、女性のみ 雷の杖       50    使うとベギラマ 魔賢 賢者の杖      50    使うとベホイミ 魔僧賢 黄金の爪      50 ピラミッド異常敵遭遇 武 ガイアの剣     51   イベントアイテム 勇戦 ドラゴンテイル   52     グループ攻撃 僧賢 大金槌       55          _ 戦 バトルアックス   60          _ 戦 草薙の剣      65    使うとルカナン 勇戦賢 理力の杖      65 3MP使用打撃力増加 魔僧賢 ゾンビキラー    67 不死系にダメージ増加 勇戦僧賢商 ウォーハンマー   70          _ 戦 ドラゴンクロウ   75          _ 武盗 ドラゴンキラー   79 竜族系にダメージ増加 勇戦 稲妻の剣      82     使うとイオラ 勇戦 吹雪の剣      90   使うとヒャダルコ 勇戦 魔獣の爪      95          _ 武 雷神の剣      95   使うとベギラゴン 勇戦 魔神の斧     105   ミスか会心の一撃 戦 グリンガムの鞭  105     グループ攻撃 勇戦盗賢 バスタードソード 105          _ 勇戦 破壊の剣     105 呪い、たまに動けない 勇戦 正義の算盤    110          _ 商 両刃の剣     115  呪い、ダメージ返し 勇戦 王者の剣     120   使うとバギクロス 勇 破壊の鉄球    135       全体攻撃 勇戦武盗賢 鎧名       守備力       特殊効果 装備可能者 危ない水着      1     水着姿になる 全員、女性のみ 布の服        4          _ 全員 ステテコパンツ    6          _ 勇僧盗商遊、男性のみ 旅人の服       8          _ 勇戦僧盗賢商遊 稽古着       10          _ 武賢遊 亀の甲羅      11          _ 魔商遊 皮の鎧       12          _ 勇戦僧盗賢商 皮のドレス     15          _ 全員、女性のみ 甲羅の鎧      16          _ 勇戦僧賢商 鎖帷子       20          _ 勇戦僧賢商 絹のローブ     20          _ 全員、女性のみ 鉄の前掛け     22          _ 商 武道着       23          _ 武賢 身交わしの服    23   打撃を交わし易い 全員 皮の腰巻      24          _ 勇戦商遊 派手な服      24          _ 遊 鉄の鎧       25          _ 勇戦商 マジカルスカート  25    呪文の耐性あり 全員、女性のみ 黒装束       29          _ 武盗 不思議なボレロ   30 消費MPを半減にする 全員 魔法の法衣     30     炎の耐性あり 僧賢 鋼の鎧       32          _ 勇戦 縫い包み      35      猫姿のなる 全員 天使のローブ    35   昇天系呪文の耐性 魔僧賢 パーティドレス   36          _ 盗遊、女性のみ 御洒落なスーツ   38          _ 盗遊、男性のみ 魔法の鎧      40       呪文耐性 勇戦僧賢 ドラゴンメイル   45        炎耐性 勇戦 魔法の前掛け    45       呪文耐性 商 大地の鎧      50          _ 勇戦 水の羽衣      50     炎と吹雪耐性 魔賢 刃の鎧       55 受けたダメージを返す 勇戦 忍び服       58   敵遭遇率を下がる 武盗 魔法のビキニ    65     水着姿になる 全員、女性のみ 地獄の鎧      65    呪い、呪文耐性 勇戦 闇の衣       78   打撃を交わし易い 武盗遊 ドラゴンローブ   80     炎と吹雪耐性 魔僧賢 光の鎧       82 炎雪呪文耐性歩く回復 勇 神秘のビキニ    88    歩くとHP回復 全員、女性のみ 光のドレス     90    炎吹雪呪文耐性 全員、女性のみ 盾名       守備力       特殊効果 装備可能者 お鍋の蓋       2          _ 全員 皮の盾        4          _ 勇戦僧盗賢商遊 青銅の盾       7          _ 勇戦僧盗賢商 鱗の盾       12          _ 勇戦僧盗賢商遊 鉄の盾       20          _ 勇戦 魔法の盾      25       呪文耐性 勇戦魔僧盗賢商遊 ドラゴンシールド  32      炎吹雪耐性 勇戦盗 力の盾       35 使うと本人にベホイミ 勇戦 風神の盾      35          _ 勇戦武盗賢商遊 水鏡の盾      40          _ 勇戦僧盗賢 嘆きの盾      42 呪い、他の仲間を傷む 勇戦 オーガシールド   60          _ 勇戦 勇者の盾      65    炎と吹雪の耐性 勇 兜名       守備力       特殊効果 装備可能者 皮の帽子       2          _ 勇戦魔僧盗賢商遊 木の帽子       6          _ 勇戦僧盗賢商遊 金の冠        6     王様になれる 勇戦魔僧盗賢商遊 不思議な帽子     8  消費MPを4分の3 魔僧盗賢遊 ターバン       8          _ 商遊 毛皮のフード    10          _ 全員、女性のみ 兎耳バンド     15          _ 遊、女性のみ 鉄兜        16          _ 勇戦僧賢 黒頭巾       18          _ 武盗 銀の髪飾り     20          _ 全員、女性のみ シルクハット    20          _ 遊、男性のみ 尖んがり帽子    20          _ 僧賢遊 鉄仮面       25          _ 勇戦 ミスリルヘルム   28          _ 勇戦魔僧盗賢 オルテガの兜    30  ステータス変化耐性 勇 不幸の兜      35  呪い、運の良さが零 勇戦 グレートヘルム   45          _ 勇戦 般若の面     255 呪い、混乱状態になる 全員 装飾品名     格上げ       特殊効果 装備可能者 力の指輪     力07  性格が力自慢になる 全員 怒りのタトゥー  力08     性格が乱暴者 全員 豪傑の腕輪    力15      性格が豪傑 全員 ヘビメタリング  早10     性格が一匹狼 全員 疾風のリング   早15  性格がすばしっこい 全員 疾風のバンダナ  早30    性格が電光石火 全員 星降る腕輪    早二倍          _ 全員 挫けぬ心     体10     性格が苦労人 全員 金のネックレス  体10  性格がむっつり助平 全員、男性のみ パワーベルト   体15    性格がタフガイ 全員 命の指輪     体25 歩くとHPを回復する 全員 博愛リング    賢15    性格が優しい人 全員 インテリ眼鏡   賢25    性格が頭脳明晰 全員 女神の指輪    賢33 歩くとMPを回復する 全員 兎の尻尾     運08     性格が幸せ者 全員 黄金のティアラ  運13     性格が御嬢様 全員、女性のみ 金の嘴      運20  性格がラッキーマン 全員、男性のみ 聖なる守り    運30 昇天系の呪文耐性あり 勇 幸せの靴     運50  歩くと経験値が入る 全員 モヒカンの毛   防03    性格が御調子者 全員 ガーターベルト  防03 性格がセクシーギャル 全員、女性のみ 銀のロザリオ   防04  性格がロマンチスト 全員 逃げ逃げリング  防04 呪い性格が意気地なし 全員 ルーズソックス  防05          _ 全員、女性のみ 石の鬘      防15   呪い性格が頑固者 全員 おしゃぶり      _    性格が甘えん坊 全員 スライムピアス    _   性格が寂しがりや 全員 ルビーの腕輪     _    性格が見栄張り 全員 5b. Quick Item List - !New! Here is a list of people who can equip what. Key: 名前 Item name BUY = Buy price of the item, - means cannot buy SELL = Sell price of the item, the value is 75% of the buy price, rounded down POW = The attack or defensive power of the item NOTE = Short description B: = Use in battle for an effect E: = Evade physical attacks by this percentage S: = Reduce damage of spells to this percentage F: = Reduce damage of flame breath to this percentage I: = Reduce damage of ice breath to this percentage 勇 Hero 戦 Soldier 魔 Magician 僧 Priest 武 Martial Artist 賢 Sage 商 Merchant 遊 Player 盗 Thief × Cannot equip ○ Can equip ▽ Can equip, but lowers attack power, strength 100% down 女 Only females can equip 男 Only males can equip 名前        BUY SELL POW 勇戦賢僧魔武盗商遊 NOTE 檜の棒       5 3 2 ○○○○○▽○○○ - 隼の剣      25000 18750 5 ○×○×××○○× Attacks twice 棍棒        30 22 7 ○○○○×▽×○○ - ブロンズナイフ   80 60 8 ××××○×○×○ - 毒針        10 7 10 ××××○×○×× Can kill in one hit 銅の剣       100 75 12 ○○○○×▽×○○ - 聖なるナイフ    200 150 14 ○○○○○▽○○○ - 魔道士の杖     1500 1125 15 ××○×○×××× B: Mera 鎖鎌        320 240 16 ○○○○×▽○○○ - 雨雲の杖      - - 16 ××○○××××× B: Mahoto-n, event 名前        BUY SELL POW 勇戦賢僧魔武盗商遊 NOTE 刺の鞭       - 240 18 ○×○×○×○×○ - ブーメラン     - 412 19 ○×××○×○○○ Attacks all 魔封じの杖     3300 2475 20 ××○○○×××× B: Mahoto-n 鉄の算盤      - 472 20 ×××××××○× Can't find this item 刃のブーメラン   - 900 24 ○×××○×○○○ Attacks all アサシンダガー   - 4125 25 ××××○×○×× Can kill in one hit 鉄の爪       870 652 25 ×××××○××× - 鉄の槍       650 487 26 ○○○○×▽×○○ - チェーンクロス   1000 750 27 ××○×××○○○ Attacks group モーニングスター  1700 1275 30 ××○○××××× Attacks group 名前        BUY SELL POW 勇戦賢僧魔武盗商遊 NOTE 眠りの杖      4200 3150 30 ××○○○×××× B: Rariho- 鋼の針千      1300 975 31 ×××××××○○ - 鋼の剣       1300 975 33 ○○○××▽××× - 漣の杖       - 5250 33 ××○○○×××× B: Mahokanta 復活の杖      - 33750 33 ××○○××××× B: Zaoraru ホーリーランス   2300 1725 35 ××○○××××× - 裁きの杖      2700 2025 37 ××○○××××× B: Bagi 鉄の斧       2500 1875 38 ○○×××▽×○○ - 鋼の鞭       3100 2325 40 ○×○×××○×○ Attacks group ルーンスタッフ   - 5100 40 ××○○○×××× - 名前        BUY SELL POW 勇戦賢僧魔武盗商遊 NOTE パワーナックル   7100 5325 40 ×××××○○×× - 炎のブーメラン   6500 4875 42 ○×××○×○○○ Attacks all 雷の杖       - 1875 45 ××○×○×××× B: Begirama 魔法の算盤     7700 5775 45 ×××××××○× - 大鋏        4700 3525 47 ×○××××××× - 誘惑の剣      - 7350 50 ×女××××女女女 B: Medapani 賢者の杖     15000 11250 50 ××○○○×××× B: Behoimi 黄金の爪      - 6000 50 ×××××○××× Pyramid encount up ガイアの剣     - - 51 ○○××××××× Event item ドラゴンテイル   - 4950 52 ○○○×××○×○ Attacks group 名前        BUY SELL POW 勇戦賢僧魔武盗商遊 NOTE 大金槌       6500 4875 55 ×○××××××× - バトルアックス   8700 6525 60 ×○××××××× - 草薙の剣      - 750 65 ○○○×××××× B: Rukanan 理力の杖      2500 1875 65 ××○○○×××× Uses 3 MP per hit ゾンビキラー    9800 7350 67 ○○○○××××× 1.5 damage to zombie ウォーハンマー   9500 7125 70 ×○××××××× - ドラゴンキラー  15000 11250 79 ○○××××××× 1.5 damage to dragon 稲妻の剣      - 5625 82 ○○××××××× B: Iora ドラゴンクロウ   - 12750 85 ×××××○○×× - 吹雪の剣     23000 17250 90 ○○××××××× B: Hyadaruko 名前        BUY SELL POW 勇戦賢僧魔武盗商遊 NOTE 雷神の剣     65000 48750 95 ○○××××××× B: Begiragon 魔獣の爪      - 412 95 ×××××○○×× - バスタードソード 31000 23250 105 ○○××××××× - 魔神の斧      - 375 105 ×○××××××× Hit or Miss グリンガムの鞭   - 21000 105 ○○○×××○×○ Attacks group 破壊の剣      - 33750 110 ○○××××××× Cursed, can't move 正義の算盤     - 18750 110 ×××××××○× - 諸刃の剣      - 3750 115 ○○××××××× Cursed, 1/4 d return 王者の剣     35000 - 120 ○×××××××× B: Bagikurosu 破壊の鉄球     - 27750 135 ○○○××○○×× Attacks all 名前        BUY SELL POW 勇戦賢僧魔武盗商遊 NOTE 危ない水着    78000 58500 1 女女女女女女女女女 Sexy garment 布の服       10 7 4 ○○○○○○○○○ - 旅人の服      70 52 8 ○○○○○×○○○ - 稽古着       80 60 10 ××○××○××○ - ステテコパンツ   - 90 10 ×男×男○○男男男 - 皮の鎧       150 112 12 ○○○○××○○× - 皮のドレス     420 315 15 女女女女女女女女女 - 亀の甲羅      330 247 15 ××××○××○○ - 甲羅の鎧      350 262 16 ○○○○×××○× - 絹のローブ     1500 1125 20 女女女女女女女女女 - 名前        BUY SELL POW 勇戦賢僧魔武盗商遊 NOTE 鎖帷子       480 360 20 ○○○○×××○× - 鉄の前掛け     700 525 22 ×××××××○× - 身交わしの服    2900 2175 23 ○○○○○○○○○ E: 1/4 武道着       800 600 23 ××○××○××× - 皮の腰巻き     800 600 24 ○○×××××○○ - マジカルスカート  1500 1125 25 女女女女女女女女女 S: 3/4 鉄の鎧       1100 825 25 ○○×××××○× - 派手な服      1300 975 28 ××××××××○ - 黒装束       2400 1800 29 ×××××○○×× - 魔法の法衣     4400 3300 30 ××○○××××× S: 2/3 名前        BUY SELL POW 勇戦賢僧魔武盗商遊 NOTE 不思議なボレロ   - 375 30 ○○○○○○○○○ Used MP = 1/2 +1 鋼の鎧       2400 1800 32 ○○××××××× - 縫い包み      - 262 35 ○○○○○○○○○ Change into a cat 天使のローブ    3000 2250 35 ××○○○×××× Zaki resistant パーティードレス  - 8850 40 ××××××女×女 - 魔法の鎧      5800 4350 40 ○○○○××××× S: 2/3 御洒落なスーツ   - 9900 42 ××××××男×男 - 魔法の前掛け    9900 7425 45 ×××××××○× S: 3/4 ドラゴンメイル   9800 7350 45 ○○××××××× F: 2/3 水の羽衣     12500 9375 50 ××○×○×××× SFI: 2/3 名前        BUY SELL POW 勇戦賢僧魔武盗商遊 NOTE 大地の鎧      - 9000 50 ○○××××××× - 刃の鎧       6500 4875 55 ○○××××××× 1/2 damage returned 忍びの服      - 3150 58 ×××××○○×× E: 1/4 魔法のビキニ    - 3750 65 女女女女女女女女女 Sexy garment 地獄の鎧      - 5250 65 ○○××××××× S: 1/4, cursed 闇の衣       - 12375 78 ×××××○○×○ E: 1/4 ドラゴンローブ  27000 20250 80 ××○○○×××× FI: 2/3 光の鎧       - 18000 82 ○×××××××× SFI: 2/3, rcv HP/step 神秘のビキニ    - 24750 88 女女女女女女女女女 Sexy, recover HP/step 光のドレス    19000 14250 90 女女女女女女女女女 SFI: 2/3 名前        BUY SELL POW 勇戦賢僧魔武盗商遊 NOTE お鍋の蓋      50 37 2 ○○○○○○○○○ - 皮の盾       90 67 4 ○○○○××○○○ - 青銅の盾      250 187 7 ○○×○××○○× - 鱗の盾       600 450 12 ○○○○××○○○ - 鉄の盾       1200 900 20 ○○×××××○× - 魔法の盾      2000 1500 25 ○○○○○×○○○ S: 3/4 ドラゴンシールド  3500 2625 32 ○○××××○×× FI: 3/4 風神の盾      - 577 35 ○○○××○○○○ - 水鏡の盾      8800 6600 40 ○○○○××○×× - 嘆きの盾      - 7 42 ○○××××××× Cursed 名前        BUY SELL POW 勇戦賢僧魔武盗商遊 NOTE 力の盾      15000 11250 50 ○○××××××× B: Behoimi on self オーガシールド  25000 18750 60 ○○××××××× - 勇者の盾      - 28500 65 ○×××××××× FI: 2/3 皮の帽子      80 60 2 ○○○○○×○○○ - 木の帽子      140 105 6 ○○○○××○○○ - 金の冠       - - 6 ○○○○○×○○○ Event item ターバン      160 120 8 ×××××××○○ - 不思議な帽子    - 6 8 ××○○○×○○○ Used MP = 3/4 +1 毛皮のフード    250 187 10 女女女女女女女女女 - 兎耳バンド     - 390 15 ×××××××女女 - 名前        BUY SELL POW 勇戦賢僧魔武盗商遊 NOTE 鉄兜        1000 750 16 ○○○○××××× - 黒頭巾       1200 900 18 ×××××○○×× - 銀の髪飾り     760 570 20 女女女女女女女女女 - シルクハット    - 900 20 ×××××××男男 - 尖んがり帽子    2300 1725 21 ××○○××××○ - 鉄仮面       3500 2625 25 ○○××××××× - オルテガの兜    - 6150 30 ○×××××××× Resistant to status 不幸の兜      - 13 35 ○○××××××× Cursed, Luck = 0 ミスリルヘルム  18000 13500 38 ○○○○○×○○× - グレートヘルム  35000 26250 45 ○○××××××× - 名前        BUY SELL POW 勇戦賢僧魔武盗商遊 NOTE 般若の面      - 1 255 ○○○○○○○○○ Cursed, confusion Key: 装 Who can equip 性格変化 Personality changed to when equipped 全 Everyone can equip 勇 Only Hero can equip 女 Only Females can equip 男 Only Males can equip POW = Status up this amount S = Speed up V = Vitality up I = Intellegence up L = Luck up A = Attack Power up D = Defensive Power up 名前        BUY SELL POW 装 性格変化    NOTE 逃げ逃げリング   - 75 S7 全 意気地無し   Cursed ヘビメタリング   - 510 S10 全 一匹狼     - 疾風のリング    3100 2325 S15 全 すばしっこい  - 疾風のバンダナ   - 727 S30 全 電光石火    - 星降る腕輪     - - Sx2 全 無し      - 挫けぬ心      - 187 V10 全 苦労人     - 金のネックレス   1000 750 V10 男 むっつり助平  - パワーベルト    - 3375 V15 全 タフガイ    - 命の指輪      - 1800 V25 全 無し      Recover 1HP per step 博愛リング     - 495 I15 全 優しい人    - 名前        BUY SELL POW 装 性格変化    NOTE インテリ眼鏡    - 1275 I15 全 頭脳明晰    - 女神の指輪     - 12750 I33 全 無し      Recover 1MP/4 steps 兎の尻尾      270 202 L8 全 幸せ者     - 黄金のティアラ   5000 3750 L13 女 お嬢様     - 金の嘴       - 5775 L20 男 ラッキーマン  - 聖なる守り     - - L30 勇 無し      Zaki resistant 幸せの靴      - 75 L50 全 無し      Get 1EXP per step 力の指輪      - 260 A7 全 力自慢     - 怒りのタトゥー   - 825 A8 全 乱暴者     - 豪傑の腕輪     - 3375 A15 全 豪傑      - 名前        BUY SELL POW 装 性格変化    NOTE モヒカンの毛    60 45 D3 全 お調子者    - ガーターベルト   - 975 D3 女 セクシーギャル - 銀のロザリオ    - 660 D4 全 ロマンチスト  - ルーズソックス   - 1650 D5 女 無し      - 石の鬘       - 150 D15 全 頑固者     Cursed おしゃぶり     - 307 - 全 甘えん坊    - スライムピアス   950 712 - 全 寂しがり屋   - ルビーの腕輪    - 7350 - 全 見栄っ張り   - 名前        BUY SELL NOTE 薬草        8 6 Recover HP 30-39 毒消し草      10 7 Cures Poison status 満月草       30 22 Cures Paralysis status 世界樹の葉     - - Recovers Death status キメラの翼     25 18 Instant warp to towns already visited 聖水        20 15 Keeps weak enemies away; can be used in battle 消え去り草     300 225 Disappears for about 32 steps 斑蜘蛛糸      35 26 Lowers speed of an enemy group 毒蛾の粉      310 232 Causes confusion on one enemy 祈りの指輪     2500 1875 Recovers 10-35 MP, has a 1/8 chance of breakage 名前        BUY SELL NOTE 命の石       800 600 Substitutes when hit by death spell 力の種       - 180 Raises Strength by 1-3 points 素早さの種     - 60 Raises Agility by 1-3 points スタミナの種    - 90 Raises Vitality by 1-3 points 賢さの種      - 120 Raises Intelligence by 1-3 points ラックの種     - 45 Raises Luck by 1-3 points 命の木の実     - 150 Raises Max HP by 2-5 points 不思議の木の実   - 60 Raises Max MP by 2-3 points 双六券       50 37 One play at the Dice Game ゴールドパス    - - Free Pass at the Dice Game 名前        BUY SELL NOTE 賢者の石      - - Recovers all 75-94 HP in battle, unlimited use 闇のランプ     - 225 Changes day to night only 不思議な地図    - - World map of the upper world 妖精の地図     - - World map of the Alefgald world 小さなメダル    - - 110 of these scattered around the world 悟りの書      - - Allows the holder to become a Sage 優しく慣れる本   90 67 Changes Personality; see Personality section 甘えん坊辞典    - 45 " 淑女への道     - 112 " 頭が冴える本    - 75 " 力の秘密      - 52 " 豪傑の秘訣     200 150 " 開運の本      - 45 " お転婆辞典     - 60 " 悲しい物語     - 37 " 勇気百倍      - 67 " 負けたらあかん   - 22 " ユーモアの本    - 45 " エッチな本     - 150 " 狡っこの本     - 60 " - Certain classes can and can't use certain items in battle. Here's the list. Key: 名前 Name 効果 Effect in battle ○ Can use in battle × Cannot use in battle 女 Only females can use in battle 名前       効果       勇戦賢僧魔武盗商遊 魔道士の杖    メラ       ○○○○○○○○○ 雷の杖      ベギラマ     ○○○○○○○○○ 雷神の剣     ベギラゴン    ○○××××××× 稲妻の剣     イオラ      ○○××××××× 吹雪の剣     ヒャダルコ    ○○××××××× 裁きの杖     バギ       ××○○××××× 王者の剣     バギクロス    ○×××××××× 誘惑の剣     メダパニ     女女女女女女女女女 雨雲の杖     マホトーン    ××○○××××× 草薙の剣     ルカナン     ○○○×××××× 名前       効果       勇戦賢僧魔武盗商遊 漣の杖      マホカンタ    ××○○○×××× 眠りの杖     ラリホー     ○○○○○○○○○ 魔封じの杖    マホトーン    ○○○○○○○○○ 賢者の杖     ベホイミ     ○○○○○○○○○ 復活の杖     ザオラル     ○○○○○○○○○ 力の盾      ベホイミ     ○○○○○○○○○ 賢者の石     ベホマラー    ○○○○○○○○○ +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ モンスター編[もんすたーへん] 6. Monster Compilation +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ 6a. Monster Names --- 地上辺[ちじょうへん] Above Ground Area 名称[めいしょう]       Name スライム            Slime 大烏[おおがらす]       Big Crow 一角兎[いっかくうさぎ]    Pointed Rabbit 大蟻食い[おおありくい]    Large Anteater 人面蝶[じんめんちょう]    Human Face Butterfly フロッガー           Frogger バブルスライム         Bubble Slime 魔法使い[まほうつかい]    Magician 蠍蜂[さそりばち]       Scorpion Wasp ホイミスライム         Hoimi Slime 御化け蟻食い[おばけありくい] Ghost Anteater アルミラージ          Almirage ポイズントード         Poison Toad キャタピラー          Caterpillar 蝙蝠男[こうもりおとこ]    Bat Man アニマルゾンビ         Animal Zombie キラービー           Killer Bee 軍隊蟹[ぐんたいがに]     Army Crab ギズモ             Gizmo 御化け茸[おばけきのこ]    Monster Mushroom 毒芋虫[どくいもむし]     Poison Potato Bug デスフラッター         Death Flatter バリイドドッグ         Bariaid Dog マタンゴ            Matango 怪しい影[あやしいかげ]    Suspicious Silhouette バンパイア           Vampire 人食い蛾[ひとくいが]     Cannibal Moth 彷徨う鎧[さまようよろい]   Roaming Armor キャットフライ         Cat Fly 大王蝦蟇[たいおうがま]    Great King Toad 暴れ猿[あばれざる]      Violent Monkey 笑い袋[わらいぶくろ]     Laughing Sack ミイラ男[みいらおとこ]    Mummy Man 地獄の鋏[じごくのはさみ]   Hell's Scissors ドルイド            Druid 火炎百足[かえんむかで]    Flame Centipede マミー             Mummy マージマタンゴ         Mage Matango ハンターフライ         Hunter Fly デスジャッカル         Death Jackal 幻術師[げんじゅつし]     Witchcraft Expert ヒートギズモ          Heat Gizmo アントベア           Ant Bear ベホマスライム         Behoma Slime マッドオックス         Mad Ox キャットバット         Cat Bat エビルマージ          Evil Mage キラーエイプ          Killer Ape ガルーダ            Garuda メタルスライム         Metal Slime ゴートドン           Goat Don 殺人鬼[さつじんき]      Devilish Murderer ベビーサタン          Baby Satan 鬼面道士[きめんどうし]    Devil Mask Sorceror 人食い箱[ひとくいばこ]    Cannibal Box エリミネーター         Eliminator 大嘴[おおくちばし]      Large Beak スライム瞑り[すらいむつむり] Sleepy Slime スカイドラゴン         Sky Dragon バーナバス           Barnabas 魔女[まじょ]         Witch デッドペッカー         Dead Pecker 地獄の鎧[じごくのよろい]   Hell Armor マリンスライム         Marine Slime 痺れ水母[しびれくらげ]    Numb Jellyfish マーマン            Merman 大王烏賊[だいおういか]    Great King Squid ガニラス            Ganiras マーマンダイン         Merman Dyne ヘルコンドル          Hell Condor 豪傑熊[ごうけつぐま]     Overpowering Bear 腐った死体[くさったしたい]  Rotten Corpse ビッグホーン          Big Horn 痺れ揚羽[しびれあげは]    Paralysis Swallowtail 毒々ゾンビ[どくどくぞんび]  Venomous Zombie アカイライ           Akairai キラーアーマー         Killer Armor デスストーカー         Death Stalker 溶岩魔人[ようがんまじん]   Lava Devil シャーマン           Shaman 魔法お婆[まほうおばば]    Magic Hag シャドー            Shadow 氷河魔人[ひょうがまじん]   Glacier Devil コング             Kong ガメゴン            Gamegon 極楽鳥[ごくらくちょう]    Bird of Paradise 爆弾岩[ばくだんいわ]     Bomb Rock グリズリー           Grizzly ゾンビマスター         Zombie Master ガメゴンロード         Gamegon Lord スノードラゴン         Snow Dragon トロル             Troll フロストギズモ         Frost Gizmo 踊る宝石[おどるほうせき]   Dancing Jewel ミニデーモン          Mini Demon テンタクルス          Tentacles 骸骨剣士[がいこつけんし]   Skeleton Swordsman ミミック            Mimic 地獄の騎士[じごくのきし]   Knight of Hell ホロゴースト          Horror Ghost 動く石像[うごくせきぞう]   Moving Stone Statue ライオンヘッド         Lion Head カンダタ            Kandata カンダタ子分[かんだたこぶん] Kandata's Henchman 八又の大蛇[やまたのおろち]  Mythical Serpent of Eight Heads ボストロル           Boss Troll バラモス            Baramos --- 地下辺[ちかへん] Underground Area 名称[めいしょう]       Name キメラ             Chimera サラマンダー          Salamander スライムベス          Slime Bess マドハンド           Mud Hand 魔法の影[まほうのかげ]    Magic Shadow マクロベータ          Macro Beta 逸れメタル[はぐれめたる]   Astray Metal グール             Ghoul ゴールドマン          Gold Man スカルゴン           Skull Gon キングマーマン         King Merman クラーゴン           Kragon ダースリカント         Darth Rikanto 大魔神[だいまじん]      Great Devil ラゴンヌ            Ragon'nu アークマージ          Arch Mage メイジキメラ          Mage Chimera サタンパピー          Satan Puppy ヒドラ             Hydra トロルキング          Troll King ドラゴン            Dragon バルログ            Balrog ドラゴンゾンビ         Dragon Zombie マントゴーア          Mantgoa ソードイド           Sword Id キングヒドラ          King Hydra バラモスブロス         Baramos Bros バラモスゾンビ         Baramos Zombie ゾーマ             Zoma --- 隠しダンジョン辺[かくしだんじょんへん] Secret Dungeon Area 名称[めいしょう]       Name 鳳凰[ほうおう]        Phoenix 天の門番[てんのもんばん]   Heaven's Gate Watcher メタルキメラ          Metal Chimera デビルウィザード        Devil Wizard キラークラブ          Killer Crab ダークトロル          Dark Troll デーモンソード         Demon Sword バラモスエビル         Baramos Evil 神竜[しんりゅう]       God Dragon --- おまけ Extra オルテガ Orutega 経験値[けいけんち] Experience Value お金[おかね] Gold 選択馬鹿[せんたくバカ] Selection Idiot 選択人間[せんたくにんげん] Selection Human 選択神[せんたくかみ] Selection Deity 選択0[せんたくぜろ] Selection Zero 選択1[せんたくいち] Selection One 選択2[せんたくに] Selection Two 選択3[せんたくさん] Selection Three 6b. Monster Analysis - !New! This section deals with monster parameters, dropped items, spell resistance, and such. Use it to plan your battles. - Part 1: Monster Parameters Key: ## = Monster identification number, in hexadecimal. 名前  = Monster Name, from part 6a. LV = Monster's Level. It is used in determining run away level. In random battles, the chance of running away is determined by the first person standing in front. If the that person's (not dead) level is below the threshold level of running away, then the chance of running away is like this. 1st turn = 25% chance, 2nd turn = 50% chance, 3rd turn = 75%, and 4th turn = 100% chance. The threshold level is the Monster level + 10. When the lead person's level is greater than or equal to the Monster level + 10, then the chance of running away is 100%. You cannnot run away during boss battles no matter what level you are. The Toherosu spell also works in almost the same way. When the Hero's level is greater than or equal to the highest monster level + 5 in that area, then no encounters when Toherosu (or Holy Water is used) is cast. HP = Monster's Hit Point. In random battles, the number may vary slightly, while in boss battles, the number is fixed. MP = Monster's Magic Power. Monsters with none cannot use spells. The ones marked as FF are enemies that have infinite MP. EXP = The amount of experience points that monster gives when defeated. The actual amount received is the total exp divided by the number of party members. So a 4 member party will only get 1/4 the listed exp. GOLD = The amount of gold that monster drops when defeated. ATT = Monster's attack power. The higher the number, the bigger the damage received on a physical attack. DEF = Monster's defensive power. The higher the number, the lower the damage the monster takes from physical attacks. SPD = Monster's Speed. This determines the battle order in a turn of combat. The higher the number, the better chance that monster has of going first. EVD = Monster's Evade rate for weapon attacks. 0 means physical attacks should hit, while a 7 means that monster will avoid attacks frequently. REC = Monster's Natural Recovery amount. 0 means no recovery, while 20, 50, and 100 are the amount of HP recovered at the end of each turn. Some bosses have this phenomenon. The numbers are not exact, only an estimate. ## 名前       LV HP MP EXP GOLD ATT DEF SPD EVD REC 00 空白        0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 スライム      1 8 0 4 2 9 5 4 0 0 02 大烏        1 9 0 6 3 10 6 6 1 0 03 一角兎       2 10 0 8 3 12 8 5 0 0 04 大蟻食い      3 13 0 12 4 13 8 6 0 0 05 人面蝶       3 12 5 9 4 11 7 8 1 0 06 フロッガー     3 15 0 12 5 14 8 7 1 0 07 バブルスライム   4 10 0 16 8 16 9 12 0 0 08 魔法使い      4 23 4 20 10 15 15 13 0 0 09 蠍蜂        4 12 0 14 6 18 11 10 0 0 ## 名前       LV HP MP EXP GOLD ATT DEF SPD EVD REC 0A ホイミスライム   4 30 FF 24 8 14 10 15 0 0 0B 御化け蟻食い    4 21 0 12 7 20 9 10 0 0 0C アルミラージ    4 20 6 14 8 21 12 9 1 0 0D ポイズントード   5 25 0 20 9 24 12 12 1 0 0E キャタピラー    6 50 7 35 12 33 25 11 0 0 0F 蝙蝠男       6 28 5 29 18 30 24 15 1 0 10 アニマルゾンビ   7 50 30 29 15 28 4 11 0 0 11 キラービー     6 25 0 26 13 32 15 13 1 0 12 軍隊蟹       8 28 0 35 12 32 60 12 1 0 13 ギズモ       8 25 18 35 14 22 14 28 1 0 ## 名前       LV HP MP EXP GOLD ATT DEF SPD EVD REC 14 御化け茸      9 24 0 39 18 30 12 8 0 0 15 毒芋虫       9 35 0 47 20 40 16 14 0 0 16 デスフラッター   9 25 20 45 22 36 18 14 2 0 17 バリイドドッグ  10 40 4 53 14 42 22 16 0 0 18 マタンゴ     10 30 0 56 20 43 25 15 0 0 19 怪しい影     10 28 0 33 12 32 60 12 3 0 *1 1A バンパイア    10 35 9 61 25 51 28 19 1 0 1B 人食い蛾     10 26 4 55 15 49 35 17 2 0 1C 彷徨う鎧     11 55 0 68 30 47 50 10 0 0 1D キャットフライ  11 40 4 65 20 48 49 28 1 0 ## 名前       LV HP MP EXP GOLD ATT DEF SPD EVD REC 1E 大王蝦蟇     11 38 30 70 23 49 37 18 1 0 1F 暴れ猿      11 60 0 60 30 55 40 21 0 0 20 笑い袋      11 40 FF 5 350 15 37 64 7 0 21 ミイラ男     12 35 0 73 25 55 49 19 0 0 22 地獄の鋏     12 40 30 78 23 50 110 19 0 0 23 ドルイド     13 35 10 82 35 55 47 29 0 0 24 火炎百足     13 45 0 72 35 45 40 20 0 0 25 マミー      13 55 30 82 36 60 35 20 0 0 26 マージマタンゴ  14 40 10 92 40 43 52 20 0 0 27 ハンターフライ  14 30 10 98 25 50 30 18 1 0 ## 名前       LV HP MP EXP GOLD ATT DEF SPD EVD REC 28 デスジャッカル  14 42 5 95 20 67 45 20 1 0 29 幻術師      16 42 10 128 55 60 46 25 0 0 2A ヒートギズモ   15 37 0 105 28 50 60 24 1 0 2B アントベア    15 50 0 110 25 75 45 10 0 0 2C ベホマスライム  14 50 FF 278 38 45 50 18 1 0 2D マッドオックス  17 60 12 162 45 65 49 28 0 0 2E キャットバット  16 35 0 135 35 63 50 20 3 0 2F エビルマージ   30 95 FF 1650 85 99 85 58 0 0 30 キラーエイプ   18 40 6 170 45 80 52 26 0 0 31 ガルーダ     19 60 12 220 71 65 60 30 0 0 ## 名前       LV HP MP EXP GOLD ATT DEF SPD EVD REC 32 メタルスライム  23 4 12 4140 5 40 1023 47 0 0 33 ゴートドン    21 70 3 297 50 72 45 25 0 0 34 殺人鬼      17 45 0 150 35 77 55 24 0 0 35 ベビーサタン   19 70 0 100 45 55 33 23 1 0 36 鬼面道士     22 80 22 343 48 53 43 56 1 0 37 人食い箱     25 120 0 137 60 200 55 67 2 0 38 エリミネーター  24 120 6 376 53 83 50 32 0 0 39 大嘴       18 43 0 175 44 55 43 24 0 0 3A スライム瞑り   19 20 15 210 28 23 200 35 0 0 3B スカイドラゴン  25 80 0 800 180 80 60 40 0 0 ## 名前       LV HP MP EXP GOLD ATT DEF SPD EVD REC 3C バーナバス    20 58 12 235 52 79 67 28 1 0 3D 魔女       21 54 24 305 52 51 50 30 0 0 3E デッドペッカー  20 55 8 228 37 52 58 29 0 0 3F 地獄の鎧     21 60 0 315 57 90 100 23 0 0 40 マリンスライム  18 38 4 197 35 47 100 28 0 0 41 痺れ水母     18 40 0 180 38 55 50 35 1 0 42 マーマン     20 54 5 240 48 65 45 30 0 0 43 大王烏賊     22 135 0 355 90 85 40 32 0 0 44 ガニラス     21 50 0 290 45 68 150 25 0 0 45 マーマンダイン  21 60 12 263 58 72 50 32 1 0 ## 名前       LV HP MP EXP GOLD ATT DEF SPD EVD REC 46 ヘルコンドル   23 100 28 367 71 69 60 33 1 0 47 豪傑熊      23 90 0 440 55 95 40 30 0 0 48 腐った死体    16 98 0 120 15 67 16 20 0 0 49 ビッグホーン   23 75 0 353 68 75 55 24 0 0 4A 痺れ揚羽     18 40 0 165 35 62 10 30 1 0 4B 毒々ゾンビ    23 80 0 368 25 65 50 23 0 0 4C アカイライ    23 60 16 372 32 60 52 33 0 0 4D キラーアーマー  25 70 5 418 80 92 150 35 0 0 4E デスストーカー  32 115 0 940 42 120 55 58 0 0 4F 溶岩魔人     24 60 0 417 61 81 40 18 0 0 ## 名前       LV HP MP EXP GOLD ATT DEF SPD EVD REC 50 シャーマン    22 93 18 358 50 65 52 37 0 0 51 魔法お婆     12 70 100 463 63 65 50 85 1 0 52 シャドー     30 70 18 743 31 63 65 50 2 0 53 氷河魔人     24 140 0 405 74 93 54 23 0 0 54 キメラ      38 80 0 1780 75 120 70 68 1 0 55 コング      25 95 0 432 68 105 58 40 1 0 56 ガメゴン     29 68 0 652 88 89 200 25 0 0 57 極楽鳥      32 90 20 980 85 88 40 60 1 0 58 爆弾岩      26 500 4 660 105 0 0 0 0 0 59 グリズリー    27 110 0 523 65 140 90 33 0 0 ## 名前       LV HP MP EXP GOLD ATT DEF SPD EVD REC 5A ゾンビマスター  29 120 20 673 95 68 60 67 1 0 5B ガメゴンロード  36 120 15 1420 120 113 200 90 0 0 5C スノードラゴン  25 110 0 440 90 93 60 50 2 0 5D トロル      33 250 0 1030 105 155 32 42 0 0 5E フロストギズモ  33 80 18 1070 68 72 47 51 1 0 5F 踊る宝石     16 50 FF 10 1023 57 100 70 7 0 60 ミニデーモン   28 80 24 587 89 85 45 55 1 0 61 テンタクルス   35 200 0 1280 120 107 15 36 0 0 62 骸骨剣士     31 75 18 843 68 95 58 75 0 0 63 ミミック     34 240 10 735 110 94 78 100 3 0 ## 名前       LV HP MP EXP GOLD ATT DEF SPD EVD REC 64 地獄の騎士    34 130 0 1190 73 115 63 58 0 0 65 ホロゴースト   34 85 20 1040 42 67 47 59 2 0 66 八又の大蛇    63 1800 12 2080 0 130 68 40 0 0 *2 67 八又の大蛇    63 2000 12 8040 1000 140 68 50 0 0 *3 68 動く石像     37 195 0 1780 82 140 40 29 0 50 69 サラマンダー   42 200 0 6000 180 150 59 70 0 0 6A スライムベス   63 6 0 8 2 18 6 7 0 0 6B マドハンド    35 70 0 720 78 90 75 59 0 0 6C 魔法の影     38 130 30 1710 77 105 60 80 1 0 6D マクロベータ   38 150 FF 1930 105 80 60 72 0 0 ## 名前       LV HP MP EXP GOLD ATT DEF SPD EVD REC 6E 逸れメタル    24 6 FF 40200 10 55 1023 150 2 0 6F グール      36 170 5 1270 48 95 10 45 0 0 70 ライオンヘッド  35 115 30 1350 98 120 80 47 1 0 71 ボストロル    38 1500 FF 2500 105 180 120 80 0 0 72 ゴールドマン   40 210 0 390 1023 165 50 60 0 0 73 スカルゴン    39 200 0 2350 78 130 65 62 1 20 74 キングマーマン  36 120 12 1590 110 125 85 72 0 0 75 クラーゴン    38 450 0 2090 160 150 10 52 0 0 76 ダースリカント  39 150 0 2080 130 155 70 58 0 0 77 大魔神      43 350 0 2500 150 200 90 35 0 0 ## 名前       LV HP MP EXP GOLD ATT DEF SPD EVD REC 78 ラゴンヌ     42 140 24 2780 90 139 80 70 0 0 79 アークマージ   43 130 100 2850 140 90 150 75 1 0 7A メイジキメラ   30 100 53 2240 125 105 80 150 2 0 7B サタンパピー   41 125 48 2490 90 115 80 58 1 0 7C ヒドラ      41 150 0 3090 95 137 120 76 0 0 7D トロルキング   57 250 27 3050 120 150 78 67 0 50 7E ドラゴン     42 120 0 2600 107 140 75 62 0 0 7F バルログ     43 93 21 3270 80 100 57 55 1 0 80 ドラゴンゾンビ  44 350 0 3500 53 170 45 43 0 0 81 マントゴーア   44 160 50 3060 120 145 60 78 0 0 ## 名前       LV HP MP EXP GOLD ATT DEF SPD EVD REC 82 ソードイド    45 170 31 3180 87 158 72 99 0 0 83 キングヒドラ   46 1600 0 12200 350 280 150 50 0 0 84 バラモスブロス  63 1100 FF 13500 450 210 300 72 1 0 85 バラモスゾンビ  63 3000 0 14300 115 400 0 0 0 50 86 バラモス     63 2500 FF 65535 0 240 200 85 0 100 87 ゾーマ      63 4500 FF 0 0 500 350 255 0 100 *4 88 ゾーマ      63 4700 FF 0 0 360 200 80 0 0 *5 89 オルテガ     63 400 27 0 0 230 220 110 0 0 8A カンダタ     63 300 0 2200 0 70 54 10 2 0 *6 8B カンダタ     63 700 0 4800 0 95 70 23 0 0 *7 ## 名前       LV HP MP EXP GOLD ATT DEF SPD EVD REC 8C カンダタ子分   63 60 0 80 0 45 31 20 0 0 *6 8D 経験値       1 8 0 65535 2 9 5 4 1 0 *8 8E お金        1 8 0 4 1023 9 5 4 1 0 8F 選択馬鹿      1 1023 FF 0 0 50 50 50 0 0 90 選択人間      1 1023 FF 0 0 50 50 50 0 0 91 選択神       1 1023 FF 0 0 50 50 50 0 0 92 選択0       1 1023 FF 0 0 50 50 50 0 0 93 選択1       1 1023 FF 0 0 50 50 50 0 0 94 選択2       1 1023 FF 0 0 50 50 50 0 0 95 選択3       1 1023 FF 0 0 50 50 50 0 0 ## 名前       LV HP MP EXP GOLD ATT DEF SPD EVD REC 96 鳳凰       63 350 FF 3700 150 250 150 90 7 0 97 天の門番     63 700 0 8500 130 350 200 100 0 0 98 メタルキメラ   63 150 0 9000 50 170 350 120 4 0 99 デビルウィザード 63 350 FF 4300 210 180 170 150 0 0 9A キラークラブ   63 180 FF 2500 80 230 250 115 0 0 9B ダークトロル   63 700 8 3700 63 330 80 50 0 0 9C デーモンソード  63 300 0 2800 52 220 150 90 0 0 9D バラモスエビル  63 900 FF 7300 150 260 140 110 0 0 9E 神竜       63 7300 FF 50000 0 400 350 255 0 0 9F カンダタ子分   63 120 20 100 0 65 60 37 2 0 *7 ## 名前       LV HP MP EXP GOLD ATT DEF SPD EVD REC *1 Monster ID 19 (Suspicious Silhouette) can take the form of any monster that your party has already met. Therefore, the data listed may not apply. It is tough to identify which monster it is imitating, but if the monster drops an item, then the true monster name will be displayed. Try fighting them in the basement of the Pyramid (that's where magic use is sealed for both party and enemy) with a Sage's Stone for healing for some fun. *2 This is the data for the first time you meet the (yamata no orochi) inside the Orochi (serpent) Cave. *3 This is the data for the second time onwards against the (yamata on orochi) inside the village of Jipang. *4 This is Zoma's parameters before using the Ball of Light. *5 This is Zoma's parameters after using the Ball of Light. He's definitely weaker after using it. *6 This is the first meeting with Kandata and his Henchmen in the Tower of Shampani. *7 This is the second meeting with Kandata and his Henchmen in the Kidnapper's Cave. *8 Monster ID 8D to 95 are monster for debug use. They look like regular slimes, but each has it's own special feature. Look at the parameters to see what each have. - Looking at the data, the highest monster level is 63. So if you have a character that is at Level 73 or above, put that person at the front of the party. Now you can run away from any random battle for sure, even from the enemies in the hidden dungeon. - Part 2: Monster Dropped Items and Spell Resistance Key: ## = Monster ID number. 名前 = Monster Name 道具名前 Dropped Item Name, some monster have none. This is the item that the Thief class can steal after battle ends. The Thief can steal even if that monster runs away, so take advantage of that. This is also the item that the Merchant class can dig up using the Dig Hole skill. You just have to be in the area where that monster appears and dig away. This method may be easier than trying to fight the monster for the item. C = Chance of dropping the item. 0 = Always drops, while 7 means almost never drops the item. The higher the number, the harder it is to get that item from the monster. 呪文耐性[じゅもんたいせい] Spell Resistance 炎 メラ系、ギラ系、イオ系、ドラゴラムの燃え盛るの火炎、魔道士の杖、   雷の杖、雷神の剣、稲妻の剣 冷 ヒャド系、吹雪の剣 空 バギ系、裁きの杖、王者の剣 電 デイン系 死 ザキ系 爆 メガンテ 眠 ラリホー、眠りの杖 封 マホトーン、雨雲の杖、魔封じの杖 守 ルカニ系、草薙の剣 幻 マヌーサ 吸 マホトラ 乱 メダパニ、毒蛾の粉、誘惑の剣 鈍 ボミオス、斑蜘蛛糸 退 ニフラム、バシルーラ、聖水、ゾンビキラーのダメージ × = Level 0 resistance, the spell will always hit, 100% success rate. △ = Level 1 resistance, the spell hits about 75% of the time. ○ = Level 2 resistance, the spell hits about 25% of the time. ◎ = Level 3 resistance, full resistance, the spell will never hit, 0%. - For Doragoramu, the flame will damage any enemy, even those with Level 3 resistance. In this case, the flame will do half the normal damage of those with Level 0 resistance. This flame is good against the Metal Slime type. ## 名前       道具名前     C 炎冷空電死爆眠封守幻吸乱鈍退 00 空白       無し       0 ×××××××××××××× 01 スライム     薬草       6 ×××××××◎××◎××△ 02 大烏       薬草       5 ×××××××◎××◎××○ 03 一角兎      薬草       2 ×××××××◎××◎××○ 04 大蟻食い     皮の帽子     4 ××××××△◎××◎××○ 05 人面蝶      キメラの翼    4 ××××××△×××△××△ 06 フロッガー    薬草       2 ×××××××◎××◎××○ 07 バブルスライム  毒消し草     1 ××××××○◎××◎××△ 08 魔法使い     聖水       4 ×××××××××××△×◎ 09 蠍蜂       ラックの種    5 ×××××××◎××◎××△ ## 名前       道具名前     C 炎冷空電死爆眠封守幻吸乱鈍退 0A ホイミスライム  力の種      5 ○○△×△×○◎××○△×◎ 0B 御化け蟻食い   薬草       2 ××××××△◎△×◎△×○ 0C アルミラージ   皮の帽子     4 ××××××△××××△△○ 0D ポイズントード  毒消し草     2 ××××××△◎×△◎××○ 0E キャタピラー   薬草       2 ××××××××××△××◎ 0F 蝙蝠男      聖なるナイフ   4 ××××××△△△△△××△ 10 アニマルゾンビ  命の木の実    5 ××××××◎×××△××△ 11 キラービー    満月草      1 △×××××△◎××◎×△◎ 12 軍隊蟹      旅人の服     4 ××××××△◎×△◎△○◎ 13 ギズモ      スタミナの種   5 ××××××◎××◎××△◎ ## 名前       道具名前     C 炎冷空電死爆眠封守幻吸乱鈍退 14 御化け茸     聖水       3 ××××××△◎△○◎◎×○ 15 毒芋虫      毒消し草     1 △×××××△◎××◎××◎ 16 デスフラッター  素早さの種    4 ××××××△××△◎×△◎ 17 バリイドドッグ  賢さの種     5 △×××××○×△△◎×△△ 18 マタンゴ     キメラの翼    3 △×××××△◎△△◎××◎ 19 怪しい影     旅人の服     4 ××××××△◎×△◎△○◎ 1A バンパイア    ラックの種    4 ××××××△×××○△△◎ 1B 人食い蛾     毒針       5 △×××××△×××△×○◎ 1C 彷徨う鎧     銅の剣      4 △×××◎×○◎×△◎◎×○ 1D キャットフライ  縫い包み     6 △×××△×△△△△△△△◎ ## 名前       道具名前     C 炎冷空電死爆眠封守幻吸乱鈍退 1E 大王蝦蟇     刺の鞭      4 △△××△×△△×△△△×◎ 1F 暴れ猿      力の種      5 ×○××△×△◎△○◎△○◎ 20 笑い袋      スタミナの種   4 ◎◎◎×◎×◎×◎△◎○○× 21 ミイラ男     双六券      2 ××××◎×△◎△△◎×△△ 22 地獄の鋏     青銅の盾     4 △×××△×△△×○◎△△◎ 23 ドルイド     ラックの種    4 △△△×△×○△△△○○○◎ 24 火炎百足     賢さの種     5 ◎×××△×○◎△△◎△△◎ 25 マミー      聖水       4 ××○×◎×○△△○×△○△ 26 マージマタンゴ  キメラの翼    4 △○××××△△××△△×◎ 27 ハンターフライ  身交わしの服   5 △×××△×○△×××△×○ ## 名前       道具名前     C 炎冷空電死爆眠封守幻吸乱鈍退 28 デスジャッカル  命の木の実    5 ××××△×△△×△△△×△ 29 幻術師      双六券      2 △×××△×△○△△○○×◎ 2A ヒートギズモ   ラックの種    5 ◎×××△×△◎△×◎△△◎ 2B アントベア    鉄の槍      6 △×××△×○◎△△◎△×◎ 2C ベホマスライム  スタミナの種   5 △△△×△×△△△×◎△△◎ 2D マッドオックス  皮の盾      5 ××××△×△△△△×○×◎ 2E キャットバット  縫い包み     5 ××××△×△◎△△◎△×△ 2F エビルマージ   世界樹の葉    5 ○○△△○×○○△×△◎○△ 30 キラーエイプ   キメラの翼    4 △×××△×○△△○○××◎ 31 ガルーダ     双六券      2 ××××××○△×○×××◎ ## 名前       道具名前     C 炎冷空電死爆眠封守幻吸乱鈍退 32 メタルスライム  素早さの種    3 ◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎△◎◎ 33 ゴートドン    力の種      4 △×××△×△××△×△△◎ 34 殺人鬼      毒針       4 ××××△×△◎△△◎△×◎ 35 ベビーサタン   祈りの指輪    7 ○○△×○×◎×××◎××◎ 36 鬼面道士     双六券      2 △△△×○×○○○○○○△◎ 37 人食い箱     無し       7 ○△△△○×○◎△○◎△△◎ 38 エリミネーター  鎖鎌       5 △△××△×△△△△△△△◎ 39 大嘴       賢さの種     4 ××××△×△◎△△◎×△◎ 3A スライム瞑り   檜の棒      3 ◎◎◎◎△×◎△○×◎◎×△ 3B スカイドラゴン  命の木の実    4 ◎×××△×○◎△△◎○×× ## 名前       道具名前     C 炎冷空電死爆眠封守幻吸乱鈍退 3C バーナバス    旅人の服     4 △×××△×○○△○○△×△ 3D 魔女       消え去り草    6 ○×××△×○△△△○○×◎ 3E デッドペッカー  素早さの種    2 △×××△×△△△○△××◎ 3F 地獄の鎧     鉄の鎧      4 ○×××△×△◎△△◎△×◎ 40 マリンスライム  キメラの翼    4 △○△×△×△△△△△△△◎ 41 痺れ水母     満月草      4 △△△△△×△◎×△◎○△◎ 42 マーマン     力の種      5 △○××○×○△△△△△×◎ 43 大王烏賊     命の木の実    5 ×○××△×△◎×○◎△×◎ 44 ガニラス     甲羅の鎧     5 ×△××△×△◎×△◎△×◎ 45 マーマンダイン  皮の帽子     6 △○××○×○△△△△△×◎ ## 名前       道具名前     C 炎冷空電死爆眠封守幻吸乱鈍退 46 ヘルコンドル   双六券      2 △×××△×△○×△△△×◎ 47 豪傑熊      力の種      4 ××××△×△◎△◎◎○×◎ 48 腐った死体    布の服      4 ××××△×◎◎△◎◎◎×△ 49 ビッグホーン   聖水       4 △△××△×△◎×△◎△×◎ 4A 痺れ揚羽     満月草      3 △×××××△◎×△◎××◎ 4B 毒々ゾンビ    毒消し草     4 ××××△×◎◎△△◎○△△ 4C アカイライ    無し       7 ××△×△×△△△△×××◎ 4D キラーアーマー  鋼鉄の鎧     5 ○×△×△×○△○△△△△◎ 4E デスストーカー  鉄の斧      6 △△△×△×○◎×○◎△△◎ 4F 溶岩魔人     世界樹の葉    5 ◎×△×△×△◎×△◎△△◎ ## 名前       道具名前     C 炎冷空電死爆眠封守幻吸乱鈍退 50 シャーマン    ラックの種    3 △△△×○×△△△○○△△◎ 51 魔法お婆     消え去り草    4 ○○××○×△△△△○△△◎ 52 シャドー     刺の鞭      5 △△△△○×○△△○△△×○ 53 氷河魔人     不思議な帽子   5 ×◎△×○×○◎△△◎△△◎ 54 キメラ      キメラの翼    4 △×××○×△◎△△◎△△◎ 55 コング      命の木の実    4 △△××△×△◎△△◎△△◎ 56 ガメゴン     鉄兜       4 ○○○△△×△◎○○◎○△◎ 57 極楽鳥      双六券      3 △△△△○×△△××△△×◎ 58 爆弾岩      命の石      5 ××××◎×◎◎××◎◎◎○ 59 グリズリー    力の種      4 △○××△×△◎△△◎△△◎ ## 名前       道具名前     C 炎冷空電死爆眠封守幻吸乱鈍退 5A ゾンビマスター  世界樹の葉    6 △○○×○×○○△×△△△○ 5B ガメゴンロード  ラックの種    4 ○○○○○△△○×△○○△◎ 5C スノードラゴン  命の木の実    5 ×◎××○×△◎△△◎△△◎ 5D トロル      棍棒       4 ××××○×△◎×△◎△×○ 5E フロストギズモ  双六券      3 ×◎△×△×△○△×△△×◎ 5F 踊る宝石     派手な服     6 ◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎ 60 ミニデーモン   不幸の兜     5 △×××○×○○△△△○△◎ 61 テンタクルス   武道着      5 ×△××△×△◎×△◎△△◎ 62 骸骨剣士     鋼鉄の剣     5 △△△△○×△△△○○○×△ 63 ミミック     魔神の斧     6 ○○△×○×○◎△△×◎○○ ## 名前       道具名前     C 炎冷空電死爆眠封守幻吸乱鈍退 64 地獄の騎士    素早さの種    6 △△△△○×○◎×△◎○△△ 65 ホロゴースト   双六券      2 ○◎△△◎×○△△△△△△△ 66 八又の大蛇    草薙の剣     0 ◎×××◎◎○◎△△◎◎◎◎ 67 八又の大蛇    無し       0 ◎×××◎◎◎◎△△◎◎◎◎ 68 動く石像     大地の鎧     5 ○△△△○△△◎△○◎○×◎ 69 サラマンダー   力の種      5 ○×××○×○◎△△◎○△◎ 6A スライムベス   薬草       4 ×××××××××××××◎ 6B マドハンド    鉄の爪      4 ×△△×△×△◎△△◎△△◎ 6C 魔法の影     命の石      4 △◎△×○×◎×△△○◎○○ 6D マクロベータ   毒蛾の粉     4 ○△△×○×△○△△○△△◎ ## 名前       道具名前     C 炎冷空電死爆眠封守幻吸乱鈍退 6E 逸れメタル    幸せの靴     4 ◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎ 6F グール      身交わしの服   6 ××××○×◎△×◎◎○△△ 70 ライオンヘッド  嘆きの盾     6 ○△△×○△○△△○○○△◎ 71 ボストロル    力の種      4 ○×××◎◎◎△○◎○◎◎◎ 72 ゴールドマン   黄金の爪     6 ×◎◎◎◎×△◎△△◎△×◎ 73 スカルゴン    力の種      5 ×◎△×○×△◎△△◎△△○ 74 キングマーマン  魔法のビキニ   4 △○△×○×○△××△○△◎ 75 クラーゴン    命の木の実    5 △○××△×△◎×△◎△△◎ 76 ダースリカント  素早さの種    4 △×△×△×△◎△○◎△△◎ 77 大魔神      雷神の剣     6 ×△○×○×△◎△△◎△△◎ ## 名前       道具名前     C 炎冷空電死爆眠封守幻吸乱鈍退 78 ラゴンヌ     嘆きの盾     5 △△××○×○○○○◎○○◎ 79 アークマージ   漣の杖      5 ○○××○×◎○△△△△○◎ 7A メイジキメラ   不思議な帽子   4 ○△△×○×○△××△○△◎ 7B サタンパピー   誘惑の剣     6 △◎△×○×○△△×○△◎○ 7C ヒドラ      世界樹の葉    6 ○×○×◎×○◎○△◎◎○◎ 7D トロルキング   雷神の剣     6 △△△△○×△△△△○○△◎ 7E ドラゴン     スタミナの種   4 ○△△×△×◎◎△△◎△△◎ 7F バルログ     不思議な帽子   5 △○○×◎○○△△△◎○△○ 80 ドラゴンゾンビ  力の種      5 ×◎○△◎△○◎×△◎○△△ 81 マントゴーア   嘆きの盾     5 ×○××○△△△××△○△◎ ## 名前       道具名前     C 炎冷空電死爆眠封守幻吸乱鈍退 82 ソードイド    吹雪の剣     5 △○○△○○○○△○△○△△ 83 キングヒドラ   ドラゴンメイル  5 ◎△××◎◎○◎△◎◎◎◎◎ 84 バラモスブロス  嘆きの盾     6 △△△△◎◎◎○△△◎◎◎◎ 85 バラモスゾンビ  破壊の剣     6 ××××◎◎◎◎◎○◎◎◎◎ 86 バラモス     無し       7 ○△△×◎◎○○△△◎◎◎◎ 87 ゾーマ      無し       7 ◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎ 88 ゾーマ      無し       7 ×◎○×◎◎◎◎×◎◎◎◎◎ 89 オルテガ     無し       7 ×◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎ 8A カンダタ     無し       7 △×××◎◎◎◎△◎◎◎◎◎ 8B カンダタ     無し       7 △△××◎◎◎◎△◎◎◎◎◎ ## 名前       道具名前     C 炎冷空電死爆眠封守幻吸乱鈍退 8C カンダタ子分   無し       7 ××××◎◎×◎×△◎◎◎◎ 8D 経験値      薬草       6 ×××××××◎××◎××△ 8E お金       薬草       6 ×××××××◎××◎××△ 8F 選択馬鹿     無し       0 ×××××××××××××× 90 選択人間     無し       0 ×××××××××××××× 91 選択神      無し       0 ×××××××××××××× 92 選択0      無し       0 ×××××××××××××× 93 選択1      無し       0 △△△△△△△△△△△△△△ 94 選択2      無し       0 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 95 選択3      無し       0 ◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎ ## 名前       道具名前     C 炎冷空電死爆眠封守幻吸乱鈍退 96 鳳凰       世界樹の葉    4 △△△△○△△△×△△△×◎ 97 天の門番     怒りのタトゥー  4 ×△△×○◎○◎○◎◎△△◎ 98 メタルキメラ   幸せの靴     5 ◎◎◎×◎○○◎○×◎◎×◎ 99 デビルウィザード 祈りの指輪    3 △△△×◎△○◎××◎◎×◎ 9A キラークラブ   大鋏       3 ××××◎×◎○×◎◎○×× 9B ダークトロル   頭が冴える本   3 ××××○△○◎××◎○○◎ 9C デーモンソード  諸刃の剣     5 △○○△◎△△◎○○◎○×△ 9D バラモスエビル  不思議の木の実  6 ××◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎×◎ 9E 神竜       力の種      3 ××××◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎ 9F カンダタ子分   無し       7 ××××◎◎○○△○◎◎○◎ ## 名前       道具名前     C 炎冷空電死爆眠封守幻吸乱鈍退 +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ 性格編[せいかくへん] 7. Personality Compilation +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ --- 性格名称[せいかくめいしょう] Personality Name 男勝り[おとこまさり]      Mannish 命知らず[いのちしらず]     Daredevil 呑気者[のんきもの]       Happy Go Lucky 正直者[しょうじきもの]     Honest Person 抜け目がない[ぬけめがない]   Shrewd 我が儘[わがまま]        Selfish 鉄人[てつじん]         Iron Man お節介[おせっかい]       Nosy Person ロマンチスト           Romantist うっかり者[うっかりもの]    Thoughtless Person 引っ込み思案[ひっこみじあん]  Shy 力自慢[ちからじまん]      Boastful 大食らい[おおぐらい]      Glutton むっつり助平[むっつりすけべい] Sullen Pervert 世間知らず[せけんしらず]    Ignorant 普通[ふつう]          Ordinary 切れ者[きれもの]        Sharp Minded 泣き虫[なきむし]        Crybaby へこたれない           No Losing Heart 怠け者[なまけもの]       Lazy 甘えん坊[あまえんぼう]     Spoiled Child 一匹狼[いっぴきおおかみ]    Lone Wolf 優しい人[やさしいひと]     Gentle Person 豪傑[ごうけつ]         Great Strength 熱血漢[ねっけつかん]      Hot Blooded おっちょこちょい         Careless 頑固者[がんこもの]       Stubborn 電光石火[でんこうせっか]    Lightning Flash 拈れ者[ひねくれもの]      Rebellious 寂しがりや[さびしがりや]    Lonely 苦労人[くろうにん]       Person of Hardship 頭脳明晰[ずのうめいせき]    Lucid Brain ラッキーマン           Lucky Man 意気地なし[いくじなし]     Coward セクシーギャル          Sexy Gal 乱暴者[らんぼうもの]      Violent Person お転婆[おてんば]        Tomboy 負けず嫌い[まけずぎらい]    Hate to Lose 御嬢様[おじょうさま]      Daughter of High Class すばしっこい           Nimble 見栄張り[みえっぱり]      Show Off タフガイ             Tough Guy 頑張りや[がんばりや]      Persistent 頭でっかち[あたまでっかち]   Big Headed 幸せ者[しあわせもの]      Happy 御調子者[おちょうしもの]    Frivolous --- 装備していると性格が変わる装飾品 When equipped, ornaments that will change your personality 名称      変わる性格 力の指輪    力自慢 兎の尻尾    幸せ者 疾風のバンダナ 電光石火 石の鬘     頑固者 ガーターベルト セクシーギャル モヒカンの毛  御調子者 ルビーの腕輪  見栄張り 怒りのタトゥー 乱暴者 豪傑の腕輪   豪傑 インテリ眼鏡  頭脳明晰 銀のロザリオ  ロマンチスト おしゃぶり   甘えん坊 ヘビメタリング 一匹狼 金のネックレス むっつり助平 疾風のリング  すばしっこい パワーベルト  タフガイ 金の嘴     ラッキーマン 黄金のティアラ 御嬢様 スライムピアス 寂しがりや 博愛リング   優しい人 挫けぬ心    苦労人 逃げ逃げリング 意気地なし --- 使うと性格が元から変わる本 When used, books that will change the personality of origin 名称      変わる性格 優しく慣れる本 優しい人 甘えん坊辞典  甘えん坊 淑女への道   御嬢様(女) 頭が冴える本  切れ者 力の秘密    力自慢 豪傑の秘訣   豪傑 開運の本    幸せ者 お転婆辞典   お転婆(女) 悲しい物語   泣き虫 勇気百倍    命知らず 負けたらあかん 負けず嫌い ユーモアの本  御調子者 狡っこの本   抜け目がない エッチな本   むっつり助平(男)         セクシーギャル(女) --- Personality Name Ornament Equipped Book Read Mannish - - Daredevil - Bravery Hundredfold Happy Go Lucky - - Honest Person - - Shrewd - Cunning Guy's Book Selfish - - Iron Man - - Nosy Person - - Romantist Silver Rosary - Thoughtless Person - - Shy - - Boastful Force Ring Secret of Power Glutton - - Sullen Pervert Gold Necklace Pornography Ignorant - - Ordinary - - Sharp Minded - Book of Clearheadedness Crybaby - Sorrowful Tales No Losing Heart - - Lazy - - Spoiled Child Pacifier Spoiled Child's Dictionary Lone Wolf Heavy Metal Ring - Gentle Person Ring of Benevolence Book of Becoming Gentle Great Strength Great Man's Bracelet Keys to the Great Man Hot Blooded - - Careless - - Stubborn Stone Wig - Lightning Flash Gale Bandana - Rebellious - - Lonely Slime Pierced Earrings - Person of Hardship Uncrushed Heart - Lucid Brain Intelligence Eyeglasses - Lucky Man Gold Beak - Coward Run Away Ring - Sexy Gal Garter Belt Pornography Violent Person Anger Tattoo - Tomboy - Tomboy's Dictionary Hate to Lose - Cannot Afford to Lose Daughter of High Class Golden Tiara Path to a Graceful Lady Nimble Fast Ring - Show Off Ruby Bracelet - Tough Guy Power Belt - Persistent - - Big Headed - - Happy Rabbit's Tail Book of Better Fortune Frivolous Mohican Hairstyle Book of Humor -When you equip the ornaments, your personality will temporary change while the ornament is equipped. When you unequip the ornament, your personality will return back to the original one you had. This is useful when you only want a certain personality for a few levels. -When you read a book, the book will be gone and your personality will change permanently to a new one. -Another way to change a character's personality is to play the Dice Game. If you happen to land on a ? block, sometimes your character's personality will permanently change to something else. You can get some rare personalities this way. +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ 双六編[すごろくへん] 8. Dice Game Compilation +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ --- サイコロをふる マップをみる つよさをみる やめる Roll the Dice View the Map View Status End --- 第一のすごろく場 1st Dice Game 場所=カザーブの村の南 宝箱=聖いなるナイフ、ブーメラン、命の木の実 箪笥=双六券 壷 =皮の帽子、薬草 万屋=鋼の剣   1300G    皮のドレス 420G    鉄の盾   1200G ゴール賞品=鋼の剣、500ゴールド Location = South of Kazab Village Treasure = Holy Knife, Boomerang, Life Nut Drawer = Dice Game Ticket Pot = Leather Hat, Medicinal Herb Merchant = Steel Sword 1300G = Leather Dress 420G = Iron Shield 1200G Goal = Steel Sword, 500G --- マップ Map          ┌─┐          │終│          └─┘          ┌─┐          │平│          └─┘          ┌─┐          │落│          └─┘          ┌─┐          │キ│          └─┘          ┌─┐          │平│          └─┘          ┌─┐          │森│          └─┘          ┌─┐          │宝│          └─┘ ┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐ │髑││平││参││平│ └─┘└─┘└─┘└─┘ ┌─┐      ┌─┐ │丘│      │!│ └─┘      └─┘ ┌─┐      ┌─┐ │陣│      │サ│ └─┘      └─┘ ┌─┐      ┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐ │さ│      │強││箪││平││宝│ └─┘      └─┘└─┘└─┘└─┘ ┌─┐      ┌─┐      ┌─┐ │森│      │平│      │落│ └─┘      └─┘      └─┘ ┌─┐      ┌─┐      ┌─┐ │弐│      │バ│      │丘│ └─┘      └─┘      └─┘ ┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐      ┌─┐ │キ││壷││さ││?│      │?│ └─┘└─┘└─┘└─┘      └─┘          ┌─┐      ┌─┐          │森│      │き│          └─┘      └─┘          ┌─┐      ┌─┐          │き│      │壷│          └─┘      └─┘          ┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐          │宝││さ││平││万│          └─┘└─┘└─┘└─┘          ┌─┐          │森│          └─┘          ┌─┐          │三│          └─┘          ┌─┐          │平│          └─┘          ┌─┐          │始│          └─┘ サイコロ振る数=10回 始=スタート 平=平原 三=3マス進める 森=森林 宝=宝箱 さ=さいころを振る数を増える 万=よろず屋 壷=つぼ き=金が増える ?=ランダム効果 丘=おか 落=落とし穴 箪=たんす バ=バリア キ=金が無くす 弐=2マス下がる 陣=魔法陣 髑=ドクロ 参=参マス下がる 強=強敵 !=能力値が上下する サ=サイコロを振る数を下がる 終=ゴール --- 第二のすごろく場 2nd Dice Game 場所=アッサラームの町の南西 宝箱=鉄の爪、鋼の針千 箪笥=木の帽子、双六券 壷 =力の種、小さなメダル 万屋=マジカルスカート 1500G    鋼の剣      1300G    魔封じの杖    3300G 外側=小さなメダル ゴール賞品=モーニングスター、小さなメダル Location = SW of Asaram Town Treasure = Iron Claw, Steel Porcupine Drawer = Wood Hat, Dice Game Ticket Pot = Power Seed, Small Medal Merchant = Magical Skirt 1500G = Steel Sword 1300G = Demon Sealing Staff 3300G Outside = Small Medal Goal = Morning Star, Small Medal --- 第三のすごろく場 3rd Dice Game 場所=祠の牢獄の北東 宝箱=1F=パワーベルト    2F=アサシンダガー、マジカルスカート、派手な服 箪笥=1F=ターバン、銀の髪飾り、双六券    2F=双六券、パーティドレス 壷 =1F=ラックの種、力の種   =2F=小さなメダル、不思議の木の実 万屋=炎のブーメラン 6500G    疾風のリング  3500G    尖んがり帽子  2300G 外側=1F=双六券、小さなメダル    B1=小さなメダル 足元=ブーメラン、命の石、天使のローブ、ルーズソックス、悟りの書 ゴール賞品=ドラゴンテイル、素早さの種 Location = NE of the Prison Shrine Treasure = 1F = Power Belt 2F = Assassin Dagger, Magical Skirt, Flashy Clothes Drawer = 1F = Turban, Silver Hair Piece, Dice Game Ticket 2F = Dice Game Ticket, Party Dress Pot = 1F = Luck Seed, Power Seed 2F = Small Medal, Strange Nut Merchant = Flame Boomerang 6500G = Fast Ring 3500G = Pointed Hat 2300G Outside = 1F = Dice Game Ticket, Small Medal = B1 = Small Medal Feet = Boomerang, Life Stone, Angel Robe, Loose Socks, Writings of Enlightenment Goal = Dragon Tail, Speed Seed --- 第四のすごろく場 4th Dice Game 場所=マイラの村の井戸 宝箱=1F=逃げ逃げリング、ドラゴンテイル、命の石    2F=ミミック、闇の衣 箪笥=1F=ターバン、小さなメダル    2F=世界樹の葉、力の秘密 壷 =1F=命の木の実、不思議な木の実、スタミナの種    2F=小さなメダル、素早さの種、命の木の実 万屋=刃の鎧     6500G    ドラゴンローブ 27000G    雷神の剣    65000G 外側=1F=双六券    2F=小さなメダル、双六券    B1=双六券(三枚) 足元=魔法の前掛け、ルーンスタッフ、逃げ逃げリング ゴール賞品=光のドレス      =グリンガムの鞭、命の指輪(別のゴール) Location = Inside the well in Maira Village Treasure = 1F = Run Away Ring, Dragon Tail, Life Stone 2F = Mimic, Garment of Darkness Drawer = 1F = Turban, Small Medal 2F = World Tree Leaf, Secrets of Power Pot = 1F = Life Nut, Strange Nut, Stamina Seed 2F = Small Medal, Speed Seed, Life Nut Merchant = Bladed Armor 6500G Dragon Robe 27000G Thunder God's Sword 65000G Outside = 1F = Dice Game Ticket 2F = Small Medal, Dice Game Ticket B1 = Dice Game Ticket (3 of them) Foot = Magical Apron, Rune Staff, Run Away Ring Goal = Dress of Light = Whip of Gringam, Ring of Life (another goal) --- 第五のすごろく場 Fifth Dice Game 場所=ジパングの井戸(神竜の願いを叶えたあと) 宝箱=1F=魔神の斧    2F=変化の杖、ドラゴンクロウ    3F=忍びの服、雷神の剣、破壊の剣、風神の盾 箪笥=1F=不思議の木の実、シルクハット、ルーズソックス、おしゃぶり    2F=ルーズソックス、パワーベルト、モヒカンの毛、銀のロザリオ    3F=疾風のリング、ルビーの腕輪、危ない水着    4F=嘆きの盾 壷 =1F=命の木の実、力の種、不幸の兜、石の鬘    2F=祈りの指輪、ラックの種、力の種    3F=祈りの指輪、賢さの種、スタミナの種    4F=力の種、星降る腕輪 万屋=3F=光のドレス   19000G       黄金のティアラ 5000G       双六券     50G    4F=祈りの指輪   2500G       命の石     800G       豪傑の秘訣   200G 外側=2F=命の指輪、疾風のバンダナ 足元=忍びの服、命の木の実、ドラゴンクロウ、ドラゴンローブ、    変化の杖、破壊の鉄球 ゴール賞品=不思議なボレロ、女神の指輪 Location = Jipang Well (after getting the wish from the God Dragon) Treasure = 1F = Devil's Hatchet 2F = Transformation Staff, Dragon Claw 3F = Clothes of the Spy, Thunder God's Sword, Sword of Destruction Shield of the Wind God Drawer = 1F = Strange Nut, Silk Hat, Loose Socks, Pacifier 2F = Loose Socks, Power Belt, Mohican Hairstyle, Silver Rosary 3F = Fast Ring, Ruby Ring, Dangerous Bathing Suit 4F = Shield of Lamentation Pot = 1F = Life Nut, Power Seed, Helmet of Misfortune, Stone Wig 2F = Prayer Ring, Luck Seed, Power Seed 3F = Prayer Ring, Intelligence Seed, Stamina Seed 4F = Power Seed, Falling Star Bracelet Merchant = 3F = Dress of Light 19000G Golden Tiara 5000G Dice Game Ticket 50G 4F = Prayer Ring 2500G Stone of Life 800G Keys to the Great Man 200G Outside = 2F = Ring of Life, Gale Bandana Foot = Clothes of the Spy, Life Nut, Dragon Claw, Dragon Robe, Transformation Staff, Iron Ball of Destruction Goal = Strange Bolero, Goddess Ring ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ イベントガイド 9. Event Guide +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ 攻略一覧表[こうりゃくいちらんひょう] 任=任意のイベント、ストーリー上に関係ないイベントと示す --- 地上編 アリアハン城 ├王様に合い、50ゴールドとアイテムを貰う ├ルイーダの酒場に行って仲間を加わる └二階の登録場で商人を作る 岬の洞窟からナジミの塔へに行って、盗賊の鍵を入手 レーベの村に行って、おじいさんから魔法の玉を貰う 誘いの洞窟で魔法の玉を使って、壁を壊す 任 ロマリア城で王様から黄金の冠を返して欲しいと頼まれる 任 カザーブの村で毒針を入手(夜で道具屋を入る) 任 エルフの隠れ里でノアニールの事情を分かる 任 地底の湖で夢見るルビーを手に入れる   └エルフの女王に夢見るルビーを目覚めの粉と交換する 任 ノアニールの町で目覚めの粉を使って、町を通常状態に戻す シャンパーニの塔へ行きカンダタと子分達を倒して、黄金の冠を入手 任 ロマリアの王様に黄金の冠を渡して、勇者が王様(女王様)になる   └元に戻りたいなら、格闘場で元王様を探す 任 ロマリアの東に行って、アッサラームの町に到着   └夜になってから男性をパーティの先頭にしてからパフパフ娘に話    かけると、イベントが発生 任 アッサラームから西に行って、イシスの国に到着   └お城で星降る腕輪を入手 ピラミッドで魔法の鍵の入手する ├子供の歌を覚えば、ボタンを押す順番が分かるはず └歌は、東の西から西の東、西の西から東の東 任 ピラミッドの地下で隠し階段を見つけて、棺桶から黄金の爪を奪い取る   └ピラミッド内にモンスターの出現率が非常に高くなるから注意 ポルトガの町に行って、王様から王の手紙を貰う アッサラームの東のノルド洞窟でホビットのノルドの前で王の手紙を読む バハラタの町で川の近くのおじいさんに話すとグプタは飛び出す 人攫のアジトでグプタとタニアを助け出す └カンダタと子分達と再び対決する バハラタに戻り、グプタに話かけると黒胡椒が貰える ポルトガの王様に黒胡椒を渡すと、船が貰える 任 ダーマの神殿で転職を行う   └おすすめの転職は遊び人から賢者 任 ガルナの塔で悟りの書を入手   └旅の扉を使って、五階の綱渡りから落ちる 任 ムオルの村の市場でポポタに話て、オルテガの兜を入手 任 アープの塔で山彦の笛を手に入れる 最後の鍵を手に入れる ├ランシールかスーの村の道具屋で消え去り草を買う ├エジンベアに行って、入口で消え去り草を使って城の中に入る │└地下室で三つの岩を青い床の上に押して、乾きの壷を入手 └ムオルの北にある浅瀬で乾きの壷を使い、最後の鍵を入手 グリーンオーブを入手する └夜にテドンに行って、牢屋の中の囚人に話しかけると、グリーンオーブを貰う レッドオーブを入手する ├海賊のアジトの右側にある岩を押して、その下に調べる └隠し階段を発見して、宝箱の中にレッドオーブがある パープルオーブを入手する ├ジパングの国にある、大蛇の洞窟に住む八又の大蛇を倒す ├オロチに追って、ジパング内に再びオロチと対決 └勝利したら宝箱を開けて、パープルオーブを入手 ブルーオーブを入手する └ランシールにある、地球のへそを一人で挑戦して、ブルーオーブを入手 イエローオーブを入手 ├ルイーダの酒場で商人を仲間を加わる ├スーの北東にある一人のおじいさんに商人を預ける ├商人の町が大きくなったら、夜に三人組は革命を企む ├次の日、商人が囚人になって、反省している └商人の館に行って、椅子の後ろに調べて、イエローオーブを入手 任 商人の町が最終段階になると、商人はルイーダの酒場に戻れる シルバーオーブを入手する ├まずスーの北にある、旅人の祠に行って右側の旅の扉に入る ├サマンオサ城で情報収集 ├サマンオサの南にある、ラーの洞窟でラーの鏡を手に入れる ├夜でサマンオサ城の台所から侵入して、王様が寝てる所をラーの鏡を使う ├ボストロルと対決して、勝利したあと、変化の杖を入手 ├任 エルフの隠れ里で変化の杖を使って、ホビットの姿で買物をする ├グリンラッドのおじいさんに合い、変化の杖と船乗りの骨を交換する ├ロマリアの近くの海にある、幽霊船に入って、愛の思い出を入手 ├オリビアの岬で船で通行すると、押し戻されてしまう所で愛の思い出を使う ├祠の牢獄でガイアの剣を手に入れる ├イシスの南東にある火山の火口でガイアの剣を使う ├ネクロゴンドの洞窟を突破する └ネクロゴンドの祠でシルバーオーブを入手 レイアムランドに行き、六つのオーブを台座に捧げると、ラーミアが復活する 任 ラーミアを利用して竜の女王の城に行って、光の玉を入手 ラーミアを利用してバラモス城に行って、バラモスを倒す └勇者一人でバラモスを倒すと、アリアハンの王様からバスタードソードを貰う アリアハンの王様に話して、驚きの事実を分かる バラモス城の東にある、ギアガの大穴に落ちて、アレフガルドの地方に到着 --- 地下編 船を乗って東の大陸に上陸する ラダトームの城下町で情報収集 ├ラダトームの城の台所の南にある隠し部屋で太陽の石を入手 └任 城のバルコニーにいる神父から妖精の地図を入手 任 ラダトームの北西にあるガライの祠で銀の竪琴を入手 任 岩山の洞窟を探検する 任 砂漠の町、ドムドーラに行く   ├宿屋の二階にいる、踊り子のレナに話して事情を分かる   │└夜でアッサラームの町に行って、座長に話して、魔法のビキニを貰う   └牧場の茂みに調べて、オリハルコンを手に入れる 船を使って、東の大陸にあるマイラの村に行く ├露天風呂で南十歩歩いて、足元を調べて妖精の笛を入手 └任 二階の道具屋でオリハルコンを売る  └後でその道具屋から王者の剣を購入する 任 ラダトームの北西の洞窟を探検する   ├呪文を使いないですから注意   └地下三階で勇者の盾を手に入れる 任 メルキドとリムルダールの町で情報収集する メルキドの南にある精霊の祠で雨雲の杖を手に入れる マイラの西にある、ルビスの塔を登る ├三階の北側から落ちる ├任 光の鎧を入手する └頂上で女神像の前で妖精の笛を吹く  └精霊ルビスから聖なる守りを入手 リムルダールの南にある聖なる祠に行く └太陽の石と雨雲の杖が合体して、虹の雫になる リムルダールの西の半島で虹の雫を使う ラストダンジョンである、ゾーマの城を挑戦する ├大魔神六体を倒さないと、先を進めない ├玉座の後ろを調べると隠し階段を発見する ├回転床だらけの部屋で左側から上を押しっぱなしすれば、簡単にクリア ├オルテガ対キングヒドラの対決を見る │└オルテガは敗北したあと、力を尽きる ├任 宝箱から賢者の石を手に入れる ├キングヒトラ、バラモスブロス、とバラモスゾンビの三連戦を勝ち抜く │└城の外を出ると、この三体が復活するから注意 └大魔王ゾーマと最終決戦を行う  └任 戦闘中、光の玉を使いえば、戦いが楽になる ラダトーム城に戻って、王様と話す エンディングへ └ロト伝説の始まりを分かる、さらに勇者がロトの称号を得る --- 隠しダンジョン編 ロトの称号を持つ、誠の勇者しか挑戦できない難易度が高いダンジョンだ ラーミアを乗って、昼間で竜の女王の城に行く 城の北側にある光に飛び込む 天空の洞窟の入口に到着 ├ネクロゴンドの洞窟モドキの部屋を通過する ├大蛇の洞窟モドキの部屋を通過する ├ピラミッドモドキの部屋を通過する │└ラダトーム城モドキの部屋で神父に出会う ├地底の湖モドキの部屋を回復ポイント利用してから通過する ├ネクロゴンドの洞窟モドキの部屋を通過する ├サマンオサ牢獄モドキの部屋で戦いの準備をする ├格闘場内部でモンスターと対決するか、無視する ├灯台モドキの部屋を通過する └イシス城モドキの部屋に到着 ゼニス王と話せば、ルーラでゼニス城に行けるようになる 吟遊詩人と話して、三つの謎を解く ├第一の問題の答はテドンの村、魔獣の爪を発見 ├第二の問題の答はメルキドの町、闇の衣を発見 ├第三の問題の答は忘れた島ルザミ、賢者の石を発見 ├全問題を解くと、小さなメダルの情報を教える └全百十枚のメダルを入手すると、彼から褒め言葉を貰う レーベ村モドキの部屋を通過する 天空の塔を登る 頂上で神竜と出会う ├規定数のターン以内に神竜を倒せば、願いを叶えてくれる ├一回めは35ターン、二回めは25ターン以内で倒すが必要 ├三回め以降は15ターン以内で倒すが必要 ├第一の願いは新しい双六場を遊びたい │└ジパングの井戸で最高の双六場が現れる ├第二の願いは父オルテガを蘇る │└アリアハンの自宅に戻れば、母の幸せの姿を見える ├第三の願いはエッチな本を読みたい │├本を使いば、男ならむっつり助平、女ならセクシーギャルの性格になる │└本は何回でも貰える └願いを叶えた後、神竜は勇者達を下界に送ってくる ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ウォークスルー 9a. Walkthrough Part 1 - Part 1 covers the opening questions all the way to getting the ship. -After entering your name for the hero, begin by walking up towards the waterfall. A mysterious voice will ask if you are ready for a trial. Say yes and then it will ask for your real name. You have 12 spaces to enter your own name. Then it will ask what month you were born. Choose from 1 through 12. Then it will ask the date of birth. Choose what ever you like, then it will ask confirmation if that is the name and date you like. Now the voice will ask some important questions to determine your personality. The questions are linked by yes and no responses, with the first question randomly picked from five questions. My first question was "For you, is an adventure painful?" I said yes. The next question was "Is it fun to talk to town people?" I said yes. Next was "If you found a cave, would you enter it?" I said yes. The next question was "Instead of an expensive inn nearby, would you rather go through the trouble of going to a cheap inn that is farther away?" I said yes again. The next question was "Is it common for you to not sleep because of thoughts in your head?" I said yes. Next question "Do you see lots of dreams?" I said yes. Next question "Have you ever seen a dream of you chasing someone?" I said yes once again. The next question I got was "Are you tired of strangers?" I said no this time. Next question was "Are you the kind that doesn't mind failure?" I said yes. The voice continues with "Even if you have different opinions with someone, is it true you don't like to get into a verbal fight?" I said yes. Next question, "No matter the reason, it is unacceptable to break a promise, right?" I said yes. Next question, "Do you believe God exists?" I said no. Next question "Is it common for you to start one thing and can't see things around you?" I said no. Next question "No matter what happens, is there something important that you want to protect?" I said yes. Now the voice understands more about you. Then the final question I got was the castle scenario. You can overhear a princess talking to herself, saying soon she will get some kind of jewel. It would be a waste for the neighboring country to have it. Go down the stairs. The king will tell the soldiers about the invasion. Should we strike first? asks the General Hanbil. After they leave, I talked to the Cabinet Minister. He asked, even if the king is wrong, is his orders absolute? I said yes to the question. Then he asked if that order is somewhat heavy. I said yes again. Then I left by going down the stairs. Back to the waterfall, the voice told me that I'm lewd. Then it told me that it is a being that governs all. It is waiting for the day it can meet you. Now begins the story at your 16th birthday. Since I chose a female for the main hero, I got the Sexy Gal personality. -Ariahan Castle. Your mother wakes you up. She will escort you to the castle to meet the king. Walk straight up into the castle. Talk to the king on the second floor. He will greet the hero, who is Ortega's child. As you know by now, Ortega fell into a volcano while fighting a monster (as seen in the demo screen). You will now follow your father's footsteps. The enemy is the Devil King Baramos. The king tells you that you can recruit friends at the bar and he gives you 50G and some equipment. Now go back to town and visit Luida's Bar, which is on the left side of the castle. Here you can pick from pre-made characters, or you can create your own. You might want to take the time to create a merchant right now, even if you don't plan on using one for your party. This is for later on in the story. When you are ready, go outside to fight some monsters to get a feel of combat. Sleep at your house for a free recovery by talking to your mother. My party is the Hero, Thief, Merchant, and Priest. You can make your own party if you don't like my choices. When you are about Level 3, you can safely cross the bridge and head north to reach the town of Rebe. In the town, there is a rumor that the cave south of the village leads to Najimi's Tower. The old man residing there seems to possess the Thief's Key. This will be your first main objective. Stock up on some items and equipment here, and when you are ready, head south of the village and enter either the brush or the cave farther south. -Cave on the Promontory. Head south and down the stairs. Follow the path until a split in the path. The bottom path leads to a box with a Medicinal Herb. The upper path has a Traveler's Clothes and 56 Gold. Take the path leading to the right and take the stairs up. Head right, and you will see a cross shaped path. The stairs on the bottom side leads to Najimi's Tower, while the path up and to the left gets you 32 Gold. Take note of the red doors, which can't be opened yet. Once inside Najimi's Tower, head up and take the second left for a inn. Head right of there and go up the stairs. Go up to find 40 Gold and a Small Medal. Head back downwards, and find the stairs leading upward. On the third floor, follow the path (careful not to fall off) and take the path down for a Chimera's Wing and take the stairs up nearby and you should end up in a room with an old man. Search the bookcases for a Tomboy's Dictionary. Talk to the sleepy man, and he will wake up. He says he saw a dream of giving a key to you. He will ask if you will receive this Thief's Key. Say yes and you will get that key. He will mention that there are books around that can change your personality, so beware. Now with the Thief's Key, you can now open the red doors. Try it in the same room. Jump off the tower for a quick exit. Return to Ariahan Castle Town and do some exploring. When you are ready, go to Rebe Town and go to the house with the red door. Go inside and talk to the old man. He will ask how you got inside this house. Say yes and he will see that you possess the Thief's Key. Then he will give you the Magic Sphere. With this item, you can proceed to the next area. When you are ready, head east of Rebe Town and keep going until you reach a small lake. -Cave of Enticement, about Lv 9. When you reach the dead end wall, use the Magic Sphere as an item. The rock wall will crumble away, opening a path to continue. Take the treasure box nearby for a Strange Map. Press the R button to see the world map. This map will fill in the places you have already been to. Notice that the map looks like the real world map, with Ariahan = Australia. Yellow dots = a town or castle, purple dots = dungeons, feather = current position. Now for this dungeon, you will have to walk around the perimeter to reach the stairs, since there are pitfalls that block the way. Head north from the stairs, and take the second left and continue that path. Now head up and then take the top right path. Ignore the first path down, and take the next one down. Follow this long path down and to the left, careful not to fall into the pit. Head up and take the third left and go down the stairs. Now there are three paths to go. Take the far left path. Open the door, then enter the travel door. Now exit up north. You have reached the castle of Romalia. -Talk to the king, and he will say that a person named Kandata stole the Gold Crown from this castle. If you can return the crown, the king will recognize you as a hero. This is actually an optional event. When you are ready, head north of Romalia to see a small shrine off to the left. Remember this place for later, since you can't do anything here yet. Continue north to find the First Dice Game. Play here if you wish, then when you are done, continue upwards to reach the village of Kazab. Use this place to gain some levels if needed. Visit this village at night. Sneak into the item shop and take the treasure to get the Poison Needle. When you are ready, head north to reach the town of Noaniel. -Optional event. In this town, you find that everyone is asleep, as if time has stopped. It is rumored that the Elves to the west put a curse on this town. In a house in the bottom left corner, one man is still awake. He says to return the Dream Seeing Ruby to the Elves. Then he says that the Elf Village is to the west, beside a cave. Now exit town and walk west and enter the small patch above the cave. This is the Elf's Isolated Village. Soon you will realize that the elves don't like humans. Talk to the Queen and she will tell you that her daughter, Ann fell in love with a human man. Then she took the Elf Treasure, the Dream Seeing Ruby, to him and hasn't returned since. The Queen believes her daughter was tricked. Then she says she doesn't want to see humans, and tells you to leave. The next objective is to find this Ruby. The key is in the cave nearby. The Underground Lake Cave. Walk south until the path turns to the right, then continue downwards. Take a left, then when you see a choice between two stairs, take the left one. Make your way to the Healing Point, which you can use to do some leveling up. This point heals HP and MP to max every time you step in it, and it can be used unlimited times, so take advantage of it. When you are ready, go left, then upwards. Now take a left and follow the path down. Head left, and ignore the staircase. Continue moving to the left, then go down and take the first right. Go down the stairs and follow the path to get across the bridge. Open the treasure box to get the Dream Seeing Ruby. Plus there is a letter inside the box. It reads, "Please forgive what I did, mother. Elf and humans. An unforgivable love in this world. At the most, we'll be together in heaven." Ann. Looks like she committed suicide with her lover. Now exit the cave. Now you have a choice whether or not you want to return this Ruby. I recommend you do return it. Talk to the Elf Queen. She will be shocked that Ann and man committed suicide by jumping into the lake. She will take the Ruby, and in exchange she will give you the Wake Up Powder. This is what Ann would have wanted. Now go back to the town of Noaniel. Take the Wake Up Powder and use it. The powder will cover the town. Now the people will wake up, but most won't notice what happened. Now you can use the inn and buy from the shop. -Required event. The Tower of Shampani, about level 14 or so. Walk west of Kazab Village and cross the double bridge and head south. Soon a tower will come into view. This is the Tower of Shampani, where it is rumored that thieves reside. Go upwards, then to the left, then down and climb the stairs upward. Now on the 2nd floor, head left, then upwards around the edge of the tower to find the stairs up. On the 3rd floor, head to the left, then up and enter the second room you come across. On the 4th floor, head either up or down, and open the red door near the bottom edge. On the 5th floor, head down, and two thieves will spot you. They will run away to inform their boss. Follow them, then the boss will praise you for coming this far, but he says no one can catch him. Goodbye! You will fall into a pit hole. Climb back up the stairs and you will see that both treasure boxes will be empty. Fall into the hole at the top of the screen. You will land on the 4th floor near the thieves. Talk to them to begin a battle. You will face Kandata and 3 of his henchmen. Since they are all seperated, group attacks won't work. Try to get rid of the henchmen first, then go for the boss. A boomerang helps here (gotten from a treasure box on the first dice game) since it attacks all enemies. Use Hoimi, Behoimi, and Medicinal Herbs for healing. Kandata has about 300 HP. After winning, Kandata will give the Golden Crown back if you forgive him. Say yes, then he won't forget you and he will give his thanks and leave. Now pick up the Golden Crown. Jump off the tower for a quick exit. You can keep the crown for yourself, or return it to the King of Romalia. I would return the crown to the king, since there are better head gear out there, but it is really up to you. If you do return it, the King of Romalia will ask if you will be the one to control this country. Say yes and you will become a King (or Queen). If you are female, then he will he say that this is the first time in Romalia History that a woman ruled. Now you can walk around the castle with style. If you want to change back to regular form so you continue the journey, find the former king. He is betting money away at the Fighting Coliseum. He will ask if you would like to continue ruling this country. Say no, then he will ask if you don't want to be king. Say yes, then you will be back in normal clothes. Now you can continue your travels. - Note: !New! The Shampani Tower event is required, since Kandata won't appear in the kidnapper's hideout until you meet him at that tower first. In the original version of the game, this was optional, but that caused some contradictions in the story, so in the remake version it is required to meet Kandata beforehand. -Travel to the town of Asaram. Go east of Romalia Castle, then cross the double bridge. Notice that the enemies getting stronger. Now head south and remember the cave by the mountains for later on. Welcome to Asaram Town. Make sure to visit here both day and night, as it is a different town at different times of the day. When you are ready, head out to the southwest. Here you will find the 2nd Dice Game. Play here if you want. One thing about the dice game, I'm convinced that the game is fixed so that you will lose. I can't count how many times I fell into the pitfall, which means starting over again. I never seem to roll the dice for a number that I need. Okay enough rambling, on with the story. Continue west from here, until you reach a huge desert. Try to find the oasis on the far west side. This is the Castle Town of Isis. In the Queen's room, off to the right, there are kids that are singing. The song is the key to the Pyramid's treasure. They say the circle buttons open the door. The East side's West, then the West side's East. West side's West, then East side's East. Remember this for later. Now at the entrance to the castle, head left and you should see one area with a pillar missing. Take that path upward, then climb down the stairs. Climb another set of stairs down and you should find a treasure box. Open it to find the Falling Star Bracelet. Whoever equips this ornament will have their speed doubled. I think you can only do this at night time, I forgot to check during the day. Then a skeleton will appear and ask if you were the one to wake him up from his sleep. Say yes. Then he will ask if you took the treasure. Say yes. He will say you are honest, which is fine. He doesn't need that treasure anyways. He will let you keep it. -Raid the Pyramid. About level 17 or so. Travel north from Isis to find the Pyramid. Watch out for the traps here. In the basement levels, no magic can be used, so beware. Travel north from the entrance, and stay close to the walls. The reason is that there are invisible pitfalls in the center of the floor. Some treasure boxes are Cannibal Boxes, so if you don't have Inpasu, beware. Take the second right you come across. On the second floor, go straight down, all the way down, then left and climb the stairs. If you remember the child's song, then you know which order to push the buttons. From left to right, the buttons are numbered like so. 1 2 3 4. The order to push the buttons is 3, 2, 1, 4. When done, the door in the center will move over to reveal a treasure room. Take the right treasure box for the Magic Key, which can open the grey doors as well as the red ones, but not the Jail doors. Now you can continue exploring the Pyramid if you wish, or leave. On the fourth floor, the twelve treasure boxes are trapped. If you open one, a group of mummies will attack. When you are done, there are some optional events you can challenge. -Optional event. One thing to do is to find the biggest treasure of the Pyramid. That is the Golden Claw. The only problem is that by taking that weapon, a curse will be released, making the monster encount rate unusally high. Before trying this event, you may want to have a high level and lots of healing items. Walk left from the entrance of the Pyramid to find steps going down. In B1F, head upwards, and in the top left squarish room, search the ground near the middle to find a hidden staircase in the sand. Go down and open the grey door. Continue until you see a coffin. Search the rusted coffin and it will ask if you want to open it. Say yes, and you will get the Golden Claw. Now you will hear a mysterious voice. "Calamity for those who take the Golden Claw!" Now there will be a random battle every two steps. Making it out alive is difficult, since no magic can be used. Items with effects of spells can be used, so use that to your advantage. This unusual monster encounter rate only lasts inside the Pyramid, so if you don't plan on coming back here, go for the claw. - Note: !New! If you want the high monster encounter rate inside the Pyramid to return to normal, make your way all the way back to the coffin that contained the Golden Claw. Stand in front of the coffin and throw away the Golden Claw. The Claw will return to it's rightful place, and the curse will be lifted. The monster encount rate will be back to normal as if you didn't take the claw. If you search the coffin again, you can take the Golden Claw again, but that will cause the encounter rate to be high again. An interesting fact is that the Gold Man monster in Alefgald World (in the area south of Rimuldar) can drop the Golden Claw as an item (of course you can try to dig up the claw by using the merchant's Dig Hole skill). If you get the Golden Claw by this method, then the encounter rate in the Pyramid is still normal, as long as the original claw stays in the coffin. -Optional event. Visit Isis Castle at night. With the Magic Key, now you can pick up the eight treasure boxes here. Another thing you can do is to visit the Queen of Isis at night. Talk to her, and she will tell you to search around the bed for a gift. Search the top part of the bed to get a Prayer Ring. Using this item will restore some MP, but it can break after many uses, so beware. Next you can visit the town of Asaram. In the top left corner, there is a stairway behind a grey door. Go upstairs and you can fight the Mini Demon that is there. You can also search the top right blue square for a Small Medal. Next up is Ariahan Castle, 1F. There are six treasure boxes to get here. When you are done exploring, then you can continue on with the story. -From Romalia Castle, go to the northwest until you find a small shrine. Now that you have the Magic Key, you can pass through. Continue to the southwest area and you will find the town of Portoga. Once inside the castle, talk to the king. He will say, in the far eastern country, you can get lots of black pepper. He wants you to travel to the east. If you can bring back some of this pepper, he will reward you with a ship. Then he will hand over a letter to show to Nold, the hobbit, to guide you to the east. You will receive the King's Letter. Another point of interest in this town is the cursed lovers. Baramos put a curse on Sabrina and Carlos. In the daytime, Carlos is a horse, while Sabrina is human. At night, Sabrina is a cat, while Carlos is human. If you could break this curse, something good may happen. This is later on, however. When you are finished here, walk or use Rura to warp to the town of Asaram. Enter the cave to the northeast of here. Find the lone hobbit and use the King's Letter while standing in front of him. He will ask if you want to go to the east. Say yes. He will say to follow him. Head downwards and watch him smash open the wall. This is the entrance to Vearn's Passage. Follow the short path, then exit the cave. Once outside, walk south while following the forest path until you reach the shoreline. Then walk east. You have made it to the town of Baharata. The town shop in the south part of town normally sells Black Pepper, but right now, the owner's daughter has been kidnapped. The owner won't sell the pepper until something is done about this. Tanya, the daughter has been taken away by some bad people. Her lover, Guputa is stressed out on what to do. When you talk to the old man near the river, Guputa will run off and try to save Tanya by himself. Guputa will say to the old man, why bother asking for the help of strangers? -Here are some optional things you can do at this point. Head east of Baharata, cross the bridge, then head north. You will find Dama's Temple. Here, you can change class if you are level 20 or above. Plus the man at the entrance serves as a quick save point, and an inn off to the right. Now is when I begin to create some super characters. The order of class change would be Merchant, Thief, Player, then Sage. Make sure to learn all the spells that each class can learn before changing to the next one. This is a way to create a character that has every spell, except for the Hero spells. I would spend some time to create three of these. The Sage takes some time in leveling up, but it is worth it. So my party ends up being the Hero with three Sages. It is a little unbalanced, but I don't care. You can beat the game with any party you like. The optional dungeon. Head north of Dama Temple to find Garuna's Tower. This tower has some warp doors that connect to different rooms. From the entrance, head left all the way to the upper left portion of the floor. Step outside onto the grass, and take the stairs leading upwards. Now go right, across the tightrope, then take the stairs leading down. Take the travel door, then take the stairs on the far right. Now head down and take the stairs you find there. Keep climbing the stairs until you reach the fifth floor. Walk left across the tightrope, then fall off the rope about halfway across. You should fall into a new room on the fourth floor. Fall into the fissure that is in the ground. Now head left and down the stairs. Open the treasure box to get the Writing of Enlightenment. With this book, any character other than the Hero can change into a Sage. Since I used the Player method to become a Sage, I don't need this book. Exit the tower when you are finished exploring the place. Next, head further east of Dama Temple. Go past the small shrine, then head north. Soon you will find the village of Muoru. Visit this village during the day. Everyone here seems to call you Pokapamazu. Now go to the marketplace area at the top right corner of the village. Go around to the top and then to the right and up the the stairs. Talk to everyone here, and they will know you are the child of Pokapamazu, also known as Ortega. This is the village Ortega visited in the demo scene. When you are about to leave this room, a boy named Popota will stop you. He will give you a helmet, which is too big for him. Go down the stairs, and the merchant will hand over Ortega's Helmet. It is a powerful defensive equipment for the Hero. In the Famicom version, Popota gives you the Water Pistol if I remember correctly (I haven't played that version in a long time). With that item, you could startle people by shooting water in their face. -Back to the story. Enter the cave northeast of Baharata. This is the Kidnapper's Hideout. The first part of this cave has some similar looking rooms to confuse you. At the first cross path, go down two screens, then left one screen. Now go down to see a large red door. Enter it, then go right to find the stairs going down. Go left, then head downward. Open the large grey door, then some bodyguards will stop you. They will ask if you are here to join their gang. Say no, then fight them. Face four of Kandata's Henchmen. They are all in a group, so this should be an easy battle. Save some energy for the upcoming battle. Continue downward, then you will see the couple trapped inside the jail. Get near and you will find out it is Tanya and Guputa from Baharata Town. Guputa will say the lever at the end of the path should open the prison cell. Go to the left side and search the wall for a lever. Move the lever, then the couple will be free. Now follow them, and you will see it is not over yet. Kandata the thief has returned. Talk to Kandata, and he will remember you from Shanpani Tower (if you did that required quest). Fight! This time it is Kandata and two henchmen. Defeat the henchmen first, then go after the leader. Use Skult for defense and hammer away. Use Behoimi for healing if needed. After winning, Kandata will ask for forgiveness (again). Say yes. After his thanks, he will leave. Now Guputa and Tanya will never forget what you did for them. Return to Baharata Town. Go to the shop near the bottom side of town. Guputa will be there, and he will reward you with the Black Pepper if you say yes to his question. Now use Rura for a quick trip to Portoga. For your dangerous travels, the king will reward you with a ship. With this, you can sail the seas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ウォークスルーの続き Continuation of the walk through 9b. Walkthrough Part 2 - Part 2 covers getting the six orbs to the battle with Baramos. -The next objective is to find the six orbs. They can be done in pretty much any order, so it is easy to get lost. With the ship, you can go almost anywhere, so use the map a lot. It helps when you are lost at sea. If you're confused on where to go next, just follow this guide on where to go. Sail south of Portoga, and follow the shoreline. Take the second right into a river. Follow it to reach a village. This is Tedon Village. At daytime, this place is deserted. At nighttime, this place is lively with activity. Visit this place at both times. At day, you can find the Lamp of Darkness on the second floor of the weapon shop. Remember this village for later on, since you can't do anything here right now. Continue sailing south along the continent. Looking at the map, try to get to the island west of Ariahan. Enter the town you see here. This is the town of Lancil. Go to the item shop to buy some Vanishing Herbs. Buy several of these, which will come in handy soon. There is a Great Temple here, but for now, you can't enter it since some Jail doors are blocking the way. Now use Rura to warp back to Portoga Town. Sail a little west, then north and you will see a continent with a castle on it. This is the Castle of Eginbear. The guard at the entrance won't let strangers inside. Now is the time to use the Vanishing Herbs. Using it will make the party invisible for a short period of time. While invisible, walk past the guard into the castle. Take the second left and down the stairs. Here is a puzzle that will require you to move the three rocks onto the blue squares. I will label the rocks from left to right as A B C. Move A up one space. Move B right one space. Move A right two spaces, then up four, left one. Now move C down one, then move B left three spaces. Move B up one, right two, up three, right one, up one space. Now move C up one, left four, up one, right two, and up four spaces. Puzzle solved. If you accidentally push one of the rocks into the water, then just go up the stairs and back down to reset the puzzle. Enter the path that appeared at the top of the screen. Open the treasure box for the Pot of Dryness. Now use Rura to go to Ariahan Castle. Take the ship, and sail north. Go past Japan and continue north. Continue north past the village of Muoru. Soon you will come upon the shallows, represented by seven rocks in the middle of the ocean. Now use the Pot of Dryness in front of the shallows. Enter the small shrine that appeared. Take the treasure box here to receive the Last Key. Now you can backtrack and open all the jail doors you have encountered so far. -Optional places to go. East of Muoru, (where Alaska would be on a real map) look for a small pond. Walk around it to enter the Pond of Spirits. Walk up to the edge, then the lead character will drop their equipped weapon into the pond. When you try to move, the spirit named Orurera will appear. She will pick up the dropped weapon. Then she will ask if this Cypress Stick is the one you dropped. Say no. Now she will ask if this Devil's Hatchet is the one you dropped into the pond. Say no. Now the next one is the one you did drop. Say yes. Orurera will say she was testing you to see if you would lie or not. She gave my weapon back, plus a Cypress Stick for being honest. The second time you drop a weapon in the pond, she will ask if you dropped the weapon here before. Say yes. She will then ask, you didn't drop it on purpose, right? Say yes. She will go look for the weapon. However, she can't find it this time. She will panic slightly, then ask for your forgiveness. Say yes, then she will thank you and tell you to search the ground beneath your feet for a present. Do so, and you will find 50 Gold and the weapon you dropped. You can repeat this process as many times as you want. -More optional places to go. Sail west of Portoga. When you reach the shore, go downwards and look for an opening in the form of a river. Sail upwards and make your way to a village. This is the village of Sioux. Search around the well for a Small Medal and a Thunder Staff. Use that staff in battle for Begirama effect. You can also buy Vanishing Herbs here if you didn't at Lancil. Now exit and sail around the continent to find the Tower of Arp. It would be east of Muoru Village and a little south. Inside the tower, head upwards, opening the red doors. Make your way to the center. Take the bottom left stairs upwards. Head left then go up the stairs. Continue to the right, and when you make it to the fifth floor, climb across the tightrope. Now look for the large square in the middle and fall down there. You should land in a room of four treasure boxes. The top left box contains the Mountain Echo Flute. By playing this instrument, it will echo back to you if there is an orb nearby. This makes seaching for the orbs easier, but it won't tell you the exact location of the orbs. -Optional item, World Tree Leaf. West of Muoru Village, there is a huge forest with four mountains. If you search at the spot where the four mountains meet, you will get a World Tree Leaf. This item will completely recover any dead members, but you can only hold one at a time. Add to the fact that the monsters here are powerful, so you may want to try to get this item later on the game. The exact spot is nine steps from any mountain. -Red Orb. Sail east of Ariahan. Find a house near the tip of the continent which would be South America. This is the Pirate's Hideout. In the day, the pirates are out sailing the seas. They will come back at night. Don't worry, this group of pirates only steal from evil people, so they won't attack you. Now walk around the outside edge of the house, on the right side. Soon you should see a lone boulder on the ground. Push it, then search the ground where the boulder was to find a hidden staircase. Go down it, and open the bottom left treasure box for the Red Orb. -Green Orb. Go back to the Village of Tedon (south of Portoga). Visit the place at night. Go to the prison cell near the top of the village. Since you have the Last Key, you can enter the cell by opening the jail door. Talk to the prisoner there, and he will say he has been waiting for this time. The Hero of Destiny has paid him a visit. Then the prisoner gives you the Green Orb. Then he tells you to gather all the orbs that are scattered about in the world. Place those on the altar in Leamland to the far south. That should open the path. -Yellow Orb. This takes a few steps, since this orb moves around. First, recruit a Merchant from Luida's Bar. You may have to leave one member behind to make room. If you didn't already do so, go to the second floor of Luida's Bar to register one, and put them in the party. They will be at level 1, but don't worry about it. Now use Rura to warp to Portoga Town. Take the ship, then sail west. When you see the shore, sail upwards until you see a small patch of grass surrounded by a forest. Enter here to meet a man from the Indian Village of Sioux. He is looking to build a new town here, but he needs the help of a Merchant. He wants you to leave the merchant from your party here. Say yes, then the merchant will stay with the man to help build the town. He will ask once more if that is okay. Say yes again. Now this new town (I'll call it the Merchant's Town) will take some time to build. It seems that the more events you clear, the faster the town grows. In the first phase, the merchant will build an item store. Continue to visit this town every now and then to see the progress. If the town doesn't seem to grow, then it is time to look for another orb. -Purple Orb. Start from Ariahan Castle, and sail north. Enter the village on the small island, where Japan would be on the real world map. This is the Country of Jipang (notice the Japanese motif in this town). Here, the daughters are being victims of the living sacrifice to the Mythical Serpent of Eight Heads. If the people don't offer a sacrifice, the serpent will eat everyone. The leader of Jipang, Himiko, chooses the next offering based on a prediction of hers. If you go to Himiko's mansion near the top of the village, and talk to her, you find out she doesn't like foreigners like you. It would be best if you leave. She is acting strange, especially if you talk to her at night. The key to all this lies in the cave nearby. Serpent's Cave, about level 25 or so. This place is a hot, lava filled cavern, with strange sounds emitting from the depths. It sounds like the breathing of a monster. Head left from the entrance, and follow the path. Ignore the side paths, since they lead to dead ends. When you hit the fork in the road, take the left path. Now take the first path up, and go down the stairs right by the lava. Now the breathing gets louder. Head upwards to see an altar with bones scattered about. This must be the place of the living sacrifice. Go back down and to the right. Cross the bridge, and get ready for a tough boss battle against the Eight Headed Serpent. This monster has a double attack and can breathe flames for 30 damage to all. The strategy is to Bikilt the Hero, use Skult for defense, and use Hyadain for offense. Use Behoimi or Behoma for healing. Fubaha would be nice, but most likely you don't have this spell yet, so you will have to take the fire damage as is. Continue fighting with two members with Bikilt and Hyadain and the monster should go down in about six turns. After winning, the monster will drop the Grass Mow Down Sword. Use this weapon in battle for Rukanan effect. Now the monster will retreat backwards into an orange portal. If you want, you can leave now and exit the cave. If you do, the monster will be back to fight again. You can get loads of experience this way if you're confident that you can defeat this monster over and over. When you are ready, recover your HP by some herbs and recover some MP by using the Prayer Ring. Follow the monster into the portal. You will warp inside of Himiko's Room in Jipang. Apparently, she is hurt. Someone will come to her aid, but is confused how she got hurt. Now talk to Himiko. She doesn't say anything directly, but she speaks inside your head. She says only you saw her true form. If you stay quiet about it and don't tell anyone, the serpent will let you live. Is that all right? Say no to the question, and get ready for Round 2 with the Mythical Serpent of Eight Heads, also known as the fake Himiko. The strategy for this battle is the same as the first. Bikilt the Hero, and some other person, and have them fight. Use Skult for defense, and Behoimi and Behoma for healing. You can also use Piorim to raise the agility of all members, and Hyadain for offense. The monster's double flame breath is annoying, in which all members take 60 damage. Just keep it up and you should win if you watch your healing timing. Now the country will hear about the rumor that Himiko was really the Serpent (yamata no orochi). Then nightfall passed and became day again. Now there will be a treasure box in front of you. Open it to find the Purple Orb. Everyone is shocked to find out that their leader was really the enemy. Since you got an orb, it's time to check on the status on the Merchant's Town. Go there, and the town should have reached the second phase. Now an inn has been built, and the item shop has it's wares increased. The population has increased to seven people. The merchant you left here is now thinking of building a stage next. -Blue Orb. Sail west of Ariahan to the town of Lancil. Make your way to the Great Temple north of town by hugging the right side as you move upwards. This temple leads to the Navel of the Earth, but only one person can go there at once. Choose who you want to go alone. I picked the Hero with a boomerang type weapon equipped. Put that person at the front of the party. Talk to the priest and he will ask if you have the bravery to fight alone. Say yes and get ready for a solo journey. Head upwards and to the left, which leads outside of town. Enter the Navel of the Earth. Head downward and open the red door. The paths to the left and right are an infinite loop, so ignore them. Continue down, take the first right, and open the treasure box for a Small Medal. Continue down, then right for an Intelligence Seed. On the left side, the bottom box is a Mimic, so ignore it. The top left box contains 248 Gold. When done here, go down then to the right and down the stairs. Now you have arrived in a huge open room, but the stairs are near the corners. Take seven steps up, then go to the right and up the stairs. Follow the path, then open the treasure box for the Armor of the Solid Earth. Now go back the way you came back to the large room. Go up until you see the stairs leading down. Head left, wait, scratch that, just go down the stairs. Head to the left. Now take the top path leading upward. The stone face will light up blue and tell you to go back. Ignore the messages and continue pushing forward. Follow the winding path until you reach two treasure boxes. Open the left one for a Small Medal and the right one for the Blue Orb. If you took the path downward at the beginning of the floor, then you will get a message saying it recognizes your will, but that's not all in order to be brave. Sometimes it is better to listen to what someone has to say. That is another time for bravery. Now use Riremito for a quick exit. Go back to Lancil to rejoin the group. All right! Now you have four out of the six orbs. -Silver Orb. Getting this one is a long process. Begin by entering the Traveler's Shrine, which is located northwest of the Merchant's Town. Look for an island partially covered in ice. Take the travel door on the right. Exit the shrine after warping. You have reached the continent of Samanosa. Head upwards, then left across the bridge. Now follow the grassy plains downwards to reach the Castle Town of Samanosa. Everyday here, lots of people are thrown in jail and executed for no apparent reason. Long ago, the king used to be more friendly. Today, there is a burial ceremony at the graveyard. Visit there, and you will find out someone got executed just for insulting the king. Some guy named Blenan. Talk to the priest, and he will pray to the heavens for the fallen soldier. Now downward, then cross the bridge to enter the castle. If you try to enter through the front gate, the guards will turn you away. Instead, go to the right side of the outer gate, and enter the door there. Pass through the kitchen, and open the jail door at the bottom of the screen. Go talk to the king and he will be suspicious of you. He will order the guards to throw you in jail. Since you have the Last Key, you can escape easily. If you talk to the guard, you can hear him mumbling in his sleep. He will say that there is a rumor that an escape hole is somewhere in this prison cell. Talk to the prisoners and you will learn that Ra's Mirror, which reflects the true form of things, is in a cave to the south. Now exit by taking the door on the bottom right. In the next room, in the cell to the right. there is a King sleeping in a bed. He will tell you that he is the real king of this country. Someone snatched the Transformation Staff from him and that someone is using that staff to impersonate the king. How regretful. You can help him if you put one and one together. Think of the staff and mirror. Go to the cell on the left and search the cell for a secret passage on the left wall. When you exit, you will find yourself in the graveyard of the town. The secret stairs are on the 2nd row from the top, in front of the third grave from the right. When you are ready, head south of Samanosa and enter the cave surrounded by a poison marsh. This is Ra's Cave. Take the left path, then go up, left, then down to reach the stairs. On B2F, there are 21 treasure boxes, but some of them are monsters, so beware. When you are finished exploring this floor, go back to the beginning of the floor. Look for a hole south of the stairs. Fall into this hole, then open the treasure box that you see. You get the Ra's Mirror. Exit the cave and go back to Samanosa. Wait until nighttime, then sneak into the castle by utilizing the door to the right of the front gate. Make your way to the stairs on the top right. Climb upwards, then jump off at the balcony. Enter the door to find the king sleeping. Now take Ra's Mirror and use it on the king. Now fight the monster that appears. Boss Troll - Strategy - Bikilt the hero and one other member and have those two fight. Use Skult for defense and Behoma for healing. Sometimes the Boss Troll uses Rukanan to lower your defense and sometimes the monster attacks twice in one round. Attack spells sometimes don't work on this monster, but Mahyado seems to be the best choice. After victory, the Hero will rescue the real King. Then night turns to day. In the morning, open the treasure box to find the Transformation Staff. Using it will change the party into 1 of 8 different forms. However, this change is only temporary. With this item, there is an optional event you can do. Warp to Noaniel Town. Head west and enter the Elf's Isolated Village. Use the Transformation Staff to transform into a hobbit. Keep using the item until that form appears. While disguised as a hobbit, one of the elves will sell some items to you. The items sold are nice, so if you have some extra money to spend, do so. Now I went back to check on the progress of the Merchant's Town. By now, it should have reached the third phase of development. The town is named after the merchant that found this place. Now there is a weapon and armor shop, a huge stage theater, a small jail, and a large mansion for the merchant. The only worry here is that the merchant may be overworking some of the people. Some people are not happy about that. Let's see how this turns out... Visit this town at night. Go to the bottom left corner of town. You will see a group of people talking amonst themselves. From what they are saying, it seems that they are tired of being slaves and are planning a revolution. Now talk to the guard in front of the Merchant's Mansion. He won't let you pass, so wait until the next day, or really the next night. Now the merchant that helped built this town is now in jail. It seems like working the people too hard backfired. Talk to the merchant in prison, and you will find out that there is a treasure behind the seat inside the mansion. Go to the mansion and search behind the throne to find the Yellow Orb. Now with 5 orbs in possession, it is time to continue the quest for the final orb, the Silver Orb. -When ready, sail south of Ariahan to reach the island of Greenlad. Enter the green patch which is surrounded by ice. Take about 15 steps to the right, then go upwards to reach a small house. Talk to the old man and he will see the Transformation Staff, the one he wanted so much. He asks if you will trade that staff for the Sailor's Bone. Say yes and the trade will be completed. Go outside and use that bone. The thread will twist and reveal a location. This is where the Ghost Ship is floating about. Use Rura to warp to Romalia Castle. This is closest location, in my opinion. Take the ship and sail southwest. You should find the Ghost Ship somewhere in this area. Once on board, you will see the skeletons of the sailor slaves that once were alive. The monsters that are wandering about are Mini Demons. You can fight them or ignore them, it's up to you. Head downwards, and look for the stairs leading down. Go to the right side and talk to the body laying by the oar, third from the bottom. Someone named Eric will call out to Olivia, and say that the ship is about to sink in the storm. They won't be able to meet again forever. However, he will never forget their memories of love. At least she can live on happily... Now head downwards and open the treasure box at the bottom end of the ship. It is the Memories of Love. At this point, you can continue to explore the ship for more treasure or exit if you wish. Use Rura to warp to Noaniel Village. Sail to the east, then enter the second river you come across. Continue until you reach Olivia's Cape. If you try to continue on, a sad voice will push the ship backwards. After that happens, use the Memories of Love. Now the love of Eric and Olivia will warm the surroundings. She has been waiting a long time for him. With this, Olivia's curse will be broken and you can continue forward. Enter the small shrine on the island. This is the Prison Shrine. Head down, then take the 2nd right. Search near the corpse inside the cell to find Gaia's Sword. If you examine the prison further, you find out that the sword belonged to Simon. He was a warrior from Samanosa Town who was sent here to rot away. This was when the country was still being run under a fake king. Exit this place and go to Dama's Temple. Sail west along the coast. Continue past Baharata, then go upstream past the small desert. Head left, then get off the ship. Walk south to reach a volcano. This is the place where Ortega was last seen. Stand in front of the volcano and use the Gaia's Sword. This will cause an eruption, making lave flow. This will make the water into desert, so now you can walk across. Continue south, then west past a small poison marsh. You have reached Necrogondo's Cave. I was about level 33. Head left past the row of statue then go upwards. On the first floor, take a left and continue like so until you reach a treasure box. Open it for a Small Medal. Go back the way you came, and take the bottom path. Continue to follow the path for another box. Open it for the Lightening Sword. Go down, then to the left. Take another left to receive the Bladed Armor. Take the path down, then go to the 2F. Here, go down and take the second right. Continue past the six pitfalls, and go up the stairs. On the 3F, take the path to the right, then fall into the pit. Now climb up the nearest stairs. Continue to the right, then down and up the stairs. On the 4F, head down then right across the first bridge you come across. Now take the upper path to the right, then down. Go right across the 2nd bridge, then continue right. Now go down and enter the black corner to find a slightly hidden passage. Continue to the right, then up along side the river. Go up the stairs to clear this cave. Now you are in front of Baramos Castle, but you can't get there yet. Walk along the right side to find Necrogondo's Shrine. Talk to the man and he will be surprised that someone made it this far. He gives you the Silver Orb as a prize. With all six orbs in possession, now the Legendary Phoenix, Ramia can be born. Use Rura to warp to Lancil, then sail in the southwest direction. Enter the shrine on the island of Leamland. Go up the ladder and use an orb in front of the golden altar. It doesn't matter which order you do it in. Once all six orbs are in place, walk up to the egg and talk to the twins. Then the legendary bird, Ramia will be born. Go outside and check out you new mode of transportation. Fly around the world while listening to the beautiful music. -Some optional things to do. Return to the Merchant's Town. It should have reached the final phase. Visit at day, and go to the merchant's mansion. Apparently, the town doesn't need the merchant anymore. They will raise the town by themselves. A new leader will take over. Talk to the merchant, and then that merchant will rejoin your party. Go check Luida's Bar in Ariahan to see for yourself. I think this is a new event that was not in the original Famicom version. Another thing you can do is visit the Dragon Queen. Fly Ramia south of Ariahan, then to the west. Look for a castle surrounded by mountains. This is the Dragon Queen's Castle, which is a place that is closest to the Heavenly World. Walk up and enter either door on the left or right side. By talking to the people here, you find out that the Dragon Queen is sick, but plans to lay an egg in exchange for her own life. Go straight down in the middle room to find her hidden room. Talk to her to receive the Ball of Light. The queen passes away, but successfully lays an egg. Could this be the birth of the Dragon King from Dragon Quest 1? I'm not too sure on that one. As for the Ball of Light, it will be used later on, but it is optional. -When you are ready, fly Ramia south of Isis and enter Baramos Castle. Inside this castle, Riremito doesn't work, but Rura does, so if you need an emergency escape, use Rura to escape. Ignore the front gate and walk around the right edge of the castle. Find a regular door and enter it. Follow the straight path and up the stairs. Head left past the two statues and down the stairs. Head down, then use Toramana (to avoid barrier damage) and cross the two bars of barriers. Take the stairs leading upward on the right side and follow it for three treasure boxes. The middle box has a Prayer Ring, the bottom has a Helmet of Misfortune, and the top box contains a Devil's Hatchet. Now go back and take the downward stairs on the left. Now head right, then up the stairs. Go up, then up the stairs. Go left, then down the stairs. Pass through two doors, the go down the stairs. Continue upward, then up the stairs. Use Toramana again to cross the barrier safely, then down and out the door. Head right and down the stairs. Head up inside the heated room and get ready to fight the Devil Lizard, Baramos. Strategy - Use Bikilt on the Hero, Fubaha and Skult for defense, and Behomara and Behoma for healing. For support, use Rukani to lower his defense, Mahoton to seal his magic, and Rariho to put him to sleep. Mahoton and Rariho doesn't always work, but if it does, then the battle is much easier. Since his magic will be sealed if Mahoton works, then all Baramos can do is attack and breate violent flames. Skult will reduce physical damage and Fubaha will reduce flame damage, so the battle should be easy. Use Merazoma for offense, and have the Bikilt character fight. Baramos has natural healing, (heals about 100 HP at the end of each turn) so you must be aggressive if you want to win. Another note is that if you can beat Baramos alone as the Hero, then there is a special prize for you. This is actually diffucult, unless you have an unusally high level for the Hero. The Demon Sealing Staff, Grass Mow Down Sword, and Prayer Ring helps here. If you can win as the Hero alone, then the King of Ariahan will reward you with a Bastard Sword. Since you can buy this sword later on in the game, you don't have to overdo it. After victory over the Devil King, a warm light surrounds the air. Any dead party members will be revived. A strange voice can be heard. It will say you have done well. There are people waiting for your return. You will warp to Ariahan Continent. Now visit Rebe Village and the surrounding area before entering the castle if you want. When done with that, visit the King of Ariahan. A celebration ensues. Just when you think it is all over, the party is cut short. Lightning strikes the soldiers and an evil spirit appears. He calls himself Zoma, the ruler of the World of Darkness. As long as he is alive, this world shall fall into darkness also. Your pain is his happiness. All living things will become a living sacrifice for Zoma. Afterwards, the king asks you to keep this a secret from everyone. The king doesn't want to cause panic across the country. Your adventure is not over yet. -Optional Event. Go to Portoga Town. Now that Baramos has been defeated, the curse on the lovers is now broken. Talk to Sabrina and she will give you the Sword of Temptation. Use that sword in battle for Medapani effect. However, only females can use and equip that weapon. -Optional Event. Visit the Pirate's Hideout at nighttime and talk to the leader. If the Hero is female, then she will ask you if she can talk to you some more. Say yes, then she will say when she gets drunk, her talk can get seductive. Is that okay? Say yes and then the leader will say to bring the drinks! The leader tells you that she is an only child, and was strictly raised unlike a woman on a ship by her Pirate Chief. She had pride all this time as not to lose to males. She lives to protect her father's dying wish. Everyday, she has to face some rude dudes. Now she will ask if you are like her, thinking that you won't lose to males. If you say yes, then she will ask if you want to live like her. Say yes, then your personality will change to Mannish, just like the leader. If you say no to the first question, then your personality will change into Sexy Gal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ウォークスルーの続き Continuation of the walk through 9c. Walkthrough Part 3 - Part 3 covers the part of finding the land of Alefgald all the way to the end of the game. -When ready, use Ramia and fly to the cave east of Baramos Castle. This is Giaga's Great Hole. If you visited here before the defeat of Baramos, there was nothing here. However, right now the crack in the ground has expanded and broke through the high wall. Now fall into the pit. Talk to the guy nearby and you find out this is the underground, the world of Alefgald. This is the land from Dragon Quest 1! Take the ship then sail east to reach the castle of Radatom. Talk to the people here and you will find out that this land is cast into an eternal darkness, where morning never comes. Once inside the town, follow the path to reach the castle. Talk to the king and people around him. It seems that Ortega has made to Alefgald too! For a long time, you thought Ortega was dead, but in reality, he is here to challenge Zoma. Go outside the balcony and talk to the priest on the upper left corner. He will ask if you came from the upper world to defeat the Great Devil. Sey yes, then he will give you the Fairy's Map. With this map, all the places you have walked in the land of Alefgald will fill in. Walk outside of the castle and notice the strange difference in the monster's strength. One battle you could face weak Slimes and Slime Bess, while other times you could face powerful Salamanders. Now walk to the northwest area and enter the shrine there. This is Garai's House. Go down the stairs and open the treasure box. It will be empty, but search right beside the box to find the Silver Harp. Using this item will cause monsters to appear, just like using the whistle technique. Now go back to Radatom Castle, since I forget to do one thing here. Walk along the outside left side on the 1st floor and enter the kitchen. Look for a hidden room to the south. Push along the south wall to enter that room. Go up the stairs and open the treasure box for the Sun Stone. This is one of the three important items needed to progress in the game. -This next part is optional, but recommended. Walk south of Radatom, then head west across the double bridge. Enter the desert, then look east for the town of Domdora. Walk south inside the town to reach the desert part. Enter the horse stable on the bottom right. Search in the middle of the bushes. You will find the legendary super-alloy, Orihalcon. Now go to the 2nd floor of the inn. Talk to the dancer there. She says she used to be a popular dancer in the town of Asaram. Her name is Rena. However, there were some shady customers, so she ran away. She wonders if the chairman is doing well. She says if you meet him, say her thanks. Now use Rura and warp to Asaram Town. Use Ranaruta to make it nighttime. Go to the dance stage, then enter backstage. Talk to the chairman. He will be surprised you met Rena. He will ask where she is, but decides against that since she is free. He still is happy. For that, he gives you the Magical Bikini. This is a powerful piece of equipment for female characters. Then the chairman says that long ago, he had a dream to open a huge stage off to the east. However, that was long ago. Now return to Radatom Castle and head west and take the ship. Sail west, then north. Watch out for the sea monsters here. Follow along the shore until you reach the eastern continent. Enter the village there. This is the village of Maira. Go to the item shop on the second floor and talk to the merchant there. He has come from the country of Jipang, and is a fine swordsmith. Here you can sell the Orihalcon to him for 22500 Gold. Now wait a few days for him to work on a fine weapon for you. To spend some of the free time that you have, go to the open air bath in the central part of the village. Walk 10 steps south of the bath and search the ground (or just use Remirama) to find the Fairy's Flute. This item will come in use for later. To kill some more time, you can visit the fourth dice game inside the well. After a few days, return to the shop on the second floor. Now the smith should be done with his work. Buy the King's Sword from him for 35000 Gold. This Japanese Sword is the most powerful sword for the Hero. Use it in battle for Bagicross effect. -From Domdora Town, walk south, then cross the bridge. Take the second double bridge to reach the town of Melkido. When you are done exploring this town, go back and take the first double bridge and continue until reach a shrine surrounded by a poison marsh. Inside the spirit shrine, talk to the person on the second floor. She will mention the date you inputted way back at the beginning of the game. She will say that she was the voice that determined your personality at the waterfall in the beginning. Then she will give you the Rain Cloud Staff. It has an attack power of 16 and you can use it in battle for Mahoton effect. This is the second of the three important items. -More optional things to do. Sail south of Maira village, and land on the continent you see there. Walk south to find the Town of Rimuldar. Talk to people here to gather some information. You can shop here too. When you are finished exploring this town, go to the Rocky Mountain Cave southwest of Radatom. Clear out the treasure here, then head for the cave north of Radatom. This is a small cave, but magic spells cannot be used here. However, in battle items with magic effects can be used, so take advantage of that. Use the Shield of Power and Sage's Staff in battle for healing. Head to the stairs on the bottom right corner. On B2F, go left, then up along the path. On B3, head up and observe the deep crack made the nails of the Devil when he first appeared in this world. Open the far left treasure box for the Shield of Heroes. If you fall into this crack, you will get pushed out by a strange force. Now just walk your way back to the entrance to exit this cave. -Now for the crucial event, which is climbing Rubis Tower. Sail west from Maira Village and enter the tower on a lone island. Head up and enter the door. Use Toramana to avoid barrier damage and enter the next door. Go left, then take the path down and go up the stairs. On the 2F, you get to see the rotating floor trap. These diamond shaped traps will mess with your sense of direction. The key is that the lightly shaded side is the upward direction, while the darker shaded side is the down direction. If you hold the controller to match that configuration, the floor traps shouldn't be a problem. If you want some treasure, head upwards. If not, then go right and up the stairs. On the 3F, go down, then climb up the stairs to the next floor. On the 4F, go up, then to the left. Now stand in front of the rotating floor trap on the bottom row. Gl L1, U3, L1 to pass the first row of traps. Now go L1, D3, L1 to reach a treasure box. Open it to get the Armor of Light. Now fall down the pit, or take the stairs back down to the third floor. Now work your way counterclockwise until you reach the top side of the floor. Stand right next to the floor trap on the top row, then go R2 to fall into the opening. You will land on the top side of the first floor. Now go down, then open the door. Head left and up the stairs. On the second floor, stand in front of the floor trap, then go R2, D2, R5 to pass the first set, then R1, D2 to pass the second set of traps. Go to the next floor. Continue climbing up the stairs while following the simple path. On the fifth floor, go straight down, then go to the right. Go up the middle until you reach a stone statue of a Goddess. Now use the Fairy's Flute as an item in front of the statue. A triangular pyramid forms and breaks the seal on the statue. She will think this is a dream for what is happening. She is the Spirit Rubis, the one who created this land of Alefgald. The Goddess will reward you with the Holy Talisman. This is the third of the three important items. Afterwards, she says somehow she will repay you if you can defeat the Great Devil King. She prays for the peace of this land. Exit the tower when are finished here. Board the ship, then ride it to the island south of the Town of Rimuldar. Enter the Holy Shrine and talk to the priest residing there. Since you have the three treasures, the Holy Talisman, the Sun Stone, and the Rain Cloud Staff, the combining process can begin. The rain and sun will combine to form the Rainbow Drops. -Last Dungeon, Zoma's Castle. Walk west of Rimuldar and stand on the edge of the island. Use the Rainbow Drops here and watch a bridge form before your eyes. When you are ready, cross the bridge, then enter the castle of Zoma. My Hero was around level 50 and the three Sages around level 45. At the entrance, head left or right, it doesn't matter. When you reach the middle, get ready for a battle with 2 Great Devils. Use Bikilt on the Hero and Merazoma for offense. Fight your way through a total of six of these monsters to reach the central throne room. Use Toramana to avoid barrier damage, then make your way to the back of the throne. Search around the area (behind the right side throne) to find the hidden staircase leading down. Continue to B2F and go up. Wow, look at all those rotating floor traps! Don't worry, however, since there is an extremely easy way to pass through here. Just walk up the left side and continue to hold up on the control pad. That's all there is to it. You will make it to the stairs in no time at all. On B3F, go left, then down, and continue down to the bottom side. Go right, then up and follow that long path to the staircase. On B4F, go up and open the grey door. Go to the right, and soon you will hear sounds of some kind of struggle. Continue left across the bridge and you will come across Ortega fighting alone against a beast! Ortega is battling the King Hydra. He casts Bagicross against the monster for damage and he uses Behoma for healing. Then Ortega avoids the attack of the Hydra and continues the assault with Raidein. Soon Ortega gets hit by the flame attack of the King Hydra and he falls down. He tries to use Behoma, but he runs out of MP! Ortega loses the battle. Afterwards, he will notice a presence nearby. Ortega says he can't see or hear anything. If someone is there, he asks if they can relay a message. "I am Ortega of Ariahan. I remember everything now (he had temporary amnesia). If you were to go to Ariahan, visit (the hero's name) living there and tell them sorry for not being able to make a peaceful world, forgive me!" Ortega then passes away. Now you know what really happened. You thought for a long time that Ortega died by falling into the volcano, but really he survived to continue the battle in Alefgald. He made it this far, now it's time for you to finish what he started. Continue to the left, then upwards. Go the right, then down through the door. Open the treasure box on the bottom row, right side for a Sage's Stone. Use this item in battle for Behomara effect. With this, you can heal all members 80 HP per use, plus you can use it as many times as you want. Now you can leave the castle to refill and save the game, or you can continue on if you want. Go to the right, then down. On B5F, get ready for a continuous battle against Zoma's three henchmen. First go up to automatically light the torches. Zoma will appear and say, "Welcome to the altar of Living Sacrifice. I shall bring ruin to all. All life will be sacrificed to me, and the world will fall into despair. So shall you." Zoma calls forth the King Hydra. For this battle, use Fubaha to lessen the flame damage and Bikilt the Hero. Skult helps too. Keep fighting and use the Sage's Stone for healing and to conserve MP for the upcoming battles. After victory, continue walking upwards. The next battle will be against Baramos Bros. Use Fubaha and Skult for defense and Bikilt the Hero and one other Sage with the Falcon Sword equipped. Have that Sage use Moshasu to turn into the Hero and fight. You will have the attack power of the King's Sword (I assume you equipped this on the Hero) with the double attack of the Falcon Sword! Use Rukani to lower the defense of Baramos Bros to quicken the process. Baramos Bros can attack up to three times per round, so watch out. Healing is a must, so if the Sage's Stone is not enough, then use Behoma and Behomara. After winning this battle, then continue upwards to face Baramos Zombie. Use Skult several times to boost the defense, since this monster has a high attack power. Bikilt the Hero once again and fight. Use Merazoma for offense and Behoma for healing. Use the Sage's Stone also for healing. Keep this pattern up and you should win. After victory, your HP and MP levels are most likely depleted. Use the Prayer Ring to recover MP and healing spells to recover HP. Whatever you do, don't use Riremito to escape the castle. If you do, then these three monsters will be back again, and you must fight them again. So think of it like the three monsters and Zoma must be beaten in one shot. Now take the Ball of Light out of the sack if needed and give it to the Hero. This will make the final battle easier. When ready, go to the top to face Zoma. -Zoma will ask why you continue to struggle to live. Ruin, for sure, is Zoma's happiness. People dying are beautiful to him. Now begin the final battle. Zoma has a garment of darkness covering him, which makes him immune to all spells. Plus it gives him natural healing of 100 HP at the end of each turn. Here is the strategy for Zoma. First, use the Ball of Light. The light emitting from the ball will tear off that garment, so Zoma loses those afore-mentioned abilities. Zoma will be surprised that you knew the method to remove his protection, but his attacks are still just as powerful as before. Zoma attacks mainly with a freezing snow storm breath and the Mahyado spell. Use Fubaha, then Bikilt the Hero. Have the other three attack with a barrage of Merazoma, (it's ironic that his name is in the spell) which will do great damage to him. Use Behoma, Behomazun, and the Sage's Stone for healing. Behoma actually damages Zoma, but the damage is not as great as the original Famicom version. Merazoma is still better in terms of damage. Zoma can, and will use the Freezing Surge technique. This will take off all support spells on everyone, including Zoma himself. If that happens, then at least recast Fubaha, since the damage from the snow storm breath is big. Follow this strategy and Zoma will fall. When you win, Zoma will say "As long as there is light, so will be darkness. I can see it, once again, someone will appear from darkness and rule this land. However, you will be aged and won't be alive when that happens!" (Zoma's reference to the Dragon King). -After burning out, walk down and you will fall into a pit. You will end up at the hole made by Zoma inside the cave northwest of Radatom. Walk up and make your way out. At a certain point, the hole will cover up the path that you just walk on. Now you start to see how this sets the stage for Dragon Quest 1. Make your way outside the cave. There is a sound way above of something closing shut. You are now trapped in the land of Alefgald. However, morning has come to this country. Now you can walk around and visit all the towns and such, but that is optional. See how the land has changed. You can witness many things that will foreshadow the future. If you try to use Rura, then the places that you can go to are limited to the Alefgald region. When you are ready, return to Radatom Castle and visit the king. He will thank you for bringing light to this country. Ever since the defeat of the Great Devil King, the hole to the other world has closed. You will stay in Alefgald and begin a new life here. The king will declare you as a true hero. Proof of being the true hero is the symbol of Roto, which is now yours. You are now in the history books as the legendary Roto. Now just enjoy the ending and credits. You can see how this will connect to Dragon Quest 1. The hero's weapon and armor become Roto's Sword and Roto's Armor (the King's Sword and Armor of Light). The Holy Talisman becomes the Symbol of Roto. Thus the legend began! To be continued in Dragon Quest 1 and 2. Congratulations! Game Clear! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ おまけ Bonus 9d. Walkthrough Part 4 - Part 4 covers the hidden dungeon area. -There are several things you can do after beating the game. Check your save file. It should say Roto on it as a sign of clearing the game. Now you can go to Luida's Bar in Ariahan and the Hero can leave the party. With this, you can assemble any party you want. However, you probably want to keep the Hero in the party because there is something else to do. The Secret Dungeon! -When you are ready, fly Ramia and go to the Dragon Queen's Castle. Make sure to visit here at daytime. Go to the northern side of the castle. Talk to the elf there. She says this castle is closest to the Heaven World. If you are a true hero, then the light over there shall guide you to that world. Since you are the legendary Roto, step into the light that is shining through the stained glass. You will end up in a island high in the sky. Welcome to the Secret Dungeon! This is the Heavenly Sky Cave (my name for it, since Furomi doesn't work here). Here you will see many parts of dungeons that you have visited before, as if someone is testing you. Lots of good items are here, but the monsters living here are ultra powerful. Begin by going up and entering the cave. This part is Necrogondo's Cave. Go up and ignore the chest on the left, since it is a Mimic. Go right, then up. Open the treasure box for a Power Seed. I forgot to mention, use Stealth Step (thief's skill) here to lessen the monster encount rate. Continue to the right, then take the left path. Continue left, then open the chest for a Ripple Staff. One note, the Baramos Evil monster that appears here is too powerful for a regular monster. Expect a heavy depletion on HP and MP in this dungeon. Use the Prayer Ring to recover MP and pray they don't break. If you are in trouble, hope you have enough to cast Riremito to escape and refill. All right, now back to the right and take the top path and take the stairs down. This floor is a reverse of the Necrogondo Cave again. Go down, then to the left. Go up, then take a left. Cross the bridge, then continue to the left. Head up, then go left. Go a little down, then cross the bridge to the left, then head upwards to reach the stairs. The next room is a repeat of the Serpent's Cave. Watch out for the King Hydra that appears here in a random encounter. Head to the left, then turn down and go that direction. Now take the left path, then go to the right. Take the path up, then go to the right. Open the treasure box for a Gaia's Sword (for item completion?). Go back to the left, and go down the stairs. This floor is an imitation of the Pyramid. From there, go right, then go up all the way. Go down the stairs to see a floor from Radatom Castle. Talk to the man sitting here. He says he was a servant of god, but even he made mistakes too. That's why he is purifying himself here. (a Dragon Quest 7 reference? Nah, it can't be, this is before 7 was released) He will serve as a usual church here. Now go back to the Pyramid floor entrance. From there, go left, then up, left, then down. Open the box for a Small Medal. Now go up all the way, the turn right and down the stairs. The next floor looks like the Underground Lake Cave, with the recovery spring. Use it, since it fills up your HP and MP to max every time you step in it. Be thankful for this spot in this dungeon. When you are ready, head left then up. Continue upwards, then take a right. Open the box for a Small Medal. Go to the left and open the box for the Shield of Lamentation. Go back down, then to the left, then down again to reach the stairs. On the next floor, it repeats Necrogondo Cave again. Head left and search the ground in the top row, in front of the 4th statue from the right for a Power Seed. Search the floor on the bottom row, between the 3rd and 4th statue for a Life Nut. Advance forward to the left, then go up the stairs. This floor imitates the Samanosa Prison. Go up through the jail door. Search to the right of the corpse for a book, Keys to the Great Man. Search the pot in one of the cells to the left for a Small Medal. Talk to the slime on the bottom row of cells to learn of his situation. He is waiting for his turn. For what you ask? He will ask if you will participate in the battle arena. No matter what you say, he will encourage you. Take the stairs on the left side. You will find yourself in the fighting arena, as a battler! Search the ground nearby to get a Dice Game Ticket. Now just walk by the monster if you want to save some energy (it is optional if you want to fight the monster). If you do walk by the monster, it will think it is unfair. The next room is the Lighthouse Room. Go down the stairs to reach an Isis Castle imitation room. You have reach Zenith Castle. Talk to the king to find out he is the first generation Zenith King. If you made it this far, then it is just a little more to meet the God Dragon. If you can meet this dragon, it can grant any wish you want. Now you can visit this place by Rura. That way, you can bypass the first half of this secret dungeon (kind of like Deathcot Village from Dragon Quest 6). A side note, Zenith Castle is the Heavenly Sky Castle from Dragon Quest 6. That castle was the same castle from Dragon Quest 4 and 5 also. I wonder if there is a connection here? -To the right of the king, there is a poet. Talk to him. He will notice that you came from the lower world. Making it this far, you must have some skill. However, how good is your brain? He will give you a puzzle to solve. "Ruined town, below the cross, something shines... the answer is? If you know the answer, return here." All right, the answer is Tedon Village. Jump off the cliff on the left side of the castle to return to the lower world. Now visit this village (southwest of Baramos Castle) at daytime, since at night, the priest will block the way. Go to the church. Search the ground in front of cross to find the Demon Beast Claw. Go back to the poet in Zenith Castle. He will give you the second puzzle for you to solve. "In the dark world, a town that is surrounded, it sleeps inside of the flowers..." The answer to the riddle is Melkido Town in Alefgald. Go to that town and go to the central pond area. Search the flowers in the top right corner to find the Garment of Darkness. Remember that you can use Remirama to aid in finding the exact location. Go back to the poet once again. He will give you the third puzzle to solve. "The other two were a little easy. This one will be harder. The one looking at the stars. Doesn't notice what is underfoot..." The answer is the Forgotten Island of Luzami. Go east of Ariahan, and a little south to find this small island. Go to the astronomical observatory on the bottom right side of the little town. Search the ground to the right of the star gazer to find another Sage's Stone! You will need this for the upcoming parts. Return to the poet in Zenith Castle and he will be impressed by efforts. He will admit defeat and say that you are pretty smart. As a reward, the poet will tell you something good. In the entire world, there are 110 Small Medals scattered about. Of those, you must play the Dice Game to get 5 of these medals, including the Maira Village one. He will say how many of the Dice Game medals you have gotten so far. Then he will tell you the total amount of all the Small Medals you have collected. If you get all 110 Small Medals, he will praise you. -When you are ready for the second half of the secret dungeon, exit Zenith Castle by the south exit. This floor looks like Rebe Village. Search the pot on the left for a Run Away Ring, and the right pot for a Small Medal. Talk to the old man and he will ask if you are here to meet the God Dragon. Say yes, then he says to drink the stuff in the boiling pot. It is hot, so watch out. Search the pot and say yes when it asks if you want to drink it. It will burn inside of your mouth, but no serious damage will be done. Now exit by going through the door. You have reached the last part of the secret dungeon, the Heavenly Sky Tower. The enemies here are the most powerful anywhere. You probably need two Sage's Stones, Bikilt, Skult, Fubaha for almost every battle here if you want to survive. Even so, there is a chance you could die here, plus, even with the Stealth Step, the monster encounter rate is pretty high. Begin by climbing up the ladder to the left side. Enter the left door here. Open the left box for a Small Medal, the right box for a Ruby Bracelet. Now go out of the room and take the right door. Go up, then take the stairs up. Head left, then cross the tightrope across the pit. Exit out the door on the bottom. Now go right, then up the ladder, then enter the doorway. Go left and open the box for a Small Medal. Head upwards on the little slope. Go left, then down the little slope. Go up the middle slope for a treasure box. Open it for the Shoes of Happiness. Go back down, then take the doorway at the bottom left corner. Open the treasure box on the ledge for an Iron Ball of Destruction. Go back and take the leftside slope upwards to reach the stairs to the next floor. Head downward on either side, and take the stairs up that is sitting in the green plains. You have reached the summit. There are no random enemies on this floor, so heal up on HP and MP. After that is done, walk up and get ready for the hardest battle in the game. The God Dragon will be surprised that humans made it this far. He is the God Dragon, the ruler of the Heavenly World. He will grant you one wish, however, you must beat him in battle within a certain number of turns (like all other Dragon Quest secret bosses). Are you ready? Say yes to begin the battle. -The strategy for beating the God Dragon in under 15 turns. Concentrate on offense. The best attack spells are Gigadein and Merazoma, so use those as much as possible. The Hero with Bikilt and attacking is pretty good too. Heal with Behomazun if possible, but that spell costs an outrageous 62 MP to cast. The God Dragon can attack twice per turn, and the attacks are ultra powerful. He can breathe red hot flames and freezing snow storm for about 100 damage to all. He has a crunch technique that does 200 damage to one. Plus he can lean over your party with his body for over 100 damage to all, and he can glare at you to cause one person to fall asleep. Sometimes he will use the Ionazun spell, for about 80 damage to all members. The God Dragon wouldn't be a Dragon Quest secret boss without the Freezing Surge. This will remove all support spells. You will have to recast Fubaha and Skult as a result. However, if you are trying for under 15 turns, there may not be any time for those two spells. I had one Sage with the Falcon Sword equipped, and cast the Moshasu spell to transform into the Hero (costs 1 turn). That way I have more MP to cast Gigadein and Behomazun. Plus I had the Hero equipped with the Iron Ball of Destruction, so when the Sage transforms, that Sage will have the attack power of that weapon with the double attack of the Falcon Sword. This method works until the God Dragon does the Freezing Surge to remove the effect of Moshasu. If that happens, then switch to the Merazoma barrage strategy, with all three members just attack with Merazoma, and the Hero healing with Behomazun every two or three turns. If you run out of MP (which is likely), then heal with the two Sage's Stones and pray the dragon doesn't attack twice. This method is dangerous, but this should beat the dragon in 15 turns, just barely in the turn limit. The God Dragon has about 7300 HP, so you must average over 500 damage in a turn by turn basis in order to make it within the limit. If you can manage to beat the God Dragon, he will say how many turns it took to defeat him. If you do it within the limit, he will reward you. You have three choices to pick from. The first one is "I want to play a new dice game". This will make a new dice game appear inside the well in Jipang. The second choice is "Revive my father, Ortega". Go to Ariahan to your house. You can see a happy mother. Too bad Ortega won't join the party or something like that. The third choice is, "I want to 'read' some pornography" The dragon will hand over the porn. Reading it will change your personality to Sullen Pervert (males) or Sexy Gal (females) for good. Remember that you can only pick one at time. If you want the others, you must come back and challenge the God Dragon again. The first time, you must beat the God Dragon within 35 turns. The second time must be done in 25 turns, and the third time and onwards must be done within 15 turns. The Dice Game and Ortega and only be done once, but you can get as much porn as you want if you can beat the dragon in 15 turns each time. After granting the wish, the God Dragon will transport you back to the lower world, near the Dragon Queen's Castle. Now, after I got the new dice game built, I challenged it until I won (that is the biggest board, with too many pitfalls for a game) One of the goal prize was the Strange Bolero. This armor has the ability to cut MP consumption in half. I gave this to the Hero, so now Gigadein costs only 15 MP and Behomazun only 32. With this equipped, I challenged the God Dragon with the Hero with over 300 MP (use some Intelligence Seeds and Strange Nuts to raise that MP) total. Every turn I used Gigadein with the other three using Merazoma. Then the hero would use Behomazun when needed while the other three continued the Merazoma barrage. I managed to beat the God Dragon in 13 turns using this method. However, this was more luck than anything. During that time, for a several turns in a row, the God Dragon attacked only once per turn (normally he attacks twice). That was the main reason for getting the low turn count. Other times I used this method, I died since the dragon's attacks are so powerful and I messed up on the healing timing. That's about it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 空白[くうはく] これは無視してもいいです。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 完結 Completion