****************************************************************************** *~`~*81%Complete (25/31)*~`~* Emerald Dragon - FAQ/Walkthrough SNES Version 1.0 ; December 2, 2001 By Bill Haan "xxxFTWxxx" (lilhaanski@aol.com) This file is Copyright (c)2001 Bill Haan. All rights reserved. This FAQ may only appear on www.gamefaqs.com. If you want this FAQ on your website E-mail me and I will most likely grant you permission. ****************************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. Contact Information 2. Introduction 3. Full Walkthrough 4. Contributors/Thanks 5. Legal Stuff -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 1. Contact Information -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= My username on the message boards at GameFaqs is xxxFTWxxx . E-Mail : LiLHaaNsKi@aol.com AIM : LiLHaaNsKi or XXXXXXFTWXXXXXX MSN : LiLHaaNsKi@hotmail.com I am on alot so if you have any question you can IM me or just E-Mail me and you will most likely get a response that day or the next . -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 2. Introduction -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This document is a FAQ/Walkthrough to successfully get you through the Super Nintendo game Emerald Dragon. Let's be honest, I wrote this FAQ because it was on the FAQ Bounty List at GameFAQs. URL : http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/contest/bounty.html Although, that is what got me to play the game and write the FAQ, as I began to play I forgot why I was even doing the FAQ and noticed that it is a pretty fun game and I didn't mind writing for it. Anyway, I hope this Walkthrough helps you get past whatever is troubling you. This is my 2nd FAQ over all but my first time writing for an RPG. My other FAQ is a Sonic Adventure 2: 100 Ring Guide that you can also find on GameFAQs. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 3. Full Walkthrough -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= When you start out, go North and talk to the other Dragons. A man riding a red dragon will then come and land near you; talk to him. They talk for awhile and then run off to the bottom of the screen. The dragon and the person will be on a ledge talking and the dragon will break off one of his horns and hand it to the man. Then you will be somewhere else at another seen and you will see a cave open up in the mountain; enter it. Walk north to the little hole in the middle of the drawing on the wall and you will put some sort of stone into the hole and the passage will open; enter. Now, in this next area you will fight random encounters with enemies so beware. Go north and enter the cave at the North side of the screen. Go west and when you can go north but ignore the cave right above you as it leads to a dead end. Instead, go east and when you can go North and through the cave. Walk forward in this room up to the pot in the middle of the room and take the item from the pot. This will turn you into a boy and you will warp out to the entrance to the cave where those dragons are. Walk forward and talk to them and you will turn into a dragon with wings and fly off prompting the Emerald Dragon Title Screen to come up. After the scenes you will be on the world map and you recieve a map. If you look at the map from the menu screen you can see that you have to go somewhere North- West from your current location. When you get to town, sleep at the inn if you are low on energy (go into the inn and talk to the lady on the left and pick the 1st choice). Talk to the person standing in front of the inn and chose the top choice and they will give you some money. Go to the weapon shop and buy the weapon on the bottom that costs 200 coins. You can see that this weapon is better than your old one because of the little arrow pointing up under your character. From your menu, equip the weapon and then talk to the store clerk and sell your old weapon. There is nothing better you can get in the armor shop so go to the item shop and by a few of the first item which can heal your character. Go to the top left house in the town and go to the western most room and talk to the old man there and pick the first choice. Go to the bar and talk to everyone and one man will join your party. Leave town and go north and enter the shrine that you see. You will talk for awhile then the other man will find a hidden switch and you will enter. Go North and you will see a bunch of dead people on the ground. When you go to check it out the zombies rise up and you have to fight them. Just attack whichever one is closest to you and your other party member will do most of the work on his own. This is a pretty easy battle thanks to the NPC (non- playable character) doing most of the work, I didn't need to heal but if you get low on HP use a healing item. Walk North and the man will tell you to walk forward and get the treasure. You will fall through a trap door when you go to get it and he will walk around, grab the treasure, and run forward. Some friend he turned out to be ^_^. Thats why your parents say not to trust strangers, I guess this kid didn't listen! Anyway, you will fall into a jail cell where there is a girl with green hair that you talk to. The hero then forces open the jail door and the girl joins your party. Go East from the jail door and at the intersection continue East and enter the door. Go in the jail and get the chest in the NorthEast corner. Exit the jail cell and go back to the intersection and this time go North and enter the door at the end. Continue and at the intersection go west and you will see that man that ran with the treasure before. He will give the treasure to the girl and join you (I guess he wasn't so bad after all!). Come out into the 4-way intersection and go North to the door. After they talk for awhile, you turn into a dragon and open the door but you are forced to turn back because you are low on energy. Go North through the open door and when prompted with a choice, pick the top one and the old man will join you. The statue will now come alive and attack you for a boss battle. You fight against the stone golem and 4 spike things. You can't control what your 3 party members do so with the hero just attack all the spikes first until they are dead and then concentrate your attacks on the golem. If you get low on energy the girl and the old man will heal you. This is an easy battle with you and the one guy attacking and the girl and old man healing. After the battle, your party will appear at the entrance of the shrine. Go south and you will see a dead dragon on the ground. Uh-oh! Head south back to the town. Upon arriving in town, you will see a dead person on the ground. It appears the town was attacked up something and everyone is dead. But luckily the weapons,armor,and item shop clerks survived, how convienient! ^_^ Buy new weapons, armor, and healing items if you are low. Leave town and look at your map to see where you need to go next. Go SouthWest and follow the dirt path and look at your map to find the next town. Stay at the inn and buy as many new weapons and armor as you can afford. The guy standing outside the inn offers to take you back to the other town for 100 gold, there is no reason to go back, and why would you, everyone is dead anyway. Go to the NorthWest part of town and go into the Bar and talk to the bartender. Your party will sit down and talk and then reflect on something in the past. Leave the Bar and go talk to the guard in front of the house directly above you and you will fight. Just attack and let the NPC's do the healing for you, this is an easy battle. Enter the house and go East. At the intersection go North and get the item in the chest and equip it on whoever it helps. Go back down and this time go East at the intersection and then go up and fight the guard. Enter the door and go west and fight the guards. Go in the door and go East and follow the path and some guards will run out and you will have to fight them. After you kill them, Go East and take the lower path and get the item in the chest and then go back to where you killed the enemies and go North, then East at the intersection. Grab the chest that has 100 gold in it and go back west and continue west at the intersection. You are surrounded by a bunch of guards that you have to fight; take them down. Go west into the next room and go North and grab the scroll that is on the Northern table. Then some guy comes in with some guards and you have to fight them. Take out the guards first and let the healers heal you, then take out the boss. After the fight, more guards will come in but your party understands that they have no chance so they surrender. You are taken to some king and after some talking two people join your party and you lose one so now you have a full party of 5. Go south to leave the castle and you will be in the town. Go to the SouthEast part of town and stay at the inn to recover. Your party talks and then falls asleep. In the morning, go to the shops in town to get as much better equipment as you can afford and remember to sell your old junk for some extra cash. Leave town and check the map. You see that you have to go a short distance North from here so head north, cross the little bridge, and enter the castle. Talk to the guard right in front of you and he will let you pass. Enter the house on the right here and go forward to a conference room. After you are finished talking, leave the house and leave the town. Check your map and you see that you have to go NorthWest of here. Go North following the rocky path and follow it around the mountains to the west and enter the castle here. Talk to the guy in front of you and the guards will take a log and ram the door down! Enter the first house you come to and after the scene, walk up to the people and you will fight them. Try to make them spread their attacks around so they aren't focussing all their power on one party member. After you deal with them, continue to the left and go down the staircase. Enter the first jail cell and open the chest in the NorthWest corner and then leave the room. Enter the 3rd jail cell, open the chest, and leave the cell. Go west and then south and go up the stairs. You talk to some guy and he lets you pass. Go south and you come to a 4-way intersection. The Jail cell to the East is locked and someone says something from inside. The cell to the West has a chest you can open. In any case, continue South. At the next intersection, the cell to the East has a chest with 100 gold in it. You can't go South as there is a locked door in the way. Enter the West Cell and you will fight a boss. This boss can hit pretty hard so be careful. Kill the other enemies first and try to make them spread out their attacks so they all don't just kill one person. After the battle, exit the room and talk to the man that is outside of it. Pick the first choice and then go South through the now open door. Go through this room and out the southern door. Now go west and you will be back on the worldmap. Check your map and you see that your next destination is SouthWest from here. Go SouthWest and you will come to a town. Inside the town stop by the inn to recover your health. During the night your party hears a noise but they ignore it and go back to sleep. In the morning go to all the shops and upgrade your equipment and sell your old stuff. Go to the bar talk to the bartender and leave town after the conversation. You next destination on your map is NorthEast of here but to the west of the mountains above you. Follow the path that is NorthWest of the town. After you go NorthEast along the side of the mountains you will reach a cave; enter it. Walk forward and the old man will open the path for you. Inside open the chest to the southwest for 100 gold. Go North then West and your party will talk. The old man will stay behind and you go into the cave without him. Follow the path and at the intersection go south to open a chest and go back North and you will find some bones on the ground. You get an item from the bones after some talking. Continue to the West and the North and enter the door. Out of the top two doors, enter the top right one to open a chest for 100 gold. Leave the room and enter the top left door and open the chest for an item; then leave. Go down the SouthEast path and go out the door. Go SouthEast and get the item from the chest then go through the Eastern door. After the scene you will be back outside the the door. Make your way back to where you left the old man and you will see he is gone but his cane is still there...; you take it. Leave the cave. Go south and go back to town. Stay at the inn to recover your health. Leave the town and check your map; you need to go SouthEast for here. Just follow the path and look at your map if you get lost and enter the cave here. Inside go forward and your characters will talk and then you enter the cave. Walk North and you will be in some sort of maze. In here you can only walk on the red tiles, if you walk on the blue one you will be hit with fire and sent back to the beggining. Go North on the left path. Then go to the left and down across more tiles. Go West and South until you reach a chest; open it and head back North and go across all of the sets of tiles on the left and open the chest in the northern room. Go back south across two of the sets of tiles on the left. Go east until you get to the dragon statues and then go south across the red tile below you. Now go across the red tile in the South- East corner. Now go East and then South and open the chest, then Go back North and go across all the sets of red tiles on the right and keep going north into the room and open the chest. Go back down and go to the left until you get to the dragon statues and go South across the red tile. Go to the left and go North in-between the rows of dragon statues that are facing each other. Keep going North and open the chest that is in this room. After you open the chest your party will talk and if you check your map you see you have to go back NorthWest to town. Leave this place, just step on the nearest blue tile to get back to the beginning faster, and go back to the town. Once in town, stay at the inn to recover your health and buy/sell anything you need at the shops. TO BE CONTINUED... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 4. Contributors/Thanks -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= + Thanks to CJayC (www.gamefaqs.com) for hosting my FAQ and doing a great job with his site. + Me for writing this and somehow helping you in completion of this game. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 5. Legal Stuff -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This FAQ cannot be reproduced, retransmitted, or re-written in any other form except by the notice of the author. It is to be used and only used by the public itself and cannot be sold . If you want to use this FAQ on your webpage , free of charge , E-Mail me and I will most likely let you as long as nothing is changed and I am given credit . ****************************************************************************** This document is (C) Bill Haan; 2001 ******************************************************************************