不思議のダンジョン2 風来のシレン The Dungeon of Wonder 2 -Shiren the Wanderer- (fuurai no shiren) For Super Famicon (SNES) FAQ By Aryuze RV Version Final November 11, 2001 Japanese EUC (Extended Unix Code) encoding qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm <-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 78characters -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-> これはテスト用です。 四字熟語[よじじゅくご] 意気揚々[いきようよう] 喜怒哀楽[きどあいらく] 馬耳東風[ばじとうふう] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 基礎知識 Fundamental Knowledge Here are all the basics to this game. -First of all, this game has something like auto-save. The game remembers everything up to the point when you interrupt the game or reset. Which means if you had a good item and then lost it, then even if you reset the game, the game will resume at the point after the item was gone. So the save and reset trick won't work in this game. Furthermore, if you die in this game, you lose all items and return to the beginning at level 1. It is severe, which means it requires you, the player, to level up instead of the character, unlike other games. -Basic Controls Cross Key = 8 direction movement, moves the cursor in menus Y button = Hold this button and use the Cross Key to change direction without moving. This costs 0 turns. This button also sorts your item list, putting them in order. This is useful when you have lots of items. X button = Opens and the Status Menu and acts like A button for items. B button = Hold this along with the Cross Key to dash in one direction. This costs more turns though. Holding this button also allows you to step on items without picking them up. Also, this closes the Status Menu. This button also is used when switching places with someone. Hold B and push up against someone. Usually they will switch places with Shiren. A button = Then enter button. Also swings your fists or weapons if equipped. Plus you can talk to people with this button. L button = If you have arrows equipped, then this button will shoot them one by one. If you are in monster form (by eating meat), then this button will use that monster's special ability if they have one. R button = Holding this button down will allow only diagonal movement with the Cross Key. This is useful when trying to save turns. Select button = Nothing Start button = Nothing A+B = Pass turns without moving. This allows natural healing of HP. -All actions in the dungeon are turn based. For every turn Shiren takes, the monster also take a turn. So if the monster is one space away from you, then swing your weapon once. The monster will come to you so you can get the first hit. -All the dungeons in this game are randomly generated. So are the items that can be found inside. Monsters are somewhat random, but for each floor, the same type can be found (if you meet a certain monster the 3rd floor, then the next time you visit the 3rd floor, that monster will appear). --- Menu at start-up 冒険に出る[ぼうけんにでる] ├冒険のつづきから[ぼうけんのつづきから] └渓谷の宿場に戻る[けいこくのしゅくばのもどる] Go out on the adventure -Continue the adventure = Continues where you last interrupted. -Return to Canyon Inn Town = Return to beginning to level 1, all items gone. 風来日記を作る[ふうらいにっきをつくる] ├風来日記1[ふうらいにっきいち] ├風来日記2[ふうらいにっきに] └風来日記3[ふうらいにっきさん] Create Wanderer's Diary -Wanderer's Diary 1 = The save files. -Wanderer's Diary 2 -Wanderer's Diary 3 風来日記を写す[ふうらいにっきをうつす] Duplicate Wanderer's Diary = Copies your existing save file. 風来日記を消す[ふうらいにっきをけす] Erase Wanderer's Diary = Deletes your existing save file. There is a comfirmation before deleting. 名前を変える[なまえをかえる] Change Name = Allows you to change the name you set at the beginning. The default name is Shiren. This is useful if the ranking board is filled with the same name. 風来人番付[ふうらいにんばんづけ] ├こばみ谷[こばみだに] ├食神のほこら[しょくじんのぼこら] ├掛軸裏の洞窟[かけじくうらのどうくつ] └フェイの最終問題[ふぇいのさいしゅうもんだい] Ranking of Wanderers -Kobami Valley = The Main Dungeon -Small Shrine of the Food God = Secret Dungeon #1 -The Cave Behind the Hanging Scroll = Secret Dungeon #2 -Fei's Final Problem = Secret Dungeon #3 You can view more specifics on the top 50 wanderers by pressing A on that person's name. You can see the score, the farthest level reached, how they died, their status, and equipment. The Secret Dungeons won't be available until you clear the game and meet some conditions. 回想[かいそう] Reminiscence = Allow you to pick a save file, and view what happened the last floor that you were on. If you hold select or start button while picking a file, then you can view a demo to help you get a feel of the game. There are six total demos, 2 for each save file. 音響設定[おんきょうせってい] ├ステレオ └モノラル Sound Establishment -Stereo -Monaural --- Hiragana Chart カタカナ  すすむ  もどる   おわり あ い う え お  は ひ ふ へ ほ か き く け こ  ま み む め も さ し す せ そ  や   ゆ   よ た ち つ て と  ら り る れ ろ な に ぬ ね の  わ を ん ゛ 。 ぁ ぃ ぅ ぇ ぉ  ゃ ゅ ょ っ ー 1 2 3 4 5  6 7 8 9 0 + − ? ! /  ( ) [ ] Katakana Advance Return End a i u e o ha hi fu he ho ka ki ku ke ko ma mi mu me mo sa shi su se so ya yu yo ta chi tsu te to ra ri ru re ro na ni nu ne no wa wo n' " . +a +i +u +e +o +ya +yu +yo +tsu - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + - ? ! / ( ) [ ] --- Katakana Chart ひらがな  すすむ  もどる   おわり ア イ ウ エ オ  ハ ヒ フ ヘ ホ カ キ ク ケ コ  マ ミ ム メ モ サ シ ス セ ソ  ヤ   ユ   ヨ タ チ ツ テ ト  ラ リ ル レ ロ ナ ニ ヌ ネ ノ  ワ ヲ ン ゛ 。 ァ ィ ゥ ェ ォ  ャ ュ ョ ッ ー 1 2 3 4 5  6 7 8 9 0 + − ? ! /  ( ) [ ] Hiragana Advance Return End a i u e o ha hi fu he ho ka ki ku ke ko ma mi mu me mo sa shi su se so ya yu yo ta chi tsu te to ra ri ru re ro na ni nu ne no wa wo n' " . +a +i +u +e +o +ya +yu +yo +tsu - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + - ? ! / ( ) [ ] --- Status Menu 道具[どうぐ] ├飲む[のむ] ├投げる[なげる] ├置く[おく] ├説明[せつめい] ├食べる[たべる] ├装備[そうび] ├はずす ├ふる ├読む[よむ] ├名前[なまえ] ├書く[かく] ├見る[みる] ├押す[おす] ├入れる[いれる] └出す[だす] Tools -Drink = For herbs and seeds. -Throw = Toss the item in the direction Shiren is facing. -Put = Places the item on the floor. -Explanation = A short description of the item. -Eat = For Sushi and Monster Meat. -Equip = To equip weapons, shields, and bracelets. -Remove = To unequip weapons, shields, and bracelets. If Shiren is cursed, then he can't unequip. -Swing = Allows Shiren to swing a staff. -Read = Read a scroll -Name = Allows you to input a name for unidentified items. The items that have been named by you will be displayed in green. -Write = Allows you to input a name for the Blank Paper Scroll. -See = For certain pots, this lets you see the contents of that pot. -Push = For certain pots, the effect varies, depending on the pot. -Put In = For pots, this makes you put items inside of pots. -Take Out = For the Preservation Pot, this allow you to take items out. 足元[あしもと] ├拾う[ひろう] └交換[こうかん] Underfoot -Pick Up = Take items off the floor -Exchange = Allows you to switch items from the inventory to the one on the floor. 特技[とくぎ] Special Skill = For monsters only, uses that monster's special ability. ワナ ├踏む[ふむ] └そのまま Trap -Step On = Doing so will trigger the trap. -As Is = Leaves it alone and does nothing. 階段[かいだん] ├上がる[あがる] ├下りる[おりる] └そのまま Stairs -Go Up = Goes up the stairs. -Go Down = Goes down one floor. -As Is = Stay on the current floor. 戻る[もどる] Return = Only when in monster form, this returns to human form. 出口[でぐち] ├すすむ └そのまま Exit -Advance = Move forward to the next level. -As Is = Stays put. マップ Map = Turns the mini-map on and off. 中断[ちゅうだん] Interrupt = Saves your current progress. If you want to continue right where you left off, then make sure to pick Continue the Adventure at start-up. はい Yes いいえ No 到達度[とうたつど] Attainment Degree = This shows how deep in the dungeon you have made it to. It usually goes up to around 30, but if you can clear Fei's Final Problem, then this will jump up to 99! (This means clearing 100 floors of the 3rd Secret Dungeon). 剣の強さ[けんのつよさ] Power of the sword = The attack power of the equipped weapon. 盾の強さ[たてのつよさ] Power of the shield = The defensive power of the equipped shield. 満腹度[まんぷくど] Glut Degree = This shows your hunger level. For every 10 turns, this will go down 1%. This starts at 100% and can reach up to a maximum of 200%. If this hits 0%, then for every turn taken, 1 HP will be lost. ちから Strength = This affects attack power of weapons and arrows. Poison Herbs will cause this to lower. 経験値[けいけんち] Experience Value = This determines your level. The maximum is 999999, which would be Level 70. -Some more basic techniques. Fight enemies one on one. If you are surrounded by more than one monster, for every turn that is taken, you will get hit more than once. To avoid this, try to move to the nearest corridor. That way, you can fight them one on one. -Against arrow shooters, move in a zig-zag pattern. Monsters like the Bouya class shoot arrows in a straight line. Use the R button for diagonal movement to get close to them. If you walk in a straight line, you will receive big damage. -Use diagonal movement to save turns. This can help from becoming hungry. You can move in a diagonal across the corners of water patches, but you can't do so across corners of solid walls. -About Monster Houses. Certain times, when entering a room, there is a whole army of monsters waiting for you. These are Monster Houses. If you try to fight normally, you will probably lose. Try to escape to a corridor if there is one. If you have a Blank Paper Scroll, use one of the effects like the Sacred Precinct Scroll. Sometimes the Monster House is one huge room, so there is no escape. There are also a few different types of houses, filled with a specific class of monster. The Power House has heavy hitters like the Mintauros and Remlas class monsters. The Drain House has a bunch of enemies that attack your status. The One Eyed House has a bunch of Piitans and other one eyed monsters. The Robber House has a whole lot of Gamaras and Sea Lions that want your Gitan and Items. I think there are a few more, but I forgot what they were. Most of these special houses only appear in the Secret Dungeons, however, so chances of seeing them are small. -Theif Techniques. Along the journey in the dungeon, you may randomly run into shops. Sometimes they sell good items, but some goods can be expensive. You would like to buy it, but your Gitan says no. It is possible to steal from a shop, but in doing so, there will be some pursuers trying to catch you. To steal from a shop, just pick up an item that is for sale and step out of the store without paying for it. Now when you pick up an item, the shopkeeper will move over and cover the exit, so you can't get out. You will have to find a way to move the shopkeeper, or find another way out. Once you do steal, the shopkeeper will attack you with a powerful blow if he gets close. Also a whole army of Thief Watchmen and Watchdogs will chase after you. They are powerful too, so it's not a good idea to fight them. The main purpose is to get to the next floor. If you do, then they will stop chasing you. -A 100% safe way to steal is to use the Sea Lion's Pot. First find the item you want to steal. Pick it up and place it on the floor in front of the exit. Now talk to the shopkeeper and he will move out of the way. Since the item is still in the store, this is not stealing. Now step outside of the shop and face the item that you just put there. Now push the Sea Lion's Pot and it will jump out and take the item and return to the pot. The shopkeeper will not notice and no pursuers will come after you. This only thing you can't steal in this way is a pot, since a pot cannot be inside another pot. -You can use scrolls and staff together to help raise the success rate of stealing. First get the items you want, then read the Large Room Scroll. This will cause the whole floor to be one big room, and cause the shopkeeper to move to the stairs to block it. Put some distance between you and the shopkeeper, then swing the Place Exchange Staff at him. You will switch places and if you were far away enough, the shopkeeper's counterattack won't reach you. Now just climb the stairs and you have succeeded in stealing. Other good staffs are the Substitution Staff, Blow Off Staff, Binding Paralysis Staff, and the Temporary Tiding Over Staff (use on a weak monster first). -The Pickaxe can be used for stealing. If the store and stairway are close to each other, then use the Pickaxe to dig a path from the store to the room with the stairs. Now use whatever items you have to push away the pursuers. -If you stay on one floor too long, a sudden gust will blow. You will have a short warning gust twice before the big gust comes. If that happens, then Shiren will return to Canyon Inn Town, back to level 1, and lose all items. The wind will come after about 2000 movement points have been used. 1. Take one step, swing your fist once, B button dash once, use and item once. = 1 movement point. 2. A+B step, Exchange Items = 2 movement points 3. Rename an unidentified item = 11 movement points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 物語 Story 伝説の神鳥 黄金のコンドル その黄金のコンドルが 棲むところ…そこには、 幻の黄金郷が 存在すると伝えられている この伝説を求めはじめた頃、 一人の若きの風来人に出会った。 名は、シレン 友の遺志を受け継いでの 旅ガラスだという コンビを組んで、はや半年。 しょちゅうケンカばかりだが… よっこいせっと! おい、シレン、見てみろよ! こばみ谷だぜシレン。 やっと、ここまで来たな。 真ん中に、でっかい 塔みたいな山が見えるだろ? あの頂上が太陽の大地だ。 さあ、行こうぜ! おっと、 自己紹介が遅れちまった。 オイラはコッパ 今じゃ数少ない「語りイタチ」だ。 シレンをこばみ谷に さそったのもこのオイラ。 黄金郷のウワサを 聞いたからさ。 しかし、ここまで来るのは 大変だったぜ。 ま、オイラは袋の中で 寝てるだけだったが… んっ? あっ、オーイ待ってくれよーっ! (シレンは無視してる) (その後、二人ともは宿屋で一泊する。その夜、シレン は黄金のコンドルの夢を見る。朝が来ると、コッパは シレンを起こそうとしてる。) お互い、よく寝たな。 もう少しで渓谷の宿場だ。 がんばって行こうぜ!相棒! オープニングデモより --- The legendary divine bird, the Golden Condor. That Golden Condor's living place...over there is the Golden Homeland of illusions...that place exists as told by tales. As soon as people began to seek this legend, one young wanderer was encountered. The name is Shiren. He inherited his friend's dying wish, and called a stranger by forming a combination called the Traveler's Glass. They have been together for about half a year. They frequently have quarrels, however... (The sound of sitting down) Hey, Shiren, look over there! It is Kobami Valley, Shiren. Finally, we made it here. Right in the middle, you can see a large tower-like mountain, right? On the summit of that is the "Solid Earth of the Sun". Now, let's go! Oh, yes, I'm late with the self-introductions. I'm Koppa. I'm one of those [talking weasels], which are scarce in numbers right now. I'm also the one who invited Shiren to Kobami Valley. The reason is because I heard of the rumors of the Golden Homeland. However, making it all the way here was a difficult task. Well, you might say that I just sleep inside of the bag... Huh? Hey, wait up Shiren! (Shiren just ignores Koppa, and walks ahead) (Afterwards, both of them spend the night at an inn. During the night, Shiren sees a dream of the Golden Condor. When morning comes, Koppa wakes up Shiren.) We both had a good night's rest, didn't we? Just a little more and we'll arrive at Canyon Inn Town. Let's do our best, what do you say, partner? From the opening demonstration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 攻略一覧表 Capture Chart Here are all the places that must be visited in order to clear the game. ------ こばみ谷[こばみだに] Kobami Valley This is the Main Dungeon, the objective being to find out if the legend of the Golden Condor is true or not. In order to do so, Shiren must make it to the 30th Floor, and overcome the challenges that await him there. --- 出発地点 渓谷の宿場[しゅっぱつちてん けいこくのしゅくば] Starting Point Canyon Inn Town This is where it all begins. Here is a list of the buildings. 酒場 煙とオヤジ亭[さかば けむりとおやじてい] Bar - Smoke and Old Man's Pavilion -Talk to the shopkeeper behind the counter to get a free Large Sushi. 倉庫[そうこ] Warehouse -Here you can store up to 25 items which will stay here even if you die. Just put the item you want to store on the floor. There are some Carriers that will send one item here if you talk to them. 宿屋 旅ガラス[やどや たびがらす] Inn - Traveler Glass -This is where you start for every game. 風来人番付[ふうらいにんばんづけ] Ranking of Wanderers -This is the top 50 list of Wanderers, with their place, score, name, and deepest floor reached. -There is a building behind the board which is the residence of Fei. Talking to him allows you to challenge his problems once per game session. To get out of town and begin the adventure, to the the right part of town, and you will see two people blocking the way. Talk to the cowboy, and he will say that after clearing 4 terrain (4 floors) there is a village that awaits. There is a blacksmith and shop over there, which are useful. He then calls you the tailwind of the Travel God, Klone. The guy on the right is the Conventional Practice Mugura. He will ask if you know how to switch places. Say no, then he will teach you. Press and hold B and press against someone. Usually they will switch places, but some won't. Now practice on him, and you will change places. Now begins the exploration of the Dungeon of Wonder. -After progressing deeper in the game, a cartwright will open in this town. It will allow you to go straight to the Village of the Bamboo Thicket, but your level will still be at one, so be careful. -After using the cart to travel to town for a while, then a new one will open up, allowing you the choice of traveling to the Village of the Bamboo Thicket, or the Town of the Mountain Summit. --- 1杉並の旧街道[すぎなみのきゅうかいどう] 1. Ex-Highway of the Avenue of Cedars -Here you may randomly run into a chef who wants the meat of a Mamul. He will give you a Staff of Bufu [0]. Throw it at a Mamul monster and bring the meat to him. The chef will make some Mamul Tail Roast. Say yes when he asks if you would like a bite. It is delicious, plus it will raise your Max Power by 3, Max HP by 5 and make you full. He will introduce himself as Naoki. He is known as the wandering chef. He will then say they shall meet again. This is the first step in getting the Bufu Staff. -You can run into Naoki for a second time also. This time he says he got a job offer from the restaurant at the Mountain Summit. He is on the way there, but the monsters are a nuisance. Now he asks if you will accompany him to the Mountain Summit. Say yes, and Naoki will join. Now you will have to make it to the Town of the Mountain Summit without losing him. -Once you get to Level 2, most monsters can be defeated within two blows. Until then, fight in a corridor so you won't be surrounded. 2杉並の旧街道[すぎなみのきゅうかいどう] 2. Ex-Highway of the Avenue of Cedars -Here, you can randomly run into the Masseur Kechi. He will ask if there is something wrong with your body. He will ask for 200 Gitan for a finger pressure massage. Say yes, (that's the first choice) and he will attempt to heal you, but he will push the wrong point, which will make Shiren lose 10 HP, Power down by 4, and lose 30% Glut Degree. This is the first step in getting this guy to join you. If he presses the right spot, your HP and Power will be recovered, but that seems rare. -Sometimes you will run into a mysterious woman. The first time you talk to her, she will say she is impressed by you. She will do something good for you, but she asks you to close your eyes. Say yes, and she will blind your eyes, making it hard to see what's around you. If you have an Eyedrop Herb, then you can see again. This is the first step in getting the "Blinding Eye Dragon" to join you. -The second time you run into the mysterious woman, she will says the blinding eye was the work of her elder sister (she is lying, it's really herself). She says they are twin sisters, but her elder sister has a bad personality, and is causing trouble. Then she says, the least she can do is to take this! She will blind your eyes once again, and she disappears. 3山間渓流[さんかんけいりゅう] 3. Ravine Mountain Stream -Sometimes when you are about to eat some Hand Rolled Sushi, an old man appears and beg you to give him that food to eat. If you refuse and say no twice, then he will perish. On the next floor, that old man will get his revenge and call a whole bunch of Revolving Polygon Monsters to attack you. These monsters can reduce your Glut Degree in a hurry. So it is better to give your food to him so he won't counter with this attack. 4山間渓流[さんかんけいりゅう] 4. Ravine Mountain Stream -Watch out for the Ghost White Radish. They will throw Poison Herbs from a distance. When poisoned, Shiren will lose Power, and move at half speed for a short while. Also look out for the Bouya monster. If the arrows it shoots hits and kills another enemy, then the Bouya will level up. --- 中継地点 竹林の村[ちゅうけいちてん ちくりんのむら] Relay Site - Village of the Bamboo Thicket The first rest stop. Here are the buildings of this village. 雑貨 青竹屋[ざっか あおだけや] Dry Goods - Green Bamboo Shop -Random items are sold here. The first time you enter, Pekeji will run around and trip, causing a pot to break. Okami will scold him for doing it again. Now talk to him, and he will ask if Shiren is your name. Say yes and he will introduce himself as Pekeji. He will claim he is your younger brother (I don't know if that's true or not). He will say he is busy working right now and he will meet you at the bar. -On the second time you talk to Pekeji right here, he will ask for a consultation. He will ask of you to wait at the bar again. かじ屋 不動[かじや ふどう] Blacksmith - Motionless -For a 1000 Gitan, the smith will forge your sword (Wooden Clubs don't count) once per game. He won't take shields, however. 奉献[ほうけん] 食の神ブフー、ここに奉る。 Dedication Make the offerings to Bufu, the Food God, here. -Right now, there is nothing, but later on... 酒場 酔いどれ亭[さかば よいどれてい] Bar - The Drunken Pavilion -If you talked to Pekeji in the Dry Goods, shop, then talking to the keeper behind to counter will make Pekeji rush in. He will ask you if he can explain why he is your younger brother. Choose the top choice, which is, Explain to me! Pekeji will explain that at the time of her death, his mother said, "You are not my real child. Long ago I saved a little child from a hawk. That is you. The name Pekeji is for good luck. Understand? Even if I die, you are not alone." After that, she passed along. Pekeji then says that later on he looked inside the good luck charm and found a sheet of paper that read, "The Younger Brother of Shiren, Pekeji". He then goes on to say, the moment he saw you, he knew it. He says that both of their faces are similar. Everyone calls him "sandal head", but he asks you if you get called the same. Say yes, then he will agree and mention that for sandals, one is not enough, and that there needs to be a pair. Pekeji will then ask if he can call you "Aniki" which means "elder brother". Say yes to the question, then he will immediately do so. He will think it is embarrassing at first. Then he will say he must return to work soon. He is tell you to visit him again the next time you pass through the village. -Now the second time you visit here, (after talking to Pekeji at the Dry Goods store) go to the shopkeeper behind the counter. Pekeji will come again. The consultation is about money. Pekeji will say he has been dating some woman since a while ago. She wanted to open her own shop with him. The problem is that they don't have enough money to do so. Pekeji will ask you for some money. Now select the second choice, which is "how much do need?" He will say 1000 Gitan, but then he has second thoughts, thinking you don't have the obligation to give him that much money. He will say he is sorry and forget about what they just talked about. Pekeji will leave, but now you have a choice. Pick the second choice, which is "Wait, I have the money!" Pekeji will come back and be surprised, but then realizes that it would make sense that the older brother would have that. He will then take the 1000 Gitan. (At this point I had 1000 Gitan, I don't what happens if you don't have enough). Pekeji then says he will do his best to create a splendid shop. -The Third time you visit this place, the shopkeeper will kick Pekeji out and tell him never to return. Now you have three choices. I picked the third one, "what happened to the money that I gave you?" He won't answer truthfully, since he is drunk. He tricked you and used that money on booze. Now pick the first choice, "what happened to your store?" He will say that the building of a store was just a dream. Now pick the remaining choice, "what happened to your girlfriend?" Pekeji will say that she was bad, and that she tricked him. While he is still in his drunken stupor, Shiren has a choice, either punch him or stay silent. Pick the top choice, which is to punch him. Pekeji will mention what a powerful punch you have. It will sober him up. He will apologize, then he will ask if he can travel with you. Pick the top choice, which is to punch him again. Now Pekeji will join the party. This only lasts for the current game. If you start over, then Pekeji will be gone, but he will be wandering somewhere in the dungeon. Talking to him again will make him join again. This also applies to the other two who can join, the "Blinding Eye Dragon" and the "Masseur Kechi". 車屋 ノラネコ抜き足便[くるまや のらねこぬきそくべん] Cartwright - Stray Cat Removed Convenience Feet -The shop opens up once you used the cartwright from Canyon Inn Town several times. This allows you to go immediately to the Town of the Mountain Summit. -After you get blinded once by the mysterious woman, there is talk amongst a few other people who got their eyes blinded too. Next time, they won't be so nice. -After a few massages from Kechi, you will find him here, surrounded by a group of four. The will try to attack Kechi, but he defeats them all by himself. Talk to him, and he will recognize Shiren. He mentions it is a dark night, left and right, but to the people who can't see, it doesn't make much of a difference. He hopes you will forget what you just saw. -After getting blinded by the mysterious woman twice, then she will show up in this village. Right by the Blacksmith, she will be cornered by the two guys who got hit by her blinding eye. The woman will ask for your help. Pick the first choice, which is to help her. Now the Strong Looking Man and the Slightly Fat Man will attack you. They are not too strong, so you shouldn't have too much trouble beating them. Now talk to the woman and she will be surprised you helped her, after all, she tricked you twice. She thanks you and promises not to do any more mischief. She asks if she can be a comrade in your journey. Say yes and then the Blinding Eye Dragon will join. Her specialty is blinding eyes. She will blind your eyes once again, but it will wear off in time. Probably the best out of the three that can join (you can have mulitple people join at the same time), you can let her do most of the fighting, since you still gain experience even if your friends slay a monster. 5天馬峠[てんばとうげ] 5. Pegasus Mountain Pass -The Plowed Field Lay to Waste monster appears here. This annoying monster will seek out items on the floor and turn them into Weed. 6天馬峠[てんばとうげ] 6. Pegasus Mountain Pass -After defeating the Devil Faced Warrior, the Ghost Warrior will appear after 5 turns. If this ghost gets near another monster, that monster will level up, so beware. 7山頂の森林[さんちょうのしんりん] 7. Forest of the Mountain Summit -This is an dangerous place, since there is a high chance of the monster to level up, due to the Ghost Warrior. Watch out for the Death Messenger, which moves at double speed. --- 中継地点 山頂の町[ちゅうけいちてん さんちょうのまち] Relay Site - Town of the Mountain Summit The second rest stop. Here are the places worth visiting. 宿屋 とまり木[やどや とまりぎ] Inn - Perch -It costs 500 Gitan to stay overnight. 1改装中[かいそうちゅう] 2新装開店[しんそうかいてん] 3料亭 峠屋[りょうてい とうげや] 4料亭 峠屋は、つぶれたんだニイ。 くやしいニイ。料理長 1. Under Reconstruction 2. Grand Opening 3. Restaurant - Mountain Pass Shop 4. The restaurant Mountain Pass Shop has gone out of business. How regrettable. Cooking Leader -At first, this shop is under construction. -After meeting Naoki, then this shop opens up along with a competitor on the edge of town. All the customers line up at this shop, since the other one has horrible food. -Later on, the master behind this shop, Sagi, will leave after teaching the chef here. Shiren finds out that they tricked customers, since they don't know the difference in taste in the food. -After you pay Naoki 10000 Gitan, then this shop will close, since all the customers will flock over to the other restaurant on the Edge of the Cliff. 食べて安心[たべてあんしん] 山頂料理 かげっぷち[さんちょうりょうり] Eating with a peace of mind Mountain Summit Cooking - The Edge of the Cliff -This restaurant opens up once you have talked to Naoki. The first time you visit, an old woman named Tome will kick someone out. Then a chef named Toshio will say it is not Suzuko's fault. They all agreed on putting this building up. Suzuko says it is her fault, since they have been taken over by the Mountain Pass Shop, their rival restaurant. Toshio says it can't be helped since they never expected their head chef to betray them. Now their reputation is that of a restaurant that makes bad food. Then they finally realize a customer (Shiren) is waiting. Suzuko will ask what would you like. I picked the third choice, the Sea Lion's Back Bake for 500 Gitan. Shiren eats it, but it tastes horrible, your Power goes down by 3, and HP down by 10. Plus your Glut Degree goes down to 10%. Koppa asks if he is okay. Tome will say that Shiren's face does not look like that of someone who is eating delicious food. After they see Shiren holding his stomach, they realize that they are amateurs at cooking. Only if they had a experienced chef... -If you sucessfully bring Naoki the chef to this town, then he will go to the restaurant at the edge of the cliff. When you visit the place, Naoki will come out and say he won't cook for loose change. Suzuko says she has heard of the Wandering Chef. One that will create a heavenly taste for a high price, but they plea for Naoki's help. Toshio says at least give us some advice on their cooking. Naoki says no. He will not do any work that won't make any money. Naoki's asking price is 10000 Gitan. He says if they can't provide the money, then someone else has to give. Here is Shiren's chance. If you have some Gitan, then offer to pay off the debt. Pick the first choice, which is "I'll pay for it". Naoki will be surprised at first, but then he will get money so he won't care. Naoki will tell you that you don't have to pay 10000 all at once. Most likely you won't have that much money, but pay what you have. He will ask if that is all right. Say yes and then Naoki will say that it is decided. The rest of the group will thank you for your donation. They will repay Shiren in some way. Naoki then says, what are we waiting for, let's go. They are competing with the Mountain Pass Shop Restaurant across town. Now go inside and talk to Naoki across the counter. Naoki will give you some choices. The first one is to give all your Gitan. The second one is give half your Gitan. The third one is not to give at all. Pick the one that you like. -After you give a total of 10000 Gitan to Naoki (it may take a few games), then go here the next time you are in town. You will see a whole line forming around this shop. Even Gaibara and Saruyama will eat here. Now talk to Toshio, who is across the counter, and he will say that Naoki has left to continue his travels, since they don't need him anymore. Naoki left a gift to give to Shiren. Toshio will hand over the Bufu Staff. With this staff, now you can swing it at monsters and get their meat. Also, now the Bufu Staff will appear randomly inside the dungeon, so it is worth it to clear this optional event. 預かり場[あずかりば] Parcel Place -Here you can store up to 15 items that will remain here. Just becareful of placing pots here, since the contents of a pot will disappear if you do store it here, or the Warehouse. かじ屋 鬼に金棒[かじや おににかなぼう] Blacksmith - Devil with the Metal Rod -The same as the one you met before. 1000 Gitan to forge a weapon to make it stronger. Usually it will increase by +1, but sometimes you can get a +3 in one sitting (random). ガイバラ窯元 一般展示場[がいばらかまもと いっぱんてんじば] Gaibara's Pottery - Place of General Display -At the beginning, there is nothing, but later on you can buy pots here. -There is Gaibara's Mansion right beside here. The first time you visit him, Gaibara is not satisfied, and throws his pot against the wall. His assistant, Saruyama, says that is the 99th production that was a failure. Then Gaibara notices you, then ask who you are. He doesn't like the fact you are wearing shoes in his mansion. Then he says the pot you are holding is something he has never seen before. He will ask if he can see that pot. Say yes, then he says it is well polished and well made. However, that doesn't satisfy him, and he takes the pot and throws it against the wall. Gaibara then says he is sorry, that was a bad habit of his. He laughs then says wait for him to complete his new work, and he will give it to you. (At this point, I had the Transformation Pot, so I don't know what will happen if you have another type of pot). If you don't have a pot, then he will kick you out. -The second time you visit Gaibara, he will just baked his new product, the Ridiculous Pot. Gaibara will say it does have that feeling to it. He will laugh, then he will get serious and throw the pot against the wall. Gaibara says this is not the pot he is looking for. He will tell Shiren to wait a while longer for his new product. -The third time you visit, Gaibara will say he is still not done with his new product. Come back another time. -The fourth time you visit this house, Saruyama says he is done baking a new pot, the Unbreakable Pot. He mentions that this has a different flavor than Gaibara's previous works. Gaibara agrees and says he used different materials this time around. After looking at it for a while, Gaibara says it doesn't have a good feel to it and it has no gloss. A complete failure. The blood, sweat, and tears that crystalize into this failure? Gaibara throws the pot against the wall, but since it is unbreakable, the pot just bounces away. Now Gaibara doesn't know where to put his anger. Then he swipes a pot from Shiren and is about to throw it, but he stops himself. Gaibara then says he won't make the same mistake twice. Then Saruyama gives him three of the Gaibara's Pot and then Gaibara takes them all and throws it against the wall. -The fifth time you visit Gaibara and company, he will ask Saruyama if this time, for real is a good product. Saruyama will say, don't worry, this is the best one yet. Just off the oven, Gaibara's latest creation, the Resentment Dispel Pot. Gaibara will comment he's never seen such a pot ever. Now this is it, the pot he has been seeking all along. Gaibara tells Shiren that this is the day they have been waiting for, and that he shall give Shiren this pot. Then he notices what a mysterious pot, and that he feels like throwing it. Gaibara takes the pot and throws it against the wall. The pot explodes on contact. Gaibara stoops over in shock. -The sixth time you visit Gaibara, Saruyama will be waiting outside. Now Gaibara is satisfied with his work. He will give you the illusional masterpiece, the Synthesis Pot. Talk to Gaibara, and he will explain how this pot works, however it is going to be long, so he asks if that is okay. Say yes and he will begin. The Synthesis Pot can combine weapons with weapons, shield with shield, and staffs with staffs. You can't combine anything else, so beware. First the weapon synthesis. The first weapon put inside will become the base. The next weapons put inside will be absorbed by the base. For example, puttng in a Club, then a Bewitching Sword Whirlwind Cutter +3. When put inside this pot, it will show Club +3. However, this is the part that makes this pot great is that it also absorbs special abilities. This Club +3 is different than an ordinary club in that it has to power to attack in three directions in one swipe (that is the special ability of the Bewitching Sword Whirlwind Cutter). Next is the shield synthesis. It is the same as weapons. The first shield put in is the base, and the next one put in will be absorbed. Special abilities will also carry over to the base. Finally, the staff synthesis. This is a little different. The staffs in question have to be of the same type in order to combine. Example is the Place Exchange Staff can only combine with another Place Exchange Staff. For staffs, the amount of times that it can be swinged will be combined. So a Place Exchange Staff [2] and a Place Exchange Staff [3] put inside the Synthesis Pot will make a Place Exchange Staff [5]. Then Gaibara asks if you would like to try it for yourself. He mentions if you want to break the pot let him have the honors. However, this is valuable pot, so if you don't have anything to combine, then save the pot. After this event, the Synthesis Pot will now appear randomly in the dungeons, which makes the travel easier. It is worth it to go through this optional event. Another thing, after this event, the pots will now be open to the general public, so now you can buy pots in the house beside Gaibara's Mansion, including the Synthesis Pot. The pots are unidentified, though. -After you witness the Masseur Kechi in the Village of Bamboo Thicket, you will meet him here. Once again he is surrounded by people. When you get near, people complain about him. One woman says Kechi was looking in the bath where she was, claiming to be a blind man, but she doubts that, since he was drooling. Another kid says Kechi had a faint light in the eyes and stole his friend's snack. They have proof Kechi is lying about his blindness. The shopkeeper complains about his finger massage technique. The all attack the masseur. Now talk to Kechi, and he will ask for your help. Koppa will ask why he acted like he was blind. Kechi thought he could get away with mischief. He promises not to do anymore bad things. He asks for forgiveness. The villagers wonder what to do. They forgive him, and tell him never to do it again. Then they leave. Kechi has nothing to say to you. He asks where you are headed. He will ask if he can come along. Say yes and the Masseur Kechi will join. テーブルマウンテン全景[ぜんけい] これ、まことに見事の景観なり[みごとのけいかんなり] A panoramic view of Table Mountain This is truly a magnificent scenery to behold 8ネブリ山廃坑[ねぶりやまはいこう] 8. Neburi Mountain Abandoned Mine -You can find a Pickaxe item here, allowing you dig through walls. The Pickaxe can break, so don't rely on it so much. 9ネブリ山廃坑[ねぶりやまはいこう] 9. Neburi Mountain Abandoned Mine 中継地点 二面地蔵の谷[ちゅうけいちてん にめんじぞうのたに] Relay Site - Two Surfaced Receptacle of the Earth Valley -Just a straight path over a bridge. There is a rumor that this place was to be used as a Bungee Jumping Site during the production of the game, but that idea was removed in the final product. That's too bad. 10断崖の岩屋[だんがいのいわや] 10. Cliff Cavern 11断崖の岩屋[だんがいのいわや] 11. Cliff Cavern 12山霊の洞窟[さんれいのどうくつ] 12. Cave of the Mountain Guardian's Deity 13山霊の洞窟[さんれいのどうくつ] 13. Cave of the Mountain Guardian's Deity 14山霊の洞窟[さんれいのどうくつ] 14. Cave of the Mountain Guardian's Deity --- 中継地点 奇岩谷[ちゅうけいちてん きがんだに] Relay Site - Valley of the Strangely Shaped Rocks The third rest point. Here are the places worth noting. 預かり場[あずかりば] Parcel Place -You cannot access this place at first. In order to do so, you first must find the owner's daughter, Surara. She appears randomly between the 8th floor to the 14th. Talk to her and make her join. Now you have to safely make it to this valley while she is still in the party. This is easier said than done, as there are many ways to lose her during the trip. If you are successful, you can store some items here. This place can hold up to 8 items. 宿屋 岩影[やどや いわかげ] Inn - Boulder Silhouette -This inn costs 1000 Gitan for one night. -There is a random event in the top right corner of the village. Sometimes there is girl and her mother standing outside of the house instead of inside. The girl wants one of your items. If you agree, you give the item she wants in exchange for a Time of Worry Scroll. 15瀑布湿原[ばくふしつげん] 15. Waterfall Marshy Grasslands Another dangerous floor. There are a majority of level 2 monsters, some which can drain your status. 16瀑布湿原[ばくふしつげん] 16. Waterfall Marshy Grasslands 17テーブルマウンテン(前編) 17. Table Mountain (First Part) -A lot of powerful monsters like the Mintauros appear here. On the other hand, this can be a place for a quick level up. 18テーブルマウンテン 18. Table Mountain 19テーブルマウンテン 19. Table Mountain 20テーブルマウンテン 20. Table Mountain 21テーブルマウンテン 21. Table Mountain --- 中継地点 地下水脈の村[ちゅうけいちてん ちかすいみゃくのむら] Relay Site - Underground Water Vein Village -The fourth rest stop along the way. 店屋 清流[みせや せいりゅう] Shop - Clear Stream -A small store that sells random items. 宿屋 白滝[やどや しらたき] Inn - White Waterfalls -It costs 2000 Gitan for one night. -You are close to the Solid Earth of the Sun. There seems to be three trials that await you before you can reach there though. 22テーブルマウンテン(後編) 22. Table Mountain (Latter Part) 23テーブルマウンテン 23. Table Mountain 24テーブルマウンテン 24. Table Mountain 25テーブルマウンテン 25. Table Mountain 26ムゲン幽谷[むげんゆうこく] 26. Infinite/Fantasy Deep Ravine -The Skeleton Devil and Death God appear here. The Death God moves at double speed and can move through walls, which is really annoying. Try to get this monster's meat, so you can do it too. That way you can hide inside a wall and attack monsters without fear of getting hit. 27幻魔の試練[げんまのしれん] 27. Trial of the Phantom Demon -Dragons can appear here as well as the Mad Remlus monsters. The same with the next two floors. 28竜哭の試練[りゅうこくのしれん] 28. Trial of the Dragon's Wail 29最後の試練[さいごのしれん] 29. Trial of Conclusion --- 中継地点 太陽の大地[ちゅうけいちてん たいようのだいち] Relay Site - The Solid Earth of the Sun -Koppa will say we are finally here. Doesn't it feel lonesome? --- 中継地点 黄金都市[ちゅうけいちてん おうごんとし] Relay Site - The Golden City -When you pass a tablet, Koppa tells you to wait and read it. 黄金都市アムテカ ここは黄金の都アムテカ 黄金のコンドルを神鳥とし、 守神リーバとさだめ、 この山頂に都市を築く。 300を数えた月の夜、 突如として、黄金をむしばむ 魔物が出現、黄金のコンドルを 地獄の糸で封印する。 そして神鳥の力を失った都市は、 壊滅的な打撃を受けた。 我々も、この都市とともに沈む。 そして魔物も、やがては黄金を 食いつくし、死んでいくだろう。 それから、どのぐらいの月を 数えるのかわからないが、 これを目にする人間… それは、谷を越え、三つの守護地形 をも乗り越えて来る選ばれし者だ。 その者に、我々の願いを 聞き入れてほしい。 黄金のコンドルをとき放つのだ。 黄金のコンドルは、 虹の根もとの奥にある 滝つぼの洞窟にいる。 黄金のコンドルは、魔物の糸を 斬れば、自由になると思われる。 ただしそれは、 魔物が死んでいれば、の話だ。 コッパ「ふーーん… まっ、ずいぶん昔のことみたいだし、 今はその魔物ってやつも、 生きちゃいないぜ、きっと。な?」 The Golden City of Amteka Here is the Golden Capital of Amteka. The Golden Condor becomes the divine bird, and by the Guardian Deity, Rever's arrangement, the city will be built upon this summit. Counting 300 nights of the month, all of a sudden, a monster that could eat into gold appeared. The Golden Condor was sealed inside the Thread of Hell. Then the city, which lost the power of the divine bird, got hit with a destructive blow. We the people, also shall submerge along with this city. Furthermore, the monster, before long will eat up the gold and die soon. After that, we don't know how many months counting, but to the person who is looking at this right now... That is one who crossed over the valley, and also climbed over the three protective terrain to make it here. That is the elected one. For that elected person, we have a wish that we want you to hear and comply with. We want you to set the Golden Condor free. The Golden Condor is residing in the Cave of the Waterfall Basin, which is in the interior of the Origin of Rainbows. If the monster's thread is cut, then the Golden Condor will be free, or so we think. However, that is true only if the monster is dead. Koppa says, "Hmmm, this looks to be stories of long ago. Right now, that monster, or whatever you call it, is probably not alive, don't you agree?" --- 中継地点 虹の根もと[ちゅうけいちてん にじのねもと] Relay Site - The Origin of Rainbows -A simple path to the waterfalls. When you enter the falls, Koppa gets a shiver down his spine. As you might have guessed, the monster is still alive, and you must fight it to death. 30滝壺の洞窟[たきつぼのどうくつ] 30. Cave of the Waterfall Basin -Here you will have to fight the Demon Eclipse Insect, the boss of Table Mountain. He has 250 HP, so fighting him normally is not a good idea. If you have a Blank Paper Scroll, then type in the effect of the Genocide Scroll. じぇのさいど ジェノサイド Throw it at the insect and it will kill it in one hit. The other monsters around will die too. An Ether Devil Meat also helps, since it makes you invisible to monsters. Getting that meat is difficult, though, since the Ether Devil only appears in the Table Mountain area, and is invisible unless you drink the Eyedrop Herb. Plus this monster will reflect the effects of staffs, so swinging the Bufu Staff won't work. You have to throw the Bufu Staff at it in order to get the Ether Devil Meat. While invisible, the monsters won't attack you, since they can't see you. -There may be other ways to defeat the Demon Eclipse Insect, but since this game has infinite possibilities, I can't cover them all. Another way to beat this monster easily is to throw a weak monster meat at it. Now it will be snap to beat, but you won't the 9999 experience if you killed it in it's original form. -Once you defeat the Demon Eclipse Insect, and free the Golden Condor, it won't appear ever again, so the second time around the game may be a little easier. After defeating the insect, the surrounding monsters will die too. Now go up and cut the threads. The Golden Condor will be free. It will offer Shiren to ride on it's back. It will take off and leave a golden feather behind. Congratuations, you have just cleared the game! The Condor will make it's flight, and a lot of people will see it. People will begin to make their wishes, as legends say that wishes will be granted while the Golden Condor is in flight. Gaibara will mention that is the legendary condor, how beautiful. Saruyama will tell his teacher to hurry up and make a wish, as everyone else is doing so. Gaibara thinks for a while, but he can't think of a wish. What will happen now? Gaibara asks Saruyama to bring it out. Saruyama will take out a pot, thinking Gaibara means bringing out a pot, but Gaibara tosses it aside and tell him, not that! He meant for Saruyama to make a wish for him. The Golden Condor will drop off Shiren and Koppa at a forest. As they start their walk back to Canyon Inn Town, the Condor will fly away, leaving behind a golden shimmer. Now sit back and watch the credits while you see a shadow of Shiren and Koppa walking towards you. Once you clear the game, you will have a Condor Mark on your save file to prove your worth. If you clear the game a second time, then the Condor won't be there, but it's feather will be there to pick up. There won't be any credits the second time around and above. When you clear the game a second time, Shiren will return to Canyon Inn Town, keeping all items he had at the time of completion. -After clearing the game, the things people will say to you will change. They will praise you for your efforts in freeing the Golden Condor. Now you will notice Gaibara's Fourth Apprentice waiting for you. He seems out of breath. He will ask of Shiren to help save their teacher, Gaibara. He will tell you to talk to Saruyama for more information. When you get to the Town of the Mountain Summit, go to Gaibara's Mansion. Saruyama will greet you. He will say that Gaibara has went inside the cave for some materials for his pots. Gaibara hasn't come back. Where is the cave? Well the hanging scroll of the "Heart of the Pot", behind that scroll a cave has appeared. Saruyama will give you a warning. Any items brought inside to the cave will disappear, so store the items away at the Warehouse or Parcel Place before entering. Then he will ask if Shiren knows the "Way of the Trap". Say no, then Saruyama will explain that Shiren must have been mortified by the many traps during his journey. Even further is that monsters were immune to traps. The Way of the Trap is an art of self defense, using traps in a unexpected way. When this cave is entered, for some reason you will always start with the Trap Master Bangle. With this bracelet, the wearer will become immune to traps, at the same time, make monsters able to become caught in traps. This is the key to going deep inside this cave. Koppa will ask how does he know so much. Saruyama will say that Gaibara was also the teacher of the way of the trap. Gaibara wrote a book, "The Way of the Trap, In a Straight Line." Saruyama will wish you luck, and hopes the God of Traps, Kaka-Lue is smiling at you. -If you visit the Village of Bamboo Thicket, a farmer will tell you that thunder fell on the backside of the mountains, and he is going to check it out. Go to the place where the offering was, and now you see a group of people surrounding the hole. Apparently, someone went inside, knowing that a rare meat is waiting for him inside. He called himself the Wandering Chef. Koppa will tell Shiren that is must Naoki, the one who help build a new restaurant in the Town of the Mountain Summit. ------ 食神のほこら[しょくじんのほこら] The Small Shrine of the Food God -Secret Dungeon #1. -Entrance = At the Village of the Bamboo Thicket, at the place where the offering to Bufu was. Now the large rock has vanished, and a huge hole is in the ground. -Conditions to enter = Clear the game, and helped Naoki the chef and got the Bufu Staff. -Any items brought in to this dungeon will be gone, so don't bother. -Level will be reduced to 1. -The Floor, LV, HP, and Gitan will be displayed in Blue color. -Shiren will always start with Bufu's Kitchen Knife, and a Large Hand Rolled Sushi. -This dungeon is devoted to using monster meat. The starting equipment, the Bufu's Kitchen Knife, will allow defeated monsters to drop their meat, but not always. -Not many items appear here, but if you can find the Disposable Shield, then that is the most powerful defense, since while in monster form, that shield will not weaken. -To clear this dungeon, you must find and talk to Naoki the chef who is wandering somewhere on the 25th Floor and above. He will reward you with a Facade Soldier Meat, which is a rare monster meat. ------ 掛軸裏の洞窟[かけじくうらのどうくつ] The Cave Behind the Hanging Scroll -Secret Dungeon #2 -Entrance = The Town of the Mountain Summit, Gaibara's Mansion. You can use the cart to take you there quickly. -Conditions to enter = Clear the game, and helped Gaibara the potter to create the Synthesis Pot. -Any items brought inside will be gone. -Level will be reduced to 1 if above 1. -The Floor, LV, HP, and Gitan will be displayed in Green color. -Shiren will always start with a Trap Master Bangle and a Large Hand Rolled Sushi. -This dungeon focuses on trap useage. The starting equipment, the Trap Master Bangle will make Shiren immune to traps, allows Shiren to see the location of traps, and will make monsters get caught in traps. -A fair amount of items appear here. There are just a few items with negative effects, like the Monster House Scroll. -To clear this dungeon, you must find and talk to Gaibara the potter who is somewhere on the 16th Floor and above. If you do find him, he will reward you with a Resentment Dispel Pot, which will explode on contact if thrown. ------ フェイの最終問題[ふぇいのさいしゅうもんだい] Fei's Final Problem -Secret Dungeon #3 -Entrance = Canyon Inn Town, behind the Ranking of Wanderers Board, where Fei lives. -Conditions to enter = Clear the game, which is Kobami Valley, Clear the Small Shrine of the Food God, Clear the Cave Behind the Hanging Scroll, and Clear all 50 of Fei's Problems at least once. After all conditions are met, then talking to Fei will allow you to challenge the Final Problem. -Any items brought inside will be lost. Same with any comrades brought in. -Level will be at 1. -The Floor, LV, HP, and Gitan will be displayed in Red color. -Shiren will always start with a Large Hand Rolled Sushi. -This dungeon is more like the Main Dungeon, but now the Scrolls, Herbs and Seeds will now be unidentified as well as the Pots and Staffs. Just about every monster will make an appearance. -Just about every item will appear here, including the ones with negative effects. Since a lot of items will be unidentified, it is risky using an item to identify it. -To clear this maniac dungeon, you must make it to the 100th Floor, where the Reverse Side of the Earth awaits you. The secret of Fei is waiting here too. Making it here is extremely difficult. -If you clear this dungeon, then you will get a Mamul Mark on your save file, right beside the Condor Mark. This Mamul Mark is a sign of complete mastery. フェイの最終問題の百階に存在する物 The thing that exists at the 100th floor of Fei's Final Problem ここは「地球の裏側」 Here is the Reverse Side of the Earth マムル「早いもン勝ちどよ」 Mamul: The faster one is the winner. マムル「シレンさん、 いっしょに記念撮影しようよ。 はい、チイズ! とった写真は、 チュンソフトに送ってネ」 Mamul: Mr. Shiren, Together, let's have a commemoration photography shot. Ready, yes? Cheese! The photograph you just took, send it to Chun Soft, okay? マムル「フラッシュ撮影は、ダメだよ」 Mamul: It is no good to use Flash Photography. マムル「シャッタースピードは、 遅くしたほうがいいよ」 Mamul: For the shutter speed, it is better to use a slower speed. 妹「兄ちゃん、早く帰ってくるヨロシ。 おみやげ、待ちどおしいアル」 Younger Sister: I hope big brother will return soon. I'm looking forward to some souvenirs. 弟「かあちゃん、はらへったアル」 Younger Brother: Mother, I'm hungry. 母「うちの長男は、自慢息子。 不思議のダンジョンを研究しに、 はるか遠くまで、行っているアル」 Mother: Our eldest son is the proudest son. He is researching the Dungeon of Wonder, and for that, he has traveled far away to a distant land. 父「ここ、ワタシたちが 住んでいる村アルよ」 Father: This place is the village where we reside. 最終問題を無事に解くと、フェイはこう言う。 When you have solved the Final Problem, then Fei will say the following. 地変学者フェイ「シレンさん、 なんだか マムルくさいアル… エッ!このダンジョンが、 ワタシの家まで、つうじているッ?! ビックラ コキマロッ!!」 Natural Calamity Scholar Fei: Mr. Shiren, somehow, you smell of Mamul... What? This dungeon is a path that goes straight to my house? (he is surprised at what you have done) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ フェイの問題編 Fei's Problem Compilation Here is the walkthrough for the 50 Fei Problems. While it is not necessary to clear these problems, clearing all 50 is one of the conditions in accessing the 3rd Secret Dungeon. Once you clear all 50 problems, it starts all over at problem 1 and repeats. Notation U = Up D = Down L = Left R = Right some number = move that many steps. face a direction = Hold Y button while pushing that direction. Ex. U3, DR4 means move up 3 steps, then go down-right (diagonal) 4 spaces. Note that there could be more than one solution to each problem. Don't bring any items into the problems, since they will just disappear. You can't challenge the next problem until you Interrupt the game and start over from the beginning. The items received for clearing a problem may be random and different for your game, so beware. --- 1. This problem makes you practice walking diagonally across water. Begin by going D2, DL1, DR2, R2, UR1, UL2, UR1, R2, DR2, DL1, and D2. Get Item = Poison Erase Herb 2. Practice finding secret passages by striking the wall. Begin by going R1, then A button to open the way. Go R5, D3, A, D5, Face R, A, R6, Face D, A, D1, Face L, A, L3, D5 and done. Get Item = Poison Erase Herb 3. There is a Mamuun monster across a patch of water. Begin by U1 to pick up a Dragon Herb. Go R1, Face U, and Drink the Dragon Herb. This should do about 70 damage to kill the monster. Shiren will go up to Level 3. Now go DR1, R5, U4, L9, and done. Get Item = Club 4. Here, we have monsters separated by columns of water. Begin by going R1, and pick up a Place Exchange Staff [3]. Now Swing this staff at the monster across the water, and do it two more times. Go R2 to reach the stairs. Get Item = Sea Lion's Shield 5. There is one Gather monster across the water. Go L1 to pick up an Identification Scroll. Go R2 for an unidentified staff. Now Read the scroll on the staff. It is a Blow Off Staff [1]. Face D, and Swing the staff at the monster. Go R2, D2, L6, D3, R3 and done. Get Item = Plating Scroll 6. Here you will have to run from a Mamuun in a field of traps. Go D1 for an Eyedrop Herb. Drink it so you can see the traps. Go R4, U4, R2, D4, R2, U4, R2, D4 and done. Get Item = Leather Carapace Shield +1 7. There are nine monsters, with a lot of Gitan laying around. Begin by going R1 for a Deep Sleep Scroll. Read the scroll, then go R3, U1 and done. The Gitan are just a distraction. Get Item = Leather Carapace Shield +3 8. This is more of a random problem. Go U1 for an Eyedrop Herb. Drink it. Go U1 and step on the Coiled Spring Trap. Shiren will randomly warp to somewhere else in the room. Just keep stepping on the traps until you reach the area near the stairs. If you're lucky, it will take you there in 1 shot. Get Item = Long Roll Up 9. There are six monsters in an enclosed space by water. Go D1, DL1, L1 for a Binding Paralysis Staff. The Piitan will have escaped, but since it tries to run from Shiren, don't worry about it. Now go L3, UL1, U3. Face R then swing the staff. Now the monsters can't get out. Go UR1, R1 and done. Get Item = Otogirisou 10. In this problem, Shiren will have to make it to the stairs while avoiding the arrows shot by a Cross Bouya monster. Begin by going D2, U2, R2, DR1, R2, UR1, DR1, UR2, D1 and done. Get Item = Japanese Sword +1 --- 11. This is a scroll reading and writing practice. Go R1 to pick up a Vacuum Kill Scroll. Read it to kill all 5 monsters. Shiren will now be at Level 4. Now go R11 to pick up a Blank Paper Scroll. The rest of the directions will depend on what you decide to write onto the scroll. There are 5 choices to write, listed below. しんくうぎり Vacuum Kill = After reading, go R3 and done. こまったとき Time of Worry = After reading, go L1, D2, R3, UR1, U1, and done. ばくすい Deep Sleep = After reading, go L1, D2, R3, UR1, U1, and done. じばく Suicide Bombing = After reading, go R3 and done. せいいき Sacred Precinct = Put this scroll on the floor instead of reading it. While on it, monsters can't attack you, so just keep attacking with your fist until all monsters have been defeated. Then go R3 and done. Get Item = "Rest in Peace" Sickle 12. Shiren will be surrounded by monsters. Go D1 for an Eyedrop Herb. Drink it and you can see a Large Scale Land Mine Trap where you started. Go U1 and the resulting explosion will wipe out everything. Go R10 and done. Get Item = Mamul Meat 13. A wall digging problem. Go R1, UL1, and R1 for a Pickaxe +1, Pickaxe, and a Clairvoyance Bracelet. Equip these and then press A to dig the wall to the right. Go R4 while digging, then D1 for 511 Gitan (may be a random amount, so your game may be different). Go R2, U1, R3, and D2 for another Pickaxe. Go R1, continue to dig to the R12. Go D1 and done. Get Item = Otogirisou 14. Use traps to move across water. Go U1 for an Eyedrop Herb and Drink it. Go DL1, L1, UL1, then R1 and step on the Log Trap. If it doesn't trigger, do it manually from the Status Menu. Now go D1, L2, DL1, DR1 and step on the trap. Go D2 and done. Get Item = Bronze Carapace Shield +1 15. Here you can use items and a monster to help you move across water. Go L4 and get a Sea Lion Pot [1]. Face D and Push the pot. The Sea Lion will jump across the water and grab the Place Exchange Staff [1]. Face U, then throw the pot against the northern wall. Go U1 and pick up the staff. Go R3, then Face D and Swing the staff. Go DL1, D1 and done. Get Item = Ghost White Radish Meat 16. Go L1 to pick up a Back of Body Pot [6]. Go R2 for an Eyedrop Herb. Drink the herb. Now you can see a Land Mine Trap. Go UL1, U6. You will see 3 Bean Bandits. Hit A button to swing your fist once, then go D5, then R1 and step on the mine. Then swing your fist once, then trigger the trap again. This should kill all three bandits. Now Push the pot to recover lost HP. Go L1, U13 to see 3 Ghost White Radishes. Swing your fist once, then go D5, R1 and step on the mine. Swing the fist once, then trigger the mine. Push the pot to recover HP if necessary. Swing your fist until the third monster appears then trigger the trap once more. After all are dead, go L1, U8, done. Get Item = Wood Carapace Shield +1 17. This is a simple scroll reading exercise. Go L1, then R2 to get 2 Vacuum Kill Scrolls. Read one of them to kill the 3 Mamuuns. Shiren will now be at Level 6. Go R7, D1. Read the other scroll to kill another set of 3 Mamuuns. Shiren will now be at Level 7. Go D3, L7, DL1 and done. Get Item = Otogirsou 18. In this problem, use traps and items to lure a powerful monster away. Begin by going DR1 for an Eyedrop Herb. Drink it to see a row of traps. Go U2 for a Confusion Avoiding Bangle. Equip it. Go UL1, L4 (the bangle will protect you) DL1, D1. Go L6 to meet a Nishikin monster. Go R6, UR1, U1, R4, D4, L4, UL1, U1, L8 and done. Get Item = Ghost White Radish Meat 19. This problem has you throwing the Genocide Scroll to kill monsters. Go L2 to pickup 2 Genocide Scrolls. Face D and throw one at the Death Messenger monster. If it hits, it will kill all of that type of monster. Face UR, then throw the other scroll at the Mamuun. This will kill all the Mamuuns. If you miss, then there are two more Genocide Scrolls to the right. Now go L1, DL1, DR1, R3 and done. Get Item = Japanese Sword 20. Here, you can see how the Time of Worry Scroll works. Go D1 for a Time of Worry Scroll. Go D3 and three different traps will hit you. Shiren will be poisoned, can't see clearly and confused. Now read the scroll that you just got. HP will be restored, can walk straight and Shiren will be able see correctly. Now go D9 and get another Time of Worry Scroll. Shiren will be surrounded by 5 Gather monsters. Read the scroll and then all 5 will be paralyzed. Go UR1, DR1, D, DL2, D1 and done. Get Item = Blessing of the Earth Scroll --- 21. Here you will use items to cross over water, and keep an enemy at your back all the way to the stairs. Begin by going L1, DL1, DR1 for an unidentified staff and a Identification Pot [1]. Take the pot and put the staff inside. The staff turns out to be a Place Exchange Staff [1]. Now Face R and Throw the pot at the wall. Go R2 to pick up the staff. Now go DL2, L3, D8. Face R and swing the staff at the Mamul. Now go R16 to face a Mamuun while picking up a Wooden Arrow. Now go L3, D3, L4, U3, R11 and done. Get Item = Poison Erase Herb 22. This problem has you avoiding Pitfall traps while using two different staffs to help push away a pursuer. Go D1 for an Eyedrop Herb. Drink it. Now press A twice to swing your fist twice. Depending on which side the Mamuun goes, go to the opposite side. In my case, I would go DR1, DL1, D8, L2, D4. Now go DR7, D4, R6 for a Blow Off Staff [1]. Go R3 for a Place Exchange Staff [1]. Now go R3 to reach a dead end. Face L and swing the Blow Off Staff at the monster. Now swing the Place Exchange Staff. Now go L2, U4, UR1, U6 and done. Get Item = Poison Erase Herb 23. Here you will learn what will happen if two monster are sent to the stairs via the Temporary Tiding Over Staff. Begin by going L1 to get a Temporary Tiding Over Staff [2]. Swing it at the Mamul in front of you. Now go L10 and swing swing the staff at the Mamuun. Now go L10 and both monsters will be paralyzed. Attack only Mamul (the cute blue one) that is on the stairs, since that is the weaker monster of the two. It should go down in two hits. Go L1 and done. Get Item = Club +1 24. Here you will use weapons to fight some monsters. Begin by going DL1, for an Eyedrop Herb. Drink it. Now go R2 for a Bronze Carapace Shield. Equip this shield. Go D1, DL1 and U1 and step on the Log Trap. Go L1 to pick up a Bewitching Sword Whirlwind Cutter +5. Equip this weapon, which has a three- way attack. Swing it once and it should defeat 2 Bean Bandits. Go U1, Face R and swing the sword. It should kill to more bandits. Now face L and swing again. It should kill one bandit. Face R and swing the weapon twice to kill the remaining bandit. Now go R4, D1, R7 and done. Get Item = Mamul Meat 25. The problem is, there are stairs that are surrounded by water and all staffs have 0 uses, so swinging it will do nothing. Begin by going UL1, R2 to get three Bufu Staffs [0]. Go UR1, U2, UL1, L1, U6. Now just keep swinging your fists until the Pakorepkin monster is in front of you (the monster moves about randomly). Now throw one of the staffs at the monster. Now go and pick up the meat that was left behind. Now eat the meat and Shiren will transform in the Pakorepkin monster. This monster can pass through walls and walk over water, things Shiren can't do in human form. Head down to reach the stairs. Get Item = Long Roll Up 26. This lesson shows the characteristics of the Flame Priest monster. Begin by going D1 for a Far Throw Bangle. Go DL1, U2 for three Dragon Herbs. Equip the Bangle then Face L and Drink the herb. You will see that fire will cause the Flame Priest to level up. Now throw the other two herbs at the monster. Normally the Flame Priest will burn up any thrown items (or in this case level up), but since you have the Far Throw Bangle equipped, throwing items can damage even this monster. Now go U1, UL1, DL2, L4, D1, L5, D1 to get two more Dragon Herbs. Now face L and throw the herb across the wall to kill the priest. If you miss (thrown items have a small chance of missing the target) then start the problem over from the beginning. Now go U3, L3, D2 and done. Get Item = Unidentified Bracelet 27. This problem has you running from a Father Tank monster. This problem can be random. Begin by going UL1, U2. If the monster follows, then go L1, A button once (to make the monster shoot the cannon) L1, Hold B and go UL1 to stand on the Gitan. Face DR, and press A until the monster comes right in front of you. Now Throw the Gitan at it, and it should kill the monster in one hit. If it misses, then go L1, DL1, L1, D2, DL1 and done. If the monster did not follow, then go L4 and if it follows now, go L1, A, L1, DL1, D2 and done. Get Item = Escaping Piitan Meat 28. Here, you will learn the characteristics of the Healing Rabbit. Begin by Facing R and press A to open a secret passage. Go R4, Face U, press A. Go U1, Face R and press A. Go R6 for 20 Iron Arrows. Go D1 for a Power Up Scroll. Read it, then equip the arrows, face R and press L button to shoot. Now the rabbit will warp in to heal the injured monster. Go for the rabbit first (the monster's position varies) and it should take about 3 shots by the arrows to kill it. Now shoot the remaining Death Messenger until it's killed. Now go to the stairs. Get Item = Plating Scroll 29. Here is one of those random problems, so directions may not apply in your case. This method usually works, though. Begin by going UR3, R1. The Skeleton Heresy monster across the river will swing a staff with random effect at Shiren. There rest varies depending on what happens. Try to make it to the stairs while avoiding the monsters. If you are lucky, then you will be teleported near the stairs with double speed, which makes it easy. If not so lucky, then start over from the beginning. Get Item = Unidentified Pot [4] 30. This problem requires Shiren to do some fighting. Begin by going UR1 for a Medicial Herb. Go L1 for a Heavy Attire Shield +10. Go L1 for a Curse Avoidance Bangle, L1 for a Long Roll Up +12. Equip all three of these. Go R3, UR1, U1. Face UL and swing the weapon until the monster dies. Keep attacking until all three monsters are gone. Use the herb to recover HP if need be. Now go UL1, L3, UL1, U1, UR1, DR1, R2 to get a Long Roll Up +18, a Heavy Attire Shield +20 and an Otogirisou. Equip the new stuff, then go UR1, U2. Now fight until all monsters are dead. Even if the Gedoro keeps muliplying, just keep fighting. Now go UL1, L4 and done. Get Item = Unidentified Staff --- 31. This problem has many monsters, but of the same type. Begin by going DL1, R2 to pick up two Genocide Scrolls and a Skeleton Heresy Staff [7]. Throw the Genocide Scroll at the Mamul after facing D. Then throw the other scroll at the Mamuuns. If you miss, then Interrupt and start the problem over again. Go DL1, D6 and done. Get Item = Stomach Expansion Seed 32. This problem has you using a trap to help escape. Begin by going UR1, U6, L4, U1 to get a Brightness Scroll and an Eyedrop Herb. Use both of these items and then go L2, D1 and step on the Log Trap. This will defeat the Darkness Owl that is blocking the way. Now go D3 and step on the trap again. You will end up on the stairs. Choose Stair from the Status Menu and go up. Ignore the two other monsters that are nearby. Get Item = Power Herb 33. This problem makes you run to the stairs while the monsters are distracted. Go R1, D1 for a Substitution Staff and a Pickaxe. Equip the Pickaxe, face R swing the staff. Now swing the weapon once, then one of the monsters will kill the substitute and level up. Now swing the staff at that leveled up monster. Now go U3, dig R, go R4 and done. If the substitute moves near the stairs, then wait until they move away before dashing for the stairs. Get Item = Deluxe Hand Rolled Sushi 34. Here you will have to distract the Plowed Field Lay to Waste monsters before they ruin the items that are laying on the floor. Go R1 for a Weed. Face L (that's hold Y and press left) and throw the weed. Now go UR3, U3 for a Blow Off Staff [2] and a Pickaxe. Go L1, D1, for a Place Exchange Staff and a Pickaxe. Go UL1, face D, then swing the Blow Off Staff at the enemy. Now swing the Place Exchange Staff. Go DL1, L1 and done. Get Item = Darkness Owl Meat 35. This is another random problem, so the solutions could differ. Go R2 for a Brightness Scroll. Read it, and go DR1, R1 for a Far Throw Bangle. Equipping it is optional. Go DL1, L1 for an Eyedrop Herb. Drink it to see an Alarm and Coiled Spring Traps. Go DL1, L1 to trip the alarm. Go D1 and step on the Spring Trap. Now chase the Thieving Sea Lion monster and attack it until killed. Since this monster won't attack you, it is safe. Pick up the Pickaxe that is left behind. Equip it and dig to the right and up and make your way to the stairs. Get Item = Power Herb 36. This problem has you using the double speed of a certain monster to help escape from other monsters. First go U1, L1, D1 to pick up 3 Bufu Staffs [0]. Now face R and throw the staff at the Death Messenger. Now go DR2, UR1, U1 to pick up the monster meat. Now eat the meat, which will give you double speed. Go UR3, U6. Now go R4, then L4 to lure the monsters out. Now go U2, UR3, R2 and done. Get Item = Long Roll Up 37. This problem has you fighting monsters one on one. First go U1, R1, UL1, L1 to pick up a Disposable Shield and an One Eyed Murderer, a pair of each. Equip the cursed ones, as you will see why in a moment. Now go R1, U4, R1, U5. Go UL1, R2 for Two Life Herbs and one Medicinal Herb. Drink the two Life Herbs, then hold A & B buttons until Shiren's HP is full to 25. Now go R1, then DL2 to lure out one Gaze monster. Now face UR and swing the sword to make it come to you. Keep swinging the weapon until you kill it. It will try to hypnotize you, but because the equipment is cursed, it can't unequip it for you, but it still gets a free turn. After leveling up to 2, then hold A and B until your HP is full. Go UR2, then DR2 to lure the second Gaze out. Now repeat as above by facing UR and swing away until dead. Now Shiren will be at level 3. Hold A and B to recover HP, then go UR2, face U and swing away until the third monster is killed. Now go U2, UL2 and done. Get Item = Identification Scroll 38. Here is a practice in avoiding the Dancing Polygon Monster. Go D5, R1, D3. Now follow the path of the sushi. DR1, DL1, DR1, DL1, DR1 for a Place Exchange Staff [1]. Now go L1, R1, UL1, UR1, DR1, U1. Now go R8 to pick up a Blow Off Staff [1]. Face U, swing the Place Exchange Staff at the Healing Rabbit. Now go R1, U5. Face D and swing the Blow Off Staff at the annoying Dancing Polygon monster. Now go UR1, R2 and done. Get Item = Unidentified Pot 39. This problem has you using the power of some shields to help you clear this session. Go UR1, for a Land Mine Nabari Shield. Go L2 for a Sea Lion's Shield. Equip the Land Mine Nabari Shield. Now go UR1, U7, UR1, U1 for a Far Throw Bangle. Equip this bangle. Now the Flame Priest will move to the bottom side. Go UR1, R10. Now go R1 to trigger an invisible Land Mine Trap. Now there will be two Flame Priests. Go DR2 for a Dragon Herb. The Sea Lion will steal something from you, or just stare at you. Go DR1, R3 for another Dragon Herb. Now face L and throw a Dragon Herb at the priests, who should be lined up in a row. If one misses, you're dead, so start over if that happens. Once both are gone, go L4, UL1, and done. Get Item = Identification Scroll 40. Here are the last 11 problems. These are some of the more harder ones, so get ready. In this problem, you will be moving in diagonal to help save turns. Go U1 to get an Eyedrop Herb. Drink it, and you will see a pattern of Circular Board Traps. Now go D6, R5, DR1, D3, DL1, L3, UL1, U1, UR1 for a Dragon Herb. Go DR1 for another Dragon Herb, then R1 for a Blow Off Staff. Now face DL and Drink one of the herbs. This should kill the Death Messenger in one blow. Now Face L and drink the other herb. This will kill the Mamuun in one blow as well as level up Shiren to 4. Now face D and swing the staff at the remaining monster. Now go UL1, L1, DL1, D1, DR1, R3, UR1, U3, UL1, L5, U6. Now go UR1, U2, UL1, L1, DL1, DR1 and done. Get Item = Unidentified Bracelet --- 41. This is an exercise in meats and staffs. Go D1 to pick up a Bufu Staff [0]. Face U and throw the staf at the monster. Go U2 and take the meat. Now eat the Darkness Owl Meat. Doing so also lights up the room, opens secret passageways, and makes Shiren's presence unknown to monsters in a room. Now go U5, UL1, U2 for a Temporary Tiding Over Staff [1]. Go R2 for a Place Exchange Staff [2]. Now go U1, UL1, U1. Now change back to human form. Now swing the Temporary Tiding Over Staff up at the Gather monster. Now swing the Place Exchange Staff. You will end up right on the stairs, so you're done. Get Item = Unidentified Bracelet 42. This problem has a shop that you can buy from, for a change. Begin by going U1 to face 2 Gamaras. These monsters won't attack you, but instead they try to steal Gitan. Keep swinging your fists until you defeat one. Now hold B, then go U1 to step on the Gitan. This way, the other Gamara won't be able to steal from you. Now face R and swing away until the second Gamara is gone. Now take the Gitan that is underfoot, (pick it up) then go R1 for the other sack. You should have about 2000 Gitan (numbers may vary). Now go U6, R8, U5, and L2. Shiren is now inside of a shop. The shop sells these stuff. A Large Hand Rolled Sushi for 200G, a Dragon Herb for 500G, a Happiness Bracelet for 10000G, another Dragon Herb for 500G, an Invincible Herb for 3000G, yet another Dragon Herb for 500G, a Doutanuki +55 weapon for 7800G, yet another Dragon Herb for 500G, and a Deep Sleep Scroll for 200G. Go DL1, L2 and pick up a Dragon Herb and a Deep Sleep Scroll. Go R3 and Face U and talk to the shopkeeper. Pay the 700 Gitan for the items, then go U1, R6 to reach a room with three monsters. Read the scroll, then drink the herb to kill the Father Tank. Go R3 and done. Get Item = Genocide Scroll 43. This problem has you circling around some rooms while fighting some status suckers. Begin by going U1 to get a Drain Buster +5. Equip it, which will cost a turn. Now go UR1 (there is a Hunger Switch Trap), R6, D9 for another Hunger Switch. Go L2, then U6, L4. Go UL1, L2 to get a Blank Paper Scroll. Now type in [せいいき] without the brackets to get the effects of the Sacred Precinct Scroll. Put this scroll on the floor (don't read it), so the that the monster will now just circle around you. Take your time in defeating the two monsters. Once that is done, go UL1, U1, L4, U6, L2, D9, R6. Now go UR1 to step on the Sacred Pricinct again. You are safe from harm, so just slash away until both monsters are dead. Now go UL1, U1, L4, U7, UL1, and done. You will be hungry by now, but don't worry about it. Get Item = Kalacloid Meat 44. Here is a general monster lesson. Go DL1, U2 to pick up a Temporary Tiding Over Staff [1], and Eyedrop Herb and a Blowoff Staff [1]. Drink the herb, then you can see the Ether Devil monster, which was once invisible. Go D1, and if the monster is not lined up with you, then swing your fists until so. Face L and swing the Blow Off Staff [1] at the monster. It will reflect the effect back at you. Shiren will take 5 damage, but no matter. Go D5, R1 for some Gitan, then DR1 for a "Hitting the Target" Sword +6. Equip this sword, so it doesn't get stolen. Now let one of the Gamaras steal your Gitan, by facing R and swing away. Now go R1, DR1, and let the Sea Lion steal one of your staffs. When nobody is behind you, go R6 to see Six Bean Bandits. Go L1 back into the passage. This way you can fight them one on one, instead of being surrounded. The weapon you have will never miss, so just Face R and swing away until all six are dead. Now go R4 and done. Get Item = Unidentified Staff 45. Here is a large room practice. Begin by going L8, U3. Go UL3 and pick up a Large Room Scroll along the way. Now go U4, R19, D3. Go DR3 and get another Large Room Scroll. Now go D4, L19, U3, UR2. Now read the Large Room Scroll. Go R6 and done. Get Item = Unidentified Staff 46. This is one of the harder problems, making you escape from four Doremlas monsters until you get enough staffs to retaliate. Begin by going DL1, UL2 for an Eyedrop Herb. Drink it (the monsters will not move). Now go DL2, UL1, L2, DL1, L6, D6. Now go R3, DR1, DL2, UL1, L1, D1 for Two Bufu Staffs [0]. Now go UR1, DR1, UR1, DR1 for a Place Exchange Staff [2]. Now go D3, DL1, L6, UL1, U1 for a Binding Paralysis Staff [2]. Face R and swing the Binding Paralysis Staff at the monster. Face D and press A once to swing your fist to lure another monster closer. Now swing the Binding Paralysis Staff at the monster that came close. Now go U4, UR1, R6. Face L and throw the Bufu Staff at the monster. Now Face D and throw the other Bufu Staff at the remaining monster. If it misses, then start over from the beginning. Go L4 to pick up the Doremlas Meat. Eat it to become this monster, which has a special skill in shoving the opposition away like a Blow Off Staff. Now go L2, DL1, D4. Now press the L button to pull of this monster's special skill. Now return to human form and swing the Place Exchange Staff at the monster that just got shoved. Now go DR1, R3 and done. Get Item = Unidentified Staff 47. This is a coin throw practice. Go DR1 for a Temporary Tiding Over Staff. Now swing this staff at the Mamuun. Go DR3, R4, UR1. Now hold B button while going UR1 to step on the Gitan. Face R and throw the Gitan at the monster. It will go 1/10 the amount of Gitan worth of damage. In this case, about 50 damage (the amount of Gitan varies). This should kill the Mamuun in one blow. Now go R3 and done. Get Item = Kalacloid Meat 48. This problem has you making the monster fight each other. Go UR1, L2 to get three Kiguni Tribe Seeds. Now face U and throw one at the Mamuun. It will begin to attack it's friends. Now face UR and throw another one at the Mamuun. Press A to spend turns until one dies. The other will level up into a Nishikin. Now go L1 and keep pressing A until the Nishikin is the only monster left. Press A until the Nishikin gets within one space of you. Now go R4, UR1, UL3, U1 and done. Get Item = Kalacloid Meat 49. Here is another random problem, so this might take a few tries. Go D2 for a Place Exchange Staff [1]. Now go DR1, R2 for some Gitan. Now go UL1, U1. If the Gamara steals your Gitan, then fine, but if not, then press A and B buttons until it does steal. It will randomly warp somewhere and move at double speed. It needs to be an even number of steps away from the stairs, otherwise it will never stop on the stairs exactly. Look at the mini-map to determine the position. If it is an odd number away from the stairs, then you may want to reconsider restarting. Now face DR and keep pressing A unitl the Gamara is right over the stairs. Swing the Place Exchange Staff and you are done. If the Gamara appears in the same room as Shiren, then you may want to consider restarting, since it will just run back and forth in the same place. Get Item = Huge Hand Rolled Sushi 50. The last problem. You would think it would be the hardest problem yet, right? It is actually one of the easiest. Go R1 to pickup a Passing Through Bangle. Equip this and go U2, R1, U1, R3, D1, R1, D4, L1, D1, L1, D6, R9, U12 and done. Notice the mini-map in that the rooms form a ? ! shape. Another way is to unequip the bangle while standing over water. This will sometimes warp you straight to the room with the stairs. This can be a faster way, usually. Get Item = Unidentified Staff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ データ編 Data Compilation This section has information on items, monsters, and traps. ------ 1。アイテム表 1. Item List --- 武器[ぶき] Weapons AP = Base Attack Power of that weapon, plus minus zero. Characteristic = Special powers that can be used with the Synthesis Pot to combine effects into one weapon. Description = What the weapon does. こん棒[こんぼう] Club AP = 2 Description = Will not rust, but this weapon cannot be forged. 長巻[ながまき] Long Roll-up AP = 3 Description = A spear like weapon. ブフーの包丁[ぶふーのほうちょう] Bufu's Kitchen Knife AP = 5 Characteristic = Can turn defeated monsters into meat. You always start with this weapon in "The Small Shrine of the Food God". カタナ Japanese Sword AP = 5 Description = A favorite weapon among most wanderers. If you can forge this weapon to the extreme, something good may happen. ドラゴンキラー Dragon Killer AP = 7 Characteristic = Does double damage to the Dragon Tribe. どうたぬき Doutanuki (Bronze Raccoon?) AP = 8 Description = It's high attack power makes it ideal for the base weapon for synthesis. 剛剣マンジカブラ[ごうけんまんじかぶら] Sturdy Sword Manji Kabura AP = 12 Description = A powerful blade created by the master swordsmith, Kabura. 成仏の鎌[じょうぶつのかま] "Rest in Peace" Sickle AP = 4 Characteristic = Does double damage to the Undead Tribe. つるはし Pickaxe AP = 1 Characteristic = Allows digging through walls. It will break after several uses. If this weapon is combined with another weapon, then the new weapon will also have a chance to break. There is a way to get an Unbreakable Pickaxe, but that's a Secret... 必中の剣[ひっちゅうのけん] "Hitting the Target" Sword AP = 2 Characteristic = Always hits the target, which means no missing. Missing the target costs one turn, so this weapon is great to combine with another weapon. ミノタウロスの斧[みのたうろすのおの] Mintauros Ax AP = 4 Characteristic = Has a chance for a "Congeniality Blow", which in Dragon Quest terms, means a critical hit for double damage. The Tauros Family sometimes drops this weapon upon defeat. 妖刀かまいたち[ようとうかまいたち] Bewitching Sword Whirlwind Cutter AP = 3 Characteristic = With one swing of this weapon, it can hit monsters in the front three positions. This 3-way attack is useful for groups of monsters. 1ツ目殺し[ひとつめごろし] One Eyed Murderer AP = 5 Characteristic = Does double damage to, not surprisingly, one-eyed monsters. ドレインバスター Drain Buster AP = 5 Characteristic = Does double damage to Status Suckers. That means monsters that attack your status rather a direct blow. 火迅風魔刀[かじんふうまとう] "Fire Swift Wind Demon Sword" AP = 30 Description = A rare weapon that cannot be found anywhere. It must be created from another weapon. Hint: This is a type of Japanese Sword. 秘剣カブラステギ[ひけんかぶらすてぎ] Secret Sword Kabura Stegi AP = 50 Description = Another rare weapon that must be made from another weapon. There is another weapon with a similar name... --- 矢[や] Arrows Description = What the items does. 木の矢[きのや] Wooden Arrow Description = Can attack from a distance. After equipping, press L button to shoot. 鉄の矢[てつのや] Iron Arrow Description = Does more damage than the Wooden Arrow. Actual attack power of an arrow depends on your level and strength. 銀の矢[ぎんのや] Silver Arrow Description = Has the attack power of the Iron Arrow, plus it can penetrate through anything. --- 盾[たて] Shields DP = Base Defensive Power of the shield, plus minus zero. Characteristic = Special powers of that shield that can be used by the Synthesis Pot to combine effects into one shield. Description = What the item does. 皮甲の盾[ひこうのたて] Leather Carapace Shield DP = 2 Characteristic = Reduces the hunger by half and this shield won't rust. This shield is very useful to combine with another shield. This will make you last longer before starving (the Glut Degree will go down 1% for every 20 turns instead of the normal 10 turns). 青銅甲の盾[せいどうこうのたて] Bronze Carapace Shield DP = 4 Description = A standard shield. 木甲の盾[もっこうのたて] Wood Carapace Shield DP = 3 Characteristic = Will not rust. 鉄甲の盾[てっこうのたて] Iron Carapace Shield DP = 7 Description = High defense. ドラゴンシールド Dragon Shield DP = 7 Characteristic = Reduces the damage done by fire by 1/2. 風魔の盾[ふうまのたて] Wind Demon Escutcheon DP = 12 Description = A rare shield that has a whirlpool mark sealed inside... バトルカウンター Battle Counter DP = 5 Characteristic = About 1/3 the damage taken will be returned to the enemy. 重装の盾[じゅうそうのたて] Heavy Attire Shield DP = 10 Description = This shield has high defensive power, but it will make you twice as hungry while equipped. やまびこの盾[やまびこのたて] Mountain Echo Shield DP = 5 Characteristic = Has the power to reflect magic attacks. It is useful against the Gaze Family of monsters and the Skeleton Heresy Family. 見切りの盾[みきりのたて] Forsaken Shield DP = 5 Characteristic = Increases the chance to avoid the attack of monsters. 見かけだおしの盾[みかけだおしのたて] False Impression Shield DP = 3 Description = It's a weak shield, despite the high price tag. 使い捨ての盾[つかいすてのたて] Disposable Shield DP = 30 Description = Has high defensive power, but for every attack taken, this shield's defensive power is reduced by 1. After taking many hits, it becomes too weak for any use. There is a little cheat, though. If you eat a monster meat while this shield is equipped, then as long as you are in monster form, every attack taken will not decrease the DP by 1. This keeps the shield at a high defensive power, so it's more like a huge cheat. 地雷ナバリの盾[じらいなばりのたて] Land Mine Nabari Shield (I don't know what Nabari means) DP = 3 Characteristic = Reduces damage done by explosions by 1/2. トドの盾[とどのたて] Sea Lion's Shield DP = 3 Characteristic = Prevents you from being stolen from. This is useful against the Gamara Family (which steal Gitan) and the Sea Lion Family (which steal items). ラセン風魔の盾[らせんふうまのたて] Spiral Wind Demon Escutcheon DP = 30 Description = The strongest shield, but you can't find it dropped anywhere. It's a Secret on how to get it, but the hint is that there is another shield with a similar name... --- 草と種[くさとたね] Herbs and Seeds Description = The effect of using these items. 薬草[やくそう] Medicinal Plant Description = Recovers 25 HP, if at Max HP, then drinking this will increase Max HP by 1. If this is thrown at Undead monsters, then it will do 25 damage. 弟切草[おとぎりそう] Otogirisou (Younger Brother Cutoff Grass) Description = Recovers 100 HP, if at Max HP, then this will increase Max HP by 2. Throwing this at Undead monsters will cause 100 damage. しあわせ草[しあわせそう] Happiness Herb Description = Increases your level by 1. It is best to drink it at higher levels, or just after leveling up. めぐすり草[めぐすりそう] Eyedrop Herb Description = Drinking it allow you to see invisible monsters and traps. It lasts only on the floor that it is used at. ドラゴン草[どらごんそう] Dragon Herb Description = Shoots fire in the direction facing for about 70 damage. The range is about 5 spaces. This item can be thrown at monsters for about 30 damage. 無敵草[むてきそう] Invincible Herb Description = For 20 turns, all damage received is 0. 天使の種[てんしのたね] Angel Seed Description = Drinking this rare item will increase your level by 5. 復活の草[ふっかつのくさ] Revival Herb Description = If HP = 0, then you will automatically revive to Max HP. Don't drink this herb, otherwise it will be a waste. Also, if this item is inside a pot, then the auto revive will not work. Just hold it in the item inventory and it will work automatically. くねくね草[くねくねそう] Wriggling Body Herb Description = Drinking this will cause you to lose 1 level. 不幸の種[ふこうのたね] Sorrow Seed Description = Drinking this will cause you to lose 3 levels. 超不幸の種[ちょうふこうのたね] Ultra Sorrow Seed Description = Drinking this will reduce HP and level to 1! キグニ族の種[きぐにぞくのたね] Kiguni Tribe's Seed Description = Makes the target go into an uncontrolable rage. It is best to throw it at enemies, but watch out for the monsters leveling up. 命の草[いのちのくさ] Life Herb Description = Raises Max HP by 5. If you find one, drink it right away. 胃拡張の種[いかくちょうのたね] Stomach Expansion Seed Description = Raises the Max Glut Degree by 10%. 胃縮小の種[いしゅくしょうのたね] Stomach Reduction Seed Description = Reduces the Max Glut Degree by 10%. ちからの草[ちからのくさ] Power Herb Description = Recovers Power by 1. If at Max Power, then Max Power will increase by 1. どく消し草[どくけしそう] Poison Erase Herb Description = Recovers lost Power due to poison. If at Max Power, then using this has no effect. どく草[どくそう] Poison Herb Description = When hit by this, HP goes down by 5, Power down by 1, plus it will cause the target to be slow footed. Slow footed meaning they can only move once for every two turns. 混乱草[こんらんそう] Confusion Herb Description = Causes the target to be confused. While confused, the target cannot attack in the correct direction. 睡眠草[すいみんそう] Sleep Herb Description = Causes the target to sleep. While sleeping, the target cannot move or make any action. The target will be open to attack while sleeping. 雑草[ざっそう] Weed Description = Drinking this will recover 5% Glut Degree, and throwing this at enemies will cause 1 damage. Other than that, it doesn't do much else. --- 巻物[まきもの] Scrolls Description = What the scroll does when read. おはらいの巻物[おはらいのまきもの] Purification Scroll Description = Removes the curse, if there is one, on equipped items. 識別の巻物[しきべつのまきもの] Identification Scroll Description = Reading it will allow you select another item on the list to identify. The unidentified items are the ones listed in yellow. Sometimes there are some lucky scrolls that will identify all items in your inventory. You can't tell the difference between the lucky ones and the normal ones, so just keep reading this scroll. あかりの巻物[あかりのまきもの] Brightness Scroll Description = Gives a full map of the floor that it is read on. The monsters are the red dots, while the blue dots represent items or Gitan. The yellow dot is Shiren, and the blue square represents the exit. 壺増大の巻物[つぼぞうだいのまきもの] Pot Enlargement Scroll Description = Reading it allow you to choose another pot. The pot that receives it will be able to hold one more space inside. 真空斬りの巻物[しんくうぎりのまきもの] Vacuum Kill Scroll Description = Does about 30 damage to all enemies inside a room. When read after reading the Power Up Scroll, it will do more damage. Be careful, since this can damage any friends that may be following along. くちなしの巻物[くちなしのまきもの] No Mouth Scroll Description = For the floor that this is read on, you cannot use any scrolls or eat any herbs or seeds. A big disadvantage. ワナの巻物[わなのまきもの] Trap Scroll Description = Reading this will cause more traps to appear on that floor. It is best used with the Trap Master Bangle. 困った時の巻物[こまったときのまきもの] Time of Worry Scroll Description = Helps you in a time of need. It has many effects, depending on situation. If HP is below max, then it will recover to Max HP. If 2 or more monsters are surrounding you, then all of them will be paralyzed. If Max Glut Degree is 0%, then Max Glut Degree is increased by 2. If Current Glut Degree is 0%, then it will recover to 100%. If Power is less than Max, then Power is restored to Max. If current equipment is cursed, then this will remove all curses. If you have 0 Gitan in possession, then this will give about 5000 Gitan. If you fall in mulitple categories, then it can help fix all of them. Some effects have priority over others, so look carefully at the situation before reading this scroll. 敵倍速の巻物[てきばいそくのまきもの] Enemy Double Speed Scroll Description = As the name suggests, reading this will make the monsters move at double speed. This will last the entire time you are on the that floor. バクスイの巻物[はくすいのまきもの] Deep Sleep Scroll Description = Reading this scroll will make all enemies in a room fall asleep. Even if you hit them while asleep, they won't wake up. However, after 20 turns, the monsters will wake up and move at double speed. Before that happens, try to find the stairs, or exit to escape. パワーアップの巻物[ぱわーあっぷのまきもの] Power Up Scroll Description = Reading it will increase the attack power. Multiple readings on the same floor will increase it even further. 自爆の巻物[じばくのまきもの] Suicide Bombing Scroll Description = A big explosion occurs and any surrounding monsters or items will disappear. This also leaves you with 1 HP. 大部屋の巻物[おおべやのまきもの] Large Room Scroll Description = When read, the floor will transform into one big room. The advantage is that finding the stairs to the next floor is easy. It can help when trying to steal items from a shop. The disadvantage is that monsters have a better chance to surround you, and enemies with long range attacks can hit you from off the screen. モンスターハウスの巻物[もんすたーはうすのまきもの] Monster House Scroll Description = Turns the current room into a Monster House. If you are not in room, it will randomly warp you to a room. The monsters also get a free turn. 混乱の巻物[こんらんのまきもの] Confusion Scroll Description = When read, it will confuse all monsters within a room. Confused monsters may still attack you, so it is not that reliable. ジェノサイドの巻物[じぇのさいどのまきもの] Genocide Scroll Description = When thrown at a monster, that monster and the other levels that monster has will not appear again for that particular session. You can only genocide one type of monster. If you hit another monster with this, then the first one genocided will be back. It is best used on the Dragons, since they have that long range fire breath attack. If you read this scroll, it will do nothing, so don't waste it. 白紙の巻物[はくしのまきもの] Blank Paper Scroll Description = By typing in the name of other scrolls, it can mimic the effect of that scroll. An all-purpose tool. Look for the list of what to type in below. 迷子の巻物[まいごのまきもの] Lost Scroll Description = Reading this will cause you to forget the places walked and traps discovered. You will have to find them all over again. 天の恵みの巻物[てんのめぐみのまきもの] Blessing of Heaven Scroll Description = Increases the level of the weapon that is equipped by 1. If the weapon is cursed, then reading this will remove that curse. 地の恵みの巻物[ちのめぐみのまきもの] Blessing of the Earth Scroll Description = Increased the level of the shield that is equipped by 1. If the shield is cursed, then reading this will remove that curse. メッキの巻物[めっきのまきもの] Plating Scroll Description = Reading this will put a rust-proof gold plating to the currently equipped weapon and shield. It is represented by a star symbol after the weapon or shield level. 吸い出しの巻物[すいだしのまきもの] Draw Out Scroll Description = Reading this allows you to pick a pot. After that, this scroll will suck out the contents of that pot. This is very useful, as it allows the pot to be reused. Normally, the pot has to be thrown against a wall and be broken in order to release the contents of that pot (other than the Preservation Pot). The only problem is that this scroll rare. 拾えずの巻物[ひろえずのまきもの] Cannot Pick Up Scroll Description = While on the floor that this read on, items cannot be picked up from off the floor. --- 白紙の巻物に書くお言葉 Words to write on the Blank Paper Scroll Here are the letters to type in the scroll to get the effects of the different scrolls. It is all right to type in either Hiragana or Katakana. Towards the bottom are the special words that are exclusive to the Blank Paper Scroll. おはらい Purification しきべつ Indentification あかり Brightness つぼぞうだい Pot Enlargement しんくうぎり Vacuum Kill くちなし No Mouth わな ワナ Trap こまったとき Time of Worry てきばいそく Enemy Double Speed ばくすい バクスイ Deep Sleep はわーあっぷ パワーアップ Power Up じばく Suicide Bombing おおべや Large Room もんすたー モンスター Monster House こんらん Confusion じぇのさいど ジェノサイド Genocide まいご Lost てんのめぐみ Blessing of Heaven ちのめぐみ Blessing of the Earth めっき メッキ Plating すいだし Draw Out ひろえず Cannot Pick Up 特殊な巻物 Special Scrolls Description = The effects of these special scrolls. 聖域[せいいき] Sacred Precinct Description = Putting this on the floor will create a save haven from monster attacks. As long as you stay standing on this scroll, you are safe from attacks, except for long range attacks. Monsters cannot step on this scroll. Once placed, it can't be moved, unless the Sea Lion's Pot is used. Pushing this pot will allow you to move the Sacred Precinct to another location, but after placing it on the floor, it will cling to the floor and cannot be moved again. 全滅[ぜんめつ] Annihilation Description = When read, a huge skeleton will appear with a red magical symbol in it's mouth. Then it will swallow up all monsters inside of a room. There is a condition, however, that must be met before you are allowed to use this scroll. First you must clear the game (Table Mountain) without using the Warehouse. This includes no use of the Warehouse Pot, not entering the Parcel Room, and not talking to any of the Couriers that are wandering about. Once that condition is met, then this scroll can be used. There is no confirmation of any sorts that this condition is met. --- 杖[つえ] Staffs Description = What the staff does when swung. 封印の杖[ふういんのつえ] Sealed Staff Description = Prevents monsters from using their special attacks. If the monster moves at double speed, then this staff will cut that in half. ふきとばしの杖[ふきとばしのつえ] Blow Off Staff Description = Pushes a monster back 10 spaces and causes 5 fixed damage. しあわせの杖[しあわせのつえ] Happiness Staff Description = Causes a monster to gain a level. Monsters usually have 3 levels. 不幸の杖[ふこうのつえ] Sorrow Staff Description = Causes a monster to lose a level. 身がわりの杖[みがわりのつえ] Substitution Staff Description = Changes the target into a confused, fake Shiren. Other monsters will attack the fake instead of the real one. If the fake is defeated, then the monster that did it will level up, so be careful. 場所替えの杖[ばしょがえのつえ] Place Exchange Staff Description = Swinging this at a target will cause them and Shiren to switch places in a instant. Good to use with the Blow Off Staff when trying to make an escape. ブフーの杖[ぶふーのつえ] Bufu Staff Description = Turns monsters into tasty meat. When you eat the meat of a monster, you will turn into that monster, with a temporary drop of level to 1, 2, or 3, depending on the mosnter level. You can use that monster's special ability if it has one by pressing the L button. The Naoki event must be cleared first before this staff will appear in Kobami Valley. ガイコツまどうの杖[かいこつまどうのつえ] Skeleton Heresy Staff Description = Does random effects of other staffs (not all staffs). This staff is sometimes dropped by the enemy family of the same name. かなしばりの杖[かなしばりのつえ] Binding Paralysis Staff Description = Swing this staff at a monster, and it will freeze in place. As long as you don't attack it, the monster will be unable to move forever. A good staff against powerful enemies, but the Alarm Trap can wake then up, so be careful. If you use the Substitution Staff first, then use this staff on a monster, then the monster will stay as the fake Shiren forever. Now just paralyze another monster beside the substitute, and that will create a 'wall' to prevent monsters from attacking the substitute. 一時しのぎの杖[いちじしのぎのつえ] Temporary Tiding Over Staff Description = Enemies hit with this staff will be sent to the stairs to the next floor in a paralyzed state. Since two monsters can't occupy the same space, first send a weak monster, then send a strong one. That way you only have to deal with the weak one when going to the next floor. 痛み分けの杖[いたみわけのつえ] Pain Sharing Staff Description = When you take damage, any enemy that got hit by this staff will also receive the same damage. --- 腕輪[うでわ] Bracelets/Bangles Description = Effect of that bracelet when equipped. 通過の腕輪[つうかのうでわ] Passage Through Bangle Description = Allows passage over water and it can find secret passages just by walking near. If this is unequipped while stepping over water, then Shiren will randomly warp somewhere else on that floor. 値切りの腕輪[ねぎりのうでわ] Bargain Dealing Bangle Description = When buying items from a shop, when the shopkeeper tells the price, say no once, then you can buy at half price. It doesn't affect selling items. ワナ師の腕輪[わなしのうでわ] Trap Master Bangle Description = Makes you immune to traps and allows monsters to get caught in traps. You always start with this item in the "Cave Behind the Hanging Scroll". レベル固定の腕輪[れべるこていのうでわ] Level Fixation Bangle Description = Wearing this will cause the level to stay the same, meaning no level ups, but also no level downs. 回復の腕輪[かいふくのうでわ] Recovery Bracelet Description = Allows faster natural recovery in HP, but it also makes you twice as hungry. 錆よけの腕輪[さびよけのうでわ] Rust Avoiding Bangle Description = Prevents equipment from rust. When rusted, the level of the weapon or shield drops by 1. 会心の腕輪[かいしんのうでわ] Congeniality Bracelet Description = Allows any weapon a chance for a "Congeniality Blow". It is like equipping a Mintauros Ax. 痛恨の腕輪[つうこんのうでわ] Regretful Bracelet Description = Gives the enemy a chance for a "Regretful Blow" for double damage to you. 呪いよけの腕輪[のろいよけのうでわ] Curse Avoiding Bangle Description = Protects from the curse of the Norojoe Family. When a piece of equipment is cursed, you cannot unequip it. 遠投の腕輪[えんとうのうでわ] Far Throw Bangle Description = Any item thrown will penetrate through anything. It's effective if the monsters are lined up in a row. However, when trying to break a pot, don't have this equipped, otherwise the pot will fly away into oblivion. しあわせの腕輪[しあわせのうでわ] Happiness Bracelet Description = For every turn that passes, 1 experience point is gained. With this, Shiren can level up just by walking for the early levels. 垂れ流しの腕輪[たれながしのうでわ] Incontinence Bracelet Description = This causes unequipped items in the inventory to be dropped on the floor every few steps. Bad times if this bracelet is cursed. 透視の腕輪[とうしのうでわ] Clairvoyance Bracelet Description = Gives you X-ray vision, allowing you to see the position of monsters and items on the mini-map. The monsters are the red dots, items and Gitan are the blue dots, Shiren the yellow dot, and the stairs are the blue square. If you see a bunch of red dots close together, then you can be sure that room is a Monster House. 混乱よけの腕輪[こんらんよけのうでわ] Confusion Avoiding Bangle Description = Prevents confusion from certain traps and certain enemies. While confused, you cannot fight very well, since you end up swinging in the wrong direction. While confused, it is better to just pass the turns by pressing A+B. together. 識別の腕輪[しきべつのうでわ] Identification Bracelet Description = Items picked off the floor will automatically be identified. Useful, but it's an extremely rare item. --- お握り[おにぎり] Hand Rolled Sushi Description = What the food does when eaten. おにぎり[おにぎり] Hand Rolled Sushi Description = Recovers 50% of the Glut Degree. If at Max Glut Degree, then this will increase Max Glut Degree by 1%. 大きいおにぎり[おおきいおにぎり] Large Hand Rolled Sushi Description = Recovers 100% of the Glut Degree. If at Max Glut Degree, then this will increase Max Glut Degree by 2%. くさったおにぎり[くさったおにぎり] Rotten Hand Rolled Sushi Description = Recovers 30% Glut Degree, but with some side effects. They can be any one of the following. Blind Eye Status = Cannot see for more than 1 space around Shiren. Confusion Status = Cannot attack straight. Fall Asleep = Shiren cannot move. Power Down = Power reduced by 3. Level Down = 1 level lost. 巨大なおにぎり[きょだいなおにぎり] Huge Hand Rolled Sushi Description = Recovers Glut Degree to Max. Plus it adds 5% to the Max Glut Degree, up to maximum of 200%. 特製おにぎり[とくせいおにぎり] Deluxe Hand Rolled Sushi Description = Recovers 30% Glut Degree, with some benefits. Here is a list. You will get one of the following. - Will not fall asleep - Immune to poison - Sleeping monsters will not wake up - Will not get hungry - Auto identification of items just by picking them up - Complete recovery of Hit Point - Raise Power by 1. If at Max Power, then raise Max Power by 1. These effects will last until you move on to the next floor. --- 壺[つぼ] Pots Description = Things the pot can do. 保存の壺[ほぞんのつぼ] Preservation Pot Description = Able to freely put in or take out items at will. This pot allows you to hold more items, since this item takes only one space. Normally you can only hold 20 items total, but a Preservation Pot [6] can hold six items while taking only one slot. Also, any Hand Rolled Sushi stored in this pot will prevent it from becoming Rotten. やりすごしの壺[やりすごしのつぼ] Go Past Pot Description = If used, Shiren will hide inside the pot and attempt to hide from the monsters. If thrown at a monster, the monster will be stuck inside the pot for a short period of time. 分裂の壺[ぶんれつのつぼ] Division Pot Description = Any item put inside this pot will split into two. The second item is an exact copy of the first one. Used with the Draw Out Scroll, this can lead to infinite item creation. 強化の壺[きょうかのつぼ] Strengthen Pot Description = After putting in a weapon or shield, go down to the next floor. The weapon or shield will have gotten stronger. 識別の壺[しきべつのつぼ] Identification Pot Description = Any unidentified items put inside will become identified. 背中の壺[せなかのつぼ] Back of the Body Pot Description = Pushing this pot will completely recover HP, Status Disorder, and Power. 倉庫の壺[そうこのつぼ] Warehouse Pot Description = Any items put in here will disappear and get sent to the Warehouse in Canyon Inn Town. 弱化の壺[じゃっかのつぼ] Weakening Pot Description = After putting in a weapon or shield, go down to the next floor. The items inside will have gotten weaker. 底抜けの壺[そこぬけのつぼ] Bottomless Pot Description = Putting in an item will cause it disappear forever. Breaking this pot or using the Draw Out Scroll will cause a Pitfall Trap to appear. You can use this trap inside a dungeon store and use that as an escape when attempting to steal. This is a sure way to successfully steal. 魔物のる壺[まもののるつぼ] Monster Riding Pot Description = Pushing it will cause Shiren to be surrounded by monsters. It is better to throw it at the wall, which will make monsters appear, but in a confused state. Since it begins as an unidentified item, it is risky. 変化の壺[へんげのつぼ] Transformation Pot Description = Items put inside this pot will randomly change to another item. This is the only time that a pot can be inside of another pot. 合成の壺[ごうせいつぼ] Synthesis Pot Description = The same type of item put inside will be combined into one, retaining any special properties either one had. For weapons and shields, the first item put inside becomes the base. The second item put inside will combine with the base. For staffs, put two of the same staffs to increase the number of times you can swing the staff. You must clear the Gaibara event first, before this pot will appear randomly in Kobami Valley. トドの壺[とどのつぼ] Sea Lion's Pot Description = Pushing this pot will cause a Sea Lion to rush out and grab any item in front of it. Once done, it returns to the pot with that item. This can be a useful tool for trying to steal. Use it just outside the entrance to a store, and the shopkeeper won't notice. If you throw this pot, a group of Sea Lion monsters will escape from the pot and attempt to steal any nearby items. ガイバラの壺[がいばらのつぼ] Gaibara's Pot Description = Created by the master potter, Gaibara. Has no real purpose. アホくさいの壺[あほくさいのつぼ] Ridiculous Pot Description = Has no special properties. It's just a pot for Gaibara to throw around. 割れない壺[われないつぼ] Unbreakable Pot Description = Throwing it will cause it to bounce around, then disappear. Any items inside will be gone too. うっぷんばらしの壺[うっぷんばらしのつぼ] Resentment Dispel Pot Description = Throwing this pot will cause it to explode upon impact. Gaibara gives you this as a gift if you find him in the "Cave Behind the Hanging Scroll". --- 未識別アイテム表 Unidentified Item List 草と種 Herbs and Seeds 白い草[しろいくさ] White Grass 黒い草[くろいくさ] Black Grass 赤い草[あかいくさ] Red Grass 青い草[あおいくさ] Blue Grass 黄色い草[きいろいくさ] Yellow Colored Grass 緑の草[みどりのくさ] Green Grass 紫の草[むらさきのくさ] Purple Grass 紅色の草[こうしょくのくさ] Crimson Colored Grass 朱色の草[しゅいろのくさ] Vermilion Colored Grass 水色の草[みずいろのくさ] Light Blue Grass 空色の草[そらいろのくさ] Sky-Blue Grass 紺色の草[こんいろのくさ] Deep Blue Grass 灰色の草[はいいろのくさ] Gray Grass 茶色の草[ちゃいろのくさ] Light Brown Grass 虹色の草[にじいろのくさ] Rainbow Colored Grass 白黒の草[しろくろのくさ] Black and White Grass 紅白の草[こうはくのくさ] Red and White Grass 褐色の草[かっしょくのくさ] Brown Grass 黄緑の草[おうりょくのくさ] Pea Green Grass 肌色の草[はだいろのくさ] Flesh Colored Grass 無色の草[むしょくのくさ] Colorless Grass --- 巻物 Scrolls ネズミの絵の巻物[ねずみのえのまきもの] Picture of a Mouse Scroll ウシの絵の巻物[うしのえのまきもの] Picture of a Cow Scroll トラの絵の巻物[とらのえのまきもの] Picture of a Tiger Scroll ウサギの絵の巻物[うさぎのえのまきもの] Picture of a Rabbit Scroll リュウの絵の巻物[りゅうのえのまきもの] Picture of a Dragon Scroll ヘビの絵の巻物[へびのえのまきもの] Picture of a Serpent Scroll ウマの絵の巻物[うまのえのまきもの] Picture of a Horse Scroll ヒツジの絵の巻物[ひつじのえのまきもの] Picture of a Sheep Scroll サルの絵の巻物[さるのえのまきもの] Picture of a Monkey Scroll ニワトリの絵の巻物[にわとりのえのまきもの] Picture of a Rooster Scroll イヌの絵の巻物[いぬのえのまきもの] Picture of a Dog Scroll イノシシの絵の巻物[いのししのえのまきもの] Picture of a Wild Boar Scroll シカの絵の巻物[しかのえのまきもの] Picture of a Deer Scroll サイの絵の巻物[さいのえのまきもの] Picture of a Rhinoceros Scroll キリンの絵の巻物[きりんのえのまきもの] Picture of a Giraffe Scroll トカゲの絵の巻物[とかげのえのまきもの] Picture of a Lizard Scroll ライオンの絵の巻物[らいおんのえのまきもの] Picture of a Lion Scroll クマの絵の巻物[くまのえのまきもの] Picture of a Bear Scroll スズメの絵の巻物[すずめのえのまきもの] Picture of a Sparrow Scroll ツルの絵の巻物[つるのえのまきもの] Picture of a Crane Scroll ウグイスの絵の巻物[うぐいすのえのまきもの] Picture of a Japanese Nightingale Scroll カエルの絵の巻物[かえるのえのまきもの] Picture of a Frog Scroll カメの絵の巻物[かめのえのまきもの] Picture of a Tortoise Scroll ネコの絵の巻物[ねこのえのまきもの] Picture of a Cat Scroll --- 杖 Staffs 松の杖[まつのつえ] Pine Tree Staff 竹の杖[たけのつえ] Bamboo Staff 梅の杖[うめのつえ] Plum Staff 石の杖[いしのつえ] Stone Staff 柳の杖[やなぎのつえ] Willow Staff 栗の杖[くりのつえ] Chestnut Staff 骨の杖[ほねのつえ] Bone Staff 牙の杖[きばのつえ] Fang Staff 杉の杖[すぎのつえ] Cedar Staff 桐の杖[きりのつえ] Paulownia Staff 桜の杖[さくらのつえ] Cherry Tree Staff --- 腕輪 Bracelets トルコ石の腕輪[とるこいしのうでわ] Turquoise Stone Bracelet サンゴの腕輪[さんごのうでわ] Coral Bracelet ダイヤの腕輪[だいやのうでわ] Diamond Bracelet ヒスイの腕輪[ひすいのうでわ] Jade Bracelet コハクの腕輪[こはくのうでわ] Amber Bracelet エメラルドの腕輪[えめらるどのうでわ] Emerald Bracelet メノウの腕輪[めのうのうでわ] Agate Bracelet パールの腕輪[ぱーるのうでわ] Pearl Bracelet オパールの腕輪[おぱーるのうでわ] Opal Bracelet アメジストの腕輪[あめじすとのうでわ] Amethyst Bracelet ルビーの腕輪[るびーのうでわ] Ruby Bracelet サファイアの腕輪[さふぁいあのうでわ] Sapphire Bracelet ジルコニアの腕輪[じるこにあのうでわ] Zirconium Bracelet --- 壺 Pots 丸い壺[まるいつぼ] Round Pot 三角の壺[さんかくのつぼ] Triangular Pot 四角いの壺[しかくいのつぼ] Square Pot 卵形の壺[らんけいのつぼ] Oval Pot ひし型の壺[ひしがたのつぼ] Diamond Shaped Pot 星型の壺[ほしがたのつぼ] Star Shaped Pot 三日月形の壺[みかづきけいのつぼ] Cresent Moon Style Pot 半月形の壺[はんげつけいのつぼ] Half Moon Style Pot だるま型の壺[だるまがたのつぼ] Tumbling Doll Shaped Pot ひょうたん形の壺[ひょうたんがたのつぼ] Gourd Shaped Pot 細い壺[ほそいつぼ] Slender Pot 太い壺[ふといつぼ] Fat Pot 浅い壺[あさいつぼ] Shallow Pot 深い壺[ふかいつぼ] Deep Pot くびれた壺[くびれたつぼ] Neck Shaped? Pot ゆがんだ壺[ゆがんだつぼ] Distorted Pot でこぼこの壺[でこぼこのつぼ] Rugged Pot 傾いた壺[かたむいたつぼ] Tilted Pot --- アイテム価額一覧表[あいてむかがくいちらんひょう] Item Valuation List 名称=道具の名前 買値=道具を買う時の値段、ギタン単位 売値=道具を売る時の値段、ギタン単位 入手=その道具を手に入れる場所と方法 山=テーブルマウンテン 掛=掛軸裏の洞窟 食=食神の祠 最=フェイの最終問題 有=普通に入手可能 店=店で購入、また盗む 変=変化[へんげ]の壺でアイテム変化[へんか] 鍛=鍛冶屋で鍛える 落=モンスターが落す _=入手不可能 --- 名称          買値 売値    入手                      山掛食最 棍棒         240 80    有有_有 長巻         500 200   有有_有 ブフーの包丁    2000 800   __有店 刀          800 300   有有_有 ドラゴンキラー   3600 1200  店__有 どうたぬき     1200 400   有有_有 剛剣マンジカブラ 15000 7000  変__有 成仏の鎌      2000 900   有__有 鶴嘴         240 100   有有_有 必中の剣     10000 5000  店__有 ミノタウロスの斧  6000 2400  落落落落 妖刀鎌鼬      5000 2000  有__有 一つ目殺し     3600 1500  店__有 ドレインバスター  4000 1800  有__有 火迅風魔刀    30000 12500 鍛___ 秘剣カブラステギ 40000 17500 鍛___ --- 名称  買値 売値 入手           山掛食最 木の矢 10 2  有有_有 鉄の矢 40 10 ___店 銀の矢 80 20 ___店 --- 名称          買値 売値    入手                      山掛食最 皮甲の盾      1000 350   有_有有 青銅甲の盾      300 100   有有有有 木甲の盾       600 200   有有有有 鉄甲の盾      1800 750   有有有有 ドラゴンシールド  5000 2500  店_店有 風魔の盾      5000 2500  変__有 バトルカウンター  5000 2500  店有有有 重装の盾      3000 1000  有_有有 山彦の盾     12000 6000  店_店有 見切りの盾     7500 3000  店有店有 見掛け倒しの盾  10000 2500  店有店有 使い捨ての盾    2000 750   店有店有 地雷ナバリの盾   4000 1500  店有店有 トドの盾      2000 800   有_店有 螺旋風魔の盾   50000 22500 鍛___ --- 名称        買値 売値   入手                   山掛食最 薬草        50 25   有有有有 弟切草      100 50   有有有有 幸せ草     1000 500  ___有 目薬草       50 25   有_有有 ドラゴン草    500 200  有___ 無敵草     3000 100  店__有 天使の種   10000 1500 ___店 復活の草    5000 2500 店__有 くねくね草    200 50   ___有 不幸の種     200 40   ___店 超不幸の種    200 30   ___店 キグニ族の種   200 100  ___有 命の草      500 200  有有店有 胃拡張の種   1000 500  有有店有 胃縮小の種    200 60   ___有 力の草      500 250  店店店有 毒消し草     650 250  店店店有 毒草        50 25   落落落落 混乱草     3000 1500 落落落落 睡眠草     5000 2500 落落落落 雑草        50 25   落落落落 --- 名称             買値 売値   入手                        山掛食最 御祓いの巻物        500 250  店有店有 識別の巻物         300 150  有有店有 明りの巻物         300 250  有有店_ 壺増大の巻物       1000 500  有_店_ 真空斬りの巻物      1000 500  有___ 口無しの巻物        500 250  ___有 罠の巻物         1000 500  _有_有 困った時の巻物      1000 250  有__有 敵倍速の巻物        100 50   ___有 爆睡の巻物         200 100  有___ パワーアップの巻物    1000 100  有__有 自爆の巻物         500 100  ___有 大部屋の巻物        400 200  有有店有 モンスターハウスの巻物    80 40   _有_有 混乱の巻物         100 50   有___ ジェノサイドの巻物   50000 750  店__店 白紙の巻物        3000 1000 有__店 迷子の巻物         200 100  ___店 天の恵みの巻物       800 400  店店店有 地の恵みの巻物       800 400  店店店有 鍍金の巻物        1500 500  店_店店 吸い出しの巻物      1500 750  店__有 拾えずの巻物        300 300  ___有 --- 名称        買値 売値  入手                  山掛食最 封印の杖    1000 500 ___店 吹き飛ばしの杖  500 250 有有店有 幸せの杖     500 250 __店有 不幸の杖     500 250 有_店有 身代りの杖   1000 500 有_店有 場所替えの杖   700 350 有有店有 ブフーの杖   2000 500 有_有有 骸骨魔道の杖   300 150 落落落落 金縛りの杖   1000 500 有有_有 一時凌ぎの杖   500 250 有__有 痛み分けの杖  1000 500 有__有 --- 名称          買値 売値    入手                      山掛食最 通過の腕輪     2400 1200  ___有 値切の腕輪    10000 5000  有__有 罠師の腕輪     5000 2500  _有_店 レベル固定の腕輪  2400 1200  ___有 回復の腕輪     5000 2500  店__有 錆避けの腕輪    2400 1200  有__有 会心の腕輪    10000 5000  店__有 痛恨の腕輪    10000 5000  ___有 呪い避けの腕輪   2400 1200  有__有 遠投の腕輪     1200 600   有__有 幸せの腕輪    10000 5000  店__有 垂れ流しの腕輪   2400 1200  ___有 透視の腕輪     3600 1800  有__有 混乱避けの腕輪   2400 1200  有__有 識別の腕輪    30000 15000 ___店 --- 名称      買値 売値 入手               山掛食最 御握り    100 25 有有_有 大きい御握り 200 50 有有_有 腐った御握り 100 25 有__有 巨大な御握り 300 75 有有_有 特製御握り   50 10 店__店 --- 名称         買値 売値   入手                    山掛食最 保存の壺     1600 600  有_有有 遣り過しの壺   1000 400  有店_有 分裂の壺     3000 1500 ___有 強化の壺    10000 5000 ___有 識別の壺     1000 500  有__有 背中の壺     1500 700  有_有有 倉庫の壺     2500 1200 有店有有 弱化の壺     1000 200  ___有 底抜けの壺    2500 400  __有有 魔物載る壺    2000 300  __有有 変化の壺     1000 500  有__有 合成の壺     3500 1500 有__有 トドの壺     1600 600  有__有 ガイバラの壺  15000 1500 ___有 阿呆臭い壺    7500 1500 ___有 割れ無い壺   10000 1500 ___有 鬱憤晴らしの壺  7500 1500 ___有 --- モンスター肉もあるんですけど、その一覧表を作るのは無理ですから勘弁 して欲しい。 ------ 2。モンスター 2. Monsters 名前[なまえ] Name HP = Amount of Hit Points the monster has. EXP = Amount of Experience Points the monster has. SP = Any specialties the monster has. --- マムル Mamul HP 5 EXP 2 あなぐらマムル Cellar Mamul HP 5 EXP 3 洞窟マムル[どうくつまむる] Cave Mamul HP 5 EXP 1000 --- 死の使い[しのつかい] Death Messenger HP 25 EXP 30 SP Undead, moves at double speed 地獄の死者[じごくのししゃ] Hell's Deceased HP 45 EXP 130 SP Undead, moves at double speed 死神[しにがみ] Death God HP 65 EXP 950 SP Undead, moves x2 speed, moves through walls --- ギャザー Gather HP 50 EXP 135 キラーギャザー Killer Gather HP 60 EXP 500 ヘルギャザー Hell Gather HP 120 EXP 2000 --- ボウヤー Bouya HP 7 EXP 4 SP Shoots Wooden Arrows クロスボウヤー Cross Bouya HP 20 EXP 35 SP Shoots Iron Arrows コドモ戦車[こどもせんしゃ] Child Tank HP 25 EXP 40 SP Shoots Iron Arrows, moves at x2 speed チビタンク Dwarf Tank HP 25 EXP 65 SP Shoots Silver Arrows, moves at x2 speed オヤジ戦車[おやじせんしゃ] Father Tank HP 30 EXP 70 SP Shoots cannonball for 20 damage, 1/2 speed ガンコ戦車[がんこせんしゃ] Stubborn Tank HP 40 EXP 300 SP Shoots cannonball for 30 damage イッテツ戦車[いってつせんしゃ] Inflexible Tank HP 50 EXP 1000 SP Shoots cannoball for 40 damage, moves at x2 speed --- ガマラ Gamara HP 10 EXP 5 SP Steal Gitan, then run away at twice the speed ガマグッチ Gamagucchi HP 40 EXP 40 SP Steal Gitan, then run away at twice the speed ガマゴン Gamagon HP 50 EXP 800 SP Steal Gitan, then run away at twice the speed --- デブータ Debuuta (Debu = Chubby) HP 25 EXP 23 SP Throws rocks with a 2 space range デブーチョ Debuucho HP 50 EXP 200 SP Throws rocks with a 5 space range デブートン Debuuton HP 105 EXP 1000 SP Throws rocks with a 10 space range --- きり仙人[きりせんにん] Fog Hermit HP 30 EXP 30 SP Casts a special HP spell (cannot naturally recover Hit Point for a limited time), range of 1 space みの仙人[みのせんにん] Straw Raincoat Hermit HP 65 EXP 150 SP Casts a special HP spell, range of a straight line かすみ仙人[かすみせんにん] Mist Hermit HP 90 EXP 1000 SP Casts a special HP spell, range of a whole room --- 火炎入道[かえんにゅうどう] Flame Priest HP 35 EXP 60 SP Any items thrown at it will burn up; fire will cause a level up; explosions will cause it to multiply in numbers. 火炎入道2[かえんにゅうどうに] Flame Priest 2 HP 65 EXP 170 SP Same as above 火炎入道3[かえんにゅうどうさん] Flame Priest 3 HP 70 EXP 300 SP Same as above --- ミドロ Midoro HP 12 EXP 4 SP Puts a rust on shields ゲドロ Gedoro HP 35 EXP 90 SP Puts a rust on weapons and shields, will multiply in numbers オドロ Odoro HP 60 EXP 200 SP Removes Plating and Synthesis as well as rusting weapons and shields; will multiply in numbers if hit --- ぬすっトド Thieving Sea Lion HP 35 EXP 20 SP Steal items, then run away みどりトド Green Sea Lion HP 51 EXP 50 SP Steal items, then run away; will multiply in numbers アイアントド Iron Sea Lion HP 70 EXP 60 SP Steal items, then run away; will multiply in numbers --- キグニ族[きぐにぞく] Kiguni Tribe HP 40 EXP 45 SP Will attack friend or foe キグニ族2[きぐにぞくに] Kiguni Tribe 2 HP 60 EXP 100 SP Will attack friend or foe キグニ族3[きぐにぞくさん] Kiguni Tribe 3 HP 70 EXP 150 SP Will attack friend or foe --- くねくねハニー Wriggling Honey HP 30 EXP 40 SP Will lower your level; Status Sucker --- エーテルテビル Ether Devil HP 50 EXP 50 SP Stays invisible; will reflect any staffs swung at it; Undead --- ンドゥバ N-Douba HP 50 EXP 12 SP Disguised as items or stairs, they will attack if Shiren gets close ンドゥルー N-Douruu HP 50 EXP 25 SP Disguised as items or stairs, they will attack if Shiren gets close ンバマ N-Bama HP 50 EXP 500 SP Disguised as items or stairs, they will attack if Shiren gets close --- アイアンヘッド Iron Head HP 15 EXP 20 SP One-Eyed Monster チェインヘッド Chain Head HP 60 EXP 500 SP One-Eyed Monster ギガヘッド Giga Head HP 65 EXP 1200 SP One-Eyed Monster --- おばけ大根[おばけだいこん] Ghost White Radish HP 8 EXP 8 SP Throws Poison Herb, Undead めまわし大根[めまわしだいこん] Eye Spinning White Radish HP 45 EXP 80 SP Throws Confusion Herb, Undead ねむり大根[ねむりだいこん] Sleeping White Radish HP 50 EXP 120 SP Throws Sleep Herb, Undead --- 吸引幼虫[きゅういんようちゅう] Suction Larva HP 40 EXP 30 SP Reduces Power by 1; Status Sucker and One-Eyed Monster 吸引虫[きゅういんちゅう] Suction Insect HP 40 EXP 50 SP Reduces Power by 2; Status Sucker and One-Eyed Monster 吸引成虫[きゅういんせいちゅう] Suction Adult Insect HP 80 EXP 500 SP Reduces Power by 3; Status Sucker and One-Eyed Monster --- セルアーマー Cell Armor HP 20 EXP 30 SP Knocks away equipped shields, Undead クロムアーマー Chromium Armor HP 65 EXP 650 SP Knocks away equipped shields or weapons, Undead チタンアーマー Titanium Armor HP 80 EXP 1200 SP Knocks away equipped shields or weapons, or bracelets, Undead -- ドラゴン Dragon HP 90 EXP 2500 SP Breathes fire in a straight line for 30 damage, Dragon Tribe スカイドラゴン Sky Dragon HP 100 EXP 5000 SP Breathes fire, whole room range for 40 damage, Dragon Tribe アークドラゴン Arc Dragon HP 120 EXP 8000 SP Breathes fire, whole floor(!!) range for 50 damage, Dragon Tribe. This enemy is a prime candidate for the Genocide Scroll. --- タウロス Tauros HP 12 EXP 15 SP Chance for Regretful Blow ミノタウロス Mintauros HP 45 EXP 300 SP Chance for Regretful Blow メガタウロス Mega Tauros HP 100 EXP 1200 SP Chance for Regretful Blow --- いやしウサギ Healing Rabbit HP 6 EXP 6 SP Will warp in and heal any injured monsters. Make it a priority to get rid of this monster first. If you don't, this monster will constantly heal other monsters, making for a long battle. --- 鬼面武者[きめんむしゃ] Devil Mask Warrior HP 10 EXP 15 SP When defeated, after 5 turns, a Ghost Warrior will appear はんにゃ武者[はんにゃむしゃ] Wisdom Warrior HP 16 EXP 50 SP Same as above 将軍[しょうぐん] General HP 40 EXP 50 SP Same as above --- ぼうれい武者[ぼうれいむしゃ] Ghost Warrior HP 4 EXP 10 SP Will possess other monsters, causing them to level up; if hit by attack, it has a chance to randomly warp somewhere else; Undead --- チキン Chicken HP 4 EXP 200 SP Runs away with double speed マスターチキン Master Chicken HP 50 EXP 400 SP When HP gets low, will transform into a Chicken グレートチキン Great Chicken HP 90 EXP 1000 SP When HP gets low, will transform into a Chicken; moves at x2 speed --- やみふくろう Darkness Owl HP 4 EXP 15 SP It's presence will darken a room, so if one of these monsters are inside a Monster House, consider yourself lucky, since monsters inside the house won't attack Shiren unless they get real close. The darkness prevents monsters in the house from seeing you from far away. --- ナイフゲータ Knife Gator HP 7 EXP 4 SP None, but if you have this monster's meat and eat it, Shiren can attack three times in one turn. サーベルゲータ Sabre Gator HP 40 EXP 80 SP Can attack twice in one turn. If Shiren eats this monster's meat, then he can attack four times in one turn. ブレイドゲータ Blade Gator HP 100 EXP 1000 SP Can attack three times(!!) in one turn. If Shiren eats this monster's meat, then he can attack five times(!!) in one turn. With this meat, most monsters will go down in one turn. --- ぴーたん Piitan HP 5 EXP 7 SP Run away at x2 speed, will drop Hand Rolled Sushi upon defeat, One-Eyed 逃げピータン[にげぴーたん] Escaping Piitan HP 10 EXP 50 SP Run away at x2 speed, can warp away; will drop Large Hand Rolled Sushi upon defeat; One-Eyed Monster 飛びピータン[とびぴーたん] Flying Piitan HP 10 EXP 150 SP Run away at x2 speed, will warp away if Shiren gets too close; always will drop a rare, random item; One-Eyed Monster --- 正面戦士[しょうめんせんし] Facade Soldier HP 50 EXP 200 SP Has high defense on front, but weak defense on the side and back 正面ファイター[しょうめんふぁいたー] Facade Fighter HP 100 EXP 2000 SP Same as above 正面マスター[しょうめんますたー] Facade Master HP 250 EXP 6000 SP Same as above --- シューベル Shuubell HP 20 EXP 30 SP Can summon another level 1 monster メンベルス Menbellus HP 30 EXP 50 SP Can summon another level 2 monster ベルトーベン Belltoven HP 70 EXP 1000 SP Can summon up to three level 3 monsters(!!) --- とおせんりゅう Block the Way Dragon HP 12 EXP 8 SP If another monster is behind it, it will slide under Shiren and create a sandwich attack; Dragon Tribe ドラゴンヘッド Dragon Head HP 75 EXP 500 SP Same as above スルードラゴン Through Dragon HP 80 EXP 1000 SP Same as above --- パコレプキン Pakorepkin HP 27 EXP 30 SP Can walk through walls, Undead. If Shiren eats this monster meat, then he can also walk right through walls and over water. Just don't change back to human form while inside a wall, otherwise you will die. パコレプキーナ Pakorepkina HP 60 EXP 250 SP Same as above パコレプキング Pakorepking HP 60 EXP 1500 SP Same as above --- 妖怪にぎり変化[ようかいにぎりへんげ] Monster Grip Ghost HP 10 EXP 10 SP Can change any item in the inventory in a Large Hand Rolled Sushi 妖怪にぎり親方[ようかいにぎりおやかた] Monster Grip Master HP 15 EXP 75 SP Can change Shiren into a Hand Rolled Sushi 妖怪にぎり元締[ようかいにぎりもとじめ] Monster Grip Manager HP 50 EXP 200 SP Can change any item in the inventory in a Hand Rolled Sushi --- ノロージョ Norojoe HP 27 EXP 40 SP Puts a curse on any equipped shield. Eating this monster meat will remove any curse on any equipped shield. ノロージョの姉[のろーじょのあね] Norojoe's Elder Sister HP 40 EXP 100 SP Puts a curse on any item that is equipped ノロージョの母[のろーじょのはは] Norojoe's Mother HP 75 EXP 300 SP Puts a curse on all equipment in the inventory --- ガイコツまどう Skeleton Heresy HP 23 EXP 15 SP Swings a staff with random effects ガイコツまじん Skeleton Devil HP 39 EXP 70 SP Same as above ガイコツまおう Skeleton Devil King HP 70 EXP 400 SP Same as above --- ゲイズ Gaze HP 20 EXP 15 SP Casts hypnotism, which forces Shiren to use an item; One-Eyed Monster スーパーゲイズ Super Gaze HP 51 EXP 300 SP Same as above ハイパーゲイズ Hyper Gaze HP 110 EXP 2000 SP Same as above --- まわるポリゴン Revolving Polygon HP 20 EXP 5 SP Sneaks to your front and reduces current Glut Degree by 10% おどるポリゴン Dancing Polygon HP 80 EXP 400 SP Sneaks to your front and reduces current Glut Degree by 30% うたうポリゴン Singing Polygon HP 80 EXP 1200 SP Sneaks to your front and reduces Max Glut Degree by 10% --- 魔蝕虫[ましょくちゅう] Demon Eclipse Insect HP 250 EXP 9999 SP The boss of Table Mountain. Once defeated, it will not appear for a second time. --- 兵隊アリ[へいたいあり] Soldier Ant HP 18 EXP 10 SP Digs through walls. If Shiren stays far away, then it will ignore Shiren. Eating this monster's meat will allow Shiren to dig through walls too, just like equipping a Pickaxe, but without the fear of anything breaking. 隊長アリ[たいちょうあり] Commanding Officer Ant HP 45 EXP 50 SP Same as above 大将アリ[たいしょうあり] Admiral Ant HP 80 EXP 100 SP Same as above --- カラクロイド Kalacloid HP 50 EXP 250 SP Immune to traps, can create it's own traps and moves at double speed. If Shiren eats this monster's meat, then he will be immune to traps (as with all monsters), but in this form, other monsters will be able to be caught inside of traps, like the Trap Master Bangle. Shiren can even create his own traps while in this form, but the trap will be random, so it may take a while to get the trap you want. --- ドレムラス Doremlas HP 45 EXP 100 SP Can knock Shiren back, causing items to be scattered about マッドレムラス Mad Remlas HP 70 EXP 1100 SP Same as above ハードレムラス Hard Remlas HP 130 EXP 2000 SP Same as above --- ハブーン Haboon HP 11 EXP 10 マムーン Mamuun HP 25 EXP 50 ニシキーン Nishikin HP 70 EXP 700 --- 畠荒らし[はたけあらし] Plowed Field Laid to Waste HP 12 EXP 12 SP Changes items on the floor into Weed 壺荒らし[つぼあらし] Pots Laid to Waste HP 15 EXP 15 SP Will throw Weed into any pots you may be holding 物荒らし[ものあらし] Objects Laid to Waste HP 20 EXP 20 SP Will transform any item in the inventory into Weed --- 豆山賊[まめさんぞく] Bean Bandit HP 6 EXP 5 山賊[さんぞく] Bandit HP 12 EXP 15 山賊親分[さんぞくおやぶん] Bandit Chief HP 12 EXP 20 --- 小僧天狗[こぞうてんぐ] Youngster Long-Nosed Goblin HP 6 EXP 3 カラス天狗[からすてんぐ] Crow-Billed Goblin HP 6 EXP 5 天狗師匠[てんぐししょう] Long-Nosed Goblin Teacher HP 7 EXP 8 --- 盗賊番[とうぞくばん] Thief Watchman HP 250 EXP 0 SP Appears when you steal from a store --- 番犬[ばんけん] Watchdog HP 75 EXP 0 SP Appears when you steal from a store; moves at x2 speed --- 店主[てんしゅ] Shopkeeper HP 250 EXP 0 SP Will attack if Shiren steals from a store --- 一般の人[いっぱんのひと] General People 老人[ろうじん] Old Person 少女[しょうじょ] Little Girl 強うそうな男[つようそうなおとこ] Strong Looking Man 小太りな男[こふとりなおとこ] Slightly Fat Man 客[きゃく] Customer 倉庫の番人[そうこのばんにん] Warehouse Guard ララ Lala 二番弟子[にばんでし] Second Apprentice 三番弟子[さんばんでし] Third Apprentice 四番弟子[よんばんでし] Fourth Apprentice 五番弟子[ごばんでし] Fifth Apprentice サルヤマ Saruyama ガイバラ Gaibara 風来人[ふうらいにん] Wanderer 老婆[ろうば] Old Woman 泊客[はっかく] Overnight Guest ペケジ Pekeji おかみ Okami ナオキ Naoki トシオ Toshio 旅人[たびびと] Traveller トメ Tome 酒場の店主[さかばのてんしゅ] Bar Shopkeeper 番付屋[ばんづけや] Ranking of Wanderer Dealer 峠屋料理長[とうげやりょうりちょう] Mountain Pass Shop Cooking Leader 山師[やまし] Speculator 異国の風来人[いこくのふうらいにん] Wanderer from a Foreign Country じじい Old Man カマヒゲ Kamahige スズコ Suzuko スララ Surara お竜[おりゅう] The Dragon サギ師[さぎし] Sagi Expert 飛脚[ひきゃく] Courier 座頭ケチ[ざとうけち] Masseur Kechi 4人組[よにんぐみ] A Group of Four 子供[こども] Children 男[おとこ] Male 女[おんな] Female おばば Old Woman かじ屋[かじや] Blacksmith ボボロ Boboro 女の子[おんなのこ] Girl 母親[ははおや] Mother カンパチ Kanpachi シブタレ Shibutare 農夫[のうふ] Peasant 車屋のゴロ[くるまやのごろ] Cartwright Goro 辻占い[つじうらない] Crossroads Fortuneteller ツムリ Tsumuri オビト Obito カズラ Kazura 町のおじいさん[まちのおじいさん] Town's Grandfather 飛脚のトビ[ひきゃくのとび] Courier Tobi 番人[ばんにん] Watchman 酒場の娘[さかばのむすめ] Bar-Room Daughter こそどろ Sneaky Thief 盗賊人[とうぞくにん] Robber 遺跡荒らし[いせきあらし] Historic Ruins Invader 料理人[りょうりにん] Chef 壺じいさん[つぼじいさん] Pot Old Man 地変学者フェイ[ちへんがくしゃふぇい] Natural Calamity Scholar Fei 車屋のガラ[くるまやのがら] Cartwright Gara 父親[ちちおや] Father ヤブメ Yabume シロのヘイジ Castle's Heiji おじいさん Grandfather 男の子[おとこのこ] Boy 犬[いぬ] Dog 父[ちち] Father 母[はは] Mother 弟[おとうと] Younger Brother 妹[いもうと] Younger Sister シキタリのムグラ Conventional Practice Mugura クルクルのセンゾウ Spinning Senzou ナナメのジロキチ Oblique Jirokichi チビのビエー Dwarf Biee 酔っ払いのタゲ[よっぱらいのたげ] Drunkard Tage シケのハンザキ Stereotype Hanzaki 投テキのツブテ[とうてきのつぶて] Throw Technique Tsubute 聞き耳のサブ[ききみみのさぶ] Straining Ear Sabu 親切なおじいさん[しんせつなおじいさん] Kind Old Man 流浪のシジマ[るろうのしじま] Vagrant Shijima 橋タタキのヤマケ[はしたたきのやまけ] Bridge Assaulter Yamake 息子[むすこ] Son かじ屋の娘[かじやのむすめ] Blacksmith's Daughter ヒゲの男[ひげのおとこ] Moustache Man 食通じじい[しょくついじじい] Gourmet Old Man 壺マニア[つぼまにあ] Pot Mania フラッっときた客[ふらっっときたきゃく] Casually Appearing Customer ソダテのカンジ Bringing Up Kanji ------ 3。罠[わな] 3. Traps 名前[なまえ] Name L = What the trap looks like S = What happens if Shiren steps on the trap M = What happens if a monster steps on the trap; only happens if Shiren eats the Kalacloid Meat, or equips the Trap Master Bangle. --- 転び石[ころびいし] Tripping Stone L = A grayish rock. S = Items will scatter about, and pots have a chance to break. M = Does 1 damage. --- 丸太罠[まるたわな] Log Trap L = A brown circular switch. S = Pushes you back 10 spaces and causes 5 damage. M = Pushes the monster back 10 spaces and does 5 fixed damage. -- 落石スイッチ[らくせきすいっち] Falling Rock Switch L = A grayish circular plate. S = Rocks fall, causing 5 to 10 damage. M = Same as Shiren. --- 毒矢[どくや] Poison Arrow L = A green square with a white arrow. S = Power reduced by 1, does about 5 damage. M = Does about 10 damage. --- 空腹スイッチ[くうふくすいっち] Hunger Switch L = A white hand rolled sushi shaped switch. S = Glut Degree drops by 10%. M = Instant death. --- デロデロの湯[でろでろのゆ] Dirty Hot Water L = A green onigiri (sushi) shaped switch. S = Any Hand Rolled Sushi in the inventory will become Rotten. If the sushi is inside of the Preservation Pot, then it is safe. M = Instant death and the monster becomes a Rotten Hand Rolled Sushi. --- 睡眠ガス[すいみんがす] Sleep Gas L = A gray circular plate with a black hole in the middle. S = Sleep for about 5 turns. M = Same as Shiren. --- 幻覚ガス[げんかくがす] Hallucination Gas L = A green circular plate with a black hole in the middle. S = Monsters and friends will look like ladies, while items and traps will look like flowers. M = They get scared and run away from Shiren. --- 減速スイッチ[げんそくすいっち] Deceleration Switch L = A white footprint. S = For 20 turns (from oneself, it seems like 10) movement speed will be cut in half. M = For 10 turns, the monster's movement speed will be cut in half. During this time, you can use hit and away tactics to kill them with no damage. --- 回転盤[かいてんばん] Turning Board L = A circular white plate with green arrows in a circle formation. S = Shiren becomes confused for about 10 turns. M = The monster becomes confused. --- 落とし穴[おとしあな] Pitfall L = A squarish gray board. S = Falls down to the next floor, taking a little damage. Any comrades that are following along will be gone. M = Instant death. --- トラバサミ Tiger Scissors L = A circular metal device with ragged edges. S = Cannot move for 5 turns. Shiren can change direction or swing a weapon. M = Same as Shiren. --- バネ Coiled Spring L = A gray plate with four green dots in a diamond shaped pattern. S = Randomly warp somewhere else on the same floor. M = Same as Shiren. Note that there are some Coiled Springs that monsters are immune to even if Shiren is equipping the Trap Master Bangle. These only affect Shiren, the reason being the rooms are completely separated, and the only way to move between rooms is by this type of spring. --- 装備外し[そうびはずし] Equipment Remove L = A green board with many needles sticking out. S = Unequipps everything Shiren has equipped, even cursed items. If you find this trap, you can try to equip some unidentified items. Even if it is cursed, just step on this trap to unequip it. M = Monster's special attacks will be sealed, so this can be useful for some of the more annoying monsters. --- 錆罠[しょうみん] Tarnish Snare L = A white teardrop surrounded by green. S = Will reduce the strength of equipped shields by 1. If the shield is Plated, then the shield is safe. M = Will reduce the defense power of monsters. This only monster to watch out for is the Midoro class (Gedoro and Odoro) monsters. This trap will cause them to level up! --- 地雷[じらい] Land Mine L = A circular yellowish plate. S = This will cut Shiren's HP in half. Any monsters or items surrounding it will be destroyed by the blast. M = Instant death. Any other monsters or items surrounding it will be destroyed by the blast. The only enemy to watch out for is the Flame Priest Family. The explosion will cause them to multiply instead, so watch out. --- 大型地雷[おおがたじらい] Large Scale Land Mine L = A large circular yellow plate. S = HP will be reduced to 1. Otherwise, the same as the regular Land Mine. M = Same as the regular Land Mine. --- 警報スイッチ[けいほうすいっち] Alarm Switch L = A black device with a red dot in the middle. S = All sleeping monsters in the floor will wake up and look for Shiren. M = Same as Shiren. When monsters constantly step on this trap, it becomes really annoying. --- 召喚スイッチ[しょうかんすいっち] Summon Switch L = A triangular shaped orange switch. S = Causes four monsters from that floor to appear. M = Same as Shiren, except this time, the trap disappears, so it can't be stepped on twice. --- ワナの罠[わなのわな] Trap of Traps L = Three small white circles surrounding a yellow circle. S = Causes random traps other than this one to appear on the floor. M = Same as Shiren. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 秘密編 Secrets Compilation 1. How to create the "Fire Swift Wind Demon Sword". First you must have a Japanese Sword +99. Then take it to the blacksmith and pay the 1000 Gitan to have it forged. Then Japanese Sword will transform into the "Fire Swift Wind Demon Sword". It will lose any special abilities that may have been combined due to the Synthesis Pot, so have a spare ready. カタナ+99を鍛冶屋で鍛えると、火迅風魔刀に変身する。 2. How to create the Secret Sword Kabura Stegi. First you need the Sturdy Sword Manji Kabura +99. Then take it to the blacksmith and have it forged. He will take it and then it will transform into the Secret Sword Kabura Stegi. It will lose any special abilities, so add those after you get this sword. 剛剣マンジカブラ+99を鍛えると、秘剣カブラステギに変身する。 3. How to create the Spiral Wind Demon Escutcheon. First you will need the Wind Demon Escutcheon +99. Then take it to the blacksmith in either the Village of Bamboo Thicket or the Town of the Mountain Summit. Normally the blacksmith will not accept shields, but this is the only time he will take it. Then the shield will have the whirlpool mark inside of it released, making it stronger with a spiral. Just like the other two above, it will lose any special abilities after transforming, so do the combining afterwards. 風魔の盾+99を鍛えると、ラセン風魔の盾に変身する。 4. The Unbreakable Pickaxe. Clear the game first. Now take a regular Pickaxe to the blacksmith, and he will forge it so that it can be used to dig without breaking. You will have to give the Pickaxe to him, then the next time you visit him, he will have the Unbreakable Pickaxe ready for you. ゲームクリア後なら、つるはしを鍛えると、鍛冶屋に一時預かり、次にきた時に 壊れ無いつるはしを入手できる。 5. Unlimited Item Reproduction. You will need these items. Division Pot [4] or higher, and two Draw Out Scrolls. Put one Draw Out Scroll into the Division Pot. Then put whatever item you want to reproduce next (other than a pot). Then read the other Draw Out Scroll on the pot. Now you will have two Draw Out Scrolls again and the other item will have doubled. Repeat the process for unlimited item production. The only problem is that the Division Pot only appears in Fei's Final Problem, the 3rd Secret Dungeon. 道具無限増殖方法。これは分裂の壺[4]以上と吸い出しの巻物二つが必要。 まず一つ目の巻物を分裂に入れて、あと壺以外の道具を分裂に入れる。そして もう一つの吸い出しを分裂に読んで、壺の中身を取り出す。これでまた二つの 吸い出しを持ってるんで、あとは上の方法を繰り返すことで無限増殖が成功。 6. Unlimited Gitan Technique. You will need these items. A Temporary Tiding Over Staff and a Place Exchange Staff. Now go to the Town of the Mountain Summit. You must have cleared the Gaibara Event to get the Synthesis Pot, so that the pot shop opens up beside Gaibara's Mansion. Now go to that shop and swing the Temporary Tiding Over Staff at the shopkeeper. He will warp to the exit of the town on the far right end. Now talk to the shopkeeper there, and he will give you Gitan based on the items that are stored in the Parcel Place. Now enter any building, then go back out and talk to the shopkeeper again. He will give you Gitan once again. Repeat this process for unlimited Gitan. To get out of town, keep your distance from the shopkeeper and swing the Place Exchange Staff at him. Now you can exit the town safely. 無限ギタン方法。これは一時しのぎの杖と場所替え杖が必要。まず山頂の町に あるガイバラのイベントをクリアして、合成の壺を貰う。これで壺屋を使用 可能。この店の店主を向かって、一時しのぎの杖を振る。あとは町の出口に 行って、店主に話し掛ける。すると、その店主は預かり場に置いたアイテムに 応じて、ギタンをもらう。そしてほかの建物に出入りしたあと、また店主に 話し掛けると、またギタンを呉れる。これを繰り返すだけギタンが増えるが、 突風だけに注意。町から出たい時は店主を離れてから場所替え杖を振る。 7. The Annihilation Scroll. To be able to use this scroll, you need a Blank Paper Scroll, and type in the appropriate letters. However, before you can use this, you must meet these conditions. Clear the game without using the Warehouse, without using the Parcel Place, and without talking to the Carriers that wander about. After that, you can use the Annihilation Scroll. This means you have to clear the game without using any powerful items that are grown in the Warehouse. 全滅の巻物。まず倉庫を使用しない、預かり場を使用しない、飛脚と話さない、 以上の条件を満たすながらゲームをクリアするのだ。そうすれば、白紙の巻物に ぜんめつを書くとその効果が発動するのだ。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 版権[はんけん] Copyright 1995株式会社チュンソフト[かぶしきがいしゃ] 1995 Chun Soft Corporation They created the best game I've ever played. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ なに、まだこんなのを読んでるのか?さっさと遊べ! What? You're still reading this? Hurry and go play!