Lord of the Rings, Volume I FAQ V1.15 by Dalez (dalez@intercom.net) Last Updated 01/06/2001 09:38 PM The latest version of this FAQ can ALWAYS be found at... GameFAQs http://www.gamefaqs.com VG Strategies @ about.com http://vgstrategies.about.com *** IMPORTANT NOTE *** My E-Mail address has changed. I can now be contacted via E-mail at "dalez@intercom.net". I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Greetings, and welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough for 'Lord of the Rings' for the Super Nintendo. Within this document I have attempted to concentrate as much information on this game as possible in effort to answer any questions you may have pertaining to the game, or aid those whom are stuck in a particular spot in the game (which could be quite likely in a game such as this). Enjoy! =D "Three Rings for the Elven Kings under the Sky, Seven for the Dwarf Lords in their halls of stone, Nine for mortal men doomed to die, One for the dark lord on his dark throne, In the land of Mordor, where the shadows lie. One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in darkness bind them, In the land of Mordor, where the shadows lie...." - The Legend of the Rings Version History V1.1 (10/24/00) --------------------------------------------------------------- * Added info on freeing your Hobbits from Old Man Willow in the Crickhollow Forest. Thanks go out to Lilith of Frost (pookie_laroue@hotmail.com) for the information! * Fixed one small error... somewhere in the guide I mentioned there were six Gateway Gems when really there are only five. I hope nobody lost sleep over this. -_- V1.0 (10/03/00) --------------------------------------------------------------- * Initial release TABLE OF CONTENTS I Introduction About the Game Some Helpful Tips before you begin II The Walkthrough Finding Pippin Gaffer's Glasses The River Brandywine The Barrow-Downs Bree Rivendell The Mines of Moria III Reference Lists Characters Items Equipment Monsters IV Conclusion Other FAQs by the same author -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = Part One: The Introduction = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This section of the FAQ outlines a few small details about the guide and the game itself... if you want you can skip this section and get down to the good stuff (i.e the walkthrough). ;) ---> About the Game <--- "The Lord of the Rings, Volume I" is an Action/RPG type game released for the Super Nintendo by Interplay in 1994. Though not a very well known game, Lord of the Rings is one of those games that will keep you up for long nights searching for a particular item or trying to find your way out of a simply enormous dungeon. You play as young Frodo Baggins, whom is on a quest to deliver "the Ring" to Rivendell, where it will be safe from the forces of evil whom are trying to claim it. You start alone on your quest, but along the way you will gather faithful companions whom will accompany you on your quest. You'll spend the better part of the game wandering about the huge world and dungeons of the game, searching for a particular item or looking for a particular person or monster. The outer world is simply enormous, as are the dungeon complexes that you will explore throughout the course of the game. And of course, there are tons of monsters that are trying to prevent Frodo from getting to Rivendell. All in all, the game is quite challenging, especially in the fact that some of the items are quite cleverly hidden, which could keep you searching for a long time... =) ---> Some Helpful Tips Before you Begin <--- - The companions you pick up along your journey start off weak, and thus can get killed very easily. If a companion dies, there's no way to bring him back to life. They also tend to wander and get lost a lot, and in my opinion they're better off dead (sounds cruel, I know...), but if you want to keep them with you, it's a good idea to control them using the "R" button and have them kill monsters until they're at a decent level. - The only way to heal yourself is by the means of magical healing moss, mushrooms, and ferns that can be found scattered about. Usually, if you leave the area, then come back the item will re-appear, so you can do this until you are fully healed. - To continue your game later from where you left off, you'll have to get your password. This can be accomplished by pushing L and R while out on the field. Where you start when you pick up depends on where you left off... you'll usually start back at the nearest town. - Since the dungeon complexes are so darn huge, mapping would be an extremely good idea so that you don't get lost. I'll do my best to guide you through them, but in this game if you get lost, you REALLY get lost. ---> The Controls <--- Controls really aren't all that difficult in this game. Move Frodo around using the Control Pad, and use the Y button to attack with your weapon. The B button lets you block with your weapon, which can parry the attacks of some enemies. The X button brings up the status display at the top of the screen, displaying your current HP (Hit Points), and equipped item. The A button allows you to use your equipped item. The Start button pauses the game, and by holding down the L or R buttons, you can control your other companions. By pushing L and R at the same time, you can get your password, which lets you pick up later at the point where you left off. The Select button brings up the menu, where you can see each companion's statistics, as well as your current inventory. And that's about it! Now, onto the walkthrough! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = Part Two: The Walkthrough = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This section is a detailed walkthrough of the game, from start to finish. If you'd rather figure out things for yourself, you should play the game without the use of the FAQ, then resort to it only if you get hopelessly stuck. Otherwise, continue... =) ---> Finding Pippin <---- Your quest starts in the small and peaceful village of Hobbiton. Your uncle Bilbo has announced that since he grows old, he wishes to take one last trip around the world before he retires, and entrusts the Ring that he found on his adventures to Frodo. Now it is in Frodo's hands to deliver the Ring safely to Rivendell, but the journey won't be an easy one.. there are hordes of monsters that are out to steal the Ring and use it for evil purposes. Gandalf, the wizard, will help you but for now he must leave on a journey of his own. Before leaving, he tells Frodo that he must meet him in the town of Bree, on the way to Rivendell. Your first task is to find some companions for your journey, as the journey to Rivendell will surely be a difficult one. Go around Hobbiton and talk to all the townsfolk, and you'll find that three of your friends are in the area... Pippin Took, Merry Brandybuck, and Samwise Gamgee. Sam is looking for Old Man Gaffer's reading glasses, and cannot leave Hobbiton until he finds them. And since he's standing around doing nothing, you can probably guess who's gonna have to be the one to find them. Merry has gone to Crickhollow and won't be returning, so we'll have to pick him up along the way. And Pippin was seen going to the plains to the north to go fishing, but hasn't come back for hours. The plains to the north are full of wolves... perhaps something happened to him? NORTH PLAINS Treasure: Enemies: Wolf First, head to the plains north of Hobbiton to check on Pippin. As I said, there are a lot of wolves around here, so be on your guard. At this point, it'll take about four stabs with your sword to kill them. You'll find Pippin in the north-east corner of the plains. When you talk to him, he'll feel better that you have come to rescue him, and will join you. Now, since Sam doesn't seem to be doing anything towards finding the glasses, looks like we'll have to do it ourselves. -_- The glasses are located in the Hobbiton Caves, to the west of Hobbiton (though how they got there is anyone's guess). This will be your first experience with a dungeon complex, and it probably won't be a pretty one as even the Hobbiton caves are quite complex. Head west of Hobbiton and you'll be in a large area with several cave entrances... these are the Hobbiton Caves. ---> Gaffer's Glasses <--- HOBBITON CAVES Outside Treasure: Dagger Monsters: Wolf, Snake There are 7 cave entrances in the Hobbiton complex, though some lead to the same cave... the complex consists of one large cave, and a few other smaller ones. Note that you can also find a dagger lying in the northwest corner of the area. The cave entrances are outlined below... A --> Directly south of the entrance to Hobbiton B --> In the far southeast corner C --> Along the south edge (left) D --> Along the south edge (right) E --> Near the upper-left corner F --> West of the entrance to Hobbiton G --> South of entrance 'F' Cave 'A', 'C', 'D', 'E' Treasure: Padded Armor x3 Healing Moss x4 Healing Mushroom x7 Dagger x2 Healing Fern Green Gateway Gem Eye Glasses Monsters: Bat, Snake, Orc Notes: This is the main cave of the complex. It is also the largest. It holds three key items of interest.. the Glasses, the Healing Fern, and the Green Gateway Gem. Cave 'B' Treasure: Letter Notes: This cave merely contains a letter from Simon Templar stating that rather than using the bridge to cross the river Brandywine, he will be using the ferry to the south. This is a clue to you. Cave 'F' Treasure: Letter Healing Moss Notes: This is a small cave containing a letter regarding the Ring Wraiths, and some healing Moss. The letter is also a hint to you... the Ring Wraiths cannot be defeated! Cave 'G' Treasure: Violet Gateway Gem Notes: This cave contains an old man who is searching for a Healing Fern. Give one to him and he'll trade you the Violet Gateway Gem in return. First, let's explore the big cave and get it out of the way. The only three items you really need out of here are the Fern, Glasses, and Gateway Gem. To get them the quickest, use entrance "A". At entrance A, there will be a small bag containing a -cough- Map. Actually all this tells you is what entrance number this is. Big whoop. Follow the corridor north until you see a path that leads off to the west. Go that way, then continue south. On the next screen, ignore the path leading down, and continue left, and take the path leading to the north to find the Fern. There will be an Orc guarding it... these are a bit tougher than the annoying bats and snakes that inhabit the caverns. -_- After getting the Fern, go back south, then follow the long corridor to the left. Pass by the first passage leading to the south, and take the second one in that direction, to get to a large room with a few pits scattered about. The Glasses are in the south-east corner of this room. Grab them, then head back up to the long corridor and continue the rest of the way to the left. Take the passage leading north at the end, then follow it all the way up. Now go right until you can't go any further, then north to another room with a pit in it. Walk right along the south edge of the pit, then take the other path leading back south. This will lead you to the room with the Green Gateway Gem! Now that you have the three 'key' items, start retracing your steps back to the entrance you came from, but stop once you reach the passageway that led up towards the room with the Fern. From there, walk a short ways east, then take the passage to the south. Walk south along the east edge of the pit, and near the south-east corner you'll find a suit of Padded Armor! Also, you can continue further along this corridor to get a Mushroom. Now continue retracing your steps back to the entrance, and head back out to the open. Enter cave entrance "G" and equip your Fern (do this by going into the menu, pushing L or R to get to your items, then select the item and press 'A'). He'll give you the Violet Gateway Gem in return! *NOTE* There are five Gateway Gems in the world, and it is imperative that you collect each one, as you will need all five to gain entrance to the final dungeon. Make sure you collect both Gateway Gems in this area!! Once you have both Gems and the Glasses, return to Sam in Hobbiton. Talk to him and he will join you. Now go to the south edge of Hobbiton and talk to old man Gaffer, and he will give you the key to the Hobbiton Gate as thanks for returning his glasses. Head for the east part of Hobbiton and open the gate using your Key. We're off! ---> The River Brandywine <--- Once outside Hobbiton, head to the east and you'll see a bridge. However, Sam remarks that he doesn't think it's a good idea to cross the bridge, and for good reason since the Ring Wraiths patrol the nearby area in great numbers. The Ring Wraiths are invincible, and can deal great damage to you, so avoid crossing the bridge at all costs! Instead, we should use the ferry to cross the river. The ferry is located at the south edge of the river, but in order to get there we'll have to travel through the wolf-infested forest. FOREST OF BRANDYWINE Treasure: Healing Mushroom x8 Shire Juice Letter Purple Gateway Gem Monsters: Wolf, Snake, Orc Move to the south through the forest, but be sure to pick up the bottle of Shire Juice that is in the south-east corner of the first screen. We'll be needing it shortly. Head south to the next screen... on this screen there are two exits to the east... the south-most one leads to the ferry, but the ferryman there states that Farmer Maggot has warned him against ferrying strangers, and refuses to take you across the river. The north-most exit to the right leads to Farmer Maggot's farm.... you'll recognize it because there is a letter right outside regarding the presence of all the wolves around the forest. ^_^ Looks like that in order to cross the ferry, we're going to have to pay Farmer Maggot a visit. Head right to the next screen, and continue to the right to reach Maggot's farm. However, once you get there, you'll notice that a few Orcs have over-run the area! Get rid of them, and then speak with the Farmer. He'll give you a letter as thanks for saving his farm. With this, the ferryman will let us cross the river! Unfortunately, the ferryman has lost his Oar, but Maggot will loan his to you if you can recover his jar of honey, which was stolen by a mischievous hobbit who inhabits the area. Go back left a few screens, then when you reach the area of forest which the exit leading to the ferry, search about in the middle of this area to find the hobbit Ted Sandyman. Give him the bottle of Shire Juice and he will tell you that he dropped the Jar of Honey in the woods right outside Maggot's farm. Now, go back east to the section of forest near the Farm, and search the center of the forest area and you'll come across the Jar of Honey! Take it back to Farmer Maggot and he will graciously loan you his oar. Now, make your way back to the ferryman, and now that you have the note, and oar, you can cross the river! After crossing the river, you'll find yourself in another forest area. Just on the other side of this is the town of Crickhollow. Continue making your way east, but just before the entrance to Crickhollow, you'll find an elf wandering the forest. Talk to him and he will give you the Purple Gateway Gem! That's three down, only two more to go! =D ---> The Barrow-Downs <--- Now, continue onto Crickhollow. You'll meet Merry here, whom will give you a letter from Gandalf, saying that in order to get to Bree, you should go through the Barrow-Downs, which is located to the east of Crickhollow. Also, there is an elven camp in the south part of town... they will mention that there are also six amulets scattered about the world... you must find these to prove to Elrond of the council of Rivendell that you are indeed worthy of carrying the Ring! Note there is also a Healing Mushroom in the southeast corner of Crickhollow should you need to use it ^_^ FOREST OF CRICKHOLLOW Treasure: Healing Mushroom x4 Amulet Gold Leather Armor x2 Elvish Book Bree Gate Key Monsters: Wolf, Snake, Orc With Merry in your party, continue through the forest to the east. There are a few things of notice in the forest... first look for one of the Elven Amulets in the south-east corner of the first screen. There is a bag of Gold in the south-west corner of the second screen, and also in the north-east corner of the second screen is a path leading off to the north... if you go this way you'll meet an elf whom will give you one of the keys to the city of Bree! The gatekeeper has the other, so we won't have to worry about looking for it. ;) After getting the key, go back south and continue east through the forest. You'll find a suit of Leather Armor in about the north-east corner of the third screen, and an elven book along the west edge of the fourth screen... Be sure to get it! You'll need to give it to Elrond to have it translated from the elvish language! Also on the fourth screen is an exit leading to the south... if you head down that way you can find a mushroom and another suit of Leather Armor. Also of notice on the fourth screen is Old Man Willow, who lives near the entrance to the Barrow Downs. If you read his note, your companions will go forward to investigate, but Old Man Willow will eat them up!! If this happens, head north and look for a passage leading to the next screen (along the way you may find a note warning you of the willow tree, but chances are it's a bit late now :P), and you'll come to the house of Tom Bombadil. Show him Old Man Willow's "note", and he will ask you to take him to the tree. Do so and your party members will be freed, and you will be free to continue on to the Barrow Downs. =D Bree is situated just on the other side of the Barrow-Downs, the entrance of which is located just to the right of Old Man Willow. Get ready for another big dungeon complex! THE BARROW DOWNS Monsters: Snake, Bat, Barrow Wight The Barrow-Downs is nothing short of GIGANTIC! If you thought the Hobbiton Caves were big, you have a surprise coming here. The Barrow-Downs consist of a multitude of caves connected across several large areas. Most of them are relatively small, but the sheer size of the Barrow-Downs itself is enough to confuse just about anybody. Be careful! I really have no idea how to make a walkthrough for this section without making it look really ugly. Therefore, at the beginning of each "section", there will be a listing of each cave and what it contains, followed by the walkthrough. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = Section 1 --> 7 Entrances = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Treasure: Amulet Entrance A --> Near the entrance of the Barrow-Downs Entrance B --> Slightly northeast of Entrance B Entrance C --> Along the north wall Entrance D --> Just right of Entrance C Entrance E --> Near the right-hand side Entrance F --> Just left of Entrance E Entrance G --> South edge, only accessible through section 2 Cave 'A', 'C', 'D', 'E' Treasures: Key, Healing Mushroom, Gold Cave 'B' Empty Cave 'F' Treasures: Barrow Dagger Cave 'G' Connects to Entrance 'B', Section 2 When you first reach the Barrow-Downs, you'll find yourself in Section 1. For the moment, only entrances A and B are accessible. Since B is an empty dead-end, use entrance A instead. ^_^ Once inside, go left to reach a dead-end room containing a Key. Keys will be used several times throughout the Barrow Downs, mostly to open cave entrances or unlock doors. After getting it, go back right and follow the corridor to the right. The first passage leading north leads to a tomb area, of which there will be many throughout these catacombs. This one happens to contain a suit of Leather Armor and some Gold. It's a good idea to stock up on Gold as you will need it later, but if you care to bend the rules a bit, you can collect the Gold in the tomb area, exit the screen, then come back and get it again! =D *NOTE* The majority of tombs (and the whole caverns for that matter) are guarding by Barrow Wights... the ghost-like creatures who inhabit the area. They dislike the light, so they can actually be harmed by the fire pits that are scattered about the caves! Use this to your advantage! Loot the tomb and accumulate some money if you wish, then continue along the passage to the right. The next passage to the south leads back out, but to a dead-end, so ignore it. Continue further to the right, and ignore the next passage leading south as well, as it leads to the same dead-end. So keep walking along the long corridor to the right, and note that the next passage leading north leads to a Mushroom should you need to use it. Keep right along this very long passage, until you reach one last passage leading south. Take it to head back outside (this is Entrance "E"). Entrance "F" (which is a few short steps to the left of where you come out) leads to a small tomb containing a Barrow Dagger... I recommend getting it, as it's a bit better than the Dagger you currently have. Grab it, then go back outside. To the right, you'll meet a hobbit hanging around outside the path leading to the next section. He'll mention that the snakes around the Barrow Downs are poisonous, and that in order to cure the poison you'll need to use the healing moss found in the caves. Be careful! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = Section 2 --> 4 Entrances = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Treasure: Barrow Dagger Entrance A --> Southwest Corner, near path to Section 1 Entrance B --> Just above Entrance A Entrance C --> Along the east wall (locked) Entrance D --> In the north-east corner Cave 'A' Treasures: Gold Cave 'B' Treasures: Mushroom x3, Gold, Moss x2, Padded Armor Connects to Entrance 'G', Section 1 Cave 'C' Treasures: Fern, Letter, Mushroom, Padded Armor Connects to Entrance 'A', Section 3 Cave 'D' Treasures: Healing Mushroom Now we're in section 2. Entrance 'A' leads to some Gold, so pick it up if you wish. Then, head for Entrance 'B'. Once inside, go up into the large room with the pit in the middle, then walk left along the south edge of the pit, and follow the corridor to the south. Walk until you reach a passage leading off to the west, then go west and south. Soon you'll come to another room with a pit in the middle. Go around the east side of the pit and along the corridor, and you'll come out in a seculded area in Section 1. Grab the bag and you'll find the first Amulet! Backtrack through the cave until you come back to Section 2. Entrance 'D' leads to a mushroom if you need it. Entrance 'C' is blocked by a rock, and to get inside you will need to use the Tomb Key that you found earlier (hmm, a key opening a rock? Interesting! =D). Go inside, then walk north along the passage until you hit the wall, then east through the huge room with the large pit in the center. Go north along the passage, then west until you hit the wall, north again, then west again until you see a passage branching off to the south. Take this outside to Section 3 (this is Entrance 'A'). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = Section 3 --> 6 Entrances = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Entrance A --> Lower-left corner Entrance B --> Just above Entrance A Entrance C --> Just above Entrance B Entrance D --> To the right of Entrance C Entrance E --> About in the center Entrance F --> Northeast corner Cave 'A' Connects to Entrance 'C', Section 2 Cave 'B' Treasures: Gold x2, Key Cave 'C' Empty Cave 'D' Treasures: Gold Cave 'E' Treasures: Gold Cave 'F' Treasures: Mushroom Not much to do in Section 3, really... all the other caves save the one you came out of are dead-ends with items, but do be sure to get the Key in Cave 'A'! Once you have it, continue east from Section 3, to reach Section 4... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Section 4 --> 10 Entrances = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Entrance A --> North of entrance to Section 4 (locked) Entrance B --> Southeast of Entrance A Entrance C --> Just east of Entrance B Entrance D --> East of Entrance C Entrance E --> South edge of area Entrance F --> Near exit to Section 6 Entrance G --> Upper-right corner Entrance H --> Northeast of Entrance D Entrance I --> North of Entrance B/C Entrance J --> Upper-left corner Cave 'A' Treasures: Key, Mushroom x2, Gold x4 Cave 'B', 'C', 'D' Treasures: Gold, Moss Cave 'E' Treasures: Mushroom Cave 'F' Treasures: Gold Cave 'G' Treasures: Mushroom Cave 'H' Treasures: Gold Cave 'I' Treasures: Gold Cave 'J' Treasures: Gold Ack! All the cave entrances! Fortunately, most lead to tombs with items in them. Entrance 'A' is also locked, so use your Key that you acquired in Section 3 to open it. Run around and grab all the items if you wish, then enter Cave 'A'. Walk north along the corridor until you see a passage branching off to the west, then go in that direction and follow the path until you reach a dead-end, where you'll find another Key. Backtrack to the corridor you came from, then go east into a large room with several pits in the center. Make your way through here, and go along the passage to the north. At the branch, go left and unlock the door with your Key. Go past where the door was, then left until you reach a passage leading south. Exit and you'll find yourself in Section 5 (This is entrance "A")! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--= = Section 5 --> 4 Entrances = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==- Entrance A --> Lower-left corner Entrance B --> Just above entrance A Entrance C --> Upper-right corner Entrance D --> Below entrance D Cave 'A' Connects to Section 4, Entrance 'A' Cave 'B' Treasures: Gold Cave 'C' Treasures: Key Cave 'D': Treasures: Mushroom Before doing anything, note that the path to the west leads to Section 5a, which is for the most part empty except for one bag of Gold. Since it doesn't have any entrances or anything else besides that bag of Gold, there's no need for me to confuse you with a separate section for it... =) There's not really all that much to do here either. Just head for Cave 'C' and grab the key inside. Now, you'll want to make your way all the way back to Section 4 by going back through the cave, and take the eastern exit to go to Section 6. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== = Section 6 --> 2 Entrances = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-- Entrance A --> South of exit to Section 4 Entrance B --> Southeast of Entrance A Cave 'A' Treasures: Gold Cave 'B' Treasures: Gold x4 There's not much here either... just two lonely and small caves, and two exits... one leading south to section 7, and one leading east to section 8. If you want to get some quick Gold, go in and out of Cave B collecting all the Gold pieces, then exit and re-enter. =) First head south to Section 7. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--= = Section 7 --> 4 Entrances = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==- Treasures: Barrow Dagger, Yellow Gateway Gem Entrance A --> Near Exit to Section 6 Entrance B --> Southeast of Entrance A Entrance C --> Southwest area of section (locked) Entrance D --> South area (accessible through Entrance C) Cave 'A' Treasures: Mushroom Cave 'B' Treasures: Key, Moss, Chain Mail Cave 'C', 'D' Treasures: Barrow Dagger You'll notice quite a few lakes in Section 7, but not much else. First enter Cave B and pick up both the Key and Chain Mail (it's a small cave, don't worry :P), then use a Key to unlock Entrance C. Head inside, and walk right along the corridor and take the first passage leading to the south. You'll come out Entrance D, on the south side of Section 7. Now, proceed along the path to the right to reach Section 7a, where two treasures can be found... a Barrow Dagger in the northwest corner, and (more notably) the Yellow Gateway Gem in the northeast corner! Make sure you get the Gem, then backtrack all the way back to section 6, then take the eastern path to go to section 8. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--= = Section 8 --> 2 Entrances = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==- Entrance A --> Near exit to Section 7 Entrance B --> Near exit to Section 9 Cave 'A', 'B' Treasures: Moss, Gold x2 The two caves in Section 8 connect to each other, and there's only two bags of gold and some moss to be found, so ignore them if you please. Instead, move north and take the path in the northwest corner which leads to section 9! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--= = Section 9 --> 2 Entrances = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==- Entrance A --> Along the south wall, about in the middle Entrance B --> Near exit to Section 10 Cave 'A' Empty Cave 'B' Treasures: Key, Gold As has been the tradition lately, there really isn't much around here. Be sure to explore Cave B and grab the key and Gold, and note the two exits from this section... the path in the middle-right leads to section 12, while the path in the upper-left leads to section 10. First, let's check out Section 10. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Section 10 --> 4 Entrances = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *NOTE* I told you this place was big. -_- Entrance A --> Near exit to section 9 (locked) Entrance B --> Northwest of Entrance A Entrance C --> Near exit to section 11 Entrance D --> Southeast of Entrance C Cave 'A', 'B' Treasures: Mushroom Cave 'C' Treasures: Gold Cave 'D' Treasures: Gold x4 Use a key to unlock the door near the entrance to this section, then enter the cave. Just follow the corridor to the left, and take the first passage to the south and you'll find yourself back outside (at Entrance 'B'). Move north past all the lakes and take the path up to Section 11. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Section 11 --> 2 Entrances = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Treasures: Amulet, Red Gateway Gem Entrance A --> Near exit to section 10 Entrance B --> Near exit to section 11a Cave 'A' Empty Cave 'B' Treasures: Fern There's not much in the caves here, so take the west path to reach section 11a. To the south, you'll find the second amulet... be sure to get it! Do so, then go back east to section 11, and take the eastern path to section 11b, where you will find the Red Gateway Gem! Now we're done in this area, so backtrack all the way back to section 9, and take the middle-eastern path to reach section 12. -_- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = Section 12 --> 10 Entrances = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Entrance A --> Near exit to section 9 Entrance B --> Southeast of Entrance A Entrance C --> East of Entrance B Entrance D --> Northeast of Entrance C Entrance E --> Upper-left corner Entrance F --> East of Entrance C Entrance G --> Above Entrance F Entrance H --> Upper-right corner Entrance I --> Below Entrance H Entrance J --> Along south wall Cave 'A' Treasures: Gold Cave 'B' Empty Cave 'C' Treasures: Chain Armor Cave 'D' Treasures: Mushroom Cave 'E' Empty Cave 'F' Treasures: Gold x4 Cave 'G' Empty Cave 'H' Treasures: Gold Cave 'I' Treasures: Gold, Key Cave 'J' Treasures: Barrow Dagger Wow! 10 entrances, and 9 of them lead to immediate dead-ends. The only thing you really need to get out of this section is the Key which is located in Cave I. If you want to run around and pick up the rest of the items, then go ahead. =) When you're ready, continue east to section 13. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Section 13 --> 4 Entrances = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Entrance A --> Near exit to section 12 Entrance B --> Above Entrance A Entrance C --> Upper right corner (locked) Entrance D --> Below Entrance C Cave 'A' Empty Cave 'B' Treasures: Gold x4 Cave 'C' Connects to Entrance A, Section 14 Treasures: Gold, Mushroom, Moss x2 Cave 'D' Treasures: Gold Use yet another key to unlock the door in the upper-right corner of this section, then enter. This is the largest cave we've seen in a while, but it's still fairly small. Head north until you hit a room with a pit, then walk west along the south edge of the pit, and follow the corridor up past the moss. Take the branch leading to the east, and continue east along this path until you reach another room with a pit. Walk east along the south edge of the pit, and follow the other path south until you come back outside, in section 14. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Section 14 --> 4 Entrances = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *NOTE* Hang in there! Entrance A --> Upper-left corner Entrance B --> Southeast of Entrance A Entrance C --> Southeast of Entrance B Entrance D --> Near exit of Barrow Downs (!) Cave 'A' Connects to Entrance C, Section 13 Cave 'B' Treasures: Gold x2 Cave 'C' Treasures: Mushroom Cave 'D' Treasures: Gold After exploring the last few caves for treasure, use your last remaining key to unlock the gate at the north edge of this section! Finally... we're out of the Barrow Downs! =D ---> Bree <--- Upon exiting the Barrow-Downs, you'll find yourself at the intersection just across the bridge between Hobbiton and Bree. This was the area that was occupied by the Ring Wraiths before. If you pay the hobbit standing around outside the exit some gold, he'll tell you that Gandalf left several days ago, but that he was seen speaking with a man known as "Strider". Anyway, you'll find Bree just to the north of the intersection. Speak with the guard and show him your gate key, and he will acknowledge that you are a friend, but he still needs more proof. Show him Gandalf's letter and he will then unlock the gate for you. In town, you'll find the man named Strider outside the Prancing Pony Inn. He'll offer to help you, but first you must bring him some 'Kingsfoil'. Kingsfoil is a nickname for a certain type of herb that grows in the Troll Shaws, to the east of Bree. Also note that for a price, you can have weapons and armor made for all your party members... Troll Daggers from the weapons master, and Chain Armor from the armor master... these cost about 50 Gold apiece. Once you're ready, head out of Bree and take the eastern path from the intersection to reach the grassy fields. On the other side of this are the Troll Shaws, where the 'Kingsfoil' can be found! FIELDS NEAR BREE Treasures: Athelas Minor, Mushroom Monsters: Wolf, Orc Just make your way through the fields and exit stage east. You'll come to the area just outside the Troll Shaws, but the door is locked and Legolas the Elf is the only one who has the key, but he has locked himself in. For now, don't worry about it... search in the southeast corner of this area, near the bridge and you'll find some Athelas Minor. This is a curious herb more commonly known as... 'Kingsfoil'! Take this back to Strider in Bree and he will introduce him self as Aragorn, and join your party! Before leaving Bree, talk to Beth, who lives just to the east of the Inn, and now that Aragorn has joined you, she will give you a letter that must be delivered to Elrond in Rivendell. You'll need this to get inside the city! *NOTE* From now on, it is imperative that you keep the companions that join you alive (at least until the final battle). You will need most of them for a certain purpose! With Aragorn in party, head back to the east of Bree, to the area where you previously found the Kingsfoil. Cross the bridge to the east and you'll reach some more fields. Head through this area, but once you reach the east exit, you'll notice a large suspicious boulder in the northeast corner of the area. Walk up to it and stab it with your weapon, and a hole will appear! Go inside and you'll find yourself in a rather large cave. HIDDEN CAVE Treasures: Sword Healing Moss x6 Mushroom x4 Troll Dagger x3 Chain Armor x3 Named Sword Fern x3 Keystone Scroll Color Scroll Jeweled Ring Amulet x3 Monsters: Bat, Snake, Orc, Blue Orc, Troll There are actually a great many key items of interest in this cave. First are the two scrolls that describe the Gateway Gems and their function. Next is the Jeweled Ring, which one of the townspeople has lost. Finally, there are three Elven Amulets to be found in this cave! Strong monsters also lurk in the caves... the Blue Orcs and Trolls (especially) can rough you up, so be careful. Upon entering the cave, head north to a room with a pit, then walk west along the south edge of the pit, and follow the corridor to the south. Ignore the first branch to the west, then continue up past the moss, and take the passage to the right. Continue right along the long corridor and take the first passage to the north. Go north along this passage up to another room with a pit, then take the passage in the southwest. Continue up past the moss once again, and take the first passage to the north to find the first amulet! Now head back to the long corridor, just before the last pit room. Continue east, and you'll reach one of those large rooms with pits scattered about everywhere. Make your way through it and take the passage leading off to the north. At the branch, go east and follow this path and at the end you'll find the second amulet (I screwed up my map here, but it won't be hard to find). Get it, then go back to the branch I just mentioned, and go left, and take the passage to the north. Go north until you hit the wall, then make east to reach another long corridor. Take the first passage to the south to find a Named Sword (which is quite an awesome weapon, might I add), then go back, continue east along the hallway, then take the next passage to the south to find the first scroll regarding the Gateway Gems! Go back up once more, and continue east into another large room with scattered pits. Make your way through, as usual, and continue north along the passage. At the branch go west, and follow until you reach yet another pit room. Take the southwest passage out of here, and follow the corridor up past the moss, and take the branch off to the west to find the other scroll. Head back out of this room, and continue east to reach one last long corridor. Walk east along it, and you'll find the Jeweled Ring along the first passage to the north. Make sure you get it, then go back to the corridor and follow it all the way to the right (make note of the other passage leading south) and you will find the third amulet. Now that we have everything, go back to that passage I told you to make note of, then exit the cave. You'll now be in the Troll Shaws! TROLL SHAWS Treasures: Legolas Bow Monsters: Wolf, Orc Head through the fields to the right, and on the next screen make your way all the way up to the northeast corner where you will find a Bow. This is Legolas' Bow... hang on to it, we'll be needing it shortly. After retrieving it, backtrack all the way back to the cave, then start making your way across the fields to the west. Go to the next screen, and you'll find Legolas searching(?) for his Bow in the far north-west corner. Since you have found his bow, he will join your party and give you the Key to the Troll Shaws! Now Legolas is in our party! Before heading off to Rivendell, stop back at Bree to return the Jeweled Ring that you found back to its rightful owner. In return, the lady will give you the Keystone! This stone has something to do with the Gateway Gems, and we'll need it in order to activate them. Now, we have everything we need... our next stop is the town of Rivendell! ---> Rivendell <---- FIELDS NEAR BREE, REVISITED Treasures: Mushroom Monsters: Wolf, Orc Head out east of Bree once again and make your way through the fields to the east. Work way your way back east across the Troll Shaws, and past the hidden cave, until you reach another valley area with a bridge. Cross once more, and you'll come to some more fields. At the east end of this section is Rivendell! Show Elrond's note to the gatekeeper and he will let you inside! Talk to the Elf near the entrance and since you have recovered all six elven amulets, Elrond will see you. Speak with him and you'll learn that your quest isn't quite yet over... the party should head through the nearby mines of Moria to the other side of the Misty Mountains, to Lothlorien. The elven council there will be able to protect the ring from the wraiths, and there our quest will end. Before leaving, show the Book to Gandalf, and he will decree that if you have the five gateway gems, the keystone, and the two scrolls, he can open the gate for you. Show him the keystone and, since you have everything you need, Gandalf will go to the gate and wait there for you. Legolas wishes to speak with Elrond some more, so he will stay behind in Rivendell for the time being. Also be sure to speak with both Boromir, and Bilbo, who happens to be in the area! You'll recieve Bilbo's Diary from Bilbo, and the Horn of Boromir. The Horn is a magical item that strikes fear into the hearts of your enemies, but beware as it's magical power decreases with each use! The mines of Moria are located past the fields south of Rivendell. This will be our final task! FIELDS NEAR RIVENDELL Treasures: Magic Rock, Mushroom, Healing Fruit x2 Monsters: Blue Orc, Troll Just near the entrance to these fields, you'll meet Gimli, the dwarf. He'll offer to accompany you to the mines, and join your party. The fields near Rivendell are infested with Blue Orcs and Trolls, so be careful as you make your way south. Note that about in the center of the second screen is a Magic Rock (it's almost hidden behind a tree)... pick this up, you'll need it soon! Continue making your way to the south, and on the fourth screen you'll notice a stone statue of a Troll. Use the Magic Rock in front of the statue and the Troll will come to life and attack! Defeat it, and you'll receive the Orb of Drexle... you'll need this to enter the mines! At the south end of the fields, you'll find the gate leading to Moria along the east wall. The wizard Drexle there has the key, but in order to get through he wishes for you to find his orb, which was stolen by a Troll. Since we already have the Orb, give it to him and he'll open the gate for you! Continue onto the entrance of Moria and you'll meet Gandalf. Show him the book again and he'll remark that the gems must be placed on the door in a certain order. The color scroll reads, "Yellow before Red, but both after Violet. After Red is Green, and purple is first." From this information, you should be able to deduce that the correct order is Purple, Violet, Yellow, Red, then Green. To open the door, first use the Keystone, then the gems in the order above, then the Keystone once more. (Thus, Keystone, Purple gem, Violet gem, Yellow gem, Red gem, Green gem, then Keystone again). Once this is done, the door will open. Now, into the Mines of Moria!! ---> The Mines of Moria <--- MINES OF MORIA Treasures: Fern x15, Elven Dagger x4, Scroll of Floi, Key x6, Fruit x2, Plate Armor x4, Elven Sword, Heavy Axe, Scroll of Oin, Book of Ages, Book of Mazarbul, Athelas Major, Battle Axe, Anduril, Glamdar Monsters: Snake, Orc, Blue Orc, Black Orc, Troll Blue Troll, Red Orc, White Orc, Balrog As you would expect, the mines of Moria are BIG. Actually... big would be an understatement. Actually... saying that big is an understatement is actually an understatement in itself. Anyway.. you get the picture. It's BIG. Unlike the Barrow-Downs, the mines are made up of one big cavern complex. And it's a big one. Directions are going to be tough, so I'll attempt to get you there as best I can. -_- Upon entering the mines, head north and you'll find one of those "maps" (still as useless as ever, might I add). Move to the right and you'll come to a room with with pits scattered about. Head north from here, and take the passage in the northeast corner of this room. Continue north, until you reach a branch leading left and right. Go right until you find a passage leading off to the south. If you continue further to the right you'll find an Elven Dagger (a quite good weapon) and the Scroll of Floi (which opens a door in the mines... be sure to get this). Get those two items, then go south, and you'll come to another large pit room. Move north from there, and make your way to the far north-east corner where you will find a Key! Backtrack back to the branch that led left and right, and continue to the left. Make your way through this room, and continue left until you hit the end of the hall. Take the nearby passage leading north, and head in that direction until you reach a locked door. Use your Key to open it, then move west and soon you'll see branch off to the north. By continuing further west, you can find a suit of Plate Armor should you care to pick it up Go north, and walk along the corridor leading off to the west. The first passage north leads to an Elven Sword (a really good weapon), while the left-most passage north leads to a Fern and another Key! Get the Key, then backtrack to where the first door you unlocked was. Go back east and south, then once you reach the southern wall, move east a little ways, and up the next passage leading north. Make your way to the northeast corner, where you'll find another locked door... unlock it with the Key you just found. Continue east to another pit-filled room, and head for the north-east corner, then make your way north through the passages until you hit the northeast corner. Take the first path to your north and you'll hit another locked door. This one is unlocked with the Scroll of Floi that you found earlier. Go through the door, and on the far western side of this area you'll find yet another Key. Get it, then backtrack back to where the last door was, then go back south, where you came from. Once you hit the south wall, walk to the right, and follow this passage for a bit. The first branch off to the north is blocked by another locked door, which is unlocked with the key you just found. Go north, past the door, then take the first passage north until you can go west. Follow that corridor to the west until you reach an intersection. Make west again, and head all the way to the western side of this large room, and use the corridor in the south-west corner. Follow the long corridor to the left, and soon the path will once again branch off to the north. Remember this point, as you'll need to come back here shortly (I'll just nickname it Point "X"). Go north along that branch, and make your way through the hordes, to the northeast until you reach a junction with paths going north and east (you'll have come from the west). To the east, an extremely powerful sword called Anduril can be found, but however, there is a problem... *NOTE* There is a bug (well, I call it a bug, it's probably more of a goof-up on the developers' part) that causes your strength and defense values to click back over if they go past 100. Therefore, if your strength is 24, and you pick up Anduril (a sword of 96 strength), you should in theory have 120 attack power, but because of this bug, you actually only have 20!! Therefore, you would actually be better off with the Elven Sword. :( Head north, and make your way through until you reach a branch leading left and right. Remember this point as well (this will be nicknamed Point "Y"). Go west, and fight through this room until you reach the passage in the southwest corner. Follow it all the way to the west, and use the passage to the north. Walk some more until you reach a junction leading north and south (you'll have come from the east, this time). To the north is a Heavy Axe, a better weapon for Gimli, and to the south is a Key. Make sure you get it! After getting the key, head back to "Point X", then go west, and north along the next passage. Soon you'll reach another locked door... unlock it with the key you just found. Behind the door is yet another key. Grab it, then return to "Point Y". Move east, and there will be two doors in that direction... one to the east, and one to the south and east. The key you just got opens the one to your east. Unlock it, and continue up the passage until you reach a left/right junction. Head to the right, and at the very end of this corridor you'll find _another_ Key. As you probably guessed, this unlocks the other door. Backtrack to the door you came from, then go south and east to the other door. Unlock it, and continue through the mines. When you reach a junction to the north and east, head east (north is a dead-end), and follow along here until you reach a four-way intersection. Move south, and the path will branch to the left and right. Remember this point (Point "Z"), then go left, and along this passage until you reach another left/right branch. Go right, and follow along this hallway until you reach a dead-end where you'll find (surprise!) another Key. Travel back to Point Z, then walk along the passage to the east. Follow along here to the east and south, and you'll reach a long corridor leading to the east. Head in that direction, and take the first passage leading to the north. Make your way to the north and east, and you'll reach another locked door... open it with the key you just found. Continue through another large pit-filled room, and exit north, then continue north and east, until you reach yet another left/right junction. Go right, and once you reach a four way intersection (remember this point), go east and at the end of the corridor you'll find the Book of Ages! This will also be needed to unlock a door shortly. Go back to the intersection, then head south, and follow along the passage. Soon you'll see another door to the north (however, this isn't the one that is opened with the book). Ignore it for now, then continue east. Almost there! Follow this passage and you'll reach yet another locked door at the end. Unlock it with the Book of Ages, then walk until you reach a junction to the west and south. Go south to reach one of those long corridors, then go due east to the dead-end to find the last Key! Once you have it, backtrack to the door I mentioned before, and open it with your last Key. Inside, is Gandalf and Legolas! Apparently they have been searching all over Moria for you, but how in the world did they end up in here? (:P) Talk to them and they'll rejoin the party. You'll learn that the orcs are about to summon an evil being, and it is in your best interest to escape from here as quickly as possible! Grab the Book of Mazarbul in the room, and use it to unlock the door to the east. Walk east along the corridor, and to the north is a large room that is the lair of the demon of the mines... the Balrog!! Before heading in that direction, continue east along the corridor to reach a room with some Athelas Major, the most powerful healing item in the game. Get it, then go back to the Balrog's room. There are also exits to the west and east from the main room, to the left you'll find a Battle Axe, and to the right you'll find Glamdar, the best weapon in the game, but due to that nasty bug, you would be better off leaving both of them alone. On the north side of this room, you'll face down the Balrog! BALROG The Balrog is tough. It flies around near the north edge of the room, and it has a bad habit of hovering over the pit on the north side of the room, where you can't reach it. It also has a very strong attack, strong enough to wipe out weak old Legolas in one hit. This is the final battle, but remember that you must have Aragorn and Frodo alive, or else the game will end! Legolas will be pratically useless during this battle, as he is much weaker than your other party members, and cannot attack. Gimli tends to get killed quickly due to his low HP, but his attack power is worth it. Gandalf's magic will come in very handy during the battle, and of course Aragorn's high attack power and HP also come in handy. I haven't yet developed a sure-fire strategy for defeating the Balrog, but one strategy I have found that works somewhat well is keep Aragorn near the north edge of the area, and situate Gandalf behind him, out of the way of the Balrog's attack. This is to lure the Balrog into attacking Aragorn. While the Balrog is busy attacking Aragorn, Gandalf can stand back and cast magic spells at the Balrog (but he has a bad habit of positioning himself in the path of the Balrog's attack! -_-). It's harder to hit him with weapons, as though it would make sense to stand near his right side where his weapon won't reach you, you can't hurt him unless you strike at his center (which of course is right in his path). If you just can't seem to defeat the Balrog, you may want to stick around and fight the hordes of monsters to gain a few levels. Remember, more levels means higher HP, and thus a better chance at defeating him. He's tough, but not impossible! =D Once the Balrog is destroyed, exit via the door in the northwest corner of the room, and you'll come outside near the forest of Lothlorien. Now, your quest is finally over. As far as I can tell, the ending you get varies depending on who is still left alive after the battle. At any rate, sit back, watch the ending, and be proud that you have finished the game! Congratulations! ---> END OF WALKTHROUGH <--- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Part Three: Reference Lists - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This section is comprised of several reference lists outlining the characters, items, equipment, and monsters found throughout the game. If you're stuck and looking for a particular item or it's use, but don't want to resort to using the walkthrough, this is the place to look! =D ---> Characters <--- FRODO BAGGINS Race: Hobbit Weapon: Dagger The hero of our story, Frodo Baggins is a peaceful young hobbit from the village of Hobbiton. Heir and nephew of Bilbo Baggins, it is in Frodo's hands to deliver "the Ring" safely to the council of elves at Rivendell. Since Frodo is the main character, if he dies the game is over. Like the rest of the hobbits, he can use daggers but not swords. Since he is the Hero and all, of course he'll be a useful character throughout your journey. PIPPIN TOOK Race: Hobbit Weapon: Dagger One of Frodo's hobbit friends, Pippin Took was last seen fishing in the plains north of Hobbiton. Being a hobbit like Frodo, Pippin can equip daggers, and is for the most part identical to Frodo in terms of HP, strength, and defense. SAMWISE GAMGEE Race: Hobbit Weapon: Dagger Sam Gamgee is another of Frodo's friends, residing the Hobbiton. He will join Frodo after you found the Gaffer's reading glasses which are located in the caves near Hobbiton. Much like Frodo and Pippin, Sam can equip daggers, and is also identical to the other hobbits in terms of statistics. MERRY BRANDYBUCK Race: Hobbit Weapon: Dagger The last of the hobbits, Merry can be found in the town of Crickhollow, located in the forest across the south edge of the river Brandywine. Another of Frodo's friends, Merry shares the same equipment and statistics as all of the other hobbits. ARAGORN Race: Human Weapon: Sword, Dagger Aragorn, also known as "Strider" in Bree, is a warrior whom you meet in the town of Bree. Once you gain his favor, he will become the leader of your party. Generally, he has higher HP and strength than Frodo, so he is actually better suited as a leader. Aragorn can be thought of as the other main character, as if he perishes, the game is over. It is Aragorn's duty to safely lead the party to Rivendell. LEGOLAS Race: Elf Weapon: Bow Legolas, the Elf, can be found in the Troll Shaws after bringing him his lost Long Bow. As a character, Legolas is really useless as he starts off really weak, and though he has a bow, it seems as if he is incapable of attacking. He'll leave you once you reach Rivendell, then rejoin in the mines of Moria. GIMLI Race: Dwarf Weapon: Axe Gimli, the Dwarf, can be found just outside Rivendell. His former home, the ancient mines of Moria, has been overrun by the evil forces of Mordor, and thus he offers to accompany the party on their quest. Gimli has rather low HP, but his attack power is quite high, which makes up for it. GANDALF Race: Human? Weapon: Sword, Magic Gandalf, friend of Bilbo and the rest of the hobbits, will help you from time to time throughout your journey, but will not join the party until the very end of the game. He comes equipped with a Sword, but he favors attacking with his magical spells instead. Gandalf is a valuable asset to your party thanks to his spells, and he starts at a pretty high level. Too bad he doesn't join you until the very end of the game... ---> Items <---- - Amulets Where Found: Amulet #1 --> Forest of Crickhollow, first screen Amulet #2 --> Barrow Downs Amulet #3 --> Barrow Downs Amulet #4 --> Hidden Cave near Bree Amulet #5 --> Hidden Cave near Bree Amulet #6 --> Hidden Cave near Bree Use: You must find all six of these in order to meet with Elrond in Rivendell! - Athelas Major Where Found: In the Mines of Moria, near the Balrog's room Use: This item heals about 60 Hit Points. - Athelas Minor Where Found: Just outside the Troll Shaws, near the bridge Use: Give this to 'Strider' (Aragorn) in Bree and he will join you. This item also heals about 60 Hit Points. - Bilbo's Diary Where Found: Given to you by Bilbo in Rivendell Use: None (that I know of) - Book of Ages Where Found: In the mines of Moria Use: Opens a locked door in the mines of Moria - Book of Mazarbul Where Found: In the mines of Moria Use: Opens the locked door leading to the Balrog's room - Bow Where Found: On the east end of the Troll Shaws Use: Give to Legolas (located at the west end of the Troll Shaws) and he will join you. - Bree Gate Key Where Found: Given to you by an elf who lives in the forest near Crickhollow Use: Give this to the Bree Gatekeeper and he will unlock the gate. - Color Scroll Where Found: Found in the hidden cave to the east of Bree Use: Gives you a clue as to what order the gateway gems must be used in, in order to open the mines of Moria - Elrond's Note Where Found: Given to you by a lady in Bree, after Aragorn joins you. Use: Give to the gatekeeper of Rivendell to gain passage into the city. - Elvish Book Where Found: In the forest east of Crickhollow Use: Explains the purpose of the five gateway gems. Show this to Gandalf when you reach Rivendell. - Eye Glasses Where Found: Hobbiton Caves Use: Give these to old man Gaffer in exchange for the Hobbiton Gate Key. - Gandalf Note Where Found: Given to you by Merry in Crickhollow Use: Show this to the Bree Gatekeeper to earn entrance to the city. - Gold Where Found: In the forest near Crickhollow, and in tombs in the Barrow-Downs Use: Purchasing weapons and armor for the party in Bree - Green Gateway Gem Where Found: Hobbiton Caves Use: One of the five gateway gems, used to open the mines of Moria. - Healing Fruit Where Found: Given to you by a lady in Bree, can also be found in dungeons/outside Use: This item heals about 30 Hit Points. - Healing Moss Where Found: Inside caverns Use: This item heals about 20 Hit Points. Healing Moss also cures snake poison. - Healing Mushroom Where Found: Anywhere Use: This item heals about 5 Hit Points. - Hobbiton Gate Key Where Found: Given to you by old man Gaffer in Hobbiton in exchange for his reading glasses. Use: Unlocks the Hobbiton Gate - Horn of Boromir Where Found: Given to you by Boromir in Rivendell. Use: Freezes all on-screen monsters for a period of time, which grows shorter each time you use it. - Jeweled Ring Where Found: In the hidden cave located to the east of Bree. Use: Give to the lady in Bree who lost it to obtain the Gateway Keystone. - Jug of Honey Where Found: In the forest just outside Farmer Maggot's farm Use: Give this to Farmer Maggot in exchange for his Oar - Keystone Where Found: In the town of Bree, given to you by a lady in exchange for her Jeweled Ring. Use: This Keystone is needed to actiave the five Gateway Gems. - Keystone Scroll Where Found: In the hidden cave, East of Bree Use: Explains the use of the Gateway Keystone - Maggot Note Where Found: Given to you by Farmer Maggot after you defeat the Orcs near his farm. Use: Show this to the ferryman and he will let you on board. - Magic Fern Where Found: Hobbiton Caves, also found elsewhere later in the game Use: Give this to the old man in the Hobbiton Caves in exchange for the Violet Gateway Gem. This item also heals about 10 Hit Points. - Magic Rock Where Found: Behind a tree in the fields south of Rivendell Use: Breaks the spell on the stone troll located near the entrance to the mines of Moria - Moria Key Where Found: In the mines of Moria Use: Opens locked doors in the mines of Moria - Oar Where Found: Given to you by Farmer Maggot in exchange for his Jug of Honey Use: This is needed in order to use the ferry across the river Brandywine. - Old Willow Note Where Found: Near Old Man Willow Use: None (that I know of) - Orb of Drexle Where Found: Found after breaking the spell on the stone Troll near the entrance to the mines of Moria, and defeating it Use: Give to Drexle in order to gain passage to the mines of Moria - Purple Gateway Gem Where Found: Given to you by an Elf who lives near Crickhollow Use: One of the five gateway gems, used to open the mines of Moria. - Red Gateway Gem Where Found: On the Barrow-Downs Use: One of the five gateway gems, used to open the mines of Moria. - Scroll of Floi Where Found: In the mines of Moria Use: Opens a locked door in the mines of Moria - Scroll of Oin Where Found: In the mines of Moria Use: Opens a locked door in the mines of Moria - Shire Juice Where Found: In the forest near the river Brandywine Use: Give to Ted Sandyman and he'll tell you where he hid Farmer Maggot's Jar of Honey - The Ring Where Found: This is given to you at the beginning of your quest. In fact, the Ring pretty much IS your quest! Use: Your quest is to deliver the Ring safely to the council in Rivendell, where it may be protected from the evil forces of Mordor! - Tomb Key Where Found: In the Barrow-Downs Use: Opens caves/doors in the Barrow-Downs - Violet Gateway Gem Where Found: Given to you by the old man in the Hobbiton Caves, in exchange for a Magic Fern Use: One of the five gateway gems, used to open the mines of Moria. - Yellow Gateway Gem Where Found: On the Barrow-Downs Use: One of the five gateway gems, used to open the mines of Moria. ---> Equipment <---- - Anduril Type: Weapon, Sword Attack Power: 96 Found: In the mines of Moria - Axe Type: Weapon, Axe Attack Power: 32 Found: Gimli comes equipped with this. - Battle Axe Type: Weapon, Axe Attack Power: 96 Found: In the mines of Moria, near Balrog's room - Barrow Dagger Type: Weapon, Dagger Attack Power: 4 Found: On the Barrow-Downs - Chain Mail Type: Armor Defense Power: 8 Found: On the Barrow-Downs, also bought in Bree - Cloth Cloak Type: Armor Defense Power: 1 Found: Frodo starts with this equipped. - Dagger Type: Weapon, Dagger Attack Power: 2 Found: Outside Hobbiton Caves - Elven Dagger Type: Weapon, Dagger Attack Power: 16 Found: In the mines of Moria - Elven Sword Type: Weapon, Sword Attack Power: 64 Found: In the mines of Moria - Glamdar Type: Weapon, Sword Attack Power: 128 Found: In the mines of Moria, near Balrog's room - Heavy Axe Type: Weapon, Axe Attack Power: 64 Found: In the mines of Moria - Leather Armor Type: Armor Defense Power: 4 Found: On the Barrow-Downs - Light Sword Type: Weapon, Sword Attack Power: 8 Found: Aragorn comes equipped with this. - Long Bow Type: Weapon, Bow Attack Power: 16 Found: Legolas comes equipped with this. - Mithril Armor Type: Armor Defense Power: 32 Found: Given to you by Bilbo in Rivendell. - Named Sword Type: Weapon, Sword Attack Power: 32 Found: In the hidden cave east of Bree - Old Dagger Type: Weapon, Dagger Attack Power: 1 Found: Frodo starts with this equipped. - Padded Armor Type: Armor Defense Power: 2 Found: Hobbiton Caves - Plate Armor Type: Armor Defense Power: 16 Found: In the mines of Moria - Sting Type: Weapon, Dagger Attack Power: 32 Found: Given to you by Bilbo in Rivendell - Sword Type: Weapon, Sword Attack Power: 16 Found: In the hidden cave east of Bree - Troll Dagger Type: Weapon, Dagger Attack Power: 8 Found: Bought in Bree ---> Monsters <---- - Barrow Wight Experience: 4 (8) Found: On the Barrow-Downs Barrow Wights are the spirits of long-dead individuals that haunt the Barrow-Downs. Most Barrow Wights can be found in their tombs, but some can be found outside or in caverns, these are roughly twice as strong as the ones who stay near their tombs! Note that the fire pits located in caverns can actually harm the Barrow Wights! - Bat Experience: 1 Found: Caves Bats are annoyances that can be found in most caverns. When they spot you, they usually fly towards you and bite when they get close. One swipe will destroy them. - Black Orc Experience: 16 Found: Moria Stronger than the Blue Orcs, Black Orcs can be found wandering about the mines of Moria. Once again, they follow the same attack and movement patterns as the normal Orc. - Blue Orc Experience: 10 Found: Hidden Cave near Bree, Moria These Orcs are a bit tougher than their normal counterparts. They follow the same movement and attack patterns as the normal Orcs, and they even look the same, except that they are blue. -_- - Blue Troll Experience: 40 Found: Moria The Blue Trolls are slightly stronger versions of the Troll, and are quite rare. They can be found in the mines of Moria. They have a slightly higher HP and attack power than the normal troll, but they are just as slow. =) - Red Orc Experience: 22 Found: Deep within Moria The Red Orcs are the toughest of them all, and can be found deep within the mines of Moria. Like all other Orcs, they carry around a sword and shield. - Ring Wraith Experience: N/A Found: Near Bree If you cross the bridge near Hobbiton too quickly, you'll be attacked by these Ring Wraiths! Legend says they are invincible, so RUN! - Snake Experience: 1 Found: Almost anywhere Snakes are also annoyances that slither towards you in attempt to bite you. Snakes can also be destroyed with one swing of your weapon. Note that the snakes on the Barrow-Downs are poisonous, and if you are poisoned, the only way to cure it is with the Healing Moss. - Orc Experience: 8 Found: Almost anywhere Orcs are green creatures wielding a sword and shield, and servants of Sauron. They are just about everywhere, but once you get stronger you'll be able to knock these out of your way with no problem. They can block your swing with their shield, so expect a bit of a swordfight. - Troll Experience: 40 Found: Hidden cave near Bree, Moria Trolls are huge green creatures who wield a giant club. They have a quite high attack power and are capable of taking quite a bit of punishment to match. They are quite tough when you first meet them, but fortunately they are rather slow. - White Orc Experience: 20 Found: Moria The rare White Orcs can be found in the mines of Moria. They are quite tough Orcs, capable of taking a bit of damage while dealing out some at the same time. - Wolf Experience: 2 Found: Plains near Hobbiton, Forests, Fields Wolves are rather quick creatures, and they usually come in packs. Fortunately, they are rather weak and can be felled by one blow once you become stronger. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Part Four: Conclusion - =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--= And there you have it! If you still need help, or noticed something that is missing/wrong/badly explained in the FAQ, feel free to E-mail me at dalez@intercom.net. I'd appreciate any comments on the guide and suggestions to make it better, as I have yet to find another source of information on this game on the Internet. -_- Farewell, until the next FAQ! --Dalez Other FAQs by the same author (or, lame advertisement) -------------------------------------------------------- 7th Saga (SNES) Adventures of Lolo (NES) Battle of Olympus (NES) Cosmic Spacehead (GEN) Dragon Warrior (NES) Dragon Warrior II (NES) Dragon Warrior III (NES) Faria (NES) Grandia (PlayStation) This Lord of the Rings FAQ Copyright (C) 2000 by Dalez. This FAQ may be distributed freely, placed on sites, etc, AS LONG AS it remains in its full and original form and the author is given proper credit for his work. It is intended for private and personal use only, and is NOT licensed for commercial purposes. Individuals wishing to use any part of this guide in any guide or compilation of their own must first obtain permission from the author to do so. The game itself is Copyright (C) 1994 by Interplay. ***************THE END****************