************************************************** FAR EAST OF EDEN ZERO / TENGAI MAKYOU ZERO Walkthrough/FAQ v0.7 (Last updated 15 April 2002) Compiled by Alex Toews and Matt Mitchell http://saru_san.tripod.com/feoez.html ************************************************** DISCLAIMER: This guide is Copyright 2002 Alex Toews (kefka01@hotmail.com). You can distribute this guide freely, given you adhere to the following rules: 1) The guide must not ever be sold for profit. 2) The guide is not modified in any way, and is posted in its entirety. 3) Complete credit must be given to the guide authors, Alex Toews and Matt Mitchell. If you wish to use information obtained from this guide in your own guide, due credit must be given to the guide's authors. If you do post it on your site, please email me and let me know. TABLE OF CONTENTS: FAQ INFO & MANUAL 0.1 Contact info 0.2 Version history 0.3 Menu translations 0.4 (Coming soon) Explanation of controls, PLGS, battle systems, etc. WALKTHROUGH 1.1 Intro 1.2 Walkthrough 1.21 Higuma Kingdom 1.22 Kujaku Kingdom 1.23 Tsuru Kingdom 1.24 Kame Kingdom 1.25 Inugami Kingdom 1.26 Ryuu Ou Kingdom EXTRA STUFF 2.1 Higan's woman and Higan's house 2.2 The Egg Shop REFERENCE 3.1 Item / Equipment lists 3.2 (Coming soon) Magic list 3.3 (Coming soon) Skill list 3.4 (Coming soon) Enemy list 3.5 Celebration dates and info MISC 4.1 (Coming soon) Frequently Asked Questions =============================================================================== 0.1 CONTACT INFO =============================================================================== Alex Toews (kefka01@hotmail.com) - Writer of guide Matt Mitchell (matt_in_nihon@yahoo.com) - Translator of Everything Remember that the lastest version of the guide will always be posted on the web site (http://saru_san.tripod.com/feoez.html), even before it's posted on GameFAQs. Otherwise, GameFAQs should always have the latest version. =============================================================================== 0.2 VERSION HISTORY =============================================================================== 15 April 2002, version 0.7 Added walkthrough of Inugami and Ryuu Ou Kingdoms; walkthrough now complete! 24 Feb 2002, version 0.4 Added walkthrough of Tsuru Kingdom Added more info on Beautiful Women's Cave Added section 2.1 (Higan's woman and Higan's house) Added complete weapons and armor list 14 Jan 2002, version 0.1 First version of the guide. Menu translations, intro and walkthrough up to Tsuru Kingdom, and Egg Shop sections present for the premier of the first ever FEOEZ FAQ/Walkthrough. =============================================================================== 0.3 MENU TRANSLATIONS =============================================================================== Main menu: See below for translations of sub menus. Magic Tactics Items Settings Equip Calendar Status Clock ------------------------- Current time year month day time ------------------------- Total play time ------------------------- Money ------------------------- Items menu: Use Sort Move Discard Rename bookmarks Settings menu: Fast Slow Message speed 1 2 3 4 5 Battle message speed 1 2 3 4 5 Walking speed Fast Normal Sound Stereo Mono Command memory On Off Background style 1 2 3 4 5 Border style 1 2 3 4 5 Border color 1 2 3 4 5 Equip menu: Equip | Offense Optimum equip | Defense Unequip | Agility Unequip all | Luck Exit | Style/Coolness (thanks Ru D.K.) ------------------------------------------------ Weapon Armor Other Other Other Other =============================================================================== 1.1 INTRO =============================================================================== The world of Jiphang is made up of 6 countries. The Ryu (Dragon) Kingdom, to the far east, is the brightest and greatest of the countries.. The king of the Ryu Kingdom has been decided by conventional practices since long ago. The new King of the Ryu Kingdom enters the court and is greeted by his retainer. The new king is the younger of two brothers, and the retainer reveals that the Ancient Flame has chosen him as the new King. The King is worried about his older brother, but the retainer tells him not to worry about it, that he was the one chosen and he is now king. Meanwhile, the older brother is in his quarters and is speaking of Ninigi. The elder brother is told by Ninigi to hate his brother, and that he should be king instead of the younger brother. He would be king of the Ryu Kingdom and of all of Jipahng. Ninigi then tells him to kill his brother to become king. Cut to the "Gates of Hell". Two guards are discussing them, and one says how he doesn't believe that these are indeed the Gates of Hell that were sealed 600 years ago. They also speak of how the older brother bears a grudge against his little brother and how he should really be king (though the reasons for this are unclear). They are killed by the older brother, who wants to open the gates and free Ninigi. He then breaks the seal and asks for Ninigi's power. The current king and some guards come, but they are killed by the elder brother after Ninigi possesses his body. Before dying, the younger brother says that "even if you kill me, you can't extinguish the Ancient Flame". The scene ends with an eerie shot of Ninigi's three eyes peering out from the Gates of Hell... =============================================================================== 1.21 HIGUMA KOKU (FIRE BEAR KINGDOM) =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ::: Hikage Village ::: =============================================================================== Stuff to find: 1x Manjuu ("Inn"), 100 G (Ji's house), 1x Kusadango (Ji's house), 20 G (pot outside Ji's house), 10 G (pot by furnace at N end) Your adventure as Higan begins in Hikage Village. Higan has been knocked out after a fight with the Coal Hermit, and his friends, Binta and Genkotsu, worry about his health. Ji (an old man) then comes in, drags Higan out of bed, and instructs him to go battle the Coal Hermit until he has defeated him. After Higan and his friends leave, Ji wonders when Higan will realize that the blood of the Fire Tribe flows within his veins. You are now free to explore the rest of the town. Your goal is to find and defeat the Coal Hermit. Note that you can't leave by the southern exit just yet, so instead leave the village by the northern exit to the Back Mountains. Before you go far, Binta and Genkotsu will join your party. This is apparently not the first time your party has attempted to defeat the Coal Hermit, as Higan's friends express that they will get him "this time". It also seems that Binta and Genkotsu have never actually made it to the battle; they have always run away before getting to the actual fight. Head to the eastern most building and enter the first dungeon. Items of interest: - At the Back Mountains, head straight north to find the graves of Higan's parents. =============================================================================== ::: Coal Mine ::: =============================================================================== Stuff to find: 1x Kanoubi, 1x Manjuu This first dungeon is fairly straightforward. At the first screen head northwest and take the stairs. Next go east to the stairs. Now go south to the stairs and then to the southwest on the next screen to another set of stairs. Head north and you'll get in a fight. After the battle Genkotsu will get scared and leave the party. Continue north to the stairs. At the next screen head east, south, then west. Here you will fight another battle, and afterwards Binta will also leave the party. Continue west to the stairs and you'll find yourself in front of a temple. Talk to the old man and he will comment that you keep trying but it's useless, but he'll fight you anyway. After the fight, you will receive Kaen Giri ("Flame Slash", a new Skill), and you can talk to the old man and save/heal. It also appears that the Coal Hermit created the monsters in the dungeon, as he refers to them as "his" monsters. Now go back through the dungeon and head toward the village. =============================================================================== ::: Hikage Village ::: =============================================================================== As you return, Binta comes running up and tells you the entire village has been frozen. Enter the village and attempt to enter the building you began the game in. Ji will come out battling with another person. You find out his name is Raid, and he states that he cannot be defeated by a human, and that he is a first general of Hell. He also comments that his next goal is to destroy Higuma (the Fire Bear). After the next scene unfolds, you will have to fight Raid. After the fight, Raid challenges you to come to Ice Mountain to battle him again. He teleports away, leaving Higan alone with Ji. A flame appears and follows Higan. Ji then tells you that you have been chosen by the Ancient Flame, and that those chosen must protect the seal on the Gates of Hell as well as become the ruler of the Dragon Kingdom. He then instructs you to go to Hitachi Village (Fire Rising Village), where you can find more descendants of the Fire Tribe. Hitachi Village houses the Ancient Flame, and is also the birthplace of Higan's mother (Ji's daughter). Byakuen then gives you the Kenshi no Udewa (Swordsman's Band). Now head through the southern exit of the village and out to the overworld. =============================================================================== ::: Hitachi Village ::: =============================================================================== From the village, head a little west and then north, following the path. Continue to follow the path north, past the sign at the crossroads, and across the bridge. Continue heading north. You will come to a piece of mountain that juts out to the right. Walk past that and head west and little north. The village is somewhat hidden inside a patch of forest on the far west part of the map, but you should be able to see it without much trouble. Head north from the first screen to enter the village. Now head north and a little bit west and you should see a building with a man standing by the bottom of the steps. Attempt to enter the building to invoke a fairly lengthy scene. The building you are trying to enter is the Shrine of the Ancient Flame. You find out that the Ancient Flame only summons those of Fire Tribe blood, and Higan shows the man his flame familiar. The man then runs off to get the other villagers. The group notices the Kenshi no Udewa and asks if Higan is Ji's grandson. It also appears that Ji's real name is Byakuen. They are shocked to hear of his murder, and you find out that Higan's mother at some point left (abandoned?) the village. The group goes on to explain that they are the Fire Tribe, and their task is to protect the principles of the Ancient Flame. One man in the group protests that Higan should not enter the temple, but Higan was called by the Ancient Flame and therefore they can't stop him. When you regain control of Higan, head up into the building and talk to the man in the center. The man tells you that the being who killed Byakuen is an agent of Hell, and this is proof that the seal on the Gates of Hell has been broken. He then says you now must meet the Ancient Flame and receive it's judgment (say Yes). He says the flame will test you, and that those who fail, die. When you again regain control of Higan, head up the steps to the flame and press A. The spirit of the young king comes and speaks to you. He states that Higan is next to receive the flame. He continues, saying that Ninigi is the King of Hell and that his older brother was tempted by the words of Ninigi into breaking the seal on the Gates of Hell. He says that Jipahng has fallen under the control of the dwellers of Hell, and that it is the intention of the Ancient Flame that Higan seal Ninigi back in the Gates of Hell. When Higan comes to, the group thinks he is dead, but of course he gets right up. They say that Higan has now become a true Fire Brave, and you are instructed to speak to the head of the Higuma Jinja, as Byakuen's sword is there. The game then tells you that Higan is now a Fire Brave. Items of interest: - If you go to the farthest northwest building, you'll find a large tower with a telescope on top. If you look through the telescope from 5-6 PM (real time), you will see Takamagahara, a floating island. =============================================================================== ::: Higuma Jinja ::: =============================================================================== Stuff to find: 1x Dokukeshi (SW house), 1x Manjuu (Newspaper building), 10 G (Newspaper building), 10 G (NE house), 20 G (NW house) To get to Higuma Jinja, head back the direction you came, but when you reach the crossroads with the sign, head east and you shouldn't have much trouble finding it. There's quite a bit to do here; note that these events aren't necessary to advance in the game, but they do make it more fun: - The Egg Shop See section 2.2 for info on how to raise those goofy little monsters. To continue with the game, exit the village using the north exit, and you will enter the shrine area. Drinking water from the fountain will heal you. Enter the western-most building and talk to the man walking around to inquire about the sword. The man tells you that the sword has been there for 10 years, and that it is now sealed up. After Higan proves who he is, the man grants him permission to take the sword, but comments that it must be rusty after all these years. Now head to the eastern-most building, go upstairs, and grab the Rusty Sword. On the way out speak to the man again and he tells you that if the sword is clean it will become the Higuma Sword, and will easily defeat the enemies at Kooriyama (Ice Mountain). From talking to the villagers you find out that a woman named Hisui lives in Inochi no Mori (Forest of Life), and that she may be able to help you. This is your next stop. =============================================================================== ::: Inochi no Mori ::: =============================================================================== Stuff to find: 1x Manjuu, 1x Dokukeshi, 1x Hisui no Koromo, 1x Inochi no Tantou, 360 G Head northeast from the Higuma Jinja in order to get to Inochi no Mori (it's the big forest at the far east end of the overworld). This area is a maze of sorts, but it's not too complicated. To get through, follow these directions: On the first screen, head north. Go west. Take the western most north exit (under the bridge). Go up the ladder and head east across the bridge, then go north. Cross the two bridges, then go north. Enter the shrine to find a woman lying on the ground. She says she is sorry, but she is already dead. However, when Higan gets near her, she feels the power of the flame in him and it revitalizes her. She asks if you will listen to her request (say Yes). Her name is Hisui and she is the Fairy of the Fire Tribe, but her life is over, as a new Fairy will be born soon. She wants to enlist your help in rescuing the stolen Fairy Egg, and you discover the egg is in the Yumedo (Dream Shrine) in Kooriyama Village. She says if she goes with you, she will gain strength. She then takes the Rusty Sword, and through her own life force, cleanses it. The sword is now the Higuma Sword. After Hisui joins your party, exit the forest the same way you came. Your next stop is Hikage Village. There is some extra stuff to do before going on with the game. You can complete these before now, after now, or not all, but this seems like an ideal time to catch up on a few things: - The three hermits: There are three hermits in Higuma Kingdom other than the Coal Hermit. Head northwest of Kooriyama Village and enter the cave in the mountains. This is the home of the Miruzou Sennin (Peeping Hermit). Speak with him to receive the Miruzou Scroll (Peep Scroll). This displays the enemies weaknesses. There are five things enemies can be weak to: fire, water, wind, snow, and physical attacks. The next hermit is on the south end of the kingdom. If you view the map by pressing SELECT, you will see a piece of land jutting out into the water on the south end of the kingdom. Head to the bottom of this to find the Yousui Sennin (Fairy Water Hermit). He gives you the Yousui Scroll (Fairy Water Scroll). The last hermit is on the northwest corner of the map. =============================================================================== ::: Hikage Village ::: =============================================================================== Back at Hikage Village, head to the northwest corner of the village and talk to the old man standing in front of the furnace. The man needs part of the Ancient Flame to make his fire pots, but he doesn't have any. Higan lends his part of the Ancient Flame to the man, and you get a Fire Pot in exchange. The man tells you that after a certain amount of time the pot will explode, but if you need another one simply come back to the village. After he gives you the Fire Pot, head to Kooriyama Village. =============================================================================== ::: Kooriyama Village ::: =============================================================================== Stuff to find: 20 G (W house), 1x Manjuu (SE house), 20 G (Item shop), 30 G (E house) Head north from the entrance, and as soon as you enter the ice screen, a timer will start. Slide across to that patch of snow in the middle and talk to the man there. Buy a pair of Kanjiki (Snowshoes) and equip them as an accessory. These allow to walk on the ice. Head northwest and stand in front of the blocked entrance, then go to your item screen and use the Fire Pot. It will blow up, allowing you to enter the cave. If you let the timer run down, the pot explodes and fries Higan, but it doesn't actually hurt you. If this happens simply head back to Hikage Village and get another one from the old man. Enter the cave and follow the steps down to Kooriyama Village. Once in the village, head up the stairs by the temple and enter the cave. =============================================================================== ::: Hyougajou (Ice Fang Castle) ::: =============================================================================== As you come up to the castle, note that the entrance is in the image of Ninigi. Hisui laughs at Higan when he is unable to open the entrance, then proceeds to use her power to enable Higan's sword to cut through. Once in the castle, head southwest and take the steps, then follow the path to the next set of steps. On this screen, unequip the Kanjiki, then step onto the ice. You will slide across the gap. Now reequip the Kanjiki and go up the steps. Head south to the next screen. Where the path splits into four parts, go east and take the steps. Now go north to find Raid. He laughs at the Fire Tribe and commands you behold his true form. Boss fight: Zettai Reido After defeating him, Raid declares that you haven't seen the real enemy yet. He also seems suprised that you are indeed a Fire Brave. Hisui comments that since Raid is gone, there is no magic to sustain the castle, and you hurry out. =============================================================================== ::: Yumedo ::: =============================================================================== Once inside the shrine, Hisui tells you that inside the egg is the new fairy, Subaru. A new fairy is born every 20 years, and it is her time to die so that the new fairy may be born. Subaru is still weak, and Hisui must use her own power to help bring her to life. She gives you the Hisui no Yubiwa (Hisui's Ring); this will enable Subaru to find you. When the egg hatches, Subaru will find you. Once Hisui is gone, you can talk to the old man standing by the chest. He tells you that inside the chest is Subaru's summon creature egg, and that only Subaru can open the chest. When Subaru's egg hatches, she will most likely bring the summon creature egg along when she goes to find you. =============================================================================== ::: Bijindou (Beautiful Women's Cave) ::: =============================================================================== If you want to go on with the game, simply follow the path to the exit. If you want to see the cave's namesake, however, keep reading. If you go up the path, you will see two staircases that go to the left, each going to an entrance. The upper entrance is the quickest way to get to the Yuuwaku no Izumi (Spring of Temptation). After you go through the entrance, go up at the first chance. Follow the path a while, the then go down at the first chance, then right, and enter the cave. Most likely they will not be there. Note the multicolored blocks at the north end of the cavern. These colors change 3 to 4 times an hour, and when they are all the same color, the women will appear. There's no specific time they actually appear, you pretty much just have to get lucky. If they do appear, however, here is an overview of what happens: As you enter, the women introduce themselves as the three Beautiful Women, beautiful like flowers. They ask if you are a Fire Brave, then exclaim that you beat Raid all by yourself, so you must be powerful. They tell of their desire for your "burning love"; they want to experience the love of a Fire Brave. You must choose which woman you want. They ask if you will do it (you will end up saying Yes no matter what). The middle woman introduces herself as Ran, she is the oldest and wants your love that burns like fire. The woman on the left is Miki, she wans your thoughts of love. On the right is Suu, she wants your charming love. They ask who you will choose. Now walk up the stairs and talk to whichever one you want. After the Wavy Screen of Love, you will receive a different item depending on which woman you chose. Here's how it lays out: Ran - Gives you Moeru Tsuki (Burning Moon) Miki - Gives you Omoide no Tsuki (Moon of Memories) Suu - Gives you Torokeru Tsuki (Charming Moon) Regardless of which you picked, she will tell you to come back and "visit" again. The next time you come (you have to get lucky again) two of them will be gone, but the one you chose will be waiting for you ; ) =============================================================================== 1.22 KUJAKU KOKU (PEACOCK KINGDOM) =============================================================================== When you exit the cave, Hisui's Ring will shine and you will see the fairy egg growing. Once in control of Higan again, head east and north to enter Kujaku Jinja. =============================================================================== ::: Kujaku Jinja ::: =============================================================================== Upon entering the village, the ring will shine and you will once again see the fairy egg grow. Head north to the temple area. As soon as you enter you will see a boy being attacked by some monkeys. The boy cries for help, and you fight the monkeys. After the fight, the man (Akamaru) thanks you. He describes how the Red Tower appeared in the kingdom from nowhere, and the red rain has been falling ever since. The red rain makes people sick, and their bodies turn red. People want to get into the tower to put a stop to the rain, but there's no way to get in. Akamaru tells of a flying ship that allows entrance to the tower. The peacock's power can't help because it is sealed up. He tells you to find him at Fukufuku Temple. =============================================================================== ::: Fukufuku Village ::: =============================================================================== To get to Fukufuku Village, head north from Kujaku Jinja and go up the steps. From here go east, up the steps, around to the next steps, north, then down the steps and you will see Fukufuku Village. Once inside, Hisui's Ring will begin to shine intensely, and the fairy egg will grow even larger. Go to the northeast exit to enter Kujaku Goten (Kujaku Palace). Head north to the palace, and when you enter you will seeAkamaru pacing around. He says it's bad, the ship can't fly. A woman named Miko has the key required to power the ship. She went to the Kaminari Hermit (Lightning Hermit). Akamaru pulls out a trumpet and says if you play the trumpet, the hermit will come. He wants you to go to the Kaminari Hermit and get the key back from Miko. He asks if you will do this for him (say Yes). In response to this, Akamaru gives you the Sennin no Rappa (Hermit's Trumpet). He says the hermit is located in the mountains, so that is your next stop. To get to the Kaminari Hermit's place, go back torwards Kujaku Jinja, but when you reach the signpost on the mountain, keep going west. Go up the stairs, then up the next set of stairs and continue going north until you see the hermit's place. Once inside, stand in front of the cushion behind the fire, then go to your item menu and use the Sennin no Rappa. The hermit will fly out. When questioned about Miko, he admits he tried to kiss her and she ran away to the west. As you try to leave, the hermit stops you and says he wants to give you the skill Inazumagiri (Lightning Slash), but you must defeat him first. Say Yes if you want to fight. Once you win, he gives you the skill. Now head west to Amadera Village. =============================================================================== ::: Amadera Village ::: =============================================================================== From the hermit's place, go straight south to the steps, then southwest to more steps, then a little west, north, west, down the steps and south, and you will be able to see Amadera Village. Here Akamaru will tell you that Miko went to the hermit southwest of Amadera Village, so off you go again. Go back up the steps you came from, and after walking a ways south, go west instead of back where you came from. Go down the steps and continue west until you see the hermit's cave in the mountain. This is the cave of the Nude Hermit. He gives you the Zenra Scroll, which allows you to strip the enemy of various attributes. When asked about Miko, he said she wanted to see his "special power", but when he showed her she screamed and ran off to another hermit (look at the hermit's name, and you'll figure it out ; ) ). Go back to Amadera Village and Akamaru will tell you that Miko is with the hermit east of Fukufuku Temple. Head all the way back to Fukufuku Temple, then go north, east, and south to find the hermit. Talk to the woman inside, and she asks if you are a Fire Brave (say Yes). She reveals that her name is Miko, and she works for the Kujaku Temple. Monsters had attempted to take the ship, and she took the key and hid with the hermits in order to keep the ship safe. Finally she gives you the Kujaku no Namida, the key to the ship. =============================================================================== ::: Fukufuku Village ::: =============================================================================== Back at Fukufuku Village, head back up to the palace where the ship is located. Akamaru says you can now take the ship, and asks for the key so he can start it (say either yes or no). Regardless of what you say, Akamaru reveals that in truth *he* is the leader of the Red Tower, and because of you he has found the key. He demands you hand over the key, and states that once he gets the ship he will take power of the kingdom. Just as he moves to get the key from you, Hisui's Ring shines and you see Subaru finally come out of the egg. She says she must go to Higan, but when she gets there, she thinks Akamaru is Higan. Like a true gentleman Akamaru informs her that he is "Akamaru of Hell". When she finally does find Higan, she introduces herself and informs you she is zero years old, then joins the party. Akamaru says he will take on both of you, and you proceed to fight. After the fight, Akamaru challenges you to come to the Red Tower and face him again. Inside the ship, Subaru wonders if it can really fly. Go up to the flashing red panel, then go to your item menu and use Kujaku no Namida to start the ship. The ship's controls are pretty cut and dry. Now fly over the Red Tower and try to land (the Red Tower is just north of Amadera Village). =============================================================================== ::: Red Tower ::: =============================================================================== After you land, Subaru comments that no one is here. The man who was beating up on Akamaru the first time you saw him comes out. He says long time no see and tells you you have caused a lot of trouble. Again you have to fight the monkeys. After the fight, Subaru is happy you "beat the monkeys". The man then informs you his name is Doki, and that he mimics his enemies. Once again, you fight. When you win, he comments that you really are a Fire Brave, and that you will never get past the traps inside. Head down the steps. 1st floor Go north and go down the steps. The machine to the left of the steps doesn't have any real purpose, but if you press A in front of it it will ask you to press either the left, middle, or right button. The left button brings down a gate to your right, the middle button opens a trap door and drops you where the steps take you anyway, and the right button initiates a fight. 2nd floor The arrow tiles on this floor take you whichever direction they are facing. Be careful, some will take you off the ledge. Also, if you try to step on a fire bridge and it's gone, you will fall down. If you do fall down, simply take the stairs back up. The quickest way to continue is to go to the bottom two arrows on the platform you begin on, and take the left side of the two arrows. These should be the only arrows you step on here, unless you're going for the treasure as well. Take the next two fire bridges you see, then keep going south past the next fire bridge and go across the southern most one. Follow the path north and go down the steps. 3rd floor To get past this screen, simply step on the down arrow that is one square east and three squares south of the top of the staircase you came from, then take the stairs down. 4th floor Head north to find Akamaru. He is suprised you're still alive and that you made it this far. He states that he is the second general of Hell, and, like Raid, commands that you behold his true form. Boss fight: Jigoku no Akamura After the fight, he mutters that you really are a Fire Brave, and says this is not the end. As before, you leave the tower in a hurry before it disappears. Now go to the northwestern most village (Iriguchi Village) on the map, pass through the north exit of the village, and enter Tsuru Kingdom. =============================================================================== 1.23 TSURU KOKU (DUCK KINGDOM) =============================================================================== From here on the game has not yet been translated for the guide, but this guide still contains a short summary of what to do in order to advance. There three "hidden" villages at this first area of Tsuru Kingdom. They don't have any purpose in advancing the game, but may contain some interesting items or things to do. One is to the northwest, in a clump of trees by the see. Another is past the first part of the mountains and little east, in what looks like a small crater. The third is at the east end of small path that juts into the mountains, surrounded by a circle of trees. Once you've entered the new kingdom, head northeast and enter Deguchi Village. Head toward the east exit and a small scene will occur. When it's over, exit the village using the east exit. From here, head to the southern part of the desert, and walk east for quite a long ways. On your way to the village, you will come across a patch of grass in the desert surrounded by trees. If you go here, you can rent a rat to carry you across the desert much faster than you can walk, but this is not required. Eventually you will come to Sake Village; enter it. Once in the village, enter the large building at the northern most end of the village. After the little scene, exit the village. From the village head north until you reach the mountains, then go a little east and enter the cave. Here a man will be selling an accessory that will let you breathe underwater. I would recommend buying at least a couple and equipping all of them (you can put more than one on each character). Each one you equip will increase the amount of time you can breathe underwater by five seconds. So if you equip four, you will have 20 extra seconds before your time underwater runs out. Keep in mind that if time does run out you will simply be taken back to the entrance of the cave. After equipping yourself, go down the steps that are under the water. Take the northwest stairs. - Go west down another set of steps. - Once underwater again, take the steps on the east that continue downward. - Go up the steps at the north end of this screen. - Still underwater, take the middle steps on the east side. You should be in a dry area with a man standing in the center of the path and another set of steps to the south. - Go down these steps. From here, take the next two downward-leading steps, then follow the path back up (this is where the extra breathing accessories come in handy). - Once out of the water you will be in a temple-like area. Go up and press A at the fountain to get the Inochi no Mizu. - Once you are finished with all of this, go back the way you came and exit the cave. Head back south to Sake Village and enter the building at the north end again. Go to the north room that contains the statues. Walk up to any of the statues, go to your item screen, and use the Inochi no Mizu. After the lengthy scene, Tenjin will join your party. Exit the village. From Sake Village, go to the northwest edge of the desert and enter Tsumi Temple. Enter the house to the northeast (the one on the raised grassy part). Talk to the woman in white and another scene will ensue. When asked Yes or No, it doesn't matter what you say, but if you say Yes you will see something interesting about the two women. After the women give you the Tsuru no Hagoromo, exit the village and search for the big pink castle in the desert. If you tried to enter the castle before now it will have moved to some random location, so you will simply have to look around the desert until you find it. When you find the castle, go inside. Once inside, go north and go up the stairs. In this room, all of the statues spouting water are switches that lower or raise the water level. To activate them, walk up to them and press A, then say Yes. - Activate the statue to your west, and go down the small steps (there will still be water on the ground, but it's shallower and you can walk on it). - Head south under the path and go east to the next set up steps. - From here, go around the path to get to the statue directly south of you and activate it. - Go southeast (without going in the water area) and activate the next statue. - Now head southwest and go up the steps. In this room there will be a set of steps on both sides of you. Simply go down the steps on the left, then go up steps at the north end of the screen. The next screen is a boss fight. Boss fight: Sara After the fight, the landscape of the kingdom will be drastically changed, just as in the previous kingdoms. To go to the next kingdom, go all the way east and enter the forest area. Once in Jukai 1 (the forest), head all the way east, then all the way south to the exit. You will have to walk through some of the dangerous purple goo to get there, but it won't hurt you too bad. After exiting the forest you will be in Kame Kingdom. =============================================================================== 1.24 KAME KOKU (TURTLE KINGDOM) =============================================================================== Out of the forest, enter the first village you come to, Kameoka Temple. After Juri pops up and says his thing, exit the village and enter Jukai 2, the forest to the east of the village. Inside the forest, go southeast, north, east, south, east under the path, and exit to the east. Out of the forest, enter Tamayama Village, and Juri will again pop up and say something. After he's done, exit the village and enter Jukai 3, the forest to the south of the village. Inside, go directly south through the goop, still south through more goop, east under the path, then south through even more goop and exit to the south. Outside, head south, cross the bridge, and go south to the west entrance of Aoike Village (just below the mountains, just above the waterfall). The east end is blocked, so you must use the west entrance for now. Juri will once again pop up and say something, after he's done exit the village. Go east from the village until you reach the mountains, then go north and enter Juri no Ohanabatake (the forested area). Juri will talk to you, say Yes at both opportunities. This area contains a bunch of large plants that swallow your party and spit you out at a different location. Walk up to a plant and press A to use it. - From the start, go northwest and enter the right plant. - Go northeast and enter the right plant. - Go north as far as you can, then go southeast and enter the right plant. - Go north and enter the left plant. - Go west, southwest, north, and enter the right plant. - Go east and enter the right plant. - You should be at a screen with a bunch of flowery arches going up, simply go northwest to exit. Back outside, enter Kaikijou (the big tree thing you're standing next to). After Juri talks some more (say Yes when asked), enter the tree. In the first room, go up the steps and exit east. From here, simply find the steps at the end of each room and continue going up until you reach a room with a large switch, where Juri will pop up again. Juri will flip the switch, opening the door in the first room, but will seal the steps, forcing you to exit the room west. After Juri leaves, say Yes when given the option, then exit the room. Continue west across the bridge and past another switch, then follow the steps back down to the first room. Go inside the big entrance in the first room. In the next room find the door and enter, then go up the steps. Go through the door and in the next room Juri will again show up. In the next few rooms he will ask a question, and you must enter the door that represents the correct answer. The trick is that no matter what you choose, the answer will be wrong, and each time you will have to fight a Mori no Ousama (the big tree things). After doing this four times (the last time Juri will ask a Yes or No question, say No), you will end up in a "normal" room again. Find and enter the door in the center of this room, then go up the steps and through the door. In this room there are a bunch of treasure chests. Juri will ask you to pick up a number; pick 01. Say Yes, then open any chest to get the Juri no Kagi. Go to the door at the north end of the room, go to your item menu, and use the Juri no Kagi to go through the door. Go up the steps and prepare for a boss fight. Boss fight: Juri Boss fight: Juri / Sara After the fight, you realize Tenjin has turned into Mizuki, and then find yourself in another drastically changed kingdom. If you go southwest to Aoike Village, go down to the dock (the steps are at the southern edge of the village, east of the waterfall) and talk to the man standing by the boat, you will be able to rent a boat, and eventually rent your own in order to travel around the kingdom. However, this is not necessary to advance in the game, though it may come in handy later. =============================================================================== 1.25 INUGAMI KOKU (DOG KINGDOM) =============================================================================== From where you are left after defeating Juri, go southwest to enter the Hirahira Pass (the flower village). Go through and enter the Dog Kingdom. Go southeast to the large golden castle. After getting beat up by Super Manikan III, head southeast to the hermit's place there. You MUST have less than 1000 gold in order to get the item you need from the hermit, he is a poor hermit and therefore does not trust people with more than 1000 gold. Go stock up on healing items or something else to get rid of your excess money. After talking to the hermit, he will give you the Inugami no Kokoro. From here go north and a little west until you reach a rise in the land. Go up the ladders and notice the little rift in the mountains just to the left of the waterfall. Go up this rift and press A to receive 65,000 gold (niiice). Head to the Majin Waterfall (the little hut). In the northeast corner of this area is a cave; enter it and continue moving through it. When you reach a sealed door, check it three times and it will open. When you reach the end of the cave, there will be a golden pedastal. Activate it and go up the new path into the robot. Here Akamaru & Friends will be waiting for you. When asked Yes or No, it doesn't matter what you pick, you will fight regardless. Boss fight: Aomaru, Akamaru, Kimaru After the fight, choose No when asked. Go up to the round console and use the Inugami no Kokoro. You will now fight Super Manikan III. This fight is pretty easy. Use A to punch and B to defend. You'll notice that Super Manikan III has a red meter below the normal life meter; when this meter runs out he will do either a missile or a laser attack. Simply hold down B to block these attacks with your shield. The rest should be a piece of cake. After the fight, go up into the castle, watch the scene, and leave. Go west and enter Ootora Town. Once in the town go northeast, and to the right of the white building you will see our friendly salesmen. Buy the Kinbacchi (say Yes), and get ready to walk around with question marks floating above your head at all times. Also, you won't be able to use magic in this condition. Exit the town and make your way straight north to Kinzan. There are two mining towns on this map, Kinzan is the one with the two guards at the entrance. As soon as you walk past the guards, go all the way west then all the way north into the cave. Go up to the elevator and choose the third option. Go down the path a little ways, take a bee hive (Kinkin Mushinosu), then exit Kinzan the way you came. At some point be sure to visit the hermit at the far north end of the continent (center-north) to get rid of the question marks and regain your magic using ability. Go back southeast the golden castle, enter it, and use the Kinkin Mushinosu anywhere in the statue area. After the scene, go up to the next room. To use the chains to move around, walk up to the side that's going up and press A (say Yes) to jump on. - Use the chain here to go up. - Go west and head down the stairs. - Go down and jump on the chain. - Make your way to the far east end of the room and go down the stairs. - Go up and take the downward stairs again. You should be in a room with lots of conveyor belts. There's no easy way to explain how to get through here, but once you understand how it works it's very simple. The conveyor belts take you whichever direction they're moving. When you get on the round spinning objects, simply hold the direction you want to go and you will get off in that direction as you come around. After navigating around the conveyor belts a bit, you will find yourself by some rotating rectangular blocks. When they're facing your direction you can step on them, and when your whole party is on the block, your party will stay on it as it rotates, allowing you to get across gaps. After navigating through the conveyor belt room, go up the next set of chains, then make your way up the next three sets of stairs. You should now be in a room with several orange lights in the floor by the staircase. Go up and activate the switch to move the right outside platform into place, then hit the switch again to do the same for the left outside platform. Take the left exit and activate the button on the northwest platform. Do the same on the northeast platform (you can walk around the back of the building), then go down and activate the button on the southeast platform. Go back inside and make your way to the southwest corner (the moving blocks won't do anything special other than take you where you're supposed to go), hit the switch there, then go outside and activate the button on the southwest platform. Go back to the lights on the floor by the staircase (they should all be green), step on the center light, and prepare for a fight (say Yes when asked). Boss fight: Kingin After this fight, follow Kingin onto the teleporter platform and get ready for another fight. Boss fight: Gold Silver As usual, the castle will blow up after the fight; although for once you won't find yourself in a hugely altered kingdom. As always, be sure to pick up the Dog Stone from the freed God of this kingdom at the temple village before going on. =============================================================================== 1.26 RYUU OU KOKU (DRAGON KING KINGDOM) =============================================================================== Go to the northeast corner of the kingdom and pass through Ryuu no Kuchimura to enter the Dragon Kingdom. Head east across the river, find the second town and go north up the terraces to enter Ryuujin Temple. Talk the guy in standing in front of the dragon and you will fight. Boss fight: Yume no Kenshi After the fight, go up and talk to the Dragon God. He will give you the Dragon Stone and tell you what to do next. At this point, in order to advance, you must have all 6 stones, one from each God (you HAVE been picking them up right?). Even if you don't have them, you can still go back and get them, simply visit the temple village in each kingdom and talk to the freed God there to get the stones. After you've done this, cross the long bridge on the center south side of the continent, then go northeast and find the purple path. Follow it east to the gate leading into the black hole. Once here, simply follow the path until you reach the temple (this should look familiar from the beginning of the game). Walk all the way up to the gate and say Yes when asked. After entering the portal, follow the blinking path and pick up the Aguni sword (it's a maze, but it's very easy and you have more than enough time). After getting the sword, go back the way you came. As you try to leave, there will be another boss fight. Boss fight: Yume no Kenshi After the fight, choose the second option when given the choice. Now exit this area and go to the other end of the purple path and into the temple area. Continue making your way up until you get inside the temple. Once inside, keep taking stairs up until you finally reach Ninigi. Here you will fight. You won't be able to harm Ninigi, and after four rounds or after you die the battle will end automatically. After the ensuing scene, you will find yourself at the Dragon Temple. Go up and talk to the dragon God, then get on the teleport square he creates. After teleporting, go down the stairs and pick up the mirror on the desk, the Ukifune no Kagami. Go back up and get back on the teleport square. Once back, go back to the gate leading into the black hole. Head to the temple again, but this time go around and all the way above it and take the next two northern entrances. In this room go all the way west out to the edge of the dock. After the scene, you will find yourself riding on a giant flying whale. You are now in Takamagahara, the floating island you could see from the telescope in Hitachi Village in the Bear Kingdom. If you want to go back at anytime, simply press A over any of the open spaces. There are three cities to find with a boss in each one. Notice that you start in front of a large temple in the center of the map. This will be our reference point. Head northeast from the temple to find Katana Village. Go up a ways and get ready to fight. Boss fight: Gaen Leave the city and go southwest from the temple to enter Kagami Village. Another fight. Boss fight: Mugen When he curls up in his shell, you must use magic to harm him. If you can't use magic it's because you never got the question marks off your head from Dog Kingdom. Refer to the Dog Kingdom section to see how to get of them. The last village is south and little east from the temple. Enter Tamatsukiri Village and prepare for yet another fight. Boss fight: Suima Now you're finally ready to enter the temple in the center of the map. Go there and get ready for, you guessed it, another fight. Boss fight: Kokubyaku After the fight, go up to the stone wall and press A. After talking, you will find yourself in a relatively easy obstacle course of sorts. Pass through several rooms, and when you come to a blocked entryway, try to enter it twice. Now go up to the flame and press A. As you try to leave the temple, there is, yes, another fight. Boss fight: Kokubyaku Finally you're done with fighting on this map. Go back down to earth and go to where you fought Ninigi the first time. Now prepare to fight him for real. Boss fight: Ninigi Ninigi will disappear after the fight. Go back to the temple in the dark hole. This time you will have to cut left across the red poison on the second screen in order to reach the temple. After cutting across the poison sections, go up the stairs that will be to your right, then head down to the temple. This time the fight is *really* for real. Boss fight: Ninigi That's it, you're done. Congratulations on finishing one of the best SFC/SNES RPG's out there! =============================================================================== 2.1 HIGAN'S WOMAN AND HIGAN'S HOUSE =============================================================================== In Higuma Village there is a brothel of sorts, located on a piece of land by itself on the west end of the village. When you enter, there is a man standing in front of the staircase. By talking to the other people in the room, you find out that the man blocking the staircase loves Kusadango. Go to the counter and buy a Kusadango for 30 G (it must be bought from here, if you already have one it doesn't matter). Talk to the man, and after giving him the Kusadango and he will ask if you want onto the second floor. Say Yes. Once on the second floor, go to the third door (second from the left) and press A. The girl introduces herself as Akina, and says it's okay if you don't want to come in, then asks if you want to (say Yes). She says Higan is a nice name, and even though this is the first time you've met, there is a fire in her heart. She feels it is fate that you came to her, then asks if she is cute (say Yes). Next she asks if you don't like her (say No). She asks if you will love her (say Yes), then asks if you are joking (say No). She wants again repeats that it must be fate you found each other. There is a house for sale in town, and she wants to live there with you. She begs you to buy the house. Now leave the brothel (say Yes to the man blocking the path after you go down the stairs) and go straight north to the house there. Talk to the man in the house, and he will offer to sell it to you for 3000 G. (Note: You must have talked to Akina and said the right sequence of answers before he will offer to sell it). Say Yes you want to buy it, then leave and come back in, and Akina will be waiting for you. Talk to Akina and she says she has been waiting for you. She is deeply moved you bought the house for them. She wants you to show her how much you love her, and says next time you come to bring a gift, a souvenir. She says if you bring her something nice, she will give you something nice (woohoo!). Tonight, however, she wants you to stay home. After the Wavy Screen of Love, she says to come back again. Every time you come back from now on, Akina will ask if you have something to show your love (say Yes). A box will come up with every item she wants you to get her. The items you have will be shown as active (white), otherwise they will be grayed out. Here is how the screen lays out: ____________________________________________ | Koura Manjuu Ume Kokeshi | | Hana no Iyaringu Umou no Futon | | (Next page) | |__________________________________________| ____________________________________________ | Hana no Kinchaku Shiawase no Hako | | Musekaeru Kaori Yoru no Kaori | | (Last page) (Next page) | |__________________________________________| ____________________________________________ | Hana no Suihanki Karakuri Kokeshi | | Yuuwaku no Kaori (Don't give) | | (Last page) | |__________________________________________| Each time you give Akina a new item, she will say she is so happy, and ask that you "relax" today. You will be treated to the Wavy Screen of Love for each new item (way to go Higan!). =============================================================================== 2.2 THE EGG SHOP =============================================================================== How to raise eggs: In the Higuma Kingdom's Higuma Shrine there is an "Egg Shop", where you can purchase eggs that give birth to mysterious creatures. You can keep up to 7 of these creatures you raise, giving them each a different name. How do you hatch an egg? 1) First, buy an egg. Both pink and green eggs are being sold, and a different creature will hatch depending on the color. Green eggs hatch Kapakapa, pink eggs hatch Usapino. 2) Purchased eggs will automatically move to the hatching area. If you investigate the egg here, you will be told how much longer before it is warmed up. After that time, talk to Fukkuu to hatch the egg. 3) After hatching the egg, you can name the newly-born creature. When you are done, move the cursor over Owari and press the A or START button. Raising a pet: Every hour (real time), your pet's energy (HP) drops 1 point; when it's energy reaches 0, it dies. You can restore you pet's energy with the food sold at the Egg Shop. Depending on the type of food, the amount of recovery will differ. Kapakapa like Karada no Esa, and Usapino like Atama no Esa. There are even some types of food that will decrease your pet's energy. Some food can even cause a sudden mutation, turning your pet into a totally different creature... 1) First, purchase food from the counter in the Egg Shop. Then stand next to your pet and press A. 2) The message "Give food?" will appear. If you choose Yes, another menu showing the 5 types of food will appear. Choose the food you want to give and press A. Raising a Summon Monster: As the game progresses, you will be able to purchase Summon Monster eggs at the Egg Shop. Depending on how you raise them, these eggs will become either an Inoshika Butterfly, a Zekkou Butterfly, a Kubuki Butterfly, or a Gokuraku Butterfly. 1) When you buy the egg, it will be split and a larva will come out. 2) Feed the larva 4 times. 3) After being fed 4 times, the larva will become a chrysalis. After it becomes a chrysalis, wait for a suitable time, the open it up. 4) After you open the chrysalis, a Summon Monster will be born. =============================================================================== 3.1 ITEM / EQUIPMENT LISTS =============================================================================== WEAPONS Name Attack power Swords: Sabita Ken 7 Higuma no Ken 65 Shirotsuru no Ken 143 Aguni no Ken 230 Higan no Ken 254 Spheres: Hisui no Tama 68 Ryuujin no Tama 123 Genbu no Tama 165 Subaru no Tama 210 Mirrors: Toki no Kadami 127 Mizuki no Kagami 184 Ukifune no Kagami 206 Tenshin no Kagami 232 Blades: Hachi no Tsurugi 1 Ippatsu Tou 1 Omocha no Tou 5 Boku Tou 35 Kino Yari 42 Inochi no Tantou 48 Kuronuri no Katana 53 Budou Tou 62 Kikori no Ono 69 Banou Naifu 71 Yuganda Katana 78 Debabouchou 82 Hagane no Kumade 91 Nemuri no Tantou 92 Yuudachi no Katana 103 Mamori no Tantou 107 Uekibasami 110 Arashi no Tsurugi 124 Himesama no Muchi 128 Ikazuchi no Tsurugi 128 Jaaku no Tsurugi 132 Koori no Yaiba 139 Namida no Tantou 139 Kin no Tessen 140 Katsujin Tou 150 ?Manatzuru 162 Moroha no Tsurugi 165 Yasha Tou 173 Zawameki no Tsurugi 174 Yami no Tou 178 Todome no Tantou 182 Kubikiri no Katana 182 Kagayaki no Tachi 188 Ashura Tou 189 Dokidoki no Tou 190 Ryuuou no Tachi 197 Mizuki no Katana 199 Sekiryuu no Yari 200 Senkou no Yaiba 211 Ichigeki no Yari 212 ARMOR Name Defensive power Borogi 15 Asa no Fuku 28 Kawa no Muneate 39 Ninin Baori 48 Hisui no Koromo 52 Shinobi no Fuku 59 Usu no Yoroi 60 Sukesuke no Fuku 74 Kusari Katabira 78 Souryo no Fuku 84 Inahi Nakimono 88 Kinoko no Yoroi 88 Otome no Furisode 89 Suzu no Akadou 92 Hiyoke no Koromo 96 Chaina Doresu 98 Konoha no Haori 103 Ougon no Yoroi 108 Konjou no Dou 113 Aoba no Haori 121 Kiri no Koromo 128 Himesama no Fuku 132 Hagami no Koromo 138 Gin no Montsuki 138 Konbandou? 145 Kasumi no Koromo 149 Yuuhi no Dou 155 Omoide no Kimono 167 Hakurai no Haori 167 Soyokaze no Koromo 180 Hoshikuzu no Haori 183 Raimei no Dou 197 Yotsuyu no Koromo 198 Juu ni Hitoe 210 Daichi no Haori 211 Tenshi no Furisode 216 Ryuuou no Dou 223 Kaiki no Yoroi 230 Mizukagami no Dou 231 Hikari no Koromo 233 Tsuguri no Yoroi 238 =============================================================================== 3.5 CELEBRATION DATES AND INFO =============================================================================== There are 11 different celebration/holiday events at various times and places throughout the FEOEZ world. The dates listed are real time. If you wish to visit one of the celebrations, visit the one village with a temple in each country. The cities where the events take place are listed below. Note that each event only takes place in the city it's listed with. Go to the temple area (always a north exit from the village), and go to the northeast exit. If there is no event taking place, there will simply be an empty space. If there is an event taking place, there will be games and items for sale. Date Celebration/Holiday Village 1/1 - 1/14 Shogatsu Kujaku 2/1 - 2/6 Setsubun Higuma 2/24 - 3/3 Hina Matsuri Tsuru 4/1 - 4/12 Hanami Kujaku 4/29 - 5/5 Kodomo no Hi Kame 6/10 - 6/20 Genbu Matsuri Kame 7/7 Tanabata Inugami 8/7 Kyuutanabata Tsuru 9/3 - 9/15 Otsukimi Inugami 10/10 - 10/23 Tsurumimatsu Tsuru 12/23 - 12/25 Santa Matsuri Higuma =============================================================================== =============================================================================== Far East of Eden Zero FAQ/Walkthrough http://saru_san.tripod.com/feoez.html